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The  Personal  Library  of 
Professor  M.  Wilford  Poulson 

Given  In  His  Memory  By 

Marion  W.  Poulson 

Ardis  P.  Soulier 

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Robert  L.  Poulson 

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Ibeatb'ö  flDo^ern  Xanouage  Series 


liatqan  oer  u)etfe 





D.  C.   HEATH    &    CO.,  PUBLISHERS 


Copyright,  1894, 
By  Sylvester   Fr  im  er. 

Pkinted  by  Carl  H,  Heintzemann,  Boston,  Mass. 




The  prominence  given  to  this  drama  in  German  litera= 
^ure,  the  deep  philosophical  and  religious  nature  of  the 
work,  the  bitter  controversy  which  was  the  immediate  cause 
of  its  publication,  the  many  critical  treatises  and  disserta- 
tions  which  it  has  called  forth,  and  the  profound  interest 
we  all  feel  in  the  questions  discussed,  make  it  desirable 
to  include  this  work  in  any  course  of  readings  in  German 
literature.  It  is  an  extremely  snitable  book  for  advanced 
students,  as  it  contains  problems  having  an  especial  bear- 
ing  upon  every-day  life ;  it  is  in  fact  a  drama  of  life, 
ennobling,  uplifting,  elevating  above  sordid  interests,  and 
leading  imperceptibly  to  that  higher  education  of  the 
intellect  and  soul  which  belongs  to  modern  advanced  civil- 
ization.  /  None  can  read  it  and  understand  it  without  being 
inspired  with  nobler  views  of  life,  purer  views  of  his  duty  to 
God  and  man,  and  clearer  views  of  faith,  love,  charity,  and 
tolerance.  As  a  study  of  literature  it  is  a  gem  of  the  first 
water,  and  should  become  a  part  of  the  education  of  every 
well-informed  German  scholar.  To  the  Student  of  language 
also  it  offers  great  inducements  for  a  careful  study.  For 
Lessing  has  put  excellent  work  in  this  drama,  which  is  a 
model  of  perspicuity,  originality,  and  naturalness.  The 
verse  is  not  as  polished  as  that  of  later  writers,  but  is  forci- 
ble,  energetic,  and  manly.  Goethe  declares  that  Lessing 
„tt)urbe  nacf)  unb  nad^  ganj  e^^igrammatifcf)  in  feinen  ©ebid^ten. 


iv  PREFACE.   • 

tmpp  in  ber  Timm,  lafonifd;  in  ©milia  ©alotti;  f^äter 
fc^rte  er  er[t  jn  einer  {^eiteren  ^laitietät  jurüd,  bie  if)n  fo  Wo^l 
üeibet  im  ?tatf)an."  It  may  well  be  called  the  last  note  of 
the    dying    swan,   for    it  was  Lessing's    last  words    to    the 


The  Introduction  contains  nothing  original,  as  the  emi- 
nent critics  have  left  but  little  to  be  said  on  the  subject. 
It  simply  collects  and  arranges  the  Information  necessary 
to  a  proper  understanding  of  the  Situation  of  the  author 
and  the  problem  of  the  drama.  Acknowledgment  is  here 
given  for  the  aid  derived  from  those  whose  works  are  men- 
tioned  in  the  Bibliography  on  p.  299.  Special  mention 
is  also  made  in  the  body  of  the  work  wherever  necessary. 

The  text  is  based  on  that  of  Dr.  Robert  Boxberger  in 
Joseph  Kürschner's  Deutsche  National- Litteratur,  Band  60. 
Some  changes  have  been  made  after  a  careful  collation 
with  the  excellent  text  of  Lachmann-Maltzahn. 

The  Notes  are  critical  and  explanatory,  though  the 
literary  side  has  not  been  forgotten.  The  aim  has  been  to 
bring  out  all  the  beauties  of  the  play  and  show  the  poet  and 
dramatic  critic  in  his  work.  For  the  critic  produced 
masterpieces  according  to  his  own  high  Standard  proclaimed 
in  his  Dramaturgy. 

The  Bibliography  contains  only  those  works  treating  of 
the  Nathan.  For  general  works  on  Lessing  see  the 
Bibliography  to  Minna  von  Barnhelm  in  this  same  series. 

For  helpful  suggestions,  thanks  are  due  Professor  Calvin 
Thomas,  Dr.  Walter  Lefevre  and  Dr.  Morgan  Callaway,  Jn 

Austin,  Texas,  May  30,   1894. 


,,?cfflng'§  9^atl)an  ift  neben  ©oet^e'^  5^uft  ha^  (Sigent^ümlidjfte  nnb 
J)entfc^efte,  tva^  unfere  ^oefie  gefc^affen  l^at/' —  ©eroinu^. 


Religion,  philosophy,  the  problem  of  life,  all  receive  a  care- 
ful  consideration  in  Lessing^s  Nathan  the  Wise,  and  we  cannot 
fully  understand  it  in  its  bearing  upon  the  burning  qiiestions  of 
that  day  and  our  own  without  at  least  a  general  knowledge  of 
the  religioiis  questions  which  the  aiithor  attempts  to  solve  by  his 
drama  and  some  slight  examination  of  the  influence  which  the 
philosophy  of  the  period  exerted  upon  the  discussions  of  its 
religious  and  social  problems.  It  is  the  child  of  the  Age  of 
Enlightenment,  that  age  in  which  the  minds  of  men  were  deeply 
moved,  in  which  there  was  such  a  revolution  of  opinions  and 
feelings  as  had  not  been  since  the  great  Reformation.  In  fact, 
the  Age  of  Enlightenment  really  resumes  the  prematurely  inter- 
rupted  work  of  the  Reformation  and  carries  it  to  its  logical 
conclusion.  The  movement  of  the  Reformation  is  theological, 
that  of  the  Age  of  Enlightenment  is  philosophical ;  with  the 
former  revelation  remains  intact ;  the  latter  denies  divine  revela- 
tion,  and  lets  religious  knowledge  consist  merely  in  human 
thought  and  feeling. 

After  Luther  the  Bible  became  the  norm  of  faith  ;  but  who  was 
to  guide  the  believer  in  discovering  its  truth  ?  Was  he  to  be  a 
law  unto  himself,  or  should  there  be  a  third  person,  or  principle, 
that  should  be  authority  to  him?  Here  the  Reformers  took 
two  courses  diametrically  opposed  to  each  other.  The  one 
party,  who  did  not  wish  to  trust  to  subjective  reason,  to  human 


intellect,  interpreted  the  truth  contained  in  the  Bible  according 
to  the  public  confessions  and  Symbols  of  their  own  church  ;  a 
course  not  very  different  from  that  of  the  Roman  Catholic 
Church.  Others,  without  regard  to  the  confessions  of  faith  in 
their  particular  churches,  explained  the  Scriptures  according  to 
the  dictum  of  their  own  subjective  reason,  thus  endangering  the 
truth  as  a  whole,  the  real  body  of  religious  faith  ;  for  only 
when  there  is  some  generally  recognized  principle  which  will 
enable  us  to  determine  what  truth  the  Scriptures  do  teach,  and 
to  distinguish  the  true  from  the  false,  can  the  freedom  de- 
manded  by  the  Reformers,  independent  of  every  mere  outer 
authority,  be  brought  into  unison  with  the  objective  divine 

Soon,  however,  the  spiritual  life  of  the  Protestant  movement 
yielded  to  doctrinal  soundness,  and  the  piety  of  the  emotions 
was  underrated.  Dogmatism  now  usurped  all  authority,  which 
was  naturally  not  at  all  pleasing  to  the  more  devout ;  hence  we 
find  mysticism  and  pietism  rapidly  gaining  ground.  But  the 
real  attack  on  the  Lutheran  faith  came  from  a  quarter  hitherto 
little  heeded,  and  with  weapons  which  had  not  been  used  for  a 
long  time.  It  threatened  to  subvert  the  entire  fabric.  Reason 
in  religion  was  the  mighty  force  which  now  came  to  the  front 
and  began  that  destructive  Biblical  criticism  which  is  still 
raging.  The  authority  which  the  Reformers,  when  contesting 
the  infallibility  of  the  Church,  had  placed  in  the  Holy  Scriptures, 
had  yielded  to  that  criticism  which  subjected  the  Bible  to  the 
same  tests  as  were  applied  to  classic  authors.  It  was  the  Age 
of  Enlightenment  which  made  reason  the  norm  by  which  the 
truth  of  revelation  was  to  l)e  judged.  Belief  became  doubt ; 
doubt,  rationalism.  The  bonds  of  the  narrow  point  of  view  were 
rent  asunder  by  the  free  intellect  of  a  general  civilization.  Ger- 
man  theological  rationalism  endeavored  to  test  thoroughly  the 
underlying  principlcs  of  tlie  various  beliefs,  sift  the  good  from 
the    bad,    and    elevate    the    moral    Standard.       The    clear    and 

INTR0DUC170N.  Vll 

sensible  doctrine  of  morality  proclaimed  by  the  rationalists, 
and  moral  philosophers  spread  good  morals,  freedom  of  thought 
and  religious  tolerance.  An  attempt  was  made  to  reconcile 
philosophy  and  religion.  Many  theologians,  who  believed  that 
the  real  orthodox  faith  harmonized  with  philosophy,  coniidently 
asserted  that  the  union  between  reason  and  revelation  had 
been  sealed  forever.  But  the  attempt  at  such  union  proved 

It  must  not  be  supposed  that  this  new  rnovement  was  entirely 
successful  in  suppressing  the  adherents  of  the  old  faith.  This 
was  not  accomplished  tili  the  last  two  decades  of  the  Century, 
when  Kant's  philosophy  transformed  the  essential  doctrines  of 
the  Christian  belief  into  general  expressions  of  morality ;  how- 
ever,  the  conflict  in  which  Lessing  took  such  an  important  part 
was  advanced  to  another  stage  by  Kantus  Philosophy  of  Pure 
Reason.  The  representatives  of  orthodoxy,  who  insisted  upon 
the  authority  of  the  Bible  and  the  Symbols,  and  also  claimed  the 
power  of  the  temporal  authorities  for  themselves,  strove  with 
all  the  means  at  their  command  to  overcome  this  enemy  who 
was  threatening  to  overthrow  the  very  foundation  of  the  present 
theological  System, 

Early  in  life  Lessing  showed  a  deep  interest  in  everything 
pertaining  to  the  religious  nature  of  man.  In  the  fragment  en- 
tided  Thonghts  on  the  Mo7'avians  he  sought  to  free  religious 
truth  from  all  adulteration,  and  guard  it  against  the  caprice  of 
the  opinions,  subtilties  and  sophisms  of  reason.  There  he 
maintained  that  poverty  of  knowledge  is  superior  to  the  arro- 
gance  of  hollow  thinking.  Cardan  (i  501-1576)  had  repre- 
sented  in  his  De  Subtilitate  (1552)  the  four  religions  of  the 
World,  Heathenism,  Judaism,  Christianity,  and  Islamism,  in  a 
dialogue  in  which  each  representative  defended  his  own  belief 
and  sought  to  refute  the  others.  Since  Cardan  showed  indiffer- 
ence  as  to  which  was  victor  in  the  controversy  he  was  accused 
of  hostility  to  Christianity.      Lessing  undertook  his  defence  and 


easily  proved  that  Cardan  was  really  guilty  of  favoring  Chris- 
tianity,  because  he  had  given  to  the  Christian  the  strengest,  to 
his  opponents  the  weakest  arguments.  The  Jew  and  the  Mus- 
sulman,  said  Lessing,  could  have  defended  themselves  against 
the  unjust  attacks  of  the  Christian  far  better  than  Cardan  lets 
them.  Then  Lessing  took  up  the  cause  of  the  Jew  and  Mussul- 
man  and  showed  how  both  could  and  should  have  answered. 
In  the  defence  of  the  Mussulman  he  used  the  arcruments  of  the 
Deists  to  prove  the  superiority  of  Islamism  to  Christianity. 
This  reHgious  feature  reminds  us  vividly  oi  Nathan,  and  perhaps 
Danzel  is  not  far  wrong  when  he  says  that  Lessing's  first 
thought  of  N'atha7i  arose  here. 

What,  then,  was  Lessing^s  position  on  the  religious  questions 
of  the  day?  A  difficult  problem  to  solve.  He  certainly  was 
not  strictly  orthodox,  and  yet  he  did  not  wholly  reject  orthodoxy 
and  pass  over  to  the  so-called  school  of  rationaHsm  which  seemed 
to  wish  to  make  tabula  rasa  of  the  past  and  leave  the  future  to 
wild  speculation.  Lessing  preferred  to  leave  the  old,  bad  as  it 
was,  tili  something  better  could  be  found  to  take  its  place.  The 
trend  of  Lessing's  thoughts  was  on  the  side  of  the  movement  of 
Enlightenment.  But  he  was  by  nature  an  investigator  and 
needed  to  examine  everything  carefully,  and  to  consider  thor- 
oughly  every  possible  phase  of  a  question  before  he  decided. 
In  his  opinion  the  final  object  of  religion  was  not  absolute  sal- 
vation,  no  matter  how,  but  salvation  through  enlightenment, 
for  enlightenment  to  him  meant  salvation.  The  bent  of  his 
mind  was  toward  historical  researches,  which  distinguished  him 
from  the  populär  philosophers  of  the  day.  This  led  him  to 
his  favorite  idea  of  a  graded  and  regulär  historical  development 
of  the  religious  nature  of  man.  He  hated  dogmatism  of  what- 
ever  kind,  whether  of  old  tradition,  of  authoritative  faith,  or 
of  Enlightenment  itself,  and  fought  it  wherever  he  found  it. 
That  combination  of  philosophy  and  religion  so  populär  in  his 
day  he  opposed.      He  regretted   that  the  natural  partition  be- 


tween  the  two  had  been  torn  down ;  for  "  under  the  pretext  of 
making  us  reasonable  Christians  they  (these  tinkers)  make  us 
most  unreasonable  philosophers. " 

His  controversy  with  Goeze*  gave  him  the  desired  opportunity 
to  explain  and  estabUsh  more  fully  his  idea  of  reHgion  and 
Christianity.  He  there  makes  the  true  distinction  between 
reUgion  per  se  and  the  form  in  which  it  is  clothed  at  any  definite 
time  and  by  any  definite  sect.  Whether  rehgion  with  him 
means  anything  more  than  morahty  still  remains  an  unsolved 
problem.  He  certainly  understood  the  distinction  between  the 
religion  of  Christ  and  the  Christian  religion,  that  is,  the  religion 
of  piety  and  love  of  mankind,  and  the  worship  of  Christ  as  a 
supernatural  being.  This  is  the  central  thought  of  the  N'athaii. 
*'  The  Nathan  is  the  poetic  glorification  of  the  idea  which  con- 
siders  the  human  side  of  the  question  of  more  importance  than 
the  positive,  the  moral  more  important  than  the  dogmatic,  which  . 
judges  man,  not  by  what  he  believes,  but  by  what  he  is  ^^— r^ 
(Zeller,  Deutsche  PJiilosopJiie^  304  ff.).  Lessing  did  not  accept 
the  orthodox  doctrines  of  faith  without  questioning  them ;  he 
was  too  independent  for  that.  He  certainly  showed  that  he  was 
a  thinker  on  theological  questions  who  understood  the  specu- 
lative  depth  inherent  in  the  dogmas  of  Christianity,  and  took  the 
field  against  the  Socinians  and  Deists  who  ignored  that 
depth.  And  yet,  though  often  a  defendant  of  Lutheran  ortho- 
doxy,  the  time  came  when  Lessing  was  considered  its  greatest 
Opponent,  and  with  much  justice,  though  he  was  forced  into  this 
attitude  against  his  own  wish  and  in  self-defense. 


While  in  Hamburg  Lessing  probably  made  the  acquaintance 
of  the  writings  of  Professor  H.  S.  Reimarus  (i/öSf  )  ;  for  he  was 
well  acquainted  with  the  children  of  the  professor,  and  undoubt- 

*  Pastor  J.  M.  Goeze  of  Hamburg,  with  whom  Lessing  had  his  celebrated  con- 
troversy about  the  Wolfenbüttel  Fragments. 


edly  received  a  copy  of  the  manuscript  from  them.  Under  the 
title  of  Fragme7its  from  an  Unknown  he  published  parts  of  this 
manuscript  while  at  Wolfenbüttel  in  his  Contributions  to  History 
and  Literature.  Their  publication  was  accompanied  by  Les- 
sing's  notes,  in  which  he  called  attention  to  the  weakness  of  the 
author's  arguments,  and  often  suggested  how  they  might  best  be 
answered.  These  fragments  excited  little  interest  at  first ;  a 
mere  accident  drew  public  attention  to  them.  The  Hamburg 
Pastor  Goeze  was  then  engaged  in  writing  the  history  of  the 
Low  Saxon  Bibles,  and  had  wTitten  to  Lessing  to  collate  a 
Bible  found  in  the  library  for  a  certain  passagc.  Lessing  was 
then  in  great  anxiety  about  the  life  of  his  wife,  who  lay  at  the 
point  of  death,  and  either  neglected  or  forgot  to  attend  to  the 
matter.  This  won  him  the  bitter  enmity  of  Goeze,  who  con- 
sidered  himself  misused.  Goeze  now  took  up  the  sul)ject  of 
the  Frag7nenis  with  fanatical  rage  and  declared  Lessing^s  run- 
ning  comments  on  them  to  be  a  hostile  attack  upon  the  Chris- 
tian religion.  When  outdone  by  Lessing  in  this  literary  pas- 
sage-at-arms  he  resorted  to  the  Consistory  at  Brunswick.  The 
Frag7nents  were  confiscated  and  Lessing  was  strictly  forbidden 
for  the  future  to  publish  anything  on  religious  matters,  either 
at  home  or  abroad,  either  with  or  without  his  name,  without 
the  express  sanction  of  the  government.  But  Lessing  was  not 
intimidated,  and  in  1776  he  directed  another  scathing  article 
at  his  foe  entitled,  Necessary  Answer  to  an  Unnecessary  Ques- 
tion,  It  was  the  last  word  of  the  whole  controversy.  Thus 
the  affair  took  a  dififerent  turn  from  that  which  Lessing  had 
at  first  thought  to  give  it.  He  now  found  himself  obliged  to 
shake  the  very  foundations  of  the  Orthodox-Lutheran  System, 
and  to  call  forth  a  battle  between  the  spirit  and  the  letter  which 
has  been  left  to  us  asan  inheritance. 

Lessing's  Anti-Goeze  wntings  which  this  controversy  called 
forth  have  ever  been  admired  for  their  wit  and  brilliancy.  The 
genius  of  this  great  critic  is  here  shown  in  its  füll  power.      If 


the  wit,  even  where  it  plays  with  the  person  of  Goeze,  who  was 
by  no  means  to  be  despised,  produces  an  elevating  feeling  in  us, 
the  reason  of  this  elevation  can  only  be  found  in  the  fact  that 
it  is  the  force  of  the  truth  by  which  we  feel  ourselves  imper- 
ceptibly  drawn  on.      His  first  and  greatest  contributions  are  his 
Axiojnata,  of  which  the  first  reads  thus  :    '*  The  letter  is  not  the 
spirit,  and  the  Bible  is  not  reHgion.     The  Bible  contains  more 
than  belongs  to  reHgion,   and  it  is  a  mere  hypothesis  that  the 
Bible  is  as  infalUble  in  this  ijiore  as  in  the  rest."      Lessing  thus 
distinguishes  between  the  spirit,  or  the  absokite  principle  from 
which  reHgion  j^roceeds,  and  the  holy  Scriptures,  that  document 
in  which  reHgion  is  contained,  bat  in  which  more  appears  than 
belongs  to  reHgion.      He  does  not  deny,  therefore,that  that  part 
of  the  Bible  which  contains  real  religious  principles  was  inspired 
by  the  Holy  Ghost.     Consequently  objections  to  the  letter  and 
the  Bible  are  not  likewise  objections  to  the  spirit  and  reHgion. 
His  second  axiom  runs  thus :    *'  Religion  also  existed  before  the 
Bible.     Christianity  existed  before  the  evangelists  and  apostles 
wrote.      Some  time  passed  before  the  first  of  these  wrote,  and  a 
very  considerable  time  before  the  whole  canon  was  produced. 
However  much  we  may  depend  on  these  writings,   the   whole 
truth  of  the  Christian  reHgion  cannot  possibly  rest  upon  them. 
If  there  was  indeed  a  period  in  which    it    had    already   taken 
possession  of  so  many  souls,  and  in  which  assuredly  no  letter  of 
that  which  has  come  to  us  was  written,  it  must  be  possible  that 
all  that  the  evangelists  and  apostles  wrote  was  lost  and  yet  the 
reHgion    taught   by    them    maintained    itself."      Lessing   could 
easily  prove  that  the  teaching  of  the  first  apostles  was  orai  and 
that    tradition  was  more  important  than  the  Scriptures.     The 
Rule  of  Faith  existed  before  any  book  of  the  New  Testament, 
and  it  became  the  test  of  the  writings  of  the  apostles  by  which 
the  present  canon  was  made,  and  many  other  epistles,  though 
bearing  the  names  of  apostles,  were  rejected.     He  maintained 
that  it  was  not  possible  to  show  that  the  apostles  and  evangelists 


wrote  Iheir  works  for  the  express  purpose  of  havingthe  Cliristian 
religion  completely  and  wholly  deduced  and  proved  by  them. 
Ages  passed  before  the  Scriptures  acquired  any  authority,  and 
without  the  Ritle  of  FaitJi  it  would  be  impossible  to  prove  the 
present  Christian  rehgion.  This  was  playing  into  the  hands  of 
the  CathoHcs,  but  whether  intentionally  or  rather  to  point  out  a 
real  defect  of  the  Protestant  doctrines,  is  left  ambiguous ;  it  is 
certainly  the  weighty  point  in  the  contest.  Lessing  feared  that 
he  might  be  misunderstood  and  therefore  sought  to  forestall 
hostile  criticism  in  his  third  axiom,  where  he  says :  ''Religion 
is  not  true  because  the  evangelists  and  apostles  taught  it,  but 
they  taught  it  because  it  is  true.  From  its  inner  truth  the 
written  traditions  must  be  explained,  and  all  written  traditions 
can  give  it  no  inner  truth  when  it  has  none."  In  other  words, 
religion  does  not  receive"  its  truth  from  those  who  proclaim 
it,  nor  does  the  document  in  which  it  is  contamed  lend  it  a  truth 
it  does  not  possess  itself.  Religion,  then,  is  independent  of  the 

The  enunciation  of  this  principle  caused  great  discontent 
among  those  who  could  not  see  any  difference  between  religion 
par  excellence  and  the  Bible,  its  promulgator.  Our  historical 
knowledge  of  revealed  religion  comes  to  us  immediately  from 
the  Bible,  but  the  real  knowledge  of  truth  is  to  be  found  in 
independent  inner  signs  which  are  no  more  dependent  on  the 
Bible  than  the  truth  of  a  geometrical  problem  is  dependent  on 
the  book  in  which  it  is  found.  Lessing  distinguishes  in  the 
Bible  the  spirit  from  the  letter,  the  eternal  from  the  temporal. 
Lessing's  contemporaries  were  not  able  to  comprehend  nor  fully 
to  appreciate  the  truth  which  forms  the  basis  of  his  polemic 
against  his  opponents«  In  his  Education  of  the  Human  Raceht 
advances  to  a  grander  truth,  viz.,  that  ''  what  Education  is 
to  the  individual  man,  Revelation  is  to  the  Human  Race.  Educa- 
tion is  Revelation  which  comes  to  the  individual  man.  Revela- 
tion IS  Education  which  has  come  to  the  Human  Race,  and  is 


Still  Coming."  He  divides  God's  Revelation  to  man  into  three 
stages :  The  first  is  that  of  the  Israelites  under  the  Old  Dispen- 
sation, the  lowest  stage,  where  perceptible  punishment  and 
rewards  are  necessary.  Fear  of  temporal  punishment  prevented 
the  evil  from  breaking  out  in  man.  Christianity  was  the  second 
stage,  the  spiritual  rcligion.  Christ  became  the  teacher  of  the 
immortality  of  the  soul,  and  thus  another  true  future  life  gained 
an  influence  upon  the  acts  of  men.  ''These  writings  (of  the 
New  Testament)  have  for  seventeen  hundred  years  enlightened 
human  reason  more  than  all  other  books,  if  only  by  the  light 
which  human  reason  has  given  to  them."  As  the  human  race 
outgrew  the  Oid  Dispensation  it  will  also  outgrow  the  New. 
The  third  stage,  or  the  stage  of  '*  the  new,  eternal  gospel  which 
is  promised  in  the  elementary  books  of  the  New  Testament  will 
surely  come."  This  is  the  time  of  perfection,  *' when  man,  the 
more  convinced  his  reason  feels  of  the  ever  better  future,  will 
indeed  not  have  to  borrow  motives  for  his  actions  from  this 
future,  since  he  will  do  the  good  because  it  is  good,  not  because 
arbitrary  rewards  have  been  promised  which  should  merely  fix 
and  strengthen  the  fickle  look  in  order  to  teach  the  inner,  better 
rewards  of  the  same.'"  Lessing  maintains  that  the  inducement 
to  do  good  for  the  professing  Christian  is  not  so  much  the  pure 
love  of  the  good  as  rather  the  prospect  of  eternal  happiness, 
which,  according  to  Christian  doctrines,  is  the  consequence  of 
virtue.  A  certain  eudemonistic  dement,  therefore,  will  still 
cling  to  the  common  Christian  doctrine  and  it  would  only  be 
reserved  for  the  religion  of  the  future  to  display  virtue  in  its 
complete  purit}/*.  Not  tili  the  time  when  men  recognize  the 
truth  of  religion  and  have  given  themselves  wholly  up  to  that 
truth,  with  the  heart  freed  from  every  emotion  of  eudemonism, 
iiave  they  arrived  at  that  grade  of  development  where  they  may 
expect  the  New  GospeL  This  third  age  will  come,  of  that  our 
author  has  no  doubt.  Lessing  therefore  declares  that  no  posi- 
tive religion  has  any  right  to  claim  supremacy.     Particular  races 


and  particular  times  must  have  a  religion  suited  to  them  and 
their  time,  which  must  change  as  they  outgrow  it,  or  as  the 
times  change.  There  is  constant  growth,  constant  advance. 
In  this  light  no  nation,  no  person,  has  the  right  to  claim  that 
his  religion  is  the  only  true  religion  ;  nor  can  he  claim  his  to  be 
superior  on  the  plea  of  special  revelation,  but  only  as  having 
more  of  the  divine  nature  in  it.  In  other  words  it  must  be  less 
mixed  with  Clements  foreign  to  the  true  nature  of  religion  and  to 
God  in  Order  to  be  superior.  Lessing  did  not  join  those  skeptics 
who  were  attempting  to  overthrow  the  Church  and  all  religious 
belief,  but  he  had  the  courage  to  proclaim  to  these  iconoclasts 
that  they  misunderstood  the  religion  they  assailed.  It  had 
achieved  great  good  for  the  human  race  and  would  continue  its 
work.  *'Why,"  he  asks,  ''will  we  not  rather  recognize  in 
positive  religions  the  direction  in  which  alone  the  human  under- 
standing  has  been  able  to  develop  itself  in  various  places,  and 
may  yet  further  develop  itself,  than  either  smile  or  scowl  at 
either  of  them?" 

III.     NATHAN    THE    WISE. 

In  the  Goeze  controversy  Lessing  had  violated  the  commands 
of  those  over  him  and  feit  that  he  might  lose  his  position  as 
librarian  of  Wolfenbüttel ;  moreover  he  wished  to  put  in  populär 
and  imperishable  form  the  principles  established  by  the  discus- 
sion.  Therefore  he  conceived  the  idea  of  preparing  the  Nathan 
for  publication  and  selling  it  on  subscription.  The  firsc  definite 
notice  we  find  of  the  play  is  in  a  letter  to  his  brother,  dated 
August  II,  1778.  "  Many  years  ago,"  he  writes,  ''I  once 
sketched  a  play,  the  plot  of  which  bears  a  kind  of  analogy  to  my 
present  controversy,  of  which  I  did  not  then  even  dream.  ,  . 
If  you  and  Moses  (Mendelssohn)  wish  to  know  it,  you  may 
turn  to  the  Deca7nerone  of  Boccaccio,  Giorn.  I,  N'ov.  III, 
Melchiseäech,  Gmäeo.  I  think  I  have  invented  a  very  interesting 
episode  to  it,  so  that  all  will  read  well,  and  I  shall  certainly  play 


the  theologians  a  greater  joke  than  with  ten  more  fragments." 
In  another  letter  he  gives  the  additional  information  that  '*  it 
will  be  anything  but  a  satirical  piece  which  will  enable  me  to 
leave  the  battle-field  with  sarcastic  laughter.  It  will  be  as 
pathetic  a  piece  as  I  have  ever  written,  and  Mr.  Moses  (Mendels- 
sohn) has  judged  correctly  that  mockery  and  laughter  would  not 
be  in  harmory  with  the  note  I  Struck  in  my  last  paper  \JVecessary 
Answer,  etc.]  (which  you  will  also  find  vibrating  in  this  after- 
piece) ,  unless  I  wished  to  give  up  the  whole  controversy.  But 
I  do  not  yet  have  the  least  desire  to  abandon  it,  and  he  (Moses) 
shall  indeed  see  that  I  am  not  going  to  injure  my  own  cause  by 
this  dramatic  digression."  @n  another  occasion  he  adds  :  **  My 
piece  has  nothing  to  do  with  our  present  blackcoats  (clericals), 
and  I  will  not  block  the  way  for  its  final  appearance  on  the  the- 
atre,  if  a  hundred  years  must  first  pass.  The  theologians  of  all 
revealed  religions  will  indeed  silently  curse  it,  but  they  will  be 
careful  not  to  take  sides  against  it  openly.""  In  other  words 
Nathan  represents  his  third  stage. 

The  soul  of  our  drama,  the  leading  thought  in  it,  is  that 
piety  of  the  heart,  justice,  and  love  first  impart  the  genuine  con- 
secration  to  the  confession  of  the  definite,  positive  faith,  such 
consecration  as  we  see  in  the  centurion  of  Capernaum,  in  Nico- 
demus,  in  Nathanael  the  Israelite  without  guile,  in  the  Samaritan, 
in  Cornelius  the  centurion,  who  all  received  God's  approbation. 
For  true  religion  possesses  the  power  of  making  one's  seif  well- 
pleasing  to  God  and  man.  It  may  not  produce  its  true  effect  in 
everyone ;  for  it  requires  one  condition,  namely,  faith  or  confi- 
dence,  and  only  he  who  possesses  this  faith,  this  confidence, 
can  make  himself  well  pleasing  to  God  and  man.  Therefore 
Lessing  was  not  comparing  Islamism,  Judaism,  and  Christianity 
in  Nathan  and  judging  the  three  religions  according  to  their  re- 
spective  merits.  The  very  fact  that  Saladin  is  a  Muhammedan, 
Nathan  a  Jew,  and  the  Patriarch  a  Christian,  but  neither  of  them 
a  true  representative  of  his  religion,  contradicts  this  view.    There 


is  a  good  reason  why  Lessing  makes  the  Patriarch  a  Christian 
and  Nathan  a  Jew,  as  we  shall  see  later  on. 

The  gospel  of  Christian  love  is  taught  in  the  parable  of  the 
Good  Samaritan  and  is  found  in  the  words  of  Christ:  "  Love 
your  enemies,  bless  them  that  curse  you,  do  good  to  them  that 
hate  you,  and  pray  for  them  which  despitefuUy  iise  you,  and  per- 
secute  you  ;  that  ye  may  be  the  children  of  your  father  which  is  in 
heaven  ;  for  he  maketh  his  sun  to  rise  on  the  evil  and  on  the  good, 
and  sendeth  rain  on  the  just  and  on  the  unjust  ^'  (Mat.  v,  44-45). 
This  unegoistic,  disinterested  love  proceeding  from  resignation 
to  God  forms  the  kernel  of  Christianity ;  we  see  that  Lessing 
acknowledges  this  as  the  vital  essenc^  of  the  Christian  rehgion  in 
his  beautiful  fragment,  The  Testament  of  yohn,  who  repeated 
constantly  to  his  disciples  the  words,  *'  Little  Children,  love  ye 
one  another,"  and  when  asked  why,  answered,  "  because  it  is 
the  Lord's  command  and  because  when  ye  do  that  alone,  ye  do 
all."  Moreover  it  is  not  a  comparison  of  religions,  but  of  men. 
For  religion  is  not  an  outer  garment,  but  a  living,  animating 
principle  which  makes  its  possessor  well-pleasing  to  God  and  man. 
And  yet  every  rehgion  which  does  not  confine  itself  to  one  indi- 
vidual,  but  is  to  take  root  in  a  nation,  must  be  expressed  in  a 
certain  form  of  divine  Service,  in  certain  customs  and  rites. 
Every  nation  has  its  peculiar  form  of  religion.  Only  when  a 
religion  is  adapted  to  the  m^tion  which  possesses  it,  can  it  fulfil 
its  mission  and  educate  the  people  to  true  religion.  Sometimes 
the  mere  outward  form  Covers  up  the  real  kernel  of  religion,  but 
as  long  as  the  real  kernel  is  there  it  has  some  vitalizing  power. 
True  tolerance  is  quite  opposed  to  mere  indifference  and  proceeds 
from  a  firm  conviction  of  the  truth  of  one's  own  faith  ;  it  consists 
in  the  fact  that  we  recognize  in  others  the  moral  principle  of 
their  convictions  and  the  historical  right  of  certain  Symbols  and 
rites.  But  he  who  thinks  that  the  true  essence  of  religion  in- 
heres  in  th^e  symbols  and  rites  alone  will  be  just  as  intolerant 
as  he  who  denies  their  origin,  their  significance,  and  their  justifi- 


cation.  Lessing  cannot  therefore  be  justly  reproached  with 
having  made  Christianity  inferior  to  Islamism  and  Judaism,  nor 
does  any  blame  attach  to  him  for  having  left  it  undecided  which 
of  the  three  religions  is  in  possession  of  the  true  ring.  *'By 
their  fruits  ye  shall  know  them,"  and  has  he  not  made  it  evident 
in  his  Eiüication  of  the  Hicma7i  Race  and  other  writings  which 
of  the  three  he  considers  highest?  And  do  we  not  know  which 
produces  the  best  fruits  ?  Let  modern  civilization  answer  those 
who  still  doubt.  Although  it  is  Christianity  in  which  the  spirit 
of  Christ  reveals  the  truths  of  God  most  perfectly,  it  is  not  true 
of  all  individuals  in  it,  and  no  one  has  the  right  to  draw  conclu- 
sions  about  the  essence  of  Christianity  from  isolated  examples. 
For  there  is  a  vast  difference  between  the  real,  vivifying  power 
of  the  gospel  and  sporadic  distortions  produced  by  crippled, 
mis-shapen  growth  ;  between  the  truth  of  an  idea  itself  and  indi- 
vidual  appearances  of  the  same  ;  between  its  effect  in  universal 
history  and  its  subjective  existence  in  the  souls  of  individual 

But  why,  we  may  justly  ask,  did  Lessing  make  a  Jew 
(Nathan),  a  Saracen  (Saladin),  the  representatives  of  his 
higher  religion,  and  make  of  the  Patriarch  a  true  pattern  of 
priestly  arrogance  and  all  that  is  most  abhorrent  in  human 
nature?  It  has  been  well  answered  that  Lessing  *'  wished  to 
preach  to  the  Christians,  wished  to  make  them  conscious  of  the 
foolishness  and  badness  of  their  intolerant  views  and  shame 
them ;  for  this  purpose  distortions  from  their  own  faith  and 
noble  examples  from  the  non-Christian  world  served  him  better. 
For  Christ  himself  held  the  Good  Samaritan  as  an  example  to 
the  hard-hearted  Pharisees  and  stiff-necked  scribes ;  but  he  did 
not  wish  to  place  Samaritanism  above  Judaism  for  all  that." 
(Pabst,  p.  148.)  We  repeat  that  Lessing  did  not  choose  the 
persons  of  his  drama  as  representatives  of  their  special  religions. 
For  if  the  Christians  of  the  drama  are  to  represent  Christianity, 
then  the  Jews  and  Muhammedans  must  likewise  represent  their 


religions.  But  neither  Nathan  nor  Saladin,  nor  Sittah,  nor 
Al-Hafi  represents  at  all  his  religion  ;  but  one  is  forced  to  believe 
that  Lessing  had  just  the  opposite  in  view  in  sketching  their 
characters  and  actions.  For  he  has  either  completely  suppressed, 
or  at  least  weakened  and  placed  in  the  background,  the  peculiar, 
innate  marks  of  different  faiths  by  the  compensating  power  of 
their  religion  of  humanity  and  reason.  No  one  would  be  able  to 
extract  the  true  doctrine  of  Christ  from  the  characters  and  acts 
of  the  Patriarch,  of  Daja,  of  the  Templar,  of  the  Friar.  The 
only  reason  which  induced  Lessing  to  take  his  best  characters 
from  other  faiths  and  to  make  the  Christians  the  worst  is  the 
lesson  he  wished  to  teach.  He  wished  to  '*  hold  the  mirror  up 
to  nature,  to  show  virtue  her  own  features,  scorn  her  own  image, 
and  the  very  age  and  body  of  the  time  his  form  and  pressure." 
And  all  for  the  instruction  of  the  Christians.  For  he  wished  to 
rebuke  those  who  put  the  letter  above  the  spirit,  which  results  in 
arrogance,  hypocrisy,  intolerance,  and  fanatical  persecutions. 
This  was  the  answer  to  Goeze  and  his  clan  and  was  the  con- 
tinuation  of  his  controversy  by  which  he  hoped  to  defeat  his 
opponents.  Therefore  he  could  not  take  his  dramatic  characters 
in  which  he  intended  to  show  the  distortions  of  the  Christian 
religion  from  among  the  Jews  and  Muhammedans,  but  must 
choose  them  from  among  the  Christians.  For  his  drama  was 
intended  for  effect  upon  Christians,  as  he  had  his  motive  from 
them.  Had  Lessing  been  a  Jew  or  Mussulm^an  and  wished  to 
give  them  a  lesson,  he  would  have  chosen  a  Christian  for  his 
model  character. 

But  the  real,  deep,  underlying  reason  for  choosing  a  Jew 
as  model  lies  in  the  fact  that  the  best  criterion  of  strength  and 
skill  in  a  warrior  is  the  degree  of  strength  and  skill  shown  by  his 
Opponent  over  whom  he  wins  the  victory.  None  of  the  three 
religions  under  discussion  offers  such  a  contrast  with  the  idea  of 
the  Nathmi  as  the  Jewish  ;  therefore  none  of  them  makes  it  so 
difficult  for  its  professor  to  realize  this  idea  and  so  interweave  it 


into  his  character  as  to  make  it  a  living  principle  of  life  as  the 
Jewish  ;  none  but  the  Jewish  offers  so  many  obstacles  for  over- 
coming  contradictory  errors  and  vices.  The  belief  in  Jehovah 
as  the  jealous,  angry  God  of  punishment  rather  nourishes  hate 
than  the  common  love  of  mankind  ;  the  belief  in  Jehovah  and  in 
the  Jewish  nation  as  his  chosen  people  leads  to  national  and 
religious  arrogance  ;  to  contempt  for  the  Gentiles  :  it  obstructs, 
or  at  least  renders  difficult,  the  germination  of  the  idea  of 
hmnanitarianism  and  cosmopolitanism.  The  history  of  the  Jews 
confirms  this  Statement.  Even  the  Templar,  who  had  risen 
above  nationality  and  positive  religion,  cherishes  such  prejudice 
against*the  Jews  that  at  first  he  will  have  nothing  to  do  with 
Recha  and  Nathan:  '*  A  Jew's  a  Jew,  and  I  am  rüde  and 
bearish.""  The  power  of  reason  and  love  is  all  the  more  mag- 
nificent  when  it  triumphs  over  such  prejudices  ;  here  is  the  pro- 
found  reason  why  Nathan,  who  so  far  surpassed  all  other  char- 
acters  in  goodness  and  wisdom,  is  made  the  principal  character 
of  the  drama.  We  must  not  look  for  his  prototype  either  in  the 
spirit  of  the  time,  which  indeed  in  its  tendency  to  Enlighten- 
ment  was  favorable  to  the  Jews,  nor  in  the  personal  friendship  of 
Lessing  with  Moses  Mendelssohn,  who  himself  says  oi  N'athan: 
"■  After  the  appearance  of  Nathan  the  cabal  whispered  into  the 
ear  of  every  friend  and  acquaintance  that  Lessing  had  abused 
Christianity,  though  he  has  only  ventured  to  reproach  some 
Christians  and  at  most  Christianity.  In  very  truth,  however, 
his  Nathan,  as  we  must  confess,  redounds  to  the  honor  of 
Christianity.  Upon  what  high  plane  of  enlightenment  and 
civilization  must  a  people  be  in  which  a  man  can  rise  to  this 
height  of  sentiment,  can  educate  himself  to  this  excellent  knowl- 
edge  of  divine  and  human  things.  At  least  posterity  must 
think  so,  it  seems  to  me  ;  but  Lessing's  contemporaries  did  not 
think  so."  It  is  safe  to  assume  that  the  Nathan  represents 
Lessing's  third  stage  in  the  Education  of  the  H?nna7i  Race,  the 
period  of  "-  P^eace  on  earth  and  good  will  to  men,''  the  reign  of 


universal  peace  where  men  shall  do  right  because  it  is  right  and 
govern  themselves  without  law  or  rulers,  as  each  one  will  prefer 
another's  interest  to  his  own. 

IV.     THE    THREE    RINGS. 

The  setting  of  Lessing's  conception  of  a  perfect  religion  is  the 
tale  of  the  three  rings,  to  which  we  now  turn  our  attention.      In 
the  times  of  the  Crusades  the  belief  obtained  to  a  considerable 
extent  that  Christians,  Jews  and  heathen  all  serve  one  God ;  or, 
as  some  stated  it,   God  possesses    three  kinds    of   children    in 
Christians,  Jews  and   heathen.     The  decision  of  rank  for  the 
children  of  the  house  rests  only  with  the  father.      The  order  of 
Knights  Templars  favored  these  liberal  views,  and  even  the  fore- 
most  thinkers  among  the  Jews  believed  that  Judaism  and  Chris- 
tianity  were  two  true  religions  Coming  from  God  and  that  neither 
was  tainted  with  deceit.      One  of  their  wise  rabbis  (it  must  have 
originated  in  the  eastern  country  which  is  so  füll  of  metaphorical 
language)   clothed  this  thought  in  a  parable,  afterwards  known 
as  the  parable  of  the  rings.     About  the  year   iioo  a  Spanish 
Jew  put  it  in  its  earliest  and  simplest  Jewish  form.      Don  Pedro 
of  Arragon  once  asked  a  rieh  Jew,  who  had  the  reputation  of 
great  wisdom,  which  of  the  two  laws  (Mosaic  or  Christian)  he 
considered  the  better,  in  order  to  have  an  excuse  for  appropriat- 
ing  his  money,   no  matter  what  answer  he   might  give  to  the 
question.     The  Jew  took  three  days'  time  for  thought,  af  the 
end  of  which  he  came  back  to  the  king  in  apparent  confusion 
and  related  the  following  incident :      A  month  ago  his  neighbor, 
a  jeweler,  on  the  point  of  making  a  long  journey,  had  comforted 
his  two  sons  by  giving  each  a  precious  stone.      This  morning 
they  had  asked  him,   the    Jew,    about    the    worth    of  the    two 
treasures,  and,  on  his  explanation  that  they  must  wait  for  the 
return  of  the  father  who  alone    was  competent  to    decide    the 
question,   they  had  abused  him   and  beaten  him.      Pedro    said 
that    this    mean     conduct    of   the    sons    deserved     punishment. 


**  Let  thy  ear  hear  what  thy  mouth  speaks,"  replied  the  Jew. 
*'The  brothers  Esau  and  Jacob  have  each  a  precious  stone,  and, 
if  you  wish  to  know  v/ho  has  the  better,  send  a  messenger  to  the 
great  Jeweler  above  who  alone  knows  the  difference.'"  Pedro, 
satisfied  with  the  answer,  sent  the  Jew  away  in  peace. 

Between  this  simplest  parable  of  the  precious  stones  and  the 
richest  in  every  way  (Lessing's  version  in  Nathan^  many  mem- 
bers  and  variations  appear,  füll  of  pride  of  faith  and  spiritual 
freedom,  of  exclusive  confidence  and  unsparing  skepticism,  of 
universal  love  of  man  and  narrow  hate.  The  moral  lesson  con- 
tained  in  all  these  different  versions  is  the  teaching  of  brotherly 
love,  humanity,  and  mutual  tolerance,  — which  forms  the  essence 
and  basis  of  the  Christian  religion.  And  this  is  the  same  lesson 
which  Lessing  had  been  trying  to  teach  in  his  controversy  with 
Goeze,  in  the  Education  of  the  Hiwiaii  Race^  and  the  other 
writings  of  that  period,  so  that  Nathan  only  embodies  in  poetic 
form  what  he  had  already  said  elsewhere.  In  Spain,  probably, 
a  third  religion  was  added,  the  Moorish.  The  indecision 
remains,  but  the  early  Christian  transformation  clouded  the 
clearness  of  the  Spanish-Jewish  anecdote.  According  to 
Wünsche  (^Origm  of  the  Parable  of  the  Three  Ri7igs^  the  next 
earliest  account  is  found  in  the  Ceuto  Novelle  Antiche^  a  well- 
known  collection  of  Italian  stories.  In  number  72  is  the  parable 
of  the  rings  which  is  nearly  like  the  Arragonian,  but  we  have 
here  a  Sultan  and  three  rings,  one  genuine  and  two  false,  the 
father  alone  knowing  the  true  one.  From  here  the  story  passed 
into  the  Gesta  Ro^^mnortmi,  where  in  one  of  its  three  versions  we 
have  one  additional  trait  which  Lessing  has  made  use  of.  Here 
the  true  ring  has  the  power  of  making  its  wearer  beloved  by  God 
and  man.  Whether  Busone  da  Gabbio  (131 1)  in  his  novel 
Avventuroso  Siciliano  took  his  version  of  the  parable  from  the 
Cento  Novelle  or  elsewhere  is  still  doubtful,  but  it  is  certain  that 
Boccaccio  drew  from  him.  Busone  made  but  few  changes : 
only  one  ring  is  genuine,  but  it  is  not  left  to  the  father  to  decide 


which  religion  is  the  true  one  ;  that  still  remains  undecided. 
With  Boccaccio  it  is  no  longer  an  indefinite  sultan,  but  the  war- 
like  and  heroic  Saladin  who  in  his  need  of  money  calls  the  rieh 
and  usurious  Jew  Melchisedec  from  Alexandria  to  Jerusalem  in 
Order  to  force  a  loan  from  him  by  means  of  the  vexatioiis  ques- 
tion  which  of  the  three  religions  he  considers  the  true  one.  The 
Jew  is  soon  resolved  and  recounts  to  Saladin  as  if  by  sudden 
Inspiration  the  story  of  the  three  rings.  This  is  essentially  the 
same  as  that  given  in  Nathan^  Act  3,  sc.  7,  to  which  we  refer 
the  reader.  The  story  of  Boccaccio  varies  very  little  from  the 
other  Italian  accounts.  He  does  not  teil  us,  as  the  others  did, 
for  what  purpose  the  Sultan  needed  money.  Busone  also  gives 
the  reason  why  the  Sultan  seeks  to  rob  the  Jew.  Jews  are 
hated,  therefore  they  can  conscientiously  be  robbed  of  their 
money.  For  the  tolerant  Boccaccio  this  was  wrong,  so  he 
changes  his  Jew  into  a  rieh,  avaricious  usurer  instead  of  leaving 
him  a  noble  and  wise  person. 

Lessing  has  made  several  changes.  Besides  the  fact  that  the 
ring  has  been  received  from  '*  dear  hands  ^''  it  has  the  power  of 
making  its  wearer,  who  should  have  confidence  in  its  virtue, 
well-pleasing  before  God  and  man.  In  order  to  prevent  the  son 
who  should  possess  the  ring  from  alone  becoming  the  head  and 
prince  of  the  house,  the  father  had  two  others  made  so  like 
the  original  that  he  could  not  distinguish  the  true  from  the  false. 
Rejoicing  that  he  could  now  show  each  of  his  sons  the  same 
marks  of  love  he  calls  each  one  to  him  separately  and  gives 
each  of  them  a  blessing  and  the  ring.  After  the  father's  death 
there  arose  the  same  controversy  about  the  genuine  ring  as 
in  the  other  versions,  and  the  judge  before  whom  all  appeared 
could  give  no  verdict.  Boccaccio  closes  with  the  remark : 
**  Each  of  the  three  nations  believes  its  religion  to  be  the 
real,  divine  revelation ;  but  which  has  the  true  one  can  no  more 
be  decided  than  which  is  the  true  ring.''  Lessing  does  not  stop 
there.     After  the  judge  has  dismissed  the  three  wrangling  sons 


from  bis  tribunal  on  account  of  lack  of  proof  to  form  any 
decision,  it  occurs  to  him  that  there  is  a  key  to  this  seeming 
riddle.  The  true  ring  possesses  a  magic  virtue  which  cannot 
fall  to  manifest  itself  in  the  one  who  has  it  and  wears  it  in  this 
confidence.  As  none  of  the  three  possesses  the  power  to  make 
himself  beloved  by  the  others,  so  none  has  the  true  ring ; 
this  must  be  lost  and  those  they  have  are  false  ;  the  father  would 
not  bear  the  tyranny  of  one  ring  any  longer  in  his  house  ;  each 
may  now  think  he  has  the  true  one,  and  let  each  strive  to  show 
the  virtue  of  his  ring. 

The  magic  virtue  is  the  moral  effect  of  religion.  When 
the  judge  asks  the  sons  to  help  the  virtue  of  the  ring  by  meek- 
ness,  by  hearty  docility,  by  well-doing,  by  inner  resignation 
to  the  will  of  God,  he  shows  that  these  virtues  are  the  moral 
effects  of  religion  meant  by  the  magic  virtue  of  the  ring.  In 
them,  and  not  in  the  outer,  historical  Symbols  and  rites,  lies  the 
infallible  proof  of  the  truth  of  religion.  That  religion  is  the  true 
one  which  produces  the  best  men.  Whether  Islamism,  Judaism, 
or  Christianity  is  best  adapted  to  effect  this  result  Lessing  does 
not  say,  but  only  implies  that  it  is  not  impossible  in  all  three. 
We  cannot,  however,  deny  that  the  way  in  which  the  principal 
character  of  the  drama  throws  doubt  on  every  positive  religion 
which  lays  claim  to  objective  truth  has  something  dazzling  for 
the  great  mass  of  mankind.  It  would  almost  appear  as  if  the 
Story  in  its  comprehensive,  graceful  form,  was  well  suited  to 
spread  that  Enlightenment  which  desires  to  resolve  religion  into 
complete  agnosticism.  The  story  is  highly  poetical,  however, 
and  does  not  completely  conform  to  the  real  thought.  Whether 
only  two  of  the  possessors  of  the  rings,  or,  as  the  judge  seems 
to  think,  all  three  have  been  deceived,  cannot  be  decided  under 
the  circumstances.  But  this  is  only  a  story  intended  to  inculcate 
a  truth,  and  must  be  judged  as  the  parables  of  the  Lord.  As 
parables  they  may  be  excellent,  even  for  the  special  purpose  used  ; 
but  if  taken  as  truths  they  may  be  complete  or  incomplete,  true 


or  false  in  themselves,  though  quite  proper  to  exemplify  the 
truth  which  the  one  employing  them  wished  to  teach.  It  can- 
not  be  expected  that  Nathan,  who,  according  to  his  own  con- 
fession,  does  not  wish  to  give  the  truth  as  such,  but  rather  by 
means  of  the  story  which  he  teils  the  sultan,  thinks  himself  dis- 
pensed  from  the  Solution  of  the  problem,  will  really  State  the 
principle  which  distinguishes  the  truth  of  the  three  religions  and 
and  their  relation  to  one  another.  When  Saladin  objects  that 
the  religions  named  by  him  can  be  distinguished  from  one 
another,  Nathan  replies  that  they  are  all  based  on  tradition  and 
history,  and  adds  that  it  is  quite  natural  that  we  all,  Muham- 
medans, Jews,  Christians,  should  doubt  least  of  all  the  words  of 
those  whose  blood  fiows  in  our  veins,  of  those  who  have  given 
US  proofof  their  love  from  our  childhood. 

This  mode  of  reasoning  is  truly  such  that  the  conscience, 
which  does  not  enter  into  the  inner  reasons  upon  which  real 
knowledge  rests,  is  satisfied.  But  it  does  not  enter  into  the 
greater,  profounder  depths  of  the  question  where  knowledge  alone 
can  guide.  It  is  true  that  all  religions  with  any  real  life  to  them 
have  an  historical  background  and  that  children  accept  the  reli- 
gion  of  their  fathers  as  something  from  those  Avho  are  nearest  and 
dearest  to  them.  But  this  is  only  belief  founded  on  authority 
and  is  to  be  distinguished  from  the  real  religions  belief  founded 
on  more  perfect  knowledge  and  the  inner  witness  of  the  Spirit. 
This  is  why  Lessing  insists  on  the  fact  that  the  truth  of  religion 
is  to  be  recognized  in  itself,  in  its  inner  characteristics,  thus  ris- 
ing  to  an  ideal  sphere  to  which  Nathan  does  not  attain.  While 
denying  that  for  him  who  would  gain  the  knowledge,  the  charac- 
teristics of  the  truth  are  already  present  in  the  three  religions, 
Nathan  eives  voice  to  the  sentiment  that  it  is  the  moral  life,  love, 

•  1  r 

through  which  the  truth  of  our  inherited  religion  manifests  itself. 
The  manner  in  which  the  bwners  of  the  three  rings  quarrel  with 
one  another  tends  to  show  us  that  that  miraculous  force  inherent 
in  the  true  relidon  is  active  in  none  of  the  three  religions  whose 


Symbols  are  the  rings.  Hence  they  are  urged  to  emulate  this 
love,  so  that,  perhaps,  later  the  truth  might  be  revealed  to  their 
descendants.  This  love  we  know  is  the  touchstone  of  real 

Having  announced  the  doctrine  of  love  in  the  story,  the  poet 
shows  the  moral  force  springing  from  pure  love  in  his  dhioue- 
mcnt.  Characters  separated  by  nationality,  but  obeying  the 
purely  human  feelings,  appear  before  us  at  the  close  of  the  drama 
in  a  real  union,  The  powerful  sultan  Saladin,  Nathan,  the  rieh 
Jew  living  in  Jerusalem,  a  German  Templar,  prisoner  of  the 
Saracens,  Sittah,  Daja,  Recha,  are  drawn  to  one  another  by 
similar  sentiments,  and  the  ties  of  blood  and  the  benevolence 
of  the  Jew  seal  the  bond.  As  in  nature  night  yields  to  the  rising 
sun,  so  here  delusion  and  hate  disappear  from  the  consciences  of 
men  as  soon  as  love  appears.  Oriental  and  Occidental,  Muham- 
medan, Jew,  Christian,  rise  above  particular  interests,  feel  drawn 
to  one  another  as  man  to  man,  even  love  one  another  as  mem- 
bers  of  one  family.  This  is  the  same  high  Standard  that  we  saw 
in  the  Ediication  of  the  Human  Race.  The  conclusion  of 
'-' Nathan ^"^"^  moreover,  is  intended  to  let  us  see,  imperfectly  to 
be  sure,  the  realization  of  that  ideal  claimed  only  for  the  future. 
These  characters  have  advanced  far  enough  to  accept  the  new 
eternal  gospel.  But  this  makes  them  true  Christians,  in  whose 
religion  alone  all  the  conditions  for  such  a  development  are 

V.     SOURCES    OF    THE    PLAY. 

Besides  the  novel  in  the  Decamerone  of  Boccaccio  already 
mentioned,  two  others  have  an  important  bearing  on  the  plot  of 
our  drama.  The  family  history,  some  features  in  Nathan  him- 
self,  and,  in  a  certain  measure,  the  character  of  the  Templar  are 
undoubtedly  due  to  Lessing's  study  of  this  Italian  author.  The 
Story  related  in  Giorn.  V,V,  throws  light  on  the  family  relations 
of  our  characters.      It  is  an  account  of  a  lost  child  like  Recha 


who  is  reared  by  a  kind-hearted  old  gentleman,  Giacomino,  as 
bis  own  daughter.  Here,  however,  two  young  men  fall  in  love 
with  her,  one  of  vvhom  turns  out  to  be  her  brother  and  the  other 
marries  her.  All  the  features  of  the  Templar  and  Recha  are 
present.  The  two  servants  are  combined  in  Daja  ;  and  Berna- 
buccio,  the  father  of  the  lost  girl,  is  Wolf  von  Filneck,  the  father 
of  the  Templar  and  Recha.  The  lovely  characteristic  of  Boccac- 
cio^s  Giacomino,  *'  who  in  his  time  had  experienced  much,  who 
was  a  good-natured  man/'  has  passed  over  to  Nathan,  while  the 
violent  impetuosity  of  Giannole,  the  brother,  is  reflected  in  the 

Lessing  is  still  further  indebted  to  Boccaccio,  Giorn.  X,  Nov. 
III.  Here  we  have  a  man  named  Nathan  who  is  exceedingly 
wealthy,  benevolent,  hospitable,  of  noble  sentiments,  giving 
thirty-two  times  to  the  same  beggar  woman  without  letting  her 
See  that  she  is  recognized  by  him,  going  about  in  modest  attire, 
calm  and  composed  when  a  rival  in  wealth  and  goodness  comes 
and  teils  him  that  he  is  going  to  kill  him  becaiise  he  outdoes 
him  in  goodness  and  benevolence,  prudent,  noble  minded  and 
selfdenying  in  every  way.  Had  he  talked  and  been  a  Jew  he 
would  have  been  Lessing\s  Nathan.  How  much  the  Nathan  in 
the  Novel  reminds  of  the  Nathan  in  the  Drama  and  yet  how 
skilfully  Lessing  has  transformed  and  remodelled  his  characters 
to  suit  his  own  idea  to  be  represented  in  his  drama  !  For  the 
trend,  the  idea  of  the  drama  is  profounder,  more  consistent, 
more  according  to  the  dictates  of  reason,  than  any  Boccaccio  ever 
even  imagined. 

Critics  say  that  Boccaccio  was  not  the  only  source  of  Lessing's 
drama.  That  absurd  story  that  Dean  Swift  and  Esther  Johnson, 
or  Stella,  were  both  the  natural  children  of  Sir  William  Temple, 
the  English  diplomatist  and  political  writer,  is  cited  as  a  source. 
Moreover  Swift  wrote  the  Tale  of  a  Tub,  a  parabolical  comparison 
of  the  three  confessions,  Catholicism,  Lutheranism,  and  Calvin- 
ism,  showing  that  all  three  had  departed  so  far  from  the  true 


spirit  of  Christianity  that  there  was  no  more  life  in  any  of  them. 
The  parable  of  the  Three  Rings  is  certainly  more  elevated  than 
that  of  the  Tale  of  the  Tiib,  though  there  is  a  certain  resemblance 
in  the  subject-matter  and  trend  of  the  latter  to  the  drama.  Les- 
sing was  well  acquainted  with  this  story  and  also  with  Swift's 
work.  But  Caro  (p.  74  ff)  probably  goes  too  far  when  he  says 
that  Lessing  here  found  that  inner  association  of  ideas  so  neces- 
sary  for  the  unity  of  his  drama.  For  there  is  no  more  inner  con- 
nection  between  the  Tale  ofa  Ttib  and  Swift's  supposed  love  to 
a  sister  (then  considered  true,  but  now  known  to  be  false)  than 
there  is  between  the  three  novels  of  Boccaccio  (I,  III ;  Giorn. 
X,  III;  Giorn.  V,  V).  For  inner  connection  is  not  a  per- 
sonal dement,  but  a  natural  cause  and  effect.  The  complete 
idea  contained  in  Nathan  had  long  been  lying  in  the  poet\s  mind  ; 
its  external  form  was  a  mere  secondary  thought  which  Boccaccio's 
novels  were  as  likely,  and  even  more  so,  to  put  into  definite 
shape  as  Swift^s  story  and  work. 

Caro^s  conceit  that  the  name  of  Swift's  supposed  father, 
Te7}iple,  led  Lessing  to  call  the  sister's  brother  a  Templar  is  a 
clever  one,  but  has  no  force.  For  the  historical  background 
naturally  brought  the  Templars  into  action,  and  it  was  only  to  be 
expected  that  they  would  play  a  prominent  part  in  the  drama. 
It  may  be  possible  that  the  Swift  incident  had  an  unconscious 
influence  upon  Lessing.  For  when  Voltaire  return ed  from  Eng- 
land he  brought  the  Tale  of  a  Tiib  with  him,  asserting  that  this 
notorious  Tale  of  a  Titb  was  an  Imitation  of  the  three  undis- 
tinguishable  rings  which  the  father  left  to  his  three  children ;  and 
we  know  that  Lessing  eagerly  read  and  admired  Voltaire  before 
their  rupture.  But  no  one  now  contends  that  it  was  the  veri table 
source ;  for  Boccaccio  stood  nearer  in  thought  to  the  poef  s  idea 
than  the  Swift  source. 


VL     TIME    AND    PLACE    OF   ACTION. 

Had  Lessing  wished  to  employ  dramatic  poetry  to  represent 
certain  general  phenomena  of  the  psychological  life  he  could  have 
chosen  no  better  period  or  locality  for  his  purpose  than  Palestine 
during  the  third  Crusade.  The  East  and  the  West  met  here,  and 
Palestine  formed  the  center  of  all  the  historical  life  of  the  age. 
Richard  the  Lion-hearted  of  England,  Philip  Augustus  of  France, 
Leopold  of  Austria,  the  most  powerful  rulers  of  the  West  ac- 
companied  by  the  greatest  and  noblest  vassals  of  their  kingdoms, 
the  king  of  Jerusalem  with  his  barons,  the  bloom  of  knighthood 
in  the  jDriestly  Orders  of  the  Templars  and  Knights  of  Malta,  and 
a  high  clergy ;  Saladin,  the  victorious  warrior  of  the  East,  Avho 
ruled  from  the  Nile  to  the  Euphrates  and  Tigris  with  his  Emirs 
and  Pashas  were  present.  Intermingled  with  these  were  the 
clever  merchants  from  the  great  commercial  eitles  of  the  Medi- 
terranean  ;  Jews,  experienced  and  educated  by  their  journeyings 
in  all  lands,  so  that,  as  Lessing  says  (3,  10),  "all  the  world 
flocks  togethcr  here.""  This  congregation  of  all  mankind  in  both 
a  friendly  and  hostile  manner,  must  necessarily  have  exerted  a  pe- 
culiar  influence  upon  the  general  culture,  must  have  produced  a 
peculiar  sentiment  and  intellectual  development,  must  have  made 
a  peculiar  Impression  upon  the  views  taken  of  the  whole  world  and 
of  life  by  the  more  enlightened  individuals,  especially  upon  the  re- 
ligious  views,  as  well  of  the  Jews  as  of  the  Christian  and  Mussul- 
mans.  Boccaccio  had  placed  his  Jew  in  Alexandria  and  had 
him  called  to  Saladin.  For  his  place  of  action  Lessing  chose 
Jerusalem  at  a  time  when  Saladin  had  captured  the  holy  city 
from  the  crusaders.  Here  that  people,  which  called  itself  the 
chosen  people  of  God,  had  assembled  for  worship.  Christ,  by  his 
glorious  death  on  the  cross,  had  made  the  city  sacred  and  had 
promulgated  a  universal  religion.  But  during  the  Middle  Ages 
Jerusalem  became  the  seat  of  the  fanatical  rage  of  both  Chris- 
tians and  Muhammedans,  who  there  committed  execrable  deeds 


of  violence  and  blood.  The  spirit  of  humanity  displayed  by 
noble  inen  formed  a  striking  contrast  with  most  frightful  intoler- 
ance,  and  thus  set  off  the  truths  announced  by  our  drama ;  this 
very  contrast  makes  the  ideal  part  of  our  poem  more  real  and 
the  real  part  more  ideal.  Lessing  wished  to  exhibit  the  evils  of 
religious  fanaticism,  and  the  reign  of  Saladin  was  best  suited  for 
that.  Time  and  place  were  admirably  adapted  to  bring  the 
representation  of  the  three  religions  into  close  connection.  For 
at  this  time  the  sjoirit  of  adventure  reigned  supreme  and  rumors 
of  Strange  incidents  and  curious  events  filled  the  air. 

From  the  historical  allusions  in  the  play  the  exact  time,  as 
near  as  that  can  be  determined,  was  probably  between  the  first  of 
September,  1 192,  and  the  fifth  of  March,  1 193,  that  is,  after  the 
conclusion  of  the  truce  with  Richard  the  Lion-hearted,  and  be- 
fore  the  death  of  Saladin.  Though  Lessing  paid  no  great  atten- 
tion to  strict  chronological  order,  he  certainly  paints  a  vivid 
historical  picture,  and  the  local  coloring  is  produced  in  a  truly 
masterly  manner. 


As  Nathan  the  Wise  represents  the  conflict  of  tolerance  with 
prejudice,  we  can  on  this  principle  divide  the  characters  into 
certain  groups.  Nathan,  Saladin  and  the  Templar  represent 
the  cosmopolitan  and  humanitarian  idea,  while  the  Patriarch, 
and,  in  a  certain  degree,  Daja  also,  Stands  for  narrow-minded- 
ness  and  intolerance.  The  friar  and  Al-Hafi  have  a  leaning  to 
nature-life,  and  are  representatives  of  noble  Naturalism.  Nathan 
himself  properly  leads  the  first  group.  Lessing  is  said  to  have 
glorified  in  him  his  life-long  friend,  Moses  Mendelssohn,  but 
there  is  not  a  single  trait  in  Nathan  bearing  any  resemblance 
whatever  to  Moses  Mendelssohn.  Most  of  the  features  are  taken 
from  Melchisedec  and  that  Nathan  of  Boccaccio  already  men- 
tioned,  though  they  have  been  idealized.  Nathan  possesses 
endurance,  wisdom,  calmness,  and  affability,  and  is  above  all  nar- 


rowness  of  nationality  and  religious  dift'erence.  As  merchant  he 
has  visited  many  lands,  and  gathered  experience  as  well  as  gold. 
He  is  generous  and  benevolent  towards  all.  The  true  religion  for 
him  is  the  one  which  teaches  love  to  God  and  man.  He  is  in  every 
way  the  opposite  to  Shakespeare's  Shylock,  and  is,  in  fact,  the 
possessor  of  the  true  ring,  in  that  he  understands  how  to  make 
himself  well-pleasing  to  God  and  man.  And  yet  we  have  some- 
thing  of  the  Jew  in  Nathan ;  the  cunning  observable  in  all  his 
dealings  with  his  fellowmen,  his  deference  to  others  in  order  to 
attain  his  ends  (which,  indeed,  are  always  the  purest  and  noblest) , 
a  fondness  for  metaphor  and  parable,  these  are  all  Oriental- 
Jewish  traits.  He  is  the  ideal  hero  who  has  undergone  struggles 
that  excite  our  interest,  and  we  cannot  help  loving  and  honoring 

The  historic  Saladin  was  a  strict  Mussulman  who  looked  lip- 
on war  against  the  Crusaders  as  his  life-mission.  For  these,  his 
natural  foes,  he  cherished  an  implacable  hatred.  He  was  ever 
true  to  his  word,  ever  kept  faith  with  the  Christians,  though  they 
betrayed  him  again  and  again.  Brave  and  intrepid  by  nature, 
he  was  yet  a  peace-loving  man,  who  rose  above  his  environ- 
ment  and  showed  himself  magnanimous  alike  to  friend  and  foe. 
His  self-abnegation  was  great,  forat  the  height  of  power  he  feit 
no  desire  for  mere  show  and  magnificence,  but  was  piain  and 
simple  in  his  daily  life.  Boccaccio  had  already  made  him  a  tra- 
ditional  hero,  and  the  Middle  Ages  crowned  him  with  a  halo  of 
glory.  But  little  was  left  for  Lessing  to  do.  He  has  idealized 
in  him  imperial  greatness,  noble  sentiments,  magnanimity  and 

Sittah,  the  sister  of  Saladin,  is  not  so  tolerant  as  he,  and  per- 
haps  for  that  very  reason  sees  Christians  and  Jews  in  a  truer 
light,  though  not  unmixed  with  prejudice.  She  takes  an  im- 
portant  part  in  the  action  of  the  drama,  especially  in  the  in- 
trigues.  Prudence  and  cunning  are  her  virtues,  and  we  miss  in 
her  the  individual  truth  of  a  real  poetic  character.  Like  her 
brother  she  is  historical,  though  history  barely  mentions  her. 


By  birth  and  name  only  does  the  Templar  appear  as  a  Chris- 
tian. The  child  of  Saladin's  brother  Assad  and  a  Stauffen  lady ; 
brought  up  by  his  uncle,  a  Templar;  aroused  to  action  by  the 
latter^s  tales  and  the  information  that  his  father  was  an  Oriental 
who  had  returned  home  with  his  mother,  he  enlists  in  the  Cru- 
sades in  the  order  of  the  Templars,  though  little  convinced 
of  the  truth  of  Christianity.  The  contradictions  in  his  character 
are  so  striking  that  it  will  require  much  reflection  to  bring  the 
special  features  into  harmony.  The  predominant  trait  is  the  vein 
of  deep  melancholy  which  gives  a  serious  earnestness  to  his 
every  act.  The  disharmony  in  his  character  and  his  discontent 
spring  partly  from  his  early  training  and  partly  from  his  recent 
experiences  among  the  Templars,  as  Christian  and  as  prisoner  in 
th^  hands  of  Saladin.  He  represents  the  transition  State  on  his 
passage  from  a  belief  in  a  positive  religion,  through  disbelief,  to 
Lessing's  third  stage,  to  Nathan's  Standard.  He  has  found  that 
no  one  belief  is  infallible,  but  has  not  yet  discovered  that  there 
is  always  wheat  in  the  chaff,  none  so  bad  as  to  be  utterly  con- 
demned.  At  the  very  end  of  the  drama  he  still  appears  dis- 
trustful  and  has  to  pass  through  a  struggle  to  renounce  his 
passionate  love  and  accept  Recha  as  a  sister.  Even  then  the 
disharmony  fermenting  in  his  inner  and  outer  life  is  but  slowly 
removed.  His  striking  physical  resemblance  to  Assad,  his 
father,  is  deepened  by  his  striking  resemblance  in  all  the  quali- 
ties  of  his  character.  Nathan  represents  wise  old  age,  Saladin 
matured  manhood,  Curd  (the  Templar)  immature  youth,  which, 
like  fresh  must  must  ferment  and  foam  and  by  long  fermentation 
become  purified. 

The  most  fragrant  flower  of  German  literature  is  Recha.  In 
her  simple,  cheerful  nature  all  the  virtues  of  a  maiden's  pure 
heart  blossom.  How  tenderly  she  loves  her  father,  what  thank- 
ful  love  she  bears  for  Daja  !  Many  features  of  Recha  are  taken 
from  Malchen  König,  Lessing's  stepdaughter,  who  had  a  deep 
love  for  her  stepfather,  and  who  was  educated  by  him  as  carefully 


as  Recha  by  Nathan.  The  latter  is  what  Nathan  made  of  her, 
a  susceptible  and  pure  soul  which  a  wise  and  just  education  has 
taught  self-abnegation  and  love.  She  lived  in  her  father ;  he 
was  her  world,  her  faith,  her  home.  She  is  tender  without  be- 
ing  weakly  sentimental,  intellectual  and  cultivated  without  being 
a  bluestocking.  Nathan,  however,  is  not  her  only  instructor. 
Daja,  the  Christian  widow,  the  nurse,  planted  many  seeds  in  her 
receptive  mind,  and  they  also  brought  forth  fruit  of  another  kind. 
On  the  one  hand  we  find  philosophy  and  reason,  on  the  other 
wild  fancy  and  belief  in  angels,  legends,  the  fanciful  side  of  life. 
She  belongs  to  the  poetic  figures  of  German  literature,  whose 
presence  can  be  feit  rather  than  described.  Like  Goethe^s 
Mignon  in  Wilheb?i  Meister  and  Schiller's  Thekla  in  Walleiistein, 
she  is  a  concrete  though  idealized  form  of  flesh  and  blood. 
But  nevertheless  she  is  as  it  were  surrounded  by  a  glamour,  and 
seems  to  us  a  friendly  fairy  form  which  enchants  us  all  the  more. 
Rarely  do  we  catch  glimpses  of  such  beings  in  the  world's  litera- 
ture, and  yet  Germany  has  given  us  three,  Recha,  Mignon, 
Thekla.  As  sister  of  the  Templar  and  niece  of  Saladin,  adopted 
and  brought  up  by  Nathan,  she  forms  a  convenient  center  about 
which  all  the  separate  interests  of  race  and  religion  converge, 
being  of  all  three,  and  yet  belonging  exclusively  to  neither  of 
the  three  races  or  religions. 

Of  our  second  group  the  Patriarch  naturally  Stands  at  the 
head  and  is  an  excellent  pattern  of  priestly  thirst  for  power ;  he 
has  also  departed  farthest  from  the  doctrines  which  Christ  came 
on  earth  to  preach,  not  having  the  least  trace  of  that  meekness 
and  gentleness  which  forms  an  essential  dement  of  a  Christian 
character.  He  enjoys  life  in  the  füllest,  but  believes  in  the 
dogmatic  infallibility  of  the  Church.  It  has  been  said  that 
Pastor  Goeze,  Lessing's  bitter  Opponent  in  his  controversy 
occasioned  by  the  publication  of  the  Fragments^  is  intended  to 
be  represented  by  the  Patriarch,  but  nothing  could  be  farther 
from  the  mark.     There  may  be  a  few  thrusts  at  Goeze,  but  the 


character  as  a  whole  is  far  different,  too  opposite  to  be  modelled 
after  him.  It  is  the  portrait  of  what  a  true  Christian  should  not 
be.  Instead  of  self-abnegation  we  have  self-aggrandizement 
with  all  its  worldly  lusts.  No  feeling  of  humanity  reigns  in  his 
breast.  While  demanding  blind  Submission  from  others  he 
seeks  to  draw  proiit  from  everything.  Faith  is  for  him  a  sub- 
servient  means  of  power,  a  pliant  tool  for  satisfying  his  ambition 
to  rule.  Though  by  nature  intolerant  and  fanatical  he  is  him- 
self  only  a  too  willing  subject,  yielding  servilely  to  every  danger- 
ous  power,  even  when  it  is  repugnant  to  him ;  creeping  wehere 
he  thinks  it  will  advance  his  interests. 

The  character  is  historical.  At  the  time  when  Saladin  cap- 
tured  Jerusalem  the  reigning  Patriarch  was  Heraclius,  though  he 
left  the  city  instead  of  remaining  as  represented  in  our  drama. 
This  Heraclius  was  a  notorious  character  and  very  much  worse 
than  Lessing  has  painted  him  in  the  drama.  He  thinks  of  every- 
thing  eise  rather  than  of  the  welfare  of  the  souls  entrusted  to 
him.  He  was  a  politician  of  the  worst  stamp.  Treason  and 
murder  are  not  only  legitimate  means  with  him,  but  become  a 
duty  when  the  priest  says  that  it  is  for  the  honor  of  God.  It 
was  no  matter  to  him  how  kind  the  Jew  may  have  been  to  his 
adopted  daughter  Recha ;  if  he  had  taught  her  no  dogma  nor 
positive  religion,  then  he  must  burn  at  the  stake.  Rather  a 
false  belief  than  no  belief.  He  will  show  how  dangerous  it  is  to 
the  State  when  anyone  may  have  no  belief.  So  preached  Goeze 
in  the  controversy.  He  is  a  priest  and  ecclesiastical  prince,  but 
not  a  Christian.  He  represents  rather  the  office  of  High  Priest, 
or  Egyptian  Hierophant,  or  the  priests  of  the  Middle  Ages,  who 
were  mostly  opponents  of  humanity  and  pure  religion.  He  is 
bigoted,  and  the  interests  of  humanity  are  subordinate  to  those 
of  his  Church  and  hierarchy.  Without  this  character  Lessing 
could  not  have  done  justice  to  the  fundamental  idea  of  his  poem. 
Fr.  Theo.  Vischer  (^Aesth.  HI,  1,433)  says:  **The  Patriarch 
should  have  gone  to  extremes,  the  Templar  should  have  ap- 


peared  at  the  most  exciting  moment  of  the  danger  to  rescue 
Nathan  and  thus  have  completed  bis  own  elevation  above  the 
darkness  of  prejudice ;  then  the  drama  might  have  ended  well, 
only  not  in  the  discovery  that  the  lovers  were  brother  and  sister." 
But  this  would  have  been  contrary  to  the  whole  tone  of  the 
drama,  which  is  intended  to  show  true  tolerance  triumphing  over 
intolerance  and  arrogance  by  quiet,  peaceful  means. 

In  Daja  we  have  an  example  oi  sancta  siinplicitas ^  that  narrow 
piety  which  becomes  dangerous  in  cunning  hands.  Firm  in  her 
belief,  she  overlooks  the  genuine  kernel  of  religion  in  the  form 
which  excites  her  imagination  and  produces  the  frenzy  of  fanati- 
cism.  She  is  the  widow  of  a  noble  Swiss  squire,  drowned  with 
the  emperor  Frederick  Barbarossa  on  the  loth  of  June,  1190. 
Nathan  took  her  as  companion  to  Recha,  probably  because  the 
old  nurse  had  sickened.  Soon  after  Daja's  arrival  the  latter 
died,  but  not  before  she  had  disclosed  the  secret  of  Recha^s 
birth,  though  it  is  a  mystery  where  the  nurse  could  have  found  it 
out.  According  to  this  account  Daja  could  not  have  been  more 
than  two  years  in  the  house  of  Nathan  when  our  drama  opens ; 
and  yet  the  references  to  her  indicate  a  longer  Service  in  Nathan's 
family.  There  is  no  way  of  reconciling  these  discrepancies  with- 
out  assuming  that  Lessing  intended  to  discard  the  old  nurse  and 
make  Daja's  Service  with  him  extend  over  the  whole  eighteen 
years  of  Recha's  life,  or  eise  he  forgot  to  distinguish  between 
the  two  persons,  and  applied  words  to  Daja  which  belong  to  the 

Anxious  for  the  welfare  of  her  fosterchild's  soul,  she  is  con- 
stantly  urging  Nathan  to  make  good  his  great  sin  of  keeping  his 
daughter  from  the  true  faith.  She  does  not  consider  what  a 
noble  woman  Recha  has  become  under  the  instruction  of 
Nathan  ;  she  only  sees  a  Christian  child  in  the  hands  of  a  Jew. 
Nathan  had  been  led  to  his  high  Standard  of  faith  by  the  loss  of 
his  family,  had  blessed  the  chance  which  had  brought  him  Recha 
as  a  Charge,  ai^id  now  the  intrigues  of  the  well-intentioned  Daja 


were  to  put  to  the  truest  test  what  reason  and  long  contempla- 
tion  had  ripened  in  his  mind  and  made  a  part  of  his  being. 
One  object  of  the  drama  is  to  show  us  principles  in  action  ;  and 
thus  Daja  in  a  sense  becomes  the  motive  principle  in  it,  as  she, 
by  intrigue,  by  confusiug  the  Templar,  and  arousing  his  dor- 
mant  distrust  and  setting  in  action  his  impetuous  nature, 
applies  the  power  that  moves  the  whole  action.  She  plays  also 
the  effective  part  of  an  exquisitely  comical  duena,  and  '*could 
ill  be  spared  in  the  economy  of  the  drama." 

In  the  naturalistic  group  we  have  two  characters  which  show 
different  phases  of  that  simple,  natural  worship  of  God.  The 
friar  came  to  the  East  as  squire,  but  after  serving  many  masters 
he  finally  left  the  tumult  of  war  for  the  cloister,  devoting  him 
seif  entirely  to  the  worship  of  God,  to  which  his  pious  nature  in- 
clined  him.-  Robbed  and  taken  prisoner  by  Arabian  marauders, 
he  managed  to  escape  and  fled  to  Jerusalem  into  the  cloister  of 
the  Patriarch,  who  promised  him  the  first  free  hermifs  cell  on  Mt. 
Tabor.  Everything  unworthy  or  wrong  was  repugnant  to  his 
upright  soul.  Though  evcr  obedient  to  his  oath,  he  realizes  that 
there  are  bounds  to  his  obedience,  and  he  keeps  back  the  knowl- 
edge  that  Nathan  has  a  Christian  child.  What  he  really  lacks  is 
the  knowledge  of  the  world.  Like  the  Dervish,  his  leaning  is  to 
the  religion  of  Nature,  which  drives  him  out  of  the  world  ;  but  the 
Dervish  easily  gives  himself  up  to  pure  contemplation  ;  with  the 
latter  it  is  pure,  simple,  joyous  renunciation  in  which  the  soul 
feels  the  füll  force  of  its  freedom  from  worldly  care,  while  with 
the  former  it  is  chiefly  humility  and  the  feeling  that  he  is  too 
weak  to  cope  with  the  complex  difficulties  of  the  world.  Instead 
of  self-abnegation  we  find  self-disparagement,  though  he  is  by  no 
means  stupid,  and  knows  how  to  carry  out  the  dishonest  com- 
mands  so  honestly  that  they  never  do  any  härm.  He  sees  a 
brother  in  everybody  and  represents  the  Publican  in  Christ's 
parable,  while  the  Patriarch  represents  the  Pharisee ;  in  the 
parable  of  the  Good  Samaritan  he  represents  the  good  Samaritan, 


and  the  Patriarch,  the  priest  and  levite.  He  is  one  of  the  poor 
in  spirit  to  whom  the  kingdom  of  heaven  belongs.  .By  some  he 
is  called  the  true  representative  of  Christianity  in  the  drama,  and 
probably  comes  nearer  the  Standard  than  any  of  the  other  repre- 
sentatives.  He  certainly  has  childHke  simphcity,  and  all  the 
qualities  which  go  to  make  up  a  true  Christian  character.  It  is 
one  of  the  most  lovely  personages  Lessing  has  sketched  for  us ; 
and  yet  the  childlike  simplicity,  the  childlike  cunning,  forms  a 
comical  contrast  to  the  priestly,  Jesuitical  Patriarch. 

The  Dervish  is  so  little  an  adherent  of  the  doctrine  of 
Muhammed  that  he  has  been  a  follower  of  Parsees.  He  appears  to 
US  as  the  son  of  pure,  unmixed  nature,  which,  as  it  is  manifested 
in  this  character,  forms  a  remarkable  contrast  to  those  artifi- 
cial  relations  on  which^the  social  System  actually  rests.  In  the 
awkward  cynic  Al-Hafi,  Lessing's  friends  recognized  the  free  copy 
of  a  Berlin  eccentricity,  Abram  Wulff,  the  secretary  of  Aaron 
Meyer.  He  was  considered  the  greatest  mathematical  genius  of 
the  day,  who,  however,  had  no  idea  of  the  world  and  its  relations. 
He  was  also  an  excellent  chess-player,  and  this  characteristic  has 
been  skillfully  brought  out  in  the  drama.  Lessing  had  great 
respect  for  him  on  account  of  his  piety  and  natural  cynicism. 
The  temptation  was  too  great ;  he  was  introduced  into  the  drama 
in  the  person  of  the  Dervish  as  the  unfortunate  treasurer  and 
chess-critic,  where  he  cuts  a  most  wonderful  figure.  He  has  free 
entrance  to  his  friend  Nathan's  house  and  preaches  undisturbed 
his  principles  of  cynic  philosophy  in  grotesque  words. 


Considered  from  an  aesthetical  point  of  view  and  from  the 
philosophical  purpose  pervading  the  whole  poem,  it  has  by  some 
been  denied  the  name  of  drama  in  the  usual  acceptance  of  the 
word.  But  there  was  no  lack  of  material  as  inducement  to  a  real 
drama,  and  this  fact  undoubtedlyaided  the  poet  greatly  in  giving 


true,  independent  life  to  the  action.  The  general  historical 
Situation  furnished  an  excellent  foundation  upon  which  Lessing 
could  build  with  his  own  inventions.  A.  W.  Schlegel,  in  his 
Lectures  on  Art  and  Literaturen  remarks  :  "  It  is  stränge  that  of 
all  Lessing^s  dramatic  works,  the  last,  Nathan  the  Wise,  conforms 
best  to  the  rules  of  art."  **  The  form  is  freer,  more  comprehen- 
sive  than  in  the  other  pieces  of  Lessing;  it  is  almost  like  a 
Shakesperian  drama.""  Usually  the  philosophical  features  of  the 
IVathan  receive  so  much  attention  that  the  high  artistic  qualities 
of  the  work  are  neglected.  The  action  is  slower  because  the 
development  of  the  truths  Lessing  wished  to  inculcate  demanded 
a  more  quiet  movement,  but  it  bears  the  indelible  stamp  of  classic 
beauty,  whether  we  call  it  a  drama  or  dl Jactic  poem. 

The  Nathan  is  the  first  complete  drama  that  Lessing  wrote  in 
verse,  not  in  the  usual  Alexandrine  verse,  but  in  the  English 
iambic  pentameter,  in  Imitation  of  Shakespeare  and  Milton, 
which,  since  the  Nathan,  has  become  the  usual  form  in  real 
drama.  The  length  of  the  verse  varies  from  eight  to  thirteen 
syllables  and,  though  the  pentameters  are  far  more  numerous  than 
other  measures,  still  Lessing  did  not  trouble  himself  much 
about  the  matter.  The  liberties  he  had  taken  with  the  meter 
deprive  the  drama  of  a  symmetrical  beauty  of  form,  so  that  the 
verse  often  appears  harsh  and  unmusical. 

His  style  is  simple,  natural,  and  original.  Each  character 
uses  the  language  peculiarly  suited  to  it,  and  this  changes  to  suit 
the  scene.  Not  unfrequently  Lessing  went  into  the  street  and 
picked  up  the  most  expressive  phrases,  and  legalized  their  use  by 
adopting  them.  Lessing  portrays  the  very  spirit  of  the  Orient,  and 
the  first  Oriental  scholars  could  not  do  better ;  the  parabolical 
teachings  remind  us  of  the  East. 

Perhaps  no  German  poem,  except  Faust,  has  received  so  much 
special  study  as  the  Nathan,  and  none  has  certainly  rewarded  it 
so  well.  It  has,  therefore,  held  a  prominent  place  in  German  lit- 
erature,  and  will  always  claim  a  large  share  of  interest  for  itself. 


J.  A.  Froude  acknowledges  Lessing's  Nathan  to  be  the  finest 
didactic  work  produced  in  modern  times,  but  adds  *'  that  it  will 
pass  away  with  the  mode  of  thought  which  gave  it  birth.'^  And 
yet  the  world  is  over  a  hundred  years  older  and  seems  as  far  from 
the  ideal  set  up  in  the  Nathan  as  when  Lessing  wrote  his  piece, 
thoiigh  there  has  evidently  been  an  advance  in  many  ways.  It 
is  true  that  this  drama  has  here  served  the  poet  in  making  a 
special  plea,  but  all  who  love  art  for  art's  sake  must  perceive 
that  the  feat  is  achieved  with  true  power,  even  if  we  are  forced  to 
admit  that  Lessing^s  conceptions  are  rather  those  of  the 
understanding  than  of  the  Imagination  and  passion.  The  drama, 
however  has  those  qualities  which  will  stand  ihe  buffets  and 
shocks  of  time. 

Bafljan  tier  Wnp 

©in  bramatifc^c«  ©ebic^t  in  fünf  ^luf^ügcn 

Introite,  nam  et  heic  Dii  sunt. 

Apud  Gelimin. 


P  er  f  orten. 

©ultan  ©atabin. 

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!J)aia,  eine  (^{)riftin,  aber  int  §auje  be§  3nben,  al8  ©efetlfc^afterin 
ber  9^e(^a. 

©in  jnnger  S^empell^err. 

@in  !Dern)if(^, 

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(Sin  Ä'Iofterbrnber. 

©in  ©mir  nebft  öerfdjiebenen  5D^ameIu(!cn  be§  ©atabin. 

3)ie  ©cene  tft  in  Sernfatem. 

CJrpBr  Jlufpg. 

(Erfter  auftritt. 

Scenc :  fjhir  in  5^atf)an§  .&aufe. 
9^at^an  öon  bcr  Dtelfe  fommenb.    S)ajia  l^m  entgegen» 

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®a^  ^t^r  bod)  enblid)  einmal  tt)ieber!ommt. 


3<^r  ®<^i^/  ©J^tt  fei  ©anf !    ©od^  t^arum  enblid^? 

^aV  xd)  benn  ef)er  tüieberfommen  tüollen? 
5     Unb  tpieberfommen  fönnen?    Sab^Ion 

^ft  bon  ^erufalem,  \vk  id^  ben  SBeg, 

©eitab  balb  red^tg,  balb  Iinl§,  ju  nehmen  bin 

©enötigt  tDorben,  gnt  jtt)eif)unbert  SffJeilen ; 

Unb  ©d^nlben  einfaffieren  ift  gett)i^ 
10     2lud;  fein  ©efd^äft,  ba§  merllid^  föbert,  ba^ 

©0  t)on  ber  §anb  fid^  fd^Iagen  lä^t. 

D  5Rat^an, 
2Bie  elenb,  elenb  trottet  ^\)x  inbe^ 
§ier  h)erben  fönnen !     (guer  §au^  .  .  . 

®a^  brannte. 
©0  i)aV  \6)  fd^on  Vernommen.  —  ©ebe  @ott, 
15     2)a^  id^  nur  atle^  fdE)on  Vernommen  l^abe ! 


4  Hatl^anberlDeife. 

Unb  W'dxt  leidet  Don  ®runb  au^  abgebrannt. 

3)ann,  ©aja,  f?ätten  tütr  ein  neue^  un§ 
©ebaut,  unb  ein  bequemere^. 

©(i)on  h)af^r  !  — 

^oä)  9{edE)a  U)är^  bei  einem  §aare  mit 

20     3Serbrannt. 


SSerbrannt?    3Ber?  meine  Sied^a?  fie?- 

®a§  f?ab'  id^  nid^t  gefrört.  —  9tun  bann  !    So  l^ätte 

^d^  !eine§  §aufe§  mcfjr  bcburft.  —  3Serbrannt 

Sei  einem  §aare !  —  §a !  fie  ift  e§  tt)of)I ! 

Sft  tt)ir!lid^  n)o{)I  t)erbrannt !  —  ©ag  nur  f)erau^ ! 

25     §erau§  nur !  —  3^öte  mid) :  unb  martre  mid^ 

?Jic^t  länger.  —  ^a,  fie  ift  Verbrannt. 

2ßenn  fie 
@§  träre,  trürbet  '^i)x  t)on  mir  e§  f)ören? 


2Barum  erfd)redeft  bu  mid^  benn  ?  —  D  9ted£)a  ! 
D  meine  3fted^a! 

®ure?     (Sure  5{ec^a? 

30     3Benn  id^  mirf)  tüieber  je  enttDöl^nen  mü^te, 
Sieg  Kinb  mein  Kinb  ^u  nennen  1 

Jtennt  ^i)x  aße^, 
2Ba§  3^)^  befi|t,  mit  eben  fobiel  Siedete 
2)a§  eure? 

\.  21  u  f  5  u  g.     \.  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1. 

5iidbt^  mit  grö^erni !     SlHe^,  tüa^ 
^d;  jonft  befuge,  ^at  DZatur  unb  ©lüdE 
35     Mix  juflctcilt.     ®ic§  (Eigentum  allein 
S)anf  id^  ber  2:^ugenb. 

D,  lt)ie  teuer  la^t 
3f)v  6ure  ©üte,  9Zatban,  mid;  bejaf^Ien  ! 
3Benn  ©üt',  in  [old^er  älbfid)t  ausgeübt, 
9iod^  ©Ute  f)eifeen  !ann ! 

3n  folc^er  2lb[ic^t? 
40     3^  h)eld^er? 

5Kein  ©emiffen  .  .  . 


©aja,  Ia§ 
3Sor  allen  fingen  bir  erjät^Ien  .  .  . 

©etüiffen,  fag'  id^  .  .  . 

2Ba§  in  33ab^Ion 
3=ür  einen  fd)önen  Stoff  id^  bir  gefauft, 
45     So  reid^,  unb  mit  ©efd}madf  fo  reid^  i     S4)  bringe 
gür  3ied^a  felbft  faum  einen  fd^önern  mit. 

3Ba§  f)ilft'^?     ®enn  mein  ©etDiffen,  mu^  id^  @ud^ 
?iur  fagen,  lä^t  fidE)  länger  nidE)t  betäuben. 

6  Hatl^anberlDetfe, 

Unb  Wk  bie  ©pangeu,  tüte  bie  Df)rgef;en!e, 
2Bte  9ttng  unb  ^^itt  bir  gefallen  tüerben, 
50     ®ie  in  ®ama§!u§  irf)  bir  au^gefud^t: 
SSerlanget  mxd)  ju  fef^n. 

©0  feib  ^f^r  nun ! 
2ßenn  ^f)^  ^^^  fd^enfen  !önnt!  nur  fd^enfen  lönnt! 

i  9^at^att» 

J  5Jlimm  bu  fo  gern,  aU  id^  bir  geb^ :  —  unb  fd^tr>eig ! 

Unb  fd)n)eig  !  —  2öer  jtüeifelt,  ?Zatl)an,  bafe  3^^  ^^^^ 
55     3)ie  ß^rlidbteit,  bie  ©ro^mut  f eiber  feib? 
Unb  borf)  .  .  .^ 

2)Dd^  bin  id)  nur  ein  S^be.  —  Sielt 
35a§  tDißft  bu  fagen? 

3Ba§  id^  fagen  Wxü, 
2)aö  n^ifet  3^r  beffer. 

5iun  fo  fd^h)eig! 

^d^  fd^tDeige. 
2Ba^  ©träflid^e^  i:)or  ©ott  l^ierbei  gefd^iel^t 
60     Unb  \d)  nid)t  [)inbern  fann,  nid)t  änbern  !ann,  — 
9Zid^t  fann,  —  !omm*  über  @ud^ ! 

-  ^omm'  über  mid^ !  — 
2ßo  aber  xft  jie  beun?  wo  bleibt  fie?  —  SDaja, 

^  21  u  f  5  u  g.     \.  21  u  f  t  r  1 1 1.  7 

2Benn  bu  mid^  l?intergef)ft !  —  SBeife  fie  e^  benn, 
®a^  tcf)  gefommen  bin? 

2)a§  frag'  xd)  (^nä) ! 
65     9?od^  gittert  x\)x  ber  ©d^retf  burd^  jebe  sterbe. 
yioä)  malet  3^euer  if)re  $f)antafie 
3u  aKem,  tt)a§  fie  malt.     3^  ©tf)Iafe  tDad)t, 
^m  Söad^en  fd^Iäft  if)r  ©eift:  balb  ttjeniger 
2ll§  3:ier,  balb  met)r  al^  Sngel. 

2trme^  ^inb ! 
70     2öa^  finb  Wxx  SÖIenfd^en ! 

©iefen  SRorgen  lag 
©te  lange  mit  üerfd^Io^nem  3lug'  unb  tDar 
9Bie  tot.     ©rf)nell  fuf)r  fie  auf  unb  rief:  ,,§orcf,)!  f^ord^l 
S)a  fommen  bte^^^amele  meinet  33ater§ ! 
ßord^!  feine  fonfte  ©timme  felbft!"  —  3^^^^ 

75     33rad^  fid^  if)r  9Iuge  h)ieber,  unb  if)r  §au)3t, 
2)em  feinet  2lrme§  ©tü^e  fid;  entjog, 
©türjt*  auf  ba§  i?iffen.  —  ^d^  jur  ^fort'  f^inau^ ! 
Unb  fie^,  ba  fommt  ^f)r  tt)at)rlid) !  !ommt  Qf)r  tDaf^rlid^ !  — 
2Ba§  SBunber!     ^I^re  ganje  ©eele  toar 

80     5Die  Qtxt  [)er  nur  bei  (gud^  —  unb  i^m.  — 

Sei  i^m? 
33ei  lüeld^em  ^f^rn? 

Sei  il^m,  ber  au^  bem  geuer 
©ie  rettete. 

8  Hatl^an  ber  IPcife. 

2Ber  War  ba§?  tDer?  —  2Bo  i[t  er? 
2öer  rettete  mir  meine  9fted)a?  h)er? 

©in  junger  Stem^elf)err,  ben,  tüenig  Sfage 
85    3w^c>r,  man  f)ier  gefangen  eingebrad)t, 
Unb  ©alabin  begnabigt  fjatte. 


SBie  ? 
(Sin  2;em))elf)err,  bem  ©ultan  ©alabin 
®a§  Seben  liefe  ?    35iirc[;  ein  geritufrei^  SBunber 
2Bar  dt^dja  nid^t  ^u  retten?    ©ott ! 

Df)n'  if)n, 
90    ®er  feinen  unt)ermuteten  &ß\vxn\i  ^^t^^H^uu^^uA^ 
grifd^  tDieber  tDagte,  tüar  e§  au^  mit  i^r.         ^ 

2Bo  ift  er,  ©aja,  biefer  eble  3Jiann  ?  — 
2Ö0  ift  er?    g^üf^re  mid;  ju  feinen  güfeen. 
3f)r  gabt  if)m  bod;  t)or§  erfte,  h)a§  an  ©d^ät^en 
95    ^^d)  euc^  gelaffen  f)atte?  gabt  i^m  atle§? 
3Serf|3rad^t  if^m  mef)r?  Wtxi  mel^r? 

Söie  fonnten  \mx? 
mxä)i?  nic^t? 

6r  lam,  unb  niemanb  tüeife  tüober. 
(5r  ging,  unb  niemanb  tt)ei^  h)of)in.  —  Df)n'  äffe 
®e^  §aufeö  ^ujibfd^aft,  nur  bort  feinem  Of)r 
100    ©eleitet,  brang  mit  borgef^reijtem  5RanteI 

^  21  u  f  5  u  g.     ^  21  u  f  t  r  1 1 1.  9 

@r  füf)n  burd;  g^Iamm'  unb  dtand)  ber  ©timme  nad^, 
®ie  im^  um  §ilfe  rief,     ©d^on  hielten  Wir 
3^n  für  berloren,  al§  au§  S^aud^  unb  g^Iamme 
'/'  ui<;^  2Rit  ein§  er  Dor  un^  ftanb,  im  ftarfen  2lrm 
lo/  @m^)or  fie  tragenb.    ^alt  unb  ungerührt 

3Som  ^aud^jen  unfern  ®an!§,  fe^t  feine  S3eute 
(Sr  nieber,  brängt  fid^  untere  S3oII  unb  ift  — 
3Serfcf)tt)unben ! 

?tid^t  auf  immer,  tüiH  id^  l^offen. 

5fad)t;er  bie  erften  3^age  fa^en  iDir 
HO    ^(;n  untern  ^almen  auf  unb  nieber  tüanbeln, 
3)ie  bort  be§  Stuferftanbnen  ©rab  umfd)atten. 
^^db  naf)te  mic^^  i|)m  ^nit  @ntjüden,  banfte, 
'*^m>^^  eji^iit,  Befd&lDor,  —  nur  einmal  nod^ 
®ie  fromme  Kreatur  ju  fetten,  bie 
115    9iirf)t  ru^en  fönne,  bi§  fie  if;ren  SDanI 
3u  feinen  gü|en  au^getüeinet. 


Umfonft !     @r  War  ju  unfrer  43itte  taub 

Unb  go^  fo  bittern  ©j)ott  auf  midE)  befonber^  •  .  . 

33i§  baburd^  abgefd^redt  .  .  , 

9^id;t§  tüeniger! 
120   ^d^  trat  i^n  jeben  2^ag  öon  neuem  an, 
£ie^  jeben  SCag  t)on  neuem  mid^  t)erf)ö{;nen. 

10  Hatt^an  be  r  ID  et  fe. 

aBa§  litt  id^  md)t  )oon  x\)m  !    2öa^  ^ätt'  id)  md)t 
gZod)  gern  ertragen !  —  2lbcr  lange  f d)on 
5!ommt  er  nid^t  mel^r,  bie  ^almen  ju  befud)en, 
125    3)ie  unfern  3tuferftanbnen  ©rab  umf(f)atten, 
llnb  ntemanb  tnei^,  tüo  er  geblieben  ift.  — 
3t;r  ftaunt?    3^r  finnt? 

^d;  überben!e  mir, 
gBa§  ba§  auf  einen  ©eift,  Wk  ditdja^,  n)ol;l 
gür  ©inbrud  mad)en  mufe.     ©id;  fo  Derfd)mä^t 

130    aSon  bem  ju  finben,  ben  man  l)od)äuid|ä^en  '^'-^-%^^^^*^'^'^ 
©id)  fo  gejlDungen  fül)It;  fo  tiieggefto^en 
Unb  bod)  fo  angezogen  hjerben  —  traun, 
S)a  muffen  C^erj  unb  Äopf  fid^  lange  jan!en, 
Dh  gJtenfd;enl)a^,  ob  ©d;tt)ermut  fiegen  foll. 

135    Dft  fiegt  aud)  feinet,  unb  bie  ^^antafie, 

®ie  in  ben  ©treit  fid^  mengt,  mad;t  ©d;tt)ärmer, 
Sei  h)eld;en  balb  ber  Stopf  ba§  §erj,  unb  balb 
®a^  §erä  ben  ßo^^f  mufe  f^)ielen,  —  ©d)limmer  STaufd; !  — 
®er  le^tere,  berlenn'  id^  3fted;a  ni(^t, 

140    Sft  9ied^a^  gall:  fie  f^h)ärmt. 

Sltlein  fo  fromm, 
©0  lieben^tüürbig ! 

3ft  boc^  aucl)  gefcl)loärmt ! 

gSornel)mlid^  eine  —  ©ritte,  tr>enn  3^r  h)ottt, 
Sft  if)r  fe£?r  toert.     @§  fei  il)r  2:em^)elf;err 
Slein  Srbifd^er  unb  leinet  Srbifc^en ; 

](.  31  uf  5ug.     ^  21  u  f  t  r  i  tt.  11 

145    2)er  @ngel  einer,  bereu  Qdjn^^  fid; 

^[^r  fleine^  ^erj  t)on  ^inb^eit  auf  fo  gern 

SSertrauet  glaubte,  fei  au§  feiner  2Bol!e, 

^n  bie  er  fonft  Der^üHt,  aud^  nod)  im  ^euer. 

Um  fie  gefd)U)ebt,  mit  ein§  aU  Srem))elf)err 
150    hervorgetreten.  —  Säd^elt  nid^t !  —  2öer  bei^  ? 

Saßt  läd^elnb  jt)enigften§  il)r  einen  Sßa^n, 

^n  bem  fid^  ^ub'  unb  ßf^rift  unb  5!JJufeImann 

3Sereinigen,  —  fo  einen  fußen  2Bal)n  ! 

2lud^  mir  fo  füß!  —  Oef),  badre  ©aja,  gefi ; 
155    ©ief),  Wa^  fie  mad;t,  ob  id^  fie  f^)red^en  !ann.  — 

©obann  fud^'  id^  ben  tüilben,  launigen 

©d^u^engel  auf.     Unb  tüenn  if)m  nod^  beliebt, 

^iernieben  unter  un§  ju  tüallen,  nod^ 

Seliebt,  fo  ungefittet  iÄitterfd^aft 
160    Qu  treiben:  finb'  id^  i^n  gelDiß  unb  bring' 

3f)n  l^er. 

Qi^r  unternef)met  'okL 


5!Jlad^t  bann 

©er  fuße  2ßaf)n  ber  füßern  Söa^rl^eit  ^ta^ :  — 

®enn,  SDaja,  glaube  mir,  bem  3!}ienfd^en  ift 

©in  3JJenfd;  nod^  immer  lieber  al§  ein  @ngel  — 

165    ®o  tüirft  bu  bod^  auf  mic^,  auf  mid^  nid^t  jürnen, 

®ie  Sngelfd^tüärmerin  gef^eilt  ju  fel^n? 

^i)x  feib  fo  gut  unb  feib  jugleid^  fo  fd^limm! 
^ä)  ge^^ !  —  2)oc^  l)ört !  —  bod^  fel)t !  —  2)a  fommt      . 

[fie  fclbft.     4 

12  Zlatt^anberlPetfe. 

^meiter  Jtuftrttt. 
dledja  unb  ble  53  ort  gen» 

©0  feib  S^r  e§  bod^  ganj  unb  gar,  mein  3Sater? 

170    S4)  glciubt',  Sf)r  l^ättet  @ure  ©timme  nur 

Sßorau^gef^idt.     2öo  bleibt  ^i)x?    2ßa§  für  Serge, 
3^ür  3Bü[ten,  \va^  für  ©tröme  trennen  un§ 
2)enn  nod^?    3F)r  atmet  SBanb  an  SBanb  mit  if;r 
Unb  eilt  nid^t,  (Sure  9tedE)a  ju  umarmen? 

175    35ie  arme  Sted^a,  bie  inbe^  Derbrannte !  — 

gaft,  faft  t)erbrannte!    g^aft  nur.    ©d^aubert  nid^tl 
@ö  ift  ein  garft'ger  Job,  Derbrennen.    D! 


SJiein  Äinb !  mein  liebet  Äinb ! 


^i)x  mußtet  über 

®en  @u^)f^rat,  2^igri§,  ^orban,  über  —  tDer 
180    aßeife  \Da^  für  2öaffer  att  ?  —  2Bie  oft  ^ah'  id) 
Um  Sud)  gegittert,  ef;'  ba§  g^euer  mir 
©0  naf)e  lam!    3)enn  feit  ba§  '^zmx  mir 
©0  naf;e  !am,  bünft  mic^  im  SBaffer  fterben 
(SrquidEung,  Sabfal,  ^Rettung.  —  SDod;  3f)r  feib 
185    3^  ^i^^  ertrunfen ;  id^,  id^  bin  ja  nid^t 

3Serbrannt.    SBie  tüoHen  Wix  un§  freu  n  unb  ®ott, 
©Ott  loben !     ®r,  er  trug  @ud^  unb  ben  Siad^en 
3tuf  3^1ügeln  feiner  unfid^tbaren  ©ngel 
®ie  ungetreuen  ©tröm'  l^inüber.     (Sr, 
190    (gr  tüinfte  meinem  (gngel,  bafe  er  fid^tbar 
9luf  feinem  tüei^en  g^ittid^e  mid^  burd^ 
2)a§  "^^tmx  trüge  — 

^  2Xuf3U9.    2.  Zluftrttt.  13 

(SSei^em  gittid^e ! 
^a,  ja !  ber  tt)ei^e,  borgey^jreijte  Mantd 
®e§  3:^em^)elf^errn.) 

6r  fid^tbar,  fid^tbar  mid^ 
195    35urd^§  g^euer  trüg^  \)on  feinem  g^ittid^e 
3Sern)el^t.  —  ^d^  alfo,  id^  i)ab'  einen  ®ngel 
3Son  2lnge[id^t  ju  2lngefirf)t  gefef^n, 
Unb  meinen  ©ngeL 

3ted)a  tt)äf  e^  tt)ert 
Unb  tt)ürb'  an  i^m  nid^t^  ©d^ön^re^  fel)n,  al^  er 
200    2ln  i^r* 

dit^a  (läd^ciiib). 
3Bem  fd^meid^elt  ^{;r,  mein  3Sater?  h)em? 
2)em  ©ngel  ober  @ud^? 

®od^  l^ätf  aud^  nur 
©in  9Jfenfd^,  —  ein  3Kenfd^,  h)ie  bie  3laiux  fie  täglid^ 
©ett)äf)rt,  bir  biefen  ©ienft  erjeigt,  er  mü^te 
gür  iiä)  ein  (ängel  fein.     @r  mü^f  unb  iDürbe. 

205    9iid^t  fo  ein  (Sngel,  nein!  ein  tt)irf lid&er ; 
©^  tt)ar  gett)i^  ein  ttjirflid^er !  —  §abt  ^l^r, 
^f^r  felbft  bie  5Röglid^!eit,  ba^  ©ngel  finb, 
3)a^  ©Ott  jum  33eften  berer,  bie  i^n  lieben, 
3lud^  SBunber  fönne  t^un,  mid^  nid^t  gelehrt? 

210    3^  li^fe'  if^n  ja. 

14  Hatl^anbcrrDeife, 

Unb  er  liebt  btdE)  unb  t^ut 
g=ür  bi^  unb  beine§gleid)en  ftünblid)  Söunber, 
3a,  f^at  fie  fcf)on  bon  aller  @n)ig!eit 
gür  eud^  gett^an. 

3)a§  f;ör'  id^  gern. 




2Bte?  tpeil 
®g  ganj  natürUd),  ganj  aßtäglid^  Hänge, 
2Benn  btcf)  ein  etgefiftid)er  2:em^)df?err 
©erettet  f^ätte :  foHt^  e§  barum  tDeniger 
ein  Sßunber  fein?  —  ©er  SBunber  f)ö^fte^  ift, 
IS)a^  un^  bie  \v>a\)x^n,  eckten  SBunber  fo 
laitltäglirf)  tnerben  lönnen,  tüerben  foHen. 
220    Df)n'  biefe^  atigemeine  SBunber  f)ätte  ' 
©in  ©enfenber  tt)o(;I  jd^lDerlid)  Söunber  je 
©enannt,  Wa^  Äinbern  blofe  fo  f)eifeen  müfete, 
S)ie  gaffenb  nur  ba§  UngetDö^nlic^fte, 
SDa§  ?{eufte  nur  t)erfoIgen. 

2)aia  (5u  ?iat^an). 

gSotlt  Sf^r  benn 
225    3^r  ofjnebem  fd;on  überfpannte^  §irn 
®urd^  fol^erlei  ©ubtilitäten  ganj 
gerf^)rengen  ? 

^  2a^  mic^  !  —  3Jfeiner  3ted^a  W'df 

@g  aSunberg  nic^t  genug,  bafe  fie  ein  5DUnfrf) 
©erettet,  tüel^en  felbft  fein  fleine^  3Bunber 

230    @rft  retten  muffen?    ^a,  lein  f leinet  2öunber! 
SDenn  tt^er  f^at  fd)on  gefrört,  ba^  ©alabin 

^  21  u  f  3  u  9-     2.  21  u  f  t  r  1 1  i  15 

©in  Xem^el^err  Don  if)m  berfd^ont  ju  JDcrben 
Verlangt?  gef)offt?  i^m  je  für  feine  3^rei{)ett 
235    9Jlcf)r  aU  ben  lebern  ©urt  geboten,  ber 

Sein  @i[en  |d^Ie^):pt,  unb  f)öd)[ten^  feinen  3)oId^? 

2)a§  fd^Iie^t  für  micf),  mein  3Sater»  —  ®arnm  ^hm 
SBar  ba§  fein  SCenH^elberr ;  er  fd^ien  e§  nur.  — 
^omnit  fein  gefangner  3:^ein^)elf)err  je  anber§  ,  j, 

240    äU^  äum  getüiffen  SCobe  nad^  ^erufalem ;  ^  rJ^ 

@ef;t  feiner  in  S^^^f^I^^  ]^  f^^i  ,.^^ 

Umf)er:  tüie  f)ätte  nxid)  be§  9^ad^t§  freiipiltig  t'-^^'^ 
^^nn  einer  retten  fönnen? 

©ie^,  jt)ie  finnreid^! 
^e^t,  5Daia,  nimm  ba§  SBort.     ^d)  f)ab'  e§  ja 
245    3Son  bir,  ba^  er  gefangejx,^ergefd;idft  ^ 
^ft  tüorben.    D^ne  ^Sfet  iDei^t  bu  Wi)x. 

3l\in  \a.  —  ©0  fagt  man  freiließ ;  —  bod)  man  fagt 
^ugleid^,  ba^  ©alabin  ben  3;^em^elf)errn 
53egnabigt,  Voeil  er  feiner  Srüber  eine,m,;^ 

250    ®en  er  befonber^  lieb  gehabt,  fo  a|ni[td^  f^f)e. 
S)od^  ba  e§  biele  jt^anjig  '^a\)x^  ^er, 
SDa^  biefer  Sruber  nid^t  mef)r  lebt,  —  er  f)ie|, 
^d^  tüei^  nidE)t  n)te ;  —  er  blieb,  ic^  tt)ei^  nid^t  Wo  :  — 
©0  flingt  ba§  ja  fo  gar  —  fo  gar  unglaublid^, 

255    ®a^  an  ber  ganzen  Qad)^  h)of)I  nid^t^  ift. 

@i,  !Daja!     9Barum  tt)äre  benn  ba§  fo 

Unglaublid)  ?   3}od)  tDof)!  nid^t  —  h)ie'§  tDof^l  gefd^ief^t  — ■ 

16  ttatl^anberlDetfe. 

Um  lieber  etoa^  nod^  Unglaublid^erg 

3u  glauben?  —  SSarum  f^ätte  ©alabin, 
260    ®er  fein  ©efd)tDifter  in^gefamt  fo  liebt, 

^n  Jüngern  ^a^ren  einen  ©ruber  nid^t 

3lod)  ganj  befonber^  lieben  fönnen  ?  —  Riegen   ^^^'CcM^^HO 

©id^  jtDei  ©eftd^ter  n\(i)t  ju  äfjneln?  —  ^ft 

(gin  alter  (SinbrudE  ein  Verlorner? — ÜBirft 
265    3)a§  nämlid^e  nid^t  me^r  ba§  nämlid^e?  — 

©eit  tt)enn?  —  2ßo  ftedft  f;ier  ba^  Unglaubliche?-— 

©i  freilid^,  tDeife  ©aja,  iuär'^  für  bid^ 

^ein  2Bunber  me[)r  ;  unb  b  e  i  n  e  2Bunber  nur 

Sebürf  .  .  .  berbienen,  iDiß  id^  fageu,  ©lauben. 


270   3^r  f^ottet.  AAVur^-^ 

SBeil  bu  meiner  fj^otteft.  —  SDod^ 
Slud^  fo  nod^,  3ied^a,  bleibet  beine  ^Rettung 
©in  2!Bunber,  bem  nur  möglid^,  bcr  bie  ftrengften 
(Sntfd^Iüffe,  bie  unbänbigften  @nttt)ürfe 
®er  Könige,  fein  Qpid,  —  iDenn  nid^t  fein  Qpoit  — 
275    ®ern  an  ben  frf)tt)äd^ften  gäben  Ien!t«  /U     - 


a^ein  aSater! 

SJiein  SSater,  tüenn  id^  irr',  i^r  Wx^t,  xi)  irre 
9iid^t  gern. 


3SieImet)r,  bu  lä^t  bid^  gern  belef^ren.  — 
©ief) !  eine  ©tirn,  fo  ober  fo  ge^Dölbt ; 
2)er  SiüdEen  einer  5lafe,  fo  Dielmet^r 
280    211^  fo  gefüf^ret;  3lugenbraunen,  bie 

2tuf  einem  fd^arfen  ober  ftum^)fen  iRnod^en 

][.  2luf3u$.    2.  2tuftriti  17 

©0  ober  fo  fid^  fd^Iängeln;  eine  Sinie, 
(gm  Sug,  ein  2Bin!eI,  eine  g^alt',  ein  5[RaI, 
6in  5Kid}t^  auf  eine§  tüilben  (guro^)äer§ 
285    ®efid;t:  —  unb  bu  entfömmft  bem  "^^yxh,  in  3lfien! 
3)a§  iDär'  fein  2öunber,  U)unberfü^t'gtg  SSot!? 
SBarum  bemüt)t  ^f^r  benn  nod^  einen  ©ngel? 

2Ba§  fd^abet'g  —  ?tat^an,  trenn  id&  fpred^en  barf  — 
33ei  alle  bem,  bon  einem  @ngel  lieber 
290    3lfö  einem  3Jtenfc^en  fid^  gerettet  ben!en? 
%\x\j[i  man  ber  erften  unbegreiflid^en 
Urfad)e  feiner  9iettung  nid)t  fid^  fo 
SSiel  näf)er? 

©tolj!  unb  nid^t^  al^  ©tolj!     3)er  3:o!pf 
3Son  @ifen  toiH  mit  einer  filbern  3^^9^ 

295    ©ern  au^  ber  ©lut  gef)oben  fein,  um  felbft 

@in  2^o))f  t)on  ©über  fid^  ju  bünfen.  —  ^af; !  — 
Unb  h)a§  e§  fd^abet,  fragft  bu?  tra§  e§  fdf)abet? 
2Ba§  f)ilft  e^?  bürft'  ic^  nur  f)intoieber  fragen. — 
3)enn  bein  „©id^  ©ott  um  fo  Diel  näf^er  füllen" 

300    3ft  Unfinn  ober  ©otte^Iäfterung.  — 

SlHein  eg  fd^abet ;  ja,  e§  fd^abet  allerbingö.  — 
^ommt!  f)ört  mir  ju.  —  TOd^t  tt)a[)r?  bem  SBefen,  ba§ 
SDidE)  rettete,  —  e§  fei  ein  (Sngel  ober 
@in  5!JJenfd),  —  bem  mödbtet  if;r,  unb  bu  befonber^, 

305    ©ern  tDieber  biele  grofee  SDienfte  tf?un?  — 

?tid^t  tüa^r?  —  ?Jun,  einem  ©ngel,  toa^  für  2)ienfte, 
3=ür  gro^e  2)ienfte  fönnt  if)r  bein  loof)I  i^\x\il 
^x  !önnt  if)m  banlen,  ju  if)m  feufjen,  beten ; 
ßönnt  in  Snt^üdtung.  über  it)n  äerfc£)meljen ; 


18  ITatl^anbcrlPetfe, 

310   ^bnnt  an  bem  S^age  feiner  3=eier  faften, 

2lliuofen  f^)enben.  —  3lße§  m(f)t§.  —  ®enn  mid^ 
'^zndjt  immer,  ba^  if)r  jelbft  unb  euer  S^äd^fter 
hierbei  h)eit  me^r  getüiunt  aU  er.     (Sr  iDirb 
9Jicf)t  fett  burd^  euer  ^^aften,  tx)irb  nid^t  reic^ 

315  ®urd;  eure  ©^euben,  toirb  md)t  fjerrlid^er 
3)urd^  eu'r  (Sntäüden,  tt)irb  nid^t  mäd^tiger 
3)ur^  eu'r  SSertrau'n.   9iid^t  tpaf^r?   SlHein  ein  3}tenfc^ ! 

®i  freilid^  f)ätt'  ein  5[Jtenf^,  eth)a§  für  if^n 
3u  tf;un,  un§  mef^r  (Gelegenheit  berfd^afft. 
320   Unb  ©Ott  iDei^,  U^ie  bereit  tüir  baju  lüaren ! 
SlHein  er  tüoKte  ja,  beburfte  ja 
©0  nöllig  nic()t^,  \vax  in  fid),  mit  fid;  fo 
3Sergnügfam,  al^  nur  ßngel  finb,  nur  Sngel 
©ein  fönnen. 

Snblid^,  aU  er  gar  t>erfd^tt)anb  .  .  . 

325  a5erfc^U)anb?  —  2Bie  benn  t>erf4)tt)anb?  —  ©id^  untern 
3fiid;t  ferner  fet)en  lie^?  — JBie?  ober  f)abt  [^almen 
^l^r  tüirflid^  fd;on  i^n  treiter  aufgefud^t? 

3)a§  nun  h)o^I  nid^t. 


5Ric^t,  3)aia?  nic^t?  —  ®a  fie^ 
3iun,  \va§>  e^  fd)abH  —  ©vaufame  ©d;it)ärmerinnen  !  — 
330    2ßenn  biefer  (gngel  nun  —  nun  franf  gett)orben !  •  .  . 

^ran! ! 

^,  2luf5U9.     2.  21  uf  tritt.  19 

^xani !    ®r  tpirb  bod^  mä)t ! 

SSeld^  faltet  ©d^)auer 
SefäHt  mtd) !  —  ©aja  !  —  3Jietne  ©tirne,  fonft 
©0  h)arm,  fü^l !  i[t  auf  einmal  @i§, 

©r  tft 

@in  g^ranfe,  btefe§  ,^lima§  ungett)o{)nt, 
335    3[t  i^^^S/  ^^^  f^arten  3trbett  feinet  ©tanbe^, 
3)e§  §ungern§,  2[Bad;en§  ungett)of)nt. 

^ran! !  !ranf ! 
©a^  Wärt  mögUd&,  meint  ja  ^ai\)an  nur. 

?iun  liegt  er  ba !  ^at  tt)eber  g^reunb,  nod^  ©elb, 
©id^  3^reunbe  ju  befolben. 

2lf),  mein  3Sater! 

340   Siegt  ol^ne  SBartung,  of)ne  3flat  unb  3^[^^<i<^'/ 
©in  9JauJ6  ber  ©d^merjen  unb  be^  SEobeö  ba! 

2ßo?  Wo? 


@r,  ber  für  eine,  bie  er  nie 
©e!annt,  gefef^n  —  genug,  e§  War  ein  50lenfd^  — 
gn^  3=eu'r  fid^  [türjte  .  .  . 

5latf)an,  j^onet  i^rer! 

20  Hatl^anberlDetfe. 

345    ^er,  tDa^  er  rettete,  nid^t  näf^er  fennen, 

?tid)t  n)eiter  fe^en  mod^t',  um  if)m  ben  ®anf 
3^  i^iir^n  .  .  . 

©d^onet  i^rer,  5Jtat^an! 

3lurf)  mdE)t  ju  fef)n  i:)erlangt',  e§  tüäre  beun, 
2)af^  er  äum  jtDeitenmal  e^  retten  follte  — 
350   ®enn  g^niig,  e§  i[t  ein  3JJenfd^  .  .  . 

§ört  auf  unb  fef)t! 

!j)er,  ber  bat,  fterbenb  fidb  ju  laben,  nid^t^  — 
311^  ba^  SetDu^tfcin  biefer  2:^at ! 

§ört  auf! 
Sl^r  tötet  fie! 


Unb  bu  [)aft  i[)n  getötet !  — 
§ätt'ft  fo  i^n  töten  !önnen.  —  3{ed)a !  5Red^a ! 
355    ©^  ift  Slrjnei,  nidEjt  ©tft,  \va^  \d)  bir  reid^e. 

(gr  lebt !  —  !omm  ju  bir !  —  ift  aud^  tt)ol^I  nid^t  Iran!, 
5Rid^t  einmal  franf! 

©en)ife?  —  nic^t  tot?  ni^t  franf? 

®ett)i^,  nid^t  tot!     5Denn  ©ott  lo^nt  ©ute§,  f)ier 
©etf^an,  and)  Ijm  nod^.  —  ®eb!  —  Segreifft  bu  aber, 
360    SBie  mel  anbäd^tig  fd^n)ärmen  Ieid£)ter  al^ 

^  2(uf5uc5.     2.  2Iuftrttt.  21 

@ut  ^anb  ein  ift?    aSte  gern  ber  f^lafffte  3Jlenf^ 
ainbäd^tig  fc^tt)ärmt,  um  nur  —  ift  er  ju  Reiten 
©id^  fd^on  ber  9t6[icl)t  beutlid^  nid^t  beii)ii|t -^'"'^  ' 
Um  nur  gut  ^anbeln  nid^t  ju  bürfen? 

365    5flein  3Sater !  la^t,  la^t  @ure  ?ftid)a  hod) 
,     5ite  tmeberum  aHein !  —  5Jiid^t  \vai)x,  er  !ann 
2lud^  iDo^l  Derreift  nur  fein  ?  — 

@et)t !  —  aillerbing^.  — 
^d^  fei)',  bort  muftert  mit  neugierigem  33lidE 
6in  3}JufeImann  mir  bie  belabenen 
370   Kamele.    Äennt  i^r  if)n? 

§a!     @uer  SDertmfd^. 


euer  S)ertDifd&,  ©uer  Sd^gejelU  ^M-^^D 


2ll=§afi?  ba^  %UQa\x? 

ge^t  be§  (Sultan^ 

9?atö  an» 

2öte?  2ri=§afi?  S:räumft  bu  tt)ieber  ? — 
@r  tft'^  —  h)af)r^aftig,  ift'^  !  —  fömmt  auf  un^  ju» 
375    §inein  mit  eud^,  gefd^minb !  —  SGßaö  U?erb'  id^  i^ören ! 

22  Hatt^anberlDeifc. 

Dritter  auftritt. 

9fiatl)an  unb  ber  S)ertt)ifc^. 


S^eif^t  nur  bie  älugen  auf,  fo  tt>eit  ^F^r  fönnt! 


S3ift  bu'^?    93i[t  bu  e§  nid^t?  —  ^n  biefer  ^rad^t, 
@in  ©ertpifcf) !  »  .  . 

9iun?   333arum  benn  md^t?   Sä^t  ftd^ 
5lu§  einem  ©erinifd;  benn  mdE)t§,  gar  nic^t^  mad^en? 


380  @i  U)ol;I,  genug  !  —  ^d)  badete  mir  nur  immer, 
S)er  3)ertr)ijd;  —  fo  ber  redete  3)erU)if(^  —  tnoH^ 
2lu§  fid^  nid^t^  mad^en  laffen. 

33eim  ^roi)f)eten! 
V   2)a^  id;  tein  red^ter  bin,  mag  aud^  tt)o[)l  Wal)x  fein* 
3tt)ar  trenn  man  mufe  — 


9}tu^!  SDerU)ifd^!  —  S)ertr)ifd^  mufe? 
385    Äein  3iJlenfd^  mu^  muffen,  unb  ein  3)ertDifd)  mü^te? 
2öa§  müfef  er  benn? 


I  SBarum  man  if^n  red^t  bittet, 

,  Unb  er  für  gut  erfennt :  ba§  mufe  ein  ©ertpifd^. 


Sei  unferm  ©ott!     Da  fagft  bu  iDabr.  —  2a^  bid^ 
Umarmen,  ?!}Jenfd^.  —  ®u  bift  bod^  nod^  mein  g^reunb? 

H.  21  u  f  3  u  9.    3.  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1.  23 


390    Unb  fragt  nid^t  erft,  Wa^  xä)  getDorben  bin? 

.tX'Jtro^  bem,  Wa^  bu  getDorben! 

Äönnt^  idb  nid^t 
@in  Äerl  im  ©taat  geh)orben  fein,  be^  3^reunbfd)aft 
(Sud^  ungelegen  tnäre? 

SBenn  bein  §erj 
9tod^  ©ertüifd^  ift,  fo  n)ag'  id£)'^  brauf»     3)er  ^erl 
395    3"^  ©taat  ift  nur  bein  ^leib. 


®a§  anä)  gect^rt 

äßid  fein.  —  2Ba§  meint  3^r?  ratet!  —  2Ba^  tr>är'  ic^ 
2ln  (gurem  §ofe? 

®erh)ifd^,  iDeiter  nid^t^. 
^oä)  nebenher  tDal^rfd^einlid^  —  ^od^. 


9^un  ja! 

9Jlein  §anbh)erf  bei  @ud^  ju  berlernen.  —  ^od) ! 

400    9ttd}t  Redner  aud^?  —  ©efte^t,  baf3  ©alabin 

"^xi)  beffer  lennt.  —  ©d^a^meifter  bin  id^  bei 

3f)m  tüorben. 


5Du?  — bei  ifem? 


aSerfte^t  :^^,aM-^ 
®^^  ileinern  ©d^a^e^ ;  benn  beg  großem  nfaltet 
©ein  3Sater  nod^  —  be§  ©d£)a^eö  für  fein  §au§. 

24  H  at  t^an  bcr  IPetfe, 

405    ©ein  §au§  ift  gro^» 

Unb  größer,  aU  '^i)x  glaubt; 
-^^T^     ®enn  jeber  93ettler  ift  bou  feinem  §aufe» 


®oci^  ift  ben  Settlern  ©alabin  fo  feinb  — 


©afe  er  mit  ©trum^^f  unb  ©tiel  fie  ju  bertiigen 
©id^  i)orgefel}t,  —  unb  foHf  er  felbft  barüber 
410    Qxim  Settier  tcerben. 

93rab !     ©0  mein'  id^'^  eben» 


@r  iff ^  aud^  fd^on,  tro^  einem !  —  5)enn  fein  ©dt)a^ 

3ft  jeben  Sag  mit  ©onnenuntergang 

3Siel  leerer  noä)  al^  leer.    3)ie  g^lut,  fo  \)od) 

©ie  ^orgen^  eintritt,  ift  be^  SJtittag^  längft 

415    SSerlaufen  — 


aBeil  J^anäle  fie  jum  S^eil 
35erfd^Iingen,  bie  ju  füllen  ober  ju 
3Serfto^3fen,  gleid^  unmöglid;  ift. 


®etr  offen ! 

^d^  lenne  ba§! 


@§  taugt  nun  freilid^  nid^t§, 
Söenn  gürften  ©eier  unter  älfern  ftnb. 

](«  21  u  f  5  u  9-    5.  Tinftxxit  25 

420    ^oi)  finb  fie  2tfer  unter  ©eiern,  taugf§ 
3loä)  jet^nmal  tüeniger. 


D  nid^t  bod^,  5E)ertt)ifd^! 

g^ic^t  boc^ ! 


3f)r  l^abt  gut  reben,  ^^r !  —  ^ommt  an ; 
2öa§  gebt  gt^r  mir?  fo  tret^  id^  meine  ©teU' 
6ud^  ah. 

aßaö  bringt  bir  beine  ©teile? 

mix?  ^"^^'tüt 

425    9ii^t  mel.    2)od^  @u(^,  @uc^  !ann  fie  treffli^  tüud^ern.  ^^       r^^^ 
2)enn  ift  e^  @bb'  im  ©d^a^,  —  h)ie  öftere  ift  — 
©0  jie^t  ^f^r  Sure  ©d^leufen  auf,  fd^ie^t  i)or 
Unb  ne^mt  an  Qin^tn,  U)a^  Sud^  nur  gefällt. 

2lud^  Qxn^  t)om  Qm§>  ber  3^^!^^? 

greilid^ ! 

430    3)Zein  ßa^)ital  ju  lauter  3^^f^^  ^i^^« 


S)a§  lodEt  @ud^  nid^t?    ©0  fd^reibet  unfrer  g^reunbfd^aft 
3l\ix  gleid^  ben  ©d^eibebrief !     "^mn  tt)at)rlid^  l^ab' 
3d^  fef^r  auf  @ud^  gered^net. 


SBa^rlid^      2Bie 

SDenn  fo?  lt)ie  fo  benn? 

36  üailian  bcv  IV  eiit. 

*  ^  3)a^  ^i)x  mir  mein  3lmt 

435    mit  ©f^ren  tDütbet  führen  f^elfen;  ba^ 
^6)  att^eit  offne  ßafje  bei  @u^  ^ätte.  — 
3^r  fd)üttelt? 

5iun,  i)erfte{)n  tüir  un^  nur  red^tl 
§ier  gtebf§  ju  unterfd^eiben.  —  2)u?  tDarum 
g{id}t  bu?    3ll=§afi  ©ertDifd)  ift  ju  attem, 
440    aßaö  id^  t)ermag,  mir  ftet§  tüiHfommen.  —  2lber 
3ll*§afi  ®efterbar  be^  ©alabin, 
V    S)er  —  bem  — 

erriet  id)'^  nicf)t?   ®afe  3f)r  bo^  immer 

©0  gut  al^  flug,  t^  ^^^"3  ^^^  ^^^f^  f*^^^  •  ~ 

©ebulb !    2Ba§  ^l^r  am  §afi  unterf4)eibet, 
445    ©ott  balb  gef^ieben  t^ieber  fein.  —  ©e^t  ba 

33a§  @(;ren!leib,  ba§  ©alabin  mir  gab. 

e^^  e§  t)erfc^ofjen  ift,  ti)'  eö  ju  Sum^^en 

©etüorben,  tnie  fie  einen  ©ertüifd^  ileiben, 

§ängt'^  in  ^erufalem  am  5iagel,  unb 
450    3^  bin  am  ©ange§,  Wo  xä)  Ieid)t  unb  barfuß 

3)en  f^eifeen  ©anb  mit  meinen  Seigrem  trete. 

SDir  ä^nlid^  g'nug! 

©ein  ^öd^fteg  ®ut! 


Unb  ©d^ad^  mit  il^nen  fj)tele. 


S)enft  nur,  h)a^  mic^  t>erfül^rte! 
®amit  id^  felbft  nid^t  länger  betteln  bürfte? 

^  2Iuf3U9.    3.  21  uf  tritt.  27 

455 j  ®en  reid^en  3}lann  mit  Settlern  f^)ielen  !önnte? 
Sßermögeub  iüar',  im  §ui  ben  reid^ften  Settier 
3n  einen  armen  9teirf>en  ju  t)erlranbeln? 

3)a^  nun  U)o^I  nid^t. 

Söeit  etlDa^  Slbgefd^madter^ ! 
^d;  füf^Ite  mic^  jum  erftenmal  ge[d^meidE)eIt, 
460    ®urd;  ©alabin^  gutfjerj'gen  2Baf)n  gefd^meid^elt  — 


®er  tt)ar?  , 

2)crttiift!).  / 

(gtn  33ettler  h^iffe  nur,  Wk  Bettlern 
j^ß     ^n  3JJute  fei;  ein  Settier  l)abe  nur 
/(  ©elernt,  mit  guter  2Beife  Settlern  geben. 

„Sein  3Sorfaf)r/'  \pxad)  er,  „Wax  mir  Diel  ju  !alt, 

465    3^  ^^^^^-     ©^  S^^'^  f^  unl^olb,  tüenn  er  gab, 
6r!unbigte  fo  ungeftüm  fid)  erft 
3laä)  bem  Smipfänger;  nie  jufrieben,  ba^ 
®r  nur  ben  'Dfangel  fenne,  WoM  er  aud; 
®eg  aJtangel^  llrfad^'  lüiffen,  um  bie  @abe 

470    ?Jad^  biefer  Urfad)'  filjig  abjutt)ägen. 

®a§  tt)irb  2ll=§afi  nid^t!     ©0  unmilb  milb 
SBirb  ©alabin  im  §afi  nid^t  erfd^einen ! 
2ll=§afi  glei4)t  berftopften  di'öi)x^n  nid^l, 
S)ie  if)re  !lar  unb  ftitl  emjjfangnen  SBafjer 

475    ©0  unrein  unb  fo  f^rubelnb  tüiebergeben. 
2ll:=§afi  benft,  2tl=§afi  fül^lt  tüie  ic^!"  — 
©0  lieblid^  !lang  be§  33ogler^  ^f^if^/  big 
2)er  ©im^)el  in  bem  ?ie^e  tüar.  —  ^d^  ®ed ! 
^d^  eineg  ©eden  ©edf! 


n  a  1 1]  a  n    b  c  r  IX>  e  t  f  e» 

©emad^,  mein  ©ermifdE), 
480    ©emad)! 

@t  h)a§ !  —  6^  n)är'  nid;t  ©ederei, 
33ei  §unberttaufeuben  bie  9)ienfd)en  brüden, 
2lu§mergeln,  )3lünbern,  martern,  U)ürgen  unb 
ein  3}Jenfc^enfrcunb  an  einzeln  j^einen  iDotlen? 
@§  Wäx  nid)t  ©ederei,  be§  .f)üd}ften  ^Jlilbe, 
485    ®ie  fonber  2lu§\Da(;I  über  33öf'  unb  ©ute 
Unb  glur  unb  5Büftenei,  in  ©onnenfd^ein 
Unb  3tegen  fid;  verbreitet,  —  nad;äuäffen, 
Unb  nid)t  be§  §üd)ften  immer  t)oIIe  §anb 
gu  ^ben?    2ßa§?  e^  tt)är'  ni^t  ©ederei  .  .  . 

490    ©enug!  i)'öx  auf! 

Safet  meiner  ©ederei 
gjiid)  bod^  nur  aud)  erU)äi)nen !  —  2Ba§?  e^  tüäre 
5Rid)t  ©ederei,  an  foId)en  ©edereien 
®ie  gute  ©eite  bennod}  au^jufpüren, 
Um  Anteil,  biefer  guten  ©eite  ^Degen, 
495    2ln  biefer  ©ederei  ju  nefjmen?    §e? 
S)a§  nid)t? 

2ll::§afi,  mad)e,  bafe  bu  balb 
3n  beine  SBüfte  h)ieber  !ömm[t.    3^  für^te, 
.     ©rab^  unter  gKenjcf)en  möd)teft  bu  ein  SKenfc^ 
3u  fein  t>erlernen. 

gfted^t,  ba§  fürcf)t^  icl)  aud^. 
500   Sebt  tnol^I ! 

][.  2(uf5ug.    ^.  2Iuf tritt  29 

©0  {)afttg?  —  2öarte  boc^,  2ll=§afi! 
©ntläuft  bir  benn  bte  SBüfte?    2öarte  bocb  !  — 
3)a^  er  mtd;  f)örte !  —  §e,  2ll=§aft !  f)tev !  — 
2Beg  ift  er,  unb  ic^  \)'dti'  if)n  nod^  fo  gern 
5?acf)  unferm  3^empel[;errn  gefragt.     33ermutltd), 
505    3)a^  er  if)n  fennt. 

Piertcr  2tuftrttt. 
2)ajia  cUig  gerbet    9^at()an, 

D  mtban,  5Ratf)an! 


2Ba^  giebt^§? 

@r  lä^t  fid^  n^ieber  [eJ^n!     (Sr  lä^t 
©id^  iDieber  fe^n! 

aSer,  S)qa?  tüer? 

@r!  er! 

(gr?  er?  —  SBann  läfet  ftd^  ber  mdE)t  fef)n!  —  ^a  fo, 
9?ur  euer  @r  f)eifet  er.  —  2)ag  foHt'  er  ntd^t ! 
510    Unb  U)enn  er  and)  ein  (Sngel  tt)äre,  nid^t ! 

@r  jt)anbelt  untern  ^alnten  tt)ieber  auf 

Unb  ah  unb  brid)t  Don  3^'^  3^  3^^^  f^  ©citteln. 

30  Hatt^an  ber  IPetfe, 

Sie  effenb?  —  unb  al^  2^em)3el^err? 

ma^  quält 
Sf)r  mid)?  — ^f^r  gierig  Slug'  erriet  xi)n  Ijxntcx 

515    2)en  bid;t  i:)erfd)rän!ten  ^almen  fd)on  unb  folgt 
3f)m  unberrüdt.     ©ie  l'd^t  (Sud)  bitten,  —  @ud) 
33efd^ti)ören,  —  ungefäumt  if)n  anäugef)n. 
D  eilt !     ©ie  iDirb  @nd)  au^  bem  ^enfter  tt)infen, 
Db  er  l^inauf  gef^t  ober  iDeiter  ah 

520    ©id^  fd;Iägt.     D  eilt! 

©0  ix)ie  id^  t)om  Kamele 
©eftiegen?  —  ©^idt  fic^  ba§?  —  ©e^,  eile  bu 
3f)m  äu  unb  melb  if)m  meine  255ieberfunft. 
®ieb  ad)t,  ber  Siebermann  {?at  nur  mein  §au§ 
3n  meinem  Slbfein  nid^t  betreten  trollen, 
525    Unb  !ömmt  nid^t  ungern,  trenn  ber  SSater  felbft 
3f)n  laben  (ä|^t.     ©ef^,  fag,  \d)  la^  i^n  bitten, 
3i^n  f^erjlid^  bitten  .  .  . 

21(1  umfonft  1     @r  lömmt 
@ud^  nid^t.  —  3)enn  !urj,  er  !ömmt  ju  feinen  3^^^^« 

©0  gef),  geb  trenigften^  i^n  anjuf^alten, 
530    3f)n  n)enigften§  mit  beinen  2lugen  ju 
^  ^     Segleiten.  —  ©ef),  idE)  fomme  gleid^  btr  nad^. 

(5flati)an  eitt  l)incin  unb  ®aja  {)crau§.) 

^  2luf5ug.    5.  21  uf tritt.  31 

fünfter  2tuftrttt 

®cenc :  ein  ^(a^  mit  ^almen,  unter  treten  ber  XenH)e(^err 
auf  unb  nieber  ge^t.  ©in  ^lofterbruber  fotgt  i!)m  in  einiger 
(gntfernmig  üon  ber  @eite,  immer  alö  ob  er  i^n  anreben  tnoHe. 

3)er  folgt  mir  nid^t  t)or  £angerh:)cile  I  —  ©iel^, 

2Bie  fd^ielt  er  nad)  ben  §änben  !  —  ©uter  33ruber,  — 

^6)  !ann  ®ud^  aud^  h;)of)l  SSater  nennen,  nid^t? 

535  ?lur  33ruber,  —  Saienbruber  nur,  ^u  bienen. 

3a,  guter  Sruber,  tt)er  nur  felbft  Wa^  f^ätte! 
Sei  ©Ott !     Söei  ©ott !     S^  ^aU  nid^t^  — 


Unb  bod^ 

Siedet  umarmen  ®anl!     ©ott  geb'  @ud^  taufenbfad^, 
2öa^  3^^  9^^"  9^^^"  tüoHtet.     J)enn  ber  Sßitte, 
540    Unb  nid^t  bie  &aht  mad^t  ben  ©eber.  —  Slud^ 
2Barb  id^  bem  §errn  2llmofen^  tpegen  gar 
5Rid^t  nad^gefd^tdtt. 


2)od^  aber  nad^gefd^tdft? 


3a,  auö  bem  ßlofter. 


2Bo  id^  eben  je^t 
©in  fleineö  ^ilgermaf)!  ju  finben  f^offte! 

32  Hatl^anberlDetfe. 


545    ®ie  SCifd^e  traten  f^on  befe^t ;  !omm'  aber 
®er  §err  nur  tnteber  mit  jurüdf» 


3d)  babe  gletfd^  tt>ot)I  lange  mcf)t  gegeffen, 
aiaein,  n)a§  ti)ufg?    Sie  ©atteln  fiub  ja  reif. 


3^e{;m'  fic^  ber  §err  in  ad)t  mit  biefer  gru^t. 
550    3u  mel  gcnofjen  taugt  fie  nid)t,  berfto^ft 
35te  ?!JJiIj,  mad^t  meIand)olif(i)e§  ©eblüt. 


2öenn  xd)  nun  meIancf)Dlifd)  gern  mid^  füllte?  — 
3)odE)  biefer  SBarnung  tregen  iDurbet  ^i)x 
3Jlir  bod)  nic^t  nacf)gefd^idt? 


.^.^^  r   D  nein !  -  Scf)  fott 
555    Wxi)  nur  nad)  @udf)  erfunben,  auf  ben  '^a^jw 

6ud)  füljlen. 


Unb  ba^  fagt  S^r  mir  fo  felbft? 


Sßarum  nid)t? 


©n  t)erfd;mi^ter  Sruber !  —  §at 
®a§  SIpfter  @ure§gIei(J)en  met^r? 


Söeife  nid)t. 
gc^  mu^  gef;ord)en,  lieber  §err. 

^  21  u  f  3  u  g.    5.  21  u  f  t  r  i  t  'i  33 

Unb  ba 
560    ©e^ord^t  3^^  ^^^^  ^wi?/  c>f)nc  bicl  511  f lügein? 

aBär'g  jonft  get)Drd;en,  lieber  §err? 

2)a^  bod^ 
Sie  Sinfalt  immer  re(f)t  bet^ält !  —  ^f)r  bürft 
3JJir  borf)  anä)  ^üo(;l  vertrauen,  tt)er  mid;  gern 
©enauer  fennen  mi)d)te?  —  ®a^  3^^'^  f^^f^ft 
565    5ii4>t  feib,  U)itt  ic^  tt)of>I  fc^t^ören. 


3iemte  mir'^? 

Unb  frommte  mir^§? 


293em  jiemt  unb  frommt  e§  benn^ 
S)afe  er  fo  neubegierig  i[t  ?    3öem  benn? 


2)em  ^atriard^en,  mufe  id^  glauben ;  —  benn 
3)er  fanbte  mid^  6ud^  nad^. 


S)er  ^atriard^ ! 
570    Äennt  ber  ba^  rote  ^reuj  auf  tpei^em  gjJantel 
md)t  beffer? 

ßenn'  [a  id^'g! 


5Run,  SBruber?  gjun? 
^d)  bin  ein  SCem^jel^err,  unb  ein  gefangner  — 

34  Hatl^anbcrlDctfe. 

©e^'  x^  f^inju:  gefangen  bei  SEebnin, 

®er  33urg,  bte  mit  be§  ©tiUftanb^  legtet  ©tunbe 

575    2öi^  3^^^  erftiegen  l)ätlen,  um  fobann 
2luf  ©ibon  lo^jugebn  ;  —  fe^'  id)  l^inju : 
©elbätüan^igfter  gefangen  unb  allein 
3Som  ©alabin  begnabiget:  fo  tüci^ 
2)er  ^atriarcf),  Wa^  er  ju  tüiffen  brandet  — 

580   9JIe^r  al§  er  brandet. 


2Bol;l  aber  fd^lDerlid^  me^r, 

21I§  er  fd)on  iDei^.  —  ©r  tüü^f  auc^  gern,  iüarum 

®er  §err  t)om  ©alabin  begnabigt  tt)orben, 

@r  ganj  allein. 


2öei^  icb  ba§  f eiber?  —  ©d^on 
2)en  §al§  entblößt,  fnief  id)  auf  meinem  SJfantel, 

585    3)en  ©treid)  ertüartenb,  al^  mid)  fd^ärfer  ©alabin 
^n^  äluge  fa^t,  mir  näf)er  f^)ringt  unb  h)inft. 
ajian  \)^ht  mid)  auf;  id^  bin  entfeffelt,  tüiß 
3f)m  banfen,  fel)^  fein  3lug'  in  STl^ränen:  ftumm 
3ft  er,  bin  id) ;  er  gef^t,  ic^  bleibe*  —  2Bie 

590   9^un  ba^  jufammenl^ängt,  enträtfle  fid^ 
3)er  ^atriard^e  felbft. 


@r  fd^lie^t  barau^, 
2)afe  ©Ott  ixx  großen,  großen  fingen  @ud^ 
3}iü^'  aufbel;alten  l)aben. 


Sa,  äu  großen!      ^ 
ein  ^ubenmäbc^en  au§  bem  geu'r  ju  retten. 

](,  21  u  f  3  u  g.    5»  21  u  f  t  r  1 1  i  35 

595    3luf  ©inai  neugierige  ^tlger  ju 
©eleiten,  unb  bergleid^en  met)r. 


SBirb  fd^on 

3iod^  fommen !  —  ^ft  tnjtDifd^en  and)  mdji  übel.  — 
3Sietteicl^t  f)at  felbft  bcr  ^atriard^  bereite 
3Beit  tmd)t'gere  ©ef^äfte  für  ben  §errn. 


6oo    ©0?  meint. ^f)r,  Sruber?    §at  er  gar  ©udE)  fcbon 
2Ba§  merfen  laffen? 


@i,  ja  tt)of)I !  —  3d^  foU 
3)en  §errn  nur  erft  ergrünben,  ob  er  fo 
®er  gjlann  tt)oI)l  ift. 

9?un  ja ;  ergrünbet  nur ! 
(^ä)  tt>itl  iod)  fe^n,  h)ie  ber  ergrünbet!)  —  5Jlun? 


605    ®a§  ^ür^'fte  tt)irb  tt)ol)l  fein,  bafe  xd)  bem  §errn 
@anj  grabeju  be§  ^atriard^en  2Bunfd^ 

SBo^l ! 


@r  ^ätte  burd^  ben  §errn 
(Sin  Sriefd^en  gern  befteHt. 


®ur(^  ntid^?    ^d^  bin 
^ein  33ote.  —  3)a§,  ba§  tr>äre  ba^  ©efcbäft, 
610   2)a§  tüeit  gIorre'id)er  fei,  aU  Qubenmäbd^en 
3)em  geu'r  entreißen? 

36  Hatl^anberrOetfe, 

Wlii^  bod)  tt)ol)I !  —  S)enn  —  fagt 
SDer  ^atriard^  —  an  biefem  33rtefd)en  fei 
®er  ganjen  6f;riftenf)ett  yef)r  t)iel  gelegen. 
2)ie§  Sriefd^en  U)of;l  befteHt  ju  Imben,  —  fagt 
615    3)er  ^atriard^  —  tüerb'  einft  im  ^itnmel  ©Ott 
3Jtit  einer  ganj  befonbern  Ärone  [of)nen. 
Unb  biefer  ^rone  —  fagt  ber  ^atriard^  — 
©ei  niemanb  toürb'ger  aU  mein  §err. 


2ri§  id^? 


©enn  biefe  ^rone  ju  berbienen,  fagt 
620    2)er  ^atriardE)  —  fei  fd)tt)erlid;  jemanb  aud^ 
@efdE)idEter  aU  mein  §err. 


^  ßr  fei 

§ier  frei ;  lonn^  überall  fid^  ^ier  befel^n ; 

35erftef)',  tDie  eine  Stabt  ju  ftürmen  unb 

3u  fd)irmen  ;  lönne  —  fagt  ber  ^atriard^  — 

625    Sie  ©tärf  unb  ©dE)lt>äd)e  ber  bon  ©alabin 

?Jeu  aufgeführten,  inncrn,  jUjeiten  2Rauer 

3lm  beften  fd^äi^en,  fie  am  beutlid)ften 

2)en  ©treitern  Sottet,  fagt  ber  ^atriard^, 



©uter  Sruber,  tr)enn  id^  bod^ 
630    "^nn  aud)  be^  Sriefd^eng  nafjern  Snf)alt  tüü^te. 

^  2Iuf5ug.    5.  ^aiftrttt  37 


3a  ben,  —  berx  tpeij^  ic^  nun  iDot)I  nic^t  fo  red^t. 
S)a^  23riefd;en  aber  ift  an  Äönig  ^l}i[i)3p.  — 
©er  ^atriard^  .  ,  ,  ^ci^  (;ab'  m'xii)  oft  gemunbert, 
2öie  büd;  ein  ^eiliger,  ber  fonft  fo  ganj 
635    3m  ^pimmcl  lebt,  j^ugleic^  fo  unterrid)tet 
3Son  SDingen  biefer  2ßelt  ju  fein  f)erab 
©id^  laffen  !ann,     @§  mufe  if^m  fauer  h)erben* 

3lnn  bann?    2)er  ^atriard^?  — 


2öei^  ganj  genau 

©anj  äuberläffig,  tt)ie  unb  too,  tDie  ftar!, 
640    3Son  toeld^er  ©eite  ©alabin,  im  gaH 
6^  Dödig  tmeber  lo^gel^t,  feinen  g^elbjug 
(gröffnen  toirb. 


®a§  tDei^  er? 


3a,  unb  möd^t* 
@§  gern  bem  ^önig  $f;ili^)p  wiffen  laffen, 
®amit  ber  ungefäf;r  ermeffen  lönne, 
645    Db  bie  ©efal^r  benn  gar  fo  fd)redEIirf),  um 
3Rxt  ©alabin  ben  SBaffenftideftanb, 
®en  (Suer  Drben  fd^on  fo  brat)  gebrod^en, 
6*0  fofte  ^oa^  e^  tüolle,  tüieber  l^er 
3u  ftellen. 

SBeld^  ein  ^atriard}  1  —  3^  f^  • 
650    J) er  liebe,  ta^)fre  5[Jtann  tpitt  midf)  ju  feinem 
©emeinen  Soten,  tüitt  mid^  jum  ©^^ion.  — 

38  Zlatt^anberXPcife. 

©agt  (Suerm  ^atriard^en,  guter  ©ruber, 
©omel  ^i)x  mxä)  ergrünben  fonnen,  Wdx' 
3)a^  meine  ©ad)e  ni^t.  —  ^c^  tnüfje  mid) 
655    yio^  aU  ©efangenen  betrad)ten,  unb     ^ 
2)er  Stempel{;erren  einjiger  33eruf 
©et,  mit  bem  ©d)n)erte  brein  ju  fd^lagen,  nid)t 
^unbf(J)afterei  ju  treiben, 


S)a^t'  id)'§  bod^!  — 
SBiU'g  au(^  bem  §errn  nid^t  ^btn  \zi)x  verübeln.  — 

660    3tt)ar  fömmt  ba^  33e[te  noc^.  —  ®er  ^atriard) 
§iernäd;[t  f)at  au^gegattert,  h)ie  bie  g^efte 
©id^  nennt,  unb  Wo  auf  Sibanon  fie  liegt, 
^n  ber  bie  ungef^euren  ©ummen  ftedEen, 
^it  tüelc^en  ©alabin^  i)orj'id)t'ger  3Sater 

665    3)a^  §eer  befolbet  unb  bie  ^^^üftungen 
3)e§  ^rieg§  beftreitet»     ©alabin  berfügt 
aSon  Qtxt  äu  Qüt  auf  abgelegnen  SBegen 
3iad^  biefer  gefte  fic^,  nur  !aum  begleitet»  — 
gl^r  mer!t  bod^? 


JJimmermel^r ! 


SBa^  tüäre  ba 
670   aSof;!  Ieid)ter,  al^  be^  ©alabin^  fid^  ju 

Semä^tigen?  ben  ®arau^  i^m  ju  marf)en?  — 
3t;r  f Räubert?  —  D,  e§  f^aben  fc^on  ein  ^aar 
@ott§fürd)f ge  3Jtaromten  fid^  erboten, 
2Benn  nur  ein  lr>adtrer  yjlam  fie  führen  tt>oHe, 
675   3)a^  ©tüdE  ju  li^agen. 

^  21  u  f  3  u  g.     5.  21  u  f  t  r  1 1  i  39 

Unb  ber  ^atriard^ 
§ätf  and)  ju  biefem  tpadern  SiJJanne  mic^ 
(grf  e^n  ? 

(£r  glaubt,  ba^  ^önig  ^f)iU))p  tüo^l 
SSon  ^tolemai^  au^  bie  §anb  f^ierju 
2lm  beften  bieten  fönne» 


gjtir?  mir,  ©ruber? 
68o   Wxx?    §abt  ^t^r  mdE)t  gehört?  nur  erft  gel^ört, 
2Ba§  für  3SerbinbIic^Ieit  bem  ©alabin 
^ä)  l)ah^? 


9Bol)l  l)ah^  xä)'^  gefrört. 


Unb  bod^? 


^a,  —  meint  ber  ^atriard^  —  ba§  tt)är'  [dE)on  gut : 
®ott  aber  unb  ber  Drben  ,  .  . 

Slnbern  nid^t§! 
685    ©ebieten  mir  fein  53ubenftüc! ! 


©etpife  nid^t !  — 
?lur  —  meint  ber  ^atriarc^  —  fei  Subenftüdf 
3Sor  5Renf^en  nid^t  anä)  SubenftüdE  üor  (Sott. 

3dE)  W'dx'  bem  ©alabin  mein  2£ben--idJuIbig: 
,^nbra.ubt!  i^m^  f  eine^l.? 

40  Hatl^anDerlPetfe. 

$fui  1  —  3)od)  bliebe  —  meint 
690   ®er  ^atriard^  —  no^  immer  ©alabin 

■  ©in  geinb  ber  6f?riftenl)eit,  ber  (Suer  g^reunb 
3u  fein,  lein  9{e^t  ertDerben  fönne. 

g^reunb  ? 
2ln  bem  id^  blo^  nid)t  IriK  jum  ©d^urfen  tüerben, 
3um  unbanibaren  ©d£)urfen? 


2taerbing§ !  — 
695    3tt)ar  —  meint  ber  ^atriard^  —  be§  ©anfeö  fei 

Man  quitt,  t)or  ©ott  unb  gjienfd)en  quitt,  iDenn  ung 
2)er  ®ienft  um  unferttüißen  nid£)t  gefc^e[)en. 
Unb  ba  t)erlauten  tDoHe,  —  meint  ber  ^atriar^  — 
2)a^  gud^  nur  barum  ©alabin  begnabet, 
700   2öeil  i^m  in  gurer  3}^ien^  in  (Suerm  SSefen 
©0  h)a§  Don  feinem  Sruber  eingeleud^tet  ... 

3lud^  biefeg  tt)ei^  ber  ^atriard),  unb  bod^?  — 
2lf)!  tt)äre  ba§  gen)i6i     Stf^,  ©alabin!  — 
gßie?  bie  9iatur  ijäti'  and)  nur  (ginen  gug 

705   aSon  mir  in  beine^  33ruber§  ^orm  gebilbet, 
Unb  bem  entf^^räd^e  nid^t§  in  meiner  ©eele? 
3Ba§  bem  entf^rä^e',  lönnt'  id^  unterbrüden. 
Um  einem  ^atriard^en  ju  gefallen?  — 
gfiatur,  fo  lügft  bu  ni^t !     ©0  tüiberf^jrid^t 

710   ©i^  ©Ott  in  feinen  2öerlen  nid)t!  —  ©e^t,  »ruber!  — 
•  erregt  mir  meine  ©aUe  nid^t!  —  ©el;t!  ge^t! 

\.  21  u  f  5  u  g.    6.  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1.  41 

^d;  gef)',  unb  gef;'  t)ergnügter,  al^  id^  !am. 
3Seräeif)e  mir  ber  §err.     3Bir  illofterleute 
©inb  fd;ulbig,  unfern  Dbern  ju  gef)ord^en. 

Sed)fter  2tuftrttt. 

S)er  ^em^eU)err  unb  2)aj[a,   ble   ben  2;empeU)ernt  fd)on  eine 
3eltlaug  üon  tDeitem  beobad)tet  ^atte  unb  fid)  nun  il)m  näljert. 

715    S)cr  i?Io[terbruber,  tDie  mic^  bünft,  lie^  in 

®er  be[ten  Saun^  xi)n  md)t.  —  S)oci^  mu^  ic^  mein 
^afet  nur  tragen. 

5iun,  Vortrefflich  I  —  Sügt 
®a^  ©^)ric^h)ort  Woi)l,  ba^  ^Utönd^  unb  SBeib,  unb  Söeib 
Unb  Wönd)  be§  Xeufel^  beibe  Prallen  finb? 
720    @r  iDirft  mid^  \)^nV  au§  einer  in  bie  anbre. 

2Ba^  fe^'  ic^?  —  @bler  9iitter,  @uc^?—  ©ott  ®anf ! 
©Ott  taufenb  2)an! !  —  3Bo  f)abt  ^^r  benn 
3)ie  ganje  3^^^  geftecft?  —  3^^  f^i^  t^ci^  ^c)^l 
SJic^t  fran!  geU)efen? 


©efunb  boc^? 


42  IT  a  1 1^  a  n  b  e  r  IP  e  t  f  e* 

725    2Btr  tparen  ©urethjegen  t^a^rlid^  ganj 


3^r  tüart  gett)i^  ijerreift? 

©traten ! 

Unb  !amt  t?euf  erft  h)teber? 



3lu^  3te^a^  SSater  ift  f?euf  angefommen. 
Unb  nun  barf  3lecf)a  bod;  h)ot)I  ^offen? 


730   SBarum  fie  (Sud)  fo  öftere  bitten  lafjen. 
3^r  aßater  labet  @uc^  nun  felber  balb 
2Iuf^  bringlid)[te.    gr  iömmt  tion  Sab^lon 
aJlit  ätDanjig  I)odE)belabenen  Kamelen 
Unb  attem,  \va^  an  ebeln  ©^^ejereien, 

735  2ln  Steinen  unb  an  ©toffen  S^bien 
Unb  ^erfien  unb  ©^rien,  gar  ©ina 
^oftbare^  nur  getüä^ren. 


^aufe  nid^t^* 

©ein  SSoI!  öeref^ret  if?n  al^  einen  prften. 
S)ocf)  ba^  e^  \\)n  ben  tpeifen  ^at\)an  nennt 


V  2Iuf3ug.    6.  2luftrttt.  43 

740    Unb  nid^t  üielmef^r  ben  SReid^en,  [)at  mxd)  oft 

©einem  33ol!  i[t  ret4)  unb  h)eife 
SSieUeid^t  ba^  nämlid^e» 

33or  aHem  aber 
§ätt^^  i^n  ben  ®nim  nennen  muffen.    2)enn 
3^r  fteßt  Sud^  gar  nid^t  t)or,  \vk  gut  er  ift. 
745    2tfö  er  ^ilu^r*',  n)ie  biel  @ud^  3^ed;a  fd^ulbig, 
2Ba^  ^ätt'  in  biefem  ätugenblidfe  nid^t 
6r  aUe^  @ud^  getl;an,  gegeben! 


3Serfud;t'ö  unb  fommt  unb  fef^t! 


2Ba^  benn?  tpie  fd^neß 
©in  SlugenblidE  t)orüber  ift? 

750    2Benn  er  fo  gut  nidtjt  \v'dx\  eö  mir  fo  lange 

33ei  i^m  gefallen  laffen?    SJieint  ^i)x  ttWa, 

3dt)  füf)le  meinen  SBert  al^  @f)riftin  nid;t? 

3lud)  mir  tüarb'g  i:)or  ber  Söiege  nid)t  gefungen, 

3)a^  id^  nur  barum  meinem  (S^'gema^l 
755    yiad)  ^aläftina  folgen  \vixxV,  um  ba 

©in  ^ubenmäbc^en  ju  erjief^n.     @^  tDar 

3Jtein  lieber  6f)'gema[)I  ein  ebler  ^ned^t 

3n  ^aifer  griebrid)^  §eere  — 

44  Hatf^anberlDeifc. 

35ün  ©eburt 
@in  ©d^tüeijer,  bem  bie  (Sf)r^  unb  ©nabe  tparb, 
760    9Jlit  ©einer  ^aiferlidjen  SJtajeftät 

^n  einem  g^Iuffe  ju  erfaufen.  —  Sßeib ! 

2öie  melmal  f)abt  gbv  mir  ba§  fd^on  erjä^It? 

§ört  Sl)r  benn  gar  nid^t  auf,  mid^  ju  tjerfolgen? 

3SerfoIgen!  lieber  ®ott! 


3^/  i<^/  t)erfoIgen. 

765    3^  ^iK  nun  einmal  @ud^  nid;t  tpeiter  fef;n! 
yixä)i  frören!     SBiH  i)on  @ud^  an  eine  ST^at 
TOd^t  fort  unb  fort  erinnert  fein,  bei  ber 
3d^  nid^t^  gebad&t,  bie,  \v^nn  xä)  brüber  benfe, 
,3um  Stätfel  t)on  mir  felbft  mir  tmrb.     Qwax  möd^t' 

770    3^  fi^  ^^^^^  Ö^^^^  bereuen.     2lber  fe^t, 
(Ereignet  fo  ein  g^att  fid^  toieber:  '^i)x 
©eib  fd^ulb,  tt)enn  id^  fo  raf^  nid;t  f^anble ;  Wenn 
3d^  mid^  t)orf;er  er!unb'  —  unb  brennen  laffe, 
2Ba^  brennt. 

a3en)af)re  ©ott ! 


3Son  f^eut'  an  ti)ni 
775    3}lir  ben  ©efaHen  toenigften^,  unb  lennt 

3!Jiid^  tDeiter  nid^t.    ^d^  bitf  Sud^  brum.    Slud^  la^t 
SDen  SSater  mir  t)om  §alfe.    ^ub'  ift  3^be. 
^d^  bin  ein  :t)Ium^er  ©d^h)ab.    2)e§  5[Räbd^en§  33ilb 
3ft  längft  au^  meiner  ©eele,  tt)enn  e^  je 
780   2)a  tpar. 

](,  21  u  f  3  u  g-    6,  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1»  45 

2)od&  ©ure§  ift  an^  il^rer  nid&t 

2ßa§  foß'^  nun  aber  ba?  lt)a§  foE^g? 

2öer  h)et^! 
^ie  50ienf(i^en  finb  nid^t  immer,  Wa^  fie  fd^einen. 


®od^  feiten  etoa^  23cfferg, 

(ßr  öcf)t.) 

Sßartet  bod^ ! 
Iffiaö  eilt  3f)r? 

2öeib,  madE)t  mir  bie  5ßalmen  nidE)t 
785   58er^a^t,  tDorunter  id^  fo  gern  fonft  tüanble. 

©D  ge{),  bu  beutfd^er  33är !  fo  gef) !  —  Unb  bod^ 
^xi^  xd)  bie  (S^)ur  be§  SSiere^  nid^t  Verlieren. 
(Sic  öc^t  i{)m  t)on  tncitcm  naä).) 

^TtiBxfBr  Jftufjug. 

(£rfter  2tuftrttt. 

Scene:  be§  Suttan§  $ataft. 
(^  a  I  a  b  i  u  uub  @  i  1 1  a  1^  fptelen  <^6:ia(ij, 


2Bo  btft  bu,  ©alabtn?    2ßie  fj)ielft  bu  ^euf  ? 

gjtd^t  gut?    3d^  bä^te  bod^. 


gür  mid^,  unb  faum. 

790    9Zimm  biefen  3^9  äurüc!. 


SBirb  unbebedt. 


©0  ätc{)' 

34)  in  bie  GJabcI. 


Sßieber  tva\)x.  —  ©d^acf)  bann ! 


2»  21  u  f  3  u  g.     \.  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1  47 

2Ba§  f)ilft  bir  ba§?    ^^  f^^^  ^c>r,  unb  bu 
33i[t,  trie  bu  h)arft. 


2lu§  btefer  klemme,  fel^^ 

795    S^  ^c>f^''/  ^fi  ^^^^  'Sn^^  nxi)t  ju  fommen. 
TtaQ^^  !  nimm  ben  ©))nnger  nur. 

^d^  U)iII  if)n  nidE)t. 
^d^  gef)'  Vorbei» 


3)u  fd^enfft  mir  nid^t§.     2)ir  liegt 
2ln  biejem  ^la^e  mef^r  a\^  an  bem  ©pringer. 

^ann  fein. 


Wad^  beinc  9fiedE)nung  nur  nid)t  o^ne 
8oo    ®en  2Birt.    2)enn  fief^ !    2Ba§  gilt'§,  ba§  marft  bu  nid^t 


O^reilid^  nid^t.     2Bie  fonnt^  id^  aud^ 
3Sermuten,  ba^  bu  beiner  J^önigin 
©0  mübe  iDärft? 


3d^  meiner  Königin? 

1  ^d^  fe^^  nun  fd^on,  id^  foll  l^eut'  meine  taufenb 
805  I  SDinar^  fein  3iaferind^en  mef)r  geirinnen. 

2öie  fo?  ^ 

48  Hatl^anberlÜetfe. 

f  g^rag  nod) !  —  SBeil  bu  mit  glei^,  mit  aller 

©etüalt  verlieren  it)i[Ift.  —  3joci^  babei  finb' 
^d^  meine  3te(f)nung  nid^t.     2)enn  au^er,  bafe 
@in  fold^e^  ©!piel  ba§  unter^altenbfte 
8io    Jtid^t  ift,  gelDann  id^  immer  nid^t  am  meiften 
W\i  bir,  tt)enn  id^  berlor?     2öenn  f)aft  bu  mir 
®en  ®a^,  mid^  be§  i:)erIornen  S^^ieleö  tnegen 
3u  tröften,  bo:p^)eIt  nid^t  f)ernad^  gefd}en!t? 


Si  fiel^!  fo  f^ätteft  bu  ja  ti:)ol)I,  tt>enn  bu 
815    23erIorft,  mit  glei^  verloren,  (Sd^tt)e[terd^en? 


3um  tt)emg[ten  fann  gar  iDof)!  fein,  ba^  beine 
g^reigebigfeit,  mein  liebet  Srüberd^en, 
©dE)ulb  ift,  baf^  id)  nic^t  beffer  f))ielen  lernen. 


2öir  fommen  cib  Dom  (Stiele.    3}lad^  ein  (gnbe! 


820    ©0  bleibt  e^?   ?Jun  benn  :   ©d^ad^ !  unb  bo^3^3eIt  ©d^ad^ ! 


^\\x\\  freilidE),  biefe^  Slbfd^ad^  f)ab'  id^  nid^t 
©efel^n,  ba^  meine  Königin  jugleid^ 
Sülit  nieberiDirft. 

SBar  bem  nod^  abjul^elfen? 

2a^  fef)n. 


9Zein,  nein  ;  nimm  nur  bie  Königin» 

825    ^d^  tüar  mit  biefem  ©teine  nie  red)t  glüdfUd^. 

2»  yuf3ug.    ^  2Iuf tritt.  49 


93Io^  mit  bem  ©teine? 


%oxi  bamit !  —  5Da§  t{)ut 
5!}lir  nid^t^.    SDenn  fo  ift  a[Ie§  h)ieberum 


SBie  t)öf[id^  inan  mit  Königinnen 
JSrfafiren  muffe,  f?at  mein  33ruber  mid^ 
830   ^n  trol;l  geleiert. 

(Sie  tagt  \k  ftet)en.) 


Jlimm  ober  nimm  fie  nid^t ! 
^ä)  \)ait  feine  mel^r. 


3Boju  fie  nef^men? 
©d^ad^!  —  ©d^ad^! 

9iur  tüeiter. 


®d^ad^ !  —  unb  ©d^ad^ !  —  unb  ©d^ad^ !  — 


Unb  matt  1 

3l\i)t  ganä ;  bu  5ief)ft  ben  ©^jringer  nod^ 

3)ajtt)ifdE)en,  ober  Wa§>  bu  mad)en  \ioiü\t, 

835   ©leic^melL 


©an^  red^t!  —  ®u  f)aft  geiDonnen,  unb 
3ll=§afi  ja^It.    man  laff ^  i^n  rufen!  gleich  !  —        y 

50  Hatt^anberlDeife, 

2)u  ^atteft,  ©ittaf),  nid^t  fo  anredet ;  xä) 
2ßar  nid)t  fo  ganj  beim  ©:piele,  \\)ax  jerftreut. 
Unb  bann :  tt)er  giebt  un§  benn  bie  glatten  ©teine 

840    Seftänbig?  bie  an  nid^t^  erinnern,  nid)t§ 
Seseid^nen.    §ab'  id^  mit  bem  "^man  benn 
©efpiett?  — S)od^  tria^?    33erluft  WiH  SSorh^anb.    3lxd)i 
®ie  angeformten  (Steine,  ©ittat),  ftnb'^, 
2)ie  mic^  Verlieren  madE)ten :  beine  ^unft, 

845    3)ein  ruhiger  unb  fd^neHer  93IidE  .  .  . 


aiuc^  fo 

SBiUft  bu  ben  ©tad^el  be§  33erluft^  nur  ftum^^fen.     - 
@enug,  bu  Wax\i  ^rfhiut,  unb  mef)r  al^  id^. 

%U  bu?    2Ba§  (;ätte  bid^  jerftreuet? 



3erftremmg  freilid)  nid^t !  —  D  ©alabin, 
850    äßann  luerben  Wxx  fo,  geizig  tüteber  f^ielen ! 


©0  f^)ielen  \vxx  um  fo  tiiel  gieriger !  — 

21^!  lüeil  e^  h)ieber  lo^gef^t,  meinft  bu?  —  ^Kag'^!  — 

9?ur  ju  !  —  3^  f)^!^^  ^i<^^  J^^^f^  S^äC)g^^ ; 
Sd^  f)ätte  gern  ben  ©tiöeftanb  auf^  neue  W 

855    35erlängert;  bätte  meiner  ©ittaf)  gern,  J^ 

©ern  einen  guten  9Jtann  jugleid^  Derfd^afft.'     '^" 
Unb  ba^  mu^  3{id)arb§  33ruber  fein ;  er  ift 
^a  9iidE)arb§  Sruber. 

3Benn  bu  beinen  5Rid^arb 

5Rur  loben  fannft ! 

2,  2(uf5U9»     ](,  21  uf  t  r  i  tt»  51 

SBenn  unferm  33ruber  3KeIe! 
86o    2)ann  3ttci^arb§  ©d^tüefter  tüär'  ju  2:^eile  trorben: 
§a!  li:)etc]^  ein  §au§  jufammen!     §a,  ber  erften, 
2)er  beften  §äu[er  in  ber  2BeIt  ba§  befte!  — 
S)u  f)örft,  id^  bin  mid^  felbft  ju  loben  anä) 

5iid^t  faul.     gd^^Ömf  mid^  meiner  g^reunbe  tüert. — 
865    S5a§  f)ätte  3}ienfd^en  geben  foKen !  ba^l 

§ab'  id^  be§  fd^önen  SCraumg  nid^t  gleidf)  gelad^t? 
2)u  lennft  bie  6f)riften  nid^t,  \vxü\t  fie  nid;t  fennen. 
3^r  ©tolj  ift :  6f)riften  fein,  nid^t  2)?enfrf)en.     2)enn 
©elbft  ba§,  tDa^  nod^  t)on  i^rem  (Stifter  ^er^ 

870    2Rit  9Kenfd^Iid;!eit  ben  2lberglauben  t3)ir|t,  fo^^ 
S)a§  lieben  fie,  nid^t  h)eil  e§  menfd^Iid^  ift: 
2Beir^  e^riftu^  lefjrt,  lt)eirg  6t)riftu§  {)at  get^an.  ~ 
2ßof)l  if)nen,  ba^  er  fo  ein  guter  SiJlenfdE) 
3tod^  Wax !     2Bo^l  if^nen,  ba|3  fie  feine  2^ugenb 

875    3luf  STreu'  unb  ©lauben  nef^men  !önnen !  —  S)od^ 
2ßa§  Xugenb?  —  ©eine  3:^ugenb  nid)t,  fein  ?Jame 
©oH  überall  verbreitet  ttjerben,  foU 
S)ie  9iamen  aller  guten  9JJenfd^en  fd^änben, 
SSerfd^lingen.     Um  ben  9tamen,  um  ben  9iamen    ^ 

880    Sft  il^nen  nur  ju  tl^un. 

3)u  meinft,  tüarum 
©ie  fonft  Verlangen  JDürben,  ba^  aud^  il^r, 
2Iud^  bu  unb  3)UUt,  6f)riften  f^ie^et,  ef)' 
%U  @f;'gema^I  i^r  6{;riften  lieben  tDoHtet? 

^a  h)o]^I !    2ll§  Wdf  Von  g^riften  nur,  al^  ©Triften, 

52  H  a  t  !^  a  n  b  c  r  IP  e  t  f  e, 

885    5Dte  Siebe  ju  gen)ärttgen,  lüomit 

3)er  ©d^öpfer  5[Rann  unb  SRännin  au^geftattet ! 

S)ie  6l)riften  glauben  mef)r  3lrmfeUg!eiten, 

211^  bafe  fte  b  i  e  mdE)t  aud)  nocf)  glauben  lönnten !  — 

Unb  QUxä)Wo^l  irrft  bu  i\6).  —  Sie  2::em^3elf)erren, 

890    2)ie  6[)ri[ten  nid)t,  finb  fcf)ulb,  finb,  nid^t  al§  6f)riften, 
2tl^  2:enH3eIf)erren  f^ulb.     5Durd;  bie  allein 
Sßirb  au§  ber  ©adEje  nicf)t§.     ©ie  tt)oIIen  2tcea, 
S)a§  3fiid;arb§  ©cf)tt)efter  unferm  Sruber  3JteIe!  Ifj/ 

3um  33rautfd^a^  bringen  müj^te,  fd^Ied}terbing§  ^    /^/^ 

895    5Ki^t  faf)ren  laffen.    ®afe  be§  g^itterg  ^it^il  F^ 
@efaf)r  nid^t  laufe,  f^)ielen  fie  ben  Wörxä), 
S)en  albern  3)ti3nd^,    Unb  ob  bießeid^t  im  gluge 
©in  guter  ^treid;  gelänge,  \)aWn  fie 
3)e§  2Baffenftiaeftanbe§  2lblauf  !aum 

900    ©rtDarten  fönnen.  —  ßuftig  !     3l\ix  fo  tt>eiter! 

St)r  §erren,  nur  fo  iDciter !  —  9Jtir  fd)on  red^t !  — 
2Bär'  alle^  fonft  nur,  tt)ie  e§  mü^te» 

3Ba§  irrte  bid^  benn  fonft?    2Sa§  fönnte  fonft 
SDid^  au^  ber  gaffung  bringen? 

2ßa§  t)on  je 
905    5Kid^  immer  au§  ber  gaffung  l)at  gebrad^t,  — 
^d^  tDar  auf  Sibanon,  bei  unferm  3Sater. 
6r  unterliegt  ben  ©orgen  nod^  ,  .  . 

2»  ^  u  f  5  u  g»     2.  21  u  f  t  r  1 1 1.  53 

6r  lann  nid^t  biird; ;  e^  Hemmt  fid;  aller  Drten ; 
@^  fet)lt  balb  ba,  balb  bort  — 

2öa^  flemmt?  h)ag  fe^It? 

910    2öa§  fonft,  al^  \va^  xd)  !aum  ju  nennen  U)ürb'ge? 
2Ba^,  n)enn  td^^g  [)abe,  mir  fo  überflüffig, 
Unb  f)ab'  id^'^  nid^t,  fo  unentbe^rlid)  fd^eint.  — 
2Ö0  bleibt  ä[l=§afi  benn?     3ft  niemanb  nad^ 
im  au§?  —  3)a§  leibige,  t)erU)ünfd^te  (Selb!  — 

915    ®ut,  §afi,  ba§  bu  fömmft. 


^ipeiter  2tuftrttt. 

2)er2)ern)ijd^^(:=§aft»    @a(abiiu     @itta^» 

Sie  ©eiber  au^ 
2lg^))ten  finb  Dermutlid;  angelangt. 
2Benn'^  nur  fein  t)iel  ift. 

■^         '  ©alabtu. 

§aft  bu  ?Zac^rid^t? 

3d^  nid^t.     3<^  benfe,  ba§  id^  l^ier  fie  in 
®m^)fang  foH  nef)men. 


^^^'^l  ß^  ©ittaf)  taufenb 
920    2)inare ! 

(3in  @eban!en  l)in^  unb  ^)ciget)enbj 

54  H  a  1 1^  a  tt  b  e  r  It)  e  i  f  e* 

Sdi)l\  anftatt  em^)fang!     D  fd)ön! 
!J)a§  ift  für  h)a§  nod)  iDemger  al§  nic^t^.  — 
2ln  ©itta^?  —  h^ieberum  an  ©ittaf;?    Unb 
SSerloren?  —  tt)ieberum  im  Qä)ad)  verloren?  — 
2)a  fte^t  e^  noc^,  ba§  ©piel ! 

S)u  gönnft  mir  bod^ 

925  mtin  mu? 

(ba§  6picl  betra(f)tenb). 

2öa§  gönnen?    2Benn  —  '^l)x  n)i^t  ja  iüoIjL 

@ittal)  (i^m  tüinfenb). 

33[t !  §afi !  bjt !  ^^U^^^^O.^ 


(nocJfe  auf  ba§  Spiel  gerid^tet). 

©önnf ^  ^\x&j  nur  felber  erft ! 
2ll=§afi,  bft ! 

5l^§afi  (SU  ©itta^). 

S)ie  Söeifeen  iDaren  (Suer? 
3^r  bietet  Sd)ac^? 


©ut,  baj3  er  nid^tg  gefrört ! 
?iun  ift  ber  3^9  ^^  if)"'i? 

(3ttt(l^  (if;m  nä^er  tretenb). 

(So  fage  bod^, 
930   2)a^  id^  mein  @elb  be!ommen  fann. 

2.  21  u  f  3  u  9-    2.  21  u  f  t  r  1 1 1.  55 

(uüc^  auf  ba§  S))iel  öc!)eftet). 

9iun  ja, 
^\)x  foUt'^  belommen,  h)ie  ^\)f^  ftetg  be!ommen. 

ffiie?  bift  bu  toU?  ^<-^^^'- 

3)ag  ©^iel  ift  ja  nid^t  au§. 
^i^r  l^abt  ja  nid^t  i)erIoren,  ©alabin. 

Sdldbiu  (!aum  l^inl^örenb). 

S)od^!  bod^!     Sejaf?!!  bejaf)l! 

»eja^l!  besann 
935    3)ä  [tel^t  ja  6ure  Äömgin. 

(Salabin  (uod^  fo). 

©ilt  xxxä)i ; 

So  mad^  unb  fag, 
2)a§  id)  ba§  ©elb  mir  nur  !ann  i)ohn  lafjen. 

(uücf)  immer  in  ba§  «Spiel  vertieft). 

3Ser[tet)t  fid^,  fo  tüie  immer.  —  2Benu  audE)  fd^on, 
2Benn  aud^  bie  Königin  nid^t^  gilt :  ^f^r  feib 
940    3)od^  barum  nod^  nid^t  matt. 


(tritt  l)inäu  unb  mirft  ba§  ©piel  um). 

^ä)  bin  e^,  toitt 
@§  fein. 


56  Hatl^anbcrrDetfe. 

3a  fo  !  —  (Bpxd  Wk  ©etüinft !     ©o  Wk 
®en)onnen,  fo  bejaf^lt. 

2ßag  fagt  er?  Wa^? 

(bon  Seit  äu  Seit  bcm  §afi  tüiufeub). 

®u  iennft  i^n  ja.     (Sr  fträubt  jid^  gern,  lö^t  gern 
©icf)  bitten,  i[t  tüo^I  gar  ein  \vm\Q  neibifd).  — 

945    2luf  bid^  bod^  nid^t?    Stuf  meine  @d^tt)efter  nid^t?  - 
2Bag  ^or^  ic^,  §afi?    3Ieibi[c^?    ©u? 

5lann  fein! 
^ann  fein !  —  3^  '^ätt'  if;r  §irn  ti)of;l  lieber  felbft, 
2öär'  lieber  felbft  fo  gut  al^  fie. 



§at  er  bod^  immer  rid;tig  nod;  bejaf^lt, 
950    Unb  tDirb  aud;  l^euf  bejaf^len.     £a^  il?n  nur!  — 
@el)  nur,  3ll=§afi,  ge^ !     ^ä)  Wxü  ba^  ©elb 
©d^on  Idolen  laffen. 

9^ein,  id;  f))iele  länger 
3)ie  SJtummerei  nid;t  mit.  ®r  mu^  eö  bod^ 
©inmal  erfal^ren. 

2Ber?  unb  Wa^? 

2,   21  u  f  3  u  g.     2.   21  u  f  t  r  1 1 1.  57 



955    Sfi  biefe^  bein  3Serf)3red;eu?    §ält[t  bu  fo 
ajJir  SBort? 

2Bie  fonnt'  td^  glauben,  ba^  e^  fo 
SBeit  gef;en  tt)ürbe. 

^nn?   erfal^r^  id^  nid^t^? 


^ä)  bitte  bid^,  3(I=:§aft,  fei  befd^eiben.  \/ 


3)a§  ift  bod^  fpnberbar!    2Ba§  iönnte  ©ittal^ 
960    ©0  fekrlid^,  fo  Waxm  bei  einem  gremben, 
Sei  einem  ®ertt)ifd^  lieber  al§  bei  mir, 
Sei  i^rem  Sruber,  fid^  t)erbitten  iDoHen. 
3ll=-&afi,  nun  befe^r  id^.  —  9iebe,  2)ertt)ifd^! 


2a^  eine  ^leinigfeit,  mein  Sruber,  bir 

965   9?ic^t  nä^er  treten,  aU  fie  tpürbig  ift. 
S)u  tt)ei^t,  id^  ^aU  ^u  i)erfd^iebnen  SDJalen 
©iefelbe  ©umm'  im  ©dt)ad^  \)on  bir  getDonnen. 
Unb  tt)eil  id^  je^t  ba^  ®elb  nid^t  nötig  i)abt, 
2BeiI  ie^t  in  §afi§  klaffe  bo^  baö  ©elb 

970   3iid^t  ^hm  aU^u  l^äufig  ift,  fo  finb 

S)ie  Soften  ftel;n  geblieben,    Stber  forgt 

3lnx  nid^t!    3^  ^itt  fi^  ItJeber  bir,  mein  Sruber, 

?iod^  §afi,  nod^  ber  Äaffe  fd^enfen. 


2Benn'^  ba§  nur  tDÖre!   ba§! 

58  Hatl^an  ber  IPetfe» 

Unb  mti)x  bergleid^en.  — 
975    ^\xä)  baö  ift  in  bet  Äaffe  fte^n  geblieben, 
i2ßa^  bu  mir  einmal  au^getporfen,  ift 
l©eit  n)enig  3Jionben  fte^n  geblieben. 


^oi)  nid^t?  —  SBirft  bu  reben? 

©eit  au^  3lg\}i)ten  mir  ba§  ®elb  ertDarten, 
980   §at  fie  .  .  . 

<Sittal)  (äu  ©alabin). 

2Boju  i^n  frören? 

glicht  nur  nid^tö 

33e!ommen  ... 


.  .®ute§  3Kabc^en!  —  2luc^  beißet 
gjiit  üorgef hoffen.    5Ri^t? 

2)en  ganjen  §of 

ert^alten;  Suern  2lufn)anb  ganj  aUein 



^al  ba§,  ba§  ift  meine  ©d^t^efter! 

(Sie  umarmenb.) 
985   2Ber  ^atte,  bieg  ju  tonnen,  mi^  fo  reid^ 
©emad^t  al^  bu,  mein  Sruber? 



2.  21  u  f  5  u  g.    2»  21  u  f  t  r  i  t  i  59 

2Birb  fd^on  aud^ 
©0  bettelarm  fie  lüieber  mad^en,  aU 
6r  felber  ift. 


^d^  arm?  ber  Sruber  arm? 
3&inn  f)aV  xä)  mef;r?  tDenn  treniger  gehabt?  — 
990  ©in  ßleib,  6tn  ©d^tüert,  @in  ^ferb  —  unb  (Strien  ®ott! 
2ßa§  braud^'  id^  mef)r?    ^^nn  !ann'^  an  bem  mir  fetalen? 
Unb  bod^,  3l[i§afi,  !önnf  id^  mit  bir  fd^elten» 

©d^ilt  nid^t,  mein  Sruber.    ^mn  iä)  unferm  23ater 
2lud)  feine  (Sorgen  fo  erleid^tern  fönntel 


995  2tl;!  31^!    "^xin  fd^Iägft  bu  meine  g^reubigleit 
Stuf  einmal  tüieber  nieber !  —  3JJir,  für  mid^ 
5ef)It  nid;tg,  unb  !ann  nid^t§  fef)Ien,    Slber  i^m, 
3^m  fel^Iet,  unb  in  i^m  nn^  allen.  —  ©agt, 
2Ba§  \oU  xd)  mad^en?  —  2lu§  '^Q't)pUn  !ommt 

1000  35ie[leid)t  nod^  lange  nid^t^.    SBoran  ba^  liegt, 
3Bei^  ©Ott.    ©§  ift  bod^  ba  nod^  aHe^  ruf)ig.  — 
atbbred^en,  einjiel^n,  fparen  W'xü  xä)  gern, 
Ttxx  gern  gefallen  laffen,  Wmn  e§  mid^, 
33Io^  mid^  betrifft,  blo^  mid^,  unb  niemanb  fonft 

1005  ^Darunter  leibet.  —  S)od^  loaö  lann  ba§  mad^en? 

(gin  $ferb,  ©in  ßleib,  (Sin  ©(^t^ert  mu^  id^  bod^  l^aben. 
Unb  meinem  ©ott  ift  aud;  nid^tg  abjubingen. 
3f;m  genügt  fd^on  fo  mit  h)enigem  genug, 
5Rit  meinem  §erjen.  —  Stuf  ben  Überfd^u| 

loio  93on  beiner  ^affe,  ipafi,  l^att'  id^  fel^r 

50  Hatt^anberrDeifc. 

Überf^ufe?  —  ©agt  f eiber,  ob 
^^x  xnxii)  mdE)t  f)ättet  f^)icfeen,  tDenigften^ 
gjli^  brofjeln  laffen,  toenn  auf  tXbcrfd)u^ 
^cf)  t)on  ©ud^  ttiär'  ergriffen  tt)orben.    ^a, 
1015  2luf  Unterfcf)Ieif !   ba§  n^ar  ju  magen. 

^  ?iun, 

5ßa^  mad)en  Wix  benn  aber?  —  ^onnteft  bu 

aSorerft  bei  niemanb  anbern  borgen  aU 

Sei  ©ittal?? 


2BürV  i^  biefeg  g3orred)t,  »ruber, 

gjiir  ^aben  nehmen  laffen?    gjtir  \)on  if^m? 

1020  2lud;  nod)  befte^  ic^  brauf.    9ioc^  bin  ic^  auf 

2)em  3::rodtnen  böUig  nid)t. 


gtur  t)öllig  nid^t! 
®a§  fehlte  nod)!  —  ©et;  glei^,  ma^  Slnftalt,  §afi! 
giimm  auf,  bei  tt)em  bu  fannft!  unb  toie  bu  fannft! 
©e^,  borg,  berfprid).  —  3Zur,  §afi,  borge  nic^t 
1025  a3ei  benen,  bie  ic^  reid)  gemad)t.    3)enn  borgen 
3Son  biefen,  möd^te  n)ieberforbern  l^eifeen. 
@e{;  ju  ben  ©eijigften;  bie  tperben  mir 
2lm  liebften  leifjen.    ^tnn  fte  toiffen  Wo\)l, 
Sßie  gut  il^r  ®elb  in  meinen  §änben  toud^ert. 


1030  ^d)  fenne  beren  leine. 


eben  fäUt 
gjlir  ein,  gefrört  ju  l;aben,  §afi,  bafe 
2) ein  greunb  jurüdgefommen. 

2.  2Iuf3ug.    2.  21  uf tritt.  61 

5t(=^afi  (betroffen). 

g^reunb?  mein  greunb? 
SBer  tüär'  benn  ba§? 

©ein  l)oc]^ße)3riei'ner  ^ube. 


©e^jrief'ner  3^^^^?  ^"^^J)  ^c)^^  ^i^? 


^^4^^*.AM^!^  3)em  ©Ott,  — 

1035  Wxd)  ben!t  be§  3lu§brud^  nod;  red^t  iDof)I,  be^  einft 
3)u  felber  birf)  'oon  if^ni  bebiente[t,  —  bem 
©ein  ©Ott  t)on  aden  ©ütern  bicfer  "Sidt 
35a^  fleinff  unb  größte  fo  in  DoBem  9JiaJ5 
urteilet  ^abe.  — 

©agf  id^  fo?  —  2öa^  meint' 
1040  ^d^  benn  bamit? 

2)a§  fleinfte:  Sleid^tum.    Unb 
5Da§  größte:  SBei^l^eit. 

SBie?  t)on  einem  ^^ben? 
3Son  einem  ^^ben  häW  xd)  ba§  gejagt? 


2)a§  f)ätteft  bu  t)on  beinem  ?iat^an  nid^t 

Sa  fo  !  \)on  bem !  bom  JZatfian !  —  g=iel 
1045  ^i^  ^^^  ^^^  Ö^^  ^^^^  ^^^*  —  SBal^rl^aftig  ?    ® er 

62  rtatl^anberrDetfe. 

3ft  enblid;  tt)ieber  l^eim  gefommen?    @i! 
©0  mag'g  bod^  gar  fo  fd^Ied^t  mit  xi)m  nid^t  ftef^n.  — 
©anj  red^t:  ben  nannV  einmal  ba^  3SdI!  ben  SSeifen! 
2)en  ^teid^en  aud^. 


S)eu  Steid^en  nennt  e§  il^n 
1050  ^e^t  met)r  al§  je.     S)ie  ganje  ©tabt  erfrfjaHt, 
2Ba§  er  für  Äoftbarfeiten,  \va^  für  ©d[;ä^e 
@r  mitgebrad^t. 

3lnn,  i[f^  ber  Steid^e  it)ieber, 
©0  tmrb'^  aud^  tt)of)I  ber  2öeife  inieber  fein. 


SBa^  meinft  bu,  §afi,  tuenn  bu  biefen  angingft? 


1055  Unb  Wa^  bei  if)m?  —  5Dod;  lt)oI;I  nid^t  borgen?  —  ^a, 
2)a  !ennt  gf^r  if)n.  —  @r  borgen !  —  ©eine  2Bei^f;eit 
Sft  eben,  ba^  er  niemanb  borgt. 


93?ir  fonft  bod)  ganj  ein  anber  33ilb  t)on  il^m 


3ur  9tot  toirb  er  @ud;  SGBaren  borgen. 
1060  @elb  aber,  @elb?   ©elb  nimmermet^r.  —  ©^  ift 
@in  ^ube  freilid^  übrigen^,  tt)ie'^  md;t 
^  33iel  guben  giebt.     (gr  l^at  3Serftanb ;  er  Wti^ 
3u  leben,  f^)ielt  gut  ©d^ad^.     2)od^  jeid^net  er 
^m  ©d^Iedbten  fid^  nid^t  minber  al^  im  ©uten 
1065  3Son  ali^n  anbern  ^uben  au§.  —  Stuf  ben. 

2.  2(uf3ug.     2.  2luftrtti  63 

Sluf  ben  nur  red^net  nid^t,  —  2)en  2lrmen  giebt 
@r  iWax,  unb  giebt  bieüeic^t 'ftoi^  ©alabiu, 
SBenn  fd^on  md;t  ganj  fo  t)tel,  bod^  ganj  fo  gern^ 
2)od;  ganj  fo  fonber  2tn[ef)n.    ^ub'  unb  6f)ri[t 
1070  Unb  2RufeImann  unb  ^arfi,  aUe^  ift 
3^m  ein^. 

Unb  fo  ein  3JJann  ... 


2Bie  fommt  e§  benn, 
35a^  id^  t)on  biefem  SJtanne  nie  gehört?  .  .  . 


3)er  foHte  ©alabin  nid^t  borgen?  nid^t 
2)em  ©alabin,  ber  nur  für  anbre  brandet, 
1075  5Ric^t  fic^? 

2)a  fe^t  nun  gleid^  ben  ^uben  triebet, 
3)en  ganj  gemeinen  guben !  —  ©laubt  mir'g  bod^ !  — 
@r  ift  auf§  (3th^n  eud^  fo  eiferfüc^tig, 
©0  neibifdE)!     ^ebe^  2o^n  t)on  ©Ott,  baö  in 
®er  2öelt  gefagt  tüirb,  jög'  er  lieber  ganj 

1080  SIKein.     9iur  barum  zhzn  leitet  er  feinem, 
®amit  er  ftetö  ju  geben  l^abe.    SBeil 
Sie  WxlV  i^m  im  ®efe|  geboten,  bie 
©efäHigfeit  if)m  aber  ni^t  geboten,  mad^t 
;S)ie  3JlxlV  x\)rx  ju  bem  ungefälligften 

1085  ©efetlen  auf  ber  2öelt.    Qwax  bin  id^  feit 
©eraumer  ^cxi  ein  tüenig  übern  g^u^ 
3Jlit  xi)m  gef^)annt;  bod^  ben!t  nur  nid^t,  ba^  id^ 
^l^m  barum  nid^t  ©ered^tig!eit  erzeige. ^^xv^d^  - 
@r  ift  ju  allem  gut,  blo^  baju  nid^t. 

64  rcatl^an  bot  rDetfe. 

1090  SIo^  baju  h)a^rlid^  mdE)t,    ^d^  lt>ill  aud^  gleid^ 
9iur  gef)n,  an  anbre  2^t)üren  !lo^3fen  .  .  .  S)a 
33efinn'  id^  mid^  \othzn  eine§  5!}Jol)ren, 
2)er  reid^  unb  geijig  ift.  —  ^d^  ge^\  id^  gef^\ 

2Ba§  eilft  bu,  §)afi? 


Dritter  2tuftrttt. 

5  i  1 1  a  l).     @  a  I  a  b  i  n. 



1095  6r  bod^,  al§  ob  er  mir  nur  gern  ent!äme !  — 
2Ba§  f)eifet  ba§?  —  $at  er  iDirtUd}  fid)  in  il^m 
33etrogen,  ober  —  möd)t'  er  unö  nur  gern 
J^^^        «etriegen? 


SBie?  ba^  fragft  bu  midE)?  S^  n)ei^ 
^a  !aum,  bon  tt)em  bie  3tebe  lx)ar,  unb  ^öre 
iioo  3Son  euerm  ^uben,  euerm  3lai\)an  l^euf 
3um  erftenmal. 


^ft'^  inßglid^?  ba^  ein  SRann 
®ir  fo  verborgen  blieb,  t)on  bem  e^o  f)ei^t, 
6r  I;abe  ©alomon§  unb  SDai)ibg  ©räber 
Srforfct)t  unb  W\\\t  bereri  ©iegel  burdE) 
1105  ein  mäcl)tigc^,  ge^eiiue^  äBort  ju  löfen? 

2.  Jlufaug.    3.  5Juftrtti  65 

2lu^  i^nen  bring'  er  bann  tjon  3^^^  h^  3^^* 

S)ie  imerme^U4)en  Steid^tümer  an 

®en  S^ag,  bie  feinen  minbern  Duell  Verrieten, 


§at  feinen  Sleid^tum  biefer  5Rann  au^  ©räbern, 

II 10  ©0  h^aren'^  fid)erlid^  nid^t  ©alomon^, 

3lxd)t  ®at)ib§  ©räber.     Starren  lagen  ba 

Segraben ! 


Dber  33öfett)id^ter !  —  Slud^ 

3ft  feine§  3teid^tum§  Quelle  iDeit  ergiebiger, 

aSeit  unerfd^öj5flid)er  aU  fo  ein  ©rab 

1115  35oH  SRammon. 


3)enn  er  l^anbelt,  iüie  id^  l^örte. 

©ein  ©aumtier  treibt  auf  aUtn  ©trafen,  jiel^t 

S)urd^  atte  Sßüften;  feine  ©d^iffe  liegen 

3n  allen  §äfen.    ©a§  l^at  mir  too^l  tf) 

2ll=§afi  felbft  gefagt  unb  t)oll  (SntjüdEen 
1120  §inj^ugefügt,  trie  groJ3,  tüie  ebel  biefer 

©ein  g^reunb  antüenbe,  Wa^  fo  flug  unb  emfig 

(Sr  ju  eritjerben  für  ju  f lein  nid^t  ad^te ; 

§injugefügt,  U)ie  frei  t)on  SSorurteilen 

©ein  ©eift,  fein  ^erj  tt>ie  offen  jeber  2^ugenb, 
1125  Sßie  eingeftimmt  mit  jeber  ©d^önl^eit  fei, 


Unb  je^t  f^jrad^  §afi  bod^  fo  ungetüi^, 

©0  falt  Don  il^m. 


^alt  nun  h)ol^l  nid^t;  t)gleaeii. 
2ll§  l)alt^  er'§  für  gefä^rlid^,  i^n  ju  loben. 

66  Hatl^an  ber  tPeife- 

Unb  W)oU'  xijn  unöerbient  bod^  anä)  nicbt  tabeln.  — 
1130  2ßte?  ober  Wdx'  e§  W)\xll\6)  fo,  ba^  felbft 
SDer  Sefte  feinet  2]olIe§  feinem  aSol!e 
gfli^t  ganj  entflief^en  fann?  ba^  trirlU^  fid) 
2ll::§)afi  feinet  greunb^  i^on  biefer  Seite 
3u  fc^ämen  ^ätte?  —  ©ei  bem,  tt)ie  i^m  tüotte!  — 
1135  ©er  3ub',  fei  mefjr  ober  tDeniger 

%U  Sub^  ift  er  nur  reid):  genug  für  un§! 

3)u  n^iaft  if^m  aber  bod)  ba§  ©eine  mit 
©etüalt  nid^t  nel;men,  ©^tüefter? 

®itta^*  ^  .^^ 

^a,  n)ag  f^eißt 

Sei  bir  ©ett)alt?    gjlit  geu^r  unb  ©cl)n)ert?    9iein,  nein, 
1140  2öa§  braudbt  e^  bei  ben  ©^n)ad)en  für  ©etüalt 

3lfö  if^re  ©feS?  —  ^^^^  fü^^  i^^^  "^^  ^^^ 
^n  meinen  §aram,  eine  ©ängerin 
3u  frören,  bie  id)  geftern  erft  getauft, 
g§  reift  inbe^  bei  mir  t)ieaeid)t  ein  2lnfc^Iag, 
1145  S)en  ii  auf  biefen  5Ratf;an  f?abe.  —  ^omml 

Vierter  2tuftntt, 

Scene:  toot  bem  §aufe  bc§  9lattian,  rao  c§  an  ble  ^atmen  ftöfet. 
9^c(^a  unb  g^atl)an  fomtnen  Ijerau«,    3«  ^¥^^  ^aja. 

3f)r  l;abt  eucf)  fe^r  t^er^eilt,  mein  SSater.    Qx 
2Birb  !aum  no^  met^r  ju  treffen  fein. 

^JJatljan.  _ 

gfZun,  nun; 

SBenn  t?ier,  \)kx  untern  ^almen  f^on  nic^t  me^r. 

2.  2luf5ug.    4.  2luftrttt.  67 

®od^  anberlt)ärt§.  —  ©ei  jje^t  nur  rul^ig.  —  ©ief; ! 
1150  ^ommt  bort  mdE)t  ©qa  auf  un^  ju? 

©ie  JDtrb 
^l^n  ganj  geit)t^  i;)erIoren  f)aben, 



2Bof)l  nid^t. 

©ie  tt)ürbe  fonft  gefd^tt)inber  fommen. 

©ic  i)at  un^  Wo\)\  nod)  nid^t  gefef^n  .  .  . 

3lm  fie^t 
©ie  unö. 

Unb  bo;t3j3eIt  il^re  ©d^ritte.    ©iel^!  — 
1155  ©ei  bod^  nur  ru^ig!  ruf)ig ! 

SBoatet  S^t 
2ßof)I  eine  2:od^ter,  bie  l^ier  ru[)ig  tDäre? 
©id^  unbefümmert  lie^e,  treffen  SIÖol)Itl^at 
3f|r  Seben  fei?    ^Ijx  Seben,  —  ba§  if)r  nur 
©0  lieb,  tüeil  fie  e§  (Sud^  juerft  berbanfet. 


1160  3d^  mödE)te  bid^  nid^t  anber§,  afe  bu  bift, 
älud^  Wenn  xä)  tüü^te,  ba^  in  beiner  ©eele 
^©anj  etoa§  anbre^  nod^  fid^  rege. 

3Kein  3Sater? 

68  Hatl^anberrDeife. 

g^ragft  bu  mid)?  fo  fd^üd&tern  mid^? 
2Ba§  anä)  in  beinern  3^^^^^^^  borgest,  ift 
1165  ?latur  unb  Unfci^ulb,    2a^  e§  feine  ©orge 
3)ir  mad)en.    51Jtir,  mir  mad)t  e§  feine.    ?Jur 
3Serfj)ri(^  mir:  tt)enn  bein  §erj  Dernef^mlid^er 
©id^  einft  erflärt,  mir  feiner  SBünfd^e  feinen 
3u  bergen. 

©d^on  bie  SJtöglid^feit,  mein  §erj 
1170  (Sud^  lieber  ju  berfjüllen,  mad^t  mid;  jittern. 

9lid^t§  mef)r  F)ieri:)Dn  !    ®a§  ein=  für  allemal 
Sft  abgetf;an.  —  ®a  ift  ja  ©aja.  —  3^un? 

9tod^  iDanbelt  er  l^ier  untern  ^almen  unb 
2öirb  gleid)  um  Jene  3Jlaiter  fommen.  —  ©ef)t, 
1175  3)a  fömmt  er! 

SIE) !  unb  fd)einet  unentfd^loffen, 
2ÖDf)in?  ob  n^eiter?  ob  ^inab?  ob  red^t^? 
Db  linU? 

9?ein,  nein ;  er  mad^t  ben  2Beg  um^  ^lofter 
&t\v\^  nod^  öfter,  unb  bann  mu^  er  l^ier 
SSorbei.  —  2Ba^  gilt'g? 


Siedet !  red^t !  —  §aft  bu  il^n  fd^on 
1180  ©efi^rod^en?    Unb  trie  ift  er  I^eut'? 

3Bie  immer. 

2.  21  u  f  5  u  g.    5.  2t  u  f  t  r  1 1  to  69 

©0  mad^t  nur,  ba{3  er  md)  f^ier  nid^t  getpa^r 
2ßirb.  2:^retet  mel;r  jurüd  ©el^t  lieber  ganj 

3lur  einen  33li(J  no^ !  —  21^  !  bie  §e(!e^ 
®ie  mir  i^n  ftie^It. 

^ommt!  fommt!     ®er  3Sater  I^at 
1185  ©anj  red^t.    ^^x  lauft  ©efaf^r,  tr)enn  er  @ud^  fie^t, 
2)afe  auf  ber  (pt^H*  er  um!ef;rt. 

21^ !  bie  §edEe ! 

Unb  !ömmt  er  ^jlö^lid^  bort  an^  i^r  l^ert)or, 
©0  !ann  er  anber§  nid^t,  er  mu^  eud^  fel^n. 
2)rum  gebt  bod^  nur  ! 

^ommt !  lommt !  ^d^  h)eife  ein  g^enfter, 
1190  3lu§  bem  h)ir  fie  bemerfen  !önnen. 


(35eibe  f)inein.) 


fünfter  2tuftrttt^ 
SRatljan  unb  balb  barauf  ber  ^  e  m  p  e (1^  e  r  r. 


gaft  fd^eu'  id^  mid^  be§  ©onberling^.    3^aft  mad^t 
3)1x6)  feine  rau^e  Xugenb  ftu^en.     üDa^ 
(Sin  3Jlenfd^  bod^  einen  SJienfd^en  fo  verlegen 
©oH  mad^en  fönnen !  —  §a !  er  fömmt.  —  33ei  (Sott ! 

70  Hatl^anberlPeifc» 


195  ®i^  Süngling  tr>ie  ein  5Kann.    ^d^  mag  \i)n  tüof^I, 
2)en  guten,  tro^'gen  SlidE !  ben  braUen  ©ang ! 
S)ie  ©d^ale  fann  nur  bitter  fein,  ber  Hein 
S[t'^  fidler  nid^t.  —  2öo  *fal^  id^  bod^  bergleid^en?  — 
SBergeif^et,  ebler  gran!e  .  .  . 


©rlaubt .  .  . 

I200  2Ba^,  Sube?  h^aö? 

2)a^  id^  mic^  unterftet)', 
6ud^  anjureben. 

Xtmptli)tvx  • 

Äann  i^'^  n)el;ren?    2)od^ 
5iur  !urj. 


Serjiel^t,  unb  eilet  nid^t  fo  ftolj, 
9iid^t  fo  beräc^tlid^  einem  3!Jtann  Vorüber, 
2)en  ^i)x  auf  tWxQ  ^ud)  berbunben  ^abt. 


1205  2öie  baö?    21^,  faft  errat^  ic^^g.    gjic^t?    3^r  feib  .  .  . 

^d^  f^ei^e  9iatf;an,  bin  beg  !0iäbd^en§  SBater, 
®a§  (Sure  ©ro^mut  au§  bem  geu^r  gerettet, 
Unb  lomme  .  .  • 

^tnn  ju  ban!en,  —  fj)art'^ !     ^d)  l^ab* 
Um  biefe  Äleinigfeit  be^  3)anleg  fd^on 


2.  2luf5ug.    5,  2luftriti  71 

I2I0  Qn  mel  erbulben  muffen.  —  SSoHenb^  gf^r, 

3f)r  feib  mir  gar  ntd^t^  fd^ulbig.    SBu^t'  id)  benn, 
S)afe  biefe^  3Jiäbci^en  ©ure  Sod^ter  tvax? 
@^  ift  ber  2^empelf)erren  ^flid^t,  bem  erften, 
S)em  beften  Beijuf^ringen,  beffen  9iot 

1215  ©ie  fe^n.     5IRein  Selben  n)ar  mir  o^nebem 
^n  biefem  Slugenblide  läftig»     (Sern, 
(Set)r  gern  ergriff  id^  bie  ©elegenf^eit, 
@^  für  ein  anbreg  2eben  in  bie  ©d^anje 
3u  fd^Iagen,  für  ein  anbre§,  —  \vmn^^  auä)  nur 

1220  SDa§  Seben  einer  ^übin  tüäre. 

@ro^  unb  abfd^eulid^  !  —  3)od^  bie  3Benbung  lä^t 
©id^  benfen.    2)ie  befd^eibne  ©rö|e  flüd^tet 
©id^  t;inter  ba§  Slbfd^euUd^e,  um  ber 
Setüunb'rung  au§juit)eid^en.  —  Slber  tpenn 

1225  ©ie  fo  ba^  D^fer  ber  SetDunberung 

3Serfd^mä^t,  h)a§  für  ein  D^)fer  benn  berfd^mä^t 
©ie  minber?  —  Dritter,  Wmn  ^i)x  f^ier  nid^t  fremb 
Unb  nid^t  gefangen  iDäret,  WüxV  xä)  (Sud^ 
©0  breift  nid^t  fragen,     ©agt,  befel^lt.  Womit 

1230  ßann  man  ©ud^  bienen? 


^i)x?    mit  nic^tg. 

@in  reid^er  5!Jlann. 


©er  reid^e  ^ube  Wax 
SJlir  nie  ber  beffre  "^nit. 

Sd^  bin 

72  Hatt^anbcrlPeife. 

®ürft  3^^^  ^^nn 
©arurn  nid^t  nü^en,  l^a^  bemungeadjtet 
@r  Seffre^  ^at?  nid^t  feinen  3teic^tum  nü^en? 

1235  yim  gut,  ba§  tt)ttt  id^  audE)  nic^t  ganj  öerreben; 
Um  meinet  SJlantel^  U)tllen  nic^t.    ©obalt) 
SDer  ganj  unb  gar  t)erjc^Iiffen,  tüeber  ©tic^ 
yioä)  3^e|e  länger  galten  tüill,  lomm'  ic^ 
Unb  borge  mir  bei  @ud^  ju  einem  neuen 

1240  2:ud^  ober  ©elb.  —  ©ei)t  nid^t  mit  ein^  fo  finfter! 
5Rod^  feib  ^\)x  fid)er ;  nod^  ift'§  ni^t  fo  toeit 
3Jlit  if^m.     3^r  fe^t,  er  ift  fo  äiemlid)  no^) 
^m  ©tanbe.     9lur  ber  eine  ^xp\d  ba 
§at  einen  garft'gen  gletf;  er  ift  berfengt. 

1245  Unb  ba^  be!am  er,  aU  id&  ©ure  STod^ter 

33urd^^  geuer  trug. 


(ber  na(^  t)cm  Sipfet  greift  unb  it)n  betrachtet). 
©^  ift  bod^  fonberbar, 
SDa^  fo  ein  böfer  %M,  ba^  fo  ein  Sranbmal 
3)em  3Jiann  ein  beff're^  3^^3^i^  ^^^^^  ^'^ 
©ein  eigner  aJiunb.     ^c^  möc^f  if)n  füffen  gleid)  — 
1250  S)en  giedfen  !  —  2lf;,  berjeif^t !  —  S^  t^at  eg  ungern. 


©ine  SCI^räne  fiel  barauf. 


a^ut  ni^töl 

©r  ^at  ber  SCropf en  me^r.  —  (93alb  aber  fängt 
Tlxä)  biefer  ^uV  an  ju  bern)irren.) 

2.  2(uf5U9-     5,  2t  uf  tritt.  73 

^\)x  tüof^I,  fo  gut  unb  fdE^idtet  ©uern  9)iantel 
1255  Slud^  einmal  meinem  S[Räbd)en? 

2Ba§  bamit? 

Slurf)  if)ren  SRunb  auf  biefen  gied  ju  brüdfen. 
^mn  (Sure  ^niee  felber  ju  umfaffen, 
SBünfd^t  fie  nun  tt)o[)I  i)eraeben^. 

2lber,  Qube  — 
3^r  ^eifeet  gtatf^an  ?  —  3Iber,  ?iat^an  —  Sf)r 
1260  ©e^t  (Sure  SBorte  fe^r  —  fe^r  gut  —  fel^r  \\>\^  — 
^d^  bin  betreten  —  SlUerbing^  —  id^  f^ätte  •  .  . 


©teßt  unb  Derfteßt  @ud^,  \vk  ^i)x  tüoHt.     ^d^  finb' 
ätud^  ^ier  ^\x6)  au^.  —  ^^r  txjar't  ju  gut,  ju  bieber. 
Um  l^öfUd^er  ju  fein.  —  ®a§  ^üläbd^en  ganj 
1265  ®efüt;I,  ber  tpeiblid^e  (Sefanbte  ganj 

S)ienftfertig!eit,  ber  3Sater  tt)eit  entfernt  — 
^^r  trugt  für  if^ren  guten  9iamen  ©orge, 
3^lol^t  i^re  Prüfung,  fIof)t,  um  nid^t  ju  fiegen. 
Slud^  bafür  banf  id^  (Sudt)  — 

Sd&  mu^  gefte^n, 
1270  "^Ijx  tt)i^t,  tt)ie  2^em^elf)erren  benfen  foCten. 

?Jur  2^em^3elberren?  follten  blo^?  unb  blofe 
aSeil  eö  bie  Drben^regeln  fo  gebieten? 

74  Hatl^anberrDetfe. 

3^  tt)ei^,  n)ie  gute  5!Jlenfd^en  benfen,  tDeife, 
SDafe  ade  Sänber  gute  3D^enjd^en  tragen. 


1275  gjlit  Untertrieb,  bodE)  t^offentli^? 

*  ^a  iDof^I; 

2ln  %axh\  an  ^leibung,  an  ©eftalt  Derfcfjieben. 

aiud^  I^ier  balb  mel^r,  balb  tDeniger  al^  bort. 

mit  biefem  Unterfd^ieb  ift'^  md)t  h)eit  t;er. 

®er  grofee  3Jlann  brauet  überall  i)iel  Soben, 
1280  Unb  mehrere,  ju  nal)  gei)flan5t,  jerf dalagen 

@iä)  nur  bie  älfte.    5Diittelgut,  tüie  tt)ir, 

ginb't  fid^  l^ingegen  überall  in  3}ienge. 

gjur  mu^  ber  eine  nicf)t  ben  anbern  mäfeln  ; 

3lnx  mu^  ber  ^norr  ben  Knubben  l^übfd}  t)ertragen; 
1285  9Jur  mu^  ein  ©i^feldE)en  fid^  nid^t  tiermeffen, 

®afe  eg  allein  ber  6rbe  nx6)i  entfdE)offen. 


Sel^r  tt)o^l  gejagt!  —  SDo^  lennt  ^\)x  aud^  ba§  SSolf, 

®a^  bieje  3Ulenfd^enmäfelei  juerft 

©etrieben?    Söifet  ^^r,  5Rat^an,  mld)t^  aSolf 

1290  guerft  ba§  au§ertt)äl;lte  Solf  fidE)  nannte? 

2Bie?  Wim  id)  biefe§  aSol!  nun,  jtDar  nid^t  l^a^te, 
SDod^  tüegen  feinet  Stolje^  ju  tierai^ten 
gjlid^  nid^t  entbred^en  lönnte?    Seinem  ©toljeg, 
2)en  e§  auf  6l;rift  unb  gjtufelmann  t^ererbte, 

1295  giur  fein  ©ott  fei  ber  redete  ©ott!  —  Sf)r  ftu^t, 
®a^  ic^,  ein  6^rift,  ein  STem^^el^err  fo  rebe? 

2»  21  u  f  5  u  g,    5.  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1»  75 

SBenn  f)ai,  unb  Wo  bie  fromme  ^taferei, 
S)en  befferu  @ott  gu  l^aben,  biefen  beffern 
©er  ganjen  2Belt  al^  beften  aufzubringen, 
1300  ^n  i^rer  fdjiDärjeften  ©eftalt  fid^  mef;r 

©ejeigt  aU  f;ier,  aU  je^t?    2Bem  l^ier,  tDem  jje^t 
3)ie  ©d^u^)i)en  nid^t  t)om  Sluge  faHen  ,  .  .  SDod^ 
©et  blinb,  lt)er  tt)i(l !  —  35erge^t,  Wa^  td^  g^fcigt, 
Unb  la^t  mid^  !  (ssta  ge^en.) 

§a!  ^f^r  tDi^t  nid^t,  Wu  t)tel  fefter 
1305  3d^  nun  mid^  an  @ud^  brängen  loerbe.  —  ^ommt, 
aSir  muffen,  muffen  g^reunbe  fein !  —  33erad^tet 
SJJein  35olf,  fo  fef)r  ^^r  n^oHt.    2öir  l^aben  beibe 
Un§  unfer  3SoI!  nid^t  au^erlefen.     ©inb 
äBir  unfer  SSoII?    2öag  f^eifet  benn  aSol!? 
1310  ©inb  ß^rift  unb  ^ube  e^er  ß^rift  unb  ^ube 
3tl§  SRenfd^  ?    2If) !  h)enn  id;  einen  mel^r  in  &\xä) 
©efunben  l^ätte,  bem  e§  genügt,  ein  3Jlenfd^ 
3u  ^ei^en! 

3a,  bei  ©ott,  ba^  ^abt  ^^r,  9tat^an ! 
3)a^  ^abt  3^^!  —  ®ure  §anb  !  —  ^d^  fd^äme  mid^, 
131 5  @ud^  einen  3lugenbIidE  t)erlannt  ju  l^aben. 

Unb  id^  bin  ftolj  barauf.    ?iur  ba§  ©emeine 
3SerIennt  man  feiten. 

Unb  ba§  ©eltene 
SSergi^t  man  fd^lDerlid^.  —  9Zatl^an,  ja ; 
2Bir  muffen,  muffen  g^reunbe  tperben. 

76  HattianberlPetfe. 

1320  @^  fd^on.  —  Sßte  lüirb  fi^  meine  5Red^a  freuen! 
Unb  a^ !  tt)el^  eine  l?eitre  gerne  fd;Iiefet 
©id^  meinen  Sliden  auf !  —  Äennt  fie  nur  erft ! 

3d^  brenne  öor  SSerlangen.  —  2Ber  ftürjt  bort 
2tu§  (Suerm  $aufe?    Sft'^  ^ic^t  i^re  ©aja? 

1325  3a  n)o{)I.    ©0  ängftU^? 


Unfrer  3ted^a  ift 
3)od^  md^t§  begegnet? 

Sed)fter  2tuftrttt 
2)ie  35origen  unb  Daja  elUg* 

giatl^anl  3iat{?an! 

a3erjeil;et,  ebler  atitter,  ba§  i^  (Sud^ 
ajiufe  unterbred^en. 

?iun,  tDaö  ift'^? 


2öa§  ift'§? 

2.  2luf3U9.    7»  21  uf tritt.  77 

35er  ©ultan  \)at  gefd^icft.    ©er  ©ultan  W'xü 
1330  eud^  f^)red^en.    ©Ott,  ber  ©ultan ! 

97at^  an. 

3J{ic]^?  ber  ©ultan? 

@r  it)irb  begierig  fein,  ju  feigen,  iDa^ 
3d^  5Reue^  mitgebrad^t     ©ag  nur,  e^  fei 
yioä)  tüenig  ober  gar  nid^tö  au^ge^jadEt. 


9Jein,  nein;  er  tüill  nid^t§  f^^^n,  ipiU  @ud^  f))redE)en, 
1335  ®udE)  in  ^erfon,  unb  balb,  fobalb  ^i)X  lönnt. 

^d^  toerb^  fommen.  —  ©el^  nur  tüieber,  gel^ ! 

9?el^mt  ja  nid^t  übel  auf,  geftrenger  Siitter  — 
©Ott,  h)ir  ftnb  fo  be!ümmert,  Wa^  ber  ©ultan 
2)od^  \r>\ü. 

3)a§  tDirb  fid^  jeigen.     ©ef)  nur,  gel^! 


Siebenter  2tuftritt. 

9^  a  1 1^  a  n  unb  ber  ^  e  m  p  e  ( ^  e  r  r. 

1340  ©0  fennt  ^^r  \i)n  noä)  nid^t?  —  id^  meine,  t)on 

35en  ©alabin?    9^od^  nid^t.     ^ä)  \)aU 
3l)n  nid^t  Dermiebcn,  nid^t  gefud^t  ju  lennen. 

78  rtatl^anberrDeife. 

®er  allgemeine  9fiuf  fiprad^  mel  ^u  gut 
S3on  il^m,  ba^  id^  nid^t  lieber  glauben  tüoHte 
1345  21I§  fe[)n.    3)o(^  nun  —  n)enn  anber^  bem  fo  ift 
§at  er  burd^  ©^)arung  (gure§  2eben§  .  .  . 



2)em  allerbing^  ift  fo.    3)a§  2eben,  ba§ 
Sc^  leb^  ift  fein  ©ef^enl. 

S)urd^  ba§  er  mir 
©in  bo:p^eIt,  breifad^  Seben  fd^en!te.    3)ie^ 

1350  §at  aHe§  ä^ifd^en  nn^  beränbert,  l^at 
3Jlit  ein§  ein  ©eil  mir  umgetDorfen,  ba§ 
W\^  feinem  ®ienft  auf  eitrig  feffelt.    Äaum, 
Unb  faum,  lann  \ä)  e§  nun  erhjarten,  \va^ 
(Sr  mir  juerft  befef^Ien  it)irb.    3^  ^^^ 

1355  Sereit  ju  allem,  bin  bereit,  i{)m  ju 
©efte^n,  ba^  id^  e§  6uretjt)egen  bin. 


3lo6)  l)aV  \6)  felber  if)m  nid^t  banfen  fönnen, 
©0  oft  id^  aud^  if)m  in  ben  2öeg  getreten. 
®er  ©nbrud,  ben  id^  auf  il^n  madE^te,  fam 

1360  ©0  fd^nett,  aU  fd^neE  er  tt)ieberum  t)erfd;n)unben, 
2Ber  tt)ei^,  ob  er  fid^  meiner  gar  erinnert. 
Unb  bennod^  mu^  er,  einmal  n)enigften§, 
©id^  meiner  nod^  erinnern,  um  mein  ©d;idEfaI 
©anj  ju  entfd^eiben.    9?id^t  genug,  ba^  id^ 

1365  2luf  fein  ©ef^eife  nod^  bin,  mit  feinem  SBilTen 
9^od^  leb' :  xd)  mu^  nun  aud^  'oon  i^m  ertt)artcn^ 
9iad^  treffen  SBitten  id^  ju  leben  l^abe. 

2.  2luf3ug.    7,  2luftr  itt  79 

3l\d)t  anber^ ;  um  fo  mel^r  WxH  xd)  ntd^t  [äumen.  — 
©^  faßt  i;)ießeic^t  ein  Söort,  ba^  mir,  auf  @ud^ 
1370  Qn  lommen,  2lnla^  giebt.  —  ©rlaubt,  t)erjeif)t  — 
3d^  eile  —  2öenn,  Wtnn  aber  fef)u  U)ir  6uc^ 
Sei  un^? 


©obalb  \d)  barf. 

©obalb  3f)r  tDottt. 

Unb  ®uer  9?ame?  —  mu^  id^  hxiitn. 

SJlein  ?Jame  Wax  —  ift  6urb  bon  ©tauffen,  —  Surb ! 

1375  3Son  ©tauffen?  —  ©tauffen?  —  ©tauffen? 

Sßarum  fällt 
©ud^  ba§  fo  auf? 

Sßon  ©tauffen?  —  SDe^  ©efc^lec^tö 
©inb  n)O^I  fc^on  mel^rere  .  .  . 


D  ja!  I^ier  tt)aren, 
§ter  faulen  be§  ©efd^Ied^t^  fd^on  mel^rere. 
SJlein  D^eim  felbft,  —  mein  33ater  \v\ü  xd)  fagen,  — 

80  ZT  at  t^an  ber  IDetfe» 

1380  ^oä)  iDarum  fd^ärft  fid^  ©uer  ©lief  auf  mid^ 
3e  tnel^r  imb  mef)r? 

D  nxä)t^\  0  nid^tg!    2Bie  lann 
3d^  (Sud^  ju  fel^n  ermüben? 

SDrum  berlaff 
S^  ©ud^  juerft.    ®er  SlidE  be§  gor[^er§  fanb 
3itd^t  feiten  mef)r,  al§  er  ju  finben  h)ünfdE)te. 
1385  S^  fürd^f  if)n,  yiai^an.    Sa^t  bie  3^it  allmäblidE), 
Unb  nid^t  bie  S^eugier,  unfre  5lunbfd^aft  mad^en. 

(er  94t.) 
4  (hex  if)m  mit  ßrftaunen  nac()ficl)t). 

„5Der  g^orfd^er  fanb  ntd^t  feiten  mef)r,  al§  er 
3u  finben  n)ünfd)te/'  —  ^ft  e§  bod^,  a[§  ob 
gn  meiner  6eer  er  lefe !  —  2ßaF)rIid^  ja ; 

1390  5Da§  lönnt'  aud^  mir  begegnen.  —  9tid)t  allein 

2BoIf§  2Bud^§,  2ßoIf§  ©ang :  aud^  feine  Stimme.    ©0, 
3Sottfommen  fo  n?arf  Sßolf  fogar  ben  ^o^^f, 
3::rug  Slöolf  fogar  ba§  ©dE)h)ert  im  2lrm,  ftrid^  2BoIf 
©ogar  bie  2lugenbraunen  mit  ber  §anb 

1395  ©leid^fam  ba§  g^euer  feinet  SlidE^  ju  bergen.  — 
2Bie  foIdEie  tiefgej^rägte  Silber  bod^ 
3u  SixUn  in  un§  fd^Iafen  lönnen,  bi§ 
©in  aBort,  ein  Saut  fie  tnedEt.  —  Sßon  ©tauffen !  — 
©anj  red^t,  ganj  red^t,  gilne!  unb  ©tauffen.  — 

1400  3d^  ^itt  ba§  balb  genauer  tüiffen ;  balb. 

3^ur  erft  jum  ©alabin.  —  S)Dd^  h)ie?  laufd^t  bort 
9iid^t  S^aja  ?  —  ^nn  fo  lomm  nur  nä[)er,  ® aja. 

2,  21  u  f  3  u  g-    8»  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1.  81 

TXiikt  Jtuftrttt. 

S)  a  i  a.    9^  a  t  {)  a  tt» 

2Ba§  gilt'§?  nun  brüdEt'^  euc^  beiben  fd^on  ba§  §erj, 
9iod)  ganj  tt)a§  anbrc^  ju  erfal^ren,  al§ 
1405  2ßa§  ©alabin  mir  W'xü. 

aSerbenft  ^^x'^  xi)x? 
3f)r  fingt  foeben  an,  bertraulid^er 
Tili  '\\)m  ju  f^)red^en,  aU  be^  ©ultan^  33otfd^aft 
Un§  t)on  bem  genfter  fd^eud^te. 

^un,  fo  fag 
3I)r  nur,  ba^  fie  il^n  jeben  3tugenblidf 
1410  ©rtparlen  barf, 

©en^ife?  gelDife? 

;3d^  fann 
5Rid^  bod^  auf  bid^  t>erlaffen,  ^Dqa?    ©ei 
2luf  beiner  §ut,  id^  bitte  bid^.     6^  foH 
S)id^  nid^t  gereuen,    ©ein  ©ett)iffen  felbft 
©oß  feine  Sied^nung  babei  finben.    9fur 
1415  aSerbirb  mir  nid^t§  in  meinem  ^lane.    5Rur 
©rjäl^I  unb  frage  mit  Sefd^eibenf^eit, 
3Jlit  3{üc!^alt  .  .  . 

SDafe  3f)r  bod^  nod^  erft  fo  h)a§ 
Erinnern  fönnt !  —  3^  9^^';  Q^^^  S^^  ^"^  ^^^* 
S)enn  fe^t!  id^  glaube  gar,  ba  lömmt  t)om  ©ultan 
1420  (gin  jU^eiter  a3ot^,  2ll=§afi,  ®uer  ®ern)ifdE). 

(©et)t  ah.) 

82  Hatl^anberlPeife. 

Heunter  Jtuftritt. 

§a!  I^a!  ju  (Sucf)  tt)olIt'  id^  mm  eben  tüteber. 

^ft'§  benn  fo  eilig?    3Ba§  t)erlangt  er  benn 
SSon  mir? 


©alabin.  —  ^d^  fomm^  id)  lomme. 

3u  tüem?    3^^^  ©dabin? 

©d^idft  ©alabin 
1425  2)id^  nid^t? 

3JJid^?  nein»    §at  er  benn  fd^on  gefd^idft? 

3a  freilid^  l^at  er. 

?Jun,  fo  ift  e§  rid^tig. 

2öa§?  tt)a§  ift  rid^tig? 

®a^  —  id^  bin  nid^t  fd^ulb ; 
©Ott  Wd^,  id^  bin  nid^t  fd^ulb.  —  2Ba§  l^ab'  id^  nid^t 
3Son  @ud^  gcfagt,  gelogen,  nm  e§  abjulDenben ! 

2.  21  u  f  5  u  g.    9.  21  u  f  t  r  1 1  i  83 

1430  2Baö  absutüenben  ?    aBa§  ift  rtd^tig  ? 

9^un  ^l^r  fein  3)efterbar  geiDorben.    ^d^ 
Sebaur'  (Sud^.     ©oc^  mit  anfel^n  WxU  iä)'^  nid^t. 
^d^  gel^'  l)on  ©tunb  an,  gel?'.    ^I^r  l^abt  e§  fd}on 
©e^ört,  tt)of)in,  unb  tt)ifet  ben  SBeg.  —  §abt  ^l^r 
1435  ®e§  2öeg§  Wa^  ju  befteHen,  jagt ;  id^  bin 
3u  3)ienften.    g^reilid^  mu^  e§  mel^r  nid^t  fein, 
21I§  tüa§  ein  5Radfter  mit  fid^  fc^le^^jen  fann. 
3^  gef^',  fagt  balb. 


33efinn  bid)  bod^,  3ll=§afi. 
Sefinn  bid^,  ba^  id^  nod^  t)on  gar  nid^t^  tüeife. 
1440  2ßa^  ^)Iauberft  bu  benn  ba  ? 


^I^r  bringt  fte  bod^ 
©leid^  mit,  bie  Seutel? 



mm,  bag  ©elb, 
S)a§  3^^  ^^^  ©alabin  i)orfd^ie^en  foHt, 


Unb  h)eiter  ift  e^  nid^t^? 

^dt)  foat^  e§  h)o^l 
5Kit  anfel^n,  tüie  er  @ud^  t)on  3::ag  ju  Xag 

84  Hatt^anberlPetfe. 

1445  3lu§f;ö]^Ien  tüirb  Bt§  auf  bte  S^^tn?    ©oUt' 
©^  h)o]^I  mit  anjef)n^  ba^  SSerfc^ttjenbung  au§ 
®er  tüeifen  SD^JUbe  joKE  ^^^  leeren  ©c^euern 
©0  lange  borgt  unb  borgt  unb  borgt,  bi^  aud^ 
2)ie  armen  eingebornen  SRäu^d^en  brin 

1450  3Ser^ungern?  —  Silbet  ^^x  t)teHeid)t  ®nä)  ein, 
3Ber  (guer§  ©elb§  bebürftig  fei,  ber  tüerbe 
SDod^  (Suerm  5late  tt)ol^I  aud^  folgen?  —  ^a, 
@r  State  folgen !     3!Benn  l^at  ©alabin 
©id^  raten  laffen?  —  SDenIt  nur,  Stat^an,  toa^ 

1455  3Kir  eben  je^t  mit  i^m  begegnet» 


®a  fomm'  id^  ju  i^m,  thtn  ba^  er  ©d^ad^ 

®ef^)ielt  mit  feiner  ©d^toefter.     ©ittaf^  f^jielt 

?Jid^t  übel,  unb  ba§  ©^)iel,  ba§  ©alabin 

SSerloren  glaubte,  fd^on  gegeben  l)atte, 

1460  S)a§  ftanb  nod^  ganj  fo  ba.    ^d^  fel^*  @ud^  l^in 

Unb  fel)e,  ba^  ba§  ©^)iel  nod^  lange  nid^t 



@i!  ba^  Wax  für  bid^  ein  g^unb! 
©r  burfte  mit  bem  ^önig  an  ben  Sauer 
9iur  rüdEen,  auf  xi)x  ©d^ad^,  —  2ßenn  id^^^  Sud^  gleid^ 
1465  9tur  jeigen  fönnte ! 


D,  id^  traue  bir! 


^tnn  fo  be!am  ber  9tod^e  g^elb,  unb  fie 

2.  2(uf5U9.    9.  21  uf tritt  85 

2ßar  i)xn,  —  ®a^  aüc^  \v\ü  xä)  x\)m  nun  iDcifen 
Unb  ruf  if;n.  —  ®en!t !  .  .  • 


©r  ift  nic^t  beiner  3Keinung? 

®r  f)ört  mid^  gar  nid^t  an  unb  tt)irft  t)erä(^tU(^ 
1470  3)ag  ganje  ©Jjiel  in  illuutlpen. 

3ft  ba§  möglid^? 

Unb  f agt :  er  tODÜe  matt  nun  einmal  fein ; 
6r  troUe!     §ei^t  ba§  f^ielen? 


©d;tt)erlic^  h)ü^l ; 

§ei|t  mit  bem  ©J)iele  fpielen. 


©leid;it)of)l  galt 

@§  feine  taube  9fu|. 

@elb  ^in,  ©elb  ^er! 
1475  3)^^  ift  ^^^  tt)enigfte»     Slltein  bid^  gar 
9iid)t  anjul^ören!  über  einen  ^unft 
SSon  fold^er  2öid^tig!eit  bid^  nid^t  einmal 
3u  l)ören!  beinen  Slblerblidf  nid^t  ju 
93en)unbern!  ba^,  ba§  f4)reit  um  3flad^e;  nid^t? 

1480  2ld^  tt)a§ !     ^d^  fag'  dnä)  ba§  nur  fo,  bamit 
S^r  fe^en  !önnt,  n)a§  für  ein  Ro)f>\  er  ift. 
Äurj,  id^,  ic^  ^alf  ^  mit  x^m  nid^t  länger  au^. 
®a  lauf'  id^  nun  bei  allen  fd^mu^'gen  SKo^ren 

86  Hatl^an  ber  IPetfe. 

§erum  unb  frage,  tuer  i^m  borgen  \vxü. 

1485  3<^/  ^^^  i^  ^i^  fü^  ^i<^  gebettelt  ^abe, 
©oH  nun  für  anbre  borgen.    Sorgen  ift  . 
3SieI  beffer  ntd^t  al§  betteln:  fo  \vk  leiten, 
2luf  SBud^er  leiten,  ntd^t  mel  befjer  ift 
2ll§  ftel;len.     Unter  meinen  ®f)ebern,  an 

1490  ®em  ®ange§,  braud^'  \d)  beibe§  nid^t  unb  braud^e 
3)a§  2Ber!jeug  beiber  nid^t  ju  fein.    2lm  ©ange^, 
Slm  ®ange§  nur  giebfg  3!}ienfd^en.    §ier  feib  Q^^ 
3)er  einjige,  ber  nod^  fo  tt)ürbig  n)äre, 
S)a^  er  am  ©ange§  lebte.  —  SBoKt  ^tjr  mit?  — 

1495  Sa^t  if)m  mit  ein§  ben  ^lunber  ganj  im  ©tid^e. 
Um  ben  e§  if)m  ju  tl^un.     @r  bringt  (gud^  nad^ 
Unb  nad^  bod^  brum.     ©0  W'dx^  bie  ^ladEerei 

Stuf  einmal  au§.    3^  f^^ff'  ®^d)  ^^^^^^  ^^''I* 
^ommt!  fommt! 


^d^  badete  jU)ar,  ba^  blieb*  nn^  ja 
1500  9iod^  immer  übrig.     S)od^,  2ll=§afi,  Wiü 
^d^*^  überlegen.    2Barte  .  .  . 


5Rein,  fo  Wa^  überlegt  fid^  nid^t. 

5Rur  bi^ 
^d^  t)on  bem  ©ultan  tüieberfomme,  bi^ 
^ä)  2lbfd^ieb  erft  .  .  . 

aSer  überlegt,  ber  fud^t 
1505  S3etoegung§grünbe,  nid^t  ju  bürfen.    2Ber 

©ic^  Änall  unb  gaU,  il;m  felbft  ju  leben,  ni^t 

'        2.  2luf3U9.    9»  auftritt.  87 

(gntfd)lie^en  fann,  ber  lebet  anbrer  ©!Iat)' 

2luf  immer.  —  2Bie  ^^r  iDoIlt !  —  Sebt  iDobl !  Uue'§  (Sud^ 

SBol^I  bünft.  —  9J{em  2Beg  liegt  bort,  unb  @urer  ba. 


1510  2ll^§afi!    ®u  U)irft  felbft  bod^  erft  ba^  SDeine 
Serid^tigen  ? 

%ä)  hoffen !    3)er  Seftanb 
3Son  meiner  ^afj'  ift  nid^t  be§  3äf)Ien§  tt)ert; 
Unb  meine  Sted^nung  bürgt  —  ^^^  ^^^^^  ©itta^. 
Sebt  tpof)!!  (5ia.) 

9^atl|att  (i^m  nad^fe^enb). 

®ie  bürg'  id^! — SBilber,  guter,  ebler  — 
1515  2Bie  nenn'  id^  if)n?  —  ®er  Wai)x^  Settier  i[t 
®od^  ^injig  unb  allein  ber  Wa\)xt  Äönig! 

(23on  einer  anberu  Seite  ah,) 

I^rtttBr  :Eufjug. 

(£rfter  2tuftnth 

Sccnc:  in  5^at{)au§  Qau]e. 
^tä}a  unb  2)aia. 

2ßie,  3)aia,  brücfte  fid^  mein  35ater  au§? 
„^d;  bürf  xi)n  jeben  Stugenblicf  erlDarten?" 
5Da§  flingt  —  nic^t  iuat;r?  —  aU  ob  er  nod)  fo  balb 
1520  @rf(^einen  tDerbe.  —  2Bie  biel  SlugeublidEe 

©inb  aber  fdE)on  Dorbei !  —  31^  nun,  n)er  beult 
3lu  bie  t)erfIoff enen?  —  ^d^  h)ill  allein 
^     3^  iebem  näd^ften  3lugenbliiJe  leben. 

©r  h)irb  bod^  einmal  fommen,  ber  if)n  bringt. 

1525  D  ber  bertüünfd^ten  Sotfc^aft  t)on  bem  ©ultan! 
2)enn  5iat^an  l)ätt^  fid)er  o^ne  fie 
3^n  gleich  mit  l^ergebrad^t. 

Unb  n)enn  er  nun 
©elommen,  biefer  StugenblidE;  tüenn  benn 
9Jun  meiner  SBünfdE^e  tt)ärm[ter,  inuigfter 
1530  ©rfüllet  ift:  Wa^  bann?  —  Wa^  bann? 

SBa§  bann? 


3»  21  u  f  3  u  g.     ^  21  u  f  t  r  1 1 1.  89 

®ann  f)off'  id^,  bafe  aud^  meiner  SBünfd^e  tt)ärmfter 
©oU  in  ßrfüHung  gelten. 

3Ba^  tt)irb  bann 
^n  meiner  Sruft  an  beffen  ©teße  treten, 
®ie  fcf)on  verlernt,  o^n^  einen  ^errfcf)enben 
1535  9Bunfd)  aller  2Bünfd^e  fid^  ju  bef)nen?  —  3?id^t^? 
2lf),  id^  erfd^redEe !  .  .  . 

SJfein,  mein  2Bunfd^  tnirb  bann 
2ln  be§  erfüllten  ©teile  treten;  meiner. 
SJlein  Söunfd^,  bid^  in  (Europa,  bid^  in  §änben 
3u  h)ifjen,  h)eld^e  beiner  tpürbig  finb. 

1540  J)u  irrft.  —  2Ba§  biefen  SBunfc^  ju  beinem  mad^t, 
2)a§  nämlid^e  ber^inbert,  ba^  er  meiner 
^e  tperben  !ann.    J)id^  jiel^t  bein  Sßaterlanb, 
Unb  meinet,  meinet  follte  mid^  nid;t  Italien? 
(Sin  33ilb  ber  ©einen,  ba^  in  beiner  ©eele 

1545  5?od^  nirf)t  t)erIofd;en,  follte  mel)r  t)ermögen, 
3tl^  bie  id^  fel^n  unb  greifen  !ann  unb  ^ören, 
2)ie  Steinen? 

©^)erre  bid^,  fo  mel  bu  tt)illft! 
3)e^  §immel§  2Bege  finb  be§  §immel^  9Sege. 
Unb  tt)enn  e§  nun  bein  Sietter  felber  tt)äre, 
1550  2)urd^  ben  fein  ©Ott,  für  ben  er  fäm^ft,  bid^  in 
®a^  Sanb,  bid^  ju  bem  3Solfe  fül)ren  iDoHte, 
^ür  tt)eld^e  bu  geboren  tüurbeft? 

90      '  Hatt^anberlDeife. 

3)qa ! 
2ßa^  '\pxxä)\t  bu  ba  nun  n)ieber,  liebe  ©qa ! 
3)u  l^aft  bod^  n^aJ^rlid^  beine  fonberbaren 

1555  Segriffe!     „©ein,  fein  ©ott!  für.  ben  er  fämi)ft!" 
SBem  eignet  ®ott?  Wa^  ift  ba§  für  ein  ©ott, 
®er  einem  3i}tenfd)en  eignet?  ber  für  fid^ 
Wln^  fäm^fen  laffen  ?  —  Unb  tDie  n)ei^ 
3)ian  benn,  für  tDel^en  @rb!Io^  man  geboren, 

1560  2Benn  man'^  für  ben  nid)t  ift,  auf  inelc^em  man 
(geboren?  —  2öenn  mein  3Sater  bid^  fo  l^örte!  — 
2Ba^  tf)at  er  bir,  mir  immer  nur  mein  ©lüdE 
So  iDeit  t)on  if;m  aU  möglid^  Dorjuf^^iegeln? 
2öa§  t^at  er  bir,  ben  ©amen  ber  SSernunft, 

1565  ®en  er  fo  rein  in  meine  ©eele  ftreute, 
5Dlit  beineg  Sanbe^  Unfraut  ober  Slumen 
©0  gern  ju  mifd;en  ?  —  Siebe,  liebe  ©aja, 
@r  toiH  nun  beine  bunten  Slumen  nid^t 
2luf  meinem  33oben !  —  Unb  id^  mu^  bir  fagen, 

1570  S^  f^t^^^  Wie  meinen  33oben,  h)enn 

©ie  nod^  fo  fd^ön  if^n  üeiben,  fo  entfräftet, 
©0  au^geje^rt  burd^  beine  Slumen ;  fü^le 
^n  i^rem  ®ufte,  fauerfüfeem  SDufte, 
3Jtid^  fo  betäubt,  fo  fd^tüinbelnb  !  —  S)ein  ©el^irn 

1575  Sft  beffen  mel^r  gelt)of)nt.    ^d^  table  brum 
2)ie  ftärfern  ?lerl)en  nid^t,  bie  i^n  bertragen. 
5Rur  fd^Iägt  er  mir  nid^t  ju ;  unb  fd^on  bein  ßngel, 
2Bie  n)enig  fehlte,  bafe  er  mid^  jur  9?ärrin 
©emad^t  ?  —  5Rod^  fd^äm'  id^  mid^  bor  meinem  aSater 

1580  2)er  ^offe! 

3.  21  u  f  3  u  g,     ^  21  u  f  t  r  i  t  i  91 

^offe !  —  211^  ob  ber  aSerftanb 
9iur  f^ier  ju  §aufe  U)äre !  $offe !  ^offe ! 
SBenn  id^  nur  reben  bürfte ! 

©arfft  bu  nic^t? 

3Benn  ipar  id^  md;t  ganj  Dl^r,  fo  oft  e§  bir 

©efiel,  i;)on  beinen  ©tauben^l^elben  mid^ 
1585  Qn  unterl^alten?    §ab'  xd)  tf)ren  Jl^aten 

5Rtc^t  ftet^  SelDunberung  unb  i^ren  Seiben 

3rjid^t  immer  2:f)ränen  gern  gesollt?    3f)r  ©laube 

©d^ien  freilid^  mir  ba^  §elbenmä^igfte 

2ln  il^nen  nie.     ^oä)  fo  t)iel  tröftenber 
1590  2Bar  mir  bie  Se^re,  ba^  ©rgebenl^eit 

^n  (Sott  Don  unferm  2öät)nen  über  ©ott 

©0  ganj  unb  gar  nid^t  abf)ängt.  —  Siebe  ©aja, 
-  2)a^  ^at  mein  3Sater  un§  fo  oft  gefagt; 

darüber  l^aft  bu  felbft  mit  if)m  fo  oft 
1595  ®i^  eini;)erftanben:  hjarum  untergräbft 

®u  benn  allein,  tt)a§  bu  mit  itjm  jugleid^ 

©ebauet?  —  Siebe  ©aja,  ba§  ift  fein 

©efpräd^,  tr>omit  \v\x  unferm  5^^^^^  ^^  beften 

®ntgegenfe{)n.     j^üx  mid^  jtDar,  {a!   S)enn  nur, 
1600  ?U{ir  liegt  baran  unenblid^,  ob  aud^  er  .  .  . 

§ord^,  ©aja!  —  ,^ommt  e^  nid^t  an  unfre  3:^l^üre? 

2öenn  er  e§  \växt\    §ordb! 

92  Hatl^an  ber  ZPcife. 

^meiter  Huftritl 

9^e(^a.    !5)aj[a  unb   ber  2:enH3en)err,   bem  jemanb  Don  außen 
bie  2;()üre  öffnet  mit  ben  Söorten : 

5Jiur  \)xcx  l^erein! 

(fäl)rt  äufammen,  fafet  fi*  unb  tüill  if)m  ju  g^ügeu  faUen). 

©r  x\V^l  —  3Mn  ^Retter,  a^! 

2)ie^  ju  bermeiben, 
©rfd^ien  id^  blD^  fo  fj3ät ;  unb  bod^  — 

1605  ^a  ju  ben  gü^en  btefe^  ftoljen  2JJanne^ 

3t\xx  ©Ott  nod^  einmal  banfen,  nid^t  bem  3Wanne. 
5Der  SRann  töitt  feinen  3)ant  h)ill  i^n  fo  tüenig, 
21I§  i^n  ber  Söaffereimer  Wxü,  ber  bei 
®em  Söfdf^en  fo  gefd^ftftig  [td;  ertüiefen. 

1610  2)er  lie^  fid^  fußen,  lie|  fid;  leeren,  mir 

?Jid}t§,  bir  nid^t^:  alfo  aud;  ber  2Jtann.    3lud^  ber 
2Barb  nun  fo  in  bie  ©lut  f^ineingefto^en; 
®a  fiel  id^  ungefäl^r  i^m  in  ben  Slrm; 
SDa  blieb  id^  ungefäf^r,  fo  Wk  ein  Q^unlen 

161 5  Sluf  feinem  SJJantel,  i^m  in  feinen  Slrmen, 
33i§  toieberum,  id^  h)ei^  nid^t  \va^,  nn^  beibe 
§erau§fd^mi^  au§  ber  ©lut.  —  2Ba§  giebt  e§  ba 
3u  banfen?  —  3^  ©urojja  treibt  ber  2öein 
,3u  nod^  tt)eit  anbern  SCbaten.  —  SE^empel^erren, 

1620  2)ie  muffen  einmal  nun  fo  f^anbeln,  muffen 
2Bie  ^tWa^  beffer  juc^elernte  §unbe 
©otootjl  au^  geuer,  al^  au^  2Baffer  Idolen. 

3»  2iuf3ug.    2»  2Iuftrttt  93 

(ber  [ic  mit  ßrftaunen  unb  lXnnif)e  bie  Qanac  Seit  über  betrachtet). 

D  2)aia,  ©aja !     SBenn  in  Slugenblitf en 
®e§  Äummerg  unb  ber  ©alle  meine  Saune 
1625  3)i(^  übel  anlief,  jt)arum  jebe  %l)ox^tit, 

2)ie  meiner  3^^^S'  ^ntfuf)r,  it)r  fjinterbringen? 
S)a§  l^ie^  fic^  ju  emj^finblid^  räd^en,  ©aja ! 
®o(^  tDenn  bu  nur  i)on  nun  an  beffer  mid^ 
Sei  i^r  Vertreten  mti\t. 

^d^  benfe,  9?itter, 
1630  ^d)  ben!e  nid^t,  ba^  bie[e  fleinen  ©tad^eln, 
^i)x  an  ba§  §crj  getüorfen,  @ud;  ba  fe^r 
©efd^abet  ^aben. 


SBie?    3f)r  hattet  JTummer? 
Unb  h)art  mit  ßuerm  Kummer  geiziger 
21I§  ßuerm  Seben? 

®ute§,  {)oIbe§  ^inb !  — 

1635  2Sie  ift  bod^  meine  ©eele  jtt)ifd;en  3(uge 

Unb  Di)x  geteilt !  —  5Da§  n)ar  ba§  5!JJabd)en  nid^t, 
??ein,  nein,  baö  tDar  e§  nid^t,  ba§  au§  bem  3^euer 
3d^  f^olte.  —  ®enn  tper  l^ätte  bie  gefannt 
Unb  au§  bem  g^euer  nid[)t  gef)o[t?    2Ber  l^ätte 

1640  Sluf  mid^  getüartet?  —  Qwax  —  berftellt  —  ber  ©d^red 

($aufe,  unter  ber  er  in  ^InfdiauunG  tt)rer  \id)  me  t)erltert.) 

3d^  aber  finb'  @ud^  nod^  ben  nämlid^en.  — 

(®e§Qletd^en,  bi§  fte  tortfät)rt,  um  if)n  in  feinem  ^nftaunen  gu  unterbrechen.) 

94  Hatt^anberlDctfe. 

9?un,  3?itter,  jagt  nn§>  bod^,  h)o  3f)r  fo  lange 
©eiDefen? —  g^aft  büvft'  id)  aud;  fragen,  tüo 
3f)r  je^o  feib? 


^d;  bin,  —  Wo  iä)  bieUeid^t 
1645  3^i^^  f'^Kte  fein.  — 

3Bo  Sf)r  geiDefen?  — 2lu^ 
2ßo  3f)r  melleid)t  nid^t  folltet  fein  getüefen? 
S)a^  ift  nid^t  gut. 


3tuf  —  auf  —  h)ie  f)ei^t  ber  33erg? 
3luf  ©inai. 

9luf  ©inai?  — 3[f)  fc^ön! 
9^un  !ann  id^  juberläffig  bod;  einmal 
1650  @rfa{)ren,  ob  e^  tiDal^r  o  .  . 

2)a^  nod)  bafelbft  ber  Drt  ju  fef)n,  Wo  5!Jlofe§ 
3Sor  ©Ott  geftanben,  a(^  .  .  . 

5Run  ba§  loofjl  nid^t ; 
5Denn  Wo  er  ftanb,  ftanb  er  t)or  ©ott.     llnb  babon 
3ft  mir  jur  ©'nüge  fd^on  h^tannt,  —  Dh'^  Wal)v, 
1655  Sltöd^t'  id^  nur  gern  t)on  6ud^  erfaf)ren,  ba^  — 
®a^  e§  bei  tt)eitem  nid)t  fo  müf)fam  fei, 
3luf  biefen  33erg  f)inauf  ju  fteigen  aU 
§erab?  —  ®enn  fef)t,  fobiel  id;  93erge  nod^ 

3.  2(uf5ug.    2.  2tuftrtti  95 

©eftiegen  bin,  Wax'^  juft  ba§  ©egenteil.  — 
i66o  3lnr\,  glittet?  —  2Bag?  —  S^r  !ef;rt  ®uc^  t)on  mir  ah? 
2öoat  mic^  nic^t  fe^n  ? 


SBeil  ic^  ©ud^  t^ören  n)ill. 

2ßeil.  ^f)r  mid^  nid^t  tüollt  mer!en  lafjen,  ba^ 
3f)r  meiner  ©infalt  läd^elt;  ba^  3I;r  läd^elt, 
2Bie  id^  @ud^  bod^  fo  gar  nid^t^  2Bid^tiger§ 
1665  ^on  biefem  f^eiligen  33erg  aller  Serge 
Qn  fragen  lüei^?    9tid^t  Wa^x? 


©0  mu^ 
^d^  bod^  (Sud^  tnieber  in  bie  3lugen  fc^n,  — 
2ßa§?    3lnn  fd^Iagt  3^)^  fi^  nieber?  nun  berbei^t 
S)a§  Säd^eln  ^^r?  \vk  id^  nod^  er[t  in  SRienen, 
1670  3n  jU)eifeI^aften  SRienen  lefen  \vxü, 

2Ba§  id^  fo  beutlid^  \)'öx\  ^i)x  fo  t)ernef)mlid^ 

mix  fagt  —  berf^tüeigt?  —  St^  9iec^a !  9?e^a !    2Bie 

§at  er  fo  tüa^r  gefagt :  „^ennt  fie  nur  erft !" 

2Ber  l^at?  —  bon  it)em?  —  @ud^  baö  gefagt? 


„Äennt  fie 
1675  3^w^  ^^ft !''  ^öt  ©wer  3Sater  mir  gefagt, 
3Son  ®ud^  gefagt. 

Unb  \d)  nid^t  ettra  aud^? 
^d^  benn  nid^t  aud^? 

96  rtatt^an  ber  IDetfe. 


aiUein  Wo  ift  er  benn? 
2Bo  ift  benn  ©uev  SSatcr?    3ft  er  nod^ 
33eim  Sultan? 


?fod^,  nod^  ba?- 
1680  D  mic^  aSerge^Itd;cn  !     9^ein,  nein;  ha  ift 
@r  fd)lt)erlicl;  me^r.  —  @r  lt)irb  bort  unten  bei 
®em  i^Iofter  meiner  Quarten  ;  ganj  geit)i^. 
©0  reb'ten,  mein'  id^,  tüir  e§  ab.     ©riaubt ! 
Sd^  Qti)\  iä)  \)oV  if)n  .  .  , 

3)a§  ift  meine  Qaä)t, 
1685  SIeibt,  glitter,  bleibt,     ^d^  bringt  if)n  unberjüglic^. 

^\d)t  fo,  ni^t  fo  !     @r  ftef)t  mir  felbft  entgegen ; 
?Jid^t  @udE).     ®aju,  er  fönnte  leidet  .  . .  h)er  Irei^? 
@r  fönnte  bei  bem  ©ultan  leidet,  —  3f)r  fennt 
S)en  ©ultan  nid^t !  —  (eid^t  in  SSerlegen^eit 
[690  ©efommen  fein.  —  ©laubt  mir ;  e^  l^at  ©efafjr, 
SBenn  id^  ntdbt  gef)'. 


®efaf)r?  Wa^  für  ©efa^r? 


©efabr  für  mid^,  für  ßud^,  für  i[)n,  it>enn  id^ 
9^iid;t  fdt)leunig,  fd;Ieumg  gef)\     (%h.) 

3.  21  u  f  5  u  g.    5.  21  u  f  t  r  i  1 1.  97 

Dritter  2tuftrttt. 

'tRedja  unb  S)  a  j  a, 

2öa§  ift  ba§,  ©aja?  — 
©0  fd^ned?  — 3Ba§  !ömmt  if)m  an?    SBag  fiel  if)m  auf? 
1695  2Baö  jagt  xi)n? 

Sa^t  nur,  la^t.    ^6)  benf,  e§  ift 
^ein  fd)Iimme§  3^i4)^^- 

3eid^en?  unb  tüobon? 

®a^  etlüa^  borgest  innerf)al6.     6^  !od;t 
Unb  fotl  nid)t  überlod^en.    Sa^t  it)n  nur. 
3iun  ift'g  an  ©ud^. 

2Ba§  ift  an  mir?    ®u  \D\x\t, 
1700  2öie  er,  mir  unbegreiflid^, 

33alb  nun  fönnt 
^i)X  if)m  bie  Unruf)'  all  Vergelten,  bie 
6r  ®ud;  gemad^t  f^at.     ©eib  nur  aber  aud^ 
?tid^t  allju  ftreng,  nid^t  atlju  rad^begierig. 

2Sot)on  bu  f^^rid^ft,  ba§  magft  bu  felber  tüiffen, 

1705  Unb  feib  benn  3f)r  bereite  fo  rul^ig  tpieber? 
S)a^  bin  id^  ;  ja,  ba§  bin  id;  .  .  . 

98  Hatl^anberlPeife. 


©eftet)t,  ba^  "^^x  dnd)  feiner  Unrul;'  freut 

Unb  feiner  Unrul^'  bautet,  tüa^  ^i)x  je^t 

3Son  3tu^'  geuiefet. 


3Jtir  t)ö(Iig  unbelnu^t! 

1710  3)enu  tt)a§  id)  f)6c^fteu§  bir  geftef^en  fönute, 
2öär',  ba^  e^  mid)  —  mid^  felbft  befrembet,  U)ie 
3luf  einen  foIdBen  ©türm  in  meinem  §erjen 
So  eine  Stide  ^)lö^lid^  folgen  lönnen, 
©ein  isolier  2lublii,  fein  ©ef^^räd),  fein  2:on 

1715  §at  mid^  .  .  . 

©efättigt  f^on? 

©efättigt,  tüitt 
^c^  nun  nidE)t  fagen ;  nein  —  bei  n)eitem  nid;t  — 

®en  ^ei^en  §unger  nur  geftiHt. 


?Jun  ja, 

3Benn  bu  fo  tüiUft, 

^d)  ^Un  nid^t. 

6r  tt)irb 
gjlir  etrig  tnert,  mir  etüig  t^erter  al§ 
1720  gjtein  2zh^n  bleiben,  )x>zm  and)  fd^on  mein  ^nU 
5lid)t  met^r  bei  feinem  bloßen  9tamen  n^ed^felt, 
Jii^t  me^r  mein  ^erj,  fo  oft  id^  an  \i)n  benfe. 

3.  21  u  f  3  u  g.    ^.  Tluftvxit  99 

©efd^tüinber,  ftärfer  f dalägt.  —  2Ba^  fd^tDa^'  id^?  ^omm, 
Äomm,  liebe  ©qa,  tüieber  an  ba§  S^enfter, 
1725  2)a^  auf  bie  ^almen  fielet. 

©0  ift  er  bod^ 
2Bof)I  nod^  nid^t  ganj  gefttdt,  ber  l^ei^e  junger. 

?tun  i:)erb'  td^  aud^  bie  ^almen  Uneber  [efjn, 
9ZidE)t  if)n  blo^  untern  ^almen. 

S)ie[e  ^älte 
beginnt  aud^  tüol^I  ein  neue^  gieber  nur. 

1730  2ßa§  Äält'?     Sc^  bin  nid^t  fall.     3^  fe^e  Waf)xlxä) 
yi\ä)t  minber  gern,  h)a§  id;  mit  Stufte  fef;e. 

Pterter  2tuftrttt. 

©ccnc  :  ein  ^ubiensfaal  in  bcm  ^alafle  be0  Salabtn, 
@  a  I  a  b  t  u  unb  @  1 1 1  a  ^. 


(im  ©ereintreten,  gegen  bie  %\)iixe), 

§ier  bringt  ben  guben  f)er,  fobalb  er  !ömmt. 
(Sr  fd^eint  fid^  eben  nid^t  ju  übereilen. 


6r  iDar  auc^  trol^l  nid^t  bei  ber  §anb,  nid^t  gleid^ 
735  3^1  finben. 

IQO  7Xai\ian  ber  IPetfe. 

©d^tDefter !     ©d^meftcr ! 

schuft  bu  bod^, 
2llö  ftünbe  btr  ein  2:reffen  bor. 


Unb  ba§ 

9JIU  SBaffen,  bie  id^  nid^t  gelernt  ju  fäf)ren. 

3dE)  fott  mic^  fteßen,  foll  besorgen  lafjen, 

Soll  grauen  legen,  foH  auf  ©latteig  füf^ren. 
1740  SBenn  f)ätt'  idE)  ba§  gefonnt?    2Bo  f^ätf  i^  ba§ 

©elernt?—  Unb  foK  ba§  aUeö,  al),  h)05u? 

aSoäu  ?  —  Um  ®elb  ju  fif^en !     ©elb !  —  Um  ®elb, 

®elb  einem  ^uben  abjubangen;  ©elb! 

3u  fold^en  üeinen  giften  traf  id^  enblid^ 

1745  ©ebrac^t,  ber  Äleinigfeiten  üeinfte  mir 

3u  fc^affen? 


^ebe  ^leinigfeit,  ^u  fef^r 
aSerf^mä^t,  bie  räd^t  fi^,  a3ruber, 


Seiber  ti^al^r.  — 

Unb  h)enn  nun  biefer  3ube  gar  ber  gute, 
Vernünftige  SKann  ift,  \vk  ber  ©ermfc^  bir 
1750  3f)n  eJ^ebem  befd^rieben? 

D  nun  bann! 
2Ba§  f)at  e§  bann  für  SZot!     3)ie  ©c^linge  liegt 
3a  nur  bem  geizigen,  beforglidE^en, 
gurd^tfamen  ^uben,  nid)t  bem  guten,  nid^t 
®em  toeifen  Mannt.    2)iefer  ift  ja  fo 

3.  2(uf5ug.     ^.  2Iuftrtti  101 

1755  ©d^on  unfer,  of^ne  ©d^Iinge.     ®a^  3Sergnügen, 
3u  l^ören,  \vk  ein  foldE)er  Mann  fid;  au^reb't ; 
5!Jtit  toeld^er  bretften  ©tär!'  cntoeber  er 
Sie  ©tridEe  furj  jerrei^et,  ober  aud) 
9Jiit  tüeld^er  fd^Iauen  3Sorfid)t  er  bie  9Ze^e 

1760  3Sorbet  fid)  iDtnbet :  bie§  SSergnügen  l^aft 
®u  obenbrein. 


5iun,  ba§  i[t  h)a^r.    ©etüi^, 
^d^  freue  mid^  barauf. 

©0  fann  bid^  ja 
2lud^  tDeiter  nid^t^  Verlegen  tnad^en.     ^cnn 
^\V^  einer  au§  ber  9Jienge  blo^;  i[t^^  blo^ 
1765  @in  ^ube  tüie  ein  ^ube:  gegen  ben 

SBirft  bu  bid^  bod^  nid)t  fdE)ämen,  fo  ju  fd^einen, 
2ßie  er  bie  3[RenfdE)en  aW  fid^  benit?    Sßielme^r, 
2öer  fid^  if)m  befjer  jeigt,  ber  jeigt  fid^  x\)m 
211^  ©ec!,  aU  3laxx. 


©0  mu^  id^  ja  trof^I  gar 
1770  ©d^Ied^t  l^anbeln,  ba^  t)on  mir  ber  ©d^led^te  nid^t 
©d^Iec^t  ben!e? 

SCraun,  h)enn  bu  fd^Ied^t  l^anbeln  nennft, 
©in  jebe^  Sing  nad^  feiner  2lrt  ju  braud^en. 


2öa^  i)äiV  ein  2ßeiber!o^)f  erbad^t,  ba^  er 
3li(i)i  ju  befd^önen  tüü^te! 

102  rtatl^an  ber  IPeife 

Qu  befd^önen! 

1775  ®^^  f^i^^r  fl>i^^  2)ing,  beforg'  id;  nur, 

^n  meiner  ^jlnm^^en  §anb  jerbrid^t !  —  ©0  h)a§ 
SBiH  au^gefüf)rt  fein,  tDie'^  erfunben  ift, 
2Rit  aßer  ^fiffig!eit,  ©eH)anbt[;eit.  —  ^^od), 
5Jlag'^  bod;  nur,  mag'g!     ^d^  tanje,  tr>ie  idE)  fann  ; 

1780  Unb  fönnt'  e§  freilid^  lieber  —  fd^Ied^ter  nod^ 
21U  befjer. 

STrau  bir  aud^  nur  nid^t  ju  tt)enig  I 
3d^  fte^e  bir  für  bid^ !     aSenn  bu  nur  tpiHft.  — 
2)a^  un^  bie  Scanner  beine^gleid^en  bod^ 
So  gern  bereben  möd^ten,  nur  if^r  @ä)Wtxt, 
1785  '^i}x  6d^mert  nur  l^abe  fie  fo  iüeit  gebrad;t. 
3)er  2ön)e  fd^ämt  fid;  freilid^,  tpenn  er  mit 
©em  gud^fe  jagt :  —  be^  Sud^fe^,  nidE)t  ber  Sift. 


Unb  ba^  bie  Söeiber  bod^  fo  gern  ben  Tlann 
3u  fid^  herunter  f)ätten !  —  @el^  nur,  ge^ !  — 
1790  ^d^  glaube  meine  Seftion  ju  lönnen. 

2Ba§?  ic^  foa  gef^n? 

®u  h)oateft  bod^  ni^t  bleiben? 

2öenn  aud^  nid^t  bleiben  .  .  ,  im  ©efid^l  eud^  bleiben  — 
2)od^  l^ier  im  Jiebenjimmer  — 

3.  21  uf  3119,    5.  2(uftiitt  103 


2)a  ju  f)ord^en? 
2luci^  ba§  nid^t,  ©d^tDefter,  W^nn  xd)  foll  be[tef)n.  — 
1795  ?5^^^'  f^^"^  •  ^^^  3Sor^ang  raufd^t ;  er  fömmt !  -—  bod^  ba^ 
Su  ja  md)i  ba  t)erit)etl[t !     ^d^  fef)e  nad^. 

(l^nbem  fic  fic^  bur(ft  bie  eine  XI)üre  entfernt,  tritt  9Zatl)an  311  ber  anbern 
Ijerein,  unb  Satabin  l)at  fid)  Qefe^t.) 

fünfter  2tuftrttt» 

@  a  l  a  b  i  n  unb  9^  a  1 1^  a  n, 


%x\tt  näf)er,  ^ube !  —  SZäf^er !  —  9iur  ganj  l^er !  — 
3lnx  v\)m  gurd^t! 

Sie  bleibe  beinern  geinbe! 


2)u  nennft  bid^  Jiatl^an? 


2)en  tDeifen  Jtatl^an? 


1800  9lein. 

2Bo]^l !  nennft  bu  bid^  nid^t,  nennt  bid^  ba^  2SoI!. 

Äann  fein,  ba^  SSoIf! 

104  Xlailian  ber  IPeife. 


®u  glaübft  bod^  nid^t,  ba^  id^ 
3Seräd^tIi^  t)on  be§  Sßolfe^^  ©timme  benfe?  — 
^d^  ^ö&^  längft  geh)ünfd)t,  ben  3J{ann  ju  fennen, 
S)en  e§  ben  2Beifen  nennt. 

Unb  tt)enn  e^  i^n 
1805  3wnx  ©^)ütt  fo  nennte?    2Benn  bem  S>oI!e  iüeife 
?Jid)t^  tDeiter  tt)är'  al^  Ilug?  unb  flug  nur  ber, 
35er  [id^  auf  feinen  3Sortetl  gut  t)er[tef)t? 

2luf  feinen  iüa^ren  3SorteiI,  meinft  bu  bod^? 

3)ann  freilid^  \väx^  ber  ©gennü^igfte 

1810  Der  ßlügfte.     ®ann  Wäx   freilid^  flug  unb  tpetfe 

9iur  ein^. 


^ä)  f^öre  bid^  ertDeifen,  Wa^ 
®u  tüiberfpred^en  tüillft.  —  S)c^  3JfenfdE)en  h)af;re 
3SorteiIe,  bie  ba§  2Solf  nid^t  !cnnt,  !ennft  bu. 
§aft  bu  ju  fennen  iDenigftcn^  g^fud^t ; 
1815  §aft  brüber  nadEjgebad^t :  ba^  aud^  allein 
3!Jlad^t  fd^on  ben  Söeifen. 

2)er  fid^  jeber  bünft 

3n  fein. 


5iun  ber  93efd^eibenf;eit  genug! 
^^nn  fie  nur  immerbar  ju  frören,  Wo 
3Jian  trodfene  SSernunft  ertt)artet,  elelt. 

((5r  fpringt  auf.) 

5.  2luf5ug.    5.  21  uf tritt.  105 

1820  Sa^  unö  jur  ©ad^e  fommen !    Slber,  aber 
älufrid^tig,  ^ub',  aufrichtig! 


©ultan,  id^ 
2öitl  fic^erlic^  bid^  fo  bebienen,  ba^ 
^d^  beiner  fernem  ^unbfd^aft  tDürbig  bleibe. 


33ebienen?  tt)ie? 


®u  foUft  ba§  a3efte  ^aben 

1825  3Son  aUem ;  follft  e^  um  ben  biCigften 

^rei^  \)ahtn. 


2Bot)on  f^Jtid^ft  bu?  bod^  tüof)I  nid;t 
3Son  beinen  SBaren?  —  ©d^ad^ern  tüirb  mit  bir 
©d^on  meine  ©d)ii:)e[ter,     (35a§  ber  §ord^erin!)  — 
3d^  f?abe  mit  bem  Kaufmann  nid;t§  ju  tf^un. 


1830  ©0  n^irft  bu  ol^ne  3^^if^I  tüiffen  iroHen, 
2öa^  ic^  auf  meinem  SSege  t^on  bem  g^einbe^ 
2)er  allerbing^  fid^  tt)ieber  reget,  eti^a 
Semerft,  getroffen?  —  2Benn  id;  uni:)erf;ot^len  .  .  . 


2tud^  barauf  bin  id^  ch^n  nid^t  mit  bir 
1835  ©efteuert.    ®ai)on  Wd^  xä)  fd^on,  fobiel 
3c^  nötig  \)aU.  —  Äurj ;  — 

©ebtete,  ©ultan. 

3d^  l^eifd^e  beinen  Unterrid^t  in  ganj 

2Ba^  anberm,  ganj  Wa^  anberm.  —  2)a  bu  nun 

106  Ha  tl^  an  ber  lüeife. 

©0  tpeife  bift,  fo  fage  mir  bod;  einmal  — 
1840  aBa^  für  ein  ©laube,  \va^  für  ein  ©efe^ 
§at  bir  am  meiften  eingeleuchtet? 


^d^  bin  ein  3ub\ 


Hub  id)  ein  2RufeImann. 

S)er  ß^rift  ift  jtDifd^en  un^.  —  SSon  biefen  brei 

^ieligionen  fann  bod^  eine  nur 

1845  ®^^  tt)at?re  fein.  —  (Sin  3DIann  n)ie  bu  bleibt  ba 
3liä)i  ftef^en,  Wo  ber  B^f^ß  ^^^  ©eburt 
^f^n  f^ingetDorfen  ;  ober  tDenn  er  bleibt, 
SIeibt  er  au§  (Sinfid^t,  ©rünben,  2Baf)I  be^  93effern. 
Söoblan!  fo  teile  beine  ©infid^t  mir 

1850  3)enn  mit.    Safe  mid;  bie  ©rünbe  l^ören,  benen 
Sd^  felber  nad;jugrübeln  nid;t  bie  Q^xt 
©e^abt.    Safe  mid^  bie  2Bat)I,  bie  biefe  ©rünbe 
Seftimmt,  —  t)erftel;t  fid^,  im  a[>ertrauen  —  toiffen, 
®amit  id^  fie  ju  meiner  mad;e.    SBie? 

1855  S)u  ftu^eft?  h)ägft  mid^  mit  bem  2luge?  —  ^ann 
aSo^I  fein,  bafe  id;  ber  erfte  (Sultan  bin, 
3)er  eine  foli^e  ©riUe  l^at,  bie  midE) 
®od^  eine^  ®u(tan§  zhzn  ni(^t  fo  ganj 
Unmürbig  bün!t.  —  3l\ä)i  it)al)r?  —  ©0  rebe  bod^! 

1860  ©^rid) !  —  Ober  toitift  bu  einen  Slugenblid, 
$Di^  ju  beben!en?    ®\xt,  xd)  geb'  i^n  bir. — 
{Dh  fie  ix)of)I  f^or^t?    ^ä)  toiH  fie  bo(^  belauf d^en; 
aBiH  frören,  ob  ic^'^  xiä)t  gemacht.  — )     ®en!  nad^ ! 
©efd^lDinb  ben!  nad^ !     3^  fäume  nid)t,  jurüd 

1865  3^  !ommen, 

(ßr  Qclji  in  t)a§  ^ebenaimmer,  nad)  meld)em  [ic^  Stttal)  begeben.) 

3.  2luf3ug.    6.  2Iuftrtti  107 

Sedjfter  2tuftrttt 

9?at^att  (aücin). 

§m !  I^m !  —  h)unberli(^ !  —  9[Bic  ift 
mix  benn?  —  2Ba§  Wxü  ber  ©ultan?  h)a§?  —  ^d^  bin 
2luf  ©elb  gefaxt,  unb  er  tüitt  —  2Baf)rt)ett.    2öaf)r^eit! 
Unb  Wxti  fte  fo,  —  fo  bar,  fo  blanf,  —  al^  ob 
®te  SBa^rl^eit  2Rünje  n)äre!  —  ^a,  h)enn  nod^ 

1870  Uralte  SJlünje,  bie  getDogen  tt)arb !  — 
3)a^  ginge  nod^ !    2lllein  fo  neue  SJiünje, 
3)ie  nur  ber  ©tem^^el  mad^t,  bie  man  auf§  33rett 
ytux  jäf^len  barf,  ba§  ift  fte  bod^  nun  nid^t! 
2Bie  ©elb  in  ©adE,  fo  ftrid^e  man  in  ßo)3f 

1875  Slud^  3Bal)r^eit  ein?    2öer  ift  benn  f)ier  ber  ^ube? 
^d^  ober  er?  —  ®od^  tüie?    ©oUt^  er  aud^  lt)of)l 
35ie  Söa^r^eit  nid^t  in  2Baf)rl^eit  forbern?  —  S^'^ax, 
QWax  ber  3Serbad^t,  ba^  er  bie  2Baf;rl^eit  nur 
2ll§  JaHe  braud^e,  Wäf  aud^  gar  ju  !lein !  — 

1880  3u  Hein  ?  —  SBa^  ift  für  einen  @ro|en  benn 
3u  Hein  ?  —  ©etoife,  Qtwi^,  er  ftürjte  mit 
S)er  3::i^üre  fo  in§  §au^!    5!Jlan  ^)odE)t  bod^,  l^ört 
3)od^  erft,  iDenn  man  al^  g^reunb  fid^  nal^t.  —  ^d^  mu^ 
93ef)utfam  ge[)n !  —  Unb  \ük  ?  tDie  ba§  ?  —  ©0  ganj 

1885  ©todEjube  fein  ju  tDoUen,  gef^t  fd^on  nid^t.  — 
Unb  ganj  unb  gar  nid^t  ^ube,  ge^t  nod^  minber. 
S)enn,  tüenn  fein  ^nit,  bürft*  er  mid^  nur  fragen, 
2Barum  fein  3JtufeImann  ?  —  ®ag  tt)ar'§  !    ®a§  fann 
miii)  retten !  —  3^id^t  bie  Minber  blo^  fpeift  man  . 

1890  Wxi  3Jtärd^en  ah,  —  Sr  fömmt.    (Sr  fomme  nur  !  ^ 

108  rtatt^an  ber  WexU* 

Siebenter  Jtuftrttt 

@  a  I  a  b  i  n  unb  9^  a  1 1^  a  n. 

(©D  ift  ba§  3^elb  F)ier  rein !)  —  ^d^  lomm*  bir  bod^ 
3l\(i)i  ju  gefd)tDinb  jurüdE?    3)u  bift  ju  Staube 
9)lit  beiner  Überlegung  —  9Jun  fo  rebe ! 
(g§  l^ört  un§  feine  ©eele. 

3Jtöd^t'  aud^  bod^ 
1895  2)ie  ganje  2Belt  nn^  F)ören. 


©0  gett)i^ 
3ft  9Jatt)an  feiner  ©ad}e?    §a  !  ba^  nenn' 
Sd^  einen  SBeifen!    3tie  bie  SBaf^rl^eit  ju 
3Ser^ef)Ien!  für  fie  aUe^  auf  ba§  ©piel 
3u  f e^en  !    2eib  unb  2^h^n !     ©ut  unb  93Iut ! 

1900  ^a !  ja !  h:)enn'§  nötig  ift  unb  nü^t. 


3[5on  nun 

2ln  barf  id^  i^offen,  einen  meiner  2!^itel, 
SSerbefferer  ber  3BeIt  unb  be§  @efe§e§, 
9Jiit  Siedet  ju  fül^ren. 

Iraun,  ein  fd^öner  3:itel! 
©od^,  ©ultan,  el^'  id^  mid^  bir  ganj  t>ertraue, 
1905  ©rlaubft  bu  Wo^l,  bir  ein  ©efd[;id^td;en  ju 
©rjä^Ien  ? 


3»  Zlufaug.    7,  2Iuftrtti  109 

3öarum  ba§  nid^t?    3^  &i^  ft^^^ 
©n  greunb  gen:)efen  bon  ©efd^id^td^en,  gut 



Sa,  gut  erjäl^Ien,  ba^  ift  nun 
SBol^I  eben  meine  ©ad^e  nid^t. 

©d^on  JDieber 
1910  ©0  ftolj  befd^eiben?  —  3Jlad^!  erjä^I,  erjäf)(e ! 


3Sor  grauen  ^af^ren  lebt'  ein  3Jiann  in  Dften, 
2)er  einen  9ling  t)on  unfd^ä^barem  2Bert' 
2lu§  lieber  §anb  befa^.    ®er  ©tein  Wax  ein 
0^)al,  ber  f)unbert  fd^öne  g^arben  f^)ielte, 

1915  Unb  f)atte  bie  gef^eime  ^raft,  bor  @ott 
Unb  SRenfd^en  angenel^m  ju  mad^en,  tüer 
^n  biefer  ß^berfid^t  if^n  trug,    2Ba^  SBunber, 
®a^  if)n  ber  3[Kann  in  Often  barum  nie 
SSom  S^inger  liefe  unb  bie  3Serfügung  traf, 

1920  2luf  elt)ig  \^n  bei  feinem  §aufe  ju 

©rl^alten?    9iämlid^  fo.    @r  liefe  ben  9iing 

3Son  feinen  ©öffnen  bem  geliebteften 

Unb  fe^te  feft,  bafe  biefer  tüieberum 

2)en  Sling  ijon  feinen  ®'6^nm  bem  Dermad^e, 

1925  S)er  il^m  ber  liebfte  fei,  unb  ftet§  ber  liebfte, 
D^n'  2lnfe^n  ber  ©eburt,  in  Äraft  allein 
3)e^  9iing§,  bag  §au)3t,  ber  g^ürft  be^  §aufe§  tt>erbe.  — 
SBerftel^e  mid^,  ©ultan. 


^d^  i:)erftel^'  bid^.     Sßeiter  ! 

110  riatlian  bcr  IDetfe» 

©0  !am  nun  biefer  3ting,  tyon  ©ol^n  ju  ©o^n, 

1930  2luf  einen  SSater  enblid^  \)on  brei  ©öl^nen, 
Sie  alle  brei  if^m  gleid^  gef)orfam  tüaren, 
S)ie  ade  brei  er  folglid^  gleid^  ju  lieben 
©id^  nid^t  entbred^en  fonnte.    3Rur  t)on  geit 
3u  ^di  fd^ien  il^m  balb  ber,  balb  biefer,  balb 

1935  ®er  britte,  —  fo  h)ie  jeber  fid^  mit  i^m 
SSHein  befanb,  unb  fein  ergie^enb  ^erj 
Sie  anbern  ^Wti  nid^t  teilten,  —  tDürbiger 
®e^  9tinge§,  ben  er  benn  aud^  einem  jeben 
®ie  fromme  ©d)t:)ad&l^eit  l^atte  ju  i)erf^)red^en. 

1940  3)a§  ging  nun  fo,  folang  e§  ging.  —  Slllein 
(S^  tarn  jum  ©terben,  unb  ber  gute  SSater 
^ömmt  in  5ßerlegenf|eit.     @^  fd^merjt  if^n,  jtüei 
$8on  feinen  ©öl^nen,  bie  fid^  auf  fein  Söort 
3SerIaffen,  fo  ju  Irän!en.  —  2Ba§  ^u  tl^un?  — 

1945  (Sr  fenbet  in  gef^eim  ju  einem  ßünftler, 

Sei  bem  er,  nad^  bem  3!}tufter  feinet  9?inge^, 
3tt)ei  anbere  befteßt  unb  lieber  Soften 
yiod)  3}lü^e  f^)aren  l^ei^t,  fie  jenem  gleid^, 
3SoQ!ommen  gleid^  ju  mad^en.     ®a§  gelingt 

1950  2)em  Äünftler.    2)a  er  i^m  bie  klinge  bringt, 
^ann  felbft  ber  33ater  feinen  3D^ufterring 
JJid^t  unterfd^eiben.    '^xoi)  unb  freubig  ruft 
6r  feine  ©öl^ne,  jeben  in^befonbre, 
©iebt  jebem  in^befonbre  feinen  ©egen  — 

1955  Unb  feinen  9ling  —  unb  ftirbt.  —  S)u  f)örft  bod^,  ©ultan? 


(bcr  ficf)  betroffen  Don  tt)m  öemanbt). 

^d)  i)öx\  \(i)  bore!  —  ^omm  mit  beinem  5fJiärd^en 
3lnx  balb  ju  ©nbe.  —  2öirb'^  ? 

3,  2(uf3ug,    7.  21  uf tritt  111 

^d^  bin  äu  @nbe. 
2)enn  Ina^  nod^  folgt,  i:)erftef)t  fid^  ja  bon  [elbft.  — 
i!aum  tt)ar  ber  SSater  tot,  fo  fommt  ein  ieber 
i960  9)Zit  feinem  9ling,  unb  jeber  \vxü  ber  gürft 
®e§  §aufeg  fein»    51Jtan  unterfud^t,  man  janit, 
3Jtan  !lagt,    Umfonft;  ber  redete  Jting  t^ar  nid£)t 
@rn)ei§li(^ ;  — 

(^^lac^  einer  ^aiife,  in  trelcfter  er  be»  Suttan§  ^ntmort  ertuartet.) 

gaft  fo  unertt)et§Iid^  aU 
Unö  je^t  —  ber  redete  ©laube, 


2Bie  ?  ba^  foU 
1965  Sie  2lnttt)ort  fein  auf  meine  g^rage  ?  .  . 



Mxd)  blo^  entfd^ulbigen,  h)enn  xd)  bie  Dringe 
9Jltr  nid)t  getrau'  ju  unterfd^eiben,  bie 
®er  SSater  in  ber  2lbftd^t  mad^en  Ue^, 
®amit  fie  md;t  ju  unterfd^eiben  tr)ären, 


1970  J)ie  Siinge  !  —  Bpuk  nid^t  mit  mir!  —  ^d^  badete, 
2)a^  bie  ^Religionen,  bie  xä)  bir 
©enannt,  bod^  \voi)l  ju  unterfd^eiben  tt)ären. 
33i^  auf  bie  ^leibung,  bi§  auf  ©^^eif  unb  S^ranf! 

Unb  nur  bon  fetten  i^rer  ©rünbe  ntd^t,  — 
1975  ®enn  grünben  alle  fid^  nid^t  auf  ©efd^id;te? 
©efd^rieben  ober  überliefert !  —  Unb 
©efd^id^te  mu^  bod^  tool;!  aüein  auf  Streu' 

112  Tiailian  ber  XPeife. 

Unb  ©lauben  angenommen  tt)erben  ?  —  Jtid^t  ?  — 
9Zun,  tt)effen  SCreu^  unb  ©lauben  jiel^t  man  benn 

1980  2lm  tüenigften  in  ßtüeifel?    ®oc^  ber  ©einen? 
®od^  beten  33Iut  Wix  finb?  bod^  beren,  bie 
25on  ^inbl)eit  an  un§  groben  ii)rer  Siebe 
©egeben?  bie  un§  nie  getäufd)t,  al^  tt)o 
©etäufd^t  ju  töerben  un§  [)eilfamer  tDar?  — 

1985  9Bie  fann  id^  meinen  Sßätern  tüeniger 

311^  bu  ben  beinen  glauben?    Ober  umgcfebrt. 
^ann  iä)  Don  bir  i^erlangen,  bafe  bu  beine 
^orfal;ren  Sügen  ftrafft,  um  meinen  nid^t 
3u  triberf^red)en?    Dber  umgelef^rt. 

1990  S)a^  nämlidje  gilt  t)on  ben  ßf^riften.     5Jiid;t  ?  — 

(Sei  bem  Sebenbigen !     ®er  3fJJann  f^at  red)t. 
^d^  mu^  i:)er[tummen.) 


ßa^  auf  unfre  9ting' 
Un§  toieber  fommen.     SBie  gejagt:  bie  ©öbne 
SSerüagten  fid^,  unb  jeber  fc^tüur  bem  9Jid;ter, 

1995  Unmittelbar  au§  feinet  35ater§  §anb 

®en  Sting  ju  traben.  —  3Bie  aud;  \val)x  !  —  9Jad)bem 
@r  t)on  if)m  lange  ba^  3Serf^)redE)en  fd)on 
©ef^abt,  be§  Siinge^  25orred^t  einmal  ju 
©enie^en.  —  2ßie  nic^t  minber  tüaf^r  1  —  Der  SSater, 

2000  Seteu'rte  jeber,  fönne  gegen  x\)n 

5JZidE)t  falfd^  getDefen  fein  !  unb  ef)'  er  biefe§ 
3Son  if;m,  bon  einem  fold^en  lieben  3Sater, 
2Irgtt)of)nen  laff :  ef^'  muff  er  feine  Srüber, 
©0  gern  er  fonft  i)on  i^nen  nur  ba§  Sefte 

2005  Sereit  ju  glauben  fei,  beg  falfd^en  ©J3iete 

3.  2Iuf3ug.    7,  2luftrt  tt.  113 

Sejei^en,  unb  er  it)oIle  bie  3Serräter 
©d^on  au^jufinben  tt)iffen,  fid^  fd^on  räd^en. 


Unb  nun,  ber  3fttd^ter?  —  3iJJid^  verlangt  ju  l^ören, 
2öa§  bu  ben  9{i^ter  fagen  läffeft.     ©))ricf) ! 

20IO  2)er  ^tid^ter  fj^rad^ :  3Benn  \^x  mir  nun  ben  35ater 
9iid^t  balb  jur  ©teile  fd^afft,  fo  treif  id^  eu(^ 
9Son  meinem  ©tuf)Ie.    2)en!t  i^r,  ba^  i4>  9iätfel 
3u  löfen  ba  bin?    Dber  l^arret  i^r, 
33i^  ba^  ber  redete  9ting  ben  5[Runb  eröffne?  — 

2015  35od^  l^alt!    ^d^  ^öre  ja,  ber  redete  JRing 
Sefi^t  bie  2Bunber!raft,  beliebt  ju  madt)en, 
3Sor  ©Ott  unb  3Wenfd^en  angenel^m,    S)a§  mu^ 
©ntfd^eiben  !    ^vckw.  bie  falfd^en  9iinge  tüerben 
J)od^  ba§  nidE)t  fönnen  !  —  9?un,  tx)en  lieben  jn^ei 

2020  SBon  eud^  am  meiften?  —  5J}tad^t,  fagt  an  !    ^f)r  fd^tDeigt? 
2)ie  9tinge  tt)ir!en  nur  jurüdf?  unb  nid^t 
9Zad^  au^en?    ^eber  liebt  fid^  felber  nur 
3(m  meiften?  —  D,  fo  feib  il^r  aUe  brei 
93etrogene  Setrieger!     ©ure  3tinge 

2025  ©inb  alle  brei  nid^t  ti^ji,    ®er  ed^te  9iing 
3SermutIid^  ging  t)erIoren.    ®en  33erluft 
3u  bergen,  %\x  erfe^en,  lie|  ber  3Sater 
®ie  brei  für  einen  mad^en. 


§errlid^ !  I^errlid^ ! 


Unb  alfo,  ful)r  ber  9?id^ter  fort,  n)enn  i^r 
2030  9tid^t  meinen  3tat  ftatt  meinet  ©^3rud^e§  tDoHt : 

11^  Hatl^an  ber  IPetfc. 

@et)t  nur!  —  mein  5Rat  ift  aber  ber:  xi)X  nef;mt 
®ie  ©ad;e  bottig  tDie  jie  liegt.    §at  tion 
@u*  ieber  feinen  Sting  t)on  feinem  Sater, 
©0  glaube  jeber  fid)er  feinen  Sting 
2035  ®en  eckten.  —  gJlöglid),  ba^  ber  Sater  nun 
®ie  2:i}rannei  be§  einen  9iing§  nic^t  länger 
^n  feinem  S)avi\z  bulben  tüoHen  1  —  llnb  getüife, 
2)afe  er  eud;  alle  brei  geliebt  unb  gleich 
©eliebt,  inbem  er  jttiei  md}t  brüden  mögen, 
2040  Um  einen  ju  begünftigen.  —  Sßol^lan ! 
@§  .eifre  jeber  feiner  unbefto^nen, 
aSon  3Sorurteilen  freien  Siebe  nadE) ! 
@§  ftrebe  t)on  euci)  jeber  um  bie  Sßette, 
Sie  Slraft  be§  Steint  in  feinem  Sting  an  STag 
2045  3u  legen  !  lomme  biefer  5lraft  mit  Sanftmut, 
m'xi  ^erslid)er  aSertraglid;!eit,  mit  Söol^ltljun, 
gjjit  innigfter  @rgebenl)eit  in  ©ott 
3u  §ilf' !    Unb  \vm\  fic^  bann  ber  ©teine  Gräfte 
33ei  euern  Äinbe§::^inbe§linbern  äuf^ern, 
2050  ©0  lab^  i^  über  taufenb  taufenb  Safere  ^ 
©ie  iDieberum  bor  biefen  ©tul;l.    ®a  iDirb 
ein  tüeif'rer  ^Ttann  auf  biefem  ©tul^le  fi^en 
3ll§  id;,  unb  f^red^en.    ®e^t!  -  ©0  fagte  ber 
Sef^eibne  giid)ter. 

©Ott!  ©Ott! 



205s  SBenn  bu  bic^  fü^left,  biefer  reifere 
aSerf^rod^ne  9)iann  ju  fein  .  .  . 

3.  2luf3ug.    7.  2luftrtti  115 


(ber  auf  i^n  äuftürat  unb  feine  §anb  eröteift,  bie  er  bi§  3u  ©übe  nic^t 

tt)ieber  fa!)ren  lägt). 

3c^  ©taub?    gc^  9iic^t^? 
D  ©Ott! 

2Ba^  ift  btr,  ©ultan? 


^RatF^an,  lieber  ^aii)ar\ !  — 
2)te  taufenb  taufenb  ^af^re  beineö  3iid)ter§ 
©inb  nod^  nid^t  um.  —  ©ein  9lic^terftu[)l  ift  nid^t 
2o6o  SDer  meine.  —  ©ef) !  —  ©el^ !  —  2lber  fei  mein  greunb. 

Unb  tDeiter  l^ätte  ©alabin  mir  nid^t^ 

3u  fagen? 



5ßic^t^  ? 


©ar  nid^t^.  —  Unb  n)arum  ? 


3c^  ^ätte  nod^  ©elegen^eit  getDünfd^t, 
Xix  eine  SBitte  borjutragen. 


2065  ©elegenl^eit  ju  einer  Sitte  ?  —  Siebe ! 


^d^  fomm'  t)on  einer  tDeiten  3leif^  auf  tüeld^er 
3d^  ©d^ulben  eingetrieben.  —  g^aft  l^ab'  id^ 

116  Hatl^an  ber  IPetfe. 

!De§  baren  ©elbg  jui;)iel.  —  2)ie  Q^it  beginnt 
Sebenflid^  tDieberum  ju  tDerben,  —  unb 
2070  3^  ^^^ife  nid^t  red^t,  U)o  fidler  bamit  I;in,  — 
SDa  bad^t'  id^,  ob  nid^t  bu  melleid^t,  —  tt)eil  bod^ 
©n  nat^er  ^rieg  be§  ©elbeö  immer  mef^r 
Grforbert,  —  etoa^  braud^en  fönnteft. 


(tf)m  tief  in  bie  ^ugen  fel)enb)» 

JJat^an !  — 
^dE)  h)i(I  nid^t  fragen,  ob  2ll=§afi  fd^on 

2075  Sei  bir  getDefen,  —  Wxü  nidji  unterfud^en, 

Dh  bid;  nid^t  fon[t  ein  2lrgii)o()n  treibt,  mir  biefe^ 

(grbieten  freierbing^  ju  tf^un  .  .  . 


©in  2lrgtt)of)n? 

^ä)  bin  \\)n  tüert,  —  3Serjeit)  mir!  —  ^tnn  Wa^  l^ilft'^? 
Sd^  mu^  bir  nur  geftel^en,  bafe  id^  im 
2080  33egrijfe  iüar  — 

2)od^  nid^t,  ba§  nämlid^e 
2tn  mid^  ju  fud^en? 



©0  tt)är' 
lln§  beiben  ja  gel^olfen!    S)a^  id^  aber 
®ir  alle  meine  33arfd^aft  nid^t  fann  fd^iden, 
S)a§  mad^t  ber  junge  S^empel^err.    ®u  fennft 
2085  3^n  ja.    3t)m  f)ab^  id;  eine  gro|e  ^oft 
SSorl^er  noc^  5U  bejalylen. 

3.  2Iuf3ug.    7.  2luftrttt.  117 


S£emi)el^err  ? 
®u  lt)irft  bod^  meine  fd^Ummften  g^einbe  nid^t 
2Jlit  beinern  ©elb  and)  unterftü^en  it)oKen? 

^d^  fj)red^e  bon  bem  einen  nur,  bem  bu 
2090  2)a^  Seben  f^arteft  .  .  . 

2(f)!  h)oran  erinnerft 
®u  mid^ !  —  ^ah^  \ä)  bod^  biefen  Jüngling  ganj 
SBergeff en  !  —  ^ennft  bu  i^n  ?  —  2Bo  ift  er  ? 

©0  treibt  bu  nid^t,  tüie  t)iel  t)on  beiner  ©nabe 
gür  if;n,  burd^  if^n  auf  mid;  gefloff en  ?    6r,       ^ 
2095  ®^  "^i^  ©efaf)r  be^  neu  erf^altnen  Seben^ 
§at  meine  Xoc^ter  au§  bem  g^eu'r  gerettet. 


®r?    §at  er  ba^?  —  §a!  barnad^  faf)  er  au^. 
3)a§  l^ätte  traun  mein  33ruber  aud^  getf^an, 
®em  er  fo  äf^nelt !  —  3ft  ^^  ^^^^  i^c)<^  f?i^'^  ? 

2100  ©0  bring  il^n  l^er!  —  ^d^  ^abe  meiner  ©cf)h)efter 
SSon  biefem  if)ren  Sruber,  ben  fie  nicf)t 
©efannt,  fo  biel  erjagtet,  bafe  id^  fie 
©ein  (Sbenbilb  bod^  aud^  mu^  fef)en  laffen!  — 
®el^,  f)ol  i^n !  —  2ßie  au§  einer  guten  S^^at, 

2105  ©ebar  fie  aud^  fd^on  blo^e  Seibenfd^aft, 
2)oc^  fo  biel  anbre  gute  S^l^aten  fliegen! 
@e^,  l^ol  i^n  l 

118  Xlail\an  bct  IPeife. 

(inbem  er  6alabin§  §anb  fal)ren  lä^t). 

SlugenblidE^!    Unb  bei  bem  anbern 
Sleibt  eö  bod)  aud^?    (m.) 

31^ !  baf;  xd)  meine  ©d;it)e[ter 
9iidE)t  ^ord^en  laffen  !  —  Qn  xi)xl  ju  \i)x  !  —  ®enn 
2IIO  2Bie  foß  id^  aUe^  ba^  \i)x  nun  erjä^Ien? 

(^b  t>on  ber  anbern  Seite.) 

2td}ter  Ztuftrttt. 

*2)ie  Sccne:  unter  beu  ^almen,  in  ber  ^Ml)e  be§  ^tofter^,  tüo  ber  Stem))ell)err 

51atl)and  märtet. 

(gel^t,  mit  fid)  jelbft  tämp[enb,  auf  unb  ab,  bi§  er  (o^bric^t). 

—  §ier  l^ält  ba§  D^fertier  ermübet  [tili.  — 
3l\xn  gut!     ^ä)  mag  nid^t,  mag  nid^t  nä^er  tuiffen, 
2Ba^  in  mir  t)orgef)t;  mag  t>orau^  nid^t  iDittern, 
aßa^  t)orge^n  Wixh.  —  ©enug,  id^  bin  umfonft 

2115  ©eflo^n,  umfonft.  —  Unb  h)eiter  lonnt^  id^  bod^ 

2Iud^   nid^t^   aU  fliel^n!  —  9iun   fomm',  Wa^  fommen 
3f)m  au^äubeugen,  Wax  ber  ©treid^  ju  fd^netl    [foll!  — 
©efaUen,  unter  ben  ju  fommen  id^ 
©0  lang  unb  t)iel  mid^  tüeigerte.  —  ©ie  fel^n, 

2120  SDie  id^  ju  fef^n  fo  iDenig  lüftern  Wax,  — 
©ie  fe^n,  unb  ber  (Sntfd^Iu^,  fie  tüieber  au§ 
33en  3lugen  nie  ju  laffen  —  2öa^  @ntf 4)Iu^  ? 
©ntfc^Iu^  ift  ä>ürfa^,  Xljat :  unb  id^,  id^  litt'. 

3.  2luf5ug.    8,  2luftritt.  119 

^d^  litte  blo^.    ©ie  fe^n,  unb  bag  ©efü^I, 

2125  2ln  fie  t)erftridt,  in  fie  t)ertr>ebt  ju  fein, 

2öar  ein^.  —  93Ieibt  ein§.  —  3Son  if)r  getrennt 
3u  leben,  ift  mir  ganj  unbenibar,  W'dx^ 
3Jlein  S£ob,  —  unb  Wo  U)ir  immer  na4)  bem  SEobe 
9iod^  finb,  aud^  ba  mein  3:ob.  —  ^[t  ba§  nun  Siebe : 

2130  ©0  —  liebt  ber  ^Tempelritter  freilid^,  —  liebt 
S)er  Sl^rift  ba§  ^ubenmäbd^en  freilid^.  —  §m! 
2Ba§  tf)ut'§?  —  3<^  ^^^'^^  i^  ^^^  Ö^'[t)bten  Sanbe  — 
Unb  brum  aud^  mir  gelobt  auf  immerbar !  — 
2)er  3Sorurteile  me^r  fd^on  abgelegt.  — 

2135  2Ba§  \mU  mein  Drben  aud^  ?    ^d^  3:^em}3elf;err 
33in  tot,  loar  bon  bem  2lugenblidf  il^m  tot, 
SDer  mid^  ju  ©alabin^  ©efangnen  mad^te. 
S)er  ^opf,  ben  ©alabin  mir  fd^enfte,  toär' 
5Rein  alter  ?  —  ^\t  ein  neuer,  ber  Don  allem 

2140  ?Jid)t^  n)ei{3,  tDa§  jenem  einge^)laubert  trarb, 
aSa^  jenen  banb.  —  Unb  ift  ein  beff'rer,  für 
®en  t)äterlidE)en  §immel  mel)r  gemad;t» 
5Da§  f^)ür^  id^  ja.    2)enn  erft  mit  i^m  beginn* 
3d^  fo  ju  ben!en,  h)ie  mein  3Sater  ^ier 

2145  ©ebad;t  mu^  l^aben,  tüenn  man  9}Järd^en  nid^t 
3Son  il;m  mir  t)orgelogen.  —  9JJärd^eu  ?  —  bod^ 
®ani  glaublid^e,  bie  glaublid^er  mir  nie 
311^  je^t  gefd^ienen,  ba  id^  nur  ©efaf^r 
gu  ftraud^eln  laufe,  too  er  fiel.  —  @r  fiel? 

2150  3^  ^iß  tnit  Mänmxn  lieber  fallen,  al^ 

Wxi  ^inbern  ftef;n.  —  ©ein  8eif^)iel  bürget  mir 

gür  feinen  SeifaU.     Unb  an  treffen  93eifatl 

Siegt  mir  benn  fonft  ?  —  2ln  9iatl^an^  ?  —  D,  an  beffen 

120  Zlailian  ber  rOctfe, 

(Srmuntrung  me^r  al§  Seifall  fann  e^  mir 
2155  9?od;  iDeniger  gebred^en.  —  SBeld;  ein  "^ni^ !  — 
Unb  ber  fo  ganj  nur  3^^^  fd;eincn  \mü\ 
S)a  lömmt  er,  fömmt  mit  §aft,  glüf^t  (;eitre  g^reube. 
2ßer  farn  t)om  ©alabin  je  anber^?    §e! 
§e,  Jtat^an! 

Heunter  Huftritt. 

9^atl)an  unb  ber  S^empell^err. 

2Bie?  feib  3l;r»ö? 


3f)r  I;abt 
2160  ©e^r  lang^  @ud^  bei  bem  ©ultan  aufge[;alten. 

©0  lange  nun  tuo^I  nid)t.     ^c^  iuarb  im  §ingel;n 
3u  Diel  berlüeilt.  —  2l(;,  tDaf;rlid;,  (Surb,  ber  3Jtann 
©te(}t  feinen  9{u[)m.   ©ein  3{uf;m  ift  blüf3  fein  ©d;attcn.- 
S)od;  Iaj3t  Dor  allen  S)ingen  iSxid)  gefd^tüinb 
2165  9Zur  fagen  .  .  . 


(gr  n)i(I  @ud;  fi)recl^en,  ii:)ill, 
Sa^  ungefäumt  ^f^r  ju  i^m  fommt.    Segleitet 
Wid)  nur  nad^  §aufe,  tx)0  id^  nod^  für  if;n 
@rft  etlDa§  anbre^  ju  Verfügen  ^abe: 
Unb  bann,  fo  gebn  iDir. 

3.  2luf3ug.    9.  2iuftritt.  121 

2170  33etret'  id^  tmeber  e^er  nii^t .  .  . 

©0  feib 
^l)x  bod;  inbe§  fc^on  ba  getüefen?  \)ait 
3nbe|  fie  bod)  flef^ro^en  ?  —  9iun  ?  —  ©agt,  tt)ie 
©efäßt  @uc^  3tec^a? 

Über  aßen  Slu^brud !  — 
SlHein,  —  fie  tüieberfel^n  —  ba^  tt)erb'  ic^  nie! 
2175  9ite !  nie !  —  ^f^r  müßtet  mir  jur  Stelle  benn 
3Serfj)rec^en,  —  ba^  id^  fie  auf  immer,  immer  — 
6oß  lönnen  fe^n. 

2ßie  Wollt  S^r,  bafe  id^  ba^ 
SSerfte^'  ? 


(uadj)  einer  fiiräen  $aufe  if)m  ^jlö^lic^  um  hen  ^alö  falleiib.) 

aKein  SSater ! 


(if)n  ebenfo  plö^ü(i^  tüieber  taffeub).  » 

3lxä)t  ©o^n  ?  « 
Sc^  bitt^  euc^,  gtat^an !  — 

Sieber  junger  3}Jann ! 

122  Hatl^an  ber  IDcife. 

2180  ^xä)t  ©ol^n  ?  —  ^ä)  ixiV  (gud^,  9iatE;an  !  —  3c^  befc^n^ör* 
®ud)  bei  ben  erften  Sanben  ber  5)iatur!  — 
Qki)t  i[)nen  fjjätre  Steffeln  bod^  uid^t  i)or!  — 
33enügt  ©ud^  bod^,  ein  TOenfd^  ju  fein!  —  ©to^t  mid^ 
9iid;t  t)ün  (Sud; ! 

Sieber,  lieber  g^reunb !  .  .  . 


Unb  ©oI;nV 

2185  ©o^n  nid;t? —  3lud^  bann  nid^t,  bann  nid^l  einmal,  tüenn 
(Sr!enntlidE)feit  jum  ^erjen  ©urer  Xod^ter 
S)er  Siebe  fd^on  ben  Söeg  gebaf;net  f^ätte? 
2lud^  bann  nid^t  einmal,  h)enn  in  ein§  ju  fd^meljen, 
äluf  Suern  2BinI  nur  beibe  U)arteten  ?  — 

2190  3{;r  fd^lreigt? 

3l)r  übcrrafd^t  mid^,  junger  SRitter. 


3d^  überrafd^'  @ud^  ?  —  überrafd^'  @ud^,  Jtat^an, 
^Ut  (Suern  eigenen  ©ebanlen  ?  —  3^^ 
SSerlennt  fie  bod^  in  meinem  5Runbe  nid^t  ?  — 
^ä)  überrafd^'  ©ud^? 

Q^l)^  iä)  einmal  tx)eife, 

2195  2Bag  für  ein  ©tauffen  @uer  SSater  benn 

©etpefen  ift! 


2Ba^  f agt  3^r,  5Rat^an  ?  h^ag  ?  — 
3n  biefem  3lugenblide  fü^lt  gl^r  nid^t^ 
211^  Jteubegier? 

3.  2luf3U9,    9.  2luftritt  123 

5Denn  fe^t !     ^c^  ^abe  felbft 
aSof^I  einen  ©tauffen  e^ebem  gefannt, 
2200  ©er  i^onrab  l^ie^. 

5Jiun,  —  Wmn  mein  SSater  benn 
dlun  ebenfo  ge^eifeen  l^ätte? 

SBa^rlic^  ? 

^d^  l^ei^e  felber  ja  nad^  meinem  33ater:  Surb 
3[t  Äonrab. 

3l\xn  —  fo  tt)ar  mein  ^onrab  bod^ 
9iid^t  @uer  Sßater.     ©enn  mein  ^onrab  h)ar, 
2205  2öa§  3^^r  ^^^  2^em^3ell^err,  lt)ar  nie  tjcrmä^lt. 

D  barum! 


D,  barum  fönnt'  er  bod^ 
5!J?ein  Sßater  h)o^I  getDefen  fein. 

3^r  fd^erjt. 

Unb  3^^^  nel^mt'^  iDal^rlid^  ju  genau !  —  9Q3a§  tüäx'^ 
^i^nn  nun?    60  Wa^  Don  33aftarb  ober  Sanfert! 

124  Hatt^an  ber  IDetfc. 

2210  3)er  ©d^Iag  i[t  a\x6)  nidjt  ju  i)erad;teu.  —  3)od) 
ßntla^t  mid^  immer  meiner  Slf^nen^jrobe. 
Sd^  lt)ill  @uci)  ©urer  h)ieberum  entlafjen» 
3lxä)i  iWax,  aU  oh  id)  beu  geringften  3^^if^I 
3n  6uern  Stammbaum  feilte,     ©Ott  betaute! 

2215  ^i)x  fönnt  i(;n  Slatt  für  g3latt  bi§  Slbra^am 
hinauf  belegen.     Unb  Don  ba  fo  loeiter 
2Bei^  id^  i^n  felbft,  toiH  id^  \i)n  felb[t  befd)lr)ören. 

^I^r  iDerbet  bitter.  —  ®od^  Serbien'  ic^'^?  —  ©d^Iug 
3d^  benn  ®ud^  fd;on  toa^  ab  ?  —  3d;  ioitt  @ud^  ja 
2220  9^Jur  bei  bem  2Borte  ni4)t  ben  SlugenblidE 
©0  faffen.  —  SBeiter  nid^tg. 

@eU)ife  ?  —  ?Ji^t^  tüeiter? 
D,  fo  hergebt !  .  .  . 

3lun  lommt  nur,  fommt! 

SBo{;in  ? 
5Rein !  —  3Kit  in  (Suer  §au§  ?  —  35ag  nid)t !  bag  nic^t !  — 
®a  brennt' § !  —  3d;  ioill  @ud^  f?ier  ertoarten.    ©e^t !  — 
2225  ©oll  id^  fte  loieberfel;n,  fo  fe^'  id^  fie 
9iod^  oft  genug.    2ßo  nid^t,  fo  fa^  id^  fie 
©d^on  t)iel  juDiel  .  .  . 

^ä)  toiH  mid^  möglic^ft  eilen. 

3,  2lu.f5ug,     ^0.  21  uf  tritt  125 

^el^nter  Jtuftritt 

ÜDer  ^cmpel'^crr  imb  halb  baraitf  S) a J a. 

©(i)on  mef)r  al^  g'nug !  —  ®c^  9Jtcnfd;cn  §irn  fa^t  fo 
Unenblid)  biel,  unb  ift  bod;  mand)mal  aucf) 

2230  ©0  :pIi3^Ucf)  boH !  —  t)on  einer  illeinigfeit 

(£0  ^lö^Iid)  t)o[I !   Saugt  nid)t§,  tawQt  nid)t§,  e§  fei 
2lud;  Doli,  Wo\)on  e§  tt)ill.  —  ^od)  nur  ©ebulb ! 
®ie  ©cele  \vixii  ben  aufgebunf'nen  ©tof[ 
33alb  in  einanber,  |d;afft  fid^  9iaum^  unb  £id)t 

2235  Unb  Drbnung  fommcn  luieber.  —  Sieb'  id;  benn 
3um  erftenmale?  —  Dber  Wax,  \va^  id) 
m^  Siebe  !enne,  Siebe  ni^t  ?  —  ^ft  Siebe 
?iur,  Wa^  id)  jc^t  em^finbe  ?  .  .  . 

(bie  fid)  t)on  ber  (Seite  f)erbetGcf(f)ttcöeu). 

3iitter!  3iitter! 

2Ber  ruft?  — §a,  ©qa,  S^r? 

^d^  l^abe  mid^ 
2240  Sei  tf^m  tJorbeigefd^Iid^en.     2lber  nod^ 

^önnt'  er  un§  feE;n,  Wo  3f)r  ba  ftel^t.  —  2)rum  !ommt 
2)od^  näljer  ju  mir,  l^inter  biefen  Saum. 

2S$a§  giebt'^  benn?  —  ©0  gef^eimni^i^oll?  —  2öa§  ift'ö? 

3a  U)of)l  betrifft  e§  ein  ©e^eimni^,  tt)a§ 
2245  5IRid^  ju  6ud^  bringt,  unb  jh)ar  ein  bo^3^eIte§. 

126  Hatl^an  bcr  ITetfe, 

®a§  eine  h)ei^  nur  id;;  ba§  anbre  n?i^t 
yinx  ^\)x.  —  SBie  W'dx'  e§,  tüenn  W'xx  taufd^ten? 
SSertraut  mir  (Suer§,  fo  Vertrau'  id^  Q\x6) 
3!)a§  meine. 


Tili  SSergnügen.  —  2ßenn  id^  nur 
2250  6r[t  tveife,  Wa^  ^i)x  für  meinet  ad^tet.    ©od; 
S)a§  tt)irb  au§  ©uerm  h)of;I  erl^ellen.  —  3^angt 
?iur  immer  an. 

6i,  ben!t  bod^ !  —  Jtein,  §err  ^Ritter, 
6rft  ^i)x ;  id^  folge.  —  3)enn  t)erfid;ert,  mein 
©ef^eimni^  tann  ©ud;  gar  nid;t§  milden,  iüenn 

2255  3^  ^i^t  jubor  ba§  (Sure  l^abe.  —  9iur 

©efd^tDinb !  —  2)enn  frag^  id/^  (Sud^  erft  ab,  fo  l)abl 
3f)r  nid)t§  t)ertrauet.     9Jtein  ©el^eimni^  bann 
33Ieibt  mein  ©el;eimni^,  unb  ba§  (Sure  feib 
Sl;r  lo^.  —  S)od;,  armer  Flitter !  —  S)a^  i^r  3Wänner 

2260  (Sin  fold;  ©e{;cimni^  bor  un§  SBeibern  traben 
3u  lönnen  aud^  nur  glaubt ! 


3)a^  tt)ir  ju  l^aben 
Dft  felbft  nid^t  tDiffen. 

Rann  n)ol^I  fein.    S)rum  mufe 
^d^  freilid^  erft,  (Sud^  felbft  bamit  be!annt 
3u  mad^en,  fd^on  bie  greunbfd^aft  l)aben.  —  ©agt: 
2265  2ßa^  ^iefe  benn  ba§,  bafe  3l)r  fo  Änatt  unb  g^att 
(Sud^  an^  bem  ©taube  mad^tet?  ba^  Sf)r  un^ 
©0  fi^en  liefet  ?  —  ba^  Sl)r  nun  mit  9iat^an 

3-2(uf3U9.    ^0.  2Inf tritt.  127 

5ttd^t  tDteberfommt?  —  §at  3ftec^a  benn  fo  tüenig 
3luf  (Sud^  gett)ir!t  ?  tüte  ?  ober  auc^  fo  biel  ?  — 
2270  So  t)iel!  fo  biel !  —  Se^rt  ^br  be§  armen  3Sogel§, 
S)er  an  ber  9tute  flebt,  ©eflattre  mtd^ 
®0(^  f ennen !  —  ^urj,  gefielet  e^  mir  nur  gleid^, 
2)a^  ^f)r  fte  liebt,  liebt  bi^  jum  Unfinn,  unb 
^d^  fag'  Qnä)  \\)a^  .  .  . 

giim  Unfinn?    2öaf)rlid),  ^f^r 
2275  3Serftef)t  (^nä)  treffltc^  brauf. 

9^un,  gebt  mir  nur 

35te  Siebe  j|u;  ben  Unfinn  n^itt  id^  Sud^ 



2ßeil  er  fid^  öon  felbft  berfte^t?  — 
©in  SCem^^el^err  ein  ^ubenmäbdfien  lieben  I 

♦  •  ♦ 

©d^eint  freilid^  lt)enig  ©inn  ju  ^aben.  —  S)od^ 
2280  ßwtoeilen  ift  be§  ©inn§  in  einer  ©ad^e 

3tud^  mef^r,  aU  tt)ir  Vermuten ;  unb  e§  tt)äre 
©0  unerf)ört  bod^  nid^t,  ba^  un§  ber  §eilanb 
2luf  2Begen  ju  fid^  jöge,  bie  ber  ^luge 
Sßon  felbft  nid^t  leidet  betreten  tüürbe, 



2285  ©0  feierli^  ?  —  (Unb  fe|'  id^  ftatt  be§  §eilanb§ 
®ie  3SorfidE)t :  f^at  fie  benn  nid^t  red^t  ?)    ^I^r  mad^t 
5Rid^  neubegieriger,  al§  id^  Woi)l  fonft 
3u  fein  getDof^nt  bin. 

128  Hatt^anbcrlDeife. 

D !  ba^  ift  ba§  Sanb 
2)er  ffiunber! 

(giun  !  —  be§  2Bunberbaren.    ^ann 
2290  ©^  aud)  iDof;l  auber^  fein?    Die  ganje  SBelt 
©rängt  fid;  ja  ^ier  jufammen.)  —  Siebe  ©qa, 
?Jef)mt  für  geftanben  an,  iDa^  ^\)x  tierlangt: 
2)a^  id)  fie  liebe,  ba^  xd)  nid^t  begreife, 
2ßie  of)ne  fie  id;  leben  iDerbe,  ba^  ♦  .  ♦ 

2295  ©emif^?  gen)i^?—  ©0  f^tpört  mir,  ^Ritter,  fie 
3ur  (Surigen  ^u  madjen,  fie  ju  retten, 
©ie  jeitlid;  t)ier,  fie  eh)ig  bort  ju  retten. 

Unb  tüie  ?  —  2Bie  f ann  ic^  ?  —  5lann  ic^  f d^tDören,  Wa^ 
3n  meiner  3Rad)i  nid^t  ftef^t? 

3n  (Surer  ^Jtad^t 

2300  ©tef)t  e^,     ^d)  bring'  e^  burd)  ein  einzig  äßort 

3n  (gure  gjlad^t. 


S)afe  felbft  ber  aSater  nid^t^ 

2)att)iber  f^ätte? 

(Si,  wa^  aSater !  3Sater ! 
3)er  3Sater  foll  fd^on  muffen. 


gjJüffen,  ©qa?  — 

3fJod^  ift  er  unter  9täuber  nid^t  gefaßen.  — 
2305  (gr  mufe  nid}t  muffen. 

3.  2luf3ug.     \o.  21  uf tritt  129 

9?un,  fo  mn^  er  n^otten, 
^iJtu^  gern  am  @nbe  trollen. 


SRujs  unb  gern !  — 
3)od;,  ®aja,  trenn  irf)  (Sud^  nun  fage,  bafe 
^c^  felber  biefe  ©ait'  if^m  anjufdE)lagen 
33ereit§  t)erfurf)t? 

2Ba§?  unb  er  fiel  nidbt  ein? 

2310  ®r  fiel  mit  einem  SRi^laut  ein,  ber  mid;  — 

2öag  fagt  Sf)r  ?  —  2ßie  ?    ^^r  hättet 
®en  ©d^atten  eine§  2Bunfd^e§  nur  nad)  S^ed^a 
3f)m  bliden  laffen,  unb  er  War'  bor  g^reuben 
yiidjt  aufgef^rungen  ?   fiätte  froftig  fid) 
2315  B^^üdgejogen?  f)ätte  ©dE)tt)ierigfeiten 
©emad^t  ? 

©0  ungefäf)r. 

©0  tüill  id^  benn 
5Rid^  länger  leinen  3tugenblid  bebenfen  — 

Unb  3^r  bebenft  ®uc^  boc^  ? 

2)er  gjZann  ift  fonft 
©0  gut !  —  3^  felber  bin  fo  biel  i{)m  fd^ulbig !  — 

130  riatkan  bcr  IPetfe. 

2320  3)a^  er  bod^  gar  nid^t  l^ören  WxU !  —  ®ott  it>ei§, 
3)a§  §erje  blutet  mir,  x\)n  fo  ju  jtt>ingen. 

3d&  bitt'  gu^,  Saja,  fe^t  mid^  furj  unb  gut 
2tu§  btefer  Ungett)i^f)eit.     ©eib  ^l^r  aber 
3Jod^  felber  ungetüi^,  ob,  Wa^  3f)r  toor^abt, 
2325  ®ut  ober  böfe,  [d^änblid^  ober  löblid^ 

3u  nennen  :  —  fd^treigt !    ^d;  toiH  t)erge[fen,  ba^ 
3f)r  etlDa^  ju  Derfdjtoeigen  l^abt. 

S)a§  f^3ornt, 
3lnftatt  ju  f^alten.    9Jun,  fo  tüif^t  benn :  $Red^a 
^ft  leine  3übin,  t[t  —  i[t  eine  6f)riftin. 

2:cmtjcn)crr  (fait). 

2330  So?  2öünfd/  (Suc^  ©lud!  §at^^  fd;n)er  gef^alten?  Safet 
6ud^  nid^t  bie  2Bef;en  fdEjreden !  —  g^af^ret  ja 
3Jiit  ©fer  fort,  ben  §immel  ju  bet)öl!ern, 
'^znn  ^i)x  bie  @rbe  nid^t  me^r  !önnt! 

2Bie,  g^itter? 
Serbienet  meine  Jiad^rid^t  biefen  ©^ott  ? 
2335  3)afe  3^ed^a  eine  ©f^riftin  ift,  ba^  freuet 
(^nd),  einen  6f;riften,  einen  Sremj)elf?errn 
2)er  ^{^r  fie  liebt,  nid^t  met^r? 

Sefonberg,  ba 
©ie  eine  6l^riftin  ift  i)on  ßurer  SJJad^e. 

21^  !  fo  berftef)t  ^\)x'^  ?    ©0  mag'g  gelten !  —  ^txn ! 
2340  S)en  h)itl  id^  fe^n,  ber  bie  be!ef)ren  foH ! 

3.  2luf3ug.     ^0.  21  uf tritt.  131 

^l^r  ©lud  ift,  längft  ju  fein,  \va^  fie  ju  h)crben 

SSerborbcn  ift. 


©rllärt  ®ud^,  ober  —  gel^t ! 

©ie  ift  ein  ß^riftenünb,  bort  ©f^rifteneltern 
©eboren,  ift  getauft  ... 

Xtmpdl^tVV  (l)afttg). 

Unb  9?at^an? 

2345  3^t  3Sater ! 


^ai\)an  nic^t  if;r  3Sater  ?  —  3Bifet 
3^r,  Wa^  S^r  fagt? 

35ie  SBal^rf^eit,  bie  fo  oft 
Wl'xä)  blutige  X\)x'dmn  tüeinen  nmci^en.  —  9?ein, 
6r  ift  if)r  Sßater  nici^t  .  .  . 


Unb  f)ätte  fie 
211^  feine  S^od^ter  nur  erjogen?   f^ätte 
2350  3)a^  ßf^riftenfinb  aU  eine  ^übin  fid^ 
©rjogen  ? 

©anj  geh)ife. 

©ie  tüü^te  nid^t, 
3Ba§  fie  geboren  fei  ?  —  ©ie  f)ätt'  e§  nie 
3Son  if)m  erfaf^ren,  ba^  fie  eine  ß^riftin 
©eboren  fei,  unb  leine  S^bin? 

132  Hatl^an  ber  lüeifc. 

2355  @r  ijäiV  in  biefem  3Ba{)ne  nid^t  ba§  .ßinb 
93(0^  auferjogen?  Ite^  ba^  SRäbd^en  noc^ 
gn  biefem  2Baf;ne? 

Seiber ! 


maii)an  —  5IBic?  — 
2)er  tDeifc,  gute  9Jatf)an  f)atte  [id^ 
©riaubt,  bie  ©timme  bcr  9?atur  fo  ju 

2360  3Serfatfc^cn  ?  —  Die  ©rgie^ung  einc^  ^erjen^ 
®o  ju  berlenfen,  bie,  fid^  fclbft  gclafjcn, 
®anj  anbre  2öege  nel^men  tüürbe  ?  —  ^Daja, 
^f)r  [)abt  mir  atterbingg  eth)a§  vertraut  — 
2Son  3Sid;tigIeit,  —  Wa^  3^oIgen  f)aben  fann,  — 

2365  2ßa^  mid^  bertüirrt,  —  iDorauf  id;  gleid;  nid)t  n)ei^, 
SBa§  mir  ju  t{)un.  —  ®rum  lafet  mir  3cit.  —  2)rum  gef)t ! 
6r  !ommt  hier  tüieberum  vorbei.     6r  möd;t^ 
Un§  überfaffen.     ©ef|t ! 

^d)  h)är'  be§  STobe^! 
^dE)  bin  ifjn  jel^t  ^u  fjjred^en  ganj  unb  gar 
2370  9Jid;t  fäf?ig.     SBenn  3^^  ^f)^  begegnet,  jagt 
3f)m  nur,  ba^  w'xx  einanber  bei  bem  ©ultan 
©d^on  finben  h)ürben. 

2lber  la^t  6ud^  ja 
?Jid^t§  nterlen  gegen  i^n  —  3)a§  fott  nur  fo 

3.  2luf5U9.     ^0.   ZI  uf  tritt.  133 

®en  letzten  3)ruc!  bem  2)inge  geben,  foH 
2375  ®^^/  Stcd^a-o  megen,  alle  Qtxnpd  nur 

33ene{)men  !  —  Söenn  3^^  ^^^^  ^<^^^  j^^  ncic^ 
©uro^^a  füt;rt,  fo  lafet  ^^^r  iod)  mi4>  nic^t 
,3urüd  ? 

S)a^  tDirb  fid^  finben,     ©el^t  nur,  ge^t! 

(£rfter  2tuftrttL 

Scene  :  in  bcn  ^rcuaGängen  be§  ^loftcrö. 
!5)er  ^lofterbruber  unb  Balb  barouf  ber  Sl  c  m^)  e  ( ^  e  r  r. 


3a,  ja !  er  l^at  fd^on  redE)t,  ber  ^alriard^ ! 

2380  6^  f^at  mir  freilid^  nod^  \)on  aUebem 
9tid^t  Diel  gelingen  tDoHen,  \va^  er  mir 
©0  aufgetragen.  —  SBarum  trägt  er  mir 
2luci^  lauter  fold^e  Sad^en  auf?  —  gd^  mag 
?lidE)t  fein  fein,  mag  nid^t  Überreben,  mag 

2385  SJiein  ?täöd^en  nid^t  in  alle§  ftedEen,  mag 
SJlein  §änbd^en  nid^t  in  aUem  l^aben.  —  Sin 
3d^  barum  an^  ber  Sßelt  gefd^ieben,  id^ 
gür  mid^,  um  mid^  für  anbre  mit  ber  2öelt 
9iod^  erft  red^t  ju  toerlpidEeln  ? 

(mit  J&aft  auf  i^n  aufommenb). 

®uter  33ruber! 
2390  2)a  feib  ^f^r  ja.     3^  ^^^*  ®w^  lange  fd^on 


mx6),  §err? 


/^.   2Iuf3U9-     l.   21  uf tritt.  135 

^l^r  !ennt  mic^  ]d)on  \nd)i  mel^r? 


S)o(^,  bod^!     '^ä)  glaubte  nur,  ba^  xä^  ben  §enn 
^n  meinem  Seben  tüieber  nie  ju  fef)n 
Sefommen  h)ürbe.    2)enn  id^  l^offt'  e§  ju 

2395  ®em  lieben  ©ott.  —  ®er  liebe  &ott,  ber  tpei^, 
2Bie  fauer  mir  ber  Slntrag  trarb,  ben  id^ 
2)em  §errn  ju  i\)Vin  berbunben  Wax,     Qx  toti^, 
Db  id^  gelDünfd^t,  ein  offnem  Df^r  bei  @ud^ 
3u  finben,  ir>eife,  Wk  fel)r  id^  mid^  gefreut, 

2400  "^m  gnnerften  gefreut,  ba^  3f)r  fo  runb 
®a§  aHe^,  o^ne  mel  Seben!en,  t)on 
Qua)  tt)iefH,  tt)a§  einem  ^Ritter  nid^t  gejiemt.  — 
^nn  !ommt  ^l^r  bod^  ;  nun  ^at'^  bod;  nad^gebirft ! 


^f)x  Wx^t  e^  fd^on,  tDarum  id^  !omme?    ßaum 
2405  2öei^  id^  e^  felbft. 


^i^r  f^abt'^  nun  überlegt, 
§abt  nun  gefunben,  ba^  ber  ^atriard^ 
©0  unred^t  bod^  nid^t  i)at;  ba^  @^r'  unb  ©elb 
SDurd^  feinen  3lnfd)lag  ju  getüinnen ;  ba^ 
(Sin  g^einb  ein  g^einb  ift,  tüenn  er  unfer  611  gel 
2410  älud^  fiebenmal  gett)ej'en  h)äre.    ®a§, 

3)a§  l;abt  ^f^r  nun  mit  g^leifd^  unb  33lut  ertüogen 
Unb  lommt  unb  tragt  @ud^  tüieber  an.  —  Sld^  ®ott ! 


SJiein  frommer,  lieber  5Rann !     ©ebt  @ud^  jufrieben, 
S)e^n)egen  !omm'  id^  nid^t;  be^tpegen  tv'xü 

136  rcatt)  an   bcr   lUeife. 

2415  3^  nid^t  ben  ^atriard^en  f^rcd)en.     3lod), 
3lüd)  hmV  \ä)  über  jenen  ^Nun!t,  h)ie  id^ 
©ebad;t,  unb  WoüV  um  aUe^  in  ber  Söelt 
®ie  gute  5[Reinung  nid^t  t)erlieren,  bereu 
Mxä)  ein  jo  graber,  frommer,  lieber  SD'tann 

2420  ©inmal  gelDürbigt»  —  ^d)  fomme  blofe, 
S)en  ^atriard^en  über  eine  ©ad^e 
Um  9tat  5u  fragen  »  .  . 


3I;r  ben  ^atriard^en? 
ein  gtitter  einen  —  Pfaffen  ? 

(Sic^  fc^üc^tcrn  umjetjeub.) 

3a  ;  —  bie  ©ad^' 
Sft  jiemlidE)  i)fäffifdt). 


®Ieic^tt)o£;I  fragt  ber  Pfaffe 

2425  3)en  3{itter  nie,  bie  ©ad^e  fei  aud^  nod^ 

©0  ritterlid^. 


SBeil  er  ba^  SSorred^t  l^at, 
©id^  ju  t)ergef)n,  ba^  unfereiner  if?m 
5iic^t  fef^r  beneibet.  —  g^reilid;.  Wenn  \d)  nur 
gür  mid^  ju  l^anbeln  f?ätte ;  freilid^,  h^enn 

2430  3<^  3led^enjdE)aft  nur  mir  ju  geben  f)ätte, 
2Ba^  brandet'  ic^  ßuer^  ?PatriardE)en?    2lber 
©eiüiffe  2)inge  tpitt  id^  lieber  fd^Ied^t 
^laä)  anbrer  333itlen  mad^en,  al^  allein 
yiaä)  meinem  gut.  —  3^^^^/  ^^  W  ^^^  ^^^'I' 

2435  ^Religion  ift  aud^  Partei,  unb  ber 

©id^  brob  aud^  nod;  fo  un^arteiifd)  glaubt, 
§ält,  ol)n'  e§  felbft  ju  tüiffen,  bod^  nur  feiner 

^.   2luf3U9.     2,  2(uftritt.  137 

S)ie  ©tauge.     äBeil  ba^  einmal  nun  fo  ift, 
aßirb'ö  fo  Wo^  red^t  fein. 


^aju  jd^tpeig'  id^  lieber. 
2440  ^^nn  \d)  t)erftel^'  ben  §errn  nid^t  red^t. 

Unb  bod; !  — 
(2a§  jef)n,  tt)arum  mir  eigentlid;  ju  tf^un! 

Um  ?iJiad^tf^)rud;  ober  ?ftat  ?  —  Um  lautern  ober 

©ele^rten  Siat?)  —  ^d;  banf  (guc^,  Sruber,  bauf 

@ud^  für  ben  guten  2Bin!.  —  2ßa^  ^atriard;  ?  — 

2445  ©eib  3^^  ^^^i^  ^atriard^ !     ^d^  \vxü  ja  io6) 

3)en  ß^riften  me^r  im  ^atriard^en  al^ 

3)en  ^atriard^en  in  bem  S^riften  fragen.  — 

ÜDie  ©a^'  ift  bie  .  .  . 


9iid^t  h)eiter,  §err,  n\fi)t  tt)eiter! 
2Ö0JU?  —  23er  §err  Derfennt  mid^.  —  215er  t)iel  iDei^, 
2450  §at  t)iel  ju  forgen,  unb  id^  l^abe  ja 

Mxd)  @iner  ©orge  nur  gelobt.  —  D  gut ! 

§ört!  fef^t!    2)ort  fömmt,  ju  meinem  ©lud,  er  felbft. 

33Ieibt  l^ier  nur  fielen.     (Sr  'i)at  Sud;  fd;on  erblidt. 

(^tpetter  2(uftrttt. 

^r  "^  aixiav  dj ,  meld^er  mit  attem  geiftUd^en  "iponH)  ben  einen 
Äreujgang  ^erauffömmt,  unb  hit  Vorigen. 


^c^  Wxä)'  \i)m  lieber  an^,  —  SBär'  nid^t  mein  5!Jiann  !  - 
2455  ®i^  bider,  roter,  freunblid^er  ^rälat ! 
Unb  tt)eld;er  ^runl ! 

138  Hatf]an   bcr   IPeife. 


gl^r  fülltet  x^n  erft  fe^n 
9iad^  §ofe  fid^  er!;eben.     ^et^o  !ömmt 
@r  nur  bon  einem  ÄranJen. 


2Bie  ftc^  \)a 
5iicl^t  ©alabin  \mxi  jd^ämen  muffen ! 


(inbcm  er  näl)er  !ümmt,  lühitt  beni  33ruber). 

ipier !  — 
2460  3)a^  ift  ja  n)o^I  ber  3::emj)elf)err.     2öa^  lüiU 



SeSeife  md;t. 


(auf  il)n  3Uöet)ciib,  iubem  ber  33ruber  unh  baö  (befolge  äuriuftrcteu). 

5Jun,  §err  Stitter !  —  Qdjx  erfreut, 
®en  brauen  jungen  SOiann  ju  fe^n !  —  (gi,  nod) 
©0  gar  jung !  —  9iun,  mit  @ütte^  §ilf^/  barau^ 
^ann  ü\va^  tDerben. 


3Jie£;r,  e[)rn)ürb'ger  §err, 

2465  3i5ol;l  fd^lDerlid^,  al^  fd^on  ift.     Unb  e^er  nod^ 

SÜa^  iDeniger. 


^d^  h)ünfd^e  n^enigfteng, 
®a^  fo  ein  frommer  3?itter  lange  nod^ 
S)er  lieben  @[)riftenf;eit,  ber  ©ad^e  ©otte^ 
Qn  e^r'  unb  g^rommen  blü{?n  unb  grünen  möge ! 
2470  S)a§  tüirb  benn  anä)  ntdE)t  fetalen,  tüenn  nur  fein 
Sie  junge  2aj)ferfeit  bem  reifen  3tate 

/^,   2luf  3U9.     2.   21  uf  tritt,  139 

©e§  ailterö  folgen  Wxü !  —  Sßomit  Wäf  fonft 
2)^m  §errn  ^u  btenen? 

SJtit  bem  nämlid^en, 
3[Boran  e§  meiner  ^ugenb  fel^It:  mit  diät. 


2475  3^^<i>>^  S^^^ '  —  5t^^  ift  ^^^  9^^^  ^^<^  anjunel^men. 


^o6)  blinbling^  nid^t? 

Söer  fagt  benn  baö  ?  —  @i  freilid^ 
3!Jlu^  niemanb  bie  3Sernunft,  bie  ©ott  il^m  gab, 
3u  braud^en  unterlaffen,  —  \vo  fie  l^in 
©ef)ört.  —  ©efjört  fie  aber  überall 

2480  ® enn  l;in  ?  —  D  nein !  —  ßum  Seifpiel :  tüenn  un§  ©Ott 
S)urd;  einen  feiner  (Sngel,  —  ift  ju  fagen, 
^nxä)  einen  ©iener  feinet  SBort^,  —  ein  3JlitteI 
S3efannt  ju  mad^en  tioürbiget,  ba§  3Bol^I 
®er  ganjen  ßf;riftcu(;eit,  ba^  §eil  ber  ^ird^e 

2485  äluf  irgenb  eine  ganj  befonbre  SBeife 
3u  förbern,  ju  befeftigen:  tüer  barf 
©id^  ba  nod^  unterftef^n,  bie  SBiHfür  be§, 
S)er  bie  3Sernunft  erfd^affen,  nad^  3Sernunft 
3u  unterfud^en?  unb  ba^  einige 

2490  ©efe^  ber  §errlid^feit  be§  §immel§,  nad^ 
3)en  Ileinen  Siegeln  einer  eiteln  S^re 
3u  ^jrüfen?  —  ®od^  f;ieri:)on  genug.  —  2Ba^  ift 
@§  benn,  h)orüber  unfern  "Stat  für  je^t 
S)er  §err  t)erlangt? 

140  HatfianberlPeife, 

©efe^t,  e^rlDürb'ger  SSater, 

2495  ®i^  S^^^  ^^"i^^'  ^i^  ^i^^jiS  ^inb,  —  e^  fei 

(Sin  5[Räbd^en,  —  ba§  er  mit  ber  gröj^ten  Sorgfalt 

3u  allem  ©uten  auferjogen,  ba^ 

@r  liebe  me^r  aU  feine  ©eele,  ba^ 

3f)n  tüieber  mit  ber  frömmften  Siebe  liebe. 

2500  Unb  nun  iuürb'  unfereinem  [)interbrad)t, 
®ie§  9}täbdf)en  fei  be§  ^uben  %od)itx  nid)t ; 
6r  f)ab'  e^  in  ber  ^inb^eit  aufgelefen, 
©efauft,  geftol^len,  —  \va^  ^[)r  tDoIIt ;  man  iüiffe, 
®a^  9!Jläbd)en  fei  ein  (Sf^riftenünb  unb  fei 

2505  ©etauft ;  ber  ^ube  i)db^  e^  nur  al^  ^übin 

©rjügen,  laff^  e§  nur  alö  ^übin  unb 

3ll§  feine  2^Dd^ter  fo  Der^arren :  —  fagt, 

@I}rh)ürb'ger  SSater,  tva^  Wdx'  l^ierbei  tuol^l 

3u  t^un? 


Wxä)  fd;aubert !  —  ®od^  ju  allererft 
2510  ßrfläre  fid&  ber  §err,  ob  fo  ein  gaU 
6in  3^a!tum  ober  eine  §\?potl^ef . 
2)a^  ift  ju  fagen:   ob  ber  §err  fid;  ba^ 
9iur  blo^  fo  bid^tet,  ober  ob'^  gefd^e^n 
Unb  fortfäf^rt  5U  gefd^et^n. 


^d^  glaubte,  ba§ 
2515  ©ei  ein§,  um  @uer  §od^e{)rtoürben  5Weinung 
33lo^  ju  t)ernel)men, 


6in§?  —  ba  fei/  ber  §err, 
2Bie  fid^  bie  ftolje  menfd)lid^e  SSernunft 

^.   2luf3U9.   2.   Zluf  tritt  141 

3m  ©eiftUd^en  bod^  irren  fann.  —  3}lit  nid^ten! 

®enn  i[t  ber  i)orgetragne  ^aU  nur  fo 
2520  ©in  Qpid  be§  SBi^e^,  fo  Derlo^nt  eö  fid^ 

®er  3Jiü^e  nid^t,  im  ®rnft  i^n  burd^jubenlen. 

^(^  tniH  ben  §errn  bamit  auf  ba§  Sl^eater 

3Sertmefen  l^aben.  Wo  bergleid^en  pro 

Et  contra  fid^  mit  t)ielem  93eifall  fönnte 
2525  Se^anbeln  laffen.  —  §at  ber  .^err  mid^  aber 

9iid^t  blo^  mit  einer  tf^eatraPfd^en  ©d^nurre 

^5um  beften;  ift  ber  %aU  ein  ^aftum;  i)'dtV 

6r  fid^  tt)of)I  gar  in  unfrer  ®iöce§', 

3n  unfrer  lieben  ©tabt  ^erufalem 
2530  ©räugnet :  —  ja  al^bann  — 


Unb  ma§  al§bann? 

^ann  Inäre  an  bem  ^uben  förberfamft 
®ie  ©träfe  ju  i:)DHäief)n,  bie  ^)ä^ftlid^e^ 
Unb  faiferlid^e^  9^ed^t  fo  einem  greifet, 
©0  einer  Saftert^at  beftimmen» 



2535  Unb  jtt)ar  beftimmen  obbefagte  3ted^te 
®em  ^uben,  tDeld^er  einen  ©Triften  jur 
Slj3oftafie  Derfüf^rt,  —  ben  ©d^eiterl^aufen, 
®en  §oIjfto^  — 



142  rtatl^an  bcr  tX)etfe> 

Unb  it)ie  melme^r  bem  ^uben, 
3)er  mit  (Setüalt  ein  arme^  ß^riftenünb 
2540  3)em  Sunbe  feiner  %au^'  entreifet!     2)enn  ift 
9Zicl^t  aUe^,  traö  man  ^inbern  tl^ut,  ©et^alt?  — 
3u  fagen :  —  aufgenommen,  Wa^  bie  Äird^' 
2ln  Sinbern  t^ut. 

2öenn  aber  nun  ba^  Äinb, 
Erbarmte  feiner  fid^  ber  ^^^^^  md)t, 
2545  3SieI(eicl)t  im  ©lenb  umgefommen  träre? 

Xi)\xi  nid^t^ !  ber  "^nit  Wxxi  berbrannt.  —  3)enn  beffer, 
(S^  tüäre  l^ier  im  ©lenb  umgefommen, 
Sll^  bafe  iVL  feinem  eh)igen  3Serberben 
6^  fo  gerettet  iDarb,  —  Qu  bem,  Wa^  f)at 
2550  3)er  ^ube  ©ott  benn  tjorjugreif en  ?    ©ott 

c^ann,  tuen  er  retten  Wxü,  fd^on  of^n^  if^n  retten. 


3lud)  tro^  il^m,  fottt'  id^  meinen,  —  feiig  mad^cn. 


%l)ni  nid^t^!  ber  "^niz  toirb  verbrannt. 


3)ag  ge^t 
3Jlir  naf)^ !     Sefonber§,  ba  man  fagt,  er  f)ahi 
2555  ®a§  3JJäbd^en  nid^t  foloo^l  in  feinem  aU 
3SieImef)r  in  feinem  ©lauben  auferjogen 
Unb  fie  t)on  ©ott  nid^t  mef^r  nidE)t  trenige 
©elel^rt,  al^  ber  3Bernunft  genügt. 

^.  2luf5ug.    2.  2luftrtti  143 

3)er  ^ube  tüirb  Verbrannt  .  .  .  ^a,  Wäx^  allein 
2560  ©cf)on  biefertüegen  tDert,  breimal  t)erbrannt 

3u  tüerben!  —  2öaö?  ein  Äinb  of^n'  allen  ©lauben 
ern)arf)fen  lafjen  ?  —  SBie  ?  bie  grofee  ^flic^t, 
3u  glauben,  ganj  unb  gar  ein  i?inb  nid^t  lehren  ? 
S)a^  ift  ju  arg  1  —  W\ä)  iDunbert  fel^r,  iperr  9?ilter, 
2565  (Sud^  felbft  .  .  , 


®f)riüürb'ger  §err,  ba§  .übrige, 
2Benn  ©ott  W'\ü,  in  ber  33eid£)te.     (mn  ac^n.) 

2öa^?  mir  mm 

9iid^t  einmal  3{ebe  ftet^n  ?  —  ®en  33öfett)id^t, 

®en  ^uben  mir  nitf)t  nennen  ?  —  mir  if)n  nic^^t 

3ur  ©teile  fc^affen  ?  —  D,  ba  tt)eif^  id)  3iat ! 
2570  ^d^  gel)^  fogleid;  jum  ©ultan.  —  ©alabin, 

SSermöge  ber  ßa^^ilulation, 

3)ie  er  befd^tt)oren,  nm^  une,  muj3  un§  fd^ü^en, 

Sei  allen  S^ed^ten,  allen  Seigren  f(i)ü^en, 

Sie  tt)ir  ju  unfrer  aUerl^eiligften 
2575  3teligion  nur  immer  red^nen  bürfen ! 

©ottlob!  iDir  l^aben  ba§  Original. 

2Bir  l^aben  feine  §anb,  fein  ©iegel.    2ßir!  — 

3Iud^  mad;'  id^  i^m  gar  leidf)t  begreiflid^,  tt)ie 

©efä^rlid;  felber  für  ben  ©taat  e§  ift, 
2580  9iid^t§  glauben !    ?Ille  bürgerlid^e  Sanbe 

©inb  aufgelöfet,  ftnb  j^rriffen,  \ü^nn 

®er  3)tenfd^  wxdM  glauben  barf.  —  §intüeg  !  l^intDeg 

Wtxt  fold)em  gret>el  .  .  . 

144  Hat  t^an  bcr  rD  et  fe, 

(S^abe,  ba^  xä)  nid^t 

3)en  trefflid^en  ©ermon  mit  beff'rer  3}Ju^e 

2585  ©enie^en  fann  1    ^d^  bin  jum  ©alabin 



Sa?  —  yim  fo  —  5Run  freilid^  —  "^ann  - 


Sci^  tt)ill  ben  ©ultan  vorbereiten,  h)enn 
©§  ©urer  §od^et)rtt)ürben  fo  gefällt. 

D,  ol^ !  —  ^cf)  iDei^,  ber  §err  i)ai  ®nabe  funben 
2590  35or  ©alabin !  —  ^d)  bitte,  meiner  nur 

^m  beften  bei  if;m  eingebenl  ju  fein,  — 

Wxi)  treibt  ber  ©ifer  @otte§  lebiglicf). 

SBa§  id)  jubiel  tf)u^  tf;u'  id^  if)m.  —  SDa§  tDotte 

®od^  ja  ber  §err  ertragen!  —  Unb  nid^t  Wa\)x, 
2595  §err  3iitter  ?  ba^  i:)orf)in  @rh)äf)nte  t)on 

2)em  ^uben  U^ar  nur  ein  ^roblema?  —  ift 

3u  fagen  — 

©in  ^roblema. 

(@cl)t  ab.) 

(2)em  id^  tiefer 
2)od^  auf  ben  (Srunb  ^u  fommen  fud^en  mu^. 
®a§  tt)ar'  fo  tüieberum  ein  3luftrag  für 
2600  2) en  Sruber  Sonafibe^.)  —  §i^^/  ^^^^  ©ol)n! 

((5r  fpri(f)t  im  ^lbQeI)n  mit  bem  ^loftcrbruber.) 

^.  :nuf3ug.    3.  21  uf tritt  145 

Dritter  Zluftritt. 

Scene:  ein  Si^^^^  i^^  ^ataftc  hc^  Satabin,  in  welä)e§  t)on  Sflat)cn  eine 
TlewQe  SBeiitel  getraGcn  unb  auf  bcm  33oben  neben  einanbcr  geftellt  merben. 

@alabin  unb  balb  barauf  @lttal^. 

©aldbitt  (ber  baju  fommt). 

yiun  Wa\)xl\ä) !  ba$  l^at  nod^  fein  6nbe.  —  ^ft 
®e^  3)ing§  nod^  mel  jurüdE? 

©in  ©ftatic» 

200^1  nod^  bte  §älfte. 

©0  tragt  ba§  übrige  ju  ©itta^.  —  Unb 
aSo  bleibt  ai^ipafi  ?    S)a§  J^ier  foK  fogleic^ 

2605  3(I=§afi  ju  fi(f)  nel;men.  —  Ober  ob 

3ci^'^  ni^t  melmef)r  bem  3Sater  fd^icfe?    §ier 
gäEt  mir  e§  bod^  nur  burd^  bie  3^inger.  —  S^ax 
Man  trirb  tüof;!  enblid^  l^art,  unb  nun  geVoi^ 
©oir^  fünfte  !often,  mir  tiiel  abjujtüadfen. 

2610  93i§  tt)enigften§  bie  ©eiber  au§  Slg^^^ten 
3ur  ©teile  !ommen,  mag  ba^  Slrmut  fe^n, 
2Bie'^  fertig  tnirb !  —  S)ie  ©^^enben  bei  bem  ©rabe, 
2ßenn  bie  nur  fortget^n!    9Benn  bie  Sf)riften^ilger 
9Jtit  leeren  ipänben  nur  nid^t  abjiel^n  bürfen! 

2615  SSenn  nur  — 

2Ba^  foa  nun  ba§?  2öag  fott  bag  ©elb 

33ei  mir? 


SJlad^  bid^  babon  bejat^It  unb  leg 
3luf  3Sorrat^  tt)enn  Wa^  übrig  bleibt. 

146  H  a  1 1]  a  n  b  e  r  rO  c  t  f  c. 

^^oä)  mit  bem  3:empelf)errn  md)t  ba? 

Sft  mtban 

er  fuc^t 

Qf^n  aller  Drten. 


©tef)  borf),  Wa^  \d)  Ijkx, 
2620  3nbem  mir  fo  mein  alt  ®efd;meibe  bur^ 
35ie  §änbe  ge^t,  gefunben. 

(^t)m  ein  flein  ©cmälbc  geiöcnb.) 


§a  !  mein  93ruber ! 
®a^  ift  er,  i[t  er  1  —  2öar  er !  tDar  er !  a\)l  — 
%i),  tDacfrer,  lieber  3unge,  ba|3  \d)  V\d) 
©0  friit;  t>erIor!     2Ba^  i)äiV  id)  erft  mit  bir, 

2625  2ln  beiner  ©eif  erft  unternommen!  —  ©ittaf;, 

2a^  mir  ba§  Silb.     2luci^  !enn'  id)'§  fd;on ;  er  gab 
(g^  beiner  altern  ©d)^t)e[ter,  feiner  SiHa, 
®ie  eine§  3Jlorgen§  if;n  fo  ganj  unb  gar 
5iicf)t  au^  ben  2lrmen  laffen  h)otlt\    S^  War 

2630  2)er  le^te,  ben  er  antritt.  —  %h,  xd)  liefe 
^f^n  reiten,  unb  allein !  —  211;,  SiHa  ftarb 
aSor  ©ram  unb  l?at  mir'§  nie  bergeben,  bafe 
3dE)  fo  allein  il;n  reiten  laffen.  —  @r 
3Blieb  h^eg! 


2)er  arme  ©ruber ! 

^.    2luf5ug.    3.  21  uf tritt.  147 

Sa§  nur  gut 
2635  ©ein !  —  ©inmal  bleiben  tt)ir  bod^  alle  tt)eg  !  — 
^ubern,  —  tt)er  tt)ei^?    35er  Job  ift'^  nid^t  aHein, 
2)er  einem  Jüngling  feiner  Strt  ba§  Qxd 
3Serrücft.    @r  f^at  ber  geinbe  mef^r,  unb  oft 
(Sriiegt  ber  ©tär!fte  gleid^  bem  ©d^h)ä($ften.  —  9iun, 
2640  ©ei  tüte  if)m  fei !  —  ^d^  mu^  ba^  93tlb  bod^  mit 
®em  jungen  2^em^)elf)errn  tjergleid^en,  mu^ 
2)od^  fel^n,  tote  biel  mid^  meine  ^^antafie 

giur  barum  bring'  id^'^.     2lber  gieb 

2)od^,  gieb !    g^  ^iö  i^i^  "^^^  ^^^^  f^S^" ;  ^^^ 
2645  3Serftef)t  ein  toeiblid^  2lug'  am  beften. 


(ju  einem  X{)ürftct)cr,  ber  t)ereintritt). 

ba?  —  ber  STem^^el^err  ?  —  @r  !omm'  1 



@ud^  nid)t 

3u  ftören,  if^n  mit  meiner  Jteugier  nid^t 
3u  irren  — 

(Sie  fe^t  fid)  feitmärtS  auf  einen  Sofa  unb  (ä^t  ben  S(f)(eier  fallen.) 


©ut  fo!  gut!  —  (Unb  nun  fein  Xon ! 
2öie  ber  Wo\)l  fein  tt)irb !  —  Slffab^  %on 
2650  ©d)[äft  aud^  tüol^I  tt)o  in  meiner  ©eele  nod^ !) 

148  Hatl^an  bcr  IDctfe. 

Vierter  ituftntt 

^d^,  bein  ©efangner,  ©ultan  .  .  • 

3Kem  ©efangner? 
2ßem  irf)  ba§  Sebcn  fcf)en!e,  h)erb'  id^  bem 
3lxd)t  anä)  bie  g^reil^eit  fd;enlen? 

2öa§  bir  jiemt 
3u  tl^un,  jiemt  mir,  erft  ju  bernel^men,  nid^t 
2655  3Sorau§äufe^en.    2tber,  ©u(tan,  —  ®anl, 
33efonbern  ®an!  bir  für  mein  Seben  ju 
beteuern,  [timmt  mit  meinem  ©taub'  unb  meinem 
ßf^arafter  nid^t.  —  ßö  [tef)t  in  aUm  gäHen 
3u  beinen  ©ienften  tt)ieber. 


SBraudE)'  e§  nur 
2660  9lidE)t  h)ibcr  mid^ !  —  Qwax  ein  ^aar  §änbe  mel^r, 
®ie  gonnt^  id^  meinem  g^einbe  gern.    SHlein 
^t|m  fo  ein  §erj  audE)  mef)r  ju  gönnen,  fäHt 
3Jiir  fd^tüer.  —  ^d)  f^abe  mid^  mit  bir  in  nid^t^ 
Setrogen,  braber  junger  SJtann!    2)u  bi[t 
2665  Wxi  ©eer  unb  £eib  mein  2tffab.     ©ieb!  id^  !önnte 
2)id^  ftagen,  tüo  bu  benn  bie  ganje  ^txi 
©eftedft?  in  iDeld^er  §öl^Ie  bu  gefd^Iafen? 
3n  ir)eld)em  ©inniftan,  bon  n^eld^er  guten 
2)it>  biefe  33Iume  fort  unb  fort  fo  frifd^ 
2670  6rf)alten  tt)orben  ?    ©ief^ !  id^  !önnte  bid^ 

^,  2luf5U9.    4.  21  uf tritt.  149 

@rinnern  tDoHen,  \va^  \vxx  bort  unb  bort 
^ufammen  au^gefüfjrt.     ^d^  lönnte  mit 
3)ir  janfen,  ba^  bu  6in  ®ef)eimm§  bod^ 
SSor  mir  gel^abt!    ©in  2l6enteuer  mir 

2675  ^^^  unterfd^Iagen  : — ^a,  ba§  formt'  xä),  tt>enn 

3c£)  bid^  nur  fä^'  unb  nid^t  aud^  mid^.  —  3lnn,  mag'^ ! 

S?on  biefer  fü^en  S^räumerei  ift  immer 

®od^  fo  Diel  Wa^x,  ba^  mir  in  meinem  §erbft 

©in  atffab  tüieber  blül^en  foH.  —  SDu  bift 

2680  6^  bod^  jufrieben,  3titter? 

atlle^,  wa^ 
3Son  bir  mir  !ömmt,  —  fei  Wa^  eg  loitt  —  ba^  lag 
211^  SBunfd^  in  meiner  ©eele. 


Safe  nn^  ba§ 

©ogleid;  öerfud^en.  —  33Iieb[t  bu  toof)I  bei  mir? 
Um  mir?  —  Sllö  ß^rift,  aU  aJtujelmann,  gleid^biel ! 
2685  "^m  loeifeen  3)Jantel  ober  3^^^^'t)n!; 
^m  3:^ulban  ober  beinem  Jilje:  tDie 
^u  iüidft!     ©leid)me[!     ^d^  l^abe  nie  i:)erlangt, 
SDafe  allen  33äumen  (Sine  3tinbe  toad^fe. 


©onft  iDärft  bu  too^l  aud^  fd;tt)erlid^,  ber  bu  bift: 
2690  ®er  §elb,  ber  lieber  ©otte^  ©ärtner  tDäre. 


9iun  bann,  Wmn  bu  nid^t  fd^led^ter  t)on  mir  benfft, 
©0  tt)ären  tüir  ja  f^alb  fd^on  rid^tig  ? 



150  Hatl^an  bcr  IPctfe. 


(ii)m  bie  §anb  bictcnb). 

ein  aSort? 

2cm)JCHerr  (einfc^lagenb). 

©in  SJiann !  —  §termit  em^)fange  mef?r, 
311^  bu  mir  nel^men  fonnteft.     ©anj  ber  beine! 


2695  ^Mkl  ©etrinn  für  einen  %aQ !  jubiel !  — 
Äam  er  nid^t  mit? 




Xempelljcrr  (fvoftig). 

9iein.     3^  '^^"^ 

aBeld^  eine  3:(;at  bon  bir !     Unb  iDeld^ 
(Sin  U)eifeö  ©lud,  ba^  eine  fold^e  SC^at 
3um  33e[ten  eine^  fold^en  3!Jlanne§  au^fd^lug. 

2700  ^a,  jja! 


©D  lalt  ?  —  9Jein,  junger  9Jiann !  Wmn  @ott 
2ßa§  ©uteö  burd^  un§  tf^ut,  mu^  man  fo  falt 
5Zic^t  fein !  —  felbft  au^  33efci^eibenl)eit  fo  talt 
9lici^t  fd^einen  tPoHen! 


S)afe  bod^  in  ber  SBelt 
©in  iebeö  ®ing  fo  mand^e  ©eiten  ^at !  — 

^.  2Iuf5U9.    ^.  2Iuf tritt.  151 

2705  3Son  benen  oft  ftd^  gar  mä)t  ben!en  lä^t, 
2Bie  fie  3ufammenj)a[fen ! 

§alte  bid^ 
3l\xx  immer  an  bie  beft^  unb  J)reife  ©ott! 
©er  trei^,  tt)ie  fie  5ufammeni)affen.  —  2lber, 
Söenn  bu  fo  fd^h:)ievig  fein  h)ittft,  junger  SJJann, 
2710  ©0  iDerb'  aud^  id^  ja  \voi)l  auf  meiner  §ut 
Miä)  mit  bir  [)alten  muffen?    Seiber  bin 
2lud^  iä)  ein  SDing  t)on  melen  ©eiten,  bie 
Dft  nid^t  \o  xtd)t  ju  pa\\m  fd^einen  mögen. 

2)a^  fd^merjt !  —  "^cnn  2lrgtPoI;n  ift  fo  U)emg  fonft 

2715  SRein  (Jei^Ier  — 


9^un,  fo  fage  bod^,  mit  toem 
3)u'^  f;aft?  —  @ö  fd^ien  ja  gar,  mit  3iatf)an.    2Bie? 
2luf  mtf;an  Slrgtoof^n?    2)u?  — @r!Iär  bic^!  fpric^! 
^omm,  gieb  mir  beine^  3^^^^^^^  ^^fl^  ^robe. 

3d^  t;abe  loiber  9iat^an  nid^tg.    ^d^  jürn' 

2720  älßein  mit  mir  — 


Unb  über  tpa^? 


2)a^  mir 

©eträumt,  ein  ^ube  lönn   and)  tt)oJ)l  ein  Qube 

3u  fein  verlernen ;  ba^  mir  tt)ad^enb  fo 



§erau^  mit  biefem  toad^en  Traume! 

152  Hatl^an  bcr  IPeife. 

®u  iDci^t  t)on  3^atf^an§  ^Eod^ter,  ©ultan.    3Ba^ 
2725  3c^  für  fie  t^at,  ba§  tf)at  id;,  —  iDeil  id/^  t^at. 
3u  ftolj,  S)anf  eiuäuernten,  tx)o  id^  xljn 
3l\ii)t  fäete,  Derfd^mäf)f  id^  Stag  für  ^^acj, 
®aö  SRäbc^en  nocb  einmal  ju  fe^u.     3)er  Spater 
2Bar  fern;  er  lömmt;  er  ^ört;  er  fud;t  micf)  auf; 
2730  @r  banit ;  er  iüünfd^t,  ba^  feine  2^od;ter  mir 
©efaßen  möge,  fj3rid^t  i)on  2lu^fid)t,  f^rid^t 
3Son  f)eitern  g^ernen.  —  dlnn,  id)  laffe  mid^ 
Sefd^tüal^en,  lomme,  fef)e,  finbe  U)irflid; 
©in  3Jtäbd^en  .  .  .  211;,  id;  muji  mid^  fd^ämen,  Sultan!  - 

2735  2)id^  fd^ämen?  —  ba^  ein  S^^^^mäbd^en  auf 
2)id;  GinbrudE  mad;te,  bod;  tuo^I  nimmermel^r? 


®a^  biefem  (SinbrudE  auf  ba^  lieblid^e 
©efd;luäl^  be^  3Sater^  (;in,  mein  rafd;e!o  ^erj 
©0  tt)enig  Sßiberftanb  entgegenfel^te !  — 
2740  ^d^  2^ropf !  id;  fi)rang  jum  jtDeitemnal  in^  g^euer.  — 
^<^nn  nun  Waxh  i  ä),  unb  nun  iDarb  i  d;  üerfd^mä^t. 


3)er  tpeife  3Sater  fd^lägt  nun  IDO^I 
3Jtid^  ^)Iatterbing^  nidE)t  an^,    3)er  tDeife  3Sater 
9)iu^  aber  bod^  fic^  erft  er!unben,  erft 
2745  33efinnen.    Slßerbing^  !    2^f)at  id^  benn  ba§ 
3Jid^t  aud^?    (Srfunbete,  befann  id;  benn 
3Jfid^  erft  nid^t  aud^,  al^  fie  im  g^euer  fd^rie  ?  — 
%üx\v>a^x !  bei  ©ott !   @^  ift  bod^  gar  Wa^  ®d^öne§, 
®o  ipeife,  fo  bebäd^tig  fein! 

^.  2luf3U9.     ^.  2Iuftrtti  153 

?Jun,  nun ! 
2750  ©0  fiel^  bod^  einem  Stlten  eüt)a§  nad^ ! 
2ßte  lange  fönnen  feine  Steigerungen 
2)enn  bauern?    Söirb  er  benn  bon  bir  Verlangen, 
3)afe  bu  erft  3wbe  iperben  foHft? 

2ßer  ipeil ! 

SBer  tDeife  ?  —  ber  biefen  3lati)an  beffer  fennt, 


2755  ®^^  2l6erglaub',  in  bem  \vxx  aufgelDad^fen, 
5BerIiert,  anä)  \vtnn  Wxx  \l)n  erfennen,  barum 
®ocl^  feine  Söiad^t  nid^t  über  unö.  —  ©^  finb 
3lx(i)t  aUe  frei,  bie  i^rer  Letten  f^jolten. 


©e^r  reif  bemerft !   ®od^  3tat\)an  Wai)xlxd),  ^latijan . . . 


2760  2)er  Slberglauben  fd^Iimmfter  ift,  ben  feinen 
gür  ben  erträglid^ern  ju  Italien  .  .  . 


2330^1  fein!    ©od^  9Zat^an  .  .  . 


Sem  allein 
SDie  blöbe  ^Ulenfd^l^eit  ju  i)ertrauen,  bi^ 
©ie  I^eUern  SSal^r^eit^tag  getpöl^ne;  bem 
2765  StUein  .  .  • 

154  Uai^an  ber  IPcife. 

@ut !    Slber  yiati)an !  —  3tat\)an^  £o^ 
3ft  biefe  Qä)\üaä)l)t\t  nid^t 


©0  bad;t'  xä)  aud) !  .  .  . 
SBenn  gIeicf)tt)o(;I  biefer  Slu^bunb  aUer  3!)tenfd)eu 
©D  ein  gemeiner  3^^^^  tüäre,  bafe 
(ix  6f)riftenfinber  ju  belommen  fud^te, 
2770  Um  fie  aU  Selben  aufjujiel;n:  —  Wk  bann? 

2Ber  fagt  it;m  fo  Wa^  nad^? 

2)a^  3iJ?äb(^en  felbft, 
Wxi  Wdä)ix  er  mid^  lörnt,  mit  beren  Hoffnung 
©r  gern  mir  311  bejaf^len  fd^iene,  \va^ 
3d^  nid;t  umfouft  für  fie  getl^an  foß  l)abm :  — 
2775  ®ie^  3Jläbd;en  felbft  ift  feine  SCod^ter  —  nid^t, 
3ft  ein  Derjeltelt  6f)riflenfinb. 

2)a§  er 
2)em  ungead^tet  bir  ntd^t  geben  iDoHte? 

Xtmpdi^tVV  (heftig). 

2Boa'  ober  trotte  ntd^t !    @r  ift  entbedft. 
®er  tolerante  ©(^lt)ä^er  ift  entbedft ! 
2780  3^^  tt)erbe  l^inter  biefen  jüb'fd^en  2BoIf 
^m  :pf)ifofo!pt;'f4)en  ©d^af))elj  §unbe  fd^on 
.3u  bringen  tpiffen,  bie  il^n  jaufen  foHen! 

^.  2Iuf5ug»    ^.  21  uf tritt  155 

Salabitt  (emft). 
6ei  rut^ig,  Sf^rift ! 

2Ba^?  ru^ig,  (S^rift?  — 2öenn  ^ub' 
Unb  3JlufeImann  auf  ^ub',  auf  SUtufelmann 
2785  93eftef|en,  fotl  allem  ber  6f;rift  ben  ß^riften 
3Uc^t  mad^en  bürfen? 

@a(abin  (noc^  ernfter). 

gtu^ig,  e^rift! 

XtmpClfitXt  (gelaffen). 

3c^  fül^lc 
®e§  3SorU)urf^  ganje  Saft,  —  bie  ©alabin 
3n  biefe  ©übe  ^)ref;t !    %i),  Wtnn  xd)  tüü^U, 
Sßie  Slffab,  —  2lffab  fid^  an  meiner  ©teile 
2790  hierbei  genommen  f^ätte ! 


yixä)t  Diel  beffer !  — 
3Sermutnd^,  ganj  fo  braufenb  !  —  SDod^,  h)er  l^at 
S)enn  bid^  aud^  fd^on  geleiert,  mid^  fo  toie  er 
5Rit  Sinem  SBorte  ju  befted^en?    greilid^, 
Söenn  aße^  fid^  i^er^ält,  tote  bu  mir  fageft, 

2795  ^cinn  id^  mid^  felber  laum  in  Jiatl^an  finben.  — 
^nbef;,  er  ift  mein  3^reunb,  unb  meiner  g^reunbe 
SJlu^  leiner  mit  bem  anbern  l^abern.  —  Sa^ 
S)id^  tDeifen !    ©ef;  be^utfam  !    ®ieb  i^n  nid^t 
©ofort  ben  ©d^toärmern  beine^  ^Pöbel^  pxcx^l 

2800  SBerfd^loeig,  loa^  beine  ®eiftlid^!eit  an  il^m 
3u  räd^en  mir  fo  naf)t  legen  tüürbe ! 
©ei  feinem  ^uben,  feinem  3JlufeImanne 
3um  SCro^  ein  g^rift ! 

156  Hatl^an  ber  lUetfe. 


93alb  Wäx^  bamit  ^n  fj)ät ! 
S)od^  ®anl  ber  93Iut6egier  be^  ^atriard;en, 
2805  S)e^  SBerfjeug  mir  ju  n^erben  graute ! 

3)u  !am[t  jum  ^^atriard;en  el;er  al^ 
3u  mir? 


^m  Sturm  ber  2eibenfd;aft,  im  SBirbel 
®er  Unentfdjloffen^eit !  —  ^Serjei^  !  —  S)u  iüirft 
SSon  beiuem  2lfjab,  fürd^t'  id^,  ferner  nun 
2810  5iici^t^  mef^r  in  mir  erfennen  tDollen. 


e^  biefe  gurd^t  nid^t  felb[t !    mid)  bünft,  id;  n)ei^, 
2lu^  tt)eld;en  g^ef^lern  unfre  2^ugenb  feimt. 
$fleg  biefe  ferner  nur,  unb  jene  f ollen 
33ei  mir  bir  tDenig  fdiaben.  —  Slber  gel) ! 

2815  ©ud^  bu  nun  3laii)an,  Wk  er  bid^  g^fudE)t, 

Unb  bring  i^n  l^er.    ^d^  mufe  eud^  bod^  jufammen 
3Serftänbigen.  —  2ßär'  um  ba^  50täbd^en  bir 
3m  (Srnft  ju  tf)un:  fei  rul^ig.    ©ie  ift  bein! 
3tuc^  foll  e§  9iat^an  fd^on  emt)finben,  ba^ 

2820  (Sr  of)ne  ©d^U^einefleifd^  ein  ß^riftenünb 
©rjief^en  bürfen  !  —  ©ef| ! 

(Xer  2;enipe(l)err  öcljt  ah,  unb  8ittal)  Derlä^t  hen  Sofa.) 

/H;.  21uf3ug»    5.  21  uf tritt  157 

fünfter  2tuftrttt 
©  a  I  a  b  t  n  unb   @  1 1 1  a  ^. 


©anj  fonberbar! 


©elt,  ©ittaf)?    3JJu^  mein  2lfjab  md}t  ein  braber, 
©in  fd)öner  junger  Tlann  geh^efen  fein? 


SSenn  er  fo  War,  unb  nicf)t  ju  biefem  Silbe 
T825  3)er  2;:em^Kl[)err  bielme^r  gefeffcn  !  —  2lber 
2öie  i)a\t  bu  bod^  bergeffen  fönnen,  bic^ 
9tad^  feinen  ©Item  5U  er!unbigen? 


Unb  in^befonbre  tt)obI  nac^  feiner  SRutter? 
Db  feine  9}lutter  ^ier  ^^u  Sanbe  nie 
2830  ©en)efen  fei?  —  ?iic^t  tDa^r? 


®a§  mad^ft  bu  gut! 

D,  möglid^er  h3är^  nid^t^l    ^enn  3tffab  U)ar 
Sei  t^übfd^en  ß^riftenbamen  fo  h)iII!ommen, 
2luf  ^übfd^e  S^riftenbamen  fo  er^)id^t, 
3)a^  einmal  gar  bie  3tebe  ging  —  5JJun,  nun, 
2835  ?Oian  f^rid^t  nid^t  gern  babon.  —  ®enug,  irf)  f^ab* 
^f^n  tDieber !  —  tt)iU  mit  allen  feinen  gestern, 
3!}tit  aUtn  Saunen  feinet  tt)eid^en  §erjen§ 
gt^n  tüieber  \)abm  !  —  Dl) !  ba^  SJiäbd^en  mu§ 
^l^m  SZatl^an  geben.    2)feinft  bu  nid^t? 

158  rcatl^an  ber  rOeife. 

3^m  geben? 
2840  3^m  laffen ! 

Sraerbing^ !    2öa§  f)ätte  9^atf^an, 
©obalb  er  nid^t  x\)x  SSater  ift,  für  Siedet 
Sluf  fie?    2öer  if^r  ba§  Seben  fo  erf^ielt, 
STrilt  einzig  in  bie  Jted^te  be^,  ber  i^r 
e^  gab. 

2ßie  alfo,  Salabin?  Wtnn  bu 

2845  5i^^^  öl^i^  ^^^  9JJäbd;en  ju  bir  näljmft?    ©ie  nur 

3)em  unrerf)tmä^igen  Sefi^er  gleid) 

entjögeft  ? 


2il^äte  ba§  trof^I  not? 


5Rot  nun 

2Bof)I  eben  ntd^t !  —  ®te  Hebe  9?eubegier 
2^reibt  mxd)  allein,  bir  biefen  9iat  ju  geben. 
2850  3)enn  t)on  getüiffen  9Jlännern  mag  id)  gar 
^u  gern  fo  balb  tüie  möglid^  iüiffen,  Wa^ 
Sie  für  ein  9)Wbci^en  lieben  lönnen. 



©0  fd^idE  unb  la^  fie  E^olen. 

®arf  id^,  33ruber? 

9{ur  fd^one  5Ratl^ang!     9?at^an  mu^  burd^au^ 
2855  9?id^t  glauben,  ba^  man  mit  ®ett)alt  xi)n  i)on     ^ 
3i^r  trennen  tr>oKe, 


^.  2Iuf3ug-    6.  21uftritt  159 


©orge  nid^t. 

^d)  tnu^  fd^on  felbft  fef^n,  h)o  2ll=§afi  bleibt. 

Sedjfter  2tuftrttt» 

Scene:  btc  offne  Sf^^^'  i^  9lat!)an§  §aufe,  öegeu  btc  ^almen  gu,  tüte  im 
erfteti  ^Ittftritte  be§  erfteix  ^ufäitgey.  öm  Xeit  bcr  äöareit  uitb  ^oftbar= 
feiten  liegt  au§gefratnt,  beren  ebenbafelbft  öebad)t  tt)irb. 

9^atf)an  unb  !5)aj[a. 

D,  aßc§  l^errli^ !    2ltle^  au^erlefen  ! 
D,  alle§  —  ji:)ie  nur  "^ijx  e§  geben  lönnt. 
2860  2Bo  tDirb  ber  ©ilberftoff  mit  golbnen  Spanien 
©emad^t?    2Ba§  loftet  er?  —  S)a§  nenn'  id^  nod^ 
©in  Srautfleib!    ^eine  Königin  i^erlangt 

@§  befjer. 


Srautüeib?    äBarum  93raut!Ieib  d^xx'^. 

^e  nun!     ^I^r  badetet  baran  fretlid^  nid^t, 
2865  211^  "^ijx  \i)n  fauftet.  —  3lber  i:)af)rlid^,  5?atl^an, 
2)er  unb  fein  anbrer  mu^  e§  fein !    6r  ift 
3^^  Srautfleib  tüie  beftellt.    ®er  treibe  ©runb 
(Sin  33ilb  ber  Unfd^ulb,  unb  bie  golbnen  ©tröme, 
2)ie  aller  Drten  biefen  ©runb  burd&[cf)längeln, 
2870  ein  33ilb  be^  $Reid;tum^.     ©e^t  ^br?    Merliebfi! 

160  rtatl^an  bcr  IPcife, 

2öa§  im^elft  bu  mir  ba?    3Son  tDeffen  33rautIIeib 
©innbilberft  bu  mir  fo  geleiert  ?  —  33ift  bu 
®enn  Sraut? 

9?un  tDer  benn  ? 

Sc^?— lieber  ©Ott 

2Ber  benn?    35on  h)e[fen  93raut!Ieib  [prid;ft  bu  benn?  — 
2875  2)a§  allcö  ift  ja  bein  unb  feiner  anbern. 

3ft  mein?    ©oH  mein  fein?  —  Sf^  f^^  3lecl^a  nid;t? 

2Ba§  icf)  für  9lec^a  mitgebrad)t,  ba§  ließt 
3n  einem  anbern  93aHen.     3Jtad) !  nimm  iDeg  ! 
^Erag  beine  ©iebenfad;cn  fort! 

^Serfud^er ! 

2880  9?ein,  n)ären  eg  bie  .Roftbar!eiten  audE) 

®er  ganzen  SBelt !     3Zi(f)t  rüf)r  an !  Wtnn  "^itx  mir 
SSorl^er  nic^>t  fdjlDört,  bon  biefer  einjigcn 
®elegenf)eit,  bcrgleirf)en  (Sud)  bcr  §immel 
Jtid^t  3tt)eima(  fd^iden  W'ixi,  ©ebraud;  ju  mad^en. 


2885  ©ebraud^?  t)on  tt)a§?  —  ©elegenl^eit  ?  tnoäu? 

D  fteßt  (Sud)  nid)t  fo  fremb !  —  3JJit  furzen  3Borten  : 
2)er  3:;empelberr  liebt  3ied)a ;  gebt  fie  xi)m  1 

/^^  2(uf3ug-     6.  21  uf tritt.  161 

©0  bat  bod^  einmal  (Sure  ©ünbe,  bie 

^ä)  länger  nic^t  t)erfc^h)etgen  fann,  ein  (Snbe. 

2890  ©0  fömmt  ba§  SJtäbd^en  iDteber  unter  Sf;ri[ten, 
2öirb  it)ieber,  Wa^  fie  i[t,  ift  tt)ieber,  h)a§ 
©ie  n)arb :  unb  "^ijx,  '^\)x  "i^aht  mit  ad  beut  ©uten, 
2)a§  tt)ir  ©ud^  nid^t  genug  üerbanfen  fönnen, 
3l\ä)t  3^euer!ol)Ien  blo^  auf  @uer  §au^t 

2895  ©cfammelt. 

©orf;  bie  alte  Seier  imeber?  — 
3Jfit  einer  neuen  ©aite  nur  belogen, 
®ie,  fürd^t'  kl),  lt)eber  ftimmt  nodf>  f)ält. 

2Bie  fo? 

SRir  tr>är'  ber  Jem^el^err  fd^on  red^t.     3^^  gönnt' 
3dE)  3ierf)a  mel^r  al§  einem  in  ber  Sßelt. 
2900  2lIIein  .  »  .  5tun,  i)aht  nur  ©ebulb. 

©ebulb  ift  @ure  alte  Seier  nun 
200^1  nic^t? 

5Rur  tt>enig  S^age  nod;  ©ebulb ! 
©iel^  bod^ !  —  9Ber  !ommt  benn  bort  ?   ©in  ^lofterbruber  ? 
®ef),  frag  i^n,  Wa^  er  tDttt. 

2öa§  tüirb  er  tüoßen? 

(Sic  ocf)t  auf  il)n  3u  unb  fraGt.) 


2905  ©0  gieb !  —  unb  ef)'  er  bittet.  —  (2öüfet'  id^  nur 
35em  SCem^elf^errn  erft  beiäufommen,  of^ne 

162  Hatt^an  ber  IDetfe. 

S)ie  Urfad^  meiner  3?eugier  if)m  ju  jagen! 
'I)mn  h)enn  id^  fie  if)m  fag',  unb  ber  SBerbad^t 
S[t  ol^ne  ©runb,  fo  f)ab'  id^  ganj  umfonft 
2910  ®en  aSater  auf  ba§  (S^)iel  gefegt,)  —  23a§  iff§? 

6r  tüiH  @ud^  f^^red^en. 

3Jun,  fo  la^  i^n  fommen, 
Unb  gel)  inbefj. 

Siebenter  2luftritt. 
9^at^an  unb  ber  ^lofterbrubcr, 

(3^  bliebe  5Red^a§  Sater 
®od^  gar  ju  gern!  —  3^^^  tcinn  xd)'^  benn  nid^t  bleiben, 
3(ud)  Wmn  xd)  an\i)'öx\  e§  ju  J^eifeen?  —  ^l^r, 
2915  S^^  f^If^f^  ^^^^'  i^'^  i^c)d;  immer  axid)  aoä)  i^ei^en, 
SBenn  fie  erlennt,  h)ie  gern  iä)^^  tüäre.)  —  ®eF) !  — 
2ßag  ift  ju  6uern  ©ienften,  frommer  33ruber? 


9?id^t  eben  mel.  —  3^  f^^"^  ^i^/  §^^^  3Jatl^an, 
6udE)  annod^  h)of)I  ju  fe^n. 

©0  fennt  ^l^r  mid^? 


2920  ^e  nu,  tt)er  lennt  (Sud^  ni(^t?     ^l^r  f^abt  fo  mandE)em 
3a  @uern  5^amen  in  bie  §anb  gebrüdft. 
@r  ftef)t  in  meiner  aud^  feit  t)ielen  ^af^ren. 

^.  yuf3ug.    7,  Tlnfttxit  163 

(nac^  feinem  ^Beutet  (angcnb). 

Kommt,  SBruber,  fommt ;  id^  frifd/  if)n  auf. 


§abt  ®an!! 
Sc^  \mxV  e§  2(rmern  ftef)Ien,  nef)me  md)t^,  — 
2925  Söenn  3^^  ^^^  ^^^^  erlauben  ttjoKt,  ein  iDentg 
(Sud^  meinen  9Jamen  aufjufrif(f;en.     2)enn 
^d^  !ann  mid^  rüf^men,  aud^  in  (Sure  §anb 
@tjt)a§  gelegt  ju  f)aben,  tt)a^  nid^t  ju 
SSerad^ten  tt)ar. 


Sßerjei^t !  —  "^d)  fd^äme  midb  — 
2930  ©agt,  \va^  ?  —  unb  nef)mt  jur  33u|e  fiebenfacb 
Den  Sßert  be^felben  t>on  mir  an. 


.giört  borf) 
S8or  allen  ©ingen,  tt)ie  id^  felber  nur 
@r[t  f)eut'  an  bie^  mein  @ud^  bertraute^  ^fanb 
(Srinnert  tr)orben. 

3Jlir  bertrauteg  ^fanb? 


2935  3Sor  furjem  fa^  id^  nod^  aU  ©remit 
2luf  Quarantana,  untüeit  ^erid^o. 
®a  !am  arabifd;  JRaubgefinbel,  brad^ 
9)Zein  ©otte^^äu§d)en  ah  unb  meine  ßeße 
Unb  [d^le^)^)te  mid^  mit  fort,     ^wnt  ©lüdf  entfam 

2940  3d)  tiorf)  unb  flof)  f)ierf)er  jum  ^atriard^en. 
Um  mir  ein  anber  *ipiä^d^en  auöjubitten. 

164  Tiail^an  bcr  rDctfe, 

2ltoD  id6  meinem  ©ott  in  6infam!eit 
33i§  an  mein  feiig  ©nbe  bienen  !önne. 

3d^  ftef)'  auf  ^of^Ien,  guter  Sruber.     3!Jiarf)t 
2945  @^  furj.     5Da^  ^fanb !  ba§  mir  i:)ertraute  ^fanb  ! 


©ogleicf),  §err  5J?at[)an.  —  ?tun,  ber  ^atriard) 
23erfj3rac]^  mir  eine  Siebelei  auf  J^fjabor, 
©obalb  al§  eine  leer,  unb  bie^  injtDifdjen 
^m  5lIofter  mid;  aU  Saienbruber  bleiben. 
2950  ®a  bin  id^  je^t,  §err  5Jtatl;an,  unb  Verlange 
®e§  XaQ^  tt)of)I  f)unbertmal  auf  S^f^abor.    S)enn 
®er  ^atriard;  brandet  mid^  ju  allerlei, 
SBobor  id^  großen  6IeI  \)ahc,    3^^ 
@£em^3el : 

2)iacf)t,  id)  bitf  (guc^! 


5iun,  eö  lömmtf 
2955  ^T)a  f;at  if)m  jemanb  f^euf  in^  D[)r  gefegt, 
®§  lebe  l)ier  f^erum  ein  Sube,  ber 
Sin  ßbriftenlinb  afö  feine  Xod^ter  fid^ 

2Bie?   (^Betroffen.) 


§ört  mid^  nur  au§  !  —  ^nbem 
6r  mir  nun  aufträgt,  biefem  ^wben  ftrad^, 
2960  2Ö0  möglidb,  auf  bie  (Spnx  ^u  lommen,  unb 
@ett>altig  fid)  ob  eine§  fo[d;en  g^rebel^ 

/^,   2Iuf5U9.    7.  21  uf  tritt  165 

(Srjürnt,  ber  i^m  bie  Waljx^  ©ünbe  VDiber 

2)en  f;eirgcn  ©cift  bebünft ;  —  bag  ift,  bie  ©ünbe, 

®ie  aller  ©ünben  größte  ©ünb^  un^  gilt, 

2965  3tnx  ba^  it)ir,  ©Ott  fei  S)an!,  fo  red^t  nid^t  tpiffen, 
Sßorin  fie  eigentlid^  beftel;t :  —  ha  Wa6)i 
3)Jit  einmal  mein  ©eiDiffen  auf,  unb  mir 
3^ättt  bei,  xd)  !önnte  felber  Ipü^I  Dor  Q6im 
Qxi  biefer  unDerjei^Iid;  großen  ©ünbe 

2970  ©elegen[)eit  gegeben  \)ab^n.  —  ©agt : 

§at  dnä)  ein  9^ieit!ned^t  nid)t  i)or  ad^tjef^n  ^af^ren 
©in  ^öd^terd^en  gebradE^t  'oon  tx)enig  äBod^en? 

SBie  ba^?  —  ?Jun  freilidt)  —  allerbing§  — 


ei,  fe^t 

3}lid^  bod;  red^t  an !  —  3)er  Sleitlned^t,  ber  bin  id[;. 

2975  ©eib  3^^? 


2)er  §err,  bon  iüeld^em  irf)'ö  @ud^  brad^te, 

2Bar  —  ift  mir  red^t  —  ein  §err  bon  g^ilne!.  —  2Bolf 

3Sou  gilnef! 


Jiic^tig ! 


SBeil  bie  SKutter  lurj 
3Sor^er  geftorben  tt)ar,  unb  fid^  ber  3Sater 
3laä)  —  mein'  id^  —  ©ciäja  ^)lö^Iid^  tt)erfen  mufete, 
2980  SBo^in  ba§  SBürmd^en  if?m  nicf)t  folgen  !onnte, 
©0  fanbt'  er'g  ©ud^.     Unb  traf  id^  @ud^  bamit 
9iid^t  in  Sarun? 

166  Hat  I|  a  n  bcr  IP  ei  fc. 


©anj  red^t  I 


(S^  h)är'  fein  3Bunber, 
"iBtnn  mein  ©ebäd^tni^  mid^  betrög\    ^d^  f^abe 
®er  brai)en  §errn  fo  t>iel  gef^abt,  unb  biefem 
2985  §ab'  id^  nur  gar  ju  furje  ^txi  gebient. 
@r  blieb  balb  brauf  bei  Striaton  unb  tt)ar 
SBol^I  fon[t  ein  lieber  §err. 

Sa  h)of;I !  ja  jdoI^I  ! 
3)em  id;  fo  Diel,  fo  Diel  ju  banlen  t)abe! 
2)er  me^r  al^  einmal  mid^  bem  ©d^t^ert  entriffen ! 


2990  D  fd)bn  !    ©0  U)erb't  '^ijx  feinet  2:öd)terd^en§ 
@ud^  um  fo  lieber  angenommen  l^aben. 

®a^  fönnt  ^l^r  benfen. 


5JJun,  n)o  ift  e§  benn? 

6§  ift  bod^  tüol^l  nid^t  etlpa  gar  geftorben  ?  — 
Sa^f ^  lieber  nid^t  geftorben  fein !  —  3Benn  fonft 
2995  3lnx  niemanb  um  bie  ©ad^e  U)ei^,  fo  l;at 
©^  gute  SBege. 

§at  eg? 


STraut  mir,  ^Jatf^an! 
®enn  fe^t,  id^  benfe  fo  !    SBenn  an  ba§  ®ute, 
2)a^  ic^  ju  ti)nn  Dermeine,  gar  ju  naf) 

^,  2luf5ug.    7»  21  uf tritt.  167 

2Ba^  gar  ju  ©d^Iimme^  fltenjt,  fo  tl^u'  id^  lieber 

3000  2)a^  ®ute  nii^t ;  tüeil  W\x  ba§  ©d^Iimme  jh^ar 
©0  jiemlid^  jut)erlaffig  lennen,  aber 
33ei  tüeiten  nid^t  ba^  @ute.  —  2Bar  ja  tt)ol^I 
^iatürlid^,  lüenn  ba^  Sl^riftentöd^terd^en 
9f?ed;t  gut  t)on  @ud^  erjogen  tverben  foUte, 

3005  2)a^  3f)r'^  aU  ©uer  eigen  2;öd^terd^en 
©rjögt.  —  S)a^  hättet  ^^r  mit  aller  Sieb' 
Unb  STreue  nun  getl;an,  unb  müßtet  fo 
S3eIof)net  ttjerben?    S)a^  ipiQ  mir  nid^t  ein. 
@i  freilid^,  flüger  l^ättet  ^f^r  getf^an, 

3010  2Benn  ^l^r  bie  Sl^riftin  burd^  bie  jlDeite  §anb 
2ll§  6f;riftin  auferäiel^en  laffen ;  aber 
©0  l^ättet  St)r  baö  ^inbd^en  6ure^  3^reunbö 
2tud^  nid^t  geliebt.    Unb  ^inber  braud)en  Siebe, 
SBär^ö  eine^  tt)ilben  SEiere^  Sieb^  aud^  nur, 

3015  ^n  fold^en  3<^^^^^  ^^^^  ^"^  S^riftentum. 
3um  Sl^riftentume  f;at'^  nod^  immer  Q6t, 
2Benn  nur  ba§  SKäbd^en  fonft  gefunb  unb  fromm 
3Sor  (Suern  Slugen  aufgetoad^fen  ift, 
©0  blieb'^  k)or  ©otte§  3lugen,  Wa^  e§  tDar. 

3020  Unb  ift  benn  nid^t  ba§  ganje  ßi^riftentum 
3luf§  ^ubentum  gebaut?    (gg  l^at  mic^  oft 
©eärgert,  l^at  mir  SCf)ränen  g'nug  geloftet, 
%(tnn  ©Triften  gar  fo  fef)r  bergeffen  fonnten, 
®a^  unfer  §err  ja  felbft  ein  ^ube  \vax. 

3025  ^l)x,  guter  Sruber,  mü^t  mein  g=ürfi)rad^  fein, 
'^znn  §a^  unb  ©lei|nerei  fi^  gegen  mid^ 
(Srl^eben  foHten  —  liegen  einer  %i)at  — 
91^,  n)egen  einer  2:f;at !  —  5)^ur  ^i)x,  ^^r  foHt 

168  ttatl^an  ber  IPetfc. 

©ie  tüiffen !  —  Jief^mt  fte  aber  mit  in^  ©rab ! 

3030  3lod)  f;at  mid^  nie  bie  ©itelfeit  Derfud;t, 
©ie  jemanb  anbern  ju  etää^Ien.     @ud^ 
2tllein  erjäf)!'  \ä)  fie.    ©er  frommen  ©infalt 
2((Iein  erjäf;!'  id^  fie.     SBeil  bie  allein 
3Serftel^t,  Wa^  fid^  ber  gottergebne  SJJenfd^ 

3035  5ür  %\)aUn  abgetüinnen  fann. 


^l^r  feib 
@erüf)rt,  unb  ©uer  2luge  fte{;t  t)olI  SBaffer? 

^i)x  traft  mid^  mit  bem  Äinbe  ju  ®arun. 
^^r  tüi^t  tr)of)l  aber  nid;t,  ba^  n)enig  Xage 
3ut)or  in  ®atf^  bie  Sfjriften  aße  "^nitn 

3040  SJlit  3Beib  unb  ^inb  ermorbet  f)atten,  toi^t 
SBof^I  nid^t,  ba§  unter  biefen  meine  grau 
3Jlit  fieben  f^offnung^DolIen  Q'6i)nm  fid^ 
Sefunben,  bie  in  meinet  93ruber^  §ciufe, 
3u  bem  id^  fie  geflüd^tet,  in^gefamt 

3045  SSerbrennen  muffen. 


2lHgered^ter ! 


^\)x  famt,  ^att»  i^  brei  Xao,'  unb  m^V  in  Slfc^^ 
Unb  ©taub  bor  ©ott  gelegen  unb  gett)eint.  — 
©etpeint?    Seiner  mit  ©ott  aud^  irol^l  gered^tet, 
©ejürnt,  getobt,  mid^  unb  bie  2BeIt  berlDünfd^t, 
3050  ®er  ©f^riften^eit  ben  uni)erfö^nlid^ften 
§afe  jugefd^lx)oren  — 

^.  ^uf3U9.    7.   21uftritt  169 


®ücl^  nun  fam  bie  Sßernunft  aHmäf^lid^  iDieber. 
©ie  \)ßxad)  mit  fanfter  ©timm':  „Unb  bod^  ift  ©Ott! 
®üc^  Wax  auc^  ©otte§  9tatf^Iufe  ba^ !    2ßoI;lan ! 

3055  5?omm !  übe,  Wa^  bu  längft  begriffen  ^aft, 
2Ba^  fid^erlid^  ^u  üben  fc^lDerer  nid^t 
211^  ju  begreifen  ift,  tDenn  bu  nur  \v\ü\t. 
©tef)  auf!"  — gd^  ftanb !  unb  rief  ju  ©ott:  ^d^  n^itt! 
Söidft  bu  nur,  ba^  id^  WiH !  —  3^^^^  fti^ßt  ^f;r 

3060  ^om  ^ferb'  unb  überreid^tet  mir  ba§  ^inb, 
3n  @uern  5!}lantel  eingel^üUt.  —  2öa§  3^^ 
3Jlir  bamal^  fcigtet,  Wa^  id)  ®ud;,  i)ah^  iä) 
Sergeffen.    ©0  i)iel  ioei^  ic^  nur:  id;  nal^m 
®a^  Äinb,  trug'ö  auf  mein  Sager,  fü^t'  e^,  tparf 

3065  *^JDtid^  auf  bie  S!nie  unb  fc^Iud^jte :  ©ott !  auf  fieben 
5Dod;  nun  fd^on  eine^  loieber! 


mati)anl  3laif)anl 
3^r  feib  ein  ß^rift !  —  Sei  ©Ott,  g^r  feib  ein  (S^rift ! 
6in  beff'rer  6f;rift  toar  nie! 

aSo^I  un^!    "^tm  Wa^ 
Wxä)  ^nd)  jum  Sf^riften  mad^t,  ba^  mad^t  @ud^  mir 

3070  Qnm  ^uben !  —  Slber  la^t  un^  länger  nid^t 
(Sinanber  nur  ertpeid^en,    §ier  braud^fö  Stf;at! 
Unb  ob  mid^  fiebenfad^e  Siebe  fd^on 
Salb  an  bie^  einjage  frembe  5Uiäbd^en  banb, 
Dh  ber  ©ebanfe  mid^  fdE)on  tötet,  ba§ 

3075  S^  meine  fieben  ©öf)n'  in  i^r  auf^  neue 

170  Ha  tt^  an  ber  XPetfe. 

SBerlieren  foH :  —  lüenn  fie  bon  meinen  §änben 
®ie  SSorfid^t  hJteber  forbert,  —  id^  gef^ovd^e! 


3l\xn  boHenb^ !  —  6ben  ba^  bebad)t'  id^  mid^ 
©0  mel,  6ud^  anjuraten  !     Unb  fo  i)aV^ 
3080  6ud^  6uer  guter  ©eift  fd)on  angeraten! 


9Zur  mu^  ber  erfte  befte  mir  fie  nid^t 
©ntreifeen  h:)oIlen! 


9Zein,  getüi^  nid^t! 

2luf  fie  nid^t  gröfe're  9ied^te  f;at  aU  \d), 
SJtufe  früf^ere  jum  minften  l^aben  — 


3085  3)ie  i^m  3tatur  unb  33Iut  erteilen. 


^reilid^  I 


3Jlein'  xä)  e^  aud^ ! 

®rum  nennt  mir  nur  gefd^tpinb 
®en  SJlann,  ber  il^r  aU  Sruber  ober  Dl^m, 
2llg  3Setter  ober  fonft  al§  Qip'p  Derlranbt : 
3f)m  tritt  id^  fie  nid^t  DDrent[)aIten  —  fie, 
3090  2)ie  j|ebe§  §ciufe§,  jebe^  ©laubeng  Qmit 
Qn  fein  erfd^affen  unb  erlogen  trarb.  — 
^d^  l^off',  3^^  ^ife^  ^0^  biefem  (Suern  §errn 
Unb  bem  ©efd^Ied^te  beffen  mel^r  aU  \i). 

^.  2luf5ug.    7.  2Iuftritt.  171 

SDa^,  guter  ?Jatf)an,  n)ol^I  nun  fd^n^erlid^ !  —  SDenn 
3095  3f?^  ^^^^  l^  f^^^  gefrört,  ba^  id^  nur  gar 
gu  lurje  Qtxt  bei  if;m  getDefen. 

Sf)r  benn  nid^l  tüenigften^,  \va^  für  ©efd^led^t^ 
2)te  5IRutter  tüar?  —  Sßar  fie  nid^t  eine  ©tauffin? 


3Bof)I  möglid^ !  —  "^a,  mxä)  bünit. 

§iefe  nid^t  i^r  Sruber 
3100  Äonrab  \)on  ©tauffen?  —  unb  Wax  S£ettH)eIl^err  ? 


Söenn  mirf)'§  nid^t  triegt.    5Dod^  f;alt !  SDa  fällt  mir  ein, 
®a|  id^  öom  fePgen  §errn  ein  Süd^eld^en 
^od)  \)ab\    ^ä)  jog'^  il)m  auö  bem  S3ufen,  al^ 
SBir  il^n  bei  2l^Ialon  t)erfd^arrten. 


3105  @§  finb  ©ebete  brin.     2Bir  nennen^^  ein 

33remer.  —  3)a^,  bad^f  id^,  fann  ein  ßl^riftenmenfd^ 
^a  h)ol)l  nod^  braud^en.  —  3^  ^^^  freilid^  nid^t  — 
^d^  fann  nid^t  lefen  — 

SCI^ut  nid^t^  !  —  3^ur  jur  ©ad^e. 


gn  biefem  33ü4)eld^en  ftel)n  t)orn  unb  leinten, 
31 10  2Bie  id^  mir  fagen  laffen,  mit  be^  §errn 

172  Hatl^an  ber  IDctfe. 

©eibeigner  §anb,  bie  2tngef)ürigeu 
SSon  i^m  unb  x\)x  gcfd^rieben. 

D  ertt)ünfd;t ! 
®t\)t !  lauft !  I)oIt  mir  ba§  33üd;eld;en.     ©efdE^ipinb  ! 
3d^  bin  bereit,  mit  ©olb  e^  aufäiüDiegeu, 
3115  Unb  taufenb  ^anf  baju!     ßilt!  lauft! 


$JledE)t  gern ! 

6^  ift  arabifd^  aber,  tüa§  ber  §err 
§ineingefd^rieben.   m) 

(Sinerlei !    3iur  f;er !  — 
®Dtt!  Wtnn  \ä)  bod;  ba^  3JJäbd^en  nod;  bef^alten 
Unb  einen  foId;en  6ibam  mir  bamit 

3120  Erlaufen  fönnte!  —  Q6)Wtxl\ä)  tVD\)l\  —  5Jtun,  faU^ 
(S^  au^,  h)ie'§  Wxü !  —  2ßer  mag  e§  aber  benn 
©elDefen  fein,  ber  bei  bem  ^atriard)en 
©0  tiWa^  angebrad^t?    ®a§  mufe  id;  bod^ 
3u  fragen  nid^t  i:)ergeffen.  —  3Benn  e§  gar 

3125  2Son  ©aja  !äme? 

2td}ter  2luftritt. 
3)aia  unb  9^ a  11^ an» 

(eiliö  unb  nerlcGcn). 

S)enft  bod^,  5Rat^an! 


^.   21uf5ug.     8.  2Iuf tritt.  173 

®a§  arme  i^inb  erfdEiraf  tt)ol;l  redE)t  barüber ! 
S)a  fd^icft  .  .  . 

35er  ^atriard^? 

®e§  ©ultanö  ©d^h^efter, 
^rinjeffin  ©ittal^  .  .  • 

3lx^i  ber  ^atriard^? 

5Rem,  ©itta^!  — ^ört  3t)r  nid^t  ?  —  ^rinjeffin  ©itta^ 
3130  ©d)icft  ^er  unb  Iftf^t  fie  ju  fid^  Idolen. 

Sä^t  3Jed}a  f)oIen  ?  —  ©ittal^  lä^t  fie  f)oIen.  — 
?tun,  t:)enn  fie  ©ittaf)  f)oIcn  lä^t,  unb  nid^t 
®er  ^atriardf)  .  .  . 

2öie  fommt  ^l^r  benn  auf  ben? 

©0  l^aft  bu  !ürjltd^  nid^t^  bon  if)m  gel^i)rt? 
3135  ©ett)i§  mdE)t?    3lud;  \\)m  mdf)t§  geftedft? 

2Bo  finb  bie  33oten? 


174  Hatl^an  bcr  XPeife. 

Sd^  \t)\U  fie  bod^ 
3tu§  SSorfid^t  felber  f^red^en.    ^omm  !  —  2Benn  nur 
SSom  ^Patriard^en  nid^tg  bal^inter  ftedt.  (2i&.) 

Unb  td^  —  id^  fürd^te  ganj  h)a§  anbre^  nod^. 

3140  2Ba§  gilt'§?    bie  einjige  öermcinte  %o6)Ux 
©0  eines  reid^en  guben  h)är'  aud^  n:)ol^I 
gür  einen  3[Ruf elmann  nid^t  übel  ?  —  §ui, 
3)er  XemJ}eI^err  ift  brum.    Sft  brum,  \vtnn  id^ 
35en  jlreiten  ©d^ritt  nid^t  aud^  nod^  lüage,  nid^t 

3145  2tud^  if)r  nod^  felbft  entbedEe,  tner  fie  ift !  — 
©etroft !    £a^  mid^  ben  erften  3lugenbIidE, 
2)en  xd)  attein  fie  Ijahc,  baju  braud)en  ! 
Unb  ber  trirb  fein  —  DieHeid^t  nun  chtn,  h)enn 
^d^  fie  begleite.     ©0  ein  erfter  2BinI 

3150  ^ann  untern)egen§  tt)enigften§  nid^t  fd^aben. 

Sa,  \a  !   3l\\x  ju  !   ^e^t  ober  nie !   9tur  ju  1  Qtm  nad^.) 

JünffBr  Jflufjug. 

(grfter  2tuftritt. 

Scene:  t)a§  Simmer  in  Salabtn§  ^ataftc,  in  tt)e(c^c§  bic  35eute(  mit  @clb 
getragen  tüorben,  bie  nocf)  su  \et)en. 

@  a  ( a  b  i  n  unb  ba(b  barauf  t)erfcf)icbene  3J?ame(ucfen, 

Soirtbin   (i"^  §ereintreten). 

®a  ftef^t  ba§  ©elb  nun  nod; !     Unb  niemanb  lt)ei^ 
S)en  ©ertüifd^  aufjufinben,  ber  t)ermutlttf) 
2ln§  ©(^ad^brett  irgenbn)o  geraten  ift, 
3155  ®a§  i^n  trol^l  feiner  felbft  t)ergeffen  mad^t;  — 

SBarum  nid^t  meiner?  —  9?un,  ©ebulb!    2Ba§  giebf^? 

@itt  aJlamclutf» 

(SrtDünfd^te  5Rad^rirf)t,  ©ultan  !    g^reube,  ©ultan ! 
®ie  Äaratüane  bon  i?af;ira  fömmt, 
^[t  glüdEIid^  ba !  mit  fiebenjäl^rigem 
3160  Sribut  be^  reiben  ^xU, 


93ral),  ^bra^im ! 
3)u  bift  mir  tt^al^rlid^  ein  tüillfommner  ^ote  1  — 
§a  !  enblid^  einmal !  enblid^!  —  §abe  ®an! 
2)er  guten  3^i^w^9- 

2)Cr  3JJamc(urf  (roartenb). 

(3iun?  nur  ^er  bamit!) 


176  Hatlian  ber  ITctfe. 


2ßa§  n^arfft  bu?  —  ©el^  nur  triebet. 

2)cr  a)lamclttrf, 

Sern  SffiiHfommnen 
3165  ©onft  nid^t^? 

a33a§  benn  nod^  fonfl? 

Sern  guten  93oten 
^ein  33otenbrot?  —  ©0  Wäx'  xä)  \a  ber  er[te, 
S)cn  ©alabin  mit  Sßorten  abäulof^nen 
J)od)  cnblid^  lernte?  —  2tud^  ein  $Ruf)m!  —  ber  erfte, 
3!Jtit  bem  er  tnidferte. 


©0  nimm  bir  nur 
3170  ®ort  einen  33eutcl. 

9Jcin,  nun  nid^t!     3)u  iannft 
3Jiir  fie  nun  alle  fd^enfen  h)Dllen. 


STro^ !  — 

^omm  ^er!    3)a  \)a\i  bu  jlüci.  —  ^m  ©ruft?  er  ge^t? 
3;:^ut  mir'§  an  ©belmut  jubor?  —  ®enn  fidler 
3Jlu^  il^m  e^  faurer  tDerben,  au§jufrf)Iagen, 
3175  311^  mir  ^u  geben.  —  3'&^<^^i^-  —  2ßa§  lommt 
3!JZir  benn  aud^  ein,  fo  lurj  i)Dr  meinem  Slbtritt 
3luf  einmal  ganj  ein  anbrer  fein  ju  tDoHen  ?  — 
2BilI  ©alabin  al^  ©alabin  nid}t  [terben?  — 
©0  mufet'  er  aud)  aU  ©alabin  nid^t  leben. 

@iu  ^tticitet  ^Jlamtlnd, 

3180  9^un,  ©ultan!  ..  . 

5.  yufsu^.    ^  21  uf tritt.  177 


2öenn  bu  mir  ju  tnelben  lömmft  .  .  • 

^weiter  ajJamcUitf. 

S)a^  au§  Slg^^ten  ber  3::ran§^ort  nun  ba! 


ßam  id^  bod;  ju  f^ät! 



3u  fj)ät?  —  ®ä  nimm  für  beinen  guten  2Bi(Ien 
3)er  Scutcl  einen  ober  jtt)ei. 

3ttJeitcr  3Jlame(ntf. 

maä)i  brei! 

3185  ^a,  tt)enn  bu  red^nen  lannft !  —  ©0  nimm  fie  nur, 

^weiter  aRamcIuef, 

®§  tüirb  tt)of^I  nod^  ein  britter  fommen,  —  tt)enn 
@r  anber^  fommen  !ann. 


2Bte  bag? 

3tt)cttcr  SPlamcIurf, 

Se  nu, 

®r  l^at  and)  tt)ol;l  ben  §alö  gebrod^en!     ®enn 
©obalb  lt)ir  brei  ber  3ln!unft  be§  2^ran§^)ort§ 
3190  3Serfid^ert  tt)aren,  f^rengte  jeber  frifdE) 
2)aöon,     ®er  borberfte,  ber  ftürjt;  unb  fo 

178  Hatt^an  ber  IDeife- 

^omm'  xd)  nun  t)or  unb  bleib'  an6)  bor  bi§  in 
®ie  ©tabt,  it)o  aber  ^bra^im,  ber  SedEer, 
2)ie  ©afjen  beffer  fennt. 


D,  ber  ©eftürgte! 
3195  greunb,  ber  ©eftürjte !  —  9teit  xi)m  bod;  entgegen. 

3tticitcr  SDlamehtcf» 

®aö  tDerb'  icf)  ja  wo\)l  t^un  1  —  Unb  Wenn  er  lebt, 
©0  i[t  bie  §älfte  biefer  Seutel  fein. 

(Q5cf)t  ah.) 


©iet),  tDeldb  ein  guter,  ebler  ^erl  anä)  ba§ !  — 
2öer  lann  fic^  fold)er  3[RameIudEen  rüf^men? 
3200  Unb  töär'  mir  bcnn  ju  benfen  nid^t  erlaubt, 
®aj3  fie  mein  Scifpiel  bilben  l^elfen?  —  gort 
Dtit  bem  ©eban!en,  fie  ju  guter  2e|t 
9ioc^  an  ein  anbre^  ju  getDöf^nen !  .  .  . 

@itt  brittcr  9)lamchtt!. 

©ultan,  .  . , 

Sift  bu^^,  ber  ^tür^te  ? 

2)rittcr  3Jiomc(ttcf. 

?tein.    ^d^  melbe  nur,  — 
3205  3)a§  ©mir  9Jtanfor,  ber  bie  ^arahjane 
©efü[)rt,  t)om  ^ferbe  fteigt  ,  .  . 

33ring  il^n!  gefc^lt)inb! 
3)a  ift  er  ja!  — 

5,  2Iuf3ug.     2.  2Iuftrtti  179 

^tDctter  2luftntt, 

^  tn  i  I  9J?  a  n  j  0  r  unb   @  a  I  a  b  i  ti, 

2BtII!ommen,  ©mir!  5Run, 
2Bie  iff§  gegangen?  —  SD^anfor,  3JJanfor,  ^aft 
Un§  lange  t^arten  lafjen! 

©iefer  SBrief 
3210  Senktet,  h)a§  bein  2lbul!afjem  erft 

%üx  Unrul;'  in  2:bebai§  bäm^^fen  muffen, 
(gf)'  tt)ir  e^  n)agen  burften,  abjugel^en, 
®en  3ug  barauf  f)ab^  id;  befd^Ieuniget 
©0  mel,  tt)ie  mögltd^  Wax. 


^d^  glaube  bir !  — 
3215  Unb  nimm  nur,  guter  5!}tanfor,  nimm  fogleid^  .  ,  . 
S)u  tt)uft  e§  aber  bod;  aud^  gern  ? .  .  .  nimm  frifd^e 
SebedEung  nur  fogleidE).     2)u  mu^t  fogleid^ 
9?od^  tDeiter,  mu^t  ber  ©eiber  großem  %tH 
2luf  Sibanon  jum  35ater  bringen. 


3220  ©el^r  gern ! 


Unb  nimm  bir  bie  Sebedung  ja 
?Zur  nid^t  ju  fd^tDad^.     6§  ift  um  Sibanon 
9lid^t  alle§  met^r  ju  fid;er.    §aft  bu  nid^t 
©et^ört?    3)ie  Jem^jel^erren  finb  tüieber  rege. 
©ei  \vo\)l  auf  beiner  §ut !  —  ßomm  nur !     2Bo  l^ält 
3225  2)er  B^g?    ^d^  tüid  if)n  fefjn  unb  aUe^  felbft 
^Betreiben.  —  ^l^r!  id^  bin  fobann  bei  ©ittaf). 

180  ttatljan  ber  IDetfe. 

Dritter  ituftritt. 

Sccne:  bic  $attnen  t)or  ^atl)an§  §aufe,   mo  ber  ^cmpe(f)err  auf  unb 

nieber  o^tjt. 


3n§  $Ä^^  ^^^  ^itt  ^^  einmal  nid)t.  —  ©r  iüirb 
©id^  enblid)  bod^  tt)of)I  f el;en  lafjen !  —  Man 
Semerfte  mid)  ja  fonft  fo  balb,  fo  gern  !  — 

3230  2Bia'§  woiS)  erleben,  ba^  er  \\ä)'^  herbittet, 
aSor  feinem  §aufc  mid^  fo  fleißig  finben 
3u  laffcn.  —  §m  !  —  id^  bin  bod;  aber  auc^ 
©et)r  ärgerlid^.  —  5ßa§  f)at  mid^  benn  mm  fo 
erbittert  gegen  iijn  ?  —  @r  fagte  ja : 

3235  3lv>ä)  fdE)Iüg'  er  mir  nidE)t§  ah,    Unb  ©alabin 
§at'^  über  fid;  genommen,  if)n  ju  ftimmen.  — 
SBie?  follte  Itiirfli^  n)ol;l  in  mir  ber  6f)rift 
g?od)  tiefer  niften  afö  in  if)m  ber  ^ube  ?  — 
2ßer  Icnnt  fid)  red^)t?    2ßie  fßnnt  id)  if)m  benn  fonft 

3240  ®en  Ileinen  Staub  nidE)t  gönnen  n)oIIen,  bcn 
@r  fid/^  ju  foId)er  3(ngelegenl)eit 
@emadE)t,  ben  ßf^riften  abzujagen  ?  — greilid), 
^ein  «einer  S^aub,  ein  fol^  ©efd^ö^^f !  —  ©efc^öt)f  ? 
Unb  toeffen  ?  —  bod&  be§  Qtla\)tn  ni^t,  ber  auf 

3245  ®e§  gebend  oben  ©tranb  ben  Slod  geflößt 
Unb  fid)  bat)on  gemadE)t?    S)e§  ^ünftler^  boc^ 
2öo{)I  mef)r,  ber  in  bem  I^ingeh)orfnen  Slode 
SDie  göttlid^e  ©eftalt  fid^  badete,  bie 
(Sr  bargefteHt?  —  21^  1    9iec^a§  tt^al^rer  aSater 

3250  33leibt,  tro^  bem  g^riften,  ber  fie  ^eugte,  —  bleibt 
3n  ©^Dig!eit  ber  "^not.  —  ffienn  i^  mir 
©ie  lebiglid^  al§  6()riftenbirne  ben!e, 
©ie  fonber  alle§  ba§  mir  ben!e,  Wa^ 
äiaein  il;r  fo  ein  S^be  geben  !onnte :  — 

5.  21uf5ucj.     5.  Zluftrtti  181 

3255  ©^rid^,  §erj,  —  Wa^  \väx^  an  if^r,  ba§  bir  gefiel? 
9{id;t^!     Söenig!     ©elbft  i^r  Säckeln,  W'dx'  e^  nid^t^ 
211^  fanfte,  fd)öne  .g^^'i^^^Ö  if)^^^  5fJtu§!eln, 
9Bär',  tDa^  fie  Iäd;eln  Tiiacl)t,  beg  S^etje^  untDert, 
3n  ben  e§  fiel;  auf  if)rem  SJiunbe  fleibet :  — 

3260  9^ein,  felbft  i^r  Zää)dn  nid^t !     ^d;  Ijah^  e<o  ja 
2Bot;I  fd;üner  nod;  an  SlberiDi^,  an  2^anb, 
2tn  §i3f;nerei,  an  ©d^meid;Ier  unb  an  Suf^Ier 
Serfd^tüenben  fel;n !  —  $at'§  ba  mid;  aud^  bezaubert  ? 
§at'§  ba  mir  aud;  ben  Sßunfd;  entlodt,  mein  Seben 

3265  Sn  feinem  ©onnenfd;eine  ju  Derflattern  ?  — 

^4)  toü^te  nidE)t.    Unb  bin  auf  ben  bod;  launifd;, 
®er  biefen  I}o^ern  SBert  allein  xljx  gab? 
SBie  ba§?  tt)arum?  —  2ßenn  id;  ben  ©pott  t)erbiente, 
9Jtit  bem  mid^  ©alabin  entliej^!     Qdjon  fd)limm 

3270  ®enug,  bafs  ©alabin  c^  glauben  fonnte ! 
2öie  flein  xd)  x^m  ba  fd;einen  muj^te !  luie 
SSerädE)t[id) !  —  Unb  ba§  alle^  um  ein  SÖtäbd^en?  — 
6urb  !  6urb  !  ba^  gebt  fo  nid;t.    Sen!  ein  !  "^tnn  bollenb^ 
Wxx  ©aja  nur  \va^  t)Drge))Iaubert  [)ätte, 

3275  2ßa§  fd)tt)erlid)  ju  eriDeifen  ftünbe?  —  ©ief), 
®a  tritt  er  enblid;,  in  ©efpräd^  i:)ertieft, 
2lu§  feinem  §aufe !  —  §a  1  mit  W^\n  !  —  9Jlit  if)m? 
3Rxt  meinem  ^(ofterbruber?  —  §a  !  fo  tr)ei| 
(gr  fid)erlid)  fdE)on  alle§ !  ift  tDo^I  gar 

328(5  3)em  ^atriard;en  fd;on  t)erraten !  —  §a ! 

aBa§  f)ab'  i(^  Duerb^f  nun  geftiftet !  —  S)afe 
(gin  ein^^ger  g^unfen  biefer  Seibenfi^aft 
©od;  unfern  §irn^  fo  biel  Verbrennen  !ann !  — 
®efd^U)inb  entfd}liej3  bid^,  tt)a§  nunmel;r  ju  tf;un! 

3285  "^d)  lt)iH  f)ier  feittDärtg  if)rer  iDarten,  —  ob 
3[>ielleid;t  ber  illofterbruber  i^n  verlädt. 

182  Hatl^an  ber  tPetfe. 

Dierter  Ztuftrilt. 
9^  a  t  ^  a  n  unb  ber  ^  l  o  ft  e  r  b  r  u  b  e  r. 

9'?at()an  (im  ?läI;ertommen). 

§abt  nod^mal^,  guter  Sruber,  melen  ^anV. 


Unb  3^^  be^gleid^en  ! 

3^?  t)on  ©ucf)?  h)ofür? 
J^ür  meinen  (gigenfinn,  (Sud^  aufäubringen, 
3290  äüa^  ^f^r  nid^t  brandet  ?  —  ^a,  tDenn  il^m  (Surer  nur 
Slud^  nad^gegeben  i)äit\  ^i)x  mit  ©etüalt 
9Jid^t  U)oIltet  reid)er  fein  al^  id^. 


S)a^  53ud^ 

©ef^ört  ja  obnebem  nid;t  mir,  ge[)ört 
3a  of)nebem  ber  Stod^ter,  i[t  Ja  fo 
3295  ®er  Xod;ter  ganje^  'o'äUx\\d)t^  ßrbe.  — 
3^  "w^^/  fi^  f?^^  i^  @ud^,  —  ©Ott  gebe  nur, 
I)a^  ^i)x  e^  nie  bereuen  bürft,  fo  Diel 
%üx  fie  getl^an  ju  l^aben ! 


Stann  id)  ba^? 
®aö  fann  id;  nie.     ©eib  unbeforgt! 


3ln,  nu! 

3300  3)ie  ^atriard^en  unb  bie  3:^em^)el[)erren  .  .  . 


5Sermögen  mir  be^  83ofen  nie  fo  iDiel 

ßu  tl^un,  ba^  irgenb  Wa^  mxd)  reuen  lönnte, 

©efdE)lt)eige,  ba§ !  —  Unb  feib  3^^  ^^^^  f«^  Q^H 

5»  2luf3ug.    ^.  2tuf tritt  183 

SSerfid^ert,  ba^  ein  Xtmptl\)txx  e^  ift, 
3305  ®er  ©uern  ^atriard^en  l^e|t  ? 


@§  fann 

Seinaf)  lein  anbrer  fein,     ©in  Sempelf^err 

©))raci^  !urj  borf^er  mit  il^m,  unb  Wa^  xä)  l^örte, 

3)a^  Hang  barnad^» 


©^  ift  bod^  aber  nur 
©in  einziger  je^t  in  g^^^f^it^"^/ 
3310  Unb  biefen  !enn'  id^.     ®iefer  ift  mein  g^reunb, 
©in  junger,  ebler,  offner  S!}tann! 


©anj  red^t, 

S)er  nämlid;e !  —  2)od^  h)a§  man  ift,  unb  Wa^ 
SRan  fein  mufe  in  ber  SSelt,  ba§  pa^t  ja  \vo^ 
9ti4)t  immer. 

Selber  nid^t,  —  ©0  tl^ue,  h^er'^ 
3315  2lud^  immer  ift,  fein  ©d^Iimmfte^  ober  Sefte^! 
9J?it  ©uerm  93ud)e,  Sruber,  tro^'  id^  allen 
Unb  gel^e  graben  2Beg§  bamtt  jum  ©ultan. 


SSiel  ©lüdE^I     3<^  ^^^^  ®^<^  "^^^^  ^^^  V^^^  i)erlaffen. 

Unb  l^abt  fie  nid^t  einmal  gefel^n  1  —  .^ommt  ja 
3320  35od^  balb,  bod^  fleißig  tüteber.  —  2Benn  nur  ^euf 
®er  ^atriard^  nod^  mä)t§>  erfäf)rt!  —  ©od^  Wa^? 
©agt  i^m  aud^  l^eute,  h)a^  ^i)x  tDoUt. 


^d)  nid^t. 

Sebt  h)o^I ! 

^  (©e^t  ab.) 

184  Hat  t^  an  bcr  IPetfe. 


3Serge^t  un^  ja  md[)t,  33ruber !  —  ®ott ! 
.     ®a^  id^  nid^t  gleid;  i)m  unter  freiem  §unmel 

3325  2luf  meine  i^niee  finfen  !ann !     Söie  fid;  s" 

S)er  knoten,  ber  fo  oft  mir  bange  mad;te, 
9iun  bon  fid;  felber  löfet !  —  ©ott !  iDie  leidet 
5Rir  tüirb,  baj3  id^  nun  U)eiter  auf  ber  Sßelt 
dlid)t^  ju  t)erbergen  ^abe!  ba^  id)  t)or 

3330  ®en  9Jienfd^en  nun  fo  frei  tann  iuanbeln  aU 
3Sor  bir,  ber  bu  allein  ben  9}{enfd^>en  nid;t 
3lad)  feinen  2^f)aten  braud)ft  ju  rid;ten,  bie 
©0  feilen  feine  X[;aten  finb,  0  ©ott!  — 

fünfter  2luftrttt. 

^J^  a  1 1)  a  u  uub  ber  ^  e  m  p  e  H)  e  r  r ,  ber  Dort  ber  (Seite  auf  i^n 



§e!  iDartet,  yiat^an,  ne^mt  mid;  mit! 

2öer  ruft?- 
3335  ©^ib  S^^  ^^/  Mütter?    2Ö0  getoefen,  baf^ 

^{^r  bei  bem  ©ultan  (^x\d)  nidjt  treffen  laffen? 


2Bir  finb  einanber  fef^lgegangen.    3Ul)mV^ 
3l\d)i  übel ! 

^d)  nxd)i,  aber  ©alabin  . .  • 
3l;r  h)art  nur  eben  fort  .  .  . 

5.  2Iuf3ug.    5.  21uftriti  185 

Uub  \pxaä)t  xi)n  bod^? 
3340  3lnn,  fo  iff ^  gut. 

6r  mü  ung  aber  beibe 
^ujammeu  f^red;eiu 

®efto  beffer/    5lommt 
3tnx  mit.    3Jlein  ©ang  ftanb  o^nef^in  ju  i^m.— 


^d)  barf  ja  bod^  h)of)l  fragen,  9iatl^an,  tt)er 
@uc^  ba  t)erlte^? 

^l^r  lennt  il^n  bod^  tr)of)I  tüd^t? 


3345  2öar^^  ntd^t  bie  gute  §aut,  ber  Saienbruber, 
®e§  \x(i)  ber  ^atriarc^  fo  gern  jum  ©töber 
Sebient  ? 

^ann  fein!     33eim  ^atriard;en  ift 
@r  aUerbing^. 


S)er  ^fiff  ift  gar  nid^t  übel, 
3)ie  ©infalt  bor  ber  ©d)urferei  t)orau^ 
3350  3^  fc^iden, 

^a,  bie  bumme,  —  nid^t  bie  fromme* 


2ln  fromme  glaubt  fein  ^atriard^. 

186  Hatl^an  ber  lüetfe* 

5ür  ben 
ytnn  \tti)^  xä),    3)er  tüirb  feinem  ^atriard^en 
3l\d)t^  Ungebül^rlid^e^  i;)oU5ief?en  f^elfen. 

©0  fteHt  er  n)emgften§  fid^  an.  —  2)od^  f)at 
3355  ©^  6wcl;  bon  mir  benn  nid^t^  gejagt? 


3Son  6ud^  nun  namentlid^  iüol^l  nid^t^.  —  6r  lüeife 
^a  tüo^l  aud^  fd^trerlid^  @uern  Jiamen? 



5Bon  einem  3:em))elf;erren  freiließ  i)at 
(Sr  mir  gefagt  .  .  . 


Unb  iDa^? 

SDSomit  er  @ud^ 
3360  3)od^  ein=  für  aUemal  nid^t  meinen  fann ! 

2Ber  hjeife?    2afet  bod^  nur  i^ören. 

5Da^  mid&  einer 
Sei  feinem  ^atriard^en  angeüagt ... 


@ud^  angeflagt?  —  ®a§  ift,  mit  feiner  ®unft  — 
©riogen.  —  §ört  mid^,  9Jatl^an  !  —  ^d^  bin  nid^t 
3365  2)er  SRenfd^,  ber  irgenb  etn^ag  abzuleugnen 

5.  Zlufsug.    5.  2Iuftritt.  187 

^mftanbe  W'dxc.    3Ba^  ic^  t^at,  ba^  tl^at  id^ ! 
®ocf)  bin  id^  aud^  n\ä)t  ber,  ber  aUe^,  Wa^ 
@r  ti)at,  aU  tpol^lgetl^an  t)erteib^gen  möd^te. 
2Ba^  foHt*  id^  eine^  S^^^^  ^i^  fd^dmen?    §ab' 
3370  3<^  ^i^?^  i^^^  f^ft^^^  33orfa^,  \i)n  ju  beffern? 
Unb  tt)ei^  id^  etoa  nid^t,  tpie  lt)eit  mit  bem 
(So  30^enfd^en  bringen  fönnen?  —  §ört  mid^,  3lati)an\  — 
^d^  bin  be^  Saienbruber^  S^empelf^err, 
Ser  @ud^  i:)er!lagt  foll  f)ahtn,  atterbing^.  — 

3375  3^^  ^ifet  i^r  ^<^^  ^i<^  tüurmifd^  mad^te !  Wa^ 
3Jtein  S3Iut  in  allen  Slbern  fieben  mad^te! 
^d^  ©aud^  !  —  ic^  fam,  fo  ganj  mit  Seib'  unb  ©eer 
@ud^  in  bie  2lrme  mid^  ju  ttjerfen.    2Bie 
^l)x  mid^  emj)fingt  —  tx)ie  falt  —  iDie  lau  —  benn  lau 

3380  3ft  fd^Ummer  nod^  al^  falt ;  Wk  abgemeffen 
9Jiir  au^jubeugen  ^l^r  befliffen  tüart; 
SRit  n)eld^en  au^  ber  Suft  gegriffnen  g^ragen 
S^r  3lnth)ort  mir  ju  geben  fd^einen  h^oHtet: 
®ag  barf  id^  iaum  mir  je^t  nod^  benfen,  tt)enn 

3385  ^d^  foK  gelaffen  bleiben.  —  §ört  mid^,  JJatf^an!  — 
3n  biefer  ©äl^rung  fd^Iid^  mir  2)aia  nad^ 
Unb  tüarf  mir  i^r  ©ef;eimni^  an  ben  Äo^f, 
2)a^  mir  ben  Sluffd^Iu^  6uer^  rätfell^aften 
Setragen^  ju  entl^alten  f4)ien. 

2öie  baä? 

3390  §ört  mid^  nur  au§!  —  3^  bilbete  mir  ein, 
^^r  tüoHtet,  Wa^  ^^r  einmal  nun  ben  6f)riften 
©0  abgejagt,  an  einen  ßf^riften  h)ieber 
Jiid^t  gern  Verlieren.     Unb  fo  fiel  mir  ein. 

188  Tiailian  ber  IPetfe* 

@ucf)  lurj  unb  gut  ba^  SRefjer  an  bie  Äe^Ie 
3395  3u  fe^en. 

ßurj  unb  gut  ?  unb  gut  ?  —  2öo  fterft 
25a^  ©Ute? 

§ört  midE),  9Zat^an !  —  SlHerbing^, 
3cl;  tf)at  nid^t  rcd)t !  —  ^\)x  feib  IdüF)!  gar  uid?t  f^ulbig.- 
®ie  9iärrin  ©qa  tpei^  nid^t,  n)a^  fie  f^rid^t,  — 
Sft  (Sud^  g^f^äffig,  —  \^d)t  (Sud^  nur  bamit 
3400  3n  einen  böfen  §anbel  ju  DeviDidEeln ;  — 

5lann  fein  !  fann  fein !  —  S^  "^^^  ^i^^  junger  Saffe, 
S)er  immer  nur  an  beiben  @nben  fd^tDärmt, 
Salb  mel  ju  Diel,  balb  biel  ju  tDenig  t^ut ;  — 
2lud^  ba§  lann  fein  !     3Serjei[)t  mir,  Jtat^an. 

3405  S^^^  f^  ^i^  freilid^  faffet  — 

ilurj,  ic^  ging 
3um  ^Patriard^en  !  —  {;ab'  (Sud;  aber  nidjt 
©enannt.    S)ag  ift  erlogen,  lt)ie  gefagt! 
3d^  l^ab'  i^m  blo^  ben  g^all  ganj  allgemein 
(Srjä^It,  um  feine  SJteinung  ju  t)ernef)men.  — 

3410  %nd)  ba§  ^ätt'  unterbleiben  fönnen ;  ja  bod^ !  — 
,  ^tnn  tannV  \d)  nid&t  ben  ^atriardf)en  \ä)on 
211^  einen  ©d^urfen?    ^onnt'  id^  @ud^  nid;t  fclber 
9Jur  gleid^  ^ur  SRebe  fteKen  ?  —  9Jtu^f  id^  ber 
©efaf^r,  fo  einen  SSater  ju  t)erlieren, 

3415  X)a^  arme  3JJäbd^en  o^)fern?  —  9?un,  \va^  ii)\xV^? 
®ie  ©d;urlerei  be^  ^atriard^en,  bie 

5.  2Iuf3ug.     5.  2Iuftrttt.  189 

©0  äl^nlid^  immer  ftd^  erf^ält,  f^at  mid; 

3)e§  näd^ften  2Bege^  toieber  ju  mir  felb[t 

©ebrad^t.  —  ®enn  l)'6xt  mid;,  9?atl;an,  l^ört  mid^  an^  !  — 
3420  ©efe^t,  er  tDü^f  aud^  ©uern  3^amen,  Wa^ 

5Zun  mel^r,  lt)a§  me^r  ?  —  @r  !ann  6ud^  ja  ba^  5!J{äbd^en 

??ur  nef)men,  tt)enn  fie  niemanb^  i[t  al§  (Suer. 

®r  !ann  fie  bod^  au§  (Suerm  ^aufe  nur 

3n§  ^lofter  fdE)Ie^3^)en.  —  2(lfo  —  gebt  fie  mir! 
3425  ©ebt  fie  mir  mir  unb  la^t  if)n  fommen.    §a ! 

@r  foir§  lüof)!  bleiben  laffen,  mir  mein  2öeib 

3u  nef^men.  —  ©ebt  fie  mir,  gefd;tt)inb !  —  ©ie  fei 

3lnn  Sure  S^od^ter,  ober  fei  e^  nid;t! 

©ei  6f)riftin  ober  ^übin  ober  feinet! 
3430  ©leid^bicl!  gleid^biel!     3<^  tt)erb'  &iid)  h)eber  je^t 

5Jfod;  jemals  fonft  in  meinem  ganjen  2chtn 

®arum  befragen,     ©ei,  tt)ie'^  fei! 

S^t  tt)äl^nt 
SBol^I  gar,  ba^  mir  bie  2Ba^rl^eit  ju  Verbergen 
©e^r  nötig? 

©ei,  Irie^ö  fei! 

^d^  l^ab'  e§  ja 

3435  @ud^  —  ober  tt)em  e§  fonft  ju  imffen  jiemt  — 

9Iod^  nid^t  geleugnet,  ba^  fie  eine  S^riftin 

Unb  nid;t§  aU  meine  ^flegetod^ter  ift.  — 

2ßarum  id)'^  aber  \\)x  nod^  nid^t  entbedt?  — 

S)arüber  braud^'  id^  nur  bei  il^r  mid^  ju 

3440  ßntfdf)ulbigen. 


I)a^  foHt  ^br  aud^  bei  il^r 

3Jid;t  braud^en.  —  ©önnfg  if^r  bod^,  bafe  fie  @ud^  nie 

190  Ha  1 1^ an  b  er  ir>  et  fe. 

3JJit  anbevn  3Iugen  barf  betrad^ten !    ©pari 
^l^r  bie  (SntbedEung  bo^ !  —  3loä)  habt  ^l^r  ja, 
^i)x  ganj  allein,  mit  if)r  ju  fd^altcn.     ©ebt 
3445  ©ie  mir!     ^d^  bitf  6u(^,  5Ratl^an,  gebt  fie  mir! 
3ci&  bin'§  allein,  ber  fie  jum  jtr^eitenmale 
(Sud^  retten  !ann  —  unb  W\\i. 

3a  —  fonnte !  lonnte! 
5Jiun  aud)  nid^t  me^r.     @§  i[t  bamit  ju  f^ät. 

2Bie  fo?  ju  f^)ät? 

!J^at|  an. 
3)anl  fei  bem  ^atriard;en  .  . . 

3450  3)em  ^atriard^en?    3)anf?  i^m  SDanf?  n^ofür? 

®anf  hätte  ber  bei  nn^  t)erbienen  h)oHen? 

2öofür?  tüofür? 


2)a^  tt)ir  nun  lüiffen,  iDem 
©ie  anbertranbt,  nun  h)iffen,  tt)effen  §änben 
©ie  fieser  ausgeliefert  tüerben  lann, 


3455  'J^aS  ban!^  il^m  —  tt)er  für  me^r  i^m  banlen  jt)irb! 

SluS  biefen  mü^t  3f)i^  fi^  ^^n  aud^  erl^alten 
Unb  nid^t  auS  meinen. 


Slrme  3te^a!    2ßaS 
®ir  alles  juftöfet,  arme  9ted^a  !     SBaS 
6in  ©lüdE  für  anbre  5B>aifen  iDäre,  U)irb 

5.  21  uf3ug.     5.  2Iuf tritt.  191 

3460  ©ein  UnglüdE !  ~  9iatf|an !  —  Unb  n^o  finb  fie,  biefe 

2Bo  fie  finb? 

Unb  tt)er  fie  finb? 


Sefonber^  f^at  ein  Sruber  fid;  gefunben, 
Sei  bem  ^f^r  um  fie  VDerben  rnii^t. 


ein  33ruber? 
2Ba§  ift  er,  biefer  Sruber?    ©n  ©olbat? 
3465  Gin  ©eiftUd^er?  —  2a^t  frören,  Wa^  id^  mir 

3Lkrf^3red^en  barf. 


^d^  glaube,  ba^  er  feinet 
3Son  beiben  —  ober  beibe^  ift.     ^d^  fenn' 
^l^n  nod^  nid^t  red£)t. 


Unb  fonft? 

(Sin  braber  SJJann ! 
53ei  bem  fid^  Sted^a  gar  nid^t  übel  tt)irb 
3470  33efinben. 

®od^  ein  6f)rift !  —  ^d^  tt)ei^  ju  Seiten 
2lud^  gar  nid^t,  h)a§  id^  t)on  @uc^  beulen  foK;  — 
9iel;mt  mir'§  nid^t  ungut,  9iat^an.  —  2ßirb  fie  nid^t 
3)ie  (S^riftin  f^)ielen  mü[fen  unter  6f)riften? 
Unb  tDirb  fie,  Wa^  fie  lange  g'nug  gef^)ielt. 

192  Hatl^an  ber  IDetfe, 

3475  9Ztd^t  enblid)  tDcrben?    2Birb  ben  lautern  aBeiäen, 
2)en  3f)r  gefä't,  ba§  Unfraut  enblid^  mdE)t 
Grftiden?  —  Unb  ba§  fümmert  (Sud^  fo  h)emg? 
®em  ungead^tet  f önnt  ^br  fagen  —  ^l^r  ?  — 
®a^  fie  bei  if)rem  Sruber  fid^  nid^t  übel 

3480  33efinben  tDerbe? 

2)enl'  i^  !  f)off  id^  !  —  SBcnn 
^f^r  \a  bei  if)m  lt)a§  mangeln  follte,  f)at 
©ie  @ud)  unb  midi  benn  nid^t  nod^  immer?  — 


5JBa§  h)irb  bei  if)m  if)r  mangeln  iönnen  !     SBirb 
®a§  Srüberd^en  mit  ©ffen  unb  mit  ^leibung, 

3485  3JJit  9Zafd^U)er!  unb  mit  $u^  ba§  ©djttiefterd^en 
9iid)t  reid^Iid^  g'nug  berforgen?    Unb  \va§  brandet 
(Sin  ©df)lt)efterd^en  benn  mel;r?  —  (gi  freilid^:  aud^ 
yiod)  einen  9}Jann  !   'Jlnn,  nun,  —  audi  ben,  aud^  ben 
28irb  if)r  ba§  23rüberd^en  ju  feiner  3^^^ 

3490  ©dE)on  fd^affen,  lt)ie  er  immer  nur  ju  finben ! 
®er  dE)riftIid&fte  ber  befte !  —  9Jat^an,  ^ati)an ! 
Söeld^  einen  ©ngel  l^attet  "^^x  gebilbet, 
2)en  Sud^  nun  anbre  fo  berbunjen  tDerben ! 

§at  leine  5Jiot!     @r  tt)irb  fid^  unfrer  Siebe 
3495  9io4)  immer  irert  genug  bef)auj)ten. 

3)a§  nid^t !     35on  meiner  Siebe  fagt  ba§  nid^t ! 
®enn  bie  lä^t  nid^t§  fid^  unterfd)Iagen,  nidBt^, 
6^  fei  aud;  nod)  fo  Hein  !  and)  feinen  Flamen  !  — 

5»  yuf5ug.    5,  auftritt,  193 

^od)  I^alt !  —  SlrgtDol^nt  fie  tt)ol^I  bereite,  Wa^  mit 
3500  Sf)r  i^orge^t  ? 

MöQlid) ;  ob  id^  fd^on  rüd^t  iDü^te, 

3tud^  eben  t)iel ;  fie  f off  —  fie  mu^ 
3n  beiben  pfiffen,  tt)a§  i^r  ©dE)idfaI  bro^t, 
3Son  mir  juerft  erfat)ren.     ^IRein  ©ebanfe, 
©ie  ct)er  aneber  nid^t  ju  feE)n,  ju  fpred^en, 
3505  911^  bi§  id)  fie  bie  meine  nennen  bürfe, 
gäfft  it)eg.     ^d^  eile  .  .  ,         • 

SIeibt !  Woi)xn  ? 

3u  fe^n,  ob  biefe  9Jiäbd^enfeeIe  3}tann§  genug 
2Bof;I  ift,  ben  einzigen  ©ntfd^Iu^  ju  faffen, 
2)er  il^rer  lüürbig  Wärt ! 


3510  9?ad^  @ud^  unb  i^rem  33ruber  loeiter  nid^t 
3u  fragen  — 


Unb  mir  ju  folgen,  —  Wmn 
©ie  brüber  eine§  3Jlufelmanne§  3^rau 
2lud^  n)erben  mü^te. 

194  Hatl^an  ber  IDeifc, 

SIeibt !    "^ifx  trefft  fie  nid^t ; 
©ie  ift  bei  ©ittal^,  bei  be§  Sultan^  ©d^hjefter. 

3515  ©eit  tpenn?  iDarum? 

Unb  tDoQt  3f)r  ba  bei  il^nen 
^ugleid^  ben  33ruber  finben,  fommt  nur  mit. 

3)en  Sruber?  h)eld^en?    ©itta^§  ober  3?ec^a^? 

Seid^t  beibe.     Äommt  nur  mit !   ^d^  bitt'  (Snd),  fommt ! 

(Gr  fü!()rt  it)n  fort.) 

Sedjftcr  auftritt. 

Scenc :  in  !2tttat)§  §arcm. 
@  i  1 1  a  ^  unb  9i  c  c^  a  tu  Unterhaltung   begriffen, 

2Ba^  freu'  id^  mid^  nid^t  beiner,  fü^e§  Ttähd)cn !  — 
3520  ©ei  fo  beflemmt  nur  nid^t!  fo  angft!   fo  fd)üd^tern!  — 
©ei  munter!  fei  gef^)räd^iger!  i;)ertrauter! 

^rinjeffin,  .  .  . 


?Jid^t  bod^ !  nid^t  ^rinjeffin  !  9ienn 
9Jlid^  ©itta^,  —  beine  ^reunbin,  —  beine  ©dE)n)efter. 
3?enn  mid^  bein  9)lütterd^en  !  —  ^d^  lönnte  ba§ 

5.  2Iuf5U9.    6.  2luftrttt.  195 

3525  3«  W^^^  ^^^  f^i^^-  —  ®^  i^^9  '  f^  ^t^S  !  f*^  fromm  ! 
2Ba§  bu  TÜd^t  aHe§  h^ei^t !  md;t  a(Ie§  mufet 
©elefen  l^aben 

^d^  gelefen?  —  ©ittal^, 
®u  f^)otteft  betner  üeinen  albern  ©(f)^efter. 
^d^  !ann  !aum  lefen, 

^annft  faum,  Sügnerin! 

3530  @in  bentg  meinet  SSaterg  §anb !  —  ^d^  meinte^ 
2)u  [j)rädE)ft  bon  33üd^ern. 


SWerbingg !  t)on  Sudlern. 

9iun,  33üd^er  tüirb  mir  tt)af)rlid^  fd^tDer  ju  lefen  !  — 

^m  ernft? 

^n  ganjem  ©rnft.    3Jtein  3Sater  liebt 

2)ie  falte  33ud^gelef)rfam!eit,  bie  fid^ 

3535  3Jti^  ^^^^^  ßeid^en  in§  ©ef^irn  nur  brüdft, 

3u  trenig. 


(Si,  h)a§  fagft  bu !  —  §at  inbefe 
SBol^l  nid^t  fel^r  unred^t !  —  Unb  fo  mand^eg,  Wa^ 
2)u  n)eifet  .  _  ? 

2öei^  id^  allein  an^  feinem  SJiunbe 
Unb  lönnte  bei  bem  meiften  bir  nod^  fagen, 
3540  2ßie?  tt)o?  tDarum?  er  mid^'g  gelehrt» 

196  Xlai\:la^x  bcr  XUctfe. 

©0  f)ängt 
©id^  freilid^  alle§  Beffer  an.     ©o  lernt 
3Kit  etng  bie  ganje  ©ecle. 

©id^er  hat 
3lud^  ©ittaf)  jt>enig  ober  nxd)t^  gelefen  ! 


3Bie  fo  ?  —  3c^  bin  nid^t  ftolj  auf§  ©cgenteil.  ~ 

3545  3tHetn  tüte  fo  ?  ©ein  ©runb  !  Qpxxd)  breift.  ©ein  ©vnnb  ? 


©ie  ift  fo  fd^Ied)t  unb  red^t,  unb  unt)erlünftelt, 
©0  ganj  fid^  felbft  nur  äbnlic^  .  .  . 



2)a^  foHen 

3!)ie  93üd^er  un^  nur  feiten  lafjen,  \aQt 

aJlein  aSater. 


D,  tt)a§  ift  bein  SSater  für 
3550  6in  Mann  1 

g^i^t  tt)af?r? 


2öie  nal^  er  immer  bod& 

3um  3iele  trifft ! 


9Jid^t  n)af)r?  —  Unb  biefen  SSater  — 
2Ba§  ift  bir,  Siebe? 

5.  2Iuf5U9.    6,   2luf tritt.  197 

liefen  33ater  — 

©Ott ! 
S)u  tDeinft? 

Unb  biefen  33ater  —  2lf; !  e^  mufe 
§erau^ !  50Jein  §erj  triH  Suft,  tt)ill  Suft .  .  . 

(2öirft  fic^,  t)on  X()ränen  übcrtüätliGt,  ju  tf)ren  f5rü6en.) 


Äinb,  tt)a^ 

3555  ©efc^ie^t  bir?    3tec^a? 

35iefen  3Sater  foH  — 
©oH  id^  ijerlieren! 

®u?  berlieren?  il^n? 
2öie  ba^?  —  ©ei  rul^ig  1  —  nimmermel^r !  —  QUl)  auf! 

5Du  foUft  bergeben^  bid^  ju  meiner  g^reunbin, 
3u  meiner  ©d^it)efter  nid^t  erboten  traben! 


3560  "^ä)  bin'§  ja !  bin'^ !  —  ©tel^  boc^  nur  auf !  "^ä)  mu^ 
©onft  §ilfe  rufen. 


(bie  fidö  ermannt  unb  auffle{)t). 

%i) !  t)erjetf^ !  i;)er9ieb  !  — 
STt^^in  ©d^merj  f^at  mid^  Dergefjen  machen,  tt)er 
SDu  bift.    aSor  ©ittaf^  gilt  fein  2BinfeIn,  fein 
aSerjtoeifeln.    ßalte,  rul^ige  33ernunft 

198  Hatljan  ber  IPctfe. 

3565  2BilI  aQe^  über  fie  allein  tjermögen. 

2ße^  ©ad^e  biefe  bei  \\)x  füf)rt,  ber  fiegt ! 

5iun  bann? 

9Zein,  meine  greunbin,  meine  ©dE)tx)efter 
®iebt  ba^  nid^t  ju !    ©iebt  nimmer  ju,  bafe  mir 
(Sin  anbrer  3Sater  aufgebrungen  iüerbe! 

3570  @in  anbrer  SSater?  aufgebrungen?    !j)ir? 

äBer  fann  ba^?  fann  ba^  auc^  nur  tuollen,  Siebe? 

2Ber?    ^JJieine  gute  böfe  ©aja  fann 

3)a^  tDütten,  —  Wiü  ba^  fönnen.  —  3a,  bu  fennjt 

2öof;I  biefe  gute  böfe  ©aja  nid^t? 

3575  ^Jiun,  ©Ott  tiergeb'  e^  if;r!  —  belol^n'  e^  il^r! 

©ie  l^at  mir  fo  biel  @ute§,  —  fo  biel  33öfeö 

©rtüief  en ! 


S3öfe^  bir?  —  ©0  mufe  fie  ©ute^ 
Dod^  lüaf^rlid^  tDenig  f;aben. 

2)od^!  red^t  mel, 

mid)i  mel! 


2ßer  ift  fie? 

©ine  ß^riftin,  bie 
3580  3n  meiner  ßinbljeit  mid^  g^t>fl^gt/  micf)  fo 

©e^ftegt!  —  3)u  glaubft  nic^t!  —  bie  mir  eine  SKutter 
©0  trenig  miffen  laffen !  —  ©Ott  bergelt^ 

5,  2luf3ug*    6,  21  uf tritt  199 

©^  ii)x !  —  bie  aber  mid^  axxci)  fo  geängftet ! 
Wxä)  fo  gequält! 

Unb  über  tva^?  Waxnm? 
3585  2Bie? 

%(i) !  bie  arme  ^xau  —  id^  fag'  bir'§  ja  — 
3ft  eine  Sl^riftin,  —  mu^  au§  Siebe  quälen,  — 
Sft  eine  Don  ben  ©d^tDärmerinnen,  bie 
3)en  allgemeinen,  einzig  tüal^ren  2Seg 
3laä)  ©Ott  ju  tpiffen  tüäl^nen! 


3flun  berftel;'  id^ ! 

3590  Unb  fid^  gebrungen  füllen,  einen  jeben, 

®er  biefe^  SBeg^  t)erfe]^lt,  barauf  ju  lenfen.  — 
^aum  lönnen  fie  aud^  anber^.    3)enn  i[t'^  tüal^r, 
S)afe  biefer  2Beg  allein  nur  rid^tig  fül^rt : 
2Bie  foHen  fie  gelaffen  i^re  3^reunbe 

3595  3luf  einem  anbern  tüanbeln  fef^n,  —  ber  ing 
SSerberben  ftürjt,  inö  etüige  SSerberben? 
6^  mü^te  möglid^  fein,  benfelben  3}tenfd^en 
Qnx  felben  Qcxt  ju  lieben  unb  ju  l^affen.  — 
2(ud^  ift'§  baö  nid^t,  tüa^  enblid^  laute  klagen 

3600  Tlid)  über  fie  ^u  fül^ren  xtt)ingt.    ^^r  ©eufjen, 
3^r  SBarnen,  i^r  ®ebet,  il;r  2)rol)en  l^ätf 
3d^  gern  nod^  länger  au^gel^alten,  gern! 
(S§  brad^te  mid^  bod^  immer  auf  ©ebanlen, 
®ie  gut  unb  nü^lid^.    Unb  lt)em  fd^meid^elt'g  bod^ 

3605  ^m  ©runbe  nid^t,  fid^  gar  fo  U)ert  unb  teuer, 
5Son  tpem'^  aud^  fei,  gel;alten  fül^len,  ba| 

200  Hatl^an  bcr  IPeife. 

@r  ben  ©ebanlen  nid^t  ertragen  !ann, 
(Sr  rnüff  einmal  auf  eU)ig  un^  entbehren! 

©e^r  it)al^r! 

StUein  —  allein  —  ba§  gef^t  ju  h)eit ! 
3610  S)em  !ann  id^  nid}t^  entgegengehen,  nid^t 
©ebulb,  nid^t  Überlegung,  nid^t^! 

2Ba§?  h)em? 
2Ba^  fie  mir  ^hm  je^t  entbedEt  Wxü  l^aben. 

©ntbedt?  unb  cUn  je^t? 

5tur  ^htn  je^t! 
SBir  nal^ten  auf  bem  3Beg'  l^ierber  un§  einem 

3615  SSerfaHnen  ßt^riftentem^^el.     ^lö^Iid^  ftanb 

©ic  ftiH,  fd^ien  mit  fic^  felbft  ju  fämpfen,  blidEte 
3Jlit  naffen  2lugen  balb  gen  ^immel,  balb 
2luf  mid^.    Äomm,  f^rad^  fie  enblid^,  la^  un^  bier 
^xxxä)  biefen  Stempel  in  bie  3{id£)te  gel^n! 

3620  ©ie  gef)t ;  \d)  folg'  if^r,  unb  mein  Sluge  fd^tüeift 
SJlit  ©rau^  bie  toanfenben  9{uinen  burd;. 
3lnn  fte^t  fie  it)ieber,  unb  id^  fe^e  mid^ 
2ln  ben  berfuntnen  ©tufen  eine§  morfd^en 
Slltar^  mit  i^r.    2Bie  iDarb  mir?  aU  fie  ba 

3625  SJcit  l^eifeen  %i)x'dnm,  mit  gerungnen  §änben. 
3u  meinen  g^ü^en  ftürjte  .  .  . 

©ute^  ^nb! 

5.  2(uf5U9.    7.  2(uftrttt  201 

Unb  bei  ber  ©öttli(^en,  bie  ba  ti:)ol^I  fonft 
©0  mand;  ©ebet  erhört,  fo  tnand^e^  SBunber 
$ßerrid;tet  f;abe,  mxd)  befd^tDor,  —  mit  Süden 
3630  ®e^  Waifxtn  SJIitleib^  mid^  ht]ä)Wox,  mid;  meiner 
®ocl^  ju  erbarmen !  —  tDenigften^  if)r  ju 
^Bergeben,  tDenn  fie  mir  entbeden  muffe, 
2Ba§  it)re  ßirc^'  auf  mxä)  für  3lnfj)rud^  l^abc. 

(Unglüdlic^e !  —  @§  al^nte  mir !) 

^ä)  fei 
3635  2tu§  d^riftUd^em  ©eblüte,  fei  gelauft, 

©ei  9iatf;an§  Stod^ter  nid^t,  er  nid^t  mein  3Sater!  — 
©Ott!  ©Ott !    @r  ni($t  mein  3Sater  '  — ©ittat^ !  ©itta^  ! 
©ie^  mid^  auf^  neu'  ju  beinen  ^ü^en  .  .  . 

9Jid^t  bod^!  ftel^  auf !  — aJJein  33ruber  lömmt!  fte^  auf! 

Siebenter  2tuftrttt, 
(^  a  I  a  b  i  n  unb  bie  5B  0  r  i  g  e  n. 


3640  2ßa§  giebt'^  ^ier,  ©ittaf)  ? 


©ie  ift  bon  fid^  !    ©Ott ! 


2Ser  iff§? 

202  Hatl]an  ber  lUetfe, 

©u  n?ei^t  ja  .  .  . 

Unfern  SJat^an^  2od;tcr? 
2öa^  fe^It  i^r? 


^omm  bod^  ^u  bir,  Äinb!  —  ®er  ©ultau  . . . 

(bic  \\äi  auf  ben  ^niecn  ju  6alabin§  S^üfecn  fc^lcppt,  t>en  ^o\)\  aur  Örbcu 


^d)  \iti)'  nid^t  auf !  nid^t  el^er  auf !  —  maß  cfjcr 
2)e§  ©ultang  SlntU^  nid^t  erblidEen !  —  el^er 
3645  ®en  Slbglanj  eh)tger  ©ered^tigleit 
Unb  ©Ute  nid^t  in  feinen  Slugen,  nid^t 
2luf  feiner  ©tirn  betDunbern  .  .  . 


©tel^  .  .  .  fte^  auf ! 

Q^'  er  mir  nid^t  Derf})rid^t  ... 


^omm  !  id^  Derfjjred^e . . . 
©ei  h)a§  e§  tvxUl 

9iid^t  mef)r,  nid^t  toeniger, 
3650  211^  meinen  SSater  mir  ju  laffen  unb 

3Jlid^  i^m  !  —  9?od^  tt)eife  id^  nid^t,  iDer  fonft  mein  SSater 
3u  fein  Verlangt,  —  i)erlangen  fann.     2ßi(r^  aud^ 
9iid^t  tüiffen.     2lber  mad^t  benn  nur  ba§  Slut 
®en  aSater?  nur  bag  Slut? 

5»  2tuf5U9.     7.  21  uf tritt.  203 

©alttbilt  (ber  fie  aufgebt). 

^d^  mer!e  tt)of;l!  — 
3655  2Ber  War  fo  graufam  benn,  bir  felbft  —  bir  felbft 
^Dergleichen  in  ben  ^op\  ju  fe^en?    ^ft 
@ö  benn  fd^on  t)öttig  au^gemad^t?  erit)iefen? 

SfJluß  iDol^l!    Senn  SDaja  Wiü  Don  meiner  2lmm' 
@^  l^aben. 

©einer  2lntme! 

3)ie  e^  fterbenb 
3660  3l)r  ju  t)ertrauen  fid^  Derbunben  fuf^Ite, 


©arfterbenb!  —  9iid^t  aud^  fafelnb  fd^on?  —  Unb  tüär'g 
3luc^  tüaf)r!  —  ^a  IDO^I :  ba§  33Iut,  ba^  93Iut  aQein 
5Jtad^t  lange  nod^  ben  3Sater  nid^t!  mad^t  faum 
®en  33ater  eine^  Stereo!  giebt  jum  l^öd^ften 
3665  2)a^  erfte  S^Jed^t,  fid^  biefen  9Zamen  ju 

6rlt)crben !     £a[3  bir  bod^  nid^t  bange  fein !  — 
Unb  Wd^t  bu  tDa^?    ©obalb  ber  Sßäter  jtDei 
(Z'xd)  um  bic^  [treuen,  —  la^  fie  beibe,  nimm 
2)en  britten !  —  9timm  bann  mic^  ju  beinem  33ater  ! 

3670  D  t^u'e !  0  t^u'^ ! 


3d^  triU  ein  guter  SSater, 
5Red)t  guter  aSater  fein !  —  3)od^  f^alt !  mir  fällt 
5Jod;  Diel  \va^  33eff're^  bei.  —  2öa^  bvau^ft  bu  benn 
©er  SSäter  über^au^)t?    2Benn  fie  nun  fterben? 

204  Hatl^an  ber  IPcife, 

Sei  Seiten  fid^  nad^  einem  umgefe^n, 
3675  3)er  mit  nn^  um  bie  Söette  leben  n^ill! 
Äennft  bu  noä)  feinen  ?  .  ,  . 

^Raä)  fie  nid^t  erröten! 

I)a§  l^ab*  id^  aUerbing^  mir  borgefe^t. 
©rröten  mad^t  bie  §äfelid^en  fo  fd;ön, 
llnb  foQte  ©d^öne  nid^t  nod^  f d^öner  mad)en  ?  — 
3680  3^  ^^6^  beinen  SSater  9iatt;an  unb 
3loä)  einen  —  einen  nod^  l^ierf)er  beftellt. 
©rrätft  bu  if^n  ?  —  ^ierl^er !     ®u  tt)ir[t  mir  bod^ 
Urlauben,  ©ittal^? 

33ruber ! 

5Da^  bu  ja 
SBor  it)m  red^t  fe^r  erröteft,  liebet  SRäbd^en! 

3685  33or  n)em?  erröten?  .  .  . 


ßleine  §eud^Ierin ! 
5Run,  fo  erblaffe  lieber !  —  SßJie  bu  tpiUft 
Unb  f annft !  — 

(Sine  6!(at)in  tritt  l)erein  unb  na{)Ct  fic^  (Sitta^.) 

Sie  finb  bod^  itwa  nic^t  fd^on  ba? 

©ut !  lafe  fie  nur  l^erein.  —  ©ie  finb  eö,  Sruber ! 

5.  2Iuf3ug.    s^e^ter  21  uf tritt  205 

£e^ter  ^tuftrttt. 

^at^an  unb  ber  2::em^) e  11^ er r  gu  ben  Vorigen. 

^^^^,  meine  guten,  lieben  greunbe !  —  ®id^. 

3690  ^iä),  "^aiifan,  mu^  id^  nur  i)or  allen  ©ingen 
Sebeuten,  ba^  bu  nun,  fobalb  bu  tüillft, 
3)ein  ©elb  fannft  triebet  Idolen  lafjen  1  .  ,  . 

9?un  ftef;'  ic^  aucf)  ju  beinen  2)ienften  .  , 


®te  ^aranjan'  ift  ba.    ^d^  bin  fo  retd^ 

©ultan  1  .  .  . 

©ultan !  ,  .  . 

3695  yinn  lt)ieber,  ate  id^  lange  nid^t  geit)efen.  — 

^omm,  jag  mir,  Wa^  bu  braud;[t,  fo  red^t  \va^  ©ro^eö 
3u  unternef)men !     S)enn  aud^  if)r,  aud^  il^r, 
Si^t  §anbel§leute,  lönnt  be^  baren  ©elbe§ 
3ut)iel  nie  l^aben ! 

Unb  iDarum  juerft 
3700  3Son  biefer  ßleinig!eit  ?  —  ^d^  fel;e  bort 
©in  2tug^  in  X^ränen,  ba^  ju  trodEnen  mir 
2Beit  angelegner  ift.  (®e^t  auf  a^ec^a  ^u.)  I)u  l^aft  getpeint? 
3Ba^  f ef^It  bir  ?  —  bift  bod^  meine  Xod^ter  nod^  ? 

m^xn  aSater !  .  .  . 

206  Ha  1 1?  an  b  er  ID  et  fe. 

2Bir  toerfte^en  un§*    ©enug!  — 

3705  ©ei  l^eiter !     ©ei  gefaxt !     '3S>^mx  fon[t  bein  iperj 

9iur  beiu  nod^  ift!     2Benn  beinern  §erjen  fonft 

9iur  fein  3Serlu[t  nic^t  brof^t !  —  Sein  3Sater  ift 

S)ir  unüerloren! 


deiner,  feiner  fonft! 

©onft  feiner?  —  9iun  !  fo  l[;ab  id^  mid^  betrogen. 
3710  2Ba^  man  nid)t  ju  i)erlieren  fürd^tet,  l^at 

^an  in  befi^en  nie  geglanbt  unb  nie 

©etDünfd^t.  —  9ied;t  tüof^l !  red^t  tDoI^I !  —  3)a§  änbert, 

3)a^  änbert  aUe^ !  —  ©alabin,  tpir  famen        [9iatf>an, 

2luf  bein  ©ef^ei^.     SlHein,  x6)  l^atte  bid^ 
3715  SSerleitet ;  je^t  bemüf)  bid^  nur  nid^t  n^eiter ! 

SBie  gad^  nun  tDieber,  junger  ^ann  !  —  ©oK  alleS 
©ir  benn  entgegen  fommen?     3l(Ie^  bid^ 
©rraten  ? 

5Run,  bu  i)'öx\i  \a !  fiel^ft  ja,  ©ultan ! 

@i  h)al)rlid^ !  —  ©d^limm  genug,  ba^  beiner  ©ad^e 
3720  ®u  nid^t  gett)iffer  tüarft ! 


©0  bin  x6)^^  nun. 


2Ber  fo  auf  irgenb  eine  SBo^Itfiat  tro^t, 
JJimmt  fie  jurüdE.     23a^  bu  gerettet,  ift 

5.   2luf3U9.    S£et5ter  21  uf tritt,  207 

2)e§lt)cgen  nid^t  bein  ©igentum.     ©onft  tt)är' 
S)er  ^Räuber,  ben  fein  ©eij  tnö  g^euer  jagt, 

3725  ©0  gut  ein  §elb  iüie  bu! 

(^uf  9lecf)a  3Uöel)ent),  um  fie  bem  2:empe({)errn  auaufü^rcn.) 

Komm,  liebet  3!Jtä^c^en, 
^omm!     3lm\r\^  mit  it)m  md)t  fo  genau,    ^^nn  Wäx 
Sr  anber^,  \v'dx'  er  minber  trarm  uub  ftol^, 
6r  l^ätt'  e§  bleiben  laffen,  bid)  ju  retten. 
2)u  mu^t  i^m  ein^  für§  anbre  rechnen.  —  ^omm  I 

3730  33efd^äm  i^n  !  tf)u  Wa^  \^m  ju  t[)un  geäiemte ! 
33efenn  il^m  beine  Siebe !  trage  bid^  if^m  an ! 
Unb  h)enn  er  bid^  t)er[d^mäf)t,  bir'^  je  Dergi^t, 
2Bie  ungleid^  me^r  in  biefem  (3d;ritte  bu 
g^ür  i^n  gett)an,  aU  er  für  bid^  .  .  .  2ßa^  i)ai 

3735  ®r  benn  für  bid^  getl^an?     ©in  toenig  fid^ 

Seräud^ern  laffen  !  —  ift  \\)a^  ?licä)t'^  !  —  fo  ^at 
@r  meinet  Sruber^,  meinet  Slffab,  nidE)t§  ! 
©0  trägt  er  feine  Sarbe,  nid^t  fein  §erj. 
^omm,  Siebe .  . . 

®e^ !  ge^,  Siebe,  ge^  !     ©^  ift 

3740  3^ür  beine  ®an!barfeit  nod^  immer  t^enig, 

3loä)  immer  nid^t^. 


§alt,  ©alabin !  balt,  ©ittat; ! 

2ruc^  bu? 

^ier  l^at  nod^  einer  mit  ju  f^jred^en  .  . . 

2Ber  leugnet  ba§?  —  Unftreitig,  ??atf)an,  lömmt 
©0  einem  Pflegevater  eine  ©timme 

208  Hatf^art  ber  Weife. 

3745  SJlit  ju !    ®te  crfte,  tücnu  bu  tDiUft.  —  3)u  l^örft, 
3d^  iDei|  ber  ®arf)e  ganje  Sage. 

9iid^t  [o  ganj!  — 
3d^  tebe  nid^t  t)on  mir.     @§  ift  ein  anbrer, 
SBeit,  tt)eit  ein  anbrer,  ben  id^,  ©alabin, 
^oä)  and)  t)orf)er  ju  frören  bitte. 



3750  3^^^  ©ruber ! 


9iec^a^  ©ruber? 


^Kein  ©ruber? 
©0  l)ab^  id)  einen  ©ruber  ? 


(au§  feiner  tuilbcn,  ftummen  ;ycrrtreuunö  autfal)renb). 

2ßo?  \\)o  ift 
er,  biefer  ©ruber?    ^od)  x\xd)i  ^ier?    3d;  fottt^ 
3f)n  f)ter  ja  treffen. 

3Jur  ©ebulb! 

XeilHJCl^err  (au^crft  bitter). 

@r  ^at 
3f)r  einen  ©ater  aufgebunben :  —  Wxxi 
3755  ®^  feinen  ©ruber  für  fie  finben? 



§at  nod^  gefe{)It !     ßt^rift !  ein  fo  niebriger 

5.   yuf5ug.    £e^  ter  ^(uftrt  tt.  209 

SBerbad^t  tt)är'  über  3lffab§  2xppcn  nid^t 
©efommen.  —  ©ut!  fa[)r  nur  fo  fort! 

^l^m !  —  ^ä)  berjeif)'  il^m  gern»  —  333er  n)ei^,  tt)a§  h)ir 
3760  2ln  feiner  ©teil',  in  feinem  2llter  badeten! 

(f5freiinb[(i)aftti(^  auf  i^n  äugefienb.) 

5iatürlid&,  ^Ritter !  —  2lrgtt)ot)n  folgt  auf  SJti^trau^n !  — 
SBenn  ^^r  mid^  @ure§  h)af)ren  9iamen§  gleid^ 
©elDürbigt  f^ättet  .  .  . 


3^^  f^i^  ^^i"  ©tauffen ! 

2Ber  bin  id^  benn? 


§ei|t  ßurb  öon  ©tauffen  nid^t! 

3765  2öie  f^ei^  id^  benn? 


§ei^t  £eu  "oon  g^ilnef. 



3f)r  ftu^t? 


gjtit  stecht!     2öer  fagt  baö? 

^(S),  ber  me^r, 
5tod^  mef)r  Sud)  fagen  lann.    ^d^  ftraf  inbe^ 
(Sud;  feiner  2üge. 

210  Hatl^an  ber  IDeife. 



Rann  bod^  IdoI^I  fein, 
2)afe  jener  9?am'  6ud^  ebenfalls  gebüf^rt. 


3770  ®a^  foHt'  id^  meinen!  —  (®a^  ^ie^  ©ott  i^n  fj)red^en!) 

ÜDenn  (Sure  9}tutter  —  bie  Wax  eine  ©tauffin. 
^f)r  Sruber,  (Suer  Df)m,  ber  Sud^  erjogen, 
2)em  @ure  ©Itern  6ud^  in  ®eutfd;lanb  liefen, 
311^,  bon  bcm  raupen  §inimel  bort  Vertrieben, 
3775  ©i^  iDieber  f)ier  ju  Sanbe  famen :  —  ber 

§ieJ3  6urb  Don  ©tauffen,  mag  an  Äinbe^ftatt 
33ie[Icid;t  (Sud;  angenommen  l^aben !  —  Seib 
3^r  lange  fd)on  mit  \\)m  nun  auc^  herüber 
©efommen?    Unb  er  lebt  bod^  nod;? 


2Ba^  foa 

3780  3d^  fagen?  —  gjatf^an!  —  3iaerbing^ !     ©0  i[t^^ ! 
©r  felbft  i[t  tot.     ^c^  fam  er[t  mit  ber  legten 
3Ser[tär!ung  unfern  Drben§.  —  2lber,  aber  — 
SBa^  f;at  mit  biefem  allem  9ted^a§  Sruber 
3u  fc^affen? 

Suer  Sßater  .  .  . 


2Bie?  aud^  ben 
3785  §abt  3^r  gefannt?    3lud^  ben? 

5.  2Iuf3ug.    £et3ter  2Iuf tritt  211 


@r  War  mein  ^reunb. 

2Bar  ©uer  greunb?    Sft^g  mögli(^,  5Rat^an!  .  .  . 



©id^  2BoIf  Don  gilne!,  aber  Wax  fein  ©eutfd^er  .  .  . 

Si^r  tDtfet  aud^  ba§? 


2Bar  einer  3)eutfct)en  nur 
S3ermäf)It,  n)ar  (Surer  5!}iutter  nur  nac^  3)eutfd^Ianb 
3790  2luf  furje  Qdi  gefolgt  ... 


mxä)i  me^r!     ^(^  bitt' 
Suc^!  —  atber  3{ecba§  Sruber?     3tetf)a^  93ruber  .  .  , 

©eib  ^l^r! 

^d^?  id^  if;r  ©ruber? 

6r  mein  33ruber? 


©ie  ©efdE)tt)ifter! 

dttti^Ü  (tüill  auf  xf)n  ju). 

3tf; !  mein  33ruber 

^cntpclljerr  (tritt  jurücf). 
Sl^t  Sruber! 

212  Hatl^an  bcr  IDetfc, 

(pit  an  unb  tüenbet  fic^  3u  5lat!)an). 

^ann  m(f)t  fein !  nid^t  fein !    ©ein  ^erj 
795  2öeife  nid^tg  babon !  —  2Bir  finb  33etrieger !    ©ott ! 

©alabitt  (jum  Srempell^errn).  - 

SBetrieger?  —  tnie?    ®ag  benift  bu?  fannft  bu  ben!en? 
SBetrieger  felbft!    Senn  alle§  ift  erlogen 
3ln  bir:  ©efid^t  unb  ©timm'  unb©ang!    9Zid)t^bein! 
©0  eine  ©d^h)efter  nid^t  erlennen  h)oIlen !    ©e^ ! 

(ficb  bemütia  il)m  nat)enb). 

3800  3)Jifebeut  a\\6)  bu  nid^t  mein  Srftaunen,  ©ultan! 
Sßerfenn  in  einem  Slugenblidf',  in  bem 
2)u  fd;iDerIid^  beinen  2lffab  je  gefe^en, 
5iid^t  i^n  unb  mid^ ! 

(^uf  5latt)an  aueilenb.) 

^t^r  nel^mt  unb  gebt  mir,  yiai^anl 
Wxt  tjoHen  §änben  beibe^  i  —  ?tein !    3^^  9^^^ 
3805  Wxx  mef)r,  aU  ^f)x  mir  nti)mi !  unenbli4)  me^r ! 

(9f?ec&a  um  ben  §a(§  faöenb.) 

21^  meine  ©d^tDefter!  meine  ©d^tüefter! 



aSon  gilne! ! 


Slanba?  Slanba?  —  Ste^a  ni^t? 
?Jid^t  eure  3led^a  mef)r  ?  —  ©ott !    ^^r  berftofet 
©ie,  gebt  if;r  if)ren  S^riftennamen  it)ieber! 
3810  3Serftofet  fie  meinetttiegen  !  —  ?Jatf)an!  3laii)an\ 
SBarum  eö  fie  entgelten  laffen?  fie! 

5.  2luf3U9.    Siebter  21 II  f  tritt  213 

Unb  Wa^  ?  —  D  meine  ^inber !  meine  ^inber !  — 
^^nn  meiner  Sod^ter  Sruber  W'dx'  mein  ^inb 
yiiä)i  anä),  —  fobalb  er  \mü  ? 

(Snbcm  er  [ic^  il)xen  Umarmunoen  überlöBt,  tritt  Salabin  mit  unru!)t0em 

förftaunen  ju  feiner  Sc^mefter 

2Ba§  fagft  bu,  ©d^iüefter? 

3815  3^  ^^^  gerüf^rt .  •  . 


Unb  xd),  —  id^  fd^aubere 
SSor  einer  großem  3tü{;rung  faft  jurüdE! 
^Bereite  bid^  nur  brauf,  fo  gut  bu  fannft. 


3lat\)an,  auf  ein  2ßort!  ein  ©ort! 

(Snbem  ^Jlat^an  äu  it;m  tritt,  tritt  Gittat)  ju  bem  ©e|cf)tr)tfter,  if)m  if)re 
2:eilna{)me  3u  beseiten,  unb  5^atf)an  unb  Salabin  jpredien  teifer.) 

§ör !  \)'öx  bod;,  3lat\)an  1    ©agteft  bu  Dorf^in 
3820  m(i)i  —  ? 



2lu§  ©eutfd)(anb  fei  il^r  Sßater  nid^t 
©eh)efen,  ein  geborner  S)eutfd)er  nid^t. 
2Ba^  Wax  er  benu?    S50  tüar  er  fonft  benn  l^er? 

®ag  l)at  er  felBft  mir  nie  vertrauen  tüoHen. 
3tu^  feinem  3)Junbe  tüeife  ic^  ni4)t§  baüon. 

214  Xlatlian  bcr  IPetfc, 

3825  Unb  Wax  aud^  fonft  fein  gran!7  fein  2lbenblänber  ? 

D !  bafe  er  ber  nid^t  fei,  geftanb  er  U)ot)I.  — 
6r  f^jrad^  am  liebften  :per[ifd^  .  .  . 

^erfifd^?  ^erfifc^? 
2Ba^  ipitt  id^  me^r?  —  ©r  i[t'^!    (gr  n)ar  e^! 


3Jlein  Sruber  !  ganj  gett)ife !    3Rein  2lffab !  ganj 
3830  ©etnife ! 

9Jun,  trenn  bu  felbft  barauf  t)erfällft :  — 
3^iimm  bie  ^erfid^rung  I;ier  in  biefem  ^ud^e! 

(ix5l)m  t)a§  33reDicr  überrci(f)ent).) 


(c§  bcöterig  autfc{)IaGenb). 

21^!  feine  §anb!    Slud;  bie  erf enn^  id^  imeber ! 

5fodE)  h)iffen  fie  t)on  nid^t?^!     JJod;  ftebt'^  bei  bir 
Sltleiu,  \va^  fie  bauou  erfal;reu  follen  ! 


(inbc6  er  barin  geblättert). 

3835  3d^  meinet  Sruber^  ^inber  nid^t  erfennen? 
34)  meine  JJeffen  —  meine  ^inber  nid;t? 

5.  2luf3ug.    £e^tcr  2luftrttt.  215 

©ie  nid^t  erlenncn?  id^?    ©ie  bir  n)of)I  laffen? 

(2öiebcr  laut.) 

©ie  finb'ö!  fie  finb  e§,  (Bxitai),  finb  !    ©ie  finb'ö! 
©iub  beibc  meinet  .  .  .  beine^  S3ruber^  Äinber ! 

(6r  rennt  in  xf)xe  Untarmunöen.) 
(Bittafl  (i^m  folgenb). 

3840  2öa^  l^ör*  td^ !  —  Äonnt'^  anü)  anberö,  anber^  fein!  — 

@alabin  (aum  2:em^jell^errn). 

"Ulan  mußt  bu  bod^  h)oI)I,  S£^ro^fo))f,  tnu^t  mid^  lieben! 

(3u  iRed)a.) 

?fun  bin  id^  bod^,  troju  id^  mid^  erbot? 
3JJagft  tooUen  ober  nid^t ! 

3d^  ctud^ !  id^  aud^ ! 


(sunt  ^empclt)errn  äurüd). 

SKein  ©ol^n  !  mein  Slffab !  meinet  Slffab^  ©ol^n! 


3845  ^d^  beine^  Slut^ !  —  ©0  Waxm  jene  SEräume, 
.  Söomit  mau  meine  5linbf;eit  tDiegte,  bod;  — 
2)04)  me^r  aU  2^räume! 

(Sl)m  äu  Sfügen  faUenb.) 
Salabin  (i^u  aufEiebenb). 

©e^t  ben  Söfenjid^t ! 
,  @r  ttmfete  Wa^  bat)on  unb  lonnte  mid) 
3u  feinem  SRörber  mad^en  tt)oIIen  !     Söart ! 

(Unter  ftummet  SBieber^olung  anfeitiger  Umarmuuöen  fällt  ber  93or^anö.) 



Title.  —  9?atl)rttt»  In  Boccaccio  the  Jew's  name  is  Melchisedec, 
reminding  of  that  priest  of  Jehovah  called  the  prototype  of  Christ 
(Heb.  V.  6;  Ps.  ex.  4),  though  we  see  no  special  reason  for  the  selec- 
tion.  Possibly  the  prophet  Nathan  (2  Sam.  xii.  1-14),  who  made 
David  see  his  wrong  by  a  simple  parable,  had  an  influence  upon 
Lessing's  choice;  possibly  the  Nathan  in  Boccaccio's  story  (10,  3;  see 
Introduction,  p.  xxvi)  suggested  the  name.  However,  it  is  a  common 
Jewish  name,  is  euphonious  and  suited  the  verse  better  than  Melchis- 

Motto.  —  Introite,  nam  et  heic  Dii  sunt  (Apud  Gellium) :  Enter ^ 
for  here,  tooy  are  gods.  These  words  were  put  by  Aristotle  into  the 
mouth  of  Heraclitus,  the  lonian  philosopher  of  Ephesus,  when  visited 
by  some  friends  who  were  reluctant  to  enter  into  a  stable  where  he 
was  warming  himself.  They  were  interpolated,  in  this  Latin  form,  by 
Phil.  Beroaldus  into  the  preface  of  Aulus  Gellius  to  his  Noctes  Atticae 
and  transmitted  to  recent  times  as  a  saying  of  Gellius.  Lessing  pre- 
ferred  the  Latin  form,  probably  as  the  best  known. 

ACT   I.     SCENE    I. 

*  ©CCttC  :  ghtr  in  9^at^atti§  ^aufC.  ^htr  is  entrance-hally  —  ix^- 
quently  paved  —  from  which  one  enters  either  directly  into  the  rooms 
of  a  house,  or  into  a  corridor. 

*  2)ttjll»  In  the  first  sketch  this  name  is  Dina,  but  Lessing's  friend 
Ramler  having  suggested  that  Daja  in  Persian  and  Arabic  meant  nurse, 

*  Shows  that  the  note  is  on  a  word  occurring  in  the  stage  directions. 


218  NOTES. 

or  foster-mother,  he  changed  it  to  Daja.  He  also  found  the  name 
Daja  in  an  Arabic  history  of  Saladin. 

2.    ^a§  il^r  bp(^  cnblii^  eimnal  tt>icbcr!ommt,  that  at  last  you 

really  return  once  more.  The  accumulation  of  particles  (bod)  eubltc^  eilt* 
mal)  well  express  Daja's  anxiety  and  intense  desire  for  Nathan's  return. 
—  S^^»  ^^^  ^se  of  the  vocative  throughout  the  play  conforms  in 
general  to  the  usage  of  the  Mid.  H.  G.  period.  3l)r  is  very  respectful, 
and,  through  English  and  French  influence,  is  very  populär  on  the 
stage,  while  @ie  (ph)  is  scarcely  admitted  in  serious  and  elevated 
poetry  (except  in  the  drama  and  the  novel).  3^r  is  used  in  address- 
ing  superiors  (as  Daja  and  Al-Hafi  to  Nathan,  Daja  to  the  Templar, 
etc.).  It  is  also  used  by  children  to  parents  as  a  mark  of  respect  (as 
Recha  to  Nathan) ;   and  in  polite  address. 

5.  ^ab))Ioit«  After  the  destruction  of  its  defenses  by  Darius 
Hystaspes,  and  later,  by  Xerxes,  Babylon  never  rose  again  and  had  at 
this  epoch  no  special  significance. 

7.  (Seitab*  Here  this  word  evidently  means  ©eiteutöcge,  5(bit)ege 
machen,  öom  graben  2Öege  abgeben,  and  the  preposition  o.h  does  not 
have  its  usual  force,  as  in  bergab,  ftrottiab,  etc.,  but  denotes  direction 
towards  the  side  and  from  the  main  road.  For  Nathan  is  not  travelling 
on  a  side-way,  by-way,  but  is  obliged  to  make  constant  deviations  from 
the  direct  course,  either  on  account  of  the  unsettled  times  (third 
Crusade,  11 92-3),  or  for  business  purposes,  as  lines  9-10  would  indi- 

8.  %Vii  5ttiet  ^Uttbcrt  9JlciIen»  The  German  mile  equals  about 
four  and  three-fourths  English  miles.  The  distance  from  Babylon  to 
Jerusalem  is  about  140  German  or  700  English  miles. 

10.  ^Öbctt  for  förbert.  Possibly  a  mistake,  for  this  form  does  not 
again  occur  in  the  play,  though  the  true  form  does  (1.  2486) ;  or  eise 
Lessing  is  not  consistent.  It  is  a  dialectic  form  preferred  in  the  i8th 
Century  by  many  because  they  considered  it  more  euphonious. 

11.  ä^ott  ber  $attb  fdjlagen  =  rafd)  abmad^en,  to  do  quickly,  to 

cause  no  trouble,  Cf.  ÜOIX  ber  §anb  gcl^cn,  and  Lessing  in  a  letter  to 
Ramler,  Don  ber  ^aiib  tt)egf(f)Iagen. 

12-13.  These  vi^ords  of  Daja  explain  her  former  „®olt  fei  S)an!/' 
etc.  For  the  fire  had  made  Nathan's  absence  doubly  painful.  The 
form  inbe^  is  now  generally  written  inbe^. 

ACT    I.       SCENE    I.  219 

^(i§  hvdMWttf  that  (the  house),  and  nothing  eise,  burned;  baÖ  is 
emphatic;  for  it  indicates  that  Nathan  had  heard  of  the  burning  of  his 
house,  but  was  not  aware  that  anybody's  hfe  had  been  endangered  by 
the  fire. 

i8.    <Bü)on  ttia^r !     Qiä/e  true,  but  (^0,^  ift  fc^oit  iDa^v,  aber). 

The  fdjon  is  here  concessive  as  in  iDeim  fcfjOU,  obfc^on. 

27.  aiSÜvbet  %^X  UOU  miv  e^  JjiJrcn  ?  Daja  impHes  that  she  would 
either  have  burned  with  Recha  or  never  have  awaited  his  return. 

42.  Babylon  was  noted  for  its  silks  and  woollens  and  Damascus  for 
its  jewelry. 

53.  Xlnb  fd)tDCi^^  The  more  natural  Interpretation  of  these  words 
seems  to  be  that  Nathan  wishes  Daja  to  take  his  gifts  as  he  gives  them, 
without  many  words,  though  she  understands  them  in  another  sense. 
This  Interpretation  would  be  more  in  accordance  with  Nathan's  gener- 
ous  nature.  However,  we  feel  that  his  real  danger  lies  in  Daja's  prick- 
ing  conscience,  and  there  may  be  the  ulterior  meaning  of  bribery  to 
this  conscience. 

54-55-  SSer  ^mcifcU,  "üiXi^^tiW^  \sü^  t!)r  ntdjt,  etc.  The  negation 
here  violates  the  grammar,  and  is  in  Imitation  of  the  Latin  quis  dubitat^ 
quin,  and  the  Romance  Languages,  especially  the  French.  But  such 
Gallicisms  are  found  in  the  best  writers. 

61.    .ß'omm^  über  @u(i) !  cf.  Matt,  xxvü,  25:  (Sein  ^lut  tomme 

über  un^  liub  Ullfre  ^Inber»  Daja  knows  her  Bible  well  and  likes  to 
quote  it.  Or  is  it  Lessing  that  knows  his  Bible  so  well  and  likes  to 
put  it  in  Daja's  mouth?  For  at  the  time  of  the  Crusades  the  Bible  was 
laid  on  the  shelf  and  no  one  knew  anything  about  it,  not  even  the 
priests.     Only  a  select  few  may  have  had  some  knowledge  of  it. 

63.  SSCttll  blt  mid)  Ijintergel^ft  !  Recha's  non-appearance  causes 
Nathan  to  doubt  whether  he  has  heard  the  whole  truth  or  not. 

65-67.  In  her  feverish  excitement  her  mind  continually  dwells  on 
fire.  fic  (tua§  fte  malet)  refers  to  ^l)antafte.  She  passes  from  the 
sleeping  to  the  waking  State  indifferently,  and  not  at  stated  intervals  as 
with  one  in  the  normal  condition  of  life;  while  awake  her  mind  is 
feverish,  turbid,  visionary,  and  while  asleep  she  dreams. 

68-69.    S3a(b  ttJCttiger  ^\^  ^icr,  bolb  mc^r  ^\^  ©itgcL    Recha 

still  has  a  vague  dread  that  she  may  be  burned  alive,  and  in  consequence 
of  her  excitement  her  sleep  is  only  broken,  so  that  in  the  day  she  feels 

220  NOTES. 

weary.  Having  no  knowledge  of  psychological  truths,  Daja  describes 
her  visionary  condition  at  night  as  superhuman,  nay,  superior  to  that 
of  an  angel,  and  her  exhaustion  by  day  as  weaker  than  that  of  an  ani- 
mal,  which,  at  least,  has  the  füll  use  of  its  senses.  It  is  well-known 
that  the  words  of  those  in  such  a  state  can  be  very  apt  and  even  betray 
what  seems  to  be  superhuman  knowledge. 

70.  Cf.  Ps.  viii.  4  and  Job  vii.  17.  Nathan  is  reminded  of  the 
weakness  of  the  flesh. 

71  ff.  Here  we  have  one  of  those  wonderful  mental  visions  so  often 
observed  in  such  cases.  Buchheim  calls  it  "  Expectant  Attention  "  and 
credits  Lessing  with  "  having  given  the  first  psychological  explanation  — 
in  1 779,  at  a  time  when  mcsmerism  was  in  vogue  —  of  the  manifestations 
of  animal  magnetism."  This  particular  phase  of  these  phenomena  is 
usually  called  clairvoyance  (or  second  sight) ,  and  the  expectant  state  is 
a  necessary  part  of  the  explanation. 

74.  ^nbcm  ==  inbcffeii,  it)ä{}renb  beffen. 

75.  ^rad)  fid)  \\)X  5lugC  iuiebcr,  Her  eye grew  difji  again. 

76.  ^cm  feilte;^  5lrmCi^  ©tui^c  ficJj  entzog»  @ein  refers  to  §aiipt, 
for  the  arm  is  considered  the  natural  support  of  the  head,  and  not  to 
the  Templar  as  some  would  interpret  it.  For  in  that  case  Recha  would 
have  to  be  talking  in  her  dreams  and  supposing  that  her  head  rested  on 
the  Templar's  arm;  but  she  believed  the  Templar  an  angel  and  not  a 
human  being  (see  Düntzer  on  this  passage). 

77.  ^i\\X%V  =  fiel,  faitf.  In  her  vivid  description  Daja  usesstrong 

79.  SS^a^  29ßUttber^  In  Mid.  H.  G.  the  genitive  after  tüer  and  n)ao 
was  the  usual  construction,  but  this  construction  has  now  passed  inte 
simple  apposition,  though  it  still  remains  in  phrases  like  WüQ  beö 
Xtn\el^,  ttjaö  §en!erö,  \va^  i[t  5Ket(3e§  bort  am  grünen  3öalbe,  etc. 

90.  ©cinctt  untJcrmutcten  ©etuinft  =  fein  nnöermutet  i^m  ge, 
fd)cnfte§  2chcn,  The  figure  is  taken  from  gambling  where  the  winnei 
is  ever  ready  to  risk  the  stakes  he  has  unexpectedly  won. 

91.  S^rift^,  doldly,  233ar  =  n^äre .  .  .  getrefen.  When  a  negative 
reality  is  to  be  represented,  then  the  preterite  indicative  is  (often)  useö 
instead  of  the  subjunctive,  as  „3ene  !^at  gelebt  (that  is,  Uht  xiidjt  me^r), 
inenn  id}  bieö  ^latt  anö  meinen  §änben  gebe." 

94.  \)0X^  crftC  =  furo  erfte.  Formerly  t)or  and  für  were  inter- 

ACT    I.       SCENE    I.  221 

98.  ^tß  ^dttfC)^»  The  Insertion  of  the  genitive  between  the  gov- 
erning noun  and  its  modifying  adjective  is  a  very  bold  imitation  of  the 
classic  construction,  but  found  in  the  German  of  the  I5th  Century  in 
translations  from  the  Latin. 

^Uttbfd)aft  =  il'unbe,  Kenntnis,  58e!anntfd)aft  This  is  an  earlier 
meaning  of  the  word,  now  obsolete.  The  more  general  construction 
would  be  with  ÜOU  rather  than  with  the  genitive. 

100.    Wit  tiorrjcfljrcijtcm  SöZaittcl  =  mit  nad)  mxn  ausgebreitetem 

WlanUL     The  cloak  was  held  out  before  him  and  drawn  together  so  as 
to  shield  him  from  the  fire. 

104.  Wlit  txn§  (eine§,  old  acc;  cf.  auf  einö,  in  ein§,  both  from 
Lessing)  =  mit  einmal  or  einem  Wa\c  =  pVoi^Vid^, 

105.  (Sm^jor  fic  tratjcnb  =  emporl^attenb,  trug  er  fie. 

HO.  Untern  =  unter  ben.  This  contraction  of  the  article  and 
preposition  is  very  rare. 

III.  2)C^  ^lufCVftanbcncn  Qixah,  Even  at  that  period  there  was 
a  church  of  the  Holy  Sepulchre  which  was  said  to  contain  a  monument 
enclosing  the  grave  of  the  Lord.  The  real  grave  in  this  church  was  a 
sarcophagus  of  bluish  white  marble,  they  say.  The  very  site  of  the 
church  is  unknown. 

113.  ©ntbot»  The  real  meaning  of  entbieten  is  burc^  einen  33oten 
jagen  laffen.  But  Daja  is  the  messenger,  not  the  one  sending  the 
message,  hence  Lessing  must  have  transferred  its  meaning  from  the 
Sender  to  the  messenger.  (Srl)ob  in  the  same  line  seems  also  to  be 
used  in  a  peculiar  sense,  for  it  means  *  to  raise,'  *  to  exalt,'  *  to  praise.' 
We  may  translate,  I  thanked^  implored  (^praised),  urgedy  conjured. 

120.  ^cmanb  antreten  =  na^e  Semanb  treten  =  mit  einer  ^itte 
ober  überhaupt  mit  einer  gorberung  na^e  ^u  3emanb  treten,  eintreten 
is  more  forcible  here  than  auge'^eu  would  be.     Cf.  1.  517. 

125.  Unfer;^  Stnferftanbenen*  in  the  first  sketch  Lessing  wrote 
feine§,  etc.  Cf.  1.  1550.  Daja  intentionally  includes  herseif  in  the 
l)lessing  of  a  risen  Lord  and  also  gently  hints  to  Nathan  that  Recha 
belongs  to  the  same  faith. 

133.  ^X^  ^anfen,  a  more  forcible,  but  a  less  elegant  expression 
than  fid^  ftreiten.  The  high  esteem  we  have  comes  from  the  judgment 
(^Opf),  our  inclination  (angC30gen  iDerbeu)  from  the  heart.  Nothing 
hurts  more  than  contempt  for  our  judgment,  hence  we  easily  hate  the 

222  NOTES. 

one  despising  our  high  esteem  and  possibly  transfer  this  to  all  mankind. 
But  Recha's  feelings  are  stronger  than  her  reason,  and  this  cool,  indif- 
ferent treatment  would  naturally  depress  her  and  lead  to  melancholy 
(@rf)tt)ermut).  Notice  the  figure  of  chiasmus,  as  Sl^enfdjenljaß  refers  to 
^Opf  and  (Sd)tt)ermut  to  ^^eq.  For  the  better  definition  of  @(^tt)ärmer 
(visionary,  enthusiast,  dreamer)  see  "  Education  of  the  Human  Race," 
§90,  in  Lessing's  Complete  Works  (Lachmann's  ed.),  X,  325,  and 
XI  (2),  67  ff.  In  the  normal  condition  reason  and  feeling  are  in 
accord;  in  the  visionary  State  they  exchange  places;  the  head  feels, 
the  heart  reflects.  The  distorted  fancies  of  the  brain  become  inspira- 
tions  of  the  feelings  and  the  excitement  of  the  feelings  reflections  of 
reason.  Hence  Nathan  says  :  S)aö  (elftere  ift  9?ed)aö  gall:  fic  fd)n)ärmt. 
She  had  lost  the  equilibrium  between  reason  and  feelings. 

141.  ©cfrfjttlärmt  The  special  idiomatic  use  of  the  past  parti- 
ciple  after  Ijcißen,  fein,  nennen  is  well-known.  Cf.  ^aö  (jcifU  fd^(erf)t 
QCiüorfen,  nnter  e!)did^en  acuten  nennt  man  ba^  gelogen,  grifd^  gettiagt 
ift  l^alb  gewonnen,  and  our  example:  3ft  bod)  and)  gefd}n)ärmt  (^ü 
indeed  also  visionary  dreaming), 

142.  @tllC  —  @riüc»  The  dash  indicates  that  Daja  suddenly  realizes 
that  Nathan  will  only  mock  her  superstitions  and  Substitutes  ©rille 
(whim,  caprice)  for  GHanben  (belief,  faith).  Therefore  she  cleverly 
conceals  from  him  (cf.  1577)  that  she  had  made  Recha  beheve  that  an 
angel  had  saved  her,  thus  condemning  her  own  work  in  the  one  word 

144.  SlciuCi^  irbifd^en  (3Sater6  @0^n)  is  pleonastic,  though  quite 
oriental  and  not  foreign  to  Greek  and  Latin.     It  is  the  Saxon  genitive. 

148.  After  üerljüüt  supply  geinefen  fei,  and  after  gefd^mebt  in  the 
next  line  l)abe.     Such  omissions  are  common  in  German. 

For  nut  etnö  cf.  1.  104. 

152.  The  belief  of  the  active  interference  of  angels  in  bodily  form 
in  the  affairs  of  men  was  common  to  Christians,  Jews  and  Mussulmans 
at  that  period. 

156-177.  Sctt  93ßilben  =  ben  nngefitteten,  for  he  had  rudely  re- 
fused  thanks.     fiauUtrjCtt  =  (annifd^en,  splc7tetic,  moody. 

158.  The  fine  irony  of  the  passage  as  seen  in  the  words  Ijiemieben 
and  mallen  is  exquisite.  SBatIcn  is  used  of  those  on  a  pilgrimage  and 
SBaüer  means  a  pilgrim.  The  thrust  is  directed  against  the  too  com- 
mon sanctimoniousness  of  the  age. 

ACT   I.       SCENE    2.  .  223 

159.  Uugcfittct  Otittcrfdiaft  ^u  treiben,  ^f^itterfd^aft  =  ritter* 
U(^e§  2^t)Un.  His  deed  was  chivalrous,  but  his  conduct  since  the  deed 
has  been  rüde. 

163-4.  Compare  Lessing  also  in  Minna  von  Barnhelm,  Act  Fifth, 
Scene  Ninth :  „Tliuna  Wäre  fonft  ein  @nge(,  ben  idj  mit  @rf)aubern 
öere^ren  müßte,  ben  id)  nicf)t  (ielion  fi3nnte»"  Lessing  also  wrote  the 
foUowing  epigram  in  the  album  of  one  who  believed  that  he  had  a 
friend  without  a  blemish  and  that  his  beloved  was  an  angel :  — 

„Xrau  feinem  fjreunbe  fonber  5!Jlänget, 
Unb  lieb  ein  ^Jiäbcften,  feinen  Ungcl/' 

167.  @d)(tmm  =  fd)(an,  ^>ad  or  ivüked^  in  a  playful  sense.  Nathan 
ridicules  the  idea  of  an  angel  having  come  to  rescue  Recha. 

ACT    I.     SCENE    2. 

169-70.  In  lines  72-4,  Recha  in  her  visionary  State  hears  her 
father's  voice,  but  his  long  delay  in  Coming  to  her  makes  her  believe 
that  his  voice  had  only  preceded  him,  hence  her  joyous  surprise  on 
seeing  him  bodily  before  her  eyes. 

177.  ©arfttg,  in  the  sense  of  abfd^euUd^,  It  refers  to  the  impHed 
5(bf(^eu  or  @(^anber  which  Recha  feels  at  the  thought  of  such  a  death. 
The  tremor  of  fright  caused  by  the  thought  is  indicated  by  the  "  O." 
According  to  the  stage  direction  in  the  first  sketch  she  rushes  into  her 
fathers'  arms  at  the  words  ,,mein  ^tnb,  mein  liebet  ^tnb." 

189.    ^\t  ungetreuen  (3tröm\    Cf.  Schiller's  anf  ungetreuen  2öel* 

leu  in  the  ring  of  Polycrates.  The  Romans  frequently  called  the  sea 
perßdusy  treacherous  (^perfida  freta)^  and  the  idea  is  as  old  as  poetry 
and  the  knowledge  of  the  sea. 

193.  Sorgefjjrei^ter  "^^XdtX,  Cf.  line  loo  and  the  note.  The 
Templars  wore  white  (ttieiße)  linen  mantles. 

195-    1)nrcf)!§  ^euer  trüg^  uon feinem  g^ittidie  tierttiet)t.    A  rather 

bold  construction  in  German,  as  öertDel^t  must  modify  ^^uer  ([the 
fire]  blown  away  by  his  wing)  the  object  of  a  preposition,  rather  than 
Recha  (mtd^),  to  which  some  refer  it. 

198-9.  The  fond  father  is  speaking  here  when  he  makes  his 
daughter  equal  to  an  angel.     Perhaps  there  is  just  a  touch  of  self-adula- 

224     '  NOTES. 

tion  in  these  words,  which  imply  that  the  father  of  such  a  daughter 
must  also  have  angelic  qualities.     Recha  hints  as  much  in  her  reply. 

200.  233cm  ft^mcid^cU  i^r  ?  etc.  This  reading  was  suggested  by 
Ramler,  though  no  one  knows  just  what  the  original  reading  was. 
Düntzer  suggests  „mir,  mein  ^ater?"  instead  of  ,,n)em?  betn  (Sngel?" 
Some  have  interpreted  the  words  as  indicating  that  Recha  considered 
herseif  the  image  of  her  father,  but  this  does  not  seem  a  logical  deduc- 
tion.  For,  however  much  a  personal  resemblance  might  flatter  his 
vanity,  it  would  not  make  him  prouder  of  her  or  more  inclined  to 
compare  her  with  an  angel.  The  passage  is  difficult  to  understand 
exactly,  but  seems  to  mean :  "  Are  you  complimenting  the  angel  on  his 
remarkable  insight,  or  yourself  for  being  the  father  of  such  a  daughter?  " 
Of  course  the  words  are  playful. 

203.     (^C5uäl)VCtt  =  Ijerüorluingen,  prodtice;   or  perhaps  its    usual 

meaning  of  offer,  preseni,  suffices  for  a  fair  rendering  of  the  thought, 

though  it  could  not  *  offer '  without  *  producing.' 

212.  25 on  aller  ©tnigfcit,  This  Biblical  phrase  adds  force  and 
beauty  to  the  idea  expressed. 

220.     £)1)U^  bicfC)^  is  a  violent  apocope. 

225.  ^itlt  =  ©el^irn.  According  to  Lessing,  §trn  is  more  sonor- 
ous  and  forceful  and  perhaps  for  that  reason  better  adapted  to  poetry, 
though  ^el)lrn  is  possibly  not  less  frequent  in  poetry.  Here  it  may  be 
a  mere  question  of  meter.  The  brain  is  likened  to  a  stringed  Instru- 
ment whose  strings  snap  when  over-strained. 

226.  SubtiÜtätCU,  Rather  learned  for  Daja,  but  probably  she 
had  heard  Nathan  himself  use  it  in  some  of  his  philosophical  talks. 

227.  ^^^il^^c^^Ö^^^  =  ^erfprcngen  ma(i)en;  for  it  is  used  in  a  causa- 
tive  sense. 

228.  2ÖUttbcr!§  ntrfjt  OCnug.  In  the  earlier  history  of  the  language 
the  use  of  the  partitive  genitive  was  more  frequent  than  now.  But  it  is 
still  used  with  genug  and  in  expressions  like  ^cr  linb  IDQ^  ^ttberS, 

3emanb,  9^iemanb  ^Inberö,  üicl,  menig,  mel)r  Ö^itteS,  etc. 

232.  @itte!§  XcmJJCll)etrn  tJCrfdjont  The  genitive  is  the  older 
construction  with  fd^oneu  and  its  Compound  öerfd^Oliett  and  is  often 
used  now.  Historical  facts  do  not  confirm  this  statement  (cf.  also 
line  88) ,  as  Saladin  f requently  spared  Templars  and  other  warriors. 

232-236.     The     true    Tempiars    preferred    death    at    the    hands    of 

ACT    I.       SCENE    2.  225 

Saladin,  the  greatest  enemy  of  Christianity,  to  pardon,  and  therefore 
never  asked  to  be  spared.  The  Statement  in  lines  235-6  rests  upon  a 
historical  fact  related  in  Marin,  Histoire  de  Saladin,  I,  249  f.  In  a 
battle  Odo  de  St.  Amaud  had  been  taken  prisoner;  the  wSultan  offered 
him  his  liberty  in  exchange  for  one  of  his  Emirs  who  was  a  prisoner  of 
the  Templars.  His  reply  was  that  a  Templar  ought  either  to  conquer 
or  die,  and  could  only  give  his  sword  and  belt  as  ransom. 

235.  Scbettt  =  Icbernen.  When  the  adjective  already  ends  in  n 
Lessing  frequently  omits  the  ending  -ett.  Cf.  lines  294,  filbcrit  = 
fitbernen;  897,  3528,  albern  =  albernen. 

237.    ^aß  fdjUc^t  für  nttd)  =  ha^  fprid^t  für  mid^,  beiretft  für 

mid).  The  commentators  claim  that  fdjUc^en  has  this  meaning  only 
here  and  in  one  or  two  other  places.  Cf.  Sanders,  Wörterb.  3,  958, 
2  col.  Then  Recha  considers  Nathan's  remark  an  argument  in  her 
favor;  but  by  giving  the  expression  a  slightly  different  shade  of  mean- 
ing it  would  refer  to  Recha's  inner  conviction  that  she  had  seen  an 
angel  face  to  face  and  needs  no  further  argument  to  convince  her. 
However,  it  may  only  mean  "that  argues  for  me." 

251.  a?te(C  Stuan^^tg  ^a\}Xt  f}tX,  In  Silesia  and  Lusatia  Diel  joined 
with  grt)an3tg  denotes  an  indefinite  number :  35iel  ^tDan^ig  fommen  ben 
XaQ  jum  §errn  nnb  tnollen  il^n  fpred^en.  Cf.  also  einige  jttjan^ig 
where  nnb  after  einige  is  omitted.  As  Lessing  was  from  Lusatia  this 
idiom  was  familiär  to  him. 

252.  In  line  2649  we  learn  that  the  name  was  Assad. 

253.  Line  2986  informs  us  that  he  feil  at  Ascalon. 

258.  UngtäubUd^ev«^«  That  is,  the  angel  theory.  For  the  synco- 
pated  form  cf.  lines  458,  abgefd^madfterö;  783,  befferß;  1664,  3Bid^tiger§, 
and  in  Goethe,  lieber^,  abgefd)mac!ter§,  gräulichere.  Lessing  also  has 
geringree,  fd)i3nre^,  where  the  first  e  is  syncopated. 

260.  Sein  ©cfd^miftcr.  !^aö  ©efd^mifter  is  here  used  in  the 
collective  sense,  and  therefore  properly  Stands  in  the  singular.  Marin 
(1.  c.  I,  III,  112)  teils  US  that  Saladin  was  very  fond  of  his  family. 

266.  ®Ctt  tOtnn  ?  Modern  usage  requires  feit  tüanu.  Originally 
tnann  and  tDenn,  bonn  and  benn  were  not  different  and  even  now  are 
interchangeable  in  colloquial  language.  About  the  middle  of  the  i8th 
Century  the  two  terms  were  differentiated  in  the  written  lar^uage.  In 
Mid.  H.  G.  and  in  the  older  Mod.  H.  G.  roeun  was  preferred. 

226  NOTES. 

268-g.  Nathan  had  urged  a  natural  miracle  for  Recha*s  rescue; 
that  is,  the  pardon  of  the  Templar  who  rescued  her,  all  in  the  natural 
Order  of  things;  Daja  reqiiired  an  unnatural  miracle;  that  is,  an  angel. 
Either  case  required  equally  strong  belief;  hence  Nathan's  pleasant 

272-5.  Certainly  an  elevated  Christian  idea  that  the  counsels  and 
plots  of  kings  serve  God's  purposes.  He  makes  them  his  sport  and 
scorn  by  destroying  them.  Cf.  Ps.  ii.  2-5.  Sein  (BpXtl  will  be  best 
considered  as  the  accusative  in  apposition  with  @ntfc!)IÜffc  and  (^nt- 
niürfc  and  the  clause  tüenu  itid^t  fein  @pott  =  wenn  (fie)  lüd^t  fein 
@pott  (ftnb),  (inbem  er  fie  öerntc^tet). 

275-6.  The  repetition  of  mcttt  25öter  is  emphatic;  for  Lessing 
would  hardly  be  guilty  of  repetition  to  fill  out  the  verse  as  some  critics 
pretend.     Any  good  actor  would  manage  the  phrases  without  difficulty. 

283.  S3ur|  =  33iequng. 

284.  233i(bcn,  barbarous.  "Jews  and  Mussulmans  were  then  the 
only  learned  men,"  says  Lessing  in  one  of  his  fragments,  and  the  East 
was  then  in  a  higher  State  of  civilization  than  the  West.  And  yet  the 
adjective  may  refer  especially  to  the  Templar,  who  was  rüde  and  im- 
petuous  in  his  nature. 

286.  3[ßÜnbcrfÜrf)t^gCi^  23ol!»  A  colloquial  expression  used  in 
good-natured  irony  {ivonder-loving people). 

293  ff.  This  parable  sounds  oriental,  but  Düntzer  is  probably  right 
in  ascribing  its  invention  to  Lessing. 

299-300.  The  meaning  is  not  quite  clear.  If  we  believe  we  can 
be  nearer  God  by  merely  "  feeling  ourselves  so  much  nearer,"  then  we 
abäse  the  true  conception  of  God,  and  detract  from  his  majesty  by  our 
boasting;  otherwise,  as  Nathan  says,  Daja's  words  are  "  nonsense." 

310.  Since  the  flfth  Century  angel-worship  has  been  quite  common 
in  the  Church,  and  many  angels  have  special  days  set  apart  for  their 
worship,  as  the  archangels  Gabriel  and  Michael,  and  the  patron  angels. 
These  remarks  are  intended  more  especially  for  Daja  the  Catholic  than 
for  Recha,  as  the  Jews  did  not  have  any  days  set  apart  for  angel-wor- 

311-312.  WX^  ^CUdlt»  The  older  conjugation  of  bünfetl  was: 
bünfen,  bäucf)te  (rarely  bauchte),  gebäiicf)t  (rarely  gebaud^t).  Now  the 
verb   is  regulär   (bültfeu,  büufte,  gebültft)»     From  bäuc^te  were  then 

ACT   I.       SCENE    3.  227 

formed  the  presents  bauchten  and  bäurf)cn.  Xeudjt  is  oiily  another 
spelling.  The  earlier  language  preferred  the  accusative  with  this  vcrb, 
and  it  is  now  the  best  accredited,  though  the  dative  is  more  common. 

320.     Cf.  Une  94  ff.,  where  Nathan  expresses  the  same  thought. 

323.  SerguÜ^fam,  now  generally  genügfam,  denotes  that  State  or 
condition  of  inner  contentment  which  is  satisfied  with  little.  Daja  of 
course  means  that  the  Templar  has  no  physical  wants. 

325.    Untern  Jahnen*    Cf.  line  119. 

329.  ©rtjub^t,  unusual  and  harsh  contraction;  cf.  ^ätt'ft,  line  354 
below,  and  läb't  for  labet.     Goethe  also  uses  finbH,  hiWt,  etc. 

334.  ^tttnfc»  Even  now  Orientais  generally  call  those  from  the 
western  nations  Franks  because  the  first  crusaders  were  mostly  Franks, 
that  is,  Frenchmen. 

335-6.  The  rules  of  St.  Benedict  and  of  Bernard  of  Clairvaux  were 
very  strict,  requiring  hard  labor  and  privations;  those  of  the  Templars 
were  modelled  after  them.  Hunger  and  watching  belong  to  the  duties 
of  a  soldier. 

339.  5H*  Strictly  speaking  this  should  be  ac^,  which  is  generally, 
though  not  always,  used  to  express  pain,  while  alj  expresses  joyful 
surprise  and  wonder.  But  Lessing  frequently  exchanged  them  and 
they  are  now  often  exchanged. 

340.  3nf}jrad)\  now  3utpru^. 

343.  "  Even  Goeze,  Lessing's  Opponent,  said  in  a  sermon  on  love 
towards  those  of  other  religions  that  we  must  also  love  enemies  and 
unbelievers  and  help  them  where  we  can :  ,@enug,  eö  tfl  ein  3J^enfcl), 
unb  ba'^er  Unfer  9^ad)fter.'  "  The  Templar  only  needed  to  know  that 
a  human  life  was  at  stake  to  rush  to  its  rescue. 

346.  '^tjttt  refers  back  to  „Vöa§/'  which  is  here  regarded  as  a 
person.  Cf.  „5[Baö  fxd)  necft,  ba^  lieht  fid^";  „Sßa^  fic^  nod^  JüngP  in 
blut'gem  .?>af^  getrennt,  t)a^  tl)ei(t  ent^ücft  bie  allgemeine  $?nft." 

355.  He  had  only  wished  to  eure  the  ©ngelfcl)tt)ärmerin,  and  now 
comforts  her  about  the  Templar. 

358.  Comforting  words  to  Recha,  but  not  containing  an  absolute 
truth ;  for  God  does  not  always  reward  the  good  done  here  in  this  life. 
The  comfort  to  Recha  lies  in  the  words :  ©Crtli^,  XXXdjt  tot ! 

360-1.  Because  @d)tt)ärmerei  is  merely  a  quiescent  State  of  fancy 
and  feeling,  while  action  requires  an  effort  of  the  will.     One  is  indo- 

228  NOTES. 

lent  self-indulgence  and  the  other  is  true  manhood  active  in  good 
works.  ^Inbäd)ttg  Sdjluävmen,  indulging  in  devout  contemplaiion,  as 
the  Quietists. 

364.  ^Ütfett  is  here  used  in  its  obsolescent  signification  of  nötig 
l)aben,  braild)en;   in  order  that  he  may  7tot  need  to  act  well. 

372.  5ll=§(lft,  the  barcfooied.  See  Introduction,  p.  xxxvi.  In  tbis 
character  we  may  observe  Lessing's  skillful  use  of  humor,  though 
elevated  above  the  merely  comical;  for  Al-Hafi  represents  the  humor- 
ous  dement  in  human  nature. 

374.  ^öntmt  According  to  Kehrein  fömtTlt  is  Netherlandish, 
while  foninit  is  high  German.     Lessing  is  very  fond  of  föllimt. 

375-  $tUCtn  mit  CUrf)  appears  a  rather  brüsk  exprcssion  in  the 
mouth  of  Nathan.  But  he  has  already  asked  them  tvvice  (hnes  359 
and  367)  to  withdraw,  and  this  cannot  appear  harsh,  as  it  was  said  to 
hurry  them  away  before  the  stranger  arrived  and  saw  them,  a  thing  not 
permitted  in  the  East  (cf.  Düntzer,  p.  84,  and  Niemeyer,  p.  99).  Some 
think  Nathan  had  kept  Recha  seduded,  so  that  no  one  should  find  out 
his  secret.  Of  course  Nathan  did  not  easily  recognize  the  Dervish  in 
his  fine  dress  as  treasurer. 

ACT  I.     SCENE   3. 

376.  9f?et^t  nur  bic  5(ugen  auf,  colloquialism  among  the  lower 
dasses.  The  cynical  Al-Hafi  constantly  uses  such  expressions  while 
Nathan  speaks  in  pleasant  raillery  with  him. 

381.  ®0  bcr  tCd|tC  ^CrrtJtfc!)»  @0  is  here  used  to  qualify  and 
restrict  the  words  it  introduces  and  means  „i^)  tneine";  „\^0i^  ^eißt/' 
that  is,  the  genuine  Dervish. 

385.  ^ein  9)lcnfrf)  mu§  muffen»  This  celebrated  saying  evidently 
means  that  no  one  should  allow  outward  force  to  make  him  do  any- 
thing  against  his  inner  convictions  of  what  is  right  and  wrong.  Nathan 
refers  to  this  outer  force,  while  the  Dervish  refers  to  the  inner  convic- 

Unb  ein  ^crmifri^  mÜ^tC  ?  The  battle-cry  of  the  Dervishes  was 
freedom,  hence  Nathan's  surprise  that  a  Dervish  must  needs  do  any- 

386-7.    333arnm  ♦  ♦  ♦  erfennt»  The  tDariim  of  the  first  clause  implies 

ACT    I.       SCENE    3.  229 

the  omitted  \va?>  (lüaö  er  für  gut  erlennt)  of  the  second  and  the  ba^  of 
the  following  clause  is  the  antecedent  of  both.  tüarum  here  =  um 
\va^  and  is  used  for  the  more  correct  it)orum» 

388.  Sei  ttttfcvm  &dtt !  According  to  the  general  trend  of  the 
drama  this  can  mean  nothing  eise  than  that  Nathan  considers  God  com- 
mon to  all  mankind  in  spite  of  the  differences  of  their  religious  beliefs, 
thus  denying  a  separate  God  for  Jevv  and  Mussulman. 

389.  äJienfd^  is  here  used  in  its  pregnant  sense  of  a  truly  noble 
person.     Cf.  149 1-2. 

390.  llttb  (il)V)  ffugt,  etc.  The  Omission  of  the  pronoun  in 
German  is  rare,  but  the  poet  often  takes  that  liberty  either  to  imitate 
colloquial  speech,  as  here,  or  in  elevated  lyric  style.  Cf.  Goethe : 
§abe  nun,  ad)  ^l)iIofopl^ie,  etc.,  ftubirt,  etc.;  güHeft  lieber  ^n\d}  unb 
Xljal  (Still  mit  ^^ebelglanj.    Cf.  also  Grimm  IV,  214. 

392.  §ttvl  denotes  one  of  great  physical  and  even  mental  strength, 
but  unpolished.  As  Dervish  Al-Hafi  was  one  of  nature's  sons  and  as 
free  as  the  air  he  breathed,  but  cynical;  this  expression  belongs  to  the 
cynical  part  of  his  character. 

^C§f  now  beffeu,  incorrectly  often  written  beß;  it  is  the  older  form 
found  in  Mid.  and  O.  H.  G. 

396.  2Biü  feilt;  tntH  is  here  used  in  the  sense  of  claims  ;  which  also 
Claims  respect. 

398.  ^Od)*  Said  half  seriously  and  half  in  earnest.  For  Nathan 
has  but  little  faith  in  the  practical  ability  of  the  Dervish,  and  therefore 
mentions  that  ofiice  as  a  proper  one  for  his  friend,  which  he  might  be 
able  to  fiU  with  honor  and  to  the  satisfaction  of  his  master.  But  the 
Dervish  thinks  he  might  add  Steward  (Hne  400)  also,  as  that  with 
Nathan  would  not  be  too  much. 

402.  SSorbett»  In  the  Mid.  H.  G.  the  participle  ge-  was  not  so 
rigorously  required  in  the  formation  of  the  past  participle  as  at  present. 
Luther,  Herder,  Goethe,  Schiller  and  others,  omit  it  with  inorbeu. 

403-4.    '^c^  fleittcrtt  ©dja^ei^  —  be;^  großem.    It  is  said  that 

when  Saladin  first  acquired  the  office  of  vizier  of  Egypt  he  wished  to 
abdicate  in  favor  of  his  father  Ayoub,  so  great  was  his  tenderness  for 
him,  but  the  latter  refused  this  dignity  and  took  charge  of  the  finances. 
The  greater  treasury  was  the  State  treasury,  which,  according  to 
Lessing's  drama,  was   in   charge   of   Saladin's   father;    but  this  is  an 

230  NOTES. 

anachronism,  for  his  father  was  dead  at  this  time.  The  lesser  treasury 
was  that  of  Saladin's  own  household,  now  in  the  hands  of  the  Dervish. 

406.  ^[t  ööu  fcittcm  $aufc  =  ^el)ört  311  feinem  ^aufe.  The  con- 
struction  is  French,  est  de  sa  viaison,  and  not  German. 

408.  Wxi  ©trum^jf  wn'ts  ^ixti  Ucrtilncn,  now  mit  Stumpf  unb 
@tiel  tiertilgen»  Notice  the  alHteration  and  compare  über  @toc! 
unb  @tein,  mit  .^aut  unb  §oar,  mit  3J?ann  unb  äRaug,  ^mh  nnb 

411.     %xi>^  einem,  as  zvell  as ;  er  l^änft  tro^  einem  '^pferbe,  he  runs 

as  fast  as  aiiy  korse. 

415-417.  Experience  teaches  that  poverty  cannot  be  removed  by 
the  greatest  generosity,  nor  should  we  refuse  on  that  account  to  hsten 
to  the  calls  of  distress.  The  metaphor  begun  by  the  Dervish  and 
finished  by  Nathan  is  extremely  feUcitous. 

418-421.  Lessing  remarks  in  the  first  sketch  of  his  drama  that  the 
Arabs  ascribe  this  maxim  to  Aristotle.  It  would  not  do  for  princes  to 
rob  their  subjects,  for  the  greed  of  princes  would  impoverish  their 
people  and  either  drive  them  to  vices  of  all  kinds  or  to  a  revoliition. 
That  would  be  bad  enough,  but  it  would  be  ten  times  worse  if  the 
people  should  plunder  the  treasury  of  the  princes,  for  then  they  (the 
princes)  would  have  to  plunder  the  rieh  to  satisfy  the  poor.  Nathan 
cannot  assent  to  this  last  alternative,  as  his  compassion  for  the  poor  is 
too  great. 

422.    ^\)x  \)ahi  gilt  rebcn  —  man  mag  immerl)in  reben,  eö  ift  um- 

fonft  3U  reben,  in  Imitation  of  the  French  avoir  beau  dire^  it  is  in  vaiit  to 
talk.  The  Dervish  thinks  that  Nathan  would  talk  differently  if  he  had 
his  experience. 

ß'Otttmt  ^\\^  In  the  Imperative  :  !omm  an  !  employed  as  a  challenge 
to  the  waiting  Opponent  to  come  on;  moreover  as  challenge  in  general 
=  it)ol)Ian,  well,  good,  done.  Sanders'  Wörterb.  I,  975.  Flere  it  is 
used  in  the  sense  of  5ll^t  gegeben.  There  is  a  controversy  between 
them  about  the  maxim,  and  the  Dervish  calls  Nathan's  attention  to  the 
proof  of  the  justice  of  his  remark. 

425.  233ttd)crtt,  here  =  3^^f^^  einbringen,  and  does  not  have  its 
usual  meaning  of  usury, 

432.  (Sd^cibebrief  ^^  *  bill  of  divorce,'  but  here  in  the  sense  of 
fai'ewell  (to  our  friendship). 

ACT    I.       SCENE    3.  231 

435.  Al-Hafi  could  not  conduct  the  fmances  of  Saladin  honorably 
with  an  empty  treasury. 

437-     3^^  f  rfjüttclt»     Supply  ben  ^Op\,  an  unusual  Omission. 
439-40.     Viehoff  paraphrases  thus :    „%U^a\i  ^crtiufd)  tft  iDlUfonV' 

meu,  au  ^Hem  X^dl  gu  neljmen,  \va^  idj  in  meinem  55ermögen  I)abe." 
441.     2'CftCtböt,    here    trcasurer,      It    really    means    Minister    of 


444-5.     Al-Hafi  already  contemplated  leaving  a  position  so  distaste- 

ful  to  him  because  it  brought  him  too  much  in  contact  with  the  world. 

Son  of  Nature  as  he  is  he  loves  the  hot  sands  of  the  Ganges  whence  he 

came;  or,  perhaps,  of  the  desert,  as  we  may  judge  from  line  497. 

450.  £eic!)t,  that  is,  freed  from  his  duties  as  treasurer. 

SJntfu^»  Walking  barefooted  in  the  hot  sands  was  a  mortification 
for  sins. 

451.  ^\i  meinen  fie^rcrn»  Nodnagel  says:  "The  teachers  of 
Hafi  on  the  Ganges  are  Brachmins,  from  the  farthest  antiquity  in  pos- 
session  of  the  treasures  of  wisdom,  much  of  which  has  passed  to  Occi- 
dental lore  and  poetry;  they  live  in  voluntary  poverty,  now  as  teachers, 
now  as  hermits."  He  belongs  to  the  Parsees  or  Ghebres,  who  believe 
in  the  Zoroastrian-Brachminical  idea  of  the  purification  of  the  soul  by 
means  of  physical  mortifications  of  the  body.  They  of  course  despised 
worldly  possessions. 

456.  ^nt  §ni,  in  a  trice.  Colloquially  l^ui  is  used  as  a  Substan- 

2)cn  reid^ften  Settlcr  in  einen  armen  JKeid^en»    This  is  one  of 

Lessing's  favorite  antitheses.  The  contented  poor  man  is  richer  than 
the  discontented,  avaricious,  greedy  rieh  man.  Düntzer  reminds  us  that 
Lessing  found  this  thought  in  a  Latin  collection  of  riddles  by  Hollonius 
and  Setzer  (1615). 

471.  Unmtlb  mtlb^  illiberally  liberal.  This  figure  of  Speech 
(oxymoron),  the  joining  of  two  contradictory  ideas,  produces  a  very 
pleasant  epigrammatical  effect.  Cf.  concordia  discors,  insapiens  sa- 
pientia,  etc.  3Rilb  is  probably  used  here  in  the  Mid.  H.  G.  sense  of 
liberal,  gener  ous. 

473  ff.  Lessing's  fertility  in  metaphors  and  similes  in  this  whole 
scene  is  remarkable.  Already  we  have  had  the  changing  ebb  and 
flood  tide,  the  engulfing  canals,  the  open  sluices,  and  now  appears  the 

232  NOTES. 

stopped  pipes  sending  forth  unclean  (unrein)  and  spurting  (f^jrubeülb) 
the  waters  they  have  received  clear  and  calm.  The  UUreiu  and 
fprubelnb  are  perhaps  best  explained  by  the  un^olb  and  ungeftüm 

477-8.  This  of  course  refers  to  birdsnaring,  where  the  fowlers  Imi- 
tate the  calls  which  decoy  the  birds  into  the  snare.  The  (Gimpel  (bul- 
finch,  redfinch,  here  blockhead)  is  so  easily  snared  that  the  word  has 
become  proverbial  for  simpleton. 

478.  &cdf  etc.,  self-complaisant  fool  that  I  am y  for  he  says  above 
that  he  had  feit  flattered. 

481.    23ct  I)iuibcrt  taufeubcit  =  in  ^btl^eitungen  bon  I}uuberttaiu 

fenben;  cf.  the  EngUsh,  by  hundreds.     It  is  not  the  equivalent  here  of 

bei  in  such  expressions  as  bei  fünfzig  ^I^aufenb  =  gegen  fünfzig  %q,\\- 
fenb,  about  ^0,000,  but  rather  by  hundred  thotisands.  This  is  not  a  true 
picture  of  the  great  ruler  —  who  was  celebrated  for  his  clemency, 
justice,  moderation  and  HberaUty,  and  never  was  known  to  exact  unjust 
tribute.  He  often  restored  what  was  lawfully  his  own  and  gave  the 
rest  to  his  officers,  leaving  so  Httle  property  that  his  funeral  expenses 
had    to    be    raised    by    contribution    among    his    friends.     Therefore 

Düntzer's  Interpretation  of  bei  §miberttaufeubeu  =  ba    eö    l^imbcrt 

taujcnbe  gibt,  may  be  right.  The  idea  wouhl  then  be  that,  seeing  that 
hundreds  of  thousands  are  oppressing,  etc.,  it  is  folly  to  wish  to  appear 
a  philanthropist  to  individuals.  But  perhaps  the  State  of  passion  to 
which  the  Dervish  had  wrought  himself  will  account  for  his  exaggerated 

483.  %\\  einzeln.  Either  a  dative  plural  from  the  older  form 
eiugel  (Mid.  H.  G.  and  later),  or  to  be  explained  as  line  235  above. 
Cf.  Matt.  V,  45,  for  the  foUowing  lines,  and  remember  the  fact  that 
Saladin  gave  to  friend  and  foe,  to  the  needy  of  all  creeds,  with  unstinted 

496.  ^Jlad^C»  Fray,  do  hasten  off  into,  etc.  SD^adjeu  here  has  its 
colloquial   meaning.     For  the  next  sentence  compare  E.  von  Kleist's 

saying:  (Ein  xoo.\)xtx  ^t\\\6)  mnß  fern  üon  3)^enfc^em  fein.    This  is  the 

true  character  of  the  Dervish,  and  the  world  would  only  rob  him  of  his 
real  humanity  by  its  disagreeable  frictions  which  he  does  not  under- 
stand  how  to  turn  to  his  best  interests. 

ACT    I.       SCENES    4    AND    5.  233 

ACT   I.     SCENE   4. 
519.    SScitcr  ab  fid)  fdjlägt  =  ben  3Beg  öedäßt»    Cf.  ben  2öeg  ein* 

fd^(agen,  tums  aside, 

524.  5(bfein  =  ^bttJCfCtt^cit.  Formerly  ^bfeiu  was  more  fre- 
quently  employed  than  novv,  found  in  Opitz,  Flemming  and  Hagedorn. 
Cf.  the  form  2)afein.  Notice  the  noble  motive  that  Nathan  gives  for 
the  Templar's  action  and  the  unpleasant  contrast  with  the  real  reason 
given  in  line  528:  er  fömmt  3U  feinem  3uben.  Nathan  is  broad  and 
the  Templar  is  narrow  and  rüde. 

528.  @Utf|»  The  ethical  dative  used  in  an  indeterminate  way  to 
express  the  interest  of  the  Speaker  or  hearer. 

ACT  I.     SCENE    5. 

©ceitc:  %tXCC^t\^tXX^  The  Order  of  the  Knights  Templars  was 
founded  about  1118  by  some  French  knights,  who  "  bound  themselves 
by  a  vow  to  the  Patriarch  of  Jerusalem  to  guard  the  public  roads,  to 
live  as  regulär  canons,  and  to  fight  for  the  King  of  Heaven  in  chastity, 
obedience,  and  self-denial."  "The  Templars  almost  from  their  founda- 
tion  had  their  quarters  in  the  palace  of  the  Latin  kings,  which  had 
been  the  mosque  of  Mount  Moriah.  This  place  was  also  known  as 
Solomon's  Temple,"  hence  the  name  Templars.  It  was  "a  military 
Order  from  its  very  origin,  inasmuch  as  its  earliest  members  banded 
themselves  together  for  the  express  purpose  of  giving  armed  protection 
to  the  numerous  pilgrims,  who,  after  the  first  Crusade,  flocked  to  Jerusa- 
lem and  the  other  sacred  sites  in  the  Holy  Land." 

The  palms  were  near  the  cloister  (cf.  Act  3,  scene  18,  line  21  ii) 
from  which  the  Templar  has  just  come,  and  the  friar  follows  him  at  a 

Adolf  Stahr  thinks  that  Lessing  saw  Originals  for  his  friar  during  his 
journey  in  Italy  with  prince  Leopold  of  Brunswick. 

532.  2^or  langer  933eUc  ==^  au§  !Oangn)et(e.  He  is  not  following 
me  merely  to  kill  time,  merely  because  he  has  nothing  better  to  do. 

533.  %\\iVC  Stnbcr,  that  is,  lay  brother  of  a  mendicant  order;  one 
who    has  received  Ordination  is  called  father.     Hence  the  Templar's 

question:  3^  fann  euc^  n)ol)l  ^ater  nennen,  nid)t?    Similarly  Götz 

234  NOTES. 

von  Berlichingen  in  Goethe's  drama  (i,  2)  greets  brother  Martin  as 
worthy  father.  And  the  answers  are  also  similar.  The  lay  brother  had 
to  take  oath  to  obedience,  celibacy  and  Submission  to  the  cloister;  bis 
duties  werc  usually  outside  the  cloister.  They  often  showed  true 
humility  and  were  ready  for  the  most  menial  Services. 

536.  2[öer  .  .  ,  ma^  ^öttc  =  Söeiin  jemaub  nur  felbft  ma^  ^^iiiit. 
In  O.  H.  G.  lüer  and  it)a§  were  used  as  indefinite  pronouns,  but  at 
present  this  use  is  retained  only  in  coUoquial  language.  They  are  then 
equivalent  to  jemaub  and  ettüaS» 

544.  ^\\\  t(eittC)^  'Sßilgcrmal)!,  etc.  It  was  considered  a  part  of 
the  duty  of  the  cloisters  to  keep  open  house,  and  many  were  celebrated 
for  their  hospitality. 

546.  ^crr»  In  the  lyth  Century  §err  and  grau  began  to  be  used 
in  the  case  of  address;  §err  is  still  thus  employed.  Chamisso  is  very 
fond  of  it  and  Lessing  uses  it  in  this  play. 

550-551.  In  Baumgarten's  Universal  History,  IV,  81,  we  learn  that 
there  was  danger  of  blood-heating  and  ulceration,  if  foreigners  partook 
of  dates,  but  this  statement  lacks  confirmation. 

552.  Compare  line  1633:  Uub  iüart  mit  (Suemt  Ä'ummer  geiziger 
5110  (Sucrm  ![?ebeu?  The  cause  of  his  melancholy  lay  chiefly  in  his  lack 
of  everything  as  captive,  though  apparently  free,  in  his  enforced  inac- 
tivity,  and  the  latent  love  for  the  Jewish  maiden  (provided  that  had 
already  made  itself  feit)  whom  he  had  saved  from  the  fire. 

555.     (Srhuibcn,  now  erfuubigeu.    Cf.  also  Hne  2746,  erfunbete» 

(gittern  attf  be»  ^^\^\\  füljlcn,  ''to  sound  one,  to  feel  one's  pulse"; 
a  colloquial  expression  taken  from  the  dentist  who  examines  the  teeth 
to  find  the  defective  ones. 

561.  That  is,  true  obedience  is  blind.  It  wills  what  another  wills, 
while  the  seeker  for  fine  distinctions  (ber  t(Ügelt)  first  tests  the  right 
and  wrong  and  then  acts  upon  his  own  judgment,  which,  according  to 
the  friar,  is  not  true  obedience,  but  independent  action.  This  shows 
the  different  principle  governing  the  two  characters :  the  Templar 
makes  nice  distinctions  (üügelt),  the  friar  obeys  without  examination 
of  causes,  but  in  such  a  way  that  no  härm  ever  comes  from  it. 

The  conjunction  \iQ^^  sometimes  introduces  sentences  expressing  a 
wish,  a  threat,  etc.,  leaving  the  wish,  threat,  etc.,  to  be  supplied  from 
the  verb  of  the  subordinate  clause :   !l)a6  bu  mir  UUr  Söort  {jältft  (3(i) 

ACT    I.       SCENE    5.  235 

rat^e  bir,  ba|3,  etc.);  3)ag  boc^  bie  (Slnfalt  immer  red)t  beljält!  (3Bie 
iDal^r  tft  e^,  ha^  bod),  etc.).  Simplicity  is  instinctively  true  where  too 
much  philosophizing  goes  astray,     Cf.  Schiller's  Söorte  be§  ©laubenö: 

Unb  ma§  fein  SSerftaub  ber  35crftänbiöen  fiet)t, 
®a§  übet  in  (Jinfatt  ein  finblic^  ©emütt). 

570.  ^a§  tote  ÄreUJ»  The  Templars  (Knights  Templars)  were 
probably  the  most  renowned  of  the  three  great  military  Orders  founded 
in  the  I2th  Century,  the  Hospitallers  (Knights  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem 
later  Knights  of  Malta),  the  Teutonic  Knights  and  the  Knights  Tem- 
plars. "  The  three  Orders  were  distinguished  from  each  other  by  their 
garb.  The  Hospitallers  wore  black  mantles  with  white  crosses,  the 
Templars  white  mantles  with  red  crosses,  the  Teutonic  Knights,  white 
mantles  with  a  black  cross.  The  white  color  of  the  Templars  signified 
their  own  innocence  and  their  mildness  for  Christians,  while  the  red 
denoted  the  bloody  martyr-death  and  the  enmity  to  unbelievers." 

573.  S^Cbnttly  a  strong  fortress  north  of  Ptolemais,  near  Tyre,  on 
the  road  to  Sidon.  It  is  situated  in  the  mountains  between  Paneas  and 
Sarepta  or  Sarphenda.  During  Saladin's  campaign  against  the  Chris- 
tians in  1187,  Ptolemais  and  many  other  places  along  the  coast  were 
captured  by  his  Emirs,  Tebnin  among  the  number.  Sidon'surrendered 
to  Saladin  himself.  Tyre  was  not  captured  until  after  a  siege  of  three 
years.  There  is  no  historical  account  of  the  breaking  of  a  truce  by  an 
attack  of  the  Templars  on  Tebnin,  but  they  did  it  elsewhere.  Lusignan, 
king  of  Jerusalem,  broke  his  cath  not  to  fight  against  Saladin  about  this 
time  and  had  quite  a  number  of  skirmishes  around  Tebnin,  but  it  all 
seems  to  have  been  legitimate  warfare. 

576.  Sidon  lies  on  the  Mediterranean  Sea;  in  earlier  times  it  was 
one  of  the  capitals  of  Phosnicia  and  was  one  of  the  many  Christian 
cities  taken  in  Saladin's  celebrated  campaign  (cf.  above).  Now  it  is  a 
wretched  town  of  no  account. 

577.  ©ctbft^ttian^tgftcr  =  id)  mit  neun3c^n  anbern  2^empell)erren, 
fo  ba^  id)  felbft  ber  3tt)an3igfte  \vax.  To  denote  the  number  of  persons 
in  one's  Company,  instead  of  using  the  füll  cardinal  number,  the  pronoun 
felbft  is  placed  before  the  ordinal.  Hence  the  now  nearly  obsolete  Com- 
pounds felbanber  (er  felbft  ber  anbere  [ber  gtüeite]),  felbbritte  (er  felbft 
ber  britte),  etc.     Cf.  also  the  Greek.     The  cardinal  is  not  common  in 

236  NOTES. 

this  construction,  but  Lessing  has  fclb  fün3iger  (Emilia  Galotti,  III,  i). 

578.  $Bom  (Salabilt»  But  compare  line  585,  where  the  article  is 
omitted.     It  may  be  used  or  omitted  before  a  well-known  proper  name. 

583.  @r  gaatj  allein«  The  friar  is  humble  throughout  and  uses 
2)er  §err  or  the  polite  i\)X  (see  note  to  line  2).  Here  er  takes  the 
place  of  !^er  §err  in  the  line  abovc  and  is  not  to  be  confounded  with 
the  (Sr  often  used  in  address. 

585-6.  Notice  the  change  of  tense  from  the  past  to  the  historical 
present  in  order  to  denote  surprise  and  express  the  action  more  vividly. 

593.  5lwf behalten  =  aufbeUJa^rt.  This  verb  is  now  nearly  obsolete 
and  is  seldom  used  of  persons. 

593-4.  The  bitter  sarcasm  in  these  words  shows  that  the  Templar 
considered  it  the  "  Irony  of  Fate "  that  he  was  spared  to  rescue  a 
Jewess  from  burning  and  escort  inquisitive  pilgrims  to  Mt.  Sinai.  He 
is  not  ashamed  of  saving  the  Jewess,  as  some  interpret  this  passage, 
any  more  than  he  would  be  ashamed  of  saving  a  dog,  but  he  considers 
it  unworthy  a  valorous  and  heroic  young  man  desirous  of  winning  fame 
and  honor. 

595-6.  Sinai,  that  is,  in  Arabia  Petraea,  the  real  Horeb,  between 
the  Gulf  of  Suez  and  Akabah.  Sinai  is  the  name  of  the  desert  in  which 
the  mountain  lies.  This  is  then  what  caused  his  absence  from  the  city, 
and  as  it  is  far  distant  from  Jerusalem  it  must  have  taken  a  long  time. 
Contrary  to  present  usage,  Lessing,  like  Herder,  omits  the  article  with 
the  names  of  mountains. 

607-8.    (£r  Ijättc  burd)  bcn  ^crrti  (Sin  a3rief(i^cn  c^cxn  beftcllt. 

These  words  express  the  wish  of  the  Patriarch,  He  would  have  liked  to 
send,  etc.  The  friar  does  not  wish  to  emphasize  the  reality  of  his 
Statement,  but  modestly  expresses  his  opinion.  We  should  expect 
future  time,  but  he  is  sounding  the  Templar,  and  we  can  supply :  er 
fagte,  er  l^ätte  gern  einen  ^rief  bnrd)  @ie  beftettt,  toenn  @ie  bagu  bereit 

611-12.  ^^^i  bcr  ^JSntriarrf)»  The  fideUty  of  the  friar  is  seen  in 
this  refrain;  for  he  delivers  his  message  literally  as  his  superior  had 
enjoined  upon  him,  but  at  the  same  time  wishes  his  bearer  to  under- 
stand  that  he  is  not  responsible  for  the  moral  right  or  wrong  of  the 
opinions  advanced.  They  are  not  his.  Cf.  Minna  von  Barnhelm  3,  2, 
where  Just  waives  all  responsibility  in  the  same  way. 

ACT   I.       SCENE    5.  237 

615-6.  Cf.  I  Cor.  ix,  25;  2  Tim.  iv,  8;  i  Pet.  v,  4;  Jas.  i,  12;  Rev. 
ii,  10,  for  the  special  crown  offered  to  the  faithful. 

618.  9Jlcilt  ^Ctt  seems  to  be  an  imitation  of  the  French  polite 
monsieur  used  in  addressing  strangers. 

61  g.  On  account  of  the  following  aurf),  Düntzer  suggests  changing 
2)enn  btefe  trotte  ^11  öerbtenen  into  Unb  btefe,  etc. 

622.  ®id^  ]6cfcl)eu  =^  fxd)  iimjef)en,  fet)enb  fic^  umtf)un.  Cf.  also: 
!^af3 1(^  mtd)  in  SSien  befolgen  tDoüte,  and  3n  btefcr  §i^e  in  Stauen 
l^erum  reifen,  nm  ftd^  jn  befe^en,  all  from  Lessing. 

625.  Historically  true.  Saladin  worked  zealously  on  the  fortifica- 
tions  of  Jerusalem  after  he  had  captured  it. 

628.  2)Ctt  ©trcttcrit  &ottt§  =  ben  Ä'rcu^fal)rcrn»  The  expression 
accords  with  the  medircval  idea  that  every  Crusade  was  a  Holy  War  and 
the  crusaders  the  warriors  of  God  himself. 

632.  ßöutg  *^5^in}J^)»  That  is,  Phihp  Augustus  II,  of  France, 
who  undertook  in  1191  a  Crusade  with  Richard  the  Lionhearted  of 
England.  But  he  had  already  started  home  in  August  of  1191  on 
account  of  dissensions  with  Richard.  After  his  departure  Richard 
concluded  a  truce  of  a  little  more  than  three  years  with  Saladin.  Why 
Lessing  mentions  Philip  here  and  not  Richard  is  puzzling;  for  the 
friendship  existing  between  Richard  and  Saladin  hardly  seems  a  justifi- 
able  reason  for  this  anachronism.     However,  see  note  to  line  67 yf. 

641.  ^§  tJÖHig  ttitebcr  lo^gcljt,  colloquial  expression  for  im  galt 
ber  ^rieg  DöIIiß  toieber  an^bncl)t,  F'or  the  attack  of  the  Templars  on 
Tebnin  was  only  an  isolated  case  and  not  a  general,  well-organized 
outbreak  of  hostilities. 

647.     The  Templars'  attack  on  Tebnin  was  a  breach  of  the  truce. 

654-5.  This  contradicts  the  Patriarch's  assertion  (lines  621-2)  that 
the  Templar  was  free.  He  considers  himself  simply  a  prisoner  on 

659.  a?Crttbc(n  =  für  übel  aufnehmen,  ^  ^a^e  amiss,  The  friar 
has  an  unpleasant  duty  to  perform,  and  is  fearful  that  the  Templar  will 
fall  in  with  the  Patriarch's  evil  propositions.  Hence  his  apparent 
relief  when  he  finds  him  honorable. 

661.  5lU!§g(tttCttt,  spy  otit.  This  is  a  colloquialism,  as  well  also  as 
!5)en  @arau§  mad)en  and  ®a§  @tüc!  rtjagen  below. 

663.     ©tcrfcit  =  t)erliorqen  fein.    For  3)ie  nngcljenren  (Snmmcn  cf. 

238  NOTES. 

lines  403-4,  thQ  grea/er  treasury  in  the  care  of  his  father,  whom  history 
calls  an  excellent  manager.  The  fortress  on  Lebanon  is  Lessing's  in- 

671.    2)Ctt  ©arau)^  \\^vx  5U  matficn,  d.  h.,  i^n  3U  töten,    @arau^ 

is  a  Substantive  formed  from  the  adverbs  gar  and  auö  (generally  masc, 
sometimes  neut.)  and  has  two  principal  meanings :  (i)  the  sunrise  and 
sunset  bell,  hence  the  end  of  night  and  day,  then  of  anything;  (2)  the 
emptying  of  the  cup  when  drinking  one's  health;  cf.  Eng.  *  carouse  * 
which  comes  from  ®arauö. 

673.  SD^dtOllitCtt,  This  is  one  of  the  many  Christian  sects  of  the 
Orient.  They  probably  received  their  name  from  the  abbot  John 
Maro  ( ?)  who  lived  in  the  8th  Century  ( ?) ;  they  dwelt  on  Lebanon 
not  far  from  Byblos.  But  this  is  all  conjecture,  as  nothing  certain  is 
known.  They  partook  of  the  Lord's  Supper  in  both  forms,  allowed  the 
inferior  priests  to  marry,  were  monothelites  tili  they  united  with  the 
Roman  Catholic  Church  in  the  I2th  Century;  but  they  did  not  conform 
entirely  to  its  regulations.  As  they  lived  on  Lebanon,  they  w^ould 
therefore  know  the  way.  Saladin  had  founded  a  cloister  there  and 
allowed  the  Maronites  bells. 

677-9.  As  above  stated,  Philip  Augustus  was  on  his  way  to  France 
and  Richard  the  Lionheartod  was  still  in  Palestine.  It  has  been  sug- 
gested  that  the  poet's  reason  for  exchanging  these  two  kings  was  on 
account  of  the  natures  of  the  two  men.  Philip  was  not  only  cunning 
and  Beeret,  but  of  a  shrewd  and  ignoble  mind;  nay,  he  did  not  evcn 
shrink  from  great  crimes,  if  for  his  advantage,  while  Richard  was  frank 
and  open-hearted.  It  may  be  objected  that  Richard  often  did  wrong, 
but  yet  he  did  not  descend  to  low  cunning  like  Philip. 

678.  Ptolemais  was  a  strong  fortress  on  the  boundary  of  Palestine, 
also  called  St.  Jean  d'Acre  and  Accho  (?). 

684.  (^ott  Uttb  bcr  DtbClt  ♦  ♦  »  The  priests  frequently  suffocated 
every  human  Impulse  and  moral  obHgation  for  the  honor  of  "  God  and 
the  Order  "  as  they  claimed,  when  anything  was  to  be  gained  by  it. 
See  lines  686-7  for  a  proof  of  their  sense  of  moral  Obligation.  In 
striking  contrast  to  this  is  the  simple,  straightforward  nature  of  the 

691-2.  Specious  sophistry,  as  the  Templar's  answer  shows.  The 
malicious  casuistry  of  lines  695-7  '^'^^  further  brings  out  the  repugnant 

ACT   I.      SCENE   6.  239 

side  of  the  Patriarch's  character  and  is  only  too  true  a  copy  of  the  cor- 
ruption  that  had  crept  into  the  Church. 

697.  Ultfcttluittcu»  In  the  casuistry  of  the  Patriarch  the  pardon- 
ing  was  done  for  the  sake  of  Saladin's  brother  and  not  for  the  sake  of 
the  Templar. 

698.  Uub  \>a  tJCrlautCU  UJOÜC,  anc/  since  they  pretend  (in  the 
stories  in  circulation  about  your  pardon) . 

700-701.  This  appears  to  be  the  first  intimation  to  the  Templar  of 
the  real  reason  of  his  pardon.     Cf.  line  583ff. 

704-710.  External  resemblance,  according  to  the  Templar,  should 
imply  an  internal  one;  that  is,  like  features  like  character.  This  does 
not  foUow,  but  yet  he  hopes  it  may  in  his  case.  Nature  is  true  in  all 
its  works,  for  perfect  harmony  reigns  in  everything. 

ACT   I.     SCENE   6. 
716-17.    %xs^  mng  id)  mein  ^a!ct  nur  ttJagcn  =  Fr.  hasarder, 

risquer  le  paquet  =  e§  auf  C|Ut  (^lüc!  tüatjeit.  O.  Tessing's  French 
translation  of  his  Laokoon  :  risquons  donc  le  paquet,  '.  risk  anything, 
to  engage  in  a  doubtful  cause. 

718-19.  The  proverb  quoted  is  unknown  to  the  German,  though 
there  arc  many  similar  ones;    for  monks  and  women  were  the  butt  of 

populär  jokes.  ^l^ciber  fiub  be§  2^eufe^3  ^foben,  barin  er  fängt,  tna^ 
anfft^t.  (gin  ^Mt^  Sßeib  l^eißt  fpridjtnortUd)  ein  33ote  beö  Scufol^. 
The  Devil  is  represented  with  clavvs,  which  he  uses  to  get  men  in  his 
power.  In  the  first  sketch  Lessing  calls  woman  the  Devil's  left  claw,  so 
the  monk  would  be  the  right,  referring  to  the  Patriarch's  proposals. 
Prejudice  against  the  Jews  is  expressed  throughout  the  scene. 

736.  ©ina  =  Arabic  form  for  China.  Cf.  ^^jfelflne,  *  China  apple  ' 
or  *  orange.' 

748-9.  SSic  fdjttCÖ  cht  ^turjCttdHcf  tlOtÜbcr  ift  ?  The  moment  of 
generous  feeling  in  Nathan  would  soon  be  over;  for  the  Templar  can- 
not  believe  that  any  Jew  could  be  liberal. 

753-    5turf)  vxxx  tDrtrb^!^  tior  (now  ^\\)  ber  9Btegc  xCx^i  gcfungcn, 

etc.  This  refers  to  the  custom  of  singing  cradle  songs  predicting  their 
future  fate  to  children.     Cf.  lines  3845-3847. 

756.     Um  ba  cht  !3wbCUmäbd)CU  511  CrjicIlCn»     Cf.  also  the  answer  of 

240  NOTES. 

the  Templar.  It  is  hard  to  reconcile  the  Statement  here  with  Act  IV, 
Scene  7.  The  emperor  Frederick  Barbarossa  lost  hislife  on  June  10,  11 90, 
so  that  Daja  could  have  been  only  two  years  with  Nathan  when  our  piece 
opens  in  1 192.  We  know  that  Recha  was  then  eighteen  years  old,  and 
could  not  have  been  brought  up  by  Daja.  Cf.  Introduction,  p.  XXXIV. 
A  similar  scene  occurs  in  Minna  von  Barnhelm,  Act  I,  Scene  12,  where 
Just  proposes  to  teil  Werner's  tale. 

757.    ^ttctijt  =  Jlrieg^hiedjt  or  9^eiter§!ned}t,  cavalryman. 

761.  (StföUfClt,  coarse  expression,  to  be  ascribed  to  the  vexation  of 
the  Templar.     ^rtritlfeil  is  the  usual  word. 

769.    ^xxvx  IJiätfcl  tJöit  mir  fclöft  mir  ttJirb»    His  (to  himself) 

enigmatical  conduct  puzzles  him  when  he  thinks  that  he,  a  Christian, 
should  rescue  a  Jewess.     Becomes  an  enigma  of  viyself  to  inyself. 

776-7.    "^w^  Infjt  bcn  25atcr  mir  öom  §nlfc»    Cf.  also  einem 

bamit  nom  §alfe  bleilien.     Don't  hothcr  7?ie  with  the  fathei\ 

778.  @itt  ^jhimpcr  (Srfjmab*  Proverbially  the  Swabians  are  called 
buntm  linb  e^rlid),  the  riessians  blinb  and  the  Pommeranians  pliim)). 
But  here  the  epilhet  ,,pliinip"  is  applied  to  the  Swabians.  Daja  calls 
him  a  German  bear  (1.  786).  IIc  half  confcsscs  that  the  maiden's 
image  was  and  still  is  in  his  soul.  It  could  not,  however,  have  been 
anything  l)ut  a  passing  Impression,  for  it  was  not  until  his  visit  that  his 
passion  was  aroused.  Daja  appears  about  to  confess  Recha's  origin 
when  he  abruptly  leaves. 

786.  T^U  bC«tfti)Cr  S5nr  denotcs  the  bluntness  of  the  German 
character  which  did  not  yield  so  early  and  readily  to  the  refining  in- 
fluence  of  the  Roman  and  Romanizing  civilization  as  the  other  nations. 

ACT   II.     SCENE    I. 

788.  21Ö0  bift  "^W  ?  Cares  of  state  Avill  account  for  Saladin's  dis- 
traction.  The  outbreak  of  the  war  and  his  financial  distress  draw  his 
attention  from  the  game,  so  that  Sittah  has  to  remind  him  of  his 

789.  JJwr  mitfj  \X\\\s  fnum,  Fo?-  mc  aiid  scarcdy  that.  He  is 
playing  scarcely  well  enough  for  Sittah,  who  modestly  assumes  that  she 
is  a  poor  player. 

791.    Unbcberft  =^  mtgebctft    80  jicl)^  ic^  in  "tsxt  @abc(.    They 

ACT    IL       SCENE    I.  241 

generally  say  now  bte  ©aBel  geben.  It  means  to  fork,  that  is,  to 
threaten  two  pieces  at  once  with  one  piece,  so  that  one  of  the 
threatened  pieces  must  be  lost. 

793.      Set)  fcijC  t)Ot,  I  Cover,  or  I  interpose. 

800.  2)a!§  ttiarft  "t^W  nidjt  öermutCU  ?  A  rare  conctruction,  for  the 
Infinitive  seldom  depends  on  fclu.  Gothic  and  O.  H.  German  furnish 
no  examples  and  Grimm  finds  but  one  case  in  Mid.  H.  German.  In 
Greg,  we  find  :  si  WiEren  vischen,  774.  In  the  transition  period  we  find 
many  examples  and  the  inifinitive  seems  to  have  developed  out  of  a 
present  participle.  It  is  like  our  progressive  form  (^you  were  7tot  ex- 
pecting  that,  were  you  F) 

804-5.  SlcillC  taufCttb  2'tltat^  The  possessive  pronoun  shovi^s 
that  that  was  the  usual  stake.  A  dinar  is  an  Arabian  coin  worth  about 
four  dollars;  the  naserin  is  a  silver  coin  worth  about  one  half  cent,  first 
coined  by  the  Calif  Naser  or  Nasr. 

812.      S)Cn  ©a^,  the  stake. 

821.  ^lBf(^(t(^,  discover  check.  It  is  a  move  which  leaves  the  ad- 
versary's  king  exposed  to  check  from  some  other  piece  and  at  the  same 
time  attacks  a  piece  with  the  moving  piece,  here  the  queen.  They  now 
usually  say  5Ibjug§jcf)ad}.  The  mention  of  a  queen  is  here  an  anachro- 
nism,  as  she  was  not  introduced  into  the  play  tili  1525. 

826.  Jölo^  mit  bcm  ©tcinc  ?  would  seem  to  imply  that  Saladin 
was  not  fortunate  with  his  wives,  but  history  teils  us  nothing  of  this. 

828-30.  This  may  refer  to  the  fact  that  Saladin  had  frequently 
spared  Sittah's  queen,  but  probably  refers  to  his  treatment  of  princesses. 
When  the  sister  of  the  defeated  Saleh,  son  of  Nureddin,  appeared  be- 
fore  Saladin  (ii75),he  returned  her  her  fortress  and  loaded  her  with 
gifts.  The  mother  of  the  defeated  Sultan  Massud  was  treated  with  the 
greatest  distinction,  though  her  son's  domains  were  not  restored  to 
him.  Sybilla,  wife  of  Guy  de  Lusignan,  king  of  Jerusalem,  and  Maria, 
wife  of  Prince  Balian  II,  were  royally  treated  by  Saladin. 

839.  2)iC  ©lattCtt  ©tciuc,  A  passage  of  the  Alcoran  (Sure  5) 
which  forbade  wine,  gaming  and  Images  (figures  of  men  and  animals) 
was  interpreted  as  referring  to  chessmen.  A  sect  of  Muhammedans, 
the  Sonnites,  therefore  only  played  with  smooth  pieces  (glatte  ©teiue). 
Lessing  found  this  in  the  Preliminary  Discourse  to  the  Koran  by 
George  Säle  (1734).     Cf.  the  footnote  to  Boxberger's  Edition,  1.  841. 

242  NOTES. 

Others,  especially  Persians,  did  not  follow  this  rule  and  used  carved 
pieces.  Lessing  assumes  that  all  priests  use  the  smooth  pieces  and 
supposes  that  Saladin  was  usually  pleased  to  play  with  smooth  pieces 
whenever  he  played  with  a  priest,  in  which  case  he  did  not  have  the 
carved  pieces  to  make  him  more  attentive.  However,  some  believe 
that  Saladin  distrusted  the  Imam  of  using  the  smooth  pieces  in  order 
to  get  the  advantage  over  him.  But  Buchheim  well  observes  that 
Saladin  was  a  strict  Mussulman  and  would  never  have  played  with 
carved  pieces.  It  is  the  enlightened  Saladin  of  the  drama  who  com- 
plains  of  the  smooth  pieces  suitable  to  an  Imam. 

841.  ^tnan,  Most  editions  change  this  form  to  3mam,  which  is 
the  prevalent  and  more  correct  spelling,  but  Boxberger  (ibid.)  shows 
that  the  form  3man  w^as  more  common  among  Occidental  scholars  in 
Lessing's  time. 

842.  25etlttft  tOxU  35otttianb  is  a  German  proverb :  Loss  seeks  an 

84g.  3^^f^^^WUltg»  She  here  returns  to  the  cause  of  Saladin's 
distraction  and  care,  which  naturally  makes  the  sister  anxious.  ^tX^ 
[trcuung  (3^t'ftreut)  could  hardly  be  used  in  the  sense  of  diversion, 
amusement,  for  Sittah  would  not  be  likely  to  be  diverted  when  her 
brother  is  anxious  and  troubled.  Her  brother's  anxiety  is  enough  to 
make  her  anxious. 

851.  ©icrtgcr  =  eifriger,  more  zealousfy. 

852.  fiOi^ÖCftt,  cf.  1.  641. 

854.  ©ttdcftanb  =  3BaffenftiIIftanb,  Lessing  used  the  shorter  form 
in  several  instances.  ©tlKcftanb  instead  of  ©tiUftaub  is  required  by 
the  meter.     Cf.  1.  573  about  the  breaking  of  the  truce. 

857.  5Jitd)arbi^  S3tubcr*  History  knows  nothing  of  this;  it  does 
teil  US  of  a  proposed  marriage  of  Saladin's  brother  Melek  el  Adel  with 
Richard's  sister  Joan,  widow  of  king  William  of  Sicily,  whom  she  had 
accompanied  to  the  East.  Lessing  enlarged  this  and  proposed  a 
double  marriage. 

858-9.  History  often  mentions  this  mutual  admiration  of  these  two 
great  men. 

870.  ^bergtaubett«  Sittah  does  not  make  any  distinction  betwee« 
^Ibergtailben  (superstition)  and  @laubcn  (belief,  creed). 

ääSir^t  =  tüürjt,  as  it  is  derived  from  2öur3  (Eng.  wort),  spiee. 

ACT   II.       SCENE    2.  243 

875  ff.  Virtue  is  again  elevated  above  belief  (creed),  morality  above 
religious  confession.  Christ's  name,  not  bis  virtues,  is  to  be  propagated 
until  it  swallows  all  other  names,  in  that  it  makes  the  whole  world 
Christian  in  name  only.  The  Christians  do  not  wish  any  longer  to  hear 
of  ^ood  men^  but  only  of  good  Christians,  Sittah  forgets  how  the 
Muhammedans  propagated  their  faith  with  fire  and  sword. 

882.  The  Christians  generally  required  the  conversion  of  the 
heathen  before  intermarriage. 

885-6.  Sittah  asserts  that  love  was  not  brought  into  the  world  by 
Christians  and  was  not  peculiar  to  them.  God  created  man  and  woman 
(Gen.  ii,  23  ff.)  and  implanted  this  feeling  (of  conjugal  love)  in  their 

8g  I.  Saladin's  remarks  about  the  Templars  are  strictly  true.  From 
the  smallest  beginnings  they  rose  to  the  greatest  power  and  played  an 
important  part  in  the  history  of  the  world.  But  the  warlike  and  secular 
spirit  grew  much  more  rapidly  than  the  religious,  and  the  monkish  part 
of  their  character  was  only  seen  when  they  wished  to  cloak  their 

892.  5tCC(l  =  Ptolemais,  lying  on  the  Syrian  coast;  it  played  an 
important  part  during  the  Crusades.  Saladin's  brother  was  to  receive 
Palestine  and  other  territories  and  Joan  Acca  as  dowry. 

897.     ^OTcrit,  cf.  1.  235  note. 

903.    ^rttc  is  used  in  the  sense  of  irre  machen,  ftörcn,  öertüirrcn. 

906.  Cf.  lines  666  ff.  As  already  mentioned  Saladin's  father  was 
long  ago  dead;   but  Lessing  was  never  a  martyr  to  chronology. 

910.  Lessing's  own  experiences  are  speaking  here.  For  no  one 
cared  less  for  money  than  he  and  no  one  had  more  need  of  it  at  times. 


ACT   II.     SCENE   2. 

915.     Al-Hafi  is  under  the  Impression  that  the  tribute  from  Egypt 
has  arrived  and  that  he  has  been  summoned  to  receive  it. 
917-     ^citt  tiicl  =  ^öd^jl  ütcl. 
921.    2)0^  ift  für  nja!§  (cüoai^)  nod^  mcttigcr  al^  nid^t^.    Thatis 

for  sofuething  still  less  than  nothing;  that  is,  instead  of  receiving  I  am 
to  pay  out. 

926     ©öttnt^i^  CUr^  mtr  fclfier  erft  !     Sittah  had  not  only  not  taken 

244  NOTES. 

the  "  winnings,"  but  had  even  been  paying  the  Household  expenses  of 
Saladin,  as  we  shall  soon  see.  Hence  she  had  begrudged  herseif  the 

927.  (Jucr,  The  uninflected  predicate  forms  mein,  bein,  uufer, 
euer,  are  older  than  the  inflected  meiner,  meine,  meinet,  etc.,  and  assert 
ownership  pure  and  simple. 

929-30.  Sittah  is  trying  to  prevent  her  brother  from  finding  out  her 
secret  that  the  money  is  out  and  that  she  has  been  paying  all  expenses 
for  some  time.  So  she  wants  Al-IIafi  to  say  that  he  will  pay  her  the 
stakes.  His  nun  ja  is  his  reply,  but  he  adds  something  that  may  betray 

941-2.  Cf.  the  proverb  ,,mie  gett)onnen,  fo  verronnen."  Sittah  had 
not  really  won  the  game,  as  Saladin  was  not  yet  check-mated,  nor  was 
the  game  actually  lost,  for  Saladin  still  had  chances  of  winning;  she 
was  not  to  get  the  stakes  as  there  was  no  money  to  pay  them,  so  the 
proverb  "  easy  come,  easy  go  "  applied  very  well. 

947.  !3ö)  l|ftttc  i!)t  §tni  )uol)l  lieber  feldft  =  3d^  märe  lieber  felbft 
fo  fing  \r)\c  fte. 

953-  "^ic  ^Utttnterei,  that  is,  the  further  conceaiment  of  financial 
straits.     For  him  the  farce  (3J?nmmerei)  was  over. 

958.    aSefd^eibeu  =  ©infe^en  l^aben,  cinftd)t^öoI(,  /^e  prudent  and 

disclose  not  hing. 

962.      ^etbittctt,  in  the  sense  of  begging  one  not  to  do  anything. 

965.     ^\x  ttidjt  ttäl)er  treten  =  bir  nid)t  mel)r  3n  ^er^en  ge{}en. 
970  I.    So  ftnb  bie  ^JSoften  ftcl)en  geblieben,  the  items  {of  the 

accon7it^  reniain  (unpaid)  ;  that  is,  I  shall  claim  all  arrears  when  the 
treasury  is  füll. 

976.  5tU)§gertl0rfen,  that  is,  the  appanage  of  princes  and  princesses. 
Marin,  II,  326,  relates  the  following  scene  at  Saladin's  death  :  "  He 
had  alms  distributed  to  all  poor  people,  even  to  Christians.  As  he 
had  given  during  his  whole  life  and  never  saved  anything  for  himself, 
they  were  obliged  to  seil  his  jewels  and  furniture.  One  of  his  sisters 
(Sittalscham  or  Sillah-Abscham,  our  Sittah),  charged  with  this  charity, 
added  her  own  effects  to  make  the  alms  more  abundant."  This  prob- 
ably  gave  Lessing  the  idea  of  the  present  scene. 

989-991.  Among  Lessing's  material  to  the  Nathan  is  found  the 
following  notice  :   "  Saladin  never  had  more  than  one  garment,  never 

ACT    II.       SCENE    2.  245 

more  than  one  horse  in  his  stable.  In  the  mitist  of  riches  and  super- 
abundance  he  enjoyed  complete  poverty.  After  his  death  they  found 
in  Saladin's  treasury  no  more  than  a  ducat  and  forty  Naserins."  Marin 
says  that  Saladin  on  his  death-bed  ordered  his  Standard  bearer  to  place 
the  garment  in  which  he  was  to  be  buried  upon  a  lance  and  bear  it 
before  the  people  and  say  that  that  was  all  that  the  conqueror  of  the 
East  had  gained  by  his  conquests.  He  left  neither  house,  nor  garden, 
nor  estate,  nor  other  property.  His  saying  in  Lessing's  drama :  ^in 
^(elb,  ein  @d}ti)ert,  ein  ^ferb  —  iinb  einen  @ott  remains  to  this  day  in 
the  Thuringian  proverb :  ein  9lo(f  nnb  ein  ©Ott. 

1002.     ^IbBtCd^Clt,    to  pinch    one's   seif,   to  curtail  expenses.     @ilt= 

5ieI)Ctt  =  einfd^ränfen,  retre^tch. 

1005.  2)0d^  ttia;^  fann  \s^^  madjCn?  As  Saladin  had  always  lived  in 
the  plainest,  simplest  manner  possible,  curtailment,  retrenchment,  spar- 
ing  would  not  amount  to  much. 

1007.  ^b^ubingen  =  ab^n^anbeln,  secure  some  abatement  in  his 
duty  to  his  God.  But  already  his  God  had  been  satisfied  with  his  heart, 
and  he  could  give  him  no  less. 

1012.  ©Jjic^Ctt*  Death  by  impaling  is  still  a  common  punishment 
in  the  Orient  and  is  considered  both  more  cruel  and  more  ignominious 
than  strangling. 

1013.  btöffcttt  =  erbroffeln.     This  punishment  was  that  of  persons 

of  rank.    5tuf  Übetfdjuj^ .  ,  ,  \y^W  er(|riffcu   taorbcn,  if  l  were 

caught  with  a  surpliis  by  you.  Saladin's  punishment  for  having  a 
surplus  was  greater,  according  to  Al-Hafi's  view,  than  for  embezzle- 

10 14.  UtttCtf(i^(cif,  embezzlement.  When  Saladin's  treasurers  de- 
frauded  him  they  lost  their  places,  but  received  no  other  punishment. 
For  greed  of  money  seemed  to  the  sultan  to  be  as  universal  as  it  is 
sordid.     Thus  Al-Hafi  would  have  risked  nothing  by  embezzlement. 

1017.  S3ci  tttcmaitb  anbcrn^  bei  niemanb  anberm,  or  bei  niemanb 
anberö,,  for  bei  feinem  anbern. 

1020-21.  5tuf  bcm  XrOtfncn  fcilt»  Stranded,  agrotmd  are  the 
corresponding  English  nautical  expressions.  To  be  dead  broke,  to  be 
strapped  (slang)  renders  the  German  idea.  For  the  German  is  slangy 
anc  Sounds  stränge  in  the  mouth  of  Sittah.     But  we  must  remember 

246      •  NOTES. 

that  Lessing  used  the  expressive  language  of  his  day  and  ennobled  it 
by  his  approval. 

1023.  9{imm  auf  =  nimm  (Selb  auf,  borrow  money  on  security. 
933ie  bU  fannft  ♦  .  ♦  tierf^jrit^»  When  necessary  he  must  promise  the 
highest  interest. 

1024.  S3orgett  =  2)arle^n  nehmen;  (eilten  =  ^^arle'^n  geben,  that 
is,  borrow  money^  loan  money,  But  the  Germans  are  not  so  careful  as 
we  in  the  use  of  these  words.  Lessing  uses  them  correctly  here,  but 
in  1.  1056  borgen  Stands  for  (eilten. 

1032.  Al-Hafi's  astonishment  is  quite  natural,  because  he  knows 
that  Sittah  refers  to  Nathan  and  he  does  not  wish  to  have  him  robbed. 
His  awkvvard  efforts  to  save  his  friend  are  amusing. 

1035.  W\^  bctlft  =  id^  erinnere  nud^.  Lessing  found  this  im- 
personal construction  in  Logau  and  stamped  it  with  his  approval. 
Generally  the  dative  is  employed  with  benfen  in  the  sense  of  fid}  erin- 

1037.  Schi  (Sott  =  ber  ®ott  ber  3nben,  ber  (Sott  feiner  35äter, 
unless  the  prx)noun  is  used  for  the  sake  of  the  meter.  For  Sittah  knew 
of  Nathan's  enlightened  character.  Cf.  line  11 23  and  Buchheim's  note 
to  this  passage. 

1040-41.  To  the  Dervish  living  in  voluntary  poverty  riches  was  the 
smallest  and  wisdom  the  greatest  possession,  and  we  do  not  question 
his  wisdom;  for  riches  have  wings  and  wisdom  remains  forever  with 
its  possessor. 

1048.     Notice  the  past  tenses.     Once  it  was  true,  now  it  is  not. 

1050.    1)ic  gau5C  Stabt  erfctjaüt  (baöou),  2öa^,  etc.    The  particle 

baüon  is  necessary  to  make  a  rounded  sentence,  but  the  exigencies  of 
the  verse  excluded  it  here. 

1055.  Al-Hafi  had  already  sounded  Nathan  and  knows  that  it 
would  be  useless  to  try.  Now  he  is  only  anxious  to  save  his  friend 
from  a  forced  loan. 

1062-3.  @^  ttJCij^  5U  (cbClt  =  il  sait  vivre,  is  well-bredy  has  good 

1067.  I^ro^  Salabitt»     Cf.  note  to  line  411. 

1068.  33Bctttt  fc!)On  mdjt  ^^Xi%  fO  Ötcl»  Nathan  was  more  circum- 
spect  in  his  giving  and  did  not  scatter  his  money  broadcast  like  Saladin, 

ACT    II.       SCENE    3.  247 

1069.  (Sottbcr  5(nfc!|cn  =  o^ue  9^ücffid)t  auf  ba^  rcUgiöfe  ^efeunt* 
ul^.  Nathan  had  risen  above  the  narrow  bounds  of  his  own  creed  and 
called  every  human  being  a  brother. 

1071.  Parsees  or  Ghebres  are  the  members  of  a  religious  sect  of 
Zoroaster.  As  they  worship  fire  they  are  peculiarly  repugnant  to  the 
Mussulmans  as  heretics.     Cf.  hnes  451  and  1489. 

1077.  Cf.  Boccaccio,  Giorn.  X,  Nov.  III,  where  Mitridones  desires 
to  kill  his  rival  for  surpassing  him  in  giving  (also  called  Nathan  in  the 
novel).     See  Introduction,  p.  xxvi. 

1078.  fiol^tt  llOtt  @Ott»  Every  recompense  from  God,  either  as 
thanks  from  the  receiver  of  the  gift,  or  direct  blessings  from  God  for 

1082.     @cfc^,  Mosaic  law. 

1086-7.  ÜÜCrit  ^U^  mit  il)m  gef^jaitttt;  on  bad  terms  ivith  him. 
Cf.  über  ber  §anb,  über  ber  ^d)fel  fein.  Now  they  generally  say  simply 
mit  etuem  gefpaunt  fein.     The  expression  comes  from  wrestling. 

ACT   II.     SCENE    3. 

1103  ff.  Fancy  has  ever  delighted  in  finding  hidden  treasures,  es- 
pecially  in  the  Orient.  Josephus  (Jewish  Antiquities)  relates  that 
Solomon  buried  immense  treasures  with  his  father  David»  At  one  time 
Hircanus  the  High  Priest,  at  another  king  Herod,  opened  the  grave  and 
took  out  large  sums  of  money.  The  royal  coffin  was,  however,  so  in- 
geniously  concealed  that  it  was  never  found.  Solomon's  grave  was  also 
Said  to  contain  immense  treasures,  but  both  only  yielded  up  their  hidden 
wealth  at  the  magic  word  which  was  supposed  to  bring  the  treasure  to 

1104.  2)Ctett  ©icgcl*  In  ancient  times  royal  graves  were  fre- 
quently  sealed  for  safety,  and  this  must  refer  to  that  custom,  unless  it 
refers  to  the  ingeniously  hidden  graves. 

11 15.  2) Clin  tX  \^ViVi^t\i^  Commerce  is  a  far  more  fruitful  source 
of  wealth  than  mines  or  hidden  treasures,  though  Saladin  was  hardly  of 
that  opinion  and  he  may  have  said  it  in  contempt. 

11 16.  ©aUtnttCt  =  here  ^afttier  and  the  camel  is  probably  meant, 
as  it  is  the  beast  of  bürden  in  the  East. 

248  NOTES. 

1118.    @!^  =  früher, 

1125.    ©iitgcftimmt  mit  jebcr  8d|ünl)eit  =  für  jebe  @d)ünl)eit  em 

J)fän9U(^.     Nathan  was  a  man  of  culture  and  refmement. 

1131-2.  ©einem  35olfe  eutf(ict|eu  =  ben  (J{)aiaftei*  feineö  '^MM 
öerleugnett.  For  avarice  is  the  great  sin  of  the  Jews,  according  to 

1 137-8.  Boccaccio  also  states  that  Saladin  would  not  resort  to 

1142.  .^aram  =  §arem,  though  ijaram  is  considered  the  more 
correct,  if  less  common,  form. 

ACT   II.     SCENE   4. 

1162.  &an^  CttOa§  anbrei^,  etc.  That  is,  he  thinks  love  uiay  move 
her  breast  instead  of  gratitude. 

1171-2.  ^a^  ein  =  für  aüemat  tft  abgetljau  =  3)a8  ift  ein  =  für 
alleinal  ab9Ctt}au.    The  unusual  order  of  words  is  caused  by  the  verse. 

1181.    ©0  marf)t  nur,   \>a^  er  @n(i)  l^iev  \nä)t  gciiial)v  tuirb ; 

Please  do  hasten  away,  so  that  he  7nay  not  see  you  here.     Cf.  hne  496 
for  the  colloquial  use  of  mad)eu. 

ACT   II.     SCENE    5. 

1191.  gaft  fd)eu^  iri)  mit^  be)§  ©ouberHugj^.    @id)  fd)eucn  is 

usually  followed  by  the  preposition  üor  and  the  dative,  or  by  the  simple 
dative,  only  rarely  by  the  genitive  as  here. 

1192.  9iaul)e  Xujjeub  is  a  favorite  expression  with  Lessing.  Cf. 
Emiha  Galotti,  Act  II,  Scene  5,  where  the  term  is  appUed  to  Odoardo, 
whose  character  is  very  similar  to  the  Templar's. 

The  three  words  fd^euen  (shrink  from),  [tilgen  (startle,  puzzle),  and 
öerlegcu  (confuse,  perplex)  form  a  descending  climax,  so  to  speak. 
Nathan's  approach  was  not  servile,  but  somewhat  uncertain  on  account 
of  the  rugged  virtue  of  the  Templar. 

1196.  "^eit  braUen  (Saug,  the  manly  galt.  brall  means  firm, 
sturdy,  vigorous. 

1198.     3330  faf)  ic^  bod^  bergleid^en?     The  appearance  of  the  Tem- 

ACT    IL       SCENE    5.  249 

plar  recalls  a  faint  recollection  in  Nathan's  mind  of  having  seen  a 
similar  person,  which  becomes  more  definite  in  Scene  Seventh,  and 
finally  leads  to  the  peaceful  Solution  of  the  dramatic  plot.  The  foUow- 
ing  dialogue  shows  the  Jewish  traits  in  Nathan's  character :  submissive 
patience,  humiUty  and  perseverance. 

1202.  SJer^icljt  (üeqleljen,  not  Derjcil^cn)  is  used  in  the  sense  of 
slay,  that  is,  hasten  710I  aivay  tili you  hear  my  thanks. 

1207.  ö5ro^lttUt,  say  the  critics,  is  not  exactly  the  right  word  here, 
but  (Sbelmut.  (^rofjlUUt  is  a  Christian,  loving  self-abnegation,  while 
Sbelmut  is  merely  a  generous  self-mastery.  The  Templar  in  saving 
Recha  did  not  overcome  his  Christian  pride,  for  it  was  repugnant  to 
him  to  think  that  he  had  rescued  a  Jewess.  But  he  showed  (Sbclniut 
in  the  philanthropic  exposure  of  his  life  to  save  a  fellow-being. 

i2ioff.  The  Templar  is  applying  the  Patriarch's  casuistry  that  we 
owe  no  one  thanks  who  does  not  perform  the  Service  for  our  sake.  Cf. 
lines  695-7.  ^^  refuses  to  receive  thanks  of  the  father  because  he  did 
not  do  the  deed  for  the  father's  sake.  He  debases  it  to  a  mere  deed 
of  a  Templar's  duty,  and  legal  duty  at  that,  when  it  was  philanthropic. 
He  descends  still  further  when  he  pleads  indifference  to  life  as  the 
leading  motive  of  his  action;   that  is  mere  egoism. 

1218-9.  ^ti  \i\t  <Sc^an,^e  fdjlaöcu  =  aufö  @j3iel  fe^en.  ©d^anje  = 
la  Chance,  which  denotes  the  fortunate  throw  in  dice,  then  uncertainty, 
chance.     Lessing  found  the  word  in  Logau. 

1219-20.  The  Templar  is  not  telling  the  truth;  he  did  not  know 
that  it  was  a  Jewess.     Cf.  Act  I,  Scene  6  and  Act  IV,  Scene  4. 

1221.  @rof^  Unb  aiifdjeulid),  It  was  grand  to  rush  to  the  rescue 
of  a  human  being,  but  abominable  to  ascribe  it  to  disgust  of  life  and 
contempt  for  Jews.  But  the  generous  Nathan  excuses  it  as  modesty  in 
Order  to  escape  notoriety  and  admiration. 

1232-3.  In  the  first  sketch  Lessing  wrote,  —  fo  braud)e  lüentgflenö 
it)a§  baö  beffre  an  t^m  ift — feinen  Ü^eid^tnm,  which  explains  this 

1235.    SJcrrcbctt  =  öerfid^ern,  ^^^^  ettüa^  nid^t  fei,  ober  fein  inerbc; 

üerfc^tüören,  solemnly  renounce. 

1238.     '^ti\t,  now  ber  5^^en  (rag),  though  less  correct. 
1240.     3JJit  Cini^,     Cf,  line  104. 

250  NOTES. 

1245.  Xlttb  ha§  htiam  tX,  etc.  It  seems  Strange  that  the  Templar, 
at  the  sight  of  this  spot,  should  now  unnecessarily  mention  a  deed 
which  he  had  hitherto  almost  ignored,  and  it  is  thought  that  this  spot 
recalled  to  him  the  picture  of  one  who  had  become  dear  to  him,  but 
too  many  passages  contradict  that.  It  was  rather  a  scornful  allusion  to 
his  burnt  cloak  for  which  some  day  he  might  claim  indemnification. 
Nathan  understood  how  to  niake  good  use  of  this  incident. 

1249.     ^I)ttt  refers  to  ^Icrf^  and  is  repeated  in  the  next  hne  in  beit 

1252.  ^cr  tropfen  mel^r.  The  cloak  had  been  exposed  to  all 
kinds  of  weather.     Notice  the  partitive  genitive. 

1256-8.  Nathan's  skill  in  winning  the  Templar  is  well  shown  in 
these  lines.  He  had  noticed  that  the  Templar  was  weakening  and 
presses  his  point  in  a  masterly  manner.  The  Templar's  reply  shows 
that  he  had  gained  his  point. 

1262-3.  (BttUt  unb  UcrftcUt  Q:nä),  simulate  and  dissimulate.  **  TU 
find  the  kernel  out  of  the  bitter  shell,  however  brüsk  and  rüde  you 
may  be."     Nathan  repeats  a  Suggestion   already  made  to  Daja,  lines 


1268.  %\t3i\)i  \))Xt  Prüfung»  Knowing  the  feeUng  of  gratitude  in 
the  one  saved  from  death  and  the  readiness  of  servants  to  enter  into 
love  affairs,  also  remembering  the  absence  of  the  father  you  would  not 
put  her  to  the  test  in  order  not  to  win  an  easy  victory.  ^\)Xt  ^tüfuttg; 
i(}re  is  objective,  test  of  her, 

1274.    fragen  =  erzeugen, /röfl'^/^rf. 

1278.    ajltt  biefcm  Unterfd^icb  \\i^^  itii^t  itJeit  l|cr,  this  difference 

is  uni?nportant,  Nathan's  idea  is  that  the  equality  of  man  makes  the 
differences  non-essential. 

1284.    9^ur  muft  bcr  5lttorr  bcn  Änubbcn  \)Xih\6)  bcrtragctt»    Now 

usually  Knorren  (masc.)  and  ^nubbe  (fem.) ;  the  meaning  is  the  same 
for  both  words  (gnarl,  excrescence  on  trees).  People  must  bear  and 
forbear  and  then  all  will  be  well. 

1285  ff.  The  hillock  must  not  presumptuously  pretend  that  it  did 
not  spring  fro?n  the  earth.  Nathan  is  zealous  against  any  aristocracy 
in  religion. 

1286.    gntfc^offcn  =  entfjiroffcn. 

ACT    II.       SCENE    5.  251 

1293.    (Biti)  Ctttörerfjcn  =  fid)  mit  (^ett)aU  üon  eitva^  ^nxndlialten, 

restrain  one^s  seif. 

1293-5.  Elsewhere  Lessing  remarks  that  the  Jews  are  the  only 
people  who  made  a  business  of  spreading  their  religion.  On  account 
of  this  religious  zeal  Christ  had  reproved  them  and  Horace  had  laughed 
at  them.  The  Christians  had  merely  taken  this  zeal  from  Judaism  and 
carried  out  the  idea  in  their  teachings.  The  Mussulmans,  too,  had 
spread  their  faith  with  fire  and  sword. 

1300.  gn  iI)VCr  frfjtüär^cftett  (iJeftalt.  In  his  Dramaturgy  Lessing 
says  that  "  the  Crusades  themselves,  which  were  at  bottom  a  poUtical 
move  of  the  popes,  became  in  their  execution  the  most  inhuman  perse- 
cutions  of  which  Christian  superstition  was  ever  guilty;  true  religion 
had  the  most  and  bloodiest  Ismenors;  and  does  punishing  individual 
persons  who  had  robbed  a  mosque  compare  at  all  with  the  fatal  rage 
which  depopulated  believing  Europe  in  order  to  devastate  unbelieving 

1301.  %\^  !^icr,  a(^  ie^t?  =  al§  im  Orient,  al^  tüä^renb  bcr 
^reu^jüge  ?  That  is,  in  Palestine,  which  became  the  scene  of  the 
bloodiest  and  almost  endless  religious  wars  during  the  Crusades.  The 
consensus  of  opinion  seems  to  be  that  Lessing  is  right.  They  were 
uncalled  for,  were  cruel,  were  the  hotbed  of  political  ambition,  malice 
and  treachery  from  a  human  point  of  view. 

1321.    ^entc  =  3iitaft. 

1325.  UuftCt  yficd)tt*  As  friend  of  Nathan  in  whom  he  has  found 
a  congenial  spirit  he  takes  an  interest  in  all  that  interests  his  friend. 
No  longer  governed  by  his  prejudice  against  the  Jews,  his  impetuous 
nature  now  yields  to  the  favorable  Impression  that  Recha  had  made 
upon  him  and  his  interest  grows  apace. 

Observe  the  skillful  dramatist  in  Lessing.  This  inclination  is  to  be 
intensified  by  delay.  Nathan  is  here  called  away  to  prevent  the  con- 
versation  from  dragging  out  too  long,  to  give  an  opportunity  for  the 
meeting  of  Recha  and  the  Templar,  of  Saladin  and  Nathan,  which 
develops  the  real  plot  of  the  drama.  After  this  slight  Interruption  the 
second  part  of  the  conversation  between  the  Templar  and  Nathan 
seems  all  the  fresher  and  more  interesting;  for  the  startling  news 
brought  by  Daja  lends  it  a  new  zest. 

252  NOTES. 

ACT   II.     SCENE   6. 

The  fright  of  Daja  is  quite  natural;  for  when  the  Sultan  sent  for  a 
rieh  Jew  it  boded  no  good.  Her  anxiety  also  served  as  a  foil  to  set  off 
Nathan's  composure,  as  nothing  should  disconcert  the  truly  wise  man. 

1337-  (^Cftrengcr  5){ittcr»  ©cftreitg  was  formerly  an  epithet  of  the 
nobility.     Cf.  English  Dread  sovcreign  ;  we  now  say  worshipful. 

1338.  <3o  l^eütmmcrt  (barum),  luai^,  etc.  Verse  often  requires 
the  Omission  of  particles  absolutely  necessary  in  prose. 

ACT   II.     SCENE   7. 

1343.  No  oriental  prince  has  ever  had  a  better  reputation  than 
Saladin  according  to  the  testimony  of  all  parties.  Nathan  preferred 
the  pure  picture  of  report  for  fear  that  personal  knowledge  might 
tarnish  the  image  he  had  conceived. 

1345-     333cntt  anbcr^  bcm  fo  ift,  if  that  is  really  so. 

1346.  (BjJarung  ==^  @c[)Oming,  which  is  the  Mid.  IL  G.  meaning  of 
the  Word. 

1348-9.  For  he  had  saved  Recha  and  become  his  friend,  so  that 
Nathan  lived  a  second  life  in  Recha  and  a  third  one  in  the  Templar. 
'X'OjJ^JcU,  btCtfati^  intensify  the  expression,  but  here  there  was  not 
only  a  broader  life,  but  also  a  threefold  life  for  Nathan. 

1351.  At  first  Nathan  would  not  lend  to  Saladin.  The  cord  (@eU) 
now  thrown  around  him  changes  the  whole  Situation. 

1373.  (Sucr  ^^amc  ?  The  old  presentiment  that  he  had  seen  a 
person  like  the  Templar  rises  once  more  in  Nathan's  mind,  and  the 
Templar's  answer  only  strengthens  it.  Distrust  causes  the  Templar  to 
conceal  his  real  name  (Leu  von  Filneck)  and  give  the  name  of  his 
adoption  (Curdvon  Stauffen).  Nathan  suspects  that  there  is  a  mystery 
behind  this  and  he  realizes  that  it  must  be  unraveled  before  matters  go 
too  far. 

1378.  Rauten»  His  uncle  and  mother  were  buried  there.  55*^11(611 
(rot)  is  a  very  coarse  expression,  but  suits  the  Templar's  blunt  Swabian 

1386.    tttttbfdöoft  =  iBefanntfd^aft. 


ACT    II.       SCENES    8    AND    9.  253 

1391.  SBoIf  (Uon  ^i(nccf)  who  was  Nathan's  friend.  See  lines 
3784-3785.    ^oIf!§  (yaitfi;  it  was  ein  ,,braner"  ©ang.    Cf.  line  1196. 

1395.  ^a^  J^>cucr  feinet  ^lxd§.  The  Templar  had  einen  tro^ngen 
53Üdt  (i  196).     Orientais  have  fiery  eyes  more  often  than  Occidentals. 

1399.  David  Strauss  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  Filneck  may  be 
a  reminiscence  of  the  little  Castle  of  Filseck  not  far  from  Hohenstaufen. 

ACT   IL     SCENE   8. 
1405.    9Ba^  (Sttlabttt  mir  ttJiü*    CoUoquialism  for  i3on  mir  ttJilL 

The  dative  is  the  ethical  dative,  or  dative  of  interest.  Some  consider 
this  a  Gallicism  in  imitation  of  the  French  me  vetit. 

1410  ff.  He  cautions  Daja  not  to  betray  his  secret  and  seems  to 
hint  at  a  possible  union  of  the  Templar  and  Recha,  which  would  quiet 
Daja's  conscience. 

ACT    II.     SCENE   9. 

1428  ff.  Cf.  Scene  2,  lines  1030-1093,  where  Al-Hafi  did  his  best  to 
avert  danger  from  Nathan,  but  in  vain. 

1433-4.  Cf.  line  450.  Nathan  knows  the  way  from  having  been 
there  on  his  commercial  voyages. 

1435.     ^t^  3[ÖC(|^,  along  the  way,     Genitive  of  place. 

1437-  ^ttt  ^atftcr  =  ein  '^pilger,  as  he  would  become  a  begging 
Dervish  once  more, 

1441.  The  gold  purse  contained  about  30,000,  the  silver  about  500 
Turkish  piasters  (=  about  one  dollar  apiece).  Cf.  Act  IV,  Scene  3  and 
Act  V,  Scene  i,  where  the  leathern  purses  are  in  Saladin's  palace. 

1443.  Unb  ttICttcr  ift  t^  nidjt;^?  The  Sultan  appears  in  a  different 
Hght  to  Nathan  since  he  has  become  the  friend  of  the  Templar  whom 
Saladin  had  spared.  He  has  no  fear  of  suffering  wrong  at  his  hands. 
Nor  is  it  Nathan's  nature  to  cherish  childish  fears. 

1444-5.    9S5ic  er  ©urf)  tiott  S^ag  511  %^^  ^ttt^l)öl)lcn  mirb  bt)^  auf 

bic  3^^^W?  In  his  collection  of  "  Proverbial  Sayings  "  Lessing  notes 
from  Sebastian  Frank  :  „@r  ift  ^ol)(  bi§  an  bie  ^t\)tX^"  (said  of  one  who 
is  insatiable).  From  this  Lessing  formed  the  present  expression  bi§  auf 
bic  3^^^tt  augl)Ö()Icn  =  anßfaugen,  to  suck  out  one's  marrowy  to  dram 

254  NOTES. 

1446-8.  The  prudent  Nathan's  riches  are  compared  to  usually  never 
empty  barns  (fonft  nie  leeren  (Sd)enern)  of  wise  charity  (ber  treifen 
^llbe),  which  the  extravagance  of  Saladin  is  to  drain  dry  until  the  poor 
home-mice  (bie  armen  eingebornen  SQ^än^d^en,  that  is,  those  poor 
people  whom  Nathan  cares  for)  shall  starve.  Cf.  the  ^sriamel  noted  by 
Lessing:  ,,ein  ©ebenem  ol)ne  3J^äuf3  =  !^a§  ift  iDiber  bte  natürlicf)  5lrt/' 

1456.    ©tien  tia^  =  eben  nad)bem  baß.    2)aß  in  German  is  often 

used  for  a  Compound  conjunction  like  the  French  ^ue. 

1459.    S^crlorctt  glaubte,  fd^on  (oerloren)  gegeben  ijaiit,     The 

Omission  of  t)erIoren  is  more  than  poetic  license. 

1466.  "^et  5Koti)e  (pr.  as  a  German  word),  now  called  ^^nrm.  It 
is  the  English  roo^  (castle  at  chess),  Persian  roM^  said  to  have  meant 
7varrior,  hero.  With  the  ancient  Germans  the  piece  represented  an 
elephant,  with  the  Persians  it  was  a  camel  mounted  with  archers.  It 
took  its  name  from  the  figure  it  represented. 

1470.    ^n  SthimJjeit  merfeit,  vulgär  expression  for  anf  (über)  bcn 

§aufcn  tDerfen,  to  upsct  evcrything. 

1474.  ^etne  \Ci\\\st  (l)Ol|(e)  ^Zuj;»  From  the  common  expression ; 
2)a§  ift  feine  tanbe  9^nß  iDcrt^  Lessing  formed :  (S§  galt  feine  tanbe 
9^uß  (feine  ^(eintgfeit)»  The  stakes  were  a  thousand  dinare.  Cf. 
Hnes  804-5. 

1489.    Unter  meinen  ®^ebern»    Cf.  Hnes  450,  1071.    Al-Hafi  had 

once  been  with  them,  hence  he  calls  them  meine  (^I]eber. 

1497.  vßlörfetei,    worry    and  hirmoil^    for   ^3(acfen    is    intensified 


1498.  ^tSXf  or  'J)a(f,  is  the  Arabic  for  the  German  Mittel  (smock) 
of  a  Dervish.  Here  it  means  a  tattered  garment  such  as  the  begging 
Dervishes  wore. 

1506.  ^naU  nnb  ^öH  is  a  rhyming  formula  taken  from  fireworks 
(sudden  explosion  and  fall),  meaning  suddenly. 

3^m  felbft  Xt^tn  =  ftrf)  felbft  leben.  In  earher  times  t^m,  tl^r, 
il)nen  were  used  as  reflexives,  but  Mod.  H.  G.  demands  ftd).  The  de- 
cision  to  live  to  one's  seif  must  be  an  inner  prompting  of  the  heart  and 
not  a  deliberate  act  of  the  reason. 

1508-9.  £ebt  mi}l !  t^Xt'^  ©n^  3[BoI|(  hnntt  The  Dervish  sees 
the  inconsistency  of  saymg /arewe//  (that  is,  live  well,  be  well,  be  pros- 

ACT   III.       SCENE    I.  255 

perous)   to   one  who  would  not  fare  well  according  to  his  idea,  and 
adds  :   as  it  seems  well  to  yott. 

1513.  SSürgen  usually  has  the  preposition  für;  für  meine  9ied^nung 
bürgt  —  3^r  ober  ©ttta^, 

1514.  ^ic  (==®afür)  bürge  id)»  9SUbcr  =  itngeBmtbeTter  9^atur^ 
nteufd)»  The  free,  unrestrained  life  of  a  Dervish  who  worshipped 
nature  was  his  ideal  life. 

15 15.  Critics  trace  this  celebrated  saying  that  the  beggar  is  the  only 
true  king  to  the  Persian  poet  Saadi,  but  the  idea  is  too  universal  to  be 
property  of  any  one  author. 

ACT   III.     SCENE    I. 
1519.     9^od)  fo  ba(b  =  möglirfjft    Balb,   augenblicfUd^.     Imitated 

from  the  negative  nO(^  Uid^t  fo  batb. 

1535«  Hitherto  Recha  has  had  but  one  wish,  einen  Sßunfrf)  aller 
2ßünfd]e  (to  See  and  speak  with  the  Templar),  which  dilates  her  heart, 
and  she  fears  that  no  other  equally  pleasant  wish  will  come  to  take  its 
place  when  that  is  satisfied. 

1538  ff.  Daja's  desire  to  reveal  Recha's  birth  to  her  leads  her  to 
enigmatical  Speeches  which  Recha  interprets  in  her  own  way. 

1546.  %\§  btC  \6)f  etc.  The  relative  sentence  preceding  the  ante- 
cedent  gives  a  fine  effect  to  the  whole  clause.  Klopstock  and  Goethe 
used  the  same  device. 

1547.  ©JjerrC  V\6)  =  fträube  \A^.  It  is  not  an  elegant  expression, 
belonging  rather  to  daily  life. 

1548.  Cf.  Is.  Iv,  8.  Daja  sees  the  hand  of  Providence  at  work,  but 
is  forced  to  speak  in  riddles. 

1556.  "Too  scientific  for  a  girl,"  observed  Ramler.  But  Recha  is 
Nathan's  child  and  has  been  instructed  in  his  philosophy,  and  is  here 
merely  repeating  her  well-learned  lesson.  It  is  true  Lessing  is  preach- 
ing  his  own  gospel  through  her,  still  that  does  not  change  the  fact  that 
Recha  had  been  well  instructed  in  regard  to  Cod. 

1564.  2)Ctt  ©amen  ber  S^ernnnft,  that  is,  the  religion  of  reason. 
@aat  would  be  better  than  (SantCU.  Nathan  had  not  educated  Recha 
in  any  revealed  religion,  but  in  the  pure  religion  of  reason;  hence  she 
would  not  listen  to  the  weeds  (Unfrant)  of  other  lands. 

256  NOTES. 

1571-4.  According  to  Recha  the  Christian  faith  took  away  the 
power  to  act  and  the  clearness  of  consciousness  (cf.  lines  360-4). 

1577.  ^JJur  fdjlftgt  er  wir  ni^t  5U  =  9^ur  tft  er  mir  nld^t  guträg= 
lid}f  \)a^i  mdjt  311  meinem  SSejen» 

1579-80.  According  to  Nodnagel,  Lessing  is  skillfully  preparing  the 
way  for  Recha's  apparent  coldness  toward  the  Templar,  which  would 
otherwise  appcar  stränge  to  us. 

1587.  Deeds,  not  faith,  interest  Recha.  For  when  faith  is  mere 
Imagination  (lüäf)nen)  about  God  it  can  produce  no  real  heroism.     Cf, 

Nathan's  lesson :  ,,53ogrcifft  bu  aber,  ^ie  t)ie(  anbäd)tig  fd}tt)ärmen 
leidster  aU  O^ut  I)anbcln  ifl?''     Line  360  ff. 

1589-92.  Rehgion  does  not  depend  upon  any  faith  (confession), 
it  is  resignation  to  God.  Schiller  sees  in  these  words  the  whole  Spirit- 
ual trend  of  the  Nathan.  It  is  the  Age  of  Enlightenment  speaking 
through  Lessing. 

1600.  CO  (lUd^  er  (fo  benft  tt^ie  bu),  for  then  he  would  also  wish  to 
convert  her;  or  whether  he  thinks  as  my  father,  for  then  he  will  l)e 
more  congenial  to  me. 

1601.  The  indefinite  eö  (^ommt  e§  nid^t  an  Itnfre  Xißxe?)  denotes 
the  uncertainty  in  the  speaker's  mind  as  to  who  was  Coming.  This 
indefinite  use  of  e§  is  quite  common  in  German  and  can  generally  be 
translated  by  the  indefinite  somf,  some  one,  somebody, 

ACT   III.     SCENE   2. 
1604.    Unb  bot!)  (fäiimte  id)  öergeben^  jo  lange). 

1608.  3S>af|erellUer»  The  Templar  had  considered  himself  the 
mere  mechanical  Instrument  of  rescue  with  which  his  free  will  had 
nothing  to  do,  and  Recha  is  now  repaying  him  for  his  bitter  words  to 
Daja.  Her  bitterness  is  seen  in  „I)erau§fd^mif^/'  which  represents  mere 
blind  Chance  at  work  in  a  haphazard  way,  while  Recha  thinks  Provi- 
dence  Orders  all  things. 

1610.  Wxt  \\\^\^,  bir  \\\A)i^,  an  idiomatic  expression,///^/  so,  ivith 
perfect  iiidiffere^ice. 

161 7.  ^eraW^ft^mi^.  Certainly  a  vigorous  term,  which  sounds 
strangely  in  Recha's  mouth,  but  probably  the  strong  language  of  the 

ACT    III.       SCENE    2.  257 

Templar  justifies  its  use  by  her.  It  is,  however,  not  so  vulgär  as  some 
would  make  it,  for  good  poets  often  use  it  even  now. 

i6i8-ig.  Probably  the  Templar  had  boasted  that  in  the  Occident 
wine  urged  men  to  more  foolish  deeds  than  the  rescue  of  a  Jewess,  so 
that  wine  may  have  prompted  him  and  not  his  free  will.  The  Mussul- 
mans  were  prohibited  the  use  of  wine  and  the  Jews  were  restricted  in 
its  use. 

i6ig-20.  Compare  the  Templar's  cold  remarks  to  Nathan,  lines 
1213-15:  ,,(5:§  ift  ber  Slempel^erren  ^]5f(ic^t,  bem  (Srften,  bem  33eflen 
beijuflDringen,  bcffen  9^0t  fte  feigen."  The  too  mechanical  view  of  the 
Templar  receives  its  merited  rel^uke  from  Recha,  who  puts  his  every 
folly  (jebe  ^^orljeit,  1.  1625)  in  its  true  light. 

1624.  2)i(i)  Übel  IXMHc^,  gave  you  short  replies,  treated  you  curily, 
sntihhed  you. 

1630.  2)tcfc  fletnctt  ©tat^^Cltt,  The  sarcastic  remarks  with  which 
the  Templar  had  sought  to  escape  thanks  for  his  good  deed. 

1633-4.  It  ^s  ^^t  such  an  uncommon  trait  to  be  chary  of  one* s  grief 
and  prodigal  with  one's  life.  Grief  is  sacred,  while  life  belongs  in  a 
sense  to  others,  which  scenes  of  great  danger  prove  beyond  doubt. 
Intimate  friends  have  a  certain  right  to  share  one  another's  grief,  but 
the  Templar  was  alone  in  Jerusalem  and  was  moreover  melancholy. 
Compare  his  reason  given  to  the  friar :  „S[öcntt  td^  UUIt  TTtcIanc^oUfcl^ 
gern  mid^  fül)tte?"  line  552.  It  shows  the  sympathetic  nature  of 
Recha,  however,  to  be  moved  at  his  grief,  and  she  abandons  her  sar- 
castic tone. 

1640.  3^<J^  ♦  ♦  ♦  ticrftcttt .  .  ♦  bcr  ©djrerf  (bctt  Sötcnfri^ctt,  mic 

@ttd),  a()^  il)r  in  S^obCi^gcfa^r  fr^tnClbtCt).  Sight  and  hearing  were  so 
absorbed  in  Recha  that  speech  fails  him. 

1641.  Notice  the  double  accusative  after  finbcit  (the  direct  object 
^\\^  and  the  factitive  accusative  beit  tlämUc^en).     Lessing  also  uses 

the  verb  glauben  (lines  2034-35)  in  the  same  way. 

^C)§g(ci(i^Ctt,  the  same,  that  is  ^aufe,  as  above,  line  1640. 

1648.     ^(uf  ©iunt,  where  hc  had  accompanied  pilgrims.     Cf.  line 


1652.  5Ui§  (er  bte  je^n  ®ebotc  öon  tl)m  enH)fing). 

1653.  There  was  no  superstition  in  Recha,  she  was  too  well  edu- 

258  NOTES. 

cated  by  Nathan  and  knew  that  God  was  omnipresent.  She  had  no 
idle  curiosity  to  seek  the  place  where  Moses  may  have  stood,  that  was 
indifferent  to  her. 

1656-8.  Some  refer  this  question  to  the  remark  of  Till  Eulenspiegel 
that  he  always  wept  when  descending,  for  he  knew  that  another  moun- 
tain  would  soon  come,  but  laughed  when  ascending,  because  he  would 
soon  be  descending  into  the  next  Valley.  Others  refer  it  to  a  passage 
in  Breuning  von  Buchenbach's  Orientalische  Reysz  (Strassburg,  161 2), 
who,  after  describing  how  he  had  made  the  ascent  of  Mt.  Sinai  on  a 
side  where  there  were  steps,  states  that  he  descended  on  a  side  where 
there  were  no  steps,  for  which  reason  the  descent  was  the  more  difificult 
and  troublesome. 

This  naive  and  rather  childish  question  seems  very  odd  when  Coming 
from  Recha;  for  we  expect  from  her  only  noble  thoughts  and  great 
intelligence.  Commentators  differ  as  to  the  exact  significance  of  the 
question.  During  the  Crusades  the  air  was  füll  of  just  such  absurd 
superstitions,  and  Lessing  may  have  wished  to  ridicule  them.  But  why 
put  the  words  in  Recha's  mouth  and  not  in  Daja's,  where  they  would  be 
appropriate?  Recha  had  just  rebuked  the  Templar  for  his  rüde  be- 
havior,  and  may  now  wish  to  give  a  lighter  turn  to  the  conversation; 
possibly  there  was  also  just  a  shade  of  mischief  in  her  question.  In 
line  1600  she  says :  ,,mir  liegt  barait  unenbüc^,  ob  aud^  er  (fo  ben!t 
tt)ie  bu),  and  here  she  is  testing  the  Templar  to  see  whether  he  is 
superstitious  like  Daja.  In  his  turn  he  recognizes  in  Recha  a  congenial 
soul,  hence  his  reference  to  Nathan's  words:  ,,^'ennt  fie  nur  erft!" 
She  is  not  a  fanatic,  and  therefore  worthy  of  his  esteem,  friendship,  nay 
even  his  love.  She  has  solved  her  doubts  also,  but  the  angel  theory 
and  her  father's  thorough  eure  have  completely  removed  every  senti- 
ment  of  love  in  her  breast. 

1663.  äWctncr  (Sinfalt,  genitive  after  lächeln,  which,  in  higher 
diction,  governs  this  case.  Recha  was  conscious  of  the  absurdity  of  her 
question,  but  it  was  only  by  such  a  question  that  she  could  discover 
whether  the  Templar  was  bigoted  or  one  of  nature's  noblemen. 

1672.  SJZtr  fagt  ♦  ♦  ♦  t)crfrf)tticigt  ?  Recha's  tone,  her  remarks  about 
her  question,  her  silence  had  clearly  shown  the  Templar  that  she  con- 
sidered  such  superstitions  only  follies.     For  there  were  higher  questions 

ACT    III.       SCENES    3    AND    4.  259 

to  discuss  and  greater  problems  to  solve  which  would  ennoble  man  and 
not  degrade  him  to  a  mere  seeker  after  wonders. 

1683.  They  had  not  made  any  such  appointment.  He  only  wishes 
to  leave  Recha  because  he  shows  his  love  too  plainly,  as  Daja  observes 
after  his  departure. 

1687.     ^a^n  =  dlod)  bajU,  tnoreover. 


ACT   III.     SCENE  3. 

1694.  3!Ba)^  ÜJItttttt  i^tn  ^n  ?  This  verb  usually  requires  the  ac- 
cusative,  but  cf.  Schiller,  Jungfrau  von  Orleans :  „äJ^ir  fomiTlt  ein  eigen 
brauen  an  bei  biefem  @egen/'  It  is  equivalent  to  öon  (intern  ober 
53ö(em  befallen  tnerben. 

1708-g.  Daja  firmly  believes  that  Recha's  calmness  rests  upon  the 
belief  that  the  Templar's  distraction  and  anxiety  assure  her  of  his 
passion  for  her,  but  Recha  herseif  is  quite  unconscious  of  its  cause. 

1718.  That  would  mar  Daja's  plans,  as  she  hopes  to  save  Recha  to 
the  Church  and  get  back  to  Europe  with  her. 

ACT   III.     SCENE  4. 

1734.  It  must  be  remembered  that  Nathan  was  conversing  with  the 
Templar  and  had  to  be  called  by  Daja.  Then  the  Dervish  detained 
him  a  while. 

1735.  It  was  the  sister  who  set  the  trap  to  catch  Nathan,  hence 
the  reproachful  tone  in  @d)tt)efter  !  ^^XOt\itX ! 

1739-42.  „gaüen  legen,"  „anf  ©latteig  fü!}ren/'  „®e(b  fifdjen"  are 
all  idiomatic  phrases  of  common  life;  set  traps,  lead  one  on  the  ice,  bait 
the  hook  for  nioney. 

1743.  ^(bbUttgcn  is  a  very  unusual  word  taken  by  Lessing  from  the 
colloquial  language.  In  his  remarks  on  Adelung's  Dict.  he  says : 
Hbbangen,  bnrc^  ^angemac^en  einem  etrtJa^  abliften,  abjjreffen.  3(^ 
lneif3  feine  gebrncfte  ^ntorität;  aber  id^  l^abe  fagen  ^ören:  @r  l^at  mir 
mein  §an§  meljr  abgebangt  al§  gefanft.    Extort  by  intimidation, 

1745.  1)cr  ^tcinigfcitCtt  fleinftC»  That  is,  money.  So  thought 
Lessing,  and  the  trait  repeats  itself  in  all  his  great  characters.  Cf. 
Major  von  Teilheim,  Nathan,  Saladin,  Werner,  the  Dervish,  etc. 

260  NOTES. 

1756.  ©it^  aU)§rebU  =  flC^  au§rebet  ==  se  excusare,  how  he  gets  out 
of  the  trap  set  for  hi77i. 

1759-60.    "^tc  9?cijc  tJorBei  fid)  minbct  =  an  bcn  9^e^en  norbei  fid) 

tDinbet.  When  no  other  preposition  accompanies  the  noun,  Dorbei 
governs  the  accusative  and  Stands  after  the  noun. 

1774.  23eftl)Önett  =  befc()önigen.  The  former  is  the  historically 
correct  form,  but  bcfcl)ünigen,  formed  after  the  analogy  of  other  verbs 
in  -g,  has  superseded  it. 

1779-  3»d)  tait^C,  ttItC  td)  fann.  He  thinks  of  the  awkward  bear 
dancing  to  the  public,  and  would  prefer  to  have  it  worse  rather  than 

1783-5.  History  confirms  Sittah;  for  Saladin's  prudence  and  fore- 
sight  contributed  as  much  as  his  sword  to  his  success. 

1786-7.  There  seems  to  be  no  defmite  source  for  this  fable-Hke 
illustration.  Lessing's  fable  (J^abclu  II,  7)  of  the  Lion  and  the  Ass 
does  not  apply  well  to  the  passage,  nor  that  of  the  Lion  and  the  Jackal. 
It  hardly  needs  any  source.  It  is  correct  in  form  and  true  in  its  nature 
and  needs  no  authority  to  give  it  currency. 

1794.    23cftcl)cn  =  bie  Prüfung  ber  ^cction  befleißen,  stand  the  test. 

1795-     ^er  35orJ)attg,  of  the  antechamber.     "ÜidW^^if  rustles. 

ACT   III.     SCENE  5. 

1778.  9^wr  O^nc  5$Urd^t»  Saladin  thinks  of  a  crouching  Jew  as  he 
knew  them.  Sittah  thinks  Nathan  may  be  „t'm  furd^tfamer,  beforglid^er" 

^ie  =  bie  J^l^rdjt,  The  idca  of  cursing  the  enemy  with  fear,  etc., 
is  frequent  in  the  Old  Testament  and  in  antiquity;  it  is  therefore  very 
appropriate  in  the  mouth  of  a  Jew. 

1801.  Nathan  does  not  admit  the  competency  of  the  people  to  call 
him  the  Wise  and  modestly  declines  the  title. 

1801-2.  Perhaps  the  Latin  proverb  Vox  populi,  vox  dei  was  in 
Lessing's  mind  when  he  wrote  these  lines.  Cf.  Schiller's  Maria  Stuart, 
Act  IV,  Scene  8,  where  Burleigh   says  to   the   queen  :   ,,^cl}orc{)C  ber 

@timme  be§  3>oI!e§,  fte  tft  ^^xt  (Stimme  ©otteg." 

1806-7.  Cf.  the  Templar's  remark,  lines  741-2:  „(Seinem 
(Nathan's)  ißolfe  tft  xtx^  unb  lüeife  öieüeid^t  ^^^^  nämUd)e." 

ACT    III.       SCENE    5.  261 

181 1.    ^tf|  I)örc   bidj  Bctueifcu,   ttia^  tn  m\>cx^pxcä)tn  luißft 

3iUbcrjpred)en  with  the  accusative  is  found  in  Mid.  H.  German. 
Nathan's  proof  shows  his  wisdom. 

1819.      Xvoäcnt  iBerttUUft,  sodcr  reason. 

1821.  ^iUtftid^tig,  etc.  Saladin  is  thinking  of  the  religious  problem 
that  he  is  going  to  propose  to  Nathan  while  Nathan  applies  it  to 
business  matters.  Nathan  has  already  learned  from  the  Dervish  that 
Saladin  wants  money,  but  he  prudently  pretends  to  know  nothing  about 

1827.  Stfjati^Cni  =  ^anbeut  =  here  haggle.  It  is  borrowed  from 
the  Hebrew  and  means  to  haggle^  to  jew,  Saladin  uses  the  word  as 
referring  to  Sittah  and  Nathan. 

1832.     y^iegct*     The  Templars  had  broken  the  truce. 

1835.  ©cfteucrt  =  gezielt,  l^lnau^gctüollt.  %u6)  bic  ^bfic^t  \)abt 
td)  nid}t  gehabt 

1837-  ^cift^Ctt  is  stronger  than  either  begel)ren  or  forbern,  for  it 
means  that  what  one  desires  must  come. 

1841.  @utleud)tcn  =  mit  bem  5^erftanbe  d^  xoa\]x  erfannt  trerben. 

1842.  ^ti)  bin  tili  Sub\  Cf.  Introd.  p.  XXV  ff.  and  Hnes  1312, 
2156.  He  seeks  thus  to  avoid  hazardous  discussions  which  might  get 
him  into  difficulty. 

1843.  Although  chronologically  between  Jew  and  Mussulman, 
Christians  here  form  a  third  party  merely  in  the  controversy  of  the  best 

1848.  @Ütfid)t,  ©rüttben,  a33al)t  bC)§  Scffcrit.  Saladin  had  really 
studied  his  lesson.  ^ie  (Sinfid)t  berul)t  auf  ©rüuben,  bie  gur  2Bal)l 
De^  ^efferu,  ^mn  ^Sorjug  bes  einen  üor  bem  anbern,  führen  (2)üntjer). 
But  if  (Sinfid)t  rests  upon  ©rünben  it  is  rather  stränge  why  it  should 
precede  and  not  follow. 

1850-2.  The  historical  Saladin  had  decided  this  question  for  him- 
self,  as  he  was  a  strict  Mussulman;  but  he  was  liberal,  and,  if  tradition 
speaks  the  truth,  did  discuss  these  questions  with  Christians  and  Jews. 

1855.    äöägft  mid)  mit  bem  5(uge  ?  =  nu|3eft  mid)  mit  ben  ^ngen. 

1862.  )öclaitfd)Ctt:=be^orc^en,  barauf  laufd^en,  um  eö  xoqS)x  3U 

262  NOTES. 

ACT   III.     SCENE   6. 

1868.  @0  Bar,  fO  hlaxxt  denote  dare,  blank,  that  is,  the  truth  en- 
tirely  free  from  error. 

1870.  In  ancient  times  the  metals  were  merely  weighed,  not  coined, 
therefore  SOiÜU^C  does  not  apply  well  here  to  ancient  means  of  pay- 
ment.  Nathan  means  simply  that  the  truth  must  first  be  maturely 
weighed,  tested  and  proved,  as  coins  are  weighed,  tested  and  proved. 

1872.  (2tcmtJel  =  *']>rä9feuIe;  "^xtii  =^  '^^\)Voxtiif  counter.  The 
ofticial  stamp  guarantees  against  fraud. 

1873.  2)arf  =  nötig  l)at,  braudjt. 

1874.  The  Omission  of  the  article  before  @acf  and  ^opf  is  taken 
from  common  life,  unless  we  look  upon  this  as  a  contraction  of  the 
preposition  in  and  the  acc.  beit;  ill^tt  ^  tlt»  That  seems,  however, 
far-fetched.  Cf.  also  Goethe  in  Götz  and  Werther  (an  ^Opf,  in  ^ioXi^ 
in  ^(x^)^ 

1875.  Saladin  demands  the  truth  without  testing  it  himself,  as 
usurers  are  accustomed  to  get  their  money  without  too  much  trouble, 
hence  Nathan  considers  him  more  a  Jew  than  he  is  himself. 

1878-9.  It  is  the  truth.  Saladin  did  yield  to  Sittah's  Suggestion 
to  set  a  trap  for  the  Jew.  Cf.  Act  III,  Scene  4.  Nathan's  nolj>le  heart 
strugglcs  against  such  a  suspicion,  but  experience  teils  him  that  princes 
have  few  scruples.  Lessing  had  also  found  that  out  in  his  own  deal- 
ings  with  princes. 

1881-2.  W\i  bcr  %\(^xt  \y\^  ^^n^  ftür^cn  (fahren,  fallen),  an 
idiomatic  expression  meaning  io  blurt  out.  Nathan  means  that  Sala- 
din's  question  is  a  blunt  one.  The  simile  of  the  door  is  continued  in 
the  following  lines. 

1885.  ©totfjubc,  Simon  pure  jew.  @tO(f  in  such  Compounds  is 
merely  strengthening. 

1888-9.    ^a;^  ttiar^)^  !  \s^^  fonn  ntid^  retten !   Nathan  is  now 

ready  to  meet  Saladin  with  the  Tale  of  the  Three  Rings  which  will  help 
him  out  of  his  dilemma.  He  sees  that  Saladin  is  setting  a  trap  for  him 
j^nd  he  will  satisfy  him  with  a  tale,  as  children  are  satisfied.  But  we 
must  remember  that  it  is  only  a  parable  to  illustrate  the  truth,  not  the 
truth  itself. 

ACT    III.       SCENE    7.  263 

ACT  III.     SCENE  7. 

i8gi.  ©Ö  tft  bai^  ^Clb  rein,  The  coastis  clear,  But  ba^  gelb  ifi 
frei  is  more  common.     wSittah  was  not  listening. 

1892.    1)u  Iiift  511  yftanbe  ==  3U  @ube,  am  (gnbe. 

1899.  üieib  ttttb  Sebeit,  an  alliterative  formula  like  the  English 
life  and  lifnb. 

@ttt  Uttb  äJlut  is  a  rhyming  formula,  such  as  we  often  find  in  Ger- 

1900.  Lessing  was  against  martyrdom  merely  for  the  sake  of  gain- 
ing  a  name.  Ilence  Nathan  is  too  wise  to  choose  a  course  that  would 
lead  to  unnecessary  danger,  but  yet  wishes  to  be  true  to  himself  and 
his  God. 

1901.  ©ilteil  ttlcittCt  Sitcl»  The  sultans  of  the  East  were  accus- 
tomed  to  have  pompous  titles,  and  one  of  Saladin's  titles  was  53efferer 
ber  ^elt  unb  beö  ®efefee§  (=  beö  ©laubenS,  the  Moral  Law). 

1908-9.  ^a,  ^Mi  Ct^äl^lt*  Cf.  Lessing  in  a  letter  to  Ramler  (Feb., 
1779):  ,/JJ^id)  verlangt,  \mt  (Sic  mit  ber  (Sr^älitung  3ufrieben  fein 
tDerben,  bie  mir  tx)ir!Uc^  am  fauerften  getnorben  ift." 

191 1.     ^It  DftCtt,  now  im  Dften.     Earlier  usage  omitted  the  article. 

1913-14.  The  opal  of  the  East  is  noted  for  its  play  of  colors  and  is 
highly  prized  for  settings  in  rings,  etc. 

färben  fjjicitc  =  in  garben  fpielte. 

1915-16.  The  superstition  of  the  Middle  Ages  supposed  that  the 
precious  stones  possessed  magic  virtues  and  they  were  worn  as  amulets. 
Cf.  the  Story  of  Benedict  Arnold's  precious  stone  that  lost  its  bright 
color  when  failure  was  to  attend  his  steps  just  before  his  betrayal. 

3?0t  (^M  mib  3)lCttfd^Cat,  etc.  is  Bibhcal.  Cf.  Luke  ii,  52.  Lessing 
found  this  feature  in  the  Latin  versions.     See  Intr.,  pp.  xxi,  xxii. 

19 17.  This  is  an  addition  of  Lessing  which  gives  a  rational  turn  to 
a  superstition. 

1926.     ^tt  Sraft,  now  Äraft  alone  is  used. 

1933.     StttbrCtiÖcn,  cf.  line  1293,  note. 

1945-    3«  ©cl^cittt  =  now  inögcl^cim. 

1965-6.  Nathan  had  not  yet  told  the  whole  truth,  but  wants  to  cee 
how  far  he  can  venture. 

264  NOTES. 

1970-  3Ö)  bötfjtc»  Saladin  now  speaks  and  gives  Nathan  the  de-^ 
sired  opportunity  to  open  more  of  the  truth  to  him.  He  also  begins  to 
feel  an  interest  in  the  question. 

1973.  Confessors  of  positive  religions  wear  different  clothing,  eat 
different  kinds  of  food,  drink  different  drinks.  The  Jews  eat  no  pork, 
the  Mussuhnans  drink  no  wine,  etc. 

1974.  The  argurnent  used  here  is  similar  to  that  used  by  Reimarus, 
in  the  fourth  Wolfenbüttel  Contribution,  in  the  first  Fragment :  ,,55ou 
ber  35erfd}reiung  ber  iBernunft  auf  bcn  Äan3eln/'    Cf.  also  Introd., 

p.  xxiv. 

1992-3.  The  rest  of  this  is  Lessing's  addition.  Boccaccio's  story 
ended  with  the  question  who  can  distinguish  between  the  thrce  re- 

2006.  JÖC^ci^CU  is  the  older  form  from  which  we  have  bejic^t,  be= 
jid^ten,  be^idjtigen.  At  present  only  ^ei^en  is  admissible  in  the  sense 
of  accusc. 

2024.  betrogene  23ctricncr,  deluded  dduders.  Each  maintained 
that  hc  had  the  genuine  ring,  which,  according  to  Nathan,  was  lost, 
and  the  father  had  substituted  three  false  ones.  All  three  had  lost 
contidence  in  the  virtuc  of  his  ring  to  make  himself  beloved  of  God 
and  man,  or  rather,  they  had  forgotten  that  that  was  the  true  test  of 
the  ring.     Ilence  the  ring  actcd  only  inwardly  and  not  outwardly. 

2041-48.  This  passage  is  said  to  contain  the  whole  idea  of  the 
drama.  Unprejudiced  thought,  love  of  mankind,  gentleness,  these  are 
the  true  tests  of  humanity.  In  a  review  Lessing  says :  "  It  is  fortunate 
that  here  and  there  a  divine  thinks  of  the  practical  side  of  Christianity 
at  a  time  when  the  most  lose  themselves  in  fruitless  disputations;  now 
they  condemn  a  simple  Moravian,  now  they  give  by  their  so-called 
refutations  a  much  simpler  religious  mocker  new  material  for  mockery; 
now  they  quarrel  over  impossible  agreements  before  they  have  laid  the 
foundation  for  them  by  puritication  of  the  heart  from  bitterness, 
quarrelsomeness,  calumniation,  oppression,  and  by  the  spread  of  that 
love  which  alone  marks  the  Christian.  To  patch  up  a  universal  re- 
ligion  before  they  strive  to  lead  men  to  the  unanimous  practice  of  their 
duties  is  nonsense.  Can  we  make  two  bad  dogs  good  by  shutting  them 
up  together?     Not  agreement  in  opinions,  but  agreement  in  virtuous 

ACT    III.       SCENE    7.  265 

acts  will  make  the  world  calm  and  happy."  It  is  an  indirect  plea  for 
religious  tülerance,  but  falls  short  of  Lessing's  Standard  of  his  third 
stage.  It  is  the  best  epitome  that  the  Age  of  Enlightenment  ever  made 
and  can  well  be  studied  by  Christians.     See  Introd.,  p.  xxiv. 

2053.     (3)3reÖ|CU  —  '^^^  Urtl)eil  f)3red)en,  pronounce  judgmenL 

2060.  5(ber  fei  wein  ^reuub»  In  Boccaccio  we  have  the  same 
ending  of  the  tale;  Saladin  wishes  the  Jew  to  become  his  friend.  Cf. 
Introd.,  p.  xxi  ff.  J 

2063-4.  Lessing's  sources  let  Saladin  relate  his  distress  to  Nathan, 
but  Lessing  has  shown  great  delicacy  in  allowing  Nathan  to  offer  his 
Services  to  Saladin.  It  shows  Nathan's  nobility  of  soul  and  relieves 
Saladin  from  great  embarrassment. 

2074-5.  We  know  that  Al-Hafi  had  been  to  Nathan  and  warned 
him,  but  the  interest  the  latter  takes  in  the  Templar  had  produced  a 
change  in  him. 

2077.  ^^reierbittO!^»  Cf.  aUerbingö,  fdjled^terbing«,  j)tatterbing§, 
ueuerbingÖ,  which  are  all  false  formations  licensed  by  usage.  ^xixtX- 
blngÖ  has  been  condemned,  as  well  as  frifrfjerblng^,  both  of  which 
Lessing  coined. 

2080-1.  ^^^  y^^ämlitfie  ^w  vx\^  ^u  fud^ett==baö  nämUd)e  ^n^ 
fiid^eu  an  tnt(^  311  [teilen,  baö  9^ämli(^e  nücf)  anjufud^en.  ^n  is  here 
the  real  preposition  and  not  the  separable  prefix.  Cf.  Goethe :  2Ber 
etlDaö  an  i^n  gn  fud)eu  liabe ;  and  Schiller:  @nd)t  i^r  etmaö  an  t^n? 

2083.  Notice  the  great  delicacy  of  Nathan  in  the  use  of  the  verb 
fd)icfen  instead  of  letljen  or  borgen.  In  the  next  line  he  skillfuUy  calls 
Saladin's  attention  to  the  Templar  as  he  had  promised  him,  lines  1269- 

2085.  Sine  QtO^C  %^\i^  Literally,  item  in  an  accounty  here  obli- 
gation.  Now  ber  ^often  is  used  for  the  older  ble  ^oft.  The  Templar 
had  refused  every  reward,  still  Nathan  feit  in  duty  bound  to  reward 

2087.  The  Order  of  Templars  was  founded  for  fighting  against  the 
Saracens;  they  had  broken  the  truce;  they  were  opposed  to  the  mar- 
riage  of  Sittah  with  Richard's  brother  and  of  Melek  with  Richärd's 
sister.     Saladin's  hostility  to  them  was  well  known.     Cf.  lines  231-2. 

2090.    2)0!^  Seben  ©^jarteft  =  S)a8  !?eben  fd^onteft.    Cf.  line  1346. 

266  NOTES. 

2091-2.  Saladin  had  not  really  given  him  his  freedom,  nor  did  he 
have  him  watched.  He  could  naturally  think,  therefore,  that  the  Tem- 
plar  had  taken  advantage  of  his  carelessness  and  gone  away.  It  seems 
improbable  that  Saladin  had  entirely  forgotten  him,  yet  this  inconsis« 
tency  is  hardly  noticeable  here. 

2105.  JBtof^c  ficibenfi^aft  =  here  „tiefe  ©el^ufud^t  nadj  feinem 
ißniber,  meiere  be^  Tempelherrn  5lnbU(f  in  il)m  gemecft  ^at"  (Dün- 
tzer).     Cf.  Schiller's  verses: 

2)a§  eben  ift  ber  f^lud)  bcr  böfen  %\)a\, 
^ag  fic  fortäcugcub  immer  mu^  flebären. 

2107-8.    Uttb  Bei  bcm  anbent  bleibt  c^  hoä)  and)  ?  refers  to  the 

financial  aid  he  has  promised  Saladin. 

ACT   III.     SCENE  8. 

21 II.  Niemeyer  interprets  this  line  as  if  the  Templar  were  a 
wounded  victim  escaping  from  the  block.  The  stroke  causing  the 
wound  is  his  growing  love  for  Recha,  whose  presence  he  had  fled  to 
escape  danger.     He  is  at  least  a  weary  victim  fleeing  from  danger. 

21 12-3.  Cf.  lines  1696-8,  which  explain  his  condition  in  Daja's 

21 17.  ^Ijm  au^^ubcugcit,  b.  ^.  bnrc^  eine  SSenbung  fid^  ent3iel}en. 

The  form  beugen  for  biegen  came  from  the  imperative  singular  and  the 
second  and  third  persons  singular  indicative,  which  formerly  had  en.  In 
the  figurative  sense  we  should  expect  biegen,  but  as  early  as  Luther  the 
two  forms  became  interchangeable. 

21 18.  2[öar  bcr  ©treitf)  5U  fti^ltcH  (Gefäßen,  The  Impression 
made  by  Recha  was  quick  and  decisive;  foreseeing  this  his  refusal  to 
see  her  again  had  been  long  and  stubborn.  And  yet,  as  already  ex- 
pressed, it  is  probable  that  his  reason  for  refusing  to  see  her  at  first  was 
because  of  his  prejudice  against  Jews  and  his  fear  that  she  might  belong 
to  the  fanatics  of  that  time,  though  this  is  not  inconsistent  with  the 
idea  that  she  did  make  an  Impression  upon  him  when  he  rescued  her 
from  the  fire. 

2123-4.  With  the  Templar  there  could  be  no  question  of  a  resolu- 
tion  formed  by  free  and  deliberate  consideration,  by  active  participation 

ACT    III.       SCENE    8.  267 

of  the  will;  he  simply  suffered  under  the  impression  made.  Niemeyer 
refers  it  to  the  dramatic  motive  of  "  passion." 

The  form  litt',  litte,  is  the  older  lengthened  form  of  the  imperfect 
indicative,  as  in  fa(]e,  fd)iene,  etc.,  iiow  obsolete. 

2125.    5(tt  fic  ticrftrlc!t=  mit  tl]r  üevhtüpft. 

2130.  This  was  contrary  to  the  rules  of  the  order  to  which  he  be- 
longed,  and  the  fact  that  the  object  of  his  love  was  a  Jewess  made  it 
all  the  worse. 

2132-3.  3n  bem  gelobten  £anb»  He  uses  the  word  gelobt  in  a 
double  sense.  Line  2132,  2)a§  gelobte  !^anb  is  the  land  which  Je- 
hovah  promised  (gelobte,  imperfect  from  geloben  ;  in  the  text  past 
part.)  the  Israelites,  while  the  Templar,  line  2133,  praised  (gelobt,  past 
participle  from  loben)  the  land  in  which  he  had  already  overcome  so 
many  prejudices.  Cf.  Act  II,  Scene  5.  The  following  argmnents  are 
rather  specious  ones  to  free  his  conscience  while  breaking  away  from 
his  Order. 

2139-41,  The  Templars  were  sworn  to  everlasting  hatred  of  Mus- 
sulmans,  they  took  the  oath  to  fight  against  Saracens;  but  the  Templar 
must  love  Saladin  for  sparing  his  life,  and  contemplated  breaking  all 
the  other  rules  to  which  he  was  bound  by  oath. 

2 14 1-2.     That  is,  oriental  sky,  as  his  father  Assad  was  born  there. 

2144-5.     Assad  the  Mussulman  had  married  a  Christian. 

214g.  ©traud)Cln»  Stumbling  precedes  falling.  The  father  had 
broken  his  covenanted  faith,  but  the  Templar  was  only  contemplat- 
ing  it. 

2154.  (^rmuntrung»  The  Templar  feels  that  Nathan,  the  un- 
prejudiced  Jew,  will  not  only  approve  but  even  encourage  his  love  to 
Recha.     But  Nathan  suspects  a  more  serious  obstacle  than  creeds. 

2157.  &lil^t  I)eitre  ^^reube»  The  intransitive  verb  is  used  transi- 
tively.  33evrät^  burc^  fein  ©lullen  (}citre  greube.  Cf.  line  19 14,  ber 
(jiuibert  \d)'6\K  färben  jptelte.  We  should  expect  fein  5lntU^  instead 
of  er.    Cf.  further  3^^^^  ^^  ^^^'^^  bUcfen. 

2158.  Historically  true  of  Saladin,  who  sent  all  away  pleased  with 

268  NOTES. 

ACT   IIL     SCENE  9. 

2162-3.  ^cr  'Mann  ftcf|t  feinen  JRnl^m  =  l)äU  jeinen  ^f^ul^m  au§. 
Cf.  feinen  äJ^ann  fte'^en  =  il}n  anötjatten.  The  dative  is  also  used  with 
fteljen  :  einem  flehen,  ^0  be  equal  to  one. 

2175.    3wt  ©teile  =  anf  ber  Stelle. 

2180-2.  The  Templar  conjures  Nathan  by  the  höhest  bonds  of 
nature  to  forget  the  bonds  of  rehgion  (f^jätere  ^^ffeht)  and  give  him 
his  daughter.  The  appeal  is  made  in  recoUection  of  their  former  con- 
versation  (hnes  13 10-13),  where  Nathan  maintains  that  the  higher  law 
makes  one  a  man  before  it  makes  him  a  Jew,  a  Mussulman,  or  a  Chris- 

2184.  Sieber,  liebet  JJrennb  !  Notice  the  gradation.  Nathan 
begins  with  junger  9)^ann,  thcn  Snnger  grennb,  lastly  ü^ieber  greunb, 
which  shows  his  sympathetic  pity  for  the  Templar. 

2189.     Seibc,  that  is,  ©rtenntUd^feit  nnb  ^iebe. 

2191-2.  As  Nathan  was  unprejudiced  in  regard  to  religion  he  coul(i 
have  no  objection  to  the  Templar  on  that  score,  and  this  was  the  onlv 
objection  that  the  Templar  could  possibly  see. 

2194-6.  Nathan  is  feeling  his  way  carefully  to  the  Solution  of  \\^ 
mystery  about  the  Templar's  birth,  which  is  the  real  hindrance  to  their 
Union.  If  the  Templar  had  told  him  the  truth,  there  would  have  been 
no  difficulty.  But  the  Templar  interprets  Nathan's  cautious  inquiry  as 
curiosity  (line  2198,  9^enbegier,  now  9^eugier),  when  it  is  merely  the 
desire  to  prevent  a  mistake. 

2202-3.     Surb  ift  6!onrab»      (^nrb  and  ^un^e  are  diminutive  forms 

to  (lonrab  (Mid.  H.  G.  ^nonrat),  as  @ö^  to  ©ottfrieb,  @ei3  to  @ieg- 
frieb,  §ein3  to  §einri(^,  grtlj  to  griebrid^,  U3  to  Ulric^. 

2209.  S3aftarb  ober  33tin!ert»  The  former  denotes  the  illegitimate 
child  whose  father  is  of  nobler  rank  than  the  mother.  S3tinfert  = 
^anfart,  belongs  to  the  vulgär  language. 

2210.  2)er  ®(^lag  ift  nit^t  ^n  t)erat!|ten»    Cf.  Philip  Faulcon- 

bridge  in  King  John  and  Edmond  in  King  Lear,  Schiller's  33aftart  t)on 
DrIeanÖ  in  !I)er  3nngfran  Don  Orleans,  Sterne's  Tristam  Shandy  Wie- 
land, etc.  —  (3(i^(ag  =  3J^enfd)enfd)lag  =  SJ^enfd^enart,  Art. 

221 1.  The  Templar  now  believes  that  it  is  a  test  of  nobility  which 

ACT    III.       SCENE    lO.  269 

Nathan  desires  him  to  stand  before  he  will  givc  him  the  hand  of  his 
daughter.  According  to  the  law  of  ^l^lieulprobc  he  must  show  his  des- 
cent  from  a  certain  number  of  nobles  in  succession. 

2213-15.  The  bitterness  and  irony  show  manifestly  that  he  has  not 
yet  overcome  his  prejudice  against  the  Jews,  nor  has  he  reached  the 
higher  Standard  of  nobility.  He  does  not  doubt  the  genuineness  of 
Nathan's  ancestral  tree,  as  such  records  are  always  infallible,  and  when 
Nathan  gets  to  the  end  of  his  list  at  Abraham  he  (the  Templar)  can 
continue  it  to  Adam.  His  own  lack  of  honesty  in  giving  his  own 
family  puts  him  in  all  the  worse  light.  He  has  a  long  road  to  travel 
before  he  reaches  Nathan's  plane. 

2219.  ^d)  toiU  @ud^  ja  nur  bei  bcm  933ortc  nxä)i  bcn  '^nqtnhüd 
fo  faffen  =  3(^  ttiill  (Sud)  nidjt  gletd^  beim  Söorte  nel^men  (or  faffen), 
nid^t  ben  ^tugenbüc!  ber  §il^e  benu^en»  Nathan  knows  that  he  will 
be  understood  when  reason  asserts  itself  once  more  and  he  has  cleared 
up  the  mystery  of  Curd's  birth.  The  Templar  sees  his  wrong  and  asks 

ACT    III.     SCENE  10. 

^  2228.  ©ri)Ott  me^r  a(;§  Ö^nwg,  continuation  of  the  Templar's 
Speech,  fo  \al)  id)  fie  ^c^on  üiel  ^iiüicl,  above. 

2230.  3?on  einer  Äleintgteit,  that  is,  his  love  to  Recha,  which,  in 
his  efforts  at  self-mastery,  appears  to  him  as  a  mere  trifle.  In  his  mon- 
ologue  the  white  heat  of  passion  wrought  up  his  soul  to  its  profoundest 
depths  and  now  the  cold  wave  of  reason  is  congealing  all  feeling.  So 
he  ever  fluctuates  between  violent  extremes,  never  stable,  never  rational 
and  thoughtful. 

2233.  ^cn  anfcjebnni^^nen  Stoff.  Lessing  took  his  figure  from 
baking;  ber  aufgebltufeue  Xciq  is  kneaded  together  by  the  mind  and 
brings  order  and  light  into  the  soul. 

2253.  ^enn  t>crft(^crt  =  2)enn  feib  öerfti^ert,  The  Omission  of 
the  auxiliary  here  is  rather  bold,  but  Lessing  is  fond  of  such  omissions. 
Daja  will  not  betray  Nathan  unless  she  is  sure  the  Templar  loves 
Recha;    for  otherwise  it  would  avail  her  nothing. 

225g.  5lrnter  D^iittcr  ;  pitiful  because  he  thought  to  conceal  from  a 
woman  that  he  was  in  love. 

270  NOTES. 

2261-2.    '2)a§  ttJtr  ^n  ^aBcit  Dft  felBft  ittr^t  ttJtff eit  =  quod  nos 

habere  ipsi  soepe  nescimus.  It  is  contrary  to  the  spirit  of  the  German 
language  to  use  the  accusative  with  the  Infinitive,  but  it  found  defend- 
ers  in  Lessing,  Goethe,  and  Wieland. 

2266-7.    ^i^  tiw^  beut  ^tanhc  maä}tn  and  eine  fi^en  (äffen  are 

both  colloquial,  idiomatic  expressions.  To  decamp,  cut  sticks ;  to 
abandon-i  forsake. 

ii'ji,  ©eflattre  =  ©eflatter.  The  older  form  with  final  e  as  in 
©eräuft^e,  ©emüt^e,  @cfd)i(jfe,  etc.  The  double  accusative  with  leljren 
.  .  .  fcmien  is  quite  proper. 

2285-6.     The  Templar  speaks  as  Deist,  not  as  Christian. 

2288-9.  Christ  and  his  disciples  performed  miracles  on  that  very 
soil,  and  now  the  love  of  the  Templar  is  to  bring  Recha  into  the  bosom 
of  the  Church  again,  which,  in  Daja's  eyes,  is  a  miracle.  The  Tem- 
plar, who  dislikes  miracles,  only  admits  that  wonderful  things  do 
happen  there. 

2303.  2)Cr  3?atcr  foü  fttjOn  muffen,  Daja  wishes  to  say  that  by  the 
disclosure  of  the  secret  Nathan  will  be  only  too  glad  to  escape  further 
punishment  by  renouncing  all  claim  to  Recha,  but  the  Templar  under- 
stands  her  to  mean  the  employment  of  force.  That  is,  she  uses  muffen 
in  the  sense  of  necessity  imposed  upon  Nathan  by  the  force  of  circum- 
stances,  and  he  understands  it  in  the  sense  of  actual  force  applied  by 
others,  and  he  will  not  listen  to  force  iiv  that  sense. 

2304.  Cf.  Luke  X,  30. 

2305.  (gr  innf^  nttfjt  muffen,    Cf.  line  385,  Äeln  2Renf(^  muß 

muffen.  As  father  of  Recha  he  has  the  absolute  right  to  dispose  of 
her  as  he  will  and  no  one  can  force  him  to  give  her  to  any  one.  Daja 
changes  her  muß  müffeu  to  muß  troüeu,  as  she  knows  that  Nathan  is 
only  the  foster-father  and  has  no  legal  right  to  Recha.  Having  brought 
her  up  as  Jewess  when  she  was  a  Christian  would  subject  him  to  severe 

2309.  Daja  keeps  up  the  musical  figure  which  the  Templar  had 
employed;  for  ©iufaHeu  isused  in  music  to  denote  that  one  Instrument 
joins  in  accord  with  another,  and  is  stronger  than  eiuftimmeu,  also  used 
in  the  same  sense.  The  Templar  continues  the  figure  in  his  discordant 
note  (SD^ißlaut). 

ACT    IIL       SCENE    lO.  271 

2320.  ^a^  er  ho^  gnr  tttdjt  Ijörcn  miü  !  For  Daja  had  troubled 
him  often  enough  with  her  scruples  on  that  subject,  and  he  would  not 
Hsten  to  her. 

2330-1.    2a^t  Qnä)  ni6)t  bic  SEBeljCtt  fdjtcrfcn.    The  Templar 

thinks  that  Daja  has  converted  Recha  to  Christianity,  hence  his  taunts, 
§at'ö  \d)\vex  gehalten?  etc.  The  pains  of  childbirth  (Recha's  spiritual 
birth)  are  not  to  frighten  her  from  her  good  work;  for,  having  dis- 
carded  all  belief,  he  can  see  no  difference  between  Jew,  Mussulman,  or 
Christian.  He  is  emancipated  from  the  thralldom  of  creeds,  like  the 
Deists,  but  not  yet  purified  from  prejudice  and  bigotry  so  as  to  become 
a  representative  of  the  pure  religion  of  God  like  Nathan  and  Saladin. 

2338.  3?ott  @urer  äWadjC  =  öon  (Surev,  ber  bigotten  (I()nftin,  gab* 
rif,  an^  (Slircr  ^erfftatt.  Tlad^C  is  an  expression  taken  from  common 
life,  as  in  ber  Tlad^t  fein,  ^aben,  in  bie  ^ad^e  nehmen.  Cf.  the  Eng- 
lish  of  your  make, 

2339-  W)  !  fo  ticrftc^t  ^\)X^§  ?  So  tttag^^  gelten,  She  sees  the 
natural  mistake  of  the  Templar  and  understands  the  taunt  and  over- 
looks  it. 

2343-4.  Assad  is  said  to  have  become  a  Christian  when  he  married 
a  Christian  wife. 

2347.    Supply  Ijat  before  njeinen  inarf}en. 

2352.  According  to  an  older  custo'm  a(ö  is  omitted  in  connection 
with  the  participle  geboren.  We  should  expect  ^lö  \va^  fie  geboren 
fei,  al^  eine  (Sljriftin  geboren  fei. 

2359-61-    2)ic  (Stimme  ber  y^^atur  fo  ^u  tjerfälfdjett,  etc.    Nature 

pronounced  Recha  a  Christian  at  birth.  In  the  Templar's  mind,  how- 
ever,  Nathan  had  turned  aside  (öerleitfen)  the  natural  impulses  of  her 
heart  from  Christianity,  her  natural  State,  to  himself,  as  if  he  were  her 
real  father.  He  had  thus  falsified  nature  in  bringing  her  up  as  a 
Jewess  when  she  was  a  Christian. 

®id)  felbft  getaffett  =  ftc^  felbft  überlaffen,  a  quite  common  use  with 

2374.  I)em  2)ittge  =  ber  5lngetegen^eit  ber  53efreinng  unb  ^eim= 
fü^rnng  9?ed)a'ö  ;  his  love  affair  with  Recha  and  its  happy  conclusion. 
She  appears  to  ignore  the  Templar's  vows  of  celibacy,  which  would  be  a 
natural  hindrance  to  any  contemplated  secret  flight  which  she  seems  to 

272  NOTES. 

ACT   IV.     SCENE    i. 

*  ScCttC  :  in  bcn  ^rcu^gättgcn  \>t§  ^lo^ittß,  The  cloisters  enclosed 
a  court  or  garden.  The  archways  opening  into  this  court  and  en- 
cirding  this  Space  were  called  ^reu^gättge  (crossways)  because  they 
were  intended  for  the  procession  following  the  cross  of  Christ,  the 
object  of  these  solemn  processions. 

2379.  @r  l)at  fc^Ott  Xtd^tf  bcr  $atttarrf|.  The  Patriarch  must 
have  been  scolding  the  poor  friar  for  his  lack  of  success  in  his  commis- 
sions.  Cf.  Act  I,  Scene  5,  where  he  seems  glad  to  have  failed  with 
the  Templar. 

2384-6.  He  expresses  his  indignation  at  the  worldliness  of  the 
clergy  who  wish  to  have  a  hand  in  everything.  ^\e  9^afe  in  5lIIeö 
ftecfcn,  btc  ^anb  in  ^Itleni  l^ahcn  are  idiomatic  expressions  and  the 
diminutive  forms  only  add  force  to  his  indignation. 

2396.  993ic  faucr  mir  bcr  Eintrag  mar»  He  repeats  here  his 
words,  3(^  gel)',  itnb  gel)'  tiergnügter  al§  id)  tarn,  line  712.  But  he 
fears  he  rejoiced  too  soon  and  shows  his  indignation  at  the  after 
effect  of  his  message,  if  it  prove  that  the  Templar  has  changed  his 

2400-2.     DflUttb  ,  ♦  .  t)On  ©Utf)  mc§H,ßa/fy  re/used. 

2409.  Uufcr  (Sligcl,  In  saving  the  Templar's  life  Saladin  became 
\vvs>  guardia7i  angel. 

241 1.  W\i  3^Ieifd^  Ullb  Shit»  The  fleshly  lusts,  worldly  motives 
have  overcome  the  ethical  reason  which  induced  the  Templar  at  first  to 
refuse  the  Patriarch's  proposal. 

2412.  The  tüieber  seems  to  be  entirely  forceless,  as  the  Templar 
had  neither  been  there  before  nor  offered  his  Services  to  the  Patriarch 
at  all.  It  is  probably  used  to  fill  out  the  line,  but  felber  would  be 
better  for  that  purpose. 

2423-4.  2)ic  ©ac^C  ift  5icmti(^  Jjfäfftfr^,  as  it  refers  to  a  born 
Christian  being  brought  up  as  a  Jewess.  wSmce  the  Reformation 
''Pfaffe  is  in  ill-repute  and  there  seems  to  be  just  a  shade  of  irony  in  this 
remark,  for  the  Templar  is  in  the  transition  stage  from  emancipation 
from  creeds  to  the  higher  religion,  and  scoffs  at  all  religion. 

2426-7.    3[öcU  er  "^ü^  JBorrec^t  I)at,  fid|  511  ijcrge^ett.    This  seems 

ACT   IV.       SCENE    2.  273 

to  be  the  old  Jesuitical  rule  that  the  end  justifies  the  means.  Absolu- 
tion is  in  the  hands  of  the  priests  and  they  are  in  a  sense  responsible  to 
themselves  alone. 

He  feels  a  responsibility  to  the  Church  now  that  he  knows  of  a 
Christian  who  has  been  taken  from  the  bosom  of  the  Church. 

2432.  The  Templar  is  blindly  seeking  for  counsel,  but  finds  none 
in  himself.  He  also  wishes  to  throw  off  on  some  one  eise  the  responsi- 
bility imposed  upon  him  by  this  secret. 

2435.  d^icUgtOlt  ift  ^rtrtCt»  The  higher  religion  of  Nathan  is  above 
the  partisan  spirit,  but  sectarianism  is  very  partisan.  The  Templar  is 
only  partisan  because  he  is  selfish  and  piqued  at  Nathan.  As  unpar- 
tisan  as  he  believes  himself  to  be,  he  still  finds  the  partisan  spirit  in- 
fluencing  his  actions. 

2437-8.  ^ält,  ol)tt^  c^  fclbft  ^u  miffcn,  bot^  nur  feiner  2)te 
®ian(iC  =  nimmt  fic^  nur  fetner  Religion  a\^  einer  ^^arteifadje  an. 
(Sinem  bie  Stange  galten  =  einen  befd)üt5en,  feine  Partei  nel)men.  It 
is  a  wrestling  term.  The  judge  gave  each  wrestler  a  seconc/  who  bore  a 
pole  ((^tange)  and  held  it  over  the  fallen  man  for  protection. 

2440.  The  simple  friar  is  rather  bewildered  than  enlightened  by 
this  specious  argument,  and  wisely  remains  discreet. 

2441-3.  He  does  not  wish  for  a  dogmatical  sentence  against 
Nathan,  so  far  has  he  not  fallen  that  he  would  call  down  the  powers 
that  be  upon  his  friend.  He  now  begins  to  discuss  whether  he  wants 
simple  or  learned  advice  and  decides  for  the  former.  Notice  the  fine 
choice  of  words;  (anter  (pure)  belongs  to  simple  and  not  to  learned 
advice.  The  advice  of  the  friar  would  be  lanter,  that  of  the  Patriarch 
would  be  gelehrt.  Hence  he  asked  the  brother  to  be  his  Patriarch 
(feib  i'^r  mein  "»Patriard)). 

2449-51.     Cf.  Luke  X,  41-2. 

ACT   IV.     SCENE   2. 
*  ©cene,  2)er  ^atriard^»    See  Introd.,  p.  xxxü  ff. 

2455-     'Stcf  unb  rot  refer  to  high  living,  freuttb(id)  to  his  inner  sat« 
isfaction.     The  description  exactly  suits  Heraclius. 

2457.    !i)^iarf|  $ofc  fid)  erl)cbett  =  '^^&)  .§ofe  fid)  aufmacfien. 

274  NOTES. 

2458.  Saladin  was  noted  for  his  simplicity.  Cf.  note  to  lines 

2469.  S31Ül)Clt  Uttb  grütteit,  may  flourish  like  a  green  bay  tree. 
The  style  of  the  Patriarch  is  sanctimonious  enough. 

2473.  ^ent  $ernt»  PoUte  form  of  address  used  by  the  Patriarch 
for  effect,  and  not  in  Submission  as  with  the  friar. 

2476.  ^OC^  bUttbltUgi^  tti(!)t»  Blind  obedience  was  demanded  of 
all  members  of  Orders,  which  the  Templar  contests.  Lessing  combats 
this  opinion  in  the  Fragments. 

247g.  Goeze  preached  the  same  doctrine  in  his  controversy  with 

2481.  Cf.  Matt,  ii,  7,  and  the  story  of  Abraham  and  Lot  entertain- 
ing  angels  unawares,  that  is,  messengers,  for  prophets  and  priests  are 
angels  of  the  Lord.     So  thought  the  Patriarch. 

^ft  511  f(l()Clt^  Imitation  of  the  French  Cesi-a-dire. 

2487.  2)ic  2[öilfür  =  ben  freien  (Sntfc^tu^,  free  will.  Kant  uses 
it  in  the  same  sense. 

2490-2.     Cf.  line  655. 

2511.  @inc  $t)^JOtC^^  =  erbid^teter  9flecl)t§fall.  Mere  hypothetical 
cases  have  no  interest  for  the  Patriarch;  he  deals  in  facts  alone.  A 
similar  incident  occurred  in  the  Goeze  controversy,  where  Goeze  ob- 
jected  to  a  purely  hypothetical  case.  See  Boxberger's  footnote  to  this 

2515.  äyictttUltfl«  The  Templar  has  not  yet  made  up  his  mind 
what  to  do,  as  he  told  the  friar  (3^r  tüljjt  e§  fd)on,  marum  tef)  fomme  ? 
^aum  lt)ei[5  td)  e§  felbft)»  He  is  seeking  for  light  to  guide  him  and 
only  wants  the  Patriarch's  opinion. 

2517-18.  Cf.  the  first  Fragment  published  by  Lessing  entitled : 
55on  ber  ^erfc^reiimg  ber  3>ernunft  auf  ben  ^anjeln. 

2522.  There  is  a  certain  difRculty  about  the  Interpretation  of  this 
passage.  In  antiquity  such  themes  for  dissertations  and  orations  were 
common  in  the  schools  of  the  rhetoricians,  and  all  through  the  Middle 
Ages  they  were  favorite  topics  for  discussion  on  the  rostrums.  But 
the  reference  to  the  theater  reminds  us  of  Goeze's  controversy  with 
Pastor  Schlosser  on  the  theater,  with  which  Lessing  had  nothing  to  do. 
But  Goeze  was  constantly  stigmatizing  Lessing  for  his  theater  logic,  and 

ACT   IV.       SCENE    2.  275 

this   is  probably  an  allusion   to    that    part  of  their  controversy.     See 
Boxberger  on  this  passage. 

2526.  ©djttutre  ==  ^offe,  poffen'^after  Einfall» 

2527.  ©ittClt  Jltm  Seftett  f^ahtn,  to  make  game  ofone,  3)ag  ^efte 
was  the  prize  at  shooting-matches,  ninepins  and  other  games  of  skill, 
hence  S'ttüa^  ^um  heftet!  l^oben  was  to  make  it  the  prize;  figuratively 
(Einen  ^um  iBeften  ^aben  is  to  make  one  the  aim  of  all  derisive  remarks, 
to  make  one  the  butt  of  ridicule. 

2531.  ^Ötbctf rtlttft  =  fogleid)»  The  word  is  now  obsolete  except 
in  ofiBcial  style,  which  Lessing  intentionally  makes  the  Patriarch  use. 

2532-3.  ^^ä)jft(ic^C)^  nv!^  faiferUri^C;^  IHcd)t  =  jus  canonicum  and 
jus  romanum.     Ecclesiastical  and  civil  right. 

2535.    Obbcfagte  =  oben  befagte. 

2538.  §oIsftof^*  @tof3  is  a  heap  of  things  laid  over  one  another. 
§oI^ftoß  is  a  heap  of  wood  =  here  @(^eitcrl}anfen,  the  stake. 

2543-5.  The  Templar  knew  nothing  of  this  though  it  is  literally 
true.  It  was  a  chance  shot  with  him.  Daja  had  only  told  him  the 
bare  fact  that  Recha  was  a  Christian. 

2546.  This  passage  shows  fanaticism  in  its  true  light,  in  all  its  glar- 
ing  hideousness.  No  7?iatter,  the  yew  is  to  be  burned,  regardless  of  the 
fact  that  he  has  shown  true  love  to  his  neighbor. 

2554  ff.  The  Templar  now  assumes  it  as  a  real  case  and  not  hypo- 
thetical.  But  where  did  he  get  the  information  given  here?  Daja 
told  him  nothing  of  the  kind.  He  can  only  have  conjectured  it  from 
the  knowledge  he  has  of  Nathan  and  the  few  words  that  Daja  said  to 
him.     Cf.  lines  1307,  2340. 

2558.  'J)Cr  SJetttUttft  Religion  of  reason  which  the  Deists  advo- 

2560.  ^icfctttlCgClt  =  propterea.  Now  obsolescent  and  official 

2562-3.  With  Christians  belief  is  considered  very  essential,  but  the 
Deists  look  upon  the  life,  the  moral  rectitude,  as  the  essential  thing. 
Cf.  lines  1583-9  for  Recha's  behef. 

2570-  S^  ÖCl)^  foglC^  5Um  ©Ultan»  So  Goeze  did  to  Lessing 
when  overcome  in  the  controversy.     Cf.  Introd.,  p.  x. 

2571-7.     The   historical   capitiiJation    contains  no  such  conditions, 

276  NOTES. 

but  rather  even  the  Patriarch  had  to  leave  the  city.  Jerusalem  was  to 
remain  uninjured;  every  Christian  could  leave  on  payment  of  a  ransom; 
the  Holy  Sepulchre  was  to  be  spared,  and  every  Christian  could  visit 
it  on  payment  of  a  certain  fee. 

2574.  Btt  Uttfcr  aücrI)eUtgftett  9ficIt(JtOtt*  This  expression  was 
very  common  with  Goeze  in  his  controversy  against  Lessing.  See 
Boxberger's  footnote  to  this  line. 

2578-82.  Again  we  have  Goeze's  tactics  with  the  duke  of  Bruns- 
wick in  his  efforts  to  bring  Lessing  into  disrepute.  Goeze  employed 
almost  the  same  words. 

2584.  Sermon  =  geiftUd^e  Stiebe;  it  usually  means  a  dry  and 
tedious  sermon. 

2589.  ^^UUbcit»  The  use  of  the  particle  ge-  in  the  formation  of  the 
past  participle  did  not  become  a  fixed  rule  until  the  Mid.  and  Mod. 
H.G.  periods.  Even  in  the  Mid.  H.G.  period  some  participles  rarely 
took  ge-  (c.  g.  fomen,  tnorben,  fimben,  etc.),  and  in  Mod.  H.G.,  in  the 
language  of  the  poets,  the  past  participle  is  often  formed  without  ge-, 
especially  fuuben  and  tDOrbcn. 

The  changed  tone  of  the  Patriarch  is  quite  characteristic  of  him,  and 
his  historical  prototype  used  the  same  tactics. 

2598.  5(uf  beu  (iJrUttb  fommcn,  thoroughly  ijtvesHgate,  trace  to  its 

2600.  ^DZcilt  ®0l)n,  As  superior  to  inferior  this  accords  with 
ecclesiastical  custom.  The  brother  is  well  named  Bonafides,  good 

ACT   IV.     SCENE   3. 

2602.  ^t^  ^ittgi^  {trash)  expresses  Lessing's  contempt  for 
money,  which  he  has  transferred  to  Saladin's  character,  though  the 
great  Saladin  also  had  little  regard  for  money. 

2607.  There  is  a  traditional  saying  of  Saladin  that  the  hands  of  a 
king  should  be  like  a  sieve,  so  that  money  would  slip  through  them» 
Saladin's  were  so. 

260g.    ^Ib^marfcn  =  abrupfen,  abjerren  {squeeze).    It  is  used  of 

money,  property,  and  Services. 

261 1.     ^a§  ^XnXXXif   now  bie  5lrmut.     In  the    preceding  Century, 

ACT    IV.       SCENE    4.  277 

the  neuter  gender  of  ^vmut  was  employed  in  the  collective  sense  for 
the  poor. 

2612.  ^ie  ©^jeitbeil  dei  bem  @raÖe»  The  tribute  levied  on  every 
Christian  to  visit  the  grave  of  the  Saviour  had  been  aboHshed.  Marin 
(ii,  72)  says :  Per  sonne  ne  se  presenie  devant  lui  sans  recevoir  de 
V urgent  ou  des  provisions  when  the  inhabitants  were  leaving  Jerusalem 
at  the  time  of  its  capture.  The  generosity  of  Saladin  to  the  Citizens  of 
Jerusalem  is  celebrated  by  all  historians.  Lessing  could  justly  make 
him  say  that  he  would  be  glad  if  the  alms  for  the  poor  pilgrims  should 
not  be  interrupted  and  thus  cause  them  to  go  away  empty-handed. 

2615.  933etttt  ItUt  ♦  ♦  ♦  Just  what  Lessing  had  in  mind  in  writing  this 
Sßeuil  nur,  is  doubtful,  but  probably  it  was  some  act  of  generosity  to 
to  which  he  wished  to  refer. 

2627.     £itta,  in  Arabic  Leila  (night),  a  common  name  for  girls. 

2633-5.    SSHeb  mcg  .  »  .  @utmal  blcibcit  mir  aöc  SSeg»    Euphe- 

mistic  expression  for  fterbetl.  Our  he  passed  away  .  ,  .ive  shall  all  pass 
away,  comes  the  nearest  to  it. 

2638.  @r  !^at  bcr  ^einbe  mc^r  (partitive  gen.).  Saladin  in- 
dulgently  refers  to  the  passion  of  love  which  unsettled  (üerrüdtt)  Assad's 

2647.  fiägt  bell  ©d^leicr  faßClt^  For  Muhammedan  women  can- 
not  appear  unveiled  before  men. 

2648-9.  Itnb  nun  fein  Soil»  Saladin  had  not  yet  heard  the  voice 
of  the  Templar,  for  after  being  pardoned,  the  Templar  was  so  astounded 
that  he  could  not  speak  and  Saladin  was  so  affected  that  he  went  away 
in  silence  (lines  587-9).  Nathan  had  immediately  recognized  Wolf 
von  Filneck's  (Assad's)  voice,  and  Saladin  would  certainly  do  the 

ACT  IV.     SCENE  4. 

2667.     Like  the  Seven  Sleepers,  a  well-known  oriental  tale. 

2668-g.  In  a  letter  to  his  brother  Karl  (April,  1779),  Lessing 
writes :  „©imtiftau  fo  öie(  als  geenlanb  (ober  eigeutU^  ©enienlanb,  öon 
bfd^in,  bem  latetuifd^en  genius).  S)iü  fo  ütel  alö  gee."  S)iD  is  the 
name  of  the  evil  spirit,  hence  the  adjective  ^v\  to  qualify  it;  and 
©tnniftan  really  signifies  the  deserl  of  the  genii. 

278  NOTES. 

ä3htntC  refers  to  the  bloom  of  youth  as  among  the  ancients  and  keeps 
up  the  oriental  coloring  of  the  simile. 

2673-4.  He  refers  to  the  secret  love  affair  with  the  Christian  lady 
von  Stauffen,  which  finally  led  him  to  become  a  Christian  in  order  to 
marry  her. 

2684.  Ultt  ttttt?  In  the  last  Century  um,  especially  when  another 
preposition  with  the  dative  preceded  it,  governed  the  dative.  See  ex- 
amples  in  Boxberger's  footnote  to  this  passage. 

2685-6.    3m  UJcif^cn  Wantd,  of  the  Templars,    ^(amcrlon! -= 

the  broad  mantel  of  the  Arabs.  J^ulbatt  =  Surbail.  ^U^C  =  5^^3^^^ 
fe//  hat,  worn  by  the  Templars  who  are  said  to  have  brought  it  into 

2687-8.    ^d^  I)abc  nie  öcrlanot,  2)aft  aücn  Räumen  ©ine  9fJinbc 

ttl(ici)fc«  Absolutely  true  of  Saladin;  for  confessors  of  every  faith  lived 
quietly  under  his  scepter  and  he  had  Christians  in  his  household. 

2690.  Continuation  of  Saladin's  simile.  This  comparison  of  the 
different  barks  of  trees  well  represents  Lessing's  opinion  that  religion 
(i.  e.  creed)  is  only  the  shell  after  all.  Saladin  was  peacefuUy  disposed 
and  would  have  preferred  to  be  God's  gardener  and  allow  all  trees  to 
grow  in  their  special  way  than  to  be  his  champion  on  the  field  of 

2693-4.  @itt  353ott  ?  you  give  me  your  word  of  honor?  ©ttt 
SJJrtttU,  As  a  man   of  honor  I  do.     Cf.  the   proverb :   „(Sin  3Hann,  ein 

Sßort,  ein  SBort,  ein  ^Dknn,"  or  ,,ein  Söort  ein  SBort,  ein  3J^ann  ein 

9Rann."     That  is,  His  word's  the  man. 

2694-5.  The  bond  of  friendship  between  them  is  sealed.  Cf.  the 
friendship  between  the  Templar  and  Nathan,  and  Nathan  and  Saladin, 
so  we  now  have  a  close  bond  between  Christian,  Jew,  and  Mussul- 

2699.  ^^^  eine  %\\tii  ♦  .  ♦  aui^ft^lug  =  baß  eine  %\)^\. . . .  gereicfjen, 
tüerben  ließ.  We  must  either  consider  au6jd)lagen  as  transitive  here, 
contrary  to  its  usual  meaning,  or  change  \i^^  into  baß. 

2700-2.     Cf.  Recha's  remarks,  lines  1604-6. 

2709.    (Söittiierig  =  empfinbtid^. 

2712.  Said  to  be  historically  true  of  Saladin,  though  in  general  his 
character  was  regulär  and  well-ordered. 

ACT    IV.       SCENE    4.  279 

2715.  @^  mit  einem  \)abcn  =  (in  colloquial  style)  eg  mit  einem  3U 
tl)un  l}aben,  im  ^pahcv  ftet)eu,  /o  be  out  with  one. 

2732.  3?ott  Ijeiteru  g^enieit.    Cf,  lines  1 321-2. 

2733.  SefdjUJrt^eit^  zvheedle^  flauer  ivith  soft  words, 

2740.  ^n-§  ^^CUer»  Cf.  line  2224,  ba  breunt^g.  This  time  it  is  the 
flames  of  love.  We  remember  his  hasty  entry  into  Nathan's  house 
when  he  visited  Recha. 

2743.    $(atterbitto^,/^//K.    Cf.  line  2077,  freievttngö, 

2755-8.  The  Templar,  having  discarded  revealed  religion,  calls  all 
creeds  and  beliefs  superstitions.  He  is  now  in  the  transition  stage,  l)ut 
will  soon  pass  to  the  advanced  stage  of  Saladin  and  Nathan. 

@!§  fiiib  ttir^t  aö  frei,   "tiXt  \%xtx  ^tiitn  f^jotten»    These  words 

have  become  a  proverb  in  German.      Rückert,  Erl.  Ausg.  II.  450,  says : 

^Jlanci^er  tüäf)nt  fi(f)  frei,  unb  fief)et 
9Hd)t  bic  $aube,  bie  \\)\\  fc^nüren. 

The  Templar  also  speaks  of  „\it\\  geffeln,  tueld^e  bie  ^f^eUgioit  bcn 
9}ienfd)en  anlegt"  (line  2182).  He  calls  the  doctrines  of  positive  re- 
ligion chains  (lines  2434-8). 

2760.  ^Iberglauben,  like  @(anben,  is  not  generally  used  in  the 

2762-4.  To  be  connected  with  the  preceding  speech  of  the 

SSlÖbe  primarily  means  dim-sighted,  but  it  is  here  used  in  the  figura- 
tive  sense  of  weak-minded.  The  idea  is  that  the  worst  superstition  is  to 
consider  one's  own  superstition  the  more  toter able,  to  entrust  feeble  uian- 
kitid  to  it  tili  it  grows  used  to  the  brighter  light  of  truth. 

@etuöl)ue,  instead  of  geit)oI)ne  =  geit)ol)nt  tt)erben.  In  religious 
matters  mankind  is  compared  to  weak-eyed  people  who  cannot  bear 
the  füll  light  of  day. 

2767.  1)icfer  ^(ui^buttb  atter  2)lettfd)eu  =  biefer  ^(n^gejeidjnetfte 
aller  SJ^enjC^en.  5In§bunb  is  really  the  front  end  of  a  piece  of  cloth 
which  lies  exposed  to  view  and  is  therefore  the  best.  In  Mid.  H.G.  also 
called  „©C^aufalt,"  later  „(Sd)auenbe."     In  English,  sample. 

2769-70.  The  Templar  is  again  calumniating  Nathan  as  with  the 
Patriarch    (Act    IV,   Scene    2).     He    knows    nothing    about    the  way 

280  NOTES.  . 

Nathan  obtained  Recha,  and  should  not  hastily  conclude  that  he  had 
used  unfair  means.  Now  Nathan  had  brought  her  up  as  a  Jevvess, 
before  in  no  religion  whatever. 

2772.  ^Ötltt  =  lodi,  as  one  does  birds  by  scattering  kerneis  of 

2773.  ©ti^icnc  =  fd^ten.     Cf.  litte  for  litt  in  Act  III,  Scene  8. 
2776.    3ft  cht  tier^ettclt  (S^riftcnfinb.     ^eqettelu  =  t)erftreiien, 

with  the  additional  idea  of  being  lost,     /s  a  stray  Christian  child. 

2780-3.  Wolves  in  sheeps'  clothing.  'Sel)et  Clicl)  Dor  t)Or  beit  fal- 
fd)en  "ipropljeten,  bie  in  @d^af§!(eibern  311  eud)  tommcii,  intüeubig  aber 
fiub  fte  reißeube  SBöIfe. 

The  hounds  which  he  is  to  let  loose  upon  Nathan  are  the  same  as 
those  that  Saladin  afterwards  calls  fanatics  of  the  Christian  mob 
(line  2799). 

2789-90.  ®id^  ,  ,  ,  genommen  I)ätte  =  ftd) .  .  .  benommen  Ijätte. 
Sx^  nehmen  is  sometimes  used  for  fid^  benel)men. 

2791.     aSranfenb  =  leibenfd)aftlic^,  fenrig. 

2799.    2)en  8d|njärmcrn  bcine^^  (Ö^Iiriftlidicn)  %'^\st\^,    Saladin 

hated  fanatics  of  all  kinds,  but  honored  the  noble-minded,  though  en- 
thusiastic,  believers  of  all  creeds.  So  he  does  not  want  Nathan  given 
over  to  the  fanatical  mob. 

2802—3.     Be  fiot  a  Christian  to  spite  a  yeiv  or  a  Ähissulman. 

2804.  S3lutbegier  =  53üitgier.  Cf.  Dknbegier  for  9^^engier,  line 

2810-11.  Ashamed  of  his  conduct,  the  Templar  confesses  his  fault 
and  fears  that  he  is  different  from  Saladin's  Assad.  But  this  very  fear 
betrays  Assad's  true  character,  which  gladly  showed  repentance  for 
faults  committed. 

2812.  Impetuosity,  misdirected,  ungoverned  by  a  strong  will,  is  a 
a  fault,  but  under  proper  control  and  well  directed  it  becomes  a  virtue. 

Lessing  had  the  irascibility  of  his  father,  and  yet  he  spoke  in  the  fol- 
lowing  true  words  of  him :  „!2)n  ttjarft  fo  ein  gntec  nnb  3ng(eid)  fo  ein 
l^i^iger  SD^ann." 

2819-21.  Saladin  ironically  remarks  to  the  Templar  that  the  great 
fault  in  Recha's  education  is  that  she  has  eaten  no  pork,  a  possible 
thrust  at  those  Christians  who  consider  the  eating  of  pork  a  sign  of 

ACT    IV.       SCENES    5    AND    6.  281 

superiority  over  the  Jews  and  Turks.     The  Templar  feels  the  sting,  as 
we  see  in  his  monologue  (Act  V,  Scene  3). 

ACT   IV.     SCENE   5. 

2829-30.  Lessing  had  the  intention  of  letting  Saladin  ask  the 
Templar  this  question,  and  wrote  out  the  passage,  but  Mendelssohn 
objected  to  it,  as  it  reminded  too  closely  of  a  similar  well-known  scene 
unworthy  of  a  Lessing;  therefore  Lessing  omitted  it.  The  passage 
has  never  been  found.     See  Boxberger's  footnote  to  the  passage. 

2842.  The  one  that  saves  the  life  of  a  person  has  the  same  rights  as 
the  one  who  gives  life,  which  is  not  at  all  true;  the  analogy  is  false. 
All  the  more  would  the  Templar  (says  Saladin)  have  a  better  right  to 
Recha  than  Nathan,  who  is  not  even  her  father.     False  again. 

2848.  2)ie  üthc  9^cuöcgtcr.  9^eiigier,  9^eugterbe  are  now  more 
common.  Sittah  softens  the  harshness  of  her  curiosity  by  the  adjective 
liebe,  viy  fond  curiosity, 

2850-2.  Cf.  the  remark  of  Hermann's  father  in  Goethe's  Hermann 
und  Dorothea  : 

„■^enn  an  bcr  33raut,  btc  ber  ÜJlanti  ficft  ertt)äf)(t,  lä^t  gicid)  fic^  erfcnnen 
2Be(c^e§  (^eifteö  er  fei,  unb  ob  er  fic()  etgenttid)  ißertt)  fü()lt.'' 

Sittah's  interest  in  the  Templar  has  been  awakened,  and  she  wishes 
to  know  whether  he  has  chosen  wisely  or  not. 

^  ACT   IV.     SCENE   6. 

2860.  Silver  groundwork  inwrought  with  golden  vines,  later  called 
„gotbne,  ben  lüeißeu  ©riiiib  biirc{)fc^längelube  ©trome"  ;  purchased  in 
Babylon  for  Daja.     Cf.  lines  44-5. 

2868.  S3tlb  is  used  here  as  throughout  this  passage  in  the  sense  of 
©tnnbilb,  embletn,  sy7nbol,  and  fittubilberft,  line  2872,  means  sy?n- 

287g.  2)CittC  SiebCttfari^Ctt»  Be  off  with  the  whole  kit  and  boodle. 
@tebeufad)en  really  denotes  a  gripsack  which  contains  only  the  most 
necessary  things. 

2879-81.     This  passage  has  been  explained  by  reference  to  Matt. 

282  NOTES. 

iv,  i-io,  where  the  Saviour  is  tempted  by  Satan.  There  is  but  slight 
similarity,  still  the  pious  Daja  would  naturally  think  of  her  Bible,  as  she 
is  represented  as  very  conversant  with  it  throughout  the  play,  though 
probably  an  anachronism,  for  the  crusaders  knew  little  and  cared  less 
for  the  Bible  than  for  the  priest's  word. 

2881.  W\ä)t  riilir  an  !  Supply  id)  as  subject  and  eö  as  object,  ntd)t 
rüt)r'  idj  e^  an.  In  her  passionate  excitement  Daja  uses  a  forcible  ex- 
pression  picked  up  from  the  language  of  the  street. 

2886.  D  fteüt  (^UÜ)  ttit^t  fO  fremb.  Do  notfeign  io  be  so  surprised, 
you  know  what  I  mean. 

2894.  "^Jllx^i  g^ettcr!o!)lctt,  etc.  Cf.  Rom.  xii,  20,  fo  lülrft  bii  feurige 
Äol^Ien  auf  fein  §aupt  fammeln.  For  the  whole  passage  cf.  lines 
54-6;  165;  742-4;  2318-9.  Daja  misconstrues  the  Biblical  passage  in 
thinking  of  the  pains  of  conscience  which  Nathan  must  have  in  spite 
of  his  good  deeds;  for,  if  he  were  to  give  Recha  back  to  her  faith,  he 
might  rejoice  in  real  earnest  for  having  done  a  good  deed. 

2895.  2)0C^  bie  alte  Sctcr  ttJtCbcr?  Harping  on  the  same  string 
again  ?     We  use  story  or  so7ig  instead  of  lyre. 

2896-7.  9J^tt  einer  neuen  ©aite,  that  is,  the  love  of  the  Templar. 
But  it's  out  of  tune  (ttieber  ftimmt)  or  snaps  (uod)  t)ä(t).  For  when 
the  mystery  about  the  Templar  is  cleared  up,  he  will  prove  to  be 
Recha's  brother,  if  Nathan's  fear  is  realized. 

2904.  23a!^  ttlirb  er  motten?  Like  the  Templar,  Daja  thinks  the 
friar  can  have  but  one  wish  (to  beg.)  Hence  Nathan's  directions  to 
give  before  he  asks.  Boxberger  quotes  Matt,  v,  42 :  „^\\^  bem,  ber 
bittet,"  but  Nathan  a  Jew  would  hardly  think  of  the  New  Testament 
command.  He  gives  to  all  and  wisely,  and  merely  wishes  to  spare  the 
brother  the  pain  and  humility  of  asking, 

ACT  IV.     SCENE  7. 

2912^.  If  the  Templar,  as  Nathan  suspects,  is  the  son  of  Wolf  von 
Filneck,  then  he  is  Recha's  brother,  but  if  not,  then  Nathan  would  be- 
tray  to  the  Templar  that  he  is  not  Recha's  father  with  out  there  being 
any  necessity  for  it. 

2916.     @C^  !     Said  to  Daja,  whose  curiosity  caused  her  to  linger. 

ACT    IV.       SCENE    7.  283 

2918.  §Ctt  y?tlt!|tlU,  formal  address,  which  he  drops  when  he  be- 
comes  more  intimately  engaged  in  conversation  with  Nathan. 

2919.  ^Uttod)  =  nod).  Cf.  the  official  forms  of  anbei,  an(}ero,  an^ 
je^O,  aunoc^,  etc.,  which  are  still  in  use  in  official  documents  and  often 
borrowed  by  the  poets. 

2920-22.     Cf.  for  the  same  testimony  from  Al-Hafi  line  1066-9. 

Sc  Uli  —  9^un  it)oI)l 

2930.  Snf^c  =  (^ntfd^äbtgung,  i^ergütiitig,  amends.  ©lebenfac^, 
sevenfold  was  not  the  Mosaic  law  of  restitution,  but  fourfold.  Cf.  Ex. 
xxii,  i;   I  Sam.  xii,  6;  Luke  xix,  8. 

2935-6.  ®tl§  =  it)o!)nte.  Quarantana,  or  more  accurately  Quaran- 
tania,  Lat.  Quarantena,  is  the  name  of  the  desert  land  between  Jericho 
and  Jerusalem,  but  a  high,  rugged  mountain  in  this  region  is  now  es- 
pecially  called  by  this  name.  Here  the  Saviour  is  said  to  have  passed 
the  forty  days  of  his  temptation  (hence  the  name),  for  which  reason 
many  hermits  had  their  cells  in  the  various  caverns  during  the  Middle 
Ages.  Here  the  man  feil  among  thieves  and  was  tended  by  the  Good 

2942.  2(011)0  =  tt)0.  Cf.  annod^  above.  These  particles  (au-,  aK-) 
are  simply  strengthening. 

2944,  !3^  ft^J)C  tjwf  ^oI)(ctt ;  generally  auf  glü^eubcu  ^ol^Ieu 
ftel)en,  to  sit  upon  thorns,  is  used  here  by  Lessing  to  denote  not  only 
great  impatience,  but  also  that  he  is  sorely  pressed  for  time;  for  he 
wishes  to  find  the  Templar  and  clear  up  the  mystery  of  his  birth. 

2947.  ©icbcici  duf  2!I)öBor,  hermitage  on  Alt.  Tabor,  between 
six  or  eight  miles  from  Nazareth,  where  Christ  was  transfigured.  In 
the  sixth  and  seventh  centuries  there  were  churches  and  a  cloister  on 
it.  At  the  time  of  the  Crusades  there  was  a  Latin  church  and  a 
cloister  built  there,  but  destroyed  by  the  Muhammedans  and  rebuilt 
later.     In  1187  Saladin  laid  everything  there  waste. 

2955.  ^H)^  D^r  gefegt,  comes  from  the  proverb  txXltXi  ^\6\)  '\\\^ 
Dt)r  fe^jeu,  lo  put  a  flea  in  one's  ear.  Cf.  ;3U  \^ZX[  ^Opf  fe^CU,  which 
probably  led  Lessing  to  the  use  of  the  above  expression.  Cf.  also 
eiuem  iu  \itw  O^reu  licgeu,  etc. 

2958-9.     The  Patriarch  did  not  believe  that  the  Templar's  hypothe 
sis  was  a  hypothesis,  but  a  real  case,  so  he  had  nothing  better  to  do 
than  to  send  out  the  good  Bonafides  to  find  the  Jew. 

^-   -^^^ 

284  NOTES. 

2961.  Db  governs  the  genitive  when  casual,  the  dative  when  local 
or  temporal. 

2962-5.  The  reference  is  to  Matt,  xii,  31.  This  is  a  thrust  at  the 
theologians  of  that  time,  who  understood  by  the  sin  against  the  Holy 
Ghost,  now  blasphemy  of  Christ's  person,  now  the  peculiar  sins  of 
malice,  etc.     But  the  controversy  was  endless  and  bitter. 

2979.  (^a^^rt  =  ©050,  a  fortified  seaport  where  formerly  the 
Philistines  dwelt.  Saladin  attacked  and  took  it  in  1 170,  but  abandoned 
it  again  because  important  matters  called  him  to  Egypt.  It  is  now 
known  under  the  name  of  Ghuzzeh. 

2982.  ^ÖtUlt  had  been  built  not  long  before  l)y  a  king  of  Jerusa- 
lem upon  a  height  of  the  same  name  not  far  from  Gaza. 

2986.  ®r  hiith  balb  barauf  hti  5(^fa(ou  =  er  fiel,  etc.  Ascalon 
was  a  fortified  seaport  in  the  south  of  Palestine  and  bore  a  conspicuous 
part  in  the  wars  of  the  Crusades. 

2987.  Sßo^l  foitft»  The  friar  did  not  know  Wolf  von  Filneck 
well,  but  in  his  personal  relations  (tDO^t  foilft),  in  contradistinction  to 
war,  where  he  met  an  honorable  death,  he  was  a  dear  lord. 

2995-6.  So  Ijdt  C§  ^MiC  29t3cgC^  proverbial  for  ^/lere  is  no  haste, 
there  is  no  fear  ;  If  no  one  eise  knows  about  the  matter,  thcre  is  thcn  no 

Xtöltt  lltit»  Nathan  does  not  seem  to  trust  him  as  he  ought,  hence 
this  peculiar  plea  to  inspire  conhdence.  He  prefers  to  leave  the  good 
undone  rather  than  that  it  should  produce  evil.  Surmising  that  Nathan 
had  naturally  brought  up  the  child  as  his  own,  he  teils  him  that  there 
is  no  fear,  for  he  will  not  betray  him. 

3007-8.  Ultb  müßtet  fo  Ibcloljnet  merbcn  ?  The  Patriarch's  sen- 
tence  was:  ber  Sube  tDlrb  öerbraunt» 

3008.    ^^^  miü  mir  nidjt  et«  =  baö  iDitt  mir  nid^t  in  ben  ^opf,  ein^ 

leudjten,  /  cannot  understand  it. 

3013-14.  Uttb  ^ittber  braud)Ctt  Siebe,  alludes  to  the  well-known 
stories  of  children  nursed  by  wild  animals,  where  they  lack  a  mother's 
love  but  do  have  the  love  of  animals. 

3020-4.  Lessing  looked  upon  Christianity  as  upon  ennobled  Juda- 
ism,  not  a  new  religion,  and  this  was  the  mistake  of  many  and  is  so 
still.    In  one  of  the  Fragments,  „3>on  bem  '^xotdt  3efu  unb   feiner 


ACT   VI.       SCENE    7.  285 

Sünger,"  thisidea  isdwelt  upon.  Cf.  Boxberger's  note  to  this  passage. 
It  is  true  that  Jesus  never  broke  with  Judaism,  but  the  doctrines  he 
taught  were  so  diametrically  opposed  to  it  that  the  Christian  religion 
has  become  a  new  religion,  has  become  universal.  Christians,  however, 
should  learn  tolerance,  and  that  is  all  the  friar  means  here.  The  Jews 
are  also  God's  children. 

3025.  g'ürfjjrari^  =  Mid.  H.G.  J^ürfprcc^.  Now  they  say  2öort= 
fü^rer,  @pred)er,  Vertreter  bei  ©erid^t,  5'ürfprerf)er,  intercessor,  advo- 
cate.  See  Schiller,  Turandot  (Act  V,  Scene  i).  Weigand  derives  it 
from  Low  German  ^orjprafc. 

3026.  933etttt  §aj^  Uttb  ©(Ctfntcrci.  The  fanaticism  and  hypo- 
critical  piety  of  the  Patriarch  are  meant. 

3032-5.  Lessing  often  praised  the  simple-hearted  and  poor  in 
spirit.  The  simple,  trusting  faith  of  the  poor  in  heart  is  a  better  guide 
to  pious  deeds  than  the  great  knowledge  of  the  theologians.  Resigna- 
tion in  God  also  received  constant  praise  from  our  poet. 

^IbfJCttJlttttClt  is  a  very  significant  word,  as  it  portrays  the  inner 
struggle  in  Nathan's  soul  when  he  received  the  Christian  child  as  his 
own.     It  was  the  battle  of  resignation  to  God's  will. 

3036.     ajoö  293affer  =  Dott  %\)m\\m,  is  a  BibHcal  expression. 

3038-40.  Gath  is  one  of  the  five  royal  cities  of  Philistia  lying  north- 
west  of  Jerusalem,  but  at  this  time  long  since  destroyed.  The  many 
persecutions  of  the  Jews,  even  then  and  in  our  day,  not  for  the  praise 
of  God  as  they  claim,  but  for  political  reasons  and  for  personal 
gairi,  Warrant  this  heart-rending  tale  describing  Nathan's  ordeal  and 
victory  over  seif.  This  tale  also  has  a  direct  bearing  on  Lessing's  own 
life.  For  after  a  marriage  of  only  one  short  year,  the  only  happy  year 
of  his  life,  he  lost  a  wife  and  child.  It  was  a  bitter  struggle  for  the 
poet,  and  he  wrestled  long  in  anguish  of  soul,  but  came  out  resigned 
in  spirit  though  broken  in  body,  for  he  never  recovered  his  health 
again.  Nathan's  struggle  of  soul  was  written  with  the  heart's  blood  of 
the  poet. 

3046-7.  A  Biblical  description.  Cf.  Job,  the  king  and  inhabitants 
of  Ninevah. 

3048.  aScü^cr  =  nebenher,  mit  @ott  aud^  tt)ol)I  geredete!»  Just  as 
Job  wished  to  bring  his  cause  with  God  before  a  judge  and  plead  it. 
Job  also  accused  God  of  injustice. 

286  NOTES. 

3050.  Uttb  ho6)  ift  Qioit^  Like  Job  Nathan  never  denied  God,  how- 
ever  much  he  might  accuse  him  of  injustice.  Returning  reason  made 
him  reahze  this  and  see  that  all  happens  through  God's  decrees.  There 
fore  he  must  practice  what  he  had  long  ago  understood.  Faith  in  God 
and  resignation  to  his  decrees,  love  to  man,  both  friend  and  foe,  good 
deeds,  charity,  tolerance,  these  are  God-given  virtues  and  must  be  exer- 
cised  by  God's  children.  Their  practice  had  made  Nathan  wise.  The 
decision  to  do  so  was  made  at  this  critical  moment  of  his  life  and  God 
sent  him  the  desired  opportunity  immediately. 

3059-    3ttbem  =  tnbeffen. 

3068-70.  This  passage  corresponds  exactly  to  Lessing's  idea  of 
religion.  It  is  his  third  stage.  Cf.  Introd.  pp.  xii-xiii.  All  religions 
contain  the  germs  out  of  which  the  higher  religion  can  be  developed. 
Nicodemus,  the  Good  Samaritan,  the  Centurion,  etc.,  all  possessed 
those  qualities  which  class  them  as  professors  of  that  universal  religion, 
and  their  mere  outward  conformity  to  their  peculiar  modes  of  worship 
do  not  exclude  them  from  the  higher  rank  of  perfect  sons  of  God.  So 
Nathan  and  the  friar  meet  on  a  common  piain.  The  Jew  is  no  longer 
a  Jew,  nor  the  Christian  a  Christian,  but  both  are  true  sons  of  God. 

3072.  (Sicbcufarf|C  Siebe,  The  love  for  his  seven  sons  had  been 
transferred  to  the  foundling.     The  same  idea  occurs  in  line  3075. 

3078.  ^flun  t>oUttx\>§^  This  last  proof  of  Nathan's  resignation  to 
the  will  of  God  that  he  will  obey,  even  if  he  must  give  up  his  adopted 
daughter  whom  he  loves  with  a  sevenfold  love,  convinces  the  friar 
completely  (nun  üottctlbö)  that  Nathan  is  a  true  Christian. 

3081.  ^Ct  etftC  bcftC»  The  first  one  who  comes  along,  whether 
his  claim  be  good  or  not.  It  is  a  German  idiomatic  phrase  meaning 
any  one. 

3084.  SWtttftCtt  =  ntittbeftCtt,  the  earlier  and  formerly  very  common 
form  of  the  word. 

3088.      ^i^Jp  {^ippt),  masc,  now  obsolescent;   /einsman. 

3093.    Unb  bcm  (iJefc^(erf)te  beffeit  =  Unb  bcffen  ©efd^Iec^tc» 

3101.    ^ne{]t  =  trügt. 

3104.     ^erf(^arrtctt  =  begruben.    5>erfd^arren  is  not  elegant  and  is 

used  to  denote  the  hasty  burial  after  a  battle.     It  means  literally  to 
scrape  into  a  hole,  as  animals  bury  their  dead. 

ACT  IV.   SCENE  8. ACT  V.   SCENE  I.       287 

3108.  ^Ü)  fann  ni^t  (Cfcn*  When  we  remember  that  the  knights 
themselves  could  rarely  read  in  the  Middle  Ages,  it  will  not  appear 
Strange  that  a  poor  laybrother  could  not  read. 

3112.    ^I)r=  ber  Tlnttev  Tied^a'^. 

311g.     ©ibain^  ©d^miegerfoljn  ;  naturally  the  Templar. 

3124-5.  The  suspicion  against  Daja  is  unjust  in  one  sense  and  cor- 
rect  in  another.  She  is  the  only  one  who  knew  the  secret  and  it  could 
have  been  divulged  only  by  her.  However  she  had  not  divulged  it  to 
the  Patriarch,  but  to  the  Templar. 

ACT   IV.     SCENE  8. 

3135.  5lttd|  tl|m  nxd)t§  ^t^itäi,  that  is,  angebracht.  (Sinem  ettt)a§ 
ftecfen  is  to  teil  some  one  something  secretly,  and  is  taken  from  every- 
day  life. 

3142.  ^tti  expresses  how  quickly  the  Templar  will  lose  Recha. 
Synonymous,  yet  different  from  l)l\\d},  flugö,  tlU. 

3143.  ^cr  Scm^jclljcrr  tft  brnm»  Supply  gefonuncn.  Um  eitioa^ 
fommen  =  etiDaö  verlieren,  eiiibüffen,  um  etnjaö  gebrad}t  werben,  /^ 

3150.  Utttcrtticgcu)^  =  untemegen  or  imtertDcg^.  Untertüegen  is 
the  dative  plural  (unter  tDegen).  Untertt)eg§  is  falsely  formed  like 
t)0rmalö,  nad]malö,  etc.,  according  to  the  analogy  of  adverbial  gen- 
itives.  Unter,  however,  never  governs  the  genitive,  so  that  it  would  be 
wrong  here. 

ACT   V.     SCENE  i. 

*  SÖltttttötttcfctt,  that  is,  slaves.  They  were  either  bought  as  children 
or  were  the  children  of  the  concubines  of  the  Turkish  nobles  and  were 
carefully  brought  up.  Lessing  cites  from  Marin  :  "The  Mamelukes  or 
the  body  guard  of  Saladin  wore  a  kind  of  yellow  livery;  for  this  was 
the  color  of  the  body  guard  of  his  whole  house,  and  all  who  wished  to 
appear  attached  to  him  sought  to  gain  credit  by  wearing  this  color. 
Saladin  kept  a  thousand  Mamelukes  who  were  very  much  attached  to 
him  and  fought  bravely." 

3158.  ^al|it(t,  the  Arabic  form  of  Cairo,  which  latter  form  comes 
from  the  Italian  pronunciation.  The  füll  name  is  Musr  el  KaViira,  /Ae 
victorious  capital.     It  lies  in  Middle  Egypt  on  the  Nile. 

288  NOTES. 

3160.     3Btö!)iltt,  Arabic  form  for  Abraham. 

3162-3.    ^aht  ^anf  bcr  ^nttn  S^xtmx^,    This  construction  ob- 

tained  in  Middle  H.G.  £de/  riter  Günther,  des  Schuzzes  habe  danc , . . 
It  is  more  energetic  than  the  usual  construction,  ^^t  3)att!  für  bie 

gute  3^tong.    3^^^^^9  =  ^^<^^^^^)t» 
3165-6.    ^em  guten  S3otett5!cut  S3otcttBrot?    33otenbrot  denoted 

first  the  three  slices  of  bread  given  to  a  messenger  for  good  news,  then 
any  reward  for  a  message.  The  expression  is  now  obsolete  and  ^otett* 
(ol)n  is  used  instead. 

3176.  (3o  fur^  tior  meinem  ^IBtritt,  euphemistic  for  death.  They 
now  say  Abgang  or  Eintritt.  Saladin  died  of  a  hot  fever  the  4th  of 
March,  1193,  in  his  57th  year.  According  to  Marin,  II,  320,  Saladin 
had  a  presentiment  of  an  early  death.  In  sending  his  son  El  Dhaher,  in 
1192,  to  Upper  Syria  he  said :  "  My  son,  you  are  going  to  reign  over 
the  States  which  I  have  given  you.  My  infirmities  make  me  fear  that  I 
shall  never  see  you  again." 

3190.    ©Jjrcngte  =  baö  ^ferb  fpringcn  ließ,  dashed  off  at  füll 


3193.  £erfer  =  Xeüerlecfer.  It  usually  denotes  a  green  young  man. 
then  ®d)e(m,  @^3it^bube.     Here  it  means  the  rascal. 

3201.  2)ag  fie  mein  S3eifiJie(  (l)at)  bilben  l^elfen, 

3202.  3^  guter  fietft,  at  the  last.  I^etje  denotes  the  fortress  on  the 
boundary,  then  the  end,  leave-taking,  then  parting  gift,  or  cup;  it  then 
became  confounded  with  Mid.  H.G.,  fid^  Ie^en  =  ftd}  ergoßen,  to  enter- 
tain,  rejoice.  ^e^e  {refreshment,  amusement,  parting  cup)  passed  out 
of  use  except  in  several  expressions,  and  finally  became  confounded  with 
?e(jt(e),  the  end. 

ACT   V.     SCENE   2. 

3210.  ^6u(f(Xffen  is  a  common  enough  name,  l^ut  the  whole  event 
here  narrated  is  fictitious  and  only  introduced  to  account  for  the  delay 
of  the  transport. 

321 1.  Xljebaii^,  the  country  about  Thebes  in  Upper  Egypt.  There 
had  been  no  revolt  there. 

3226.  3>^^  ♦  ^*^  ^VXf  etc.,  addressed  to  the  slaves  in  the  back- 

ACT   V.       SCENES    3    AND    4.  289 

ACT  V.     SCENE  3. 

3237  ff.  The  Templar  begins  to  realize  that  the  fanatical  Christian  in 
him  is  more  firmly  seated  than  the  bigoted  Jew  in  Nathan  and  advances 
one  Step  farther  in  his  transition  stage. 

3244-g.  The  figure  is  from  the  plastic  art.  The  unknown  father  is 
Uke  the  slave  who  brings  the  artist  the  rough  block,  while  Nathan  is 
like  the  artist  who  chisels  it  into  a  beautiful  statue. 

The  DbCtt  (BtvatCi>  \>C§  fiebCUi^  is  the  ordinary,  stupid  education 
which  the  ordinary  person  gives  to  a  child,  while  Nathan  had  given 
Recha  the  best  that  could  be  had.     Hence  Nathan  is  the  real  father. 

3252.  ^H;^  (SljnftcnbiruC,  !5)irne  formerly  had  a  noble  meaning, 
but  now  it  mostly  expresses  contempt,  which  was  the  Templar's  inten- 
tion  in  using  it. 

3254.  ©0  eilt  ^WtiC,  that  is,  a  Jew  like  Nathan  who  had  won  the 
Templar's  profound  respect. 

3256.  ®clOft  i!|r  £äd^ellt.  Not  even  her  smile,  which  had  en- 
<:hanted  him,  would  be  valued  by  him  without  the  charm  of  character 
and  intellect  as  its  priceless  setting. 

3265.  ä^erflattcrit,  taken  from  the  butterfly  which  passes  its  time 
fluttering  in  the  sun. 

3266.  £auntf(i)«  Before  he  was  ätgetUd^  iß'^g^y)^  now  he  is  only 
laUUifci^  {moody,  cross). 

3268-9.    933ettit  id|  bcti  (Bt^M  ticrbtcttte,  etc.,  what  if,  etc.    Cf. 

lines  2819-21,  where  Saladin  was  justly  quite  sarcastic. 

3274.  ä$OtgC))(aubCtt*  Daja  may  after  all  have  been  merely  gos- 
siping  and  knew  nothing  of  what  she  was  saying.  He  should  have 
been  wiser  than  to  have  given  heed  to  her  words. 

3282.     It  was  not  a  single  spark,  the  whole  being  was  on  fire. 

3285.  3!|rct  tDartCtt,  Söartcn  with  the  genitive  means  to  watch^ 
to  minä,  to  pay  attention  to, 

ACT  V.     SCENE  4. 

3292.  Wanting  nothing  the  friar  was  richer  than  Nathan  with  all 
his  wealth;   for  the  self-sufficient  (gcnugfattt)  is  rieh. 

3317.    ©rabcn  3Begi§  =  grabet  njegö.    For  the  sake  of  euphony 

290  NOTES. 

the  weak  form  of  the  masc.  and  neut.  adj.  is  used  in  adverbial  expres- 
sions  like  this,  but  with  this  particular  word  the  strong  form  has  been 

3326.  ^ir  batike  mat^tc.  In  the  expression  einem  bange  mad^en, 
bange  is  an  adverb  and  the  whole  idea  is  to  cause  anxiety  to  any  one. 
The  dative  is  alone  correct,  but  some  look  upon  bange  as  an  adjective 
and  construe  bange  niad)en  with  the  accusative. 

3331-3.  Nathan  had  educated  a  Christian  child  in  his  peculiar  way 
and  mankind  would  condemn  him,  but  God  knew  all  and  had  ordained 

ACT   V.     SCENE  5. 

3337.  The  Templar  is  not  strictly  truthful,  for  he  had  not  waited 
for  Nathan,  l)ut  had  first  seen  the  Patriarch  to  get  his  advice  in  regard 
to  Recha's  case  and  then  had  hastened  to  Saladin  to  prevent  any  vio- 
lent  measures  from  being  taken. 

3346.  Stöbcr  =^  *SpÜr[)nnb,  a  kind  of  seiter.  Here  it  is  used  for  a 
spy.  Nathan  is  trying  to  find  out  whether  the  Templar  has  been  to  the 
Patriarch,  and  the  Templar  is  trying  to  find  out  whether  the  friar  has 
told  Nathan  anything.     Hence  the  cautious  questioning. 

3350.  'I)ic  bummc — nirfjt  biC  fromme.  With  all  his  simplicity 
the  friar  was  not  stupid  and  would  never  lend  himself  as  a  blind  tool 
for  executing  the  wicked  plans  of  the  Patriarch. 

3351.  The  Patriarch,  however,  considers  him  stupid  and  thinks  him- 
self shrewd  enough  to  use  his  simplicity  for  his  bad  purposes. 

3354-  ©0  ftCÜt  er  ttienigfieiti^  ftt^  ^^,  The  Templar  still  fears 
that  the  friar  may  have  betrayed  all  to  the  Patriarch  and  possibly  to 
Nathan;  he  does  not  heartily  trust  him.  Conscious  of  his  own  wrong 
he  fears  the  result  in  either  case. 

3363.  W\i  feiner  (^nttft  =mit  feiner  ©rlanbntß,  begging  his  par- 
don.     The  Templar  had  not  made  any  complaint  nor  given  any  names. 

3370.    %t\)\  =  ge^Itritt,  genfer. 

3375-  2Ba^  mid)  murmif^  mai^tc  =  tt)a8  mid^  in  2Bux^  hxaäjte. 
Sönrmlfc^  =  tDnrmig,  which  is  the  usual  form  now. 

3381.  ^u^^ttbeugen.    Cf.  Iine2ii7. 

3382.  %Vi§  bcr  £uft  gegriffen,   an  idiomatic    expression  meaning 

ACT   V.       SCENE    5.  291 

unfounded,  invented.  However,  Nathan's  questions  were  not  unfounded, 
but  very  much  to  the  point,  for  he  wished  to  prevent  any  fatal  mis- 

3394-5.    5(u(!|  !ur5  uttb  gut  "ts^^^  9Rcffcr  ^xi  btc  5lcl)lc  feigen  = 

einen  in  bie  än^erfte  ^ot  bringen.  This  expression  means  to  attack 
one  tooth  and  nail,  do  one  all  the  damage  possible.  Of  course  it  refers 
to  his  consultation  with  the  Patriarch. 

3395-6.  3So  ftCCft  bai§  ®UtC  ?  The  delicate  thrust  which  Nathan 
aims  at  the  Templar  shows  at  the  same  time  the  infinite  fund  of  humor 
in  his  character.  When  the  Templar  closes  his  remarks  with  "  well 
and  good,  I  determined  to  do  all  the  härm  possible,"  he  asks :  "  Do 
you  call  that  ^öö^ai'then?  "  We  see  this  same  vein  of  humor  and  at  the 
same  time  reproof  in  him  when  offering  his  money  to  Saladin. 

3399.     ®CI)iif^tJ],  here  used  in  the  active  sense,  hates you. 

3401.  ©in  jttugcr  fiaffc  ==  ein  nnöerftänbiger,  nnbejonncncr  jnnger 

3402.  5ln  Bcibcn  ©nbClt  =  an  (S|"tremen^  He  is  an  extremist  who 
always  does  either  too  much  or  too  little. 

3404-5.  993cutt  \\^X  fo  VX\^  frcitiö)  f  äff  et»  "If  you  come  to  me 
condemning  your  own  act  as  you  do  and  judging  yourself  so  severely 
(then  I  must  pardon  you)." 

3432-4.  3^^  ttläl|ttt,  etc.  The  breviary  had  informed  Nathan  fuUy 
of  all  he  wished  to  know  about  both  Recha  and  the  Templar,  hence 
there  was  no  longer  any  necessity  for  concealment.     Cf.  lines  3327-94. 

3446-7.  He  had  saved  her  from  the  fire,  now  he  will  save  her  from 
the  convent. 

344g.  The  friar  had  been  reminded  by  the  Patriarch's  commission 
of  his  part  in  delivering  Recha  to  Nathan.  The  discovery  of  the  whole 
truth  resulted  from  this  circumstance. 

3456.    5(u^  bicfeu  (Rauben). 

3466-7.  The  Templars,  and  most  of  the  Orders  of  the  day,  were 
both  priests  and  warriors.  Nathan  does  not  yet  wish  to  teil  the  secret 
to  the  Templar,  hence  his  evasive  answers. 

3475-7.  So  Recha  spoke  to  Daja:  „n)a§  tl^at  er  bir,  ben  @amen 
ber  35ernnnft  ^en  er  fo  rein  in  meine  @eele  ftrente,  3J?it  beineö  i^anbeS 
Unfrant  ober  ^lume  @o  gern  jn  mifd)en?"  lines  1564-7.    It  is  a  plea 

292  NOTES. 

for  rational  religion  again  which  the  Templar  prefers  to  the  tares  of 
superstition.     Satan  sows  the  tares.     See  Matt,  xiii,  25 ff. 

3483  ff.  Lessing  has  skillfully  brought  out  the  character  of  the 
Templar,  who  inherits  the  impetuoiis  temperament  of  Gannole  in 
Boccaccio  (see  Introd.  p.  xxvi).  Again  his  passion  carries  him  away  and 
his  bitter  sarcasms  mar  his  better  nature.  "  The  shell  may  be  bitter," 
says  Nathan,  "  but  the  kernel  is  sound." 

3492.  SS^H!^  Rottet  il)r  für  einen  (^ngel  \s<i  %tWtsti  is  the  reading 

that  stood  in  the  first  impression.     Nathan  also  compares  her  to  an 

3493.  S^etl^nn^en,  hotch.  The  expression  comes  from  the  works  of 
art  which  are  botched  by  bunglers.  Nathan  had  made  a  noble  woman 
of  Recha,  and  novv  she  should  become  bigoted  and  narrow  as  most  re- 
ligious  Partisans  were. 

3494.  (5t,  that  is,  \sZX  (Sngel  of  whom  the  Templar  had  just  spoken. 
Recha  would  still  be  worthy  of  their  love. 

3496.    Son  metner  fiiebc  fagt  \s^^  nid^t»    He  cannot  think  the 

distorted  picture  which  his  busy  fancy  creates  will  be  loveable.     He 
does    not    wish    the    least    thing,    not    even    her   name    (as   Nathan's 
daughter)  changed.     The  slightest  change  would  distort  the  picture  in 
his  eyes. 
3501.    ^nrff  eben  tjiel  =  "h^^  ift  gletc^  öiel,  einerlei,  all  the  same. 

3507.  SÖJnnn!^  genng,  to  be  man  enough,  to  have  the  courage.  The 
genitive  after  genug  was  the  prevailing  construction  at  one  time  and  is 
retained  in  this  expression. 

The  Templar  thinks  that  Recha  is  filled  with  the  same  passion  as 
himself  and  will  sacrifice  all  to  follow  him. 

3510.    ^Zad)  ©nd^  .  ♦  .  5U  fragen,    9^^ad^  einem  fragen,  to  tnind  or 

c are  for  one, 

3512.  The  Templar  is  resolved  to  become  a  Mussulman  in  order  to 
get  Recha,  and  relies  upon  Saladin^s  promise  to  help  him. 

3518.  fieid^t  )^t\l>t^  The  close  of  the  scene  is  rather  drastic  and 
abrupt,  though  the  interest  does  not  abate.  It  also  prepares  us  well 
for  the  final  scene. 

ACT  V.      SCENE    6.  293 

ACT   V.     SCENE   6. 

*  ^arcm»     Cf.  line  1142. 

3520.     23cfkmmt,  for  beflommen,  the  weak  form  for  the  streng. 

3525.    <Sd)itv  =  \d)mU,heu\al)e. 

JJtOlttttt»  This  was  the  highest  praise  Lessing  could  give :  „3c^ 
fenne  au  einem  unüert)eirateten  ^äbdjcn  feine  ^ö^eren  !^ugenben  aU 
grömmigfeit  unb  @elt)or{am"  is  his  saying. 

3528.    Sllbcnt  =  albernen,  as  above. 

3533-6.  For  while  reading  we  acquire  only  through  the  memory, 
but  the  whole  soul  receives  by  Hvely,  oral  Instruction.  Lessing  had 
positive  ideas  on  this  subject :  ,/^er  auö  ^üd}ern  ertDorbene  9^eid)tnm 
frember  ©rfal)rung  l^eißt  ®ele!^rfam!eit,  (Stgne  @rfa(}rnng  ift  2ßetöl)eit. 
3)aö  fleinfte  Kapital  öon  bicfer  ift  niel^r  n^ertl)  alö  9J?inionen  öon  jener." 

3528-42.  Teaching  by  object  lessons  (Pestalozzi,  1 745-1827)  be- 
came  the  rage  later,  but  earlier  writers  like  Rousseau  had  turned  atten- 
tion to  the  subject  of  education  and  advocated  this  innovation.  But 
perhaps  the  ancient  method  of  teaching  was  in  Lessing's  mind. 

3546.  ©0  fd^led)t  Ultb  Vtdjt  is  one  of  those  rhyme-phrases,  which 
are  so  populär  even  in  our  day.  @ci^led)t  =  f(^Ud)t,  eben,  gerabe,  ein- 
fältig, gut 

3547.  So  ganj  ftr^  fclbft  nur  äl)nl^  =  ganj  original,  natural  and 


3550.  Saladin  had  told  her  his  story  and  Al-Hafi  had  often  spoken 
to  her  of  Nathan. 

3554.  SWeitt  ^Crj  Witt  £uft.  My  heart  must  have  vent.  Over- 
come  by  the  painful  idea  that  she  is  to  lose  her  father  she  makes  a 
strong  appeal  to  Sittah  in  her  anxiety  and  fear,  hoping  that  she  may  be 
able  to  help  her. 

3575-  SJergcb^  ♦  ♦  ♦  bcloljtt^  forgive  her  for  the  bad  (^öfe^)  and 
reward  her  for  the  good  (@ute^). 

3579-80.  Attention  has  already  been  called  to  this  discrepancy  in 
lines  758-62.  For,  if  Daja's  husband  was  drowned  with  the  emperor 
Frederick  in  11 90  and  she  entered  Nathan's  Service  soon  after,  she 
could  not  have  been  Recha's  nurse  in  childhood.     Cf.  Introd.  p.  xxxiv^ 

3583.  @eängftet,  now  geängftiget,  but  Goethe  also  uses  ängften, 
Iph.,  Act  I,  Scene  2. 

294  NOTES. 

3586-g.  Daja  is  one  of  those  who  believe  their  own  way  the  only 
sure  way  to  salvation,  and  she  has  done  all  in  her  power  to  convert 
Recha;  novv  she  has  disclosed  the  secret  of  her  birth.  Proselyting  was 
not  in  favor  with  Lessing. 

3601.  Slöem  ?  is  here  used  as  the  dative  of  \va^,  an  unusual  use. 
The  iDa§  refers  hack  to  „eö  ge^t  ju  tüeit,,  and  iuem  to  „'^em  laim  iä) 
nld)t§  entgegcnfe^en/' 

3612.  Recha's  doubt  of  the  disclosure  is  expressed  in  the  tDlII  = 
pretends  to  have  disclosed. 

3619.     3u  ^^^  JKid^tc  gcl)cn  =  gerabeauö  geljen,  /o^o  straight akead, 

hence  io  iake  iJie  shortest  cut. 

3624.    W\t  tuarb  mir  (511  SUZutc)? 

3627.  ^ci  bcr  ^Ött(id)ett  (9Jiaric)*  The  worship  of  Mary  was  at 
its  highest  during  the  Crusades. 

ACT   V.     SCENE   7. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  Saladin  was  to  inspect  the  caravan  from 
Egypt  and  see  the  Emir  off  to  Lebanon  and  then  visit  Sittah. 

3640.  (5ic  ift  tlOlt  fid)  ==  fie  ift  außer  fiel),  which  is  the  more  usual 

3645.  History  relates  many  instances  of  Saladin's  high  sense  of 
justice  to  friend  and  foe.  None  sought  mercy  or  help  of  him  in  vain, 
Cf.  Marin's  summary  of  his  character  at  the  close  of  his  Histoire  de 

3653-4.  Cf.  the  Templar's  monologue,  lines  3243ff.  Not  the  slave 
who  delivers  the  block  to  the  artist  is  the  author  of  the  masterpiece  in- 
to  which  the  marble  is  chiseled,  but  the  artist  who  plans  and  executes 
the  work.  There  are  higher,  hoher,  closer  relations  than  the  mere 
authorship  of  one's  being;  viz.,  that  of  guide  and  wise  instructor  who 
develops  the  noble  and  pure  mind  and  fills  the  soul  with  high  and 
noble  aspirations;  he  has  a  sacred  claim  to  the  child  which  far  out- 
weighs  mere  abstract  parentage. 

3656.  Saladin  considers  the  disclosure  a  piece  of  cruelty,  though 
done  with  the  best  intentions.  The  Templar  had  told  him  this  story, 
but  he  gives  it  no  credence  and  waits  for  the  proof. 

ACT    V.       LAST    SCENE.  295 

3661.     ^afclub  =  abermigig  mxh   wie  irrig  rebenb.     The  Imntc 

(nurse)  was  in  her  dotage  and  may  have  been  wandering  in  her  mind. 
The  question  is,  how  did  she  ever  find  out  Nathan's  secret?  Of  course 
the  poet  is  not  obhged  to  teil  us  all  the  secrets  of  the  play,  but  yet 
Nathan  was  certainly  never  indiscreet  enough  to  betray  his  own  secret 
to  a  nurse. 

3674  ff.      Utngefci^en  is  the  imperative. 

Um  bic  SÖCtte  Ithtn  tuiU»  One  who  would  run  life's  race  on  equal 
terms  with  her;   in  othcr  words,  one  of  equal  age  and  chances. 

ACT   V.     LAST   SCENE. 

3690-2.  Boccaccio  also  makes  Saladin  return  the  money  borrowed 
of  the  Jew  Melchisedec. 

3691.      23cbcUtCU,  inform. 

3696-9.  Boccaccio  also  makes  Saladin  send  away  the  Jew  with 
rieh  presents.  Lessing's  skill  in  carrying  out  this  motive  is  much 
greater  than  that  of  the  Italian.  Saladin's  delicacy  in  his  offer  is  ex- 
tremely  pleasant.  Nathan,  however,  attends  to  the  weightier  matters 

3706-7.  Observe  the  strengthening  double  negative,  like  the  Greek 
and  older  English;  present  colloquial  English  employs  the  same  means 
of  adding  emphasis  to  the  negation. 

3708.  deiner,  feiner  (35erluft)  fonft !  Recha  confesses  to  Daja 
(lines  1718-23)  that  she  does  not  love  the  Templar,  but  that  he  would 
always  be  dear  to  her.  Her  desire  to  see  him  was  the  desire  to  be  able 
to  thank  her  rescuer. 

3709.  The  thought  had  never  entered  the  Templar's  mind  that 
Recha  was  not  as  passionately  in  love  with  him  as  he  with  her.  Cf. 
line  2i85f.,  ^^^^  Imes  3507-8. 

3715.  Cf.  lines  2817-8,  where  Saladin  promised  to  secure  Recha  for 

3716.  (^a(^  =  ja!).  It  is  the  impetuous  Gannole  of  Boccaccio 
again.  See  Tntrod.  p.  xxvi.  His  impetuosity  had  led  him  to  believe 
that  everybody  must  see  things  just  as  he  did  without  explanation  ot 
comment.     He  should  have  been  sure  of  his  alTair  l)efore  he  spoke. 

296  NOTES. 

3721.  5(uf  irgCttb  eine  233o]^lt^at  tVOi^t,  puts  ovenveening  confi- 
dence  in  a  good  deed.  He  who  is  too  confident  of  the  good  Impression 
a  good  deed  will  make  will  have  to  take  it  back. 

3736.  3ft  ltia)§  JKet^t^)^^  Thafs  something  remarkable^  worth 
boasting  of. 

3737-  ^yieinei^  S3ruberi^  .  ♦  .  lütfjti^.  Now  generally  nlrf)tg  ÜOU 
meinem  53ruber,  but  the  genitive  after  nic^t^  used  to  be  the  usual  con- 

3743-5.  This  differs  from  Saladin's  opinion  expressed  to  Sittah, 
lines  2840-44.  Saladin  was  apparently  arbitrary  with  Jews,  as  all 
princes  have  ever  been. 

3753-4.    6r  ^nt  i^r  einen  Später  anfgebnnben,  fiisted  hUnself  a 

Jew  as  her  father  upon  her  a  Christian^  and  now  he  is  going  to  foist  a 
brother  upon  her, 

3756.  ß^rift !  Once  before  Saladin  had  used  this  reproof  with  the 
Templar  (line  2783ff.),  and  he  deserved  it. 

3760.  Nathan  remembers  the  bitter  disappointment  the  Templar 
has  just  experienced  and  the  thoughtless  passion  of  youth,  both  of 
which  would  lead  him  to  rash  and  ill-considered  words. 

3761.  Suspicion  follows  on  the  heels  of  distrust.  If  the  Templar 
had  confided  in  Nathan  and  given  him  his  true  name,  he  would  have 
spared  himself  much  trouble.  But  lacking  the  virtue  of  confidence  in 
others  he  became  suspicious  and  misanthropic,  which  led  him  to  acts 
unworthy  of  his  better  seif. 

3770-  2)a;^  Iftciff*  Ojott  il)n  fjjred^en»  Nathan's  kindness  in  giving 
this  excellent  excuse  for  the  Templar's  apparent  deception  could  only 
come  from  one  who  was  guided  by  divine  wisdom,  hence  the  Templar 
says  that  God  prompted  him  to  say  that. 

3775.    §icr  jn  ßanbe  !amcn  =  l^er  3U  ^anbe  =  in biefeö  Si^w^i  famen. 

After  verbs  of  motion  we  should  expect  l^ierl^er,  or  in  this  case  l^er,  but 
compare  lines  502,  2459,  where  the  simple  l^ier  is  used. 

3785.  @r  mar  V^tXW  ^rennb»  Cf.  Hnes  2988-9,  where  he  mentions 
the  favors  he  had  received  from  Assad. 

3790-1.  The  Templar's  eagerness  to  find  out  the  brother  leads  him 
to  check  (nid^t  mef)r)  Nathan's  story  of  his  father  and  teil  him  of  the 
brother,  which  is  now  of  vastly  greater  importance  to  him. 

ACT    V.       LAST    SCENE.  297 

3795-  33ctnegcr  =  ÖCtrÜger»  The  information  that  he  was 
Recha's  brother  produced  such  a  revolt  in  the  Templar  that  he  was 
unable  to  recover  from  his  surprise  and  dismay.  It  was  a  thunderclap 
in  a  clear  sky  to  him,  for  he  never  expected  to  lose  the  woman  he  loved 
in  this  way.  Recha  and  Saladin  misinterpret  his  feehng  and  imagine 
that  he  considers  herseif  and  father  deceivers.  Saladin's  bitter  reproof 
brings  him  to  his  senses  again  and  he  makes  proper  amends. 

3797-8.  The  outward  resemblance  to  Assad  finds  no  confirmation 
in  the  heart  of  the  Templar  who  could  believe  Nathan  and  Recha 
capable  of  deception;  therefore  the  outward  resemblance  is  deceptive. 
Compare  the  Templar's  own  remark,  lines  704-707.  „SBic?  bie  9?atur 
l^ätf  aitd^  nur  @lncn  31^9  ^on  mir  in  beine^  iBruber^  govm  gebtibet : 
Unb  beul  eutfprädje  nid)t§  in  meiner  ®ee(e  ?  D^atnr,  \o  leiigft  bu  nid^t !" 
But  the  Templar's  heart  was  as  true  as  Assad's.  Surprise,  consterna- 
tion,  and  pain  at  his  loss,  had  overpowered  his  feelings,  and  he  was 
unable  to  reconcile  himself  to  the  new  Situation. 

3804-5.  For  the  bonds  of  nature  (the  love  of  brother  to  sister  and 
sister  to  brother)  are  stronger  than  the  bonds  that  bind  soul  to  soul. 
It  is  one  of  the  motives  of  the  piece.  We  see  it  in  Saladin  and  Sittah, 
in  Assad  and  Lilla.  The  study  of  the  classics  led  Lessing  to  this  idea; 
for  it  is  the  spirit  of  the  ancient  drama  where  we  see  portrayed  in  the 
Antigone  and  Iphigenia  the  tenderest  brotherly  and  sisterly  love,  but 
conjugal  love  was  not  considered  proper  to  be  portrayed  on  the  stage. 

3808-9.  The  Templar  remains  true  to  his  suspicious  nature.  He  is 
conscious  that  Nathan  had  good  reason  for  disowning  Mm  and  imagines 
that  he  is  going  to  make  Recha  suffer  for  his  faults,  but  Nathan  in  giv- 
ing  the  baptismal  name  of  Recha  had  no  intention  of  disowning  her 
and  dispels  all  suspicion  by  the  question  Unb  tt)a§  ?  For  what  should 
she  be  made  to  suffer  ? 

3818.    2)a)§  ®ef(i|ttJiftcr.    Cf.  line  260. 

3832.  5t^  !  feine  §anb,  Cf.  line  31 09ff.,  where  the  friar  says  that 
the  father  had  written  with  his  own  hand  the  family  names,  etc. 

3833-4.  Nathan  had  been  compelled  to  prove  the  relationship  be- 
tween  the  Templar  and  Recha  to  prevent  härm,  but  there  was  no 
reason  whatever  for  divulging  the  secret  of  Saladin's  relations  to  the 
two,  unless  he  himself  wished  it.     Therefore  he  leaves  it  to  him,  know- 


298  NOTES. 

ing  that  he  would  do  what  was  right.  It  would  be  to  mistake  Lessing 
completely  to  assume  that  he  makes  Nathan  guard  the  secret  from  any 
feeUng  of  serviUty  to  Saladin. 

3835.  ©rfcnnctt  ==  aiiedennen, 

3836.  SOZcitlC  9^icffcu»  This  expression  denotes  the  relation  exist- 
ing  between  uncles  and  nephews,  but  when  nephevvs  and  nieces  are  to 
be  included,  the  mascuUne  form  has  the  preference,  as  including  nieces. 

3842.     Cf.  hne  3669.     Sittah  had  made  the  same  offer  in  hne  3524. 
3844.     Cf.  Unes  3678-9. 


This  list  contains  only  those  works  bearing  upon  Nathan.  For  a 
fuller  list  of  works  upon  Lessing  see  Minna  von  Barnhelm,  pp.  243-4 
in  this  same  series. 

Bohtz.  G.  E.  Lessing's  Protestantismus  und  Nathan  der  Weise.  Er- 
läutert von  Dr.  August  Wilhelm  Bohtz.  Göttingen.  Vanden- 
hoeck  und  Ruprecht's  Verlag.      1854. 

Buchheim.  Nathan  der  Weise,  a  Dramatic  Poem  by  Lessing.  Edited 
with  English  Notes,  etc.  By  C.  A.  Buchheim.  Second  Revised 
Edition.     Oxford.     At  the  Clarendon  Press.      1888. 

Caro.  Lessing  und  Swift.  Eine  Studie  über  Nathan  der  Weise.  Von 
Dr.  J.  Caro.     Leipzig.     Verlag  von  Ambr.  Abel. 

Diesterweg.  Lessing's  Nathan,  in  Jahrbuch  für  Lehrer  und  Schul- 
freunde.    1865.     Von  Adolph  Diesterweg. 

Düntzer.  Lessing's  Nathan  der  Weise.  Erläutert  von  Heinrich 
Düntzer.     Leipzig,  Ed.  Wartig's  Verlag.     1883. 

Fischer.  G.  E.  Lessing  als  Reformator  der  deutschen  Literatur  dar- 
gestellt von  Kuno  Plschcr.  Zweiter  Theil.  Nathan  der  Weise. 
Stuttgart.     1881. 

Fürst.  Lessing's  Nathan  der  Weise.  Historisch  und  philosophisch 
erläutert  von  Dr.  Julius  Fürst.  Leipzig.  Verlag  von  Wilhelm 
Friedrich.     1881. 

Giesse.  Gotth.  Ephr.  Lessing's  Nathan  der  Weise.  Ein  Conferenz- 
vortrag  von  W.  Giesse,  Pfarrer  in  Langenschwalbach.  Darmstadt 
und  Leipzig.     Eduard  Zernin.      1866. 

Köpke.  Studien  zu  Lessing's  Nathan.  Ein  Vortrag  von  Dr.  Ernst 
Köpke.  Brandenburg  a.  H.,  1865.  Gedruckt  bei  Adolph 

Marin.      Histoire  de  Saladin  par  M.  Marin.     A  la  Haye.     1758. 



Naumann.       Literatur    über    Lessing's   Nathan.      Aus    den   Quellen. 

Von  F.  Naumann.    Dresden.    Königl.  Hofbuchhandlung  von  Her- 
mann Burbach.     1867. 
Niemeyer.     Lessing's  Nathan    der  Weise,  erläutert   von  Dr.   Eduard 

Niemeyer.     Zweite  Ausgabe.     Leipzig,  1887.     Verlag  von  Sieges- 
mund und  Volkening. 
Pabst.     Vorlesungen    über   G.   E.  Lessing's  Nathan,  von    Dr.   C.   R. 

Pabst.     Bern.     Verlag  von  B.  F.  Haller.     1881. 
Rönnefahrt.      Lessing's  dramatisches  Gedicht  Nathan  der  Weise.     Aus 

seinem  Inhalte  erklärt  von  J.  G.  Rönnefahrt.     Stendal.     Franzen 

und  Grosse.     1863. 
Schwarz.     Gotthold  Ephraim  Lessing  als  Theologe,  dargestellt   von 

Carl  Schwarz.     Halle.     C.  E.  M.  Lfeffer.     1854. 
Spielhagen.     Faust  und  Nathan.     Von  Friedrich  Spielhagen.     Berlin. 

Verlag  von  Franz  Duncker.     1867. 
Strauss.     Lessing's   Nathan    der   Weise.      Ein   Vortrag    von    David 

Friedrich  Strauss.     Bonn.     Emil  Strauss.      1877. 
Trosien.     Lessing's  Nathan    der    Weise.      Vortrag   von   E.   Trosien. 

Hamburg.     Verlag  von  J.  F.  Richter. 
Werder.     Vorlesungen    über    Lessing's   Nathan,   von    Karl    Werder. 

Berlin.     W.  F.  Fontane  und  Co.     1892. 
Wünsche.     Der    Ursprung   der    Parabel   von    den   drei   Ringen.     A. 

Wünsche.     Die  Grenzboten  am  Januar  1879. 


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fessor Fortier  of  Tulane  University.     30  cts. 

Molidre's  Le  Tartuffe.    With  foot-notes  by  Professor  Gase,  England.  25  cts. 

Molidre's  Le  Medecin  Malgre  Lui.  With  foot-notes  by  Professor  Gase, 
England.     15  cts. 

Moliere's  Les  Precieuses  Ridicules.  With  introduction  and  notes  by 
Professor  Toy  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina.     25  cts. 

Piron's  La  Metromanie.     Comedy  in  verse,  with  notes  by  Professor  Delbos, 

England.     40  cts. 
Warren*s  Primer  of  French  Literature.     An  historical  handbook.     75  cts. 

Taine's  Introduction  ä  PHistoire  de  la  Litterature  Anglaise.  With  essay 
on  Taine  by  Irving  Babbitt,  Harvard  University.     20  cts. 

DuvaPs  Histoire  de  la  Litterature  Francaise.     In  easy  French.     Froro 

earliest  times  to  the  present.     $i'.oo. 
Voltaire's  Prose.     Selected  and  edited  by  Professors  Cohn  and  Woodward 

of  Columbia  University.     $1.00. 

French  Prose  of  the  XVIIth  Century.  Selected  and  edited  by  Professor 
Warren  of  Adelbert  College,     ^i.oo. 

La  Triade  Francaise.  Poems  of  Lamartine,  Musset,  and  Hugo,  with  in- 
troductions  and  notes  by  L.  Both-Hendriksen.     75  cts. 

Complete  Catalogue  of  Modern  Langua£:e  Texts  seni  en  regnest. 

%,  y 




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