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i ■ » * ..; ■. - ■' • : » •' . 

6rammar ^cl)0dl ClasEsEtcd* 





F. A. PALEY, M.A. 



W. H. STONE, B.A. 




i 1881. 

Gif t of 
Ci Mor an ro ne X 

ec. 12. 1921 



ST. john's SQUARE. 






rHE notes in the present edition of Martial were for the 

most part written in the years 1862 — 1863. My late 

lamented friend and former piipil, Mr. Stonfij scholar of 

Trinity CoUege, had consented to join me in the attempt 

(no light one, we were well aware) to produce such an 

edition of this poet as might be found suitable both for 

sc^' xA reading and for general use. He entered into his 

tvoiK with great enthusiasm, and devoted much time and 

ibour to his allotted portion of the task. An excellent 

\d promising scholar, and a keen admii*er of Martial, 

aom he justly regarded as the greatest wit as well as 

» most accomplished and artistic versifier of antiquity, 

''•ad not only made himself master of his author, but 

Iiad read a good deal for the express purposes of illus- 
tion and explanation. His notes were placed in mj 
' tnds, after his early decease, not indeed fuUy finished, 
^or as he himself intended them for publication, yet in 
uch an advanced state that I have been able to avail 
fseif of them as far as they went. 
In considering how we might best satisfy a want that 

A 2 




all scholars admit — for it is a remarkable fact, that no 
complete edition of Martial with explanatorj notes has 
ever appeared, either in England or in Germany, sinee 
the * Variorum ' editions of nearly two centuries ago, 
which, even when they can be procured, are behind the 
requirements of the age, — one principal difficulty pre.- 
sented itself. However brilliant the wit, however valu- 
able the details of domestic Roman life and of Roman 
topography, and however admirable the poetry and th,e 
hitinitj of Martial, there is this valid ground of objection 
to the use of his epigrams in schools, that not less than a 
fourth part of them is exceedinglj gross, and quite unfit 
for general reading. The same, indeed, may justlj be said 
of Catullus, Juvenal, Aristophanes, and some others; 
but the remedy of expurgation has long ago been so far 
applied to them, as to make them not onlj endurable, 
but highly popular in schools. Now selection, w^ich is 
the plan we resolved upon, has obvious advantages over 
expurgation; and it is fortunate that of all authors 
Martial most readilj admits of selection, because eacli 
epigram is quite complete in itself *. Since, however, 
manj of the epigrams are very difficult, and require a 
large amount of illustration, we feared that it would be 
found impossible to include in one moderately sized volunie 
all the residue, i. e. all the really readable epigrams. We 
were compelled, therefore, to select again from these ; and 
that was a task in itself requiring a good deal of time and 
judgment. Having agreed, in common consultation, as to 

^ Very rarely — perhaps in half-a-dozen instances — we have omitted i 
a line or two from the epigrams given in this serieB. 


the particular cpigrams we would admit (aud be it under- 
stood, we have omitted hardlj any of the readable sort 
which can fairly be considered important, excluding, how- 
ever, not without regret, the yery interesting distichs, about 
350 in number, composing the thirteenth and fourteenth 
books), it only remained to mark them in our respective 
editions, and work upon them by reference to our own 
numbers. Thus, we uniformly quote the number and 
Yerse of our coUection, as a shorter and more convenient 
method than the full reference to book, epigram, and 
Terse, except in the tolerablj numerous cases where 
epigrams not in our series are referred to or cited for the 
sake of illustration. Once made, it is obvious that the 
numbering of our epigrams could not be altered without 
throwing all our references into confusion. I hope that 
this pian wilL be thought, on the whole, the best that 
coul<^ be adopted. I think that to have produced a 
readable edition of the best parts of such a poet, fit to be 
placed in the hands of all, with a brief heading to each 
epigram to,explain the general drift of it, and with such 
notes as will suffice for every purpose of explanation, will 
be thonght a useful expenditure of labour. 

My own time has been so much taken up with other 
classical work of late years, that I have advanced but 
slowly with these notes, though I have never laid them 
entirelj aside. Still, all that time I have been reading and . 
teaching Martial, and thus leaming him better and better. 
And of this I have long been satisfied — that there is no 
Latin poet that would take such extensive illustration, if 
the learniug of an editor or the limits of his work would 


allow of its application. This i« probably the real reason 
which has deterred even German scholars from under- 
taking complete editions x)f Martial. It would be casy 
to name some two dozen epigrams in this volume, od 
which alone hundreds of pages of notes might have been 
written. We found it a difficult task to say only just so 
much, or rather so little, as should suffice to make each 
epigram fairly intelligible in itself. If we have erred at 
all, it has been on the side of deficiency ; but any other 
plan than that we haye foUowed would probably have 
defeated the object we had at heart, viz. to hring Martial 
into the series ofRoman poets usuall^ read in our schools, 

There are three books especially which we have used 
constantlj as references; so Constantly indeed, that I 
must ahnost ask the student of Martial in this edition to 
have them at hand. These are — 

1. Becker's * Gallus,* translated by the Rev. F. Met- 
calfe ; a work very largely devoted to the illustration of 
Martial, and quite essential to the rigbt understanding of 
the poet. The words given in Becker's index, as ex- 
plained in the body of the work, in themselves form 
abuost a glossarj to Martial. 

2. The * Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionaiy 
and Greek Lexicon,' by Anthony Rich, Jun., B.A. This 
is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable contributions 
ever made in this country to classical school literature. 
I have used it for years, and I more and more admire and 
appreciate the accuracy, the leaming, the artistic feeling, 
and the great value and beautj of its numerous illustra- 
tions. Like the work before mentioned, it is not only 



important, but aimost necessaiy for the student of 

3. Thirteen Satires of Juyenal, by the Rev, J. E. B. 
Mayor, M.A. I need saj nothing further in praise of this 
well-known work, than that it is one of the few classical 
editions that have emanated from this University, which 
can fairly vie in the immensitj of its erudition with the 
Grerman commentaries. Of all the Roman poets, Juvenal 
most directly illustrates Martial. In very many cases 
I have merely referred to a note of Mr. Mayor's, where 
the student will at once find all the information, or at 
least all the references, he can possibly desire. 

From the seventh volume of Mr. Merivale's * History 
of the Romans under the Empire,' (under the life and 
times of the Emperor Domitian), an explanation of the 
historical allusions to the wars and other political events 
of the period will be most readily and conveniently 

Nothing indeed more curiously iliustrates the force of 
fashion, and the routine of school teaching, than the fact 
that Juvenal, a contemporary and friend of Martial, and 
quite as liable to the charge of grossness ', has always 
been read in our schools and colleges, and that at least a 
dozen good school editions exist of that poet, wbile Mitf- 
tial has remained, to ordinary students, almost unread 
and unknown. And yet it is impossible to speak too 
highly of the merits of Martial, if Roman pOets are to be 

* Of coune, there is a difference between satirizing vioe and 
^lorying in it. For school reading, however, the differenoe is not 
very important. 


read at all. His wit is of that peculiarly pointed and 
brilliant kind whieh must be felt to be appreciated — it is 
wit in the very highest and most perfect definition of it 
A single word at the end of an epigram, perhaps, con- 
tains the whole point of the thing ; or a douhle entendre^ 
or a turn •jrapa vpoaBoKiav, different from what you though 
was to come, gives the colour and expression to the epi 
gram. Of course, those minds (and there are such) 
which do not appreciate wit, may find more genial exer- 
cise than in reading Martial. But it is as an elegiac poet 
that I particularly wish to commend to all the study of 
Martial. If Latin verse-writing is to hold its place in 
Bchools, no model can be found superior in elegance and 
versatility to Martial. Although ftin is his liking, pathos 
is his forte. Many of his epigrams breathe the most 
exquisite tones of sentiment and affection. A perfect 
master of latinity, he could describe the dishes of a 
^Roman dinner, the follies of a Roman fop, the fumiture 
of a bath, or the picturesque site of a villa, the decease 
of a favourite vema, or the tears of a mother over her 
infant's grave, with equal reality and felicity of expres- 
sion. His chief weakness was one that he had in common 
with nearly every Roman poet under the empire — abject 
servility and fulsome flattery of the man on the im- 
perial throne, whom he calls his *lord and his god'.' 
Living, however, in the reign of Domitian, he had the 
excuse of a kind of necessity. None w^re then safe 
who did not fiatter ; every man of note purchased his life 

* Ep. 219. 1, ' edictum domini deiquc nostri.' 


at the cost of his independeDce*. *Quid si per quin- 
decim annos,' asks Tacitns ', * grande mortalis aevi 
spatiiim, mnlti fortuitis casibus, promptissimus quisque 
saevitia principis, intercidemnt ? Pauci, ut ita dixerim, 
non modo aliorum sed etiam nostri miperstites snmus, 
exemptis e media vita tot annis, qnibus juvenes ad 
senectutem, senes prope ad ipsos exactae aetatis ter- 
minos per silentium venimus.' Like Tacitus, Martial 
lived to see, and wrote to praise, the happier reigns of 
Nerva and Trajan. If Martial wad a sensualist, he was 
a Roman among Romans that lived the samo lives them- 
selves, and praised and bought epigrams bearing most 
undisguisedly on the fashionable vices *. But in Martial 
we have a great mixture of the bad with the good. If 
we have placed the latter in the hands of the young with- 
out the fear of scandal from the former, I think that we 
shall have served in some degree the cause of Roman' 

It onlj remains to add, that we have adopted in this 
edition the excellent and carefully revised text of F. G. 
Schneidewin (Teubner, 1853), which, being founded on a 
collation of all the best MSS., is as good a one as can be 
obtained, or even desired. In three or four places, per- 
haps, we havo ventured slightly to modify the punctuation. 

* See Merivale*8 Hist. of Romans, &c., yol. vii. p. 409. 

* Agricola § 3. 

* He apologizes not unfrequently for his • lasciva pagina.' It is 
thenecessary condition, he says, of epigram-writing. «Sic scribit 
Catnllas, sic Marsus, sic Pedo, sic Gaetalicas, sic qaicunque perle- 
gitur.* (Proem. ad lib. 1.) 


The edition of Martial bjLemaire (Paiis, 1825), in three 
vols. octavo, has been consulted throughout ; but it does 
not contain very much more than the * Variorum' editions, 
of which I have chiefly used that hj Schrevelius, a sound 
and ieained work, and hitherto almost the only one with 
notes available for ordinary students, though first pub- 
lished as long ago as 1 666. 

F. A. P. 






Mabcus Valerius Martialis wae a native of Bilbilis, 
on the river Salo, a confluent of the Ebro. This town 
was situated picturesquely on a hill side, partly sur- 
rounded by the Salo, and not very far distant from the 
Bources of the Tagus ; it was famous for the manufacture 
of steel, to which the waters of the Salo were supposed 
to give a peculiar temper ^ By birth a Spaniard, a com- 
patriot of Lucan the poet and the two Senecas ', it is not 
certain whether Martial was of naturalized Boman parent- 
age, or a native Celt. He speaks indeed of his stiff 
and uncurling Spanish hair ', and often of his * Celti- 
berian descent.' It appears, however, from Pliny (N. H. 
iii. 3, § 24), that Celtiberia, including the Behlitani or 
Bilbilitani, was a Roman Colonia ; it is therefore pro- 
bable that Mai^tiaPs parents were Spaniards, who had 

1 ' Armorum Salo temperator/ £p. 192. 15, and ' saevo Bilbilin 
optimam metallo/ ib. ver. 11. The fame of the Celtiberi in this re- 
spect, and the singnlar process they employed, are described by 
Diodorus Siculus, v. 33. 

« Ep. 31. 7. 

^ ' Hispanis ego oontumax capillis/ £p. 558. 7. Compare also £p. 
640. 4. 


the privileges of the Roman civitas. The gens Valeria 
reckoned other poets of note, among whom were Caius 
Valerius CatuUus and Caius Valerius Flaccus, the author 
of the Argonautica. The cognomen Martialis may have 
reference to the circumstance that he was bom on the 
Kalends of March *. The date of his birth is commonly 
placed at a.d. 43 ; but as he calls himself fifty-seven 
years old in the tenth book *, which appears to have been 
written in Nerva's reign^, a.d. 96 — 97, his birth would 
seem to have been somewhat earlier, viz. a.d. 39 — 40. 
Though he came to Rome at an early age, and com- 
menced writing epigrams even as a boy ', he retained a 
vivid recollection of, and a strong liking for, the pic- 
turesque scenery and the easy as well as economical life 
that he had enjoyed in his native town. Many epigrams 
allude to it, and in one * we have a description of Bilbilis, 
characterized by great feeling and the keenest sense of 
the pleasures and beauties of the country. 

After a long residence at Rome, he retumed *an old 
man ^,' as he calls himself, to Bilbilis, from which he had 
been absent (except, perhaps, in occasional visits) thirty- 
four years ^ At Rome the poet formed a friendship with 
many of theillustriousmen and authors of the day — Lucan, 
Juvenal, Valerius Flaccus, Pliny the Younger, Quinti- 
lian, Statius, Silius Italicus, &c., and many others of 
wealth and infiuence whom he addresses in his epigrams. 

* Ep. 526. 1 ; 578. 10. * Ep. 526. 4. 

^ See Ep. 563. where < justissimas omniam Senator ' alludes to the 
accession of Nerva. 

7 Ep. 58. 1. 8 25. 

' Ep. 581. 2, * Latia factus in urbe seoex.' Compare Ep. 55. 4, 
< fuctus in hac ego sum jam reg^one senex.' But senex meant any 
one who was past the age of juventas, i. e. affcer middle life. 

* Ep. 586. 7, ' Quattuor accessit tricesima messibus aestas, moenia 
dum colimus dominae pulcherrima Bomae.' 

» ..» 1- 

OF THE POET. xiii 

By tbe Emperor Domitian, whom he every where flatters 

with a servility that Bounds to our ears positively ridi- 

culous, he was held in high estimation as an author; 

and he was also patronized by two very influential 

members of the emperor's household, Parthenius and 

Burrus. Priscus Terentius, Stella the poet, Faustinus, 

Julius Cerealis, Julius Procubis, Julius Martialis, Atedius 

Melior", were also among his wealthy patrons; and fi*om 

some of these, or perhaps in part from the sale of his 

poems, which were very successful, both in Bome and 

in all the provinces*, he obtained a farm and villa, to 

which he often alludes, at Nomentum, on the borders of 

the Sabine territory. A frequent theme in MartiaFs epi- 

grams is the games in the amphitheatre, i. e. in the great 

Colosseum then recently erected ; in the collection of 

epigrams commonly prefixed to the editions, and known 

as *Liber Spectaculorum,' or *De Spectaculis Libellus' 

(though the genuineness of them is rather doubtful), 

this is exclusively the subject. The information to be 

derived from these, both as to the kinds of beasts im- 

ported to Rome, to be either baited or exhibited, and the 

marvellous degree of taming to which even lions and 

wild bulls were brought, is as curious as it is copious and 

valuable. The emperor, as we know also from Suetonius *, 

took the greatest interest in these exhibitions, as well as 

in the games in the Circus. To fiatter and please him, 

Martial would do and say any thing. Among the marks 

of favour he obtained from Domitian were the jua trium 

liberorum * (which at this time, as in Trajan's reign •, was 

' The first book of the ' Silvae' of Statias is dedicated to Stella, 
the second to Melior. 

s See Epp. 306, 380, 492, 690. 

* Dom. § 4. « Epp. 107, 108. 

• Hiny, Epist. ad Tr^. 2. 


sometimes given merelj as a privilege), a tribuneship, 
and the rights of equestrian i-ank ', though he was not a 
justu8 equeSf i, e. had not the full equestrian census. So 
popular had Martiars writings become at Rome, that he 
had manj plagiarists and detractors to contend against, 
of both of whom he often speaks with great bittemess '. 
The usual way bj which young poets at this time came 
into notice, was hj giving public recitations. We km>w 
from Juvenal (vii. 83) that Statius invited his friends to 
a hearing, * promisitque diem/ when he had completed 
his Thebais, That Martial did the same at first, is clear 
from his complaint ' that the friends, who ostentatiously 
copied down his epigrams at the time, by way of com- 
pliment, did not show the same fondness for them after- 
wards. It was in this waj that plagiarists used to 
appropriate the verses of others. This the poet charges 
one Fidentinus with doing (i. 29) : — 

' Fama refert nostros te, Fidentine, libellos 
Non aliter popnlo qnam recitare tnos. 
Si mca vis dici, gratis tibi carmina mittam ; 
Si dici tna vis, en, em^^iemea sint/ 

And he not unfrequentlj ^ jokes on selling to plagiarists 
verses of his own that have neter been recited ; whereby 
he shows up their impudence in appropriating those 
which had. Of criticism he was, or affected to be, very 
timid, and he often asks the patronage or friendly re- 

' See iii. 95. 9, ' vidit me Boma tribnnum, £t sedeo qnate snsdtat 
Oceanns/ i.e. in the fourteen ordines. The privilege of the Jut trium 
liberorum was this : a father of three children was free from all per- 
sonal taxes, and had a prior ckiim to all mag^sterial dignities and 
remnnerative posts in the administratiou ; antt in snch posts, for 
which a certain age was reqnired, each child was considei^ed eqaal t9 
one year in the oomputation of the age of the father. 

> See, for example» Epp. 28, 82, 509, 611. 

• Ep. 67. 5. 1 E. g. Epp. 32, 672. 


vision ot those whose jadgment and friendship he could 
tmst '• Latterlj, he seems to have preferred publishing 
a separate book on the occasion of the Saturnalia', 
which corresponded nearly with our Christmas festivities. 
Another constant subject of complaint is the loss of 
time and the weariness and unprofitableness of the city- 
life of a togatus, or client. He cannot, he says, both 
write epigrams and attend levdes *. 

The great regea were probablj desirous to number a 
man of such note as the poet among the anteamhuloneB 
and the attendants on their sella. But he severelj 
satirizes the smallness of the sportula, and the insult 
of dining with a patron at the same table indeed, but on 
inferior fare^ Of MartiaPs life as a ' gaj man' there is, 
unfortunatelj, too much eyidence, though not much of it 
will appear in the collection of epigrams in this volume. 
Of his married life we know very little. Only twice* he 
alludes, and with great afiection, to Marcella, a Spanish 
ladj; but it does not seem quite certain whether sho 
was a first or a second wife. All we have to judge of 
are these words {666. 7) — 

* post septima lustra rcverso 
Hos Marcella lares parvaqae regna ded*f.' 

This sounds like the language of a m&n who is returning 
to the wife of his youth afler thirty-five years absence. 
On the other hand, in 649. 7, in speaking of the same 

' Nec cito ridebit peregrini gloria partus, 
Bomanam deceat qnam magis esse Durum/ 

a Epp. 110, 212, 340. » Epp. 593, 693. 

< Epp. 34, 55, 553. » Epp. 80, 114, 149, 280, &c. 

* Epp. 649 and 656. 


he would seem to praise the good looks of a young and 
buxom wife. Again, in xi. 104. 1, 

* Uxor, TBde foras, aat moribus ntere nostris/ 

in which he goes on to speak with some aversion of the 
person meant, as a prude and uncongenial to him, a doubt 
remains whether the character is not merely feigned for 
the sake of remarks of not yerj moral tone. It is more 
probable, perhaps^.that on his retum to Spain without 
much money but with some fame, he married the widow 
of some honest burgher of Bilbilis. That he had no 
legitimate childi^en may be inferred from Ep. 108 — 

* Natonim mihi jas trium roganti 
Musaram pretium dedit mearum 
Solus qui poterat. ' Valebis, uxor ; 
Non debet domini perire munus.* 

Yet here again some allowance must be made for words 
of flatteiy ; and in Ep. 288. 10, ^possunt et patres vivere, 
crede mihi,* the reference may be to himself as having 

Among the infinity of subjects illustrating in the 
minutest manner the details of domestic Roman life, we 
have many allusions to that of books, as the transcrip- 
tion, the price, the bindings, the presentation copies, the 
booksellers' names, &c., as Secundus, Atrectus (Atres- 
tus ?), Trypho, Poiius Qaintus \ It is remarkable, that 
a written copy of one of Martial's books could be bought 
considerably che^per than a printed one now could, viz. 
for about fourpence-halfpenny, and with a profit to the 
bookseller ', as he expressly says. 

7 Epp. 1, 68, 62 204, 692. 

" £p. 692. 8. A number of slaves called librarii were employed to 
copy «t once from dictation. 



Not much uncertaintj exists as to the dates and places 
at which the books were written. The first nine were 
published at Rome in the course of twelve years, as the 
poet himself says *, in the reign of Domitian. The first, 
however, seems to have been brought out after the second 
and third ; for in ii. 93 he says to a friend, * You ask where 
book i. is, when this is book ii. ;' and in Ep. 109, in in- 
troducing the third book, as written in Gallia Togata, 
he speaks of * librum priorem,' not as * libros priores.' 
And jet in Ep. 2 he addresses his book as an author 
would who was about to appear first before the public. 
Inconsistentlj with this, he commences his first book 
with a somewhat boastful vaunt — 

' Hic est quem legis ille, qaem requiris, 
Toto notus in orbo Martialis 
Argutis epigrammaton libelUs.' 

From which it would se©m that the first book was either 
brought out later, or added to in a subsequent edition. 
The tenth book was published in the short period (little 
more than a year) during wiiich Nerva wore the imperial 
purple. The eleventh and twelfth appeared during Tra- 
jan's reign, the latter, as the poet distinctly says, in a 
letter to Priscus Terentius, prefixed to the book, after an 
interval of three years' idleness, * triennis desidia.' This 
book was written in Spain. Some of the epigrams in 
the * Book of Games ' were probably written in the time 
of Titus, who had completed and dedicated the great 

' Ep. 492. 9, * omne tibi ncstrum quod bis trieteride juncta Ante 
dabat lector, nanc dabit auc^-or opus.' (Lib. ix. Ep. 84.) Scbneidewin 
(Praef. p. iii.) says, ' libri nuvem priores Domitiano imperante editi 
Bunt inter annos bLxxii et xcv post Christam.' If so, we must in- 
terpret bis juncta by bis geminata, 'taken twice in oouples.' 


Colosseum (which appearsto be referred to in Ep. 522. 7 
as * theatrum'). 

In writing epigrams Martial did not profess to be the 
founder of the style, in the sense that Horace claimed to 
have introduced lyric verse into Latium. On the con- 
trary, he preferred to foUow Catullus, Marsus, and Pedo 
Albinovanus : 

* Sit loGus et nostris aliqna tibi partb libellis, 
Qaa Pedo, qua Mai'8us, quaque CatuUus erit,' 

he says (Ep. 216) in writing to a friend ; of Catullus 
especially he often expresses his admiration \ In some 
sense it may be said, as Dr. Smith observes (Classical 
Dict.), that *he first placed the epigram upon the 
narrow basis which it now occupies, and from his time 
the term has been in a great measure restricted to denote 
a short poem, in which all the thoughts and expressions 
converge to one sharp point, which forms the termina- 
tion of the piece.' In point of fact, however, many of 
the epigrams of Catullus resemble those of Martial both 
in their character and their length ; and it is but fair 
to regard Catullus as the first Roman epigrammatist. 
Martial as clearly and avowedly imitated him as Persius 
did Horace. 

It would be unfair to regard Martial merely as a 
composer of lampoons in verse, or esteem him only as a 
satirist or a wit, though he occupies the first place in 
both these respects. He was a poet of more than ordi- 
nary merit, certainly the first of the age in which he lived. 
His style haa a singular charm from its ever-varying 

1 E. g. in £p. 568. 16. The epithcts doctns, tener, argutus, ''' 
facundus, &c., are applied to him» 


freslmeBB and brilllancy ; in lucidness and appropriateneBS 

of expression it is surpassed hj none. He is neither heavj 

nor turgid, as Siiius Italicus, Statius, and Lucan too often 

are ; and though he lived and wrote in what is cailed the 

Silver Age of Roman literature, the purity of the Latinity 

is as remarkahle in Martial as in the letters of the jounger 

Pliny. No author, perhaps, when once understood, is 

more likely or more deserving to become a lasting 

favourite with those who have a natural taste for wit, 

sarcasm, and repartee. The conditions of understanding 

Martial are an accurate and extensive knowledge of 

Koman topographj and archaeologj. To the science of 

these his writings in themselves contribute, as has alreadj 

been intimated, as much, perhaps, as all the rest of the 

Roman poets taken together. 

The death of the poet — or at least the report of his 
death — is bewailed bj Plinj in an interesting letter, 
Epist. iii. 21. *I hear,' he sajs, * of the decease of 
Yalerius Martialis, and am sorrj for it. He was a man 
of genius, acute and keen, and one who in his writings 
showed the greatest amount of wit, gall, and jet fairness' 
(candoris). He quotes in this letter ten verses frombook 
X. 19 (Ep. 522. 12 — 21), and concludes with these re- 
markable words : * What can be given to a man greater 
than glorj, praise, and etemitj ? Perhaps, however, his 
writings will not last for ever. Perhaps thej will not : 
jet he wrote them with the impression that thej would/ 
How justlj Plin j estimated the hopes and the ambition 
of our poet, maj be seen from Epp. 224. 4, and 389. 5, 6; 
508. 7, &c. What Plin j calls his fairness is shown bj the 
repeated protests which the poet makes against the 
charge of illnature, brought bj his enemies against his 
more satirical epigrams. *Absit a jocorum nostrorum 
simplicitate malignus interpres, nec epigrammata mea 


scribat,' he says in an epistolarj address or prefkce to 
tbe first book ; and again (Ep. 509. 9) — 

' Procnl a UbeUis nigra sit meis fama, 
Qnos ramor alba gemmeus vehit pinna.'- 

His death took place a.d. 102 — 104, in Trajan's time. 
Tbe exact year it is difficult to determine. Schneidewin 
(Praef. p. iii.) places the date of his last work, the twelfth 
book, between a.d. 96 and 102, and believes that Books 
xiii. and xiv. were composed somewhat earlier at Rome. 



EP. 1. (L ii.) 

The poet to the reader, recommeoding the purcfaiM of his book for iti 
fthortness, and pointing out where it is to be bought. See Ep. 62. 

Qni tecum cupis esse meos ubicunque libellos 

Et comites longae quaeris habere viae, 
Hos eme, quos artat brevibus membrana tabellis : 

Scrinia da magnis, me manus una capit. 
Ne tamen ignores ubi sim yenalis, et erres 5 

XJrbe vagus tota, me duce certus eris : 
Libertum docti Lucensis quaere Secundum 

liimina post Pacis Palladiumque forum. 

1 — 4.] ' Tou who wish to haye my been divided in compartments. See 

bookB ever at hand, and companions Rich, * Companion,* &c. p. 587. 

on a joumey, bur those which are Becker, Gallm^ p. 332. 
small, providing for the laiver sort 5.] erres^ oberres, go wandering 

cases to contain them.* — vhtcwuniSj about without knowing your way. 
ubique. So Hor. Sat. i. 2. 61, * bo- 7. qttaerey &c.] * Inquire for one 

nam deperdere famam, Rem patris Secundus^thefreedmanoftheleamed 

oblimare, malum est ubicunque.* Lucensis.* Who the latter was, we 

Compare c«tct(n9«eforc«m>,Ep.21. do not know. For the form of the 

18 — comitesy cf. Ep. 587. 1, * i nostro name, compare McUuffinensiSt Tac. 

comes, i libelle, FlaTo.* Aun. iv. lo. — PaciSy the temple of 

3.] metnbrana^ the enyelope in Peace. Juv. i. 115, ^nullas num- 

which the roll was wrapped, Ep. 32. momm ereximus aras, ut colitur Pax 

11. Persius iii. 10. Tibull. iii. 1. 9, atque Fides.' This was the great 

&.c—ta!ieUi8, i. e. chartis, which are temple built by Yespasian on the 

brevett cut into short pieces, tomi, Velia, north of the Palatine. The 

(See Andrews, Dict. in y.) Gene- shop therefore was * at the back of 

rallj (see Becker, GaJHue, p. 338), the Temple of Peace, and the Fomm 

thin tablets of wood, pugiUares. — Transitorium,* which is meant hj 

tm»ta, the capsa^ or circular box in Palladiumy from a temple of Mi- 

which letters and MSS. were kept nerva in that region. It was there- 

locked. It was preciseljr like the fore in or near the Argiletum ; see 

tin spice-boxes now in use, and like the next £p. ver. 1. 
them, the scrinium seems to have 



EP. 2. (L iii.) 

The poef. «o his book, rebnking its huny to be published, and predicting 
that it will ha^e cause to repent of it. (In a similar strain Horace write«, 
Epist. i. 20.) 

Argiletanas mayis babitare tabemas, 

Cum tibi, parve liber, scrinia nostra vacent. 
Nescis, beu, nescis dominae fastidia Bomae : 

Crede mibi, nimimn Martia tm^ba sapit. 
Maiores nusquam rboncbi, iuvenesque senesque 5 

Et pueri nasum rbinocerotis babent. 
Audieris cum grande sopbos, dum basia iactas 

Ibis ab excusso missuB in astra sago. 

1.] ArgUetanas] * Tou prefer to contempt or satire. (The so-called 

live in the Bhops of the Argiletum, *hom* of the rhinoceros is only a 

though I haye plenty of room for movable cluster of hairs connate, or 

you in my book-case.* Like the grown together.) — mc^ores, as * mag- 

Cenxnticus at Athens, the Argilletum num sophos/ * the Umd ao<p&^* Ep. 

was probably, in its origin, a place 37. 10, ' gi-ande sophos,* inf. and Ep. 

where clay was dug for making am- 25. 37, * grande tonitru,* Lucret. v. 

phoiae, — a *potters field,* in fact. 550 Compare Ep. 212. 7, *nec 

dmX by an absurd derivation it was rhonchos metues maligniorum.* It is 

fiupposed to hav^ been named from propcrly the snai'1 of a dog ; whence 

bemg the scene of the death of * canina litera,* the letter R, Pers. 

Argus, a friend of the Arcadian i. 109. 

Evander. See Ep. 62. 9; 74. 3. 7, 8. audterisy &c.] 'When you 

Yiig. Aen. viii. 3^, *et letum docet have heard (i.e. in the recitation- 

hospitis Argi.^ The booksellers ap- rooms^ the loud sounds of applause, 

pear to have had shops in this pai-t, and while you are throwing kisses, 

which lav immediately behind the vou will be tossed to the sky in a 

Fora and near the entrance to the blanket suddenly puUed straight.* In 

Subura. plain words, * vou will be made sport 

3, 4. neecie, heu, &c.] * Tou know of in spite of the praises paid you 

not, alas ! the difficulty of pleasing for mere compliment.* — basiajaeiaa 

imperial Rome ; believe me, the refers to the custom of kissing the 

people of Mai-s are far too clever for roll held in the hands of hearers, and 

you,* i.e. to be easily pleased with *throwing kisses* to the reciter. 

any but first-rate verses. Thus Aris- Cf. £p. 37. 13, * at circum pulpita 

tophanes is wont to curry &vour by nostra £t steriles cathedras basiasola 

calling his hearers ^i^ioi, Nub. 521, crepant.* 32. 7, ' chartae, quae trita 

&c. — domina Roma, so in £p. 479, duro non inhorruit mento.* 579. 6, 

513, 586, 649, &c. *nova nec mento sordida charta.* — 

5. nuaqucun, &c.] * Nowhere are JactaSf as in Juv. iv. 18, * blandaque 

thereloudersneers* (properly, Mor^«, devexae iactaret basia rhedae.^ . 

pcyKcii/), * both young men and old, etueo, * shaken out,* made smooth. 

na^, eveu boys, have the nose of a So iogula excuasa in Ep. 199. 3, and 

rhmoceros,* i. e. the * crispaiis nasus* eacousto nato, * with the wrinkles H. e. 

(Pers. iii. 87), or quivering, jerking the sneer) smoothed out,* Pers. i. 118. 

Dose, wbich was thougbt to express — eago (£p. 280. 8), a square wooQen 


Sed ta ne totieiiB domini patiare litnras 

Neve notet lusus triBtis hanindo tuos, 10 

Aetherias, lascive, cupis volitare per auras : 

I, fuge ; sed poteras tutior esse domi. 

cloth, commonly used as a Boldier^a lepatation, &c, ia often laid ' to flj 

clook. The custom of tosaing in a abroad.*^ Aeacli. Cho. 845, -wpdt 

blanket is no new one. Suet. Otho, 'vwatM^ diiMaTov/ACvoi \6yoi ir*- 

§ 2, *ferebatur et Tagari noctibui idpvioi $pmvKo%Hri, Ennius, Wolito 

solituB, atque invalidum quemque YiTU* per ora virum.* ^^^S' ^^^' 

obyioram vel potulcntum corripere, iii. 9, * victorque virum voutare per 

ac distento sago impositum in sub- ora.* Inf. Ep. 509. 10, * libellis— quoa 

lime jactare.* rumor alba gemmeua vehit pinna.* 

9.] UturaSy ' the author*s corree- The seritUttm is compored to a caae, 

tions.* See Ep. 162. 7 ; 333. 7, 8, out of which the wanton book ae- 

where nolare is also used for the rires to fly. 

ma;^ affized to passages requiring 12. jM/era», &c.] ' Yoa miffht havo 

altention. Hor. ArsPoet.446, *in- remained safer at home,* i.e. yoa 

comptis adlinet atrum Traverso ca- might have staid in the case which 

lamo dgnum.* — tristia harundo, the offered you room (ver. 2), and where 

ill-natu^ or over-critical reed-pen. you would have been lafe from criti- 

11. voliUMre.'] A book, a rumour, a cism. 

EP. 3. (L iv.) 

To the Emperor Domitian, with the request that, as Censor, he will not 
too severely judge the light and playfol style of the poet*8 epigrams. 

Contigeris nostros, Caesar, si forte libellos, 

Terrarum dominum pone supercilium. 
Consuevere iocos vestri quoque ferre triumphi 

Materiam dictis nec pudet esse ducem. 
Qua Thymelen spectas derisoremque Latinum, a 

IUa fronte precor carmina nostra legas. 

2.] dominumf &c., from the Ho- have been a vexy trifling affiur. 

meric idea of Zeus goveming all 5.] Thymels was a celebrated 

things by his nod, Kvavitjiaiv inr^ danseute greatly admired by Domi- 

6<f>pu<n pt\Kr% KpoviatVf &c. — pone. tian, as was Latinus the mime- 

'irpovwiro» dtayaXtivtaov, Ar. Eq. actor. Thev are mentioned togethcr 

646. Perhaps tor compone^ opposed in Juv. i. 36, *a trepido Thymcle 

to contraliere ; or as ponere irasy &c. snbmissa Latino,* wMre see Mr. 

3. vestri,'] To have said tui would Mayor^s note. Ep. 691. 3, * et 

havebeentoopersonal. Fortunately possis ipsum tu deridere Latinum.*. 

for the poet, Caliguhi^s German In literary matters Domitian was a 

triumph had also been a laughing- severe censor. Suet. Dom. § 8, 

stock, Suet. Cal. § 47. Pers. vi. 44. * suscepta morum correctione — 

Domitian took the title of Grermani- scripta famosa vulgoqoe ecUta, qui- 

cus from his ezpedition against the bus primores viri ac feminae nota* 

Catti (Snet. Dom. § vi^* Compare bantur, abolevit, non tine aactorum 

£p. 64. 3; 229. 3. it appears to ignominia.* 

B 2 


Innocuos censura potest permittere lusus : 
Lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba. 

8. viia pr^a.'] This must mean infimarum quoaue personarom rere^ 

(as Martial ms a sensualist of the rentia ludat/ This is the meaning 

grossest kind) that his life had not of innoctios lusiis. CatuUus has a 

received any censorial notice ; unless similar sentiment, Carm. xvi. 5, 

proba he taken to mean * harmlera to * Nam castum esse decet pium 

. others/ as he professes in the dedi- poetam Ipsum, versiculos nihil ne- 

catoiy letter to this hook that, ' salva cesse est. 

EP. 4. (L V.) 

Domitian is supposed to address the ^oet. * I am ^ving you a spectacle 
of a sea-fight, andyou are sending me epigrams/ i. e. with an omen unfavour- 
ahle to yourself. * You shall be thrown into the water together/ and so 
form part of the spectacle. Compare Ep. 159. 4; 475. 8. On the Naumachia, 
a lake * effosso et circumstructo juxta Tiberim,* see Suet. Dom. § iv. t. 
This was to rival a similar work by Augustus, Tac. Ann. xii. 56. (See 
Dr. Smith^s Classical Dict., * Roma/ § vii.) 

Do tibi naumachiam, tu das epigrammata nobis : 
Yis, puto, cum libro, Marce, natare tuo. 

EP. 5. (L viii.) 

To his friend and countryman Decianus (Ep. 81. 10), who, while pro- 
fessing to foUow the urinciples of two &med stoics of past times, Paetus 
Thrasea and Cato of U tica, both of whom committed suicide with a proteat 
affainst tyranny, still thought it wiser and hetter to live, even in hard times. 
From i. 39, which is a eulogy on Decianus, we infer that he vtbs a man of 
the old Republican stamp, leamed in the eloquence hoth of Athens and of 
Latium, simple-hearted, nonest, and magnanimous. 

Quod magni Thraseae consummatique Catonis 
Dogmata sic sequeris, salvus ut esse velis, 

Pectore nec nudo strictos incurris in enses, 
Quod fecisse velim te, Deciane, facis^ . 

Nolo virum facili redimit qui sanguine famam, 5 

Hunc volo, laudari qui sine morte potest. 

1. Catonia.] See Ep. 38. 9. For death.* 
the defiant dcath of Thrasea see the 5.] /acili aanguine^ by the easy act 

couciuding chapter of the Annals of of shedding his own blood. He dis- 

Tacitus.— ^ojirma^a, the stoic philo- parages the act, in order the more to 

qophy. ' You are as good a stoic pitiise Decianus. We do not know 

ts they, though you piefer Ufe to this man^s history, and therefore the 


motlTetliemiglitlisTehadforiaicide noUe and «»/28 aliquem e£ i. 67t 

are nncertain. Martial would not * qiiaiein, Flacoe, velim quaeria no- 

be likely to praise him if he had limve puellam,* and £p. 60. 4. 
znciiRedtheangerof Domitian. For 

EP. 6. (L X.) 

On the Boitor of an old and uglj woman for the aiike of her fortoiie. 

Petit Gremellus nuptias Maronillae 
Et cnpit et instat et precatnr et donat. 
Adeone pulchra est ? immo foedius nil est. 
Quid ergo in illa petitur et placet ? Tussit. 

2.] iUmatf ' senda presents to/ chief merit is, that she is in a con- 

after the custom aUuded to in Juv. lumption.* cf. ii. 26. 1, * quod que- 

vii. 75 and v. 98. rulum spirat, quod acerbum Naevia 

3. /oedtut] Turpit is ]Mroperlv tusait* Propert. v. 5. 67, * vidi ego 

*ii^ly,* aio-xpoc, whilst foedu» la ruffoao tuaaim concreacere collo.* In£ 

' diagnating,* acucf/v. i. Id. 3, * jam secura potes totis tut- 

4.J iuttU^ wap* JiroWav. * Her aire diebus.* 

EP. 7. (L xi.) 

On an eques who had made himself conspicuous for drinking great 
qnantitiea of expensive wine in the theatre. See inf. £p. 15. 

Cum data sint equiti bis quina nomismata, quare 

Bis deciens solus, Sextiliane, bibis ? 
lam defecisset portantes calda ministros, 

Si non potares, Sextiliane, merum. 

1.] &w qmna nomismatay i.e. decem turque stipes, quaa boni necearitate, 

nummi, or ten aestertii. There is a intemperantes gloria consumerent.* 
play on 6m quina and bis dedefUy and 3, 4. itxiit, &c.] * By this time hot 

also on the deoiens being a senator^s water (K>r mixing) would have &iled 

fortune, i.e. deciens centena millia. the servants who bring it, if you had 

* Though only an eaues, you drink not taken to drinking wine neat.* — 

up two senatorial tortunes.* — For calda, aqua calida; cf. Juv. v. 63, 

refreshments at the theatre, and *quando rogatus adest calidae ffeli- 

perhaps the circua also, a small sum daeque minister,* where see Mr. 

was aUowed to the eouites ; a custom Mayor*8 note. Inf. £p. 435. 7, 

that seems to have oeen introduced 'caidampoacisaquam; nondummihi 

byCali^ila. Suet Qd. §18, 'oparsit frigida venit.* Or perhape, *hot 

ct missilia variarum rerum, et pa- grog;* see Becker, Gallus, ^. 493.<^ 

naria cum obsonio viritim divisit,* d^wietetj as Ovid, Fast. ilL 665, 

i.e. soenicifl ludis; and kept up by 'defecerat illoa victus.* 
Nero, Tac. Ann. xiv. 15, 'daoan- 


EP. 8. (L ru.) 

On die nanoweKape of IL Beguliufirom the fiJl of a poitieo at hif Tilla. 
See Ep. 41. Thu man wu a famoiu pleader, and a fiiend of tlie poet*8. 
See Ep. 100, and 294, firom which it appears that, like the yoonger l*liny, 
he nleaded hefore the GentnmvirL In iv. 16. 6, he ii oompared to Gioero 
in eloquenoe. He ia repeatedl j mentioned in Plin j*8 E^iBtlea. 

Itnr ad Herculeas gelidi qua Tibnris aroes 

Canaque sulphureis Albnla fumat aquisy 
Bura nemusque sacrum dilectaque iugera Musis 

Signat Yicina quartus ab nrbe lapis. 
£[ic rudis aestivas praestabat porticus nmbras, 5 

Heu quam paene noYum porticus ausa nefas ! 
Nam subito coUapsa ruit, cum mole sub illa 

Grestatus biiugis Begulus esset equis. 
Nimirum timuit nostras Fortuna querellas, 

Quae par tam magnae non erat inyidiae. 10 

Nunc et damna iuvant ; sunt ipsa pericula tanti : 

Stantia non poterant tecta probare deos. 

1. Hercidet] All places that had nhrase was ' ms ad quartum,* as Ep. 

hot or sulphnr Bpriugs seem to have i25. 18. 

heen under the inyocation of Her- 8. eum oeHatut eseef] * When he 

cules. Arist Nnb. 1051, wov ilrux/>a had iust left it after a driye.* Cf. 

d^ra irAvoT* tlitt *HpdK\c<a Ep. 41. 6. For this uae of the por- 

Xovrpd; Cf. iT. 62. 1, *Tibur in tico 8ee Juv. tu. 178— 181. 

Herculeum miffraTit niffra Lvcoris.* 10. par^ &c.] Fortune could not 

Propcrt. iii. 24 5, and t. 7. 82. — face the inTidiousness or odium that 

AUnUa^ an old name of the Tiber, would haTe attached to the loas. So 

OTid, Fast. ii. 390, deriTed from its * iuTidia fati * in En. 645. 8. 

8ttlphur waters, v/hence AlbuUe be- 11. tatUi] The oangerwaB worth 

came a general name for 8ulphur incurring, for it proTed that ProTi- 

baths, Suet. Oct. 82. So Viig. Tii. dence had Beffulu8 in its keeping, 

'517, * Sttlphurea Nar albu8 aqua.* which fact would not haTo apjpeared 

8. dilecta Muns] Becanse Regulus if the roof had not &Uen in. So Ep. 

wa8 a literary man. Cf. Ep. 522. 41. 10, 11. 
10. — quarius, &c The shorter 

EP. 9. (I. xiii.) 

On the 8tticide of Arria, the wife of Caecina Paetus, and mother of Arria 
who wa8 married to Paetus Thrasea, Tac. Ann. ZTi. 34. When Ptetus 
wa8 being couTeyed to Rome a8 a prisoner, charsed with being implicated 
in the con8piracT of Scribonianu8 m Hljricum, hia wife aocompamed him 
and encouniged nim hy her own example to conunit soicide. Ijie storr is 
fullj told in PUny, Epist. i. 16. 


Casta 8U0 gladium cum traderet Arria Paeto, 
Quem de visceribus strinxerat ipsa suis, 

** Si qua fides, vulnus quod feci non dolet/' inquit ; 
'* Sed quod tu facies, hoo mihi, Paete, dolet'^ 

2. sirinxercU] * Had drawn from better reading is traxeraL 
her own vitals/ as if from a scabbard 4. quod tu /acies] i. e. mlnni 
thuB made for it. But perhaps the qnod tu in teipso fiu:turui es. 

EP. 10. (I. XV.) 

To Julius Martialis, an old and well-tried friend of the poet*s, and a verj 
wealthj man (see £p. 198), uiging him to leave buainess and enjoy life 
before it is too loite. 

mihi post nullos, Juli, memorande sodales, 

Si quid longa fides canaque iura valent, 
Bis iam paene tibi consul tricesimus instat, 

Et numerat paucos vix tua vita dies. 
Non bene distuleris videas quod posse negari, 5 

Et solum hoc ducas, quod fuit, esse tuum. 
Expectant curaeque catenatique labores, 

G-audia non remanent, sed fugitiva volant. 
Haec utraque manu complexuque assere toto : 

Saepe fluent imo sic quoque lapsa sinu. 10 

1, 2. post nullos, &c.] * Who, if in thinking that the past only is 

there is any weight in a long friend- yours ' (whereas the present also is in 

ship, desenrest to be celcbrated the your actual possession, and shouldbe 

first of all my friends.* See £p. enjoyed). With ducas supply non 

658. 1, * Triginta milii quattuorque bene. 

mesaes Tecum, si memini, fuere, 7. co/eno^t] A figure from chained 

Jnli.* — cana^ vetera, as * Cana Fides,* slaves, snd in apposition with /ugi- 

Virg. Aen. i. 292. ^canae Vestae,' tiva, 

Ep. 34. 3. 9.] JiaeCy these latter, the gaudia. — 

3, 4. lisjam, &c.] * You are now assere^ vindica tibi. As manum in- 

vcry nearlv sixty years old ' (the jicere was a form of taking posses- 

twice-thirtictli consulship is just at sion, lUramie manu and amplexu im- 

hand), * and vet your life can count plies a stiil stronger method of se- 

but few davs, i. e. spent in such a curing your own. See Ep. 27. 5. — 

wav as to deserve the name of * life,' imo sinu, from the bottom of the 

or m the enjoyment of it. pocket, as we say ; but the strict 

5, 6. non bene, &c.] * You will be meaning is, * embrace them, and en- 

wrong in putting off that (viz. the fold them in yonr toga, still they 

fature) which you see may be de- will go.' 
nied you * and never i-ealized, * and 


Non est, crede mihi, sapientis dicere " Vivam C 
Sera nimis yita est crastina : yive hodie. 

11. vivam'] The point turnt on say o»m^ not merel/ vtoom.* 
ke termination ; * a wiae xnan will 

EP. 11. (I. xvii.) 

A reply to one vrho recommended the profeasion of a pleader as more 
profitaole than that of a poet Compai-e Ep. 37. 

Cogit me Titus actitare causa? 

Et dicit mihi saepe, " Magna res est.*^ 

Res magna est, Tite, quam facit colonus. 

3. res magncLf &c.] * If mere profit and honour should he considered, at 
18 the question, it poofs to oe a well as mere money. 
farmer.* He intimates that credit 

EP. 12. (I. xviii.) 

On a stingy hoet, who mized had iinne'with good in order to make it go 

Quid te, Tucca, iuvat vetulo miscere Falemo 

In Vaticanis condita musta cadis ? 
Quid tantum fecere boni tibi pessima vina ? 

Aut quid fecerunt optima vina mali ? 
De nobis facile est, scelus est iugulare Falemum j 

Et dare Campano toxica saeva cado. 
Convivae meruere tui fortasse perire : 

Amphora non memit tam pretiosa mori. 

2. mittftoj * New wine.* All wines ceroae ?* 

from the north side of the Tiber 5.] facUe, luxcpef» uhiiaftUy a 

were considered inferior ; hut vinam matter of indifiiBrence. * I donH so 

Vatieamtm was detestable stufF. See much care about the ^ests being 

Ep. 322. 3, * Vaticana bibis ; bibis ill-treated ; but it m a sm to murder 

venenum.* 663. 14, * et Yaticani Falemian, and to add deadly poison 

perfida vappa cadi/ The cadut is to the contents of a Campanian wine- 

the same as the aMphoTO. — Camr- jar.* So in Ep. 536. 4, had wine 

pano^ because all the good winet from Marseilles is termed toxica 

were of that kind. »aev€L 

3 K j*id, &C.] * What sood has 7.] perirey to be poisoned. Per- 

/u» U^ witredone, or what narmthe haps he alludes to the not very re- 

good wine/ that they deserre to be putable society at Tucca*s table. So 

clasaed together, and their merits mori in the nezt line refers to one 

equalized. Of. Ep. 304. 6, * quid wine being poisoned by the other. 
fecere mali nostrae tibi, saeve, la* 


EP. 13. (L XX.) 

Ou • glattonouf host who took to himtelf the chief delicaciet on hit own 

Dic mihi, quis iiiror est ? turba spectante vocata 

Solus boletos, Caeciliane, voras. 
Quid dignum tanto tibi ventre gulaque precabor ? 

Boletum qualem Claudius edit, edas. 

1. turbay &c.] The guests invited Ep. 149. 5. Juv. ▼. 147. 

are compared to the spectaton at the 4 Claudiu$ edi£\ See Tac. Ann. 

amphitheatie.— ^Ze/of, mushroomi zii. 66, 67. He waa poisoned bj 

or truffles of the finest kind. See Mentlina with thit dith. 


EP. 14. (L XXV.) 

To Fanatinus, a wealthy literarj firiend, urging him to puhlish, and 
iromising fame. He it often addrested by Martial, e. g. in Ep. 141. 5; 
48. 1. 

Ede tuos tandem populo, Faustine, libellos 

Et cultum docto pectore profer opus, 
Quod nec Cecropiae damnent Pandionis arces 

Nec sileant nostri praetereantque senes. 
Ante fores stantem dubitas admittere Famam 5 

Teque piget curae praemia ferre tuae ? 
Post te yicturae per te quoque yivere cbartae 

Incipiant : cineri gloria sera yeuit. 

2.] cuUumy limatum, politum, door. So Fortune, in PUut. Aul. 

difcto pectorey doctit curit. If we i. 3. 22, *Si bona Fortuna veniat, 

constrae jDrq/Sr />ectof«, itwillimply ne intromiseris.* Compare Pindar, 

that the works were not written ; . Pyth. vi. init. 

but tuot libellos shows the contrary. 7. poat te, &c.] * Let writings 

3. qupd neCy &c.] Works such at which are destined to live €^lter 

Athens herself would approve, and yon begin alreadj to live through 

the Roman aages would commend. you ; glory comes late when it ar- 

5. Fcuncmi] Like Plutus, to whom rires after one is dead.* Elsewhere 

is said fAtixir* iaikd^t rddty in he says, ^auodque cinis paucis, hoo 

Aesch. Ag, 1334, Fame* is spoken of mihi Yita aodit. 
ss a guest daiming admittance atthe 


EP. 15. (I. xxvi.) 

The same Bubject u in Ep. 7. 

Se:lctiliane, bibis quantum subsellia quinque 

Solus : aqua totiens ebrius esse potes ; 
Nec consessorum vicina uomismata tantumi 

Aera sed a cuneis ulteriora bibis. 
Non haec Pelignis agitur yindemia praelis 5 

Uva nec in Tuscis nascitur ista iugis, 
Testa sed antiqui felix siccatur Opimi, 

Egerit et nigros Massica cella cados. 
A copone tibi faex Laletana petatur, 

Si plus quam deciens, Sextiliane, bibis. 10 

1. subsellia guinqtie] As much as isted) wbb famed ia the times of 

five ro\vs of equitos in a ctfMetf^, or Nero and Domitian. SeeEp.85.5; 

block of sittings in the amphitheatre. 494. 1 ; 546. 2. Petronius, Sat. 34, 

A purposely absurd hTperbole. — 'ttatim allatae sunt amphorae vi- 

cupta, &c., * if your object is to get treae diligenter gypsatae, quarum in 

drunk, you may do that on water, if cervicibus pittacia (labels) erant 

you dnnk it as often.* aifixa cum hoc titulo, Falemum 

3, 4. neCy &c.] * You do not drink Opimianum annorum centum.* 
up merely the coins borrowed from 8. egerifi Promit, exhaurit. So 

your neighbours on the aame tMat, Pers. v. 69, ' ecce aliud cras egerit 

but the money coUected from the hos annos.'* — nigroSf either because 

cunei further ofF.* The diyisions of the wine was dark, like the Faier- 

the knight8% as well as of the Sena- nian (£p. 546. 2, * et nigro madeas 

tors* seats were called cuneif which Opimiano*) orfrom the smoke, or 

was therefore a general term. Suet. eyen the age of the par. Juv. v. 

Dom. § 4, iin., * quinquagenas tes- 34, * cujus patriam tituluraque se- 

seras in siuffulos cuneos equestris ac nectus Deleyit multa yetens fuli- 

senatoris orainis pronunciayit.* gine testae.* — cellaf the bin. Cf. 

5 — 8. non haecy &c.] * This is not Ep. 536. 6, * cellis setia cara suis.* 
the common yintaffe s^ueezed in the 9. a copone] From the punreyor. 

presses of the Peligni, nor does the Caupo or eopo was the keeper of*a 

mpe you take grow on the hills of wine-shop. See £p. 147, and 148. 

Tuscany ; but a precious crock of old 2i.—faex Laletana^ mnddy Spanish 

Opimian is drained, and the stores of wine. £p. 361. 6, *£t Laletanae 

Massic exhaust for you their biack- nigra lagona sapae.* 25. 21, *aprica 

enedjars.* The7Wctimtn»um,asal- repetes Tarraconis litora Tuamque 

ready remarked, was yery inferior, Laletaniam.* The Laletani occu- 

e. g. the Yeientan and Yatican wines, pied the extreme n.k. angle of 

inf £p. 322. Hor. Sat. ii. 3. 143.— Spain. 

Opimiut was consul a.u.c. 633, and 10. plus quam deciens] i. e. more 

the wine of his year (if it really ex- than a Senator^s fbrtune. Ep. 7. 2. 


EP. 16. (I. xxvu.) 

On the danger of giving your friend «n InTitation to dine with /on next 
day 'when sitting over your wine, lest he Bhoold accept it, and remember 
to come. 

Hestema tibi nocte dixeramus, 

Quincunces puto post decem peractoe, 

Cenares hodie, Procille, mecum. 

Tu factam tibi rem statim putasti 

Et non sobria yerba subnotasti 5 

Exemplo nimium periculoso : 

Mio-(u fivdfiova avfiiroTav, Procille. 

2. mtineiaices] Cups holding five- with ffuests that you never reallj 

twelftns of the sextariuB ; like iri- inten^d to ask fuoSty &c., words 

etUeSf eetttantety &c. from Bome itkoKiov, or drinking- 

4.yactam rem] You took it aa Bong, in which fAvdfiowa referred to 

un/ait acconrnli, i. e. as meant in the recalling and repeatine on the 

eamest. 3o Ep. 305. 1, *rem fac- foUowing day wordB that had been 

tam PompuUuB haheV—sul^asti, uttered over the wine. Here there 

* jou took down/ * made a note of/ is a play on the Bense, * 1 hate a 

perhaps in tho * tablets of the me- boon-companion with a memory.* 

mory.^ Cf. Ep. 317. 3, * cum voltu Cf. Ep. 646. 24, *nec faciunt quen- 

digitoque BUDnotasset.* So the quam pocula nostra reum.* So * in- 

Greeka uBe viroXoyi^tcrOat — exem- caute, simplicitercenare/ Pliny, Ep. 

plOf &c., *by adangerouB precedent,* i. 15. 4. 
and one that mignt fiU your house 

EP. 17. (L XXX.) 

On an unBucceBaful suiveon who had tumed undertaker. There iB a 
play on the double Bense of «cXfvi), meaning the bed of a Bick patient, and 
the lectus, or bier. Hence our phraBe clinical, applied to inBtractiouB in 
hospitalB, &c. Cf Ep. 500. 1. The joke is not brilliant, but the poet 
repeatB it, i. 47, * Nuper erat medicus, nunc est vispillo Diaulus ; Quod 
viBpillo facit, fecerat et medicus.* In both there is an allusion to the doctor 
kiliinff his patients ; hence quo poterat modo means, that he was already 
verBed in the art ; that it was in his Une to be an undertaker. 

Chirurgus fuerat, nunc est yispillo Diaulus. 
Coepit quo poterat clinicus esse modo. 


EP. 18, (L xxxiu) 

On a daiiffhter who pretended an aflfection that Bhe did not fee;^ tx tkw 
deccased fauer. A clever epigram. 

Amissum non flet cum sola est Grellia patrem, 
Si quis adest, iussae prosiliunt lacrimae. 

Non luget quisquis laudari, Grellia, quaerit; 
Ille dolet vere, qui sine teste dolet. 

2. ^soe] Cf. Ovid, Heroid ii.51, habent artes, quaque jabentar, 
*credidimuB laciymis; an et hae eunt?* 
simulare docentur? Hae quoque 

EP. 19. (L xxxvi.) 

On two afFectionate brothers, Domitius TuUus and Domitius Lucaniis, 
on whom see a similar epigram, inf. 471. The grief of the survivor at the 
death of the other suggests a comparison with Polluz, who made a compact 
to live altemately with Castor. See Ep. 548. 2. Pind. Pyth. xi. fin. 
Plinv (£p. viii. 18) has a lonj^ storv about the wealth of the brothers, aad 
the dutiful attentions of his wife to TuUus, who was a cripple. In £p. 125. 
17, mention is made of a park or farm belonging to them, which thej seem 
to have thrown open to the public. 

Si, Lucane, tibi vel si tibi, TuUe, darentur 

Qualia Ledaei fata Lacones habent, 
Nobilis haec esset pietatis rixa duobus, 

Quod pro fratre mori vellet uterque prior, 
Diceret infemas et qui prior isset ad umbras : 5 

" Vive tuo, frater, tempore, vive meo." 

2. Ledaei Lacones} The Spartan earth and in Hades. This latter 
sons of Leda, Castor and PoUux. compact would have been exceeded 

3. haecessei] Thecontestof affec- by the brotherwho died first, and 
tion would have been, that each who would have given his own share 
wished to die befure the other; of life to the survivor, who thua 
whereas the Dioscuri showed thein would have remained on earth al- 
in agreeing to live aitdmately eii ways. 

EP. 20. (L xl.) 

To one jealouB of the poet^s fame. 

Qui ducis voltus et non legis ista libentery 
Omnibus invideas, livide, nemo tibi. 

1. dueittntliuM] Sowesay *topull wordsinpraiBeofthepoet.— t»v£ 
« ot * i.e. to look moroae. — istOt the * maj you have the fortune of e 



;iig aH, whfle none vnTj you,' i.e. enTring. Cf. Aeieh. Ag. 989, i iT 
«noe Toa poaaen nothing wortli dfpOownrot y* ov« iwiltiKot vAii. 

ER 21. (L xlu) 

On a low and Tnigar buffoon wlio tixonght himself a wit (Compart 
Oatiillas, Carm. xxii, * SuflfenuB iste, Yare, quom piobe notti, &c.) 

Urbanus tibi, Caecili, videris. 

Non 68, crede mibi. Quid ergo ? Yema, 

Hoc quod transtiberinus ambulator, 

Qni pallentia sulpburata fractis 

Permutat vitreis, quod otiosae 5 

Yendit qui madidum cicer coronae, 

Quod custos dominusque viperarum, 

Quod viles pueri salariorum, 

Quod fumantia qui tomacla raucus 

Circumfert tepidis oocus popinis, 10 

Qnod non optimus urbicus poeta, 

Qnod de Gadibus improbus magister. 

Quare desine iam tibi videri 

1.] iir6antw,witty,reiined,a<rTciov, 7. eugtoSy &c.] The custom of ex- 

whereas jou are reallj tpopTttso^ hibiting yenomous snakes (probably 

and dypoiKOf. — vemay like vemacU' with the fangs extracted) under the 

lu9 in Ep. 509. 1, here means a pretence of their beiug ^charmed,* 

vulgar talker, the * ▼emae procaces* is, or was till lately, common in 

beinff somewhat free in their speech, Itolian towns vihu pueriy &c., the 

in which habit they were indulged, low-priced slaTe-bojs of the sellers 

u being home-bred. Cf. TibuU. i. of salt fish, Ep. 212. 9. 

5. 25, * consnescet amantis Garmlus 9. rottct», &c.] All the trades here 

in dominae ludere vema sinu.* mentioned aro bawlen by profession, 

3 — 5. hoe — qttody &c.] ' You are the point being to c»ll CaDcilius a 

that which the tramp is from beyond vox et praeterea nihil^ a mere talker. 

*the Tiber, who exchanges snlphur The man who carries smoking hot 

matchesfor broken glass.* On the tripe (or sausages) round to the close 

low and dirty redon of the Traste- and seething wine shops, probably 

eermt, see Mr. Mayor^s note on Juv. supplied the want descnbed in Hor. 

xiv. 202, and on the match-sellers, Sat. ii. 4. 60. * pema magis ac magis 

ibid. ▼. 48 ; compare also £p. 509. hillis Fkffitat immorsus refici.* 

3; 669. 14. ^ 11.] wrwcus poeia. a town-poet, a 

6. madidum cicer'] Macerated merescribbleroflocailampoons,&c., 

ehick-peas or lupines were sold as qui ' scribit circulis,* aa Palaemon in 

food to the common people ; and the £p. 105. 11. 

Bame may still be seen in Portu^ese 12. magister'] The lenOy or keeper 

inarkets. See Ep. 52. 10. — ottosae, of Spanish girls from Cadiz, who 

tbe erowd at a fair, or out on a holi- were called Oaditatiae, Pliny, Ep. 

day. L 15. 


Quod soli tibi, Caecili, yideris, 15 

Qui Gabbam salibus tub et ipsum 

Posses yincere Tettium Caballum. 

Non cuicunque datum est habere nasum : 

Ludit qui stolida procacitate, 

Non est Tettius iUe, sed caballus. 20 

16. autf &C.1 ^ * Cease to think play on this sense perhaps in Ep. 

^oarself one who (if you had lived 684, * Tongilianus haoet nasum,* &c. 

in the time of Auffustus) might have —euicunouSy see on i. 1. 

suipassed in wit Gahba and Tettius 19. luait qui, &e.] * He who jokes 

Cahallus.* For Gabba, see £p. 585. witb pointless tidkatiyeness is a gab- 

He waa a «ourra, or jester, much all and not a cah-all.* But the joke 

liked bv Augustus, can hardly he rendered; the meaning 

18.] AaAarsnantm, tohaTegenuine is obTious, he is a mere hack-horse, 

wit aud critical acumen. There is a not a wit 

EP. 22. (L xlii.) 

On the Buicide of Porcia, the daughter of Cato of Utica, and wife (by 
a second marriage) to M. Bnitus, the assassin of Julius Caesar. * Sbe put 
an end to her own life after the death of Bratus in 42. The common tale 
was, that her friends, suspecting her desim, had taken all weapons out of 
her waj, and that she therefore destroyed nerself by swallowing live coals. 
The real iact mav have been that she suffocated herself hy the vapour of a 
charcoal iire, which we know was a frequent means of self-destruction 
among the Romans.* — Dr. Smith*s Classical Dictionary. 

Coniugis audisset fatum cum Porcia Bruti 

Et subtracta sibi quaereret arma dolor, 
" Nondum scitis *' ait " mortem non posse negari ? 

Credideram, fatis hoc docuisse patrem." 
Dixit et ardentes avido bibit ore &yillas : 5 

I nunc et ferrum, turba molesta, nega. 


\/atiSf morte sua. move weapons, if they leaye a fire 

nunoy &c., with the usual on the hearth, which will sufSce for 

irony ; the sense is, * it is of no use suicide.* 
for friends to interfere and re- 

EP. 23. (I. xliii.) 

On a stingy host, who served up to his guests nothing bnt a boar, and 
gave them very little even of that. 

Bis tibi triceni fuimus» IMfancine, yocati 

£t positum est nobis nil here praeter aprumy 

1. Ui ^ricMt] * Twioe thirtj* if an hyperbole, doubtless. £p. 607* 1, 


Non quae de tardis servaiitar ritibus uvae 

Dulcibus aut certant quae melimela fayis, 
Non pira quae longa pendent religata genesta 5 

Aut imitata breyes Punica grana rosas, 
Bustica lactantes nec misit Sassina metas 

Nec de Picenis venit oliya cadis : 
Nudus aper, sed et hic minimus qualisque necari 

A non armato pumilione potest, 10 

Et nihil inde datum est ; tantum spectayimus omnes. 

Ponere aprum nobis sic et harena solet. 
Ponatur tibi nullus aper post talia facta, 

Sed tu ponaris cui Charidemus apro. 

* iffnotoe mihi cum voces treoentos/ small tize.* 

THese are general terms for * a large 7. Sataina] A place of this name 

party.* — vocali^ viz. ad coenam.— 470- was famcd for its woodland mBtnres 

Mtom esi, the regular word for plac- and milk-cheeses. Cf. £p. 148. 35, 

ing on the table, wapartdivat. So * metamqne lactis Sassinate de silva,* 

int. Yer. 12. Jut. i. 140, * quantaest and 475. 3, 4, whence it may be in- 

gttla, quae sihi totos ponit apros.* ferred that Sanina or Sassina, in the 

3. iardis] Bunches of gnipes not north of Umbria, is meant, fiunous 

fuUy ripe at the vintage were left to as the birth-place of Plautus. — metas, 

be gatnered by the pruners, and cheeses of a conical shape, like tibe 

wero much prized as being rarities. pillars at the end of the circus. 

SeeEp. 148.9. — melimela^ 'honey- 8. cadii\ Oliveswerepacked^per' 

apples;* Hor. Sat. ii. 8. 31, ^post haps pickled) in small jars, coat, or 

hoc me docuit melimela ruDere sent fresh in small hampers; and 

minorem ad lunam delecta.* The the best were from the Piceni. £p. 

sense is, * You did not give us eyen 213. 7, * nec rugosarum vimen breve 

the ordinarv fare of a country gen- Picenarum.* 

tleman's taole.* 10.] pumilione. by a dwarf, evcn 

5.] piray pears preserved (as some without a vettaoulum or hunting- 

Btill do) bv nangiiiff them up singly spear. 

by the stalks. In tDls case the pliant 11.1 speetammue, we only looked 

broom was used for a tie. Perhaps at and admired it, as we should do 

the poet means that the loaded to a boar exhibited in the amphi- 

bougfas reouired to be tied up, lest theatre. 

they should break, a practice still 14. Charidemue] 'It is not un- 

common with gardeners. — Pumca likelv that he was a Ghreek Christiaa. 

proRa, pomegranates, the seeds of who had beenset to fight withawild 

which in some denee resemble a red boar in the amphitheatre. The case 

rose-bud, when tne fruit is cut.— seems quoted as one well known for 

brenea, * short-lived,* or perhaps * of its horrors. 

EP. 24. (I. xlv.) 

An apology for sometimes repeating Uie subject of an epigram in tho pre- 
sent book. * Ijest,* he says, * his pams should bo lost by publishing toa 


•hort a book, he will fiU it up with repetitioiis, like Homer*t well-lmoivB 
Tene/ Compare Ep. 7 with 15, 28 with 32, 8 with 41, 59 with 61, &c 

Edita ne breyibns pereat mihi cura libellis, 
Dicatnr potias Tov S* dTOftci^o/xcvog. 

EP. 25. (L xlix.) 

To LicinionuB, a friend and countryman of the poet*8, and probabl^ a 
lawyer of aome repute (see ver 37), if not an author (Ep. 31. 11). Phnj 
(Bplst. iv. 1 1) mentions a Valerius LidnianuB, as * praetoriua inter eloqnen- 
tiitimoi causarum actores habitus,* but as haTing incurred the anger of 
Domitian and been exiled. A touching story is added, but by no means 
ereditable to Licinianus. It is uncertain, however, if the persons are the 
lame. He appears to have contemplated a retum to Spain, and the poet 
eongratulates bim in rery liyel/ language on the pleasures that await him. 

Vir Celtiberis non tacende gentibus 

NosU^aeque iaus Hispaniae, 
Videbis altam, Liciniane, Bilbilin, 

Equis et armis nobilem, 
Senemque Gaium nivibus, effittctis sacrum 5 

Vadayeronem montibus, 
Et delicati dulce Boterdi nemuSy 

Pomona quod felix amat. 
Tepidi natabis lene Congedi vadum 

MoUesque Nympharum lacus, 10 

Quibus remissum corpus astringes brevi 

Salone, qui ferrum gelat. 

1. Celiiberu] This people occu- * armorum Salo temperator.* 
pied tbe mountain country south of 5. se»em]Canum,noarywithsnow. 

the Ebro, and are often mentioned Of the local names that follow, 

in connexion with the poet^s birth- nothingprobablyisknown; Boterdus 

pjace, Bilbilis, sometimes as the is mentioned in £p. 648. 11 ; Gaius 

Ueltae, lometimes as the Hiberi. in 192. 2. 

See Ep. 192. 8; 558. 3, 4. — non 11. qmbut.SuiJ] *And when your 

taoendey multum laudande, as £p. body feels reuaed bv them, you may 

31. 12. brace it in tbe shallow Salo, which 

8. 01101»"] On the mountain side ; tempers steel * (and therefore would 

* pendula patriaB tecta,^ £p. 523. 2 ; have a hardening efFect on you). 

and 687. 6. — <urmiSt famed for the Cf. Pliny, Epist. y. 6. 25, * si natare 

manufacture of arms from steel tem- latius aut tepidius velis, in area 

^red in the river Salo, which nearly piscina est, in proxumo puteus, ex 

surrounded the mountain where Bil- quo possis rursus adstringi, si poeni- 

oUls stood. Cf. £p. 648. 9. * auro teat teporis.* 
BilbUis ot superba ferro,* 192. 15. 


Praestabit illic ipsa figendas prope 

Yoberca prandenti feras. 
Aestus serenos aureo franges Tago .t, 

Obscurus umbris arborum ; 
Ayidam recens Dercenna placabit sitim 

Et Nutba, quae vincit niyes. 
At cum December canus et bruma impotens 

Aquilone rauco mugiet, 20 

Aprica repetes Tarraconis litora 

Tuamque Laletaniam. 
Ibi illigatas mollibus danunas plagis 

Mactabis et yemas apros 
Leporemque forti callidum rumpes equo^ 25 

Cervos relinques vilico. 
Yicina in ipsum silva descendet focum 

Infante cinctum sordido; 
Yocabitur venator et veniet tibi 

Conviva clamatus prope; 80 

Lunata nusquam pellis et nusquam toga 

Olidaeque vestes murice; 

13. J9fop0] Thewood Vobercawill be at hand. The idea perhaps it 

lupfply boan cloBe at hand, that borrowed from the tale of Orphent 

Tou can kill almott as you sit at drawine the tree« to listen. Cf. 

lunch. Pliny, Elpist. ii. 17. 26, * tugserunt 

15. 7*49^} The sourcet of this ad&tim lisna proximae silvae/ 

river, which bvought down gold dust 28. soraiddx * Sloveniy/ * ill-clad/ 

in its waters, were not very far from or without tfie care and precision 

Bilbilis. about dress ezpected in tne ci^. 

22. iuam\ Licinianus, therefore, TibuUus has a very similar picture 

waa bom among the Laletani. See of country life, the vema round the 

Ep. 15. 9. blazing hearth, ii. 1. 21 — 4. 

24. vemas] Bred on the cBtate; 30. elamatug] Invitatus. 'Ton 

Cf. JuY. y. 105, where a fish (per- will be at no loss for a guest, for you 

haps lupus) 18 * ▼emula riparum. need not even send a messenger, but 

z5. /ortt] The strength of the call the hunter who lives close by.* 

horse will beat the cunning of the Compare fitatrrpti» for KaXilv, Ar. 

hare. — rtimpes, * you will run down;* Pac. 1146. 

a huntin^ phnue, as £p. 645. 12, 31. luiuda peUis'] The senatorial 

* sa^ius iUis, Prisce, datum est shoe with the letter C affized. See 

eqmtem rompere quam leporem.* Mayor on Juv. yii. 192. — ioga, worn 

—vilico, yiz. as requiring too much by constraint in Rome by clients, 

trouble, or inyolying too much dan- &c., bnt thrown ofF in the country. 

ger to yourself. See £p. 544. 5 ; 548. 6..— «et^, 

27. de90MdeC\ The wood on the tunics dyed with the sea-purple, 

bank close by will reach down almost which had a yery disaffreeable odour. 

10 your veiy hearth, lo that fuel will This is alluded to in Ar. Yesp. 1151« 



Fro^ul horridus Libimius et querulus cliens, 

Lnperia yiduarum procul; 
Non ruinpet altum pallidus somnum reus, 35 

Sed mane totum dormies. 
Mereatur alius grande et insanum sophos* 
V Miserere tu felicium 
Veroque fruere non superbus gaudio, 

Dum Sura laudatur tuus. 40 

Non impudenter vita quod relicum est petit, 

Cum fama quod satis est habet. 

and frequentlj in Martial, e. g. iv. only nominal prosperitj, and perhaps 

4. 6, * redolet — ouod bis murice also with lovmcAwr in the next line, 

vellaB inquinatum ;' and £p. 73. 3. as the Greeks use ipyua and Xoya. 

33. horr^tts] Rough, unlcempt, or — iSlura, a friend and perhaps relation 

perhaps in a moitii sense, * causinff of Licinianus ; at least Pliny 'writes 

dread/ as we should say * that horria to a Lieinius SurOy £p. iv. dO. He 

Libumian.* These men acted as eeems to have been a successfiil 

court-ushers or messengers. See pleader. Others call him PaSjp&ii- 

Mayor on Juv. iy. 75. — tmperia, ri»« iSura, who is mentioned in Juv. 

the imperious orders to attend upon iy. 53. But he seems to have been 

them, sent to their clients, capta- an informer, delator. 

tores, or salutatoreB. 41. petit'] * Seeks for itself,* i.e. 

37. grande\ * The loud exdama- claims to enjo^. When a man haa 

tion oro^oiff.* See Ep. 2. 7,--.feli' made a reputation and a fortune, he 

ciumj *tho8e falsely called happy^ may be allowed to enjoj the re- 

and more desenring of prour pity.* mainder of life without seeming on- 

Hence vero in the next hne, * a real reasonable. 
satisfiiction,' is contrasted with this 

EP. 26. (1. 1.) 

A joke on the yerse in II. i. 465, iiltrrvWov t* &pa TaXXa Kal dfAtp* 
6pt\oi<riv iirnpav. 

Si tibi Mistjllos cocus, Aemiliane, vocatur, 
Dicatur quare non Taratalla mihi? 

EP. 27. (I. m.) 

The poet to his friend Quintianus, requesting him to put a stop to a 
plagiarist (the Fidentinus of the next Ep.), who was reciting Martiars 
epigrams as his own. He speaks of the said epigrams as held m durance 
▼ile, like a slaye Btolea from his rightful master. CSompare £p. 82. 9. 

Commendo tibi, Quintiane, nostros — 
Nostros dicere si tamen libellos 


Possmn, quos recitat tuus poeta: — 

Si de servitio gravi queruntur, 

Assertor Tenias satisque praestes, 5 

Et, cum se dominum yocabit iUe, 

Dicas esse meos manuque missos. 

Hoc si terque quaterque damitariSy 

Lnpones plagiario pudorem. 

3. tuut poetd\ Ironicallj, for Hbi 7. mmu mitsoa] * Liberos,* and 

malenotus. therefore not to be claimed as his 

5. asaertor] A patron to claim them slavea or his property hj another. 

for another, by the formula manum There is a play also on the publish- 

injiciendi ; a protector or deliverer. itiff of the versea ; cf. Ep. 2. 12. 

Aji assertor is deiined to be * vindex 9. impones, &c.] * You will force 

alienae libertatis;* see AndreW the plaffiarist to have some sense of 

Dict. in V., Yarro, L. L. vi. 64, and shame. Properly, plagiarius is a 

Ep. 10. 9. — satispTaestes{movecom' 'kidnapper,* trom plagium^ *man- 

monl^ eaUs des^ or saiitdes)^ * give stealing, possibly a word imported 

Becnnty * or bail for appearance be- from a foreign dialect, hardly from 

fore ihb praetor, who will adjudicate. irXdyLot, * treacherous.* 

EP. 28. (I. liii.) 

To Fidentinus, the plagiarist, to whom also i. 29, and i. 66 «nd 72 are 

Una est in nostris tua, Fidentine, libellis 
Pagina, sed certa domini signata iigura, 
Quae tua traducit manifesto carmina furto. 
Sic interpositus yillo contaminat uncto 

1. ««ac»^,&c.] 'Youhavoinserted 3. tradudt] Arffuit, 'con-ncts,* 

in a volume of epigrams, borrowed * holds up to scom. Cf. lib. vi. 77. 

without acknowledgment from me, 5, 'rideris, multoque maflis tradu- 

one page of your own, but that so ceris, Afer.* Juv. viii. 17, * squa- 

bad, that none but a Fidentinus lentes traducit avos.* Tac. Ann. zii. 

could have writtenit.' See £p. 584. 36, * tunc incedentibus regiis clien- 

This page he calls ' marked by a por- telis phalerae, torques, quaeque belHs 

trait of its author,* in allusion to the extema quaesiverat, traducta.* The 

custom of prefixinga painted likeness word is thus properly used of cap- 

to a volume sent as a present to a tives and spoils exposed to the publio 

4B7. 10, * haec erit in chartis major theft,* as ii he had adaed some par- 

imago meis,* and 377. 6, * certior in ticiple like intercepta fiirto. 
nostro carmine voltus erit.* Lib. xiv. 4. Sic, &c.] The sense is, * your 

186, * Quam brevis immensum cepit bad page spoils by its contact my 

membrana Maronem ! Ipsius voltus good verses, as greasy wool rooils 

prima tabella gerit.* Tyrian dye,* &c.— «ncto, greasy from 

G 2 


Urbica Lingonicus Tyrianthina bardocacuUiis. S 

Sic Arretinae Tiolant crjstallina testaCy 

Sic niger in ripis errat cum forte Cajstri, 

Inter Ledaeos ridetur corvuB olores, 

Sic ubi multisona fervet sacer Attbide lucus, 

Lnproba Cecropias offendit pica querellas. 10 

Indice non opus est nostris nec iudice libris, 

Stat oontra dicitque tibi tua pagina ** Fur es." 

nothaTingbeencleftnwdfromtliedirt, Ep. 476. 13. Arretium (Areseo) 

oldrircMTi), or from the use of oil in was noted for a mana&ctare of oon*- 

weaving, in which it is still applied. mon crockerj, remains of which Btiil 

To this perhaps the rather obacnre ezist. From Pers. i. 130 we maj 

verse in Oa. rii. 107 alludes, infer that measores of the itandard 

Kaipo(rii0v 6' Moviu» AiroXufitTai capacity were made there, and de- 

vypdif iXaiov^ and II. zviii. 595, itrojed if notfonnd conect. 
XtTMvat iv»¥iiT0U9fiiKa <rri\^»n-a9 7 — 8. Cc^ri] This river was 

tkaitf, So pinguia in Ep. 168. 1, noted for its wild goeee or iwaou, 

ajyplied to a wooilen mg. — lAngo- Hom. 11. ii. 461; Yiig. Geoi]g. i. 

moM, made bj the Lvngone», a peo- 384. 

ple in Tranaalpine Gaul. In lib. 9. AtaiidB\ The Attic bird, Philo- 

ziv. 128, and Juy. viii. 145, the mela; * pellez Attica,' Ep. 548. 4. 

' cowl,* cucuUuB, or bardocucullus, — mtc&ttona is irodciAoyiipvv, * with 

is called ' Santonicus,* also from a varied notes.* — imprd>a /nca, the 

Oaliic people, the SantoneSf north of pert or remorseless (or yillanous) 

the Oaronne. A coarse cloak with a jay, clashes or jars with the plaintive 

hood, wom by the common people, strains of the nigktingale.^ So m- 

is here meant. For a description proUtu Ofwer, Virg. Oeorg. i. 119. 
and illnstrations, see Rich^s Dict. 11. tiu/M«1 There isaplajonthe 

(under both words). The Celtie similarity of form between indice 

oardi or the Illyrian Bardaeif pro- Kadjtidioe. * We need not a written 

bablj the former, gave the name. — title to the book, nor a pretor^s de- 

Tyrianthina, the fine garments (pro- cision to adjudge it to the riflrhtful 

bably tynthetea) of varied Tyrian owner : your own page (of bad epi- 

hues (oi/tfr)), woro by rich citi- grams) confronts you, and tellsyon 

zens. Urbica is oppoted to bardo' that you are a thief.* See £p. 2/. 5. 

euctUltu, which was used by country ^index (in books), was a strip of 

people (Rich, Dict. in y.). red paper hanffing from a MS., and 

6. siCf &C.J ' So the pottery made giving the title and name of the 

at Arretium dishonours (by its con- author.' See Ep. 110. 11, and Rich. 

trast or contact) the goblets of trans- in y.) — §tat contra, oVarr^, aa 

parent glass.* For erystallina, see Pers. t. 96, * stat contra ratio.* 

ER 29. (L Iv.) 

To Fronto, a friend of the poet, and an eqties and advocate of note, which 
|s expressed in ver. 2. Probabl^ the Fronto of Juy. i. 12, and Pliny Ep. 
ii. 11 and elsewhere, where he is deacribed aa a lawyer, and called Catiui 


Yota tui breviter si vis cognosoere Marci, 

Clamm militiae, Fronto, togaeque decus, 
Hoc petit, esse sui nec magni ruris arator, 

Sordidaque in paryis otia rebus amat. 
Quisquam picta colit Spartani frigora saxi 5 

Et matutinum portat ineptus Ave, 
Cui licet exuviis nemoris rurisque beato 

Ante focum plenas explicuisse plagas 
Et piscem tremula salientem ducere seta 

Flavaque de rubro promere mella cado? 10 

Pinguis inaequales onerat cui vilica mensas 

Et Bua non emptus praeparat ova cinis? 
Non amet hanc yitam quisquis me non amat, opto, 

Yiyat et urbanis albus in officiis. 

2.] ioga xneans * eloquence/ or that the hunting was close al hand, 

lather the profession of the advocate, bo that the animals caught need not 

as in Tac. Ann. xi. 7, and elsewhere. be taken out till the hunter got home. 

Opposed to militia it also means * the 9. salietUem'] dtrwaipoirray quiver- 

life of a civilian,* i.e. peace, as in ingon thehook. — ruftro cocio, tne red 

JuT. X. 8, * nocitura toga, nocitura jar, of the same kind, probablj, as 

petuntur militia.* — dartan^ perhaps that in -which foreign honey is still 

because he was one of the itutgnes or imported, as we see it in groceis* 

egreaii equites. shops. 

3.] esse arator seems aOrecism; 11. pinguie^ &e.] The well-fed 

orpetit is used for vtiU. — neo maqni, bailifTs wife loads with good cheer 

the ease of an unkempt and slovenlj mihi.* Ovid. Met. viii. o61, * meusae 

life; literally this has reference to sed erat jpes tertius impar; Testa 

the clean« or soiled toga of city life parem fecit.* 
or country life. 12. non emptut cinit] Charcoal 

5. attitquam'] * Is there any one so made on the estate, not bought in 

foolisD as to frequent (or court) the the market. Ar. Aeh. 33, t6» ^ 

halls of the great, inlaid with cool c/uoV iTJuov iro0cov, ov oi/^eirwiroT* 

Spartan marble, and to cany the clireif, aiSpoKat irpla, Eggi were 

moming greeting to a levhf when he sometimes roasted. 8o Ep. 617. 9, 

might retum home enriched with * Ovaque non deerunt tenui versata 

the epoils of grove and iield, and favilla.* — sua ona^ oggs produced on 

open nis well-nlled nets before his his own farm. 
blazinghcarth?' For ^utfraom used 14. aUnu] *As white as his own 

interrmtivelVySeeEi). 230. 14; 546. toga,' viz. from paleness and ill- 

5 ; 68/. 3. rropert. iii. 14. 3, * in- health or over-fatigue. This seems 

genuus quisquam alterius dat mu- the sense of albuM also in Pers. i. 16. 

nera serro^^^rigora^ i.e. atria fn- The sense is, * I wish my enemy no 

gida &cta per marmora, &c. The worae harm than to dislike a country 

marbles of Taenaras or Tavgetus are life, and prefer the anxiety and occu- 

meant. Cf Ep. 296. 11. The fjerdo pation of a citj life.* For a similar 

omHco firom the Eurotas is mentioned wish compare Ep. 289. 10, * qui fle»- 

in Ep. 486. 9 ^-oMte fooum ifsplies talia, nil Aeas, viator.* 


EP. 30. (I. Hx.) 

On tbe fltinted allowance {sportvld) paid to a client at Baiae, where he 
bathed well, but &red badly. 

Dat Baiana mihi quadrantes sportula centum. 

Inter delicias quid facit ista fames? 
Redde Lupi nobis tenebrosaque balnea Grylli: 

Tam male cum cenem, cur bene, Flacce, laver? 

l. guadrantes centum] The usual patrons as a client to difierent 

amount of the money-dole to a watering-places, is clear from £p. 

client, Ep. 114. 1; Juy. 1. 120. 297. 7/quondamlaudatasquocanaue 

* But what use/ asks the poet, * is it libebat ad undas Currere.* Uf. 

to liye in a luxurious town and to Hor. Sat. i. 6. 101, ^ducendiu et 

attend your patron in costly baths, unus et comes alter.* 
when you are remunerated by such 3. Lupi, &c.] The cheap and 

starvation fareP* That Martial gloomy baths frequented by the com- 

sometimes accompanied his rich mon people. See Ep. 72. 11, 12. 

EP. 31. (I. Ixi.) 

An enumeration of the birth-places of illustrious poets, to which the 
poet adds the Spanish Bilbilis botn for himself and his friend and countrr- 
man Licinianus (Ep. 25. 3.) 

Verona docti syllabas amat vatis, / >',.> 

Marone felix Mantua est, 
Censetur Apona Livio suo tellus 

Stellaque nec Flacco minus, 
ApoUodoro plaudit imbrifer Nilus, 6 

Nasone Peligni sonant, 
Duosque Senecas unicumque Lucanum 

Facunda loquitur Corduba, 

1. d6cti v*ttis] Catullus, who in- ceruetur, * is celebrated for.* For 

yented or first introduced the verse the ablatiye compare £p. 390. 9 — 

called * hendecasyllabic* Ovid. ad- SteUa^ a wealthy kniffht, a friend 

dresses him in the Tristia as * docte and patron of the noet s, often men- 

CatuUe.* Elsewhere he has a similar tioned by him witn regard. In lib. 

couplet, ^Mantua Virgilio gaudet, i. 7, he is preferred to Catullui. 

Terona CatuUo ; Pengna gentis jF^occo, i. e. Valerio, the poet. See 

ffloria dicar ego.' Propert. v. 1. Ep. 37. 2. 

64, * Umbria Romani patria Calli- 5. Apollodoro] A Greek comio 

machi.* poet, contemporary with Menaoder. 

3. Jponatellus] AnameofPata- — tm&ri^, thefertilizingNile,which 

▼ium (perhaps as yfi airovo« when brings moisture amid drouirht. 

first colonized). Cf. Ep. 296. 4, 7. duos Senecas] Viz. both fisther 

''nee fontes Aponi rudes puellis.* — and son. The former had aome re- 


Gratideiit iocosae Canio sno GradeB, 

Emerita Deciano meo: 10 

Te, Liciniane, gloriabitnr nostra, 

Nec me tacebit Bilbilis. 

pute M a rhetoiician ; the Utter is liyely loye-dittiet wcre cilled Gadt 

the philoaopher. In £p. 182. 2, * et tma, £p. 152. 5, and Spaniih ffinf 

doctiSenecaeternumeruidadomus/ who lanff them, OculUamm^ Puny, 

Lncan, the nephew of the philo- £p. 1. 15. — Enuritay ic Anguita, a 

soplier, is included. — Corduba, Cor- province of Spain (Meridaf on the 

dova Guadiana) JjeeianOt see £p. 5. 4. 

9. Gades] Cadiz, £p. 21. 12 12. taoeUq Comp. £p. 25. 1; 

joeosae, * sprightly/ hecauae Canius 586. 4. 
himself was a wag (£p. 125. 21), and 

EP. 32. (L Ixvi.) 

To a pUgiariit(prohahlj the Fidentinus of £p. 28). 

Erras meorum for avare libromm, 

Fieri poetam posse qui pntas tanto, 

Scriptura quanti oonstat et tomns yilis. 

Non sex paratur aut decem sophos nummis: 

Secreta quaere carmina et rudes curas & 

Qnas novit unus scrinioque signatas 

Cnstodit ipse yirginis pater chartae, 

Quae trita duro non inhormit mento. 

Mutare dominnm non potest liber notus. 

Sed pumicata fronte si quis est nondum 10 

]. atare'] *Mean,* yiz. for steal- A reyision was eurae eeewndae, — 

ing poems which he might have paid ecrimo, see £o. 2. 2.—eustodiif aa a 

for (ironically said) ; a. i. 29. 4, * si father does a dftughter, or a eustot^ a 

dici tua yis, en, eme, ne mea sinC — C^^^7 ^*^' &c.— 4>afer, the author. 

t€mto, ' at Bo small a cost as the writ- The language is aoapted to the meta- 

ing and a cheap length of paper,* i. e. phor, hut Plato calla writings rcicya 

the price paid for a copy to a hook- irat^iv, or ,ytvinifiara, and the 

seller, Ter. 14 — Umua, TOfiot, whence writer Trariip rov kdyov, &c. 
our word totne, a piece cut from a 8. inhorruU] * Been made rough,* 

roll of papymB. Cf. Ar. £quit. yiz. hy kiseing, as was done in com- 

1179. pliment to the author in the recita- 

4. sopib«l (ro0c0e (£p. 2. 7), tion-room, £p. 2. l.—menta, * hy the 
' popnlar applause is not to be had for rough hairs on the chin.* The verh 
a few seatertii" paid for copjing out may also refer to the recoil of a«trpo 
others* verses. For the small amount from a rough kias. 

required for this purpose, see £p. 9. mMtare domintan] See£p.27.6. 

69^. 2. 10. franU] The ende in a HS. 

5. eecreta] * Nondum Tulgata.* — roll, or the front in a hook of our 
rvdes curas, * rough drafts, or copies.* shape, weie caHod/rotUes, and onia 


Nec umbilicis ciiltas atqne membrana, 
Mercare: tales habeo; nec sciet quisqnam. 
Aliena quisquis recitat et petit famam, 
Non emere librum^ sed silentium debet. 

mented with colour, after being fraud * for a consideration/ Gomp. 

nnoothed with pamice. The tnem- £p. 67*2. 7* * sit pudor poetae, nec 

bnma was the enyelope of parch- g^^^is recitet meos libellos ;* lib. ii. 

ment, the umbilici the hollow ends 20, * carmina Paulus emit, recitat 

of the stick round which the paper suacarminaPaulus; Nam ouod emas, 

was wrapped. The reader will find possis jure yocare tuum. — librum, 

all these terms fully and accurately viz. notumy yer. 9. ' He should spend 

ezphuned in Rich*B Dictionary and his money in buyin^ rudes curae 

Becker*s Gallus. See also £p. 110. under a promise of silence, not on 

8. Books intended for presents to the book itself, as procured from a 

friends were generallj thus crot up. bookseller.* It is clear from ver. 5 

12. nee sciet quisqucm] fie plaT- that this was what the pli^arist had 

fiilly pretends to aid and abet the done. 

EP. 33. (I. Ixix.) 

On Ganius, who was always lanffhing (£p. 125). Tarentos was a spot 
consecrated to Dis in the Campus Martius ; and tne poet says that Canius 

Srho seems to haye taken a house near that place) may now show his &ce 
ere in lien of a statae of a laughing Pan. See on £p. 1 60. 8. 

Coepit, Maxime, Pana qui solebat, 
Nunc ostendere Canium Tarentos. 

EP. 34. (I. Ixx.) 

The poet to his book, which he sends to the honse of his fiiend, Caius 
Julius Proculus (£p. 608.), on the Palatine, with an apology for not going 
in person. 

Vade salutatum pro me, liber: ire iuberis 

Ad Proculi nitidos officiose lares. 
Quaeris iter, dicam: yicinum Castora canae 

Transibis Yestae virgineamque domum; 

1. juberis] Viz. a Proculo. This 28, 9. 

only means that Proculus has asked 3. Ca9tor<£\ The temple of Castor 

for a copy of Martial^s book.»^tiff- in the Forum, near the ancient tem- 

do9y the well-kept, or neat mansion. ple of Vesta, and the abode of the 

— officioeet the vocatiye for the Vestals. — atrium Veetae, which was 

nominatiye, qffieii eauea, See a partofit, on the slope of the Pala- 

iimilar construction in Pers. iii. tine. 


Inde sacro yeneranda petes Pallatia cliyo, 5 

Plurima qua summi fulget imago ducis. 
l^ec te detineat miri radiata colossi 

Quae Rhodium moles yincere gaudet opns. 
Flecte yias hac qua madidi sunt tecta Lyaei 

Et Cybeles picto stat Corybante Tholus. 10 

Frotinus a laeya clari tibi fronte Penates 

Atriaque excelsae sunt adeunda domus. 
Banc pete, nec metuas fastus limenque superbum: 

Nulla magis toto ianua poste patet, 
Nec propior quam Phoebus amet doctaeque sorores. 15 

Si dicet " Quare non tamen ipse venit?" 
Sic licet excuses '' Quia qualiacunque leguntur 

Ista, salutator scribere non potuit." 

5. PaUaHa] The Paktine hiU. It temple of Mater Idaea, towards the 

is vaed in the plural hy Propert. v. upper part of the Palatine, and near 

1. 3, and t. 9. 3 — sacro ctivOy in the casa Romuli. — iholua, the circu- 

compliment to the Emperor, who re* lar roof, painted, perhaps, intenallj 

sided there, as well as lor the temple with figures of Gorybants. Schnei- 

of the Palatine ApoUo. dewin reads torust which does not 

6.] Plurima imago must mean give a clear sense. Some think the 

*many a statue* of Domitian, and figure or statue of a Corybant snr- 

not 'the huge statue* or colossus mounting the roof is meant; we do 

mentioned below, since this hitter not know the exact details of the 

WBS not on the clivus, hut in the temple, hut tholua picto Corybanie 

centre of the Forum Romanum, certainly is most naturally inter- 

where it had been placed by Nero, preted as above. 

bttt aflerwards altered by Vespasian, 11. a laemi] Manu or parte. Con- 

by placing on it a head surrounded ttrue elari fronte, * with shining 

witn rays, representing the sun, like (marble) faqade.* So Pindar speaks 

the great colossus of Rnodes. Comp. of irpotnoirov TtiXauyf v of a palace, 

Liber Spectac. 2. 1, * hic ubisidereus OL vi. init. — PenateSt simply * resi- 

propius videt astra colossus.* To dence.*— </omtM, a town mansion or 

this Ep. 670. 2, probably alludes, P^Iace. — Martial himself (see £p. 

magnaque siderei vidimus ora dei.* 231. 4.) lived near the pila Tibur- 

See also £p. 102. 3. tina and the temple of flora, at the 

7. tletineat} Moretur te, viz. to aouth end of the Quirinal, in the 

gaze on it — radxata^ with ravs round seventh regw of the city. 

its head. So the sun is called radi- 13. faatue] Repulsam. — toto poete, 

atu» in Lucret. v. 462, and * radiatimi like * totas valvas resupinat,* Propert. 

insigne diei,* ib. 700. — vincere^ *to v. 8. 51, with the door-posts fully 

surpasB insize;* this being 119 feet exnosed,bythedoorbeingflungback. 

Lign, that at Rhodes 105. Pliny, 15. propior'] More familiar as a 

N. H. 34. 7, § 41 — 45. friend, or one nearer and dearer to 

9. nu»/M/t)AgeneraIepithetofthe Phoebus, lit. *■ for Phoebus to love.* 

tipsy god. The temple of Bacchus 18. istd\ * Whether those verses of 

«eems to have stood on or close to yours * (Iwer loquitur) be good, bad, 

tbe Palatine.— -C^e^, probably the or indifferent, tell him that they 


eoold Bot hzre been written })j one tdia duna deocDt,* viz. fieqneBtui 

wbe wted hii time in BolmtaUomeM.'' liTniin 
Compire £p. 553. 12, 'nee Tstem 

EP. 35. (L IxxL) 

On tbe eutom of xnTokiiig tbe iiames of abKnt mistreaKa (i^ in oider, 
br a kind of omen, to ieeore tbeir pteienoe). Thii ms done bj tonsting 
tbem with aa man j cjatbi, or ladLes of ivine and water, as tbexe were letten 
in the name. Henoe ' invocue ioortam in oonviTio,* Plaut. Gapt. 73. See 
inf. £p. 424. 21 ; 608, 7. 

Laeyia Bex cyaihiBy Beptem Iustiiia bibatury 
Qainqne Lycas, Lyde quattuor, Ida tiibiis. 

OmniB ab infuso numeretar amica Falemo, 
£t quia nulla yenit, tu mihi, Somne, venL 

3. futmeretur] * Be coonted by tbe peibaps meana, * b^miing tbe fiat 

uumber of ladles,* i.e. letten in ber letter of each with tbe fiist ladle ;* 

name (aa Ida, L jde, L jcaa, thiee, but tbe exact meaning of tbe Terse 

foiir, fiye, dEc.). The prepoaition is latber obacoie. 

EP. 36. (L IxxiL; 

On FidentinuB tbe plaiparist (sop. E^. 28). 

NostriB versibus esse te poetam, 

Fidentine, putas cupisqne credi? 

Sic dentata sibi videtur Aegle 

Emptis ossibus Indicoque coma; 

Sic quae nigrior est cadente moro, 5 

Cerussata sibi placet Lycoris. 

Hac et tu ratione qua poeta es, 

Calyus cum foeris, eris comatns. 

8. iie] On the aame principle, viz. coemetic. This Lycoris was a bni- 

of iiring borrowed omaments, or nettebean^; bnt the Romaiis pre- 

being fumished with things not her ferred tbe^/niofcruie* and theeajMor 

own.— <2mtoto, an adjeetiTe of par- to the biliona-lookinff dark com- 

ticipial form, like togatm, eapillatuit plexion. Comp. iT. G2, * Tihur io 

ftc. The uae of artificial teeth is Herculeum migraTit nigra L^coris, 

mentioned also in £p. 650, * den- Omnia dum fieri candida credit ibi.* 
tibuB atque comiB, nee te pudet, S.ewn/ueritj&cJoTavynpdvKift, 

uterit emptis.* When old, you will wear fidse hair, 

6. fnoro] A HMilberry fiilly rioe and be eomatus quite as tmly asyou 

and ready to fiill, when it is nearly are now poeta, i.e. both claims auke 

black.— esnissato, when rfie has used being shams and pretences. 
cisfMMS ^i/Rv9to*r, whitc lcad, aa a 


EP. 37. (L Ixxvi.) 

To Valeriiu Flacciu, the poet of PstaTiitm (Ep. 81. 4), ezhortipj^ him, 
perhaps 'with some irony, to giye up ▼ene-writing as unprofitable, and tuii 

O mihi ciirarum pretium non yile mearam, 

Flacce, Antenorei spes et alumne laris, 
Pierios differ cantus citharamque sororum; 

Aes dabit ex istis nuUa puella tibi. 
Quid petis a Phoebo ? nummos habet arca Minervae; 5 

Haec sapit, haec oinnes fenerat una deos. 
Quid possunt hederae Bacchi dare? Palladis arbor 

Inclinat yarias pondere nigra comas. 
Fraeter aquas Helicon et serta lyrasque dearum 

Nil habet et magnum, sed perinane sophos. 10 

Quid tibi cum Cirrha? quid cum* Permesside nuda? 

Bomanum propius divitiusque forum est. 
Hlic aera sonant: at circum pulpita nostra 

Et steriles cathedras basia sola crepant. 

l.ctirarttmpre^fiinjQuemcoluiBSe der side of the olive leaf is of a 

operae pretium est — AntenorH larisy light dusky colour. The fruit, when 

tbe home or settlement founded by ripe, it of a Tery deep green, almost 

Antenor, Patariimi. SeeVirg. ^n. browncolour. tLeTice pondere niffra, 

i. 242. weighed down by the load of dark 

4. ex istis] Yiz. amicis or dominis berries. 

tuis quas colis. 10. mofmum sophoa] Grande, Ep. 

5. area Minerwui] The money- 2. 7, * loud.' 

chest of the goddess of eloquence. 11. CVrrfta] SacredtoApollo,near 

The sense is, * Poetry does not paj, Delphi, and the port of it. Jut. 

the profeesion of an adyocate does. vii. 64, * dominis Cirrhae Nysaequa 

— scgnty notonly as pursuing a lucra- trahuntur Pectora nostra.*— /'erm^ 

tive business, but as per se the god- «ufe, the spring of the river Permes- 

dess of vnBdom.—/enerat deoSf 'lends sus (or Termessus) rising in Mount 

money on security to the gods,* like Helicon. — nuday because it has 

the /eneratoreSf or usurers. The nothioff tobestow, \^t\^. 

construction is remarkable. In £p. 12. divitius] Ditius, because the 

42. 4, /enerat is used absolutely for pleadings took place in the Forum 

'lends money,' as in Petronius, Sat. and the basilica near it.—propitu, 

§ 76, . * sustuli me de negotiatione, nearer home, more easy of access 

et coepi per libertos fenerare.^ than Helicon. 

7. hederae Baccht] The ivy-wreath 13. sonafU] Opposed to crep<mt in 
in the busts of poets in the Palatine the nextyerse. *Here you havemoney 
library, *• doctarum hederae praEmia jingling ; there (i. e. in the audito- 
frontium,* Hor. Carm. i. 1 ; ' Mi toHa rium of us poets) only kisses cluck,* 
ex hedera porrige, Bacche, tua,* i.e. the MSS.creakandflutterwhen 
Propert. v. 1. 62. kissed in compliment, £p. 2. 7. But 

8. varias comas] Because the un- erepare is also used of tne chink of 


money in E^. 229. 14, ' qui crepet CaQnodra wm either a ladj^B seat 

aureolos, fomtan unus erit, and 6d9. or a professorial chair ; whence the 

S, * aureoioB manu crepantes. — ealhe' phrase ex cathedra for an aathorita- 

drae<t the seats set out in the recita* tire decision. 
tion-room, Jut. vii. 47 and 203. 

EP. 38. (I. Ixxviii.) 

On the suicide of one FestoB, when afflicted hy an incurahle malady. 

Indignas premeret pestis cum tabida fauce? 

Inque suos voltus serperet atra lues, 
Siccis ipse genis flentes hortatus amicos 

Decrevit Stygios Festus adire lacus. 
Nec tamen obscuro pia polluit ora yeneno 5 

Aut torsit lenta tristia fata fame, 
Sanctam Romana vitam sed morte peregit 

Dimisitque animam nobiliore via. 
Hanc mortem fatis magni praeferre Catonis 

Fama potest: huius Caesar amicus erat. 10 

I. pesti» tabida'] Perhaps some honesta. — lenia /amSf inedia, by 

cancerous affection, or necrosis of Btarvine himself. — torsU /ata, bring 

the jaw-bone. — ind^fnas, immeritas, on deatn by a protracted suffering. 
deserrinff of a better &te. — **fos, of 7. Bomana morte'] Viz. by the use 

which it nad taken posaeflaion. See of the sword, this kind of suicide 

on Ep. 57. 1 — 4. requiring more courage and being 

4. deerefiit, &c.] Announced to thought more noble. 

them his intention of committing 9. CcUonia] Sc. Uticensis; cf. Ep. 

suicide. 5. l.^-hujue, &c. i.e. he had not, like 

5. obseuro] * Nigrorem &ciente.' Cato, incurred the dislike of the 
Cf. Juv. i. 72, * ^JJP^ eflferre mari- nding powers, and therefore he had 
tos.* — poLluU, as Tac. Ann. ziii. 17, not the same cogent motive. Indi- 
* supremum CUudiorum sanguinem rectly, this is a compliment to Do- 
. . . yeneno poUutum.*— '/na ora, mitian. 

ER 39. (L Ixxix.) 

A play on the various senses of the word agerey intended to ridicule a 
pmgmatical fellow of whom nothing is known. 

Semper agis causas et res agis, Attale, semper: 
Est, non est quod agas, Attale, semper agis. 

2. etiy wm est, &c.l Sive habeas * to breathe out youf life.* Schjre- 

sive non, quod agas. The four mean- Telius well compares Seneca, Ep. 26, 

ings of agere are, * to plead causes,* * quid egeris tunc apparebit, cum 

* to do business,* * to drive mules,* animam ages.* 


Si res et cansae desuht, agis, Attale, mnlas. 
Attale, ne quod agas desit, agas animam. 

EP. 40. (L Ixxxi.) 

On one Ganus, who was 8o eager to obtain tbe clienfs tporhda^ that he 
eent to aak for it when in eairemi$^ and died of vezation for thinking it 
migfat be his laat. A satire on the eagemeas with which this dole wa^ 
aought, * torbae rapienda togatae/ Juv. i. 96. 

Sportula, Cane, tibi suprema nocte petita est. 
Occidit putx) te, Cane, quod una fuit. 

EP. 41. (I. Ixxxii.) 

On the narrow eicape of Regulns, for which aee Ep. 8. A very elegant 

Haec quae pulvere dissipata multo 

Longas porticus explicat ruinas, 

In tanto iacet absoluta casu. 

Tectis nam modo Regulus sub illis 

Grestatus fuerat recesseratque, 5 

Victa est pondere cum suo repente; 

Et postquam domino nihil timebat, 

Securo ruit incruenta damno. 

Tantae, Regule, post metum querellae 

Quis curam neget esse te deorum, lc» 

Propter quem fuit innocens ruina ? 

1. dissipata pulvere] Poetici for 8. teeuro damnol A kind of ozy- 

diajecta ruina. — hngas, becanse the moron, lit. * with a damage that 

whole length of roof suddenly fell in. had no fiirther care or concem about 

— «rn^icetf, a8cenam,convivittm, Ep. the consequences. 

48. 13 ; 52. 8, * lays open to view.' 9 — 11. tantae, &c.] 'Afler the 

3. ahsoltda^ *Acqiiitted (from the fright we have had of so heavy a 

charge of doing miachief ) in so great loss ^or cause of complaint), who can 

a downfall.* sav uie gods do not care ror you, on 

5. gettatm Jvera(\ See Ep. 8. 8. whoae account tiiev prevented the 

^-reoesserat, he had just retired &11 from doing any narm ?* 
Lefore it gave way. 

EP. 42. (L Ixxxv.) 

Onan anctioneerwho (aa the proTerb sayi) *lBt the cat oat of tbe bag* io 

lelling a pestilential ettate. 


Venderet excultos colles cum praeco facetus 

Atque suburbani iugera pulchra soli, 
"Errat" ait " si quis Mario putat esse necesse 

Vendere: nil debet, fenerat immo magis." 
" Quae ratio est igitur?'* " Servos ibi perdidit omues 6 

Et pecus et fructus, non amat inde locum." 
Quis faceret pretium nisi qui sua perdere vellet 

Omnia? Sic Mario noxius haeret ager. 

1. eMndtosl * Highly tilled.' Pro- and thercfore he docs not get a bid. 

pert. V. 1. 130, * abstulit excultas —/enercUf see Ep. 37. 6. 

pertica tristis opes.' So dypSi ej 6. quae rcUiOt &c.] The question 

t^tfiyaaftivo^t Herod. v. 29,—/aoe' of a bvstander. 

tu8t *8mart,' nimis gamilus, offi- 6. /nictus] Because there ivas no 

_.^ _ , a 

necessitas vectigalis infregerit.* Inf. bid.' See £p.257. 4; 476. 20.- 

Ep. 61. 2, * culti jugera pulchra soli.' emphatic ; * nis property loo (as well 

3. Mario] The owner. Anzious as the present owner's).* 

to show that he was solvent, and not 8. fUMnus] A play on the double 

driven through poverty to sell, the sense of * pestilentiar and *trouble- 

auctioneer revealB the trudi, that some/ * hard to be rid of.* 
tbe fium is liable to the malaria; 

EP. 43. (I. Ixxxvi.) 

On the inhospitality of a next-door neighbour. 

Vicinus meus est manuque tangi 

De nostris Novius potest fenestris. 

Quis non invideat mihi putetque 

Horis omnibus esse me beatum, 

luncto cui liceat frui sodale? 5 

Tam longe est mihi quam Terentianus, 

Qui nunc Niliacam regit Syenen. 

Non convivere, nec videre saltim, 

2. iangt\ He lives so near, that I icaXcTv oo-rtv viQiv kyyvBi vaUi. 
may shake hands with him out of 6. tam lor^ mUtt] Tam remotus 

window. But it is rather doubtful a me. — ^TerentianuS) the mvemor or 

(as Becker remarks, GftUluSy p. 277), prefect of Aegypt, of wnich, as a 

" whether we are to imagine an an- Koman province, Syene was the ex- 

aiportuSf or tbe windows of one treme southem town ; hence called 

nouse." « porta Syenes,' Juv. xi. 124. 

5. juncto'] Tam propinquo, with a 8. convivere] Convictus habere.— 

play on the sense of tam /anUUari, «oZ^tm, yovvy i.e. * quod saltim fieri 

Besiod, Opp. 343, t6v dk /ucXiara debebat.' 


TQ^on audire licet, nec urbe tota 

Qmsquam est tam prope tam proeulque nobis. 10 

Migrandum est mihi longius vel illi. 

Vicinus Novio vel inquilinus 

Sit, si quis Novium videre non volt. 

11. m^roiu^tm, &c.] 'Eitber he tarom aedium.* There is moch irit 
or I must move further off/ yiz. if in n oiiif, &c., by which it is inti- 
we are to see each other often; a matea tiiat the acquaintaoce of 
playfulparadoz. — ^oe/tZ/tshouldmore NoviuB is by no means desirahle, 
properly he avi iUi. and the best way of avoidin^ it is to 

12. inqu,mnm\ Incolinus, * an in- live under the same roof, smce his 
mate of the same house/ * a lod(||er.* hospitality to his friends is in the 
Suet. Nero, -§ 44, * inquilinos priTa- inyerse ratio to his neamess. 

ER 44. (L Ixxxviii.) 

On the sptiTe of a faTourite boy (probably a vernxi)^ who had died 
young in tne poet*s house. An epigram distioguished for pathos and 

Alcime, quem raptum domino crescentibus annis 

Lavicana levi cespite velat humus, 
Accipe non Pario nutantia pondera saxo^ 

Quae cineri vanus dat ruitura labor, 
Sed faciles buxos et opacas palmitis umbras 5 

Quaeque virent lacrimis roscida prata meis. 
Accipe, care puer, nostri monimenta doloris: 

Hic tibi perpetuo tempore vivet honor. 
Cum mihi supremos Lachesis pemeverit annos, 

Non aliter cineres mando iacere meos. \% 

2. Lamcana] The soil on the yia sturdy like the oliye, Sac^—pdlmitiBy 
Labicana, or way to Labicum ( Virg. the vine-shoot in spring, Virg. Greorg. 
Aen. 'vdi. 796). 'Issuing from the ii. 364. Petronius, Sat. § 71, * omno 
Porta jSBquilina, and passing Labi- genus poma volo sint circa cineres 
cnm, it fell into the via Latina at meos, et vinearum largiter.* 

the station ad Bivium^ thirty miles 8. hio honor] The shady trees and 

from Bome.* Dr. Smith*s Class. the green turf, which will last longer 

Dict than the ruiiura monumenta of mar- 

3. nutantid] *Tottering,* as if the ble. 

«tmcture were overbalanced by its 9. pemeverii] iiaKKttnr^, when 

own weight. — nUturat * destined to the Fate has completed the thread of 

become ruinous,* as so many of the Hfe. — non aliterj &c. The sonse is, 

ancient monuments did become, that he gives his favourite boy as 

chiefly through earthquakes. good a toinb as he desires for him- 

5. /aeiles] ' Yielding,' not stiff and self. 


EP. 45. (I. Ixxxix.) 

On one with an inTeterate habit of whitpering, wlien no conoet.liDent 
was required. 

Grarris in aurem semper omnibus, Cinna, 

Garris et illud teste quod licet turba. 

Rides in aurem, quereris, arguis, ploras, 

Cantas in aurem, iudicas, taces, cLEimas, 

Adeoque penitus sedit hic tibi morbus, 6 

Ut saepe in aurem, Cinna, Caesarem laudes. 

2. quod lioe£\ Viz., libere profari, cium is tbat of a public arbitmtion or 
* eyen about thiiiffs you might speak tribunal. — iaceSfClamaSf * epoak in a 
of before the pubfic. low or a louder tone.* The point 

3. rideSf &c.] These are ezamples here is in the antithesis, or in the 
of emotions which from their yery paradox, tacere in aurem, 

nature are oommonly ezpressed 5. morbus'] vovov, * bad habit.* — 
openly* Some suppose that the Caesarem UxudeSy i. e. whereas the 
variouB feelings shown 1n the thea- praises of Caesar should be aa public 

tre or circus are here alluded to. as poBsible. But there is aXso an 

4. judicas] * You giye your opinion allusion to his being a AilBome 

about persons and thingg in a whis- flatterer. 
per.* The notion attaching to judi- 

EP. 46. (I. xciii.) 

On the death of two friends who had held the same rank in the army. 

Fabricio iunctus fido requiescit Aquinus, 
Qui prior Eljsias gaudet adisse domos. 

Ara duplex primi testatur munera pili : 
Plus tamen est, titulo quod breviore legis : 

lunctus uterque sacro laudatae foedere vitae^ .* 6 

Famaque quod raro novit, amicus erat. 

\. Junctus] *Proxime BepultUB,* primi pili, or primipilaree. 
with the notion also of ^junctus 5. sacro foederc The sOiSrwmtn 

amicitia.* — gaudet^ ^gayisus est:* tum of a military life, which, from 

who found a consolation in his death its high repute, is called laudata ; 

that his friend sumyed him. or viwiulo profMSt apectatae^ homettae 

3. ara duplex] Koivo^tafilaj a yitae.— omtciM, viz. alteri. The 

monument shaped like an altar, con- sense seems to be, that centurions of 

taining the names of both, and re- the same rank were apt to be jealout 

cofding that they wero centunons of each other. 


EP, 47. (I. xcvii.) 

On an adyocate who woiild only speak amidst noiae and clamour, so that 
no one conld fairly judge of his real talent. 

Ciun clamant omnes, loqueris tunc, Naeyole, tantum, 

Et te patronum causidicumque putas. 
Hac ratione potest nemo non esse disertus. 

Ecce, tacent omnes : Naevole, dic aliquid. 

EP. 48. (L xcix.) 

On one who grew more stingy as he hecame richer. 

Kon plenum modo viciens habebas, 

Sed tam prodigus atque liberalis 

Et tam lautus eras, Calene, ut omnes 

Optarent tibi centiens amici. 

Audit vota deus precesque nostras 6 

Atque intra, puto, septimas Kalendas 

Mortes hoc tibi quattuor dederunt. 

At tu sic quasi non foret relictum, 

Sed raptum tibi centiens, abisti 

In tantam miser esuritionem, 10 

Ut convivia sumptuosiora, 

Toto quae semel apparas in anno, 

Nigrae sordibus explices monetae, 

Et septem veteres tui sodales 

1. pienum viciens] ' The full sum you, making up that amount.* 

of 2,000,000 sestertii, or 2000 ses- 8—13. at tu, &c.l *You, how- 

tertia. Tbe singular is used as in eyer, as if you had lost that sum, 

the phrase sest^io deciensy &c., to and had not gained it, went off into 

express an aggregate sum. In Ep. such a starving diet, that you spend 

180. 4,'we have ^triciens soldum;* only a few pence on your grand 

in 127. 2, * centiens laximi ;* and in (more expensive) annual dinner." — 

264. 2, * plenum centiens.^ In 490. 5, eccplicesy * lay out ;* see £p. 52. 8, 

* bis tuum deciens.* * With the and sup. 41. 2. — nigrae moneiae, 

comparatively small foi*tune (iro- copper money, which leaves a stain, 

nicai) of less than 17,000/., you or turns discoloiired. Cf. £p. 671. 

were so generous and hospitable, 11, *■ non parca manus laigaeque 

ihat your mends wished you might nomismata mensae.* 

have five times that amount. — 14. 5e/>tom] Thetricliniumorthree 

lautuSf ' luzurious.* lecti togetber held nine ; the circular 

6. intra, &c.] *Within seyen seat, adapted to the citrei orbes^ 

months or so four legacies were left held seyen guests. Ep. 545. 6, ^ sep- 



Constemus tibi plumbea selibra. 15 

Quid dignum meritis precemur istis ? 
Optamus tibi miliens, Calene. 
Hoc si contigerit, fame peribis. 

tem sigmft capit; sex sumas: adde i. e. * quadrantes.* 

Lupum.* There may be an alluaioii 17. miliens] Supply ' centena mil- 

to the curtailing even the number of lia,* nearly a million of our monej. 

the gaestA.—plumbea^ *■ a half-pound ' If you get thatf according to toe 

of adulteratea silver,* tro»i|pa Ya\Kia, analogy ot your present conduct, you 

Ar. Ran. 725. Gf. £p. 565. 4, * cen- will die of hunger.* Quod fjelim is 

tum merebor plumbeos die toto/ in the poet^s mind. 

EP. 49. (L c.) 

On a * middle aged * lady, who spoke of ^ papa * and ' mamma,* in order to 
appearyoung, though oldenough to be a ^at grandmother (* great mamma 
01 mammas '). Miiller observes, in his Lectures on Languages, vol. i. 
p. 50, that in Friesland a father is called ' tate ^ (a word resembling the 
dental sound of infiEints, iai-tar), 

Manunas atque tatas habet Afra, sed ipsa tatarum 
Diei et mammarum maxima mamma potest. 

EP. 50. (L ci.) 

On the death of Demetrius, the poet*s attached and faithfiil anumuentis. 

Illa manus quondam studiorum fida meorum 

Et felix domino notaque Caesaribus, 
Destituit primos yiridis Demetrius annos : 

Quarta tribus lustris addita messis erat. 
Ne tamen ad Stygias famulus descenderet umbras, 5 

Ureret implicitum cum scelerata lues, 

1. mantui] * Thecopyist, transcriber 5. ne tamen^ &c.] ' GaTimuB (ma- 

of my books.* So latus is used for numissione provisimus) ne famulus 

one a Uxterey a companion , vi . 68. 4 moreretur.* 

y^Mf, *lucky,'or ' oriugingluck;* he 6. lues] Some pestilential sore, 

attributes the success of his epigrams perhaps of a cancerous nature. — 

in part to the clear and accurate way tmplidtumy so caught and entaugled 

in which they were written. — Cae- by it, as it were, tnat he could not 

saribus nota^ familiar to Titus and extricate himself So veneno iUigatuSf 

Domitian. Tac. Ann. Ti. 32. Yirg. Aen. vii. 355, 

3. destituW] aircXiire, has left his *T»imalue8 — ossibus implicat ignem.* 

«arly years uncompleted, as it were. The metaphor is from a hunter^s 

—<iuarta^ &c., an el^;ant phrase for net. Cf. Ep. 633. 5, * horrida tuI- 

expressin^ * nineteen years of age/ tus Abstulit, et tenero sedit in or« 

or 4 -f- lo* lues.' 


Cavimus et dommi iuB omne remisimus aegro : 

Munere dignus erat conyaluisse meo. 
Sensit deficiens sua praemia meque patronma 

Dixit ad infemas liber iturus aquas. 10 

7. remmmua] We retigned all lived to enjor his freedom.* 

right oyer bim as his master, i. e. 9. ienntjThongh dyinff, he showed 

formaUj and legally mannmitted that he was conaciouB of the hononr 

hiin.—diffim8 «rat, &c., he deseived and the priTilege granted him, hj 

not only to be made iree, hut to he addressinff me as * patrone mi.* Thu 

made weU (had that been posaible) was ^e tormuhi U8ed by a libertns, 
by my gift, In other words, *I 
ehould l^ve been glad if he had 

EP. 51. (I. cii.) 

Qui pinxit Yenerem tuam, Lycori, 
Blanditus, puto, pictor est Minervae. 

1. Venerem iwsnC\ Perhaps a por- pliment to Minerva,* who was the 
trait of Lycorifl, the bninette (^p. patroness of art ffenerally. Tho 

36. 6), dressed as a Yenus. ' The allusion is to the judgment of Paris, 
painter/ sajs Martial, * in making it before whom tbese two goddesseR 
so ugly, mnst have intended a com- stood as rival beauties. Cf. £p. 246. 

EP. 52. (I. ciii.) 

The Bubject is the same as Ep. 48, though respecting a different person. 

" Si dederint superi deciens mihi milia centum " 

Dicebas nondum, Scaeyola, iustus eques, 
" Qualiter o yiyam, quam large quamque beate ! " 

Riserunt faciles et tribuere dei. 
Sordidior multo post hoc toga, paenula peior, 5 

Calceus est sarta terque quaterque cute : 
Deque decem plurcB semper servantur oliyae, 

Explicat et cenas unica mensa duas, 

1. cleeteiw, &c.] A senator^s for- 5. 9ordiiwr\ Less freouentl j sent 

tune. — wmdMm justus equest before to the/idlo to be cleanea.— ;Mi0nif/a 

you were a regular knight, or pos- (91. 8;,an outer mantle, or walking- 

sessed of the fuU equestrian census, cloak, which is well explainod and 

quadraffinta sestertia. iUustrated in Rich*s Dict. in v. — 

4. rteertud] Arriserunt optanti. — pejory critior, more shabby. — scHia^ 

facUeSf * good-natured/ as .luv. x. 7, * cobbled up,* patched three, or eveu 

'evertere domos totas optantibus four times, or with three or foui 

ipsis Dii facilea.* Ep. 642. 10, * et patches. 

oare quae fiu;iles vix tribuere dei.* 7. de decem\ sc. oliviB, pluret» 

D 2 


Et Yeientaiii bibitur faex crassa rubelli, 

Asse cicer tepidum constat et asse Yenus. 10 

In ius, o fallax atque infitiator, eamus : 

Aut yiye aut deciens, Scaevola, redde deis. 

major pars, in posterum diem ser- * et fervens cicer et tepens lapinus. 

vantur, To place on tbe table ten — Venus, scortum asse conductum. 

oliyes, and put by six of tbem, was Cf. Ep. 90. 7. 

the extreme of ni^ardliness. — ex- 11. infiUator] The blessings of 

plicaty see £p. 48. 13. ' One spread life are regarded as a deposit, which 

fumishestwodinners/oronecooking a dishonest man is said it^tiari^ 

serves twice. to disown, or declare that ne haa 

9. Veientanuml From Veii, north never received. Juv. xiii. 60, ' nunc, 

of the Tiber, and tberefore inferior, si depositum non infitietur amicus.* 

as Tuscum vtnum, See £p. 12. 2; Cic. de Orat. i. 37, § 168, 'si ill« 

90. 4. This was a coarse and cheap infitiator probasset judici ante peti- 

red wine. Pers. Sat. v. 147, *■ Yeien- tam esse pecuniam, quam esset 

tanumque rubellum £xhalet vapida coepta deben.'' — eamus in jus, let us 

laesum pice sessilis obba.* Hor. go, as if before the praetor, to de- 

Sat. ii. 3. 143, ^Veientanum fes- terinine whether you ought to hold 

tis potare diebus Campana solitus the said blessings, or resign them. — 

trulla.* — cicer iepiduvi, chick-peas vtve, vita fruere, a common sense of 

macerated in waim water, or *■ pea- the word in Martial. So vita, in 

soup.* See Ep. 21. 6; and 269. 21, Ep. 10. 4. Cf. 106. 3. 

EP. 53. (L 104.) 

A description of the feats performed by trained beasts in the amphi- 
theatre, in compliment to Domitian, who was fond of being present, Suet. 
Dom. § 4. 

Picto quod iuga delicata collo 

Pardus sustinet improbaeque tigres 

Indulgent patientiam flagello, 

Mordent aurea quod lupata cervi, 

Quod frenis Libyci domantur ursi 5 

Et, quantum Calydon tulisse fertur, 

I. quody &c.] * The fact that the draw a Bacchic car. 

leopard bears a gay yoke on its 4. lupata'] Hor. Carm. 1. 8. 6, a 

spotted neck, and savage tigers lend jagged bit, such as trainero nse for 

a ready obedience to the whip,* &c. breaking in hoi-ses. See Rich^a Dict. 

The apodosis is at ver. 11, * all this in v. 

is a sight fit for gods to see.^ — 6. quantum'] 'As huffe as the 

delieatay a toj or lancj yoke, ele- Calydonian boar of tho nible.* So 

gantly fashioned or adomed with Ep. 625. 10, ^quantuserat, Calydon, 

colours, ribands, &c., iroifciXa^vycb, aut, Erymantne, tuus.* 601. 18, 

<l!ur. Bacch. 1056. — improha/e^ na- ^colono tanquam sus Calydoniua 

ninlly relentle8<t, but suDmitting to timetur.*— cc^)M^m, * halters.* 


Paret purpureis aper capistris ; 

Turpes esseda quod trahunt bisontes 

£t molles dare iussa quod choreas 

^igro belua non negat magistro : 10 

Quis spectacula non putet deorum ? 

Haec transit tamen, ut minora, quisquia 

Venatus humiles yidet leonum, 

Quos yelox leporum timor fatigat. 

Dimittunt, repetunt amantque captos 15 

Et securior est in ore praeda, 

Laxos cui dare perviosque rictus 

Gaudent et timidos tenere dentes, 

MoUem frangere dum pudet rapinam, 

Stratis cum modo yenerint iuyencis. 2v» 

Haec clementia non paratur arte, 

Sed norunt cui seryiant leones. 

8. iurpes] The ugly or unsightlj * more fearless/ an h^rbole. The 

aurochB(bi8on EuropaeuB), stillexist- hare feels itself safer, because better 

ing in the forests of Ldthuania. protected, in the lion^s mouth ; for 

Virg. Georg. iii. 51, * optuma toryae it holds its teeth loosely closed, and 

Forma boyis, cui turpe caput.* so that the hare can set through 

10. helua] The elephant, called them, as if fearfiil of doing harm. 

Gaetula in Juy. z. 158. — moUeSj So Lucretius says of the hound fond- 

soft, light, and not such as a creature ling its young, v. 1069, * suspensis 

of huge bulk could naturally give. — teneros imitantur dentibus haus- 

niffro, its black keeper spectactday tus.* 

^paffeants.'* 20. etratis juvencis] 'Afterlaying 

12. transii ui minoral Wonderful low heifers, it is ashamed to crunch 

as these sights are in themselves, the bones of a hare.* tuvpoktovho» 

thej are nothing to the feats per- Xfovrcov i<ptipt^ ^^B^* ^^^^* ^^* 

formed by the lions. '—arte, educatione. The lions, he 

14. lejporum timor] The timid says, with servile flattery, know that 

speed of the hare fatigues the lion, they are serving a clement master. 

who is taught to catch it and plaj Note, that cui is a dissjllable C^)* 

with it, as a cat does with a mouse, So perhaps in Juy. iii. 49, * quis 

and probably by the same feline nunc diligitur, nisi conscius, et cui 

instinct.— oman/, they hug, fondle fenrens,* £c Ep. 425. 3, * Drusorum 

tbem when caught, Ayairiaai, caress cui contigere barbae.* 
them. — seourior, * feels tafer,* is 

EP. 54. (I. cyii.) 

The poet*s reply to his friend LuciQS JuliuB (MartialiBp Ep. 198), who 
had urged him to attempt some great work, to which he i^ejoint, that he 
iHll write like Horace and YiigU, when he has found as liberal a patron 


Saepe mihi dicis, Luci carifisime luli, 

^' Scribe aliquid magnum : desidiosus homo es* 
Otia da nobis, sed qualia fecerat olim 

Maecenas Flacco Yergilioque suo : 
Condere victuras temptem per saecula curas 5 

Et nomen flammis eripuisse meum. 
In steriles nolunt campos iuga ferre iuyenci : 

Pingue solum lassat, sed iuvat ipse labor. 

3. da\ Si des, scribam, &c. — o^io, 'which gives some retmn for the. t 

the leiflure reBulting from easy cir- labour, thoagh the exertion tries 

cumstances. them. Thus, the poet argues, I am 

7, 8.] A very elegant couplet. leluctant to work without pay. 
Even oxen prefer to plough a soil 

EP. 55. (L cviii.) 

A witty replj to an illiberal patron, who had endeayoured to enlist the 
poet as a client. He pleads the distance, and (indii^ctly) his occupation as 
an author. 

Est tibi sitque precor^multos crescatque per annos 

Pulchra quidem, verum transtiberina domus : 
At mea Yipsanas spectant cenacula laurus, 

FactuB in hac ego sum iam regione senex. 
Migrandum est, ut mane domi te, Galle, salutem : 5 

Es tanti, vel si longius illa foret. 
Sed tibi non multum est, unum si praesto togatum : 

Multum est, hunc unum si mihi, Galle, nego. 

2. domtuH A town-house or man- present Piazza Barberina, Becker, 
sion ttcross the Tiber, a low and Gallus, p. 191) — senov, not literaUy ; 
disaereeable part of the aty, Kp. but perhaps he means prematurclj, 
21. 3. from fatigue. 

3. Vipsanaa laurus'} The baj- 6. es tanH'] Ironicallj, ^jou are 
trees in the rarden, where stands quite worth the trouble, even if your 
the porticus Vipsana, the site of mansion were furihcr off.* 

which unfortunatuly appeai^s to be 7, 8. sed tibi, &c.] * But, thongh 

unknown. The poet says that his it is of no great importance to yoQ, 

rich friend has a nne house in a dull if I add one to the number of your 

part, while he lives in a gaiTet in a clients, it w a great matter to me, 

prettv part; and he intimates that not to allow myself to go.* — ^neao 

ne snould not like to change his mihi, i. e. *nolo fieri cliena, nolo 

abode, which he must do to become addere hunc unum ceteris.* But 

a daily aalutator. others explain, * me ipsum negligo, 

4. re^fione] Viz. urbis, this dlyision otium scribendi omitto,* i. e. *■ ai 
or district oi the city. Perhaps the non mihi vaco, si nego mihi meip- 
seventh, where was the 'pila Tibur- sum.* 

fcina,* near the poet^s rendeu(« (the 


Ipsd salutabo decima te Baepius hora : 

Mane tibi pro me dicet ateto liber. 10 

9.] ipsej * in jienon,* as contraated Hor. £d. i. 5. 3, ' Bupramo te solc 

vith Iwer.—deeima hora, at the late domi, Toi^quate, manebo.* — liber 

dinnerhour, i.e. Iwillcomeas often viz. as a salutaior, £p. 34. 2, 

as jou like, if jon will ask me to Understand, ' quem non scripsissem, 

dinner. The general hour was nonay ti ipse salutator Tenissem.* 
£p. 161. 6. But cf. £p. 627. 1. 

EP. 56. (I. cix.) 

A very elegant description of a pet lap-dog. The Romans were fond of 
these little creatures. On one of the Roman monuments in the British 
Museom is an elegiac inscription to a d<^ called * Marnrita/ which is also 
the name of a * catella nigia atque indecenter pinffuis, in Petronius, Sat. 
§ 64. In Propertius, v. 3. 55, a little pet do^, Glaucis, is described as 
lying on the bed of its mistress. Inf. Kp. 3/9. 3, ' Publius exiguae si 
ilagrat amore catellae.* 

Issa est passere nequior Catulli, 

Issa est purior osculo columbae, 

Issa est blandior omnibus puellisy 

Issa est carior Indicis lapiUis, 

Issa est deliciae catella Publi. 6 

Hanc tu, si queritur, loqui putabis ; 

Sentit tristitiamque gaudiumque. 

Collo nixa cubat capitque somnos, 

XJt suspiria nulla sentiantur ; 

Et desiderio coacta ventris 10 

Gutta pallia non fefellit ulla, 

Sed blando pede suscitat toroque 

1. neqmor'] * More fuU of mis- compliment to his friend^s taste and 

chief;^ nequitia, aXtr/oia, Ar. Ach. love of beauty. 

907. — passere^ the well-known and 8. collo] Viz. domini. It sleeps 

ancientlj Ycr^ celebrated epigram, on its master's neck so gently, that 

* Passer deliciae meae puellae, &c. you cannot hear it breathe, i. e. it is 

Cf. sup. i. 7, * Stellae delicium mei careful not to disturb him, who, 

columln — yicit, Maxime, passerem perhaps, is himself sleeping. 

Catulli.* 11. pallid] 'The counterpane/ 

3. bhmdior] * More winsome/ x^^^*''^* Propert. v. 3. 31, *Tum 

fascinating, orcoaxing. — IndiciSt Scc., queror in toto non sidere pallia 

a general term for * gems/ including lecto * (viz. that, in the absence of 

even pearls. the husband, only half the bed is 

5. deliciae PtMi] This is the coYered). •—/e/ellitf * proves false to,* 

climax : * in fine, Issa is the pet of inquinat. 
my Publius.* Indiroctly, this is a 


Deponi monet et rogat levari. 

Castae tantus inest pudor catellae, 

Ignorat Yenerem ; nec invenimus id 

Dignum tam tenera yirum puella. 

Hanc ne lux rapiat suprema totam, 

Picta Fublius exprimit tabella, 

In qua tam similem yidebis Issam, 

Ut sit tam similis sibi nec ipsa. 20 

Issam denique pone cum tabella : 

Aut utramque putabis esse veram, 

Aut utramque putabis esse pictam. 

20. tam similis siht] ' The picture as liko me as I sm like myBeUl* 

is 80 like the original, that the 21. pone] * Compoue^* vape£(3aK\t. 

original itself is less like itself,* — a You cannot, he sajs, decide between 

graceful hyperhole in compliment to the portrait and the reality. If one 

the painter. Cf. Plaut. Amphitr. 443, is a picture, thcn certainlj tbe other 

* tam consimilist atque cgo/ * he^s is so too. 

ER 57. (L cxi.) 

To Regulus (Ep. 8), with a present of the hook of epigrams, and some 
frankincense, which the poet sajs are appropriate gifts to one famed at 
once for wisdom and for piety to the gods (since thura were used in 

Cum tibi sit sophi^ par fama et cura laborum, 

Ingenio pietas nec minor ipsa suo : 
Ignorat meritis dare munera, qui tibi librum 

Et qui miratur, Regule, tura dari. 

1 — 4.] 'Since jou are not less man knows not how to make pre* 

reputed for wisdom than for pains- sents to those deserving of them, 

taking in your literary lahours, and who is surprised that a hook and 

yourpiety is as g^reat as the genius eome frankincense is civen toyon.* 

that exercises (or prompts) it ; that — 8W) inffenioy as £p. ^. 2. 

EP. 58. (L cxiii.) 

An answer, apparently, to some one who had asked the poet where his 
early writings were to he had. 

Quaecunque lusi iuvenis et puer quondam 
Apinasque nostras, quas nec ipse iam noyi, 

l.juvemietpuer} *WhtntLgrovm minaSy 'whims,* 'trifles/ Xtipom, 
up youtb, and eren when a boy.*— £p. 693. 7, * sunt apinae tricaeque 


Male coUocare si bonas yoles horas 

Et inyidebis otio tuo, lector, 

A Yaleriano Folio petes Quinto, S 

Per quem perire non licet meis nugis. 

et d quid vilius istis.* These were bad uae of yaluable time, and are 

the names of two ancient and de- disposed to j^nidge yonr own leisure 

populated towns in Apulia ; hence (i. e. desirous to abuse it), jou. may 

they came to mean * res nihili.^ So ask for them from Quintus (a book- 

merae trwae, Petronius, Sat. § 53 — seller), who does not allow my early 

nec ip80f ne ipse quidem ; which I trifles to be forgotten.'--jDer quemf 

have myself forgotten, or should the usual idiom with licetf aa * per 

fail to recognize as my own. me licet/ &c. 
3. maUi] * If you want to make a 

EP. 59. (I. cxiv.) 

Thia and £p. 61 are addressed to Martiars wealthy friend Faustinus 
(Ep. 148), and contain a somewhat disguised request, that he will not 
acquire possession of a small farm, in which Fenius Telesphorus, who was 
probably a libertm, had buried a favourite daughter. From £p. 193, it is 
inferred that the estate of Faustinus was at Tibur. 

Hos tibi vicinos, Faustine, Telesphorus hortos 
Faenius et breve rus udaque prata tenet. 

Condidit hic natae cineres nomenque sacravit 
Quod legis Antullae, dignior ipse legi. 

Ad Stygias aequum fuerat pater isset ut umbras : s 
Quod quia non licuit, vivat, ut ossa colat. 

1. tib%\ Agro tuo. — Faeniut, the 5. aequum faera£] c{k^« t)i;. As 

praenomen, taken by the slave when the law of Fate decrced that the 

emancipated, Pers. v. 78. — ienet^ father should sunrive the child, says 

* holds as his own,* possidet. the poet, may he live on — not in- 

4. dignior legt] As the senior, it deed to enioy life, but — to bring 

was more fitting that his name ofFerings to her tomb. These terse 

should be inscribed on the tomb ezpressions have great pathos, which 

than his daughter^s. suffers by the rendering. 

EP. 60. (I. cxv.) 

A joke designed to tease a jealous lover. 

Quaedam me cupit, invide Procille, 
Loto candidior puella cygno, 

2. loto cvgno] The Romans ad- fore compared female beauty with 
miied camKW in women, and there- white objects. A 'washed swan* 


Argento, nive, lilio, ligustro : 

Sed quandam volo nocte nigriorem, 

Formica, pice, graculo, cicada. 5 

lam suspendia saeya cogitabas : 

Si novi bene te, Procille, vives. 

and a *hoary swan* (£p. 243. 1) puella* 

wei-e hyperbolical expressions. — 5. ^racif^] *A jackdaw.* — cicada, 

IwustrOt the privet-flower, used by from the dusky or ash-^oloured 

Virgil in tho same compariBon, appearance, TiTriytt altfaXicoycv, 

Ecl. ii. 18. Theocr. vii. 

4. quandam vold] See Ep. 5. 5. 7. si novi] If you are the man 

The sense is, * a fair girl loves me ; I take you for, i. e. one attached to 

but fear not, /love a dark brunette.* the pleasures of life, you will think 

The point probably lies in usingr the better of it, and not hang yourself 

very terms of endearment by which through jealousy, when your mind 

ProcilluB had described his candida is relieyed of its misgivings. 

EP. 61. (L cxvi.) 

Hoc nemus aetemo cinerum sacravit honori 

Faenius et culti iugera pulchra soli. 
Hoc tegitur cito rapta suis Antulla sepulcro, 

Hoc erit Antullae mixtus uterque parens. 
Si cupit hunc aliquis, moneo, ne speret agellum : 5 

Perpetuo dominis serviet iste suis. 

2.jugera pulchra] See on Ep. sionally, when a definite person is 
42. 2. in view, si aliquii. So in Eji 

4. Aoc, &c.] * In hoc sepulcro 76. 6 ; 256. 6. 

Antullae parentes cum eius ossibus 6. servieQ Lands were ofben 

mizti jacebunt.^ So Fropert. v. charged with the performance of 

7. 94, * mecum eris, et mixtis ossibua annual sacra^ whicn was odled a 

ossateram.'* servitus. When no such charge 

5. ali(mi9\ Meaning Faustinus existed, a field was said, aervire 
(Ep. 69). The student will i-e- domino suo^ as Ep. 224. 7, * mag- 
member that * aliquis ' means * some- naque Niliacae servit tibi gleba 
body/ not * any body.' The Romans Syenes.* 

generally say si quis ; but occa- 

EP. 62. (L cxvii.) 

A witty reply to a stingy firiend who had asked for the loan of Martial*a 
book. He tells him where with small tronble and cost he may bt^ it. 
Tho man hides his meanness under a pretended compllment. 


OccoiTis quotiens, Luperce, nobis : 

** Vis mittam puerum " subinde dicis, 

** Cui tradas epigrammaton libellum, 

ILectum quem tibi protinus remittam ? " 

Non est quod puerum, Luperce, vexes. 6 

Longum est, si velit ad Pirum yenire, 

£t scalis habito tribus, sed altis. 

Quod quaeris propius petas licebit. 

Argi nempe soles subire letum : 

Contra Caesaris est forum tabema 10 

Scriptis postibus binc et inde totis, 

Omnes ut cito perlegas poet as. t^ , ^^a' j ^.7/ 

Hlinc me pete, nec roges Airectum, — 

Hoc nomen dominus gerit tabemae, — 

De primo dabit alterove nido 15 

Rasum pumice purpuraque cultum 

2. vit mUtam^ &c.] He professes 10. eonird} jcaTarrurp', rigbt 

to saTo the author iinneceflsary over against the Foram Julii 

trouble. This passa^ well thows scriptts, &c., *with both its door- 

the genins of the Latm BubjunctiYe ; poBts written all over * with the 

' Shall I eend you * (you saj) ' my names of the authors sold within. 

slave, to whom you mav g^ve your This curious custom is perhaps men- 

book of epigrams, that I may read tioned only here. It was a ready 

them, and send them back di- advertisement, and could be con- 

rectly? sulted without entering the shop. 

5. veaeare is cvoxXciv* to give 13. Hlinc] Yiz. from the lists on 

needless trouble to.— ac^ Ptnfm, * to the door-posts. — nee roges^ *dou*t 

the pear-tree/ a wellknown mark. ask the owner of the sho|>, Atrectus* 

perhaps (like the ' ficus Ruminalis, (Atrestus ? &Tph<rTosi), viz. whether 

or the KolXti aYcpdcc, near Athens, he keeps Martial in his stores. 

Soph. Oed. Col. 1596), but now He pretends to show how the man 

unknown. For the poet^s place of may save himself trouble. Or per- 

residence, see Ep. 55. 4. haps ^though this is a less common 

7. sccilii tribus] * Up three pairs use ot roffare), * don't ask for Atrec- 
of stairs, and those high ones.' tus* (i. e. where he lives), *for his 
This is wittily said. Such a lodging name is written up outside.* 
wonld give trouble to the slave, but 15. nidd} The compartment or 
it also indicates that the lodger is pigeon-hole in which MS. books 
poor, and would prefer to sell rather were kept Cf. Ep. 333. 5, ' hos 
than to lend his bookg. nido licet inseras vel imo.* Hence 

8. propius] See £p. 37. 12. — it appears that the^first orsecond* 
ne:tnpe soies, * of course you are .in compartment was a place of dignity, 
the habit of going near the Arpi- and the poet thereby intimates that 
letum,^ where the book-shops were his epigiams were in request — ra- 
to be found ; see Ep. 2. 1*. (The sum pumice, &c., see Ep. 32. 10. — 
poet means, that of course the man purpuraj the coloured (often biooior, 
never went near them at all, but jPers. iii. 10) memhrana, or en- 
lived on boirowing.) velope. The meaning is, *he wiU 


DenariB tibi qninque Martialem. 

" Tanti non es " ais ? Sapis, Lnperce. 

lell jaa a copj handsomeiy bound 18. «opu] Either becanse, if bc 

for oii/jf fiTe denarii (about fonr had bongfat it, he would not hart 

shillings). Thifi ia a bIt Btroke ; for aj^reciated it, or * wise * in borrow- 

the cost of the men MS. was much ing to aave him from spending so 

leaa (Ep. 692. 1). See alao E^. 32L 4^ la^ a sam, aa it wonld appear to x 

and eqwdally C^atnllnn, Carm. 2^ stingy man. 

EP. 63. (n. L) 

The poet to his book, with an apologj for its ehortness. Compare 
£p. 1. 

Ter centena qnidem poteras epigrammata ferre, 

Sed qnis te ferret perlegeretque, liber ? 
At nunc succincti qnae sint bona disce libelli. 

Hoc primum est, brevior quod mihi charta perit ; 
Deinde, quod haec una peragit librarius hora, 5 

Nec tantum nugis serviet ille meis ; 
Tertia res haec est, quod si cui forte legeris, 

Sis licet usque malus, non odiosus eris. 
Te couYiva leget mixto quincunce, sed ante 

Incipiat positus quam tepuisse calix. 10 

Esse tibi tanta cautus brevitate yideris ? 

Hei mihi, quam multis sic quoque longus eris ! 

1, 2. poteraa ferre] * You might usefal books. 

indeed have bome (i. e. been made 8. latfue] * Even to the end.* 

to contain) tbree hundred epigrams ; 9. outrunttuc] A cup holding five- 

but (in that case) who would bear twelfms of a sextarius (pint), or five 

pou, and read jou throngh ? * A cyathi. — mutOy viz. with caida ; * he 

ipltLY on the doublo sense oi/erre. will read you through before his 

o. ai nuncy &c.] *But now hear grog is cool enough to drink.* It 

what are the advantages of a small was sometimes mixed very hot. 

book : — first, I spoil less paper ; Plaut Mil. 835, * nimis calebat» 

secondly, my amanuensis has time amburebat gutturem.* Tac. Ann. 

for other writings ; thirdl^, readers xiii. 16, * praecalida et libata gnstu 

will not be utterly weaned, even potio traditur Britannico; dein, 

if the Bubject of it is dulL* — periif postquam fcrvore aspemebator, fri- 

' is wasted.* So Juv. i. 18, * peri- gida in aqua adfunditnr venenum.* 

turae parcere chartae.* £p. 690. 3, — Tepesco is * to grow cool.* So in 

*perditeNiliacas,Muaae,meadanma, iii. 17. 5, *illa quidem tepuit, digi- 

papyroa.* tosone admittere visa est.* 

o. peragi£\ 'Geta through,* per- ll. cautus\ 'Protected by.* More 

acribit^fiee iantum, &c., 'he will commonly imperaonal, *videtume 

not have to work at, or sive his tibi satis cautum esae brevitate, ne 

servioe to, my triflea only,* Dut will odiosus sis?* — longue^ viz. quia 

have time to copy other and more insulsua. 


EP. 64. (n. ii.) 

On tb« title or agnomen Germanicus usnmed by Domitiftn. See Ep. 

Creta dedit magnum, maius dedit Africa nomeny 
Scipio quod victor quodque Metellus habet; 

Nobilius domito tribuit Germania Rheno, 
Et puer hoc dignus nomine, Caesar, eras. 

Frater Idumaeos meruit cum patre triumphos, 6 

Quae datur ex Chattis laurea, tota tua est. 

1. Oreta] Quintus Caecilins Me- aetatis et conditionis admoneretur, 

tellus took the title of Creticus, habitabat cum patre una.*— ^i^t» 

from the conqueet of the island after eras, dignum te ostendisti. 

a war of three years' duration. He 6. Frater] * Your brother Titrs 

\vas consul B.C. 69. — J/ricGj from won his triumph over Judaea with 

which Scipio Africanus gained his the aid of his father Vespasian ; but 

honours. the victorj over the Chatti was all 

4. et puer] Suet. Dom. § 2. * ob your own.' Suet. Dom. § 6, * de 

haec* (the expedition against the Chattis Dacisque post varia proelia 

Germans) * correptus, quo magis et duplicem triumphum cgit.* 

EP. 65. (n. iii.) 

To Seztus, who was i^eally insolvent, while he boasted that he had no 
debts. A debtor implies a creditor ; and trustine or lending monev 
implies that the borrower at least has the means, it not always the wilf, 
to repay. 

Sexte, nihil debes, nil debes, Sexte, fatemur, 
Debet enim, si quis solvere, Sexte, potest. 

EP. 66. (n. V.) 

An apology to Decianus for not visitinff him more frequently, on the 
plea of distance, and because he was so seldom *" at home * to his friends. 
Compare Ep. 55. This can hardly be the Decianus mentioned in £p. 
31. 10. 

Ne valeam, si non totis, Deciane, diebus 

Et tecum totis noctibus esse velim. 
Sed duo sunt quae nos disiungunt milia passum: 

Quattuor haec fiunt, cum rediturus eam. 

4. eum rediiurus eam] * Quia apart, and these become four, since 
mihi redeundum est ;^ not ' quotiens I have to make tho retum jouiiiey.* 
eo reditoruB.* * We live two miles 


Saepe domi non es, cum sis quoque, sacpe negaris: 5 

Yel tantum causis vel tibi saepe yacas. 
Te tomen ut Yideam duo milia non piget ire, 

Ut te non yideam quattuor ire piget. 

6. eauM — Hbt] ' To the pro- the answer given ;* * he can onl j see 
fessional yisits of clients, or to your callers on hnBineBs/ &c. 
own studies/ — tcmtum^ i. e. * Buch is 

EP. 67. (n. vi.) 

To Seyerus, a critic (to whom also Ep. 271 is inscrihed), with a com- 
plaint tbat he is the first to erow tired over the epigrams, though he had 
urged their publication, ana had alwayg professed great admiration for 
them. The poet seems to have sent him a copy to pemse, which he had 
kept for three daya before retuming it. He aatirizes the man^s insincerity 
in praising the epigrams only in the author^s sight and hearing. 

I nunc, edere me iube libellos 

Lectis vix tibi paginis duabus 

Spectas eschatocoUion, Severe, 

Et longas trahis oscitationes. 

Haec sunt, quae relegente me solebas 5 

Rapta excribere, sed Vitellianis. 

Haec sunt, singula quae sinu. ferebas 

Per convivia cuncta, per theatra, 

Haec sunt aut meliora si qua nescis. 

Quid prodest mihi tam macer libellus, lu 

1. Inunc\ With the usualirony, The former seems more proliahle. 

as the Greeks say, tovt kKtlvo Lib. xiv. 8, ' nondum legcrit hos 

eschatocolliony the last page, ti;v licet puella, Novit quid capiant Yi- 

eax^''''!*' 'co\Xt)0e?o-ai;, either to telliani.* They were therefore used 

lenffthen the roU, or as the last for amatory messages. See Becker^s 

folded sheet or qiuUemiony if a book OaUus. p. 338. 
of our modem shape be meant 7. sinu] In the pocket or fold of 

From this root our term pnxiocol jova toga. — per convivia, cf. Pers. 

is derived. i. 30, * ecce inter pocula quaerant 

5. haec sunf] * Yet these are the Rotnulidae satnri, quid dia poemata 

epigrams whicn, when I read them narrent,* and £p. 63. 9. — nngtda^ 

over* (perhaps after dinner), *you separately, copied out siogly on 

uf>ed to copy down, caught np, as it strips of paper. 
were, from my month, and tnat too 9. aut meliorcb] Or perhaps some 

on a note-book of the best kind.* — even better than they, which you 

VHeUiani (pugillares) were tablets, have not yet seen. 
fio called, either from their inventor 10. quid prodest, &c.] * What 

Vitellius, or from fntellua, the yolk benefit is it to me that the book is 

of an egg, oiaccountof their colour. so thin as scarcely to exceed the 


^ullo crassior ut sit umbilico, 

Si totus tibi triduo legatur ? 

Nanquam deliciae supiniores. 

Liftssus tam cito deficis viator, 

£t cum currere debeas BovillaSy lo 

Interiungere quaeris (id Camenas ? 

I nnnc, edere me iube libellos. 

thickness of the stick it is wrapped he is now taunted with conduct in- 

round, if it takes yon three days to consistent with the ezpression. 

read throngh the whole of itP' — For 15. eiirr0re,&c.] Ametaphorfrom 

umbilici, see £p. 32. 11. The cup- a carriage-driTe. *When you ought 

like and painted hollows at the ends to go on at a smart pace as far as 

of the stick maj he meant, though Bovillae * (some ten miles from 

crassior is more suited to the stick Rome), * do tou want to change 

itself. horses (or hoit) at.the temple of the 

13. nmquanif &c.] * NeYer were CamenaeP* which was just outside 

pet Terses more leisurelj and lazily the Appian gate. Cf. £p. 155. 7, 

read through.' Seveiiis had called * et hora lassos Interjungit equos 

the epigrams *deliciae meae/ and meridiana.* 

EP. 68. (n. viL) 

On one who did many things passahlj or indifferently well {belle), hut 
nothing thoroughly (bene), 

Declamas belle, causas agis, Attice, belle, 

Historias bellas, carmina bella facis, 
Componis belle mimos, epigrammata bclle, 

Bellus grammaticus, bellus es astrologus, 
£t belle cantas et saltas, Attice, belle, 5 

Bellus es arte lyrae, bellus es arte pilae. 
Nil bene cum facias, facias tamen omnia belle, 

Yis dicam quid sis? magnus es ardalio. 

1. beHe] See £p. 152, on a bdltu helle, Matho, dicere. Dic aliquando 

homo, and i. 9, ' hellus homo et £t hene ; dic neutrum ; dic ali- 

magnus vis idem, Cotta, videri ; quando male.* 

sed qui hellus homo est, Cotta, 6. pUae'] * Plajing at hall.' 

pusiUushomo est.* Pers. i. 48, *8ed 8. cardali6\ A sciolist, a dahhler, 

recti finemque extremumque esse a meddler {iroKwiidyfxuiv) ; *• a 

recuso £uge tuum et helle.* The great humhug,* is our nearest phrase. 

word was rather a compliment, or Cf. £p. 208. 9, * deformius, Afer, 

iiiroKopKrua, than a term of real omnino niliil cst ardalione sene.* 
praise. So £p. 543, *Onmia yis 


EP. 69. (IL viii.) 

An apology, addreflsed to die leader, for the mistikes of a hasty vnd 
careleM tntoicriber, bat in joke, as the &iilts mentioned conld not reallj 
be re&rred to that caoBe. 

Si qua yidebuntiir cbartis tibi, lector, in istis 

Slve obecura nimis sive latina panun, 
Non meus est error: nocuit librarius ilHs 

Dum properat versus annumerare tibi. 
Quod si non illum, sed me peccasse putabis, 5 

Tunc ego te credam cordis habere nihil. 
'^ Ista tamen mala sunt." Quasi nos manifesta negemus : 

Haec mala sunt, sed tu non meliora facis. 

1. uiii] Those which jou bold in to be heartless, Ayvutfiovaj Aavy- 

your hand. yvvtfiova, one who makes no allow- 

4. annumerare] To supplj you ance for eiror. Or perhaps, * to have 
with a certain numher of verses, as no sense,* as Ep. 631. 17. 

if tliat were his principal du^, and 7. istd] * But (you inslBt) those 

tbe object of his care. verses of jours are bad. — A» if I 

5. (fuod iif &c.] This is slilv said, denied what is plain on the &ce of 
tho poet knowing very well that it Mine are bad ; but joxl donH 
ht, and not the transcriber, would make better,* and therefore bave no 
be really to bkme — mhil cordis, right to comphtin. 

EP. 70. (n. xi.) 

On A dinner-hunter {eaptaior cenaey eenipeia)^ who finds himself 
compelled to dine at home. See Ep. 72. 77. 6o2. 

Quod fronto Selium nubila vides, Rufe, 
Quod ambulator porticum terit seram, 
Lugubro quiddam quod tacet piger vultus, 
Quod poono terram nasus indecens tangit, 
Quod doxtra pectus pulsat et comam yellit: 
Non ille amici fata luget aut fratris. 



\. quodvidei] The apodosis is at countenance maintains a lugubrions 

.«r. 0, * ejus rel causa est, non quod eilence,* i. e. that he is not bright 

fata liiffet/ &c. — nufnla /rontey as and merry, and chatting widi others. 

Kur. Electra, 1078, awvKpovaav — indecens nasuSy * his ugly nose.* 

5^/uaTa. — terity &c. * the reason This is a common meaning of »»- 

why he is taking a kte stroU in decens^ e. g. Ep. 225. 7 ; 243. 12. 

irfiat piam,* e. g. the porticoes men- 5. pectus pulsat] As if a KOfifiot, 

tioned in Ep. 72. 5—10, which were or in lamentation for a death. Cf 

public promenades. Ep. 243. 19, 'pectusque pulsans 

8. ^'' t his dull puitor et comam vellens.* 


Uterque natas vivit et precor vivat, 

Salva est et uxor sareinaeque servique, 

Nihil colonus vilicusque deooxit. 

Maeroris igitur causa quae? Domi oenat. 10 

8. ei tuor] < Etism uzor.* (The ' hunc alea decoqait* Ib. i. 125, 
student ynll not construe * et uxor ' aspice et haec, si forte aliqiud de- 
8a.rcinaeque.') — sareinaey * his chat- coctiut audis,* * more refined/ with 
tels/ properlj such smauer 'wares as the jnosser parts tkimmed off. 
can be carried bj hand. See £p. 10. maerorui} Luctus, ircifdow, 
657. 2 ; and Mayor on Jut. iii. words properly applied to the grief 
161. for tho loss of a friend.— ^om» ce- 

9. nihil, &c.] * Nothing has been naty he has obtained no invitation to 
Bquanderei away bj his tenant or dine out. Cf. £p. 269. 1, *si tristi 
aiis bailiff.* A metaphor Irom boil- domicenio iaboras.* 98. 4, * cnm 
ing down wine. Ci. Pers. ▼. 57, cenaret erat tristior ille domi.* 

EP. 71. (H. xiii.) 

Adrice to a friend to pay his just debts to the creditor at once, or he 
'will haYe to bribe the judge, and pay the advocate to boot, if the matter 
comes into court. 

£t iudex petit et petit patronus. 
Solvas censeo, Sexte, creditori. 

EP. 72. (n. xiv.) 

The same subject as £p. 70. 

Nil intemptatum Selius, nil linquit inausum, 
Cenandum quotiens iam videt esse domi. 

Currit ad Europen et te, Pauline, tuosque 
Laudat Achilleos, sed sine fine, pedes. 

Si nihil Europe fecit, tum Septa petuntur, 5 

Si quid Philyrides praestet et Aesonides. 

2. jam fnde£] * When he sees Pincius, in which foot-races took 
lliat nothing now remains for him place.^ Here therefore Selius finds 
bnt to dine at home.* raulinus, a rich acquaintance, and 

3. Europen] The porticus £u- tries what a little flattery will do. 
ropae, one of the manv public — aed sine Jine^ *and that without 
piazzas at Rome, for whicn the stopping,* or moderation. 

ttudent may refer to Dr. Smith^s 5. S^a] See on £p. 476. 1. — 

Clasflical Dict, * Rome,* § z. This Philyndes, &c. Figures of Chiron 

was famed for a statue of Jupiter, in and Jason were frescoed on the 

the form of a bull, caTryintt Europa : portico of the temple of Neptune, 

it was ' probablj at the root of the near the iSSspto, in the Campus Mar- 



Hinc quoque deceptus Mempliitica templa frequentat, 

Assidet et cathedris, maesta iuyenca, tuis. 
Inde petit centum pendentia tecta columnis, 

lUinc Pompei dona nemusque duplex. 10 

Nec Fortunati spernit nec balnea Fausti, 

Nec Grylli tenebras Aeoliamque Lupi: 
Nam temis iterum thermis iterumque laTatur. 

Omnia cum fecit, sed renuente deo, 
Lotus ad Europes tepidae buxeta recurrit, Id 

Si quis ibi serum carpat amicus iter. 
Per te perque tuam, vector lascive, puellam, 

Ad Cenam Selium tu rogo, taure, voca. 

tius. SeliuB then goes thither, in 11. Grylliy &c.] See Ep. 30. 3. 

the hope thst theso heroes maj do These were iht names of the ke^^ers 

him 8ome good, i. e. that he maj of inferior baths ; and Selius thinks 

there obtain an invitation. an invitation to a second-rate table 

7. MefttfAUica tetnpld] The tem- is better than none at all. So tbe 

Sle of Isis, aUo in the Campus ^iraaite in the Stichus of Plautos, 

fartiuB. — decepttiSy ' disappointed,* 228, goes to the baths to seek for 

atpaXtU T^« t\'wiiov.-—€aUiedri8j invitations. 

the seats of the female worshippers 13. iemis thermui] * He bathes 

in the temple. He ffets as near as again and again with three hot baths 

he can to them, in nopes of being at each place.* This was done, that 

inyited, perhaps, to attend t^iem he might offer his senrices to batliers. 

home.-^t>enca, Isis or lo, * Pharia One hot bath a day was * satis su- 

juvenca,^ Ep. 545. 1. perque;* but Selius does not mind 

9. Imie, &c.l ' Next he goes to a little personal inconvenience. 

the porticw Vipsania, vaufted or 15. Eunipes} See ver. 3 — tepidaey 

balanced above on a hundred pillars.* a play on two senses, ' warmed hj 

See £p. 124. 1. The site of this the sun/ and * by love.* Compare 

piazza does not seem to be known. £p. 344. 12, * aut ubi Sidoneo 

That it is not the same as the portico Taurus amore calet.* Ep. 125. 12, 

round the temple of Neptune (men- * delicatae sole rursus Europae Inter 

tioned in ver. 7), as some have tepentes post meridiem buxos.* 

supposed, seems clear from Uie pre- 17. vector lascive'] * Amorous car- 

sent passage. — Pompeii dona, the rier of Europa," Jupiter in the form 

portico presented to the public bv of a bull. The allusion is to the 

Pompey, nezt the theatre which sport of the pilaey stuffed figures 

bore nis name. It had a garden or tossed by btdls, on which see £p. 87. 

plantation on each side, nemus The sense then is, ' do ask him to 

duplex. Perhaps from this feature dine with you, and ffive him such a 

it was commonlv called ' Pompeii hearty reception O^y tossing and 

imibra,* £p. 221. 5 ; Propert v. sliaking). that he wul never trouble 

8. 75. Cfatullus callB it * Magni us more. 
ambolatio,* Ep. Iv. 6. 


ER 73. (n. xvi.) 

On a rich man wlio fei|p[ied illness, merely that his friends who 
^aited him might admire his feoetly bed-lumitiire. Compare £p. 804 and 

Zoilus aegrotat: faciunt hanc stragula febrem. 

Si fuerit sanus, coccina quid facient? 
Quid torus a Nilo, quid Sidone tinctus olenti? 

Ostendit stultas quid nisi morbus opes? 
Quid tibi cum medicis? dimitte Macbaonas omnes. 6 

Yis fieri sanus, stragula sume mea. 

1« s^ragula] trrpiifxara, the coun- 4. gmdy &c.] ' What but illness 

terpane or coverlet (Becker, p. 287). shows a foort wealth ?* He must 

— si Juerit, &c., ' if he is not ill, sliam ilbieBB, or his fine chamber- 

what is the fine scarlet-dyed bed fittings and bed-fiimiture will remain 

coTering to do/ Tiz. in order to be unseen. 

aeen and admired. Lib. ziv. 147, 6. vis] Si yis. ' If you really 

* Stragula purpureis lucent Yillosa wish to be well, take a poor man s 
tapetis.* bed-linen, and you will not be 

3. tonu] The mattrass, or rather tempted to make the same displaj.* 

the stufilng of it {tomentumy toro- Lucret. ii. 34, ' nec calidae citius 

mentum), made of the heads of decedunt corpore febres, Teztilibus 

papyrns, firom Alezandria. But to- si in picturis ostroque rubenti Jac- 

rtts tinetus Sidone seems to mean teris, quam si plebea veste cuban- 

the Tyrian-dyed torale, or vaiance. dum est.* In sanus there is perhaps 

Hence p'jajmreus torus is sometimes a doable meaning, ' et mente et 

used. £p. 647. 8. — olenti, see En. corpore.* 
25. 32. 

EP. 74. (n. xvii.) 

On a rapacious damsel, wife or mistress of a tonsor, who * shaves/ i. » 
robs, her victims. 

Tonstrix Suburae faucibus sedet primis, 

Cruenta pendent qua flagella tortorum 

Argique letum multus obsidet sutor. 

Sed ista tonstrix, Ammiane, non tondet, 

Non tondet, inquam. Quid igitur facit? Badit. 5 

1. Suburae'] The low jpart (or ^.flageXld] Instruments used by 

* slums *) of Rome, near tne Argi- the executioners, and hung up per- 
letum, at the entrance between me haps in terrorem at the entrance of 
Viminal and Esquiline hills. It this lowand turoulentpartof Rome. 
was noted for hou6e8 of ill-iame ; — Argi letumy Ep. 2. 1, 

' vigilacis furta Suburae,* Propert v. 4. ista] He mtimates that Am- 

7. 15. — sedet^ sits as a Haruy or a mianus was fiimiliar with her. — 

CerberuB. Yirg. Aen. vi. 27o, ' Yes- radit, ^v/ocZ iu XP^> *8crapes tho 

tibulum ante ipsum pi ^misque in very slun,* i. e. she cloes more thaa 

&ocibaa Orci/ &c. plunder, she beggars you. 

£ 2 


/ EP. 75. (n. xviii.) 

To a rexy or wealthy citizeii, who courted still richer people, just as he 
was himself courted hy those helow him. The poet shows that the great 
man is therefore himself, after all, only a client Compare Ep. 516. 

Capto tuam, pudet heu, sed eapto, Maxime, cenamy 
Tu captas aliam; iam sumus ergo pares. 

Mane salutatum venio, tu diceris isse 
Ante salutatum: iam sumus ergo pares. 

Sum comes ipse tuus tumidique anteambulo regis, 5 
i\\^ Tu comes alterius: iam sumus ergo pares. 

Esse sat est servum, iam nolo vicarius esse. 
Qui rex est, regem, Maxime, non habeat. 

1. eaptd] * I use everjr art to he hefore the sella of the patron ; and •&. 

asked to dine with you, though I vii. 142, Hogati antepedes.* — reqis^ 

am half-ashamed to avow it; you thegreatman,*viz.yourBelf, Ep. ^9. 

do the Bame to others ; so in this 13, * tumidique vocant haec monen 

respect we are quits.* He uses reges.* — ftareSt & third point of re- 

p<tre8 to vex Mazimus, who thought semhlance or parit^. 

nimself &r ahove Martial, and oy 7. sai esCl * It is had enoarh to 

no means on a level. he a slave oneself. I don'*^ like to 

3. diceris] Yiz. hy the servants he the slave of a slave. A man who 

at your house. *■ You are also, he is a rex must not have another rez 

says, an attendant at the levees of over him, or he is no rexy hnt a 

the great ; bo am I : so here i^in sermu,^ Compare Ep. 9i7j and ii. 

we are equals.* The saltUator was 32. 7, * non hene, creae mihi, aervo 

▼irtually a client ; and even though servitur amico : Sit liher, doniinus 

holding the highest office, did not qui volet esse meus.* Viearint yru 

disdain the sporttda^ Juv. i. 96. an under slave, or helper of an 

5. comea] Viz. as a client — anieam' upper slave, ordinarius. See Becker, 

6tf/o,see Ep. 114. 2; 565. 3. Juv. x. GaUtu, p. 204. Hor. Sat. ii. 79, 

44, * praecedentia longi Agminis offi- * sive vicarius est, qui servo paret, — 

cia/ m reference to clients walking seu conservus.* 

EP. 76. (n. xxiv.) 

To Gandidus, who had professed great friendship (Ep. 87), and made 
many liheral ofFers, hut done nothing. This is a rather ohscure epigram : 
it tums on the doctrine of the tpai/o« (Dem. Mid. p. 647), viz. that every 
man is entitled to receive from others the aid aua the sympathy that he 
has himself afForded. 

Si det iniqua tibi tristem fortuna reatum, 
Squalidus haerebo pallidiorque reo: 

1 — 4. ti det, &c.] These four lines at least the ptvfession of what Mar- 
appear to he the actual words, Oa* tial would do for Candidiu, if in 


Si inbeat patria danmatain exoedere terra, 
Per freta, per soopnlos exulis ibo comes. 

Dat tibi divitias. "Ecquid sunt ista duonim?" 5 

Das partem? '^Muitum est." Candide, das aliquid? 

Meeum eris ergo miser: quod si deus ore sereno 
Annuerit, felix, Candide, solus eris. 

tarouble. — rea/ifm, the conditioii of a &vottrite aayinff of Candidus (Ep. 

rmu, who was called tqucUidus^ from 87), KotvA <pik»¥. — dat partetUy 

luB neglected dress and dismal ap- * Well, do you give me any portion 

p«arance. — eomesy so Ep. 652. 6, of them ? — Tis too much, jou reply. 

* exilio comitem quaeris ? agellus — ^Then, Candidus, do you give me 

eat.* an^ thing at all ? * lit. * (even) some- 

5. dcU Hbif &C.1 * But fortune haa thing.* (For alufuid, see on Ep.61.5.) 

not given you such ill luck ; on the 8. meeum erts] * Then, I snj^oae, 

contrary, she has given you wealth. you will be with me (or share your 

Now, am I to share in the good, fortunes with me) when badly off; 

as I was willing to share in the but if the god kindly assents to your 

evil? You make all kinds of pra^ers, you will keep your pros- 

excuses.* — eequid nttU^ &c., *You penty all to vourself. The senti- 

ask, is this property of yours (tsto) ment of Alcibiades is similar, iu 

the property of two ? * i. e. howcan Thuc. vi. 16, iirgl kuI 6 kokwv 

you put in a claim for a share? trpaerertitv trpdv oitiiva T^t j^Vfi' 

This is said in reference 'to the ^opas I<ro/uoi/>st. , 

EP. 77. (n. xxvii.) 

On the eapUdor Selius (Ep. 70). 

Laudantem Selium cenae cum retia tendit 
Accipe, sive legas, sive patronus agas: 

''Effectel graviter! cito! nequiter! eugel beatel" 
Hoc Yolui. Facta est iam tibi cena, tace. 

2. ae&ipel vapaXdiJifiavt, *take or *a hard hit, that.* On the 
him with ^ou, andaccept fajs pro- prsisesof interestedfriends on these 
posed services to applaud * (Plmy, occasions, see Pers. i. 49. 84. 87. 
Epist ^ ii. 14). — cenae, * when he These are specimens of the language 
laVs his snares to catch a dinner.* Selius was wont to use on such 
These men were nick-named laudi" occasions. — hoo voluiy * tbank you ! 
eem, * praisers for a dinner,* Pliny, That*s just what I wanted. You 
1. 1. — t^atf viz. in the recitation- have eamed your dinner, and now^ 
room; see Mr. Mayor on Jnv. hold your tongne.* He does not 
iii. 9. want his conversation, and only 

3. ne^uHeTt as we should say of a invites him because he must. 
well-pomted satire, * that's too bad,* 


EP. 78. (n. Txjy.) 

On a libflrau, oiigixLally a l)niiided slave, bat now a flenator. Coin|Miv 
Tac. Ann. ziii. 27, ' Quippe late fuBnm id coipns ^ (tiz. liberta),- ' e' 
plurimis eqaitom, plenBque Benatoiibufi, non aliunde originem trahi.* 

B.iife, vides illmn snbsellia prinia terentem, 

CuiuB et liiiic Incet sardonjcliatfi manns 
Quaeque Tyron totiens epotavere lacemae 

£t toga non tactas Tincere iussa nives, 
CuiuB olet toto pinguis coma Marcelliano o 

£t splendent yoIbo brachia tiita pHo; 
Non hestema Bedet lunata lingula planta, 

Coccina non laesum pingit aluta pedem, 
£t numerofia linunt Btellantem splenia frontem* 

Ignoras quid sit? splenia tolle, leges. 10 

1. gtimUia prima] From Itmata or a dqnlatoij was nsed, e. g. resin. 

ptamta, in rer. 7, it is dear that a See £]p. 558. 8 ; 657. 21. 

senator, and not an eques, is meant. 7. MWgWa, * ibe latcheC m cal^^ 

The *firat aeats* mean therefoie from ii» tongue-shape. A firesh ri- 

the trpof dpm, or the lowest tier of band or fihoe-tie was nsed by this 

alL— e^ kime luoet, ' is seen to glitter man every dxf ; hence nom heileniaf 

even ftom wbere we sit.' — 9ardon^ &c (Rich, howevcr, in v. ligyia, 

ekata^ * adomed with a Bardonyx m aajB it means *' the lapelle or Lippet 

his nng.* An adiectiTe formed like on each side of a shoe, through 

coocinatUB, amethyBtinatas, Canu- which ^e strings ihat tied it on to 

BinatuB, capillatus, toptus, &c ihe feet were passed.** This ex- 

3. tiilieni, &c.] The most cobUj planation does not seem to suit the 

specimens of cloth were dipped more present passi^.) For the red shoe, 

than once in the sea-purple, and or lather boot, of the senator, with 

called dibapha epottmBere, * have the G or crescent affized, see Mr. 

drained,* *drank up all Tvre,* or Mayor^s leamed and copious not« 

tbe stores of Tyrian dve. 'Jav. x. on Juv. vii. 192, — coccina^ dyed 

176, * credimus altos defecisBe amnes with, or rather of the colourof, 

epotaque flumina Medo piandente.* the preparation from the oak-gall, 

These laoemae ^mantles wora over eoocus (^oivdciv). Our red morocco, 

the toga) were oiten very expensive. perhaps, represents it Red boots 

Ep. 196. 5, *millibus decem dixti and red hose continued throughout 

Emptas lacernas munus esse Pom- the middleagesasabadgeofhonoar, 

pullae.* and are very often seen in stained 

i.Jut8a1 Yiz. by express orderB glass. 

given to ihe fidlo. 9. splenia} Ep. 410. 22. Small 

5. MarceUianum\ Like Cosmia- patches or olaBters, like gold-beaten' 

the nairs being oulled out* with face. They appear also to have been 
the tweezers, voiuUae. This was a wom as oraamental, or to Bet off the 
com- with Romau fops, features, like the absurd * beaatv- 


spots wom at the court of Queen F. H. E. (JvgitwuB hie ut; see 

Anne. Pliny, Ep. vi. 2.2, ' candidum Mr. Mayor on Jur. xir. 24), were 

splenium in hoc aut in illud super- branded on his forchead, which he 

ciUum transferebat. — steUantemy had taken this method of conceal- 

* staiTcd with them.' So Ep. 476. 17, ing. Petronius, Sat. § 103, * im- 
*■ et virides picto gemmas numerayit plevit Eumolpus fi^ontes utnusque 
in auro,* i. e. painted with the gems. ingentibus litteris, et notum fugi- 

10. quid 8tt] ^What is the rea- tivorum epigramma per totam faciem 

son,* viz. of his wearing tliem. liberali manu duxit.* Ep. 126. 1, 

* Take away the plasters,* he adds, ' proscriptum famulus servavit fronte 
'and you will read.* The letters notata.* Hence 'homo trium lite- 
FUR or FUG (fugitivus), or rarum,* for a brandcd slave. 

EP. 79. (ir. XXX.) 

On the refusal of a rich man to lend the poet money, and the offer of 
advice instead, how to get rich. 

Mutoa viginti sestertia forte rogabam, 
Quae vel donanti non grave munus erat. 

Quippe rogabatur felixque vetusque sodalis 
Et cuius laxas arca flagellat opes. 

Is mihi "Dives eris, si causas egeris" inquit. 5 

Quod peto da, Gai: non peto consilium. 

2. vd donantt] Etiam si dono coins to allow it to close. Bat lcutas 

dedisset. here is obscure, since in Ep. 127. 2, 

Z./elir] 8\0iov^beatu8.^JlafjeUaiy we have *centiens laxum,* wliich 

'premit,* Ep. 136. 2; 224, 6, 'et mustbeopposed to'plenumcentiens,* 

libertinas arca flagellat opes.* The in Ep. 48. 1. It may mean here, *a 

phrase seems derived from shutting chest so large that it has ample room 

the lid down on,a full money-chest, for yet more.* 
and striking or patting down uie looae 

EP. 80. (n. XXXV.) 

A joke on a bandy-legged man, who, the poet says, might have washed 
his feet in a drinking-hom of a curved shape. (See Rich s Dict in t., for 
aa illustration.) 

Cum sint crura tibi simulent quae comua lunae^ 
In rhytio poteras, Phoebe, lavare pedes. 

EP. 81. (n. xxxvi.) 

On one, who, ihough he affected the roughness and untidiness of 
'•he early republican men, was still at heart effeminate, and only assumed 
thia ffuise as a mask to his real chaiacter. There is a similax epigram, 
lib. i. 96. 


Flectere te nolim, sed nec turbare capillos, 

Splendida sit nolo, sordida nolo cutis; 
Nec tibi mitrarum nec sit tibi barba reorum: 

Nolo virum nimium, Fannjche, nolo parum. 
Nunc sunt crura pilis et sunt tibi pectora setis 5 

Horrida, sed mens est, Fannjche, volsa tibi. 

1. Jlectere] Viz. calamistro, to (See Rich*8 Dict in t.) Here it 

cnrl your hair with the tongB. — seems to Btand for /itTpoipopot^ 

^lendida, cf. Ep. 78. 6. * Phrygiae neque enim Phryees/ 

3. ftnitraruml The mUra was an Aen. ix. 617. — reorvMt i. e. BquaUda, 

eastem head-dress or cap, wom by Ep. 76. 1, 2. 

women, and generally byABiaticB, 6. volsd\ Effeminata. 

EF. 82. (IL xxxvii.) 

On the cuBtom of Roman clients Btealthily carrying off food from the 

Stron^B table. Compare Ep. 335, and also Arist Equit 280- 283. 
artial himself speaks as one of the superior guestB. 

Quidquid ponitur hinc et inde yerrisy 

Manunas suminis imbricemque porci 

Communemque duobus attagenam, 

Mullum dimidium lupumque totum 

Muraenaeque latus femurque pulli 6 

Stillantemque alica sua palumbum. 

Haec cum condita sunt madente mappsy 

Traduntur puero domum ferenda. 

Nos accumbimus otiosa turba. 

Ullus si pudor est, repone cenam: 10 

Cras te, Caeciliane, non vocayi. 

1. ponitur} Ep. 23. 1. *You Beems uncertain. 
vweep off into your napkin from 4. iotum\ Because thiB fish web 

both Bides of you whatever is placed inferior (Juv. v. 104), and therefore 

on the table ; the teats of a bow^b not touched by the guests. 
paunch, the vertebrae from a chine 6. o/tca] * White sance.* Properly 

of pork, a woodcock (* wood-hen *) a kind of drink, like barley-water, 

intended for two, half a muUet, and Plin. Ep. i. 15.— palumbumj<pdTTap, 

a whole lupus * (* tpigola '). — mam- a wood-pigeon. 
ma8, see lib. ziii. 44, * esse putes 9. otiosci\ Haying nothing to do, 

nondum sumen ; sic ubere largo Et because there is no supper left us to 

fluit et viTo lacte papilla tumet.* — eat. 

^mbrieemy the overlapping proceBseB 11. eraa] * I did not invite yon 

on the vertebrae. £p. o«{5. 14. for a dinner to-morrow/ i. e. but only 

* roBos tepenti spondylos sinu condit hodie. There is a joke in the UBe of 

Whether theBe are mentioned as the past tense with this word. 
delicacies, or rather as Bcraps left. 


EP. 83. (n. xxxTui.) 

To Linns, who was an objectionahle character. NometdoMit ag&r waa 
& farm of the poet*8 among the Sabine hills, rather bleak and not verj 

Qnid mihi reddat ager qnaeris, Line, Nomentanus? 
Hoc mihi reddit ager: te, Line, non video. 

EP. 84. (IT. xxxix.) 

On one who made costly presents to a oommon prostitnte. and whom he 
advisea to send a ioga. which was the proper dress of haxlots. (Becker, 
€?al/«», p. 435.) 

Coccina famosae donas et ianthina moechae: 
Yis dare quae meruit munera, mitte togam. 

]. MmMtna] ^Violet-colonred,* one word is formed as if compounded of 
of the many hues of the Tynan dye. «Eirtfov, the first part of the compound 
Like T^frMMMtna, in £p. 28. 6, the being Zov. 

EP. 85. (n. Xl.) 

On a rich man who feigned illnett that his capMtarti might aend him 

Uri Tongilius male dicitur hemiti*itaeo. 

Novi hominis fraudes: esurit atque sitit. 
Subdola tenduntur crassis nunc retia turdis, 

Hamus et in mullum mittitur atque lupum. 
Caecuba saccentur quaeque annus coxit Opimi, 5 

Condantur parco fusca Falema vitro. 

1. henUtritaeo] A semi-tertian passed through the bag or colander. 

fcTer. See £p. 686. 2.—e»urU, * so Cf. Ep. 670. 9, ' turbida soUicito 

fitr is he from oeing an invalid, that transmittere Caecuba sacco.* Becker, 

he has an excellent appetite.* A Gaflus^ p. 489. This is an ironical 

secondary sense is latent, * his rea- inyitation on the part of the poet to 

son for feigning illness is his ap- the rich man^s friends, wbom he 

petite.* calls sttUii below. — Opimiy see £p. 

3. retia] * Now he- is laying cun- 15. 5. — coant, either * has mellowed,* 

ning snares for &t field-fares, and or for decoant, * boiled down.* 
throwing out hoeks for mullets,* 6. parco"] A snutU, a tiny glass; 

i.e. is himself playing the camipeta. as if only a very Utile of ttie pre- 

This was a raTourite ezpression. cious liquor could be taken.— ;/ii«ca, 

See £p. 228. 7 ; 308. 5. because Falemian was a dark red 

6. taceentw} * Be strained,* or wine ; * nigra Falema,* £p. 616. 7. 



Omnes Tongilium medici iussere lavari: 
O stulti, ]^brem ereditis esse? Gola est. 

7. lavari] It appeara from a verv vn» to take a bath afler a draught of 

Bimilar passage in Persiiis, iii. 93, wine. 

* de majore domo modice sitiente * 8. aula es£] * lCs on]y glnttonj.' 

(i. e. parca) * lagena Lenia loturo Ep. 632. 6, * non est uaec toasis, 

sibi Surrentina rogabit,* that the Parthenopaae ; gula est.* 
medical treatment of a tortian fever 

EP. 86. (n. xH.) 

On a not yery younff lady, who was in the habit of Bimpering and 
SAOwing discoloured teeu. 


Ride si sapis, o puella, ride" 
Felignus, puto, dixerat poeta, 
Sed non dixerat omnibus puellis. 
Verum ut dixerit omnibus puellisy 
Non dixit tibi : tu puella non es, 
Et tres Bunt tibi, Maximina, dentes, 
Sed plane piceique buxeique. 
Quare si speculo mihique credis, 
Debes non aliter timere risum, 
Quam ventum Spanius manumque Priscus, 
Quam cretata timet FabuUa nimbum, 
Cerussata timet Sabella solem. 
Vultus indue tu magis severos. 


2. PelumuSj ptUoy &C.1 * It was 
Ovid, I {hink, who said, &c. The 
exact passage alluded to, if now 
extant, is uncertain : perhaps the 
poet^s memory deceived nim. 

4. «d * Quamvis dixerit.' Puellis 
has emphasis, and so ^»6« in the next 

7. piceiy &c.] * As black as pitch, 
or as yellow as box-wood.* 

9. timere risum] *To fear the 
effect produced by your laughing.* 

10. ventunif &c.] A fop with de- 
licately curled locks fears the wind 
which may disairange them; an- 
other, with very white toga or very 
costly nurple-dyed mantle (lacema), 
is not les»" ' " ' •' , contact of 
dirtv b' 

ll- red with 

chalk * (sifted white earth, fram 
cemOj cretus) ; E]>. 410. 17, * crassior 
in facie vetulae stat creta FabuUae.* 
This was to produce artificially the 
candor^ which the Bomans ao much 
admired. — ntWitdn, * a storm of 
rain." — cerussatay * painted (ena- 
melled) with white lead,* which 
would tum brown by tiie sun^s 

13. iu\ Emphatic. ' You must 
not laugh, but, on the contrary, 
look grave and prim as old Hecuba, 
or the prudish Andromache * (lit. ^e 
wife of Priam^s eldest son). — teverm 
properly means * fixed,* whence * as- 
tra severa, peli^ severa,* in Lu- 
cretius; and nerseveroy to stick to 
or stand by a*tning till it is done. 


Quam coniuux Priami nurusque maior. 

Mimos ridiculi Fhilistionis 15 

Et convivia nequiora vita 

!Et quidquid lepida procacitate 

Liaxat perspicuo labella risu. 

Te maestae decet assidere matri 

liUgentive virum piumve fratrem, 20 

!Et tantum tragicis vacare Musis. 

At tu iudicium secuta nostrum 

Plora^ si sapis, o puella, plora. 

16. vita] * Avoid pantomimes and hoim of leisare to the tra^c muse/ 

dinner parties where resenre is — which occnmttions are the reverse 

thrown aside, and, in fact, whatever of merry. Ci. CatuU. 39. 4, * si ad 

by witty chit-chat makes one open pii ro^^um fili Luffetur, orba cum 

the lips, so that the teeth maj be net umcum mater, Kenidet ille.* 

seen ' (verspicuo). 2*2. Ai tu] There is some ellipee, 

19. Te, &c.] ' You ought to sit * (Ovid, then, said ride, pueUa) ; 

by a mouming mother, or a bereaved but do you fbllow my advice, and 

wife or sister, and to devote your weep rauier than laugh.* 

• EP. 87. (n. xHii.) 

To Candidns, on whom see Ep. 76. His vain professions of liberalitj 
and real selfishness are again severely satirized. 

KoiFa ^iXctfv haec sunt, haec sunt tua, Candide, Koiva, 
Quae tu magnilocus nocte dieque sonas: 

Te Lacedaemonio velat toga lota Galaeso 
Yel quam seposito de grege Parma dedit, 

At me quae passa est furias et comua tauri, 5 

Noluerit dici quam pila prima suam. 

1. iaee tua] * This propertj of Galaesus. Cf. Ep. 243. 2 ; 407. 6, 

yours (you say) is common to your ' Baetis in hesperia te quoque lavit you are always boasting ove.* 672. 3, *albi quae superas 

by night and by day.* Or perhaps, oves Galaesi.* Hor. Carm. ii. o. 10, 

'These are your words, Candidus, 'dulce P<pUitis ovibus Galaesi flu- 

even these, which you are always men.* The wool from Parma was 

boastfuUy uttering, **My poode are also considered very choice ; see Ep. 

aU my friends\ all my jriend^^'' * 180. 6 ; 224. 8. — aeposito^ * reserved 

It was a proverb, «roivd yap Tck for the owner*8 special use,* Ik- 

TMv ipiXutv. See Plat. Phaedr. HpiTtp. 
fin. 5. at me, &c.] * But I am dressed 

3. ie toga, &c.] * And yet you are in a ragged toga, which has been 

'jnA in a toga of white Tarentine tom in a thousand holes by the 

wool.* — lotaj as if the sheep had homs of a buU.* The pilae (see 

watheditielfwhite in theclcarriver Ep. 72. 17) were straw figures, 


Misit Agenoreas Cadmi tibi terra lacemas: 

Non yendes nummis coccina nostra tribus. 
Tu Libycos Indis suspendis dentibus orbes: 

I^\ilcitur testa fagina mensa mihi. 10 

Lnmodici tibi flava tegunt chrjsendeta mulli: 

Concolor in nostra, cammare, lance rubes. 
Grex tuus Iliaco poterat certare cinaedo, 

At mihi succurrit pro Ganjmede manus. 
Ex opibus tantis veteri fidoque sodali 15 

Das nihil et dicis, Candide, Koiva tf^OMvl 

dressed like men (' dommies/ or of tile ; see Ep. 29. 12. 
Bcare-crows), which 'were thrown to 11. immodict] * Enormoas/ the 

bulh in the amphitheatre, perhaps cost of the mullet rising at a high 

(like the straw figures caWtaArgeiy ratio with its size, Juv. iv. 15. — 

annually thrown into theTiber, Ovid, chrvsendeta, a kind of plate, made of 

Fast. V. 621, and even iike the cub- gold lines or spangles, inserted in 

tom of iumping through bonfires at silver, an imitation of which was 

the P(uilia)t symbolical of the cniel the ' parcel-nlt " plate of the middle 

punishments and human sacrifices of ages. Ep. 181. 7, * nec quae Cal- 

a remote barbariBm. Liber Spectac. laico linuntur auro.* These dishea 

xxii. 5, * namque gravem comu ge- seem to have been specially used 

mino sic extulit ursum, Jactat ut for bringing to table large mullets. 

impositas taurus in astra pilas.* — Lib. xiv. 97, * Grandia ne viola 

jnM prima, *a first-class aummy,* parvo chr^sendeta muUo. Ut mi- 

as we should say. i. e. a toga, only nimum, libras debet habere duas.* 

good enough for a second-rate one. See Becker, Gallns, p. 302. 

7. Agenoreas] i. e. Tyrias, purpura 12. cammare] Juv. v. 84, * A red 

tinctas. — coocina (Ep. 78. o), the crab on a red plate* is the fiire ot 

inferior gall-dyed cloth. the poor client 

9. au^pmdia] *fialance,* because lo. greje] 'Your company of 

the wooden orbea dtrei were not slaves might vie in beau^ with the 

fitstened to, but laid upon, the legs Trojan Gtinymede, whereas I must 

made of elephanVs tusks, Ep. 476. help myself if I want any thing.* 

7, 8 te«to, &c., * I have only an Compare Juv. v. 59, seqq., * ta 

oaken table propped by a crock.* Gaetulum Granymeden Respice cum 

This may mean, and probably does, sities,* &c. Ep. 424. 18, * non grege 

that he bas a board (which is pro- de domini, sed tua, Ceste, manus.* 

perlv mensa) supported on a jar or Inf. Ep. 91. 5, *■ quem grex togatus 

pamkin of crock ; or it may refer to seauitur.* 
propping an unequal leg with a piece 16. et dids] ' £t tamen dicis.* 

EP. 88. (n. xliv.) 

On the crafty device of a money-lender to avoid being asked for a 

Emi seu puerum togamve pexam 

1. emt, &c.] *If I have bonght toffa, or (say) three or fonr pounds 
either a slave, or a l««g-napped (of pepper or frankincenBe), tbat 


Seu tris, ut puta, quattuorve libraSi 

Sextus protinus ille fenerator, 

Quem nostis yeterem meum sodalem, 

Ne quid forte petam timet cayetque, 5 

Et secum, sed ut audiam, susurrat: 

" Septem milia debeo Secundo, 

Phoebo quattuor, undecim Phileto, 

Et quadrans mihi nullus est in arca." 

O grande ingenium mei sodalis ! 10 

Durum est, Sexte, negare, cum rogaris, 

Quanto durius, antequam rogaris ! 

asurer, Sextus (my old friend, as aaid to he pexaiuSf Ep. 92. 1. With 

yon know,) is anraid I should ask libras it seems necessary to gupply 

him for some assistance, and hegins Bome genitive, which is very harsh. 

to take precautions that I may not," Cf. Ep. 186. 7, * et turis piperisque 

viz. by mnttering audibly some com- tres selibrae.* Here perhaps we 

plaints about his difficulties. — toga should read, * seu tom puta quattuor 

peofOy opposed to topa raaa, was a selibras.* 

more expensive article, made of the 10. grande ingemum] * Large 

long wool, and vith the nap not mind of one who caUs himself my 

cut close. A pei-son so clad was friend 1* (ver. 4.) 

EP. 89. (n. xlvi.) 

To a wealthy bnt mean paironusy who would not give even a cast-off 
cloak to a client 

Florida per varios ut pingitur Hybla colores, 
Cum breve Sicaniae ver populantur apes, 

Sic tua suppositis collucent praela lacernis, 
Sic micat innumeris arcula STnthesibus, 

Atque unam vestire tribum tua candida possunt, n 

Appula non uno quae grege terra tulit. 

2. wr] Veris opes; vel e vemis 4. gynthesibua'^ * Dinner-suits.' 

floribus hauriunt — collucentf ^glis- The word implies a set ; and it 

ten with the bright colours of the seems to have been the custom of 

lacemae placed under them.* Pro- wealthy giiests to change this costly 

pert. i. 2. 13, * litora nativis col- kind of purple-dyed dress several 

jucent picta lapillis/ See also Cic. times in the course of the meal, one 

de Nat D. ii. § 99. The praela of a different hue being substituted 

(like onr press) was a kind of each time. See Ep. 199. 4 ; 270. 2. 

cupboard or box, with pierced doors, Becker, Gallus, p. 420. 

to admit the air. Precisely such 5. ttia candida] * You have more- 

were used in the middle ages, and over white manUes (togas) enough 

are still used, for keeping church to clothe a whole tribe, made of the 

vestments. finest Apulian (Tarentine) wool from 


Tu spectas hiemem succincti lentus amici 
Pro scelus! et lateris frigora trita times. 

Quantum erat, infelix, pannis fraudare duobus, — 
Quid metuis? — ^non te, Naevole, sed tineas? JC 

moi*e than one flock/ Compare the wom rags that scarcely protect his 

Btory of Lucullu8, in Hor. Ep. i. side from the cold.* What the rich 

6. 40, who, being asked to lend 100 msLii/eared^ wasthe contact with the 

military scarfs to the theatre, wrote dirty toga (Ep. 86. 10). 

to say that he had 5000 at home, 9. quantum erat\ * What would 

and they might take as many as it have been to you, you miser ! 

they pleased. to defraud of a couple of old rags — 

7. tu^ &c.] * You look with in- not indeed yourself, who could ncver 

difference at the shivering form of have used them, but the motlis who 

yonr poor friend in his scanty tosa, would have eaten them/ 
and even. fear to come near the 

EP. 90. (n. Hii.) 

On the enslavement of the many to their passions and sppetites. 
Compare Persius, v. 91, seqq. 

Yis fieri liber? mentiris, Maxime, non vis: 

Sed fieri si vis, hac ratione potes. 
Liber eris, cenare foris si, Maxime, noles, 

Veientana tuam si domat uva sitim, 
Si ridere potes miseri chrysendeta Cinnae, 5 

Contentus nostra si potes esse toga, 
Si plebeia Venus gemino tibi vincitur asse, 

Si tua non rectus tecta subire potes. 
Haec tibi si vis est, si mentis tanta potestas, 

Liberior Partho vivere rege potes. 10 

3. cenare foris noles] If you are recttis, * in a stooping posture,' i. e. 

content with a ' triste domicenium/ if you are content to live in a low 

£p. 269. 1. — Veientanay the common and humble dwelling. 

wine of Tnscany ; see Ep. 52. 9. 9. J Potestas is hardly the right 

5. mi^ri] ^Miscalled beatttSj but wordforvtsor conUnentia. *Ifyoar 

in reality wretched.* — chrysendetay mind has so much artthofitsi over 

Ep. 87. II. — nostra toga, tiita, brevi, itself.* — Partho rege^ because tne long 

&c., notpexa^ Ep. 88. I. and successful resistance of the Par- 

7. fnndtur] * Is prevailed upon.* thians to Rome had made tbem, as it 

^-gemino asscy see Ep. 52. 10. — non were, proverbial for love of fireedv^tm. 


EP. 91. (n. Ivii.) 

On a fop wbo wishcd to be thoaght rich, hut had not^herewithal to buy 
a dinner without going to the pawnbroker. (Or perhapa on one who ha<^ 
Buddenly become rich, and made a foolish displaj of his wealth.) 

Hic quem videtis gressibus vagis lentum, 
Amethjstinatus media qui secat Septa, 
Quem non lacemis Publius meus vincit, 
Non ipse Cordus alpha paenulatorum, 
Quem grex togatus sequitur et capillatus 5 

Hecensque sella linteisque lorisque: 
. Oppigneravit modo modo ad Cladi mensam 
Yix octo nummis anulum, unde cenaret. 

2. amethi/stinatics] Dressed in a 5. ffrex togattts'] ' A company of 
lacema of amethyst dye, a variety clients in ^clean') togas, and with 
of the eea-purple Bomething like our long hair," i. e. * honesti clientes.* — 
mauve, and very costly. Juv. vii. grex, see £p. 87. 13. So * ouinque 
136, * purpura vendit causidicum, comati * (comites), Ep. 676. 9. 
vendunt amethystina.* From i. 6. seual *A sedan-chair,^ the 
96. 7, amethystinasque mulierum linings and leathem stiaps of 
vocat vestes,* it appears that this which wero new, or had been re- 
colour was regardea by some as cently replaced. Perhaps the lora 
foppish and effeminate. — septa^ £p. are tne straps which the carriers place 
72. 5. acroBS the shoulders, and affix to 

3. JPublius'] Ep. 56. 5. — Cordus, the pole-handles, to assist in carry- 
some rich man who prided himself iog. 

on the elegance of his walking- 7. Cladi] The money-table of 

cloak. Martial calls him jocosely Cladius, some pawnbroker or usurer. 

* A. no. 1 * (as we say) of the — modo modoj irpair^Vy * only the 

wearers of this kind of mantle, other day.* — oix, as if he had diffi- 

which somewhat resembled our cultj in borrowing even eight ses- 

^lnvemess;* and it gave great tertii on such a trumpery article. 

offence to Cordus, as appears from The inference perhaps is, that the 

Ep. 235. For a description and man haa become suddenly rich from 

illustration of the Paenula, see Rich, some mysterious and not creditable 

in V., Becker, Gallus, p. 418. cause. 

EP. 92. (n. Iviii.) 

On a vaiu man, probably a libertus, who wore expensive dresses which 
he did not pay for, while he ridiculed the poorer dresses of those who 

Pexatus pulchre rides mea, Zoile, trita. 

Sunt haec trita quidem, Zoile, sed mea sunt. 

1. pexatus] See £p. 88. 1. 


EP. 93. (n. lix.) 

On a banquetinff-room, built by Domitian in the Campus Martins, c« 
M to commaud a view of the Mausoleum of Augustus through one of iu 
windows. See £p 259. It wascalled A/tca, * the little * (/uik^c = fiucpm). 
The intention was, to invite people, through the view of a great man*s 
lomb, * to eat and drink ; for to-morrow we die/ 

Mioa Yocor: quid sim cernis, cenatio parva: 
£x me Gaesareum prospicis ecce tholum. 

Frange toros, pete vina, rosas cape, tingere nardo: 
Ipse iubet mortis te meminisse deus. 

1. wnaH6\ A dinneivhall. Jut. pamque Tiberis sexto sno consulata 

vii. 183, *algentcm rapiat cenatio ezstruzerat, circumjectusque silvu 

■olem * (where Mr. Mayor^s note et ambulationes in usum populi tuDC 

■uppliei other ezamplea of the word). jam publicarat.* 

•— «r MM, &c., * You behold, from 3. fromge toros] * Press down the 

me, the dome of Caesar^s Mauso- mattrasses * on the lecti. Ep. 161. 6, 

leum.* For tAo/t», see £p. 34. 10. *■ imperat exstructos frangere noiia 

Tac. Ann. i. 8, * ne — Augustum toros.* — iingere, tinge te, iiKuipov. 

in foro potius quam in campo Mar- This line is a general exhortation to 

tis, sede destinata, cremari vellent.* enjoy life. Compare the splendid 

Suet Oct. § 100, * Reliquias (ejus) passage in Lucret. iii. 914, seqq. 

legorunt primores equestris oi^imis, 4. deus] Yiz. Augustus. The 

tunicati et discincti pedibusque nu- sense is, * when even a god has died, 

dis, ac Mausoleo condiderunt. Id we may indeed bethink ourselves of 

opus inter Flaminiam viam ri- death. 

EP. 94. (n. Ixiv.) 

To a friend, who long hesitated what profession he should choose. 

Dum modo causidicum, dum te modo rhetoi*a fingis 
Et non decernis, Laure, quid esse velis, 

Peleos et Priami transit et Nestoris aetas 
Et fuerat serum iam tibi desinere. 

Incipe, tres uno perierunt rhetores anno, o 

Si quid habes animi, si quid in arte vales. 

1 . Jingis] Faccre vis. ^ * late even to leave ofF,* much more 

3. transU] The final i is often to begin. —fueratj here for fuit; 

made long in peifects contracted unless we should read fuerUi «'*) 

from -imi. So Ovid has * flamma &v. 

petSt altum,* and *nec quae nrae- 5. irea rhetores] The deaths of 

teriit iterum revocabitur unda, &c. three teachers of rhetoric in a sinffle 

— Peleoe. Peleus is represented as year, have made a flne openingfor 

aged, yet vi^orous, in the Andro- that profedsion. 

moche of Eunpides. — uerum deainere, 


Si scliola damnatur, fora litibus onmia feryenti 

Ipse potest fieri Marsua causidicus. 
Eia age, rumpe moras ; quo te sperabimus usque ? 

Dum quid sis dubitas, iam potes esse nihil. 10 

7. tfchola\ Yiz. rhetomin; com- Fomm Romanum, 'whence he is 

?are ^schola poetamm/ £p. 125. 8; here joootely said to hear all the 

96. 3, ' If yon dislike the techni- pleadinn. Hor. Sat. i. 6. 120, 

calities of the art, and the duties of * obeundus Harsya, qui se Vultum 

a teacher, ^ere is plenty of work for ferre negat NoTiorum posse mino- 

you as a pleader.* ris.* 

8. Marmd] For Marsuas, on the 9. quo 1», &c.] * Quousque spera- 
same principle that iiriroTa stands bimus (tantum) te (facturum esse 
for lirird^i)*, Glaucia for GlaueiaSf aliquid).* — esM nihU, a play on the 
^p. 290. 4 ; Mena for MetuUt Hor. two senses, * jou. can be nothing * 
£p. i. 7. 61. There was a statue of (i. e. you are too old to be of anv 
Marsyas near the Rostra, in the profession), and ^yoamaybe dead. 

EP. 95. (n. Ixv.) 

A witty satire on the feigned grief of one who had just buried a rich wife. 
Compare £p. 243. 23. 

Cnr tristiorem cemimus Saleianum? 

" An causa levis est?" inquis, "extuli uxorem." 

O grande fati crimen! o gravem casum! 

Illa, illa dives mortua est Secundilla, 

Centena deciens quae tibi dedit dotis? 6 

Nollem accidisset hoc tibi, Saleiane. 

5. ceniena deciens] A senatorial loss,* and * I am sony so much goo^ 
fortune. — nottem, &c., ambiguouslT luck has befallen you.* 
said, between ' 1 am sorry for your 

EP. 96. (n. Ixvi.) 

A touching and beautiful epigram on the cruel punishment of a slave- 
girl for some trifling oversight in dressing her mistress^s hair. 

Unus de toto peccaverat orbe comarum 
AnuluSy incerta non bene fixus acu. 

l. wius, &c.] * One single ringlet InC lib. xiv. 24, * splendida ne 

of all the ciixsle of curls had got out madidi violent bombycina crines, 

of place from being badly fastened Figat acus tortas sustineatque co- 

witn an uosteady hair-pin.* The roas.* It is stili wom by Italian 

acus was a long bodkin fastening women. <— inoerta, not firmly fas- 

thebackhair; see RicVs Dict in t. tened ot pasaed through the cuiL 




Hoc facinus Lalage, speculo quod yiderat, ulta est 
Et cecidit saevis icta Plecusa comis. 

Desine iam, Lalage, tristes omare capillos, 
Tangat et insanum nuUa puella caput. 

Uoc salamandra notet vel saeva novacula nudet, 
Ut digna speculo fiat imago tuo. 


Propert v. 3. 5, *aut si qua inoerto 
fidlet te litera trantu/ 

3. Laloffe] The mistress. The 
girVs name, Plecusa, irXcKoufftt, 
.mplies tliat she was a slaTe, a 
^-fOfifxutTpia^ or tire-woman. — quod 
tideraij * which she had seen in her 
iiiin'or/ held out to her while having 
her hair dressed (Propert. ▼. 7. 76). 
Another reading is quo videraty and 
aeeUs comis, ' she stnick her on the 
head with the mirror in which she 
had seen the misdeed, and Plecnsa 
fell with her hair (i. e. scalp) cut* 
This seems more cousistent with 
▼er. 8. — Saevis comis probablj 
means, not a whip made of hair, 
but * bv the cruelty of the (offended) 
hair,* i. e. the wearer of it Gom« 
pare Ep. 219. 12. Juv. vi. 491, 

' altior faic quare cincinnus ? Tauroa 
punit Continuo flexi crimen &cinuB- 
que capilli.* 

7. salamandra'] The Bomans 
lancied that hair would drop off 
wherever it waa touched by this 
lizard. PUny, N. H. x. 67, /ejiw 
sanie quacunqueparte corporis hu- 
mani contacta toti defluunt pili-* 
Petron. § 107 fin., 'quae dala- 
mandra supercilia tua ezussit?* — 
notet, *disnrare,' Meave its mark 
uponit* CaUimachus, Hynm. Dian. 
78, (tf« OTC Koptrjf ^coTov iyidpv 
Otltra KoiJitiv iiTivtlfiaT* AKwirfi^. 
— novaculay i. e. *may your head 
be shaved by a razor, for being a 
manizc—digna, &c., ' that a aayage 
looking head may be seen in so 
savage a mirror.' 

EP. 97. (H. Ixviii.) 

The subject is similar to Ep. 75. 

Quod te nomine iam tuo saluto, 

Quem regem et dominum prius vocabam, 

Ne me dixeris esse contumacem: 

Totis pilea sarcinis redemi. 

Reges et dominos habere debet 

Qui se non habet, atque concupiscit 

1. nomine tuo} i. e. Ole, not 
Domine mi. 

3. coniumacem'] *I>espising your 
authority,* — a term applied to un- 
ruly slaves. 

4. redetni, &c] *I have pur- 
ohased my libeiiy at the cost or aU 
my chattels.* A metaphor firom a 
slave who buys his freedom by 
selUng his />ec«/itff». * I have given 
up every thing to be free * means, 

that he has resigned the profits of 
the sportula, &c. Hence Ep. 149. 1, 
*cum vocer ad cenam non jam 
venaUs.* — pilea, the cap of Uberty, 
wom to conceal the shom hair of a 
newly manumitted slave. So *pi> 
leata Roma,* Ep. 593. 4, is * Rome 
in the season of the Satumalia.* 

6. se non habet] * That man oug^t 
to have kings and masters (i. e. t« 
be the slave of wealthy patroii8)| 


Quod reges dominique concnpiseant. 
Servum si potes,01e, non habere, 
Et regem potes, Ole non habere. 

who does not poaaess himself (has yoonelf,* * to do withoat a shiTe in 

not control oTer his desires), and your hooiehold/ The Mnse it, * one 

covets what great men coTet,* tIz. who is independent in his own 

wealth and iimoence. fiunilj, need not he dependent on 

8. servum non htien] *To help othen withont' 

EP. 98. (n. Ixix.) 

On a diner-out, who pretended that he disliked dinner parties. 

LiYitum cenare foris te, Classice, dicis : 

Si non mentiris, Classice, dispeream. 
Ipse quoque ad cenam gaudebat Apicius ire: 

Cum cenaret erat tristior ille domi. 
Si tamen inyitus vadis, cur, Classice, vadis? 5 

"Cogor* ais: verum est; cogitur et Selius. 
En rogat ad cenam Melior te, Classice, rectam. 

Grandia verba ubi sunt? si vir es, eccc, nega. 

3. ipte Apicius] * ETen that prince is forced ; hut he is no more /mrced 

of gourmands, Apicius, liked to dine than you are.'* 

out, and was dismal when he had 7. MeHor] See Ep. 289. 1. — 

to dine at home. Why,then, should redamy * a reguhur dinner of all the 

you he ashamed to confees the courses,* Becker, Gallus, p. 457. 

truth?* For Apicius, see £^. *Sup]>08e now jou are iuTited to 

127. 1. a particularlT good dinner at a great 

6. eoffof] Yiz. hT a pressing in- house. Wheie are all your fine 

Titation, or hy his own gluttony, words ahout not likinff to go7 If 

or hy the fear of offending a patron. yon haTe any courage, saT no ; and 

— et Seliut, Ep. 70. 72. Tbe then perhsps we may helieTe yonr 

captator Selius also pleads that he assertions.* 

EP. 99. (n. Ixxi.) 

On one who pretended to praipe, hnt in reality was jealous of MartiaFs 
poetie skill. 

Candidius nibil est te, Caeciliane: notayi, 
Si quando ex nostris disticha pauca lego, 

1. ecmdidius] Ironically, i.e. 'more known epignun writer, Ep. 102. 5 ; 

sly.* — legOf Tiz. to a few friends, or 216. 6. 
at a dinner-tahle. — Marsi, the well' 

F 2 


Frotinas aut Marsi recitas aut scripta Catulli. 

Hoc milii das, tanquam deteriora legas, 
XJt collata magis placeant mea ? Credimus istud : 5 

Malo tamen recites, Caeciliane, tua. 

4. mihi das] e/uol xapc^Et. * Is yeiy vritij. The real intention to 

this intended as a compmnent to the ill-natored one, that Gatnllus* 

me, that my own ▼erBes may please and Marsus* eDifframs shonld seem 

me by your reading aloud worse? better. But Jmirtial pretends to 

We believe you, of course * (ironi- belieye him, and suggests tbat a 

cally). * I had rather, howeyer, you better contrast of badness migfat be 

would recite your own.* This is found in Caecilianus* own verses. 

EP. 100. (IL Ixxiv.) 

On a pretentious adyocatet who made a great display on borrowed 
money. Compare Juv. vii. 124 — 145. 

Cinctum togatis post et ante Saufeium 

Quanta reduci Kegulus solet turba, 

Ad alta tonsum templa cum reum misit, 

Mateme, cemis? invidere nolito. 

Comitatus iste sit precor tuus nunquam. 5 

Hos illi amicos et greges togatorum 

Fuficulenus praestat et Faventinus. 

1. togcUia] * Clients dressed in hair/ i. e. when he has suoceeded 

(clean) tosa.* Juv. vii. 142, ' an in procuring the acquittal of a cul- 

post te seUa, togati ante pedes/ — prit, who fortbwith clips and combs 

et ante, viz. by clients called cmteam- nis squalidi crines and promissa 

buiones, £p. 114. 2. — Regtdua^ see barba^ and wends his way to tfae 

£p. 8. — reduci, &c., * more numerous capitol to retum thanks. Tfae turha 

tfaan tfae crowd wfaich escorts Re- is nere tfae friends of tfae accased. 

gulus to fais faouse, wfaen fae faas 5. iuus nunquam] Yiz. because it 

sent an accused client (to pay fais is obtained by money borrowed from 

vows) at tfae faigfa temple (of Jupiter tfae usurers, named in tfae last 

on tfae CapitoUne), witfa trimmed verse. 

EP. 101. (H. Ixxv.) 

On a trained lion tfaat faad killed two boys in tfae arena of the ampbt- 

Verbera securi solitus leo ferre magistri 
Insertamque pati blandus in ora manum 

1 — 4. verifera, &c.1 *A lion, ac- fearless master, and sentle enongfa 
customed to bear blows from its to allow fais faand to oe inserted in 


Dedidicit pacem subito feritate reversay 

Qaanta nec in Libycis debuit esse ingis. 
Nam duo de tenera puerilia corpora turba, # 

Sanguineam rastris quae renovabat humnmy 
Saevus et infelix furiali dente peremit: 

Martia non vidit maius harena nefas. 
Exclamare libet: "crudelis, perfide, praedo, 

A nostra pueris parcere disce lupa !" 10 

its mouth, forgot its peaceful habit, starred,* KaKoialfiuv. — Mariia, i.e. 

bj a Budden retam of fiercenees, Romana, as £p. 2. 4. 

siicli as it on^lit not to have dis- 9. l^^et} * One is tempted to 

played even m itg native Lib^ran exclaim, " Cniel, treacherous plmi- 

nills.* derer, go and leam from our she- 

6. guaef &c.] A party of boys wolfhow to spare boya!"' Avenr 

were sent into the arena during the elcgant way ot saying that the wolf 

interludes to rake over and smooth which suckled Rommus and Remus 

down the eand, obliterating any had a more humane dispoaition. 
marks of bloodgned. — infeliiBy * ill- 

EP. 102. (n. Ixxvii.) 

Coscomus appean to have been a critic, who found fault with the length 
of some of Martial^s epicrams ; and the poet retorts with a joke about the 
xxian^s speed. Compare Ep. 470. 

Cosconi, qui longa putas epigranmiata nostra, 

Utilis ungendis axibus esse potes. 
Hac tu credideris longum ratione colosson 

Et puerum Bruti dixeris esse brevem. 
Disce quod ignoras : Marsi doctique Pedonis 6 

Saepe duplex unum pagina tractat opus. 

2. poUs, &c]. * You may (if you short. On the Bniti puer^ which 
want employment) make yourself was famed as a work of art, see 
nseful in oiling the wheels of the Ep. 470. 5, andlib. ziv. 171, ' Gloria 
radng-cars in tne circus.* A jocose tam parvi non est obscura sinlli : 
way of saying, * You are the man to Istius pueri Brutus amator erat. 
make things go along.* 5. quod ignoraal This is a hard 

3. hac ratione] ' On this principle, hit at the critic*s ignorance of the 
viz. of measuring all things by the most notorious literary truth. — 
rnle of the thumb, you would con- Marsus aad Celsus Pedo Albino* 
sider the colossal statue of Domitian vanus were well-known writers of 
(Ep. 34. 7) to be long, and the epigrams. See £p. 99, 3. Hor. 
statnette of Bmtus*boy to be short.* Epist. i. 3. 15; and 8. l.—duplea 
He means, that Cosconius measures pamna, * two pajg^es treat of one 
only by inches, and does not take subject,* i.e. a single epigram ex- 
into account merit and wit, by which tends to two pages. 

cven a long epigram may seem 


N<Mi sant longa qoibiis nihil est qnod demere po8si% 
Sed to, CoeeQiu, distiGha longa &cis. 

8. d&Cuis] ' Too nuike epigruns tlieir dolneas. Compare Ep. 309. 
of tve lines wttm loog* riz. from 


EP. 103. (n. IxxxL) 

Laxior hexaphoris tna sit lectica lioebit : 

Com tamen haec tna sit» Zoile, sandapila est. 

1. ItBtorl * Moie TQomj.* " The lectus or lecticft fimebris ; tfae poor 

Bfiecv*' (% Idnd of pelinqiiin) in % eoffin (jKmdijpila).^'* Major 

wexe bome by ftfwer or more on Jut. TiiL 175. The sense is, 

sbiTes, acooiding as ihej Tiried in thst Zoilns is sach a woithless 

size. An iagems lagkLn leqniied fellow, % 7^« aWiM ax^o«, and &s 

six or e^t Itetieaniy and mts csUed it were % mere vUe cadaver (Ep. 

h em piorom or odopiorm ** (Becker, 439. 9), thst his fine leciicct becomes 

G«]lns,p.344).— saMEtqNZaesf, "the a painer*s sandcpila bj the mere 

ridi weie cairied iwt to bnitsl on % fibct of containing him. 

EP. 104. (n. Ixxxv.) 

Yimine dusa leyi niTeae cnstodia ooctae, 

Hoc tibi Satomi tempore munus erit. 
Dona qnod aestatis misi tibi mense Deoembriy 

Si quereris, rasam tu mihi mitte togam. 

1. eimtfM, &c.] A flask endosed cold seaaon a present moie fitted for 

in wicker-work, and designed to snmmer, Ton maj retort hy sending 

keep boiled or melted snow-water meythoi^morefitforsammerwear, 

cool for snmmer drink, is eent as a U^ with short, well-clipped nap.' 

a piesent at the Satnrnalia (onr The rosa togawas opposed toj^era, 

' Cnristinas-tide *).--iui!eae, perhaps which had lonff silkj nap, Ep. 

' cooled with snow,* Jut. t. 50. 88. 1. The Qreek ^tforrcv seems to 

8. doma qfod, &c.] * K jon com- haTe been of a similar kind of cloth, 

plain that 1 haTe sent jon in ^o Ar. Nub. 70. 

EP. 105. (n. Ixxxvi.) 

The poet defends himself sgpnst the chaige, that he ooold noi mite 
▼eTBes of more complex and cnrions metrical pecnliarities. 

Qnod nec carmine glorior supino 

1. sapMo] 'Which reads back- oommentators in iho Tene» Roime 
wards as well as forwards.* Of iibi eubito motibus ibH amor; forit 
whicb giTon bj the matteis not at whioh and we bi^gtB 



Nec retro lego Sotaden cinaedum, 
IN^usquam Graecula quod recantat echo 
!Nec dictat milii luculentus Attis 
Mollem debilitate galliambon : 
ISTon sum, Classice, tam malus poeta. 
Quid, si per graciles yias petauri 
Invitum iubeas subire Ladan ? 
Turpe est difficiles habere nugas 
Et stultus labor est ineptiarum. 
Scribat carmina circulis Palaemon, 
Me raris iuvat auribus placere. 


to read it — supino^ ' bockward f bo 
c^ viTTtac vfTv, in Plato, Phaedr. 
p. 264. A. Schreyelius quotes Ovid, 
Ep. de Ponto, iv. 6, *Flnniinaque 
in fontes cursu redituia rapino.* 

2.] Sctades was a lascivious 

Alexandrine poet, for whom the 

student may refer to Dr. Smith^s 

Classical Dict. in v, The allusion 

in retro ieffo is not certain, as the 

poems are lost. The meaning pro- 

Dably is, * that I do not write Terses 

which will read backwards like the 

Sotadean ditties.' (To *read Sotades 

backwards,* is to read his Terses in 

the manner they were intended to 

admit of.) Pliny, Ep. v. 2, 3, 

^comoedias audio et specto mimos 

et lyricos lego et Sotadicos in- 

telligo.* /6. viii. 4. 3, ' non nuUus 

et in illo labor, ut barbara et fera 

nomina, — G^raecis versibus non re- 


3. Graeeula echol The diminu- 
tive seems to imply contempt. 
The poet is speaking of verses, tne 
cadence or re/rain of which at 
the end was consonant with the 
beginning of the nezt. The lines 
of GreoTge Herbeii; are similar, 
"Temple, 161, '* who wUI show 
me those delights on high? Echo; 
/.** " Thou echo, thou art mortal, 
all men know. Echo; no.** Or 
the vene we call leonine^ as " Mo- 
ribus omata jacet hic bona Bertha 
Rosata/* &c. 

4. luculentual *Well written.* 

The galliambics of Catullui on Atyt 
or Attis are very celebrated, and 
indeed beautiful; but from their 
metre as well as their subject they 
are here called * eflfeminate.* 

6. non stmi, &c.] Because I do 
not do all this, I am not therefore 
so bad a poet as you think. 

7. mUdj si, &c.] * What if vou 
should bid Ladas the runner (see 
£p. 584. 5) to pass along the narrow 
rim of the peiaurum against his 
will .^* i. e. itwould bejust asfoolish 
to require me, who have gained some 
credit in one kind of writing, to try 
another, in which I have not. For 
petaurum and the vetauristaey per- 
formers on a revolving wheel, see 
Mr. Mayor on Juv. ziv. 265. Rich*s 
Dict. in V. 

9. turpe esty &c.] ' It is a discredit 
to have (for a profession) nonsensi- 
cal performances which are o&ly 
difiScult ; and the pains spent on 
fooleries are themselves foolish.* 

11. cireulie] For the common 
people ; for the crowds that listen 
to an urbicus poeta^ £p. 21. 11. — 
Palaemon, apparently the same as 
the Palaemon in Juv. vii. 219, 
where he is mentioned as a Gram- 
marian, and also by Suetonius, De 
Illttstr. Gram. § 23, who says, 
*necnon etiam poemata faciebat ex 
tempore. Scripsit variis nec vul- 
garious metris.* 

12. rarui\ ' The ears of the few.* 


EP. 106. (ILxc.) 

To Qnintilian, the fiimoiu rhetorician. See Juv. Yii. 186, and Mi. 
Major^s note. He would seem to haTe rebuked the poet for wasting his 
time on yerses. 

Quintiliane, vagae moderator snmme iayentae^ 

Gloria Romanae, Quintiliane, togae, 
Vivere quod propero pauper nec inutilis annis, 

Da yeniam : properat viYere nemo satis. 
Differat lioc patrios optat qui yincere census 5 

Atriaque immodicis artat imaginibus. 
Me focus et nigros non indignantia fumos 

Tecta iuvant et fons vivus et lierba rudis. 
Sit mihi yema satur, sit non doctissima coniunx, 

Sit nox cum sonmo, sit sine lite dies. 10 

1. moderaior} R^ctor, magister. cnuns his hall with ancestral basts 

^v^j^vM, ' unsettied/ * fickle.* Pro- withoutnumber.* Cf. Jut. viii. 19, 

pert. V. 1. 71, * Quo rois impmdens * tota licet veteres exoment undique 

Tdicere fiicta Properti?* — toffoef cerae Atria,* i. e. cerae inu^nes. 

the profession of eloquence, 7. niffros^ &c.] The old kind of 

Ep. 29. 2. atrium is meant, in which tbe focos 

3. vivere] * If I am in haste to was placed nnder the roof-aperture, 

enjoy life before my fortune is itseli, no doubt, originally a smoke- 

made, but also before I am useless hole. See on £p. 147. 22 ; and 

through afre, pardon me; (in my Hor. Carm. iii. 1. '^,—^oms vitm, 

opinion) no man is in bhe haste a spring rising out of the ffround o> 

that he should be for enjoving life.* the spot, not conveyed firom tLe 

Cf. £p. 52. 12 ; and 230. l4, * quis- aqueducts in pipes. 

quam vivere cum sciat, moraturP* 9. vema] oee Becker, Gallns, 

Catull. v. 1, * vivamus, mea Lesbia, p. 202.— «on/ur, &c., Juv. vi. 448, 

atque amemus.* ' non habeat matrona, tibi quae 

5. diferaty &c.] 'Let that man juncta recumbit, dicendi genus, — 

postpone it, who is anxious to sur- nec historias sciat omnes.* 
poM his father*8 fortune, and vrho 

EP. 107. (n. xci.) 

The poet petitions the £mperor Domitian to allow him the privileges 
attaching to a familj of not less than three children, though he had not in 
fact that number. (See Becker, Gallus, p. 177.) Plinv, En. ii. 13. 8, 

l «.__! J___ •„ _;- >a-aJ_ i..__i ____x.._ __._2 x_A • J. • 

also (£p. p 


Xlerum certa salus, terramm gloria, Caesary 

Sospite quo magnos credimus esse deos, 
Si festimitis totiens tibi lecta libellis 

Detinuere oculos carmina nostra tuos, 
Quod fortuna vetat fieri, permitte videri, 5 

Natorum genitor credar ut esse trium. 
Haec, si disphcui, iuerint solatia nobis ; 

Haec iuerint nobis praemia, si placui. 

1. oerta] On whom we rely vriih believed to be ihe fiither of three 

confidence, as tervcUor civium. — sons,* i. e. may have the same pri- 

sospUe, ' whose preBervation to us is yileges as if I were.— ^/tfia/tfmight 

itself a proof of the existence of the also mean * hastily composed/ or 

godfl.* Cf. £p. 8. 12. ' hastily read* by the Emperor. The 

3. sij &c.] * If, as they so often poet mmself, ho-weyer, took creat 

have, my yerses amuse you, read in pains to polish his epigrams. Pro- 

hastily written books, allow that to oably, therefore, the speed of the 

»eem to be, which fortune allows librarius or copyist ia meant. 
not reaUy to be, yiz. that I may be 

EP. 108. (n. xcii.) 

On the same subject as the preceding. 

N^atorum mihi ius trium roganti 
Musarum pretium dedit mearum 
Solns qui poterat. Valebis, uxor. 
Non debet domini perire munus. 

1. rogant%\ See Ep. 501. 6. — haye three chlldren by you, the 

pretium, &c., as an acknowledgment priyilege of the Empei-or will be 

or retum-gift for my sending him thrown away,* yiz. becanse it will 

xnj poems. then become a r^ht. From lib. zi. 

3. val£lAd\ ' I will haye nothing 104, it would seem that the poet did 

further to do with you, wife ; if I not much like his first wife. 

EP. 109. (m. i.) 

The poet -addresses the reader, to whom he sends his third book finom 
Fomm Comelii (inf. Ep. 111), in Gallia Cisalpina, or Togata. 

Hoc tibi quidquid id est longinquis mittit ob oris 

Gallia Romanae nomine dicta togae. 
Hunc legis et laudas librum fortasse priorem : 

Illa vel haec mea sunt, quae meliora putas. 

3. huno legia, &e.] The meaning read, and perhaps you approye (ra« 
is xather obscure. * This book you ther) the tormer one/ yu. as being 


Plus sane placeat domina qui natus in urbe est : r 
Debet enim Grallum vincere yema liber. 

written at Rome, and not in a nro- that the fint book was not edited 

yincial town. * Either this or that, till after the third, at all eventB. 

whichsoever yon think the better, 5. placeai] Placere possit'— <2»- 

is mine/ He seems to say, * if you minOj see £p. 2. 3. 

blame me for some, remember that 6. vemaj * Home^bred.* See 

1 am also the author of those which Ep. 21. 2; so a real Roman it 

please vou,* and so weigh one against * yema Numae/ in £p. 566. 4 ; and 

the other. Cf. Ep. 67. 9, ^ haec we have ^ lupos vemas/ in 531. 21. 

Bunt, aut meliora, si qua nescis.* *■ Tiberinus veraula riparam/ Jav. 

ib. priorem] It appears from v. 105. Inf. xiii. 43, *veraae tn- 

i. 1. 3, ' Hic est quem le^s, ille beres.* — GaUtm^ libram Gallicum ; 

quem requiris, Toto notus in orbe but the poet speaks of the book as 

Martialis Argutis epigrammaton li- a person. There may be a joke oa 

bcUis,* and ii. 93, *■ Primus ubi est, the unmanly G<Mi (Ep. 439). 
inquis, quum sit liber iste secundus?* 

EP. 110. (in. ii.) 

The book is asked what patron it will select, and is praised for naminz 
Faustinus (Ep. 14 and 148). 

Cuius vis fieri, libelle, munus ? 

Festina tibi vindicem parare, 

Ne nigram cito raptus in culinam 

Cordylas madida tegas papyro 

Vel turis piperisve sis cucullus. 5 

Faustini fugis in sinum ? sapisti. 

Cedro nunc licet ambules perunctus 

1. ctyus vis, &C.1 i. e. cui vis 617. 7. Persius, i. 43, 'linqnere 

donari? So Catullus, Carm. 1, nec scombros metuentia carmiDS 

asks, * Quoi dono lepidum meum nec thns.* Catull. 95. 8, * annales 

libellum?* &c. — vtWtoem, 'apa- Yolusi — lazas scombris saepe da- 

tron,* assertorem, Ep. 27. 5. bunt tunicas.* Hor. Epist. ii. 1. 

3. ne, &c.] * Lest you be quickly ult., ^ et piper et quidquid chartii 

carried ofF (as waste paper) into the amicitur ineptis.* 

ffrimy kitchen, and make a cover 5. citcallu»] A acrew-paper, sucb 

for tunny-iiy with your greasy paper, as is still usea for wrapping tobacco, 

or a funnel for incense or pepper.* sugar, &c. 

^-eordjfla is the young fry of the 6. /uffis in tinum} Like a timid 

thynnuSt or what we mi^ht call bird taking refuge. There is a}so 

* white-bait.* Pliny, N. H. iz. § 47, an allusion to the fold of the tog» 

' cordyla appellatur partus qui fetas in which books were carried. Cf. 

redeuntis in mare autumno comi- Ep. 67. 7; 112. 7. 

tatur.* So Ep. 690. 1, * ne toga 7. cedro] *Oil of cedar,* used atj 

cordylis et paenula desit olivis.* once as an antiseptic (against moths, 

Compare 143. 9; 212. 8; 305. 8; &c.), and to colourthe back. Sce 


Et frontis gemino deoens honore 

Pictis luxurieris umbilicis, 

Et te purpura delicata velet 10 

Et cocco rubeat superbus index. 

Illo yindice nec Frobum timeto. 

Becker, Gallus^ p. 328. Hor. An generally of two coloun, pttn>le and 

Poet. 331, ' speramuB carmina find yellow. Tibullus, iii. 1. 9. Inf. viii. 

posse linenda cedro et levi servanda /2. 1, ' nondum murice cultus aspe- 

cupresso.* Ovid, Trist. iii. 1. 13, roque Monu pumicis aridi politus.* 

* quod neque sum cedro flaTus nec £p.d79.4, 'nondumyulgataSabinae 

punice leviB.* Ib. i. i. 7, * nec Carmina, purpurea sed modo culta 

titulus minio nec cedro cbarta no- toffa.* 

tetur.* Pen. i. 42, ' cedro digna 11. index'] Tbe slip of red paper 

locutus.* 'wbicb contained tbe title oi tbe 

8. /rontis'} Tbe two ends of tbe book, and appears to bave beev 

roll were smootbed with pumice, affixed to tbe end of tbe roU. Sco 

and stained black, the bollow and Becker, Oallus, p. 329. 

paintedcayityiuthestickor cylinder 12. vindice] Patrono. — nec, ne 

round which it was wrapped ap- Probum quidem. M. Valerius Pro- 

pearing as a centre omament. Tbeee bus, of Beiytus (Beirut)^ according 

are tfae umbilioi. of wbich Rich in to Suetonius, De IUust. Oram. cap. 

his * Dictionary gives a more ac- zziT., was a critic, who employed 

curate account tban Becker in bis bimself cbiefly in emending and 

' Gallus,* pp. 328, 329. — luamrigriat commenting on tiie older and less 

* reyel in,* luzuriose omeris. popular books. He iived in tiie 

10. purpurd\ £p. 62. 15 : the time of Nero, and seems here quoted 

membrana or parchment envelope, as tbe type of a severe critic. 

s/ EP. 111. (IILiv.) 

This also is addressed to the book, and gives a reason why the author is 
absent firom Bome. 

Romam vade, liber : si, veneris unde, requiret, 

Aemiliae dioes de regione yiae. 
Si, quibus in terris, qua simus in urbe rogabit, 

Comeli referas me licet esse Foro. % . . ^^ 

Cur absim, quaeret : breviter tu multa fatere : 5 

" Non poterat vanae taedia ferre togae." 
" Quando venit ?" dicet : tu respondeto : " Poeta 

Exierat : veniet, cum citharoedus erit." 

I. requiret'] Viz. Roma Aemi- called firom Comelius Sylla. 

liae viae^ tbe road to Bologna ; see 5. quaeret] Si quaeret. — «onos 

Ep. 319. 6. iogaef the profidess life of a togaiua, 

4. me esse] Me nunc commorari. or client. • 

Fomm Comelii was a town to tbe 8. vemet] fffii, redibit. The 

tooth of BoDOoia (now /mola), so seuse is, *he will oome back wbeo 


be liu found tome prafoiiaa marc vere neil pud. Jut. ii 

itive thin thal of ■ poel, ~ t pridem 6ttu> in Tiberim dedmi 

sTenthehup.' Thit. af coarw. Orootes. JBt linKuau et moren « 

I * tatire on tbe Bmail preliti of i cum tibicino cbaTdu obliqou 

teiMTlifo. Cf. Ep. SM. 8, 'BTtei Texil.' Suet, Veep. 19, ' Te*] 

diuere Tult pecauiosu ? Fie diBcat DiodoToque cilliaroedii duceoK, ni 
citbinedni ut chDnnleL' ITiB ei- Dulliicc* " '"■ ' 
tbaroedi and tibicinet st tbii time 

EP. 112. (m. T.) 

Anothei epigTBm to tbe beok. commcndiug It W the &,n>uriblB notice ot 
Jnliua Ceretlia. lo vhom bIki Ep. 10. 617 Bad 6S8 are addiMMd. Thii 
WH probabl]' writteD to accompsay * copT tent u > preaeab Tbe fonnil 
dedication to PauBtiDua in Ep. ll(l ii theiefors diSiireDt. 

Vis comioeDdttri Bine me cursuruB in urbem, 

Parve liber, multis, an SFitis unuB erit? 
Unus erit, mihi crede, satis, cui non eris hoBpee, 

Inlius, aasiduum nomen in ore meo. 
I^rotinus hunc primae qnaeres in limine Tectae : s 

QnoB tenuit Daphnis, nuno tenet ille, lares. 
Est illi coniunx, qnae te manibuBqne BJnuqne , 

Excipiet, tu vel pulTeroIentua eas. 
Hos tn seu pariter Bive hanc illumve priorem 

Videris, hoe dices " Marcus avere iubet," lo 

Etsatiaeet; alioa commendet cpistola ; peccat 

Qui commendandum se patat esae Buia. 

__„. . 8. rmlveniifiiiat] 'A]l dnBtJ end 

i. penon. >nd BqDtUd,' like » traveller jatt aniTed. 

pitaiity. 9. pariler] BiiauX.—illinnv», liTe 

5. prolinia. &r.1 ' You ■ball Gud illum.-^Afanwt, Tia. HartiDlii, thi 

liim (inquin foT him) al tbe rerj authoi. 

cntraDCB of the Pia Trcla; he livci II. aliot] Sc. qoam boniila. 

in the bouio iomicrl; ocenpied b^ atienog. 'Let othert bring ■ fetlrt 

pntent ns ' Daphnidis domut.' The think Chat onews 

Via TccU wat a cotcred mj leading tion to oDB'i own 

EP. 113. (m. Ti.) 

ntiiiM Maceellinni (to vhom alta <ri. 35 it inieribcd), 1 
' 19 fadier, and likevite tha ■nniTecttrr of hia (xm 


^Kiadon to manhood by the ceremony of ontting the beard for the firct 
Eme. This man is mentioned with pmiM (»7 Pliny, Epist iv. 12. 

Liix tibi post Idus nuineratur tertia Maias, 

Marcelline, tuis bis celebranda sacris. 
Lnputat aetherios ortus haec prima parenti, 

Libat florentes haec tibi prima genas. 
Magna licet dederit iucundae munera yitae, 6 

Plus nunquam patri praestitit ille dies. 

1. tBrfia, &c.] The 18th of May. was called * barham primam ponere,* 

3u haeo primd] ^ This was the Suet Nero, § 12, and ' crinem de- 

birthday of him who begot you;* ponere/ Juv. iii. 186, where see 

^^t. Hhisis the daywhich firstcon- Mr. Mayor*8 note. In libare, per- 

iterred on your parent the blessing haps, is implied the custom of 

of beinff boi*n mto the light of dedicating the hair to some god. 

nearen. Or perhaps, *godlike birth.* 5. magnti, &c.] * Though tbat day 

'—imputarey as in Ep. 210. 2 ; 663. gaTe a hleftsing to the father, in 

13. JuT. V. 14, means ' to charge being bom to a hiq>py life, it noTer 

to one*8 account,* as a faTour done gaTe more to him, as a father, than 

and receiTed. So Tac. H. i. 38, when it saw his son arriTed at 

* hoc solum erit certamen, quis mihi manhood.* Probably there is an 
plurimum impntet* — libai, &c., allnsion to the birthday gifts sent 

* takes the first offering from your bj fnends. 
blooming cheeks.* The ceremony 

\Xj^ ep. 114. (m. vii.) 

On the restoration of the cena reeta (fuU dinner) in place of the client*8 
nortida, by order of Domitian. On this head seTenil changes seem to 
haTe been made. The subject is well discussed in Becker*8 Gm/iu, p. 229. 
SueL Nero, § xTi., * pubiicae cenae ad sportulas redactae.* lind. Dom. 
§ TiL, ^snortulas publicas sustulit, rcTocata cenarum rectarum consuetu- 
dine.* But all that the poet seems here to say is (as Becker well puts 
it), tiiat 'since the iponey-sportula is done away with, a fixed salary must 
be supplied by the patron, in order to enable his clients to Uto.* Of 
couxve, there is irony in making such a supposition, as the patrons wer» 
notorionsly mean. 

Centum miselli iam valete quadrantes, 
Anteambulonis congiarimn lassi, 

1. «Mfom, &c.] See Jut. i. 120. the emperors to the people ; Tac. 

Ep. 30 and 321. A.—anieambuUmis, Ann. iii. 29 ; xii. 41 ; xiii. 31. 
ths dlent who walked before his 3. dividehat, &c.] ' Which small 

fatron*8 sella or lectica; Jut. Tii. sum was shared by the parboiled 

42 ; z. 54. Ep. 75. 5 ; 504. 3.— bathkeeper,* i. e. attendance on the 

congiarium, * the dole,* properly the patron at the bath cost the client 

lar^BS of com and wine giTen by something (quadrans, Ep. 132. 4). 


Quos dividebat balneator elixus. 

Quid cogitatis, o fames amicorum ? 

Begis superbi sportulae recesserunt. 5 

Nihil stropharum est : iam salarium dandum est. 

4. quidy &c.] * What do you in- Wum, properlj * salt-monej/ camu 

tend to do next, you Btarvera of to signify 'official pay/ whence oor 

your friends? Tbe ffreat man^s word so/ary. Suet Tib. § 46, 'pe- 

eportulae are gone, and nothing re- cuniae parcus ac tenaz, comltes 

mains but to give us a fixed money- peregrinationum expeditlonnmqiu 

allowance.* — reffisj cf. Ep. 75. 5; nunquam salario, ciDariis tantmc, 

321. 2, where dominus is similarly sustentavit* Tac. Aj^c. 42, *sak- 

used. The sporttdae seems to mean rium proconsulari solitum offerri et 

the centum quadrantes, for nothing quibusdam a se ipao concessum 

in fact is said of the recta cena, Agricolae nou dedit* Augustos 

which is that described in Juv. v. introduced the practice of paying 

6. nihil stropharum] ' There is no salaria to public officers. Suet Oct 

way of getting out of it,^ lit. no § 36, *■ auctor fuit ut proconsulibiis 

turns and twists, such as a wrestler ad mulos et tabemacula, quae pnb* 

uses to slip from his adversary^s lice locari solebant, certa pecunift 

grasp. So xi. 7. 4, *jam stropha constitueretur.* Plin7) Ep. i^* ^% 

talis abit* Pliiiyt £?• i« 18. 6, ^ cum in provinciam quaestor exisset, 

*ego aliquam stropham inveniam scribam^ue qui sorti obtigerat sjite 

agamque causam tuam, ut ipsam legitimum salarii tempus amisit- 

agere tu, cum voles, pos8is.*<^aZa- set* 

EP. 115. (m. viii.) 

Thaida Quintus amat, quam Thaida ? Thaida luscam. 
Unum oculum Thais non habet, ille duos. 

1. hucam\ See on Ep. 315. 2.^ by an Intentional ambiguitj, *ille 

duos^ supply non habet, * He haa duoa habet/ | he is wide awidce for 

no eyes at all, for taking a fancy for marrying Thau for the sake of her 

such a woman.* But it may mean, fortune. CSf. £p. 6. 

EP. 116. (m. X.) 

On a prodigal son, to whom his father allowed a monthly income, payabl 
by a fixed sum daily. 

Constituit, Philomuse, pater tibi milia bina 
Menstrua perque omnes praestitit illa dies, 

Luxuriam premeret cum crastina semper egestas 
Et yitiis essent danda diuma tuis. 

1. eonsiituU] ' Settled on you,* guinea a day. 
* agreed to pay,* 2000 sestertii per 3. prefn^'] Urgeret * Since the 
inonfJi,pr so«»o»^o~> "Hout haif a prodigality otone day waa always 


Idem te moriens heredem ex asse reliquit : 5 

Exheredavit te, Philomuse, pater. 

followed by want on the morrow, his fortone. — ea^nundatntf * disin- 

and your follies required daily herited,* i. e. Tirttialiy, by foolishly 

(inst^d of monthlv) allowance.* giving you absolute pOBseasion, by 

b. eae <u8e\ To the fiill amonnt of which you soon beggared yourBelf. 

EP. 117. (m.xi.) 

An auBwer to one Quintns, who seems to have been offended by Ep. 115, 
and who denied that the object of his affection was one-eyed, or her namo 
Thais, The poet argues that Thait has only a fancied reaemblance to the 
name Lais, and he jocosely adds, that if Quintus does not like Thais, 
SextuB may take her, by which he means, that the public will equally 
^ess who is meant, whether he be called Quintus or SeztUB. 

Si tua nec Thais nec luBca est, Quinte, puella, 
Cur in te factum distichon esse putas ? 

Sed Eomile est aliquid : pro Laide Thaida dixi. 
Dic mihi, quid simile est Thais et Hermione ? 

Tu tamen es Quintus : mutemus nomen amantis : o 
Si non vult Quintus Thaida, Sextns amet. 

3. nmUe esQ Qranted, howeyer, alluBion. Others, less correctly, ex- 

that there is aome resemblance; I plain, ^Thais is no more the same 

did use * Thais,* which sounds like person as Lais, than Hermione is.* 
* Lais/ viz. to avoid identity.^ — Her- 6. Sextua] If you still think that 

mione, if I had called her so, no the name Quinhu fizes the allusion 

one would have Buspected any such on you, we will call you Sextua, 

EP. 118. (in. xii.) 

Against a Btingy host, who while he attended to the minor wants of his 
guests, gaye them nothing to eat 

Unguentum, fateor, bonmn dedisti 

Convivis here, sed nihil scidisti. 

Res salsa est bene olere et esurire. 

Qui non cenat et ungitur, Fabulle, 

Hic vere mihi mortuus videtur. 5 

1. «naueutum] Used after the 3. ret taUa^ 'A droU thing.' 
bath, which the Romans took im- CatuU. xii. 4, *hoc salsum «sse 
mediately before dinner. putas?* Henee tftttc^Km, ineptum. 

2. t<Miti£] Garpsisti, *carved,* 5. mortuut] Because the dead 
i. e. you left the joints on the table wei*e not only anointed, but had 
untouched. Gompare £p. 23. 11. a mock fbast (silicemium) Bpread 


out before tbem, wMch vnM after« corpses, see Plaut. AsiiL t. 2. 60. 

wai*d8 bumt on their tombs ; the Poen. ProL 63. Hor. Sat ii. 5. So, 

feralia oena of Jut. t. 84. For the * cadaver unctum oleo lax|;o.* 
poUindonSt Blayes who anointed 

EP. 119. (IILxiii.) 

On a mean host, who spared his Tiands, under pretence that they were 

Dum non vis pisces, dum non vis carpere pullos 
Et plus quam putri, Naevia, parcis apro, 

Accusas rumpisque cocum, tanquam omnia cruda 
Attulerit. Nunquam sic ego crudus ero. 

1. carpere] * To carve.* There is 2. pltu quam ptUrt] * Which is 

a pky between this word and rum- more than overdone,* or (as we saj). 

/>ere ; * while you hesitate to cut a * which is done to rags.* The proper 

piece out of a hare, you are willing sense ofputris is * softened b^ heat,* 

to cut the cook in pieces,* in pre- as ripe fruit, Ovid, Met vii. 585, 

tended anger at having sent up the * putria motis Poma cadunt ramis.* 

food hdf raw. Tfae meanii^ is 4. cmdua] *Troubled with in- 

clearfiromEp. 157. 2, 'mavis, Rufe, digestion.* So £p. 679. 2, 'ebriiu 

cocum scindere quam leporem/ et crudus nil habet agricola.* 


EP. 120. (m. xiv.) 

Becker, GaUus, p. 228 : " Many came to Rome from a distance in 
hopes of obtaining such (i. e. a client*s) employment ; as Ihe esuritor 
Tuccius, ridicnled by Martial, who had come from Spain, and, upon 
hearing that the sportula yielded so little profit, tmned back again, at tbe 
Pons Midvius, a little distance from Rome * (on the Yia Flaminia). 

Bomam petebat esuritor Tuccius 

Profectus ex Hispania. 
Occurrit illi sportularum fabnla : 

A ponte rediit Mulvio. 

EP. 121. (ni. XV.) 

Plus credit nemo quam tota Cordus in urbe. • 
^* Cum sit tam pauper, quomodo ? " Caecus amat. 

1. eredU] A play on ihe double eaeeu^ may only mean 'monUr 

sense of * owes monej,' and * takes blind,* and this may be the man 

on titiBt,* as a blind man must take inentioned in Juv. iii.^aOS, *nil 

the charms of a woman. Perhaps habnit Codnu, quis eaim ncfat?* 


EP. 122. (m. xvL) 

On a rich but ambitioiu slioemaker, wbo bad niined bimself by giring 
how of gladiatoxB, probably at Bologna ; see inf. iii. 59, ' Sutor cerdo 
ledit tibi, culta Bononia, munus, FiUlo dedit Mutinae : nunc nbi copo 
labit?* For tbe wealth acquired by cobblerB, see £p. 484: aho Ep. 


Das gladiatores, sutonim regule, cerdo, 

Quodque tibi tribuit subula, sica rapit. 
Ebrius es : neque enim faceres hoc sobrius unquam, , 

Ut velles corio ludere, cerdo, tuo. ^r^ r.-^ oA**'*^ 

Lusisti corio : sed te, mihi ci:fide> memento "^ 5 

Nunc in pellicula, cerdo, tenere tua. 

1. rtgviey &c.] * You cobbler- 4. corw lvdert\ These worda ait 

towest kind of tradesman ; see Pers. ralis, i. e. impensa aliena. Compare 

iv. 51, * tollat sua munera oerdo ;* vii. 10. 2, ' Oie, quid ad te, De cute 

Juv. iv. 153; viii. 182.— guoeigfM, quid faciant ille vel illeBuaP* Of 

&c., ' and what you gained by tiie course, there is also an allusion to 

awl, you have lost by the gladiator^s the leather used in the trade. So 

knife,* i. e. by the lives sacrificed also in pellicula, which at the same 

in the amphitheatre. For nca, a time refers to the fable of the ass 

Bharp-pointed and curved knife, see in the lion^s skin, and to the proverb 

Rich'8 Dict. in v. * Ne sutor ultra crepidam.* 

EP. 123. (in. xviii.) 

Perfiixisse tuas questa est praefatio fauces. 
Cum te excusaris, Maxime, quid recitas ? 

1. praeJlUio] * You complain in (perfrigesco). — guid recitas, i. e. we 

vour opening address that you have can willinffly excuse you from lead- 

a cold in your throat.* Juv. vii. ing your book to us at all. CC 

194, * et si perfrizit, cantat bene * Ep. 183. 295. 

EP. 124. (in. xix.) 

On a boy whu was bitten by a viper, that lurked in a bush cut into the 
shape of a bear. See Becker, Gallu8y p. 360. (If, however, aere be read 
for ore^ in ver. 5, we must aasume that a bronze figure is meant.) 

Proxima centenis ostenditur ursa columnis, 
Exomant fictae qua platanona ferae. 

1. eentenUt &c.1 The porticus ' is shown as one of the sights iu tho 
Yipsana ; see Ep. 72. ^^^^uitenditur, pkne-grove (ir\aTai/wv, plnUm»- 



Huios dum patulos alladens temptat hiatas 
Pulcher Hjlas, teneram mersit in ora manum. 

Yipera sed caeco scelerata latebat in aere 5 

Yivebatque anima deteriore fera. 

Non sensit puer esse dolos, nisi dente recepto, 
Dum perit : o facinus, falsa quod ursa fuit ! 

tttm). Pliny, Ep. v. 6. 16, ' ante pemiciouB than the beast itself/ 

porticam zystus in plurinuis species i. e. than the bear, if it had been 

distinctos concisusque buzo.'* Hence really alive. The viper bit the boy, 

fictae^ * shaped * by the ctrs topiaria which even a live bear would not 

outofashnib. havedone. 

3. tempta£\ *" Pretends in sport to 8. /alsa] * What a pitj the bear 

make it bite him.* was not a real one, for then no harm 

6. anima] * With a life more would have ensued.* 

EP. 125. (m. XX.) 

On Canius Rufus, of Cadiz TEp. 31. 9), a man of varied talents as x 
writer, and popular in the recitation-rooms (iii. 64. 5), but constantly 
laughing. Compare CatuU. Carm. 39, ^Egnatius, quod candidos habct 
dentes, Renidet usque quaque/ &c. 

Dic, Musa, quid agat Canius meus Kufus : 

Utrumno chartis tradit ille victuris 

Legenda temporum acta Claudianorum ? 

An quae Neroni falsus astruit scriptor ? 

An aemulatur improbi iocos Phaedri ? 5 

Lascivus elegis an seyerus herois ? 

An in cothumis horridus Sophocleis ? 

An otiosus in schola poetarum 

Lepore tinctos Attico sales narrat ? 

Hinc si recessit, porticum terit templi 10 

2. utntmne] *■ Is he committing or anecdotes were attributed to thi« 

to paper which will survive him the writer. 

history of Claudius* times, or the 7. cothumis\ The tragic buskin. 

ezaggeratedstoriestoldaboutNero?* Cf. Yirg. £cl. viii. 10, *8ola So- 

i. e. is he engaged in ezamining and phocleo tua cai-mina digna cothumo/ 

refatinff these? Cf. Tac. Ann. i. 1, — Aemctt», /all dishevelled,* like 

* Tibeni, Oaiquo et Clandii ac Ne- the genius of tragedy. 

ronis res florentibus ipsis ob metum 8. $ch(Ua\ Apparently a sort of 

falsae, postquam occiderunt, recen-') ^^ club, where poets could 

tibus oaiis compositae sunt* meet and converse at leisure, or 

5. ftmi>ro6t] * Nanghtv,* whence recitetheircompositions. Seel9i5.3. 

it would seem that some loose stories 10. tennpU] Yiz. Isidis ; Ep. 72. 7. 


An spatia carpit lentus Argonautarum ? 

An delicatae sole rursus Europae 

Inter tepentes post meridiem buxos 

Sedet ambulatve liber acribus curis ? 

Titine thermis an lavatur Agrippae 15 

An impudici balneo Tigillini ? 

An rure Tulli fruitur atque Lucani ? 

An Folionis dulce currit ad quartum ? 

An aestuantes iam profectus ad Baias 

Piger Lucrino nauculatur in stagno ? 20 

" Vis scire quid agat Canius tuus ? Ridet." 

11. spaiid] Perhaps the septaf by as a shameless flatterer. Cf. Hist. 
the ' temple of Neptune, and the i. 72, * Soph. Tigellinus obscuris 
porticuB Ai^onautarum (£p. 72). parentibus, foeda pueritia, impudica 

12. sole] Must be construed with senecta, praefecturam yigilum et 
t(nienteay and JEuropae with Ouxos. praetorii et alia proemia Tirtutum 
T^e box-garden, where the poiticus quia velocius erat yitiis adeptus, 
Europae stood, was wai'med bv the crudelitatem mox, deinde aYaritiam 
rays of the aftemoon sun. Hence et virilia scelera exercuit.^ 
'Europes tepidae buxeta.' £p. 72. 17. Tulli, &£.] See Ep. 19. 1. 
15. 18. dulce] Supply rus from the 

15. Titij &c.] Cf. Sueton. Tit. proceding. rure Ad quartum, sc. 

§ 7, * amphitheatro dedicato ther- lapidem. 

misque juxta celeriter extinctis." — 20. naucttlatur'] * Rows in his 

Agrippaey see Ep. 55. 3 ; 134. 6. gondola." S«e Ep. 531. 13. 

Becker, Gailus^ p. 391. 21. ridet] irapci irpoaSoKiav. 

16. impudidy &c.] Sophonius Ti- ^Doing! why laughing, of course.* 
gellinus, a freedman of Nero, is Cf. Ep. 31. 9. 

mentioned fraquently by Tacjtas, 

EP. 126. (III. xxi.) 

On a branded slave, who had saved his master^s life, and thereby retumed 
good for evil by a noble example. 

Proscriptum famulus servavit fronte notata. 
Non fuit haec domini vita, sed invidia. 

,. proscriptum] Yiz. dominum, pile, and put it thereon, telling the 

' his master when condemned by soldiera as they came up, * This is 

the proBcription of the triumviri. my master : I haye punished him 

The story is told of one Antius for his cmelty to me.' — /ronte 

Restio, by Seneca, De Benef. iii. notatus, branded on the forehead; 

23. When the soldiers sent to see Ep. 78. 10 ; 249. 9. 

arrest Antius punued him so closely 2. vita] Thera is a plftT on the 

%a»A he could not escape, the slave, similar sound in inoidia. What tho 

finding a dead body, lit a funeral master really gained, was not so 


84 M. VAI*. l^fARTIALlS 

mnch hii life, u the inTidioin fed- at his haTiiig tmted so cniellT c 
ing and ahhoirence of honett mea slfcTe of to noble a dispoution. 

EP. 127. (m. xxiL) 

AmcioB, the gonimand (on ivhom see Mr. Hayor, Jor. ir. 26; snp. 
Ep. 98. 3), finding he had oHfy 10,000 sestwtia l^ out of hia propeitj, 
bou^ht poiflon, and killed hims^, prefemng to die, rather than to starve, 
or hve on to Uttle. Thia, the noet ayB, diowed greater ginttonj than aaj 
of his former deeds. 

Dederas, Apici, bis trecentiens ventii, 

Et adhnc supererat centiens tibi laxnm. 

Hoc tu gravatos nt fiunem et sitim ferre 

Somma venenum potione perduxti. 

Nil est, Apiciy tibi gulosius factum. fi 

i-^^^l. bis tneerUietui] Se xcenta mill ia. luctant,* thinking it hard * to put up 

*^ ~~ceniieru Uutum seems opposed to with this, as positive stanration, 

centietu ptenum, £p. 48. 1 ; but the &c. The infinitiYe is used, as in 

?hra8e is ratlier obscure. In Ep. Cic. Or. i. 35. 165, *ne graTeris 

9. 4, ' lazas arca flsgellat opes,* the exaedificare id auod instituisti.* 

loose packing of the coin in a box 4. perducere] Is here cKXicLr, 

may be meant. Perhaps the meaning epoiare^ * to drink up,* in the s^ose 

is, * the round sum of 10,000,* i. e. of *■ ducere nectaris succos,* &c. 

loosely reckoned. 5. tiln\ * By you.' 
3. gravatuB ferre\ * Being re- 

EP. 128. (m. xxiu.) 

On a mean host, who had tbe viands removed from table as soon as they 
were served — ^pcrhaps on some such excuseas that satirized in Ep. 119. 

Omnia cum retro pueris opsonia tradas, 
Cur non mensa tibi ponitur a pedibus ? 

1. retro] YiL./erenda,—apedibu8, irpot 'woiat. Oq tbese slaTes, who 

* for the serTants in attendance on stood behind their masters when 

tbeir masters.* This is severe irony ; invited out to dinner, see Becker, 

for if the hostwould not feed the GcUlus, p. 214, and compare £p. 

masters, still less would be feed 683. 2, * dum negligentem ducit ad 

tUeir slaves. It would be simpler, pedes vemam.* Inf. 82, 18, 'ipse 

he says, to hsTe the table spread retro flexus ad pedum turbam.* »e- 

before the slaves at once, and far neca, De Benel. iii. 27, * ut primum 

better than to mock the guests with diluxit, serrus qui cenanti ad pedes 

asightofwbat they werenotallowed steterat narrat quae inter cenam 

to eat. As the language has no ebrius dixisset.* 
article, a pedibui stands for rotv 


EP. 129. (m. XXV.) 

On a firigid speakcr, who, the poet tAj%, would cool even the hot haths 
of Nero. See £p. 545. 4, * immodico MZta Nerone calet* The joke of 
Aristophanes iB similar, Ach. 140, viz. that TheogniB hy hii cold plays at 
Athens froze the riverB in Thrace. 

Si temperari balneum cupis fervens, 
Faustine, quod vix lulianus intraret, 
Hoga, lavetur, rhetorem Sabinaeum. 
Neronianas hic refrigerat thermas. 

1. temperari] Tepidum fieri. Ep. heated hj hypocausts, and supplied 

545. 3, * temperat haec thermas.* with tepidaria and caldaria. See 

3. lavetur] Ut in eo lavari velit £p. 296, and 486. 
1*^ balneum was a common warm 4.] The thermae here mentioned 

oath, often made of wood, whilst were among the hest. Lih. vii. 34. 5, 

the thermae were of marble or stone, ' quid thermis melius Neronianis ? * 

EP. 130. (in. xxvii.) 

To one who had dined at the poef s house, hut had never invited him in 

Nunquam me revocas, venias cum saepe vocatus : 
Ignosco, nullum si modo, Gralle, vocas. 

Invitas alios : vitium est utriusquo. " Quod ?" inquis. 
Et mmi cor non est, et tibi, Gallo, pudor. 

1. revoccui] Mutuo vocas. A rare 2. si modo] * Provided vou ask 

use. Andrews (Dict. in v.) supplies nono at all ; hut jou <io ask others, 

an example from Cic. Rosc. Am. 18, aod not me.* 

fin., * domum suam istum non fere 4. cor] vov«, ^vi/e<ric, common 

quisquam vocahat. Nec mirum, 8en8e(69. 6). — e^ ^i6», sc. non est. Cf. 

qui neque in urhe viveret, neque £p. 115. 2, *I am as much wanting 

revocaturus esset.* in sense as you are in decency.* 

EP. 131. (m. xxix.) 

On an eques, formerly a slave. Zoilus is often mentioned in Martial as 
a rich hut mean and disreputahle fellow. See £p. 73. 

Has cum gemina compede dedicat catenas, 
Satume, tibi Zoilus, anulos priores. 

1. ffemina compede] A couplo or hecause slaves, when set free, were 
fetter fastening hoth fect ; in itself, in the habit of ofFerinff their honds 
po^ps, a douhle chain. — Satumet to Satwn, who himself had heen 


bound hj his fEither Jupiter ; Bome- anulus equestris. Compare Bp. 609. 

times, however, to the Lares. Hor. 3, * anuluB iste tuis fuerat modo 

Sat. i. 5. 65, ' donasset jamne cate- cruribus aptus. Non eadem digitiB 

nam Ex voto Laribus.^— anii/o8, in pondera conveniunt* — The metre 

apposition, * the rings he formerly appears to be choriambic ctan ama- 

wore/ viz. before he assumed the crusi» 

EP. 132. (ra. XXX.) 

\/ On the edict of Domitian for abolishing the sportula. (See £p. 114.} 

Sportula nnlla datur ; gratis conYiva recumbis : 
Dic mihi, quid Romae, Gargiliane, facis ? 

Unde tibi togula est et fuscae pensio cellae ? 
Unde datur quadrans ? unde vir es Chiones ? 

Cum ratione licet dicas te yiyere snmma, 5 

Quod vivis, nuUa cum ratione facis. 

1. gratis] Without being paid for 4. quadrdns] The price paid for 
your services in money, or, aa it a bath. Juv. 2. 152 ; vi. 44/. Hor. 
were, bought by the dole ; * non Sat. i. 3. 137, ' dum tu quadrante 
jam venalis, ut ante,^ £p. 149. 1. lavatum Rex ibis.^ — vir Chiones, the 

2. quid facis] * Quid facies,* viz. paramour or hirer of that courtesan. 
for a livelihood. The sportnla was See Juv. iii. 136 ; and cf. £p. 52. 
the chief subsistence oi the poor 10 ; 419. 3. 

clients. Juv. i. 118. 5. cum ratione] i. e. cum tna^yima 

3. toffuld] The scanty toga you parsimonia. But in the next verse 
are required to wear as a client. — nttUa cum raiione means a\oyi«rTwt, 
pensiOj the rent of a smoky garret, * you show very little sense in living 
or dark cellar (inf. £p. 142). See at all,* i. e. the best thing yoa can 
£p. 657. 3. do now is to commit suicide, 

EP. 133. (in. xxxi.) 

On a rich man, whom the poet reminds of his low origin, and rebukes 
fbr his boasting by showing that two libertini have more than fae. Gom- 
pare £p. 151. 

Sunt tibi, confiteor, diffusi iugera campi 
Urbanique tenent praedia multa lares, 

Et servit dominae numerosus debitor arcae 
Sustentatque tuas aurea massa dapes. 

2. urbani lares] Some explun Dict. in praedium.) 

* villae suburbanae.* If we under- 3. aervit] A debtor it a slane to 

stand^ by this phrase domus^ * town the money-lender^s chest, because be 

mansions,^ praedia will mean * free- is addictus by a bond, and msy 

itold^ sites,^ on^ the authority of become the property of the creditor. 

Justinian, * Aedificla omnia urbana — </omtnae, * cui serviunt omnia.* 

pracdia appellamus.' (See Andrews, 4. aurea n%as8(i] Becker, Ckdln. 



Fastidire tamen noli, Kufine, minores : 5 

Plus babuit Didymus, plus Philomelus liabet. 

p. 296, ezplainB this of gilded slabs self/ — Didtfmus, a vealthy eunuch. 

of marble or wood used for tables ; Philomelua was a eUharoedus. The 

he reads however mensa. Massa one formerlj had, the hitter still has, 

refers probably to the gold or parcel- a larger fortone. He is mentioned in 

gilt plate, lances, ckrysendetaj &g. iv. 5. 10. 
5. minores'] * Those lessthan jour- 

EP. 134. (in. xxxvi.) 

The poet complains that Fabianus expects the same attentions from him, 
an old triend, as from those who were only beginning to seek his friendship. 
The same complaint is made against Canaidus, £p. /6. 

Quod novus et nuper factus tibi praestat amicus, 

Hoc praestare iubes me, Fabiane, tibi : 
Horridus ut primo te semper mane salutem 

Per mediumque trabat me tua sella lutum, 
Lassus ut in tbermas decima vel serius bora 5 

Te sequar Agrippae, cum laver ipse Titi. 
Hoc per triginta merui, Fabiane, Decembres, 

XJt sim tiro tuae semper amicitiae ? 
Hoc merui, Fabiane, toga tritaque meaque, 

Ut nondum credas me meruisse rudem ? 10 

3. horridus] * Untidy,* having got vadas, quanquam solida hora bu- 
up 8o early as not to have had time persit ad sextam.* Becker, Gallus, 
to dress properly ; or better, * shi- p. 456. 

vering with the cold.* For the early 6. Titi} i. e. thermis. Ep. 125. 

hour at which clients were ezpected 15. 

to attend on their patrohs, cf. 7. merui] Ut miles; so too iirOj 

Juv. V. 20. in the next line, and rudem, in ver. 

4. per lutum] Cf. Ep. 516. 8; 10. 

653. 8 ; also 365. 6. 9. meaque] ' And tbat too paid 

5. decimd] This was verv Ute for for by myself.^ Most patrons sup- 
the baths. In £p. 561. lo, JVIartial plied the cUent with a 'wom toga. 
says that after tne fatiguing duties rers. i. 54, ' scis comitem horridulum 
of a client, ' ^alnea post decimam trita donare lacema." 

lasso centumque petuntur Qua- 10. rudem] A wooden sword, pre- 

drantes.* The more usual hour eented as a sign of dismissal to 

seems to have been the ninth, or gladiators, was called rudis, Hor» 

even the eighth. Cf. Pliny. Ep. £p. i. ], 2, *donatum jam rudo 

iii. 1. 8, * ubi hoi-a balinei nuntiata quaeris, Maecenas, iterum antiquo 

est (est autem hieme nona, aestate me includeie ludo.* Ovid, Trist. 

octava).* See Ep. 617. 3; 545. 3, iv. 8. 24,.' Me quoque donari jam 

whence it anpears it was taken even nide tempus erat.* The liberated 

earlier ; ana Juv. xi. 205, ' Jam gladiators were hence called * rudia- 

nunc in balnea salva Fronte licet rii,* and were not obliged to fight 


agiiii, Uioadi •ometiaBef fliey ^vcre gbdiatonim dedit — raduuriii qnoqce 
iiwqfltid to dp to by the ofierqf Uggc qjviboadim leTocattB aactonnieBie 
■ama. Saet TLb. ^ ^iL, * Mnnie ^t-**"™» milinm.' 

EP. 135. (m. xxrviiL) ^ ] 

The Sftme advice vfaich Martial giTea (o ScxtDS here, viz. not to come 
to Rome if he hopes to get « liTXDf bj honcst meana, he gi^es to Fabianiis, 
in ir. 5, * Vir bonui et pmper, linguaf^ne et pectore venia, Qixid tibi ris, 
nrbem qni, Fabiue, petii? Unde miaer Tivea? — ^''Homo fidoa, certu 
amida.** — Hoc nihil cat. Nanqiiam aic Fhilomdiii eria.* 

Qnae te causa trahit vel qnae fiducia Bomain, 

Sexte ? qoid aat speras aat petis inde ? refer. 
'^Canfias" inqnis '^agam Cicerone disertior ipso 

Atqne eiit in triplici par mihi nemo foro." 
Egit Atestinns cansas et Civis ; (ntromqne 5 

Noras ;) sed nentri pensio tota fnit. 
" Si nihil hinc veniet, pangentnr carmina nobis : 

Andieris, dioes esse Maronis opns." 
Insanis : omnes gelidis qnicnnqne lacemis 

Snnt ibi, Nasones Yergiliosqne vides. lo 

" Atria magna colam." Yix tres ant qnattoor ista 

Bes alait, pallet cetera tnrba fame. 
*^ Qnid faciam ? suade : nam certnm est YiYere Bomae.'* 

Si bonns es, casu Yiverey Sexte, potes. 


4. tripliciforo^ The Forum vetus 7. Mne'\ From the study of elo- 
br Romannm), the F. Julii, and qnence.--aiK/»em, viz. in the re* 
he F. Auffusti. See £p. S68. 2; citation-room. So Propertina (r. 1, 

421.6. In a48. 12, a fourtn ia added, 133) says, that he gave up oratorv 

perhape F. transitorinm, 'nec fora for poetry at the dictation of 

jnncta quater.* Snet Aug. § 29, Apollo. 

* Fori eztruendi causa fuit hominum 9. omneSj &c.] See Jnv. vii. 36, 

et judiciorum multitudo, quae vi- seoq. 

debatur non sufficientibus duobus II. co/opr, &c.] Jut, rii. 91, ' tn 

etlam tertio indigere.* Ovid, Tr. nobiliammagnaatriacnras?* 

iii. 12. 24, * Proque tribus resonant 13. eertumest'} Decrevi. — nb<mm^ 

tema theatra foris.^ See also Seneca, &&, ' if you are a good man, you 

De Ira, ii. 9. may perhaps pick up a liyelihood ; 

5. ^il^ &C.] The reply of the poet, but jou must be a bad man to be 
in discouraicement of the scheme. >ure of living welL*--caM, tjjc^, 
Tbe two orators mentioned do not fortoito. Ju. *ii. 30, ^Tivant Ar- 
appear to be known.— jMmib, £p. torius istic £t Catulns; maneant, 
132. 8. qul nigrum in candida vertnnt.* 


EP. 136. (m. xj.) 

On repaying a friend, who had relnctantly lent the poet 150,000 sestertii 
(' thrice fiftj sestertia'). Compare Ep. 291. 

Mutua quod nobis ter quinquagena dedisti 
Ex opibus tantis, quas gravis arca premit, 

Esse tibi magnus, Telesine, videris amicas. 

Tu magnus, quod das ? inmio ego, quod recipis. 

^.premW] * Pressei tightly dovn.* *I am the real (or maffnanimonB) 
Ep. 79. 4, ' laxas arca flagellat opea.* friend, in repaying one wno deseryed 
4. quod recipis] i e. quod solyo. to be cheated. 

EP. 137. (m. xliii.) 

On an old heau who dyed his hair. The poet saya, that death will toon 

ftnll off that mask. The allusion is to Hades or Proserpina cutting off a 
ock of the yictim, as if in a sacrifice. See Eur. Alcest. 75. Virg. Aen. 
iy. 698, ' Nondum illi flayum Proserpina yertice crimen Abstulerat, 
Stygioque caput damnayerat Orco.* Hor. Od. i. 28. 20, ^nullum saeya 
caput Proserpina fiigit.* 

Mentiris iuyenem tinctis, Laetine, capillis, 
Tam subito corvus, qui modo cygnus eras. 

Non omnes fallis ; scit te Proserpina canum : 
Personam capiti detrahet illa tuo. 

1. mentiris] As Yirg. Ecl. 4. 42, 2. connu, &c.] Cf. Ep. 28. 7, 8. 
' nec yarios discet mentiri lana co' 4. personam] * Mask ;* as if tho 

lores^ Prop. iii. 9, 28, ' quae men- dye was so thickly laid on as to coyer 

tita suas yertit inepta comas.^ the wbole face. 

y ^ EP. 138. (m. xUv.) 

Martial ridicules Ligurinus, because, altboush he is a just, moral, and 

moccnt man, he puts eyery body to flight Mritn his perpetual recitations. 

The same is the subject of Ep. 139 and 143. Compare also Hor. A. P. 

474, 'Indoctum doctumque ms|at recitator acerbus; Quem yero arripuit, 
tenet occiditque l^ndo.* Jny. i. 2, *yexatus totiens rauci Theseide 

Occurrit tibi nemo qupd libenter, LatVv 
Quod, quacunque Yenis, fuga est et ingens 
Circa te, Ligurine, solitudo, 
Quid sit, scire cupis ? Nimis poeta es, 

4. poetd} Used as an adjectiye/ poeticus.* 


Hoc valde vitium periculosum est. 3 

Non tigris catulis citata raptis, 

Non dipsas medio perusta sole, 

Nec sic scorpios improbus timetur. 

Nam tantos, rogo, quis ferat labores ? 

Et stanti legis et legis sedenti. 10 

In thermas fugio : sonas ad aurem. « 

Piscinam peto : non licet natare. 

Ad cenam propero : tenes euntem. 

Ad cenam venio : fugas sedentem. 

Lassus dormio : suscitas iacentem. IS 

Vis, quantum facias mali, videre ? 

Vir iustus, probus, innocens timeris. 

6. t^ris €00(0] *A tiger in fiill the bite of which caused excesnve 
puwuit/ Pliny, N. H. viii. 18, thiret. Cf. Lucan ix. 718. 7'A. 
§ 66, calls it *■ animal yelocitatis * dipsas tems adjuta perostia.'* 
tremendae,* and describes the me- 9. labores] Xvirac, *annoyances.' 
thod of getting young tigers. The 12. pisdnam] Xot/rpoi/, the ro'.c 
huntsman takes them in the mo- switaiminff-bath, called alflo ^ba^ 
ther'8 absence, and flies on a swift tisterium. See Becker, Gotlu, 
hoi-se. As soon as she nears him in p. 375. It was a circular basiTL 
tho pursuit, he drops one whelp, surrounded with a walk, and witii 
whicn the mother carries back in seats called ' scholae.^ — nonlioet^v:. 
her mouth; and this is repeated till because he follows me even in tae 
he reaches a place of safety, lucky water. 

if he has retained even one of the 14. sedeniem] * As I take mj Ecat.' 

voung. See Ep. 406. 2, 'raptor in Cf. £p. 435. 6. — The beau^ zlc 

]Q[,vrcano qui fudt albus equo.* proprietv of the Latinity, itstei^- 

7. dipeas] A sefpent of Libya, nesB and point, are admirable. 

EP. 139. (m. xlv.) 

( On the same eubject as the last. 

Fugerit an Phoebus mensas cenamque Thjestae 

; ;^noro : fugimus nos, Ligurine, tuam. 
Illa quidem lauta est dapibusque instructa superbis, 

Sed nihil omnino te recitante placet. 
Nolo mihi ponas rhombos mullumve bilibrem, 5 

Nec volo boletos, ostrea nolo : tace. 

1. /ttfferi{\ *Revera fugerit, ut weight.' So Mmmodici mnll]/ Ejv' 

dicitur.^ Tne sun was fabled to 87.11. 

haye tumed back its course in ho- 6. tace] ^ Malim te tacera, qiiaA 

nour of the Thyestean cannibal poni mihi ostrea,* &c. Comranl 

fcast. a*.* Fnrin Elect. 738. Ep. 143; 269. 25; 617. 16. 

5 * two pounds* 


EP. 140. (m. xlvi.) 

To CandiduB '(£p. 87), with an ingenious and satirical excuse for not 
ntinuing visits as a client. 

!Exigis a nobis operam sine fine togatam. 

Non eo, libertum sed tibi mitto meum. 
** Non est " inquis " idem." Multo plus esse probabo : 

Vix ego lecticam subsequar, ille feret. 
In turbam incideris, cuneos umbone repellet ; ,5 

LiYalidum est nobis ingenuumque latus. 
Quidlibet in causa narraveris, ipse tacebo : 

At tibi tergeminum mugiet ille sopbos. 
Lis erit, ingenti faciet convitia voce : 

Esse pudor vetuit fortia verba mibi. 10 

" Ergo nibil nobis " inquis " praestabis amicus ? " 

Quidquid libertus, Candide, non poterit. 

1. sine Jine] Cf. Ep. 72. 4. — ^^^ ^^ ^^® ^^ o° ^^® shield. 

rperam iogatam^ clientis ofBcium. Similarly Stat. Thcb. ii. 671, 

See Becker, Gallus, p. 213. 'clypeum nec Bustinet umbo,* and 

3. mviio TplvA^ Said in irony. pernaps Suet Caesai*, § 68, Hran- 

Surely, my man will Berve ^ou siluit in navem umbone obyjc^ 

t>etter, being stronger, more active, agens. 
&c., than I. The ' honesti clientes ' 

6. inffenuumque] This is wittily 

were what these r^es required; to added,a8ifindi8paragement,wherea8 

send a libeitus instead would have it was the very thing that Candidus 

annoyed them in the highest de- valued. Cf. 544. 6. 

gree. 7. tacebd} Ironyagain: hemeans, 

4. /ere{] *He will help to carry that such oratory will obtain no 

it f as if ihat were any part of a praise from Atm, whereas the libertus, 

clienVs duty. — sitbsequary £p. 134. like other laudiceni (Plinv, Ep. 

4. 6. ii. 14), will bawl as loud aa he can. 

5. euneos] * The dense pack,* a — sophos^ Ep. 2. 7. 

military term. — umboney keeping up 11. amicus] He ridicules the hol- 

the met;u>hor, but meaning really low professionB of Candidus, who 

cubiio. Some refer it to the bundle was always saying Koiva 0tXioj/.— 

of folds across the breast, in the (juidquid^ &c., * I will give you (i. e. 

adjustment of the toga (Becker, if you are deserving of it) what a 

p. 413). As Juvenal, iii. 243, says, libertus cannot ' — mutual friendship, 

ferit hic cubito,^ so the shai^p and the immortality of verse, be 

tbrust of the elbow is hei'e com- perhaps means to add. 

EP. 141. (III. xlvii.) 

The poet ridicules Bassus for cairyinfif with him from the city into tho 
country vegetables, eggs, &c., which nis own farm would not produc;^. 


Compare Epi 148, -wiiidi is addjreaBcd to Bubos in praise of the fiua 
FanBtiiraB, as this is to FaiHtiniis for the sake of the contrast. 

Capena gnmdi porta qua plnit gntta 

Phijgiiimqae Matris Alino qna lavat femmLy 

Horatiaram qna viret sacer campns 

£t qna pnsilli fervet Hercnlis fanmn, 

Fanstine, plena Bassns ibat in reda, 

Omnes beati copias trahens mris. 

mic Tideres frntioe nobili canles 

£t utmmqne porrnm sessilesque lactucas 

Pigroqne rentri non inntiles betas. 

mic coronam pingnibns gravem tnrdis 11 

Leporemqne laesnm Gallici cams dente 

Nondnmqne Ticta lacteum &ba porcum. 

1. Ccpema} The gate of the road confoimds it with carruea (ver. ISi 
to Capoa. An aqaedoct flowing whicb was shorter and more ele^ 
above it made it alwajs dripping. inform. 

Cf JnY. iii. 11, * snbstitit ad veteres 7. Jrutioe] * Head/ as we cal! ii 

arcQS madidamqne Capenam.* Orid, — utmmque, * aectiyam * (sectile r 

Fast T. 673, * Est aqna Mercurii tonsae) and * capitatom.* Tbe £r: 

portae vicina Capenae.* It was near was cut green and young, the otba 

the 'porticQS Vipsana,* iuf £p. was what we call ^ the potatoe onioi. 

167. the bulbs of which grow on the U} 

2. Almo] A branch of the Tiber ; of the stalk. See Mr. Mayor, ci 

here the priests of Cybele nsed to Juv. iii. 293. £p. 617. 6 aessua 

dip the statne and the sacrificial 'squat,* *dwarf f so ^sessilis obV 

knife. Ovid, Fast. iv. 337, < Est Pers. vi. Ep. 545. 9, ' lactuca setka 

locus, in Tiberim quo lubricus in- et tonsile porrum.* 

fluit Almo : — Illic purpurea canus 9. ventri] sc. movendo. £;: 

cumvestesacerdosAlmonisdominam 617. 5, 'ventri lactuca moTczcfi 

sacraque lavit aquis.* utilis.' 

3. Iloratiorumf &c.] Where the 10. coronam] A withy on wfaid 
two Horatii and the three Curiatii the fieldfiEires were strung* in a circl& 
were buried. In Plaut Capt 90, Cf lib. xiii. 51, 'at mihi de tunij 
* Porta Trigemina * is referrea to the facta corona placet* Ovid, A i. 
porta Ostiensis, the name represent- i. 260, ' turdoque licet miss&n 
ing the same event corona Te memorem dominae t» 

4. pusUUli A» Domitian called tificare toao.* The turdus (field&rt] 
himself 'Hercules," the poet in was bighly prized by the Ronues 
flattery callsthe real Hercules » lit- Cf. xiii. 92, *Inter aves turdus.i 
tle,* 'HpaicXifficoc. Gf. E^. 479.6, quis me judice certot, Inter qm 
' Majorem Alcidem nunc minor ipse drupedes mattea prima lepus.* 
eolit;^ also 505. 1 — ^ervet, either li. laesum^iente] Caughtincoun 
becpuse crowded wim people, or ing. — lacteumy 'a sucking-ptf 
frojn some hot spring tnere (Ep. too young as yet to crunch bean» 
<^' !)• Cf. ziii. 41, * lacte mero Mstan 

5. reda] A travelling carriage on pigrae mihi matris alumnum roiu^ 
four whp«l. • o«, Becker, Gfiillus, et Aetolo de Bue dives edat' 
P- -ks that Martial 


Nec feriatus ibat ante carrucam, 

Sed tuta feno cursor ova portabat. 

Urbem petebat Bassus ? immo rus ibat. 15 

13. ^^riattu] * OUosub/ 'withotit pnrposely used indcfinitcly. Tho 
kTying any bnrden. reader is to suppose that Bassus was 

14. tuta} * Protected bj hay/ yiz. taking these supplies from his villa 
9in being broken.— -cursor, a run- to his domus (town-house). The 
ng footman or courier. £p. 651. 7. poet suddenly undeceives him : Bas- 
IV. V. 52 (where see Mr. Mayor^s sus was obliged to buy cabbages in 
)te). town to eat in the country. 

^Q. peldtai} In ver. 5, ibat was 

EP. 142. (m. xlviii.) 

On one wbo bnilt a kind of fancy cottage, which he called * pauperis 
ella^ (see Ep. 132; 396. 5), and which became so in reality, when he 
(as compelled to live there, after getting through all his property. The 
ich, accordinff to Seneca, £p. 18, used to build a diaeta^ or set of rooms 
f a plainer kind, perhape for the entertainment of their clients. 

Pauperis extruxit cellam, sed vendidit Olus 
Praedia : nunc cellam pauperis Olus habet. 

)/ EP. 143. (m. 1.) 

On the same snbject as Ep. 139. 

Haec tibi, non alia, est ad cenam causa yocandi, 

Versiculos recites ut, Ligurino, tuos. 
Beposui soleas, affertur protinus ingens 

Inter lactucas oxjgarumque liber. , 

1. nm aHa"] i. e. not for the solum pediB tegebat.* — protinus^ 

Drpose of showing hospitality. See because the * lettuce and dressine * 

Wcker, Gallut^. 209. formed part of the gustus ; Ep. 

3. Kleas] Tnese in-door shoes 617. 5. Lib. xiii. 14, ^claudere 

kre taken off when the guests re- quae mensas lactuca solebat avoram, 

)ined for dinner, and hence they Dic mihi, cur nostras inchoat illa 

lere Bometimeslost, thouffh ffuardcd dapesP* Hor. Sat. ii. viii. 7. 'In 

f a slave; see Ep. 68o. Horace primisacriacircumRapula, iactucae, 

tiicules the rustic guest who carries radices, qualia lassum Pervellunt 

bem into the room in his own hand, stomachum : siser, halec ( = oxvga- 

^iflt. i. 13. 15. The guests asked rum), faecula Coa.* Lib. xiii. 102, 

r them on rising from dinner. * Expirantis adhuc scombri de san- 

I. Sat. ii. 8. 77, * et soleas poscit.* guine primo Accipe fastosum, mu- 

hUa is properly a sandal, * quod nera cara, garum.* 


Alter porrigitur, dum fercula prima moraDtur ; ■ 

Tertiua est, neque adhuc mensa secunda venit. 

Et quartum recitas et quintum denique br^soa. | 

Piitidus eat, totJenB ei mihi ponia aprum. 

Quod Bi aan scombriB acelerata poemata donas, 

Cenabia soIwb iam, Ligurine, domi, il 

hind.' The vord im^liei ■ forwBrd 8. palidui mt] ' la >ta]e.' Enr 

'H petilion, Ep.217. 16 — .fireata,SK., iiainm,' bwome» diBufreeabU wtc 

'nhile tke fint coune ia tardily «e We teo mnch of il; mu.t 

comiiig oD,' ni ' pnrpoKlr delsjed.' mare ■ book U pulidut, i. e. vor 

— leriias, &c., a ridicnlom hypct- lome. Cf. Hor. 8»t. ii. 2. 1' 

bole, ' ■ liird bo>jk before eien tbe ' rsDcidnm ■pnim ■ntiqui Uudaba.- 

Mi»«i coune," (or rather, ' dresert,' noB qui» nuu< Illi» nullus er.: 

Ep.269. 11). 9cd,'&c. /6. 42. < quuiqum pslK 

7.] broma i> an uncertain re»d- ipei ihombueque reeena." 

fip&lia, ■) the areeka B]', irria, Ep. ILO. 4. 

EP. 144. (nr. lii.) j 

Od one who vu tUBpected to hiTe ■et fire Co hii own houio, in oidei :t 
get ia coDtributiona fiom bis friendB. Compsre Jui. iii. 212, eeqq. 

Empta domuB fuerat tibi, Tongiliane, dncenis ; 

Abstuiit hanc nimium casns in urbe frequene. 
Collatimi eat decieua. Ri^o, non potes ipae videri 

Incendisse tuam, Tongiliane, domum ? 

ai." Suet. D"h 

» rertitniL'— /U 
ned in Ep. 681. 

EP. 145. (HL 1t.) 

wiu eicemivelj' mnted. Comp^re Ep. 323. 

^^ »iil. 

1. Cbimuml A fjimoug nukci of -Coimi ■libsMn' 
pcrfuinei. Cf. i. 117. S, 'putillsi aEDie si Ihe oiVrvm 

*iil. 116. luf Ep. £94. 8, whcre nhLken out.'— aBn 


Nolo peregrinis placeas tibi, Gellia, nugis. 
Scis, puto, posse meuin sic bene olere canem. 

namon, imported in Bmall glass bot- 3. pereffrinis] So ii. 12. 2, ' Quod- 
tles (now oflen dug up in Boman que tibi est nunquam non alienus 
tombs, &c.). odor.* 

EP. 146. (III. Ivi.) 

At RaTenna, situated amid marshea by the sea, water was scarce and 
brackisli, so that it was said of the people that ' sitiunt yivi, natant sepulti.* 
At the same time wine was plentifui, so that it was cheaper than good 
water. Tbe same complaint is made by Horace about Canusium, bat. 
i. 5. 9, ' aquae non ditior uma," whereas of Equus Tuticus he says, ^id, 88, 
^ venit ▼ilisaima rerum Hic aqua.^ 

Sit cistema mihi, quam vinea, malo Rayennae, 
Cum possim multo vendere pluris aquam. 

1. eistema] The Cfreek Xafcicos, above ground, and from a weU (pu- 

an aitificial receptacle, or coTered teus), which is supplied by springs.** 

tank for holding raiu-water. " It Rich^s Dict. in v. 
differs firbm our cistemsj which are 

EP. 147. (in. Ivii.) 

On the same subject as the last. — * A cunning tavem-keeper imposed on 
me the other day at Ravenna. When I asked him for wine and water, 
he sold me neat wine * (mere r»m, it has been cleverly tumed). — imposuitj 
aa £p. 182. 10. Juv. iv. 103, ^ facile est barbato imponere regi.^ 

Callidus imposuit nuper mihi copo Bavennae : 
Cum peterem mixtum, vendidit ille merum. 

EP. 148. (ni Iviii.) 

The poet here lauds the farm of Faustinus at Tibur (Ep. 193) as a real 
bonafiae farm, in contradistinction to that of Bassus, mentioned in Ep. 141. 
This^contains a beautiful description of a Roman homestead with its varicd 
livestock, &c. 

Baiana nostri villa, Basse, Faustini 
Non otiosis ordinata mjrtetis 

2. non oHoMf &c.] * Is not one box-groves, keeps ont of cultivation 

of those which, laid out in unpro- broad acres of com-land, but takes 

ductive myrtle-beds, or with solitary a pride in real and wild country.* 

(vineless) plane-trees, oi shapcly So * barbari decus luci/ Ep. 578. 3. 


Viduaque platano tonsilique buxeto 

Ingrata lati spatia detinet campi, 

Sed rure vero barbaroque laetatur. 

Hie farta premitur angulo Ceres omni 

Et multa fragrat testa senibus auctumnis. 

Hic post Noyembres inyninente iam bruma 

Seras putator horridus refert uvas : 

Truces in alta yalle mugiunt tauri 10 

Vitulusque inermi fronte prurit in pugnam. 

Vagatur omnis turba sordidae chortis, 

Argutus anser gemmeique pavones 

Nomenque debet quae rubentibus pinnis 

Et picta perdix Numidicaeque guttatae 15 

Et impiorum phasiana Colchorum ; 

Rhodias superbi feminas premunt galli 

Sonantque turres plausibus columbarum ; 

Gremit hinc palumbus, inde cereus turtur, 

The myrtle and the plane were 362. 7; 617.14. — af^i», * cacklinK,* 

Emong the few treea "which the * noigy,' as * aimita hirundo,* Virg. 

Romans artificially planted for or- Georg. i. 37/, 'aignto passere.' 

nament ; the latter more generally Ep. 473. 8. — flemmeif * spangled,' 

for training yines up the stem and oui * pictae pandunt spectacula au- 

branches. Hor. Carm. ii. 15. 4, aae.* Lib. xiii. 70, *gemmantes 

* platanusque coelebs efincet ulmos ; ozplieat alaa.* 

tum violaiia et Myrtus et omnis 14. nomen^ &c.] The flamiD^. > 

cupia narium spargent olivetis odo- bird imported by the Romans from 

rem Fertilibus domino priori.* the Nile. Lib. xiii. 71, 'Dat mibi 

Great complaint was made at this pinna rubens nomen, sed liDjniit 

time of the quantity of land thus gulosis Nostra sapit.* Jav. zi. li^. 

withdrawn from cultivation. Tac. *■ phoenicopterus ingens.* 

Ann. xii. 43, * at Hercule olim 15. pida] * Spotted ^ (or perhaps 

Italia legionibus longinquas in pro- the red-lecged partridge). Lib. 

vincias commeatus portabat ; nec xiii. 65, it is called * avis rarissimi.' 

nunc infecunditate laboratur * (i. e. — Numidicaef * Guinea fowls," the 

sed Mngratis spatiis campi '). *Afra avis' of Hor. Epod. ii. oS. 

6. IfiCj &C.J ' Here com is packed £p. 156. 4, * nec Libye mittit, nrc 

dose, and . pressed down in every tibi Phasis aves.* See lib. ziii. 7^ 

comer, and many a crock (amphora) — impiorumj in reference to tbe oo* 

is fragrant witli old vintages.* Se- filial deeds of Medea. For the 

neo! aulunmusis like/ama anuSy in pheasant, see ziii. 72, 'Aigot pri* 

i. 39. 2 ; testa anus^ i. ]05. 4. mum sum transportata carioa. Ante 

9. sera^] The uncouth pmner mihi notum nil nisi Phasis eiat.* 

brines home late bunches of grapes, 17. premunt] * Tread.* Pliny, 

which had been left on the ti-ees as N. H. x. 21, § 48, sayi, the cocb 

not fully ripe at the vintage. See of Rhodes and Tanagra were tbe 

Ep. 23. 3. beat fighting bi-eed. 

12. choHis] * The noultiy-yard ;' 19. palimbus] The wood-pigeon, 

a form oicofiortis. Cf. £p. 843. 1; or ring-dove, ^arTa.— Itt^ttr, the 


Avidi secuntur vilicae sinum porci 20 

Matremque plenam mollis agnus expectat. 

Cingunt serenum lactei focum vemae 

Et larga festos lucet ad lares silva. 

Non segnis albo pallet otio copo, 

Nec perdit oleum lubricus palaestrita, 25 

Sed tendit avidis rete subdoltim turdis 

Tremulave captum linea trabit piscem, 

Aut impeditam cassibus refert danmiam. 

Exercet bilares facilis bortus urbanos 

Et paedagogo non iubente lascivi 30 

Parere gaudent vilico capiUati, 

Et delicatus opere iruitur eunucbus. 

Nee venit inanis rusticus salutator : 

Fert ille ceris cana cum suis mella 

Metamque lactis Sassinate de silva ; 35 

Somniculosos ille porrigit glires, 

Hic vagientem matris bispidae fetum, 

Alius coactos non amare capones. 

turtle-doye, "wliicli is called ceretts, country, but go out hunting or fish- 

from its colour. Lib. xiii. 5, ' cerea, ing. Tbcre is an allusiun to the 

qnae patolo lucet ficedula lumbo.* proverb, *perdere oleum,* * to waste 

So * cerea pruna,' Viro. Ecl. ii. 53. (lamp) oil.' — lulrictis, Xnrapd^f 

20. sintan'] The uip, or apron shining with oil. 

fuU of com. — eaf)ectatj the lamb 26. sed tendit, &c.] Hor. Epod. 

shut up at home teUs by its bleating ii. 33, * aut amite levi rara tendit 

that it wants its mother to return retia Turdis edacibus dolos.* 

from the pasture. 29. exercet, &c.] The town slaves 

22. gerenum] viraiOpiov; the old (familia urbana, Becker, Galhis, 

focus stood in the ati-ium, under the p. 202) work cheerfully at the 

aperturc in the roof, which let out garden, which yields a ready return 

the smoke. Cf. Ep. 106. 8, ' nigros for their trouble {/acilis)^ and the 

non indignantiafumos Tecta.* Here master^s sons (Ep. 557. 2), fuU of 

too vere the Lares in their shrine, fiin and frolic, having no tutor to 

larariwn, On a holiday they had give orders, delight to put them- 

offerinsB and decorations, and a huge selves under service to the bailiflP, 

fire (Uirffa silva) blazed on the viz. to dig, &c. — capillati are so 

hearth. — lactei^ * lately weaned, called, as opposed to the crop-headed 

yttKuiirivoL Hor. Epod. ii. 65, slaves ; elsewhere cirrati. 

'positosque yemas, ditis examen 34.] ille answers to /«'c, ver. 37. 

domus, Circa renidentes lares.* * One brings yellow honey in its own 

24. emo] The purvcyor or wine- comb, and a cone-BhM)ed cheese 

seller or the taberaa attached to the from the woodland at Sassina (Ep. 

hon«e. See 15. 9, Becker, Gallusy 23. 7 ; 475. 4) ; another hands 

p. 354. He and the titiining-master sleepy dormice, another a kid, a 

do not waste their time, as they foui-th eapons.* — coactosy &c., exsec- 

wonld have little to do in the tos. For the glis, see xiii. 59, * Tota 



Et dona matrum yimine ofiferunt texto 

Grandes proborum virgines colonorum. ^ 

Facto vocatur laetus opere vicinus ; 

Nec avara servat crastinas dapes mensa, 

Vescuntur omnes ebrioque non novit 

Satur minister invidere convivae. 

At tu sub urbe possides famem mundam 4o 

Et turre ab alta prospicis meras laurus, 

Furem Priapo non timente securus ; 

Et vinitorem farre pascis urbano 

Pictamque portas otiosus ad villam 

Olus, ova, pullos, poma, caseum, mustum. 30 

Rus hoc vocari debet, an domus longe ? 

mihi dormitur hiems, scd pinguior and Portuguese houses, a flat-toppe^ 

illo Tempore sum quo me nil nisi tower of two or three stories wasi 

Bomnus aiit/ feature of the Romaa villa.— «- 

39. et donay &cj ^Presents too curuSy 'free fi'om anziety,* beooae 

from their mothers are ofFered in the Priapus Hn your garden) has nc 

a wicker basket hy the wellrgrown thief to fear, i. e. because jon hvn 

girls of the honest tenants. £t nothing worth stealing. Cf. £;>• 

ova matrum seems a good reading, 580. 4. 

as in £p. 343. 1. See on ver. 50, 49. otiosits] Because your yillA 

inf. supplies you with nothing to do. 

41. vocatur] Viz. ad cenam, Ar. 50. olus, &c.] The commoditin 

Pac. 1146, Tov Te Mavtji/ ii £u|>a here mentioned, which. Bassns ha! 

fiwerTpnardTU} ik tov x«)ptoi;. to buy (Ep. 141), are nearly thoae 

45. /amem mundam] A witty de- which are brought as presents to 
scription of a farm, which is kept Faustinus, ver. 34, seqq. 

as tidy as a garden, but produces 51. domus lottffe} ^JL town-hoo» 
nothing. away from town.* 

46. turre] As in modem Italian 

EP. 149. (ni. Ix.) 

N/ On the invidious diiference between the patron^s and the client''^ diiuuc. 
See Juv. V., andEp. 97. 132. 280. 378. 

Cum Yocer ad cenam non iam venalis ut ante, 
Cur mihi non eadem, quae tibi, cena datur ? 

Ostrea tu sumis stagno saturata Lucrino, 
Sugitur inciso mitulus ore mihi. 

1. cenam\ Yiz. rectam; £p. 114. forent, an Lucrinum ad saxum— 

^venalisy bought, as it were, by the ostrea, callebat primo diffnoccere 

centum quadrantes. morsu.* Hor. Epod. ii. 4d, *Boa 

3. Lucrinn] See Hor. Sat. ii. me Lucrina juverint conchylia.* 

4. 33. Juv. iv. 140, ' Circaeis nata ' 4.] mitulus (edulia), t£e edibls 


Sunt tibi boleti, fungos ego sumo suillos : 6 

Hes tibi cuni i'hombo est, at mihi cum sparulo. 

Aureus immodicis turtur te clunibus implet, 
Ponitur in cavea mortua pica mihi. 

Cur sine te ceno, cum tecum, Pontice, cenem ? 

Sportula quod non est, prosit : edamus idem. lO 

Tiiiscle, Hor. Sat. ii. 4. 28. — inciso minus diluto rubore quam boleti — 

:rey not properlj opened, but with tertium genus suilli venenis ad- 

H. hole made in the Bhell, so that commodatissimi familias nuper in- 

the contents must be sucked through teremere et tota conyivia. The 

it. It is generally explained, ' is * ancipites fungi * of Juv. v. 146. 

sucked hj me with a cut mouth/ 6. apando] Some fish inferior to 

i. e. so that I cut my mouth with a turbot, as a plaice, brill, &c. 

the wide shell. But this would be 8. pica] A jay or magpie that haa 

a far-fetched hyperbole. died in its cage. 

5. bolett] Ep. 13. 2. — suillos^ ' hog 10. prosU^ &c.] Do let us gain 

mushrooms,* a dubious species. some benefit from the sportuLi being 

Pliny, N. H. zxii. 23, § 96, ^tu- abolished (by edict of Domitian, 

tiBsimi (fuugi) qui rubent callo £p. 114). 

EP. 150. (m. Ixi.) 

A rebuke to one who was always aeking some favour as ' a mere trifle.* 
— ' You say it is " nothing at all. Very well then, 1 will give you just 
what you ask.* 

Esse nihil dicis quidquid petis, improbe Cinna : 
Si nil, Cinna, petis, nil tibi, Cinna, nego. 

EP. 151. (III. Ixii.) 

On thc foUy of ostentatious wealth. Compare £p. 133. 

Centenis quod emis pueros et saepe ducenis, 
Quod sub rege Numa condita vina bibis, 

Quod constat deciens tibi non spatiosa supellez, 
Libra quod argenti milia quinque rapit, 

1. cetUenis] * At 100 sestertia fictitioos ages assigned to choice 
apiece.* On tbe high prices given wines. 

forslaves.seeBecker, GaUus, p.201. 3. non spatiosa] A few superficial 

So i. 58. 1, 'milia propuero centum feet of plate cost you, from its 

nie mango poposcit.' xi. 70. 1, rarity or delicate workmanship, 

'vendcre, Tucca, potes centenis 100,000 scstertia; and a single 

milibusemptoB.'* pouud of it in weight carrics away 

2. rege Numa] An hyperbole, of 5000 sestertia. 
eoune, but intcnded to ridicule the 

IT 2 


Aurea quod fundi pretio carruca paratur, h 

Quod pluris mula est, quam domus empta tibi : 

Haec animo magno credis te, Quinte, parare ? 
Falleris : baec animus, Quinte, pusillus emit. 

5. eaimtca] See Ep. 141. 13; 8. pusUlus] fiiKpoirptirii^, fia- 
651. 2. * A gilt coach is bought at vavvot, 
the price of a farm.* 

EP. 152. (in. Ixiii.) 

On a *belhi8 homo/ a * beau* or *gallant,* such as is described in Ep. 
68, and in i. 9, * Bellus homo et magnus vis idem, Cotta, videri ; Sed qui 
bellus homo est, Cotta pusillus homo est.* 

Cotile, bellus Iiomo es : dicunt hoc, Cotile, molti. 

Audio : sed quid sit, dic mihi, bellus bomo ? 
" Bellus bomo est, flexos qui digerit ordine crines, - 

Balsama qui semper, cinnama semper olet ; 
Cantica qui Nili, qui Gaditana susurrat, 5 

Qui movet in varios bracbia volsa modos ; 
Inter femineas tota qui luce catbedras 

Desidet atque aliqua semper in aure sonat, 
Qui legit binc illinc missas scribitque tabellas, 

Fallia vicini qui refugit cubiti ; 10 

3 — 12.] The, definition given by *brachia saltantis, ▼ocem mirare 

Cotilus. This appears from qutd canentis.* Propert. v. 8. 42, * nanns 

narrasy in ver. lo. Otherwise, the — jactabat truncas ad cava buza 

poet might be supposed to ask a manus/ — voUaf £p. 78. 6. 
series oi ironical questions.— -/Zeorof, 7. cathedras] Often ctsed of a 

' curled with the tongs.* £p. o58. 6, woman's chair ; see Becker, Gallus, 

' tu fleza nitidus coma vi^faris.* p. 2P3. Inf. xii. 38. 1, * femineis 

4. dnnamd] Ep. 145. 2. noctesque dies^ue cathedris incedit.' 

5. caniica] *«DittieB.* Properly ▼. 61. 1, ^crispulus iste quis est, 
the woi-d meant a monod^ in the uxori semper adhaeret Qui, Ma- 
Roman comedj. — Nilij from Ca- riane, tuae?* — desidety * aita idle.* 
nopus, perhaps, or Alezandria. — * lounges about.* 

Gaditana, from Cadiz. £p. 21. 12 ; 9. taiellas] * Notes,* viz. ama- 

vi. 71. 2, *6aditanis ludere docta torias. Ovid, A. A. i. 383, * illadum 

modis.* Juv. zi. 162, *ut Gaditana dat recipitque tabellas.* Inf. zi. 64, 

canoro Incipiat prurire choro.* » * Nescio tam multis quid acribas, 

susurraif *whisties/ or *hums Fauste, puellis. Hoc scio, quod 

snatches,* &c. scribit nulla puella tibi.* 

6. movetj &c.] The gesticuiatio, 10. refttgit, &c.] Who shuns con- 
or keeping time to the music with tact with the mantle on his neish- 
the motion of the hands. Ovid, bour^s elbow (on the lecim)^ ust 
A. A. i. 595, * si vox est, canta ; si it should sully his own. 

mollia brachia, salta.' /6. ii. 305, 


Qui scit, quam quis amet, qui per convivia cnrrity 

Hirpini veteres qui bene novit avos." 
Quid narras ? hoc est, hoc est homo, Cotile, bellus ? 

Res pertricosa est, Cotile, bellus homo. 

11. qzii 8ci£] Juv. vi. 402, *haec qaalities. — pertrico$a,*rerytnfiing(' 

sadexn novit — quis amet.* — Hirpini, i. e. Tour * beau * is a thing of many 

i famous nu;e-uorse. Juy. viii. 62, small paTSuita. Tricae^ * trifles,* 

sed Tenale pecus Corytbae pos- like Jpinae, Ep. 58. 2. This ii 

;erita8 et Hirpini, si rara jugo said to bave been the name of a 

rictoria sedit* * small town in Latium. £p. 693. 

13. hoc, &c.] * Is this, and this 7, * sunt apinae tricaeque et si quid 

!tIso, a beUus himoV So Totra Kal vilius istis. 
Toaa is used of varied numbers or 

EP. 153. (m. Ixv.) 

A bighly poetical, though amatorj, description of a favourite boj. 

Quod spirat tenera malum mordente puella, 

Quod de Coiycio quae venit aura croco ; 
Vinea quod primis cum floret cana racemis, 

Gramina quod redolent, quae modo carpsit ovis ; 
Quod myrtus, quod messor Arabs, quod sucina trita, 5 

Pallidus Eoo ture quod ignis olet ; . 
Gleba quod aestivo leviter cum spargitur imbre, 

Quod madidas nardo passa corona comas : 
Hoc tua, saeve puer Diadumene, basia fragrant. 

Quid, si tota dares illa sine invidia? 10 

2. croco] The saffron from Cory- ' cinnamon et multi pastor odoris 
cos in Cilicia. £p. 594. 2, * ultima Arabs * (praebet). — sncina^ rubbed 
quod curvo quae cadit aura croco.* amber, £p. 243. 11; 451. 6; 

3. vtnea] A vineyard when its 594. 6. 

early cliuters are in flower.— cana 8. pan<i\ When it has been in 

refers to the silkv appearance of the contact with hadr that has been 

young leaves. Virg. Georg. ii. 390, moistened with niuxl. 
* hinc omnis largo pubescit vinea 10. sine invidid] &<p66»o»t, not 

fetu.'' sparingly, or as if snatcned &om you 

5. metsor] Propert. iv. 13. 8, reluctantly. 

EP. 154. (in. Ixvi.) 

On the mnrder of Cicero by order of Antony, whicb tbe poct sbows to 
be worse than the death of Pompey by the sword of Ptolemy^s guardian» 
Pothinus. See £p. 263. 


Par scelus admisit Phariis Antonius armis : 

Abscidit voltus ensis uterque sacros. 
Illud, laurigeros ageres cum laeta triumplios, 

Hoc tibi, Roma, caput, ciim loquereris, erat. 
Antoni tamen est peior, quam causa Pothini : 5 

Hic facinus domino praestitit, ille sibi. 

1. PAariis armis] A crime which head, or chief man, at Rome ■wheii 

matches that committed hy the she wasconductingtriumphs; Cicero. 

armed hand of an Egyptian. — vhen she desired to make her voin 

uierqtie^ both Antony and Pothinus. heard. 

—oJbacidU^ compounded from caedo^ 6. pejor'] Antony'8 motiTes wre 

not acindo. — sacros, consecrated to selfish ; Pothinus, at all eyents. 

Rome from their public services. thought to serve his master. 

3. illitd^ &c.] Pompey was the 

EP. 155. (in. Ixvii.) 

An^cpieram on some lazy sailors (real or imaginary), eTidentljr writtpn 
for thc sako of thc joke in the last line, where Aruonautas meaus apyoifss 
' idle/ 

Cessatis, pueri, nihilque nostis, 

Vaterno Rasinaque pigriores, 

Quorum per vada tarda navigantes 

Lentos tingitis ad celeuma remos. 

lam prono Phaethonte sudat Aethon 5 

Exarsitque dies, et hora lassos 

Interiungit equos meridiana. 

At vos tam placidas vagi per undas 

Tuta luditis otium carina. 

Non nautas puto vos, sed Argonautas. lo 

1. nihil nostis'] * You know no- Ad sonitum plaudat resonantifl 
thing of the art of rowing.' caerula tonsis/ — Lentos., &c., • joa 

2. Vatemo^ &c.'| These are the just dip your oars lazily.' 

names of two small rivers running 5. jam prono] Now dcacendin? 

into the Po, not far from Forum the declivity of heavcn, i. e. pasi 

Comelii, where the poet was staying. noon. — Aethony one of the borses of 

4. cefeuma] The voicc of the the sun. 

hoatswain, KeXeucrTijv, See Ep. 7. iuierjungit'} See Ep. 67. 16. 

198. 21. Silv. Ital. v. 360, ' mediae Becker, Gallus, p. 51, noto 22. 

stat margine puppis Qui voce altemos 9. ludiiis otium] * Plav away yonr 

nautamm temperet ictus, Et remis tinie in idlcness,* as ludere earmet^ 

dictet sonitum, pariterque relatis &c. 


EP. 156. (in. Ixxvii.) 

On one, wlio (for certain reaionsof hia own) alwayB prcferred strongly- 
icented viands. 

Nec mullus, nec te delectat, Baetice, turdus, 

Nec Ifepus est unquam, nec tibi gratus aper ; 
Nec te liba iuvant, nec sectae quadra placentae, 

Nec Libye mittit, nec tibi Phasis aves : 
Capparin et putri cepas hallece natantes 5 

Et pulpam dubio de petasone voras, 
Teque iuvant gerres et pelle melandrya cana, 

Resinata bibis vina, Falema fugis. 
Nescio quod stomachi vitium secretius esse 

Suspicor : ut quid enim, Baetice, saprophagis ? 10 

3. iiha] Small round and sweet tunny. Pliny, N. H. ix. 15, § 48, 

roUs. Hor. Epist. i. 10. 10, * utque * cetera parte (thynni) plenis pul- 

sacerdotis fugitivus liba recuso.* pamentis sale adservantur ;^ melan- 

Sat. ii. 7. 10*2, ' nil ego si ducor dryavocanturouercusassulissimilia.* 

libo fumante.* — quadra, &c., a From the dark colour of * heart of 

square piece broken from a scored oak,* t6 fii\av ipvo^, Od. ziy. 12 

cake. See Ep. 312. 1 ; 497. 18. (perhaps the Uex, in which it is 

Hor. Epist. i. 17. 49, *et mihi verjr conspicuous), the pickled fish 

dividuo findetur munere quadra.* — denved its name, much as sailors 

Libye, &c., Ep. 148. 15, lo. call brown and hard salt beef * junk.* 

5. capparin, &c.J ' Capers, and VaiTo, L. L v. § 77, ' Cybium et 

nnions swimming in stale fish- thunnus, quojus item partes Graecis 

pickle, and the lean meat from a vocabulis omnes, ut melandrya atque 

qaestionable (i e. not over-fresh) uraeon.'' 

ham, you greedily devour.* — alec, 8. resiitatd] * Smacking of rosin,' 

haUee^ or o/isiit wassomcthinglike our or with a slight taste of turpentine, 

anchovy sauce. See Hor. ii. 4. 73, like the Greek wines. The amphora 

and 8. 9. — petasom, so ' siccus pe- waa probably lined inside with rosin, 

tasunculus,* Juv. vii. 119. inf. in lieu of glazing, and thus the wine 

xiii. 54, 'lauti de petasone vorent.' derived a flavour. Cf. Ep. 601. 24, 

—^pulpa, Pers. ii. 63, is properly ' et vinum nuce condimus picata.* 

* meat without fet.' Propert. v. 8. 3B, * et Methymna/^i 

7. flerres] Some small pickled Graeca saliva men.* Pers. Sat v. 48. 
fisb, like our sardines. See Ep. 10. gaprophaffis] <ra-wpo(fiaytitf 

657. 15. — melandrya, * heart of oak,' * eat stale food,* or * rotten meat.* — 

a term applied to the tough and tU qutd, tva rt, lit. 'ut quid fiat.°* 

dark-looking flesh of the salted i. e. quare. 



EP. 157. (in. xciv.) 

The same subject as £p. 119. 

Esse negas coctum leporem poscisqne flagella. 
Mavis, Rufe, cocum scindere, quam leporem. 

2. Mcindere] * To cut up/ a play and earperey * to carre/ So Ep 
on the double Benae of verberare 118. 2, * aed nihil Bcidisti/ 

EP. 158. (m. xcix.) 

A reply to the protest of the ambitious cobbler satirized in Ep. 122. 

Irasci nostro non debes, cerdo, libello. 

Ars tua, non vita est carmine laesa meo. 
Non nocuos permitte sales. Cur ludere nobis 

Non liceat, licuit si iugulare tibi ? 

4. juffulare'] To kill gladiators hj pollice vulgi/ Juy. iii. 36. 
tho 6tca, ibid. ver. 2, i. e. * verso 

EP. 159. (in. c.) 

To Rufus (Ep. 78), with the present of the book. The poet jokes on 
the messenffer being wetted with rain, in allusion to the writine beinc 
made ill^ble by water. See Ep. 4 and 475. But there is prooably a 
plaj on ffutdidus in the Bense of * tipsy.* See Ep. 161. 11. 

Cursorem sexta tibi, Rufe, remisimus hora, 
Garmina quem madidum nostra tulisse reor. 

Imbribus immodicis caelum nam forte ruebat. 
Non aliter mitti debuit iste liber. 

4. non aliterl Quasi qui imbre dilui deberet. 

EP. 160. (IV. i.) 

On the birthday of Domitian, whom the poet praises aa miperior to 
Jupiter himself, and for whom he prays a long and happy life. 

Caesaris alma dies et luce sacratior illa, 
Conscia Dictaeum qua tulit Ida lovem, 

2. conscia] * Whirh saw Jupiter^s domini conicia terr» fuit' Ep. 
birth/ Cf. ix. 20. 2, 'Infantls 172.2. 


lionga, precor, Pylioque veni numerosior aevo 

Semper et hoc voltu vel meliore nite. 
Hic colat Albano Tritonida multus in auro 6 

Perque manus tantas plurima quercus eat ; 
Hic colat ingenti redeuntia saecula lustro 

£t quae Romuleus sacra Tarentos habet. 
Magna quidem, Superi, petimus, sed debita terris : 

Pro tanto quae sunt improba vota deo ? 10 

3. Pylio aeool * Counted in larger is to the oak-garland, hnn^^ up at 

numbers than the age of Nestor.* the palace. £p. 444. 7. Ovid, Fast. 

4.] ' May )m (Domitian) for i. 614. 

many years crowned with gold sa- 7. ingenii, &c.] The Ludi saecu- 

crifice to Minerra on the Alban lares recurring every 100 years, he 

Hill, and bestow many an oak gar< ma^ well sav, v. 7, * Magna quidem 

land with his powerful hands ! May petimus.* Cf. Suet. Dom. 4, ' Fecit 

he keep the '^ludi saeculares/* as ludos saeculares computata ratione 

they retum in their great lustrum, temporumabannonon quo Claudius 

<ind the Bacrifices penormed in the proxime, sed olim Augustus edide- 

Terentus.* rat;* and compare Tac. Ann. xi. 11. 

5. Albano'] Cf. Suet Dom. 4, The proclamation usual before these 

'Celebrabat in Albano quotannis games was 'venite ad ludos spec- 

Quinquatria Minervae, cui^oUegium tandos quos nec spectavit quisquam 

instituerat.* Mart. xi. 7. 3, * Caesar nec spectaturus est/ Claud. 21. Tho 

in Albanum jussit me mane renire.* ingeng lustnm (uiyav iviavrdt) is 

£p. 215.1. Stat.Sily.iT.2.62/Saepe the term of 110 years, adopted by 

coronatis iteres Quinquennia lustris Augustus in his computation. In 

— ^Troianae qualis sub collibus Albae the time of the republic these were 

— Palladio tua me manus induit ciJled ludi Tarentini or Taurii. 

auro.* Suetonius also says that They are said to have been insti- 

* Mineryam rellidose colebat.* Cf. tutcd by one Yalerius, whose three 

igie Joyis ac Junonis warmed at a place in the Camput 

Mineryaeque ;* or, multta in auro Martius, called Tarenitm; others 

may mean, occupied in distributing connect it with the battle of the 

golden crowns (sc. to the winners) ; Horatii and Curiatii. The name 

or, lastly, multus in A&ano auro ' Tarentus * is said to be connected 

may be rendered, ' deyoted to the with Tarquinius, and the place 

worship of the golden statue at Alba.* itself to have been the site of Tar- 

Tacitus speaks of * aureum Minenrae quinius Superbus* house at Rome. 

simulacmm,* set up in the curia in For Tarentos, cf. £p. 33; z. 63. 3, 

honour of Nero, Ann. xiy. 12. * Bis mea Romano spectata est yita 

6. querciu] Querca corona, given Tarento* (rc. at tbe seculares of 

tothe yictors in the games instituted Claudius and Domitian). Tlie rites 

in honour of Jupiter Capitolinus, performed at this place were of 

£p. 191. 1. Suet. Dom. iy., * In- a mystic nature, to the inferaal 

Btituit quinquennale certamen Ca- powers; and they were celebrated 

pitolino Jovi triplex musicum, at long intervals. Varro, L. L. vi. 

equestre gvmnicum et aliquanto 24, says it took place in the Yela- 

plurium quam nunc est corona- brum. 
nun.' Perhaps, howevcr, the allusiou 


// EP. 16L (IV. viii.) 

On the routine of duties and amusements in the Roman daf • 

Prima salutantes atque altera conterit hora, 

Exercet raucos tertia causidicos : 
In quintam varios extendit Roma labores, 

Sexta quies lassis, septima finis erit : 
Sufficit in nonam nitidis octava palaestris, 5 

Imperat extructos frangere nona toroR . 
1 lora libellorum decima est, Eupheme, meomm, 

Temperat ambrosias cum tua cura dapes, 
Et bonus aetherio laxatur nectare Caesar 

Ingentique tenet pocula parca manu. 10 

Tunc admitte iocos : gressu timet ire licenti 

Ad matutinum nostra Thalia lovem. 

1. Prima^ &c.] Cf. Juv. i. 128, Xiirapa^ iKToaOt iraXattrrpav. 

* Ipse dies pulchro distinguitur or- 6. /ranffere'] Turbaxc, ac by lyinc 

dine rerum. Sportula, deinde upon. Cf. Ep. 93. 3. 

foinim jurisque peritus Apello.* — 7. Hora^&c] When tbe drinkin^ 

conteritj lassat. has begun, then is the time for jou 

2. raucoa] ' Till they are hoarse,* to introduce my books. Euphemiis 
i. e. 80 as to become hoarse. was ' structor ' to Domitian, and hif 

3. in quintam] i. e. *ad iinem duty it vras to set tUe disliefl in 
quintae.* But in ver. 5, in nonam^ order, and generally to arrange the 
means *" usque ad nonam,* since the dinner. 

nona (about three p.m.) vas the S, ambrosias — fiecfcere] Qttasi Deas 

ordinary dinner hour. A more esset Domitianus. 

fashionable dinner hour was the 10. pctrca] Cf. Suet Dom. 21. 

tenth, £p. 55. 9. ' prandebat ad satietatem, ut nov 

4. quie^] The siesta or midday teniere super cenam praeter M^ 
nap.— ;/£»is, the end of the business tianum malum et modicam in am- 
part of the day. The afteraoon is pulla potiunculam sumeret.* 
devoted to amusement and con- ll.J Cf. Ep. 522. 19; 691. 10. 
vivialitv. Domitian, as censor, might object 

5. nttidis] sc. *oleo.* Athletic to the wanton Muse in his mon 
exercises were used before the bath. sober and serious hours. 

Cf. Ep. 344. 7. Theocr. ii. 51. 

EP. 162. (IV. X.) 

Dum novus est rasa nec adhuc mihi fronte libellns, 
Pagina dum tangi non bene sicca timet, 

I puer et caro perfer leve munus amico, 
Qui meruit nugas primus habere meas. 

1. ra8&-/ronte] Cf. 32. 10, and 3. amieo] To Faustinua. 
110. 8. 


Curre, sed instructus : comitetar Punica librum 5 

Spongia : muneribus convenit illa meis. 

^on possunt nostros multae, Faustine, liturae 
£mendare iocos : una litura potest. 

5. curre, &c.] 'Let a sponffo go Hence the joke in Suet. Anff. 85, 

with it to obliterate it if ivortnless. Traji^oediam magno impetn ezonus 

For the Punica spongia, cf. Pli^y» i^oQ succedenti Btylo abolevit, quae- 

N. H. ix. 45. Aesch. Ag. Ii-i2d, rentibusque amicii« quidnam Ajax 

fio\ai9 vypwtrffuiv v7r6yyo9 wXc- ageret, respondit, Ajacem suum in 

at» ypcL<priv. spongiom incidisae.'* Ib. Calig. 20, 

7. j Many erasions cannot emend * eos, qui maxime displicuiiBent, 

my epigrams, one final one can, viz. acripta sua spongia lingiuive delero 

wiping them all out at once {ik<pa- jussoi.* 
via<«). Cf. £p. 159. .3, and 2. 9. 

EP. 163. (IV. xi.) 

On the rebellion of L. Antonius Satuminus in Upper Oermany. See 
Ep. 492. 

Dum nimium vano tumefactus nomine gaudes 

Et Satuminum te pudet esse, miser, 
Impia Parrhasia movisti bella sub ursa, 

Qualia qui Phariae coniugis arma tulit. 
Excideratne adeo fatum tibi nominis huius, 5 

Obruit Actiaci quod gravis ira freti ? 

1. V€tno nomine] In the accident probably to the Satuminus who 
of being called bv the same name was tribune, and, as Tacitus calls 
as Antony the "friumvir, L. Au- him, Ann. iii. 27, *turbator ple- 
toniuB Saturainus, incited, as Au- bis^^whowascondemnedforseditiou» 
relius Victor tells us, ^Domitiani practices, aud executed a.u.c. 645); 
saevitia et verborum injuriis,* but you wish to be higher than 
stirred up a sedition against Do- that, an Antony, a master of the 
mitian in Oernuiny, the province world. 

allotted to him. He was spcedily 3. Parrhasia] In Northem Ger- 

overpowered and captured, owing many. Ovid calls the constellation 

partly to a sudden inundation from of tbe Oreat Bear ' Parrhasides 

the Rhine, which prevented his stellae,* Fast. iv. 577, i. e. Arcadian, 

barbarian allies fi-om joining him. from Callisto. — Phariae conjugia^ 

Cf. Suet. Dora. 6. Martial hore the Egyptian Cleopatra. Virg. Aen. 

jestingly ascribes his rebellion to viii. 6o8, ' seouiturque (nefas!) 

the pride he felt in his name Aegyptia conjux. 

Antonius, as if he wished to foUow 5. exciderat] Sc. animo. — Ati;u«, 

the example of his great namesake, Antoni. — gravia ira, see Propert. 

and augurs his defeat from the ill v. 6. 47, * nec te quod classis cen- 

omen attached to tho name. tenis remigat alis, Terreat: invito 

2. Satuminum] You are not con- labitur illa mari.* 
tent to be a Saturainus (i^eferring 


Ap tibi promisit Rhenus quod non dedit illi 

Nilus, et Arctois plus licuisset aquis ? 
Hle etiam nostris Antonius occidit armis, 

Qui tibi collatus, perfide, Caesar erat. 10 

7. promisitt &c.] Viz. yictoriam, sibi ;* and 167. 7. 

or tutum refugium. — licuUset^ 9. ilU, &c.] Efen the fiuxioiis 

* should more licence havo been Antony fell before the Roman arms ; 
allowed to a northem than to a and he was a Caesar, compared with 
Bouthem riyerP* Cf. Ep. 184. 8, Satumiuus. 

* nec superi Yellent hoc licuisse 

EP. 164. (IV. xiii.) 

The poet prognosticates a happy issue to the marriase of Pudens and 
Claudia, from their similaritj of disposition and mutual love. It is one 
of the most beautiful epigiums of Martial. If this be the Claudia Rufina 
of Ep. 618, * peregiina * will mean that she was of British biith. 

Claudia, Rufe, meo nubit Peregrina Pudenti : 

Macte esto taedis, o Hymenaee, tuis. 
Tam bene rara suo miscentur cinnama nardo, 

Massica Theseis tam bene vina favis ; 
Nec melius teneris iunguntur vitibus ulmi, 6 

Nec plus lotos aquas, litora mjrtus amat. 
Candida perpetuo reside, Concordia, lecto, 

Tamque pari semper sit Venus aequa iugo. 
Diligat illa senem quondam, sed et ipsa noArito 

Tum quoque cum fuerit, non videatur anus. lo 

1. Claudia — Pudenit} It has been most usual wine for thii puipoBe. 
supposed that these are the same as Cf. xiii. 108, * Attica neciareum 
St. Paul mentions in 2 Tim. iv. turbatis mella Faleraum.* Hor. Sat. 
There is, of course, no proof of it ; ii. 4. 24, * Aufidius forti miscebat 
and probably the idea arose simplj mella Falerao,* ii. 2. 16, * Nisi 
from the similarity of the names. Hymettia mella Falerao ne biberia 

2. macte estd] oi/aioj may this diluta.* B7 an elegant simile the 
marriage-torch 01 Hymen be blessed. union of the foreign with the native 

4. T/ieseis] Atticis vel Hymetticis. is implied. 

This mixture of wine <and honey 8. tam part] Theocr. xii. 15, 

made the mnlsum. The Faleraum, <lX.\a\ous i' i<pi\ii<rau io-M ^vy<». 
however, eems to have been the 

EP. 165. (IV. xiv.) 

To Silius Italicus^ tho poet, bora at Corfinium, in the territorj of tbe 
Peligni, and the author of the poem on the Punic war. Martial mentions 
him again, yi. 64. 10, * perpetui — Bcrinia Sili ;' also £p. 366. 614, 615, 


where his reTerence for Yiigil is mentioiied, whoso close imitator he 


Sili, Castalidum decns sorormn, 

Qui periuria barbari fiiroris 

Iiigenti premis ore perfidosque 

Astus Hannibalis levesque Foenos 

Magnis cedere cogis Africanis : 5 

Paulum seposita severitate, 

Dum blanda yagus alea December 

lucertis sonat hinc et hinc fritillis 

Kt ludit tropa nequiore talo, 

Nostris otia conmioda Camenis, 10 

Nec torva lege fronte, sed remissa 

Lascivis madidos iocis libellos. 

Sic forsan tener ausus est Catullus 

Magno mittere passerem Maroni. 

2. qm, &c.] 'Who in powerfol tain of what you were going to 

strains are suppressinir (i.e. de- throw, as if yon threw from tke 

scribinflr the defeat of) the perjuries hand. Cf. zir. 16, * Qoae Bcit com- 

of barDaric rage, and compelling positos manus improba mittere ta- 

the perfidiouB arts of Hannibal and los, Si per me misit, nil nisi rota 

the tickle Carthaginians to submit facit,* i. e. he can nerer make sure, 

to the great Africani.* — perpniOy but has to trust to fonune. Hence 

Cf. £p. 1»6. 6. aUo Ep. 199. 15, ' Supposita est 

5. cogW] i. e. 'canis quemadmo- blando nunquam tibi tessera talo.* 
dum exacti fuerint.^ Cf. Hor. Sat. — sonat, from the rattling noise. 
i. X. 36, * Turgidus Alpinus jugulat In £p. 272. 3, the player is ' blando 
dnm Memnona.* ii. 5. 41, * Furius male proditus fritulo.* — tropa is a 
hibemas cana nive conspuit Alpes ;* very uncertain reading. It seems 
for Furius Bibaculus had begun a to mean *the trickster,* or *gam- 
poem with * Juppiter hibernas,* bler.* For the whole subject of the 
&c * tali * and * tesserae,* cf. Becker^s 

6. $everitate\ i. e. ' seyero opere.* OafltUy Sc. x. Excursus ii. 

7. dum., &c.] Dimng the Sa- 12. madidos] * Steeped in wanton 
tumalia, at which time only it was jokes.* The excuse for a graye 
allowed to play with ' vetit^ legibus poet reading them is the licence of 
alea.' Cf £p. 593 and 272. the season. 

9. neguiore talo] The talus ap- 13. eic /orsan] Martial compares 

pears to have been thrown from the himself to Catullus, Silius to Yirgil. 

hand, not from the box (' fritiUus, In the same spirit as Catullus might 

^irricula, pymi8,'or *phimus'), and have sent his poem about his mis- 

therefore afrorded more scope for tress^s pet sparrow (cf. Cat. iii.) to 

cheating. This explains incertia Vin;ily80 he humblysendshispoems 

ftlso, *hazardous;* for with the to Silius. 
'fiitilli * you could not be so cer- 


EP. 166. (IV. XV.) 

To R not Tery honest friend, who had asked for a loan, first of aiootj, 
then of plate. 

Mille tibi nummos hestema luce roganti 

In sex aut septem, Caeciliane, dies, 
"Non habeo" dixi: sed tu causatus amici 

Adventum lancem paucaque vasa rogas. 
Stultus es ? an stultum me credis, amice ? negavi 5 

Mille tibi nummos, milia quinque dabo ? 

3. non hahed] The point is, that had not the monej. 

the friend was too stupid to see that 6. milia quinque] The ▼alne of 

this was a polite way of decliuing to the plate. — aaJbo^ a jocose waj of 

lend, and thought that the poet really saTing commodabo. 

EP. 167. (IV. xviii.) 

On a boy killed by the fall of an iricle on his throat. There i« * 
simiUr arffument to Ep. iii. Anthol. Graec., in which the deadi of > 
Thracian boy is recounted, who breaking through whilst aliding onthe 
Hebrus, has nis throat cut by the ice. 

Qua vicina pluit Vipsanis porta columnis 

Et madet assiduo lubricus imbre lapis, 
In iugulum pueri, qui roscida tecta subibat, 

Decidit hibemo praegravis unda gelu : 
Cumque peregisset miseri crudelia fata, b 

Tabuit in calido vulnere mucro tener. 
Quid non saeva sibi voluit Fortuna licere ? 

Aut ubi non mors est, si iugulatis aquae ^ 

l. Qua^ &o.] Cf. 141. 1. — Vips. supported by a hundred columDir 

col.t Uie portico built by Vipsanius Cf. Ep. 72. 9; 124. 1. — porto, tIl 

Agrippa, in front of his temple, the Capcna. 
Pantheum. Cp. £p. 55. 3. It was 7. lioere] Cf. 163. 8. 

EP. 168. (IV. xix.) 

Martial sends to a friend an ' endromis,* tho usefnlness of whicli he 
praijses highly, if not its elegance. Becker lays of the * endromis/ GaUia, 
p. 422, ** The endromis was not a garment, but a thick pieco of clotb. 
torming a coverlet, which was thrown round the body after gymnutic 
exercises, toprevent cold being taken. 1n the same way Trimslchio, 
in Petron. 28, after the bath, covers himsclf with a coccina gaufopa.'^ 



!Ie also refen to xir. 126, * PaaperiB 08t munus, sed non est pauperis imus; 
.lanc tibi pro laena mittimus endromida/ Juv. vi. 246, * Endromidai 
Tyrias et femineum ceroma Quis neecitP* It is mentioned also, Juv. 
ii. 103, *Igniculum brumae si tempore poBcas, Accipit endromiden.* 

Uanc tibi Sequanicae pinguem textricis alumnam, 

Quae Lacedaemonium barbara nomen habet, 
Sordida, sed gelido non aspemanda Decembri 

Dona, peregrinam mittimus endromidam : — 
Seu lentum ceroma teris tepidumve trigona, 6 

Sive harpasta manu pulverulenta rapis ; 
Plumea seu laxi partiris pondera follis, 

Sive levem cursu vincere quaeris Athan : — 

1. SequcnUcae] Gallic. Cf. Jur. 
ix. 27, ^pinguefl aliquando lacemas 
Munimeuta togae. — Et male per- 
cussas teztoris pectine Oalli Accipi- 
mus.'* — pinguem^ * thick,* * coarse,* 
or perhaps ^greasj,* from the dirt 
in tbe wool, or the oil, used in 
spinning or veaving it. See £n. 
28. 4; 280. 7. Suet. Oct. 82, 
* hieme quatemis cum pingui toga 
tunicis — muniebatur.* 

3. .sordidci] * lU-coloured.* 

5. Untum] * Sticky.' — ieriSy rightly 

used with ceroma, in the sense 

of usiog, so as to rub ofF, is impro- 

perly joined also with trigona. 

meaning *to use ofien.* Ceroma 

was a mizture of oil and wax, used 

especially hy wrestlers. Cf. Juv. 

vi. 246. Ep. 260. 3; 344. 9.—tn- 

gona^ a game played by three people, 

in whicn they threw a ball from one 

to the other, catchine it before it 

reached tfie ground. The left hand 

was used principally (cf. Ep. 371. 9 ; 

682. 3, where the parasite is laughed 

at for catcbiug it with both hands, 

and xir. 46, * Si me mobilibus scis 

expulsare sinistris Sum tua; si nescis, 

rustice. reddepilam '). When ' ex- 

pulsare* refers to the form of the 

Samea» 'expulsim ludere* was op- 

posed to * datatim,* which latter was 

said of two people throwing the 

ball from one to the other : the ' ex- 

pulsim ludere * is obscure. On the 

vhole subject of games of ball, cf. 

becker, GaUuSt Sc. Tii. Exc. ii. 

p. 400. 

6. harpada] Petron. 27, * Soleatus 
pila sparsiva exercebatur, nec eam 
amplius repetebat qoae terram con- 
tigerat, sed follem (a bag) plenum 
habebat servus sufficiebatque luden- 
tibus : alter (servus) numerabat pilas, 
non quidem eas quae inter manus 
lusu expellente viorabant. sed eas 
quae in terram decidebant. In this 
game a ball (or more probably balls) 
was thrown among the players, who 
had to Bcramble for them; hehce, 
perhaps, the proverb, * Mea pila est,* 
and rapis^ in allusion to the deri- 
vation from dfiira^fd/. Athenaeus 
says, wviaTdfJLkvoi rrpoi d\Xf]\ou« 
Kai dirofcctfXuovTCS uvapird<rai tov 
fitTaj^if iuiTrovovaif and speaks of it 
as a very severe exercise. It is 
mentionea, iii. 67, * Harpasto quoque 
subligata ludit,* and xiv. 48. 

7. foHie] The largest of the balls 
= our football, strack with the fist 
or arm. Cf. Plaut. Rud. iii. 416, 
* Ego te foUem ' pugillatorium fa- 
ciam.* It was a verv easy game. 
Cf. xiv. 47, ' Ite procul juvenes; mi- 
tis mihi convenit aetas. FoUe decet 
pueros ludere, foUe senes.* If ' fol- 
lis * is correctly used here, ' plumea* 
must mean light; others have re- 
ferred it to the *paganica.* which 
(xiv. 45) was stuffed with teathers ; 
but the epithet laxi agrees better 
with ' foUis,* as may be seen from 
that same passage, ' Haec quae diffi- 
cili turget paganica pluma, FoUe 


Ne madidos intret penetrabile frigus in artus, 

Neve gravis subita te premat Iris aqua : !• 

Ridebis ventos hoc munere tectus et imbres : 
Nec sic in Tyria sindone cultus eris. 

minus laxa est.* It perhaps re- 10.] /rts=p1uvia. Cf.Ep. 655.6. 

Bembled the Scotch g(Af^ a hard 12. JVec 5u;, &c.] ^ Ne m Ttri 

feather-ball stnick with a Btick quidem sindone tam bene coltaf 

partiriSi ^hrow from one to the eris.* He alludes probablr to tbe 

other in tum,* or * take part in.* purple or scarlet lacema, The f 

9. jfemetrtAiUI As Virg. G. i. 93, is, * Even if I were to send joa t 

'penetrabile frigus adurit/ Luc. i. much smarter and more expendin 

495, ^penetrelequefriguB.* — madidos, article of dress, you would not be 

sc. suaore. really so well dressed.* 

EP. 169. (IV. xxi.) 

The argument of an atheist against a Providence, viz. tbat sach a _ 
is allowed to prosper. Compare Arist. Equit. 32. hytl ydp 9tovt; 
"Eyctfyf . Ilotco \pu>/ityo9 TtKfiripitp ; *Oriti Qtoia-iv ixPpot tlfi, mn 
eUoTCtfc ; 

Nullos esse deos, inane caelum 
Affirmat Segius probatque, quod se 
Factum, dum negat haec, videt beatum. 

3. beatim] Divitem; Ep. 419. 517. 5. 

EP. 170. (IV. xxiii.; . 

The poet addresses Thalia (the Muse of Comedy, Ep. 161. 12), in coib- 
plimenting Lustricus Bmtianus, a Greek elegiac poet He ia mentioneJ 
oy Plinj, JSpist vi. 22, as concemed in a lawsuit, and with credit to him- 

Dum tu lenta nimis diuque quaeris, 

Quis primus tibi quisve sit secundus, 

Graium quisve epigramma compararlt : 

Palmam Callimachus, Thalia, de so 

Facundo dedit ipse Brutiano. ( 

1 — 5.] ' While you, T£alia, are ing of the thlrd yerse is not clear; 

long hesitating who is your best, or Graium seems the genitiye, and 

who vonr next best poejt, or who of comparare (from compar) is * to 

tbe (jfreeks can compo^e as good an match/ or produce an equal, viz. to 

«pigram, Callimachus '''himself gave Latin epigrams. If we join Oraimm 

^P (P^y W''^^ <^^7 ffom himself; his epigramma, eomparare most men 

oy»n palm to Bratianus.* The mean- * to compose.* 


Qui si Cecropio satur lepore 
Homanae sale luserit Minervae, 
Illi me facias, precor, secundmn. 

6 — 8. J But if he, tired of Attic wit, literatare, then, O Ma§e, praj ma} 
should sport in the field of Roman me to come next after him.* 

EP. 171. (IV. xxiv.) 

On a veneflca who had poisoned off and bm-ied (exiulit) all the friends 
of her own sez. The poet is anxioiu to obtain her acquaintance for his owu 


Onmes quas habuit, Fabiane, Ljcoris amicas 
Extulit : uxori £[at amica meae. 

EP. 172. (IV. XXV.) 

Martial praises Altinum and Patavium as even superior to Baiae, and 
hopes to end his life there. The places mentioned here are in Yenetia, 
mostly on the coast of the Adriatic. 

Aemula Baianis Altini litora villis 

Et Phaethontei conscia silva rogi, 
Quaeque Antenoreo Dryadum pulcherrima Fauno 

Nupsit ad Euganeos Sola puella lacus, 
Et tu Ledaeo felix Aquileia Timavo, 5 

Hic ubi septenas CjUarus haurit aquas : 
Vos eritis nostrae requies portusque senectae, 

Si iuris i^erint otia nostra sui. 

2. PhaethorUei, &c.] The woods oras.* Juv. viii. 15, * Euganea qiMn- 

which saw the funeral pile of Phae- tumvis mollior aqua,* where see Mr. 

thon, i. e. the neighbourhood of the Major^s note. Some local legendre* 

Po, in which Phaethon was drowned. presented the marriage of the nymph 

Cf. Ep. 160. 2. with Faunus. 

3.] Antenoreo=sFa.ta.yinoi forAn- 6. Cyllarus] The horse of Castor 

tenor is said to haye founded Pata- ^whence Ledaep, sup. 5), cf. Ep. 

vium after his fiight from Troy. Cf. 407. 7. — septenas. Yiigil says that the 

Virff. Aen. i. 242, ' Antenor potuit, Timayus runs * per ora noyem* into 

memis elapsua Achiyis, Illyricos the sea. 

Einetrare sinus atque intima tutus 7. Vos, &c.] Cf. Horace, ii. 6. 5, 

egna Libumorum, et fontem supe- ' Tibur Argaeo positum colono Sit 

rare Timayi — Hic tamen ille urbem meae sedes utinam senectae, Sit 

Patayi, aedesque locayit Teucrorum, modus lasso maris ac yiarum Mili- 

et genti nomen dedit.* tiaeque.* Apparently in this matter 

4. Sol<i\ (La Solane), a lake at Martial was not ' iuris sui/ for he 

the bottom of the Euganean hills. Cf. died at Bilbilis in Spam. 
Ep. 579. 1, ^ Euganeas Helicaonia 



EP. 173. (IV. xxvi. 

Quod te mane domi toto boii vidimus anno, 
Vis dicam, quantum, Postume, perdiderim ? 

Tricenos, puto, bis, vicenos ter, puto, nununos. 
Ignosces : togulam, Postume, pluris emo. 

1. vidimml i. e. salutatum Teni- was sometimes given; eee E^.3'>. 

mus. 3. 

3. TrioenoB] Thirty seBterces, per- 4. Tgnosces, &c.] i. e. I pay vm 

haps, on two occasions, or twenty on for the scanty toga, wbich I wearn: 

thi-ee occasions.* In lieu of the usual in coming to see you every mornix' 

centum quadranteSy a larger sportula than your hounty will replace. 

EP. 174. (IV. xxvii.) 

The poet begs Domitian to mortifj those, who envied, and affected tt 
disbelieve in, hiscourt favour, by heapine more benefits upon him. Heb^ 
already been honoured " non sola voce/ but more substantiaUy with tlt 
** jus trium liberorum''* (£p. 107. 108), and had been maule tnbooe a> 
knight, iii. 95 : * Vidit me Roma tribunum £t sedeo qua te suxiu 

Saepe meos laudare soles, Auguste, libellos. 

Invidus ecoe negat : num minus ergo soiea P 
Quid, quod honorato non sola voce dedisti 

Non alius poterat quae dare dona mihi ? 
Ecce iterum nigros corrodit lividus ungues. 

Da, Caesar, tanto tu magis, ut doleat. 

2. ergo] £a de causa. £p. 107), which you alone m^-'^ 

3. quid quodf &c.] * Nay, further; bestow.* 

you have nven me, who have been 5. nigroa'] Malignos, in allo£<< 
honoured by more than mere praise, to livor and liviitu. — ut ddeni- 
privileges (e. g jus trium liberorum, * merely to spite him.* 

EP. 175. (IV. XXX.) 

Martial wams a fisherman not to fish in the lako of Baiae (LQcrine). ^ 
that the fish are sacred, and know their lord and maater Domitian ao *5^' 
as to feed out of his hand. To deter him, he tells how one who had W' 
merly fished there lost his sight as a punishment for hia sacril^, 

Baiano procul a lacu recede, 

1. Baianus lacui\ Used in the same sense Tac. Ann. xiv. 4. 


Piecator ; fuge, ne nocens recedas. 

Sacris piscibus hae natantur undae, 

Qui norunt dominum manumque lambunt 

Illam, qua nihil est in orbe maius. 5 

Quid, quod nomen habent et ad magistn 

Vocem quisque sui venit citatus ? 

Hoc quondam Libys impius profundo, 

Dum praedam calamo tremente ducit, 

Raptis luminibus repente caecus ^O 

Captum non potuit videre pisceni, 

Et nunc sacrilegos perosus hamos 

Baianos sedet ad lacus rogator. 

At tu, dum potes, innocens recede 

lactis simplicibus cibis in undas, 15 

Et pisces venerare delicatos. 

2. nocens] = sacrilegus. 4.] See Ep. 531. 22 Bqq.— o/oAw, 

3. natantur] Cf. £p. 297. 2. Ov. ' when summoned by tho keeper or 
Tr. V. 2. 25, 'quot piBcibus unda nomenclator.* 

natatur.'* * Nato * is used transitiyely, 8. prq/itndo] The ablatiye depends 

xiv. 196, * Ipsa suaa melius charta either on ducU or on captumt yer 1 ] . 

natabit aquas,^ similarlj to natatur. 13. roff<xtor} A beggar. Cf. £p. 

We find several apparently intran- 511. 4. 

sitiyeyerbsusedin tnepassiye voice, 15. simplicibits'] Not put on a 

foyeming a dative, as r^no. Cf. hook. 

lor. Od. ii. 6. 11 ; iii. 29. 27. Vii-g. 16. delicatoa] Cf. Ep. 531. 23, 

Aen. iii. 14, &c.—8ileo and taceo, 'petfishes.* Another readiufr is * ae* 

Ep. 25. 1. Oy. Am. ii. 18. 36. dicatos/ yiz. to Domitian. 

EP. 176. (IV. xxxii.) 

A drop of amber (the fossil rosinof an eztmct conifer, called Phaethontis 
gutta from the sisters of Phaethon, who were changed into poplan, and 
still were supposed to weep amber) fell upon a beo, and hardened round it. 
Martial congratulates it on'siich a noble tomb. The same is the subject 
of Ep. 194. 283. Cf. also Tac. Germ. 45, of the succinum. ' Tcrrena 
quaedam atque etiam yolucria animalia plerumque interlucent, quae impii- 
cita hnmore mox durescente materia clauduntur.* 

Et latet et lucet Phaethontide condita giitta, 

Ut videatur apis nectare clusa suo. 
Dignum tantorum pretium tulit illa laborum : 

Credibile est ipsam sic voluisse mori. 



EP. 177. (IV. xxxiii.) 

Plena laboratis habeas cum scrinia librisy 

Emittis quare, Sosibiane, nihil ? 
" Edent heredes " inquis " mea carmina." Quando ? 

Tempus erat iam te, Sosibiane, legi. 

2. emiUis] See £p. 2. 11. haps we should nther take itsimpk 

4. Tempus erat, &c.] i. e. *■ It Ib ^'After you aro dead It will be fonoi 

quite time for some one to edit your that) now, whilst jou are alive, ^a 

books, 80 die at once.* For ercU^ cf. the proper time for you to be read'-- 

Hor. Od. i. 37. 3, 4, ' Omai^e pulvinar the * erat ' referrinff back from his 

Deorum Tempus erat dapibus.* Per- death to the time wheii he 'wbs aliTc» 

EP. 178. (IV. xxxiv.) 

Sordida cum tibi sit, yerum tamen, Attale, dixit, 
Quisquis te niveam dixit habere togam. 

niveam] A play on the meanings and 89. 8, * lateria frigora tiiti 
•white' and *cold.* So Ep. 469. 8, times.' Lib. iii. 34. *fHgida c« et 
*■ quam possis niveam dicere jure suo ;* nigra es ; non es et es Chione.* 

EP. 179. (IV. XXXV.) 

On two buckfi (fallow deer) set to fight in the amphitheatre. The po^t. 
to compliment Domitian, who was fond of such signts, expresses suipnse 
that such timid and gentle creatures should fieht to the death, like buUs or 
gladiators. There is a similar epigram, itif. 74, in this hook. 

Frontibus adversis molles concurrero danmias 

Vidimus et fati sorte iacere pari. 
Spectavere canes praedam stupuitque superbus 

Venator cultro nil superesse suo. 
Unde leves animae tanto caluere furore ? 5 

Sic pugnant tauri, sic cecidere viri. 

3. apectavere'] Stupuere videntes, 5. unde\ yiz. ezcept to please Do- 
* stood gazing at.* mitian. -4eveiy see Lucr. iii. 299. 

EP. 180. (IV. xxxvii.) 

Afer was continually boasting of his wealth. Martial says that the onlj 
way to make him bear hearing this repeated bo otteB, it to pay him for it 
Cf. Ep. 196. 


** Centum Coranus et ducenta Mancinns, 

Trecenta debet Titius, hoc bis Albinus, 

IDeciens Sabinus alterumque Serranus ; 

£x insulis fundisque triciens soldum, 

Ex pecore redeunt ter ducena Parmensi :" 5 

Totis diebus, Afer, hoc mihi narras 

!Et teneo melius ista, quam meum nomen. 

!Numeres oportet aliquid, ut pati possim : 

Cotidianam refice nauseam nummis. 

Audire gratis, Afer, ista non possum. 10 

1. cen/tnn] 8C. millia Bestertium. — Some derive ' inquiiinus* from this 

^o« 6t9, bis tantnm. word ; but it is more likely to be a 

3. alteruml bc. decies = yiciens form of *■ incolinus/ Cf. Suet Ner. 
^centena millia). Cf. Ep. 48. 1. 44, * inquilinos priTataiiim aedium 

4. iruuiis] HouseB not joined to atque insularum. 

tlie neighbouring houses by a party- 5. Parmenst] Cf. xir. 155, * Velle- 

Tva.ll. Under the Emperors insulae ribus primis Apulia, Parma secundis 

were houses inhabited in flats bj nobilis.* Ep. o7. 4, and 224. 8. 

difTerent families; as opposed to 7, teneo] (xt, au^ofiai is^a, 196. 

dnmus^ ' a mansion* or town-house, 15. 

inhabited by one familv. They are 8. mmerts] 'Pay down in ready 

contrasted in Suet. Nero. 16. 38. monej.* 

EP. 181. (IV. xxxix.) 

On a wealthy but disreputable coUector of ancient plate. 

Argenti genus omne comparasti, 

!Et solus veteres Mjronos artes, 

Solus Praxitelus manum Scopaeque, 

Solus Phidiaci toreuma caeli, 

Solus Mentoreos habes labores. 5 

Nec desunt tibi vera Gratiana, 

Nec quae Callaico linuntur auro, 

3. mantts] Ep. 424. 2. * Hand j- * Yasa ex argento mire inconstantia 
work ;* as arU»^ * works of art/ tnr- humani ingeni variat nullum genus 
ivtes^ 'Yirtuous actions;* Utboretf officinae diu probando. Nunc Fur- 
ver. 5. , niana,nuncClodiana,nuncGratiana, 

4. Phidiaei toreuma eaelx] * Cu^ nunc anafflTpta— quaerimus.* 
enfi^Ted by the chasing-tool of Phi- 7. Cauaico] Hispano ; from the 
dias.'* Cf. iii. 35, *Artis Phidiacae Gallaeciy a people of Hispania Tar- 
toreuma clarum Piscea adspicis.* raconensis. Cf. 519. 3, and xiv. 95, 
Pliny, H. N. 35. 8, sajs of Phidias, * QuamviB Callaico rubeam generosa 
* primns artem toreuticen aperuisse metallo, Glorior arte magis nam 
ntquedemonstrassemeritojuaicatur.* Myos iste labor.^ — linuatur, *are 
Becker, Galius, p. 304. lined/ or * inlaid in lines,* viz. as 

5. Mentoreos] Juv. viii. 102—4. * chiysendeta/ Ep, 87. 11. 
Graiiana, Pliny, N. H. zxziii. 49, 


Nec mensis anaglypta de patemis. 

Argentum tamen inter omne miror, 

Quare non habeas, Chaiune, purum. lo 

8. anaglypta] Yases with the or- embossed/ with a cut here at the 

namentg in bas-relief, * aspera sig- impuritas of Charinus. Jn7. x. h 

nis/ Virg. y. 261, dva-ykvtpw. — *paaca licet portes argenti Tascnk 

mensi* de patemis, handed down by puri/ though this may mean ' nn- 

your ancestors. alloycd.* 

10. purum^ (Argentum), ' not 

EP. 182. (IV. xl.) 

To an ungrateful patron, who in less prosperous circumatances had ben 
Berved faitfafully for thirty years, and yet done nothing for his client. 

Atria Pisonum stabant cum stemmate toto 

Et docti Senecae ter numeranda domus ; 
Praetulimus tantis solum te, Postume, regnis : 

Pauper eras et eques, sed mihi consul eras. 
Tecum ter denas numeravi, Postume, brumas : 5 

Conmiunis nobis lectus et unus erat. 
lam donare potes, iam perdere plenus honorum, 

Largus opum : expecto, Postume, quid facias. 
Nil facis, et serum est alium mihi quaerere regem. 

Hoc, Fortuna, placet ? Postumus imposuit. \^- 

1. cum\ Here, perhaps, the pre- sofa, which being the onlr one t« 

position : ' The halls of the wealthv patron possessed, was shai-ed bj the 

I*isones were then standing with all client. 

their ancestral busts/ This family 7. ^aw, &c.] * Now you are in a 

had declined since the conspiracy of position to give, and even to squan- 

Cn. Piso agaiust Nero, a.d. 65. — der, fiill of honours as you are, u«i 

Senecaey Ep. 31. 7, * duosque Sene- so liberally supplied with wealil» 

cas unicumque Lucanum. Hence There seems irony in iargus^ whB 

isr numeranaaf having three distin- really meansjD/eniMrather thanfro- 

guished members. diffus. 

3. regnis] The houses of these 9. regem\ Patronnm. 

gieat men. So Ep. 656. 8; 669. 19.' 10. imposuit] ' Postumus isu iic 

4. equea] You wore only a knight postor,* i. e< he has cheated me ^} 
with modcrate fortune ; but I sorvcd my hopes, you of vour intentioB io 
you as if you had been a consul. giving him wealth, to attiat b:i 

6. ledu»] Perhaps the dinner- frieuds. See on Ep. 147. 1. 

g EP. 183. (IV. xi;.; 

On one who put woollen wrappvrs round his throat in conseqncnco ^ 
hoarseness. The poet says, it is tho ears of the hearers that want wool, that 


cy naay not be ofFemled by Buch croaking. Compare Ep. 123, 295, and 
(5 ; xiv. 142, * Si recitaturaB dedero tibi forte libellum, Hoc focale tuas 
sei*at aiiriculua.* Hor. Sat. ii. 3. 255, * ponas insignia morbi Fasciolaa, 
ibital, focalitt,* 

Quid recitaturus circumdas vellera collo ? 
Conveniunt nostris auribus ista magis. 

EP. 184. (IV. xliv.) 

On the famous eniption of Veauyius, in the reign of Titus. Cf. Plin. 
ilp. vi. 16 and 20. Suet. Tit. R, * conflagratio Vesvii montis,* viz. that 
n which Pompeii and Herculaneum (v. 6) were destroyed, and Pliny 
he £lder perisned. 

Hic est pampineis viridis modo Vesvius umbris, 

Presserat hic madidos nobilis uva lacus. 
Haec iuga quam Njsae colles plus Bacchus amavit, 

Hoc nuper Satyri monte dedere choros. 
Haec Veneris sedes, Lacedaemone gratior illi, 5 

Hic locus Herculeo numine clarus erat. 
Cuncta iacent flammis et tristi mersa favilla : 

Nec superi vellent hoc licuisse sibi. 

2. lacus] The vats iii which the 7. irvH] * Dismal.* Pliny, Ep. 
wine is receivcd froni the press, pre- vi.20. 18, ^occursabanttrepidantibus 
lum.' — mreaserai^ *filled. — noijiliSf adhuc oculis mutata omnia altoque 
" choice, £p. 269. 19. cinere tanquam nive obducta.* 

3. Nysaey &c.] In India, where 8. Nec^ &c.] * Not even the gods 
Bacchus is said to have been born ; -u-ould wish that they had the power 
lience his narae Dionysus. to do this,* viz. which some infemal 

5. Laoedaemone] As the goddese agency has done. Cf. 163. 8, and for 

Ava.x called Cytherea, from the island this use of nec for ne^mdein^ £p. 

nf Cythera.— /r«rctt^, see £p. 8. 1. 127. 6 ; 263. 4. 
Ilcnce tlio name Herculaueum. 

EP. 185. (IV. xlv.) 

Martial joins his prayers to Apollo with those of Pailhenius (cubiculo 
Domitiani praepositus, Suet. Dom. 16.) for the safety of his son Burrus 
Cf. Ep. 217. 6. 

Haec tibi pro nato plena dat laetus acorra, 
Phoebe, Palatinus munera Parthenius, 

Ut qui prima novo signat quinquennia lustro, 
Impleat innumeras Burrus Oljmpiadas. 

j. aeerra] Censer. Cf. Hor. Od. thuris plena.* 
iii. 8. 2, * Quid velint fiores et acerra 3. tU gu», &c.] ' That Burrus, who 


Fac rata vota patris : sic te tua diligat arbor 

Gaudeat et certa virginitate soror : 
Perpetuo sic flore mices, sic denique non sint 

Tam longae Bromio, quam tibi, Phoebe, comae. 

is marking the completion of his iint Daphne was changed in flyiog tte 

five yean oy a new lustram (i. e. one punuit of Apollo. 

that ne has not before seen), maj fiU 7. Jlorel bc. jnventae. — coaor, 

more Olympiads (i. e. quinquennia) Tibull. i. 4. 37, * Solia aetema ec 

than we can count.* Phoebo Bacchoque juTentus : N&3 

5. arbor} Laums, into which deoetintonsuscrinifiutramqttcdenic' 

EP. 186. (IV. xlvi.) 

An ironical oongratulation to a second-rate lawycr for the presents he hii 
receiyed from his clients. Compare Jur. vii. 119 seqq. 

Satumalia diyitem Sabellum 

Fecerunt : merito tumet Sabellus, 

Nec quenquam putat esse praedicatque 

Inter causidicos beatiorem. 

Hos fastus animosque dat Sabello 5 

Farris semodius fabaeque fresae, 

Et turis piperisque tres selibrae, 

Et Lucanica yentre cum FaliscOy 

Et nigri Syra defruti lagona, 

Et ficus Libyca gelata testa 10 

1. Satumalia] For the gifts eent paunchilaFali8ci,cf.ziii.35/Fua 

by clients to their patrons on the Picenae venio Lucanica porcae : Pd* 

Satumalia, cf. Stat Syly. iv. 9. Suet. tibus hinc niveis grata corona dalor.' 

Aug. 75. Theee gifls weie called Yarro, iv., * Lucanicam dicunt qnod 

JCenia, Thus Martial calls his 13th milites a Lucanis didicerunt qui ett 

book * Xenia/ as intended for a nre- Faliscis ventrem.* Perhapa a und oi 

Bent to his friends at the Satumalia ; haggis^ made irom the paunch of i 

or apophoreta^ cf. Suet. Yesp. 19, FaUscan boar. 

' Daoat SatumalibuB viris apopho- 9. Svra'] Said to be = vitna, b^ 

reta.* cauM glass was first made in Sjn», 

5. kot, &c.] * These airs and this on the testimony of Pliny, xxzi. ^- 

conceitis given to Sabellus by a half- —defruHj wine boiled down to bilf> 

bushel of oread-com and of^braised cf. Pliny, xiv. 9, 'sapa — ingeDioo" 

beans^andthreehalf-poundsoffrank- naturae opus est, musto usque «^ 

incense aud pepper. —freioe^ from tertiam partem mensurae decocto. 

frendo^ wbich is more commonly ouod ubi factum ad dimidium est. 

said of gnashing the teeth. aefnitum vocamus.* It \vas lai^l! 

7. tre» ulibr<u\ Probably ^ven employed to flavour other wn^ 
by three different clients. wines. 

8. iMMmica ventre eum Falisco] 10. gelata] Crystallized in a lanif 
Sausaget of Jmcania and a pig's or the iigs were pressed down iaw 


Cum bulbis cochleisque caseoque. 

Piceno quoque venit a cliente 

Parcae cistula non capax oliyae, 

Et crasso ^svli polita caelo 

Septenaria synthesis Sagunti, l^ 

Hispanae luteum rotae toreuma 

Et lato variata mappa clayo. 

Satumalia fructuosiora 

Annis non habuit decem Sabellus. 

jaxB, and the sweet juice that ezaded TtOij/uc^ beingproperly acoUection ot 

from them, hardening round them, any thmg. Vt. Stat. Sylv. ir. 9. 44, 

made them as it were gdatae^ what * Aut unam dare Bjnthesin qnid hor- 

we call *cake-fig8;* 6r. irakaata, reo Alborom calicum atque cacabo- 

W, bulb%»\ Perhape 'trufaes.— rum.*— ^(^n/t, cf. Ep. 390, 2 ; xiv. 

eochleit^ snails; they were fed in 108, *Sume Saguntino pocula ficta 

ponds for the puinose of eating. luto.* 

Becker, Gallus, p. 4ol. 16. rotae\ cf xiv. 102, * Surrenti- 

12. Pioenai] Cf. xiii, 36 (oliva) nae leve toreuma rotae,^ i. e. from the 

Quae Picenis venit subducta trapetis. potter^s wheel— /tffetfi», MU-baked/ 

— Parcae^ &c., paucarum olivarum. or perhaps *■ with bas-relief pattems 

15. Septenana srffUheaisl * Asetof maae in the clav.* 

leven cups from Saguntam,* some- 17. /o^o c/ai^J^Quasisenatoresset 

thinglike our cruets; synthesit {ai>v Sabellus.* 

EP. 187. (IV. xlvii.) 

On a pictnre of Phaethon in encaustic colours. As the unskilful driver of 
the Bun*8 chariot, he is plajfully said to have passed twic« through the fire. 
Cf. Ovid, Fast. iii. 831, *quique moves caelum tabulamque coloiibusuris;* 
iv. 275, ^picta coloribus ustis — puppis.* Pliny, N. H. 35. 11, § 122, *ceris 
pinffere ac pictnram inurere qms primus excogitaverit nou constat.* Ib. 
§ 149, ' encausto pingendi duo fuere antiquitus genera, cera et in ebore 
cestro, id est viriculo* (i.e. with agraving-tool), *donec classes pingi coepere. 
Hoc tertinm accessit resolutis igni ceris penicillo utendi, ouae pictura navi- 
bus nec sole nec sale ventisque corrumpitur.* Plutarch, Mor. Amator. 16, 
mentions clKovfv i» iyKavfiaai ypa<p6fiivui iitk wpoi. To the ship- 
painting Livv alludes, xxviii. 45, * inceramenta navium.* 

Encaustus Phaethon tabula tibi pictus in hac est. 
Quid tibi vis, dipyrum qui Phaethonta facis ? 

EP. 188. (IV. xlix.) 

The poet, in an epigram to Yalerius Flaccus (cf. Ep. 37), extols Epigram- 
matir! poetry above Heroic. In Ep. 510, again, he gives the reason of iti 
huperiority, that it treats of men, not fables. 

Nescit, crede mihi, quid sint epigrammata, Flacce, 
Qui tantum hisus ista iocosque vocat. 


11.3 magis ludit, qui scribit prandia sacvi 

Tereos, aut cenam, crudo Thyesta, tuam» 
Aut puero liquidas aptantem Daedalon alas, 

Pascentem Siculas aut Polypliemon oves. 
A nostris procnl est omnis vesica libellis, 

Musa nec insano syrmate nostra tumet. 
** Illa tAmen laudant omnes, mirantur, adorant.** 

Confiteor : laudant illa, sed ista legunt. " * 

4. crude] So Ovid, * Non tibi Ther- 8. syrmoUe] Tlie dress of thc trae» 

modoQ cinidusve rogabitur Atreus/ actor, a long flowing robe. Cf £p> 

where it ia = crudefis. The original 688. 3. Hor. A. P. 278, ' penoaar 

meaning is blood-stained (quasi cru- pallaeque repei-tor honestae Aeacbt* 

idus a cruore), and it is ao used bv lus." Juy. Tiii. 229. 

Ov. Tr. iii. 11. 19, * vulnei-acruda;' 9. lUa] Sc. tragoedia. — ista a» 

Hor. Ep. 8. 6, ^crudae bovis.* opposed to it, means ^ those writiD& 

7. vesica] Inflated nonsense,oY«rov. which you and I agree to prrfer.* 

j^ EP. 189. (IV. li.) 

Caecilianus, vrho, when poor, had lived extravagantly, became amiser er 
a great accession of wealth. Martial prays that he may get back his oVl 
•uxury and — poverty. Cf. Ep. 48. 52. 

Cum tibi non essent sex milia, Caeciliane, 

Ingenti late vectus es hexaphoro ; 
Postquam bis deciens tribuit dea caeca sinumque 

Ruperunt nunmii, factus es, ecce, pedes. 
Quid tibi pro meritis et tantis laudibus optem ? 

Di reddant sellam, Caeciliane, tibi. 

2. kexapkorol ' Quod sextacervice used as a purso. Cf. Ov. Am. t. \0. 
ferebatur, cf. Juv. i. 64 ; Ep. 103. 18. * Quo pretium coudat, dob 
314. 4. 10. Becker, Gallus, p. 345. habet ille sinum.' Ep. 10. 10. 

3. sinum] The bosom of the toga 

EP. 190. (IV. liii.) 

Afrainst one who, pretending to be a cynic phiiosopher, waa so onij la 
the nlthiness of his aress and ecurrility of his lauguage. 

Hunc, quem saepo yides intra penetralia nosti^ao 
Pallados et templi limina, Cosme, novi 

1. inlra penetralia et limind\ The "habitavit in portarum vcstihultt 
cynic Dhilosophers,following the ex- et porticibus civitatum/* had no rt- 
amplc of their master Diogenes, who gular dwelling-place, but lived pria* 


Cani baculo peraque senem, cui cana putrisque 
Stat coma et in pectus sordida barba cadit ; 

Ccrea quem nudi tegit uxor abolla grabati, 6 

Cui dat latratos obvia turba cibos ; 

lCsse putas Cjnicum deceptus imagine ficta : 
Non est hic Cynicus, Cosme : quid ergo ? Canis, 

('.ipallyintheporticoeBpftemples; 80 scryes bim at night for blankct, 

i-veuthiBWould be cynic-baunted. — sheet, and all. See Mayor on 

wistrae PaUadoB, Ep. 160. 5, the Juv. iii. 115. — Cerea, cf. i. d2. 7, 

ncv temple raised bj Domitian to * Cerea si pendet lumbis et trita la- 

Minerva, in honour of the Flavia cema.* — grabatus, 6r. Kpati^aTo»^ 

gens, mentioned Ep. 445. 8. was a bed of the lowest order. Ibid. 

3. baado peraque^ &c.] Cf. AuBon. ver. 5, * Si tibi nec focus est, nec nudi 

Ep. 53, *" Pera, polenta, tribon, bacu- sponda grabati.* See Becker, Gallus, 

]i», MjphuB, arcta supeUex iBta fuit p. 291. — uxor^ Bocia lecti. So xiv. 

oynici. — putriSf not crisp and close, 119, ^O quutienB pellex culcita &cta 

but falling off. mea est.* 

5. nudi—prabatt] The couch is 6. /o^ra/osli. e. latratibus extortos. 

nudtu dnring tlie day, when the Cynic 8. Canis] The Greeks habitually 

wears the thiead-bare cloak tbat called a cynic kvwv. 

EP. 191. (IV. liv.) 

Martial warns CoUlnus, who had won tbe cbaplet of oak-leiiveB iii the 
z:niies at the Quinquennalia (cf. Ep. 160. 6 ; 446, 8), to make the most of 
Jiia life, for tkat all his merits will not staj the hand of fate. Tliis advico 
Mailiai often urges upon his friends, as £p. 10. 93. 106. 230. 356, et aUbi. 

O cui Tarpeias licuit contingere quercus 

£t meritas prima cingere fronde comas, 
Si sapisy utaris totis, Colline, diebus 

Extremumque tibi semper adesse putes. 
Lanificas nulli tres exorare puellas 5 

Contigit : observant qucm statuere diem. 
Divitior Crispo, Thrasea constantior ipso 

Lautior et nitido sis Meliore licet : 

S.<o/M]Without dcvotinganypart Ep. 508. 10.— Thrasea, cf. Ep. 5. I. 

to studv. ^ Tacitus, Ann. xvi. 21 , gi ves hi m high 

4.] So Hor. Ep. i. 4. 12, * Inter praise : * Nero virtutem ipsam ex- 

spem curamque, timores inter et 8cindereconcupivitinterfectoThi'ase& 

inis, Omnem crede diem tibi dilu- Paeto et Barea Sorano,^ in which 

xisse lupremum.* chapter also instances of his noble 

& jmUla»] Parcas. spirit are mentioned. Being con- 

7. Crispo'] Probably VibiuB Cris- demned to death by Nero,he opened 

508, mentioned by Tac., Hist. ii. 10, his veins Melior, cf. Ep. 98. 7 ; 

w *pecuniSL, potentia, ingenio inter 289. 290. Stat. Sylv.ii. 3. 1, *per- 

claros magis quam inter bonos/ See spicuas nitidi Melioris opficat Arbor 



Nil adicit penso Lachesis fusosque soronim 
Explicat et semper do tribus una secat. 

aquu* sqq. — niiidOi * sleek/ XtirapM, 
well carea for. 

9^10. adieW] The first i is here 
absorbed, thougn it more often tuuk 
the p or j Bound. So abieitt Juv. 
\y, 17. — pensOf to the parcel of 
wool given to be spun into the 

thread on the spindle. — /iua' 
ejrpliecUy *unroll8,* to obtain '^ 
spun thread. — de tribwu flno, 
487. 6; 541. 5, *gaudia ta dife 
at non et stamina differt At 
atque omnia scribitur hora tibL* 

EP. 192. (IV. Iv.) 

Martial encourages LncioB, a Spanish poet and imitator of HorKe. \ 
celebrate his native conntrj ; adding, that tnough the names may soand fci 
^arouB to Roman ears, yet none are worse than Bwtunti, a town of Apolj»] 

Luci, gloria temporum tuorum, 

Qui Gaium veterem Tagumque nostrum 

Arpis cedere non sinis disertis : 

Argivas generatus inter urbes 

Thebas carmine cantet et Mjcenas, 

Aut claram Rhodon aut libidinosae 

Ledaeas Lacedaemonos palaestras. 

Nos Celtis genitos et ex Hiberis 

Nostrae nomina duriora terrae 

Grato non pudeat refeiTe versu : li) 

Saevo Bilbilin optimam metallo, 

Quae vincit Chalybasque Noricosque, 

Et ferro Plateam suo sonantem, 

Quam fluctu tenui, sed inquieto 

2. Gaimi\ See Ep. 25. 5. 

3. Arpisj A small town near 
Venusia, the birthplace of Horace. 
The meaning of this then is, * you do 
not allow our Spaniah poetry to 
yield to that of Horace.* 

4. ArpivaSy &c.] ^Let OreeksBing 
of Oreek cities: we will praise 
Spain.' So Hor. Od. 1.7,* Lauda- 
bunt alii claram Rhodon, aut Mity- 
lenen — Me nec tam patiens Lace- 
daemon, nec tam Larissae percussit 
campUB opimae, Quamdomus Albu- 
uea eresonantis, £t praeceps Anio, 
ac Tibumi lacus/ &c. 

6. libidutosae} *In quibus mulieres 

▼iriB mixtae certabant* Cf. Prop. iii 
12. 1, sqq. ; Eur. Androm. 595. 

8. CeUis—HVmsl Of the Celti- 
beri, the mixed race of Celti uA 
Iberians. (Ep. 568. 9.) 

11. saetx) metallo] ac ferro. Ct. 
Ep. 25. 3, where also the Salo ton- 
perator, ▼. 12, is mentioned ; &1S > 
(where in ▼. 11, Platea is again dms- 
tioned as nomen crasBius). 

12. Norux>8'\ The people of Gr^ 
many, on the Danube, fitmous fo; 
their sword manufartoiy. Cf. Hor. 
Od. i. 16. 9, * quas neque Norica» 
Deterret ensis.* 


Armoram Salo temperator ambit : 15 

Tutelamque chorosque Kixamarum, 

Et convivia festa Carduarum, 

!Et textis Peterum rosis rubentem, 

Atque antiqua pati*um theatra Rigas, 

Et certos iaculo leyi Silaos, 20 

Turgontique lacus Perusiaeque, 

Et parvae vada pura Yetonissae, 

Et sanctum Buradonis ilicetum, 

Per quod vel piger ambulat viator ; 

Et quae fortibus excolit iuvencis 25 

Curvae Manlius arva Vativescae. 

Haec tam rustica, delicate lector, 

Hides nomina ? rideas licebit. 

Haec tam rustica malo, quam Butuntos. 

16. chorosqtte RijKtmarum] i.e. 64, * terrae pingue solum — ^fortesin- 

ixamas choreis gaudentes. vertant tauri.* — Curvaet ou the side 

24. per quoct] Which is so beau- of a hill, or in a winding ralley. — 
ful that the traveller, however tired Manlius was probablj some mutual 
Q may be, walks on through it. friend of Martial and Lucius. 

25. /oriitnui] So Virg. Georg. i. 

EP. 193. (IV. Ivii.) 

Martial bids farewell to Baiae, and prepares to avoid the pestileutial lieats 
f autumn by going to the villa of Faustinus at Tibur. 

Bum nos blanda tenent lascivi stagna Lucrini 

£t quae pumiceis fontibus antra calent, 
Tu colis Argei regnum, Faustine, coloni, 

Quo te bis decimus ducit ab urbe lapis. 
Horrida sed fervent Nemeaei pectora monstri, 6 

Nec satis est, Baias igne calere suo. 
Ergo sacri fontes et litora grata valete, 

Nympharum pariter Nereidumque domus. 
Herculeos colles gelida vos vincite bruma, 

Nunc Tiburtinis cedite frigoribus. 10 

1. lascivi] See Propert. i. 11. 27. , i, 18, 2, *Mite solum Tiburis et 

2.] The ffrottoes warm "with hot' moenia Catili.* 
springs gusning from the pumice 9. HerciUeos colles] The hills of 

(i. e. volcanic) rocks at Baiae. Tibur, where Hercules was specially 

3. Argei regnum — coloni] Tibur, worshipped. Cf. Ep. 8. 1 ; iv. 62. 1, 

founded by Catillus and Coras, sons * Tibur in Herruleum migravit nigra 

r A^^^*!**^*. Cf. Hor. Od. ii. Lycoris.' — vincUey * be superior to.' 
"• 5, 'Tibur, Argeo positum colono;* 


EP. 194. (IV. lix.) 

On a viper inclosed and, as it were, buried in amber. Cf. snp. E^ 'T*. 
Tiiis must be taken as a poetic hyperbole for some small creeping xkx 
The point of the epi^ram tums indeed on its being a real snake, bctus 
is hardly poasible. The ancients were aware of the true nature of axn-e 
Schol. ou IL vL 513, lo"rt dk ^Ackt/miv oiro9 iptrrov »U tpvai» Xtte 
^'roirtiyvv/ucvof. PUny, N. H. 37. 3, § 42, * Nascitur autem defloai 
medulla pinei generis arboribus, ut cummis (gummi) in cerasiB, resiDa i 
pinis.* tbid. § 46, ^liquidum id primo destillare argumento sunt quaedi 
mtUB tralucentia, ut formicae culicesque e/ lacertae^ quae adhaesisae mu5t<. 
(i. e. recenti) ' non esC dubium, et inclusa durescente [eodem renu- 

Flentibus Heliadum ramis dum vipera repit, 
Fluxit in obstantem sucina gutta feram. 

Quae dum miratur pingui se rore teneri, 
Concreto riguit vincta repente gelu. 

Ne tibi regali placeas, Cleopatra, sepuicro, : 

Vipera si tumulo nobiliore iacet. 

5. Cleopatra\ cf. Suet. Aug. 17, et Antonio) * communem •epuItBn 
* Cleopatra — periisse morsu aspidis honorem tribuit, ac tnmiuam • 
putabatur; Ambobus^ (sc. Cleopatrae ipsis incboatum perfici jusait.* 

EP. 195. (IV. Ix.) 

Martial shows that death cannot be warded off by any precantion wiM 
the Fates have fixed the day. * Let us go,* says he, * to the hotteat po» 
in the hottest season ; it is no use fleeisg for refuge to cool Tibor — oei^ 
reaches a man there as easily as if he were in Sardinia; -so we are taught '^ 
the deatb of Curiatius.* 

Ardea solstitio Castranaque rura petantur 

Quique Cleonaeo sidere fervet ager, 
Cum Tiburtinas damnet Curiatius auras 

Inter laudatas ad Styga missus aquas. 
Nullo fata loco possis excludere : cum mors : 

Venerit, in medio Tibure Sardinia est. 

1. Castrana] Of Castrum Inui, a baths. 

imall town near Ardea at Paestana. 6. Sardinia] cf. Tac. Ann. ii. S3. 

2. Cleonaeoridere] Nemeaeo leoue. * ut Judaeorum et AMyptiorom qua- 
Uf. £p. 193. 5, &c. tuor millia in insnCun SsnUnian: 

4. o^tMisl The Aqua Martia, which veherentur, qui sl interiissent ot» 
was carried to Rome from Tibur; gravicaiem coeli, facilem jactmaffl ct 
srperhaps the much-praised sulphur- vile damnum fiitttrum.* 


EP. 196. (lY. Ixi.) 

Tlie ftame charse is broiu^ht aj^inst Mancinus here as against Afer (Ep. 
tO), of perpetually boasting to poorer people of his riches and the favour m 
hicb he was held by wealthv orbae. Martial entreats him either to stoo 
«akin^, or tell him the good news he wishes to hear (ver. 16), that he bas 
'St, or is going to give away, some of it. 

Donasse amicum tibi ducenta, Mancine, 

Nuper superbo laetus ore iactasti. 

Quai*tus dies est, in schola poetarum 

Dum fabulamur, milibus decem dixti 

Emptas lacernas munus esse Pompullae, ' 5 

Sardonycha verum lychnidemque ceriten 

Duasque similes fluctibus maris gemmas 

Dedisse Bassam Caeliamque iurasti. 

Here de theatro, Polione cantante, 

Cum subito abires, dum fugis, loquebaris, 10 

Hereditatis tibi trecenta venisse, 

Et mane centum, post meridiem centum. 

Quid tibi sodales fecimus mali tantum ? 

Miserere iam crudelis et sile tandem. 

Aut, si tacere lingua non potest ista, 15 

AUquando narra, quod velimus audire. 

3. sehofa) Cf. Ep. 125. 8. appellata a lucemarum accensu, tum 

5. lacemas] See 304. 5. praecipuae gratiae. Nascitur ciitra 

6. Sardcmj/chaverum] Cf. Ep. 476. Orthosiam totaque Caria ac vicini» 
'9. The ancients had the art of locis, sed probatissima in Inditf.' 
making glass of difFcrent coloured Again, § lo3, Pliny says, * Ceritis 
layers joined together, which were cerae similis est, — ^gignitur in India 
then cut into cameos like the onyx. et Syene.' 

The renowned Barberini or Portland 7. similes ^fiudiints'] Perhaps the 

vase is of this description (Becker, gem called aqua-marine, 

GaUus, p. 304). Pliny, N. H. mvii. 9. Polione] Cf. Juv. vi. 387, * An 

12. * Sardonyches e Cerauniis ffluti- Capitolinum deberet PoUio quercuo: 

nantuT gemmis ita ut ars deprehendi Sperare et fidibus promittere.* 

non possit aliunde nigro, aliunde can- 13. mo/t, &c.] Ep. 12. 3; 304. o. 

dido, aliunde minio sumptis/ — lych- 15. ista] ^ That talk of yours," as 

nidem, ifnd. § 103, 'ex eodem genere Ep. i80. 7. 

ardentium (gemmarum) est lychnis 

EP. 197. (IV. Ixiii.) 

Martial bewails the death of one Caerellia, who was drowned on her 
vay from Bauli to Baiae; and complains that the sea has done spou* 


taneously for his friend what it would not do for Nero when he wiahed ii 
to drown his mother. 

Dum petit a Baulis mater Caerellia Baias, 

Occidit insani crimine mersa freti. 
Gloria quanta perit vobis ! haec monstra Neroni 

Nec iussae quondam praestiteratis aquae. 

1. Batdis (Bagola)] Tac. Ann. xvi. recens aetas cormpta Boaulia Banlai 

4 (Affrippinam Nero) * ducit Baulos, Nuncupat occulto nominis indicio.' 
id YiTlae nomen est, quae promon- 4. neo] For ne jussae qnidaL. 

torium Misenum inter et Baianum not even when you were ordercd t" 

lacum flexo mari alluitur.* It had drown. Fortherallaccount of Nen>'« 

helonged to Hortensius, whose plot aeainst Agrippina, cf. Tac Aj^ 

famous fish-pond was there. and is xiv. 4, sqq. Tne seuse is, *Yo: 

Btill known as Peschiara d* Ortensio. (the sea) haye now lost the creti : 

The name was originally Boaulia, you had gained, yiz. for heing mr- 

said to haye heen the place where ciful ; for you refused Nero s uc 

Hercules stahled the cows he natural request, eyen when he r- 

hrought away from Cacus. So Sym- quired you to kill his mother.' i. • 

machus says, * Huc Dens Alcidas purposely contriyed that she shouii 

stabulanda , armenta coegit — Inde oe arowned. 

EP. 198. (IV. Ixiv.) 

On the yilla suhm^hana of Julius Martialis, on the Janiculan hiU, acr» 
the Tiber. This man, mentioned in £p. 273. 333, and elsewhere, wtf> 
pai-tisan of Otho, Tac. H. i. 28. 82. 

luli iugera pauca Martialis 

Hortis Hesperidum beatiora 

Longo laniculi iugo recumbunt : 

Lati coUibus imminent recessus 

Et planus modico tumore vertex • 

Caelo perfruitur sereniore, 

Et curvas nebula tegente valles 

Solus luce nitet peculiari : 

Puris leniter admoventur astris 

l.pauca] See inf.yer.31, *Though nam yidet unde lector urbem.* S(« 

few, they ai'e more productiye than," also 669. 20. — jUanus, &c., * and tbe 

&c. — lango jugo, the long ridge or summit, almost leyel in its geDtl< 

biuik, running nearly panllel with, swell, has the enjoyment of a poR' 

and down to the Tiber. atmosphere.* ^^ 

4. recesius] Wide sweeps Treaches, 7. nAuLa"] So Propert. ▼. 1. I-^ 

or hollows) oyerlook the hills on the * qua nebulosa cayo rorat MeTaiuA 

odier side of the Tiber. So Ep. campo.* 

333, he says of the same yilla, *yici- 9. purisl Not ohacured by dooA 


Celsae culmina delicata villae. 10 

Hiue septem domiuos videre moutes 

Et totam licet aestimare Romam, 

Albauos quoque Tusculosque colles 

Et quodcuuque iacet sub urbe frigus, 

Fidenas veteres brevesque Rubraa, 16 

Et quod virgineo cruore gaudet 

Aunae pomiferum uemus Pereunae. 

Illinc Flaminiae Salariaeque 

Gestator patet essedo tacente, 

Ne blando rota sit molesta somuo, 20 

Quem nec rumpere nauticum celeoma, 

Nec clamor valet helciariorum, 

Cum sit tam prope Mulvius, sacrumque 

Lapsae per Tiberim volent carinae. 

Hoc rus, seu potius domus vocanda est, 26 

Commendat dominus : tuam putabis ; 

Tam nou invida tamque liberalis, 

Tam comi patet hospitalitate. 

Credas Alcinoi pios Penates, 

Aut facti modo divitis Molorchi. 30 

cf. 396. ^.—delicatay * fairy-like,' disturb one's sleep, i. e. as it would 

richly adomed. E|>. 333. 1, 'ruris do if nearer.— <9«8<«rfor, like vector^ 

bibliotheca delicati.' Propert. v. 7. 84, here means ' Uie 

11. dominos] So dojnina Roma^ peraon carried.^ — ne, ut non, eoo-Tc 

**?• 2. 3. |U»7, or= ti/a /ujj. 

I4.yr^it«] *Coolretreat,'a8Tibur 21. celeumd] See Ep. 155. 4 

itself wasconsidered, Ep. 193. 10. heldarii are 'towers' Q\k%iv). 

15. Rvftras'^ Saxa Rubra, in Propert. i. 14. 3, 'Et modo tam 
Etruria. — Fidenae^ Juv. x. 102, celeres mireris currere lintres, Et 
nearly opposite Rubra, across the modo tam tardas funibus ii-e rates.* 
Tiber. ^ 26. commjendaf^ Sets off, makes 

16. viraineo cruore'] In ancient agreeable, enhances the pleasm'e of ; 
tinies, Artemis and Diana were ap- or perhaps, 'places at your disposal.' 
peased with human victims. After- The fonner sense is a favourito one 
Vitrds a symbolical rite was insti- in Horace, as Ep. i. 18. 7 ; 15. 21 ; 
tuted, of iust touching the altar with ii. 1. 261 ; A. P. 225. But tuam 
human blood. «For Anna Perenna^ piUahis is in favour of the lattei in- 
Bee Ovid, Fast. iii. 653, &c. terpretation. 

18. illinc, &c.] From the top of 29. pins] Attached, affectionate.— 

the Janiculus one can see persons Molorchi. the shepherd who was en- 

^ing in their carriages on the Via riched by Hercules (the god of gain), 

*^AVtt\i\ia, while the carriage itself for giving him entertainment when 

(irom the distance) glides noise- in quest of the Nemean lion. See 

lesely along, so that the wheel Stat. Sylv. iii. 1; Virg. Georo. iii. 

does not (or, thai ii may not) 19. Inf. Ep. 465. 13. 



Vos nunc omnia parva qui putatis, 

Centeno gelidum ligone Tibur 

VeJ Praeneste domate pendulamque 

XJni dedite Setiam colono : 

Dum me iudice praeferantur istis S 

luli iugera pauca Martialis. 

31. parvd] Sup. ver. 1. * You, few acres of Julios Martialis.' 

wbo value estates rather for tbeir 33. pendidam] Built on a ^v- 

size tban for their beauty or con- vity, Ep. 565. ll; xiii. 112, 'Pe- 

venience, go, if you please, and farm dula Pomptinos qua spectat Sea 

all Tibur, or Praeneste, or Setia, so campos.* — uni — colono^ ' to a 5:ik« 

long as you allow me to prefer to tenant,* as if too small to be v«t: 

tbose vast properties of yours tbe subdividing. 

EP. 199. (IV. Ixvi.) 

On one Linus, wbo, tbougb living frugally to all appearance iniiw" 
country town, bad managed to spend all bis patrimony mstead of increi£i^ 
it — and tbat, too, on disreputable kidulgences. 

Egisti vitam semper, Line, municipalem, 

Qua nihil omnino vilius esse potest. 
Idibus et raris togula est excussa Kalendis 

Duxit et aestates sjnthesis una decem. 
Saltus aprum, campus leporem tibi misit inemptuin, 

Silva graves turdos exagitata dedit. 
Captus flumineo v^it de gurgite piscis, 

Vina ruber fudit non peregrina cadus. 
Nec tener Argolica missus de gente minister, 

Sed stetit inculti rustica turba foci, 


2. t?t/ti«] So cbeap. Cf. Ep. 341. tben on tbe Kalends.' Cf. ?»?•'] 
10. 3. 53, *rari8 assueta Kaleodis ^ 

3. Excussd] Takenfrom theclotbes^ aperit clausos una puella lares ^ 
cbe8t,and shaken out, Ep. 2. 8; tbe 4. Smthesis'] Ep. 89. 4; 270 j^ 
Ides and Kalends being festivals, tbe A singfe garment (not a wt) i^ oef^ 
Romans wore tbe toga on tbese days, meant, whicb has been so IittleDi<^ 
a dress for wbicb on common days tbat it is good at tbe end of tensutti 
(in tbe country at least) tbe tunica mers (it was wom in hot '^^'^^h 
was usually substituted. Cf. Juv. iii. 8. ruber'] An ampbora of ^ 
171, * Pars magna Italiae est, si crock, for home-made wines. . 
verum admittimus, in qua Nemt> 9.. wc iener^ &c.] For the iVj 
cogam sumit nisi mortuus.* Pliny, mense price of slaves, 8«« '• n 
£p. V. 6, ad fin., * nulla necessitas to- * Milia pro puero centam me v>t^ 
gae.* — raris — KalendiSy ' the Kalends poposcit ;* xii. 33, ' Ut puerN tis^ 
that come but seldom/ ' only no^ and Labienus vendidit hortos.* 


Vilica Tel duri compressa est nupta coloniy 

Incaluit quotiens saucia vena mero. 
Nec nocuit tectis ignis, nec Sirius agris, 

Nbc mersa est pelago, nec fluit ulla ratis. 
Supposita est blando nunquam tibi tessera talo, 16 

Alea sed parcae sola fuere nuces. 
Dic, ubi sit deciens, mater quod avara reliqnit ? 

Nusquam est : fecisti rem, Line, difficilem. 

14. nec Jltii£\ * You hftve not even times even this was used for ff&ni- 
>t a Bhip at sea that can he sunk/ hling. Cf. Suet Aug. 71, ' Talis 

15. tessera tcUo] The talus {daTpd- jactatis, ut quisque canem aut seni' 
aAoc) had only four numhers on onem miserat, in sin^os talos sin- 
., the tessera (ku^ov) b\x ; hut four gulos denarios in medium conferehat, 
lii were used at once, and only two quos toUebatuniversos, quiVenerem 
r three tesserae. So xiv. 15, 'Non jecerat.* — supposita^ *8uhstituted 
im talomm numero par tesseni, dum for.* — hlandoy enticing. Cf. £p. 
it MajoT, quam talis, alea saepe 56. 3 ; 165. 8 ; 272. 3 ; 690. 5, * non 
aihi.* For the tesserawas always mea magnanimo depugnet tessara 
layed for money ; not so the talus, talo.* 

he prize of the winner in which 17. deeiem] ' Centena millia,* the 

vsna often, as here, a handful of nuts. senatoriui fortune.^gttoc/, ss we 

^f. Oy. Nux. 75, * Quatuor in nuci- have deeiens plenuniy soldwMy &c. 

ms, non amplius, alea tota est Cum £p. 48. 1. 

libi Buppositis additur una trihus." 18. dijicilem'] He intimates that 

[nf. xiv. 18, * Alea parva nuces et foul means must have heen employed 

lon damnosa videtur; though some- in getting through such a fortune. 

EP. 200. (IV. Ixvii.) 

At Rome the patron often made up the census equestris for his client when 
be wanted hut little of it (see £p. 234); here the poet introduces one 
Graurus, petitioning his patron for a hundred sesterces to make up the 400 
necessary ; hut his suit is unsuccessful, as the praetor pleads that he has to 
pve lai^e sums of money to certain charioteers to pay for equestrian statues 
to be erected in their honour. The poet thereupon hlames him for beinjj^ 
willing to give to the horse and not to the knight. Cf. £p. 234. 9. 

Praetorem pauper centum sestertia Gaurus 

Orabat cana notus amicitia, 
Dicebatque suis haec tantum deesse trecentis, . 

Ut posset domino plaudere iustus eques. 
Praetor ait ** Scis me Scorpo Thalloque daturum, 5 

Atque utinam centum milia sola darem." 

4. Domino] sc. Domitiano, when 5. Scorpo ThalUxfus'] Famone cha- 

^c entered the theatre.— nftr^twe^uM, rioteers. Scorpus is mentioned ita. 

having the sum fixed by kw, by 234.10;565.5; 588.16;andhi8death 

^rtue of which he had a right to lamented £p. 547. 549. — oentum 

Kit in the quatuordecim ordines. mtVta, the sum asked, ver. 1. 

K 2 


Ah pudet ingratae, pudet ah male divitis arcae. 
Quod non das equiti, vis dare, Praetor, equo ? 

EP. 201. (IV. Ixviii.) 

^ The poet complains that Seztus inrited bim to a poor dlimer at 1*^ 
quadrantes, and yet had a good dinner himself. The ai^ment of thi 
epigram is often repeated, as in Ep. 13 ; 23 ; iii. 49, and manj others. 

Invitas centum quadrantibus et bene cenas. 
Ut cenem invitor, Sexte, an ut invideam ? 

EP. 202. (IV. Ixix.) 

Papilus WSLS famed for the quality of his wine, but at the same time b; 
had been a widower four times, so that a report got about that his win^ 
were poisoned. Martial says, that of course he does not think or belie^ 
this to be a fact ; nevertheless, he is not athirst, i. e. he will not risk b 
life by drinking from that flask. 

Tu Setina quidem semper vel Massica ponis, 
Papile, sed rumor tam bona vina negat. 

Diceris hac factus caelebs quater esse lagona. 
Nec puto, nec credo, Papile, nec sitio. 

3. cae2e6s]=viduus. SoSuetGalb. tum quoque adhuc necdum caeli* 
5, ' Amissa uxore Lepida remansit bem sollicitayerat.* 
in caelibatu — Agrippinae, quae mari- 

EP. 203. (IV. Ixx.) 

Ammianus, a spendthrift, had been eagerly looking out for his &tber » 
death to inherit his property ; but he knowing it, revoked his former ynW- 
and in his last (ultimis ceris) left him nothing but a rope to hang himselt 
"Who would have thought," says Martial, *'that Ammianus would b< 
sorry for his father's deatn ? " (Perhaps there is a sly emphasis on tie 
name.) * Ploratur lacrymis amissa pecunia veris,* as Juvenal says. 

Nihil Ammiano praeter aridam restem 
Moriens reliquit ultimis pater ceris. 
Fieri putaret posse quis, Marulline, 
XJt Ammianus mortuum patrem nollet ? 


EP. 204. (IV. Ixxii.; 

Areplyto one who asked for a copy of the poet'8 books, o.aave thc 
expense of buying them. Compare £p. 62. 

Exigis, ut donem nostros tibi, Quinte, libellos. 

Non habeo, sed habet bibliopola Tryphon. 
" Aes dabo pro nugis et emam tua carmina sanus ? ^ 

Non" inquis "fiiciam tam fatue." Nec ego. 

2. Tryphon'] See Ep. 692. 4. foolish as to grive my book to one 
Becker, Gallns, p. 336. who will not appreciate it ; or, as to 

4. nec ego] Neither will I be so be out of pocket by the gift. 

EP. 205. (IV. Ixxiii.) 

The poet lands Vestinus (a son of the Yestinus killed by Nci» in his 
consulate, cf. Tac. Ann. xv. 68), for that on the point of death he liberally 
divided all his wealth among his friends. The motive for this may be 
infeired firom Tac. Agric. 43 fin. 

Cum gravis extremas Vestinus duceret horas 

Et iam per Stygias esset iturus aquas, 
mtima volventes oravit pensa sorores, 

Ut traherent parva stamina pulla mora. 
lam sibi defunctus caris dum vivit amicis, 5 

Moverunt tetricas tam pia vota deas. 
Tunc largas partitus opes a luce recessit 

Seque mori post hoc credidit ille senem. 

4. ttamina ptdla] The black opposed to this, Juvenal, xii. 65, calls 

threads of deatn. Uf. vi. 58. 7, the Parcae * Staminis albi Lanificae.* 
'si mihi kniBcae ducunt non pnlla 8. aeneni] i. e. maturum, as one 

lorores Stamina,* and li^l. 5. As who had done all the duties of life. 

EP. 206. (ly. Ixxv.) 

In this elegant epigram the poet praises Nigrina for her love to her 
htuband, on wnom she had bestowed her dowry, whereas by the Roman jiw 
& husband had no right to his wife^s money unless he had children by her. 
For tbis love Martial praises her above Evadne and Alcestis, for thej 
proved theirs hj thcir death, Nigrina in her life. 

felix animo, felix, Nigrina, marito 
Atque inter Latias gloria prima nurus : 


Te patrios miscere iuvat cum coniuge censoa^ 

Gaudentem socio participique viro. 
Arserit Euhadne flammis iniecta mariti, • 

Nec minor Alcestin fama sub astra ferat : 
,Tu melius : certo meruisti pignore vitae, 

Ut tibi non esset morte probandus amor. 

5. Eukadne] Propert. i. 15. 21. proof duringyourlife. 
Eur. Suppl. 1045. 8.] Cf. Ep. 5. 6. 

7. certo — pignore vitae] Bj a sure 

EP. 207. (IV. Ixxvii.) 

The poet prays for riches, not that he is discontented with his prexit 
lot, but that he wants to see Zoilus hang himself for envy. 

Nunquam divitias deos rogavi 

Contentus modicis meoqUe laetus. 

Paupertas, veniam dabis, recede. 

Causa est quae subiti novique voti ? 

Pendentem volo Zoilum videre. ' 

EP. 208. (IV. Ixxviii.) 

The poet advises one Afer, now that he is an old man, to jfi^e "p »• 
practice of running about the town saluting patrons and such likc. ^ ^ 
men may do so, but nothing is so indecent as an old busybody. 

Condita cum tibi sit iam sexagesima messis 

Et facies multo splendeat alba pilo, 
Discurris tota vagus urbe, nec ulla cathedra est, 

Cui non mane feras irrequietus Ave ; 
Et sine te nulli fas est prodire tribuno, ^ 

Nec caret officio consul uterque tuo ; 
Et sacro deciens repetis Palatia clivo 

Sigerosque meros Partheniosque soi^as. 

3. eaihedra] Properly an easv chair orbae are meant 

for women. Cf. Ep. 152. 7; xii. 38. 8.] You talk of nothine \fatj^ 

Hor. Sat. i. 10. 91, ^Discipulai-um Sigeri and Parthenii; the» "^ 

inter jubeo plorare cathedras;' also cubicularii of Domitian, cf ^P: v^ 

a profesBorial seat. See Becker, Gal- — fiim>«, as Hor. £p. i. 7. 84, ^s^ 

lus, p. 292—3. Here the wealthy et vineta crepat mera.* 


aec faciant sane iuyenes : deformius, Afer, 

Omnino nihil est ardalione sene. 10 

I.O. ardalionel Cf. Ep. 68. 8; cuT8an8,occupatainotio,Grati8anhb- 
Ha.e«i. 11. 5. 1, * Et ardelionum lans, mnlta agendo nihil axrens, Sibi 
Lia.e<lam Roma natio, Trepide con- molesta et alii odiosissima/ 

EP. 209. (IV. Ixxix.) 

'Mia.tho, after haylng perpetually honoured the poet with his company at 
Ib Xiburtine viUa, at last bought the place. Martial says he has certainlj 
heated him ; the place was his already : he was so much at home there. 

Sospes eras nostri semper, Matho, Tiburtini. 
Hoc emis. Imposui : rus tibi vendo tuum. 

2. imposut] Ep. 147. 

EP. 210. (IV. Ixxxii.) 

Mai-tial sends his third and fourth books to Rufus, aeklng him to give 
thcm to YenuleiuB to read. 

Hos quoque commenda Venuleio, Rufe, libellos 

Imputet et nobis otia parva, roga, 
Xiiimemor et paulum curarum operumque suorum 

Non tetrica nugas exigat aure meas. 
Sed nec post primum legat haec sununumve trientem, 5 

Sed sua cum medius praelia Bacchus amat. 
Si nimis est legisse duos, tibi charta plicetur 

Altera : divisum sic breve fiet opus. 

2. impute£\ Ep. 113. 3. Beg him middle of the feast. 

to favour me with some of his leisure 6. sua — praelia'] ChallengeB U 

time, i. e. to read and critically ezar drink one against Uie other. 

mine mj work. 7.] If it is too much to read both 

4. non telrica"] Not rough and (the third and fourth books), let one 

hastv, but delicate and refined. of them be rolled up, and this di- 

5.J Do not give it him to read vision of the work will make it 

before he has bogun to drink, or seem short. 
after be has well dnmk, but in the 

EP. 211. (IV. Ixxxv.) 

The poet accuses Pontlcus of drinking a better wine than he gave his 
guests, to conceal which he drank in a cup, not a glass. 

Nos bibimus vitro, tu murra, Pontice. Quare ? 
Prodat perspicuus ne duo vina calix. 

1. murrd] The *vasa munina* madeof somesucb substanceasagate, 
ue geneialiy supposed to have been or fluor or Derbyshii-e spar. Plinj 


mentions it as a natural produiTt opinion strengthened hj the bA 

(kaolin?), calling it 'Humor sub that porcclain was call^ till vm 

terra calore densatus ;' on the other lately ' Mirrha di Smyma.' C: 1 

hand, some writere have asserted, Becker, Gallus, Sc. ii. Exc 3 ; Rk!.. j 

mostly on the authority of Prop. iv. Dict. in v. ; and Ep. 476. 14. 

5. 26, ' Murrheaque in Parthis pocula 2. duo vina] Two kinds of vit*. 

cocta focis,' that it is porcelain; an Juv. v. 61. Pliny, Ep. ii. 6. 

EP. 212. (IV. IxxxvL) 

Martial wams his book, that if it does not please Apollinaris (Ep. ^'. 
531, 4), it will be fit for nothing but to wrap up fish in; whilst if itpletf 
him, it need not fear any sneers or calumny. 

Si vis auribus Atticis probari, 

Exhortor moneoque te, libeile, 

XJt docto placeas Apollinari. 

Nil exactius eruditiusque est, 

Sed nec candidius benigniusque : * 

Si te pectore, si tenebit ore, 

Nec rhonchos metues maligniorum, 

Nec scombris tunicas dabis molestas. 

Si damnaverit, ad salariorum 

Curras scrinia protinus licebit, I»» 

Inversa pueris arande charta. 

4. exactius] Cf. Ep. 210. 4. — side was tbe paper written; so^ktt 

dKpt^iaTtpov^ a metaphor taken the poem was worthless it went t^ 

fromastatuaryor architect=amu8si- the small shop-keepers, who vts'' 

tata, cf. Plautus, Mil. 3. 1. 38. — their accounts on the back, tf hfr. 

candidius., 'fairer and kinder,^ Ep. or to schools, where the pupils^'-' 

407. 16. their dictation on it, as Hor. Ep- 

6. si fo, &c.] If he both thinks 20. 17, ' Hoc quoque tc manet. s- 
and speaks about you. pueros elementa docentem Occu?r< 

7. rftonchos] Ci. Ep. 2. 5. exti-emis in vicis balba senectus 

8. scomffris] Cf Ep. 110. 4. — Juv. 1. 5, speaks of an inordinate.' 
tunicas — wio/e«^a5, Ep. 5z7. 5 ; 690. 1 ; long poem as 'summi plen» J>d 
Juv. viii. 235; the greasy and fiery marcine libri Scriptus et in terr 
paper in which the fish were cooked. necdum finitus.'* I^stly it wt« <l^w 
So CatuU. 95. 8, 'Et lazas scombris for economy, as Ep. 432, *Scrihif"^ 
saepe dabunt tunicas.* Pers. i. 43, aversa Picens epigrammata charti- 
*linquere nec scombros metuentia They were called * opisthogrBph»;-' 
carmina nec thus.* arandey Voc. pro nom., as nor. i^- 

9. salariorum] Cf. Eo. 21. 8. ii. 6. 20. * Matutine pater, scn J»s« 
11. inversA cnartd] On only one libentius audis.* 

EP. 213. (IV, Ixxxviii.) 

Martial complains that his friend sends him no presents at the Si^ 
nalia in retum for his small ofiPerings, on the plea that he has hod notkisi 


t^ven him which he could send. He tells him he may deceive othen 
with this ezcuse, but he knows it is false. 

Nulla remisisti parvo pro munere dona, 

£t iam Saturni quinque fuere dies. 
Ergo nec argenti sex scripula Septiciani 

Missa nec a querulo mappa cliente fuit ; 
Antipolitani nec quae de sanguine thynni 5 

Testa rubet, nec quae cottana parva gerit ; 
Nec rugosarum vimen breve Picenarum, 

Dicere te posses ut meminisse mei ? 
Decipies alios verbis vultuque benigno, 

Nam mihi iam notus dissimulator eris. 10 

2. qtiinoue] * All the five days are 4. fnissa] sc. ad te. 

now over. One day originally was 5. AtUip. &c.] The muria ; cf. 

set apart for the worship of Satum. ziii. 10, * Antepolitani fateor sum 

Augustus added three days, and filia thynni ; Essem si scomhri non 

Cahgula another, called Juvenalis, tihi missa forem* (sc. quia carior 

Suet. Cal. 17 ; these were the five essem). Antipolis is a town on the 

davs so often alluded to, cf. xiv. 79, coast of Gallia Narhonensis, now 

* Haec (flagra) signata mihi quinque Antihes. 

diebu8erunt;V/.l4l/togaperquinas 6. coiiana] Cf. xiii. 28, *Si 

gaudet requiescere luces. Two more, majora forent coctana. ficus erant.* 

called the Sigillaria. were afteiwards Ep. 361. 7. Juv. iii. 83. 

added, so that Mart. xiv. 72, says, 7. P»c«naru»t]SeeEp.23.9;361.5. 

' Satumi septem venerat ante dies.* dioere, in ironv, * that at least you 

For the gifts sent by friends and might say you had rememberad me.* 

clients at this time, cf. sup. Ep. 186. 10. dissimiUator] A disguiserand 

3.] scripulum was the 24th part of dissembler of the presents you hzy^ 

an ounce, sex scrip.^two drachms. received. Perhaps ira/o* vTrovot^* 

See on ^9. 12. — Septicianiy cf. £p. for simulaiory viz. amicitiae, cf. 234. 

438. 6. 11. 

EP. 214. (ly. Ixxxix.) 

The poet apologizes for the length of his book. 

Ohe iam satis est, ohe libelle, 

lam pervenimus usque ad umbilicos. 

Tu procedere adhuc et ire quaeris, 

Nec sunmia potes in scheda teneri, 

Sic tanquam tibi res peracta non sit, 5 

1. Ohe] Cf. Hor. Sat. i. ▼. 12, xiv. 8, * iambos Ad umbilicum ad- 
'Trecentos inseris, ohe, Jam satis ducere.* Ep. 67. 11. 

est;* ii. t. 96, * Donec 5he jam ! 4. summa — scheda] The last strip 

A.d coelum manibus sublatis dixerit, of the roll, i. e. that nearest to the 

nrge.* stick or cylin<ler. Hence our word 

2. ad tmbUicos] Cf. Hor. Epod. schedule, Qt Cic. Att. i. 20. 



'Quae prima quoque pagma peracta est. 
lam lector queriturque deficitque, 
lam librarius hoc et ipse dicit 
" Ohe iam satis est, ohe libelle." 

8. Wfrarius] The copyist, cf. Hor. librariuB usque.* 
A. P. 354, *Scriptor si peccatidem ' 

EP. 215. (V. i.) 

Dedication of the book to Domitian, whomthe poet addresses as res 
at 8ome one of his fayoorite abodes, probably for the express paipoiii 
introducing compliments. 

Haec tibi, Palladiae seu collibus uteris Albae, 

Caesar, et hinc Triviam prospicis, inde Thetin, 
Seu tua veridicae discunt responsa sorores, 

Plana suburbani qua cubat unda freti ; 
Seu placet Aeneae nutrix, seu filia Solis, 

Sive salutiferis candidus Anxur aquis ; 
Mittimus, o rerum felix tutela salusque, 

Sospite quo gratum credimus esse lovem. 
Tu tantum accipias : ego te legisse putabo 

Et tumidus Galla credulitate fruar. 

1. Haee tibt] Sc. mittimus, v. 7. 
>—' Alhae^ see Ep. 160. 5. It is 
called Palladia, because the famed 
Palladium (Ovid, Fast. vi. 421), 
which fell from heaven, was brought 
from Troy by ttie Trojan settlers at 
Alba. Domitian celebrated the 
feast of Minerva at Alba. Suet. 
Dom. iv., ' Celebmbat et in Albano 
quotannis Quinquatria Minervae, 
cui coUeffium instituerat.* Cf. Ep. 

2. Triviam] The temple of Diana 
at Aricia, seen from the Alban hill 
on one side, the sea being on the 

3. sorores] Supposed to be twin 
Btatues of Fortune at Antium ; but 
possibly the Camoenae are meant, 
><rho were certainly prophetic god- 
desses, one of their number being 
the nymph Egeria at Aricia. See 
Livy, i. 21. Some temple close to 
the shore of a tranquil Day may be 
meant — tua responsa^ as if a supe- 
sior god, who was to teach them, 

and not to leam from them. 
urbani freti is ezplained of tbe 
close to Antium; more probablT 
sea nearest to Rome. 

5. Aeneas ntUrix] Cajeti, ^ 
Aen. vii. 1. From «oifTo. 
Kala*ra (ifo/aTa), a ffulph or M 

low in the earth fiLia solit, C^ 


6. candidus] As built on a f -^ 
rock. Hor. Sat. ii. 5. — talntift^ 
from its spa waters and baths. 
X. 51, he speaks of it as 'aeqooi 
splendidus Anzur aquis.* See 
296. 6. 

8. pratum] Gratcful for the 
storation of the temple of Jap: 
CapitolinuB. Cf. 8. 12; 364.2. S^ 
Dom. V., *plurima et amplii^' 
opera incendio absumpta reetitc 
in quis et Capitolium, quod nir 
arserat. — Novam autem exci*»^ 
aedem in Capitolio Custodi J<>^' 
On this subject, see Ep. 218. 

10. Galia eredulitate] 7%''.' 
explained * easy,* because the G'^ 


were coneidered simple and cre- Gallis miraculo audaciae, seu re- 

dulous. The allusion is doubtful; ligioue etiam motis, cujus haud 

probablj, however, to the siege of quaquam negligens est gens/ — ^The 

the Capitol by the QzvlIb under sense here is, * Do but accept the 

Brennus ; perhaps to the storj book, and I shall beiieve you have 

about C. Fabius Dorso, in Livy, read it,* whether you hzve done so 

V. 46, wfao boldly went through the or not — tumidiu^ * in my conceit* 

Gallic lines to sacrifice : ' attonitifr So * tumet Sabellus/ £p. 186. 2. 

ER 216. (V. V.) 

To Seztns, the librarian of Domitian, with the request that the poet*s 
works may be honoured with a place beside those of other celebrated 
vriters of epigrams. 

Sexte, Palatinae cultor facunde Mineryae, ^ 

Ingenio frueris qui propiore dei ; 
Nam tibi naseentes domini eognoscere curas 

Et secreta ducis pectora nosse licet : 
Sit locus et nostris aliqua tibi parte libellis, 6 

Qua Pedo, qua Marsus quaque Catullus erit. 
Ad Capitolini caelestia carmina belli 

Grande cothurnati pone Maronis opus. 

2. dei'] Of the emperor, whose the contest (by Vitellian) for the 

confidence in private matters Sextus possession of the Capitol.* Suet. 

sppears to have enjoyed. Yit. § 15. Tac. H. iii. 70. 74. It 

5. aliqua—parte] Viz. * biblio- is not known who was the author 

thecae." For * Pedo,* &c., see Ep. of this poem ; but from the com- 

102. 5 ; 568. 16. plimentary language used, it is likelj 

7. Ad^ &c.] * But place the great that it was tne emperor himsel^ 

work of the sublime (lit. tragic) See 217. 18. 
Viigil beside the divine poems on 

EP. 217. (V. vi.) 

To Parthenius (Ep. 407. 16), the generous friend of Martial, and groom 
ofthe bedcbamber to Domitian, with arequest that he will present this 
book. See Ep. 185. 

Si non est grave nec nimis molestum, 
Musae, Parthenium rogate vestrum : 
Sic te serior et beata quondam 
Salvo Caesare finiat senectus 

2. vestruin] Parthenius was a Muses are to say to Parthenius in 
literarj man. He is csLlled/acunduSf the poet^s behalf, ' May jou be 
407. 1; 644. 1. l&appy, If you admit/ &c. 

3. Sic ie, &c.] This is what the 


Et sis invidia fayente felix, I 

Sic Bumis cito sentiat parentem : 

Admittas timidam brevemque chartam 

Intra limin^ sanctioris aevi. 

Nosti tempora tu lovis sereni, 

Cum fulget placido suoque voltu, H 

Quo nil supplicibus solet negare. 

Non est quod metuas preces iniquas : 

Nunquam grandia nec molesta poscit 

Quae cedro decorata purpuraque 

Nigris pagina crevit umbilicis. ^' 

Nec porrexeris ista, sed teneto 

Sic tanquam nihil offeras agasque. 

Si novi dominum novem sororum, 

Ultro purpureum petet libellum. 

5. invidiafcmenU'] The malignant recumbes.* 

goddess herself not only sparingyou, 12. preces iniqwui] An unres*'* 

but fiEivouring you. So Propert. iii. able request; fear not that it »» 

8. 11, ' quem modo felicem invidia petition which is to be prestt* 

admirante ferebant.* under the guise of a book. 

6. Burrus] Pai-thenius' son. Ep. 13. grandid\ A book expcnfl'*^ 
185. — seniiat parentem^ * have the got up, and splendidly boooi * 
sentiments of his father.* Cf. Pers. not like an ordinary petitioa.'- 
1, ^cum sapimus patnios ;* or, ce<fro, &c., sec Ep. 110. 7- 

* be aware of his fathe.r^s fame ;' aa 16. ieneto} Do not officiw 

Ep. 294. 4, * etpatrias laudes sentiat hold it out (like a petition), tac* 

esse suas.' thrust it on thc cmpcror, but a 

8. aevt] If this i^eading (al. aulae) it merely ready to give it if bessi^ 
be right, it seems to mean, a court for it, which, says the poet, I^-' 
of tlie old school, where moitil he will do. Compare Hor. El''- 
fashions and habits prevail. It is 1. 13. 

a compliment to Domitian as 18. ^Vnotn, &c.] *If Iknowarr 

censor. So Ep. 333. 3, 'inter car- the Lord of the nine Muscs \-'\ 

mina sanctiora siquis Lascivae fuerit Dotnitian, who is himself » j^''' 

locus Thaliae.' * he will ask of his own accorfiW 

9. tempora—Jovis] The proper a book that he sees in a p«"' 
seasons ror ofFering the gift to Do- envelope,' viz. such having ><** 

mitian, viz. at the dinner hour sent before, and as having ^^*^' 

cum /ulffet, *when he beams with different appearance from a ««'' 

his own kindly countenance." Ep. in the sense of * a petition.* 
269. 24, * et voltu placidus tuo 

EP. 218. (V. vii.) 

On the restoration of the buildings in Rome, especlally the Capitol ^ 
had been bumed in the Yitellian insurrection. 


Qualiter Assyrios renovant incendia nidos, 

Una decem quotiens saecula vixit avis, 
Taliter exuta est yeterem nova Koma senectam 

Et sumpsit voltus praesidis ipsa sui. 
lam precor oblitus nostrae, Volcane, querelae 5 

Parce : sumus Martis turba, sed et Veneris : 
Parce, pater : sic Lemniacis lasciva catenis 

Ignoscat coniunx et patienter amet. 

1. Qualiter^ &c.] As the Phoenix your wife ; for if ire are descended 

is said to arise renovated fi'om the from Mars, through Romulus, we 

uhes of its own nest as soon as it are also from Venas, through Ae- 

liasattained the age of 1000 years, neas. 

«0 Rome has put ofF its old guise, 7. catenis] See Hom. Od. viii. 

tnd become like the face of its ruler, 297. May your wife forgive the 

m young and comely. trick you put upon her by catching 

5. nosirae — qtierefae] Seems to her fast in a Lemnian-forged chain, 

mean *your complaint against us.' and henceforth love vou without 

• Forgive,' says the poet, ' the amour complaining of your deiormity. 
of ^lars our ancestor, with Venus, 

EP. 219. (V. viii.) 

A rich lihertus having taken possession of the seat of an eques, to which 
be was not legally entiUed, is told to move off by the seat-keeper. Compare 

Edictum domini deique nostri, 

Quo subsellia certiora fiunt 

Et puros eques ordines recepit, 

Dum laudat modo Phasis in theatro, 

Phasis purpureis ruber lacemis, 5 

Et iactat tumido superbus ore : 

" Tandem conmiodius licet sedere, 

1. Edictum] The onler issued hy the participle of o^mo {cretus). 

Domitian as censor (Ep. 232. 3), 3. ;>uros] ica0a/oo£)«, unmizedwith 

tbat the old distinction made by others, who were mereiy wealthy 

RoBciua Otho should be strictly or amhitious persons, but not truc 

enforced, viz. that fourteen rows in Ixym equites. 

the theatre, next above the senators, 5. ruber] The lacema was red 

shoald he reserved for the equites. (either coccina or sea-purple), wom 

See Suet. Dom. § 8, and Mr. over the white toga. It is not clear 

Hayor on Juv. iii. 153. — domini that it was exclusively the dressof 

/ei^jue, a style actually adopted by an eques, tbough it was a militaiy 

thc emperor himself, and not used garment. (Ovid. Fast. ii. 745. 

here in ironv or mere flattery. See Propert. v. 3. 18.) 

£p. 563. d.—4!ertiora, * more spe- 7. commodius] * More comfort- 

cially appropriated.^ Certtu is only ably.* 



Nunc est reddita dignitas equestris ; 
Turba non premimur, nec inquinamur : 
Haec et tali& dum refert supinus, 
lilas purpureas et arrogantes 
lussit surgere Leitus lacemas. 

9. Tur4>a] ox^tpi ^^® vulf^c folk. 5, i. e. ^hominem lacernatiim,' :: 
^im^inamur^ our toga is not made wittily used, as if the mu )A 
sortitda hj contact with vulgai' men. nothing hut his extemal ^^ 

10. supinut'] Leaning back at his Leitus was a sharp-sighted oSro. 
ease on the pulvinus eqitestriSy or and knew his man in spite otu 
with uptumed face. disguise. Phasis, ia ' praisinf ^ 

12. Letius] £p. 225. 11. The new decree, had not erpected Qtf 

nameof theseat-keeper (pa/:j^oi;xo«, it would be enforced so loon i:^: 

At. Pac. 734, XtjtVov, i. e. dtifiovto^f himsell 
yablic officer). — lacemaSy £p. 304. 

EP. 220. (V. ix.) 

Symmachus, a physician (£p. 310. 6), attends the poet when wn- 
with a troop of his pupils, who, by feeling the patient^s pulse in taia t.2 
their cold hands, make him worse instead of Detter, in fact, give hic * 
feverish cold. 

Languebam : sed tu comitatus protinus ad me 
Yenisti centum, Synmiaclie, discipulis. 

Centum me tetigere manus aquiione gelatae : 
Non habui febrem, Sjmmache, nunc habeo. 

EP. 221. (V. X.) 

On the tendency in men to praise only that which is old, or wh>'> 
has passed away, and to disparage what now exists, especially li^J«* 

Esse quid hoc dicam, yiyis quod fama negatur 
Et sua quod rarus tempora lector amat ? 

Hi sunt invidiae nimirum, Begule, mores, 
Praeferat antiquos semper ut illa novis. 

Sic veterem mgrati Pompei quaerimus umbram, ^ 
Sic laudant Catuli vilia templa senes. 

2. rarusj &c.1 That only here and phatic ; * ihat she always p'*^'^' 
there a reader is to be found who &c. 

does justice to contemporary writers. 5. umbram] The Porticos Pon>p«: 

3. imridia^—mores] Non pzoho- £p. 72. 10.— Ca^ft—^mp/a, tbe o.i 
nm hominum. — iua seems em- temple of Jupiter Capitolinttii*^ 


Ennius est lectus salvo tibi, Roma, Marono 

Et sua riserunt saecula Maeonidon : 
Hara coronato plausere theatra Menandro, 

Norat Nasonem sola Corinna suum. 10 

Vos tamen, o nostri ne festinate libelli : 

Si post fata venit gloria, non propero. 

was burnt doini in the Yitelliaa we saj) applauded Menander when 

imevie^ and had been restored by he gained a prize; and even Ovid 

Domitian. Its history is brieflj was not read by any but his Co- 

given in Tac. Hist. iii. 72, who rinna. 

adds, ' Lutatii Catuli nomen inter 12. venii\ i. e. vobis. * If I gain 

tanta Caesarum opera usque ad fame after mj death, I am content 

Vitellium mansit.* It was dedicated to -wait.' Cf. Pliuy, Epist. i. xvi. 

AV.c. 685. See £p. 279. 2. li) * Neque enim debet operibua 

7. EmUus] In the lifetime of ejus obesse quod vivit.* Elsewhero 

Yirgil, Ennius was preferred to the poet says, *cineri gloria sera 

him. venit/ but in reference to profit 

9. rom, &c.] Thin houses (as made by his writings. 

EP. 222. (V. xi.) 

On Stella, a wealthy fi*iend and poet (see Ep. 31. 4), with a compliment 
on his elegance and popularity. 

Sardonjchas, zmaragdos, adamantas, iaspidas uno 
' Versat in articulo Stella, Severe, meus. 
Multas in digitis, plures in carmine gemmas 
Invenies : inde est haec, puto, culta manus. 

1. zmaroffdos] A green gem, jasper very highly. See Ep. 476. 20, 

snpposed to be emerald. In iv. * et pretium magnis fecit iaspidibus.* 

28. 4, we have, * Indos sardonychas, Juv. v. 42, * da veniam ; praeclara 

Scythas zniaragdos* (qu. Russian illic laudatur iaspis." Our jasper 

Qialachite ?). The word is perhaps is a valueless material. Perhaps 

Sanscrit. It seems to have been the Romans meant opaly or some 

pronounced both ^maraqdus and equally rare stone. The descriptiou 

mar(ju)us. See Propert iii. 7. 44. of it in Pliny, N. H. 37, § 115, 

Pliny, N. H. 37. 62 seaq.— ac^a- suits the iridescent character of 

vuiniaSy probably diamonds, which opal. 

firstbecomementionedasgemsabout 4. inde\ He intimates that the 

ring or rings. The Romaus valued sed ipsa, tradat.* Also Ep. lOo. 7. 


EP. 223. (V. xii.) 

On the same. Fcats of strength. such as bearing boys on a pole pl»^ 
on the forehead, are as nothing to Stella^s bearing so manr girls oo k. 
fingers, i. c. their likencsses, or presents in the shape of gemmed rings. 

Quod nutantia fronte perticata 
Gestat pondera Masthlion superbus, 
Aut grandis Ninus omnibus lacertis 
Septem quod pueros levat vel octo, 
Res non difficilis mihi videtur, 
Uno cum digito vel hoc, vel illo, 
Portet Stella meus decem puellas. 

EP. 224. (V. xiii.) 

To a vain boaster, Callistratus, who thought too much of mcre ^»-'^ 
He was a libertiuus, as appears from v. 6 ; and generally it mar V 
remarked that Greek names, like Pallas, Narcissus, Callistus, Euco^ 
&c., indicate libertini. 

Sum, fateor, semperque fui, Callistrate, pauper, 

Sed non obscurus, nec male notus eques, 
Sed toto legor orbe frequens et dicitur " Hic est," 

Quodque cinis paucis, hoc mihi vita dedit. 
At tua centenis incumbunt tecta columnis 

Et libertinas arca ilagellat opes, 
Magnaque Niliacae servit tibi gleba Syenes, 

Tondet et inuumeros Gallica Panna greges. 
Hoc ego tuque sumus : sed quod sum, non potes esse: 

Tu quod es, e populo quilibet esse potest. * '^ 

\. pauper] i. e. conaparatively. iv. 42. 7, * mollesque flagellent co^ 

This shows Martial was (like Ovid) comae.* 

an eques (noster eques, Ep. 227. 2) ; 7. gleba\ A farm of Syenc; ?* 

but the 400,000 sestertii was a small haps including lapidicinae^ quarr'* 

sum compared with the gigantic for- of Syenite. What Horace « ' 

tunes of liberti. See Tac. Ann. ' columnas ultima rccisas Afr.<^ 

xii. 63, * libertinus (Pallas) ter was perhaps this material.— ^"^" 

milliens possessor.* Compare Ep. £p. 61. 6. 

469. 4; 566. 2—8. 8. Galiira'] sc. in Cisalpine Ci-.^ 

2. mile notus] * Known for evil,' Parma was famed, like Taren^" 

or simply, ' ignotus.* and the Guadaiquivir (Bactis)- w* 

S./requensj In crowded audiences. its fine wool. See Ep. 87. **. *'''• 

' jloto—-orlie, see Ep. 690. b.—Jiic 180. 5. 

48t, Pers. i. 28. , 9. ego iuque] For * hoc ego ^;^ 

5. tua — tecia] The roof of your et hoc tu es,' such we are Tf^ 

atrium and peristyle. tively. 

6.JlageUai} See £p. 79. 4. In 10. Tuquodea] sc. diyet. 


EP. 225. (V. xiv.) 

The subject the same as Ep. 219. 

Sedere primo solitus in gradu semper 

Tunc, cum liceret occupare, Nanneius, 

Bis cxcitatus terque transtulit castra, 

Et inter ipsas paene tertius sellas 

Post Graiumque Luciumque consedit. 5 

lilinc cucullo prospicit caput tectus 

Ocuioque ludos spectat indecens uno. 

Et hinc miser deiectus in viam ti'ansit, 

Subsellioque semifultus extremo 

Et male jeceptus altero genu iactat, 10 

Equiti sedere Leitoque se stare. 

2. eum licere{\ Before the new cal names of equites. See Mayor 
edict of Domitian (£p. 219. 1). — on Juv. iv. 13. 

occzfpars, to secure a place by getting 7. indecans] Unsightly, dir/ocir^f, 

there first as if luscm. So 70. 4. * Quod paene 

3. excitalus] By Leitus or Oceanus terram tangit indecens nasui, and 
(iii. 95. 10, ^ et sedeo qua te suscitat *cui comparatus indecens erat pavo/ 
Oceanus.' Ep. 232. 4, and v. 27. 4, 243. 12; lib. xii. 22. 1, *quam sit 
^ut sedeas viso pallidus Oceano*). — lusca Philaenis indecenter.* He 
tranHulit castra, decamped, mov^d veiled his face with his cowl or hood, 
oif. 80 as not to be seen, and so detected. 

4. paene tertius] He wedged him- — prospiciij 0caTat, views the plav. 
self between two sellae (perhaps 8. in viam] He is made to budfge 
moveable chairs^ difflering from sub- still further back, till he is shifted 
tdlia^ and appropriated to Hlustres into the pathway or nassage between 
ewiles), so as to make cUmost a the equites and the plebs. He could 
tuird, but still compelled to stand not leave this without sitting among 
alittle back for want of room. We the plebs; so he makes a desperate 
cannot ezplain it * in the third row effort to half sit, half kneel at the 
ahnost between the seats ;* for if he very end of a bench, neither on it, 
had been ter excitatus^ he would nor off it, so that he can say he is 
have beei) luoved back further stilL or is not sitting, according to cir- 
Hitherto he had been on the very cumstances. — extremo^ the last of 
firH row (primo ffradu). the fourteen rows. — LeitOy see £p. 

5. Gaius et Lucius] Mere typi- 219. 12. 

ER 226. (V. xvi.) 

The poet hints that little profit accrues from writing epigrams, and 
playfully threatens to adopt a more lucrative pursuit 

Seria cum possim, quod delectantia malo 
Scribere, tu causa es, lector amice, mihi, 

1. Seria — Seribere] e. g. orationa viz. meipsum. In the preceding 
or causes for clients. — delectantia, epigram (v. J5. 6) he nad said, 


Qui legis et tota cantas mea carmina Eoma : 

Sed nescis, quanti stet mihi talis amor. 
Nam si falciferi defendere templa Tonantis 

Sollicitisque velim vendere verba reis, 
Plurimus Hispanas mittet mihi nauta metretas 

Et fiet vario sordidus aere sinus. 
At nunc conviva est comissatorque libellus, 

Et tantum gratis pagina nostra placet. i 

Sed non et veteres contenti laude fuerunt, 

Cum minimum vati munus Alexis erat. 
"Belle" inquis "dixti: iuvat, et laudabimus usque/ 

Dissimulas ? facies me, puto, causidicum. 

* non prosint sane, me tamen ista dibus ezplices monetae/ £p- ^ 
juvant/ — sinuSj the lap or pocket of - 

5. /alci/eri-^Tonantts] The tem- toga, Ep. 10. 10. 

ple of Satorn, on the slope of the 9. conoivci] My book is onlj ^'' 

Uapitol, and near the Fonim Ro- at banquets and drunken R^- 

manum. The image of Satum with and pleases only when there - 

his knife (our Fatner Time with his nothing to be paid for heanc? 

Bcythe) waa said to have been im- A .^ficrf does not pay for hia din»'* 
ported into Rome in carly times. 11.] *Not so thepoetsofold,»' 

Ovid, Fast, i. 233, *Tu8cum rate looked' for something morc «■•■ 

▼enit in amnem Ante pererrato stantial than mere praise/t-S" 

falcifer orbe deus.' * To defeud bis present of a handsome Blav^l»^'-' 

temple,' merely means * to plead in the very least — Alexis^ Viij. t- 

the forum,* much as Horace says, ii. 1 ; Propert. iii. 26. 73. 
*obeundus Marsya,' Sat i. 6. 120. 13.] You say, ' Youareact?- 

6. SoUicitis—reis] So Ovid, Fast poet We like you, and wiU «^^ 
i. 22, * civica pro ti'epidis cum tulit give you credit for thst* »"!* 
arma reis.' — vendere, viz. for a fee. means this to bc a rcproof w- ' 

7. Plurimus — natUa] * Many a hint that it is only barrcn ^* 
sailor from my own country would and he adds, * Do you yret^^ 
bringme in gratitude jars of Spanish to understand my meaning?' j* 
wine.* The lawrers were often paid willmakemetumlawyer,ifyon<lf-' 
in kind, Ep. 1&6 ; Juv. vii., &c. pay me.'—dixti may also me»« ' 
The metreta was a big jar, holding the precedingstatementofyourc' 
about eight gallons. Juv. iii. 246, —juvat^ * nos te esse poetam. -ff 

* et hic tignum capiti incutit, ille is ironical : * I suppose yott intc^ 
metretam. i. e. wish to make megive up ^^ 

8. vario — aere] With small brass epigrams. 
coins as offerings. Cf. * nigrae sor- 

EP. 227. (V. xvii.) 

On a proud fair one, who, after boasting that she would ttost^^ 
under a senator, married one who held no higher office than to ctf^' 
•acred cbest or box iu Dionysiac processions. 


Dum proavos atavosque refers et nomina magna, 

" Dum tibi noster eques sordida conditio est, 
Dum te posse negas nisi latOj Gellia, clavo 
Nubere, nupsisti, G^llia, cistifero. 

2. noster eques] ' Knights of mj the fUll cenras : 'pauperes (Ep. 
Btaxnp/ viz. nonorary, and without 224. 1), non justi.* 

EP. 228. (V. xviii.) 

The poet gives a reason for not having sent to a rich patron, Quintianns, 
the customary presents of a client at the Satumalia. 

Quod tibi Decembri mense, quo volant mappae 

Gracilesque ligulae cereique chartaeque 

Et acuta senibus testa cum Damascenis, 

Praeter libellos vernulas nihil misi, 

Fortasse avarus videar aut inhumanus. 6 

Odi dolosas munerum et malas artes. 

Imitantur hamos dona. Namque quis nescit, 

Avidum vorato decipi scarum musco ? 

Quotiens amico diviti nihil donat, 

O Quintiane, liberalis est pauper. 10 

1. volcmt'] ^Fly about/ are sent multa fragrat testa senibus auc' 

in all directions, ditnriix-novTai. tumnis.^ 

TibuU. iii. 1. 3, ' et vaga nunc certa 4. vemtdaa^ * Home-bred,^ not 

discurrunt undique pompa Perque procui^ed from without; or perhapi 

vias urbis munera perque domos. — * sportive,* like a ' verna procax.* 

mappae, dinner-napkins, one of the Ct. £p. 21. 2. 

commonest presents.— iu7u^a<9, silver 7. Iniitanturhamos] i. e. like them 

spoons, like our dessert spoons. See they are baited to catch. See Ep. 

Becker, Gallus, p. 478.— ccm, wax 85. 4 ; 308. 6. Tac. Ann. xiii. 4*i, 

tapers. Cf. xiv. 42, * hic tibi noc- * Romae testamenta et orbos velut 

tumos praestabit cereus ignes.* — indagine ejus (Senecae) capi.' So 

chariaR^ packets of paper, which iv. 56, * qui potes insidias dona 

weie of trifline cost (tomus vilis, vocare tuas, sic avidis fallax indulget 

Ep. 32. 3). Cf. xiv. 10, ' non est, piscibus hamus, callida sic stultas 

munera quod putes pusilla, cum decipit esca feras.* — scaruniy some 

donat vacuas poeta chartas.* unknown,but highly prized fish (Hor. 

3. aeuta — testa] A cone-ahaped Sat. ii. 2. 22), which was caught by 

or pointed jar of old plums (our an inferior one used as a bait. 

wora damsons^ damascenes). Cf. 10. liberalis] cXci;0epio9, *in> 

xiii. 29, * pruna peregrinae carie dependent,* with a play on the sense 

rugosa senectae sume.* — senibtLs^ of * generous,* so as to produca t 

•old,' stale. So Ep. 148. 7, 'et paradox. Cf. Ep. 247. 8. 

L 2 


EP. 229. (V. xix.) 

A compliment to Domitian, on his public benefits as a prince, 10^« 
indirect request for Lis patronage. 

Si qua fides veris, praeferri, maxime Caesar, 

Temporibus possunt saecula nulla tuis. 
Quando magis dignos licuit spectare triumphos ? 

Quando Palatini plus meniere dei ? 
Pulchrior et maior quo sub duce Martia Roma? • 

Sub quo libertas principe tanta fuit ? 
Est tamen hoc vitium, sed non leve,' sit licet unam, 

Quod colit ingratas pauper amicitias. 
Quis largitur opes veteri fidoque sodali, 

Aut quem prosequitur non alienus eques ? * 

Saturnaliciae ligulam misisse seUbrae 

Flammarisve togae scripula tota decem 

1. veris} toi« a\t}0cvT(Ko?c. ' take alienus to mean an bonoa' 

Vulg. veri. knight, viz. not one by birtb. ^- 

3. triumphisl Viz. those in Ger- by imperial favour. Cf. xi^- '•* 
many and Dacia. Ep. 3. 3 ; 64. 3. * Ante frequens, sed nunc »nu :* 

4. Palaiini — €let] The gods wor- donat amicus ! Felix cm comfff' 
shipped on the Palatine, as Apollo, non alienus eques.* The tenn 'l-C 
Jupiter, Yesta, Minerva ; but with may have been given in dispin?; 
an allusion to the emperors as re- ment to those who were nofJQ^ 
siding there. * regiilars,' i. e. possessing the '- 

5. Martia Rotna] Coupled with census, Ep. 200. 4. . , 
duce, this couveys a military com- 11. To have sent (to »^11»'' 
pliment under a common-nlace ex- silver snoon of half a pound li •• 
pression. We have * Martia turba ' Satumalia, or a flame-colourtd tccv 
for literanr Ronie in Ep. 2. 4. — the whole cost of whicli do«4 > 
principe^ the constitutional term, as exceed ten scniples, is extnnpw» 
dux and impenttor are militaiy and your haughty noblc» »p«*» ^ 
titles. For libertv, not military these things as gifts : one th«'*J*' 
glory, is now praised. be to talk about (or to ^^^ 

8. Quod coHf] That a poor man Kwitaviifiu^ i. e. in preaentingjc^ 

has to cultivate friendships, which coins. Cf. Ep. 659 3, ^^^* 

give him no retum (so * ingi^ata manu crepantes ;* and 37- H' ^^^ 

spatia campj,' Ep. 148. 4). He ii. 11, *o si sub rastrocrepetir?»- 

means, that patrons ill i*equite mihi seria.' The aurm {^"^^ 

the attendanoe (oflScium) of their waa twenty-five denarii, abM»'" 

clients. 1 1. — Flammaria, perhap» the vx^^ 

10. non alienus] i. e. * vere ami- yellow tinge of the wool, 0:»^?* 

cus.' What patron is now-a-days like the «c;»o«c«TOi/of theGree»*' 

escorted by an equestrian client that Jlammeolum of the Roman W*' 

is sinteereiy endeared to him by his tcripulaj our word * ^r^v 

kindness and liberality ? This seems Troy weight), originall.T w («f 

the simplest and best sense. Othera from marks or lines scratcbed oo ^ 


X^uxuria est, tumidiqae vocant haec munera reges : 
Qui crepet aureolos, forsitan unus erit. 

Quatenus hi non sunt, esto tu, Caesar, amicus : 15 

Nuila clucis virtus dulcior esse potest. 

lam dudum tacito rides, Germanice, naso : 
Utile quod nobis, do tibi consilium. 

weights. Cf. Ep. 213. 3. In the senses, ^valour in a generaV an<l 

time of the empire it was a gold * merit in a prince/ 

coin = one-third of a denarius. 17. tadto — nasd] ' Silent ridicule.* 

15. Quatenus] In proportion as You show that you are aware that 
such friends are not to be found, do the advice I give is not disinterested, 
you supply their place. and for your own benefit, but rather 

16. ducis virtus] A play on the for my own (or for us clients). 

EP. 230. (V. XX.) 

To Julius Martialis, his friend (Ep. 198). *If,' says the poct, *we 
could choose our own lot, we would shun the fatigues of business, and 
seek our amusement only. 

Si tecum mihi, care Martialis, 

Securis liceat frui diebus, 

Si disponere tempus otiosum 

Et verae pariter vacare vitae : 

Nec nos atria, nec domos potentum, 5 

Nec lites tetricas forumque triste 

Nossemus, nec imagines superbas ; 

Sed gestatio, fabulae, libelli, 

Campus, porticus, umbra, virgo, thermae, 

Haec essent loca semper, hi labores. 10 

2. liceat'} Here for liceret. Cf. were caiTied in a litter. Cf. Ep. 

essentj in ver. 10. 8. 8. Le Maire cites Pliny, Ep. ii. 

3.] Pers. V. 43, * unum opns et 17. 14, * Gestatio buxo aut rore 

requiem pariter disponimus ambo.* marino, ubi deficit buxus, ambitur.* 

4. verae — viiae] fiiiv fiiatru, a Compare cenatiOy a dining-room. — 

life worthy to be called so. fafnuae, on the same principle, means 

6. tetricas] Harsh, disagreeable : places for conversation, ActrYai, 
the opposite to delicalas. Mounges.' — W)elli^ the places of re- 

7. imoffines] The waxen husts or citation, or book-shops. 
likenesses of ancestors arranged in 9. porticus, umf/ral The porticus 
the atria of great houses. Ep. 166. 6, Pdmpeii and its shady garden. Ep. 
*atriaque immodicis arct&t ima- 7*2. 10. — virgOy the virffo aquOy or 
ginibus.' clear water irom the aqueduct of 

8. gestatio] The place ^portico or Agrippa. See Ep. 296. 18. 
teiTace) iu which the ricli rode, or 


Nunc vivit necuter sibi bonosque 
Soles efiugere atque abire sentit, 
Qui nobis pereunt et imputantur. 
Quisquam vivere cum sciat, moratur ? 

11.] Vulgo, nunc vivit sibi neuter, scribitur hora tibi.' 

&c. 14. Quisquam] Does any ope, 

13. imputantur] (113. 3) *Are when he knows how to enjoylife, 

reckoned against U8 ;' wearecharged delay to do so? Compare for tfais 

with them, made responsible for idiom. Ep. 29. 5, and for * vivere,' 

them, as if we had used them, i. e. £p. 106. 4. 
onjoyed them. Cf. 541. 6, * omnis 

EP. 231. (V. xxii.) 

To PauluB, a rich advocate ( Juv. vii. 143), and one of Martiars patrons. 
He excuses his absence from the levee on the account of the long joumej. 
Compare Ep. 66. 

Mane domi nisi te volui meruique videre, 

Sint mihi, Paule, tuae loDgius Esquiliae. 
Sed Tiburtinae sum proximus accola pilae, 
V Qua videt antiquum rustica Flora lovem : 
Alta Suburani vincenda est semita clivi 6 

Et nunquam sicco sordida saxa gradu, 
Vixque datur longas mulorum rumpere mandras 

Quaeque trahi multo marmora fune vides. 
Illud adhuc gravius, quod te post mille labores, 

Paule, negat lasso ianitor esse domi. 10 

1. vdui meruique] * If I did uot Ep. 288. 1. 

wish to see you, and de8er\'ed it,^ 5. c/mj The ascent up to EBqui- 

viz. after going to your house, I ought liae, through the subura gordutoy 

not to have been refused, ver. 10.-~ stones fouled with ever wet steps, 

hngius^ a droU kind of imprecation : from the dirt of the adjoining 

^may your house on the Esquiliae streets. 

be yet further distaut thau it is ! * 7. rumpere] To make one^s way 

d. Tihurtinae — pilae \ A pillar on throueh. — mandrat, the pens or foldji ' 

the via Tiburtina, which commenced in which mules stood, perhaps for 

at the Esquiline gate, near the spot hire. Juv. 3. 237, ' stantia co&vicia 

whcre Martial resided. See 34. 12. Of mandrae." 

the exact meaning of pila nothing 8. marmora] Masses of marble 

seems known. — antiffuum — lonem., being pulled up the steep by ropea 

where the temple of Flora (on the on drays or rollers. Juv. iii. '255, 

Boath end of the Quirinal) commands *■ si procubuit qui saJUk Ligustica 

a view of the old temple of Jupiter portat axis," &c. 

Feretrius, or Capitoliuus. Cf. lU. negat] Cf. £p. 66. 5. 


'Exitus hic operis vani togulaeque madentis : 

Vix tanti Panlum mane videre fuit. 
Semper inhumanos habet oficiosus amicos : 

Rex, nisi dormieris, non potes esse meus. 

11. togulae madentis] Jut. ▼. 76, attentive in paying hia ofBcium or 
' Scilicet hoc fiierat propter quod court to his patron, has ever un- 
Baepe relicta conjuge per montem courteous friends, i. e. in refiising 
oppoBitum gelidasque cucurri £s- him admission. 

quiliaa, ft«meret saeva cum grandine 14. Bex — metu} My patron (reiB 

TeTnuB Jupiter et multo stillaret is not here the Yocative). — niei aor- 

paeuula nimbo.* mieris, * unless you sleep till your 

12. videre'] To see him, instead clients visit yon.* Paulus seems 
of being told he is not at home. to havo got up still earlier to visit 
There is keen ironv in this. other patrons himself. Cf. £p. 

13. ojfficiosua} A client, who is 75. 

EP. 232. (V. xxiii.) 

The suhject the same as £p. 219. 

Herbarum fueras indutus, Basse, colores, 

lura theatralis dum siluere loci. 
Quae postquam placidi censoris cura renasci 

lussit et Oceanum certior audit eques, 
Non nisi vel cocco madida vel murice tincta 5 

Veste nites et te sic dare verba putas. 
Quadringentorum nuUae sunt, Basse, lacemae, 

Aut meus ante omnes Cordus haberet equum. 

1. Herbarum—colores} Green, or lidus Oceano.*— oer^tor, kept more 
creenish-yellow, * vestis thalassiua ' distinct from the pleba than hereto- 
(Lucret. iv. 1123), a colour wom by fore, Ep. 219. 2. 

eifeminate fops, as being the fashion 5. coceo'] Scarlet, the dye of the 

for women. It was called color kermes-oak; thehicemawas thedis- 

galbaneus. Cf. iii. 82. 5, ' jacet tinctive dress of the eques. See Ep. 

occupato galbinatus in lecto.* Juv. 78. 8. Becker, Gallus, p. 446.— 42ar« 

ii. 97, ^ caerulea indutus scutulata veW>a, sc. Oceano. 

aut galbana lasa.^ 7. Quadrinff.'] No lacemae cost 

2. Jura — loci] While the right so much as a knighrs foi-tune; so 
of the reserved seats of the equites that vour fine dress will not legally 
-was in abeyance. entitle you to sit among the knights. 

4. Oceanum] One of the marshals If it did, then Cordus, who was 

of tbe theatre. See Ep. 278. Inf. 'alpha paenulatomm* (Ep. 235)^ 

V. 27. 5, ' Bis septena tibi non lunt would be a knight. 
lubselUa tanti, Ut sedeas viso pal- 


EP. 233. (V. xxiv.) 

On Hermes, an accomplished and popular gladiator. 

Hermes Martia saeculi voluptas, 

Hermes omnibus eruditus armis, 

Hermes et gladiator et magister, 

Hermes turba sui tremorque ludi, 

Hermes, quem timet Helius, sed unum, 5 

Hermes, cui cadit Advolans, sed uni, 

Hermes vincere nec ferire doctus, 

Hermes suppositicius sibi ipse, 

Hermes divitiae locariorum, 

Hermes cura laborque ludiarum, 10 

Hermes belligera superbus basta, 

Hermes aequoreo minax tridente, 

Hermes casside languida timendus, 

1. saecult] Of tbe day. The - picioy inf. xi. 45. 5«, esuritiOy Ep. 
meaning is, * the delight of all the 269. 18. This perhaps resulted from 
Romans who freouent the amphi- a pronunciation between a dental 
theatre.* So Ep. 101. 8, Martia nou and a sibilant, suspiisio, &c., or the 
vidit majus hai-ena nefas.^ c was doubled, as iii ok^^^ for oy"^* 

2. omnihus] iravroioi^y every &c. SeePlaut Mil. 322. Pseud. 1167. 
kind of weapon by which the dif- 9. locarii] Were the contracton 
ferent kinds of gladiators ai'e dis- for seats, which they let out singlv 
tinguished. at a profit, as the London libraries 

4. iuri)a] Turbator, the confusion \iave seats for disposal at the opera, 
and the dread of his own school. &c. 

*A rough among roughs,* as we 10. ludiarum] The gladiatofs 

should say. Cf. 260. 5. The ma- wives, of whom Hermes is the ad- 

gistri or lanisiae were fencing mas- miration. Juv. vi. 104, ' quid vidit, 

ters, who kept for hire schools of propter quod ludia dici sustinuit.^' 

gladiators. Ih. 266, * quae ludia sumpserit un- 

5, 6. Helius — Advolans] Names quam hos habitus.^* 

of two noted gladiators. — cui cadit^ \ 1. hasta] The javelin of the 

like iyci) viwnGt Toadty Ar. Ran. gladiators called SamniieSj see Livr, 

1134. * Lc. 40adfin. 

7. vincere nee/erire] To conquer 12. tridente] Viz. as *retiariu«.* 
without disabling his adversary. Juv. viii. 203, movet ecce tridentem, 

8. suppositicius] ' His own sub- postquam librata pendentia' retia 
Btitute, i. e. requiring no one to dextra Nequicquam efFudit.* 

take his place, beeause he is never 13. casside languida] The helmet 

Wounded. Similarly, Aesch. Cho. not standing erect, but hanging loose 

'^l, Toiavit ird\t)v ixovo^ tSv over the eycs. The cmduhaiae are 

c</>fdpo« dto-o-oTf /ucWci 0c?ot '0/uca- alluded to, who thus fought in a 

T»|v &\ffeiv. — ^The t in suppositicius manner blindfolded. Hence Juv. 

is lon^, as in novicius, suspiciosusy viii. 203, 'nec galea faciem ab> 

missictust iii. 91. 1, and even sus- scondit.* 


Hermes gloria Martis universi, 

Hermes omnia solus et ter unus. 16 

1 5. omma soius] Ovid, Her. xii. seenis to play on the nsne Hermes 
161, 'deseror — conjuge qui nobis TrismegiBtos. 
omnia boIus erat/ — In ter unus^ he 

EP. 234. (V. XXV.) 

On the foUy of apending large sums on racing, when a poor but re» 
epectable man of equestrian birth has a census too small to entitlo him t» 
a Beat among the equites. Compare Ep. 200. 

** Quadringenta tibi non sunt, Chaeresti^ate : surge, 

Leitus ecce venit : st ! fuge, curre, late." 
tecquis, io, revocat discedentemque reducit ? 

Ecquis, io, largas pandit amicus opes ? 
Quem chartis famaeque damus populisque loquendum ? 5 

Quis Stygios non volt totus adire lacus ? 
Hoc, rogo, non melius, quam rubro pulpita nimbo 

Spargere et effuso permaduisse croco ? 
Quam non sensuro dare quadringenta caballo, 

Aureus ut Scorpi nasus ubique micet ? 10 

O frustra locuples, o dissimulator amici, 

Haec legis et laudas ? Quae tibi fama perit ! 

2. Lettus] See £}>. 219. 12 ; 225. Lib. Spectac. 3.8, * £t Cilices nimbis 

11 st! an exclamation (so in ed. hic maduere suis.* This shows that 

Schneid.) ; but sta is perhaps right, even the persons in the theatre were 

tbe old reading, i. e. * stand up,* spnnkled with it, madebant. 

donH keep your seat — ./M//e, &c., 9. (fuadringenta, &c.] Than to 

* do any thing to escape the disgrace give a full equestrian census to a 

of being tumed out.* — These are norse in the Circus, who can in no 

Bupposedto bethe wordsof a waming way understand or appreciate your 

friend. liberality. 

5. quem—damus\ Whom do we 10. Scorpi] The name of a famoiis 

(i. e. must we) consign to famc? jockey in the circus. See £p. 200. 

Who wishes to escape oblivion ? 5 ; 547. 5. — nasuSt aHuding to the 

The poet puts this imaginary ques- giided face of his equestrian statue. 

tion to the Rich : ' Who wishes to So Pers. ii. 58, *sitque illis aurea 

be made famous in my poems for barba.* Juv. xiii. 151, ^radat in- 

his kindness in helping a friend ? ' aurati femur Herculis, et faciem ip- 

7. ntbro —nimfw] SafFron-water sam Neptuni.' 

"irown on the stage for the cool 11. amict] Perhaps amice. Cf. 

refreshing smell. Cf. 153. 2; 410.4. £p. 213. 10, ' nam mihi jam notus 

Prop. V. 1. 16, ' puipita solemnes non dissimulator eris.* The genitive 

oluere crocos.* Ib. v. 6. 74, Uerque seems to mean, 'who disguise the 

lavet nostras spica Cilissa comas.* character of a friend/ i. e. its true 


cfaftracter. — Simulator, ' one who appeal to vealthy and insiiieen 

feigns it/ would suit the sense friends. — legis et laudaSy cf. 109. .\ 

better ; or perhaps, * you who cheat The senie is, * Do you i-ead Uiis hint, 

^our friend.* — No jMtrticular person and not act on it?" — fama^ i.e. 

iB addressed; but it is a general Mn chartis meis." 

EP. 235. (V. xxvi.) 

Qaod alpha dixi, Corde, paenulatorum 
Te nuper, aliqua cum iocarer in charta, 
Si forte bilem movit hic tibi versus, 
Dicas licebit beta me togatorum. 

1. Qzfoi— «fmJEp. 91.4. ^lfyou of the togati,' i.e. I shall not be 
donH Uke to be called No. 1 of the offended at the titlo of ' second 
paenulati, you may call me No. 2 among Roman citizens.* 

EP. 236. (V. xxix.) 

Si quando leporem mittis mihi, Gellia, dicis, 
*' Formosus septem, Marce, diebus eris." 

Si non derides, si verum, lux mea, narras, 
Edisti nunquam, Grellia, tu leporem. 

2. formosusl It was a popular pori in novem dies fieii arbitratur, 
notion (perhaps from the association irivolo quidem joco, cui tamen ali- 
of ideas between lejms and lepor) qua debeat subesse causa in tanta 
that those who eat hare would have persuasione." — The poet intimates 

food looks for nine days after. that the ugly Gellia could never 

*liny, xxviii. 79, § 260, * Somnos have eaten hare. — lux mea is an 

fieri sumpto in cibis lepor^ Cato ironical uiroicopto-Ma; for Gelliawts 

arbitratur ; vulgus et gratiam cor- neither young nor good looking. 

EP. 237. (V. XXX.) 

To yan'0 (Atacinus), a poet not unknown to fame (Propert iii. 26. 85), 
inviting him to lay aside his severer stadies, and read epigrams iu the 
holiday time of Saturaalia. 

Varro, Sophocleo non infitiande cothurno, 
Nec minus in Calabra suspiciende lyra, 

1 . non infUiande] ' Not to be the lyi*ic style of Horace. Aichaic 
«isowned by, i. e. ' dignissime.* writing was at this time in ▼ogue. 

2. suspiciende} OavfAaa-rky in Ca- See Pers. i. 76 seqq. Inf. Ep. 688. 
lal*ra lyra, in the heroic style of 5, ' fila lyrae movi Calabris excolta 
Ennius, or perhaps (Ep. 400. 6) in Camenis." 


Differ opus, nec te facundi scena Catulli 

Detineat, cultis aut elegia comis ; 
Sed lege fumoso non aspernanda Decembri 5 

Carmina, mittuntur quaetibi mense suo. 
Commodius nisi forte tibi potiusque vidotm*, 

Saturnalicias perdere, Varro, nuces. 

3. diffhr] Put ofF your studies. novosebria bruma sales;' also 520. 
Ovid, Fast. i. 74, 'differ opus, li- 7. commo^tztf] icaiptcorfpov, more 
vidalingua, tuum.* — Ca^t<//t,awriter suitable to the season. 

of mimes. Juv. viii. 186, *■ clamosum 8. nuces] Unless you think it 

ageres ut phasma Catulli.* mora convenient and better to iose 

4. ^/«Tia] Thegodde8sofelegy,re- nuts (i. e. play with them as a siib- 
presented witb hair either loosened stitute . for dice) at the Saturaalia. 
in grief or neatly bound up, typify- This is said with a kind of irony. — 
ing the elegance and polisii oi the tmceat properlv the playthinss of 
etyle. Ovid has a similar figure, boys. Cf. 2/2. 1. Pers. i. 10, 
* Flebilis indignos elegeia solve ca- *■ nucibus facimus quaecumque re- 
pillos.' lictis.* Inf. vii. 91. 1, 'de nostro 

5. /umoto] When the focus is facunde tibi, Juveualis, agello Sa- 
lighted, and when hospitality is turnaliciasmittimu8,ecce,nuces.* See 
shown more than at other seasons. — also Juv. v. 144. The alea was lega] 

non aspemttnda, Ep. 168. 3 fnense only during the Saturnalia (v. ult. * 

suOy in their own appropriate month. Sometimes even men, who did nt»« 

Martialseemstohave writtenseveral like cambling, played with nuts. 

of his books expi-essly for the Sa- So E^». 199. 16, 'alea sed porcae 

tucnalia. Cf. 690. 4, ' postulat ecce sola fuere nuces.* 

EP. 238. (V. xxxi.) 

Ou wild oxcn in the amphitheatre, ti-ained to stand perfectlv still while 
boys stood, danced, and fenccd with arms on the animars back and head. 
A very elegant little poem, in compliment to Domitian. 

Aspice, quam placidis insultet turba iuvencis 
Et sua quam facilis pondera taurus amet. 

Cornibus hic pendet summis, vagus ille per armos 
Currit et in toto ventilat arma bove. 

At feritas immota riget : non esset harena ^ 6 

Tutior et poterant fallere plana magis. * 

1. iurba] Puerorum. — insuHet^ 5. /eritas] The beasts, though 

insHiat, springs upon, or dances on ; naturally fierce and restless, stand 

quam placide se gerant juvenci as steady as a rock. 

dum pueri insiliunt.* — pondera, 6. pfana] ' A fall might have 

' onus sibi impositum.* taken placo more easily even on the 

4. fMilai] Waves about, to as to level gi*ound/— an hyperbole. 
cause a wind. 


Noc trepiilant geetus, sed de diBcrimine paim&e 
SeciiruB puer est, aollicitumque pecus. 

7. aeo mpidaiii] ' Nor ais the» It 1i the beut iilone that » aniii» 
aoTsmeDtt (of the boy>) unaleadil)' M to the reauli,' la. leat he ahiioU 
looe; the boy ia lun of wiuDing; dainBge it. 

EP. 239. (V. xxiii.) 

On B glutton who had nothinf left to bequeath to hja wife. 

Quadrautem Crispus tabuUs, Faustine, supremis 
Non dedit uzorL " Cui dedit ergo ?" Sibi. 

EP. 240. {V. xxxiv.) 

Thia, and Ep. 213, £$6. sre Terir elegtat snd palhetic memariils ef i 
&voutite litlle alave-girl {>, Teriia, or liome-bred), by nuae Erotion, who 
died beforo her eiltb year. She wns oTidentlT Ihe propor^ of the porl 
aiwetl u hi> pei. 'llie poreDts. Fronto andFluj^ai», hnd been itiTti 

Hauc tibi, Fronto pater, genetrix Flaccilln, puellam 

Oscula commendo deliciaeque meaa, 
Parvula ne nigras horrescat Erotion umbraa 

Oraque Tartarei prodigioaa eania. 
Impletura fiiit aexlw« modo frigora brumae, 5 

Vixisset totidem ni minua illa dies. 
Inter tam YSteres ludat lasciva patronos 

VA liiimcu lilin;t"i garriat ore meum. 

2. enmilieadwl k. ' cgo Martiulit.' 5. leila, &c.] ' 8he would hart 

GrDDoiias «oald rnnuve lUe ilop been nii vean old if ghe had lived 

after Flaccilla, and undcraUDd u man} davt longer.' 8ee 243. t6, 

'i^, tupentei FWiUa, tibi mor- and 2Bl'. 3, ' bitienitiDodomenibui 

tuoi Fronio. commcndo.* &c But pemcbs Vii unum )iuer applicabii 

tho poot it pmlmlitv «peikiog in liii annum." 

Dwn pcreon, bulh liero and nt £p. 7. ialal laidra] Her youth and 

243; and 'tam Telctet julronut' her iunoccnce, u well ae the agc of 

referable to the two Hged her parents, will eicuae herplajfui 
or «aemingly wanton w»ji. So he 

itr — homrai^] Tlial, protected adds, garnai navien meunj, let hcr 

. k BiirLtrcs, nnd the CDie ber of impropricly iiaao, 

Df the moniler Cci beiiu. lee £p. 494. 2 ; 6^8. lU. 


Mollia non rigidus cespes tegat ossa, nec illi, 

Terra, grayis fueris : non fuit illa tibi. l^ 

9, 10.] * Lie lightly on her, Eartb ; thee/ — a distlcA of exquiiite p»- 
fbr she No heayy step e'er laid oa thos. 

EP. 241. (V. XXXV.) 

A boastfril slave, who has presnmed on the strength of his eoocina 
lacema (see Ep. 219. 5) to sit among the knights, and asserts to the 
lcnowing Leitus (ibid. 12) his right to ao so, betrays his real character by 
dropping a door-key from the sinus or pocket of his toga. He was poHitor 
to some domus or town-house. 

Dum sibi redire de Patrensibus fundis 

Ducena clamat coccinatus Euclides 

Corinthioque plura de suburbano 

Longumque pulchra stemma repetit a L^da 

Et suscitanti Leito reluctatur : 5 

Equiti superbo, nobili, locupleti 

Cecidit repente magna de sinu clavis. 

Nunquam, FabuUe, nequior fuit clavis. 

2. Eitclides] Many slaves had agendas (Pallanti liberto), quod 

Greek names. Here he probably regibus Arcadiae ortus veterrimam 

pretends to be a rich libertus of nobilitatem usui publico postpone- 

Cquestrian fortune, and talks of his ret, seque inter ministros principis 

farms and their revenues at Patras haberi sineret." 
and Corinth. 8. nequior] Because keys arv 

4. aLeda] Cf. Tac. Ann. zii. 53, sometimes *wicked* in anoth^ 

where the historian remarks with sense, as being made subserrient to 

his usual quiet irony, * additum a fraud. Cf. Ar. Them. 422, K\itiia 

Scipione Uomelio gi^ates publice KuKoiiOitrruTa, 

EP. 242. (V. xxxvi.) 

On one whom the poet professes to have praised in his verses, on 
purpose to get a legacy; but the man, he says, has deccived him, and 
pretends he was under no obligation. 

Laudatus nostro quidam, Faustine, libello 
Dissimulat, quasi nil debeat : imposuit. 

2. tmposuU] See Ep. 147. 


EP. 243. (V. xxxvii.) 

The same subject as Ep. 240. 

Puella senibus dulcior mihi cygnis, 
Agna Galaesi mollior Phalantini, 
Concha Lucrini delicatior stagni, 
Cui nec lapillos praeferas Eiythraeos, 
Nec modo politum pecudis Indicae dentem 5 

Nivesque primas liliumque non tactum ; 
Quae crine vicit Baetici gregis vellus 
Rhenique nodos aureamque nitellam ; 
* Fragravit ore, quod rosarium Paesti, 
Quod Atticarum prima mella cerarum, 10 

Quod sucinorum rapta de manu gleba ; 

1. senibus — cygnis] * Than swans comam tibi, Lesbia, misi, Ut, 
with plumage grey, i. e. made <id- quanto sit tua flava magis.*-^ Bae- 
ditionally wnite by being old, — a tid^ the flocks on the Guadalqcivir. 
poeticalhyperbole, Eur. Bacch. 1364, Lib. xiv. \Z'd^ *" Laoemae Dixiicae: 
opviv oiTuiv Kt}(f>7jva 7roKt6)(^putv Non est lana mihi mendaT, nec 
KVKvoi. The Romans adi]^ired can- mutoraheno. Sic placeant Tjriae; 
dor in a woman's face, i. e. the clear me mea tinxit ovis.^ xii. 98. I, 
complexion contrasted with the bi- * Baetis olivifera crinem redimite 
lious-yellow or bmnette (Ep. 60. 2). corona Aurea qui nitidis velJen 
Hence all the figures to describe tingis aquis.^ See Mr. Mayor on 
female beauty ara borrowed from Juv. xii. 41. Inf. £p. 407. 6; 478. 4; 
white obiect«. 672. 6. 

2. Gataest] The Tarentine fleeces 8. IVient] i. e. Rhenorum. Pers. 
were valued, among other qualities, vi. 47, * essedaque ingentesque locat 
for their natural whiteness. See CaesoniaRhenos.* — ^ntY«//a, the won^ 
£p. 87. 3 ; 672. 3. is more properly spelt niiela, aa tLe 

3. Concka'] The mother-of-pearl t seems long as from nth', * to climb/ 
in the oyster-shell. By /optV/t Ery-^ not from nitere. So nl^ula, Hor. 
thraeiy either diamonds (£p. 222. 1) Epist. i. 7. 29. It was a kind of 
orpearl8aremeant(4l7. l4),brought dormouse; but Pliny, N. H. viii. 
from the Indian ocean. The latter, 57, § 224, distinguishes it from the 
however, are more generally called glis. 

conchaej or hacae (Pers. ii. 66). ] 1. rapia de manu] The Roman 

7. crine] The light flaxen or au- ladies carried balls of amber or 

burn hair of the Teutonic type is crystal (^Prop. iii. 15. 12), to cool 

compared to other objects, — the the hanas ; and the former when 

Spanish fleece, the hair of the J^heni, warmed gave out a scent Ep. 1 53. 5 ; 

the little dormouse (nitela). Hence 451. 6; 594. 6, 'Sucina vininea 

it is that in the stained ^lass of the ouod regelata manu.* Plinyi N. H. 

middle ages, as well as m the pic- 37. 3, C ^3, ^pinei autem generii 

turcs of the early masters, female arboris esse indicio est pineus in 

hair is represented by a yellow attritu odor, et quod accensom taedae 

tint. Cf. V. 68, *■ Arctoa de gente modo ac nidore fiagrat* 


Oui comparatus indecens erat paTHS, 

Imunabilis sciurus et frequens phoenix : 

-A.dliuc recenti tepet Erotion busto, 

Quam pessimorum lex amara fatorum 15 

Sexta peregit hieme, nec tamen tota, 

^ostros amores gaudiumque lususque. 

£t esse tristem me meus vetat Paetus, 

Pectusque pulsans pariter et comam yellens : 

** Deflere non te vernulae pudet mortem ? 20 

Ego coniugem" inquit "extuli et tamen vivo, 

Notam, superbam, nobilem, locupletem." 

Quid esse nostro fortius potest Paeto ? 

Ducentiens accepit, et tamen vivit. 

12. indecens] Unsightly. Cf. Ep. mere babiefl. 

225. 7; 336. 11. — ercrf, for esset ; 16. tota] See Ep. 490. 5. 

so in Vire. Georg. ii. 133, ^si noa 19. pariter] So as to match my 

jactaret — laums erat.* grief. Cf. Ep. 70. 5. 

13. sciurus] a-Kia and oifpa^ 20. vemtUae] Contemptuously 
squirrel. Our word is from «citt- said, and opposed to nobilem. 
rellm. 22. locuptetem] He purposely puts 

14. EroHon] Tbis is in apposition last a quality which with him stood 
with puella, in yer. 1 — tepet, either &r the first. The irony on tbe man^s 
fi'om the pile, or perhaps as only affected stoicism is intense. Cf. 
just dead ; for * tenti clauditur in- Ep. 95. 

fans Et minor igne rogi," Juv. xr. 24. Ducentiens] 20,000 sestertia, 
139, though this probably refeiB to br above 160,000/. 

EP. 244. (V. xxxviii.) 

Two brothers claimed to sit on the knights* seats, on the strength of a 
knight'8 fortune divided between them. The poet says, one might be an 
eques without the other, or they may take it in tum to sit among the 

Calliodoinis habet censum — quis nescit ?— equestrem, 
Sexte, sed et fratrem Calliodorus habet. 

Quadringenta secat, qui dicit <TVKa fiipii^ : 
Uno credis equo posse sedere duos ? 

1. Calliodorus] See Ep. 532 — other. To divide a fig (nr, as wo 

qui* nescit, i. e. he takes care that say, * to make two bites of a cberry *) 

eyery one shall know it. seems to have been a proverb for 

3.] * That man divides a knigbt's attemnting to share what is hardly 

fortime, who tells me to share a fig,* enough for one. But here, perhaps, 

i. e. it is as vain to do one as the we snould read Quadrinffenta aeca 


Quid cum fratre tibi, quid cum PoUuce molesto ? i 

Non esset PoUux si tibi, Castor eras. 
Unus cum sitis, duo, Calliodore, sedetis. 

Surge : a-oKoucLo-fjuov, Calliodore, facis. 
Aut imitare genus Ledae — cum fratre sedere 

Non potes : alternis, Calliodore, sede. - lo 

qui dicit, o-uica Mcpi^et. *Theman 9. Aiit inUtare] * Or else foDov 

who telU me to divide a knight^s the example of Leda^s sodb/ Tiz. 

census, is like the man who woiild as Castor was six months iii Hadcs, 

halve a fig.* and six months in heaven, alter- 

7. gedetis] Yiz. on the subsellia nately with his brother Pol lnx (Ep. 

of the equites. See on 248. 1. 471. 7; 548. 2), so do you take it 

8.j aoXoiKtaiJLdVf a solecism in in turns to play the eques hy sitting 

language, yiz. * uniis sumus.* on the knignts benches. 

EP. 245. (V. xxxix.) 

A satire on fortune-hunters, such aa Martial feigOB himaelf to be. 

Supremas tibi triciens in anno 

Signanti tabulas, Charine, misi 

Hyblaeis madidas thymis placentas. 

Defeci : miserere iam, Channe. 

Signa rarius, aut semel fac illud, S 

Mentitur tua quod subinde tussis. 

Excussi loculosque sacculumque. 

Croeso divitior licet fuissem, 

Iro pauperior forem, Charine, 

Si conchem totiens meam comesses. 10 

1. trictena — Signanti] Signingand iKatUt», of shaking out a mantle, 

sealing your will thirty times in the to ihow there are n^ stones left ia 

year. *£ach change gave hope to it, in Ar. Ach. 344, iKaioitvrai 

some captator that he would come xaud^\ oitxopa^ auo^iiyov^ 

in for a share. 9. Irol Hom. Od. XYiii. ^»—4som- 

4. Deftct\ My means have failed : cbjem^ * my beans.* Even a meal 
I can no longer afford honey-cakes of the commonest food, bo oflen (viz. 
for baits. thirty times in the year) aent yoo 

5. aut sejnel] Or die once for all, at my expense, would have nxined 
as that cough that you Bometimcs me.^ Juv. iii. 292, ^cujos aceto, 
have giyes us hopeB you will Boon cujus conche tumes.* xiy. 131, 
do, though hithertu our hopeB have ^alteriuB conchem aestiyam cnm 
been yain. See Ep. 6. 4. parte lacerti.* Inf. lib. xiii. 7, * Si 

7. Excussi] *■! naye Bhaken out, Bpuniet rubra conchis tibi ptUidA 
emptied of all their contentB, my teBta, Lautorum cenis saepe utgut 
deBKB, and my money-bag.* So potes.* 


EP. 246. (V. xl.) 

On a bad painter, who had attempted a Venoi. * You cannot wonder/ 
ss^Ts Martial, * that the goddeBa of art will not allow her rival (viz. at the 
J u^gment of Paris) to look heautifiil under your hands.* 

Pinxisti Venerem, colis, Artemidore, Minervam : 
Et miraris, opus displicuisse tuum ? 

EP. 247. (V. xlii.) 

Worldly wealth may he lost, hut good deeds cannot he. The point of 
the epigram is a kind of paradox, similar to that in Ep. 228. 10. l^erhaps 
tbis is intended as a reproof to some person for stinginess to the poet. 

Callidus efiracta nummos fur auferet arca, 

Prostemet patrios impia flamm!a lares : 
Debitor usuram pariter sdrtemque negabit, 

Non reddet sterilis semina iacta seges : 
Dispensatorem fallax spoliabit amica, 5 

Mercibus extructas obruet unda rates. 
Extra fortunam est, si quid donatur amicis : 

Quas dederis, solas semper habebis opes. 

2. impid] As ungrateful and un- 91, *Proelia quantaillicdispensatore 
dutiful to tne lar, worshipped at the videhis armigero.* A slaye acted 
focus as the tutelaiy god. So * pios under this name as * cashier and 
Penates,* Ep. 198. 29. accountant, especiallj in the familia 

3. sortem'] The principal. rustica/ (Becker, GalluSy p. 205.) 
5. Dispenaatorem} Tafilav, your 8.] Cf. Plaut. Mil. 674, ' in hono 

steward, who will give his master^s hospite atque amico quaestus est 
property to his own mistress. Jur. i. quod sumitur* (i. e. consumitur). 

EP. 248. (V. xlix.) 

A joke «[ainst the hald Lahienus, who brushed his hair in a quaint way. 
Compare Ep. 311. 2; 572. 1—3. 

Vidissem modo forte cum sedentem 
Solum te, Labiene, tres putavi. 
Calyae me numerus tuae fefellit : 

1. sedentem'] Used ahsolutely, as 3. Calvae'] Inf. 303. 2, ' et t^tur 

in Ep. 244. 7, i. e. ^equitum suh- densis sordida calva comis.* — nu^ 

selliis.* — tres putam^ * I mistook inerus^ i. e. crinium in capite, * I 

your hald head for three,* i. e. two counted your hald pate wrongly.* 
comati, and a calvua in the middle. 



Snnt illinc tibi, sunt et hinc capilli, 

Qnales vel puernm decere possint. 

Nndom est in medio caput, nec uUus 

In longa pilus area notatur. 

Hic error tibi profuit Decembri, 

Tum, cum prandia misit Imperator : 

Cum panariolis tribus redisli. 19 

Talem Greryonem i^isse credo. 

Yites, censeo, porticum Philippi : 

Si te viderit Hercules, peristi. 

4. kine ei ime] ' On each ride fiuaendo panificiT m coeptsim dki ; 

t)>;ere i» »lock as ueek and laxQriant hinc panarium ubi id servabant.* 
as a boyV* He perhape alludes to 11. Geryonem} He waa repiv- 

ihe little hair that iras left being Bented with three heads growing out 

dyed.— ar«a, cf. Petron. Sat § 109, of one body. See £p. 260. 12. 

* nonc umbra nndata sua jam tem- 12. eenseo viies} For ' ceaato 
pora manrent, Areaqne attritis ridet Titandum,* as veiim faeuiSy can 
adusta pilis.* £p. 572. 2, *et latnm dicasj &c — Pkiiippi, so ealled after 
nitidae, Marine, calvae Campum Marcius Philippus, the steplather t>{ 
temporibus t^s eomatis.* Augustus (Ovid. Fast. vi. fin.), wbo 

9. prandiamini] Suet. Dom. § it. restoied tne portico or piazza of 

* Septimontiali sacro, primo die se- Hercules and the Muses, irhich 
natui equitique panariis, plebei appears to have had a painting or a 
sportellis cum obsonio distributis, statue of Hercules. Hence the poet 
initium Tescendi primus fecit* Bays, Hercules will take him for 

10. panaru^i*} * Bread-baskets.* another Oeryon, and slay him. 
Yarro, L. L. ▼. 105, *a pane et 

EP. 249. (V. 1.) 

To an importunate parasite. See Ep. 72. 

Ceno domi quotiens, nisi te, Charopine, yocayi, 

Protinus ingentes sunt inimicitiae, 
Meque yelis stricto medium transfigere feiTo, 

Si nostrum sine te scis caluisse focum. 
Nec semel ergo mihi i^rtum fecisse licebit ? s 

Lnprobius nihil est hac, Charopine, gula. 
Desine iam nostram, precor, observare culinam, 

Atque aliquando meus det tibi verba focus. 

5. /urttm /edsBe] To cheat jou 8. deitSn verba] * Fallat te, cenim 
eren once hj dining at home alone. eoquat i)(naro te. 


EP. 250. (V. U.) 

On a fnssy and pretentions, hnt surly lawyer. Compare £p. 261, whence 
i^ appearfi that his name vas Pontilianus. 

Hic, qui libellis praegrayem gerit laeyaniy 

Notariorum quem premit chorus levis, 

Qui codicillis hinc et inde prolatis 

Epistolisque commodat gravem voltum 

Similis Catoni Tullioque Bmtoque, 6 

Exprimere, Rufe, fidiculae licet cogant, 

Ave Latinum, x^tp^ ^o^ potest Graecum. 

Si fingere istud me putas, salutemus. 

1. lUtellis] BoolcB of references, (orreading) of them aface asgrave 
precedents, &c. Juy. yii. 106, * dic as Cato^s, &c. 

igitur quid causidicis civilia prae- 6. Jidietdae] An instrument of 

stent officia, et magno comites in torture, called * fiddle-fitrinn,* from 

fasce libelli ? * being strained tight. Suet. Tib. § 62, 

2. Noiariorum\ Shorthandwriters. * excogitaverat autem inter genera 
£p. 567. 4; lib. ziv. 208, *nota- cruciatus etiam, ut laiga meri Votione 
rius : currant verba licet, manus est per fallaciam oneratos, ' fidiculai-um 
velocior illis : nondum lingua suum, tormento distenderet" Calig. § 33, 
dextra peregit opus." Suet. Titus, * quin et subinde jactabat, exquisi- 
§ iii. * e pluribus comperi, notis turum se vel fidiculis de Caesonia 
quoque excipere velocissime solitum, sua, xur eam tanto opere dilige- 
cum amanuensibus auis* [i. e. nota- ret.* 

riis] *per ludum jocumaue cer- 7. Xnlp%\ Perhaps this was be- 

tantem. See Becker, &Wu9, p. 33, comingcommonasanaddress. Pers. 

note 4. — leviSy i. e. puerorum. Prologue, ' quis expedivit Psittaco 

3. eodicillis] * Papers ' ffenerally, suum X"*^* ■ * — ^"^t the usual 
or perhaps * codicils * of wills. Juv. mominflr salutation. 

Tii. 110, *qui venit ad dubium 8. scuiUenuui] Yiz. to hear if he 

grandicumcodicenomen.* — prolcUiSf will reply. Probably thei-e is an 

adduced, quoted; orperbapsbrought allus^on to his being unable to 

out and spread on each side of him. speak, with all hii pretentions as a 

--■commoacUf lends to the hearing Uwyer. 

EP. 251. (V. lii.) 

On one who hoastcd so much of his gifts, that he chilled tbe gratitude 
of the recipienta. 

Quae mihi praestiteris memini semperque tenebo. 
Cur igitur taceo, Postume ? Tu loqueris. 

2. Tu loqueris] You tell people so that I may as well hold mf 
yonrself what you have given me, tongue. 

M 2 



Incipio quotiens alicui tua dona referre, 
Frotinus exclamat " Dixerat ipse mihi.' 

Non belle quaedam faciunt duo : sufficit unus 
Huic operi : si vis, ut loquar, ipse tace. 

Grede mihi, quamvis ingentia, Postume, dona 
Auctoris pereunt garrulitate sui. 

4. tpse] * Postumiis has already things wbich cannot be done mll 
told me * (lit. he had told me of it bv two persons ; as ia this oie. 
before I saw you). either you or I mtut hold oa 

5. quaedam] There are some tongues. 

EP. 252. (V. Hii.) 

A witty su^^tion to a bad poet, that instead of treating of Iff edca lod 
other hackneyed characters of traj(edy, he had better take for hia subjea 
aome story about water or fire, viz. to destroy or consume hia own poemL 
So Ovid/ Illa velim rapida Volcanus carmina ilamma Torreat aut uqoid» 
deleat amnia aqua.* See Ep. 4. 

Colchida quid scribis, quid scribis, amice, Tlijesten? 

Quo tibi vel Nioben, Basse, vel Andromachen ? 
Materia est, mihi crede, tuis aptissima chartis 

Deucalion, vel si non placet hic, Phaethon. 

EP. 253. (V. liv.) 

On a Greek rhetorician, Apollodotus (on whom there is a aimilar epigTftni 
in Y. 21). He made such mistakes in Roman names, that he ni^ t» 
write them down ; but in tbis case his memory had Benred him. 

Extemporalis factus est meus rhetor : 
Calpumium non scripsit, et salutavit. 

. EP. 254. (V. Ivi.) 

A satire on the small remuneration attending the more retpectablc 
professions. Compare Jut. Sat. vii. 

Cui tradas, Lupe, filium magistro, 
Queris sollicitus diu rogasquo. 
Omnes grammaticosque rhetorasque 
Devites, mpneo : nihil sit illi 

A. Dwiies} * Avoid all the teachera 150. 215), i. e. donH let your 
•f grammar and rbetoric * ( Jut. vii. follow their business. 


Cam libris Ciceronis aut Maronis, 6 

!Famae Tutilium suae relinquas. 

Si versus facit, abdices poetam : 

Artes discere vult pecuniosas, 

Pac discat citharoedus aut dioraules.^ ijjji. . 

Siduripueringeni videtur,H^^^'^ 10 

X^raeconem facias vel architectum. 

6. Tutilium] He was an adyocate 9. discai] Scil. esse, hj a Grecina, 
of note and character in the time or for vi dtharoedus. — (^torauies, 
of Augastus. The common reading one who sounda the flute for the 
was &utilittm, of which the H is recitations of the choruses. 

short. 10. duri — tnpeni] There is seyere 

7. abdices poeiain] * Disinherit irony here : * If he is stupid, put 
him if he isa poet.* Thisisajudicial him to either of thoie most profit- 
and not very frequent uae of abdi- able of all trades, an auctioneer^s or 
carey airoKiipvTTia&aty aTriiirtTv. hou8e-builder*8.* The former, liko 

8. vutfi Si velit. But perhaps it the citharoedi, were proYerbiallj 
18 best to vrite this iine interroga- wealthy. See £p. 111. 277. Juy. iii. 
tively, ut vulg, 157 ; vii. 5, with Mr. Mayor^a note. 

EP. 255. (V. Iviii.) 

On a procrastinator. The meaning is 8imple, and the point (apart from 
tbe philosophy of the advice) is the common play on cras and herij for 
whicn c^pare Pers. ▼. 67, * sed cum luz altera venit, Jam cras hestemum 

Cras te yicturum, cras dicis, Postume, semper. 

Dic mihi cras istud, Postume, quando venit ? 
Quam longe est cras istud ? ubi est ? aut unde petendum? 

Numquid apud Parthos Armeniosque latet ? 
lam cras istud habet Priami yel Nestoris annos. 5 

Cras istud quanti, dic mihi, possit emi ? 
Cras vives : hodie iam vivere, Postume, tardum est : 

Ille sapit, quisquis, Postume, vixit heri. 

7. vivere] See £p. 10. 11—12, and 52. 12. 

EP. 256. (V. Ix.) 

A severe reproof to a malicious detractor. The poet refuses him tb« 
small fame of racording his infamy to posterity. 

Allatres licet usque nos et usque 

1. AUatres^ *Bark at me;* usque ^were said latrare mdgtLtnire. Locr. 
et UBquef like Uerum iterumque, Dogs 1065 — 70, * longe alio sonitu ra- 


Et gannitibus improbis lacessas, 

Certum est hanc tibi pemegare famam, 

Olim quam petis in meis libellis 

Qualiscunque legaris ut per orbem. f 

Nam te cur aliquis sciat fuisse ? 

Ignotus pereas miser necesse est. 

Non deerunt tamen hac in urbe forsan 

Unus vel duo tresve quattuorve, 

Pellem rodere qui velint caninam : 10 

Nos hac a scabie tenemus ungues. 

bie restricta niinantur, et cum jam 7. TffTtotusl If you die unknowD. 

latrani — lonffe alio pacto gannitu you must die wretched, becaase joa 

vocis adulant. Here it has a bad have not gained your real object, to 

8en8e, * a hostilo snarl ;* unless there become kuown by your abuae of 

18 an allusion to a kind of low adula- me. 

tion to the poefs face, but abuse ]0. peUem rodere'] He still speaks 

behind his back. of him as a dug, and snys one or 

3. Cerium est] * I ara resolved to two low dogs may possibly be foumi 

refiise you to tne last this fame tognawabrotherdog^shide; thougii. 

which you ask some day to attain according to tlie proverb, ^canisca- 

in my books,* viz. that your name, ninam non est' * We,' says thc 

worthless as it is, may be read. — poet, ' will not dirt^ our nails witli 

olim, * tibi datum iri ; or perhaps sucli a filthy hide," i. e. others may 

to be constiiied with legaria. perhaps think it worth their wbili 

6. aligtUs] Here for quitfiuam, to retort, but I will noL Cf. ¥.\^ 

SeeonEp. 61. 5. 323.4. 

EP. 257. (V. Ixii.) 

The poet (in a feigned character, probably) offers to open Iiis gardcns to 
any one who will fumish them with seats and sofas. 

lure tuo nostris maneas licet, hospcs, in hortis, 

Si potes in nudo ponere membra solo, 
Aut si portatur tecum tibi magna supellex : 

Nam mea iam digitum sustulit hospitibus. 

l. Jure tuo} Of your own right, digitum* meant *to make a bid.* 

i. e. without that right being ques- Cic. in Verr. ii. 1. 54, *Accarrunt 

tioned by me. tamen ad tempus tutores : difiitum 

4. digUum austulit'] * Has been tollit Junius patruus.* (d. ii. 3. II, 

sold to my guests ;* i. e. mv guests * utrum est aequius decumanum pe* 

h/.ve used it up just as if they had tere— an eum qui digito licitus ait 

bouglit it at an auction. * Tollere possidere?* 


^r^ulla tegit fractos nec inanis culcita lectos, 5 

Putris et abrupta fascia reste iacet. 
Sit tamen hospitium nobis commune duobus 
!Emi hortos ; plus est : instrue tu ; minus est. 

5. culcita] A cushidn (tonu being Leuconicis accipe rasa s^s.* * If 

a inattress, and lectw the wooden you feel the bed-girth through vour 

frame, kXivij) * Culcita Leuconico thinfeatherbolBter^putafiockpillow 

quam viduata suo/ xi. 21. 8. — neo beneath/ PtUris is so used in Prop. 

«nanis, for^neinanisquidem.* SoEp. v. £. 24, * Sectaque ab Attalicis 

184. 8, ^necsuperiTellenthoclicuiBse putria signa toris." On /atcia, Bee 

81 bi.* Inf. 263. 4, * hoc admisiMet Becker, GalltUy p. 286. 

nec Catilina nefas.^ 7. Sit tamen, &c.] Let us thare 

6. Putris — fa9cid[ The rotte;i the cbai^ge of the entertainmeut be- 

bed-girth. Cic. Div. 2. 65. 134. tween ub. I paid the lar&rer price 

Inf. ziy. 159. * Oppressae nimium for the gardens, do you pay Uie lesser 

vicina est &8cia plumae ? Yellera fortheneceasaryoutfitytWrttintfn/uw. 

EP. 258. (V. Ixiii.) 

Ponticns, a bad poet, endeavours to extort from Martial (Marcus) a 
praise that is undeserved. Compare £p. 440. 

"Quid sentis" inquis "de nostris, Mairce, libellis?" 
Sic me sollicitus, Fontice, saepe rogas. 

Admiror, stupeo : nibil est perfectius illis, 
Ipse tuo cedet Begulus ingenio. 

"Hoc sentis?" inquis "faciat tibi sic bene Caesar, 
Sic Capitolinus luppiter." Immo tibi. 

4. Begulus] The rich barrister. enim revera hoc sentio *). * Rather 

See £p. 8, and iv. 16. 6, * et te may Caesar and Jupiter do well to 

defendat Regulus ipse licet.* £p. 57, vou, as I think well of you * (which 

* cum tibi (Regule) sit sophiae ne only pi-etended to do). Compai'e 

par fama et cura laborum.* Ar. Ach. 446, tiilatfiovoit]^' T»)\f 0<a 

6. Immo tibi] * Tibi faciat bene i — ayw <ppovut, i. e. KaKo, yi- 

Bic, ut ego hoc de te sentio * (* neque voiro, 

EP. 259. (V. Ixiv.) 

The poet callB to his slayes to mix the genial bowl ; for that, if even 
emperora muBt die, ordinaiy pcople may as well live. The scene is in the 
Mica, for which see £p. 93. 

Sextantes, Calliste, duos infunde Falerni, 
Tu super aestivas, Alcime, solve nives. 

1. duos — Sextantes] Two-sixths, tarius. 
t.e. oue-tUii'd (triens) of a sex- 2. a««/tva<— m've<] Au elegant kind 


Piuguescat nimio madidus mihi crinis amomo 

Lassenturque rosis tempora sutilibus. 
lam vieina iubent nos vivere Mausolea, 5 

Cum doceant, ipsos posse perire deos. 

of oxymoron, * snow kept till sum- Fast v. 335, * tempora satililini 

mer/ The wine was strained bo as cinguntar tota coronis, £t latet 

to pass ^rough snow to cool it ; iniecta nplendida mensa rosa.* lnt 

hence superj * above the bowl/ See 498. 5, * sutilis aptetur . decies ross 

Beckor, Cro/^t», p. 491. £p. 457. 8, crinibus.* — Jxusenlur^ an elegact 

* et faciant nignB nostra Falema hjperbole, as if the weight of roset 

nives.* 497. 5, * pertundas glaciem could weary the head. 
triente nigi'o.* 647. 6, * nec niai 5. vicind] The Mica commaDded 

per niveam Caecuba potet aquam.* a View of the Mausoleum. See 

4. sutilihiis] Made of roses, twined £p. 93. 2.—jam is to be constnietl 

with mjrtle and philyra or bast. See with * viyere,^ * to enjoy life mw.*— 

Becker, Gallm, p. 498. Ovid, cieo», viz. Auguatus. 

EP. 260. (V. Ixv.) 

To Domitian, in praise of his exhibitions in the amphitheatre. 

Astra polumque dedit, quamvis obstante noverca, 

Alcidae Nemees terror et Arcas aper 
Et castigatum Libycae ceroma palaestrae 

Et gravis in Siculo pulvere tusus Eryx, 
Silvarumque tremor, tacita qui fraude solebat 5 

Ducere nec rectas Cacus in antra boves. 
Ista tuae, Caesar, quota pars spectatur harenae ? 

Dat maiora novus praelia mane dies. 

1.] * Hercules was raised to the &c. — tusus^ contusus; alii Jum^ 

ffods, even against the will of Juno, which is as good a reading for pro- 

by slaying the Nemean lion and the stratus, *■ stretched at length.* 

Ervmantnian boar, by defeating the 6. nec rectcui] ' £t eas quidem 

Libyan wi*estler, the giant Antaeus, ayeraas/ i. e. puUed backwards br 

and the Sicilian £i'yx in a boxing their tails. Oyid, Fast. i. 550, traxenit 

match.* The antithesis is in yer. ayersas Cacus in antra feras.* 

15, 16, *80 will you eyentually be 7. quota para] i.e. these, how- 

deified for the slaughter of beasts in ever, are but a small part of what 

the amphitheatre.* is seen in the £mperor*8 amphi- 

3. C€istigatum] * Chastised,* con- theatre. An indirect compliment to 
quered. — ceroma, pro ipso Antaeo Domitian, who professed nimself a 
ceromate inuncto. A boid and dis- greater hero than the real Hercules. 
pleasing figure of «peech. Some, 8. novus^ies mane] * Each nev 
noweyer, take * castigatum * to mean daj in the moming,* which seems 
' pressed on * the body, like * ceroma to haye been the time appropriated 
terere,* £p. 168. 5; but this is to the fights between men and 
unlikely. beasts. See £p. 435. 4. 

4. Eryje] See Viig. Aen. ▼. 402, 


Quot graviora cadunt Nemeaeo pondera monstro ? 

Quot tua Maenalios collocat hasta sues ? 10 

Reddatur si pugna triplex pastoris Uiberi, 

Est tibi qui possit vincere Geryonem. 
Saepe licet Graiae numeretur belua Lernae, 

Improba Niliacis quid facit Hydra feris ? 
Pro meritis caelum tantis, Auguste, dederunt ' 15 

Alcidae cito di, sed tibi sero dabunt. 

10. collocat] *■ Lodges/ i. e. kilU. 13. numeretur] Though the heads 

.. — tua — hasta^ uot that Domitian eii- of the Lernaean hydra sprout forth 

countered the beasts personally. but in numbers erer so great, what is 

\>y his favourite beast-slayer Car- the hydi-a to the monstera of the 

pophorus, for whom see Liber Nile, e. g. hippopotami and croco- 

Spectac. xxvii. In allusion to this diles. 

man the poet says, * est tifd gui 15. .^iijjrttsfe] Domitian. — tibi sero^ 

jMtttsit^^ &c. : * You have a deputy viz. that you may long stay on earth. 

to kill Geryon himself, the hei^ds- Hor. Car. Saec. *seru8 in caelum 

Tnan of the Spanish oxen * (Ep. redeas, diuque laetus intersis populo 

248. 11). Quirini.' 

EP. 261. (V. Ixvi.) 

On a surly lawyer, cf £p. 250. The ppet savs, that aa he neyer can 
utter a single greeting, as aalve or ave, he will have no more to do with 
him ; he shall be to the poet * aeteraum vale,' * a good-bye for ever.' This 
was a formula of addressing the dead, as Viig. Aen. xi. 9/, * salve aeternum 
mihi, maxume Palla, aeteraumque vale.* 

Saepe salutatus nunquam prior ipse salutas : 
Sic eris aeternum, Pontiliane, Vale. 

EP. 262. (V. Ixvii.) 

On a swallow that had remained behind in Rome, while the rest had 
migrated, and was killed by them as a deserter on their retum. The poet 
says, that she was rightly served, but it was on the wrong occasion. That 
punishment was due when she slew her own son Itys. The well- 
known story of Procne and Philomela, daughten of King Pandion, is 
alluded to. 

Hibemos peterent solito cum more recessus 

Atthides, in nidis una remansit avis. 
Deprendere nefas ad tempora venia reversae 

-Et profugam volucres diripuere suam. 
Sero dedit poenas : discerpi noxia mater 5 

Debuerat, sed tunc, cum laceravit Ityn. 



EP. 263'. (V. Ixix.) 

On M. Auton/s croel prowription, and the murdet of Cioer&. Set 
Ep. 154. 

Antoni Phario nil obiecture Pothino 

Et levius tabula, quam Cicerone nocens : 
Quid gladium demens Romana stringis in ora ? 

Hoc admisisset nec Catilina nefas. 
Impius infando miles corrumpitur auro, S 

Et tantis opibus vox tacet una tibi. 
Quid prosunt sacrae pretiosa silentia linguae ? 

Incipient omnes pro Cicerone loqui. 

1. nil ofijeciure] Wbo have no 
right to blame the eunuch Pothinus 
for sla^ing Pompey at his own re- 
quest, 1. e. who did a worse crime 
than that. 

2. tahula\ The list of proscribed 
citizens. — Vicerone^ sc. caeso. 

4. nec] Ne — quidem. Ep. 257. 5. 

5. Impius] A traitor to his 

to kill Cicero. 

H. vox — una] So much did it coet 
you to silence the sin^le voice which 
had attacked you in hii PhiliDpics. 

7.] * What is the good ot pajtng 
80 much to rappress that sacred 
tongrue? If Cicero caunot now 
speak for himself, you have made 
all speak for him, and therefore 

countiy, by slaying one who was against jo}me]f*—pre.tiota, ^ ooetly/ 
M)ater patriae.* — miles, by name as ' Thais pretiosa Meoandri/ Pro- 
ropilius Lenas, the soldier bribed pert v. 5. 43. 

EP. 264. (V. Ixx.) 

Ou a gluttonous libertus, who had squandered hit all in eating. 

Infusum sibi nuper a patrono 
Plenum, Maxime, centiens Syriscus 
In sellariolis vagus popinis 
Circa balnea quattuor peregit. 

1. In/usum] Given tohim, poured 
into his lap, or his arca^ either tes- 
tumentOj or as a largitio, like the 
patron in Hor. Epist. i. 7. 80. 

2. Flenum — centiene] A full ten 
tbousand sestertia, or some 90,000Z. 
Compare Ep. 48. 1, *non plenum 
modo viciens habebas;* and 127. 2, 
* centiens laxum/ — SvriscuSy Sv- 
piaKo^y a kind of vwoKopitFnuy for a 
favourite black slave from Syria., 

3. gellaru^a — popind] Here means 
an eating-house, where meals are 

served to peraons sitting, not re* 
clining on sofas. Hence the joke of 
nec accubare^ ver. 6, viz. aii at a 
* recta caena.* See Becker, Ga//my 
p. 355, who compares lecticariola^ 
in xii. 58. 

4. r)er^U] Got through. Pers. 
*hic Dona dente grandia magnani* 
mus peragit puer.*---6a/}iea quattu/rr, 
four of the principal baths, to which 
these popinae would seem to baT« 
been attached. 


O quanta est gula, centiens comesse ! 6 

Quanto maior adhuc, nec accubare ! 

EP. 265. (V. IxxL) 

The poet invites Faustinus, his wealthy friend andpatron, to spend the 
Buinmer on the high grpund of Trebula, among the Sabines, which in the 
eummer solstice (^cancri mensibus*), and under the constellation leo, 
is cooler even than Tibur (Ep. 193. 10). 

Humida qua gelidas summittit Trebula valles 

Et viridis cancri mensibus alget ager, 
Rura Cleonaeo nunquam temerata leone 

Et domus Aeolio semper amica Noto, 
Te, Faustine, vocant : longas his exige messes F, 

Collibus ; hibernum iam tibi Tibur erit. 

1. sufmiitW} Infra se submissai once not only a Tibur, which is 
habet. always cool in summer, but a Tibur 

'6. Cleonaeo] Nemeaeo. £p. 195. 2. as cold as it is in winter. 
6. jam, &C.] You will find at 

EP. 266. (V. Ixxiv.) 

On the two sons of Pompey the Great, Cneius and Seztus, one of whom 
was killed in Spain, the other in Asia, at Miletus; while the father 
himself was killed in Africa. So great a fall, says the poet, i. e. so rreat 
a family when fallen, could not lie in one spot, just as the stones of a large 
building cover in falling a wide space. 

Pompeios iuvenes Asia atque Europa, sed ipsum 
TeiTa tegit Libyae, si tamen ulla tegit. 

Quid mirum toto si spargitur orbe ? lacere 
Uno non poterat tanta ruina loco. 

2. n tamen ulld] tl ii^ tis, in Pompey the Great was buried at 
reference to the uncertainty whether all. 

EP. 267. (V. Ixxvi.) 

A joke on one who, either through stinginess or poverty, kept a poor 
table, as if to guard against dnng of starvation, as Mithridates was said to 
have taken poisons, that they might lose their effect upon him. Pliny, 
N. H. XXV. 2, § 5, *Mithridates — cotidie yenenum bibere (solebat) 
praesumptis remediis ut consuetudine ipsa innoxium fieret.* 

Profecit poto Mithridates saepe veneno, 
Toxica ne possent saeva noccre sibi. 


Tu quoque caTisti cenando tam male Bemper, 
No posses unquam, Cinna, perire fame. 

EP. 268. (V. Ixxvii.) 

one who, perfaaps ms a seirile listener to the talk of the gre&t, lield 
ad on one side, and nt ' aare supina,* as if he were afraid of ^illia^ 


bis head 

oil that he carried in his ear. 

Narratnr belle quidam dixisse, MaruUey 
Qui te ferre oieum dixit in auricula. 

EP. 269. (V. b»-iu.) 

A ffru>hic account of ahomelj dinner to which the poet invites bis 
friend Toraniut. Compare Juy. xi. 64 leqq., aud £p. 6*17. Plinj, 
Epist. i. 15. 

Si tristi domicenio laboras, 

Torani, potes esurire mecum. 

Non deerunt tibi, si soles vpoirivciv, 

Viles Cappadocae grayesque porri. 

DivisiB cjbium latebit oyis, 6 

Ponetur digitis tenendus ustis 

Nigra coliculus virens patella, 

Algentem modo qui reliquit hortum : 

Et pultem niveam premens botellus, 

1. domicenio'\ A dining at home, the Bhape of a gamish to a Dieoe o 
which is tristBt because tbere are no tunnj-fiab. Jur. y. 84, * dimidio 
guests to enliven it. Cf. Ep. 72. 2, constrictus cammarus oro.* — For 
* cum cenaret, erat tristior ille domi.* cybium^ see Ep. 603. 14. 

xii. 77. 5, * trinoctiali affecit domi- 6. ustis'] Lipsius * unctis/ a need- 

cenio clientem.* less, tbougn good reading, as cabb^e 

2. esurire] To take a frugal was eaten wiu oiL Pers. vi.68, *im- 
dinner. Cf. o4l.l0, 'viliusesurio/ A pensius un^, unffe puer caules.* 
phrase irap' uirovoiav^ for cenare. The sense is, * it snall be senred np 

3. irroirlvtii/y ^to take a gusttts piping hot* — eoliculue, from 'cau- 
or;>rom«/ffts* ('asnack,* aswe say). lis;* as caudex and codex. Hence 
See Becker, Galluty p. 458, who our colewort. — nigrat of common 
thinks that the ffustue is contained blark ware. — mrent^ opp. to paiUduM 
in ver. 3—5, since ponere is pro- cauliSy Jur. y. 87. 
perlrusedof the/erctt/a, or courses. 8. modo — reliquit] i. e. not stale 
Cf. Ep. 617. 5 — 12. nor withered, but fresh and juicy. 

4. Uappadocae] Akind of lettnce. 9. pultem — premens] *A sauaage 
See xiii. 14. laid on a basty-pudding,* cf. £p. 6^. 

5. Diviei»] Here commences the 13, * boletos imitatur et botellos.* 
actual dinner, with the * ovum * iu From the sb«pe our word * bottle* 


£t pallens faba cum rubente lardo. 10 

Mensae munera si Yoles secundae, 

Marcentes tibi porrigentur uvae 

£t nomen pira quae ferunt Sjrorum, 

£t quas docta Neapolis creavit, 

L<ento castaneae vapore tostae. 15 

Vinum tu facies bonum bibendo. 

Post haec omnia forte si movebit 

Dacchus quam soiet esuritionem, 

Succurrent tibi nobiles olivae, 

Piceni modo quas tulere rami, 20 

Et fervens cicer et tepens lupinus. 

Parva est cenula, — quis potest neirare ? — 

Sed finges nihil Ll^SesSectrun ^ 

Et voltu placidus tuo recumbes ; 

Nec crassum dominus leget volumen, 2S 

Sed quod non grave sit nec infacetum, 

Parvi tibia condjli sonabit. 

Haec est cenula. Claudiam sequeris, 

appean to be derived. Accordinff to Ibid, 48 init. * vinum, inquit, ei non 

Becker,Gallu8, p.464Jtwa8akindof placet, mutabo; vos illud oportet 

blood-pudding, or black-puddiiuf. oonum faciatis.* 

10. /aba — lardo] ' Beans and ba- 17. haec omnia'] A joke on euch a 

coii.* A favourite Roman dieh. Ovid lautaoena. — movebU^ &(b., ehall excite 

FasU vi. 169, * pinffuia cur illis gus- the desire of eating something. Juv. 

tentur larda KalendiB mistaque cum iv. 137. 'noctes iam medias aliamque 

calido sit faba farre, rogas.* famem quum pulmo Falemo axderet.* 

12. Mar<»nte9\ From being kept For the I in esuritio, see Ep. 233. 8. 
beyond their seaeon, and therefore, in — nobileay Bee "Ep. 184. 2. 

their way, a delicacy, though a litde 21. cicer} See £p. 21. 6 ; 52. 10. 
past their prime. Cf. £p. 23. 3. 24. voUu^-tuo.\ £p. 217. 10. 

13. Syrorum] Yirg. Georg. ii. 88, 25. crasstmi] You shall not have 
'CmstumiiBSyriisquepyrisgravibuB- the bora ofa forced racitation. Cf. 
qne volemis.* Cf. £p. 23. 5. The £p. 617. 16. 

sense is, 'pears whicn will pass as 26. ouod non sit grave'] Iva fiiiiku 

Syrian, if not really 80.* Ax^^^^rv^Vt '^ot to annoy youwith 

14. oreatnV] Graw, produced. ChcBt- too much music* — condyli^ *apipe 
nuts are very Beldom mentioned by made of the small joint of a reea.* 
the Roman poets. Viigil has * Cas- Ar. Vesp. 1503, diroXw yap airrdy 
taoeae moUes et pressi copia lactis,* c/uuc\c£a kovSvXov. 

Ecl. i. 82. 28. Claudiam] She appearB to be 

16. hibendo'] If the wine ie not the poet*8 wife, who was to be pre- 

Srst rate, you will at least make Bent on purpose to please ToraniuB. 

it seem bo by drinking it with Or iB this the Claudiaof £p. 164? 

appetite. Petron. Sat. 39, ' is ergo LadieB were admitted to banquets 

reclioatOB in cubitum, hoc vinum, under the empire, ae ie often ra- 

inquit, vos oportet Buave faciatiB. marked by Tacitus, and shown on 


Quam nobis cupis esse tu priorem. 

Pompeian frescos. ond you will like her to be prior ta 

29. tn] This is clearly right, not me.* It would seem as if this, whicb 

te. * Whom you^ I dare say, desire is purposely put Lxst, is held out a 

to see placed before me/ i. e. prefer the real inducement to Toraniot. If 

even to your bost. There is a play so, the general sense will be ' Tbe 

on prior and sequij thougb the exact dinner is a poor one, but then Claudu 

point iB obscure : ' She ie prior to you, will be there.* 

EP. 270. (V. Ixxix.) 

ZoiluB is often ridiculed by Martial as a mean fellow, who made a di»plaT 
of bis wealth, e.g. in £p. 73. His Greek Lame indicates tbat he vas 
a libertUB. 

Undeciens una surrexti, Zoile, cena, 

Et mutata tibi est syntbesis undeciens, 
Sudor inhaereret madida ne veste retentus 

Et laxam tenuis laederet aura cutem. 
Quare ego non sudo, qui tecum, Zoile, ceno ? 5 

Frigus enim magnum sjnthesis una facit. 

2. tyntkens} See 89. 4; 199. 4; 3. Sudor] Tbis was piobably a 

693. 1. A suit of mantles or scarfs, mere excuse for changing his dree* 

each of a diflferent shade of Tyrian so often, the real obiect being to dii- 

dye, and coUectively extremely play his wealth. 6ecker, howem, 

rostlj, was called synthesiB. See BhowB(p.421),fromSuet. Nero,§51, 

E^ker, Gallus, p. 421 ; lib. x. 29, 4, that under the Bynthesis a sudarim 

^denostrapraBinaeBtsyntheBisempta was wom, to intercept the moiBtnre 

toga.* On tbe same principle of whicb would have suUied the costlr 

being anunged in sets accoiding to hue. 

«ze, we have * septenaria synthesiB 4. ienuis — aura] The draught frnin 

Sagunti,* Ep. 18d. 15. Becker is open doors, &c. — luaam^ with tLc 

pentapB wrong in saying (p. 422), poresopenedby theuseofthebotbath. 

thatsyntbeBiBiB^alsousedinato^a/fj^ ^. frigua'] A chill to my geniil 

different sense, namely, as an entire feelin^.Per8.i,108,*TideBi8maioruin 

wardrobe,or a suit of complete appa- iie tibi forte limina fiigeBcant. The 

rel.^ SynthesiB is primarity meant as sense is, * my <me synthesiB kceps me 

the whole set, ana tben, as one out cool/ and tlutt, in a double senBe : I 

of the number. He thinks the word haye no fuss in changinff, and no one 

eame from the folding np of the gai*- cares about me. Cf. 199. 4, * duit 

ment. et aestates syntbesiB una decem.* 

EP. 271. (V. Ixxx.) 

The poet commends bis book to the criticisms of bts friendB Seyenis 
»nd Secundus, apologizing for interfering with their leisure time. 


Non totam mihi, si vacabit, horam, 

I>ones et licet imputes Severe, 

I>mn nostras legis exigisqne nugas. 

** Durum est perdere feriaa :" rogamus, 

lacturam patiaris hanc ferasque. 5 

Quod si legeris ipse cum diserto 

— Sed numquid sumus improbi ? — Secundo, 

Plus multo tibi debiturus hic est, 

Quam debet domino suo libellus. 

Nam securus erit, nec inquieta 10 

Lassi marmora Sisjphi videbit, 

Quem censoria cum meo Severo 

Docti lima momorderit Secundi. 

1. noniotam] 'SometbingleMthan tioned in Ep. 1. 7, *Libertnm docti 

an hour, if you shall have one to Lucensis quaere Secundum/ Sevenu 

spare, I aak you to ^ve me, and I is mentioned, Ep. 622. 

allow you to reckon it as against me, 8. plu8 muitOy &o.] * Thia book 

for reading and criticising these my will owe much more to you (for re- 

little effiisions/— «rt^pertf is said of vieing) than to the owner (i. e. au- 

critics ; so Ep. 212. 4, * nil ezactius thor, for writing it).* — For domimv 

eruditiusque eet* /t6rt, see Ep. 27. 6. 

4.] You reply, ' Uis hai-d to loee 10. teeurus erit'} It will have no- 

one*8 holiday. ' True, but we make thing to fear from the remarks of 

it a request that you will bear pa- captious and malignant people, as de- 

tiently this loss* scribed in £p. 2. This fate he com- 

7. numquid sumtu] ' Are we pre- pareBtoSisyphuB^ttone. — fnddni,i.e. 

suming too much to expect another it will not be damnatus. 

to do a similar favour under similar 13. lima} Cf. Ar. Ran. 901, &tmi6y 

circumBtancee?* This Secundus ap- ti Xi^ai Kai KaTtfipimifiittoy, 
pears to be the tame as the one men- 

EP. 272. (V. Ixxxiv.) 

The Satumalia %nd the Ist of March (the first of the old ten-months 
Roman year) were the principal times for sending mutual presents ; bnt on 
the iatter, as appears from Tibull. iii. 1, the men sent presents to the women. 
Here ike poet tnreatens that he will then repay Galla in kind for foi^tting 
him now, viz. he will send her nothing. 

lam tristis nucibus puer relictis 
Clamoso revocatur a magistro, 
Et blando male proditus fritillo, 

1. nucihus — relictis] Leaving his revocas, ego adhuc Satumalia ez- 

playthinn, i. e. the nuts as a substi- tendo. — C^amoso^ see Ep. 669. 5. 
tute for dice : see Ep. 237. 8; Pliny, 3. prodiius] Betrayed by thesound. 

E^iit viii. 7. 1, *adeo tuin scholam — UtmdOf ' fiucinating,* Ep 199. 15. 


Arcaua modo raptus e popina, 

Aedilem rogat udus aleator. 6 

Satumalia transiere tota, 

Nec munuscula parva, nec minora 

Misisti mibi, Galla, quam solebas. 

Sane sic abeat meus December. 

Scis certe, puto, vestra iam venire 10 

Satumalia, Martias Kaleudas. 

Tunc reddam tibi, Galla, quod dedisti. 

-^frititto^ the diceboz eee 593. eerved. — udus^ madidus, temulentai. 
V; 693. 3; also 165. 7. The real 10. oe^^ra] Viz.,when women ex- 
gaine of dice was legal only during pect presents in retum. Hence, Ep. 

the 8atumalia. If any one was caught 5*26. 1, * natales mihi Martiae Kalen- 

playing the game after that time, he dae— quamittuntmihimucusef piQcI- 

was liable to be scized and brought lae/ sc. whousually receive, notgire, 

before the Aedile, whnm he is said on that daj. See also Ep. ASf. 15. 

rogarey i.e. ira/satTEto-tfaf. The Suet. Yesp. §19, 'SicutSatamalibus 

Aedile^s office was to go round to dabat vins apophoreta. ita per Ka- 

the popinaei to sce that oi^der was ob- lendae Martias feminis.* 

EP. 273. (VI. 1.) 

The poet to his fiiend Julius Martialis (Ep. 198 and 230), requesting 
him to read over and criticise the preaent book, that it may be sent witn 
the greater confidence to Domitian. 

Sextus mittitur bic tibi libeUus, 
In primis mibi care Martialis : 
Quem si terseris aure diligenti, 
Audebit minus anxius tremensque 
Magnas Caesaris in manus venire. 

2. in prittUa—eare] Carisaime. scratching out writing. SeeEp. 16*2. 

3. ferMma»re] Thisisshortlyput 6, *If youshall faave revised it, 
for 'quemBidiligenteraudieris, dum after giving it an attentive hearinff 
leffitur, et terseris (spongia, i. e. (i. e. reading), it will be leas timia 
cslamo).* In tergere^ 'to wipe,* in being pkced in great Carsar'! 
i^oKiiAtiv^ the figure is from pamt- hands.* 

ing. lAtwram^fausert was said of 

EP. 274. (VI. iii.) 

On the birth of a son to Domitian by fais wife Domitia. Suet Dom. § 3, 
' Deinde uxorem suam Domitiam, ex qua in secundo suo consnlatu filiom 
tulerat, alteroaue anno consalutaverat ut Auffustam, eandem, Paridia his- 
trionis amore deperditam, repudiavit* See below, £p. 281. 


Nascere Dardanio promissum nomen lulo, 
Yera deiim snboles : nascere, magne puer ; 

Cai pater aetemas post saecula tradat habenaSy 
Quique regas orbem cum seuiore senex. 

Ipsa tibi niveo trahet aurea pollice fila ^ 

Et totam Phrixi lulia nebit ovem. 

1. iVoMers] * Be l>oim.* Viig. EcL 5, 6.] Julia vru the dtnsfhter of 

'▼tti. 17, * Na8c««, pneqne diem re- TitUB, Domitian^s elder brother 

niens age, Lucifer, almam.* — IidOf (Suet. Tit iv.), and therefore the 

to the heaven-descended race of the cousin of the present child. * Julia 

Trojan IuIub, bc. Ascanius, son of Bhall he to you a goddeBB of destinv, 

Aeneas. Cf. Aen. i. 288, * Julius presiding, at it were, at your hirtn, 

si magno demisBum nomen lulo,* and and weaye for you a golden thread,* 

Ccl. iv. 49, * cara deum «oboleB, i. e. one of happineBs, Bplendour, and 

magnum Jovis incrementum.* wealth. — nwtio—pcUice^ felici dextra. 

o. atetemcu post saecula BeemB to It BeemB that the child was entrusted 

be a phraBe for * omni tempore super- to Julia to he educated ; but the hiB- 

Btites,* a govemment (empire) which torical alluBion iB not clear. — Phriari 

is to Burvive all time. Otherwise — ocemy bc. arietem, ' Bhe shall ubo up 

post Moeetilci tradat may mean ' post all the golden fleece of the ram that 

mul toB annoB tradere poBBit,* and thiB carried JrhrixuB acroBs the HelleBpont.* 

suitB the nezt line. - ThiB is virtually — totamf as if bo ffreat a destiny would 

wishing the Emperor a long life. require the whole of the wool, and 

Compare Ovid, Trist ii. 165 ; * et thuB none would be left to make the 

olim Imperium regat hoc cum Be- thread of fate fbr inferior mortali. 

niore senex.* 

EP. 275. (VL V.) 

Rustica mercatus multis sum praedia nummis : 

Mutua des centum, Caeciliane, rogo. 
Nil mihi respondes ? Tacitum te dicere credo 

" Non reddes :" ideo, Caeciliane, rogo. 

1. Rtutica] * In the country,* op- Bent, not aB a loan. It was not yery 
poBed to euburbana. uncommon for rich men to gi^e pre* 

2. tntitua des] * To pay for it. I aBk BentB towards buying Und. See Hor. 
yon ihe loan of 100 Bestertia* (100,000 EpiBt. i. 7. 80. But the poet means, 
BCBtertii).— * You make no reply/ that he would feel a spitefiil pleatnre 
i. e. rerase the loan, becauBO you in defraudinff guchaman. 

think I Bhall not repay you. Why, it 3. taeitum\ bc. silentio tuo : eo, 
waB with that end in view that I asked qnod nihil respondeB. 
you, viz. to get it from you as a pre- 

EP. 276. (VI. vi.) 

Comoedi tres sunt, sed amat tua Paula, Luperce, 
Quattuor : et kco^ov Paula irpocramov amat. 

1. tr9tiwai£\ There were not more at once, thouffh a penona muia 
than three interlocttton on th^ stage Bometimes ina<M a fourth. The poet 



intimates that Paula*8 pBiamoun Thepartialitj ofRomaii inftttnufar 

were more than usually numerous ; actora (as Mnester, Paris, &c) «tf 

but under kokPo» irpoounrov heseems sufficientlj notorious. 
to allude to somediBguised character. 

EP. 277. (VI. viii.) 

A satire on the wealth aroassed by persons of low but lacratiTe profe»- 
»ion8, compared with the poverty of poets. Among aeveral suiton of tltf 
former sort, an avariciouB father gives his daughter to an auctioneer ; an^ 
wisely, savs thepoet, if the richest is the wortbiesti pn the praecones m 
Ep. l^. 11. Uorace, Epist. i. 7. 56, Bpeaks of one of that profeaaion, wlio 
was tenui censu. Compare Sat. i. 6. 86, *Bi praeco parvas — ^meioeda 
sequerer.* On poets, Ep. 135. 

Praecones duo, quattuor tribunij 

Septem causidiei, decem poetae 

Cuiusdam modo nuptias petebant 

A quodam sene. Non moratus ille 

Praeconi dedit Eulogo puellam. 5 

Dic, numquid fatue, Severe, fecit ? 

2. Septem^ &c.] The poverty of law- though among so many poets one oi 

yers was oflien complained of, e. g. two might have been thought eligibla 

Juv. vii. 106 seqq. By the climax of as suitors, yet they were lul too poor 

numbers the poet intimates that, to have any chance. 

EP. 278. (VL ix.) 

In Pompeiano dormis, Laevine, theatro : 
Et quereris, si te suscitat Oceanus ? 

1. Pompeiomo'] Cf. zi. 21. 6. claim. — On Oeeoaiu, one of the tip- 
' Quam Pompeiano vela negata staffiB, see iii. 95. 10, *■ et sedeo qna ic 
noto.* The nrincipal one of the suscitat Oceanus ;* and Kp. 2o2. 4 
three Roman tneatres, built by Pom- Compare also Eo. 219. Tnere is s 
pey, B.c. 55. See 548. 11. — dormis^ play on the double sense of amaeiiaiy 
ttretendine, perhaps, to be asleep, lest * wakes you up,* and ' orden yom io 
he should De abruptly ordered to leave leave your seat,* s^ttWimio-t* 

the knights^ seats, to which he had uo 

EP. 279. (VI. X.) 

A compliment to Domitian on his generosity, and a hint that he may 
exereise it, if he pleases, on the poet. 

Pauca lovem nuper cum milia forte rogarem^ 
«nie dabit" dixit «qui mihi templa dedit." 

2. templadedU] Viz. the rebuild- Suet. Dom. § 5, * Plurima et amplia- 
ing ttf the Capitoline temple. See sima opera incendio absumpta lesd- 


Templa quidem dedit ille lovi, sed milia nobis 

Nulla dedit : pudet, ah, pauca rogasse lovem. 
At quam non tetricus, quam nulla nubilus ii*a, 5 

Quam placido nostras legerat ore preces ! 
Talis supplicibus tribuit diademata Dacis 

Et Capitolinas itque reditque vias. 
Dic precor, o nostri dic conscia virgo Tonantis, 

Si negat hoc voltu, quo solet ergo dare ? 10 

Sic ego : sic breviter posita mihi Gorgone Pallas : 

" Quae nondum data sunt, stulte, negata putas ? " 

tuit, in quis et Capitolium, qnod tobetheoon/i(/anfeofDomitian(nos- 

iiirsus arserat. — Novam autem exci- tri tonantis), because the Emperor 

tavit aedem in Capitolio Custodi «ud her particular honour. Cf £p. 

Jovi.* 215. To her the poet appeala for 

4. patica rogcuse'] He had said information as to the real mind of 

*jpaucamilliaMnT. I,andmean8that Domitian. Pallas was considered 

ir he had asked a hu^er gift, he might in mythology to have had very inti- 

have more easily obtained it. mate relations with Zeus; lee Aesch. 

6. preces] How composedlj, and Eum. 827. 

without showing anger, he read my 10. hoo vuUu] Viz. tam placido, 

petition for assiBtance. Bup. ver. 6. 

7. Dacis] cf v. 3» 'Accola jam il.poaiia — 6rb9^ofie] ThiBwasput» 
nostrae. D^e, Germanice, ripae a ting off her terrors, and appearinff in 
famulis Histri qui tibi venit aquis.* miU and peaceiul form. Ovid, Fast. 
Suet. Dom. § vi. *De CattiB Dacis- iii. 171, *Sic ego; sic posita dixit 
que poBt varia proelia duplicem tri- mihi casBide Mavors;* Propert. v. 9. 
umphum egit.^ — triJbuU aiademata, 58, ^fortiadumpoBitaGorgone mem- 
allowed the r^fuli or petty kings to bra lavat* 

hold Bubordinate thrones. 12. n^ata] ' Gifts are not finally 

8. C. — vias] The road to and from refiised because they are not instantly 
the Capitol, which was entered by given.* — stuUey in respect of Minerva 
generals in a triumph. herself being the goddess of wisdom. 

9. conscia] Pallas is eleganUy said 

EP. 280. (VI. xi.) 

Equality of position and circumstances is necessa^ry to constitute trae 

Quod non sit Pjlades hbc tempore, non sit Orestes, 
Miraris ? l^iades, Marce, bibehat idem, 

1, 2.] ' You erpress suxprise that too wide a disparitv in rank^ Com- 

to beiound like pare £p. 87 and I4k Pliny, 

_^ sason is, o, *liberti mei non idem quoa e 

that there is now a different wine for bibunt, sed idem ego quod li Derti.* 

few fiiends are now to beiound like pare £p. 87 and 14^. Pliny, Epist. ii. 
Pylades and Orestes. The reason is, o, * liberti mei non idem quod ego 

the rich and the poor, L e. there is 

N 2 


Nec melior panis turdusve dabatur Orestaey 

Sed par atque eadem cena duobus erat. 
Tu Lucrina voras, me pascit aquosa Feloris : i 

Non minus ingenua est et mihi, Marce, gula. 
Te Cadmea Tyros, me pinguis Gallia vestit : 

Yis te purpureum, Marce, sagatus amem ? 
Ut praestem Pyladen, aliquis mihi praestet OresteiL 

Hoc non fit verbis, Marce : ut ameris, ama. 10 

3. melior panis] Juv. v. 74, ' vin tu Galli accipimus.* Compare with tUs 
consuetiB audax conviva canistris im- Ep. 87. 7, 8. 

pleri, panisque tui novisse colorem ?* 8. Vis te] * Would vou haye me, 

4. cena] £p. 149. 2, *Cur mihi clad in a coarse soldier^s wrapper. 
non eadem quae tibi cena datur ? really love you Vfho are cloUied in 
Ostre-a tu sumis Btagno saturata Lu- Tyrianpurple?* The difference of oor 
rrino ; Sugitur iuciso my tilus ore rank is too great. — soffaius, dresied 
mihi.* in sagum^ i. e. a coarse woollen blan- 

5. Peloris] Sc. concha; Bomecoarse ket from Gaul. (Ep. 2. 8.) 8ee an 
and insipid moUusc from Pelorus, excellent article on this word in 
thepromontory ofSicily. Ep. 537. 9, Rich*s * Dictionary.* 

* et fatuam summa cenare pelorida 9. Ui praestem'] Sc. me. If I am 

mensa.* See Hor. Sat. ii. 4. 32. to act the part of a Pylades, aome- 

6. Nou minus] ^ And yet my taste body must be an Orestes to me. 
and appetite for eood things is as Something more than mere talk and 
genteel as yours is. profession is necessary : if yon woold 

7. pinguia] 'greasy.* See Ep. 168. oe loved, show love'-^real, practical 
Juv. iz. ' pingues aliquando lacemas, love, the love that is prov«l oj deeds 
et male percussas textoris pectine done to others. 

EP. 281. (VI. xiii.) 

On a statue of Julia, the daughter of Titus, and favourite uiece of Domi* 
tian (see on Ep. 274), in which she was represented as holding the teahu, 
or girdle of Yenus, in her hand. Sueton. Dom. § 22, *■ fratris filiam, ad- 
huc virginem oblatam in matrimonium sibi, quum devinctus Domitiae 
nuptiis pertinacissime recusasset, non multo post alii coUocatam corrupit 
ultro, et quidem vivo etiam tum Tito ; mox ]Nktre ac viro orbatam arden- 
tissime dilexit ut etiam causa mortis exstiterit, coactae conceptum a le 
abigere.* He was buried with her ashes, ibid. § 17. 

Quis te Phidiaco formatam, lulia, caelo, 
Yel quis Palladiae non putet artis opus ? 

Candida non tacita respondet imagine Ijgdos 
Et placido fulget vivus in ore liquor,- 

1. eoielo] The sculptor^s chisel. — dety'' seems toanswerwhenyontpeak 

Palladiae — arti». made by the god- to it.* Hence non taeita imagim, S< 

dess Pallas herself, the patroness of Propert. ▼. 11. 83, *ubi secreto 

fineart. nostra ad simulacra loqueris, Ut 

3. Lygdot] The Lygdian marble responsurae singula verba iace.* 
fromAi-abia. £p. 29o. 21. — retpon- L liquor] Iic/udf, the ' moitture, 


Ludit Acidalio, sed non manus aspera, nodo, 5 

Quem rapuit coUo, parve Cupido, tuo. 
Ut Martis revocetur amor sununique Tonantis, 

A te Juno petat ceston et ipsa Venus. 

jaiciness, as of life itself. A bold description in Hom. II. ziv. 214 seqq. 

expression ; some MSS. give decor, will also oocur to tbe reader. Per- 

5. Ludit) " Ludibunda et velnt te- haps tbe work represented a gronp, 

neraacmollimanttgeritce8tum,ide8t, in wbich Cupid stood by, and Julia 

balteum amoris potentem.** Schre- beld tbe cestos aa if just taken from 

velius. — Addalia was an epithet bis neck. 

of Venus from a fountain at Orcho- 7, 8.] * If Venns would reintpire 

menus. See Conington on Yirg. Mars, or Juno Jove, witb love, they 

j¥.n. i. 720. Inf. £p. 451. 3 would ask of Julia her cestot for that 

Tiodo referg to the studs of the belt. purpose.* It appears that the eetto» 

— non aspera^ i. e. not as if about was thougbt to obtain its virtuefrom 

to strike fiercelj with it, like a bozer the charms of the goddess, and was 

in the cestm^ oras if flogginga slave. wom by Cupid when thus imprq;- 

Those wbo were touched by the oestus nated with magic powers, as an in^ 

were inspired with love ; compare tbe strument for subduing his victims. 

custom of the Luperci strikingwomen It was perhaps studded with gems, 

with the goat-ihong. Here Domitian and thence was called cestus like 

represented faimself as smitten bj the bozing-glove. (Photius, dfa«cc- 

Julia. The cestus seems to have been KtifTfiuivov kui iiairtiroiKi\fjiivo9 

wom as a necklace also on Cupid^s luav.) Hence the allusions in nodo 

neck. Cf. zir. 206, *Collo necte, and mottus aspera. Cf. vi. 21. 9, 

puer, meros amores ; Ceston de Ye- * Dizit, et arcano percussit pedtora 

neris sinu calentem.* On the cestos loro. Plaga juvat : sed tu jam, dea, 

see Ricb, Dict. in v. The well-kno^m parce tuo.* 

EP. 282. (VI. xiv.) 

To one Laberius, who boasted that be ooM write poetrf, but never did. 
fbe poet says, if he can, be ougbt; tben he will think something of him. 
Tlie epigram is rather obscure. The MSS. give non scribat in v. 4, but 
Schneidewin, inhis smaller edition, has conSsriftat. Tbis, if right, would 
seem to joke on prose writing, avyypd^pnv. But it seems safer to retain 
non scribat. in this sense : — * You say you can write : why don't you ? 
[Because you can^t.'] A man wbo oan, but declines to do so, i. e. withstands 
tbe temptation, is a man indeed.* 

Versus scribere posse te disertos 
Affirmas, Laberi : quid ergo non vis ? 
Yersus scribere qui potest disertos, 
Non scribat, Laberi : virum putabo. 


EP. 283. (VI. XV.) 

On an ant inclosed in amber. See Ep. 176 and 194. A pieoe of amba 
is pieserved among the miuerals in the Cambridge Museom, wbich containi 
minute iuBects that seem to the naked eye a smul Bpecies of ant. 

Dum Phaethontea formica yagatur in umbra, 

Implicuit tenuem sucina gutta feram. 
Sic modo quae fuerat vita contempta manente, 

Funeribus facta est nunc pretiosa suis. 

1. Phae^onted] See Ep. 176. 1. were given for such curiositieB. 
4. preHosa] Because lai^e prices 

EP. 284. (VI. xvii.) 

On CinnamiUf a ionsor (see Ep. 367), probably a libertus, who thovdit 
that by a slight change he might take the Roman name of Cinna. Tiie 
poet wittily sajs, that the same process of clipping would ^ve converted 
Furiua into/ur, 

Cinnam, Cinname, te iubes vocari. 
Non est hic, rogo, Cinna, barbarismus ? 
Tu si Furius ante dictus esses, 
Fur ista ratione dicereris. 

EP. 285. (VI. xviii.) 

To PriscuB, on the death of his friend Saloninus, a Spaniard, snd 
probably sumamed from the river Salo (£p. 192. 15). 

Sancta Salonini terris requiescit Hiberis 
Qua melior Stygias non videt umbra domos. 

Sed lugere nefas : nam qui te, Prisce, reliquit, 
Vivit qua voluit vivere parte magis. • 

1. Sancta — vmbrd\ * The holy in the person of his fiiend Pnscns, 

Bhade.* — Q^a meliory sc. optima whose life he preferred to his own. 

omnium quae unquam ad inferos A fiiend is often called pcnrs aUerti 

descenderunt. or parsmajor (*the better half *)^f 

4. qua voluit—parle'] He survives a person. 

EP. 286. (VI. xix.) 

On an advocate, who, in pleadmg a simple case, ran ofF into tnbjecti 
wholly alien. 


^on de vi neque caede, nec veneno, 

Sed lis est mihi de tribus capeilis. 

Vicini queror has abesse furto. 

Hoc iudex sibi postulat probari : 

Tu Cannas MilJiridaticumque bellum 5 

£t periuria Punici furoris 

£t Sullas Mariosque Muciosque 

Magna voce sonas manuque tota. 

lam dic, Postume, de tribus capellis. 

1. devi — caede^ &c.] *TheBe are 7. Mucios] Mucius ScaeToU WM 

the subjectB which your historical the xnan who undertook to kill 

illustratione refer to ; but they have Porsenna. See i. 21, * Urere quam 

no bearing on the three kids which potuit contempto Mucius igne, Uanc 

1 prpsecute my neighbour for steal- spectare manum Porsena nou potuit.* 

ing.* 8. manu tota] With all the ges- 

4. H6e, Scc.) * That is what the ticulationa that your hand cnn 

judge wishes to have proved to him ;* produce. 
but you do not even alhide to it. 

EP. 287. (VI. xxiv.) 

Nil lascivius est Cbarisiano : 
Satumalibus ambulat togatus. 

2. togatm] He wears his toga was allowed. The poet banters 

because he is too poor to buy a Charisianus, as if he wore his toga, 

synthesiSf or dinner-dress. Lib. unlike the rest, trom pure fiin, and 

xiv. 141, ' Dum toga per quinas for the purpose of being singular. 

gaudet requiescere luces, Hos po- There is irony in lascimus^ which 

teris cultussumerejuretuo.* Among in &ct ridicules the man^s disregard 

other licences of the Satumalia, the of the lascivia of others. 
(lisuse of the irksome toga in public 

EP. 288. (VI. xxvii.) 

To one Nepos, whom he exhorts not to live too thriflily, because he 
has a daughter to provide for. It does not seem possible to identify 
this man with any known character. 

Bis vicine Nepos — ^nam tu quoque proxima Florae 
Incolis et veteres tu quoque Ficelias — 

1. Bisvieine] * Doubly my neigh- Sabines (where the poet had an 

bonr,* because you have a house in estate at Nomentum). — prarima 

Rome, near the Temple of Flora Florae, sc. loca proxima Florae 

(see £p. 231. 4), and a farm near templo. 
FiRcIiae (or Ficulea), among the 


Eflt tibi, qnae palria sigiiatiir imagine YoltnSy 

TestLs matemae nata padidtiae. 
Tn tameii aimoso niminm ne paroe Falemo, t 

£t potins plenos aeie relinqne cados. 
Sit pia, sit locnpleSy sed potet filia mustmn : 

Amphora cmn domina nunc nova fiat anus. 
Caecnba non solos vindemia nntriat orbos : 

Possnnt et patres yiyerey crede mihi. 10 

3 — 4.1 'Yoa hare a danghter, qoas: lUehabeatnanmuM, haoc tibi 

whoM nce bean the impren and tota dato.* 

image of her fitther, and wfao was 7. pia] Affectionate, fond of ber 

born to attest the ▼irtne of her father. ' I don*t object to her lovinf 

mother, ^onrwife.* — sigHobtr rmliut^ jou, and wishing to keep ererjre- 

▼ultof ngnatot habet. Gronoyins miuiflcence of you, nor to her being 

well compares CatulL in Nupt. Jul. left well off ; but let her haye new 

221, *Sit suo timilis patri— et pu- wine to drink, and if she miist haTe 

dicitiam suae matrif indicet ore.* old wine, let her store it now, tfaat 

Hetiod, Opp. 235, TiKTovaip di it maj grow old with herself.* 
yvyaiKtt ioiKoTa TiKva ToKtvoi». 9. CaeaAd] Such precious winet 

&, tamen\ Thougfa jou haye to pro- oufffat not to be resenred for childleas 

vide for her, ne nimium varee^ noli oid bacfaelorB : eyen h &mil7 man 

nimium paicere, yeteri yino, *don*t like you may enioy faimself overa 

•ave jour wine. already old enougfa, genial bottle ; believe ms^ wfao can 

and wfaicfa will only be spoilt, but attest it from experience.* The 0H4 

drink it, and fiU the amphorae witfa would drink tfaeir old wine, because 

coins.* Gf. ziii. 126, *■ Unguentum tfaey had no one to leave it to. 
haerodi nunquam, nec yina reUn- 

EP. 289. (VI. xxvui.) 

Tfais and tfae next epigram are on tfae deatfa of Glaucias. a fiuthJiil 
libertui of Melior Attedius. Tfais man is mentioned (Ep. 98. 7>« with aa 
alluiion to fais wealth and faospitality. 

Libertus Melioris ille notus, 

Tota qui cecidit dolente Roma, 

Coji deliciae breves patroni, 

Hoc sub marmore Glaucias humatus 

luncto Flaminiae iacet sepulcro : 5 

Castus moribus, integer pudore, 

Yelox ingenio, decore felix. 

8. 6r«t»<] * Shoit-Uved.* atoue Latina,* wfaeie seellr. Major. 

5. i/ttfurfo] Proximo. Jut. i. 170, Inf. £p. 599. 1. 
(^lna quorum Flaminia tegitur cinis 7. j^iie] Favoured bj BAtare. 


Cis senis modo messibus peractis 

Vix unum puer applicabat annum. 

Qui fles talia, nil fleas, viator. 10 

8, 9.] Compara Ep. 240. 5, 6. no lou to bewail.* Cf. Ep. 556. 

10.] * Ma^ thote who feel sym- 5, 6. 
pathy for this loss, themselves haye 

EP. 290. (VI. xxix.) 

Non de plebe domus, nec avarae verna catastae, 

Sed domini sancto dignus amore puer, 
Munera cum posset nondum sentire patroni, 

Glaucia iibertus iam Melioris erat. 
Moribus hoc formaeque datum : quis blandior illo ? 5 

Aut quis Apollineo pulchrior ore fuit ? 
Immodicis brevis est aetas et rara senectus. 

Quidquid amas, cupias non placuisse nimis. 

1. ds pUhe\ One of the common 4. GVaiMnal So Af arraa, Ep. 94. 8. 
Blaves. So Ep. 424. 18, * non grege Mena and MeneUt Hor. Epist. i. 
de domini, sea tua, Ceste, manus.* — 7. 55 and 61. 

avarae^ because the mar^onet de- 6. ApoUineo — ore"] *In godlike 

manded extravagant prices. See &ce.* ApoUo being the type of 

Ep. 476. 5. — vemae (on vhom see youthful Deauty. 

Becker, Gallue^ p. 202) could there- 7. Immodicis] to7« irtpiaaoiVf 

fore be sold ; but in that case they to thoae who are not of the common 

were no longer called vemae, way, or who have extraordinarv 

2. sancto — amore] i. e. not in the merits. Byron^s well-known lines, 
ordinary eense of a boy-&vourite. * I never had a youn^ gazelle/ &c., 

3. sentire] * Appreciate f i. e. being illustrate this familiar sentiment, 
only in his thirteenth year, ho was which is expressed here in a very 
too young to have civil rights. — beautiful verse. 

patronif cf. Ep. 50. 9. 

EP. 291. (VI. XXX.) 

To a friend who had reluctantly lent the poet a small sum. Compai^ 
Ep. 275. 

Sex sestertia si statim dedisses, 
Cum dixti mihi '^ Sume, tolle, dono," 

2. Cum dirtiy &c.] * If, when if that eum had been lent me), not 

you had said sume^ i. e. ha4 con- for six sestertia. Now, however, as 

sented to iend it, vou had supplied you have been nearly a year in find- 

the mone^ immeaiatelv, I snould mg me the money, I can only say, 

have considered mytelf indebted to I shall not repay it* 
yott for 200 (or, felt as gratefiil as 


Deberem tibi, Paete, pro ducentis. 
At nunc cum dederis diu moratus, 
Post septem, puto, vel novem Kalendas» 
Vis dicam tibi veriora veris ? 
Sex sestertia, Paete, perdidisti. 

EP. 292. (VI. xxxii.) 

On tHtf Buicide of Otho. See Tac. Hist. ii. 4d. Suet. Otho, § ll,7ho 
also describes his cflfeminate habits in § 12. 

Cum dubitaret adhuc beUi civilis Enjo 
Forsitan et posset vincere mollis Otho, 

Damnavit multo staturum sanguine Martem 
Et fodit certa pectora tota manu. 

Sit Cato, dum vivit, sane vel Caesare maior : 5 

Dum moritur, numquid maior Othone fuit ? 

1. dufntaret] In ambiguo esset in his lifetime, Cato of Utica raUj 

quorsum inclinaret. was, as he proffssed, a greater non 

3. statururn] Ne multo civium than Julius Caesar : jet in his deatli 

sanguine constaret, viz. to avoid the Otho was greater even than Cato; 

hoiTOrs of a civil war against the since Otho slew himself to preTent 

party of Yitellius ; magno stare^^ to further bloodshed; Cato,to avoid £idl- 

eost much/ occursiii. 7^. 8. cf. 539. 5. ing into the hauds of the conqueror 

5. SU CatOf &c.] Granted that, Caesar. 

EP. 293. (VI. XXXV.) 

On a tedious lawyer, who used to tipple while pleading causes. 

Septem depsjdras magna tibi voce petenti 

Arbiter invitus, Caeciiiane, dedit. 
At tu multa diu ducis vitreisque tepentem 

Ampullis potas semisupinus aquam. 

1. Septem clepsydras] i. e. an bottles imbibe warm water with 

extension of the time ordinarily your face almost tumed upwanis/— 

allotted by the water-clock. See multa duoere might mean * lonffam 

Kp. 391. 3. Becker, 6ra^t<9, p. 321. sermonem producis;* and perfaa]M 

— i4r6ttor, the iudge. This pnvilege there is a play between this scdw 

was occasionally allowed. PUny, and Horace's *ducere nectaris 6uc- 

Epist ii. 11. 14, * cam duodecim cos.^ Perhaps, after all, the reading 

clepsydris quas spatiosissimas ac- dicie is a better one. For ampuiht 

cepei-am sunt additae quatuor.* (a flask or drinking-bottle), see 

^. At tu] * But you Keep drinking Kich's Dict. in t. Suet. Dom. § 21. 

much and long, and from glass *ut modicam in ampulla potiuncu* 


Ut tandem saties Yocemque sitimque rogamus, 5 

lam de clepsydra, Gaeciliane, bibas. 

lam sumeret.* — tepeniem^ perhaps 6. de deptydra] i.e. so as to 
'wrarm with standing »0 long in tne bring jour pleading to an end at 
l&ot coiirt. once. 

EP. 294. (VI. xxxviii.) 

On an infant Bon of ReguIuB, a famous pleader. See Ep. 8. Whether 
t;lii8 is the Marcus Regufus so often mentioned in Pliny^s letters with 
disparagement, does not seem certain. But in Lib. vr, £pi«^ 2, he lays, 
^ Regulus filium amisit; — erat pner acris ingenii sed ambigui, qui tamen 
poBset recta flectari, si patrem non referret.* 

Aspicis, ut paryus, nec adhuc trieteride plena 

Begulus auditum laudet et ipse patrem ? 
Matemosque sinus yiso genitore relinquat 

Et patrias laudes sentiat esse suas ? 
lam clamor centumque viri densumque corona 5 

Yolgus et infanti lulia tecta placent. 
Acris equi suboles magno sic pulvere gaudet, 

Sic vitulus moili praelia fronte cupit. 
Di, servate, precor, matri sua vota patrique, 

Audiat ut natum Regulus, illa duos. 10 

1. irieteridef &c.] Nondum tri- hear the different pleaders; i. e. he 
tnus. BhowB that hereafter he will take to 

2. et ipte'] i.e. as well as the that profession. 

audience. 6. Julia iecta} The Julia Basilica, 

3. viso genitore} When he sees where the Centumviri site to hear 
hia &ther retuming after winning civil causes. Pliny, £p. v. 21 ; 
a cauBO, be leaves hiB mother^B lap, yi. 33. 

as a precociouB boj, and feels a pride 7. magno—jntfvere} With a gi*eat 

in hiB &ther*B Buccess, as if it wcre a crowd in the Circus. So we oill a 

credit to himaelf. well-fiUed theatre * a 8[ood house." 

5. Jam} i. e. young as he is, the 10. Audiat^ &c.] fhat ReguIuB 

cliild is pleased with the noise and maj live to hear his Bon plead. and 

the sight of the judgeB, and the the wife and mother to hear both. 
people Btanding thickly in circles to 

EP. 295. (VI. xli.) 

On a pleader who, being hoarse, wore a tie {focale) round his neck. 
CompareEp. 183. 685. 

Qui recitat lana fauces et colla revinctus, 
Hic se posse loqui, posse tacere negat. 

2. ponee logui] sc. negat. Bj to speak, he shows he ein neither 
persif ting in Bpeaking, though unfit speak uor be silent. 


ER 296. (VL xlii.) 

To Oppianai, a would-be poet (Ep. 327), to whom bc Rooinmcn& ^ 
elegantly fitted baths of Claudios Etnucus. 

Etrusci nisi thermulis lavaris, 

IUotus morieris, Oppiane. 

Nullae sic tibi blandientur undaCy 

Nec fontes Aponi rudes puellis, 

Non moUis Sinuessa fervidique S 

Fluctus Passeris aut superbus Anxur, 

Non Phoebi vada principesque Baiae. 

Nusquam tam nitidum vacat serenum : 

Lux ipsa est ibi longior, diesque 

Nullo tardiuB a loco recedit. It 

Illic Taygeti virent metalla 

Et certant vario decore saxa, 

Quae Phryx et Libys altius cecidit ; 

SiccoB pinguis onjx anhelat aestus 

Et flamma tepui calent ophitae. 15 

2. lUottui] You will never have Ep. 486. 9, 'et quod (mannor) 

had a really good bath in your virenti fonte Uvit Eurotas.* 
life. 13. aliiiu] Fromthe deeperheda, 

A./oniet Apont] Baths near Pa- and therefore of finer and more 

tavium, which for some superstitious compact quality. 
reasouB were used onlj by males. Cf. 14. pirtffuis} Feeling Bllpperj or 

Uesiod. Opp. 753, — tiijdt ywaiKiitf greasy to the touch, or in reference 

KourptS Xfioa <paiipvvt<rVai avipa. to the oily look or colour of a aemi- 

* Vatavium* is called * Apona tellus* transparent material. Perhapa, like 

in Ep. 31. 3. pingve tbwr^ axarum^ &c., coatline» 

5. SiMviewi] See zi. 7. 12, i% is conyeyed hy the epidiet. The 

^tfftMVMMo wXie seden laeu. Tac onyz may he the same niaterial, tke 

Hist. i. 72; Ann. zii. SS.—Yervidi manufftcture of which into yaies. 

PataeriSy hot springs, so called in &c, haa of late years been reriyed 

Gampania. — tuperhus. elevated on a hy the French. Cf. Ep. 6M. 4. 

rock. Hiny, N. H. zzziv. 7, § 59-61, 

7. Phoebi vada] The * Aquae who eays it waa uaed for vases, and 
ApoUinares,* near Caere, lu Etruria. called hy «ome alabaetritee — eiceos 
To them TibuIIus alludes, iii. 5. I, ~-aesfu$y i. e. in the asw or diy 
'vos tenet EtrusciB manat quae sweating-roomB. So the Greeks 
fontlbuB unda, Unda aub aeBtivum used ftipdv ldpw9, aridua vaper^ 
non adeunda Canem.* ver. 17. The different Borts of marble 

8. serenum] aWpia, * nowhere is were used aa being different con- 
there so bright and unclouded a ductorsof heat, either in fancy or ia 
eky.* Uied as a substantive, like reality. 

tudum. ^ 15. ophitae] Marbles, either used 

11. viren^ The verdo amtioo. So ai a cnarm or cure for seipenti' 


Hitus si placeant tibi Laconum, 

Oontentus potes arido vapore 

Cruda Virgine Marciave mergi ; 

Quae tam candida, tam serena lucet, 

TJt nullas ibi suspiceris undas 20 

ICt credas vacuam nitere Ijgdon. 

!Non attendis, et aure me supina 

lam dndum quasi negligenter audis. 

lllotus morieiis, Oppiane. 

hites, or marked with lines or fossiU 230. 9. — Jlfama, Tac. Ann. xiv. 

like Bnakes, as we sfteak of terpeH- 22. Pliny, N. H. zzxi. § 24, 25. 

tiTie^ Pliny, N. H. zxxri. 7, § 55 — 56. Prop. * non operosa riffat Marciui 

— tenuiy perhape because that marble antra liquor,* iv. (iii.) 2. 12. — CrudUf 

easily absorbB heat. * unboiled/ iu its natural r.tate. 

16. Laconum] They used to plunge 21. fwdon] The L^gdian marble 

in cold water after sweating. Hence with which the bath is paved. See 

<iridu8 vapoTf heat without water, Ep. 281 3. It was of a pure white 

f>ut obtained by a hypocaust. colour, like Parian (Pliny, N. H. 

18. Virpo aqud] £p. 344. 1 1, and xxxvi. 7, § 62). 

EP. 297. (VI. xUii.) 

The poet, in his viila at Nomentom, to his wealthy friend Gastricus a^ 

Dum tibi felices indulgent, Castrice, Baiae 

Canaque sulphureis njmpha natatur aquis, 
Me Nomentani confirmant otia ruris 

Et casa iugeribus non onerosa suis. 
Hoc mihi Baiani soles mollisque Lucrinus, 6 

Hoc mihi sunt vestrae, Castrice, divitiae. 
Quondam hiudatas quocunque libebat ad undas 

Currere, nec longas pertimuisse vias, 
Nunc urbis vicina iuvant facilesque recessus, 

Et satis est, pigro si lic^t esse mihi. 10 

1. Dumtibi^&c.'] ' While fashion- were called (tlhulas. Suet Nero, 

able Baiae administers to ^our de- § 31. Virg. Aen. vii. 517, * lul- 

lightB, and the springs, white with phurea Nar albua a^ua.* 
the sulphur in the water, are used 5. Hoc mih{\ ' This is to me your 

for swimming, / am recovering my Bunshine at Baiae ; and this is all 

Btrength by a holiday at my No- that vour wealth ii to you great 

mentum faim, and at my cottage, men. 
\>hich i8 not too lai|re for the estate 7. Quondam] See Ep. 30. 
it stands upon.* — naiaiuTf as Ep. 9. facile»] *£asy of access.* — 

175. 3, 'ncris piscibus hae natantur p^o^eue, ' to have nothing to do,* 

undae.* Sulphur-springs or baths V€Kare, Cf. £p. 587. 16. 


EP. !298. (VL xlvi.) 

Tbe blue ( Veneta /actio) was Domitian^B least &Youred coloor in ttr 
Circus-i-aces. Hence the poet ironicallj nraises a driver of that putf, 
who kept flonfing his horseB, and yet hardly got them out of a foot-pace, 
because he didnot choose to win. Caligula patronized the green, pftucM» 
which was probahlj the imperial colour. See Ep. 545. Im. Suet» GaL 
§ 55. Petron. Sat. § 70, fin. 

Vapulat assidue veneti quadriga flagello, 
Nec currit : magnam rem, Gatiane, facis. 

1. veneH] Sc. aurigae.~~qttadr^ia^ a clever thing.* So £p. 199. IS, 
i. e. the four horses. * fecisti rem, Line, diflScileni.* 

2. magnam rem—facW] *You do 

EP. 299. (VI. xlvii.) 

Stella, ihe poet^s wealthy fiiend, had named a spring in hii vilk if^i 
his wife lanthis (vi. 21 ; zii. 3. 12). The poet professes to propitiate U» 
nymph for having without her leave drunk some of the spa-water when 
unwell. The offering was a voung pig, as Horace oflfers a kid to thc 
fountain of Bandusia (Carm. iii. 13). 

Njmpha, mei Stellae quae fonte domestica puro 
Laberis et domini gemmea tecta subis, 

Sive Numae coniunx Triviae te misit ab antris, 
Sive Camenarum de grege nona venis : 

Exolvit votis hac se tibi virgine porca 5 

Marcus, furtivam quod bibit aeger aquam. 

l.(Join««<tca]'Intradomum.*Itwas wife) of Numa. See Ovid, FssL 

possibly artiflcial, and conducted in iii. 154. The sense seems to ke 

teaden pipes (Propert. iv. 2. 12) *whether E^eria sent you hitber 

from one of the aqueducts ; but the from Aricia, or whether you m 

poet speaks of it as a spring, perhaps Egeria herself, who has migrate% 

lu compliment The Roman atrta from theuce to the house of Stelia' 

wera sometimes supplied with so- Hence nona veru8 implies that the 

lienteSf iets of water or fountains. ninth of that august number of 

See Becicer, Galltu^ p. 251. nymphs has found a more consenial 

2. gemmea iecta] An artificial residence in Stella^s house (tor br 
grotto. was a poet) than elsewhere. 

3. Numae con/tMf, &c.'| *Whether 5. Exolmt — s»] *Acquits himsell 
you come from the spring in tbe of his vow.* A person was ssid 
grotto of Egeria, at Aricia,* where to be damnaiua votif when onder 
Diana (Trivia) was worshipped, * or obligation to pay it. 

are oneof the Camenae.* Egeriaher- 6. /tartwam'} Whjjurtivaml lek 

self was one of the Camenae (ancient the commentators. Probably tUi 

and indigenous Italian nymphs, in is in compliment to Stella, as if bii 

later times associated witn the spa was so valuable as to be wortb 

nine Muses). She was the confi- taking at a hazard without specisl 

daute and secret adviser (some said permission. 


Ta contenta meo iam crimine gaudia fontis 
Da secura tui : sit mihi sana sitis. 

7. contfmta] Satisfied by this ez- Ann. zir. 22, * Tidebatnr (Nero 
pi&tion of my fault. aquae Marciae) potuB tacros et cae- 

8. sana] *■ May my presumption rimoniam loci corpore loto poUuiase. 

io drinking the water not to be Secutaque ancepe Talituao iram 

punislied by illneas;* or rather, deum adfirmavit Here, however, 

* Tnay the draught work mj cure.* the poet is supposed to repeat the 

But there is probably a double draught, and to pray that it may 

Bense : * mav my thirst for your bring him health, which the former 

water not lead me into any un- draught had not done. This second 

i*easonable or daring act ol im- draught is the tecura gaudiafuniis ; 

pietj.* Tlie penalty of Tiolating and sitit is the appetite for it, which 

pure tpring water was believed to haa induced him to take it twice. 

De illness following it. See Tac. 

EP. 300. (VI. li.) 

To a Btiogy and inhospitable man. Martial says he will pay him of! 
for his being so rarely invited, by comiiuf when asked. This is said, irait* 
unrovoiav, for Ucei nxfcs, non tfeniam, He knew the man would be better 
pleased by the invitation being refused. 

Quod conviyaris sine me tam saepe, Luperce, 

Inveni, noceam qua ratione tibi. 
Irascor, licet usque voces mittasque rogesque. 
Quid facies?" inquis. Quid faciam ? veniam. 


EP. 301. (VI. m.) . 

On the death of a clever but youthful toMor, probablj a ilaTe of 
Martiars. See £p. 631, and Ep. 4S!5. 

Hoc iacet in tumulo raptus puerilibus annis 
Pantagathus, domini cura dolorque sni, 

Vix tangente vagoB ferro resecare capillos 
Doctus et hirsutas excoluisse genas. 

Sis licet, ut debes, tellus, jilacata levisque, 5 

Artificis levior non potes esse manu. 

4. eaicoluisae] To trim ihe beard 5. levia] Compaie £p. 240. 10. 
and whiskers on hairy faces. 


ER 302. (VI. Iv.) 

On a diirepatable fop, who used costly peifiiiiiet. 

Quod semper ca^siaque cinnamoqae 

£t nido niger alitis superbae 

Fi^agras plumbea Nicerotiana, 

Rides nos, Goracine, nil olentes : 

Malo, quam bene olere, nil olere. 5 

1. casia, &c.'] Pereias, tI. 35, ' sen fumer. See x. 38. 8, ' nimlni ebna 
spireDt cinnama surdum, Seu casiae Nicerotianis.* xii. 65. 4, * Utmimie 
peccent ceraso nescire paratus.* Cosmi, Nieerotis an libram.* — 

2. nMer] Smearea \pith dark piumbea may here mean *adnl- 
(probablj hair) ointment, Bcented terated/ like ptumbei mummi^ E^. 
with cinnamon, and other roices, 48. 15; or liecause, aocording to 
said to be obtained from the Pboe- Pliny, xiii. 2, the decoction wis 
nix*8 nest So Ep. 449. 4, * <inod made in a leaden veaaeL lu tbis 
nidoB olet alitis superbae.* Cf. Tac case, plumheum^ i. e. vaa, mntt be 
Ann. vi. 28, * sublato murrhae pon- taken as a subBtantiYe. 

dere temptatoque per longum iter, 5. tUl olere] Cf. ii. 12. 4, 'dod 

ubi par oneri, par meatui sit, Bubire bene olet, oui bene Bemper olet ;' 

patrium corpuB inque SoliB aram aud 323. 12, * omnia cam fecit, 

|itrferre atque adolere.* Thaida ThaiB olet.* 
3.] Nieeros waB a noted per- 

EP. 303. (VI. Ivii.) 

On the prevailing cuBtom ofpaniHug hair on a bald Bcalp with bbck 
(Ep. 302. 2) ointment Comp. Ep. 311, 'oalvam trifilem ■emitactiif 

Mentiris fictos unguento, Phoebe, capillos 

Et tegitur pictis sordida calva comis. 
Tonsorem capiti non est adhibere necesse : 

Radere te melius spongia, Phoebe, potest. 

2. eordida] OppoBed to nUidOf 4. «pon$r»a J To wipe offthe mirka 
* Bmeared and dirtied with pigment.* 

EP. 304. (VI. ]ix.) 

On a vain libertue, who made every excuse to display hia eostlj fineiy* 
Compare Ep. 73. 

Et dolet et queritur sibi non contingere frigus, 
Propter sexcentas Baccara gausapinas, 

1. dolei] WhereaB not the absence should bo have affected him. He 
of cold weather, but the cold itself, comniainB that winter haa aot ▼»' 


Optat et obscuras luces ventosque nivesque, 

Odit et hibernos, si tepuere, dies. 
Quid fecere mall nostrae tibi, saeve, lacernae, 5 

Tollere de scapulis quas levis aura potest ? 
Quanto simplicius, quanto est humanius illud, 

Mense vel Augusto sumere gausapinas ? 

ctome, just because he has a store of such a spite against my trita lacema 

ItjuserwM to show. — ^usapinuSy sc. (£p. 40/. 22) as to wisli for coid wea- 

«9««^ or /oeenuu, mantlesofbaize or ther, which it would be no proof 

frleze, felted and made thick to keep agaiust, every breeze removinff it 

off the cold. Seexiv. 145, paenula from mj Bhoulder?* So £p. 12. 3« 

*^ausapina : * Is mihi candor ineBt, * Quid tantum fecere boni tibi pes- 

^illorum gratia tanta, Ut me vel me- sima vina?* —lacemaef often used in 

<lia sumeremesBeveliB.* Becker, Gal- the plural, because it includes both 

lira, p. 419. They were costly winter the cloak and the hood. Hence * totae 

maiitle8,8omethiiu[likethe Kavvdirnv lacemae* in Propert. ▼. 8. 85. See 

of Ar. Yesp. 1137. Baccara bad a £p. 78. 3; 196. 5. 

la.rge number of these (sBxeentagf in- 7. nmplioius'} Showing leas alFec- 

«ietinite), and preferred shadeto sun- tation ; numanius, more good nature 

sliine, cold to warm days, in order to others, who can lesB easilr bear 

to diBplaj them. PersiuB calls a per- the cold. * Rather than wish for cold 

fumed beard balanatum gausape, ir. weather, you Bhould wear your fine 

37, and red wigs lutea ganaapay ▼!. cloaks in August ; yoar real wisU 

•46. See Hor. Sat. 2. 8. 1 1. being only that we may see aild ad- 

5. Qttid — mali\ ' \^^y have you mire them.* 

EP. 305. (VI. Ix.) 

To a conceited writer, who had just published a book. 

Bem factam Pompullus habet, Faustine : legetur 

Et nomen toto sparget in orbe suum. 
Sic leve flavorum valeat genus Usiporum, 

Quisquis et Ausonium non amat imperium. 
Ingeniosa tamen Pompulli scripta feruntur : 5 

Sed famae non est hoc, mihi crede, satis. 

1. remfadam] He has gained hiB * May that kind of fame, vis. to be 

end. Cf. £p. 16. 4, and ii. 26, * Jam talked about but not praised, attacb 

te rem factam, Bithynice, credis ha« to our enemies.* Ou the revolt of 

bere.* — Faustine, see £p. 110. 6. the Usipi, see Agric. 28. 32; Hist. 

3. Sic — valeai] ' So surely may the 4. 37. 
Germans and all other enemiea of 5. Ingeniota] The poet distin- 

Rome thrive !* i. e.may theirchance guishes between ingenium, a sort of 

of thriving be only as great as Pom- acquired clevemess, and geniuSf in 

pulli s* ia of fame. Or rather, perhaps, our sense of the word, iimate talent. 



Quam multi tineas pascunt blattasque disertiy 

Et redimunt soli carmina docta coci ! 
Nescio quid plus est, quod donat saecula chartis : 

Yicturus Genium debet habere liber. 10 

7. blattas] Cock-roaches. See Ep. 9. saecula] Immortalitatein. 

690. 2, and llO. 3. — ^m/tmtift^, rescue 10. habere Genium] Haa a aecoa- 

them from the moths, to use them for dary sense, ' to have a presidii^ deitr, 

wrapping ffreasy things (Becker, Gal- or preserver, to secore fame for it* 
lus, p. 337). 

ER 306. (VI. Ixi.) 

He congratulates himself that some of his enemies are stung by his satiic, 
v*A prefers this to the praises of all Rome. 

Laudaty amat, cantat nostros mea Roma libellos, 
Meque sinus omnis, me manus omnis habet. 

Ecce rubet quidam, pallet, stupet, oscitat, odit. 
Hoc volo : nunc nobis carmina nostra placent. 

1. eantaty &c.] So Ep. 501. 2, 3. rvbeQ Juven. 1. 166, *nibct 
* quod me Roma legit, rumpitur in- auditor, cui frigida mens est Crimi* 
vidia.^ uibus : tacita sudant pxmecordiaculpi.* 

2. sinus omms} The plural hcAenl — oscitatf * yvwoB to show his pr»- 
beingunderstood; thepockets of the tended weariness.*— od^, /S3«Xrr- 
togas, wherein books and other arti- Terat, professes his diagust at theiD. 
cles were carried. 

EP. 307. (VI. Ixii.) 

On Oppianus, a cc^ator, 

Amisit pater unicum Salanus : 
Cessas mittere munera, Oppiane ? 
Heu, crudele nefas malaeque Parcae ! 
Cuius volturis hoc erit cadaver ? 

1. unicum] sc. filium. Oppianus will beaslucky insecuring 

2. munera\ As if to ezpress your this prey as he hopes to be. Senecs, 
cpndolence on the occasion. See Ep. Ep. 95,* Qui,uthaeres8cribatur,ooD- 
^8. 5. solatur aut assidet, vultur est : cad»- 

3.1 An ironical sympathy : ^What ver expectat.* It is probable, there- 
a sad event ! I wonder what vulture fore, that captatores were commool/ 
will get ikig carcase,* i. e. whether nicknamed *■ vultures.* 

EP. 308. (VI. Ixiii.) 

He expostulates with Marianus for not perceiving the tclwmei of dioie 
who flatter him merely for his money. 


Scis te captari, scis hunc qui captat, avarum, 

£t scis qui captat, quid, Mariane, velit. 
Tu tamen hunc tabulis heredem, stulte, supremis 

Scribis et esse tuo vis, fiiriose, loco. 
** Munera magna tamen misit.'' Sed misit in hamo ; 5 

Et piscatorem piscis amare potest ? 
Hicine deflebit yero tua fata dolore ? 

Si cupis, ut ploret, des, Mariane, nihil. 

2. guid — velft'] Viz. your death. el in muUum mittitur atque lupum ' 

■ ~" - — yy~ 


4. ease tm — loeo] To succeed to capiaior,'' 
your posBessionB. 8. tiet — mhil] Then he will truly 

5. in hamo] See iv. 56, * Sordi- weep, hecause he has got nothing. 
diu8 nihil est, nihil est te spurcius Juven. ^ ploratur lacrymis amissa 
uno, Qui potet insidias dona vocare pecunia Yexia.* 

tuas.' £p. 228. 7,and85. 4,*hama8 

EP. 309. (VI. Ixv.) 

To Tucca, who ohjected to epigrams heing written in hexameter verse (aa 
the preceding one of thirty-two Yersea is, viz. vi. 64). 

'' Hexametris epigramma facis " scio dicere Tuccam. 

Tucca, solet fieri, denique, Tucca, licet. 
" Sed tamen hoc longum est." Solet hoc quoque, 
Tucca, licetque : 

Si breviora probas, disticha sola legas. 
Conveniat nobis, ut fas epigrammata longa 5 

Sit transire tibi, scribere, Tucca, mihi. 

2. soUiJiert] * This is often done ; 5. Conveniaf] * Let us come to an 
and if it were not, there is no law underBtanding/ A good satire on a 
against it.* dotard who could not appreciate ac 

3. hoc] This particular epigram epigram. See £p. 102. 7. 
(next preceding). 

EP. 310. (VI. Ixx.) 

*^ Cotta is 62 years old, and has never felt a fever, never called in a 

Sexagesima, Marciane, messis 
Acta est et, puto, iam secunda Cottae, 



Nec se taedia lectuli calentis 

Expertnm meminit die vel nno. 

Ostendit digitum, sed impndicnm, 6 

Alconti Dasioqne Sjmmachoque. 

At nostri bene computentnr anni 

Et qnantnm tetricae tulere febres, 

Aut languor gravis, aut mali dolores, 

A vita meliore separentur : 10 

Infantes sumus, et senes videmur. 

Aetatem Priamique Nestorisque 

Longam qui putat esse, Marciane, 

Multum decipiturque falliturque. 

Non est vivere, sed valere vita est. 15 

3. ealetUis] * FeTerish.* those of healtli/ &c. 

5. inymiicum]In&memj viz. ihe 8. ouanium — <«2er8JHow]iiicbof 
middle finger. There Beems an allu- life they have carried off. Maitia) 
siou to arKifjiaXV^ttv, JuY. z. 52, would seem to haTebeenaconfirmeil 
^Quumfortunaeipseminacimandaret invalid from this epigfram; but be 
hiqueum, mediumque ostenderet un- does not elsewhere complain of hii 
guem.* Cf. ii. 28. 2. general health. 

6. Alcon] A Greek snxveon, £p. 11. In/antes] Young in actaal 
631. 5. — Symmachns was of the aame life, i. e. enjoyment of it, albeit old 
profession, £p. 220. 2. in years. 

7. At nostri^ &c.] * But if o«r a^e 15.] Yita non est Tivere (tantom- 
be carefully reckoned up, and the modo) ; sed valere est vita, i. e. re* 
hours of illneBs be separated from vera dignnm eo uomine. 

EP. 311. (VI. Ixxiv.) 

A satire on the cuatom of having false hair and false teeth. See 
£p. 36, and 650. 

Medio recumbit imus ille qui lecto, 
Calvam trifilem semitactus unguento, 
Foditque tonsis ora laxa lentiscis, 
Mentitur, Aesculane : non habet dentes. 

1. t9}tt(«ffl«<fu)/ecfo] Atthisperiod, mastich-wood, cnt and pointed for 
the third aeat on the middle lectus tooth-picks. See ziv. 22, * lentiscum 
wasconsidered the place of dignity. melius; aed si tibi frondea oupis 

2. Calvam infiUm] His bald head, Defuerit, denteapinna ievare potett' 
with only thi^ee hairs on it (i. e. rery 4. meniitur] Me is only doing H 
few^yWtou^edt^^inierp^datus^wiih for appearance, viz. to seem aa if he 
pigment, viz. to makeupforthe defi- had teeth. Arist. Yeap. 165, tlXX' 
ciencyonthebareplaces. See£p.303. ovk ix^iv odom-av. Plut 1059, fva 

3. ionsii — tentiscis] Bits of the yofnpiov fiovou <pi(tu. 


EP. 312. (VI. Ixxv.) 

On one whom lie calls Pontia^ as a Tenpfuia^ or Buspected of bein^ such. 
See li. 34. 6, *0 Mater, qna nec Pontia deterior;* and iv. 43. 5, * iratani 
niihi Pontiae lagonam.* Jar. vi. ad fin. Compare aUo Ep. 202. 

Cum mittis turdumve mihi quadramve placentae, 
Sive femur leporis, sive quid his simile est, 

Buccellas misisse tuas te, Pontia, dicis. 

Has ego non mittam, Pontia, sed nec edam. 

1. 9«<nfram] A square piece cut or sent. * I certainly will not send ihem 

broken from a flat cake. See £p. to my friends; but neither will I 

156. 3. eat them myself.* A polite way of 

3. '&ftcce2/as']*Tit-bit8,*<noroe<mv. sayinff, *I will throw them to the 

This was a term of endearment, used dog^. There is an implied emphasii 

-when the delicacy waa to be eaten by on iua», 
the party to whom it was specially 

EP. 313. (VL Ixxvi.) 

Epitaph on Fubcus, the prefect of the praetorian cohort under Domitian. ^/j^ 

See Juvenal, iv. 111. (with Mr. Mayor^s uote), and Sueton. Dom. § 6. ^K^J^ 

Ille sacri lateris custos Martisque togati, i^j^^» 
Credita cui summi castra fuere ducis, •>T^ 

Hic situs est Fuscus. Licet boc, Fortuna, fateri, 
Non timet hostUes iam lapis iste minas. 

Gittnde iugum domita Dacus cervice recepit 5 

£t famulum victrix possidet umbra nemus. 

1 . eusAo» lateris] The captain of the dignities inflicted hj ihe enemy, since 
Kmperor^B body-guard, caJQed Martis they have now been quelled and sub- 
ton^di^ as being quartered in or near mitted to the Roman yoke. 
the citf. 6. victrix] The shaae of Fuscus is 

2. cagtrci\ The ezpedition against now victorious, and the grave where 
the Daci. Juv. vi »up, * Fuscum he lies buried in Dacia is consecrated 
marmorea meditantem proelia villa.* (as an altar and t£/ucv0« to a hero) 

3. Hcet—faten] We m&y admit he to his manes. Of course. there is an 
was defeated and icilled, because hia antithesis between famtdum and 
iomb is free from the chanoe of in- victrix. 



EP. 314. (VL Ixxvii.) 

On Afer, perha|M a liberttu^ who had the affectatioa of being carried ts s 
litter, thougn neither rich enough to afford it, nor an iuvalid. so at t« 
requiro it. 

Cum sis tam pauper, quam nec miserabilis Itob^ 

Tam iuvenis, quam nec Parthenopaeus erat ; 
Tam fortis, quam nec, cum yinceret, Artemidoms, 

Quid te Cappadocum sex onus esse iuvat ? 
Rideris multoque magis traduceris, Afer, 5 

Quam nudus medio si spatiere foro. 
Non aliter monstratur Atlas cum compare ginno 

Quaeque vehit similem belua nigra Libyn. 
Invidiosa tibi quam sit lectica, requiris ? 

Non debes ferri mortuus hexaphoro. 10 

2. ParHtenopaeus] Called Avipo' a black elephant, ezcites a langh : so 
'Tttcv avTip^ Aesch. Theb. 528. also does a strong and lustj Tonth 

3. Artemidortui] A Greek pan- bome by other lusty youths.^ It ap- 
cratiast of note under Galha and pears from Juv. viii. 32, *iuuiiiin 
Vitellius, and probably also under cujusdam Atlanta vocamns,* that 
Domitian. Ai/as was a nick-name for a d^wixf ; 

4. onta'} i. e. carried in a litter by and this explaine *■ compar ginnos,* 
six Cappadocian slaveB. in the ironical sense, ' equallj little/ 

5. traducerui'] * Are exposed to Ginnus or hinnus waa a mule bred 
ridicule.* See Ep. 28, 3. from a horse and a she-ass. 

6. ntutus] Perhaps, * without your 10. Non deftes] You are so poor, 
tora.* that a sandafn/a^ ov pauper*8 coffiii, 

7. Non aliier, &c.] ' Just so the will be your proper conveyance when 
finger of the passer-by is pointed at dead ; do not therefore in life ride in 
an Atlas on a mule, or a blackamoor a lectica. See ii. 81, * Laxior hex- 
on a dusky elephant* The general aphoris tua sit lectica licebit ; Cuin 
sense seems to oe, * as a little man tamen haec tua sit, Zoile, aandapiU 
on a litUe mule, or a black man on est.* Also Ep. 439. 14. 

EP. 315. (VI. Ixxviii.) 

On a hanl drinker, who preferred his wine to his eyesight. The naiDe 
Fhrysc is like A/er, Ep. 314. 

Potor nobilis, Aule, lumine uno 
Luscus Phryx erat alteroque lippus. 

1. nobilis] * Notable,* bene notus. Romans, and often caused the lots o' 

2. limus] * Blear-eyed ;' with the the eye, when tho patient waa called 
cye innamed from ophthalmia, which luseus, See £p. 4^. 2. 

was a common complaint with the 


Huic Heras medicus " Bibas caveto : 

Viniiin si biberis, nihil videbis." 

Kidens Phryx oculo " Valebis " inquit. 5 

!MiBceri sibi protinus deunces, 

Sed crebros iubet. Exitum requiris ? 

Vinum Phryx, oculus bibit venenum. 

5. ra2e&Ml *Adieii!*So'valebit, too.' See Ep. 62. 7. 

uxor,* £p. 108. 3. 8. vinum} The man had his wine 

6. detmces^ Gobletsholdinff 11-12 and enjoyed it ; the eye had the in- 
parta of a sextariuB (Becker, Gallus, flammatory effects for its share, and 
p. 480). — aedf Kal Taura, * aud that went out on the strength of it. 

EP. 316. (VI. Ixxx.) 

A very pretty epigram on the custom of importing roses in winter from 
Kgypt, now rendered useless by the growth of them artificially in Rome. 
See Wilkinson^s Ancient Egypt, i. p. 57. Becker, GalluB, p. 497, and 
especially ilnd. p. 364. 

Ut nova dona tibi, Caesar, Nilotica tellus 

Miserat hibemas ambitiosa rosas ; 
Navita derisit Pharios Memphiticus hortos, 

Urbis ut intravit limina prima tuae. 
^Tantus veris honos et odorae gratia Florae, 5 

Tantaque Paestani gloria ruris erat. 
Sic quacunque vagiis gressumque oculosque ferebat, 

Tonsilibus sertis omne rubebat iter. 
At tu Bomanae iussus iam cedere brumae, 

Mitte tuas messes, accipe, Nile, rosas. 10 

1. 27itfuwa<ifona]Theylittlethought gathered and twined flowers; but 
they were sending * coals to New- they are not the aame as those called 
castle/ as we say. wtUet. See Ep.259, 4; 497. 6. Rich'ft 

2. ambUioea] *De8irous to nlease Dict.incorona,who8hoW8that/>/ec<t- 
you ;* or, to show it8 power ox pro- lia implie8 roses twisted together with 
ducin^ them in winter. leaves and stalks; sutUie^ the flowers 

3 aerisU'] The Egyptian sailor pluckedfromthe8talk8and8ewninto 

who bnxiffht tliem thought nothing a band. 

of his native ro8e-bed8, when he 8aw 9. cedere] To rive place to it, be- 

the very snburbs of Rome filled with cause our artihcial winter growB 

them. An hyperbole. better roses than your n itui-al one. 

8. ^oiwi^T These, perhaps. do not 10. Mitte] ^'S^e will send you 

differ from plectiles coronae (Becker, henceforth our ro8eB, if y ou will send 

OaUttS, p. 498), both being made of us your com.* 


EP. 317. (VL ImiL) 

A jocoae petition to a wealthy friend for the pment of a new laeerwa. 

Qaidam me modo, Rufe, diligenter 

Lispectnm, velut emptor aut lauiata, 

Cum Yoltu digitoque subuotasset, 

" Tune es, tune " ait "^ille Martialis, 

Cuius nequitias iocosque novit, l 

Aurem qui modo non habet Boeotam ?** 

Subrisi modice, levique nutu 

Me quem dixerat esse non negavi. 

" Cur ergo " inquit " habes maias lacernas ? " 

Bespondi, quia sum malus poeta. 10 

Hoc ne saepius accidat poetae, 

Mittas, Rufe, mihi bonas lacemas. 

2. Irupedum] See Ep. 476. 3. — fin «^''■'i^who isnotabflolatelydull 
emptor, a puicliaBer of slaves in the of hearii^.* 

market. — tanislci^ a trainer of gladi- 7. levi mdu] * With a alight (or 

ators, looking out for fit persons for Btiflf) bow.* — tum negavi^ confenus 

his trade. sum ; a formula of modest admission. 

3. subnotcutet] * Had carefiilly 10. malus poeta] Ue means tlut 
taken his obsenration of me.* Cf. he did not get naid as a good ODe 
£p. 16. 5. — dufito^ * hj pointing at ought to be. Tne ezpression occun 
me/ or ' by feeling me, and poking £p. 105. 6. 

me with his finger. 11. Aocl Yiz. the indignity of pass- 

5. nequUiasl * Wanton jokes.* ing for a bad poet because I wear s 

6. Boeotam] Stupid, iLvaia^^rov, bad dress. — lacemoM, see £p. 304. 5. 
A doubtful reading. — modo^ o yov¥ 

EP. 318. (VL Ixxxiii.) 

To Domitian, on the recall from exile of a father and son, both named 

Quantum sollicito fortuna parentis Etrusco, 
Tantum, summe ducum, debet uterqne tibi. 

Nam tu missa tua reyocasti fulmina dextra : 
Hos cuperem mores ignibus esse lovis. 

1 .] ' As much as the fortunes of an 3. /ulminaj The decree of banisb- 

exiled father owe to his son for his ment. 

affection in accompanying him into 4. ho$ — mores'] Yiz. that they 

exile, 8o much both father and boq could be recalled. 
owc you, Domitian, for their recaH.' 


Sit tua, sit summo, Caesar, natura Tonanti : 5 

Utetur toto fulmine rara manus. 
Muneris hoc utrumque tui testatur Etruscusy 

Esse quod et comiti contigit et reduci. 

5. SU tua] * Ghre Jupiter your aiid now to retum. — testtUurf he tells 

kindlj nature, and his red right hand all his friends in gratitude that it waa 

will seldom expend all its holts/ hy your favour that such priyilegeB 

7. utrumque] That you allowed were allowed him. 
him to go into exile with his &ther, 

EP. 319. (VI. Ixxxv.) 

On the death of RuiiiB Camonius, in Cappadocia. There were a great many 
peraons bearing the name of Ru/us ; Pliny, in hisEpistles, names more than 
a dozen. The pereon mentioned here is probably the same friend that is 
addressed in £p. 78, and elsewhere. 

Editur en sextus sine te mihi, Rufe Camoni, 

Nec te lectorem sperat, amice, liber. 
Impia Cappadociim tellus et numine laevo 

Yisa tibi cineres reddit et ossa patri. 
Funde tuo lacrimas, orbata Bononia, Rufo, 5 

Et resonet tota planctus in Aemilia. 
Heu qualis pietas, heu quam brevis occidit aetas ! 

Yiderat Alphei praemia quinta modo. 
Pectore tu memori nostros evolvere lusus, 

Tu solitus totos, Rufe, tenere iocos, 10 

Accipe cum fletu maesti breve carmen amici 

Atque haec absentis tura fuisse puta. 

1. nnetel Inyourabsence^mean- 8. Alphei] He hadonlylived 6or, 

ing, ^er your death. *he had just lived to see^) nve 

o. Impia] Improba, ingrata, iu- /t»^ra, or Olympiads. For this period 

fanda. This country seems to have is often taken asa irairraeTij/otv, e.g. 

bome a bad character for cruelty and Arist Plut 584. rdv 'OXv/uirtKoif 

treachery. £p. 461. 1, ' Cappado- dytuva — 7i/aToi»v"£\.Xi}va«£irairra« 

cum saeviB AntistiuB occidit oris.* — dil ii' Itovv irinirTov j^vvaygipn. 

reddii, i.'e. te in cineres yersum. 9. evolvere'] * To quote/ and as it 

Compare Aesch. Agam. 435, avrl were read offfrom the mind. 

^e <f>atTMV Tcux*) '^ai atroiov tU 10. tenere] Yiz. memoria.— ^o«, 

iKtiarov ionov^ dtpiicvtiTai. — ^nu- viz. entire epigrrams. Cf. £p. 212. 6. 

mine laevo Visay * ▼isited by you ' Bi te pectote, Bi tenebit ore.* 

with an unlucky omen.* 12. turd] Believe this enigram iB 

5. Bononia] Rufus therefore waB the incense which I would nave pui 
bom at Bologna, as the word tuo on your pyre if I had been proBent. 
Beems to Bhow. See Ep. 528. 6. 

6. Jemilia] See Ep. 111. 2. 


EP. 320. (VI. Ixxxvi.) 

The poet longs for a more grateful diet tban his phjBicians will aUdvu 
invalid to take in verj hot weather. See £p. 310. 

Setinum dominaeque nives densique trientes, 
Quando ego vos medico non prohibente bibam ? 

Stultus et ingratus nec tanto munere dignus, 
Qui mavoltheres divitis esse Midae. 

Possideat Libycas messes Hermumque Tagumque, 5 
Et potet caldam, qui mihi livet, aquam. 

1. Setintm^ The best of the Cam- to the luzury of iced wine. 

panian wines, cf. 424. 19. — nives, for 5.] * I cannot wish an enemy (qo' 

coolinfif it by Btraining through. See mihi liveO worse luck, than to be u 

£p. 2o9. — dominae, rojral, noble. — rich aa Cfroesus, and to drink onlr 

iriente»y cups holding one-third of a warm water.* Doubtless the men- 

sextarius. — densi^ frequently re- tion of hot and dry countries is ia- 

peated. tentional, as addine to the disoom- 

3. tanto mtmere] sc. Setini nive fort of the avaricious man, wlio 
fHffefacti. would feel the want of cold water sll 

4. maiooWl i. e. prefers even gold the more. 

^ EP. 321. (VI. Ixxxviii.) 

Mane salutavi vero te nomine casu, 
Nec dixi dominum, Caeciliane, meum. 

Quanti libertas constet mihi tanta, requii is ? 
Centum quadrantes abstulit illa mihi. 

1. vero — nomine'] *I happened to tronemi!^* You forthwith exptin|«(i 

sav, without thinking, *' salve, Cae- me from the list of your clients, and 

cilianer' when I should have said, cut me offfrom thesjDor^v^ordailj 

' salve, Domine!** or "salve, pa- dole.* 


EP. 322. (VI. xcii.) 

On one who drank bad wine out of costly old plate. See Ep. 890. 16, 
and 4'J4. 1. 

Caelatus tibi cum sit, Auniane, 
Serpens in patera, Myronos artes, 
Vaticana bibis : bibis venenum. 

3. Vaticana^ The bad Tuscum soned the wine. So bad wine h 
vinum, Ep. 1_. 2; 15.6. He pre- called /arira aaeva, Ep. 536. 4: 12. 
tends that the snake must have poi- 6^ and 663. 14. 


EP. 323. (VI. xciii.) 

Ue ridicales the Tain arts of one Thais to make henclf less perionalij 
ilisagreeable by the use of certain washes aud cosmetics. 

Tam male Thais olet, quam non fullonis avari 

Testa vetus, media sed modo fracta via, 
Non ab amore recens hircus, non ora leonis, 

Non detracta cani traDstiberina cutis ; 
Pullus abortivo nec cum putrescit in ovo, 5 

Amphora corrupto uec vitiata garo. 
Virus ut hoc alio fallax permutet odore, 

Deposita quotiens balnea veste petit : 
Psilothro viret aut acida latet oblita creta, 

Aut tegitur pingui terque quaterque faba. 10 

Cum bene se tutam per fraudes mille putavit, 

Omnia cum fecit, Thaida Thais olet. 

2. Testa v^us] The /ullones nsed breath. 

to set up empty amphorae at the cor- 4. detnuia eaan\ * Pulled Irom the 

ners of the streets, for collecting the mouth of the dog who is gnawing it/ 

fluid required for tiieir art See £p. See £p. 256. 10. Dogs prefer putrid 

663. 8, ' Vel quicunque canis juncta- meat or offal to fresh. This explains 

qttetestayiae. Thifi contriyance may the proverb, *ut canis a corio 

be eeen in the Pompeian Court at nuncjuam absterrebitur uncto;* un- 

the Crystal Palace, with two Bnakes iess it be a &l8e rendering of Theo- 

rainted oyer it, illuBtrating Pers. i. critU8,x<i^*'"'^v y^opiu» Kuvaytvaai. 

Vd.—aedy * and that too.' See Ep. —Transtiberina.Kp. 21. 3. 

315. 7. Here the JuUo was too 6. vUiata] The porous nature of 

Btingy to huy a new crock, and so theterra-cottawouldretain thesmell. 

the old one was broken in spite, or See £p. 657. 16. — ^aro, with fish- 

perhaps in being carried away. pickle. 

Sueton. Vesp. xxiii., *Reprehoii- 7. Virus] * Strong smell,* Lucret. 

denti filio Tito, quod etiam urinae ii. 853. So virosa Castorea, Virg. 

yectigal commentus eeset, pecu- Geoig. i. 58. 

niam ex prima peuMone admoyit ad 9. Fsilothro] rJ/iXuOpw^ depilatoiy 

nares, sciBcitans, num odore offen- ointment,iii.74,apparentlyoragreen 

deretur? Et illo nesante, **Atqui,** colour, made of arseiiic and quick 

inouit, *^elotio est. Thisfluid was lime (Rich in y.); but there were 

called lotiumy from the use it was put many different kinds, described bv 

to for cleaning togae. The disagi^ee- Pliny in his N. H.—creta 'chalk 

able smell of the /ullones, in conse- (sifted fuUer^s earth) and vinegar.* 

quence ef their trade, is mentioned See £p. 86. 9 ; 410. 17. 

iu xii. f^9. 6, * hinc instat tibi textor, 10. /abd] Bean-flour; pwhaps 

inde fiillo.* mixed with oil. This wai used in 

3. ora leoniB] Lions and other compounding a cosmetic called /o- 
felineor canineanimals fed onmeat, mentum (Pliny, N. H. xviii. 30, § 
when in captivity, have very foul 117. Mart. iii. 62. 1). 


EP. 324. (VI. xciv.) 

He ridicules Calpetianos for his ostentation, when be poBseaMS notliing of 
his own. 

Ponuntur semper ehiysendeta Calpetiano 
Sive foris, seu cum cenat in urbe domi. 

Sic etiam in stabulo semper, sic cenat in agro. 
Non habet ergo aliud ? Non habet immo suum. 

1. chtytetuieta] See Ep. 87. 11. why he usea this fine plate is, not W- 

Cic. Yerr. iv. 21. 3. cause he has nothing eUe, but becvue 

3. instalulo] * In an inn/ or small be has nothing of ms own ; i. e. it k 
hostel. Pliny, Ep. ri. 19, ^urbem either borrowed plate, or purchaMii 
Italiamque non pro patria sed pro with borrowed mone^. 8o Kp. 92. 2, 
bospitio aut stabulo quasi peregri' ' Sunt haec trita quidem. Zoile, led 
nantes habere.* mea sunt* 

4. Non habet — suutn] The rcason 

EP. 325. (Vn. i.) 

Domitian, when starting on his ezpedition against the Sannatae or 
Daci, had caused a breast-plate to be made for him, similar to the &Ued 
Aegis of Pallas, whom Domitian held in pai^ticular reyerence (Ep. 160). 
Martial, in this and the following epigram, uiuds it aboye the real AegxL 

Accipe belligerae crudum thoraca Minervae, 
Ipsa Medusaeae quem timet ira comae. 

Dum vacat, haec, Caesar, poterit lorica vocari : 
Pectore cum sacro sederit, aegis erit. 

1. crudum] Generally taken to the aerpents surrounding the Gk)TgoB> 
mean * blood-stained,* or with re- head on Minerva'8 ahield. See tbe 
ference to the ancient shields haying excellent article on oa^m, in Rich'i 
been made of raw hides (Ep. 188. 4). Dict. ; and compare Yirg. Aen. tiiL 
Rather, it is * untried,* * new/ as in 435. 

Toc. Ann. i. 8, * crudum adhuc ser- 3.] Whilst it is unemplojed, it 

vitium.* Stat. Ac. ii. 341, * crudus may be called a breast-plate ; wfafn 

amor.* it sits on your sacred breast, it will 

2. Ipsa] Which even thewrathful be an aegis, i. e. you will be fitl; 
Aegis, fringed with MeduBaean locks, armed wim it as a god. 

fcura : or, which would frighten even 


EP. 326. (Vn. ii.) 

On the same subject as the last. 

InTia Sarmaticis domim lorica sagittis 

Et Martis Getico tergore fida magis, 
Quam vel ad Aetolae securam cuspidis ictns 

Texuit innumeri lubricus unguis apri : 
Felix sorte tua, sacrum cui tangere pectus 5 

Fas erit et nostri mente calere dei. 
I eomes et magnos illaesa merere triumphos 

Palmataeque ducem, sed cito, redde togae. 

1. Invia] * Impenetrable to.* The confiision between the * toga jpicta* 
Sarmatians, as Pausanias says (i. and*' tunica palmata'' here. Festua 
cli. 21. 8), used bows and arrows of says that the latter was originally so 
cornel-wood, and were also famed called from haying a latua clavus 
for a kind of breast-plate, made of one palm broad ; ofterwards, whcii 
overlapping plates of hom taken it was adomed with palm-branches, 
from horses* hoofs. the name was referred to them ; it 

2. Martis^ &c.j ' More trusty than was used by generals in triumphs, 
the shield, armed with which Mars by the praetor presiding at the 
iaworshippedbytheGtetae.* — iergore^ games, in the transvectio equitnm, 
cf. Aen. 1. 211. and was given to distinguished men. 

3. AMae] Interwoyen with SoLiyyjZxx. 15, 'MaslnissamScinio 
boars* hoofs, so stout, that eyen aurea coronl,, aurea pateri, sellft, 
Melea^fer^s spear could not pierce curali et scipione ebumeo, toga 
it. picta et tunica palmata douat, addit 

4. /uftru»»] ^Xt<r6>ipo9,fromwhich — neque magnificentius quicquam 

the shafts would glance ; not, as it is ti*iumpho apud Romanos neque tri- 

generally taken, 'polished.* Simi- umphantibus ampliorem eo oraatu 

larlj, in II. x. 263, the foraging-cap esse.* Tac. Ann. i. 15, ' Decreta 

wom by Ulysaes was fenced outside pecunia ex aerario utqu^ per Circum 

with rows oi boars* teeth. triumphali yeste uterentur.* The 

5.] Felix sorte iua seems to haye same dress is meant by the * tunica 

beenaformulaofRomanblessing. It Joyis* and *pictae Sarrana — aulaea 

is used again in yii. 8. 5, * Happy togae,* Juy. x. 38. The * picta 

lorica, that will touch that breast, toga* was probably identical with 

and be warmed by that heart.* the ^ trabea, Propert. y. 4* 53. — sed 

8. Palmatae — iogae] sc. tri- oto, * and that soon.* 
umphali. Thera seems to be a 

EP. 327. (Vn. iv.) 

Esset, Castrice, cum mali coloris, 
Versus scribere coepit Oppianus. 

1. mali coloris] When nale from be put down to hard reading. Cf.Hor. 
illness, hoping that his pallor would Ep. i. 19. 17, * Quod n Pallerem 


caso, bibcRDt exsangiie cmnimim.'* The meaning is, that the eoloor 

Pen. L 26, " en pallor seniomone.* of his complexion Bnggeeted to kim 

Ib. iii. 85, ^hoc est, quod pAues? the idea of tnrning poet The aiae 

cor qnls non pniides*, hoe e>i?* Oppuums is addxcased Ep. 296. 

EP. 328. (Vn. V.) 

Blartial pnys for the xetom of Domitian from his expedition, sariiii 
that Rome enriea the enemy the pririlege of seeing him faoo to fut. 
Soch fulsome pnise of the £mperor is repeated in this book *" uaqpt si 

Si desiderinm, Caesar, popnliqne patmmque 

Bespicis et Latiae gaudia vera togaoy 
Bedde deum votis poscentibus : invidet hosti 

Boma suo, veniat laurea multa licet. 
Terrarum dominum propius videt iile, tuoque » 

Terretur voltu barbarus et fruitnr. 

2. ffOMdia wrd] * If you haye an j so called, because they were bonnd 
regard for the sennine joj of the round with branches of laureL C£ 
citizens,* yiz. all other joys being 463. 6 ; Liy. 45. 1, ' ante diem qnin- 
yain when you sre absent. — togaey tum decimum Kalendas Octobres,— 

lciyium, eentis togatae.* tabellarius, qui se ex Macedonis 

3. Reade deum} Redi deus. — yeiiire diceret, [apportasse] lanrestM 
hotti rao, the Sarmatians, who now epistolas dicitur. Pers. yL 43, 
enjoy, while they dread, your pre> * O bone, num ignorasP missa estt 
sence. Caesare laurus uiBignem ob cladem 

4. laurea'] The laurecUae epiatolae Germanae pubis.* 
sent by yictorioaBgeneiBls to Rome ; 

EP. 329. (Vn. vii.) 

To Domitian. * Althonghabsent in body/ the poetsays, ' you are alvaji 
present to our minds.* 

Hibema quamvis Arctos et rudis Peuce 
£t ungularum pulsibus calens Hister 
Fractusque comu iam ter improbo Rhenus 
Teneat domantem regna periidae gentis, 

1. Peuoe] An islaudat the mouth quentatus,* as 'fenrere * isused oftcn. 
of the Danube. Virg. Aen. 8. 677, ' Marte Feryen 

2. w^fuiarumy &c.] Gf. Oy. Tr. Leucaten.* 

iii. 10. 81, * Undas (Istri) Frigore 8. Fractu» eorHu] With the hom 

concretas ungula pulsat equi. — of the riyer-god thrice broken. Cf. 

oalenty the ice is poetically supposed £p. 513. 6 ; 505. 17. This in allu- 

to grow hot under the rapid tramp- sion to the Emperor^s title of ' Gtr* 

llng of the horses ; or * calens= fre- manicus.*— Teitea/, ' jam detioeftt/ 


Te, summe mundi rector et parens orbis : 6 

Abesse nostris non tamen potes votis. 

Illic et oculis et animis sumus, Caesary 

Adeoque mentes onmium tenes unus, 

TJt ipsa magni turba nesciat Circi, 

Utrumne currat Passerinus an Tigris. 10 

9.] Tbateyen the crowds in the carrere lensit equoB.* 

Circus do not heed which horse- 10. Pcuterinus^ &c.] Tliese were 

chariot is running. Cf. viii. 11. 5, two swift race-horsea of the day. 

*■ Dum te ' lonffa lacro Yenerantur £p. 659. 12, * Tigrim Tince leyem- 

gaudia Circo Kemo quater mifisoB que PasBerinum.* 

EP. 330. (VIL xii.) 

Martial here, as elsewhere, aBserts that he has neyer maliciously attacked 
even his greateat enemies in yerBo. Some such yerses had heen aacrihed 
to him ; hut they had heen published in his name by a foe to injure him. 
Cf. Ep. 50d. 534, and on 3. 8. 

Sic me fronte legat dominus, Faustine, serena 

Excipiatque meos, qua solet aure, iocos, 
Ut mea nec iuste quos odit, pagina laesit, 

Et mihi de nullo fama rubore placet. 
Quid prodest, cupiant cum quidam nostra videri, 5 

Si qua Lycambeo sanguine tela madent ? 
Yipereimique vomant nostro sub nomine virus, 

Qui Phoebi radios ferre diemque negant ? 

l. Sui\ On this condition do' which/ &e. 

ifitfiiw, Domitian. 6. Lwsambeo^ ' Of Lycambes/ 

3. nec] * Ne eoB quidem/ as often whom ArchilochuB droye to suicide 
in Martial. J)7 his yirulent satire, becauBe he 

4. de nullo, &c.] * Nec ulla fama refuBed his daughter in marriap;e to 
de cujuBquam inlamia pUcet mihi :' him. Cf. Oy. Tr. 54, * Tincta 
^Nor do I pride myBelf on credit Lycambeo Banguine tela dabit.* 
pined by putting any one to the Hor. Epod. yi. 13, *Parata tollo 
Dlush.* Or better, perhaps, 'And comua: Qualis Lycambae spretns 
the fame that pleases me is that infido gener;* and Epist. i. Id. 25. 
which does not make any one Compare also inf. Ep. o71. 13. 
blash.* 8. Qtft, &c.] * li qui negant se (yel 

5. Quidprodett] What is the use recusant), ferre lucem,* *who Be- 
of my carefulnese about this, if you cretly Bpread yerses that they dare 
belieye that theee productions, that not publish.* The metaphor is well 
cannot bear the sunlight, are really presenred firom the lurking-place of 
mine. Lit., ' when some ai'e anxious a yiper. 

that yerses should be thought mine, 


Ludimus iunocui : scis hoc bene : iuro potentis 
Per genium Famae Castaliumque gregem n 

Perque tuas aures, magni mihi numinis instar, 
Lector, inhumana liber ab invidia. 

EP. 331. (Vn. xiii.) 

Lycoris, a dark belle, went to Tibur, hearing that all tliings becamc 
white tbere (cf. iy. 62, * Tibur in Herculeum migravit nigra Lvcorj 
Omnia dum fieri candida credit ibi *), in hopes of getting a fair complezioa. 
The resnlt was disastrons. She went fitsca, Bwarthy, she retamea nigra, 
black. This property of the air of Tibur, or more probably of its sulphurocf 
exlialation, is mentioned Ep. 407. 12. Prop. iv. 7. 28, * Qua nnnqnara 
Hercnleo numine pallet ebur* (grows yellow). Sil. Jtal. Pun. xii. 229. 
* Quale micat semperque novum est, quod Tiburis aura Paacit, ebur.* 

Dum Tiburtinis albescere solibus audit 

Antiqui dentis fusca Lycoris ebur, 
Venit in Herculeos colles. Quid Tiburis alti 

Aura valet ? Parvo tempore nigra redit. 

EP. 332. (Vn. xvi.) 

Martial saTS that the only way of raising money now left to him is to sell 
Regulus* gifts ; and he offers the donor the fuU refiisal of them : either u 
a sug^estion that he should not allow his gifts to be sold, but rather givr 
Martial money to keep them ; or that they were so worthless, thathe conld 
not find a purchaser. The giver is ironically asked to buy his own gifts. 

Aera domi non sunt, superest hoc, Regule, solum, 
Ut tua vendamus munera : numquid emis ? 

EP. 333. (Vn. xvii.) 

The poet ofFen Julius Martialis his seven autograph books of poems to 
pnt in his library. 

Rm*i8 bibliotheca delicati, 
Vicinam videt unde lector urbem, 
Inter carmina sanctiora si quis 
Lascivae fuerit locus Thaliae, 

1. Ruris] cf. Ep. 198. 10. Hmina sanctioris aeri.* 

3. tancHoral * Graviora,' more 4. Thalia»} cf. Ep. 161. 12; 
moral, as in Ep. 217. 8, Mntra 356.4. 


Hos nido licet inseras vel imo, 6 

Septem quos tibi misimus libellos 

Auctoris calamo sui notatos : 

Haec illis pretium facit litura. 

At tu munere delicata parvo, 

Quae cantaberis orbe nota toto, 10 

Pignus pectoris hoc mei tuere, 

luli bibliotheca Martialis. 

5, nidd\ cf. £p. 62. 15. — vel imo^ habere nugas.* That antograph 

even in the lowest,'where works of copies were much prized appears 

less note were deposited. This pas- also from Ep. 503. 7. 

Bage is important, as showing that 7. notatosl £p. 2. 10. — liiuray 

Roman literature was burrent eyen ib. ver. 9. The senae is, * the only 

during the lives of the authors, with merit they possess is that of their 

their own corrections, — a fact which being autograph copies.* 

Mrill, of com^se, account to some 9. ddicaia] ' Delighted ;* lit., 

extent for the ^ yarious readings * made conceitcd by. 

which haye come down to us. So 10. Quae] Perhaps qm^ *pleased 

in yii. 11, 'cogisme calamo manu- at this litUe gift by which your 

que nostra Emendare ineos, Pudens, fame shall become widely known.* 

libellos. O quam me nimium pro- — ^«er«, serya, *■ keep BaS^.—pedorit 

bas amasque, Qui vis archetypas mei, i. e. affectuB amoris. 

EP. 334. (VII. xix.) 

On a fragment of the ship Argo, kept as a curiosity. 

Fragmentum quod vile putas et inutile lignum, 

Haec fiiit ignoti prima carina maris, 
Quam nec Cyaneae quondam potuere ruinae 

Frangere nec Scythici tristior ira freti. 
Saecula yicerunt : sed quamvis cesserit annis, 5 

Sanctior est salva parva tabella rate. 

3. ruinae'] Concursus, as Virg. 5. eeBeerit] Though it haa yielded 

Aen. zi. 613, 'incummt hastis, to time (i. e. the ship), yet this 

primique ruinam Dant sonitu in- little bit of wood has a greater 

ffenti, i. e. *8tragem.* Here for yaiue attached to it than the ahip 

' corruentes Cyaneae.* itself had wben whole. 

EP. 335. (VII. XX.) 

On a gluttonous fellow Sautra, who, not contented with eating hia 
share when inyited out to dinner, carried off all the fragments be could 



Uiy hands on iu his napkin and breast ; and, next day, his aTmrice gettitf 
tfae better of his gluttony, sold them. Compare £p. 8^. 

Nihil est miseriiis neqiie gulosius Santra. 

Rectam Yocatus cmn cncurrit ad cenanfy 

Quam tot diebus noctibusque captavit, 

Ter poscit apri glandulas, quater lumbum, 

Et utramque coxam leporis et duos armos, 5 

Nec erubescit peierare de turdo 

Et ostreorum rapere lividos cirros. 

Dulcis placenta sordidam linit mappam. 

Hlic et uvae collocantur oUares, 

Et Punicorum pauca grana malonun, 10 

Et excavatae pellis indecens volvae, 

Et lippa ficus debilisque boletus. 

Sed mappa cum iam mille rumpitur furtisy 

Rosos tepenti spondylos sinu condit 

Et devorato capite turturem truncum. 1» 

1. miseriwi] ' More miBerly.^ smaller Btatea of Germany. 

2. cucurrW] To denote the eager- 7. cirros] The beard$ of the ojs- 
ness vith which he went. See 9tt. 7. ten, left uneaten on othera^ p1ate& 

3. eaptavii] Cf. Ep. 77. 8. aordidam} *Soiled' with tfae 

4. glandulas] Tit-oita, kemels or various articles of food laid in it 
glands in the brawn. Cf. iii. 82. 21. 9. oUares] Preserved in jan. 

* Partitur apri glandulas palaestritis. The * marcentes uyae* of. E^. 26!>. 
In Plautus * glandium * is the same. 12 ; they are represented in a freioc 
Cf. Curc. ii. 3. 54, *Pemam abdo- painting found at Pompeii. Hor 
men sumen suis glandium.* Capt. oat. ii. 4. 71, * Venucala oonTcait 
iv. 4. 7, * praetmncavit tribus ter- oiiis.* 

goribus glandia * (from which it 10. Punicomm — malorum} Pome 

18 clear it was a part of the head or granates. 

neck). Men. i. 3. 27, * Glandionidam 1 1. ituieoerts] * Unsi^hdy,* as it is 

suillam.* always used by Martial. Ct Ep. 

5. armos leporiil A ^t deli- 70. 4; 225. 7; 243. 12; xii. 22. 1, 
cacy. Cf. Hor. Sat. li. 4. 44, 'QuamsitluscaPhilaenisindeeenter 

* Fecundae lenoris sapiens sectabitur Vis dicam ? — ^Esset caeca decentior 
armos ;* 8. 89, * lepuram avulsos, Phiiaenis.* — volvae^ the nutriz, or 
ut multo suavius, armos, Quam si womb of a sow, stuffed Uke a ba^is. 
cum lumbis quis edit* What we Lib. xiii. 56. 

call * the wings,* opposed to the Iiind 12. lippa'] From which the jnice 
legs, coitae. ezuded, as beine OYer-ripe.— 42fM/tf, 

6. peierare de turdo] To swear * flabby,' * souasny.* 

that no fieldfare had been placed 14. sponaylQt] o>0owduXo«c, tbc 

opposite to him, when he had really vertebrae of some animal. CC 82. 2. 

carried it off and concealed it Thia 15. deoorato] He eata the head, 

practice of carryinff of meat, &c., just for appearance sake, bat pat» 

from the table of the host, is said the body of the biid among the lest 

to have been lately prevalent in the of hia Btolen stores. 


Colligere longa turpe nec putat dextra 

Analecta quidquid et canes reliquerunt. 

Nec esculenta sufficit gulae praeda, 

Mixto lagonam replet ad pedes vino* 

Haec per ducentas cum domum tulit scalas 20 

Seque obserata clusit anxius cella 

G-ulosus ille, postero die vendit. 

17. Jnaleetal AtmXiKTti^, the withoat theappeannce of stoopine. 

Blave who cleared off the scnps. 18. e$culenta — praeda] ^Stofen 

Of. xiv. 82, * Otia aed scopis nunc eatables/ 

a.nalecta dabit* Pieces of bread 19. Miaiol i. e. wine and water, 

(fiiro/uaydaAial, Ar. Equit. 415) aa if the latter were worth carrying 

were thrown on the floor, and either away. 

eaten by dogs (the ' cmmbs that fall 20. per — soalas'} Santra lived 

from the rich man^s table *), or high up in a gan-et, in a meritorium^ 

eathered up bj a Blave appointed or hired room. 

for that puipose. The ' lonff hand ' 21. ceUa] See Ep. 132. 3.—wndii, 

18 made to reach down to uie floor irap inr6ifoia», for eomedU, 

EP. 336. (Vn. xxi.) 

On the birthday of Lucan the poet, who was ezecuted by onler of Nero. 
See Tac. Ann. xv. 70. 

Haec est illa dies, quae magni conscia partus 

Lucanum populis et tibi, PoUa, dedit. 
Heu ! Nero crudelis nullaque invisior umbra, 

Debuit hoc saltim non licuisse tibi. 

2. Polla\ The wife of Lucan. This is in allusion to the recorded 

3. mdla'\ * More hatefiil to us on speech of Nero, * neg^vit quemquam 
account of the murder of Lucan, principum Misse quid sibi liceret/ 
than that of any ^ther of your ouet. Nero, 37. Compare Ep. 
victims. This at all eventa ought 184. 8. 

not to have been allowed to you.* 

EP. 337. (Vn. xxii.) 

On the Bame. Martial Mys, that on the birth of such a poet, the Baetis, 
on the banks of which he was bom, deserved to be numbered among tbe 
fountains sacred to the Muaea. 

Yatis ApoUinei magno memorabilis ortu 
Lux redit : Aonidum turba, favete sacris. 

Haec meruit, cum te terris, Lucane, dedisset, 
Mixtus Castaliae Baetis ut esset aquae. 

p 2 


EP. 338. (Vn. xxiii.) 

On the same. The poet wishes PolU a long life to spend in reTcrencing 
the memory of her hasband. 

Phoebe, yeni, sed quantus eras, cum bella tonanti 
Ipse dares Latiae plectra secunda Ijrae. 

Quid tanta pro Ince precer ? Tu, PoUa, maritnm 
Saepe colas et se sentiat ille coli. 

1. bella ionantt] sc. Lucano. — his memory, and inToke hia mae 

jpleetra secunda^ * artem Yirgilio on many an anniyerBaiy I And msT 

proximam.* See on 341. 2. he in Elysium be conBcioas of jour 

4. SaepecoUu\ *Mbj you recall affectionT — a beautiful seotii&enL 

EP. 339. (Vn. XXV.) 

On a refined and polished writer of epigrams, which however vfft 
deficient in wit and pungency. j 

Dulcia cum tantum scribas epigrammata semper 

Et cerussata candidiora cute, 
NuUaque mica salis nec amari fellis in illis 

Gutta sit, o demens, vis tamen illa legi ! 
Nec cibus ipse iuvat morsu £raudatus aceti, S 

Nec grata est facies, cui gelasinus abest. 
Infanti melimela dato fatuasque mariscas : 

Nam mihi, quae novit pungere, Chia sapit. 

2. oerussata] Painted with white 8. 31, where howoTer the^ are sone 

lead. Cf £p. 86. 12. So cretata kind of sweet apple.— ^Wiiat, Md- 

is used for aloay 655. 9. sipid.* So xiii. 13, * &tQae, &broniBi 

5. Nec cibus'] Even food requires prandia, hetae;* and Ep. 603. 8. 

to be piquafUf if it is to be palat- 8. Chia^ (ficus). Cf. ziii. 23, 

able. *Chia seni similis Baocho qoem 

6. gelasinus] * A dimple,* caused Setia misit ; Ipsa memm seaun 
by laughter. Cupid was worshipped portat et ipsa salem.* The same 
as Deus Gelasinus. compaiison between the maritcs 

7. melimela] Apples presenred in and Chia is made zii. 96. 9, * Xoa 
honey. Cf Ep. 23. 4 ; ziii. 24, ' Si eadem res est ; Chiam rolo, nolo 
tibi Cecropio saturata Cydonia melle mariscam ; ne dubites quae iit CbiSi 
Ponentur, dicas, haec melimela pla- marisca tua est.* 

rent.* Mentioned also by Hor. Sat. ii. 



EP. 340. (Vn. xxvi.) 

Bfartial commends his book to ApoUiaaris (cf. Ep. 212. 531), taying, 
tliat if he &vour8 it, it need not fear the maiice of others. 

Apollinarem conveni meum, Scazon, 

£t si vacabit, ne molestus accedas, 

Hoc qualecunque, cuius aliqua pars ipse est, 

Dabis : hoc facetae carmen imbuant aures. 

Si te receptum fronte yideris tota, 6 

Noto rogabis ut favore sustentet. 

Quanto mearum, scis, amore nugarum 

Flagret : nec ipse plus amare te possum. 

Contra malignos esse si voles tutus, 

Apollinarem conveni meum, Scazon. 10 

1. Soazon] The name of the 5, *Imbai8 exemplum primae tu 
metre employed. So CatuUus ad- Romule palmae* (set the exam- 
dressealhe kind of yerse he is ymting ple) ; and still nearer to the sense 
in,xlii. 1, *ade8te, hendecasyUabae, it bears here, Ovid, A. A. i. 654, 
quot estis.* * infelix imbuit auctor opus/ * vna 

2. Et siy &c.] * And, if he shall the first to make trial of. Here it 
be at leisure, that you may not ap- is, * may his finely-criticising ears 
proach him bo as to cause annoyance, be the first to receiye this book of 
Tou shall give him this little offer- poems.* The Greek Knivi^ut answers 
ing, 8uch as it is, and in which he very nearly to it. Etymologically, 
himself has taken some paii;.* it seems connected with fidirTva^ 

3. cujust &c.] Perhaps Apollinaris and means, ' to giye a first tint in 
had aided in amending this book ; dyeing.* From £p. 424. 17, ' imbuat 
or it may only be a book in which egregium digno mihi nectare munus/ 
be himself is mentioned. we might rather haye expected, * hoc 

4. imbuani] This yerb seems gene- carmen imbuat facetas aures.* 
rally to conyey a sense of beginning, 5. tota /ronte] With a heany 
So Virg. Aen. vii. 542, *Sanguine welcome; with a brow uncloudeil 
bellum Imbuit et primae commi- by a frown. 

eit funera pugnae. Prop. iy. 10. 8. nec ipse] Ne ipse quidem. 

EP. 341. (Vn. xxvii.) 

A large boar haying been sent as apresent to Martial by his fiiend 
Dextcr, ne retums thanks, but sends it back, on the plea that the cooking 
of it would be too expensiye for his Bmall kitcheu. 

Tuscae glandis aper populator et ilice multa 
lam piger, Aetolae fama secunda ferae, 

1. Tuscae fflandis] The Tuscan who prefer the Umbrian and Luca- 
boar does not appear as a fayourite nian. Cf. Hor. Sat. ii. 3 ; 234. 4 : 
kind in the early Roman writen, 40. 8. 6. It is mentioned, howeyer. 


Quem mens intravit splendenti cuspide Dezter, 

Praeda iacet nostris invidiosa focis. 
Pinguescant madidi laeto nidore penates s 

Flagret et exciso festa culina iugo. 
Sed cocus ingentem piperis consumet aceryum 

Addet et arcano mixta Falema garo. 
Ad dominum redeas, noster te non capit ignis, 

Conturbator aper : vilius esurio. 10 

by Statius, Sylv. iv. 6. 10, as better ditli, opposed to ncci^ and meanuig 

than the Umbrian, * Tuscus aper * well supplied with moUture/ u 

generosior Umbro.* See £p. 645. 9. oil, sauces, &c. So Propert. v. 4. 76, 

2.] Only second to the Aetolian *cum pagana Madent facula de- 

boar, killed by Meleager. Cf 468. 6 ; Uciis.* 

lib. ziii. 93, * Qui Diomedeis me- 8. areaito] Stored un, a* the best 

tuendus eetiger agriB Aetola cecidit would be, £p. 476. 5. — paro, d. 

cuspide, talis erat. For ' secundus * 143. 4. 

witn a dative, see 338. 2 ; Aen. zi. 10. CVmfuria^orl That ivill make 

441. me bankrupt (cf. Ep. 581. 9); ibr 

4. iwridio9<i\ ' Invidiam movena a man in difficnlties was aaid * eoB- 
foco ut non aatis amplo.* turbai^e rationes.* Gf. Ep. 446. 5. 

5. Pinguetoantf &c.] *Let the Juv. 7. 126, *Sic Pedo contnrbat, 
fiteaming kitchen fatten on the Matho deficit;* l4. 94, 'TotamhaDc 
pleasaut smell, and the festive turbavit filius amens.* But there is 
hearth blaze with whole woods cut an aUuaion to the tuming in> of the 
from the hill-top ; but then the cook soil by the boar^s snout, which the 
will use up great heaps of nepper, Greeks expressed by •nip/Sa^ccv, tfae 
and mix Falernian with the cnoicest Romans by turbare, — viiiits, &e., it 
kind of Bauce. (This is too much for costa me less to starve at home, L e. 
my means.) Retum to your master to fare poorly and cheaply, than to 
your ruinous boar: my hunger is accept a present involving so mach 
satisfied at a amaller outUy.* — ma- cost Gf. 269. 2. 

EP. 342. (Vn. xxviii.) 

Martial sends his book to Fuscus, asking him to read it dnriog liis 
leisure time at the Satumalia, and write a critique on it; probably the 
Fuscus of Juv. zvi. 46. 

Sic Tiburtinae crescat tibi silva Dianae 
Et properet caesum saepe redire nemus, 

Nec Tartessiacis Pallas tua, Fusce, trapetis 
Cedat et immodici dent bona musta lacus ; 

l. Tihurtinae2 Where Fuscus had Sylv. ii. 7. 28, < Quae Tritonide 

acountryseat fertiles Athenas tinctis, Baetirs, 

8. Palla» tua) sc. *olivetum provocas trapetis.*— ^rooe/M, *milU' 

tuum.* • Palladis arbor,* Ep. 37. 7. —laout, cf. Ep. 184. 2. 
— TVwisw^'-* «*• Sn^in. Cf. Stat. 


Sic fora mirentury sic te palatia laudent 5 

Excolat et geminas plurima palma fores : 

Otia dum medius praestat tibi parva December, 
Exige, sed certa, quos legis, aure iocos. 

*^ Scire iibet verum ? res est haec ardua.*' Sed tu 
Quod tibi yis dici, dicere, Fusce, potes. 10 

6. palma] AfiSxed to the doors of matter to say it, for it might offend 

Buccessfiil ^leaders. Jut. 7. 117, you.* *Do you/ replies Martial, 

* Rumpe miser tensum jecur ut tibi * speak to me as you would wish me 
laseae Figantnr Yirides, Bcalaram tospeak to you/i. e. tell the truth 
gloria,palmae.* at all hazards, not such false truth 

8. jSxige] Corrige, i^aKpt/?»- as Gallicus vanted irom Martial, 

<rov.—~eerta — oniv, with accurate £p. 258. 440, but such as Horace 

and rhythmical, or in&llible ear. adrises, A. P. 426 w^q, So too 

9.] *Do yon wish,* says Fuscus, Pers. i. 55, *Verum, inqnis, amo; 

* to know the truth? *Tit a difficnlt Yerum mihi dicito de me. 

EP. 343. (Vn. xxxi.) 

Martial says, that the ffifts he sends to Regulus are all bought in the 
market, not, as Regulus affects to believe, raised in hiscountry farm, which 
is really too sterile to bear any thing but their master. * You have farms/ 
says Martial, * in Umbria, Tuscany, and Tusculum, and yet expect presents 
from me, who have to buy them, instead of sending to me wnat costs you 

Eaucae chortis aves et ova matrum 

Et flavas medio vapore Chias, 

Et fetum querulae rudem capellaey 

Nec iam frigoribus pares olivas, 

Et canum gelidis olus pruinis 5 

De nostro tibi missa rure credis ? 

O quam, Begule, diligenter erras I 

Nil nostri, nisi me, ferunt agelli. 

Quidquid yilicus Umber aut Calenus, 

1. Raueae ehortis'} *Fowls irom hung ripe so long, that they must 

the cackling hens in the coop.* Ep. be gathered to prerent them being 

148.12; m. 11; 617. 14.— Chias, spoiled. 

Ep. 339. 8, ' Chian fin tumed 5. eantmy &c.] Cf. 269. 8. 

yellow by a moderate heat* (or 7. diligenter] *0n purpose.'* to 

perhaps, *by the snmmer heat*, as excnse your neglect or me. — Nil^ 

medio pulveref i. e. aestate, Pro- &c., * nothing comes out of roy farm 

pert. V. 2. 40). save myself.' 

3./0<tim,&c.] Akid. Seel48.37. 9. Quidqtdd, &c.] *AU the pro- 

—neejam — pares, *olive8 that can duce that you can have sent yon 

no longer stand the frost,* but have from your own fanns in Umbria, or 


Aut Tosci tibi Tnsciiliye mittunt, U 

Ant ros maniiore tertio notatnm, 
Id tota mihi nascitur Snbnra. 

at Calef in Campania, Etraria, or xnarket, in order to make toii t 
Tuacnliim, or three miles out of present.* 
Rome, /have to bnj in the Boman 

ER 344. (Vn. xxxiL) 

Martial oommends liis firiend Atticus for preferrinff the strong ezerciie 
of mnning, which wasted no time, to the games of ball and sword ezerciae, 
which consumed ao much of the money and time of the Roman jootlL 
It was all yerj well for those who had nothing better to do ; but be had 
to practifle eloquence and philosophy, and not d^nerate firom his greit 

Attice, facnndae renovas qni nomina gentis 

Nec sinis ingentem conticnisse domum, 
Te pia Cecropiae comitatnr turba Minervae, 

Te secreta qnies, te sophos omnis amat. 
At iuyenes alios £racta colit anre magister 5 

Et rapit immeritas sordidns nnctor opes. 
Non pila, non follis, non te paganica thermis 

Praeparat, aut nudi stipitis ictus hebes, 
Yara nec in lento ceromate brachia tendis, 

Non harpasta yagus pulyemlenta rapis, 10 

l.faeimd€»—ffenH8] In particular at the nnarmed stake,* on which tb^ 

T. Pomponius Atticus, the firiend leamt to fence. Cf. Jur. vi. 248, 

and rivai of Gicero. * quis non vidit vulnera pali, QneD 

2. eonticuisae'} Conticeaco, to be cavat assiduis sudibus scutoque U- 

forffotten, or lost in silence. cessit ;* ib. 267, * Quaodo ad palan 

o. Ceeropiae — turba Minervae'] gemat uxor ABjli.* Cf. Bedcer, 

Greek philosopherB, who abounded Gaihu^ Ebcc. ii. Sc. 7. Theie'ex- 

at Bome: the *doctores Oraii* of ercitationes,* as ^ey were oUed, 

PerB. yi. 87.— ^a, deyoted to your always preceded the daily bath. 
friendship, afFectionate. 9. Vara\ ' Squared (or bozio^.* 

5. frada—tture magider] The Cf. Ovid, Met iz. 33, ' Bncbisqae 

athlete with his ears batterea from opposui tenuique a pectore nru 

boxing. Theocr. xxii. 45, vKXiipaioi In statione manus et pugnae meinbrft 

TttfXa^r/uivov odara iruyfiaTt. — paravi.* Ratherperhaps, *diyeraent,' 

«futfor, the alipies. stretched apart in ezeirise m w. 

7. pHat &c. J cf. £p. 168. 5 sqq., &c., ' tmder stickj ointment* 
^^^* 10. vague] riartingr from vlice 

8.J*Theblow8withbIuntedswords to place. 


Sed cnrris niveas tantum prope Yirginis undas, 

Aut ubi Sidonio taurus amore calet. 
X^er yarias artes, omnis quibus area fervet, 

Ludere, cum liceat currere, pigritia est. 

11. VtrtnmBl The ivater of the stands it ^ages of life/ refemnj; to 
Aqueduct built bj M. Affrippa, aad Ep. 5*26. 9. But tho senae is, * To 
called the 'Yirgo aqua, from its go throu^h the routine of spprts, 
pviritj. See Pliny, N. H. xzjd. 42; with which eyery play-ground is 
and xxxvi. 121. busilj engaged, when one maj take 

12. Avi ubif &c.] bc. in the por- a run, is mere idlenera." — a kind of 
tieuB Europae. Cf. Ep. 72. 3. paradoz, since piffer is generally *" m- 

13. area] Campus et ffjmnasia. actiye.* 
Schreyelius somewhat oddly under- 

EP. 345. (Vn. xxxiii.) 

Martial laughs at Cinna, who had bought a new pair of fiuhionabie 
"wliite ■hoea, but wore oyer them an old soiled tosa, and adyises bim to 
hold up the toga, for fear of dirtying his new purcnase with it, or to let 
them be seen iMtter hj the people. 

Sordidior ceno cum sit toga, calceus autem 

Candidior prima sit tibi, Cinna, nive : 
Deiecto quid, inepte, pedes perfundis amictu ? 

Collige, Cinna, togam ; calceus ecce perit. 

1. calceus] White shoes were semper celetur aluta.* 

wom by women and effeminate men 3. pedes per/undis^ So Aesch. 

only; bence thej were forbidden by Ag. 2d9, k^okov fiaKpdt i* i« irUoif 

an edict of Aurelian. Cf. Qyid, x'^*''''* 
A. A. 3. 271, * Pes malus in niyeSk 

EP. 346. (VII. xxxvi.) * 

Stella (Ep. 31. 4.) had sent Martial some tiles to coyer his yilla, which 
could not keep out the wet Martial thanks him, and hints that he is only 
doing half his work in coyering the yiUa when the master of it wants coyer" 
ing equally. 

Cum pluyias madidumque lovem perferre negaret 

Et rudis hibemis yilla nataret aquis, 
Plurima, quae posset subitos efiundere nimbos, 

Muneribus yenit tegula missa tuis. 
Horridus, ecce, sonat Boreae stridore December : 5 

Stella, tegis villam, non tegis agricolam. 

3. ejundere'] * Pour off," diMhai|re from the roof 


EP. 347. (Vn. xxxvii.) 

Some quaestor had arranged that if he hlew his nose^ a condemned crimi- 
nal was to be executed ; if not, to he sayed. Martial laught at his per- 
plezitj, hecauae once on a cold December day he wanted to wipe hi« noee, 
and was reetrained hy hit colleague for feai that it might he mistaken for die 
preconcerted signal. 

Nosti inortifenim quaestoris, Castrice, signum ? 

Est operae pretium discere theta noYum. 
Exprimeret quotiens rorantem frigore nasum, 

Letalem iuguli iusserat esse notam. 
Turpis ab inviso pendebat stiria naso, S 

Cum flaret media fauce December atrox. 
CoUegae tenuere manus. Quid plura requiris ? 

Emungi misero, Castrice, non licuit. 

L quaestoris] Anciently, the 91100- to he executed. Pers. !▼, 13, *et 

ttores parrieidii (duumviri per- potis es nigrum vitio praeponere 

duellionis) had tbe power over the theta.^* 

life and death of accused cidzens; 4. Leldlem — notam] The deatfa- 

see Livy, i. 26; vi. 20. Ritter on wan^ant.— ^^a^t, a^ay^v, i.e. jagn- 

Tac Ann. zi. 22. There is a landi hommis. 

difSculty, if tbe statement here is 5. stiria'] An icicle. E^. 636. 7, 

seriously meant, in assuming that this * nec conffelati gutta proderit nasL' 

power continued in force so long. 7. quiaplttra ?] KatTiiti \iytu; 

2. iheta} The letter (ddifaTot) * The end of it was tbat,* && 
was prefixed to the names of those 

EP. 348. (VII. xxxviii.) 

On two deformed slayes of Severus, called Polyphemus and Scylla, U 
whom Martial says they are so like their originaL», that each must he an 
object of dread to the other. Monsters of this sort were in great request 
at Rome, and hrought high prices. Augustus TSuet. 83) * pumilos atqne 
distortos ut ludihria naturae nuilique ominis ahnorrehat ;* nevertheless he 
had a court dwarf Canopas. 

Tantus es et talis nostri, FolTpbeme, Severi, 

Ut te mirari possit et ipse Cjclops. 
Sed nec Scjlla minor. Quod si fera monsti*a duorum 

lunxerisy alterius fiet uterque timor. 

3. neo—minorl Alteri par est. If they marry, they will lceep esck 

4. Jutuceris} Viz. hy eonhibemium. other in order hy mutual fear. 


EP. 349. (Vn. xxxix.) 

On one Caeliiu, nf^ho pretended to have the ffout in order to exenie him 
eelf from hit duties to his patront. Ajccorcunglj he bandaged bis feet 
and walked lame till he really did get what he hMl feigned. 

Discnrsiis yarios yagumque mane 

£t fastus et aye potentiorum 

Com perferre patique iam negaret, 

Coepit fingere Caelius podagnui^ 

Qaam dum yolt nimis approbare yeram 5 

Et sanas linit obligatque plantas 

Inceditque gradu laborioso, 

— Quantum cura potest et ars doloris ! — 

Desit fingere CaeUus podagram. 

1. Ditcursua] Running from one 8. Quantum^ &c.] ef. t. 21. 3, 

patron to another. — vagmn fnaney the * Quantum cura labonjue potest ! * — > 

momi^g spent in going from house to ar8 dolorit, Dolor artificiosut. 

house. 9. Detii (desiit) fiitgar»} i. e. et 

3. n^aret] Recusaret. coepit yeram habere. 

EP. 350. (Vn. xl.) 

An epitaph on Etruscus (cf. Ep. 318), who died an old man, after having 
experiencea both the fayonr and the wrath of Domitian, and was buried hy 
his weeping sons with his wife, who had died joung. 

Hic iacet ille senex, Augusta notus in aula, 
Fectore non humili passus utrumque deum'; 

Natorum pietas sanctis quem coniugis umbris 
Miscuit : Eljsium possidet ambo nemus. 

Occidit illa prior yiridi fraudata iuyenta : 6 

Hic prope ter senas yixit Oljmpiadas. 

2. nonhumilt} Non nimis abiecto. is found in Virg. Ecl. 6. 18; Georg. 

4. amho'] Some, ofFended widn this 4. 88, and always in Cicero. 

form of the accusative, read *umbra* 6. propeter, &c.] Nearlj eighteen 

without imy authori^. But cf. Yirg. lustra, orninetyyears. TheOljmpiad 

Aen. xi. 285, * Si duo praeterea tales is often reckoned as fiye years, but if 

Idaea tulisset Terra yiros.* Hor Sat. we take it here=four, we obtain ihe 

i. 7. 15, * Duo si discordia yexet in- sufBciently great age of seyenty-two. 

ertes ;* and this form is found eyen Tbe commentators refer to Statius, 

<n prose, e. g. Cic. Rep. i. 10 ; i. 13, Syly. iii. 146, wbo sajs of this Etrus- 

&c. There appears to be np other cus^tbat^dextrabisoctonisiluxerunt 

instanceof am&tfshort; butthe form saecula lustris.* 


Sed festin&tis raptiim tibi credidit aimisy 
Aspexit lacrinias qaisqais, Etnisoe, tuas. 

7.] Bat «koever aaw yoor teait, •natched from jou br his eizlj deatb. 
KtniKiisrdieion),oTer7oiir&Uier*t —^hHmatit, Ep. 10/. 3, brought tn 
UHDb, beiie^ed thatt he hid beea anu^eiuL 

EP. 351. (Vn. xU.) 

Co t m ieot^ * m man of the world.* The point of this epigram is not wtrj 
clear; ]NN»bablj there is an allasion to the *CoBmianum* (£p. 145. 1). 
Tooca pretending to be a man of &shion, and to that end anointed and per- 
fumed, Martial says there is at least as mnch hsrm as good in Uiis, aUading 
perhaps to his own dictam, *" non bene olet qai bene semper olet.* 

Cosmioos esse tibi, Semproni Tucca, videris : 
Cosmica^ Semproni, tam mala, quam bona sunt. 

EP. 352. (Vn. xUi.) 

Martial praises Castricas for his Uberalitj as a patron and his good poetiy. 
* I do not rival you in either,* says he ; * others may be as liberal, bat it ii 
lare to find a good patron and a good poet combined* (alluding probably to 
the offidMM eUenium in assembling to applaud their patron^s poems, good or 
bad, as he recited them). * Whj then ao I send jou mj inferior poetnr?^ 
Alcinous, althoogh he hsd sucb famoas gardens, may haye receiyed gifts of 
apples from his subjects ; so jou receiye this from me. Aldnoo poma dart 
answers to our proverb * to carrj coals to Newcastle.* 

Muneribus cupiat si quis contendere tecum, 
Audeat hic etiam, Castrice, carminibus. 

Nos tenues in utroque sumus vincique parati : 
Inde sopor nobis et placet alta quies. 

Tam mala cur igitur dederim tibi carmina, quaeris ? 5 
Alcinoo nuUum poma dedisse putas ? 

2. Audeat hio] A man who pre- 4. Ifuis toporl That is whjlhaye 

sumes to yie with you in giying maj hitherto kept quiet and not ofiered 

as well try to do 80 in poetry ; i. e. jou anj thing. 
both efforts would proye alike yain. 

EP. 353. (Vn. xUv.) 

Caesonius Maximus, a man of consular rank, and a friend of Seneca. had 
been accused of participation in the conspiracy against Nero in fayoar of 
Piso, and sentenced to banishment from Ital^ ; accordinglj he went to 
Bicily, where he had been proconsul, and his fnend Ovidius, who had re- 


fused to go with him when in power, now Toluntarilj hraTed the anger of 
Nero, and foUowed his fortunea. For this Martial praises him in this and 
the following epigram, promising him immortalitj in his poems, and a fiime 
for friendship, as supenor to that of Pylades, as Nero'8 wrath wa8 more to 
be dreaded than Cljtemne^tra^s/ Caesoniua* hani^hment is recorded hv 
TacituB, Ann. 15. 71, *Cadicia uzorScaeyini et Cae8oniu8 Maximu8 Italia 
prohibentur, reos fuisae 8e tantum poena experti ;" where his innocence i8 
iuiplied, a8 here, y. 3. This epigram i8 on a picture of him in the posses- 
sion of Oyidiua. 

Maximus ille tuus, Ovidi, Caesonius bic est, 

Cuius adhuc voltum vivida cei*a tenet. 
Hunc Nero damnavit : sed tu damnare Neronem 

Ausus es et pro^gi, non tua, fata sequi, 
Aequora per Scjllae magnus comes exulis isti, 6 

Qui modo nolueras consulis ire comes. 
Si yictura meis mandantur nomina chartis 

Et fas est cineri me superesse meo : 
Audiet hoc praesens venturaque turba, fuisse 

IUi te, Senecae quod fuit ille suo. 10 

2. eera] The eerea imago. That amico tuo. * You foUowed through 

pictures of friend8, as well as of the 8trait8 of Me88ina, into Africa, 

relations, were placed in the atrium, your friend when an exile, though 

may be gathered from Ep. 533 aUo. you had declined to accompan^ hini 

d. Jomnare] YoucondemnedNero as con8ul* ^or proconsul), yiz. as 

of cruel injustice by taking up the govemor of tne 8ame proyince. 

causeofthe exile, and disregarding 10. qmd fuit Uui] yi^. fidua 

your own fiBite. amicuB. 

5. mayntu} MagnanlmuB. — i$iif 

EP. 354. (Vn. xlv.) 

Facundi Senecae potens amicus, 

Caro proximus aut prior Sereno, 

Hic est Maximus ille, quem frcquenti 

Felix littera pagina salutat. 

Hu^c tu per Siculas secutus undas, 5 

nullis, Ovidi, tacende linguis, 

1. /Sl»i«aie— anttetwlcf.Ep.preced. 2. Canu — Seremu] Friend8 of 

y. 10. Seneca, Ep. 87, * Cum pau- Seneca. But perhap8 the 8ense i8, 

ciBBimis seryis, quo8 unum capere ye- * proximu8 aut etiam prior caro 

hicultim potuit, 8ine uUis reDU8 nisi (amico) Sereno.* 

quae corpore no8tro continehantur; 3. /requenH—^tagina} In manj a 

ego et Maximus meus biduum jam letter of Seneca 8* 
beatlMimum agimus.* 


Spi^evisti doiniiii furentis iras. 

Miretur Pyladen suum vetustas, 

Haesit qui comes exuli parentis. 

Quis diserimina comparet duorum ? It 

Haesisti comes exuli Neronis. 

9. eandi parerUis] Orestefl was ba- 11. Neronis} One who fe llewed 

nished from his homo hy his inother a friend hanished by Nero incmTCd 

Clytemnestra, as he complains in thcriskof thesamehanishmentliim- 

Aesch. Cho. 912, TtKQvaa ydp fi* self. 
ipfii^lfav i« t6 dvtrrvxiv. 

EP. 355. (Vn. xlvi.) 

Priscus had promised Martial a gift, hut delajed to send it tiU he shoold 
have written some poetrj to accompanj it. The poet sajs, that the poetxy 
will do for rich men ; he is a poor man, and wants something inore aab- 
stantial without delay. See on 640. 17. 

Commendare tuum dum vis mihi carmine manus 

Maeonioque cupis doctius ore loqui, 
Excrucias multis pariter me teque diebus, 

Et tua de no^tro, Prisce, Thalia tacet. 
Divitibus poteris musas elegosque sonantes i 

Mittere : pauperibus munera, Prisce, dato. 

1. Comr/iendare'] To set off to ad- suo mensa.* 

vantaffe. Cf. 198. 26. 6. munera] Emphatic ; cf. Propeit 

4. de nostro] * Atmyeznense.* So t. 5. 57, * qui versus, Coae dederit 
£p. 531. 20, * ridet procellas tuta de nec munera vestis,' &c. 

EP. 356. (Vn. xlvii.) 

Martial congratulates Licinius Sura on his recovery from a severe attack, 
and on the knowledse he has got of the love of his friends for him in 
their grief at his anticipated loes, and advises him to spend the rest of his 
life in pleasure. This may be the Sura of Ep. 25. 40, unless he was the 
Palfurius Sura of Suet Dom. § 13. Juv. iv. 53. Pliny writes to thii 
Sura (Epist. iv. 30) as if he were learaed as a naturalist. 

Doctorum Licini celeberrime Sura virorum, 
Cuius prisca graves lingua reduxit avos, 

Bedderis, heu, quanto fatomm munere ! nobis, 
Gustata Lethes paene remissus aqua. 

2. prisca'] apYaTbv, pristina, ' of rendered, hut * strict, such as the old 
the olden time. So Cat. 64. 159, race of men were.* 

* prisri praecepta parentis* is not * of 4. gustatOy &c.] Tantam non ez 
your uld parent,* as it is lometimes ipsa morte nohis redditos. 


Perdiderant iam vota metum secaraqne flebat 6 

Tristitia et lacrimis iamqae peractns eras« 
Non tulit invidiam taciti regnator Avemi 

£t raptas fatis reddidit ipse colus. 
Scis igitur, quantas hominom mors falsa qnerellas 

Moyerit, et frueris posteritate tua. 10' 

Vive yelut rapto fugitiyaque gaudia carpe : 

Ferdiderit nullom vita reyersa diem. 

5.] *Wewerepa8thope,and«opa8t 9. tnon /cUta] Your death which 

fear; sorrow shed tears undisturbed, we wrongly believed certain. 

and we wept as if you were already 10.] *You enjoj a teeond life 

ffone/^r^^m^ifeissomewhatsupported among jour posteritj ;* cf. Pliny, 

by the use ot hodieoue^hodie quo- £p.*2. 1; * Trigmta annos gloriae suae 

que, said to be founa in Cicero, and supervixit ; le^t scripta de se cjv- 

certaiuly used in later writers, as mina, legit bistorias et poateritAti 

PUny, H. N. viii. 45, § 70, * et ho- suae interfuit.' 

diecme reliquiae stirpium durant.* 11. Vive^ &c.] Ab £p. 10, et alibi. 

In £p. X. oib. 2, *et pilata redit — velvi rajito^ sc. tioi, *tanquam 

jamque Bubitque cohors/ the reading ereptns esses.* — FerdiderU, * a life 

seems too uncertain to be cited as an regained is not likely to lose a single 

example. da^,* i. e. to waste by not wendinjL.' 

7.1 * The ruler of eilent Ayemus it m pleasure. Pliny, xiv. 122, * Ra- 

could not bear the reproach (of your pere se ita yitam praedicant, quuni 

death) and with his own hands gaye priorem diem quotidie perdant, imo 

back to the fates the threads of life yero et yenientem,* yiz. by their 

wliich he had taken.* — invidiae^ cf. excesses producing exhaustion. — 

Kp. 8. 10. /vgitiva, cf. £p. 10. 8. 

EP. 357. (VII. xlyiii.) 

Martial complains that one Annius, instead of putting the dishes on the 
table at his dinner-parties, so that the guests might help themselyes as they 
.iked, had them brought round by his senrants so quickly, that there was no 
time to eat one thing oefore another was handed in ; the consequencebeing, 
that the guests had little to eat, and the host saved expense. It appears that 
the expressions * mensa prima,* ^mensasecunda,* and soon, were literallv tme, 
and that when one course was finished the whole table, dishes and aU, was 
taken off, and a fresh one with the next course brought in ; so that Annius 
would have had an opportunity of showing ofF some at least of his innu- 
merable tables, if his economy had not oyercome his love of display. 

Cum mensas babeat fere trecentas, 
Fro mensis habet Annius ministros : 
Transcurmnt gabatae yolantque lances. 

2. Pro meiui»] * In proportion to haps is the case, it is connected with 
his tables,* yiz. oOO^of course hy- camu, it would be a hollow dish as 
pcrbolically. opposed to lan», which is taid to be 

3. g<Aatae) * Dishes.* thongh of a flat one, though in £p. 603. 18 
wkat shape is uncertain. If, as per- we find * gabatas cavasque lances.* 


Has vobis epulas habete, lauti : 

Nos offendimur ambulante cena. i 

5. Nos] We poorer men who can- lante^ witli the dishes canied xwmi 
not affbrd to lose a dinnor. — ambw See Becker, Gallus, p. 475. 

EP. 358. (VIL xlix.) 

Parva subiirbani munuseula mittimus horti : 
Faucibus ova tuis, poma, Severe, gulae. 

2. Fcuieibus] For yonr sore or hoarse throat, as an emollient.— j^of, ta 
please jour taste. 

EP. 359. (VEL H.) 

Martial advises Urbicus, if he cannot affbrd to buj his poems, to go t» 
dinner with Auctus, who knows them ali hj heart, and will recite tliciD, 
usque ad nauseam. 

Mercari nostras si te piget, Urbice, nugas 

Et lasciva tamen carmina nosse libet, 
Pompeium quaeres — et nosti forsitan — ^Auctum ; 

Ultoris prima Martis in aede sedet : 
lure madens varioque togae limatus in usu, 5 

Non lector meus hic, Urbice, sed liber est. 
Sic tenet absentes nostros cantatque libellos, 

Ut pereat chartis littera nulla meis. 
Denique, si vellet, poterat scripsisse videri ; 

Sed famae mavolt ille favere meae. 10 

Hunc licet a decima — neque enim satis ante vacabit^ 

Sollicites ; capiet cenula parva duos. 

3. ouaeres] cf. £p. 1.7. 5. tnadens] Imbutus, cf. 1. 39. 3, 

4. UUorie — Martis] This temple * Cecropiae madidus Latiaeque Mi- 
was dedicated bj Augustus after the nervae Artibus.* Ep. 165. 12 ; 37U.*1 
bellum Philippease, * pro ultione p&- Hor. Od. iii. 21. 9, * Socraticis nu- 
tem& susceptum,* Suet Aug. 29. It dentSermonibus.* — ^tmo^fpolisheil, 
is mentioned by Ovid, Fast. 5. 551, ground fine, cf. £p. 508. 3. 

* Ultor ad ipse suos caelo descendit 6. sed liber] He is not only s 

honores Templaque in Augusto con- reader, he is the book itself, Le. w 

spicienda foro ;' and in Juv. ziy. 261 , well is he yersed in its contenta. 

wheresee Mr. Mayor'snote. — prima 7. fene^] memoria.— a6«0i>ie«, with* 

in aede^ at the entrance or yestibule of out having the book at hand to lefcr 

the temple — sedel seems to refer to to. 

some office where he could be con- II. a decima'} After his work ii 

sultedas an advocate, >mcoii*i»/<«». done in the city. See Ep. 55. 9; 


llle leget, bibe tu : noles licet, ille sonabit : 
£t cum '^ lam satis est " dixeris, ille leget. 

61. 6.-— Ztoe^, *yoa inay ask him to you toa little dinner on purpose.* 
et you hear Martial, and he will aak 13. bibe tu] See £p. 6o. 9. 

EP. 360. (vn. m.) 

Martial hopes that Celer, who had ^roTemed Celtiberia with great pru- 
dence and impartiality, is pleased with hit poems, which Auctu8 had 
recited to him, and savs he looks on him as a critic rather than a mere 
listener. There is a Celer mentioned as a pUgiarist in lib. i. 63. 

Gratum est, quod Celeri nostros legis, Aucte, libellos, 
Si tamen et Celerem quod legis, Aucte, iuvat. 

Hle meas gentes et Celtas rexit Hiberos, 
Nec fuit in nostro certior orbe fides. 

Maior me tanto reverentia turbat, et aures 5 

Non auditoris, iudicis esse puto. 

2. iuvat] In a double sense: *if 5. tanto} He is themore likelv to 

lie lilces to listen to them/ and * if judge me impartiallj, as he did so 

he i8 pleased with what he bears.* judge mj countiymen when in autho- 

4. certior—Jidei} YirhoneBtior, ma- rity there; hence I dread his opiniou 

jore fide. — mostro — orife, in Spain. more than I should that of others. 

EP. 361. (Vn. liii.) 

Umber had >ent off to Martial, under the convoj of eight tall slaves, all 
the paltry nfts that had been given him in the Satumafia. Martial says, 
liow much less troublo it woiud have been, had he sent a boy with a few 
pounds of silyer ! 

Onmia misisti mihi Satumalibus, Umber, 
Munera, contulerant quae tibi quinque dies, 

Bis senos triplices et dentiscalpia septem : 
His comes accessit spongia, mappa, calix, 

1. Umber] Perhaps *mj Um- 3. triplicesj * Three-leayed ta- 
brian firiend. For it appears from blets.* — dentieadpia, * tooth-picks,* 
Pcrsius, iii. 74, that the Umbri and made ffenerallv oi the leaves of the 
the Marsi were rich {jnnguee^ wu- mastich-pistacnio, the * cuspides len* 
XcZv) and liberal iu sending to their tisci* of iii. 82. 9. Cf Ep. 311. 3; 
advocates presents of this soi*t. On xiv. 22, * Lentiscum melius, sed si 
the other nand, this Umber appears tibi frondea cuspis Defuerit, dentei 
to be mentioned in Ej>. 681. 2. penna levare potest." For the Sa- 

2. 91W19M] See 213. 2. tnmalian gifts, cf. %. 186, &c. 



Semodiasque fabae cum vimine Ficenaram, l 

Et Laletanae nigra lagona sapae ; 
Farvaque cum canis venerunt cottana prunis 

Et Libjcae fici pondere testa gravis. 
Vix puto triginta nummorum tota fuisse 

Munera, quae grandes octo tulere Syri. i« 

Quanto commodius nullo mihi ferre labore 

Argenti potuit pondera quinque puer ! 

5. vimine] A hamper or l>asket cessura Ljaeo, Haec genQit 
of Picenian olives, £p. 23. 8 ; aemula Tina cadis/ So Ep. 15. 9. 
9.13. 7. 7. eottana] Small figs, Ep. 211 ^. 

6. tapae] * Mastnm usque ad ter- — oana pruna, sc. Damascena, caQoi 
tiam partem mensurae decoctum/ in xiii. 29 ' Pnina per^p-inse cuic 
Plin. xiv. 12. Galled slso siraeum mffosa senectae,* and Ep. 2^^. 3^ 
or hepsfVM. Cf. Ov. Fast. 4. 780, 8. Lib;foaeJici] cf. £p. 186. la 

* Lae niveum potes purpureamque 12. pondera quinque'] i. e. qmqoe 

Ba,^m* purpurea there answerinf^ to libras. There is irony in aslcingfor 

niffra in this place. — Laletamae^ from a gift of sraall bulk, but of miKb 

Laletania, in HispaniaTaiTaconensis: greater value than any patrOB vooU 

it was a ffood sort of wine. Cf. 13. give to a client. 
118, *Tanaco, Campano tantom 

EP. 362. (VIL Uv.) 

Nasidienus, on the pretence of expiating bad dreams abont Martia], got 
from him eg^, wine, rrankincense, lambs, &c. Martial complains that ill 
his property is going, and begs Nasidienus either to keep awake, or, if be 
must dream, to dream about himself. This is a satire on Roman nnenti- 
tion, and not to be regarded as a true storv ^inst Martial. So Honce, 
Ep. ii. 2. 208, in naming the follies from which a man must free himsdf. 
asks, ^ Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas, Noctumos Lemnrei 
portentaque Thessala rides?^ So *noctem flumine purgas,* Pers. iu 16. 

Semper maue mihi de me tua somnia narras, 
Quae moveant animum soUicitentque meum. 

lam prior ad faecem, sed et haec vindemia yenit, 
Exorat noctes dum mihi saga tuas. 

1. de we] Compare Propert. t. drained to the dregs. 

4. 65, * experiar sommum ; de te 4. ExoraC\ cf. £p. 616. 7 ; Tib. 

niihi somnia quaeram.* i. 5. 13, *■ Ipse procuiavi ne pocstst 

2. Qaae moveant^ &c.] On pur- saeva nocere Somnia, ter sancti 
pose to alarm, and to make me deveneranda molSi * (sc. molft lilia). 
anxiouB about some coming evil. — Moratf, prays that it may ntt 

3.] The vintage of not only last happen, exorcisei. 
vear, but this as well, has been 


Consumpsi salsasque molas et turis aceryos, 5 

Decrevere greges, dum ca^it agna frequens : 

Non porcus, non chortis aves, non ova supersunt. 
Ant vigila aut dormi, Nasidiene, tibi. 

6L Decrtvere] a decresco. Com- 7. ehortis cmes'] See Ep. 148. 12. 
pare Pen. ii. 44 — 61. 

EP. 363. (Vn. Ivi.) 

Kabirius (cf. Ep. 562) had built a palace for Domitian, tbe pattem of 
which Martial sajs he must haye taken from the heavens; ana he adds, 
that if Pisa should want to rear a temple fit to contain the statue of 
Jupiter Olympius, made by Phidias (who is said in making it to baye 
taken his ideas from the deseription of Zeus, in the fint lliad), it must ask 
the Roman Jupiter to send Babirius to be the architect. 

Astra polumque pia percepsti mente, Rabiri, 
Parrhasiam mira qui struis arte domum. 

Phidiaco si digna lovi dare templa parabit, 
Has petet a no^tro Pisa Tonante manus. 

2. Patrhanam] Panrhasia was a himself is called Parrhasius, Viig. 

town of Arcadia. When Eyander Aen. zi. 31, and his mother, Parr- ' 

the Arcadian settled on the Pala- hasia, Qy.F. i. 618. ForParrhasius 

tine, be called it Parrhaeia, in =Palatinus, cf. Ep.388. 3; 413. 3; 

memory ofhis natiye country. He 646. 1, &c 

EP. 364. (VII. Ix.) 

This epigram is well called ' foeda adnlatio eiga Domitianum.* Martial 
says he will not follow the majority in pr^ing to Jupiter for priyate 
blessings, but will only entreat him to keep Domitian safe (and so proye 
his title to being a god). Domitian shall be hit god, to whom he will pray 
for all good. 

Tarpeiae venerande rector aulae, 
Quem salvo duce credimus Tonantem, 
Cum votis sibi quisque te fatiget 

2.] 'Whomwe belieye to be an Vitellianum (cf. Ep. 505. 14; Suet. 

avenging god, while you protect our Dom. 1), and his restitutioa of it 

emi)eror.* This seems to be the afterwards, when it was destroyed 

most natural sense, though some by fire. This idea obtains force firom 

have supposed in it a * foedissima the similar expression in Ep. 215. 8, 

aduUtio, construing it, *whom we *Sospite quo gratum credimus esse 

believe to reign so long as our em- Joyem,* tbougn that does not go so 

peror liyes,* and refeiring to his far as tiijs. 
defence of the Capitol in the beUum 

Q 2 



Et poscat dare, quae dei potestis : 
Nil pro ine inihi, lupj^ter, petenti 
Ne succensueris velut superbo. 
Te pro Caesare debeo rogare : 
Pro me debeo Caesarem rogare. 

5. Nil — mihi^petmUi] Quia nil with xne as one too prond to adi 
pro me ipso petam. * Do not be angry blessing on myself,* &c. 

EP. 365. (Vn. Ixi.) 

It appeaiB that at Rome small ■bopkeepera, barb^re, &c, bad bccc 
accustomed to expoee their wares for sale in the street, and block ap tfae 
way with them. Small booths were also erected in front of their ■bosa ix 
the same purpose. So Suet Ner. 26, says, * Nero circa Ticos vigaWar 
ludibundu»— tabemulas etiam effringere et expilare ;* with whicfa compiic 
Tac. Ann. ziii. 25, * itinera urbis pererrabat comitantibus qui n^cRBt 
ad Tenditiouem ezposita.* This had grown to be such a nuiHUice, ^ 
GermanicuB Caesar (Domitian) forbade it entirelj, and is here praiwd ^ 
Martial for his good offices in clearing the streets. 

Abstulerat totam temerarius institor urbem 

Inque suo nullum limine limen erat. 
lussisti tenues, Germanice, crescere vicos, 

Et modo quae foerat semita, facta via est. 
Nulla catenatis pila est praecincta lagonis, 5 

Nec praetor medio cogitur ire luto ; 

1. insUior] ' Huckster,* Ep. 669. 
14. Oenenuly one who trades for 
another, mnch as our commercial 
trayellers ; here apparentlj any small 
petty trader. 

2. J * Eyenr threshold was extended 
beyond itseif,* i .e. the shop stretched 
out beyond its just proportions into 
the streetB. 

3. JusnitHf &c.] * You ordered the 
narrow streetB to be widened, and bo, 
what waB lately onlj a pathway, haB 
been made a road.* 

4. Mffiitol A footpath, opposed to 
tna, the hign road. These terms are 
oflen contrasted, as in the proyerb, 
Plaut. CaBin. iii. 5. 40, * Sciens de 
yiil in Bemltam degradere;* and that 
preBenred by Cicero, De Diy. i. 68, 

Qui sibi semitam non sapiunt, 
alteri mdnstrant yiam.* Yarro de- 
riyoB the woid from 'Bem-iter,* r 

half and so Bmall way ; it ia immi 
to *calliB,* as a Bmall but leyclvth 
to a rucged sheep-track. Yira. Aco. 
zi. S8'i, * Rara per oocoltoB ancebt: 
Bemita calles.* 

5.] * No tayem-poBt is ffirt in M 
with potB chained to it.^ The poti 
were nung out to show the trade, bnt 
chained on to preyent theft, like tbe 
ladlcB in modem drinking-fountvnt 
— fdla is used equiyalent to *ti- 
bema,* in CatuUus 37. 1, ' tabenn- 
a pileatis nona fratribns pila,* 'oiw 
doors from the temple of CaBtor ind 
Pollux.' On this * pila * bookielltfv 
hung adyertisements of their boob 
(cf. £p. 62. II), and round it ez; 
posed them for sale. Hor. Sst i 
4. 71, * Nulla tabema meoi hibcBt 
neaue pila libelloB.*— Ztrfo, tee Ep. 
134. 4. 


Stringitur in densa nec caeca novacula turba, 

Occupat aut totas nigra popina vias. 
Tonsor, copo, cocus, lanius sua limina servant. 

Nunc Roma est, nuper magna tabema fuit. 10 

7. novacula'] ' Razor/ Othera, umhra or Bhaving-booth almost in 

»m the epithet caecaj tbe meaning tbe 8treet, so that there was dan^er 

wUich 18 certainly dubions, nn- (thi8 in irony, of course) of drawing 

rstand it of the knife of the cut- the razor from itB case in the middle 

ii-se, which does not suit well here, of ftuch a dense crowd. 

side that it never elsewhere bas 9. copol refers to lagont8,yer^5; 

is mearing. The sense seems to eocus and laniust to popina,^4ua 

;, that hitherto the barbers had an liminaf see Ter. 2. 

EP. 366. (VII. Ixiii.) 

Martial lauds Silius Italiciis not less for his powen as an advocate and 
rator than as a poet. Cf. £p. 165. 

Perpetui nunquam moritura yolumina Sili 

Qui legis et Latia carmina digna toga, 
Pierios tantum vati placuisse recessus 

Credis et Aoniae Bacchica serta comae ? 
Sacra cothumati non attigit ante Maronis, 5 

Implevit magni quam Ciceronis opus. 
Hunc miratur adhuc centum gravis hasta virorum, 

Hunc loquitur grato plurimus ore cliens. 
Postquam bis senis ingentem fascibus annum 

Rezerat, asserto qui sacer orbe fuit, 10 

Emeritos Musis et Phoebo tradidit annos, 

Proque suo celebrat nunc Helicona foro. 

6. Sacrat &c.] Silius did not take lictora) for the vear which was held 
to writing poetry before he had read 8acred in the liberated world (viz. 
through Cicero, viz. to leam elo- that year in which Nero was slain), 
quence. See Ep. 614. he devoted the yeara that remained 

7. centum — virorum'] cf. Ep. after his public services to the study 
294. 5 — hagta, a spear was stuclc in of poetry, and now A-equents Helicon 
the ground when the 100 held court, instead of his own sphere of elo- 
being the symbol of quiritai*ian quence, the Forum.' The meaning 
ownerahip. Cf. Suet Aug. 36, * ut is, that he is engaged in writing the 
centumviralem hastam (court) quam Punica, — ingentem annum, an 

bccn cousul (attended by twelve dicato/ 


EP. 367. (VIL Ixiv.) 

CiQnamas (Ep. 284), anoted iMuber, afberwudi enriched bj MmeUr i> 
known (c£ Jqt. 1. 25, * PatricMM onuies opibos qonm prorocet nBBt. Q:* 
tondente gravit jnTeni mihi harba sonabat,* Bnppoaed to be the same), 'iai 
either ▼oluntarifj retiied, or been banished to Sicijj. * What are joa to .. 
there,* sajs Martial, * in jonr mn-awaj rest ? Yoa haTe no knowld? 
of anj other art or adenoe, alkd joa mnst sink to the barber again.* 

Qui tonsor tota faeras notissimns nrbey 

Et post hoc dominae mnnere &ctas eqnes, 
Sicanias nrbes Aetnaeaqne regna petbti, 

Cinname, cum fugeres tristia iura fori. 
Qua nunc arte graves tolerabis inutilis annos ? i 

Quid facit infelix et fugitiva quies ? 
Non rhetor, non grammaticus ludive magister, 

Non Cjnicus, non tu Stoicus esse potes, 
Yendere nec vocem Siculis plausumque theatris : 

Quod superest, itemm, Cinname, tonsor eris. 'f i| 

EP. 368. (Vn. Ixv.) 

Martial ridicules the follj of Gai^lianas, who had spent tweDtTTon 
and a fortune in prosecuting one suit in the three courts df justice. * Wbo.' 
sajs he, * would litigate for twentj jears, when he coula at once thro* 
up the cause, and escape so much trouble and Tezation therebj ?* 

Lis te bis decimae numeitkntem frigora brumae 

Conterit una tribus, Gargiliane, foris. 
Ah miser et demens ! viginti litigat annis 

Quisquam, cui vinci, Gargiliane, licet ? 

2. iribiu—/ori$] cf. Ep. 135. 4. 4. Quisquam, &c.] Ep. 230. U 

EP. 369. (VIL Ixvi.) 

Heredem Fabius Labienum ex asse reliquit : 
PIus meruisse tamen se Labienus ait. 

2. Plui meruisHf} Because he had captatory cf. iT. 56, * Muners qtiod 

spent more in presents to his iriend senibus Tiduisque inffentia mittiii 

when he lived, than he now re- Yis temunificum Oai^IianeTocent? 

ceiTed from him when he was dead, Sordidius nihil est, nihil est vt 

although he gave him all he had snurcius uno, Qui potcs insidiM 

to leaTe. For this device of the aona Tocare tuas.' 


EP. 370. (VII. Ixix.) 

A eulogy on Theopbila, the espouted of CaniuB, praising her for hei 
■.earning and probity. \ 

Haec est illa tibi promissa Tbeophila, Cani, 

Cuius Cecropia pectora voce madent. 
Hano sibi iure petat magni senis Atticus bortus, 

Nec minus esse suam Stoica turba velit. 
Vivet opus quodcunque per bas emiseris aures ; 5 

Tam non femineum, nec popnlare sapit. 
Non tua Pantaenis nimium se praeferat ilii, 

Quamvis Pierio sit bene nota choro. 
Carmina fingentem Sappho laudayit amatrix : 

Castior haec, et non doctior illa fuit. 10 

1. Theof^ila] The o is long, bj 12. 15, * Nil panrum Bapias et adhuc 
the reduplication of the * p/ ouasi sublimia cures.* 

Theop-phila. So we find 6{ir)(fn9 7. Pantaertis] A poeteis of the 

aB an oid form of o<^i6, and omers time, otherwise unknown. 

o-Kuir4>o9, ^icxov, &c. 9.] There is some obscuritj in thit 

2. tnadentf &c.] Graeca lingua line, as the antithesis evidenUy in- 
erudita. See on 3d9. 5. teuded seems faulty. To remedy 

3. Atticut horius] ' The Academus, this, Maudarit* has been proposed: 
in vrhich Plato taught, may juBtly ' Sappho the lover would praise her 
claim her as its own. Othere read, poetry.* — amatrix seems to meaii 
with a few MSS., aJUtu in hortis, ^amorous,* in reference to cattior, 
* he who was brouffht up in (i. e. a in the nezt vei^se. But to whom 
discipie in) the gardens of the great fingentem refers is by no means 
man of old,* referring it to Epicurus clear. If we were to read amator^ 
rather than Plato. the sense would be better. * Her 

5. Vivet, &c.] Whatever work lover (Phaon) praia^ Sappho when 

von ma^ publish, after it hat passed composing poetry ; so do you praise 

her criticism, will live, such a ttronfir Theophila, who is quite as clever, 

and manly iudgment she has, ana and more chaste.* 
superior to toe vulgar. Hor. £p. i. 

EP. 371. (Vn. Ixxii.) 

Martial begs Paului to patronize his poems ; and if any one brings out 
books in his name, which attack an^ person venomously, to assert that 
they are not Martial's work. If he will do so, the poet wishes him weaith 

Gratus sic tibi, Paule, sit December, 

1. Orattu] Bringing you a good £p. 148. 4. — nV, answered by 'ut,* 
retum. Cf. * ingrata spatia campi,* v. 14. 



Nec vani triplices brevesque mappaey 

Nec turis Temant leves selibrae, 

Sed lances ferat et scjphos avomm 

Aut grandis reus aut potens amicus, S 

Seu quod te potius iuvat capitque. 

Sic vincas Noviumque PubUumque 

Mandris et vitreo latrone clusos ; 

Sic pabnam tibi de trigone nudo 

Unctae det favor arbiter coronae, II 

Nec laudet Polybi magis sinistras : 

Si quisquam mea dixerit malignus 

Atro carmina quae madent veneno, 

Ut vocem mihi conmiodes patronam, 

£t quantum poteris, sed usque, clames : U 

" Non scripsit meus ista Martialis." 

2. wim, &c.] See 361. 3; 575. 6. the board. Thiu, mandtia d vitreo 

3. teve»} * Light halfpounds/ as latrone clusos means * having their 
* rasa selibra/ Ep. 438. 8. xnen enclosed in mandrae bj joxa 

4. 8eypho8 avorum] The areheiypay pieces* — these pieces being gene- 
Ep. 390. 1. So in 575. 15, *• mira- rally made of yariouslj coloored 
tor veterum Benex ayorum Donet glass. So Ov. A A. ii. 208, *Fic 
Phidiaci toreuma caeli.* pereat vitreo miles ab hoste tnnt.* 

5. rem\ One whom jou have de- 9. trigone nudo\ This same (tee 
fended in the Uw-courts.— ^^«uiw, Ep. 16^ 5) wasplayedin ueteatcii, 
' some great Btrapping fellow.* the toga being thrown off. 
avd(ie« ixtyaXoi Kat T«T/9airi}yEtv, 10. oorottae] The ring of peiBona 
Ar. YeBp. 553. Compare Ep. 148. looking on, ready anointed lor the 
40. bath. Cf Ep. 344. 7. They werc 

8. Mandris, &c] In the *ludu8 on the spot, and therefore chosen 

latrunculorum/ for which see umpires of the game.— ^/^ieor af^'trr 

Becker, Gallus, Ezc. 11, Sc. 10; may be translated 'the &vonble 

and Rich*B Dict. in v. latro. It was deciaion.* For the trigou and tini»- 

Bomething midway between drauffhta trae^ see Ep. 168. 5 ; 682. 3 ; for 

and cheas, though more rosembling onrona^ a ring of people, Ep. 21.6; 

the latter, especially in the pieces Hor. Epist. i. 18. 53. 
heiiig of two colours, and in the men 12. quiequam'] Here for gm^piaM. 

having different values. The point — venenoy £p. 330. 6 ; 534. 5. 
of the same was to enclose one or 14. Uf\ c^* » t«, * on condition 

more of the adverBary^s pieces, so that you lend me your eloooence 

that they could not move (whence in my defence, and exclaim as loudl/ 

the proverb, ad inc^oi redigere^ aa you can, and that continuous' 

to i-educe to despeiation). The wan- Myfriend MarUal never tcroto 

drae were the squares marked on stu^at thal.* 


EP. 372. (Vn. Ixxiii.) 

Martial wishes to know whera he is to go to salute Maximus; for he has 
80 niany houaes, that he lives nowhero in particular. 

Ksquiliis domus est, domus est tibi colle Dianae 

!Et tua patricius culmina vicus habet : 
llinc viduae Cybeles, illinc sacraria Yestae, 

Inde novum, veterem prospicis inde lovem. 
Dic, ubi conveniam, dic, qua te parte requiram : 5 

Quisquis ubique habitat, Maxime, uusquam habitat. 

1. colle Dianae] Ou the Atou- commanded by Serrius TuUiua to 
tine, where waa a temple of Diana dwell.— cu/mtna, see Ep. 198. 10. 
(cf. vi. 64. 13, * Laudat Aventinae 3. Hine^ &c.] From the Aventine 
vicinus Sura Dianae*), built at the you see the temple of the widowed 
Instisation of Serviua Tullius, by Cybele H. e. deprived of her lover 
the Latins and Romana jointly, in and worehipper AtyB), and the newly 
imitation of the temple at Ephesus. built (Ep. '279. 2) temple of Jupiter 
Cf. Liv. i. 45. Hence Propert. v. Capitolinus ; from the Esauiline, the 
B. 29, * PhylliB Aventinae quaedam temple of Yesta ; and tne temple 
est vicina Dianae.* (perhaps) of Jupiter Feretrius, on 

2. pcUriciut — vieus'] Under the tbe Capitoline. Thus illine and inde 
Esquiiine, whero the patriciauB wero rofer to the same apota. 

EP. 373. (VII. Ixxviii.) 

He exposea the foUy of PapiluB, who, to appear grand, starved MmBelf 
at home, and sent all sorts of delicacies to his zriends. 

Cum Saxetani ponatur cauda lacerti 
Et, bene si cenas, conchis inuncta tibi : 

Sumen, apinim, leporem, boletos, ostrea, muUos 
Mittis : habes nec cor, Papile, nec genium. 

1. Scuretantj From Sex ^Sexe ?). nary dinner. — For eoncJtis, see Ep. 

a town of Baetica, iu Spam. — For 245. 10. 

the lacertusy cf. 545. 11; 617. 7; 3. Sumen'] Quasi eugimen^ as 

xi. 27. 3, * duo frustra petit cybii agmen for afjimen^ &c., the paps of 

teDuemque lacertum.* It was a fish, a pig that had just farrowed. 

not held in groat estimation. 4. J For cor habere, * to have 

2.] 'Ifyou wanttodine well, you sense,* see £p. 69. 6; 130. 4 

have a little oil with your beans.* geniunif *■ gemality,* fondness for 

Some take inuncta to mean * without good Uiings. 
oil;* bat this would be his ordi- 


EP. 374. (Vn. Ixxix.) 

Potavi modo consulare yinum. 
Qua^ris, quam vetus atque liberale ? 
Ipso consule conditum : sed ipse, 
Qui ponebat, erat, Severe, consul. 

1. comulare vtnuml Wine, with *cuju8 patriam titulumque teacctji 

a label afBxed to it, showing in Delevit;* and Hor. Od. iii. 8. X 

whose consulate it was made, such * Amphoiae fumum biben» inatitntie 

aa tbe Opimianum, £p. 15. As onlj Consule TuUo.* — lUteralej * irartJiT 

the best and oldest wines bad this of a gentleman.* 

mark, Martial ougbt to bave bad a 3. Ipso^ &c.] There is a kind oj 

very good wine ; but, on the con- apoBiopesis, or irap* vTovocaar sense, 

trary, it was that year^s produce, as if he were going to aay, ipgo eim- 

and the consul wbo ffave it had bis 8tUe Opimio^ but afterfrardB tBmed 

own name on the botUe. The label ipto conatde into a different tenaa 
was called tituiits, Cf. Juy. y. 33, 

EP. 375. (Vn. Ixxx.) 

Martial begs Fanstinus to send bis books to Marcellinus (who was no« 
at lei8ui*e, as peace was declared with Germany) hy a y6ung and bandsome 
boy; in retum for wbom Marcellinus would send a captive firom tfae 
conquered Qerman tribes, for Faustinus* farm at Tibur. 

Quatenus Odrjsios iam pax Romana triones 

Temperat et tetricae conticuere tubae, 
Hunc Marcellino poteris, Faustine, libellum 

Mittere : iam chartis, iam vacat ille iocis. 
, Sed si parva tui munuscula quaeris amici i 

Commendare, ferat carmina nostra pner : 
Non qualis Geticae satiatus lacte iuvencae 

Sarmatica gelido ludit in amne rota, 
Sed Mitylenaei roseus mangonis ephebus, 

Vel non caesus adhuc matre iubente Lacon. m 

1. Odrysios] A Tbracian race, 7. lacte] Cf. Ep. 696. 2.— Aba 

bui a general ezpression for Nt^' qualis, not one of the common 

thtmMfVkt ffyperborei. So in vii. slaves, known as Getae, 

8. 2, 'victor ab Odrysio redditur 8. rotal Possibly a hoop herc, 

orbe deus.* — Quatf^us^ quandoqui- which is run upon the finacD 

dem. — temperat^ belli aestttm, with Danube. 

an allusion also to /rifrus loci. 9. roaeu»^ &c.] * A rofy-cbeeked 

3. Marcellino^ Who had been boj, bought from a slave-dealet 

figbting in the Northem war. Cf. from Mitylene,* where the haod- 

Ep. 466 ; vi. 25, * Marcelline, bonae somest Oreek slaves seem to hare 

Boboles sincera parentis, Horrida been sold. Cf. 199. 9. *Argolica 

PaiTbasio quem tegit ui-sa iugo,' &c. missus de gente minister.* — LaefMy 

6. Commendare^ £p. 198. 26. &c., alluding to the custom at 


At tibi captivo famulus mittetur ab Histro, 
Qui Tiburtinas pascere possit oves. 

Sftarta of inuring boys to bcar pain 471. Sc« Xen, de Rep. Lac. iL 

and hardBhips by whipping tnem § 9. 

before the altar of Diana. Hence 12. Tihurtinat] .Whert Faiutinus 

* LAconcB plagipalidae/ Plaut. Capt. had a Tilla. Cf. £p. 193. 3. 

EP. 376. (Vn. Ixxxiii.) 

On a barber, who was so slow at performing hiB dutiei, that whilsfc he 
WiiB cutting off one beard, another haa time to Bprout 

Eutrapelus tonsor dum circuit ora Luperci 
Expingitque genas, altera barba subit. 

2. Ejrpingit'] * RougcB, a proce«8 usual after shaving. Cf. Ep. 425. 8. 

EP. 377. (VIL Ixxxiv.) 

Caecilius Secnndus (probably identical with Pliniu» Junior), on leaTing 
Rome for the North, where he waa propraetor, wished to take with hini a 
likencBB of Martial. The poet Bays, tnat whiUt this is being made for 
him, he will send his books, which ai*e a more accurate copy of his mind, 
and will live longer than any mere likeness that can be made of him. 
There seems to be an allusion to the practice of poets having their like- 
nesses prefixed to their books, Ep. 28 and 487. Compare also Tac. 
Agric. 46. 

• Dnm mea Gaecilio formatur imago Secundo 

Spirat et arguta picta tabella manu, 
I, liber, ad Geticam Peucen Histrumque iacentem : 

Haec loca perdomitis gentibus iUe tenet. 
Parva dabis caro, sed dulcia dona, sodali : 5 

Certior in nostro carmine voltus erit. 
Casibus hic nullis, nullis delebilis annis 

Vivet, Apelleum cum morietar opus. 

3. Pevee"} An island formed by Prop. v. 4. 87, * prodiderat portaeque 
the Danube, in the neighbourbood fidem patriamque jacentem.* 

of the Sartnatae {Moiah),—jat»iiem^ 6. VerHor] viz. * quam si manu 
* conquered,' K<i/ucvt|v, subcwtam. pictns egset.* 

EP. 378. (VII. Ixxxvi.) 

Martial complains that Sextus, who had asked him formerly to his 
birthday feast when he did not know him so well, now passes him by, 


because he liad given him no gift on that occasion, and coDdemiis his stMd 
in giving dinners only to those who will pay for them. 

Ad natalicias dapes vocabar, 

Essem ciim tibi, Sexte, non amicns. 

Quid factum est, rogo, quid repente fisustum est, 

Post tot pignora nostra, post tot annos 

Quod sum praeteritus vetus sodalis ? 5 

Sed causam scio. NuUa venit a me 

Hispani tibi libra pustulati, 

Nec levis toga, nec rudes lacemae. ' 

Non est sportula, quae uegotiatur. 

Pascis munera, Sexte, non amicos. 10 

lam dices mihi " Vapulet vocator." 

1. nai. dapes] cf. Juv. xi. 84. *axgentum pustulatam, aamm ad 

* Natalicium cognatis ponere lardum. obnusam * (refined in a cupel). 

The birthday was held particularly 8. levit] *Smooth/ witn the nap 

sacred, and sacrifices were ofiered on on — rudeSf new, unuBed, oppoeed to 

it, friends entertained, and DreBents trUae, — lacernae^ the outer mantle, 

received from them. Cf. uv. Tr. to cover and protect the toga. Cf. 

iii. 13 ; v. 5. Inf. Ep. 43.3 (where Juv. iz. 27, * lacemas Munimenta 

Glytus, in order to get gifts from torae,^ Ep. 304. 5. 

his friends. makes his birtuday come 9. | * That is not a free dinner 

round uften) ; ix. 53, ' Natali tibi, which bargains for monej in ex- 

Quincte, tuo dare parva volebam change.* 

Munera ; tu prohibes ; imperiosus 10. mtffimi] ' Men who will give 

liomo es,* &c. you gifts ;* or rather, ' *tiB the gift, 

4. pwnora] Pledges of friendship not tne friend, that you feed.* 

mutualW given and received. 11.] Youwill excuse vourselfby 

7. nUpani — pusttUatfi Frosted saying, ' It is the fault of the slave, 

Snanish gold (cr. Ep. 380. 7), in who ought to have invited me : let 

wnich from the process of refining him be whipped.* — J^am^ vii. now 

ara small pusiulaet bliBters. See that you have been plainly told the 

£p. 424. 6 ; Suet. Ner. 44, * num- true reaBon, which ought to make 

mum aaperum^ (new, not wom) you aBhamed of yourBelf. 

EP. 379. (Vn. Ixxxvii.) 

A liBt of Bome of the common peta at Rome. Martial Bays, if Buch ngly 
and deformed oraatures are to be made favourites, he iB much more ratioDal 
in making the handsome Labyca hiB pet. Of these pets the paaBer of LeBbtB, 
and the parrot of Corinna are moBt celebrated. 

Si meus aurita gaudet lagalopece Flaccus, 
Si fruitur tristi Canius Aethiope ; 

1. lagalopeee] Some creature, to be half a hare, half a fox. 
perhapB a lynx, which waa thought 2. Caftius] Ep. 31. 9,^4risH, i 


Publius exiguae si flagrat amore catellae, 

Si Cronius similem cercopithecon amat ; 
Delectat Marium si pemiciosus ichneumon, 5 

Pica salutatrix si tibi, Lause, placet ; 
Si gelidum coUo nectit G-laucilla draconem, 

Luscinio tumulum si Telesina dedit : 
Bianda Cupidinei cur non amet ora Labycae, 

Qui videt haec dominis monstra placere suis ? 10 

dismal or demon-llke blackamoor: Bhipped by the Aegyptians. Juv. 

* Cui per mediam nolis occurrere xv. 4, * Effigies sacn nitet aui^ea 
-pctem,' Juv. V. 64. cercopitheci.* 

3. eatdlae] * Issa/ celebrated in 6. Picd\ cf. xiv. 76, * Pica loquax 
Ep. SQ ; xiv. 198, * Delicias parvae si cert& dominum te voce saluto.* 
vis audire catellae.* Juv. vi. 654, Becker, GaUus^ p. 240. Pers. Pro- 

* Morte viri cupient animam servare lofl^ 9. 

catellae.* 7. draeonem] Tiberius had a taroe 

4. 9ifttHetn\ sc 8ibi. Plaut. MiL serpent that fed out of his hand, 
284, * simiam hodie sum sectatus Suet. Tib. 72. — Ltucinio, the same 
nostram in horum tegulis. PA. as lusdniae^ a niffhtinjrale. 
Edepol, Sceledre, homo sectatus ni- 9. Cupidinetj Cupid-like. The 
hilinequambestiam.'— cereopt^Aeco», youth mentioned was some hand- 
a iong-tailed monkey. Cf. 14. 202, some slave-boy, on his fondness for 
*Si mihi cauda foret, cercopithecus whom the poet had been ban- 
eram.^ This creature was wor- tered. 

EP. 380. (Vn. IxxxTiii.) 

Martial congratulates himself on the wide-spread popularily of his 
poems, and prefers such fiune to all the gifts of fortune. He ends by 
saying, that aiter tbis he must believe Lausus, who by asserting there 
were thirty bad epigitims in the book, had implied that the rest were good. 
Cf. vii. 81, *Triginta toto mala sunt epigrammata libro. Si totidem bona 
Bunt, Lause, bonus liber est.* 

Fertur habere meos, si yera est fama, libellos 

Inter delicias pulchra Yienna suas. 
Me legit omnis ibi senior iuyenisque puerque, 

£t coram tetrico casta puella viro. 
Hoc ego maluerim, quam si mea carmina cantent 5 

Qui Nilum ex ipso protinus ore bibunt $ 

2. Vienna] In Gallia Narbonen- Nile water at its veir source, were 

sis. to sing my verses. Cf. £p. 696. 5, 

6. Qui Nilumy &c.] Than if the * et qui prima bibit deprensi flumina 

remotest Ethiopians, who drink the Nili.* 



Quam mens Hispano si me Tagus impleat auro 
Pascat et Hybla meas, pascat Hjinettos apee. 

Non nihil ergo sumus, nec blandae munere lingoae 
Decipimur : credam iam, puto, Lause, tibi. II 

7. Tagwi] cf. Ot. Am. i. 5. 34, meust because the sources of tlie 

* auriferi ripa beata Tad.* Luc. TaiKus were not &r from th« poeu 

7. 755, * Quicquid fodit Iber quic- birtbplace, Bilbilis ; or in the •»« 

quid TaffUB expulit auri.* Ep. 25. 15 ; ofpatrius. 
581. 3. Juv. iii. 55; xiv. 299— 

EP. 38L (Vn. Ixxxix.) 

Martial sends a gr.rland of roses to his friend and critic Apollinarii 
(Ed. 212), and^opes that he may live long to wear Buch wreaths. 

I, felix rosa, mollibusque sertis 
Nostri cinge comas Apollinaris. 
Quas tu nectere candidas, sed olim, 
Sic te semper amet Yenus, memento. 

3.] iedolim refers to *candidas,^ bealong'timehence).* — amelVeta», 
' when they are hoary (and may tkat viz. to whom the rose was aacred. 

EP. 382. (VIL xc.) 

lactat inaeqoalem Matho me fecisse libellum : 
Si verum est, laudat carmina nosti*a Matho. 

Aequales scribit libros Cluvienus et Umber. 
Aequalis liber est, Cretice, qui malus est. 

1. ifUMequalem] In which are bad, ber.* — Mathp, Ep. 209. Jov. i. 32, 

good, and indifferent verses, as Mar- &c. — CluvienuSy ib. i. 80. 

tial himself confesses there are in 2. Si verumj If that be true, it ii 

his, i. 17, * Sunt bona, sunt quaedam virtually praismff them. 

mediocria, sunt maU plura Quae 3. Aequalea] In which all wcre 

legis hic ; aliter non fit, Avite, li- bad alike. 

BP. 383. (VII. xcii.) 

On one Baccara, who was always promising, and never fulfilling hii 

" Si quid opus fuerit, scis me non esse rogandum " 
Uno bis dicis, Baccara, terque die. 


Appellat rigida tristis me voce Secundus : 

Audis, et nescis, Baccara, quid sit^^opus. 
Pensio te coram petitur clareque palamque : 6 

Audis, et nescis, Baccara, quid sit opus. 
£sse queror gelidasque mihi tritasque lacernas : 

Audis, et nescis, Baccara, quid sit opus. 
Hoc opus esty subito fias ut sidere mutus, 

Dicere ne possiB, Baccara, quid sit opus. 10 

3. AppeHa£\ Presses for pavixieiit 9. sidere] * A blast/ suppoied to 
— Secutidua, a usurer, Ep. 88. 7. l>e from the influence of the planets. 

4. neacis^ &c.] You profeB8 not to Cf. zi. 85, * Sidere peivussa est 
know what is wauted, or what is subito tibi, Zoile, lingua.* Petron. 
necessary for me, i. e. ready money. ii. 7, ' Animos juvenum — Telut pes- 
though you had eo often said, Mf tileuti quodam sidere afflaTit.* It 
aught is 'wanted, I need not be asked, was called generally Bideraiio. So 
but will aBsist you as soon as I know Shakespeare in Hamlet, * Then no 
what is re<|nired.* planets strike.*— ^wtd tit opua, that 

5. Pmi9i6\ ' My rent/ £p. 132. 3. ofi-repeated *■ si quid opus/ &c. 

EP. 384. (VII. xciii.) 

Martial be|[8 the town Namia {Narm) to Bend back to him his friend 
QuintuB Oyiditts, and net detaiu him longer from his Nomentane farm, near 
which Martial had one, Taluable to him onlv fi'Qm his friend'8 yicinity. 
He conclude8 by hoping that Namia may long enjoy po8see8ion of its 

Namia, sulphureo quam gurgite candidus amnis 

Circuit, ancipiti vix adeunda iugo, 
Quid tam saepe meum nobis abducere Quintum 

Te iuvat et lenta detinuisse mora ? 
Quid Nomentani causam mihi perdis agelli, 6 

Propter vicinum qui pretiosus erat ? 
Sed iam parce mihi, nec abutere, Narnia, Quinto : 

Perpetuo liceat sic tibi ponte firui. 


i. aiMM] The SulphuTei Nar OTid. Cf. En. 669. 

albai aqua, Virg. Aen. vii. 517. — 8. ponte] Thia ia said to 

aneipiH^ becauae in a yalley of the been a * high-leTel * bridj;e, joining 

Apennines. the two cliffii, with the nver OQder* 

5. cawam] The reaaon whj I yi^it neath. 
my Nomentane farm, viz. to see 


EP. 385. (VH xcvL) 

A beantifii] epignm on the deadi of Baanu* in&at child Ui 

Conditns hic ego som Bassi dolor, Urbicns *"^™«^ 

Ciii geniis et nomen maxima Boma dedit. 
Sex mihi de prima deerant trieteride menses, 

Ruperont tetricae cnm mala pensa deae. 
Qoid species, qnid lingna mihi, qnid profnit 

Da lacrimas tnmnlo, qni legis ista, meo. 
Sic ad Lethaeas, nisi Nestore serins, nndas 

Non eat^ optabis qnem snperesse tibL 

3. trieieride} ct Eip. 294. 1; Iife. 
549. 3. 5. limyua} The lisptDg 

4. mala pen$a\ The bedlj 8|niB, 8. Aoii eaf] ac jmir aob. 
and iherefore dender, tlireid d 

EP. 386. (Vn. xcviL) 

Martial coiigimtalates hia hook on going to Gaeains SahiBna, «ha 
find time, OTen in the midat of aeriona empUiTmentB, not oiilj ta 
it himaelf, hnt to recite it to all hia frienaa. For SabiBVB, aee 
£p. 475. 1. 

Nosti si bene Caesinm, libelle, 

Montanae decns Umbriae Sabinnm, 

AnU mnnicipem mei Pndentis, 

Hli tn dabis haec vel occnpato. 

Listent mille licet premantqne cnrae, i 

Nostris carminibns tamen iracabit. 

Nam me diligit ille proximnmqne 

Tnmi nobilibus leget libellis. 

O qnantnm mihi nominb paratnr I 

O qnae gloria ! qnam freqnens amator ! 10 

Te conyivia, te fomm sonabit^ 

Aedes, compita, porticns, tabemae. 

Uni mitteris, onmibns legeris. 

3. Ptuientis] et Ep. 164. the epithet «Mibm» ahown thal bi 

8. Tmnn\ A aatiric poet, of whom waa onoe fiunoos. 
notfaing aeema to be known, thougfa 


EP. 387. (Vn. xcviii.) 

'* AH he •ets eyes on, Gutor ba jb ; well, well, 
The end it eertam : all he hmt he*ll wlL** 

Omniay Castory emis : sic fiet, ut omnia vendas. 

EP. 388. (Vn. xcix.) 

Martial hegt Critpiiiiis to recommend hit hook to the Einperor, whom 
the poet Gallt ' tonantem,* at in 364. 2. Thit is the man who it seYereW 
lashed, as ' Tema CSsnopi,* Jut. L 45. Cf. a]to Jar. 4. 1—24. 106. He 
wma raiaed to the senate bj Nero, and afterwaids in gieat &Toar with 

Sic placidnm Tideas semper, Crispine, Tonantem, 

Nec te Roma minns, qnam tna Memphis amet : 
Carmina Parrhaeia si nostra legentnr in anla, 

— Namqne solent Bacra Caesaris anre fini — 
Dicere de nobb, nt lector candidns, ande : 6 

*' Temporibns praestat non nihil iste tnis, 
Nec Marso niminm minor est doctoqne Catnllo." 

Hoc satis est : ipsi oetera mando deo. 

3. Parrkatid\ Ep. 363. 2. So ' non msticulam nimis libeUmn, 

6. tmu\ ym. O Caetar. 522. 2, and * niminm nihil,* 691. 9. 

7. Mano-^CaimUol Joined Ep. 8. eefero] Tiz. *tolTere pcetinm 
99. 3. Marsat it aJto mentioned aocepti librL* 
Ep. 102. — «t wi ii w , molto minor. 

EP. 389. (Vm. iiL) 

Mtrtitl, intendin^ to ttop writii^ epigrtmt, it encoiuaged bj ihe Mnte 
ThtUa to continne it, and not to attempt anr hif^er, baf lest attrsctiTe, 
stjle of poetry. His own, he is told, wiU Isst for erer, snd be more 
gntefal to joang and old than anj otber stjle. 

'* Qainqne satis fnerant : nam sex septemYe libelli 
Est niminm : qnid adhnc Indere, Mnsa^ invat ? 

Sit pador et finis : iam plns nihil addere nobis 
Fama potest : teritnr noster nbiqne liber ; 

2 adhu] ' If fiTe books are Thalia, whea she aij^ him to write 

enottgh, and seren too much, whj again. 

gointoaneiffhth.»* The firsteight , 4. nbiqml SeeEp.224.3; 590.3. 
Tenei sre rae repl j of tfae poet to 


Et cum rupta situ Messalae saxa iacebunt s 

Altaque cum Licini marmora pulvis erunt, 
Me tamen ora legent et secum plurimus hospes 

Ad patrias sedes carmina nostra feret." 
Finieram, cum sic respondit nona sororum, 

Cui coma et unguento sordida vestis erat : 19 

'* Tune potes dulces, ingrate, relinquere nugas ? 

Dic mihi, quid melius desidiosus ages ? 
An iuvat ad tragicos soccum transferre cothnrnos, 

Aspera vel paribus bella tonare modis, 
Praelegat ut tumidus rauca te voce magister ii 

Oderit et grandis virgo bonusque puer ? 
Scribant ista graves nimium nimiumque seyeri, 

Quos media miseros nocte lucema videt. 
At tu Roinanos lepido sale tinge libellos : 

Agnoscat mores vita legatque suos. 2) 

Angusta cantare licet videaris avena, 

Dum tua multorum vincat avena tubas." 

5. Et cum rifp/a, &c.] Cf. £p. 14. paribu&--4Hodi8] Uextmelen. 

508. 10 Bqq. So Elegiacs are caUed * impiriboi 

6.] Licinus was a Gaul, a freed- carmina &cta ^odis/ Ot. Tr. ii. 

man of Caesar, proverbial for his 220; or, 'Yersus impariter Jancti,* 

wealth and luxury. His marble Hor. A. P. 7«5 — ionare^ ao Pnpen. 

monument stood on the Via Salaria, y. 1. 134, * inaano yvrba toDin 

two miles from Rome. Authol. 77, foro.* 

*Marmoreo IdcinuB tumulto jacet, 15. Prael^at] Read and eom- 

at Cato parvo, Pompeiua nullo; mentupon; or rather, read offtothe 

quis putet esse Deo8 ?* boys for thcm to leam hj hean; 

10. Cui oofna, ftc.] The Muse as Hor. Sat i. 10. 75, *an tiu 
Thalia, who was decked out widi demens Vilibus in ludis dictaii 
oiled locks and perfumed dress. carmina mavis ? * 

11. Tune potes] A formula of 16. vifyo — puer] The diicinili, 
ironj. So Pers. v. 146, ' tun* mare who would hate the aathon ^ ucir 
transilias?* Propert i. 8. 5, 'tune lessons. 

audire potes vesani murmura ponti.^^ 20. tnto] * Societj C ' homioM 

—desiaiosWi «rx^^^I*'*'» * wnen at qui nunc sunt* 

leisure.' 21. Angusta, &c.] cf. Ep. 188. 7. 

13. soocum] The comic, i.e. the 'anostris procul est omnis mia 

light and epigrammatic style. libellis.^ 

EP. 390. (Vin. vi.) 

Martial blames one Enctus (probablj a rich libertus), who prided himself 
apon his ancient plate, but gave his euests new wine in them. Thif 
passion for coUecting antiquities, and tiie absurdities told aboutsomeof 
them, are ridiculed by Horace, Sat. ii. 3. 21, < Olim nam quani^re amabim 


Quo vafcr iHe pedes layiaset Sisyphus aere, Qnid sculptiim infabre, quid 
fusum dmiuB eeset ;* ib. 64, * Insanit veteres statuas Damasippus emendo f , 
and Petron.. 52, * Habeo scypbos urnales plus minus C : quemadmodum 
Cassandra occidit filios suos, et pueri mortui jacent sicuti vere putes. Habco 
capidem (a bowl with one handle) qnam reliquit Patroclo Prometheus 
(al. patrono meo Mummius), ubi Daedalus Niobam in equum Trojanum 

Archetypis vetuli nihil est odiosius Eucti 
— Ficta Saguntino cymbia malo luto — , 
Argenti fumosa sui cum stemmata narrat 
Garrulus et verbis mucida vina facit. 
- ^^ Laomedonteae fuerant haec pocula mensae : 5 

Ferret ut haec, muros struxit Apollo lyra. 
Hoc cratere ferox commisit praelia Rhoecus 
Cum Lapithis : pugna debile cemis opus. 
Hi duo longaevo censentur Nestore fundi : 

PoUice de Pylio trita columba nitet. 10 

Hic scyphus est, in quo misceri iussit amicis 

Largius Aeacides yiyidiusque merum. 
Hac propinavit Bitiae pulcherrima Dido 

In patera, Phrygio cum data cena viro est." 
Miratus fueris cum prisca toreumata multum, 15 

In Priami calathis Astjanacta bibes. 

1. Archetwis'] * Genuine an- There were four handles to it, and 

tiques,* Ep. 675. on each two doves sitting, ioiul 6k 

^. cymlia] Yessels shaped as <ire\cMc3ev afAtpiv iKa<rrov \pvainn 

boats. Cf. Virg. Aen. 3. 66; 5. 267. vtfAiQoirro.—oensenturf * are valued 

Rich'8 Dict. in v. — Sagmtino, cf. for,* as Ep. 31. 3 ; iz. 16. 5, * Felix 

£p. 186. 14. quae tali censetur munere tellns.* 

3. Jwnosa'] Covered with dust 10. triia, &c.] The ahsurd logic 

and Bmoke frova age, — a term hor- of the man is ridiculed : the howl 

rowed from the imagines and their is dinted, therefore it was done in 

connecting fillets in the atria. Cf. the fi^ht with the Lapithae. Tlie 

Juv. viii.8, *fumoBOB equitnm cum dove is hright hj wear, therefore 

dictatore magistros.* — mueida, *va- Nestor^s thumh must have ruhhed 

pid :* thiQ wiue gets flat in the flasks it. 

while he is telling their history. 11. Hic scyphus^ &c.] cf. Hom. 

6.1 * To cet them from Laomedon, II. iz. 204, ixtV^ova it) KoaTrjita, 

ApoUo buOt the walls of Troy for MtvotTtov vu, Kadtara^ yjwpoTt- 

him.* See Hom. II. xxi. 445. p6v re Kipatt. — vividum represents 

7. eraterti] cf. Ov. Met. xii. 235, T^topdvj i. e. ^oepoi^. 
* Forte fuit juxta signis extantibns 1 3. Bitiae] cf. Virg. Aen. i. 738, 

•sper, Antiquus crater quem vastum * Tum Bitiae dedit increpitans ; ille 

vastior ipse Sustulit Aegides, ad- impiger hausit Spumantem pateram, 

veTMQiie misit in ora.' et pleno se proluit auro.* — Phrygio 

9. avo-^wndi] The d/ti^dcvireX- — rnro^ the Trojan hero Aeneas. 
Xov of NeBtor, II. zi. 632 sqq. 15. Miraius, &c.] ' When (hoping 

B 2 


to plemae, and ao to get extra good lit ' in ca|M old as Priam yoo wiD 

cheer) Toa have praised extrava- drink wine as new as Astyanax, ti>e 

gantljT nis anti^aes, you will bave grandson.* 
some bad new wine ■erved in them,* 

EP. 391. (Vm. vii.) 

On a tedious pleader, who, after spending ten hoars over nine wordi 
demanded more tmie. * What an amount of Bilence you can get tlirMigli.' 
saTB MartiaL 

Hoc agere est causas, hoc dicere, Cinna, diserte, 
Horis, Cinna, decem dicere verba novem ? 

Sed modo clepsydras ingenti voce petisti 
Qoattuor. O quantom, Cinna, tacere potes ! 

4. laoerel Bj wapdi wpovimclaw, for dieere. — For deptydra, cf. I^ 293. 

EP. 392. (Vm. viii.) 

Martial eaTB that though Janus maj pride himBelf on his month in 
other wayB, niB chief honour is that then Domitian retumed from his 
northein campaign. Cf. alao viii. 2, * JanuB Yictorem modo cum vidtnt 
Histri, Tot YoltuB sibi non BatiB putavit.* 

Principium des, lane, licet velocibus annis, 

Et renoves voltu saecula longa tuo ; 
Te primum pia tura rogent, te vota salutent, 

Purpura te felix, te colat omnis honos : 
Tu tamen hoc mavis, Latiae quod contigit urbi, 5 

Mense tuo reducem, lane, yidere deum. 

2. voUu — tuo] For JanuB waB DeoB.* 

depicted with two heads, one look- 4. Pvrpura] The consulB entered 

ing back to the paBt, the other into ofSce on the lat of Janvaiy. 

looking forward to the comiug Cf. Ot. FaBt. i. 81, * Jamqne novi 

year. praeeunt &BceB, noTa purpura fiilget, 

3. Te primum] Janus waB firBt £t noTa conBpicuum ponden Bendt 
worshipped at the beginning of the ebur.* In £p. 511. 1, fmrtmra 
year, and was thuB Baid to open the BtandB fotpatrety the lenaton. Sut 
other temples. Cf. Ot. Fast. i. 70, iT. 2. 61, * aaepe noTO Janum lictoit 
^resera nutu candida templa tuo;* BalutOB.* — omme komoe^ i.e. magii- 
171 sqq., *Cur, ouamTis aliorum tratua. Stat. It. 1. 25, * tunnaeqtte 
numina placem, Jane, tibi primo tribusque Purpureique patres IneeK- 
thura merumque fero ? Ut per me qne a couBule ducit Omnis hooos.* 
poasiB aditum qui limina Benro Ad 5. quod ooiiUigi£\ bc. *uttuomenie 
quoBcunque TeliB, inquit, habere Tideret.* 


EP. 393. (Vin. X.) 

Thot^h Bassiu bought a cloak for Buch a high price eb 10,000 seBierceB, 
le gained hv it. * How ?* Bays some one ; * vas it so Tery cheap ?* * No,* 
i&ys Martial ; * he does not intend to pay for it.* 

£mit lacemas milibus decem Bassus 

Tyrias coloris optimi. Lucrifecit. 

" Adeo bene emit ?" inquis. Immo non solvet. 

1. mUibia decem] See Bp. 196. 4. 

EP. 394. (Vm. xii.) 

Martial npholdB thegood old rule ofparpctrijungaiur^cf. Ov. Her. 9. 32, 
* Si qua Toles apte nubere, nube pari ;, tnough he goes rather too far in 
Baving that the wife Bhould be * inferior ;* yet thia paiudoz constituteB the 
joke. Cf. 382. 4. 

Uxorem quare locupletem ducere nolim, 

Qiiaeritis ? Uxori nubere nolo meae. 
Inferior matrona suo sit, Prisce, marito : 

Non aliter fiunt femina virque pares. 

2. foAere] Inasmuch as the rich wife iB apt to ezerciBe control over 
the husband. 

EP. 395. (Vm. xiii.) 

Morio dictus erat : viginti milibus emi. 
Bedde mihi nummos, Gargiliane : sapit. 

1. Morio] A fool or idiot (creiin), * non mendax Btupor est * (as, in tlie 

generally deformed as well. Cf. case befoi-e ub, it was) *nec fingitur 

uecket, Oallus, p. 210; vi. 39. 15, artedolosa; QmBquis plus juste non 

*■ Hunc vero acuto capite et auribus sapit, ille sapit.* 20,000 seBterces 

longii Quae Bic moventur ut solent was a long price, even at Rome, for 

aBeuoram, Quis morionis filium neget them. 
Cyrtae?* Cf.al8oxii.93,andziv.2l0. 

EP. 396. (VIII. xiv.) 

Martial complains that his friend takes more pains to protect his trees 
than hii poor clientB. Compare Ep. 346 and 436. 

Pallida ne Cilicum timeant pomaria brumam 
Mordeat et tenerum fortior aura nemus, 

1. aUeum—pomaria] * Arbores e Cilicia translatae.* Lemaire, 


Hibemis obiecta notis specularia poros 

Admittant soles et sine faece diem. 
At mihi cella datur, non tota closa fenestra, I 

In qoa nec Boreas ipsa manere velit. 
Sic habitare iubes veterem crudelis amicum ? 

Arboris ergo tuae tutior hospes ero. 

3. spectdaria] Talc split, and used GalliUt p. 363. — ohfrpia^ &c., facinf 

for gkss. Ci oen. Kp. 90. 25, * rus- the soutli, so m to aamit the sim u 

ticitatis damnant Scipionem, qui winter. 

non iu caldarium suum latis spe- 5. odla\ See Ep. 142. 

cularibus diem 'admiserat.* Ep. 4o6. 7.] * Cruel man ! do yoa oider 

.5, * condita perspicua vivit vindemia your old friend to live thns ? Id 

jremma.* It^rasusedalsointhe^c^tca. that case, I shall be BaFer ai tbe 

Juv. iv. 21, ' Quae vehitur cluso latis ffuest of your tree, thiui of jou; fbr 

specularibttB antro.* For the use of that would at least haye a wbok 

tfiis transparent material by the Ro- window to protect me.* 
mans for green-houses, see Becker, 

EP. 397. (VIII. XV.) 

On Domitian*s third victory over the German tribes, to honour nhidi 
he dedicated a laurel-crown to Jupiter Capitolinus, instead of receiving a 
triumph, as he might have done; and fbr this moderatioii Martial jnuet 

Dum nova Pannonici numeratur gloria belli 

Omnis et ad Reducem dum litat ara lovem, 
Dat populus, dat gratus eques, dat tura senatus 

Et ditaiit Latias tertia dona tribus : 
Hos quoque secretos memorabit Boma triumphos, S 

Nec minor ista tuae laurea pacis erit, 
Quod tibi de sancta credis pietate tuorum. 

Principis est virtus maxima, nosse suos. 

1. numeralur] Is counted for the pit ambrosias cum duce Roma dapes.' 
third time. B7 ' Latiae tribus * he probsblT 

2. litat'] Makes favourable or meaiis popuiut Romamu genenUr, 
accepted offering at tlie temple of not the * tribus urbanae* in psiti' 
Jupiter Redux, which appears to be cular. 

a title, like Ztirc SoiTtjf». See 5. Hcreto»] *Private,^ opposed to 

£p. 462. 9, Mitat ai^gento pro te, celebres, kept with the ceremooies 

non sanguiue, Caesar, victima.* of a triumph.— /cMfrea. see Ep. 4d3. 6. 

4. iertia dona] cf. Suet. Dom. 4, — quod^-crecUSf * the Uurel will be 

* congiarium populo nummomm tre- thought as much of as a triumph, 

centorum ter dedit, atque inter spec- because you have confidence in yonr 

tacula muneris largissimum epulum.'* own estimate of your people'i affec* 

Inf. viii. 60, * Vcscitur omnis eques tion.* 
tecum populusque patresque, £t ca- 


EP. 398. (Vm. xvL) 

Pistor qui fueras diu, Cypere, 

Causas nunc &siB et ducena quaeris : 

Sed consiunis et usque mutu^s. 

A pistore, Cypere, non i^cedis : 

!Et panem facis et facis farinam. 5 

2. duoena auaeris] In contempt quickly as it comes in. Cf.PeTS. iii. 

of tlie Lex Uinciay which ordained 1 12, * populi cribro decusss farina.^ If 

(Tad. Ann. zi. 5), * ne quis ob cau- this is correct, /hcis panem answers 

sam orandam pecuniam donumve to quaeris : * you make money by 

acciperet.* Claudius allowed ten jour lawsuits now, as formerly by 

sesterces to be taken, but no more. selling your bread ; but now, as then, 

—dueena, perhaps, is an hyperbole. you ai'e So prodigal, that you are 

5. /acis /annam] This seems to always getting into debt, haviDg no 

be a proYerbial saying for to waste^ money of your own to put by out of 

and 18 explained thus : — the flour your earnings.* We may trans^late, 

was put through a sieve, and as fast perbaps, * you make money, and 

as it was put in, fell through ; so the you make money fly.* 

spendthrin^s money goes from him as 

EP. 399. (Vm. xvii.) 

Sextus had engaffed to pay his advocate 2000 sesterces for pleading some 
doubtfiil and nrobably di^aceful cause. He was cast, and refused to 
pay more tban 1000, on the plea that he had betrayed the cause, and not 
spoken for him. Martial says : * If that is tbe case, you owe me the more, 
because mv modesty prevented things coming out, which would have been 
of infinitely more discredit to you, than the gain would have been great 
if you had won the cause.* A simpler sense, however, may be the traer 
one : ' You owe me so much the mora, because I was put to the blush 
by losing the cause.* 

Egi, Sexte, tuam, pactus duo milia, causam. 

Misisti nummos quod mihi mille, quid est ? 
** Narrasti nihil " inquis " et a te perdita causa est." 

Tanto plus debes, Sexte, quod erubui. 

EP. 400. (VIII. xviii.) 

Martial lauds Cyrenius, first for his excellence in writing epigrams, 
next for his modesty and friendship in not trying to outshine him with 
them ; for which he compares him to ViTgil, who, though he might have 
rivalled Horace in lyrics and Varius in tragedy, forbore to do so for their 
sakeB. ' Many a man,* says he in conclusion, * will be ready to bestow 
money and praise on his friend; but few will be content to be thought 
less cleTer if they can help it.* 


Si tua, C^reni, promas epigrammata volgo, 

Yel mecum possis, vel prior ipse legi. 
Sed tibi tantus inest veteris respectus amici, 

Gacior ut mea sit, quam tua &ma tibi. 
Sic Maro nec Calabri temptavit carmina Flacciy J 

Pindaricos nosset cum superare modos, 
Et Yario cessit Romani laude cothurni, 

Cum posset tragico fortius ore loqui. 
Aurum et opes et rura frequens donabit amiciiB : 

Qui velit ingenio cedere, rarus erit. 10 

1. vulgo — pnmM] i.e. edere which, he saya, will bear com- 

velis. pariaon with anj of the Greeki 

5. Cdabri — Flaeci\ Horace. See Heis alluded to hj Horace, Od. i.6, 

Ep.237.2; 688. 5. ^Scriheris Vario fortis et bostiim 

7. VaTio\ Quintilian, 10. 1, Victor Maeonii carminii alite.* See 

praises Yariiu* tragedy of Thyestes, also Sat L 10. 43. 

EP. 401. (Vni. XX.) 

Vanu compoBed yerBes quickly and easily (thongh not m quicklj u 
Horace sajB Lucilius could, who * in horit saepe ducentos, Ut magnnm, 
versus dictabat stans pede in uno^), but never recited them. The poet, 
whilst he bkmes his follj for spendin^ his time in writing with no end or 
purpose, commends him for not reciting such stufF as he writes : *" Nod 
sapis scribendo tam celeriter, sapis, quod non recitas.* 

Gum facias versus nnlla non luce ducenos, 
Yare, nihil recitas. Non sapis, atque sapis. 

EP. 402. (Vm. xxi.) 

Martial prays for the mom to come which is to restore Domitiaa to 
Rome, who, ne concludes, maj come, if he pleases, eren bj night; for 
in his presence there is always su£Scient light. A highly poetical ejngrsm, 
but spoiled bj the grossness of the flatterj. 

Phosphore, redde diem : quid gaudia nostra moraris ? 

Caesare venturo, Phosphore, redde diem. 
Roma rogat. Placidi numquid te pigra Bootae 

Plaustra vehunt, lento quod nimis axe venis ? 

3. nttmmUd^ &c.] * Can it be that motion as a planet has chsnged into 
jou are ta&ing a ride in the slow wain that of the constellation. A higfaly 
of the Great Bear,* i. e. that your poetical and original figure. 


Xjedaeo poteras abducere Cyllaron astro: 5 

Ipse suo cedet nunc tibi Castor equo. 
Quid cupidum Titana tenes ? lam Xantlius et Aethon 

Frena volunt, vigilat Memnonis alma parens. 
Tarda tamen nitidae non cedunt sidera luci 

£t cupit Ausonium luna videre ducem. 10 

lam, Caesar, vel nocte veni : stent astra licebit, 

Non deerit populo te veniente dies. 

5. potercui] You might rather, on loiten in the tky, as if denrous to 

an occasion like the preBent, viz. see Domitian. Compare the tplendid 

'when apeed is required, hare taken passage in Milton^s ** Ode to the 

Cyllania (the hone of Castor, £p. Nativity:*' "The starB with deep 

172. 6 ; 407. 8) firom the Ledean amaze Stand fixM in stedfast gaze, 

atar, i. e. from the conatellation in Bending one vn,j their precious in- 

which he now remains. — cedei, * will fluence ; And will not take their 

resign to you his steed.* flight For all the moming light, Or 

7. <ene«] Youaredekjingtheris- Lucifer that often wam'a them 

ing of the sun. — Memnonia^-parenB^ thence.*^ The resemblance is soclose, 

Aurora is awake, and ready to come that we may suppose Milton had the 

forth. The presence of the moming present passage in view. 
star alone is wanted. 11. «/aoij * Quod cum ita sit.* 

10. /ima, &c.] The moon still 

EP. 403. (VIIL xxii.) 

Invitas ad aprum, ponis mihi, Gallice, porcum. 
Hibrida sum, si das, Gallice, verba mihi. 

2. Hibrida] i. e. stultus ; a cross Inferior intelligence was thought, 

between a wild boar and a sow, as it appears, one result of mongrel 

* particeps apri et suis.* — See Hor. breedmg. 
Bat i. /. Z—4ku verba, sic decipis. 

ER 404. (Vm. xxiii.) 

I whippM my cook because he spoilt the mutton, 
You call me harsh, and think me quite a glutton. 
A slight ofFence d^you call it? Whei*efore, look, 
But for bad cooking, could I whip the cook ? 

Esse tibi videor saeyus nimiumque gulosus, 
Qoi propter cenam, Rustice, caedo cocum. 

Si levis ista tibi flagrorum causa videtur, 
£x qua vis causa vapulet ergo cocus ? 

EP. 405. (VIII. xxiv.) 

Hartial begs Domitian not to be angry with him for making petitioni to 


him, as Jupiter is not oifended at the offeriags of suppliants, even th 
he does not grant their pi-ayers. Moreoyer, by petitioning him, he ~ 
him a god more truly than he would bj making statues of him. 

Si quid forte petam timido gracilique libello, 
Improba non fuerit si mea charta, dato. 

Et si non dederis, Caesar, permitte rogari : 
Offendunt nunquam tura precesque lovenu 

Qui fingit sacros auro vel marmore voltus, 5 

Non facit ille deos : qui rogat, ille facit. 

2. Improbd] Importuna, * im- belluB^ * a book* aud ' a petition,* cie 
pertinenV * unreasonable/ For the £p. 217. 19. 
pLaj on the two meanings of U- 

EP. 406. (Vm. xxvi.) 

On an exhibition of tigers (Ep. 53. 2) hy Domitian, who, tbe poet aajs. 
18 superior eren to Bacchua, since he in his tiiumphal prooenion u 
conqueror of India was drawn by onlj two tigers. 

Non tot in Eois timuit Gangeticus arvis 

Baptor, in Hjrcauo qui fugit albus equo, 
Quot tua Roma novas vidit, Grermanice, tigres : 

Delicias potuit nec numerare suas. 
Yincit Erythraeos tua, Caesar, harena triumphos i 

Et victoris opes divitiasque dei. 
Nam cum captivos ageret sub curribus Indos, 

Contentus gemina tigride Bacchus erat. 

2. Hyrcano] ' Epitheton omans */ £ur. Bacch. 14—17. 
for Hyrcania, as well as India, was 8. CoHtentu$t &c.] cf. Aen. 6. 804, 

famous for its tigera. Yirg. Aen. 4. * Liber affens celso Xysae de yeitios 

367, ' HTTcanaeque admoi-unt ubera tigres." Hor. Od. iii. 3. 13, *Hic 

tigres.* — aUfuSy *pale with fear." — te merentem, Bacche pater, taae 

/tf(/i<, see on Ep. 138. 6. Vexere tisrea, indocili jugum CoDo 

5. Erytknteos'] The conquests of trahentea. 
Bacchus on the Indian Ocean. See 

EP. 407. (Vm. xxviii.) 

Martial, whilst admiring a toga of the choicest wool, sent to bim by Pkr- 
thenius (cf. Ep. 185, 217, and 469), eays that it will cause gi«at bugfater to 
see him wearing it under such a ragged mantle (lacerna) as he had sot; 
thereby hinting that the gift of a new lacerna to match the toga would be 

Dic, toga, facundi gratum mihi munus amici, 
Esse velis euius fama decusque gregis ? 
2. fama} viz. in my poemt. Of. Ep. 341. 2. 


.^ppula Ledaei tibi iloruit herba Phalanthi, 

Qua saturat Calabris culta Galaesus aquis ? 
-An Tartessiacus stabuli nutritor Hiberi 6 

Baetis in Hesperia te quoque lavit ove ? 
J^n tua multifidum numeravit lana Timavum, 

Quem pius astrifero Cyllarus ore bibit ? 
Te nec Amyclaeo decuit livere veneno, 

Nec Miletos erat vellere digna tuo. 10 

Ijilia tu vincis nec adhuc delapsa ligustra, 

Et Tiburtino monte quod albet ebur. 
Spartanus tibi cedet olor Paphiaeque columbae, 

Cedet Erythraeis eruta gemma vadis. 
Sed licet haec primis nivibus sint aemula dona, 15 

Non sunt Parthenio candidiora suo. 
Non ego praetulerim Babjlonos picta superbae 

Texta, Semiramia quae variantur acu ; 


3. Ledaei — Phalaidhi] Tarentuxn, *to tuni blue/ as *Prunanin« li- 

^ounded by the Spartan king Pha- ventia succo, Ot. Met. 13. 817, and 

Jantbus, Hor. Carm. ii. 6. 11. Se« IglandesLiventisplumbi/yirtr. Aen. 

;Ep. 243. 2, and 87. 3.— CWoArw, rf. 7. m.—^xneno, cf. Virg. G. 2. 46.5, 

^ers. ii. 65, * haec Calabrum coxit * Alba nec Assyrio fucatur lana 

vitiato murice vellus.^ veneno.* — Amyclaeo, Sjiartan. Hor. 

5. Tartemacus} In westem Spain; Carm. ii. 18. 7, * nec Laconicas mihi 

cf. Ep. 478. 1. — aiabulinutritor Hi/)eri, Trahunt honestae purpuraa clientae.* 

which the berds of Iberiadrink. The 10. di^na^ ' You are too good even 

'wateroftheBaetis(Guadalquivir) was for Miletus. Cf. Virg. Georg. iv. 334. 

said to dye the wool on tbe sheeps* Theocr. xv. 126. 

back, cf. Ep. 243. 7 ; 478. 1—4 ; 672. 11. liffustrd] Privet. Cf . Ep. 60. 3, 

3 ; 689. 1. lab. xii. 65. 5, • Baeti- &c.-eimr, &c., Ep. 331. 1. 

carum pondus acre lanarum.'* In 14. yemma'] Tne pearl from the 

Lib. i.yQ. 5, a man dressed in a toffa ludiun Ocean. See Ep. 243. 4. 

f rom Spain is called J9ae<icu/u«. It 16. cu«i(/u/tomJAplay on thedou- 

is mentioned also by Pliny, H. N. ble sense of * white' and * hunest- 

viii. 73. 191, ' Quas (knas) nativas hearted;* see Ep. 212. 5. 

appellant, aliquot modis Hispania, 17. Babylonos^ &c.J The famous 

nigii velleris praecipuas habet Pollen- Babvlonian tapestrj ; cf. Lucr. 4. 

tia juxta Alpes, jam Asia rutili quas 10*26, * Babylonica magnifico splen- 

Erythraeas vocant, item Baetica, dore." Plaut. Stich. ii. 2. 54, * Baby- 

Gannsium fulvi, Tarentum et suae lonica peristromata, consutaque tape- 

pulliginis.* tia.^ This needlework tapestnr of 

7. Timavtm] In Altinum ; cf. En. Babylon was however surpassed by 

172. 4. — numeravity ' hascounted how the produce of the looms of Alexan- 

many mouths it has." Cf. Ep. 397. 1. andria ; cf. xiv. 150, *■ Victa est Pec- 

— CyllaruSt Ep. 172, 402. tine Niliaco nunc Babylonis acus.^ 

9. * You are so beautifull^ white, Plaut Pseud. i. 2. 14, *Alexandrina 

that thepurple dyes of Laconia ought belluata conchyliata (with figures ot 

not to touch you, who are much mora beasta worked in purple) tapetia.* 
precious than they.^^ivere, prop. 


Non Athamanteo potius me mirer in auro, 

Aeolium dones si mihi, Phrixe, pecus. T 

O quantos risus pariter spectata movehit 
Cum Palatina nostra lacema toga ! 

19. incmro'] Dressed in the golden S8 *noBter eques,* Ep. 227. 2 ; or^a^ 

fleece of Phrixus, aon of Athamas. mantle/ as oppoeed to * ^ur pmat 

22. nofira\ Is lather ambiguouB. of a tograi' Any how, it is a hxot tkai 

It may mean * of us knights" (of which he womd like a new one. 
the lacema was a distinctiye dress), 

(EP. 408. YIII. XXX.) 

On the firmness with which a man ^probahlj a condemned malefiMrtor. 
or perhaps Chnstian, cf. £p. 527) acted the part of Mucius Scaevola, aod 
burnt his hand off in some games in the amphitheatre. Compare Lih. Spect. 7, 
where a criminal was compelied to act the part of Laureolus (firom a f^sr 
by Catullus), and in that character was exposed upon a cross, to be voMxt^^ 
by a bear. It ends thus : * Vicerat antiquae sceleratus crimina faxoait, 
In quo, quae fiierat fabula, poena fuit* This is a very fine epigram. 

Qui nunc Caesareae lusus spectatur harenaCy 

Temporihus Bruti gloria summa fuit. 
Aspicis, ut teneat flammas poenaque fruatur 

Fortis et attonito regnet in igne manus ! 
Ipse sui spectator adest et nohile dextrao 5 

Funus amait : totis pascitur illa sacris. 
Quod nisi rapta foret nolenti poena, parahat 

Saevior in lassos ire sinistra focos. 
Scire piget post tale decus, quid fecerit ante : 

Quam vidi, satis est hanc mihi nosse manum. 10 

1.] *That which itnow looked at punishment been denied him, 

as a scenic drama in the amphi- though against his will, his left 

theatre, was in the times of Brutus hana also, more cruel to itself tbiD 

the height of glory.* It was simply even his right, was ready to go iato 

for an exhibition of fortitude that the fira, which was itself tured of 

the spectacle was given in the am- inflicting so much pain.* 

phitheatre. 9.] Afler such an achievement, 

3. tenecU] ' Grasps the flame,* as I do not care to know what crimcs 

it were. — r^nei^ reigns supreme he once committed. It is sufficient 

orer the excruciating torture. for me to recognize the handiwork 1 

7. Quod nisif &c.j * Had not the have seen. 

EP. 409., (Vni. xxxii.) 

On a dove that settled in the bosom of Aratulla, and would not leave it 
Martial hopes that (if ]>ra^er8 move the gods) it may be an omen of hci 
brother^s recall firom exile in Sardinia. It contains an elegant and delicatc 
appeal to the emperor*s mercy. 


A.era per tacitum delapsa sedentis in ipsos 
Fluxit AratuUae blanda columba sinus. 
Xiuserat hoc casus, nisi inobservata maneret 

Permissaque sibi nollet abire ^ga. 
Si meliora piae fas est sperare sorori ff 

£t dominum mundi flectere vota valent, 
Haec a Sardois tibi forsitan exulis oris, 
Fratre reversuro, nuncia venit avis. 

3.] 'This had been a freak of force.* 
cliance, if she bad not stayed there 8. mmeia exulis'} * Bringinff tid- 

unYratclied, and been unwillinff to ings of your exiled brother ;* fratris 

go, though 8he was not detained by ab ezilio revelvuri/ 

EP. 410. (VTII. xxxiii.) 

Martial abuses Paullus for sending him a natera of yerj thin metal, 
which he comnares to things as small and wortnless as he can think of. A 
bighly poetical andclerer composition. 

De praetoricia folium mihi, Paule, corona 

Mittis et hoc phialae nomen habere iubes. 
Hac fuerat nuper nebula tibi pegma perunctum, 

Pallida quam rubri diluit unda croci. 
An magis astuti der^sa est ungue ministri 6 

Bractea, de fulcro quam reor esse tuo ? 
Illa potest culicem longe sentire volantem 

Et minimi pinna papilionis agi. 

l. praelorieia^-eonma] A crown 6. Braeted] The legs of so&s, &c., 

•I^ven M a prize by the presiding were covered with thin gold or silver 

praetor, made of gold, beaten thin phites, which the shives would pick 

into the form of bay or other ofF with fheir fingers. Gf. Suet. 

leaves. See Demosth. Androt. GaL 92, *Romae publico epido 

p. 560. servum ob detractam lectis ai^gen- 

3. nAulal 'With this film,* a team hkminam camifici confestim 

coDtemptuous and hvperbolical tradidit.* The bractea was very thin. 

tem^pegma^ a kind or crane or Cf Lucr. iv. 727, * Tenuia — ut 

elevator, used in the amphitheatre. aranea bracteaque auri.^ Inf. Ep. 

See Mr. Mavor on Juv. iv. 122. 457. 6, *et crepet in nostris aurea 

It was covered with very thin gold- lamna toris.* Juv. xiii. 152, * qui 

leaf, which, when the stase was bracteolam de Castore ducat* — tuo^ 

sprinkled with safilTon and wine, viz. so that it cost you nothinff. 

as was cuBtomary (cf. Ep. 695. 2. 7.] * It can feel from a&r the 

liUcr. ii. 416. Prep. iv. I. 16. Ov. flight of a midge, and be moved by 

A. A. 1. 104. Hor. Ep. ii. 1. 79), the wing of the tiniest moth.* 
was washed off. 


Exiguae volitat suspensa vapore Inceniae 

Et leviter fuso rumpitur icta mero. ic 

Hoc linitur sputo lani caryota Kalendis, 

Quam fert cum parco sordidus asse cliens. 
Lenta minus gracili crescunt colocasia filo, 

Plena magis nimio lilia sole cadunt : 
Nec vaga tam tenui diseurrit aranea tela, 15 

Tam leve nec bombyx pendulus urget opus. 
Crassior in facie vetulae stat creta Fabullae, 

Crassior offensae bulla tumescit aquae ; 
Fortior et tortos servat vesica capillos 

Et mutat Latias spuma Batava comas. 20 

Hac cute Ledaeo vestitur pullus in ovo, 

Talia lunata splenia fronte sedent. 
Quid tibi cum pbiala, ligulam cum mittere possis, 

Mittere cum possis vel cocbleare mibi ? 

10. levUer/iuo] Poured in lightly is stronger, than the textnre of thif 
from the guttus, or cruet. filniv patera of yourt. 

11. caryota] A date (bo called 17. ereta] cf. £p. 86. 11; 323. 9. 
from its nut-shape),gilded and given Sifted pipe-clay, used as a cosflDetic. 
by the poor clients to their patrons 19. vegioa] A eap made of biad- 
on the Kalends of January. Cf. der, co/on/tca, used sometimes in- 
xiii. 27, * Aurea porrigitur Jani stead of the retuntium, or open net, 
caryota Kalendis ; Sed tamen hoc for coixfining the hair, even by men. 
munus nauperis esse solet' Referred Gf. Jut. ii. 96, *■ Reticulumqne comis 
to also oy Oyid, Fast 1. 185, *■ Quid auratum ingentibus implet.* — iortos 
vult palma sibi rugosaque carica, servatj * keeps in curl.* 

dixi.* — parco asse, tne stips, or of- 20. apuma Batam] ' Dutch soap,^ 

fering of a small coin. See Ovid, iised by the Roman ladies to cbange 

^)id. their dark hair to the light coloor so 

13. cofocasia] The Egyptian bean, much admired. Cf. £p. 243. 7. 

or locust-bean, which, vrhen cooked 22. splenia] cf. Eip. 7o. 9.—limata, 

and chewed, could be ditiwn out into * crescent-shaped ;* possibly, ' aena- 

long strings. Cf. xiii. 67, * Nilia- torial,' ilnd. ver. 7. 

cum ridebis olus lanasque sequaces 23. liffiUam — cochleare] Tbat the 

Improba cum morsu fila manuque ligula was larger than the cochleare. 

trahes.' Pliny, K. H. xxi. 51, 'iu we find here and £p. 438. 9, 10. 

Aegypto nobilissima est colocasia, though it is called ^graciiis.^ £p. 

qnam cyamon aliqui vocant. Hanc 228. 2. It was aaid to be derived 

e Nilo metunt, caule, cum coctus from lingua^ as being a broad and 

est, araneoso in mandendo, thyrso somewhat flat spoon. Cf. xiv. 120, 

auteni qui intcr folia emicat spec- ' Quamvis me ligulam dicant eqoi- 

tabili, foliis latissimis, etiam si tesque patresque, Dicor ab indoctis 

arboreis conparentur.* Join mintts linguia gi*ammaticis.* The next 

ffracilif as minus flaoo^ £p. 424. 5 ; epigram gives the use of fhe cock- 

minus saevis. b*31. 3. leare : * Sum cochleis habilis, sed 

15, 16.] The ^ossamer web is nec minus utilis ovis ; Numquid acit 

thicker, and the 8ilk-worm*s thread potius cur cochleare ▼occr?* Le. 


iMagna nimis loquimur, cochleam cum mittere possis ; 23 
!Denique cum possis mittere, Pauie, nihil. 

'Hy I sbould bederivedfromcocA/^a spooii was designed. From exam- 

lore than from ovum, The cochlear pies of the cochTeare, engraved from 

21. d one end pointed, the otherspoon- the Museo Borbonico, it may be in- 

k-ka.ped ; bo it is called acu tevittSf ferred that the head of this small 

ilp. 438. 10. Cf. Petron. 33. 6, spoon was sometimes a snaii-shell, 

^ccipimus nos cochlearia non mi- which was set in silver, much as 

i\i8 selibras pendentia oraqu&>-.per- we Bometimes see mother-of-pearl 

^'u.ndimus .'' or shell su^r-spoons, &c. See on 

25. cofhleain] A snail-shell ; or this passs^e Becker, GaUua^ p. 478. 
GL snail, for the eating of which the 

EP. 411. (VIII. xxxiv.) 

A satire on the preTalent taste for old plate. See Ep. 390. 

Archetypum Myos argentum te dicis hahere. 

Quod sine te factum est, hoc magis archetypum est. 

2. sine te /actum] He appears to rious, and had been made to ordei 
intimate tliat the ai*ticle was spu- at home. 

EP. 412. (Vin. XXXV.) 

Martial expresaes his wonder that two people, man and wife, wei-e 
always fishting, when they were so similax in disposition, being both 
* pessimi. 

Cum sitis similes paresque vita, 
TJxor pessima, pessimus maritusy 
Miror, non bene convenire vobis. 


EP. 413. (VIII. xxxvi.) 

On tbe magnificent palace built bj Domitian on the Palatine (cf. 
Ep. 363. 416), which Martial says surpasses all the wonders of the world ; 
but though it rivals the skies themselveB, it is not good enough for its 
master, tne emperor. 

Hegia pjramidum, Caesar, miracula ride : 
lam tacet Eoum barbara Memphis opus. 

2. Eown — oput] The Pyramids. acanthi.* So alao *Bileo.* Hor. 

Cf. Ep. 694. \.—tacety cf. Virg. Od. iv, 9. 31, *Non ego te meis 

Georg. iv. 123, ' nec sera comatitem Chartis inomatum silebo;'* both 

Narcissum aut fle.xi tacuissem vimen these ai'e therefore used paBiively* 


Pars quota Parrhasiae labor est Mareoticos anlae? 

Clarius in toto nil videt orbe dies. 
Septenos pariter credas assurgere montes, i 

Thessalicum brevior Pelion Ossa tulit. 
Aethera sic intrat, nitidis ut conditus astris 

Liferiore tonet nube serenus apex 
Et prius arcano satietur numine Phoebi, 

Nascentis Circe quam yidet ora patris. it 

Haec, Auguste, tamen, quae vertice sidera polsat, 

Par domus est caelo, sed minor est domino. 

Cf. Ep. 25. 1. Ot. Am. ii. 18. 36, hidden from all othen, before Ciicc 

*Aareu8 io medio Marte tacetor Bees the face of her risii^ &ther.* 

Amor.* Circe was the daughter of tbe Smi, 

3. MattoHeua] Aogyptiiu. * How which waa said to strike fint on hcf 

amall a part of the biDour Bpent on island when it roee. 
the new |Mlace it the lahour tpent 12. Par domMs^ &c.} c£ Sctt. 

on the pyramids V — Parr&cuiae, Pa- SjIt. iv. 2. 18 sqq., * Tectnm au- 

latinae. See Ep. 363. 2. * guBtum ingeuB, non centam insigDe 

5. paritery &c.] The huilding is columnis— BtupethocyiciiuiToiiantzs 

■o huge, that you would imagine Regia, teque pari laetantar sede lo- 

the seven hills of Rome rose to the catum Numina, ne magnum pn^res 

same height to form it, i. e. that escendere caelum. Tantapatetmoles 

the materialB used were thoBe of the effiiBaeque impetus anlae Uberior 

Beven hills reconBtructed in a sym- campis, multumque amplems apem 

metrical form and height Aetheris et tantum domino minor,* 

7.] * In such a way does it rise into &c. There is an intentional alliiaion 

the region of upper air, that the top to the etymology of dbmums, as in 

of it, hidden among the glitterii^ 634. 4, ' non arsit pariter qnod doaiut 

stars, is in sunshine, whilBt the et domieus.* Cic. De Ofl^ 39, § 139, 

doudB thunder below it; and it is ^nec domo dominus, sed domino 

flooded with the light of Phoebus, domus honestanda est.* 

EP. 414. (Vin. xxxvii.) 

Poljcharmus wished to gain a great reputation for liberality by returaing 
Caietanus his bond for 1(MW sesterces, when he found he conld not pay thc 
money. Martial says, that is nothin^ ; if you want to be liberal reallr, 
keep Tour old bond, and lend him (which is as much asgiving him) anothcr 
1000. Cf. £p. 65 and 506. 

Qnod Caietano reddis^ Poljcliarme, tabellas, 

Milia te centam num tribnisse putas ? 
''Debuit haec" inquis. Tibi habe, Poljcharme, tabellas 

Et Caietano milia crede dno. 


ER 415. (VIIL xxxviii.) 

On tlie piety of Melior towards Blaesus, a scribe, whose birthdav he 
tlel>rated bj a feast, which in memory of him he called Blaesianum 
drum. For thia custom of celebrating the birthdaya of friends or great 
en, see Ep. 674. Juv. 5. 37, * Quale coronati Thrasea Helvidiusque 
Lbebant Brutorum et Cassi uatalibus.* So Statiug kept the birthday of 
lucan, Sylv. ii. 7; Silius of Virffil, Pliny, £p. iii. 7, * Viivilii — natalem 
sli^osius quam suum celebrabat. Compare also Sen. £p. 64. 8, * Quidni 
go magnorum virorum et imagines habeam incitamenta animi et natales 
elebrem.^ Martial here savs that gifts may be made to the living in 
Lopes of a retum ; gifts in honour of the dead can onlv be given out of 
» affection. The diiference is, whether you ai^e really good, or only 
Fisb to seem so. Melior (see £p. 289), as he cannot hope for a retum, 
jQUst be acting well from real love to Blaesus 

Qui praestat pietate pertinaci 

Sensuro bona liberalitatis, 

Captet forsitan aut yicem reposcat. 

At si quis dare nomini relicto 

Post manes tumulumque perseverat, 5 

Quaerit quid, nisi parcius dolere ? 

Kefert sis bonus, an velis videri. 

Praestas hoc, Melior, sciente fama, 

Qui sollemnibus anxius sepulti 

Nomen non sinis interire Blaesi, 10 

Et de munifica profiisus arca 

Ad natalicium diem colendum 

Scribarum memori piaeque tarbae 

Quod donas, facis ipse Blaesianum. 

Hoc longum tibi, vita dum manebit, 15 

Hoc et post cineres erit tributum. 

5. perseveroQ ^Persists,* in re^ raliter. 
* ference to pertinaci, ver. \.—darey 14. Q^od donas, &c.] In paying 

i. e. sacra, implied in bona above. out of your own purse the expenses 

8. hoc] Here means * the former,* of the entertainment given to the 
viz. bonum esse. scribes, you yourself perform the 

9. anxius] Operam navans^ sol- * BUesianum," though professedly 
licitus propter solemnia. it is held by hi; fellow-scribes. 

II. profugtu] Largus, i. e. libe- 

EP. 416. (Vin. xxxix.) 

On the Palatine house of Domitian, which is laxse enougfa for tlie 
princely banquets of tho emperor. The poet concluaeB with a prayer: 



* May you not wish for many years to go as a gueat to Jupitcr! If ja 
are in a hurry for him, Jupiter,, come yourself bere.* 

Qui Palatinae caperet conyiyia mensae 
Ambrosiasque dapes, non erat ante locus. 

Hic haurire decet sacrum, Grermanice, nectar 
Et Ganymedea pocula mixta manu. 

Esse velis, oro, serus conviva Tonantis : 5 

At tu si properas, luppiter, ipse veni. 

EP. 417. (VIIL xl.) 

Martial wamB Priapus that if he doea not protect his wood from tfaiem. 
and thereby there is any lack of fuel, he himself is bat of wood, and axM 
expect to be bumt. 

Non horti, neqiie palmitis beati, 

Sed rari nemoris, Priape, custos, 

Ex quo natus es et potes renasci, 

Furaces, moneo, manus repellas 

Et silvam domini focis reserves. 5 

Si defecerit haec, et ipse lignum es. 

EP. 418. (Vni. xli.) 

Athenagorae excuses himself for not sending Martial bis usuji] presest 
on the Satumalia, by saying that he is very sorry for his n^lect (or perkus 
pleading that he was in too munh giief at the time to think about it). 
Martial says, whether he is sorry or not, I don't know : certainly / sn 
that I did not get any thing. 

Tristis Athenagoras non misit munera nobis, 
Quae medio brumae mittere mense solet. 

An sit Athenagoras tristis, Faustine, videbo : 
Me certe tristem fecit Athenagoras. 

EP. 419. (Vm. xlu.) 

The poet ofFers Matho bis patronage, if he will be content with a poor 
man like him ; at all events, he can give him the price of a hundved baths, 
a quadrans being the price of a pubBc bath (cf. £p. 132. 4), and 'oentoBi 
quadrantes* the ordinary sportula, Ep. 114. 1. 

Si te sportula maior ad beatos 

1. sportttla major] The larger clliarit, adjunxerit. — ui tolei^ lix. 
dole sometimes given by rich p»- plerumque fiezi. 
ti-0B8, Ep. 529. — eorruperitf con- 


!Noii corniperit, ut solet, licebit 
I>e nostro, Matho, centiens laveris. 

3. De nostro] Cf. Ep. 355. 4 ; 531, 20. 

EP. 420. (Vm. xliii.) 

On two poisonen, Fabius and Chrestilla, whom Martial hopcs to sce 
married, that they may poison onp another. Compare £p. 488. 

Effert uxores Fabius, Chrestilla maritos, 
Funereamque toris quassat uterque facem. 

Victores committe, Venus : quos iste maUebit 
Exitus, una duos ut Libitina ferat. 

1. JS^ert] So Juv. i. 72, * nigros per), still kept up in the case of 

efferre maritos.^ the poor. Cf. Ep. 439. 

2./aoem] The funeral torch to 3. committe] *Match,* a word of 

kindle the pile with, carried i^ter the gladiatorial shows. Cf. Juy. i. 

the body; or perhaps from the old 162, *Securus licet Aeneam Rutu- 

custom of burying by night only lumque ferocem Commlttas.* — Ja- 

(as * funus ^ is said to be derived biitna = feretrum. 
from funalia, 'vespillo* from ves- 

EP. 421. (Vm. xUv.) 

Martial wams Titullns to enjoy Ufe, and not save his "money for 
ungratefiil hei». Cf. Ep. 10. 

Titulle, moneo, vive : semper hoc serum est. 

Sub paedagogo coeperis licet, serum est. 

At tu, miser Titulle, nec senex vivis, 

Sed omne limen conteris salutator 

Et mane sudas urbis osculis udus, 5 

Foroque triplici sparsus ante equos omnes 

Aedemque Martis et colosson Augusti, 

Curris per omnes tertiasque quintasque. 

2. Sub paedo^iogo] Even when a 6. equos omtei] The equestrian 
boY at school. statues in the Forum Vetus, tbe 

3. nec] Ne aenex quidem, as in second forum being that of Julius 
257. 5. Caesar, by the temple of Mara, and 

4. conteris] See Ep. 516. 2. the third of Augustiis, in which was 

5. oseulia] cf. vii. 95, ^Audes — a statue of him. See Ep. 135. 4. — 
osculo nivali Omnes obviuB hinc eparaus^ * bespattered,* nz. as *■ ante- 
et hinc tenere Kt totam, Line, ambulo." 

I basiaje Romam,* &c. ; £p. 636. 1. 7. colosaon] Ep. 34. 7. ^ 

Rffugere non eat. Basse, bafiiatores,* 8. tertiasque quintasque] i. e. 
&£, horaa, in which the aerioua work at 

S 2 


Rape, congere, aafei', posside : relinquenduni est. 

Superba densis arca palleat nummis, i; 

Centum explicentur paginae Kalendarumy 

Iilrabit heres, te nihil reliquisse, 

Supraque pluteum te iacente vel saxum, 

Fartus papyro dum tibi torus crescit, 

Flentes superbus basiabit eunuchos. M 

Rome was carried on. Cf. £p. * Depositum nec qui me fleat, ilIii 

161. 2. 3; 435. 3. erit. — saxumy perhape the stoDe x, 

10. pciUeat} ' Be yellow * with which the^ hodj was anointed. Ix 
gold. Cf. Ov. M. xi. 110, * saxum sense is, ^however rich 700 rtar 
quoque palluit auro.* die, your heir will be dissatisCrd 

11. Aalendarum] Debitorum ; be- and show his contempt for jov 
cause the interest on debts was paid memory by the utmost levity oa tLe 
on the Kaleuds. So Hor. Sat. i. very day of the funeral.* Compit 
3. 87, * cum tristes misero venere Pers. vi. 33, * sed cenam funer^ 
Kalendae.* Ov. Rem. Am. 561, heres Neffliget iratus, qaod rd 
^Qui Puteal Janumque timet cele- curtaveris — dunif &c., whilst tif 
resque Kalendas.* fuueral pile is beinfjr prepaied, staffd 

13. pluteum] The board on which withpapyrus, tomakeitbumquickl^ 
the dead body was exposed, dqM>- Cf. Ep. 582. 
gitus. Cf. Ov. Trist iii. 3. 40, 

EP. 422. (Vm. xlv.) 

Martial informs Yalerius Flaccus of Priscus Terentius* safe retum from 
Sicily, and the festivities celebrated on that occasion, and praya thst be 
ma,j have soon to ccJlabrate the retum of Flaccus from Cyprus. 

Priscus ab Aetnaeis mihi, Flacce, Terentius oris 
Redditur : hanc lucem lactea genmia notet. 

Defluat et lento splendescat turbida lino 
Amphora centeno consule facta minor. 

2. lactea gemma'] A peai'l instead Sat. ii. 4. 54, * Integrum perdunt 
of a white pebble. used to mark lino vitiata saporem.^-^imo, the oli 
lucky days. Cf. £p. 658. 7; x. readine, is supported bv Hor. SkL 
38. 4, * hora quae notata est caris ii. 4. 56, * Columbino limum (tlie 
littoris Indici lapillis.* Also £p. sediment) bene colligit ovo.*— Mtftf 
472, 5, and 608. 1. refers to the tedious process of per- 

3. lino\ Through which the wine colation. Translate, * if not dear, 
was strained, gaoeabatur. Cf. £p. let it be made bright by raiuiiDc 
85. 5 ; 670. 9. In xiv. 103, Martial slowlv through linen cloth.^— I^r/iMif 
recommends that only the poorer may be either simply * pour through 
wines should be straiued through the stiainer,* or * be brougbt dov* 
linen, the more generous through from the cellar,* as it is said de- 
snow : * Setinos moneo nostra nive scendere^ Hor. Od. iii. 21. 7, or 
frange trientes ; Pauperioro mero deripiy ib. iii. 28. 7. 

tingero lina potes.* So also Horace, 4. /acta minor] By the yesrij 


Continget nox qnando meis tam candida mensis ? 5 
Tam iusto dabitur quando calere mero ? 

Cum te, Flacce, mihi reddet Cythereia Cypros, 
liuxuriae fiet tam bona causa meae. 

deposit of the lees or crast of tbe pai^t., they appear to bave been lined 

wine. The Roman amphoroe were with rosin. See on £p. 156, and 

not glazed inside, and were therefore 601. 24. 

porous, and would discharge some 5. candida} Felix. A plaj on the 

of the wine by a kind of * sweat' on usual epithet nigra. 

tlie oiitside. To remedy this in 8. tam bona] Non minus idonea. 

/y^ EP. 423. (Vni. xlviii.) 

Martial wams the thief who stole, or the person who took by mistalce, 
the cloak of Crispinus (Juv. i. '27), given into his charge (probably at the 
bathfi)» to restore it, and take a toga instead, if he wants to escape detectiou. 
The cloak is of such peculiar colour and make, tliat it must be noticed on 
him, when a toga would not be. 

Nescit, cui dederit Tyriam Crispinus abollam, 

Dum mutat cultus induiturque togam. 
Quisquis habes, humeris sua munera redde, precamur : 

Non hoc Crispinus te, sed abolla rogat. 
IN^on quicunque capit saturatas murlce vestes, 5 

Nec nisi deliciis convenit iste color. 
Si te praeda iuvat foedique insania lucri, 

Qua possis melius fallere, sume togam. 

3. 8ua munera'] A garment given haps originally military) mantle, 

as a present to the shoulders that wom over the laceraa, probably 

wear it. much the same as the laena, said 

4.] The cloak itself requires it, to be alluded to in Virg. Aen. 421, 

which is not accustomed to be wom ' duplicem ex humeris rejecit amic- 

hy vulgar men. — For the affolla, tum;* possibly derived from ava- 

cf. Ep. li^O, 6. Juv. 3. 115; 4. 76. fioXn, 
Suet. C^l. 35. It was a thick (per- 5. quicunque'] Quivis. Ep. 1.1. 

EP. 424. ( Vm. U.) 

4^a a patera (libation-yessel), seut to the poet by Instantius Rufus. 
This is a very elaborate and elegant composition, and valuable, as illus- 
trating ancient art. A fine specimen of a patera, resembling this, is 
engraved finom the Museo Borbonico (Raccolta, &c. Naples, 1854. 


Quis labor in phiala ? docti Myos, anne Myronos ? 

Mentoris haec manns est, an, Polyclitey tua ? 
Livescit nnlla caligine fasca, nec odit 

Exploratores nubila massa focos. 
Vera minus flavo radiant electra metallo, i 

Et niveum felix pustula vincit ebur. 
Materiae non cedit opns : sic alligat orbem, 

Plurima cum tota lampade luna nitet. 
Stat caper Aeolio Thebani vellere Phrixi 

Cultus : ab hoc mallet vecta fuisse soror. h 

Hunc nec Cinyphius tonsor violaverit, et tu 

Ipse tua pasci vite, Lyaee, velis. 
Terga premit pecudis geminis Amor aureus alis : 

Palladius tenero lotos ab ore sonat. 

1. QuM lahoti^ * Whose handj- pletelj in. 

work/ So manus in the next vevse, 9. Stat caper] Engraved, peilta^ 

aud £p. 181. 3. on the inside, or embossea, om 

3. ZtveM^, &c.] 'It isnotdimmed relief. Cf. Juv. i. 76*, ^stanttc 

or tamisbed with anj blackness ; nor extra pocula caprum.* It u dcJ 

does the discoloui^ed metal shrink that it was ' parcel-gilt * plate, i.e. 

from the crucible of the assayer,* portions of it were prominent!,* 

i. e. it will stand any test, as being marked in gold, aa the fleece of ib« 

perfectly pure. ram, which, the poet says, HelW 

5. Veray &c.] * With a lessyellow would have prefen-ed to the realoot 
lustre the genuine el-otnan sbines; 11. viola^r^ Despoil, disfigoft:. 
and the rich frosted ground sur- &tiKivattt. Tbe CinyphiaB gmts 
passes white ivoiv.* For eJsctrum, were clipped) and their hair uaed 
a mixture of gola with one-fifth of for garments. Virg. Geoig. iii. 312. 
silver, a metal of pecnliar brigbtness, * Nec minus intei^ea barbas incaiuqv 
in the opinion oi the ancients, see menta Cinyphii tondent hirci.* Tb:» 
Pliny, N. H. xxxiii. 23, § 81, ' elec- one, the pnet says, is so beantili:!. 
tri natura est ad lucemarum lumina that not even the Cinyphian wouli 
clarius aigento splendere.* Virg. be so heartless as to aenude it of 
Aen. viii. 402, * quod iieri ferro its fleece. Sup. lib. vii. 95. li. 
liquidove potest electi*o ;^ «V>u/. 624, * dependet glacies rigetque barha. 
* ocreas electro auroque recocto.'* Qualem forficibus uietit rapiois 

6. pustiila] See Ep. 378. 7. Tonsor Cinyphio Cilix marito.* 

7. Materiaey &c.] *The work is 12. pasci vite'} Such a gott u 
not inferior to the material ; so does this you would allow, O Baccbos. 
the moon close in her circle when willingly to feed upon your vine. 
she shines fuUest with ber whole instead of demanding his sacrifice 
light,^ i. e. the patera is as round as for it. Cf. xiii. 39, * LasciTum 
the full moon. The teiTO for the pecus et viridi non utile Baccho 
circular orb of the sun or moon in Det poenas/ Ovid, Fast. i. 355 seqq. 
Lucretius (v. 572) is JUum — a word — PafladiuSf bccause Pallaswassu<i 
connected with cZAeii', in the sense to have taken up and tried tbepipe 
of roUing round^ as wool into a thrown away by the Satyr ManTss. 
tliread, &c. Hence •alligare,' in Propert. iii. 22. 17. Ovid, Ftrt. 
the sense of tyinff, or closing com- vi. 700. 


ic Metliymnaeo gavisus Arione delphin 13 

Languida non tacitum per freta vexit onus. 
IHinbuat egregium digno mihi nectare munus 

Non grege de domini, sed tua, Ceste, manus. 
Ceste, decus mensae, misce Setina : videtur 

Ipse puer nobis, ipse sitire caper. 20 

X>et numerum cjathis Instanti littera Rufi : 

Auctor enim tanti muneris ille mihi. 
Si Telethusa venit promissaque gaudia portat, 

Servabor dominae, Rufe, triente tuo ; 
Si dubia est, septunce trahar ; si fallit amantem, 25 
Ut iugulem curas, nomen utrumque bibam. 

16. non taciium] Vocale. Ovid, 21. />e^ «tfm^rum] The number of 
F^ast. ii. 115, ' ille sedet citharamque ryaMtdrunk in honourof the donor'8 
tenet pretiumque vehendi Cantat, et name shall be deteimined by cir- 
a.eauorea8 carmine mulcet aquas.* cumstanoes ; either four for Rufe 

17. Imfmat] * Let this choice gift or Bu/o (a trien8 being -j^ = ^), or 

l3e filled for the iirat time for me seven for /n«^n«=ln8tantiu8, or 

'with a nectar worthy of it, not by twelve for the whole name, which 

one of the common herd of ^laves, contain8 a8 many letters, Instans 

"but by your (fair) hand, O Cestus.' Ru/us, or Imtanti Rufo, or Imtanti 

This Cestus was the handsome Ga- (voc. of Instantiu^) Hu/e. For thi8 

iiymede of Rufus. See lib. i. 92, custom, see Epp. 35, 498. 608. 

and viii. A6.—i/regej Ep. 87. 13. — 25. Si dulna est] ' If there is a 

Iwbuat^ see on 340. 4. doubt about her coming, I will be 

19. Setina'} This choice and Bpark- tempted by a aeptunx (-^) ; if she 

Hng wine was specially used for deceives her lover, then to kill care 

libations. Juv. x. 27, * lato Setinum I will drink (i. e. drink to) both 

ai-debit in auro,* i. e. in patei-a. names.* 

EP. 425. (Vin. lii.) 

Martial complains that a beardless barber, whom he had lent to Rufus, 
vras kept so long by him in shaving and rouging his face, that he came 
buck liimself with a beard. For the custom of having slave barbers in 
the family, cf. £pp. 301, 376. 

Tonsorem puerum, sed arte talem, 

Qualis nec Thalamus fuit Neronis, 

Drusorum cui contigere barbae, 

Aequandas semel ad genas rogatus 

Rufo, Caediciane, commodavi. 6 

Dum iussus repetit pilos eosdem, 

3. eut] For the diseyllable, sea Eo £3. 22. 


Censura speculi manum regente, 

Ezpingitque cutem facitque longam 

Detonsis epaphaeresin capillis, 

Barbatus mihi tonsor est reversus. II 

7. Censura, &c.] His hand being same ground again with the nm— 

guided and directed by the judg- a tecnnical Greek term luedbjai- 

ment formed from the mirror, i. e. fected people. 

which was beld by the person who 10. Jiarbatus] The impulni fvr 

was being shaved. came back a bearded nuui^ft 

9. epaphaeresin] A repeated re- ridiculous hyperbole. 
moval of hairs, or a going over the 

EP. 426. (Vm. Iv.) 

On a very fine lion, exhibited by Domitian in the amphitbeatre. 

Auditur quantum Massyla per avia murmur, 

Innumero quotiens silva leone furit, 
^ Fallidus attonitos ad Foena mapalia pastor 

Cum revocat tauros et sine mente pecus : 
Tantus in Ausonia fremuit modo terror harena. i 

Quis non esse gregem crederet ? unus erat, 
Sed cuius tremerent ipsi quoque iura leones, 

Cui diadema daret marmore picta Nomas. 
O quantum per colla decus, quem sparsit honorem 

Aurea lunatae, cum stetit, umbra iubae ! Jft 

Grandia quam decuit latum venabula pectus 

Quantaque de magna gaudia morte tulit ! 
Unde tuis, Libye, tam felix gloria silvis ? 

A Cybeles numquid venerat ille iugo ? 

l. murmur'] Not of the lions So Stat Theb. 6. 226, *iamiDae 

themselves, probably, but of the cassidis umbra* — the crest orer- 

creatures flymg or crouching in shadowing the helmet. — iaMtat, 

alarm. *arched/ 

6. gregem] Cf. Pers. iii. 9, *Ar- 12. gaudia, &c.] • What ioy b« 
cadiae pecuaria rudere dicas.* brought (or perhaps ' eamed/ tsl 

7. jura] Viz. as king over the as an honour to nimself) bj hii 
otherlions. mightj death.* One of the em- 

8. marmore\ Numidia, famous for peror^s ftivourite bestiarii Keo» 
its varieeated marbles. Cf. Plin. v. to have despatched him ; wbence 
3. 2. — The form Nomas is found also the compliment in ' grandia TeDa- 
Ep. 486. 8. buk.' 

10. umAra jubae] The mane 14. A CybeUs -—iuffo] Prora the 
ttanding stiff, and sbading his head. chariot of Cybele, ctrawn bj lions. 


.n magis Herculeo, Germanice, misit ab astro 15 

Hanc tibi vel frater, vel pater ipse feram ? 

Hercideo—ch <uiro] The Xe- 16. /rater — pater'] Titu» or Ves- 
nea^i pectoiu monstri, Ep. ]93. 5. pasian, whom Domitian had deified. 
>ee also on 141. 4. 

EP. 427. (Vm. Ivi.) 

^FlaccuB, haying complained of the dearth of poets at Rome, though 

o-tli.erwise the age yielaed not to that of their ancestors, Martial says, 

tlxa.t the reason of it is the want of patronage. That Virgil did nothinff 

^x*eat till he was taken up by Maeceuas ; and that if there were more sucu 

pa.^TonB, there would be more such poets. ' Even I/ says he, * will do mpr 

nest, if I am encouraged, and will be equal to Marsus (cf. Ep. 99. 3), if 

X cannot be a second Virgil.* Compare Juv. vii. 69 sqq., * Nam si Vergilio et tolerabile deesset Hospitium,* &c. 

Temporibus nostris aetas cum cedat avorum 

Creverit et maior cum duce Roma suo, 
Ingenium sacri miraris deesse Maronis, 

Nec quemquam tanta bella sonare tuba. 
Sirnt Maecenates, non deerunt, Flacce, Marones, 5 

Vergiliumque tibi vel tua rura dabunt. 
lugera perdiderat miserae vicina Cremonae 

Flebat et abductas Tityrus aeger oves. 
Risit Tuscus eques, paupertatemque malignam 

Reppulit et celeri iussit abire fuga. 10 

** Accipe divitias et vatum maximus esto ; 

Tu licet et nostrum '' dixit " Alexin ames." 
Astabat domini mensis pulcherrimus ille 

Marmorea fundens nigra Falema manu, 
Et libata dabat roseis carchesia labris, 15 

Quae poterant ipsum sollicitare lovem. 

6. iua rural Viz. if bestowed in Ecl, 1. 

remunerating some poet. Or per- 9. Tuseus eques'] Maecenas. Juv. 

haps, *■ You may make a Virgil out vii. 94, *■ Quis tibi Maecenas, onis 

of yonr own farm-boy,* i. e. do but nunc erit aut Proculeius Aut Fa- 

reward him. bius.'* 

7. Cremonae] Cf. Virg. Ecl. 9. 15.] * And handed cups, which her 
27, *8uperet modo Mantua nobis, had first touched (lit. ia8ted*)with 
Mantua vae miseitte nimium vicina his rosy lips.* It is clear from this 
Cremonae.* Virgil alone kept his that the Alexis of Ecl. ii. was by 
farm at Mantua, when all the neigh- some considered to have been tho 
bourhood was divided among tho property of Maecenas. See Propert 
veterans of Augustus. lii. 26. 65 — 80. 

& TUynu} In allusion to Yii^g. 


Excidit attouito pinguis Gralatea poetae, 

Thestjlis et rubras messibus usta genas : 
Protinus Italiam concepit et arma yirumque, 

Qui modo vix Culicem fleverat ore nidi. S9 

Quid Yarios Marsosque loquar ditataque vatum 

Nomina, magnus erit quos numerare labor ? 
Ergo ego Vergilius, si munera Maecenatis 

Des mihi ? Vergilius non ero, Marsus ero. 

17. Ejccidit] The coat-se Galatea the idea of writin^ the Aeocid. 

(Ecl. vii.) and the sun-burnt Thes- 20. Cuiicem] The •Culex'KctB* 

tvlis (Ecl. ii. 10) were at once for- to be a genuine, but early woik of 

gotten by the poet, astonished at his Yirgirs. 
own good luck, and he conceived 

ER 428. (Vm. Ivii.) 

Tres habuit dentes, pariter quos ezpuit omnes, 
Ad tumulum Ficens dum sedet ipse suum ; 

Collegitque sinu fragmenta novissima laxi 
Oris et aggesta contumulavit humo. 

Ossa licet quondam defuncti non legat heres : 5 

Hoc sibi iam Ficens praestitit officium. 

S.Ossalicet — non feffcU] i ^ktt i firi veste legant Et primam annoso 

X.cyetf^he isnotbound todosomeday spargant coUecta Lyaeo — Poftt haec 

that which has been ali^eady done. — in maimorea ponere sicca doma. 

After the body was burnt, the bones — Sic cgo componi versus in oss» 

were gathered into the lap of the velim.' Ov. Her. 10. 150, *S! 

mouming robe (legebantur), then prior occidero, tu taaien osaa lcge*.* 

6prinkledwithwineandperfume8,and There is a satire on the miserly old 

aftemai^ds put in the tomb (condita, man, or on the good-for-nothis; 

or composita). Cf Tib. iii. 2. 19, heir, who wonld show no regard to 

' Pars quae sola mei restabit cor- him when dead. 
poris, ossa Incinctae nigi'a candida 

EF. 429. (Vm. Iviii.) 

Cum tibi tam crassae sint, Artemidore, lacemae, 
Fossim te Sagarim iure vocare meo. 

2. Soffarimll A pla^r on a sagum, Xdyaptt was a Scythian or Penian 
the thick woollen military cloak. tevm =ziriKtKuv, 


EP. 430. (Vni. lix.) 

On. a one-eyed thief, 'whose single luminaiy senred him as well as two 
«i^o\xl.<i serve other people. Cf. Ar. Plut. 665, •!« /ueV y« NfOKXc/difs, os 

-ALspicis hunc uno contentum lumine, cuius 

Lippa sub attrita fronte lacuna patet ? 
IN^e contemne caput, nihll est furacius illo ; 

Non fuit Autolyci tam piperata manus. 
"Hunc tu convivam cautus servare memento : 5 

Tunc furit atque oculo luscus utroque videt. 
Pocula soUiciti perdunt ligulasque ministri 

Et latet in tepido plurima mappa sinu. 
Lapsa nec a cubito subducere paltia nescit. 

Et tectus laenis saepe duabus abit. 10 

Nec dormitantem vernam fraudare luoerna 

Erubuit fallax, ardeat illa licet. 
Si nihil invasit, puerum tunc arte dolosa 

Circuit et soleas surripit ipse suas. 

1. contentian] * Who has onlj one hitabat ad araumveterem^me puero, 
eye to boast ot, and beneatb whose piper, non homo : is quacunque ibat, 
liardened (unbluBhing) brow a bleaiy ten^am adurebat.* 

socket gapes/ 5.] servarv = obseinrare. So Vii^g. 

2. aUrita] Impudent. Cf Juv. Aen. 6. 338, ^ Palinuiiis — dum sidera 
13.242, ^Ejectum semel attritade servat.* 

fronte ruborem.* So *perfricuit 7. ligtdas] Dessert-spoons. See 

frontem,* xi. 27. 7. The idea seems 410. 23. 

to be of rabbing the face so smooth, 8. majrpa'] Eachguest brought hif 

that shame could not cling to it. own appai^entlv. Cff. Ep. 655. 11. 

3. iVtfCon^emne] Mf/ /icV^t'^ *don*t ^* ^ cufnto lapsa] 'The mantle 
disparage,* or think lightly of, ' that that has slipped from a neighbour s 
head; agreater thiefthan tbewearer clbow while reclining on the lectus^ 
of it does not exist : Autolycus him- he rontrives to transfer to his own 
self had not sucb a spicy hand.^ back, and so goes away with two.* 
Autolycus was a son of Hermes, and Of coui-se this is an hyperbole. 

the grandfather of Ulysses. He was 13.] If he has found nothing to 

famous as a kind of typical thief. steal, he circumvents his slave with 

Gf. Plaut. Bacchid. 275, *■ Deceptus crafty skill, and steals from him his 

sum ; Autolyco hospiti aurum cre- own shoes. These were taken off at 

didi.*— jDiocra^a, pungent, peppeiy, a banquet, and given tq the slave 

o^tV^c. Peti'on. Sat. 44, ^ tunc ha- to keep. Cf. £p. 143. 3 ; 683. 1. 


EP. 431, (VHL Ixi.) 

Charinus (wlio is the * quidam * meant Ep. 306, compare ver. 3^ a»! 
Ep. 501. 7) is enviouB of Martial, because he has a farm, and keqMi.t 
carriaffe. Martial savs, ' May he have the same,* i. e. such a poor, 0* 
furnished countiy house as 1 have (cf. Ep. 257), and mules to carrj tfce 
produce to town to sell, if there is any. Or the joke may be, to wish be wej 
get that which will never fall to his lot ; or that posseasion would taJu 
away the malignant pleasure of enyj. 

Livet Charinus, rumpitur, furit, plorat 

£t quaerit altos, unde pendeat, i^amos : 

Non iam quod orbe cantor et legor toto, 

Nec umbilicis quod decorus et cedro 

Spargor per omnes Roma quas tenet gentes : i 

Sed quod sub urbe rus habemus aestivum 

Yehimurque mulis non, ut ante, conductis. 

Quid imprecabor, o Severe, liventi ? 

Hoc opto : mulas habeat et suburbanum. 

4. umbaieis--eedr6\ Cf. Ep. 110. 7—d. 

EP. 432. (Vm. Ixii.) 

On one who wrote a great deal, but had no genius for composing. 

Scribit in aversa Picens epigrammata charta, 
Et dolet, averso quod facit illa deo. 

l. in aver8€t~-ehart(i\ Cf. Ep. god; inoita Minerva, So Propert 
212. 11 (note). — averso — deo, with- y. 1. 73, 'ayersis Chariain cantai; 
out the £iyour or inepiration of the ayersus ApoUo.* 

EP. 433. (VIII. Ixiv.) 

Martial warns Clytus that if he continues pratending that his birthdaj 
comes eyery mouth, in order to exact gifts from him, he shall soon ceitt 
to belieye that he has any birthday at all, though he may look 70110;. 
Eyen Priam and Nestor, he adds, had not so many birthdays. Comput 
Ep. 668. 

Ut poscas, ClTte, munus exigasque, 

Uno nasceris octiens in anno 

Et solas, puto, tresve quattuorve 

Non natalicias habes Kalendas. 

Sit voltus tibi levior licebit 5 

4. iVoMt. &c.] * On which you do not pretend to haye been bom.* See 
Ep. 378. 1 


"Tritis litoris aridi lapillis ; 

Sit moro coma nigrior caduco ; 
"Vincas mollitia tremente plumas, 
^ut massam modo lactis alligati ; 

]£t talis tumor ezcitet papillas, li) 

Quales cruda viro puella servat : 

Tu nobis, Clyte, iam senex videris, 

Tam multos quis enim fuisse credat 

INatales Priamive Nestorisve ? 

Sit tandem pudor et modus rapinis. 15 

Quod si ludis adhuc semelque nasci 

Uno iam tibi non sat est in anno, 

Natum te, Cljte, nec semel putabo. 

7. moro'} Cf. £p. 36. 5. Such were cidled ex 9e natij Tac 

9. massa] Yiz. cuiei, £p. 617. 10. Ann. xi. 21. Inf. 529. 4, 'nemo 
cUliffixtiy coagulated. tamen natum te, Diodore, pntat* — 

18. Natum — non semel] Perhaps nec setneL ' ne semel quidem/ as in 
-xneans * a person of no family.* £p. 249. 5. 

EP. 434. (Vni. Ixvi.) 

On the eleyation of Silius the younger to the consulate, his father also 
having been consuL Martial prays that his brother likewise may have that 
honour, for thus there would be three consuls in the family ; and this, he 
says, is more honourable than was the case of Pompey or Yipsanius 
Agrippa, who were made consuls three times themselves; for Silius 
would prefer that his two sons should share tbe glory with him. Silius 
Italicus" consulate is referred to £p. 366. 9. 

Augusto pia tura victimasque 

Pro vestro date Silio, Camenae. 

Bis senos iubet en redire fasces, 

Nato consule, nobilique virga 

Vatis Castaliam domum sonare. • 6 

Rerum prima salus et una Caesar, 

Graudenti superest adhuc quod optet, 

3. Bis senos — fasces] sc. con- elder Silius*) son being made consul.* 
sulatum. Cf ix. 42. 6, * Bis senos — mAili virga, the lictor, walk- 
cito te rogaute fasces Det Stellae ing before the consul, struck the 
bonus annuatque Caesar.* — jubet^ door of his house with a wand, rtr^^a. 
viz. the £mperor Dpmitian, ad- — Caataliam, the poetic house of 
dressed above as Augustus. — redirey Silius the elder. 

because his father had been consul 7. superesi adhiic'\ Glad as Silius 
before. is at the consulship of his son, he 

4. Nato eontuie'] * His (i. e. the would yet desire ihat his younger 


Felix purpura tertlusque consuL 

Pompeio dederit licet senatus 

Et Caesar genero sacro honores, Jl 

Quorum pacificus ter ampliavit 

lanus nomina : Siiius frequentes 

Mavolt sic numcrare consulatus. 

brother shonld wear the purple. M. Vipsanias Agrippa. 

Plinj, EpiBt. iii. 7.2, in recording II. paciJicus—JemttslJniheseeoai 

the death of the poet SiliuB, who consulate of Agrippa tne temple *( 

had been consul in the year in wbich Janus was closed, there being nu- 

Nero was killed, says that he was versal peace. Janus is said, * am- 

* usQue ad supremnm diem beatus pliare nomina,* because the Bame? 

et feiix, nisi quod minorem ex liberis of the consuls were inscrib^ in tle 

duobus amisit, sed majorem melio- Fasti, kept in the temple of Jiaib. 

remque florentem atq^ue etiam con- Amvliart occurs Ep. b'l5. 7. 

sularem reliquit.* 13. sic] Viz. in the peraons cf 

10. CuBsar genero] Augustus to himself and his two sona. 

EP. 435. (VIII. Ixvii.) 

Gaecilianus, deteiTiined not to lose his dinner, came several hours befarc 
the time to hia entertainer*s house (at the tifth instead of the ninth hoQ:. 
Kp. 161. 6). Martial says, there is nothing readv, the kitcben ia cold, tbt 
slaves unwashed. It would have been better if he had come earlier; for 
as it is he is too late for breakfast,- and too earl j for dinner, and so he vill 
get neither. It would «eem, fVom Plaut. Capt. 183, that parasites olten 
came before the hour : * Sed si venturus, Temperi. £r. Hem, vel jui 

Horas quinque puer nondum tibi nunciat, et tu 

lam conyiya mihi, Caeciliane, yenis, 
Cum modo distulerint raucae Tadim<mia quartae 

Et Floralicias lasset harena feras. 
Curre, age, et illotos revoca, Calliste, ministros ; i 

Stemantur lecti : Caeciliane, sede. 

l.nitficta/] Cf.545. 1. Slaveswei-e 161. 2. — quartae^ sc. horae. Cf. 

kept on purpose to tell their masters Ep. 421. 8. — vadimonia^ the pattiBg 

the time by the sun-dial or clepsy- in bail. Juv. iii. 213, ' diffeitTMii- 

. dra. Cf. Juv. 10. 215, 'Clamore monia praetor." i. e. there is aJMTt- 

opus est, ut sentiat auris, Quem dicat tium. The term seems used for 

venisse puer, quot nuntiet horas.* general 1^1 business. So Proprrt 

Suet. Dom. lo, * Horas requirenti y. 2. 57, * te qui ad vadimonia curris 

oro quinta quam metuebat, sexta ex Nil moror.'* 

induscria nunciata esL' Becker, 4. ferasl The beaats exhibited bv 

GaJluSy^. 321. the Aediles at the Floralia. Thete 

3. distulerini] (£p. 10. 5.) Put ofF exhibitions took place duriog tbe 

to the next dav, tne courts being fourth and fifth hours. 
open only for the third hour, £p. 5. CkUiiste} An ii-onical cmll tc 


Oaldam poscis aqaam ; Dondum mihi frigida venit ; 

Aiget adhuc nudo clusa culina foco. 
IVlane veni potius ; nam cur te quinta moretur ? 

Ut iantes, sero, Caeciliane, venis. 10 

he liead slave to call back tbe rest ziv. 223, 'Surp[ite; iam Tenclit 

^wlio have jiist cleared away tbe pueris jantacula pistor, as to wiie- 

ooming meal), to put the room in ther this meal was not confined to 

>rder for the unexpected guest. children, is negatived by this pas- 

7. Caldam] Ep. 7. 8. sage, and one in Suet. Vit. 7, where 

9. moretur\ Keep you waiting till the emperor, to conciliate the sol- 
its arrival. diers to him, is said to have gone 

10. Ut jantes] The Jantacu/um about among them, saluting them, 
was the earliest meal of the day, and asking them, * Jamne jentas- 
probably about the third or fourth sent?* In the above passage of 
tiour, whilst theprandium was at Martial, jantacula appears to be a 
the sixth (the Freuch dejeuner). pailicular kind of cake, used by boys 
The question raised on Martial, at this early meal. 

EP. 436. (Vm. Ixviii.) 

On the vines in Entellus' green-house, which was glazed with plates of 

talc, 80 as to keep out the cold, and form a winter-garden. Thus he had 

a rtw bearing fruit in winter, which Martial says auy one would prefer 

even to the gardens of Alcinous. Cf Ep. 39tj, and Becker, p. 363. 

We find that flpwei-s aUo, especially roses, were forced in winter. So 

iv. 22. 5, ' Condita sic puro numerantur lilia vitro, Sic prohibet tennis 

gemma latere rosas;* xiii. 127, 'Dat festinatas, Caesar, tibi bruma 

coronas ; Quondam veris erat, nunc tua facta rosa est.* £p. 316 ; iv. 29. 4, 

* Hibemae pretium sic meruere rosae.* 

Qui Corcyraei vidit pomaria regis, 

Hus, Entelle, tuae praeferet ille domus. 
Invida purpureos urat ne bruma racemos 

Et gelidum Bacchi munera frigus edat, 
Condita perspicua vivit vindemia gemma 5 

Et tegitur felix, nec tamen uva latet. 
Femineum lucet sic per bombycina corpus, 

Calculus in nitida sic numeratur aqua. 
Quid non ingenio Voluit natura licere ? 

Auctumnum sterilis ferre iubetur hiems. 10 

6. ItUetl Is concealed from view. quo defendi aut corpus aut deniqne 

7. bom^ina] cf Sen. de Benef. pudor jpossit.* Hor. Sat. i. 2. 101, 
^ii. 9, ' video sericas vestes, si vestes * In Cois paene videre est Ut 
vocaDdae sunt, in quibus nihil est nudam.* 


EP. 437. (Vin. Ixx.) 

An encomium on Nerva (who Bucceeded to the throne after DomituE] 
for his poetic talent and modest and retiring disposition. Cf. Ep. 459, 

Quanta quies placidi, tanta est facundia Nervae, 

Sed cohibet vires ingeniumque pudor. 
Cum siccare sacram largo Permessida posset 

Ore, verecundam maluit esse sitim, 
Pieriam tenui frontem redimire corona 5 

Contentus, famae nec dare veia suae. 
Sed tamen hunc nostri scit temporis esse TibuUnm, 

Carmina qui docti nota Neronis habet. 

3. Permessida] See £p. 37. 11. 1'ibullus of our times. — docH, x 

8. Neronis \ Compared with Nero^s, term often applied to those who )ai 

verses (which are keenly ridiculed leaint Greek. 

by Peraius, Sat. i.), Nerva was the 

EP. 438. (Vin. Ixxi.) 

Postumianus had decreased yearly his gifts to Martial at the SatumiLa 
to such an extent, that already he gave next to nothing. Martial ask». 
What can you do next year.*^ As you cannot give less than you have nov. 
done, the only way is to retmn to the old state of things, and give wbit 
you did at first 

Quattuor argenti libras mihi tempore brumae 

Misisti ante annos, Postumiane, decem. 
Speranti plures-^nam stare aut crescere debent 

Munera — venerunt plusve minusve duae. 
Tertius et quartus multo inferiora tulerunt. 5 

Libra fuit quinto Septiciana quidem. 
Bessalem ad scutulam sexto pervenimus anno ; 

Post hunc in cotula rasa selibra data est. 
Octavus ligulam misit sextante minorem ; 

Nonus acu levius vix cochleare tulit. 10 

Quod mittat nobis decimus iam non habet annus : 

Quattuor ad libi*as, Postumiane, redi. 

2. anU annos — decem'] Ten years cottda^ ' in a cup,* i. e. made or 

ago, when first I became your client. worked up in the form of a cup. 

6. LiJbra — Septiciana] cf. £p. 9. limUam] £p. 410. 23.— «ocA- 
213. 3. leare,ifnd. 24, 'an egg-spoon, lighter 

7. Bessalem — scutulam]^An eight- thau a.n <icus.'' The acus is asually 
ounce dish.* The scutula (scutella, the pointed handle of the egg-spoon ; 
Cic. Tusc. iii. 19. 46) was a nearly hut here it appears to be a sepante 
8quai*e dish. . Cf. £p. 603. 19. insti-ument, made with & point, for 

8. rasa selibra] Cf. 371. 3,—in picking siiails out of the shell. 


ER 439. (Vin. Ixxv.) 

A. Lingonian (Ep. 28. 5), coming home late from a feast, fell ana 
»raiTied nis ancle. His one lean attendant could not laise him, and there 
tj lay, till some slaves came by carrying a corpse on a bier. By him they 
ere persuadedto chango their load, and carry his disabled master home, 
lio, to all intents, was as dead as the corpse itself. There is a play on 
'oJlztSy 'a Gaul,' and «also a ' eunuch,^ and in that sense * mortuus.* 

Dum repetit sera conductos nocte penates 

Ijingonus a Tecta Flaminiaque recens, 
Expulit offenso vitiatum poUice talum 

Et iacuit toto corpore fusus humi. 
Quid faceret Gallus, qua se ratione moveret ? 5 

Ingenti domino servulus unus erat, 
Tam macer, ut minimam posset vix ferre lucernam : 

Succurrit misero casus opemque tulit. 
Quattuor inscripti portabant vile cadaver, 

Accipit infelix qualia mille rogus. 1 

Hos comes invalidus summissa voce precatur, 

Ut quocunque v«lint, corpus inane ferant. 
Permutatur onus stipataque tollitur alte 
Grandis in angusta sarcina sandapila. 

2. Tecta] The Via Tecta, Ep. posed to the ledica, on "which the 
112. 5. rich were conveyed. Cf. Ep. 103; 

3. Expulit'] * Putout:* to ffffmpov ix. 2. 11, * Octo Syris suffulta datur 
vaXivopov t^EKOKKiiTe, Ar. Ach. lectica puellae; Nudum sandapilae 
1179. pondus amicus erit;' called al»*' 

5. Gcdlus] * Our Gaul' — a term *Orciniana sponda,' Ep. 511. 9; 

introduced for the sake of the pun and in Hor. Sat. i. 8. 9, ' eject» 

at the end. cadavera — Conservus vili portanda 

7. lucemam'] To liglit his master. locabat in arca.'* Cf. also Suet. 

Cf. Juv. iii. 287. Ar. Vesp. 245. Dom. 17, * cadaver eius in populari 

9. inscripii\ Branded slaves. The sandapila per vespillones exporta- 

very poor were buried at night by tum.' See Becker, Gc^lus, p. 222. 
public slaves, * vespillones,' in a 10. qualia^ One of ihe many who 

common burial-ground, on the Es- are consigned to a pauper'8 grave 

quiline. Cf. Hor. Sat. i. 8. 10, 'Hoc (ro(/us being here a general term, 

miserae plebi stabat commune se- perhaps). 

pulchiTim; Mille pedes in fionte, 11. summissa voce] Viz. that his 

trecentos cippus in agi-um Hic dabat; master might not hear the request. 
beredes monumentum ne sequere- 1^^ 14] Constrvie stipata in sanda- 

tur.' . They were can-ied to this pila. The man was large, and the 

' infelix rogus * on the meanest kind bier was narrow, so that he had to 

of cofBn, as here, viz. the sandapila^ be forced into it. 
often mentioned in Martial, as op- 


Hic mihi de multis unus, Lucane, videtur, 15 

Cui merito dici " mortue Galle " potest. 

15. unus de multis] Unicus ; par- ' moiiiuus,* both as beiog in a 5»- 
ticnlarly fit to bear the title of dapila^ and as a G<dlus. 

EP. 440. (VHL Ixxvi.) 

Galiicus was always askin^ Maiiiial to teli him the tmth aboat fcif 
powers of reciting and pleading, expecting to receive praise from hJs 
Martial says, * Well, I will tell you the truth, and the wnole tnith, aa t.tq 
ara Bo pressing : you do not like to hear the tmth about yoarseliV 
Compai*e £p. ^58, and Pers. i. 55, ' yeinim, inquis, aTuo : veram nui: 
dicito de me.'* 

" Dic verum mihi, Marce, dic amabo ; 

Nil est, quod magis audiam libenter." 

Sic et cum recitas tuos libellos, 

Et causam quotiens agis clientis, 

Oras, Gallice, me rogasque semper. i 

Durum est me tibi, quod petis, negare. 

Vero verius ergo quid sit, audi : 

Verum, Gallice, non libenter audis. 

EP. 44L (Vni. Ixxviii.) 

On games instituted by Stella, in honour of Domiti&n^s nortbcrs 
expeditions. Martial says, that though they are mora magniiicent thin 
those which even the two consuls together on entering office would givf, 
their great glory is in the presence of Domitian as spectator. 

Quos cuperet Phlegraea suos victoria ludos, 
Indica quos cuperet pompa, Lyaee, tuos, 

Fecit Hyperborei celebrator Stella triumphi, 
O pudor ! o pietas ! et putat esse parum. 

Non illi satis est turbato sordidus auro 5 

Hermus et Hesperio qui sonat orbe Tagus. 

1. Phlegraea — victoria] That of allnsion may be to the representation 

Hercules over the giants. of river-gods; see Propert. ii. 1. 31. 

5. Non illi] He is not contented For a desciiption of such festivitics 

with giving away merely gold, but as these, cf. Suet. Ner. 11, ^Spana 

every day witnesses a fresh distribu- et populo missilia omnium renim 

tionof allsortsof gifts. — HermuSj cf, per omnes dies, singula cotidie 

Virg. G.2. 137, ' Necpulcher Ganges milia avium cujusque generis. mul- 

atque auro turbidua Hermus.' The tiplez penus, tesseiue frumentaxiae, 


Omnis habet sua dona dies ; nec linea dives 

Cessat, et in populum multa rapina cadit. 
!N^unc veniunfsubitis lasciva nomismata nimbis, 

Nunc dat spectatas tessera larga feras, 10 

Nunc implere sinus securos gaudet et absens 

Sortitur dominos, ne iaceretur, avis. 
Quid numerem currus ter denaque praemia palmae, 

Quae dare non semper consul uterque solet ? 
Omnia sed, Caesar, tanto superantur honore, 15 

Quod spectatorem te tua laurus habet. 

'^estes, aurum, argentum, gemmae, rooms were ceiled, * tabiilis versatili- 

nargaritae, tabulae pictae, mancipia, bus, ut flores, fistulatis, ut unguenta 

umenta, atque etiam mansuetae desuperspargerentur/ Suet. Ner. 31. 

'erae, riovissime naves, insulae, 10. tessera] These tick«;ts were 

igi'i.^ not only given for seeing the fights 

7. linea dives\ All sorts of con- in the amphitheatre, but every one 

jectures have been formed as to the afterwards receivcd something for 

aieaning of these words, which some them, sometimes birds, sometimes 

refer to the seats of the senators in beasts, and so on ; so in the foUowing 

the theatre, othera to the ' linea lines it is said that the bird (gained 

alba ^ in the Circus, across the Car- byone of thesetickets^fiUsthebreast 

ceres, or to the order of days in which of a man, where it finds a safe 

these gifts were scattered among the retreat, aud gets its master by lot, 

people. The only conjecture that though absent itself, to avoid being 

seems to be of any woilh is ' strings toiii to pieces; i. e. it is not thrown 

of pearls,* which is supported by the down to be scrambled for, as other 

mention of ' margaritae ^ in the pas- things were, but the man gets it 

sage above quoted, and altogcther quietly on producing his ticket. 

suits the context best. 13. currus'] Factionum ; the 

9. nomismata] This was probably races in the Circus. — ier denaf an 

contrived in much the same way as indefinite term, it would seem, for 

in Nero'8 golden house, where the the number of prizes given. 

EP. 442. (Vin. Ixxix.) 

Martial satirizes FabuUa, who hoped to appear young by alwaya 
choosing old decrepid hags as her companions, to be a foil to nerself. See 
Ep. 6. 3. 

Omnes aut vetulas habes amicas, 

Aut turpes vetulisque foediores. 

Has ducis comites trahisque tecum 

Per convivia, porticus, theatra. 

Sic formosa, Fabulla, sic puella es. 5 

T 2 


EP. 443. (Vm. Ixxxi.) 

Gellia declared she could not live without her pearls. Martial pnp 
that Serenus may steal them, and she may die of grief. 

Non per mystica sacra Dindymenes, 

Nec per Niliacae bovem iuvencae, 

Nullos denique per deos deasque 

lurat Gellia, sed per uniones. 

Hos amplectitur, hos perosculatur, 5 

Hos fratres vocat et vocat sorores, 

Hos natis amat acrius duabus. 

His si quo careat misella casu, 

Victuram neget esse se nec horam. 

Eheu, quam bene nunc, Papiriane, ln 

Annaei faceret manus Sereni ! 


1. Dindymenes] Of theBonaDea, bovem^ Aph. 

whose rites were only celebrated by 9. nec] Ne horam quidem. 

women, for which reason they swore 11.] Serenus seems to have Wr 

mostlv by her. a noted thief, or perhaps some «nr- 

2. juvencae] Isis, Ep. 545. 1. — cessful stealer of jewels. 

EP. 444. (VIIL Ixxxii.) 

Martial praises Domitian for fostering not only great Epic poeis, but the 
humble Epigrammatist as well. 

Dante tibi turba queriilos, Auguste, libellos, 

Nos quoque quod domino carmina parva damus, 
Posse deum rebus pariter Musisque vacare 

Scimus, et haec etiam serta placere tibi. 
Fer vates, Auguste, tuos : nos gloria dulcis, 5 

Nos tua cura prior deliciaeque sumus. 
Non quercus te sola decet, nec laurea Phoebi : 

Fiat et ex hedera civica nostra tibi. 

1. liheUos'] 'Petitions,* Ep. 217. (to Augustus), *hanc sine tempon 

19. *Therca8onwhywetooofferlittle circum Inter victriccs hederam tiW 

sonnets while the folk hand in their seipere laurus.'* — civica nostra, surfa 

importuDate petitions, is that we a crown as we poets can give for 

know,* &c. your patronage. Virg. Ecl. 7. 

3. r^tts] Publicis negociis. — haec 25, ^Pastores, hedera crescentcm 

•—serta, Tioetry. See Tac. Hist. iv. 84. omate poetam.* :See £p. 160. 6: 

8. hedera] Cf. Vii^. Ecl. 8. 12 191. 1. 


EP. 445. (IX. i.) 

A. complimeiitary aadress to Domitian, on the consecration of the Temple 
uilt fey him in honom* of the Gens Flavia. Suet. Dom. § 1, ' Domitianus 
atus est — domo quam postea in templum gentis Flaviae convertit.* See 
>i<i- § ▼. and xvii. Inf. Ep. 498, 6, * qui posuit saci-ae nobile genti» 

um lanus hiemes, Domitianus auctumnos, 
.AwUgustus annis commodabit aestates ; 
I>um grande famuli nomen asseret Rheni 
Grermanicarum magna lux Kalendarum ; 
Tarpeia summi saxa dum patris stabunt, ,6 

Dum voce supplex dumque ture placabit 

^Matrona divae dulce luliae numen : 

IManebit altum Flaviae decus gentis 

1 . Dum JanuSy &c.] * While the Tradiderat famulas jam tibi Rhenus 

months of January, October, August, aquas/ 

8li.a,ll remain,' &c. Domitian had or- 5. Tarpeia] So longas thetemple 

<letx'ed that October should be called of Jupiter Capitolinus ehall stand on 

a.rter bis own name Domitiamis, as the summit of the hill, where vras 

-tbie anrient sesttilis had been caJled the ancient Tai-peian rock. Propert. 

^ ngustus after his predecessor. Suet. v. 1. 7, ' Tarpeiusquc pater nuda de 

Domit. § 13, ' post autem duos tri- rupe tonabat,' i. e. before any tem- 

ixmphos, Germanici rognomine as- ple was built there. It had been re- 

sumpto, Septembrem mensem et built by Vespasian with unusual 

Octobrem ex appellationibus suis pomp and ceremony (Tac. Hist. iv. 

Oermanicum Domitianumque trans- o3), and again by Domitian (Ep. 

nominavit; quod altero suscepisset 279. 2). Recent rescarches have 

imperium, altero natus esset.' Cali- proved that " the temple of Jupiter 

gula had previously called September Capitolinus stood on the eminence 

*■ Germanicus,' ib. Cal. § 15; and now occupied by the (church of) 

^ero ^ mensem Aprilem Neroneum Ain Caeli, while on the opposite emi- 

appellavit,' ib. Ner. § 65 — commo- nence, above the Tarpeian rock, was 

aa//tY, ^shalllend, orsupply, summers the Arx, where stood the temple of 

(i. e. summer months) to future Jupiter Tonans" (Excavations in 

years.' Rome.byAlexanderThomson, 1866). 

3. Dum f/rande^ &C.'] * Whilst the 6. Dum voce^ &c.] ' While with 

gi'eat day of the Kalends of Germani- suppliant voice and ofFered incense 

cus (i. e. the firatof September^sliall matrons shall propitiate the loved 

claim to itself a distinguished name spirit of the deified Julia.' She was 

from the conquered Rhine.' The the favourite niece of Domitian, the 

month September was to be called daughter of Titus. See Ep. 281. 

trermonicuic after the emperor's Ger- 8. altum — decini] The lofty temple 

man conquests, as hc was pleased to of Vespasian intcnded to commemo- 

call them. ■ — /amuli^ ' subject to rate the gens Flavia. — Cum sole, ' so 

Rome.* Ovid. Fast. i. 285 (speak- long as the sun and stai-s shall en- 

ing of Gei^manicus, sou of Drasus), dure.' Ovid, Amor. i. 15, 'cumsole 

{ has the same expression : 'Paxerat, et luna semper Aratus erit.' — luce 

et Testrii Germauice, causa triumphi, Romana^ the light that shines on 


Cum sole et astris cumqne luce Romaua. 

Inyicta quidquid condidit manus, caeli est. ifl 

Rome. The poet uses words adapted quered band, belongB to hcaToi," Le. 
to the concluamg sentiment: 'what- partakes of its nature amd attribst«s, 
ever has been founded by an uncon- and therefore is equally laating. 

EP. 446. (IX. iii.) 

An exaggerated compliment to Domitian for his services to the go^ ia 
founding and restoring temples. 

Quantimi iam superis, Caesar, caeloque dedisti 

Si repetas et si creditor esse velis, 
Grandis in aetherio licet auctio fiat Olympo 

Coganturque dei vendere quidquid habent : 
Conturbabit Atlas, et non erit uncia tota, 5 

Decidat tecum qua pater ipse deum. 
Pro Capitolinis quid enim tibi solvere templis, 

Quid pro Tarpeiae frondis honore potest ? 
Quid pro culminibus geminis matrona Tonantis ? 

Pallada praetereo : res agit illa tuas. io 

2. Si repetas'} If you should wish of Capitolinus and Tonans, Ep. pne- 
to get back what you have given, and ced. ver. 5)of the Capitol restored or 
should choose to become acreditor, rebuiltbyDomitian after beingbunt 
i. e. to consider your gifts merely in down. Suet. Dom. § 5, * Plurinu et 
the light of loans. amplissima opern incendio absumpU 

3. Grandis — aucHo\ A great or restituit; in quiset Capitolium, quod 
general sale. * Though the gods should rursus arserat * (it had been twice 
sell all they have, the whole heavenly burat before.and rebuil t first by Sylla, 
host, with the heaven itself borae on then by Vespasian). — Tarpeiae frtmr 
the shoulders of Atlas, will become dis^ the queraa corona, which was 
bankrapt, and Jupiter himself will hung on the Capitol as well as on tbe 
not have a fuU wnda out of every cw Palatium. See Ep. 191. 1 ; 444 7. 
(i. e. not one-twelfth of the amount 9. matrona] * What shall Janonj 
you have given him) wherewith to you for the two temples dedicated ia 
compoundwith youforyourclaims.' — herhonour?' This event does not 
Deeidere is ' to dispose of a matter,^ appear to be so expressly lecorded 
* to come to terms.* Cic. in Verr. ii. 3. elsewhere. 

48, * in jugera singula terais medim- 10. PaUada] See Ep. 160. 5. As 

nis decidere.* Juv. xii. 33, * decidera Pallas was the tutelary goddess o( 

jactu Coepit cum ventis.* — For con- Domitian, she is said to be speciallj 

turbare see Ep. 341. 10 ; Mayor on conceraed with his fortunes, and t*o 

Juv. vii. 129. manage his affairs; so that this god- 

8. -^/—n v;, Jupiter. — templis^ dess would be repaying herself oiit of 

^ Vaps temples, viz. the revenues which she admiuisten. 


Quid loquar Alciden Phoebumque piosque Laconas ? 

Addita quid Latio Flavia templa polo ? 
!E^:xpectes et sustineas, Auguste, necesse est : 

!Nam tibi quod solvat non habet arca loyis. 

11. ^/ctden,&c.l Statuesinhonour 12. Flama templa} See Ep. 445. 

f Hercules, Apollo, and the twin 8 Zo^to— ^/o, tnefikywhichcovers 

>io8curi, which had heen dedicated the Roman world. A consecrated 

»y I>omitian. — jotos, hecauBe of the huilding or person is said to he dis 

nutual affection shown in sharing addiius. 

.Itei-nately heaven and Hades, Ep. 13. ETpeeU»] 'You, Augustus, 

1:71. 7; Pind. Nem. z. 758qq. Pyth. must wait for a time and forhear: 

ci. fin. There is an allusion to these forafier paying Domitian, Jupiter 

nrorks of Domitian also in Ep. 548. will have nothing left for you.* 

EP.' 447. (IX. vii.) 

A witty reproof to a wealthy and proud man for refusing to see the poet 
at his moming lev6e. 

Dicere de Libycis reduci tibi gentibus, Afer, 

Continuis volui quinque diebus Ave. 
!Non vacat, aut dormit, dictum est bis terque reverso. 

lam satis est, Afer : non vis avere : vale. 

1. Dicere, &jc.'\ 'Iwishedto ofFer reverso., after I had gone hack to 

you my congititulations, on your safe your house for the second or third 

retuin from Africa, for tmree con- time. 

secutive days ; hut on each of them 4. ntm vi8\ (Notice the quantity of 

some excuse was given for your not vis.) ' As you do not care to liear 

sceing me.* * ave,' * how are you to-day ? * * you 

3. dftrmii] He is taking his siesta shall hear * vale ;^ good bye to you.* 

or midday nap; or, perhaps, * he is There is a similar play on the words 

not yet awake : it is too early.^ — £p. 261. 

EP. 448. (IX. ix.) 

Bithynicus, a captator or will-hunter, is hantered for having given away 
so much money in his lifetime, and after all heing disappointed of tbe 
legacy it was intended to secure. 

Nil tibi legavit Fabius, Bithynice, cui tu 
Annua, si memini, milia sena dabas. 

2. milia tMa] Every year you used to make Fahius a present of six 
thoueand sestertii. 


Plus nulli dedit ille : queri, Bithynice, noli : 
Annua legavit miiia sena tibi. 

3. Plus nulli] He has left you a year, whicli heuceforth yoa viJ 
quite as mucb as he has left any keep foi* yourself, aod not girc 
one, viz. youi* 6000 sesterces away. 

EP. 449. (IX. xi.) 

This and the two next epi^tkms are very elegant allusions to the lUTLe 
of a handsome boy, a favourite of Domitian's, called Eariuos ('£at>t»a., 
vemus). The poet complains that the word is unsuited to metre, and t^.; 
the Latin language will not admit the licence of the Greek, and make s 

Nomen cum violis rosisque natum, 

Quo pars optima nominatur anni, 

Hyblam quod sapit Atticosque flores, 

Quod nidos olet alitis superbae ; 

Nomen nectare dulcius beato, 5 

Quo mallet Cybeles puer vocari 

Et qui pocula temperat Tonanti : 

Quod si Parrhasia sones in aula, 

Respondent Veneres Cupidinesque ; 

Nomen nobile, moUe, delicatum 10 

Versu dicere non rudi volebam : 

Sed tu syllaba contumax repugnas. 

Dicunt Eiarinon tamen poetae, 

Sed Graeci, quibus est nihil negatum 

1. Nomen, &c.] A name bom wouldbe*taken upbyevery VcnusanJ 

with violets and roses, and by which Cupid.' — Parrhasia, Palatine, fironi 

we call the best season of the year Pallas, the son of the Arcadiati 

(t?er, la/i), which savours of Hy- Evauder. See Ep. 363. 2; 646. 1. 
blaean honey and flowers of Hy- 11. non rudil Moi-e than usuallr 

mettus (also famed for honey), and elegant and refined. He wisbed i<) 

smells of nard and casia from the express a pvetty name in a prettr 

phoenix nest,' &c. — superbae, beau- verse, but could not adapt to anv 

tiful in its plumes. See Ep. 302. 2, of his metres the short e at the 

where the same combination occura. beginning. 

5. bo.ato'] The food of the gods, 14. Sed Graec%\ But those are 

6. Cybeles puer] Attis or Atys, GreekwyetB (not Roman), who have 

Ep. 105.4. The sense is, * Earinos moi'e freedom in metre ''A(»t9aph, 

is a prettier name than either Attis * valiant god of war/ is now tlie 

or Ganymede.'^ readingof the best texta, 11. v. 31. 

^ ^ ' ■ " - 1 * A name which, — sonare, ' to pronounce/ ^wvtl»^ 
8* ^«it in thePalace, ^deyycaOai, as in ver, S. 


lEt quos *A/5€s *Ap€5 decet sonare. 15 

INobis non licet esse tam disertis, 
Qui musas colimus severiores. 

16. disertis] Skilfiil inspeaking; facile in the use of words. This is 
ia.icl with some irony. 

EP. 450. (IX. xii.) 

The same name given inferentially, or from the analogy of corresponding 

Si daret auctumnus mihi iiomen, Oporinos essem : 
Horrida si brumae sidera, Chimerinos.» 

Dictus ab aestivo Therinos tibi mense vocarer : 
Tempora cui nomen vema dedere, quis est ? 

EP. 451. (IX. xiii.) 

On the same. 

Nomen habes teneri quod tempora nuncupat anni, 

Cum breve Cecropiae ver populantur apes ; 
Nomen Acidalia meruit quod arundine pingi, 

Quod Cytherea sua scribere gaudet acu ; 
Nomen Erythraeis quod littera facta lapillis, 5 

Gemma quod Heliadum poUice trita notet ; 
Quod pinna scribente grues ad sidera toUant ; 

Quod decet in sola Caesaris esse domo. 

2. popula9iiur'} ' Lay waste the from the Indian ocean, Ep. 243. 4. 
riches of hrief Bpring/ i. e. plunder — trita^ &c., made fi-agrant hy heing 
the flowers of their honey — a very ruhbed with the finger of the He- 
elegant verse. — Cecropiae, ' Attic' liades, who were supposed to impart 
Virg. Georg. iv. 177, ' Cecropias its peculiar odour to amber. See 
innatus apes amor urget hahendi.^ £p. 243. 11. 

3. Acidalid] A local epithet of 7. gntes] Cranes are mentioned 
Venus. So Ep. 281. 5, * Ludit as birds of spring. — pinna scri/jenie, 
Acidalio sed non manus aspera nodo.* with a flight describing in foim the 
^arundine, probably a reed-pen or letter Y. This phi-ase is rather far 
t^encil. fetched ; and perhaps stridente is ^ 

4. sua — ac7i] The metaphor here safer reading. 

19 from emhroidery. Venus is ele- 8. Qufni decet, &c.] The climax 

canily described as tracing the name — * a name, in fine, that no house 

JiJarinos in vemal flowers. hut Caesar^s should call its own.* 

5. Erythraeia] PearU or gems Compare 56. 5. 


ER 452. (IX. xiv.) 

On a parasite, wbose friendship was measured by the goodness of d» 
patron^s cheer. The poet wams his friend not to trust the man : he woold 
oe any one's guest and ilatterer, who kept an equally good table. 

Hunc, quem mensa tibi, quem cena paravit amicum, 

Esse putas fidae pectus amicitiae ? 
Aprum amat et mullos et sumen et ostrea, non te. 

Tam bene si cenem, noster amicus erit. 

EP. 453. (IX. XV.) 

r On a faithless wife, who had poisoned several husbands. She wrote «m 

their tombs Chloefecit, which words have an ambiguous sense. She meu: 
hunc tumulum ; but the poet pretends that it was an ingenuous confession, 
facinus being implied. 

Inscripsit tumulis septem scelerata virorum 
" Se fecisse " Chloe. Quid pote simplicius ? 

2. Quidpote} Supply erat «t, i. e. ' quid scribere potuit simplicius?* 

EP. 454. (IX. xvii.) 

On the same Earinos as sup. Ep. 449, who had sent his hair and 
mirror (speculum, dulcesque capillos, iz. 16. 1) to the temple of Aescuk- 
pius, at rergamos, in Mysia. This also is a most elegant epigram. 

Latonae venerande nepos, qui mitibus herbis 
Parcarum exoras pensa brevesque colos, 

Hos tibi laudatos domino, rata vota, capillos 
Ille tuus Latia misit ab urbe puer ; 

1. Latonae — nepos] Graudson of bis.^ — penea and co^os, the wool lad 

Latona, as being the son of ApoUo. the distaff, refer to the threads spun 

— herftts, the drugs by which he had by the Fates. — breves^ * tiansient,' 

restored Hippolytus to life. Virg. * nckle.* 

Aen. vii. 765, * Namque ferunt &ma 3. rata tx>ta] * In fulfilment of s 

Hippolytum — snpems caeli venisse vow.* — Ille tuus^ because Earinos 

sub auras Paeoniis revocatum her- came from Peigamos. 


^ddidit et nitidam sacratis crinibiia orbeniy 3 

Quo felix facies iudice tuta fuit. 
Tn iuvenale decus serva, ne pulchrior ille 

Xn longa fuerit quam breviore coma. 

5. nitidum — orbem^ Tlie bright bj othera. 

rcular speculum^ or mirror. — guo 7. Tu — werva] Do jovl, AeKnla- 

<iice^ &c., *relyinff on whose jndg- pins, presenre his Tonthful beautv, 

lent, or verdict, uat fair face was that he maj not look the less comely 

Lfe,** viz. from calumny. The sense now that he has lost his itowing 

i, tbat the youth trusted to his locks. — In longa^ &c., dressed in, 

iin*or in dressing his hair, &c., and attired with long hair. 
.ad no fear of being thought plain 

EP. 455. (IX. xviii.) 

A petition to Domitian, to be allowed to draw water for a house an^ 
rarm from the conduit or aqueduct, known as the Marcicm, See Epu 
296. 18. 

Est mihi sitque precor longum te praeside, Caesar, 

Rus minimum, parvi sunt et in urbe lares. 
Sed de valle brevi, quas det sitientibus hortis, 

Curta laboratas antlia tollit aquas : 
Sicca domus queritur nuUo se rore foveri, 5 

Cum mihi vicino Marcia fonte sonet. 
Quam dederis nostris, Auguste, penatibus undam, . 

Castalis haec nobis aut lovis imber erit. 

1. Zoff(7ttm] Diu. ' May it remain thebentformof thepole. — laboraiat^ 

to me long under your protection.* labore quaesitas. 
In allusion, perha|)s, to the lands 5. yooert) Properly ^tokeepwarm,* 

taken by Octavian to give to his by wrapping up, &c., sometimes this 

veterans. — Ru8 minimvm^ cf. £p. verb means ' to keep fi*esh ' by the use 

431. 6. of watcr. Cf. Virg. Georg. iv. 2*29, 

3. hreo%\ * Shallow,* from which * prius haustu sparsus aquarum Ora 

water can be drawn bv wheel and fove.* — sonet, he is tantalized by 

bucket. Juv. iii. 226, * hoi-tulus hearing the water rushing along the 

hic puteusque brevis nec reste mo- coiiduit close to his bouse. 
yenaxa.* — Curta refers to some of 8. CastaJis'] This seems intended 

the buckets on the periphery being as a compliment (and it i« certainly 

broken or ieaky. Perhaps, however, an elegant one) to the poetical geniui 

the pole and bucket, called tollenoy of the emperor. See Ep. 217. 18. — 

is meant (see Rich. in v.), and the t/om, Domitian as repiesenting 

var. lect eurva would then refer to that god. 


EP. 456. (IX. XX.) 

On the conversion of the house in which Domitian was born (sup, 
Ep. 445) into a ternple. See Merivale'8 Hist. Rom. vii. p. '319. The poel 
compai^es the event with the birth of Pallas in Rhodes, and of Jupiter iu 

Haec, quae tota patet tegiturque et marmore et auro, 

Infantis domini conscia terra fuit. 
Felix o quantis sonuit vagitibus et quas 

Vidit reptantes sustinuitque manus ! 
Hic steterat veneranda domus, quae praestitit orbi S 

Quod Rhodos astrifero, quod pia Creta polo. 
Curetes texere lovem crepitantibus armis, 

Semiviri poterant qualia ferre Phryges : 
At te protexit superum pater et tibi, Caesar, 

Pro iaculo et panna fulmen et aegis erat. 10 

1. qtuie tota pcUet'} An area or 7. Curetes, &c.] By rattling their 

open colonnade seems to be meant, armour — such armour as the eunuch 

which was adomed with marble and and unwarlikeCorybantes couldcaiTy 

gilded pillars. Perhaps this was the — the priests of Cybele (or Rhea) 

original atrium of the domus.—con- protected Jupiter. Ovid, Fast. iv. 

«cta, ' this spot of earth witnessed 207, *Ardua jam dudum resonat 

the infancy of him who now owns tinnitibus Ida, Tutus ut infanti 

the temple.' Cf. Kp. 160. 2. vagiat ore puer. Pare clipeos sudi- 

3, 4.] ' Happy earth, which re- bus, galeas pars tundit inanes; Hoc 

soundedwith the illustnous infant^s Curetes habent, hoc Corybantes 

cries, which saw and bore the weight opus.'* Lucret. ii. 633, ' Dictaeos 

of hands now so mighty.' — quantis, referunt Curetas qui Jovis illum 

' quam magni hominis.' Cf. Aesch. Vagitum in Creta quondam occul- 

Theb. 17, f) yap viov^ 'ipirovTav tasse feruntur, Cum pueri circum 

cu/uci/et iridto — ctt/oei/fax*. puemm pemice chorea Annatei in 

5.] * Here stood the mansion, numemm pulsai-ent aeribus aera.* 

which gave to the world the same 9. te proteHf] ' They protected 

boon tliat Rhodes and Crete gave Jupiter, but Jupiter protected you. 

to heaven,* viz. the birth of a god. Their weapons were spear and shield : 

In Pindar, 01. vii. 35 seqq., Pallas you were sheltered by the aegis it- 

is described as springing from the self.* There is thought to be an 

head ofZeus, in theisland of Rhodes; allusion to Domitian's escape from 

at least, the context suggests that as Vitellius by concealment in the 

the locality. Othera say that Nep- Capitol, until Vespasian was con- 

tune is meant. — pia Creta^ •■ dutiful firmed in the empire. (Suet. Dom. 

Crete,^ because she protected the § 1.) Thus he was nnder the pro- 

infant god from being devoured by tection of Jupiter Capitolinus. 

EP. 457. (IX. xxii.) 

The pojnt of this epigram is not quite clear. The poet says that if he 
t wealth, he would use it not like othera, on foolish and perishable 




t in giving to his friends, and building. He may mean, that 
. /jj. d be more lasting resulta (see Ep. 247. 8); or he may satirize 
p '^ &gant largUiones (Tac. Hist. i. 20) and the mania for buildicg, 
? .'^T^^ia i prevailed; in which case the last verse contains a sentiment 
iaJorJB?' ><y^oM'av, the reverse of what we should ezpect. See Ep. 467, 
iedificat semper,^ &c. 

lis ob haec me, Pastor, opes fortasse rogare, 
topter quae vulgus crassaque turba rogat, 
. 5 Setina meos consumat gleba ligones 
[itit oroi j^ sonet innumera compede Tuscus ager ; 
f*^'^^' Mauri Libycis centum stent dentibus orbes 5 

£t crepet in nostris aurea lamna toris, 
c labris nisi magna meis crystalla terantur 
. Et faciant nigras nostra Falerna nives ; 
% canusinatus nostro Syrus assere sudet 
^.«.'i^' Et mea sit culto sella cliente frequens; 10 

i- i^ ;' .estuet ut nostro madidus conviva ministro, 
• !f^i Quem permutatum nec Ganymede velis ; 


-•- »-4.] * You think, perhaps, that I snow,' viz. through which it ispassed 

, v', t foi* "ches for the same reasons in the strainer. Cf. viii. 77. 5, 

'J<.ii\i' le thick-headed vulgar do,to have * Candida nigrescant vetulo crystalla 

7"' le estates at Setia, or in Tuscany.' Falerno.* Also Ep. 259. 2. Becker 

; ,^ "fe^/wa, the wine-bearing land in is wrong in saying (Galhis, p. 491), 

I v; •' mpania, Ep. 198. 34. — innumera that the Falernian was a wkite wine. 

," . - ipede^ chained gangs of slaves See Ep. 85. 6. 

•'on the ergastula. Tibull. ii. 6. 26, 9. cawMszna^Ms]Cladinfinewoollen 

j-rura sonant feiTo, sed canit inter paentiJa from Canoza. This place, 

-, ftis."* — innumerus is used in the like Parma and Tarentum, wa? 

' ngular Vnd. ii. 3. 42, * ut multo famed for its finely-fleeced flocks. 

inumeram jugere pascat ovem.' Suet. Nero, § 30, •nunquam car- 

iup. Ep. 426. 2, * innumero quotiens rucis minus mille fecisse iter traditur, 

dlva leone furit.' soleis mularum argentcis, canusinatis 

5. (yH^es] The circular tables mulionibus.' — assere^ sc. /erendoj 

(citrei orbes) from Mauritania, sup- the pole of the sedan-chair, lectica. 

ported on legs, made of elephants' Juv. iii. 245, *ferit hic tigno, ferit 

tusks, Ep. 4/6. 7, ^.—lamna (for assere duro alter.' — St/rus^ the black 

/amtwa, as in Hor. Carm. ii. 2.2), slave, purchased.probably at a high 

; the thin plates of gold, /^ra-^ca^, with price. Cf. ix. 2. 11, •■ Octo Syris 

> which the front of the lectus was suflFulta datur lectica puellae.' - 

adorned, Ep. 410. 6. — toris is here 10. ctUto] * Well-dressed,' i. e. in 

improperly used for ledis. a clean toga, and a good one of itf 

7, o. Nec lahris, &c.] That none kind, as wora by the honesii clientes. 

but large goblets of the clearest glass 11. Aestuet] * Be enamoured with 

ehould come in contact with my lips ; my handsome cup-bearer.' For these 

^ and tbat my Falernian wines should youths, and their pride and im" 

]pvo a deep red tint to the white pudence to guests, see Juv. y. 60. 


Ut lutulenta linat Tyrias mihi mula lacernas 
Et Massyla meum virga gubernet equum. 

Est nihil ex istis : superos ac sidera testor. i^ 

Ergo quid ? XJt donem, Pastor, et aedificeni. 

13. lutnlentay &c.l ' Tliat my sylique i*uunt equites, et odon a- 
Tyrian lacema may be bespattered num vis.* These men had tfae ar. 
by mud from mv mule.* This would of governing their horses wiihoj: 
ithow his indifference to expense. using the rein, but by touching thr r 
Those vrho regarded it, rode in a necks on either side with a vr: 
more tidy manner in a covered piazza In this way races are now hdcc: 
or hippodrome, ' namque hic mundae in Malta. 

nitet ungula mulae/ Juv. vii. 181. 16.] dt donem may perhaps con- 

14. Massyla] See £p 517. 2; vey a deiicate hinrt to Pastor as ic 
651. 6. Virg. Aen. iv. 132, * Mas- the best use to be made of monej. 

EP. 458. (IX. xxiii.) 

To one Carus, who had placed a golden olive-crown, won at tlie 
Quinquatria, on the head of a marble bust of Domitian. 

O cui virgineo flavescere contigit auro, 
Dic ubi Palladium sit tibi, Care, decus ? 

" Aspicis en domini fulgentes marmore voltus ? 
Venit ad has ultro nostra corona comas." 

Albanae livere potest pia quercus olivae, 5 

Cinxerit invictum quod prior illa caput. 

l. ctti — contiffU] 'Whose luck it tarily placed my crown.' Orperhaps 

was to shine with the ruddy glow of t^tro implies a wish on the part of 

the golden crown fi*om the games the crown itself. 

of Pallas.* The crown, properly of 5, 6.] The comment of the poet. 

olive, was worked in gold (see £p. ^Then the oaken crown (see £p. 

410. 1); and this seems to have 446.8) may well be jealous of the 

been the case (or perhaps the leaves olive of PaUas (who was worshipped 

were gilded) even in Pindar^s time, by Domitian at Alba, Ep. 160. 5), 

for he calls it xpvtriit kKala, 01. x. because that (the latter) has beeo 

13. Nem. i. 17. — The same is called the first to encircle an unconquered 

Palladium decuSf the honour con- brow.* — pia qnercas^ because it was 

ferred by Pallas. a symbol servati civis^ aud is thus 

3, 4.] The i*eply of Carus. ^Do called patriotic, or fond of the 

vou see this marble bust of the people. 
lEmperor.'* On its brows I volun- 

EP. 459. (IX. xxvi.) 

This epinum, like 437, pays a compliment to the poetic powers of 
Nei-va. The poet says that to seud his verses to such a writer is ai 
«uperfluous as to send roses to Paestum. 


J^udet facundo qui cannina mittere Nervae, 

IPallida donabit glaucina, Cosme, tibi ; 
X^aestano violas et cana ligustra colono, 

Hyblaeis apibus Corsica mella dabit. — ; 
Sed tamen et parvae nonnulla est gratia Musae ; 5 

Appetitur posito vilis oliva lupo ; 
INec tibi sit mirum, modici quod conscia vatis 

ludicium metuit nostra Thalia tuum, 
Hpse tuas etiam veritus Nero dicitur aures, 

Lascivum iuvenis cum tibi lusit opus. 10 

2. fflaucind] This wa8 some kind n-iju v^aov Tai/x*|i/ Kai irvPo^ 'rXct- 

f ointment (said to be made from o-Tt) kui dia<f>opoi^ ii^Tiv kui to fiiXi 

he plant ceiandine, which has a t6 ytyo^jitvov iv hvt^ irai/Tt\ai« 

»rigbt yellow juice ; another plant yiviTai nriKpov. Pliny, N. H. xxi. 

»f tbe same order, the papaveraceop,^ § 49, * Corsica (cera), quoniam ex 

8 still called glaucium luteum). If buxo fit, habere quandam vim medi- 

>ale in colour, it was of little value. caminis putatur. Jhid. xxx. § 28, 

Oosmos was the famed artist who ' maculas in facie oesypum * [the 

prepared an uneuent called Cos- gi^ease of wool] 'cum melle Cor- 

mianum^ Ep. 145. 1. The sense sico, quod aspennmum habetur, 

then is, * You might as well send an extenuat.'* 

inferior article to a skilful com- 5. Sed tamen\ However, even 

pounder of a drug, as a poem to such humble verses may give pleasure, 

a writer as Nerva.* just as cheap.olives are not despised 

3. Paestano—colono] Yiolets and when the fish called lupus (spigola) 
pi-ivet-flowers would be no gift to is placed on the table at a feast 
one who lived where roses gi-ew in 7. tifn] He bere addresses Nerva. 
tbe greatest perfection and abun- * Be not surprised that our muse, 
dance. conscious of the poet^s mcdiocrity, 

4. Corsica meUci\ This was of an feai-s your criticism. Even younc 
inferior kind, and such as the bees Nero, when he wrote verses. is said 
of Hybla would reject with disdain, to have besitated to recite them tp 
as not nearly so good as their own. one whom he called his TibuUus^ 
Diodor. Sic. v. § 14, ^ucTai 61 Ka-Ta £p. 437. 7. 

EP. 460. (IX. xxix.) 

On a very old, and not very respectable beldame, callod Philaenis. 
Compare the similar address to the lena Acanthis, in Propert. v. 5. 

Saecula Nestoreae permensa, Philaeni, senectae, 
Rapta es ad infernas tam cito Ditis aquas ? 

Euboicae nondum numerabas lotiga Sibyllae 
Tempora : maior erat mensibus illa tribus. 

1 — 4.] ' Older than Nestor, but untimely death.* — tam cito has 
still three months younger than the manifest irony. — Euhoicae^ because 
Cumoean Sibyl, we deplore your Cumae was colonized by Chalci- 


Heu quae lingua silet ! non illam mille catastae 

Yincebant, nec quae turba Sarapin amat ; 
Nec matutini cirrata caterva magistri, 

Nec quae Strymonio de grege ripa sonat. 
Quae nunc Thessalico lunam deducere rhombo, 

Quae sciet hos illos vendere lena toros ? :t 

Sit tibi teiTa levis mollique tegaris harena, 

Ne tua non possint eruere ossa canes. 

dians from Euboea. Hence * £u- noise of the cranes assembling <-z 

boicis Cumaram adlabitur oris,* the banks of the Stiymon, befort 

Vii-g. Aen. vi. 2. migrating to Libya. 

5. catastae] The noisy talk of 9. lunani] *To drav do^ tb- 

slaves on a thousand stands. See moon^ was suppoecd a pecnlii: 

Ep. 290. 1. — Sarapuiy the foUowere faculty of Thessalian witchcs. At. 

ot Sarapis or Scrapis, the Egyptian Nub. 749. Plat, Gorg. p. 513. X 

deity worshipped in common with Propert. v. 5. 13, * audax cantati- 

Isis. The pcople used to i-aise a leges imponere lunae.'* Tibull. i 

loud cry on the discovery of the 2. 43, ' hanc ego de caelo ducenter 

lost Osiris, which was acted in one sidera vidi."* — rhomtto, the nisT'; 

of their mystcries. Hence Juv. wheel. — hos iiios — ioros, * this « 

viii. 28, ' Exclamare licet, populus that marriage bed/ i. e. to secim 

quod clamat Osiri invento.^ for money the favours of this or 

7. cirrata'] The noise of boys in that wife. So Propertius cil.« 

Bchool is alluded to Ep. 669. 5. Acanthis * concordi toro pessinu 

Gentlemen^s sons wore long hair, semper avi»,* v. 5. 6. 

slaves' being cut close. Cf. Epp. 12. Ne tua^ &c.] Adaed var' 

148. 31 ; 557. 2. Pers. i. 29, ' Ten* Mi^oiav. ' May the earth k: 

cirratorum centum dictata fuisse Pro lightly on your bones — that thf 

nihilo pendasP* — npa, &c., the dogs may di-ag them out the ea«ier.* 

EP. 461. (IX. XXX.) 

A very elegant epigram on the affection of Nigrina for her deceased 
husband Antistius Rusticus. 

. Cappadocum saevis Antistius occidit oris 
Busticus. O tristi crimine terra nocens ! 
Rettulit ossa sinu cari Nigrina mariti 
Et questa est longas non satis esse yias ; 

1. Cappadocum — oris] This peo- Agrippina retuming from Syria to 

ple eeem to have had a bad name Rome with the ashns of Germanicns, 

for treachery and cruelty. So in ' ferales reh'quiaB sinu ferena' — 

£p. 319. 3) * impia Cappadocum quesla est^ &c., she complained th&t 

toilus.*^ the journey was all too short, vii. 

3. sinu\ Compare the touching during which she could retain those 

accouut in Tac. Ann. ii. 75, o? dear remains. 


Oumque daret sanctam tumulis, quibus invidet, urnam^ 
Visa sibi est rapto bis viduata yiro. 

5. taneiam] A word not lunallj Jbeis^ Ep. 462. 6 ; Tibullus ' sanctos 

Bynonjm with aacramy and here deos,* i. 3. 52. — qtiibiu iwoidet, of 

srnaps having reference to the which she is jealons, viz. as hence- 

ia.racter of her husband, as vir forth holding the dear ashes which 

tnctus, We hare, however, sanetit she mnBt resign and conrign to IL 

EP. 462. (IX. xxxi.) 

On the effi^ of a goose, apparently of Bilver, attached to a statue of 
iAa.rB. This bird (see lib. xiii. 74, * Haec aeryayit ayis Tarpeia templa 
Tonantis*) was a symbol of safety, from its hayingsayed the Capitol in 
lie time of Camillus (Virg. Aen. yiii. 655. Liyy, y. 27). 

Com comes Arctois haei*eret Caesaris armis 

Yelius, hanc Marti pro duce Toyit avem. 
Luna quater binos non tota peregerat orbes, 

Debita poscebat iam sibi vota deus. 
Ipse suas anser properavit laetus ad aras 5 

Et cecidit sanctis hostia parva focis. 
Octo yides patulo pendere nomismata rostro 

Alitis ? haec extis condita nuper erant. 

]. Ardoia] Tn the ezpedition of thewar. 

Domitian to Sarmatia. Hcnce in 5. * The goose itself joyfuUy went 

vii. 6. 1, he is spoken of as * H^r- to be offered up/ yiz. because the 

boreis conyersus ab oris.* — VeliuSy eniperor*s safety was secured. It 

Bumamed Crispus, and thought to was thonght a good omen when a 

be the same as the Vibius Crispus, yictim went ouietly to tbe altar. 

who in Suet. Dom § 3, is descnbed Aesch. Ag. Iz68, «rfitfv QnjXdTov 

as giying the well-known reply, fiod^ HtK^if irfidc ^u»ix6v cutoX/uw* 

that ^not eyen afly was with Do- iraTitv; 

mitian/ i. e. to be transiixod with a 7. Oeio videsl Eight coins appear 

^m.—pro duee, * for the safety of the to haye been suspended from the 

emperor he yowed this bird/ i. e. beak of the goose, symbolizing the 

as <rwTq/>ioi/ 6pviv. It is not clear number of montbs of the war. Biit 

if this means a liye goose (which is this passage is obscure. Pendevi 

supported by eecidit hostia)^ or the may mean * held in the open beak 

silver effigy of a goose. The latter, as if ready to fall ;* and extis eon- 

on the whole, appears more pro- dita naturally means that the bird 

bable, though it is possible that the had carried them in its inside. or 

effigy was afierwards consecrated in that they had been placed in the 

commemoration of the eyent. effigy of the bird as representing the 

3. non tota\ * Not quite eight number of months of the war, and 

months had passedf and already afterwards, on the consecration of 

Mars demandea the promiaed offer- the effigy, snspended from the beak, 

ing.* This is a compliment to the so as to become yisible. It is com- 

emperor fbr his speedy conclusion of monly explained, *placed there in^ 



Quae litat argento pro te, non sangaine, Caesary 
Yictima, iam ferro non opas essQ docet. ]•. 

contequence of auspices,* tiz. which templis, et ftrre litabo/ Ct £;^ 

had portended the duration of the 397. 2. The aense is, ' the vicdm 

war. that offers for yoa not ita life, bo: 

9. liiat'} lAUMn ia to gain the money, showa that bloodshed is m 

favour of the gods by offeringa, aa longer neceBaary.* There ia an u- 

Fers. ii. 75, ' haec cedo utadmoveam tithesiB in ar^ido 9JiAferro, 

EP. 463. (IX. XXXV.) 

On a paraaite, who, in order to be invited, uaed to pretend tliat be faai 
important news from abroad to communicate. 

Artibus his semper cenam, Philomuse, mererisy 

Plurima dum fingis, sed quasi vera refers. 
Scis, quid in Arsacia Pacorus deliberet anla, 

Rhenigenam numeras Sarmaticamque manum ; 
Yerba ducis Daci chartis mandata resignas, 5 

Yictricem laurum quam venit ante vides ; 
Scis, quotiens Phario madeat love fusca Sjene, 

Scis, quota de Libjco litore puppis eat, 

Cuius luleae capiti nascantur olivae, 
Destinet aetherius cui sua serta pater. lO 

1. mBreri»\ Captaa, affectaa. loMirum^ the bay, i. e. Tietorr om 

3. Pocori»] A Parthian Arsacid the Sarmatians. Cf. Ep. 397. 6. 

king (Hor. Carm. iii. 6. 9, 'mentions *■ Nec minor ista toae laureo paeii 

the name), son of Volc^peaes I. — erit.* Suet. ^hH.y *de Sarmatii 

deli/^eret, ciri/SovXfvii, is planning lauream modo Capitolino Joyi re- 

against Rome. The precise uum- tulit* See Merivale, Uiat. Rom. ni. 

bers of the German and Sarmatian pp^ 344. 392. 
foi-ces are alluded to in the nezt 7. «SyeiM] The extreme southern 

▼erse; the knowledge, of course, limit of the Roman province of 

was imposeible. ^^^yp^) ^P* 43. 7. * You know how 

5. resufnas] * You opeD (i. e. otten the swarthy people of that dir 

pretend to know in confidenoe) the region are rained upon b\ the Phs* 

sealed instructions of the general of rian, i. e. Aegyptian, ^niHter.* — 

the Dacians/ also against Rome. quoUt^-puppiSy whether it ia the 

Suet. Dom. § 6, * ez|Mditi<mes par- twentieth, or the hundredth, &c, 

tim sponte suscepit, partim neces- ship which is just leaving the shoics 

sario; spoute in CattoSf neceasario, of Libins. 

unam in Satmatas, iMione cum 9. Vupie-^ccmiiC] 'You ]HPBteiHi 

legato simul caesa ; in Dacos duas, to know who will be crowned by the 

primam Oppio Sabino consulari emperor as yictor at the Qnsis^aa- 

oppresso, secundam, Comelio Fusco, tria.* — luleae, imperial, siveB dt t 

praefecto cohortium praetorianarum, deacendant of lulus.— «M^erMi, oc., 

ctti belli summam commiserat.* — for whom Jupiter CapHolim» de- 



ToUe taas artes ; hodie cenabis apiid me, 
Hac lege, ut narres nil, Philomuse, novi. 

i^uB his quema corona (Ep. 446. 8), 
<r perhapB, to what generai he in- 
enaB to give a victory. Bat more 
irobablj the referQpce may be to 
lie circumstance mentionod in Snet 
Dom. § 4, *■ institait et quin<}uen- 
sale certamen Capitolino Joti tri- 

plex, mnucum, equestre, gjrmnicum, 
et aiiquanto plurium, quam nunc est^ 

12. Hac lege] * On condition that 
^ou dotCt tell U8 any news^ — a 
jocose hiut tfaat he does not believe 
a word that the man sajs. 


EP. 464. (IX. xxxviii.) 

On the skill of a juggler, called AgathinuB, in catching a light ihielc 
:er flinging it high m tne air. 

Summa licet yelox, Agathine, pericula ludas, 

Non tamen efficies, ut tibi parma cadat. 
Nolentem sequitur, tenuesque reversa per auras 

Vel pede vel tergo, crine vel ungue sedet. 
Lubrica Corycio quamvis sint pulpita nimbo 

Et rapiant celeres vela negata Noti, 
Securos pueri neglecta perambulat artus, 

Et nocet artifici ventus et unda nihil. 
Ut peccare velis, cum feceris omnia, falli 

Non potes : arte opus est, ut tibi parma cadat. 


1,2.] ' Though with your nimble 
movementB you play at a irame of 
the greatest riflk, vou will neyer 
succMd in not catching the shield.* 
The poet pretends tlutt the man 
tries to make it &11, but cannot.— 
ludere*perieula, like Ittdfre earmen, 
or a cognate accusatire = ludere 

3. revertal 'Even thou^h jon 
should moTe away from it, it comes 
back to you, and is caught on some 
part of your body, and mat not even 
the hand.* 

5. Corvdo} The sprinkling of the 
Btage witn saiiTon water is meant 
(see Ep. 153. 2), by which it is 
rendered slippery. — vela negaiat the 
awnini; oTer the theatre, which the 
wind triei to cairy away, butcannot, 


because it is tied fast. Lucret. iv. 
75, * Yela — quae m^gnis intenta 
theatris per maloi vokfata trabcsque 
tremeutia flutant.* Iiif. x\. 21. 6, 
* Pompeiano Yeia negata noto.* See 
alBo Ep. 655. 16. 

7. fntert} Of the young Agathinua. 
— nesflecta, though left to itself; 
though no care is taken in catching 
it^peramlndat, it goes over every 

rof the body, and is caught now 
one limb, now by another.-~ 
ventue et unda, the wind and the 
safiron-water just mentioned. 

9. Ut — velte} * £ven though you 
should u-ieh to make a slip, still, 
after all your attempts, you cannot 
do so. Nothing but art will make 
it misB *— a irap' v^roi/otav, since it 
waa really art to catch it. 



ER 465. (IX. xliii.) 

On a brooM Btatuette of a sitting Hercules, displayed on tlie lab> '^f 
Nonint Yindex. 

Hic qui dura sedens porrecto saxa leone 

Mitigat exigao magnus in aere deus, 
Quaeque tulit, spectat resupino sidera voitu, 

Cuius iaeva calet i*obore, dextra mero : 
T^on est fama recens nec nostri gloria caeli ; s 

Nobile Lysippi munus opusque vides. 
Hoc habuit numen Pellaei mensa tjranni, 

Qui cito perdomito victor in orbe iacet. 
Hunc puer ad Libjcas iuraverat Hannibal aras ; 

lusserat hic SuUam ponere regna trucem. lo 

Offensus varrae tumidis terroribus aulae 

Priyatos gaudet nunc habitare lares. 
Utque fuit quondam placidi conyiva Molorchi, 

Sic Yoiuit docti Vindicis esse deus. 

1. porreelo — leone] * Bt Btretching baried in that world which lie cod- 

oat a lion*8 Bkin/ wnich softens the quered in so few years. 

eeat on a hard rock. — in aere^ worked 9. HannibaT} Livy, zxi. 1, *■ Fama 

or cast in bronze. The Btatue is a etiam. est Hannil>alem, annoram 

BmaU one, though the god it re- fere noYem, pueriliter biandientem 

preBents is one of huge Btature. patri Hamilcari ut duceretur in 

3. Quae tulU] He sits gazing np Hispaniam, quum, perfecto Afrioo 

at the Btars which he once oore, bello, exercitum eo trajectaroB n- 

viz. when he held up the heayens crificaret, altaribus admotnm ttctis 

for AtlaB.— co^^, referring rather to sacriB jurejurando adactuxn se, qunm 

merOf from its heatins_ effects, or primum poBset, hostem fore popolo 

from the calda (Ep. 7. 3). The Romano.'^ 

left hand was represented as holding 10. SuUam] * It was this Tenr 

the club, the right a goblet. Hercules'tl(at ordered the Bavag^ 

5. /ama recens} * A work of Sylla to laj down liis kinfflj power/ 

recent repute.* It is an old statuette, i. e. a dictatorship whicn wbb u 

and hj a Greek modeller, Lysippus, absolute as the power of a king. 

a celebrated aitist in bronze. con- The poet appears to aay, that the 

temporarywith AlexandertheGreat. statuette was once the propertj of 

Hercules is said to have been his Sulla, and that the god (as the 

&Yourite subject. — nostri caeli, the benefactor of mankind) had ezer- 

Roman graying-tool. — mmusy *a pre- cised an influence over him. 

sent from,* perhaps to Alezander, 11. Offensua^ &c.] 'Wearied and 

who was his patron, and is the disgusted with the boasts and tbe 

* tyrant of Pella,* mentioned in the threats of eV6r-fi(hifting conrts, he is 

noxt verse — the Pellaeut juvenis only too glad^^now to inhabit the 

of Juv. X. 168. See Pliny, N. H. houseof aprivateowner,* Yindex. 

xxxiv. § 37 seqq. 13. Molorchi] SecT Ejl 198. 80.— 

8. Qui—jaoei] Who now liei dinw, * the patron-god.' 


ER 466. (IX. xlv.) 

T*be poet to MarcellinuB, whoin Bome take to be his son, and who was 
goias out on the expedition against the Sarmatiana. To him is addrease^ 
a.l80 lib. vi. 25, * Marcelline,boni suboles sincera parentis, Horrida Parrhasio 
«^ixem tenet ursa jugo/ &c. 

lililes Hyperboreos modo, Marcelline, triones 

Et Getici tuleras sidera pigra poli : 
Scce Promethei rupes et fabula montis 

Quam prope sunt oculis nunc adeunda tuis ! 
Videris immensis cum conclamata querellis 6 

Saxa senis, dices " Durior ipse ftiit.'* 
Et licet haec addas : " Potuit qui talia ferre, 

Humanum merito finxerat ille genus." 

1 — 4.] 'As a soldier jou lately karder (more enduring) than tJtey." 

(x.e. in the erpedition against the One who could. BuflEer so^ much, and 

Cretae, Ep. 375. 7) bore the cold yet surrive, must haye been harder 

under the northem constellations ; than the rock itself. — conclwncUa 

now you have i^n to pass close to may perhaps mean ^JnToked/ as 

the Caucasus, and the scene of Pro- Senecahas * conclamare deos omnes/ 

metheu»' sufferings.* — pigrat the Oed. 974. Virgil uses coftc/amare 

Blowly-revolvinff * Charles* wain.* simply as ekmare^ in Aen. iii. 523, 

Juv. V. 23, * illo tempore quo se * Italiam primus conclamat Acha- 

Frigida circumagunt pigri sarraca tes.* 

Bootae.* 8. nurUo] ' One who was so hard 

5. Videris^ &c] ' When vou have himself, was a fit maker of the 

seentherockBoncefilledwithcriesby human race,* viz. which is called 

the ceaseless complaints of the aged dummffenutt raKalirwpo», 
sufferer, yon will say, he trof yei 

EP. 467. (IX. xlvi.) 

On a selfish man who was always doing gome triflinff work in building 
that he mighthave an excuse for not giving to his friendB. * 

Grellius aedificat semper : modo limina ponit, 
Nunc foribus claves aptat emitque seras ; 

Nunc has, nunc illas reficit mutatque fenestras : 
Dum tantum aedificet, quidlibet ille facit, 

l. aedifica£] See Ep. 457. 16.— 4. Dum tantum\ Provided only 

claoe» aptat. He iB fitting on a new that he can say * 1 am building,* to 

lock, or purchasing bars to his doors, any friend who happens to aak him 

i.e. doingsomethinff thatreailycosts for money, he does not much care 

him nothing, but affordB a pretence what he does, be it ever §o trifling or 

tbat he is building. needlest. 


Oranti nummos ut dicere possit amico 

• Unum iliud verbum Gellius " Aedifico." 

EP. 468. (IX. xlviii.) 

On a ricli and stiuffj old man, to whom the poet jocoaely avows that fae 
has been a eaptator^ out now sees reason to fear that all hopes and pfoniisrs 
of a legacy are alike Tain. 

Heredem cum me partis tibi, Garrice, quartae 

Per tua iurares sacra caputque tuum, 
CredidimuSy — quis enim damnet sua vota libenter ? — 

Et spem muneribus fovimus usque datis ; 
Inter quae rari Laurentem ponderis aprum 5 

Misimus ; Aetola de Calydone putes. 
At tu continuo populumque patresque vocasti ; 

Ructat adhuc aprum pallida Roma meum. 
Ipse ego,— quis credat? — conviva nec ultimus haesi, 

Sed nec costa data est caudave missa mihi. lo 

De quadrante tuo quid sperem, Garrice ? Nulla 

De nostro nobis uncia venit apro. 

1 , 2. cvm—jwnxrts] Sc. me scrip- to eat it, but did not ask me CTen to 

tum esse a te haeredem qoartae take the lowest place.*— jtMt^ir/o, Tiz. 

partis: haeredem ex qttadraiUe^ the throughindigestionorsaniNt. Awiitr 

technical phrase was. — Per ttia — line. Compare Ep. 663. 9, 10, *mnf- 

sacray the sacra of your own aens. lomm leporumque et suminis exitiis 

4. /ovimus] *■ We kept the hope (of hic est, Sulphureosque oolor caniifi- 
a legacy) alive by giving you pre- cesque pedes.* 

sents.* 9. nee itUimusl 'Ne ima quidem 

5. Laurenteml The hoars of this sede admissus.*— i&d nee, * nay, not 
district were famed for their size and even a rih or the tail was sent to mr 
ferocit^. Ovid, Fast ii. 231, * Sicut house as a remnant of the feaat which 
aper silvis longe Laurentihus actus I had myself suj^plied.* 
Fulmineo celeres dissipat ore canes.* 11. quadraide} Quarla pariey nip. 
Thej were not, however, so good to 1. — umna, a pun on tbe WMd * not 
eat as the hoars of Umhria. Hor. Sat. even a twelfm part.* The sense is, 
ii. 4. 42. — CalydoMy cf. Ep. 341 .2. Sf you don*t send me a twelfth part 

7. c^yntinm] * At once * (viz. lest of what I myself gave, how sball roa 
the boar shoiud get stale) * you in- send me a fourth part of your owu 
rited a party «f nohles and citizens proper^ ? * 


EP. 469. (IX. xlix.) 

On the toga presented to the poet by Parthenius (£p. 407. 16). 

]aec est illa meis multum cantata libellis, 

Quam meus edidicit lector amatque togam. 
X^artheniana fuit quondam, memorabile yatis 

Munus : in hac ibam conspiciendus eques, 
JDum nova, dum nitida fulgebat splendida lana 5 

Dumque erat auctoris nomine digna sui ; 
INunc anus et tremulo vix accipienda tribuli, 

Quam possis niveam dicere iure tuo. 
Quid non longa dies, quid non consumitis anni ? 

Haec toga iam non est Partheniana, mea est. lO 

1. muUum eantcUa] He exasge- 7. Nuae amui] Here there is au 

i*a.t«B, as if he had written so often implied opposition to irapdivo^. 

sa.\>out this toga, tbat tlie i^eader had * N^ow it is old, and hardly fit to dve 

learnt hy heart its whole history and to a tottering pauper.* dj trioulis 

liad become fond of it as a theme. one of a tiibe is meant, i. e. not 

8. quoncUtm] Once — which from its ccynte census^ but merely described 

present condition you would hardly by the tribe in which he is enroUed. 

oelieve — this wa» the toga «ent me So inf. ix. 57. 8, * nec pallenB toga 

\>y Parthenius. — vatis. rarthenius mortui tribulis.* Hor. Epist. i. 13. 

-was himself a poet. See Ep. 217. 2; 15, 'ut cum pileolo soleas conviva 

t>44. i.—^equesy see Ep. 224. 2. tribulis.* 

5. mtida'] Cleanand glossy.— a«0- 8. jure iu6\ * On your own autho- 

toris nomine digna. This seems a ritv/ or by your own right. Ifyousay 

play on oandida, as in £p. 407. 16, it is white, and it isn*t, you are re- 

* non sunt Parthenio candidiora suo.* sponsible for the assertion. For a 

There is probably also an allusion to piay on nivea toga see Ep. 178. 

irap0tvo«, as the Romans said virgo 10. tnea esi] * It is my own,* viz. 

aquay oharta^ &c., and the Greeks suited to my own poverty rather than 

irap0evo« ^jfvxhi ^ur. Hipp. 1006. to Parthenius* wealth and splendour. 

EP. 470. (IX. 1.) 

The snbject is nearly the same as Ep. 102, to which the present has a 
close resemblance. This Qiiurus (like Accius Labeo) had composed a 
stupid epie in twelve books on the Trojan war . 

Ingenium mihi, Gaure, probas sic esse pusillum, 
Garmina quod faciam quae brevitate placent. 

Confiteor ; sed tu bis senis grandia libris 
Qui scribis Priami praelia, magnus homo es. 

2. hrevitateplcusent] AiifiheyhsA 3. grandid] Grandibus verbis 
no othor mcrit. scripta. — magnus^ ironical : * yo*~ 


No8 facimus Bruti puerum, nos Laugona vi vnm : ^ 
Tu magnus luteum, Gaure, Giganta facis. 

ffreat for writiiig much, if I sm small known (the best texts in Plinf, X. {l 

for writing little/ i. e. the inference xxxiv. 17, § 7d, giving nuMngoaKtin f- 

is ahout as jnst. Langonem). — vivum^ ' exprei«ed v- 

5. Bruti jniertan\ See Ep. 102. 4. the life.* This is opposed to ImUvm^. 
— La$iffona^ Bome celebrated statuette * a mudjgiant/ of mere inanimate aou 
of « boy, about wKich nothing is unsightfy claj. 

EP. 47L (IX. li.) 

On two afiectionate brothers, Tullus and Lucanus, for whom see Ep. I.'^. 

Quod semper superos invito fratre rogasti, 

Hoc, Lucane, tibi contigit, ante mori. 
Invidet ille tibi ; Stygias nam TuUus ad undas 

Optabat, quamvis sit minor, ire prior. 
Tu colis Eljsios nemorisque habitator amoeni 5 

Esse tuo primum nunc sine fratre cupis ; 
Et si iam nitidis altemus venit ab astris, 

Pro Polluce mones Castora ne redeat. 

1, 2.] The wish you had oflen ex- even anabodein Elysiumwasthoogtit 
pi*es8ed, that you misht die before secondary to the pleasures of this life, 
vour brother, was realized, though to in accordance with the Homeric doc- 
liis grief. trine about the dead. 

2, 3.] He,Tu11u8, isjealousofjou, 7, 8. Et sijam^ &c] And if now 
for he had desired the same fate for (by a commuit like that betirern 
himself, thouffh, as the vounger, it Castor and PoUux, Ep. 244. 9 ; 44t>. 
Beemednaturalforhimtolivelonger. 11) he bas come from the stars u> 

6. nuno primum^ All your life you take his tum with you on earth, tlia: 
have wished to be with him ; now tou may take his in the skr, joa act 
fint, though in the groves of the like a rollux advising a Gastor cot 
blessed, you desire to be without to retum.* You b^ him to star 
him, yiz. because you had rather whoUy on earth, declaring your rca- 
he remained in life. A beautiful diness to resign life here for erer io 
scntiment; showing, however, that his behalf- 

EP. 472. (IX. lii.) 

On the birthday of a friend, Quintus Ovidius. See Ep. 511. 

Si credis mihi, Quinte, quod mereria, 
Natales, Ovidi, tuas Apriles 

I. qtiod mereris] This clause fol- a regai^d which you deserve,* Tiz. 
low8 amo tuas Apriles Ka/endas. * I through your friendship for me. For 
love your birthday as I do my own, Marttae Kalendae, see Ep. 272. 10; 


XJt nostras amo Martias Kalendas. 

Felix utraque lux diesque nobis 

Signandi melioribus lapillis ! 5 

Hic yitam tribuit, sed hic amicum. 

Plus dant, Quinte, mihi tuae Kalendae. 

foL* »»€06 Jra/6»(fa0, Ep. 670. 5. The Pliny, Epist. ri. 11. 3, 'O diem 

iia,me of the mouth is properly an ad- laetum notandumque mihi caiidi> 

i ec ti ve. dissimo calculo ! * 

5. lapillis] Cf. Pers. ii. 1, 'Hunc 6. Hic vitam^ &c.] My birthday 

'Macriue diem signa meliore lapillo.* gave me existence, your birthday gave 

So a lucky day was erela notanduSy me a frieud ; and the latter is the 

because a white counter was used to greater gift, since tou are mawr pars 

record it. See Epp. 422. 2; 658.5 — 7. meliorque mei.'*—dant, in altusion to 

Tibull. iii. 3. 25, * O niveam quae the presents sent on March 1. 
te poterit mihi reddere luceml* 

EP. 473. (IX. liv.) 

On a couple of fowls sent as a present to a relation, with an apology for 
not sending game. The occasion may have been the feast called Can«/ta, 
held on the twenty-second of February, at which relations met at a friendlr 
party for the purpose of making up any former quarrels (Ovid, Fast. ii. 

Si mihi Picena turdus palleret oliya, 

Tenderet aut nostras silva Sabina plagas ; 
Aut crescente levis traheretur harundine praeda 

1 . oliwi\ The thrush or field-fai*e through a thicker one, againat a bii^d 

waa said to fatten on the fruit or on ita perch. To this lemgihemng the 

iiower of the olive-tree; whence Epi- epithet creseente refera. Cf. xiv. 218, 

charmus (ap. Athen. ii. 24, p. 64. F.) * non tantum calamis, aed cantu fal- 

called these birds i\ato<pi\o<pdyoi, litur ales, Callida dum tadta crescit 

«ctxn^ai* — palierety were blanc&ed, harundo manu.* ItappearBiromthis, 

or bloated with ; cf. Ep. 468. 8 ; or that the fowler attracted the atten- 

iu reference to the colour of the fat. tion of the bird, aa he approached it, 

-^^Uva SMiay a wood in my farm by imitating ita note. Propertius 

at Nomentum (Ep. 669. I). A refers to the same custom in the 

poetical expreasion tbr ' si tenderem Vertumnut (v. 2. 33), * Cassibus im- 

pUgas in silva Sabina,* if I were to positis venor, sed harundine aumpta 

anare birds by laying flnns or nets. Faunus plumoso sum deus aucupio.* 

3. letfis—proMal * The feathered And ibid. iv. 13. 46, * sive petes ca • 

prey.* This is not said of fishing, as lamo praemia, sive cane.* Petrou. 

somehavesupposedfbecausethepoint Sat. §40, *parati aucupes cum ba- 

of the epiffram requires that oirds rundinibua tuerunt, et eoa circa tri- 

alone shoafd be meant. Hence the clinium volitantes momento ezce- 

anmdo is the fowler^a reed, an in- perunt.* Ibid, § 109, ' ecoe autem 

atniment so contrived, that a smaller per antennam pelagiae conaedorant 

roed, tipped with birdlime, was sud- volucres, quas textip harundinibua 

denly protmded (perhapa blown) poritus artifex tetigit.* 


Finguis et implicitas virga teneret aves : 
Care, daret sollenme tibi cognatio munus, 5 

Nec frater nobis, nec prior esset avus. 
Nunc stumos inopes fringillorumque querellas 

Audit et arguto passere vemat ager. 
Inde salutatus picae respondet arator, 

Hinc prope summa rapax milyus ad astra volat lO 
Mittimus ergo tibi parvae munuscula chortis, 

Qualia si recipis, saepe propinquus eris. 

4. Pitiguis] Rendered ttieky with wxe * hibernatque naeum mare,* 
birdlime. Pers. vi. 7. Tlie word has referenee 

5. Care appearB to be a proper to the season of the Carittia beinf 
name, as in Ep. 458. — tollemmj * cus- earlpr spnng.—argtUo, ' twittering,* 
tomary on such occasions,* when *chirpinfl[,*£!lD. 148. 13. 

^anM probably was the usual present. 9. ifMe] * On one side.* The jay 

Cf. 474. l. Or, * I would liaye sent (or magpie) croaks to thenutic, who 

them to you as a gift on this anni- tries to imitate and retuni its greec- 

veraaiy.* inff. — Hine propey * from the otber 

7. ivWnc, &c.] 'Asitis, my ettate Bide close at hand.* The kite has 

produces nothing but wild ringing- been making a descent on the chick- 

birds.* — tlumaSy ^starlings/ which eos by the brm-house. The raume- 

are called inopes^ because they have ration of wild birds is oontimied, bat 

iiothing woith giving.— /rm^V/» are such only as are not used for food. 

thought to be * chaffinche6.*~-remii/, 11. ekorUs] See E^pp. 343, 1; 617. 

a rare but classical word, used bj 14. — taqae propinqmUy * you shall 

Propert ▼. 5. 59, * dum Temat san- often be treated bv me in ^e 

guis, dum rugis integer annus.* Com- war, as a relation.^ 

EP. 474. (IX. Iv.) 

On the same subject ; but an excuse for sendinjj^ a present to ueither ot 
his two special friends. lest others should be omnded. This epiffrun ii 
addressed to Valerius Flaccus, the author of the Argomutioa, &th he 
and Stella, the wealthv Eques and poet, would seem to have been in tons 
way reUted to Maitial. 

Luce propinquorum, qua plurima mittitur ales, 
Dum Stellae turdos, dum tibi, Flacce, paro, 

Occurrit nobis iugens onerosaque turba, 
In qua se primum quisque meumque putat. 

1. Lnee propituptorum] 'On the of whom considers himself mj|Mvi^ 

da^ of the Caristia" (sup. 473). ' In cu/or friend,andclaimsrelation8hi|h' 

thmking of sendinff field-fares to — onerosay i. e. ' quibus dona mitteie 

Stella and Flaccus, I recall to mind onerosum fuerit* 
a greac number of pei^sons, eTerv one 


Demeraisse duos votum est : offendere plures 5 

Vix tutum ; multis mittere dona grave est. 

Qua possum sola veniam ratfone merebor : 
Nec Stellae turdos, nec tibi, Fiacce, dabo. 

5. Demeruuse] * To have obliged,* mty. — votum etif * u my anxioui 
V deserved well of. A lue oi the desire/ 
rord not uncommon in later Lati- 

EP. 475. (IX. Iviii.) 

The poet*8 dedication of hia book to the temple erected at a spa by 
Jaeaius Sabiuus, to whom also the seyenth book is dedicated (£p. 386). It 
^eems to have been a custom to iuclose a spring in a marble fount in the 
Ltrium or peristyle of a domus: as Stella ud to Uie spring of lanthis, Ep. 
299. Cf. Juv. iii. 15. 

Njmpha sacri regina lacus, cui grata Sabinus 

Et mansura pio munere templa dedit, 
Sic montana tuos semper colat Umbria fontes, 

Nec tua Baianas Sassina malit aquas : 
Excipe sollicitob placide, mea dona, libellos ; 5 

Tu iiieris Musis Pegasis unda meis. — 
« Njmpharum templis quisquis sua carmina donat, 

Quid fieri libris debeat, ipse docet.'' 

3. oolai] The sense is rather un- but the poems are placed under the 

certaiu : * so may mountainous Um- protection of his uvoarite nymph, 

bria ^i. e. the rivulets from the whose spring the poet comparet to 

Umbnan hills) keep up a supply of Hippocrene, «-1170019 Kpnyti. 

water for you ;* or, * so may the 0. Q»id Jieri] * He who preients 

mountain people of Umbria freqnent his poems to a shrine of a water- 

you, and not prefer the more &mou8 nymph, must expect them to be 

watering-pUbce of Baiae/ The Sas- thrown into the water.* This is the 

sina here spoken of must be. that in supposed reply of the nymph, who 

Umbria; see on Ep. 148. 34. wams him not to be too sanguine as 

5. ioUicUos'] * Anzious as to their to their reception. Cf. Ep. 4, and 

reception by Sabinus.* The dedica- 159. 4. 
tioUf in &ct, ifl to Sabinus himself ; 

EP. 476. (IX. lix.) 

On one who frequented the shops and markets, pretoiiJing to be a 
wealthy artHsritic, and a judge of beauty, but spent nothing aftor all the 
trouble he had given. An excellent and witty epigram. 

In Septis Mamurra diu multumque yagatus, 
HIc ubi Roma suas aurea vexat opes, 

1. In SepHs] See Ep. 72. 5. to have built an amphitheatre, * juzta 
I GBlignla ii said (Suet Cal. § 21) SepU;' and perhaps this wiU ac- 


loBpexit molles pueros oculisque comedit ; 

Non hos, quos piimae prostituere casae, 
Sed quos arcanae servant tabulata catastae .' 

Et quos non populus, nec mea turba videt. 
Inde satur mensas et opertos exuit orbes 

Expositumque alte pingue poposcit ebur, 
Et testudineum mensus quater hexaclinon 

Ingemuit citro non satis esse suo. l9 

Consuluit nares, an olerent aera Corinthoiiy 

Culpavit statuas et, Polyclite, tuas 

eoant for its heing noted for the is describiDg a miBhap at a partr. 

better kind of shops. That both 'Recidit inque nioa menaa nipiu 

slaves and ciirei orbes (tables) were pedes.*— e&tcr, the elephant*s tnks 

Bold in the Septa, appears also from of which the iegs were formeiL 

£p. 570. 4. It was m the CampuB and called pingve^ from their hck 

Martios. Ovid, Fast. i. 53, ' est shining hue. Cf Ejp. 457. 5. Pen. 

Sioque, quo oopulum jus est in- ii. 52. — poposc^, 'askedtohayethem 

udere septis. — vejcat, rather in taken down. as thej were hmig op 

reference to cnstomers, who handle on a peg, high over the tabk to 

ereTj kind of ware, and let nothing which they belonged.* Cf. Ep. 87. 9. 

rest. By a bold figure, Rome itself * tu Libjcoe Indis suapendis dend- 

is said * to give no rest to its own bus orbes* (where 'siispendis* is 

wealth,* *to press it upon buyers,* *balanceon tneiyorylegs^. Becker. 

* huddle together,* &c. GaUu», p. 295. 

a Ifupaei^ Frora Ep. 317.2, it d.fesMtVteumVGoveredwithpUtci 

appears this was the tecnnical word of tortoise-shell.* Vii^g. Geon. ii 

for examining slaves exposed for 462, ' Nec varios inhiant puciin 

9a\e.-—eomedit^ * devoured them with testudine postes.* So Ep. o73. 5, 

his ejes.* Cf. i. 96. 12, * sed spectat ' gemmantes prima fulgent testih 

oculis devorantibus draucos.* dme lecti.* Ldb. ziv. 87, * sonpe 

4. easae'] The wooden sheds in lunata scriptum testudine ngm.' 

which slaves were kept, when not The hexaclinon^ as the name implies, 

placed on the slave-stand.— pri»ta0, was a sofa for six, and containiii^ 

those first come to, viz. the com- twice as roany as the ordinaiy ledBt 

moner sort. The areanas catastae See on Ep. 545. 6. The man nMft- 

are the more choice or select slave- sures this piece of fumiturc foc: 

stands, to which only wealthy pur- times over, and laments that it is « 

chasers had access, and the b<Kirds iiU/e too small to fit his circalir 

of which are said to reaerve slaves, table. Compare Theophrastos* cb- 

Buch as the eye of the vulgar does racter of aXul^oviia, zxiii., iti 

not behold. For catasta^ see Ep. irfiovtKdtSa» d' tiri tovt Vrrotn 

290. 1. To6e ayai^oin toic 'wmKovtn vpoff* 

7. satwr] Continuing the metaphor iroiijo-aaOai &v*fTiav, Kml iirl rit 

in comedit. — eantity ^he strips the icXiVav iXBu» Ifiariauom ^irrvMi 

cover ofiP the marble slabs and the th 6uo TdKavrat xal tm irai& 

circular wooden tables.* The Roman fidx^adai, oti t^ xfiwrio» o»k 

tables were not fixed to the legs, as cxw avTw iiKokovQtl» 
ours generally are, but were taken 11. Corxnihon] Corinthian bronzii 

ofF, and seem to have been kept wereheld inrequestby theRonuni; 

npart. See Propert, v. 8. 41, who and connoisseurs profeited to tcbt 


Ct tnrbata brevi questns crjstallina vitro 

Marrina signayit seposnitque decem. 
Sxpendlt yeteres calathos et si qua iiierunt 15 

Pocula Mentorea nobilitata manu, 
Ct virides picto gemmas numeravit in auro, 

Quidquid et a nivea grandius aure sonat. 
Sardonjcbas yeros mensa quaesiyit in omni 

Et pretium magnis fecit iaspidibus. 20 

XJndecima lassus cum iam discederet hora, 

Asse duos calices emit et ipse tulit. 

their genninenMS hy the smelL felt the weight of.* The ealathus 

Propert. iv. 5. 6, 'nec miser aera wu a cup much like our Bilver 

paro cUde, Corinthe, tna.* Cic. h^ker. Rich gi^cs an engraying 

in VeiT. ii. 4, ch. 44, 'tn yidelicet of it in Gomp. Dict. p. 97. — Mm- 

eolis TBsit CorinthiiB delectaris : tn loira, see Ep. 424, 2. 

illina aeris temperationom, tu ope- 17. vindes — geminas] Emeraldt 

rum Itneamenta soUertisBime per^ set in gold, which is called jMcto, 

Bpicis.* Yirg. Geoig. ii. 464, *il-> irom their reflection. Hence in 

Inaasque auro yestes, Ephyreiaau^ Ep. 646. 3, *miratur Scjthicas 

aera.* Petronius, § fiO, *cum Tirentis auri Flammas Jupiter.* 

Agamemnon propius consideraret, The Roman jewellera well under- 

ait Trimalchio, " solus sum qui rera stood this art. Cf. Juy. v. 43, 

Corinthia habeam.** * * nam Virro, ut multi, ffemmas ad 

12. CulpavUJ Yiz. in order to pocula transfert A digitis.* Inf. 
appear a knowmg art-critic ; or to xiv. 109, * Gemmatum Scythicis ut 
cneapen them. luceat ignibus aurum Aspice. Quot 

13. crystallina] See Ep. 28. 6.— digitos exuit iste calix V—Qindiiuui 
fytrbata^&c. He complained that.the «^, &c., he counted the stones in 
fflaas was not transparent, but spoiled earrings. 

by a hlotch or flaw of common 19. veros] *Genuine,* again as if 

bottle-glass, as we call it; butwhy a judge of gems. See on 196. 6. — 

Ifrevi f Perhaps ^ this kind was menta^ the tables of the jewellers. — 

thought more hrittle. — MurrtnOi pretium—fecit, * he made a bid,* 

* poroelain cups,* as some think. offered a certain sum for some large 

Mr. Mayor, however. on Jut. vii. jaspers. Forpretium/aeereszldcit&n^ 

133, gives good reasons for belieying see Ep. 42. 7. 

some natimtl material was meant 22. duos cdlices] 'He bought a 

See on 211. 1. — siqnaoitf *he put coupleofpot mugsfor apennT, and 

his seal upon, and laid aside,* as if took them home nimself. The last 

agreeing to purchase them. clause is a wit^ cHmaz to \he 

15. Saependit] l^dvraaB 'he man^s meanness. 

EP. 477. (IX. Ix.) 

A beautiful epigram on a wreath of roses, sent by the poet to his fnend 
Sabinus (snp. £p. 475), 

Seu tu Paestanis genita es seu Tiburis aryisy 
Seu rubuit tellus Tuscula flore tuo ; 

302 :\f. VAL. MARTIALIS 

Seu Praenestino te yilica legit in horto, 

Seu modo Campani gloria ruris eras : 
Pulchrior nt nostro yideare corona SabinOy 

De Nomentano te putet esse meo. 

4. «M(, &c.] HaYing bougbt fhe where they grew. 

roses in the market, be does not 6. iVbiiiefitoiio] See Ep. G69. 1. 
really know whence they came, or 

EP. 478. (IX. lii.) 

This also is a moat elegant and highly poetical comnositioB. It deecnba 
a plane-tree, some yeara preyiously planted at Coraova by the hand d 
D^initian. Itappears to naTe stood in the viridarittmy in the peratric 
or ittiier conrt of a town-mansion (domns). 

In Tartessiacis domus est notissima terris, 

Qua dives placidum Corduba Baetin amat, 
Yellera nativo pallent ubi flava metallo 

Et linit Hesperium bractea viva pecus ; 
Aedibus in mediis totos amplexa penates 5 

Stat platanus densis Caesariana comisy 
Hospitis invicti posuit quam dextera felix, 

Coepit et ex illa crescere virga manu. 
Auctorem dominumque suum sentire yidetnr : 

Sic Tiret et ramis sidera celsa petit. 10 

Saepe sub hac madidi luserunt arbore Fauni 

Terruit et tacitam fistula sera domum ; 

1. Tartesnaeis] TarieMus is said mediia, nado<|ue snb aetheris aie. 

to have been a name of the Baetis Ingens ara fuit, juxtaque ▼etemnia 

(Guadalquiyir), Ep. 407. 5, and laurus.' 

Taprrivia /uvpaiva, in Ar. Ran. 475, 7. Hbtpiiia invicH'] Domitiin. 

proves that it was some riyer in who seems at the time (perhaps long 

the west, thougb perhape (like the before he became emperor) to hsTe 

Eridanus) semi-mythical. been a guest in the house. 

3. Veueray &&] See on Epp^ 8. creeeere} Yiz. as planted by t 

243. 7: 672. 5. Nothing can be divinehand. 

more ^egant than this comparison 10. Sie} Adeo^ — sidera, aa ele- 

of the natural yellow tinjre of the sant allusion to the destin/ of 

wool with the golden fleece, in Domitian. 

which the metsl itself is tnva, part 11 — 14.] The tree has doDe sood 

of the living animal. — hractea^ see service to the gods themielves. Tbs 

Ep. 410..6.— ^espmtiiii — pc«5, Ep. sportive Fauns, in tbeir tipey jollitr, 

V)7. 6, * Baetis in Hespena te quo- have found shelter under it, sad 

aue lavit ove.* The real 'golden the Dnrad nvmph has esousd, hj 

eece * was souffht in the East hiding beneath its boughi, tiie pur- 

5. tnediie] The inner court. Cf. suit of Pan. 
Viig. Aen. ii. 512, *aedibus in 12. iadiaml Somno lopitam.' 


IDuinqiie fagit solos nocturnum Pana per agros, 

Saepe sub hac latuit rustica fronde Diyas. 
Atque oluere lares commissatore Ljaeo, 15 

Crevit et efiluso laetior umbra mero ; 
Hestemisque rubens deiecta est herba coronis, 

Atque suas potuit dicere nemo rosas. 
O dilecta deis, o magni Caesaris arbor, 

Ne metuas ferrum sacrilegosque focos. 20 

Perpetuos sperare licet tibi frondis honores : 

Non Bompeianae te posuere manus. 

emUi, quasi portento. — serOy in- in Buch confiiBion, that no one conid 

empesta. Bay to whom they had Bpecially be- 

15. o/tfere] ' Bacchns too has held longed.* For this custom of the 

118 reveU under the tree, bo that guests pelting each other with roses, 

:he whole house was fragnmt with sec Propert. ▼. 8. 4. — By ruhensherba, 

w\ne ; nav, the tree itself grew more the rea petalB Bcem to be meant, 

blithelj rrom the wine poured out though heH>a w improperlj UBod. 

in libationB on its roots.* It wbb 19 — 22.] * A tree so faYoured bj 

the cuBtom, as appeara from Propert. the gods, and planted by a CaeBar, 

V. 8. 35, to hold drinking particB in need not fear being impiously cut 

the viridarium ; * unuB erat tribuB down and bumt for fire-wood.* 

in secreta lectuluB umbra.* The 22. Pompeianae] * It was not 

WioJlume wei-e not, perhaps, Bpecially Poippey^B hands (^ suffered defeat), 

to the tree, though they may have but Cae8ar*B, the unconquered, that 

moistened the ground under it. planted you.* This, therefore, is au 

1 7. 18.] ' Scattered roae-leaTes from omen of your laating to all time. 
yesterday*B wreathB lay around it 

EP. 479. (IX. Ixiv.) 

On a temple and Btatue of HerculeB, consecrated by Domitian at the 
eishth milestone on the Appian way (inf. Ep. 505), and the sizth from 
Alba {ibid. 12). It would seem, from the context, that a new statue of 
the emperor had been subBtituted for an old one of Hercules. So Ep. 
505. 1, *■ timili Tenerandus in Hercule Caesar.* See Merivale, Hiat. vii. 
p. 378. 

Herculis in magni voltus descendere Caesar 
Dignatus Latiae dat nova templa viae, 

1. de»^nder€\ It is a condeflcen- straight to Aricia, which iB called 

sion on the part of the emperor to in the next verBe the * woody do- 

assume the form of HerculeB, riz. main * of Trivia, or Diana, beeauBe 

in a itatae. In the same spirit of she was worshipped at the LacuB 

iiattery the real Hercules is called NemorenBis, near that pLace, in com- 

jmiUu»^ in Ep. 141. 4, as compared mon with Hippolytiu, or Virbiua 

with the pretender to the name. — Virg. Aen. vii. 774. Oiid, Fatt. iii 

LatiM «ioe. The Yia Latina led 261^264. 


Qua Triviae nemorosa petit dmn regna vlator, 
Octavum domina marmor ab urbe legit. 

Ante colebatur yotis et sanguine largo, S 

Maiorem Alciden nunc minor ipge colit. 

Hunc magnas rogat alter opes, rogat alter honores ; 
Illi securus vota minora facit. 

4. domina — »r6e] Cf. Epp. 2. 3 ; penon askg wealth, and anodier 
649. ^.—legitt ' reads the distance on nonours.* Hercules was ranrded 
the ndlestone.* as the god of luck (Peia. ii. 12), aad 

5. eolebatur] Yiz. Hercules. He hence as the giver of wealth. At 
appears, like Diana of Aricia, to the same time, a compliment to xhc 
have been worBhipped here with the liberality of Domitian is conTejed. 
heroic honours of blood-sacrifices. — lUi^ to the original Hercules ke 

6. minor ip»e] Now Hercules ofFers prayere of less importance, 
himself, an inferior deitj, worshipe when mdifferent aa to the resolt, 
DomitiaUf the greater. or perhaps, * without feeling aozioiB 

7. i7fmc1 ' Of Domitian one lest it should be refuaed.* 

EP. 480. (IX. Ixviii.) 

On a schoolmaster, who annoyed Martial by assembling his noisy pnpils 
at a Yery early hour. 

Quid tibi nobiscum est, ludi scelerate magister, 

Invisum pueris virginibusque caput ? 
Nondum cristati rupere silentia galli : 

Murmure iam saevo verberibusque tonas. 
Tam grave percussis incudibus aera resultant, 5 

Causidico medium cum faber aptat equum : 
Mitior in magno clamor furit amphitheatro, 

Vincenti parmae cum sua turba favet. 

1. Qtuidtibi] * Whatdo you want statue of a lawyer on the back (to 

fiMfor?* i. e. when 1 am no pupil the middle) of a horse.* Rich pcople 

of youn, and do not want to be had statues in their vestilnUa (Tac. 

disturbed.— /«£{» — magistery see Epp. Ann. zi. 35) of themselTes or tbeir 

557. 1 ; 669. 5. — pueris virginibusf- ancestors, sometimes on horseback, 

que^ to boys and girlt, whom you orstandingin cars (Juy. vii. 125- 

teach. 127, where see Mr. Mayor^s note). 

3, 4.] *'Tis not yet cock-crow, — resttUant^ 'resound,* the Tuwor 

%nd your loud voice and noisy lash dinriTviros of Herod. i. 67. 
3egiu to lound.'* The early school- 8. parm<Me] The shield or tar?et 

hours are mentioned by Juvenal, wom by the gladiator called Threx 

▼ii. 222, *dummodo non pereat, (*clypeo punians et falce aupiua.* 

media quod noctis ab hora sedisti.* Juv. viii. 201). When he appeared 

5, 6. J * The noise you make is to be getting the better of his ad- 

like that of a bi-azier rivetting the Tersary. the faction who fiiToured 


Vlcini somnam non tota nocte rogamns^ 

Nam vigilare ieve est, pervigilare grave est. lo 

Discipulos dimitte tuos. Yis, garrule, quantum 
. Accipis ut damesy aecipere ut taceas ? 


lim raised loud shouto, clappinff of tbough it may be a tiifle to keen 

lands, &c. Juv. yiii. 59, *exultat awake, it it no trifle to do bo all 

'auco Tictoria Circo/ Ep. 549. 1, niffht long. 

clamoei gloria Circi.* 12. tU elameB'} Jocosely for tU 

9. non tota nocte] i. e. aliqua tal- dooeas. 
bem parte noctit. — /«m esty &c, 

EP. 481. (IX. Ixx.) 

On a profligate, who was alwajrs complaining about the wickednen uf 
the times. 

Dixerat ^'o mores! o tempora!" Tullius olim, 

Sacrilegum strueret cum Catilina nefas, 
Cum gener atque socer diris concurreret armis 

Maestaque civili caede maderet humus. 
Cur nunc " o mores !*' cur nunc " o tempora !" dicis ? 

Quod tibi non placeat, Caeciliane, quid est ? 6 

Nulla ducum feritas, nulla est insania fenu ; 

Pace frui certa laetitiaque licet. 
Non nostri faciunt, tibi quod tua tempora sordent, 

Sed faciunt mores, Caeciliane, tui. 10 

1. olm\ In the Catiline orationt But it it not known that Cicero 

Cicero uttered the famout wordt, taid timilar wordt on thit oocatioQ. 

* O tempora, O moret ! Senatus hoc The event teemt alluded to in thc 

intelligit, contul yidet, hic tamen yerte of Ovid, Fatt. iii. 202, * tunc 

yivit.* primnm generis intulit arma tocer.* 

3. Cvmt &c/| *And again when 8. Pace/hUy&c.] A compliment 

Pomp^ and Juliut Caetar (whote to Domitian. 
dauffnter Jidia waa married to Pom- 9, noBtri} Yiz. moret. 
peyj engaged in a civil conflict* 

* EP. 482. (IX. Ixxi.) 

On a * happy tumly * of an African lion and a ram, trained to live and 
feed amicabfy together. 

Massjli leo fama iugi pecorisque maritus 
Laaigeri mirum qua coiere fide. 

1. fama] See Ep. 341. 2.— ffltrtim, &c., Oavfiavr6v Baoif ^vvouctiovyra 



Ipse licet yideas, cavea stabalantar in nna 

Et pariter socias carpit uterque dapes : 
Nec fetu nemorum gaudent nec mitibus herbis, i 

Concordem satiat sed rudis agna famem. 
Qoid meruit terror Nemees, quid proditor UelleSy 

Ut niteant celsi lucida signa poli ? 
Sidera si possent pecndesque feraeque mereri, 

Hic aries astris, hic leo dignus erat. l : 

3. eavea\ A cage or den, usually that the poet himself was deceiTed 

that in which hmsts were kept at l.prodiior HeUe»\ The nm that 

the amphitheatre (lih. i. 48. 6). let Helle fidl from kis Iwck, so x» 

5. jUu nemorvm] They do not to he drowned in the HellespoDt. 

deliffht, the one in the wild animals Ovid, Fast iii. 869 — 876. The ct>: 

of tne wood, the other in harmless stelUtionB leo and caries ve ths* 

grass; but they both feed tosether described. 

ou a lamb, a food straoge (rudU) to 10. oi^rw] To be enroUed amoQ: 

one of them at least. If the thing the starB. Oyid, ut aop., * litoribi;^ 

reUited be a &ct, it certainly cen- tactis aries fit ndua.* — 4mc, &c, ' th'j 

Btituted tfae cfaief woader of the was the ram, thit tke lion (iitLer 

show. But there can be no doubt than the others).* 

EP. 483. (IX. IxxiL) 

To a celebrated pugilist, who had sent a presentof eatablea, es aaportDii, 
to the poet Playing on the name Zt^r, he reminda him duat aome yrn^< 
would naye heen acceptable too. There is an epigram in riii. 77, addresscc 
to the same man, who appears to be somewhat of a sensuidiat and a \m 

Liber, Amyclaea frontem vittate corona, 
Qui quatis Ausonia yerbera Graia manuy 

Clusa nuhi texto cum prandia yimine mittas, 
Cur comitatak dapes nulla lagona yenit ? 

Atqui digna tuo si nomine munera ferres, h 

Scis, puto, debtierint quae mihi dona dari. 

1. ^m^c^aea] Pollux, the invevtor ing* (not ^uikm you send *), &c.— 

of the art of pugilism, wasfitom Am^- t^io — vtmtM, t\k»aporUUay ordole of 

clae in Laconia (Pind. Fyth. i. 6o. meat^ was giTen in a wicker bij^f l 

6) ; hence the epithet is applied to See Mayor on Jut. Sat. i. 95. 
tne crown won by Liber in a bozinff- 5. tw» — nornimi] Viz. which is th« 

match. — verberaQraia, *who, thougn same aa a tide of the god of wine.— 

bom in Italy, ptactise the Grecian ddWrns^, the indirect perfect; u 

art* — quoHe—verberay i.e. intendii 'debuit (or debebat) mihi dari' 

ictus. means *ocu^ht to have been giTen.* 

3. cwTi— mttto»] * As you are send- which im|£e«, * bat it w«ii not givf n.* 


EP. 484. (IX. Ixxiii.) 

On a cobbler who bad succeeded, as client, to tbe estates of his deceased 
•atron. Compare Ep. 122. 

Dentibus antiquas solitus producere pelles 

£t mordere luto putre vetusque solum, 
Praenestina tenes decepti rura patroni, 

In quibus indignor si tibi cella fuit. 4 

At me litterulas stulti docuere parentes : 7 

Quid cum grammaticis rhetoribusque mihi ? 
Frange leves calamos et scinde, Thalia, libellos, 

Si dare sutori calceus ista potest. 

l. prodtieere] To draw ont, Le. 7. At me, &c] * Afyfoolnh jMrent» 

Btretch, with joor teeth old sciape of aent me to a grammar achool, and to 

leather. — eolum, aoleam ; * to gnaw leam the uaeless and unpi-ofitable art 

and bito a shoe-aole rotton with mnd of rbetoric* On the poTerlr of aome 

and wom out with aoe.* of these men see Juv. vii. J 45-~9. 

3. patroni] See Ep. 50. 9 — de- 9. Fnm^] Cf.Juv.Tii. 27,* franfl^e 

Cfp^, Tiz. deceived injourcharacter, miser calamos vigilataque proelia 

and in thinking jou worthy of the dele.* — M^a,viz.runt;properly'those 

reward. — indignor, &c., * I am in- lands of yours.* He addresses, not 

dignant at the idea of your formerly Thalia, but the sutory as at the begin- 

having had even a slave*s hut to live ning. This is certainly awkward, as 

in upon that es^to.*— ce^o, see Ep. we nave * sutori,* not * tibi. sutor.* 

132. 3. Or is the sense, * ista, quae vides ?* 

EP. 485. (IX. Ixxiv.) 

On a eerea imago, or bust of a ^oung man, which the fiither had repre- 
sented as an in&nt, lest tbe real likeness should awake too keen r^;reta. 
Ep. 487 is on the same subject. 

Effigiem tantum pueri pictura Camoni 
Senraty et infimtis parya figura manet. 

Florentes nulla signayit imagine yoltus, 
Dum timet ora pius muta videre pater. 

1. mdera] *Thepainting(painted affectioiLate fiither has not stamped 

effigy; preserves the Ukeness of Ca- with any likeness, in his fear to look 

monoB onlr as a bor ; and the early \ipon a face that can no longer^speak 

form whicn he had as an infant is tQ him.*— The mea^ing of mMla is, 

still retained.* Cf. Juv. viii. 2, ^pic- that even the silent portrait of the 

to8 ostendere vultus majorum,* aoid fiu:e as it waa would overpower his 

Mr. Mayor*8 noto. feelincs,— «^^mY, cf. Ep. 288. 3, 

3. Fiormtes'] * The couilitetia^^ce, * est tibi quae patria signatur imagine 

as it appeared in the prime of lif(&', the voltus.* 

X 2 


EP. 486. (IX. Ixxv.) 

Od a cold-Vath bnilt of wood, and a hot-bath hitiU of marble ; whkh tie 
poct thinks a penrene order of thinga. (For balneum see £p. 129. 1.) 

Non silice duro structilive caemento, 

Nec latere cocto, quo Semiramis longam 

Babylona cinxit, Tucca balneum fecit : 

Sed strage nemorum pineaque compage, 

Ut navigare Tucca balneo possit. 5 

Idem b^tas lautus extruit thermas 

De marmore omni, quod Carjstos invenity 

Quod Phrjgia Sjnnas, Afra quod Nomas mittit 

Et quod virenti fonte lavit Eurotas. 

Sed ligna desunt : subice babieum thermis. ifl 

1. tifice duro] Hardvolcanicrock, is mentioned togetber with Nwniir 

or baMLlt.— coemaifo, * rabble/ Hor. cum br Pliny, N. H. xxxr. §1, asar- 

Carm. iii. 1. 35 latert cocto^ the tificially ▼ariegated, by a device in- 

bumt brick of the walh of Babylon, vented in the reign of rfero, and al>} 

Herod. i. 179. — lonftam^ becauBe the by Statius, Sylv. i. 5. 37 — 41. 
wall was 8ome fiftj-five milea in 9. virenH fonW\ Poetically, tl:e 

extent. ereen colour of the Spartan marb.e 

5. natngare — halne6\ * So as to be {verdo antioo) is referred to the leaif^ 
able to take a voyage in his bath/ as sources of the Eurotas; cf. Ep. '2!^. 
being, like a NoaVs ark^ a pile of 11, * illic Taygeti virent metalla.' 
timMr made of materials proper for The idea seems borrowed from the 
a ship, and large enough to sail iii. tint supposed to be imparted to fleer» 
There seems either an intentional by the virtue of water, Ep. 689. 2. 
play or a confusion between two dis- 10. l^ntC\ Viz. to heat the bath.— 
tinct meaninn of ' in the bath.* su&aee, &c., * put the cold-bath in tli? 

6. Idem^ &c.] * The same Tucca fire for the «ervice of the hot-batl* ' 
in his extravagance is building costly (Compare the short form adieit^ E;> 
hot-baths of various marbles. Com- 191. 9.) The joke at the end seeir.* 
pare Ep. 296, where an enumeration the real point of the epigiam : bo: 
18 given of the rare marbles used in that there was anv real impropric!} 
ihermae. or unfitness in the materials eoi- 

8. Nomasl Numidia (the land of ployed. This ippears dearly fnm 
Nomad tribes). See Ep. 426. 8.—. £p. 296. 
SyntuM». A marble called <Si^na<^ftctt}» 

EP. 487. (IX. Ixxvi.) 

The subject the same as Ep. snp 485. 

Haec sunt illa mei quae cemitis ora Camoni, 
Haec pueri facies primaque forma fuit. 

1. mei — Camont] As from ver. 10 mei must mean * my friend.*— mirn', 
« 18 clear that the poet is speaking, from Ep. 485. 2, and fiom • priuu 


Creverat hic Yoltus bis denis fortior annis 

Graudebatque suas pingere barba genas, 
"Kt libata semel sunmios modo purpura cultros 5 

Sparserat. Invidit de tribus una soror 
'Ett festinatis incidit stamina pensis, 

Absentemque patri rettulit uma rogum. 
Sed ne sola tamen puerum pictura loquatur, 

Haec erit in chartis maior imago meis. 10 

orma/ must also be taken for * in- from) the too quickly worked wooL* 

JEintis.* Cf. £p. 44. 9, ^cum mihi supremos 

3. Creverat—^oriior] * Had growu Lachesis pemeverit annos.* 

x> be manlj.* 8. Ahsentem — rogtan'] The um 

5. purpura] * The glossy hair once brought hack to his ntther the ashes 

isuthadbutlatelysoiledthetipsofthe of his abaent son. Cf. £p. 461, 3. 

Bcissors.* The expressionisharshjand This peculiar use of rogus may be 

Beems borrowed from the blood of a illustrated by Propert. y. 11.8, * ob- 

victim ; whence Wtare and spargere serat umbrosos lurida porta rogos.* 

cttUroa. The Greeks called striplings i. e. the shadowy unsubstantial ghosts 

with a downy beard m-vppoi^ although (if the reading Hmhrogos be right). 

7>u77nfm,pui7nfr0tw,iti8wellknown, lO. rnajor] This is very elegantly 

refer to any bright hue. — Invidits ' was said in a aouble sense, viz. of *an older 

jealousof hisbeauty.* — YoTdetrihus face* than an infant*s, and *a more 

ttna, viz. one of the Fates, cf. £p. enduring monument * than a picture. 

191. 10. The rererence is to the custom of 

7. ineidit'] Lit. *cut a notch in.* prefixing the author*8 portrait to a 

i e. *cut short off, the thread on (or Dook ; see £pp. 28. 2 ; 377. 6. 

EP. 488. (IX. Ixxviii.) 

On a woman who, having poisoned seven husbanda, marries an eighth. 
The poet hints that, as practising the saiue art, this last is pretty sure to 
get nd ofher in the same way. See £p. 420. Chdla is presumed to have 
got the money of her husbands, which will prove the motive for making 
away with her. 

Funera post septem nupsit tibi Galla virormn, 
Ficentine : sequi volt, puto, Galla viros. 

EP. 489. (IX. Ixxxi.) 

On an envions rival poet, who had disparaged Martial*s verses. 

Lector et auditor nostros probat, Aule, libellos, 
Sed quidam exactos esse poeta negat. 

1. Leetor^ &c.] * Both readert and of my books : there is one poet, how- 
hearerB (in the auditorinm) approve ever, who says they are not suffi- 


Non nimium curo : nam cenae fercula nostrae 
Malim conyivis quam placuisse cocis. 

ciently corrected. Nefcr mind; I other; or perhape, *I had rather 

had rather my dishea should please please the upper cUsaes than mere 

gueats than cooks/ i. e. profeanonal sfatves.* 
men are Bore to be jealoas of eaoh 

EP. 490. (IX. Ixxxii.) 

On a gpendthrift, who had rapidlj run tbrough a large property. This 
Munna appears to be different from one of the Bame name in Ei^. 536 
(a Phoenician name, probably). 

Dixerat astrologus periturum te cito, Munna, 

Nec, puto, mentitus dixerat ille tibi. 
Nam tu dum metuis, ne quid post fata relinquaSi 

Hausisti patrias luxuriosus opes, 
Bisque tuum deciens non toto tabuit anno : 3 

Dic mihi, non hoc est, Munna, perire cito ? 

2. menUttu] If not right in ihe peragit puer.* 

literal, he wu so in the moral sense, 5. tuum hit deciens] i. e. tunm 

viz. as a man who has lost his all is viciena centena millia, or 2000 ses- 

eaid jDenre, * to be undone.* tertia. The phiiise is like plenum 

3. m^uis] Jocosely. ' In your vicietUj in £p. 48. 1 ; iriciene soldum^ 
fear lest vou should leave some pro- Ep. 180. 4.— »on totOy * in less than 
pert^ behind you, you wasted your a year.* Cf. £p. 243. 16. 
patnmony (liL ' swallowed it down *) 6. eito] Thus not only nenre, but 
bv extravagant liTing.^ Per8.Ti.21, cito jienfv came true. 

* hic bona &nteGrandia magnanimus 

EP. 491. (IX. Ixxxui.) 

Tn compliment to Domitian for his edict respecting the theatres. (Suet. 
Dom. § 7, * Interdixit histrionibus scenam, intra domum quidem exercendi 
artem jnre concesso.*) It is thought that under hittriones the equitea were 
included, who nnder former emperors used to exhibit on the stage. 

Inter tanta tuae miracula, Caesar, harenae, 
Quae vincit veterum munera clara ducum, 

miracula] In allusion to the ^munera, the usual term for exbi 
1.^ beasts, which Domitian was bitions of tbis kind. 
\t is cf bringing into the Colosseum. 


Multum oculi, sed plus aures debere fatentur 
Se tibi, quod spectaut qui recitare solent. 

4. quod spedani] *Oar ean are Pcrhape thero is aa allasion to the 
aaved much pain by those being only vcry indifferent performances of tbe 
apectators, who naed to recite.* amateun of •questriau rank. 

EP. 492. (IX. Ixxxiv.) 

To his fiiend Norbanus, with a copy of the poet*B works. 

Cum tua sacrilegos contra, Norbane, furores 

Staret pro domino Caesare sancta fides, 
Haec ego Pieria ludebam tutus in umbra, 

Ille tuae cultor notus amicitiae. 
Me tibi Yindelicis Raetus narrabat in oris, . 5 

Nescia nec nostri nominis Arctos erat. 
O quotiens veterem non inficiatus amicum 

Dlxisti "Mens est iste poeta, meus !'' 
Omne tibi nostrum quod bis trieteride iuncta 

Ante dabat lector, nunc dabit auctor opus. 10 

1. Cum tua, &c.] * When your with my name.* Cf. Ep. 590. 5, 

inviolable loyaltr was standing up * dicitur et nostros cautare Britannia 

for the imperiai authority against yersus.* 

the sacrfl^ouB firenzy * of the rebels 7. m>n infiekUus] Agnoscens, 'eager 

in upper Germany, under Lucius to own.* — vfU^ * that poet of yours/ 

Antonius Satuminus, on whom see viz. whom you are citing, * is mine, 

Ep. 163. Meriyale, Hist. Rom., &c., eyen mine own friend.* 

vii. p. 349 — 351. 9. bis — Junctd] ^Twice coupled 

3. tutm] Safe from the com- together/ bis geminata. This passagc 

motions to which you were exposod. is important, as showiDg that the first 

— umbtxkt the retirement of a poet''^ nlne books of epigrams weve com-. 

life. JuY. vii. 8, * Nam si Pieria posed iu a period of twelve years. — 

ouadrans tibi nullus in umbra osten- cutetorf * the author himself will 

datur.* /6. 59, * cantare sub antro now give you the entire work, which 

Pierio.* — notuSf either * tibi/ or before you had only from a reader 

* notus in orbe.* of it.* You shall read from a copv 

5. Me tibit &c.] * My verses were of your own the epiflrams which (in 

quoted to you by Rhaetians in the your abeence from Kome) you only 

country of the Vindelici, and tiie heard, 
regions of the north were acquainted 


EP. 493. (IX. Ixxxv.) 

Ou one who feigned illness as an excnse for notgiving dlnner-pairtica. 

Languidior noeter si qnando est PanluBi Atili, 

Non 86, convivas abstinet ille suos. 
Tu languore quidem subito fictoque laboras, 

Sed mea porrexit sportula, Pauie, pedes. 

2. abttimet] There is a play on the is dead and gone.* — For morU'<i 
doahle Bense, abglinentem esfe and see £p. 114. 5.—porrexit peaet^ \\i 
aroere a f0, to keep at arm*8 length, ad janoam ; for this wai ibe wkj a 
as we Bay. which corpses were laid ouL Pen. 

3, 4.] *You, no douht, Paulus, iii. 104, *alto compoeitus lecto— :e 
are taken with a tudden (al beit sham) portam rigidos caloes extendit* 
iilness; but my fiure as a client 

EP. 494. (IX. Ixxxvu.) 

The poet in his cupe, and nnfit for buaineBS. C£ Ep. 16. 

Septem post calices Opimiani 

Denso cum iaceam triente blaesusi 

Affei*8 nescio quas mihi tabellas 

Et dicis ^^ Modo liberum esse iussi 

Nastam — servolus est mihi patemus — 6 

Signa." Cras melius, Luperce, fiet. 

Nunc signat meus anulus lagonam. 

1. Ojoimiam] See Ep. 15. 7. 7. ngnai — lagonam] This vatj 

2. Venso — triente} l&vxvtp tco refer to the custom of tranaferriDg 
irorii(ntff.—blae8iaf as Ep. 240. ^, gema from rinffs to ffoblets (Jut. 
* lisping.* T. 43) ; or to the Bealmg up jan of 

6. Stgnd] * Sign for me the deed wine. Pers. yi. 17, * Et signum in 

of emancipation.* This was doubt- Tapida naso tetirisse lagena.* Bqi 

less manumissio per tettamentum. perhaps it is a joice wi^ a less ps^ 

Compare, for the form of request, ticular application : ' I am unfit for 

Pers. V. 81, ^adsigna, Marce, ta- sealing any thing but — b — ^botdes' 

bellas.* WitnesaeB were required to {hic). 
be present 

EP. 495. (IX Ixxxviii.) 

A witty epigram on a captator^ who had ceased to send presents wben 
he found his name was really down in his friend'8 will. Sce Ep. 228. 7. 
The poet i-eminds him that an occasional ' refi-esher * is highly desiiable. 


Cum me captares, mittebas munera nobis : 
Postquam cepisti, das mihi, Rufe, nihil. 

TJt captum teneas, capto quoque munera mitte, 
T>e cavea iugiat ne male pastus aper. 

4. I>e eavea'} A fi^are from the the name may poasibly be eraaed 
ens under ihe amphitheatie. See from the wilL 
Lp. 482. 3. A delicate hint, that 

EP. 496. (IX. Ixxxix.) 

To Stella, the wealthj e^t and poety who seems to have propoted 
rerse-writing as an after-dinner amasement. Martial asBents, on con- 
dition that Sad ones shall be allowed to pass ; but he means to protest 
against choosing such a time. 

Liege nimis dura conviyam scribere versus 
Cogis, Stella : licet scribere, nempe malos. 

EP. 497. (IX. xc.) 

To Flaccna (perhaps Valerius, the poet), whom he v^lim to take care 
of his health in the iiot season at Cyprus. 

Sic in gramine floreo reclinis, 

Qua gemmantibus hinc et inde rivis 

Curva calculus excitatur unda, 

Exclusis procul omnibus molestis, 

Pertundas glaciem triente nigro, 

Frontem sutilibus ruber coronis : n 

Infamem nimio calore Cypron 9 

Observes, moneo precorque, Flacco, 

Messes area cum teret crepantes 

1. reeliiM] Cf. Plat. Phaedr., i. e. pour dark Falemian tbrongh a 

p. 230, C, ira¥Tuv ik KOfi^SraTov Btrainer coniaining snow. Cf. Ep. 

T^ T^« iroav, oTi kv i/pifAa irpoe' 457. 8, *Et faciant nigntB nostra 

aifTct hcavii iri<f>vKt «raTaicXt- Falema nives,* and £p. i2o9. 2. 

i^evTt riiv JCc^aX^y vayKakwt 6. 8utilibu$] Strung in wreaths. 

Ixf IV. Cf. Ep. 259. 4. 

3. exeitalur] He poeticallj speaks 10. ObBerves] EvXafiov, ^vXaV- 

of pebbles being moTed by the tov, beware of Cypms, which is not 

tparKlinff orflashing ripple ; whereas healthy at midsummer. 

rather the pebbles cause theripple. 11. er^Mmtei] Rattlingor mttling 

Both, however, may be trae : the from their dryncM. So virg. Oeorg. 

phnue itatleast a very elennt one. i. 74, * laetnm siliqua qnassante le- 

5. Pertunias] ^Make a nole in,* gumen.* Ibid. 76, 'calamos silTMD' 


Efc fervens iuba saeviet leonis. 

At tu, diva Paphi, remitte, nostris 

Illaesam puerom remitte votis. 

Sic Martis tibi serviant Ealendae l: 

Et cum ture meroque victimaque 

Libetur tibi candidas ad aras 

Secta plurima quadra de plaoenta. 

que sonantem* — lejnis, viz. the 10; 526. S. 

coDstellation, Ep. 557. 6. 17. candidca\ A poetic epithet is 

14. Il/aegum] avinrovy A^Kafiij. allusion to the cnaractei of tj)a 

15. Martis — Ka/endae] This was goddess. — quadra, &&, see £{x 
tlie day on which loven sent m-e- 156. 3. 

•ents to their mistresses, £pp. 272. 

EP. 498. (IX. xciii.) 

On drinking to Domitian*s health in the aame numher of cjathi as the 
letters in his name. See £pp. 35, 424. 

Addere quid cessas, puer, immortale Falemum ? 

Quadrantem duplica de seniore cado. 
Nunc mihi dic, quis erit, cui te, Calocisse, deorum 

Sex iubeo cjathos fondere ? Caesar erit. 
Sutilis aptetur deciens rosa crinibus, ut sit o 

Qui posuit sacrae nobile gentis opus. 
Nunc bis quina mibi da basia, fiat ut illud 

Nomen, ab Odrjsio quod deus orbe tulit. 

1. immoriale'} * Very old.* This are drunk to the name Grermanicus. 

expression, as also tenex caduSj In alluaion to this cnstom of con* 

occurs £p. 608. 5, 6 QuadraiUem, stantly replacing the wreath, th» 

a fourth part of the aa, i. e. three poet says, in £p. 259. 4. * lassentur- 

cyathi. The sense then is, * funde que rosis tempora sutilihus.* — nt *it, 

sez cyathos Teteria Tini,* the name * that he may be represented who 

Caesar containing six letters. dedicated tlte temple to the gens 

3. Caloeisae] The name of the Flavia^* sup. £u. 445. 8. — OdrjfM, 

nandsome Ganymede, as Hypnus, the Thracian Oaryeae had been con- 

C&4m, &c., £pp. 424. 18; 608. 5. quered hy Domitian. Gf. vii. a 2, 

5. SutUie] Sun. 497. 6.— ap<e<tfr *Victor ah Odrysio redditur orbc 

deoiensj * be fittea to your hrows ten Deus.*— ^u^ ' has won for himself,* 

tinies,* because tbe wreath waa put as in 504. 20 ; or for rettuUt, * brouj^bt 

on and taken off again at each ooca- hack.* 
sion of drinking. Here teu cyathi 


EP. 499. (IX. xciv.) 

On a present of a draught of * bitten/ with a roquest that sonu* mvltum 
e. wine and honey) should be sent in Tetum. 

Sardonica medicata dedit mihi pocula virga : 
, Os hominis I mulstim me rogat Hippocrates. 
Tam stnpidus nunquam nec tu, puto, Glauce, foisti, 

Chalcea donanti chrysia qui dederas. 
Dulce aliquis munus pro munere poscit amaro ? 5 

Accipiat, sed si potat in elleboro. 

1. Sardoniea} The common read- joke is to call it no mnlsum at all, 

ng is Santonicay i. e. twigs or slipB siiice he says, * he asks me for 

>f wormwood (atint^iwm)^ from the tAulsum in return/ 

^ntones, a people of Oallia Aqui- 2. Os homini»] O hominis im • 

Lanica. This reading is curious, pudentiam. 

»nce in it we seem to have au 4. C/uUceOj &c.] AUudinff to the 

early notice of the drink still so 'celebratedpassage inHom.ILvi. 2^, 

popular with the lower classes in iyO' aurc VKavKw Kpoviiti^ tppi- 

France. But Schneidewin gives vav /^«Acto Zfi!>v, ocrpov Tv3ct^i|v 

Sardoniea, Sardinia beiDg famed ^io/i^ca tcuxc' a/uci/tfcv x^*'^*** 

for its bitter herbs, whicu gave a ■)(aKKtiutVy iKuToiAfioi iwiafioiwv, 

flavour to the honey. Vii^g. Ecl. 6. in ^lehoro'] Hellebore (Pera 

vii. 41, *■ Immo ego Sardois videar iv. 16 ; Hor. Sat. ii. 3. 83, &c.) was 

tibi amarior herbis.* It appears, taken as a cure for madness. The 

therefore, that tmdnm made with meaning is, that the demand is that 

bitter honey is meaut, and that the of a crazy {lerson. 

EP. 500. (IX. xcvi.) 

On a doctor, who had stolen a wine-cup from his patient, and thcn 
pleaded as his excuse that it might have proved injurious to the po^r 
mao, and so he removed it, as it were, professionally. 

Clinicus Herodes truUam subduxerat aegro : 
Deprensus dixit " Stulte, quid ergo bibis ? " 

1. Climeus] One who attends Juv. iii. 106. — Stufle^ as if speaking 

patients in bed; as we still speak to the patient: ' If jou didn^t wisn 

of * clinical lectureB,* &c. See Ep. me to take it, vou shonldn't have 

17. 2.— fftttfa, like cyathuSf was a been so fond of drink.* 
cup UBcd for filling out of the bowl, 

EP. 501. (IX. xcvii.) 

To bi» {Hend Julfns Martialis, on the jealousy of some nameless enemy. 
Tbe repetition of the clause * rumpitur invidia* has its climaz in the last 


vene, whidi contains a malediction, like iiafipaytlti in comedy. So Tbi. 
EcL Tii. 26, ' invidia rumpantnr ut ilia Codri.* 

Bumpitar invidia quidam, carissime luli, 

Quod me Roma legit, rumpitur invidia. 
Bumpitur invidia, quod turba semper in omni 

Monstramur digito, rumpitur invidia. 
Bumpitur invidia, tribuit quod Caesar uterqae 3 

lus mihi natorum, rumpitur invidia. 
Bumpitur invidia, quod rus miki dulce sub urbe est 

Parvaque in urbe domus, rumpitur invidia. 
Bumpitur invidia, quod sum iucundus amicis, 

Quod conviva frequens, rumpitur invidia. lo 

Bumpitur invidia, quod amamur quodque probamur : 

Bumpatur, quisquis rompitur invidia. 

2. /2oma/0^] Cf.£pp. 306. 1,2; 7. rus—svb urbe\ Perhapi tfaai 

431. 3 ffiyen him by Lupus, which, howem. 

4. Motutramur\ So Hor. Carm. ne disparafes for ita smalln^, £p. 
iv. 3. 22, * Quod monstror digito prae- 601 ; £p. 431. 6, * ouod snh urbe voi 
tereuntium.* Pen. i. 28, * At pul- habemus aefttivum. — duloe^ cf. 125. 
chram est digito monstrari et dicier IS.—dormUy ' a mansion,* or town 
hie e^J' residence, opposed to villa. Th*.* 

5. Caesar «^0^7110] Titus and Do- property is not elsewhere allu<ic! 
niitian.— «/«f , viz. triuia liberorum ; to. 

£p. 108. 1. 

EP. 502. (IX. xcviii.) 

The same tubject as i. 56, * Continuis vexata madet Tindemia nimbii : 
Non potes, ut cupias, Yendore, copo, merum.* Compare alao £pp. l46 ud 

Yindemiarum non ubique proventus 
Cessavit, Ovidi ; pluvia profuit grandis. 
Centum Coranus amphoras aquae fecit. 

1. jproveniu» — Cessamtl *Thepro- lona of it.* — 09110« ia itapa irpo9' 

duce naa &iled.* Water is so much ioKiav forotiw.— ^/%c«f, as tbe Grreks 

moreTaluablejinaseasonofdrought, say irouXv icptOav, &c., Ar. Pac 

than wine, that Coranus, a shrewd 1322. 
oldvintner, has * made ahundred gal- 

EP. 503. (IX. xcix.) 

To his friend Marcus Antonijjs Gallus, of Tolosa, with a nreaent of bis 
book. He appears to be the Antonius Primus of £p. 525 inu, who figorei 


often in the Historv of Tacitus as a fiiend of Vespasiati. Suet. Vitell. 
xviii., *" ab Antonio Primo, adyersarum partium duce, oppressus est, cui, 
oloaae nato, cognomen in pueritia Becoo fuerat.* He appears from Ep. 
lo to have been through life a tiiily good man. 

Marcus amat nostras Antonius, Attice, Masas, 

Charta salutatrix si modo vera refert : 
Marcus Palladiae non inficianda Tolosae 

Gloria, quem geiiuit pacis alumna quies. 
Tu, qui longa potes dispendia ferre viarum, 5 

I, liber, absentis pignus amicitiae. 
Vilis eras, fateor, si te nunc mitteret emptor : 

Grande tui pretium muneris auctor erit. 
Multum, crede mihi, refert, a fonte bibatur 

Quae fluit, an pigro quae stupet unda lacu. 10 

2. talnicUru:'] A friendly note fi^om from one absent* 
Antonius to Martial, askins after his 7. emptor] * One who had bought 

health, and sayinghowmuch he liked you at a shop.* On the market price 

the epigrams, &c. Cf. ziv. 1 1 , 'Cfiar- see £p. 6.92. * The Talue of the gifti' 

t<ie epistolares: Seu leviter noto, seu he adds, ^will be its author,* viz. the 

caro missa sodali, Omnes ista solet fact of its being sent by the author 

charta vocare suos.* himself, and probably with his cor- 

3. PcUladiae] ' Literary,* viz. as rections. Comp. Ep. 333. 7, 8. 
the birth-place of Marcus. 9. MuUum re/erty bibatur unda 

4. quem getwU, &c. ] He is called quaefluit afonte^ an quas stupet^ &c. ] 
* the child of peace,* as not being tt makes all the diffei*ence whether 
bom in the troublous times of Mark water is drunk fresh from the source 
Antony the triumvir. He took, how- or after havine long been exposed in 
ever, a prominent part in the wars a sluggish pool. Just so a poem has 
under Vespasian. more zest from the hands of the 

5. 7*tf,9tfi— f>ofe«, &c.] *You, who author, than after lying open to the 
can bear better than I can the loss of gaze of the many iu a bookseller''^ 
time on the joumey, go, my book, shop. 

into Gallia, as a pledge of friendship 

EP. 504. (IX. c.) 

The poet complains that his fee as a client does not nav for the ton in 
which he has to attend his patron. For Bassns see Epp. 141. 5, and 1&. 1. 


Denaris tribus invitas et mane togatuin 
Observare iubes atria, Basse, tua: 

l. inx)it(u\ * You enlist me in amonnt, was still called sportula after 

your senrice as a client at three the old fiishion of the dole. Pliny, 

denarii (about two shiUings) a Ep. ii. 14, Mn media basilica tam 

day.* The services of clients were palam sportulae quam in triclinio 

sometimesengagedat a definite sum, dantur. . . Here duo nomenclatores 

which, though of considerably larger mei temis denariis ad laudanduin 


Deinde haerere tuo lateri, praecedere sellamy 
Ad vetalas tecum plus minus ire decem. 

Trita quidem nobis togola est yiiisque vetusque : 
Denaris tamen hanc non emo, Basse, tribus. 

tnthebftQtur.* But this m* «n un- constilt Becker, Gallua, |b. 228. 

asaAlly large sum ; see on Ep. 529. 4. veiidas] Gertain rich old daw- I 

3. — doMrvarey * to ▼isit/ * to pay my agers, whose fortunes joa areaqiinai 

respects at,* viz. as a talulaior. A to. Cf. Jut. iii. 127 — 30, * n air. 

tecnnical term : Tac. Ann. zi. 3, nocte togatus Cnrrere. . . Ne pn«x 

^utque Antoniam principis matrem AlbinametModiamcollegaflalatei.' 

pariter observaTissent.* 6. toQuld\ The small or scaBtT 

3.prwcedere] Viz. umUecmbulo, tc«a, Epp. 132. 3 ; 199. 3; 171 i 

Ep. 75. 5. For thete duties of clienta * togulam, Postume, pluria ema* 

EP. 505. (IX. ci.) 

A comparison between the ezploits of Hercules and those of Donutiao— 
the Utter, of course, being fitr preferred. 8ee £p. 141. 4. 

Appia, quam simili venerandus in Hercule Caesar 

Consecrat, Ausoniae maxima fama viae, 
Sl cupis Alcidae cognoscere facta prioris, 

Disce : Libyn domuit, aurea poma tulit ; 
Peltatam Scythico discinxit Amazona nodo, ^ 

Addidit Arcadio terga leonis apro ; 
Aeripedem silvis cervam, Stymphalidas astris 

Abstulit, ab Stygia cum cane yenit aqua ; 

1. Affia] See Ep. 479, 2.-.«tmt/»\ 6. Addidit, &c.l He slew tfae Ne> 

&c., ^hailowed by astatue of Caesar mean lion as well as the Enmun- 

lo be worshipped under the likeness thian boar ; Soph. Trach. ' 1092, 

of Hercules.^ 1097 ; Diod; Sic. iy. § 1 1 . 

3. prioris] With marked antithe- 7. eervain] The story is first nifD- 
sis to the present Hercules, i. e. Do- tioned in rind. 01. iii. 29; £ur. 
mitian. Herc. F. 375, Tair tc "xjtoaoKapaw» 

4. L^vn] The giant Antaeus, dopKa irotKiXdvcrrov avXiiruoaf 
Pind. Ismm. iii. 70 ; Diodor. Sic. iv. dypoiorTav «criti^as, 0tipo^6vo¥ tf«ip 
§ 17.— OMreapomat the apples of the OlimaTiif aya\\n.—astri8y &c., \it 
Hesperides, guarded by a serpent ; remoyed or drove ofF from tbe skj 
Tov T% xpvaiuav dpdxovTa /ui}\«ir the cloud of birds that infested tbe 
<ti6\aK iir* iax^'''^** roirois, Soph. S^rmphalian lake, and damaged the 
Trach. 1100. com and fruit in ^e neig^booriiood. 

5. dieeiiuni] * Ungirt/ i.e. stripped See Diod. Sic. iv. § 13. 

ofhergirdle ^jPe Aotom, wearinff the 8. etfiJteaiiel With Cerbenis ; rw 

taiget. The story appears to nave 6' vird x^o<^* "At^ rpUpumm 

been rather variously told ; see Soph. oKv\aK\ dirpoiraa-Yw ripav, Tracb. 

Tnwh. 1096; Eur.Ion 1145; Herc 1098. ' '^ '^ * ^ * 

F. 365, 413; Diodur. Sic. iv. § 16. 


Fecundam vetuit reparari mortibus hydram, 

Hesperias Tusco lavit in amne boves. 10 

Haec minor Alcides : maior quae gesserit, audi, 

Sextus ab Albana quem colit arce lapis. 
A.saeruit possessa malis Palatia regnis : 

Prima suo gessit pro love bella puer. 
Solus luleas cum iam retineret habenas, l-i 

Tradidit inque suo tertius orbe fuit. 
Comua Sarmatici ter perfida contudit Histri, 

Sudantem Getica ter nive lavit equum. 
Saepe recusatos parcus duxisse triumphos 

Victor Hyperboreo nomen ab orbe tulit. 20 

Templa deis, mores populo dedit, otia ferro, 

Astra suis, caelo sidera, serta lovi. 

9. rqMtraritaortibut] ^Fromgetdng third in a world that was reallyhis 

freah strength hj being slain/ be- own — tkirdf viz. after Jupiterand 

cause two heads used to now where VespaBian, or Yespasian and Titus. 

one had been cut off, till Hercule« Suet Dom. § 13, * principatnm vero 

seared the wound, ij^tirupuvtif, adeptus, neque in senatu jactare du- 

Giir. Herc. F. 421. bitavit, et patri se et fratri imperium 

10. boves] The ozen of Gerjon, dedisse: iuos sibi reddidisse.* 
TptvwfiaTo* fiorfip '£pv0ctaf , McL 17. Ckimua] To ' break the homs* 
4*24. — Tuteo — t» amne, He first ofariyer, as Hercules did those of 
Btopped to rest and to refresh his cat- the Aehelous, was thoroughly tosub- 
tle by the banks of the Tiber, Pro- due it. See Ep. 513. 6, and for the 
pert ▼. 9. 1 — 4. war in Pannonia, £p. 397. 1. The 

11. miftor] The real Hercules, Daci, Sarmatae, and Gretae are all 
though comparatively puiiiiut^ Ep. classed toaether here as living on the 
141. 4. — majoTf riz. Domitian, whose banks of tlie Danube. 

exploits are represented in still more 19. parcus dttxisee] The sense is, 

glowing colours than the abore. — that though he often refused to cele- 

SexhUf &c. See Ep. 479. brate a triumnh over these nations, 

13. AsseruU] Iie does not say he retuined trom the north a con- 

«i&t, but he means . that Domitian queror, and with a conqueror^s &me. 

rescued ihe Palatium (with its tem- 21. Templa deie] See sup. £p. 

ple of Apollo, &c.) from the hands 446.— ^nor» poptdo, viz. as Censor ; 

of Yitellius. Yeepasian being absent vi. 4, * Censor maxime — ^plus debet 

at the time, the young Domitian, tibi Boma, ouod pudica esL* This 

who had taken refuge in the Capitol, refers especiaily to the various reffu- 

assisted Mucianus, the leader of the lations introduced by him in tnat 

Vesouian party, to secnre the empire capacity. Suet Dom. § 8. 

for nis &mer. — mtUie — r^fnie^ malo 22. Aettxi $uis] This probably 

impeiatori, tyranno. — j)ro Jttve^ viz. refers to the temple consecrated 

to regain the Capitoi.— -nto, after- to the ffens Flavia^ sup. £p. 445; 

wards his especial |»tron, because the or, perhaps, to the temple erected 

Capitoline tenmle was restored by by Domitian tohisfatherVespasian, 

Domitian, £p. 279. 2. of which three columns still remain 

16. Tradidi£] He made it over to cloee to the ruins of the Temple or 

YespQsian, and was content to remain Concord on the CapitoL (See ** Re- 


Herculemn tantis numen non sufficit actis : 
Tarpeio deus hic commodet ora patri. 

eent ExcaTations in Rome,** p. 12.) Hexcules, assamed hy Domitian. :< 

§ e r 1 a Jovi, the bay of yictory, hnng unequal*to snch feata, let him Im \ 

in the temple of Jupiter Gapitolinns his countenance to Japiier Capittu- | 

to commemorate the ▼ictoiy orer the nus,* i. e. allow himself to be w 

Sarmatians. shipped under that liken< 
23, 24.] *As the character of 

EP. 506. (IX. cii.) 

To PhoebuB, a money-lender, to whom the poet jocosely annonnccs bs 
inability to pay. Compare Epp. 65 and 414. 

Quadringentorum reddis mihi, Phoebe, tabellas : 
Centum da potius mutua, Phoebe, mihi. 

Quaere alium, cui te tam vano munere iactes : 
Quod tibi non possum solvere, Phoebe, meum est 

1 . reddia — i<iieUa»\ * You bring ' Quod Caietano reddis, PolTdunne. 

me in a bill for 400 sestertii ; rather tabellas.* Hence novas ialmlae ms 

lendmelOOsestertia." Thereisalsoa a dischaiige from existing obliga- 

pAay on die sense of * giving me a pre- tions. 

sent* TabdloB or tabulae were the 3. tam vano ffitmere] He speab 

technical terms for the acknowledir- of the *little aocount* as a umIo* 

ment of a debt, as in Ep. 414. 1, present, since there are *no efiiBCts.* 

EP, 507. (X. i.) 

To the reader, if any one should complain of the length of the book. 

Si nimius yideor seraque coronide longus 

Esse liber, legito pauca : libellus ero. 
Terque quaterque mihi finitur carmine parvo 

Pagina : fac tibi me quam cupis esse brevem. 

1 . eoronide'] A curved line, like a instead of a full-sized one. 

birds* wing or beak, was added as a 3. Terquey &c.] Seyenl of tbe 

finish at the end of a book or pages end with a short epignm; 

chapter. — seraj diu expectata. stop at that, and so make me as ehort 

2. libellwi] By rnding only a as you please.— 9«affi, quantum; or 
portion, it wul become a little hock * tam brevem quam cupis.* 


EP. 508. (X. ii.) 

On a second and reviaed edition of the present hoak, 

Festinata prior decimi mihi cura libelli 

Elapsum manibus nunc revocavit opus. 
Nota leges quaedam, sed lima itisa recenti : 

Pars nova maior erit : lector, utrique fave, 
Liector, opes noetrae : quem cum mihi Roma dedisset, 5 

" Nil tibi quod demus maius habemu^ " ait. 
^' Pigra per hunc fugies ingratae flumina Lethes 

Et meliore tui parte superstes eris. 
Marmora Messalae findit caprificus et audax 

Dimidios Crispi mulio ridet equos : 10 

At chartis nec fata noeent et saecula prosunt, 

Solaque non norunt haec monimenta mori." 

1, 2. prioTr &c.] * Tke haste with See Ep. 590. 
which ^e former edition of the 7. per hune] Quia hahes lectorem. 

tenth hook was puhlished has caased ^meliore parU^ yiz. mente^ ingevio. 
me now to recall a work that had 9. Mcarmnra^ &c.] *■ The tombs of 

escaped from my hamds.* The figure great men fiiU, and the mule-driver 

Beema taken from the flight of a on the Via Appia (it may be) looks 

bird. See Ep. 2. 11. Perhape with contempt or indifference at the 

nothing more is really meant than broken monuments and statues as 

* a new and revised edition is wanted he passes them.* Messaiae is in- 

of a book I published somewhat dettnitejv put for any great or rich 

hastilyi* It was first brought out man. See Ep. 389. 5.—capriJicu8f 

nnder the reign of Nerva ; but the tbe wiM fig, which inserts its creep- 

eecond edition makes mention of ing twigs oetween stones, and dis- 

Trajan, e.g. 513. 8. — Pestinata cura, lodges tnem. Juv. x. 145, * ad quae 

lit. * the nurried preparation.* So discwtienda valent sterilis mala ro- 

rudes curaej * a rough copy/ Ep. bora fici.* Cf. Ep. 44. 3, * Pario 

32. 5. nutanti* pondei^Sv saxo, quae cineri 

3. Natd] Familiar to you from vanos dat niitura labor.* 
the former edition. These, he says, 10. Dimidios'] Mutilated, broken; 

have been corrected, while others so ^Curiosjamdiuiidios/ Juv.viii.4. 

J[uite uew have been added; and — Ompt, see Ep. 191. 7. 
br both he asks the reader^s favour. 11. nec — et] * Not only are writings 

5. opee nos^rae] The more readers, deathless, but time, which destroys 

the more profit. and also the more other things, adds to their value. ^ — 

fame. To the latter he chiefly al- THonimenta contains a double sense, 

Indes in the next sentence. Martial * tombs * and * records.* 
was proud of his successas auauthor. 




EP. 509. (X. iii.) 

On some obecnre poet, who had possed ofF some scurrilous cpigrain! t 
Martiars. To the same subject Ep. 511 allades. 

Vernaculoram dicta, sordidnm dentem, 

Et foeda linguae probra circnlatricis, 

Quae sulphurato nolit empta ramento 

Vatiniorum proxeneta fractorum, 

Poeta quidam clancularius spargit 

Et volt videri nostra. Credis hoc, Prisce, | 

Voce ut loquatur psittacus coturnicis 

Et concupiscat esse Canus ascaules ? 

Procul a libellis nigra sit meis fama, 

Quos rumor alba gemmeus vehit pinna. 

Cur ego laborem notus esse tam prave, 

Constaro gratis oum silentium possit ? 

1. vemaeidorum] * Buflbons,* * jea- in exchanse for matchea woold s . 

ters.* From verua, in reference to buy with Uiose matches, thoogb titc 

the free aad easy languaffe of house cost bim nothing, anch wortbin 

slaves, vemae procaoee^ £p. 21. 2. stuff as these veneB.—clamedan»k 

Suet Vitell. xiv , ^ nuUis mfensior, clandestinus, a hole-and-corao' poc 

quam ▼emaculis et mathematicia, 6. rofi, &cJ * He wishes it to n 

ut quisque doferretur, inauditum ca- thought tbat thev are mine,* petbp 

pite puniebat* — eordidum demtem^ from imitating Martial^s stjle. Ii 

* low satire." The writing itself is £p. 330. 2, the poet distinctlj i^ 

called €len9t bocause it inflicts the avows the slandering of eTcn Ki 

wound. enemies. 

2. /oeda^ &c.] *Tbe low slang of 7. ut loquatw'] This is unnsni 

a goflsipping gvpsj-woman * (as we for eredie loqui. We mav rappi* 

sbould say), t&Yi/pTpia, a stroUing fieripoeee^oTverumetee. 'tbcKBK 

forlune-teUer, or beggar-woman. is, *■ a parrot is as likely to speu 

3. uoUt empta\ * Such as the with the harsh voice of a qasil. * 

vendor of broken glass vessels would Canus, the celebrated flute-plijct 

not care to buy for a sulphur match,* to peiform on the bag-pipea, as I aa 

i. e. he would give nothing for even to tum low satirist.* Canus h met- 

the P^i* thev are written on. See tioned in iv. 5. 8, as in high popok 

£pp. zl. 4; o69. 14. — Vatiniue was &vour. 

a cobbler of Beneventum. who gave 10. rumor^-gemmeu»'} The exnt 

his name to a certain manufacture figure of speech is not qaite rletf; 

of glass ware. See Juv. v. 46, and whether from a white stone or tfU 

Mr. MayoFs note; and inf. lib. xiv. (£p. 608. 1) contrasted wiUi ablxdk 

96, * vilia sutoris calicem monimenta one, or from the spangles in s pe^ 

Vatini Accipe.* — proxeneta, trpo- cock'8 taiL^vekity 'raises slofi* 

^rvifrnc, one who negotiates or xouipil^tij furtmpil^ti. See ff 

transacts business for another. The 2.11. 

^" les of broken glasi 11. Cureigo, &c.] 'Whj shonldl 


-fc.lie tronble to become in&mous, liave already e&rned, Without* taking 
a silence costB me nothing/ any trouble at all. 
"^hen I can enjoy the fame I 

EP. 510. (X. iv.) 

D^artial recommends the perusal of his epigrams, as treating of real life, 
pmreference to the fablet of antiquitj. 

C^ui legis Oedipoden caligantemque Thjesten, 

Colchidas et ScjUas, quid nisi monstra legis ? 
Quid tibi raptus Hjlas, quid Parthenopaeus et Attis, 

Quid tibi dormitor proderit Endymion ? 
IKxutusve puer pinnis labentibus ? aut qui 6 

Odit amatrices Hermaphroditns aquas ? 
Quid te vana iuvant miserae ludibria chartae ? 

Hoc lege, quod possit dicere vita '* Meum est." 
'Non hic Centauros, non Gorgonas Harpyiasque 

Invenies : hominem pagina nostra sapit. 10 

Sed non vis, Mamurra, tuos cognoscere mores 
Nec te scire : legas Aetia Callimachi. 

1. ealigantoni] The tun was yerj fiiTourite subject in ancient 
iajrkenedf or tumed from its course, art — Farthenopaeus, £p. 314. 2, 
bt the sight of the cannibal feast, the son of Atalanta, who joined in 
pv'hen Atreus servedup to Thyestes the ezpedition to Tbebes, Aesch. 
L.lie ilesh of his own sons, Aesch. Theb. 547. 

As. 1593. The above legend is 4. Endffmum] Who slept an 

bneflj given in Eur. Electr. 737« etemal sleep, o t6» aTiwtro» vrrvo» 

'KiytTUi — aTfi\\fai Oipfia» aiXio» lr<ui»if, Theocr. iii. 49. Plat. Phaed. 

■^(tuowiro» liipav dWd^aifTa iviT' p. 72, B. 

•7VX1? fipoTttw ^varat 'iifkKtv ii/cat. 5. £jrfitiu—fnnnia] The bov Icarus, 

See £p. 535. 6. who was stripped of his winn, by 

2. Colchielai} Enchantresses from approaching too near the sun. Hence 
the land of tiie Colchi, of whom tfieyare said labif to fall off him, 
Medea was the most noted.— <S'c^//atf, trTtpopputtv. 

the sea-monster of Homer, Od. zii. 6. Odit^ kcj] See Ep. 531. 10. 

235, and also the daughter of Nisus, 7. ludibria] The vain fictions of 

Aesch. Cho. 614. The two were useless paper, *p\vapia. 

confounded by the later poets, Virg. 9.] Cf. Virg. Aen. vi. 289, ' 6or- 

£cl. vi. 74, Propert. v. 4. 40. — gones Harpyiaeque et forma tricor- 

monstray cf. Plat. Phsedr. p. 229, D, poris umbrae." 

Kal iiripptl ik ox^ov toiovtwv 11.1 *The fiact is, Mamurra (see 

Vupyovw» HalUttydvwVyHai aWat» Ep. 4/6. 1), yofu don*t like to see 

aufixdvoiw <ir\«i0ij tc Kai aroirjai your own character depicted in my 

TiL^HiToXoywv Tiifttiv ^vffiwif. page ; very well then, go and read 

3. Hyla»y &c.] See Theocr. Id. the AZTia of Callimaohus,* in which 

xUi. Propert. i. 20. This was a stories of the above kind were con- 

T 2 


tainedl The lost work of Calli- have been in common lae aw^; 
machiu, to which Propertius more the Romana eTen at this period. 
than once refers, teems therefore to 

EP. 511. (X,v.) 

The sabject seenu the same as sup. Ep. 509. 

Quisquis stolaeve purpuraeve eontemptor 

Quos oolere debet, laesit impio versu, 

Erret per urbem pontis exul et cliyi, 

Interque raucos ultimus rogatores 

Oret caninas panis improbi buccas. i 

Illi December longus et madens bruma 

Clususque fomix triste frigus extendat. 

Yocet beatos clamitetque felices, 

Orciniana qui feruntur in sponda. 

At cum supremae fila venerint horae le 

1. Qtfi«9tiM, &c.] * Whoever, Pers. yi. 55, ' accedo BoTiUsi Ci- 

speaking in disparagement of ma- vumque ad Virbi ; praesto est mik 

trons or senators, ivhom it is his Maniusheres." These beffganclaimed 

dutj to treat wiih all respect, has a right to certain standa, and tho» 

wronged them bj undutiful verse.* who were not so privileged formcii 

Br ^(^a^ the characteristic dress a more despised ciasa, called rtqo- 

(Rich*s Dict p. 62D of the matrons ; tores. See on Ep. 175. 13. For. 

bj jmrpura, the laticlaTe of the as Hesiod says, kui ittcvx^ vwx? 

senator is meant (Ep. 392. 4). Hence qtdovUi, 

impio refcrs to the unnatural or un- 5. buceaB] * Mouthfula,* bueeelloi^ 

dutiful abuse of thepatrea. Domi- — improbij bad bread, onlj fit to be 

tiau had issued an edict against thrown to a dog ; such as that it- 

these lampoons ; whence the desire scribed in Juv. ▼. 68. Some ezpkio 

of the poet to disown them. Suet it, *importuned,* 'eamestlj bt^ggeii 

Dom. § 8, * scripta famosa Tulgoque for.* 

edita, quibus primores viri ac fe- 7. Clusu»} Shut, barred again$t 

minae notabantur, aboleyit, non sine him ; or perhaps, * closed to kw 

auctorum ignominia.* This was an out the cold.* The archwaya (likc 

old evil. Tac. Ann. i. 72. * Primus our railway-arches) were used u 

Augustus cognitionem de famosis lodginss by the destituto. Jar. iL 

libellis spede legis ejus (i. e. ma- 156, * Leuonum pueri ouocamqueia 

jestatis) tractayit, commotus Cassii fomicenati;* ib. x. 239; zi 173.— 

Severi libidine, qua yiros feminas- extendaty * prolong,* i. e. maj tke 

que illustres procacibus tcriptis cold not kill him at once. 

difiamaTerat.* 9. jponc^a] The sandapiU (Eppi 

. 3. pontis ejpul] 'Banished from 103; 439. 14) seems to have hu 

the beggars* stands on the bridge, this nick-name. Sponda is pro- 

and on the hillj ascent to Aricia.* perlj the open frame of a so& oc 

See on Juv iv. 116; v. 8; xiv. bed. Hence the bier is termed ' thi 

134, with Mr. Mayor's notes: also litter of Orcus.* 


Diesque tardus, sentiat eanmn litem 

Abigatque moto noxias aves panno ; 

Nec finiantur morte supplicis poenaei 

Sed modo severi sectus Aeaci loris, 

Nunc inquieti monte Sisyphi pressus^ 15 

Nunc inter undas garruli senis siccus 

Delasset omnes fabulas poetarum : 

Et cum fateri Furia iusserit verum, 

Prodente clamet conscientia " Scripsi.'* 

11. seniicd] ^Majhebe jast con-- 6pmpti. 
tcious that the dogs are gathering 16. gcamdi senis] TantaluB, who 

round him readj to dispute for his revealed to mortala the Becrets he 

remains.* — noxias aves, the vultweB. had leamt at a banquet with the 

Cf. Hom. Od. zi. 57U, yvTTK ii fjnv gods, and who aKoKaaTov ^^ayt 

CKaTcptfe 7rapr\fii»M i}irap eKcipov, yXGtaauVy alaxiarfiv voadv^ Eur. 

SipTpov lo-a» dvvovTi9' 6 i' ovk Orest. 10. According to one ac- 

AiratAvvtTo "x^paiv.-i-nudo — pannOt count (Od. xi. 583), he was made 

by faintly waving his rags to frigliten to stand up to his chin in water, 

them awaj. It is well known that unable to arink ; according to Eur. 

▼ultures wiU attack the djing as tU aupt^ Kopvqtiji vTripriWovTa 

well as the dead. dim.atvn XiOov. 

14. Aeaci\ He seems to haye been 17. Delasset'] ' Let him weary 
the ^e of uncompromising justice out/ i. e. undergo all the punish- 
in Uaides. Cf. Juv. i. 9, * quas ments fabled hj the poets till he is 
torqueat nmbras Aeacus.* Prop. v. exhausted. 

11. 19, * aut si quis posita judex sedet 18. Furia] So Propert., v. 11. 21, 

Aeacus uma, In mea sortita vindicet . represents the Furies as present at 

ossa pila,* i* c* * l^t him hold trial the ti'ial of Comelia : * «fuxta Mi- 

on mjr shade by appointing a jury.* noida sellam £umenidnm intento 

The metaphor is borrowed from the tnrba seveiu foco.* — ■Scripsi. the cli- 

fi(M^ging oi slaves. max of all his punishment. The 

15. monte'} The huge stone which heaviest penalty, the most painful 
SisyphuB ever strives to nush up effort, extorted i-ather than volun- 
hill, Od. xi. 59Z.^in(piieii, trom the tarily made, will be the confession 
constant exertion : kotA i' lipu>9 of the deed, viz. that he wrote the 
Ippttv iK /jLtKiwv, Kovitj i* iK KpaTOi verses, and not Martial. 

ER 512. (X. vi.) . 

On the expected entry of Trajan, on his retum fix>m Germany. 

Felices, quibus uma dedit spectare coruscum 
Solibus Arctois sideribusque ducem. 

1. Peltces] * Happy they who have poeticallymade^toglowwiththestars 

been apared to see the emperor of the north/ and the phrase is am- 

returaing firom the north.* As the plified by adding * with the Bunshine.* 

great bcaur, or Charles* wain, was a — uma seems to mean * vita nondum 

northem conBtellation) Trajan is finita,* a harsh expression however. 


Quando erit ille dies, quo campus et arbor et oumts 

Lucebit Latia culta fenestra nuru ? 
Quando morae dtdces longusque a Caesare pulvia 

Totaque Flaminia Roma videnda Tia ? 
Quando eques Qt picti tunica Nilotide Maiiri 

Ibitis, et populi vox erit una " Venit ? " 

Othen explaiu it by aort^ * luck/ dreBsed Roniaii matrons.* 
or the choice by ballpt of delegates 5. morae dtUcesJ The rtoppsr?' 

to go and meet the new emperor. and delays on the joameT, to gn.=' 

Tac. Hist iv. 6, * eo senatus die quo the people. — lonpus — pulvis, tlie lc:i: 

de imperio VeBpasiani censebant, train of dust raiaed bj tbe empe" - 

placuerat mitti ad principem legatos. and his staff. Cf. Ep. 517. 2.— T 

— 'Priscus eligi nominatim a ma- via Flaminia led northvurd, f 

gistratibus juratis, Marcellus umam loMrine to some extent the direcQj: 

postulabat of the Tiber. 

3. eampus ei arhor'] ^Thecampus 7. tunioa NiloHde] The AfooW^ 

Martius will be crowded with people, equites (Ep. 457. 14) seem to « 

who willeven climb into trees (see meant, dressed in embroidered tiin " 

Tac. Ann. xi. 31), whilo everj win- of Egyptian ( Alexandrian ?) aee<i.r 

dow will look bright with well- work. 

EP. 513. (X. vii.) 

On the same subject, the retum of Trajan. This is a most el<*gant linlr 

Njmpbarum pater amniumque, Kbene, 

Quicunque Odrjsias bibunt pruinas, 

Sic semper liquidis fruaris undis, 

Nec te barbara contumeliosi 

Calcatum rota conterat bubulci ; i 

Sic et comibus aureis receptis 

1. Nympkarum pater'] Tho Rhine wain of the insolent ox-dnTcr.' 

is called * the father and chief of all The notion of insult and Gonteoi?' 

the waters and the minor streams attached to being trodden upo: 

that ilow from the snowy knds of (KaTa'irare7<r0ut), and bence t\n 

the Odrysae.* Cf. vii. 8. 2, *victor epithet contumetiosi. The scnse 

ab Odrysio redditur orbe deus.' seems to be, * may you never allu» 

3. Sie semper^ &g.] So Milton in the barbarous Germans to make i 
' Comus/ to the nymph Sabrina : oassage over jou to tbe Ronut 
* Mav thv brimming waves for this bank.* 

Their fall tribute never miss, From 6. comilms nureis'] See Ep. 329. .\ 

a thousand petty rills That tumble wbere tbe Rhine is described a 

down the snowy hills.* with * broken hom,* i. e. conqaercd. 

4, 5. 6ar6ara^ro/a] * So may you and 505. 17. — reeepiiSf recoveml 
never be frozen over, so as to restoi-ed to you by the emperor « 
be trampled on by the b^rbaric clemency^— «(rd^Mtf r^pa, may tbt 


£t Romanus eas utraque rlpa : 
Traiauum populis suis et urbi, 
Tibris te dominus rogat, remittas. 

nations on botli sidee of the riyer Rome is thechiefcity of the world, 

"^wn the Roman sway. makes thit request to the suhject 

9, dominua] Cf. Epp. 2, 3 ; 479. 4. river, the Rhine. 
Tbe Tiber, chief of all riTers, as 

EP. 514. (X. viii.) 

Nubere Paula cupit nobis, ego ducere Paulam 
Nolo : anus est ; vellem, si magis esset anus. 

2. si magisl Were Paula a little idea, because I ahould have a chance 
older ttill, 1 migbt entertain the of soon coming in for her propertj. 

EP. 515. (X. ix.) 

A Batire upon the emptiness of fame. 

Undenis pedibusque sjllabisque 
Et multo sale, nec tamen protervo, 
Notus gentibus ille Martialis 
Et notus populis — quid invidetis ? — 
Non sum Andraemone notior cabalio. 

1. Undems] The hendecas}*llabic 5. Andraemcne] This appears to 

metre, in vhich this epigram iswrit- be the name of a well-known race- 

ten. — /)ro<^m>,Tiz. of the kindwhich horae in the Circus; like Scorpns^ 

he deprecates sup. £p. 509. Ep. 234. 10, Hirpinus, Juv. viii. 63, 

3. ffentilnu} e.g. the GeUe, Bri- Incitatus, Ep. 588. ]6.~^Tigris, Ep. 

tons, ^. 329. 10. 

EP. 516. (X. X.) 

On the men of rank and dignity, who were not ashamed to act as clientes 
to patroni. Compare Ep. 75. The Paulus here mentioned is probablj the 
same as in Epp. 231 ana 410. 

Cum tu, laurigeris annum qui fascibus intras, 
Mane saiutator limina mille teras, 

1. Cum to] ' Whcn you, the con- consul really acted as client to richer 

sul, attend the levees of many rich people; yet Juvenal expressly says 

persons, what chance is lefl to us, so, i. 11/, * sed quumsummus honor 

the poor, of eaming a livelihood ? * finito computet anno, Sportula quid 

It seenu difficult to believe that the referat*&c.-— tn^ras— -a»ntfm,becausd 


Hic ego quid faciam ? quid nobis, Paule, relinquis, 

Qui de plebe Numae densaque turba samus ? 
Qui me respiciet, dominum regemque vocabo ? 

Hoc tu, sed quanto blandius ! ipse facis. 
Lecticam sellamye sequar ? nec ferre recusas, 

Per medium pugnas sed prior jsse lutum. 
Saepius assurgam recitanti carmina ? tu stas 

Et pariter geminas tendis in ora manus. Ift 

Quid faciet pauper, cui non licet esse clienti ? 

Dimisit nostras purpura vestra togas. 

the consuls went in state on the day fiiwning tone. 

of their election, the first of the year. 7. nec/em] i. e. nc fcrre quidem. 

Ovid, Fast.i. 81, *janiquenoTiprac- An exaggeration, probablj. — l^m, 

eunt faBcea, nova purpura fulget, £t the middle of tbe muddy road. C 

nova conspicuum pondera sentit £p. 134. 4, *per roediumqne tnU: 

ebur.' — tera*, Ep. 421. 4. me tua sella lutum ;' 365. 6, ' ne- 

3. Hic ego] ouroi cyco, I, who am praetor medio cogitur ire luto.*— «r^ 

oneofthecommonalty.— <ieiMu/ur6a, prior^ *and that first,* as an aakam- 

the irA^0o« or &x.^ot. bulo to the lectica. 

5. respiciet] ' Look condescend- 10. tendi» in ora\ Pcrbaps vith 
ingly upon me.* Juv. iii. 184, * Quid the gesture of one throwii^ kiates 
das, nt CoBsum aliquando salutes? (Ep. 2. 7). But * a facie jactsre m- 
Ut te lespiciat clanso Yeiesto la- nus* was a waj of applaoding, Jbt. 
heWo?* —dominumr^femqtieyihecom- iii. 106. 

plimentary address of a client to his 11. nou licet] Yiz. ' per vos,* vbo 

patron. Juv. viii. 161, * Hospitis etep in betweeo. — />>mt9»f , the pnrpU 

affectu dominum regemque salutat.* boider of the te^ L e. tbe dre» a' 

6. Hoe tu] You do the same to ofiice, has dismissed, sent away, ib 
otfaers, only with a more wbining and poor iogaU. 

EP. 517. (X. xiii.) 

On a rich, but ever dissatisfied man. 

Cum cathedralicios portet tibi reda ministros 
Et Libys in longo pulvere sudet eques, 

Strataque non unas cingant triclinia Baias 
Et Thetis unguento palleat uncta tuo, 

1. reda] *Though your travel- ^oimo jpu/oere, cf Ep. 512. 5. 

ling-carriage conveys effeminate (i. e. 3. Straia^J^.] * Thoagh nusr 

eunuch) attendants, and Libyan covered sofuai*e set round the roomi 

borsemen sweat in the dust made by in roore than one of your hot baths.' 

your long train.* The cathedra was — Baiae seems to have been a geneii' 

properly a wonian*8 seat; hence eu- term for thermae Thetis^ i. e. die 

nuchs, who attended on matrons, piscinae or sea-baths, whicb Uie rirh 

were so called. — Li*^»^ viz. the Mas- used to perfume with ungursts 

sylae, Epp. 457. 14, and 651. 6 poured in, the smell of the atagnaiit 


Candida Setini rnmpant ciystalla trientes, .'i 

Dormiat in pluma nec meliore Yenus : 
Ad iioctuma iaces fastosae limina moechae 

Et madet heu ! lacrimis ianua surda tuis, 
Urere nec miserum cessant suspiria pectus. 

Vis dicam, male sit cur tibi, Cotta ? bene est. 10 

water becoming disagreeable : ' qua- trienies^ here the measure of one- 

lem marinae misit anra piscinae,* thii^d of the sextariuB. — pluma^ 

£p. 657. 17 ; and iv. 4. 3, * piscinae Bwan^s-down, or feather-beds. Cf. 

vetus aura quod marinae.* Juv. i. 159 ; x. 362. Ep. 647. 8, 

5. Candiaa^ &c.] * Though large * dormit et in pluma purpureoque 

measures of Setian wine break your toro.* 

clear ilint-glass goblets.* The ex- 7. foutostie'] * Canricious.* The 

pression perhaps is only poetical, to common custom of lovers lying he- 

illustrate the delicacy of the glasses. fore the closed doors of their mis- 

Setian wine, however, is said ardere^ tresses is meant ; cf. Propert. i. 16. ' 

to be fiery and potent, to sparkle and 10. bene est\ Your malady is — 

glow, in JuY. X. 27. Cf. £p. 424. 19; prosperity. You are too rich to be 

and lib. ix. 73. 5, 'iTimpis et ar- happy, unless you make a good use 

denti madidus crystalla Falemo.'* — of your riches. 

EP. 518. fX. XV.) 

On one who shot his wife with nn arrow, in order to get her fortune, 
and pretended that it was by an accident. A witty epigram, from its point 
and orevity. 

Dotatae uxori cor arundine fixit acuta, 
Sed dum ludit Aper : ludere novit Aper. 

2. Ivdere nomf] * He knows how to play at shooting with good effect.* 

EP. 519. (X. xvi.) 

Oa ene who was ever ready to promise, but without perfoiming. 

Si donare vocas promittere nec dare, Gai, 

ViBcam te donis muneribnsque meis. 
Accipe Callaicis quidquid fodit Astur in arvis, 

Aurea quidquid habet divitis unda Tagi ; 
Quidquid Eiythraea niger invenit Indus in alga 5 

Quidquid et in nidis unica servat avis ; 

3. Caflaicis} Spanisb ; see £pp. deposits of the Tagus. 

J81. 7; 537. 4. The Gallaeci and o. inalga'] £ither gemsorpearls 

Afturea were in the N.W. parts of are poetically spoken of as found in 

Hispania, and were famed ror their the seaweed of the Indian ocean. See 

gold-diggings, as were the alluvial 243. 4. — umca — ao», the Phoenix, 


Qaidquid Agenoreo Tjros improba c<^it aheno : 
Quidquid habent omnes, accipe, quomodo das. 

wfaich wu said to moke ita nest of always had, T^cMicrcri, Hom.Od.XT. 

fTagnnt spices, Herod. ii. 73. Tac. 416 — 0O|^V, * coUects in the Galdroa.' 

Ann. Yi. 28. Ep. 302, 2. viz. for dyeing the fiea-puipie. Ci 

7. imnroLa] Prohahly this refen £p. 536. I. — quomoiio das, ' on tke 

to the cnaracter for cunning and un- same terma aa you gi ve,* viz. hj pro- 

fiumeM which the Phoenician traders miae only. 

EP. 520. (X. xvii.) 

Macer, who had heen appointed surrevor for the pavini; of the ADpin 
Way, had written to Martial, to ask for his book as a preaent at the Satar- 
nalia (£p. 690. 4). The poot replies, that the road will sufier if tk 
epigrams be taken up instead of books on engineeiing. 

Saturnalicio Macrum fraudare tributo, 

Frustrm Musa, cupis : non licet, ipse petit : 

Sollemnesque iocos nec tristia carmina poscit 
Et queritur nugas obticuisse meas. 

Mensorum longis sed nunc vacat ille libellisi 5 

Appia, quid facies, si legit ista Macer ? 

5. vacat] * He is engaged upon/ correct, it should ratber lie haee^ 

i. e. all hisleisureis devoted to. — ' these epigrams ofmine ;* isfa sbould 

Menaorum, layers out of roads, refer to via Avpiay and then it would 

roeasurers of distances, &c. Hor. mean the lihdli metuorum. which i$ 

Carm. i. 28. 2 itta seems in- against the sense. See oa 484. 10. 

EP. 521. (X. xviii.) 

On a mean patron, who without remunerating hit clientt ttill eaqiected 
tbeir serrices. 

Nec vocat ad cenam Marius, nec munera mittit, 
Nec spondet, nec volt credere, sed nec habet. 

Turba tamen non deest, sterilem quae curet amicuni. 
Eheu ! quam fatuae sunt tibi, Boma, togae ! 

2. Neo spondet"] * He will not give 3. curet] Colat, Oipairivir steri- 

security, nor lend money hi°>Belf, Zem, Juv. xii. 95, * quis a^ram Et 

nor indeed has he anpr thing to give, claudentem oculos ndlinam impen- 

•ven if he were willmg.* Cf. Fers. dat amico Tam sterui. *--/a#iKu, &c. 

V. 79, ^Alarco spondente, recusas *what foolsare Roman cuents/ wh« 

credere tu nununos ?^ were called tojjfoiL 



EP. 522. (X. xix.) 

'Flie poet sends his book, through the Muse, to his (Hend Pliny the 
oviTiger (who in his Epistlet, lib. iii. 21, cites the last ten verses of this 

>i2^i-am in an interesting letter to his friend Comelius Priscus, in Mrhich 

e la.ment8 over the report of Martiars death). 

ISec doctum satis et parum seyerum, 

Sed non rusticulnm nimis libellum 

DB^acundo mea Plinio, Thalia, 

I perfer : brevis est labor peractae 

Altum vincere tramitem Suburae. 5 

lUic Orphea protinus videbis 

XJdi vertice lubricum theatri, 

Mirantesque feras avemque regis, 

Raptum quae Phrjga pertulit Tonanti. 

Illic parva tui domus Pedonis 10 

Caelata est aquilae minore pinna. 

Sed ne tempore non tuo disertam 

1 — 4.] ' Go, Muse, and carry this 
book (which, though not leained 
enough for him, and hv uo means 
very rigid in its morals, still has 
somethiug of refined wit) to m^ 
cloquent friend Plinj.* — non mmu 
rustictUumy oif ttuvv aypolKoVj ali- 

?[uid urbani habentem. Compare the 
brms palliduluSj horridufuij putidu- 
>u8y turpiculu» — ThaHay the muse of 
jocose or festive poetry of any kind. 

5. Suburae] Pliny^s house was on 
the EsQuiline hill (* domum meam 
Esquiliis,* Ep. iii. 21), and the »ub- 
ura h&y just at the foot of that hill. 
The sense therefore is, * it is no great 
toil to ascend the high path of the 
subura when Tou have passed throuffh 
it,* i. e. it only remains to mount the 

6. lUiCy &C.1 This is a difficult 
passage. The sense seems to be, " as 
soon as you have ascended the BIs- 

Juiline, you will get a sight of the 
)ipheu8 on the top of the Colosseum 
(wbich was in the valley between the 
fisquiliDe and the Palatine), made 
slimy with the saffron-water thrown 
upon it.* Cf. Ep. 464. 5, ' lubrica 

Cor}xio quamvis sint pulpita nimbo.* 
How the Colosseum was finished 
above we do not seem to know ; but 
it would appear to have been sur- 
mounted witn a sculptured group in 
the way of an alirwtxa. To refer illio 
to the roof of Pliny*s house, involves 
us in still gi'eater difficulties, though 
the smaller eac^Ie on Pedo^s house 
might seem tv be directly contrasted 
with it. and to be mentioned as a 
mark for distinguishing one domus 
from the other. 

10. iui — PedotUs] Pedo Albino- 
vanus, the celebrated writer of epi- 
grams, is meant. See Ep. 102. 5. 
As he was a wit, like Martial, he is 
described as a votary of the Muse. 
So Ep. 644. 1, ' Parthenio dic, Musa, 
tuo.* — minore pinna^ an eagle of a 
lesser size. The eagle, it would seem 
from this, was a necessary part of the 
aicToijua (Pind. 01. xiii. 21), though 
combined with other figures. Tac. 
Hist. iii. 71, ^ mox sustinentes fasti- 

Sium aquilae vetere ligno traxerunt 
ammam alueruntque.* 
12. non tuo] At a time unsuited 
to your jocose character, i. e. when 


Pulses ebria ianuam, videto. 

Totos dat tetrieae dies Minervaej 

Dum centum studet auribus virorum 15 

Hoc quod saecula posterique possint 

Arpinis quoque comparare chartis. 

Seras tutior ibis ad lucernas. 

Haec hora est tua, cum furit Lyaeus, 

Cum regnat rosa, cum madent capilli : iro 

Tunc me vel rigidi legant Catones. 

be is bnsj at his studies. Cf. Ep. professis/ sc. Flonu This ia & &* 

161. 11, *gre88u timet ire licenti ad vourite word with Martial. For 

matutinum nostra Thalia Jovem.* Plinj^s practice in the basilica befon 

13. ^ria] See £p. 690. 4. the centumviri, see his letter, Ep. ii 

14. Totos^ies] 'The wholeofhis ziv. Also sup. £p. 294. 5. 
day-hours he devotes to dry, hard 18. tuiiorl Witn less fear of bein; 
Btudy on his orations, to be deiivered rejected. — ^The 8er<xe lucemae refer u 
before the court of the centumviri, the late dinner hour, whea it was tbc 
and elaboratelj composed in a style custom for songs, &c. to be recited ; 
whichposteritywillcomparewiththat Pers. i. 30. 

of Cicero.* — tetricae^ stem, manlj ; 20. roMo] When the chapleti of 

opposed to e6na Musay wanton or roses and the perfumed hair reign 

eneminate. 8o Pers. vi. 2, * jamne supreme, viz. to the ezclasion of 

lyra et tetrico vivunt tibi pectine grave subjects. Cf. 161. 11, *gre«& 

chordae.* Ovid, Fast. v. 351, * non timet ire licenti Ad matutinmn noi- 

est de tetricis, non est de magna tra Thalia Jovem.* 

EP. 523. (X. XX.) 

To his friend Manius, whom the poet proposes to yisit in Spaio. 

Ducit ad auriferas quod me Salo Celtiber oras, 
Pendula quod patriae visere tecta libet, 

Tu mihi simplicibus, Mani, dilectus ab annis 
Et praetextata cultus amicitia, 

Tu facis ; in terris quo non est alter Hiberis 5 

Dulcior et vero dignus amore magis. 

1. Salo] See £p. 25. 12, and 4. praetertata] When we woit.> 

648. 9, where also Bilbilis, the poet^s the toffa praeteaifi as boys. 

birthplace, is assigned to the land 5. Tu facia] Supply id; for the 

of CelOberi. It was *auro Bilbilis construction is quite different from 

et snperba fcrro/ from the watero of tu /aeis ut ducat, &.c — terris^ &c., 

theSalo — Pendula,MpendulaSetia so ^Celtiberis tems,* in £p. 648. 

(£p. 198. 33), built on a height ; 11. 
oUam BiUdlim, £p. 25. 3. 


Tecum, ego vel sicci Gaetola mapalia Poem' 
Et poteram Scjthicas hostis amare casas. 

Si tibi mens eadem, si nostri mutua cura est, 
In quocunque loco Boma duobus erit. 10 

7. mapa2ia] Reed-covered huts genitive, in referencc^ to the Getae. 
of the Oarthapnians (see Rich*8 9. nostrij &c.] If vou have the 

Dict. p. 402), Vii^l, Aen. i. 421, and same regard lor me that I have for 

iv. 259, callt them magalia, bat in yoa. Cf. Tibull. iii. 1. 19, *■ illa 

Georg. iii. 340,*rari8 habitata ma- mihi referet, 8i nostri mutua cura 

palia tectis.*— jM>^a/n, &c., * I could est.* 

have loved,* or * been content with/ 10. gtK)cun<pte] Quovi8. A use oc- 

c<m pyoif av. — AosHSt perhaps the casionally found in the best writers. 

EP. 524. (X. xxi.) 

To Sextus, who purposely adopted an obscure style. 

Scribere te quae vix intelligat ipse Modestus 
Et vix Claranus, quid rogo, Sexte, iuyat ? 

Non lectore tuis opus est, sed Apolline, libris : 
ludice te maior Cinna Marone fuit. 

Sic tua laudentur sane : mea carmina, Sexte, 5 

Grammaticis placeant, ut sine Grammaticis. 

1,2.] * What is the use of your From the context he seema to have 

wi'iting what even Modestus and been considered a difiicult poet. 

Ciaranus (noted grammariaus) can 5. Sic] *■ On those terms,* viz. for 

scarcely understand?'* being obscure. * May my verses,* 

3. ApoUifie] Yiz. as il^ijyvrii^^ he adds, * please grammarians on the 

or interpreter. — Cinna, the poet condition that they do not reouire 

mentioned in Virg. £cl. ix. 35, not thcm," i. e. for being plain ana in- 

witbout praise: *nam neque adhuc telligibie to all. 
Yario videor nec dicere Cinna digna.* 

EP. 525. (X. xxiii.) 

On Marcus Antonius Primus, for whom see Ep. 503, sup. An epigram 
of much beautj and feeliug. 

lam numerat placido felix Antonius aevo 
Quindeciens actas Frimus OlTmpiadas 

1. plaeido — aevo] *In a tranquil (Pind. OL iii. 21), by which he 

old i^g^e,* fifteen Oljmpiads making would be seventy-five, and this much 

however but sixty jears, unless we better suits the ezpression Lethejam 

take the Olympiad as a iri inraf rtjpif propior. 


Praeteiitosque dies et totos respicit annOA, 
Nee metuit Lethes iam propioris aqnas* 

Nulla recordanti lux est ingrata gravisqne * i 

Nulla fuit, cuius non memini^se velit. 

Ampliat aetatis spatium sibi yir bonus : hoc est 
Vivere bis, vita posse priore frui. 

3. rtspicU] He lookB back upon, tvTpatriXo» (i. e. doXcoir) Kthotca 

tikes a review of, his whole iife, «liraiv iKonaif oucadt* 

and finds nothing to make him fear 7. Ampliidl Auget, eartradit Hci 

death. Sat i. 4. 32, * ne quid aumma it- 

5. NvJlla^ &c.] Compare the perdat metuens, aut ampliet ut ren.' 

beautiful remark of Jaaon in Piud. T he word ia more common in tiie 

Pyth. iv. 104, tUoai 6' iK-rtKioait later Latinitj. Cf. Ep. 434. II. 
linuvToift cijItc ipyoif oOr liroc 

EP. 526. (X. xxiv.) 

The poet moralizes on the fiftj-seventh annivcrsar/ of bis birthdsj. 
the Ist of March. See £p. 578. 10. 

Natales mihi Martiae Kalendae, 

Lux formosior omnibus Kalendis, 

Qua mittunt mihi munus et puellae, 

Quinquagesima liba septimamque 

Vestris addimus hanc focis acerram* i 

His vos, si tamen expedit, roganti 

Annos addite bis precor novenos, 

Ut nondum nimia piger senecta, 

Sed vitae tribus areis peractis 

3. et puellae] On this daj the festivities. 

men sent presents to the women 6. si tamen eapedit'} * Proviiiei 

(see Epp. 272. 10 ; 497. 15) ; but however. that it is to tnj intrras.' 

Maitial says he is such a general viz. to live to much longer. Mu' 

favourite, that even the latter send iiersons (sayB Persiua, iii. 5) nuk; 

him presents, viz. birthday pre- foolish vowa in the temples, taaa 

sents, which in fact were disnnct aeerra. The poet makes tbe k-- 

fi'om the ' new year*8 eifts.* filment of his prayer conditiou. 

4. lit*a] See £p. 156. 3. An offer- C^. Plato, Phaedr. p. 257, B, vwr 
ing of a cake and incense (acenra tuxofiai aot, w 2wicp«tnrc«, §iTt$ 
thuris, Hor. Carm. iii. 8. 2) to the d/iiuvov ravl^* tjutvfliroi, nravm y 
genius was part of the birtfaday yvBodai.^ifi» — iM/ivtM*, 18-^57=7}. 
ceremonies. The construction is This termhecalls * the thr«e prno^ 
mther singular for * septima et quin- of life.* the metapbor beinff takn 
qu^jBresima liba cum acerra.*— Veetrit from the counea in tbe Circos, tii 
'—^jcist on the hearth or altar tpe- boybood, manbood, and thie ton «i 
ciallv Dreoarcd for the birthday life. Cf. £p.<»47«a 


Xfiicos Elysiae pettim puellae, 10 

!Post huDC Nestora nec diem rogabo. 

10. JSfysiae—puellae] Prosei-pina. long life. Some with less probability 

1 1 . rvyafio^ &c.] ' Beyond that, conBtrae poat hunc Neatora^ ' wben 
will not aak Nestor even for a I have become such a Nestoi* as 
igle day/ Tiz. of his proverbially that.* 

EP. 527. (X. XXV.) 

On a eriminal, who, 1n imitation of Mueius Scaevola, conscntcil to have 
ls right hand burat off to save himself from the tttuica moiesta. 8e« 
;p. 4U8, and also Bk. i. Ep. 21. 

In matutina nuper spectatus harena 

Mucius, imposuit qui sua membra focis, 

Si patiens durusque tibi fortisque yidetur, 
Abderitanae pectora plobis habes. 

'Nam cum dicatur tunica praesente molesta 5 

" Ure manum,*' plus est dicere " Non facio.'* 

1. matutina] Because the mora- 5, 6 ] * For when, in preeence of 

ng appears to have been allotted to the tunica molesta (see Juv. viii. 

.lie spectacle of condemned crimi- 235), he is required to put his hand 

lals fighting with beasts, &c. See in the flames, it requires more 

i35. 4. courage to say, * / tronV do */." In 

4.] Abdera was proverbial for the other words, it requires less courage 

rolly of its inhabitants. See Mr. to face a lesser evil than a greater 

Mayor*s learaed note on Juv. x. 50. one.— iVo»/acto, nolo ftcere. 
rUe sense is merely * stultus es.* 

EP. 528. (X. xxvi.) 

On Varas, a friend of the poet^s, and Roman centurion, who liad died in 

Vare, Paraetonias Latia modo vite per urbes 
Nobilis et centum dux memorande viris, 

At nunc, Ausonio frustra promisse Quirino, 
Hospita Lagaei litoris umbra iaces. 

1. Paroietoniae] Egyptian ; from voce ac rursus aliani poscebat.* — 

the name of a coast town (Paraeto- cenium — vtm, a lcgion contained 

nium) to the west of Alexandria. — sixty centuries anu thirty mani- 

Latia-^wtey the Roman cefUuriatu$j puti. 

the badffe of which was a switch of 3. frugtrapromisee'] Whose retnra 

vine. see Juv. viii. 247 ; xiv. 193, to Kouie was hoped for, but not 

with Mr. Mayor's note. Tac. Aun. realized. — Layaei litorie^ the E^p- 

i. 23, 'Centurio Lucilius — fracta tianshoro, fromthonameofPtolemy 

vite in tergo militis alteram clara Lsgos. 


Spargere non licuit frigentia fletibus ora, 
Pinguia nec maestis addere tura rogis. 

Sed datur aetemo Yicturum carmine munus. 
Numquid et hoc, fallax Nile, negare potes ? 

5. non licuif] Yiz. mihi. — tora, andria, dolig aptissima tellc«' 

tbe incense thrown on the body Theocr. zv. 49. — Thereis apkyc: 

vhile barning on the pyre. See negare, which here means both %x 

£p. 319. 1*2, * atque haec abeentis reddere corpus, and reeusan, ^ 

turafuiase puta.* trectare munus. * You cannotidbi 

8. /ailouv NHe] The E^yptians me the privilege of perpetaiting t 

had a bad character for treachery. Terse the memory of my frieiuL' 
Fropert. iv. 11. 33, 'Noxia Alex- 

EP. 529. (X. xxvii.) 

On a rich man of low origin (probablj, from his Oreek name, a Ubettui 
who gave ambitious entertainments. 

Natali, Diodore, tuo conviya senatus 
Accubat, et rarus non adhibetur equei^, 

Ac tua tricenos largitur sportula nummos. 
Nemo tamen natum te, Diodore, putat. 

2. AccuIhU] Discumbit ad tuam where the eame eum, three demr. 
mensam. — rants, &c., rarus eques is mentioned. 

non adhibetur, i. e. ' verum fre- 4. natum ie — putat] ^ No «i 

quentes adhibentur.* believes tiiat you have anyfetlic 

3. tricenos'] Thirty sestertii was a i.e. any respectable parent^. Ha: 
lar^e dole, centum (ptadranies (Juv. the joke of Tiberius iu Tac. A£> 
i. 120) being the usual one^ viz. xi. 21, ^Cuitius Rufus videtur tc-i 

, 25 asges. See £p. 173. 3, and 504, 1, ex se natus.' See £p. 433. 18. 

EP. 530. (X. xxviii.) 

To the god Janus, on a new temple (or gatehouse), consecrated to his 
by Nerva. 

Annorum nitidique sator pulcherrime mundi, 
Publica quem primum vota precesque vocant, 

1. saior — mundt] In Ovid, Fast. vis aliorum nnmina placem, Jiix 

i. 103, Janus identifies himself with tibi primum tura merumque ^ero' 

OhaoB, and says he was created when He was invoked as opening then^ 

the elements first settled into their year, aud affoixling access to tiK 

places, ih. 112. — primum — vocant, gods through the prayers of morta^ 
Ovid, »6. 171, * Mox ego, Cur, quam* 


Pervius exiguos habitabas ante penates, 
Plurima qua medium Roma terebat iter. 

S^unc tua Caesareis cinguntur limina donis, 5 

£t fora tot numeras, lane, quot ora geris. 

A.t tu, sancte pater, tanto pro munere gratus, 
Ferrea perpetua claustra tuere sera. . 

J^ervius] The old temple of sibi non satis putavit, optayitquc 

LUB seemB to haye been a portico oculos habere plures/ The new 

archway, giving access between statue, probably, had been but re- 

Forum Romannm and the Forum cently consecrated. The commen- 

iium. Hence Ovid, Fast. i. 258, tators olMerve that Janus waa some- 

[c ubi juncta foris tempk duobua timea represented quadrifrom, See 

368 ^ (where see the present edi- £p. 548. 12. In the ** Recent £z- 

*8 note). — mediumy yiz. inter duo cavations in Rome," p. 10, the plan 

Vk.—pluriiHay freouentissima. of an archway opening in four direc- 

5. (Jaesareis — aanit] The ezact tions is given, and marked as the 

ianing is not clear ; but the sense entrance to the Forum Transitorium. 

sma to be, that the new or en- It was between the Forum Romanum 

'ged temple is adorned with sta- and the old Forum Julium, and 

Bs and sculpture by the gift of mav be the Janus here described. 

e or more of the emperors, and 8. tuere clauUra'] i. e. keep the 

w looks in four directions instead gate shut in perpetual peace. — sera, 
only two. To this change perhaps fiox^^^t the oar drawn acrosi the 
ii. 2. 3, refers, * Janus — tot vultus door. 

EP. 531. (X. XXX.) 

A description of the villa of ApoUinaris (Epp. 212 and 340) at Formiae, 
1 the coast of Latium. This is one of the moai beautiful epigrams: it 
(sembles Ep. 148, which describes the villa of Faustinui, and m the same 
letre (scazon). 

O temperatae dulce Formiae litHS, 

Yo8, cum severi fugit oppidum Martis 

Et inquietas fessus exuit curas, 

ApoUinaris omnibus locis praefert. 

Non ille sanctae dalce Tibur uxoris, 5 

Nec Tusculanos Algidosve secessus, 

Praeneste nec sic Antiumque miratur. 

Non blanda Circe Dardanisve Caieta 

1. Formiae] The vocative. Horace hom there, or had property there, 

las ' Formiarum maenia," Carm. iii. or both, is uncertain. — 'sanctaej 

17. 6. — temperataey * temperate,* castae. — The places next enumerated 

baving a tbKfiaaia of warm sun and were all in Latium, and more or 

lea breezes. — severi Martisy the city less freouented by the pleasure- 

of Romethatallowsof norelaacation. seekers rrom Rome.— ^<maa Ctnw, 

5. Tiimr uxorii} Whether he was the charming promontoiy of Circeii ; 



Desiderantur, nec Marica rec Liris, 

Nec in Lucrina lota Salmacis Tena. 

Hic smnma leni stringitur Thetis vento ; 

Nec languet aequor, yiya sed quies ponti \ 

Pictam phaseion adiuvante fert aura, 

Sicut puellae non amantis aestatem 

Mota salubre purpura venit frigus. 

Nec seta longo quaerit in mari praedam, 

Sed e cubiclo lectuloque iactatam 

Spectatus alte lineam trahit piscis. 

Si quando Nereus sentit Aeoli regnum, 

Ridet procellas tuta de suo mensa. !: 

Piscina rhombum pascit et lupos yemas, 

Natat ad magistrum delicata muraena ; 

Nomenculator mugilem citat notum 

&/aiM{a referriRg to the witcheries of 16 — 18.] *Nor does thehtir-' 

Circe.— Coteto, close to Formiae, seek hooty in the &r-off aea;bQi:: 

and aaid to have hecn bo called from fish when seen ^m a heigftt diu 

the nnrse of Aeneaa, Vii^. Aen. tight the line throwu out from *-. 

yii. 1. or soia/ The fisherman sitscc: 

9.] Marica was a sacred grove sofa hy a window, and thzows S' 

near the Liris. Hor. Garm. iii. line to the fish immediatelj W.<.i 

17. 7, Mnnantem Maric&e litorihus Plinj, Epist. ix. 7. 4, ' ex ilU(gK'j 

tenuisse Lirim.* Inf. ziii. 83, ' Cae- tione) possis dispicere piscant». *: 

ruleua nos Liris amat, quem silva hac ipse piscari hamumque de ca) 

Maricae Protegit ; hinc squillae culo ac paene de lectulo ut e lunr^ 

inaxima turha sumus.* jacere.* 

10. Salmacis] A spring that feil 19. Siquando, &c.] 'If eTer:*r 
into the Lucrine lake, and was sup- sea is rumed hj the wind, the ulr 
posed to he connected with one of supplied hj its own resources, ( ^ 
the same name in Caria. She is afford to laugh at the stonn.' 72 
here spoken of as a nymph. is shown hy what foUows: tit 

11. TheUs, &c.] * iSere tliesurface piscina contains turbot and ifii> • 
of the sea is just ruffled hy the ready for the pot; lampnjj y- 

gentle breeze, and there is not a mullets are so tame, that thej v>^' 

ead calm, but the livelj, jet quiet to be fed at call. — de suo^ see 355 ^ 

wayes cairy the painted ffondola So * summa — de meo wAvtTih 

with the aid of the breese. See Pliny, Epist. ii. 4. 2.— tvr«(b 

£p. 125. 20. Propertius mentions *home-bred.* So JuyenalcalUth- 

these ffay boats on the Lucrine, i. fish, the lupus, * Temula ripvuni 

11. 10. Viivil hsapictis phaseliSf Sat. v. 105. 
Georg. iy. 289.-7^^^5, cf. Epp. 23. Nomeneulator'} An archi. 

517. 4; 541. 2. form for tumienclator, Eeepen w^ 

IS. Mata — purpural 'Byamove- appointed, who could oilloro^^- 

superbae/ Propert. iii. 18. ilj. x. 817. 


i^t adesse iossi prodeimt seiies miiUL 

Pr ui sed istis qnando, Bodu^ pemiiltis ? 2S 

C^uot FomiianoB impntat dies amniB 

ES^egotiosis rebns nii>is haeraili ? 

O ianitores viliciqne felices ! 

Oominis parantur ista^ serrinnt Tobis. 

15. istis] * Tbose holidajs of yoor Epu 663. IX 

zens/ ' How manj Formuuu 28. O joantorw] Thc foiten ana 

/s does the ^ear reckon ap fcr fbe tailillii, vbo raide at tfe rilla, 

3 (i.e. as enjoyed by one), wbo are the icalJj ladkj ooea. Tbeir 

:ied fast to tne tronblesome ban- masten inj lor tbe nliUt, bot tbey 

Bs of the city ?* — ^For ta^pnlo, lee hare tlie trae eat}07iBeBt of tboiL. 

EP. 532. (X. xxxL) 

On a fflutton (perbaps the CalUodonis of Ep. 244), «bo fold a alare to 
ocure tne price of a dinner, and ia thna aaid to hare 'eatoi a maiL* 

Addixti servnm nnnunis liere mille ducentiSy 

Ut bene cenares, CaUiodore, semeL 
Nec bene cenasti : mnllns tibi qnattnor emptns 

Libi*amm cenae pompa capntqne fuit. 
Exclamare libet : '' Non est hic, improbe, non est 

Piscis : homo est ; hominem, Calliodore, comes.** 

1.] Addieere is here simplj vei^- ffopply preUOf vnleM thif be an 

lere, as in Hor. Sat. ii. 5. 107, imitation of the Greek genitiTe af 

huic tu dic — gaudentem nummo price. — cenae pompoy the principal 

te addicere.* — mille duoeiUie, for diah af tbe diDHer. It waa so called 

L200 sestertii, or about 10/. probablj from ita beii^ bronffbt on 

3. Nec bene] The dinner waa not by the servants with parade aod 

really a good one, wheu all the ceremony, as in the * peacock feafta * 

money went merely to buy fish. of the middle ages. 

On the cost of mullets, see Mr. 5. Exdamare] Cf. Ep. 101. ^. — 

Mayor on Juv. iy. 15. Sup. Ep. eomee, from comedere. 
87. 11. — With Librarum we must 

EP. 533. (X. xxxiL) 

On a portrait, oxcerea iiHoffo, of Marcns Antonios Piimus (sup. Ep. 503). 
An elegant little piece. 

Haec mihi quae colitur violis pictura rosisque, 
QaoB referat Yoltus, Caediciane, rogas ? 

\. edUur riolis'] Here we see the monumcnts, busts, or other me- 
Tustom itill kept up of decking mentos, with fresh flowers. 

z 2 


Talis erat Marcus mediis Antonius annis 
Primus : in hoc iuvenem se videt ore eeiiex. 

Ars utinam mores animumque effingere posset ! 
Pulchrior in terris nulla tabeila foret. 

4. in hoe—ore] Under this like- Tac. Agric. § 46, * id liliae <|u^ 
Qeas he saw himself, when nld, uxorique praeceperim — at &cks x 
Uepicted in the prime of life. The figaram uiinii ma^s quam caqim 
Bense is, that thoagh he liyed long complectantur ; — nsi.m ut ▼ultm h- 
afterwards, he never had another minum, ita simulacFa ▼ultoi » 
likeness taken. hecilla ac mortalia aont, fvsu 

5. moret aiUnutmque] His cha- mentis aetema.* 
racter, as well aa his features. lCf. 

EP, 534. (X. xxxiii.) 

To his friend Mnnatius Oallas, with a request that he will disdaiii 
the poet^s name any yerses of an ill-natui-ed and personal chanc^ 
Compare Epp. 330, 371, and 509. 

Simplicior prisc», Munati Galle, Sabinis, 

Cecropium superas qui bonitate senem, 
Sic tibi consoceri claros retinere penates 

Perpetua natae det face casta Venus z 
Ut tu, si viridi tinctos aerugine versus 5 

Forte malus livor dixerit esse meos, 
Ut facis, a aobis abigas, nec «crib^re qaenquam 

Talia contendas carmina, qui legitur. 
Hunc servare modum nostri novere iibelli, 

Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis. h 

1. Sabinisl They are quoted as no divorce interrupt the vaurtt 

types of the primitiye ahstinence happiness of your daug^hter with tbc 

and yirtue. Juy. x. 298, ^sanctos son of a distinguished man.* 

licet honida mores Tradiderit domus 5.] aeruffo is properly the nst r 

ac yeteres imitata Sahinos,* where hrouze, wnich is of a green colos:. 

see Mr. Mayor. — Cecropium — senem^ and poisonous. Cf. Pers. iii. % 

Socrates, whom Juyenal (ziii. 185) ^diralihido — feryenti tincta yencoc 

calls * dulci senex yicinus Hy- £p. 371. 12, ' si quisquam da 

metto.* dixerit malignus Atro carmina qvi 

3, 4. Sie iibii &c.] ^ So may madent yeneno.* 

chaste loye grant to you to retain, 7. Ut /ads] * Ut tu ahigu i 

hy the lastmg marriage of your nohis (id quod nunc ^is) »»algi 

daughter, the illustrious &mily of liyorem,' &c nec ttcriLere, &c., li 

your joint father-in-law.* When insistthatnopoet, whoisieadjwri» 

the daughter of A marries the son such yerses.* Schneidewin ntk 

of B. then hoth A and B are eon- nec stringere, &c., but this giTci u 

eoceri. Here the sense ii, *may clear meaning. 


EP. 535. (X. XXXV.) 

^ very beautiftil epigram in praise of the poetess Sulpicia, and her ardent, 
yel chaste affection. Some verseB (and they are of ijigh merit and true 
elegiac pathos) of this authoress may be read in the ordinarv editions of 
Tibullus. A short satire also, ffenerally ascribed to her, is given in some 
editions of JuvenaL See p. 79o of Walker^s Corjnu JPoeL Lat. 

Omnes Sulpiciam legant puellae, 

TJni quae cupiunt viro placere ; 

Omnes Sulpiciam legant mariti, 

TJni qui cupiunt placere nuptae. 

^on haec Colchidos asserit fororem, 5 

Diri prandia nec refert Thjestae ; 

Scjllam, Byblida nec fuisse credit, 

Sed castos docet et pios amores, 

Xiusus, deiicias facetiasque. 

Cuius carmina qui bene aestimarit, 10 

^ullam dixerit esse sanctiorem, 

I*fuilam dixerit esse nequiorem. 

Tales Egeriae iocos fuisso 

Udo crediderim Numae sub antro. 

Hac condiscipula yel hac magistra 1.5 

£sses doctior et pudica, Sappho : 

Sed tecum pariter simulque yisam 

Durus Sulpiciam Fhaon amarat. 

Frustra : namque ea nec Tonantis uxor, 

Nec Bacchi, nec Apollinis puella 20 

Erepto sibi viyeret Caleno. 

5. asserit (sihi)] She does uot take 15. Hae^ &c.] * If you had gone 

as her theme the loyes of Medea, lo school with her, or heen a pupil 

nor those which brought about the of hers, you would haye been still 

horrors of the Thyestean feast, &c. more leained, and at the same time 

8ee Ep. 510. 1. ' chaste; but then the hard-hearted 

7. njffdida'] See Ovid, Met. ix. Phaon (i. e. who refused to retum 

454, * Byblis Apollinei correpta cu- your love) would have loved Sul- 

pidiue fiatris, lion soror ut fratrem, picia, if he had secn her in your 

nec qua debebat, amavit.* The bro- comnairy.* 

ther*s name was Caunus, and she 19. Prustra} * But all «n vain ; 

was changed into a fountain, ibid. for not even as the wife of Jove, 

663. Bacchus, or ApoUo, would she have 

9. faceiias'] dapttrfiobt^ the play- deinied to live, with the loss of her 

ful toyings and sprightly talk of Calenus.* This perhaps (on whom 

lovers. Supply caatas et maa. there is another epiffram, x. 38) is 

12. neqmorem] Lasciviorem. the ' Cerinthus * in the poems men- 

18. Efferiae'} See £p. 299. 3. tioned above, as givou in Tibullus. 

WB8 ca^ 



EP. 536. (X. xxxvi.) 

On the bad wine imported to Rome from MarBcilles. 

Improba Massiliae quidquid fumaria cogunt, 

Accipit aetatem quisquis ab igne cadus, 
A te, Mnnna, venit : miseris tu mittis amicis 

Per freta, per longas toxica saeva vias ; 
Nec facili pretio, sed quo contenta Falemi 

Testa sit aut cellis Setia cara suis. 
Non venias quare tam longo tempore Romani, 

Haec puto causa tibi est, ne tua vina bibas. 

1. Improha'] Maneilles had a bad Sce Ep. 490. 1. 

repnte for stovinf^ wine, i. e. arti« 4. toaicd] Bad wine 

ficiallj mellowing it by ezposing it *poison/ as in Ep. 12. 6, * et diT 

to heat. Cf. iii. 82. 23, * vel cocta Campano toxica saeva cado/ at 

fumis muBta Masailitanis.*— ^/umoria, 322, * Vaticaiia bibis ; bibis rm- 

* smoke-rooros/ where the amphorae num.^ 

were placed, as sometimes in or near 5. Nec, &c] ' And that not £ 

the chimney, Hor. Carm. iii. 8. ll. an easy price, but one that wock 

— eogtmty properly, * coagulate,* take in (or satisfy) a jar of FaloniiL 

thence * ripen.* Cf. Epp. 519. 7 ; or Setia (i. e. Setine wine), desr u 

617. 10. — cadus, the crbck am- its own cellars,* i. e. cloaely kept 3 

phora. them, and only brought forlh for i 

3. Munna] The name of a Mar- high price.— «e/^, see Ep. 15. &. 

seilles merchant, and perhape a * egerit et nigros Maa&ica ceUa a- 

Carthaginian or Phoenician word. dos.* 

EP. 537. (X. xxxvii.) 

To Matemns, a Spaniard by birth, but a Roman advocate by professica 
and appai^ently a keen sportsman, or at least a bon vivant. Mircji 
holds out to him various inducements for a visit to Spain. Thia joanft 
of the poet^B is alluded to sup. Ep. 523. 

luris et aequarum cultor sanctissime legum, 

Veridico Latium qui regis ore forum, 
Municipi, Mateme, tuo veterique sodali 

Callaicum mandas siquid ad Oceanum, 

1. san^^Hssinui] diKatoTarf, ^most 519.3 siqmdy either in the leoM 

honouTuble," as being superior to of ra^ic^ (of which it may be diffiott 

bribes or interest. — gui regis^ whose to find an example), or an OMOoif 

opinionscarry greatauthority among thon^ as if he had intended to »t. 

Roman lawyera. * If you have any commandi fe 

3. Municipi\ A fellow-townsman Spain, now^s your time.* Bot ia 

from RiihiiiB — Callaicum^ see Ep. the last verse the sense aoemt to U 


An Laurentino turpes in litore ranas 6 

Et satius tenues ducere credis acos, 
Ad sua captivum quam saxa remittere muUuiD, 

Visus erit libris qui minor esse tribus ? 
Et fatuam sun^ma cenare pelorida mensa 

Quodque tegit levi cortice concha brevis, 10 

Ostrea Baianis quam non liventia testis, 

Quae domino pueri non prohibente vorent ? 
Hic olidam clamosus ages in retia volpem 

Mordebitque tuos sordida praeda canes : 
IUic piscoso modo vix educta profundo 15 

Impedient lepores humida lina meos. — 
Dum loquor, ecce redit sporta piscator inani^ 

Venator capta maele superbus adest : 
Omnis ab urbano venit ad mare cena macello« 

Callaicum mandas siquid ad Oceanum ? 20 

ecqtad mandas, And it may be 8aid to be meant ; and perhaps the 

questioned if ecquid is not the true * smooth coyering* may refer to the 

reading in both places. beard or membrane lining the in- 

5. Laurentino] Probably Matemiis ternal shell. 

had a £Eirm in the Laurens ager. — 11. quam] i. e. ' satius credis quam 

ranas, supplj spectare or audire, as cenare ostrea/ &c. — non liveniiaf 

ducere in the next line refers only * not jealous of/ because fully as 

to catching fish, i. e. drawing them fine as the Lucrine oysters. They 

with the line. So Cicero jocosely are so plentiful, too, that * the slaves 

calls the inhabitants of Ulubrae eat them without being stopped by 

* ranunculi/ as beii^ near the Pon- their masters.'* 

tine marshes (ad Fam vii. 18). — 13. Hic} * Here in Italy you will 

acoSt a small and common fish, drive with shouts the stinking fox 

called from its needle-shape, like into the hunter's net, and get your 

/3cXdi/ff or /3cXoi/tf. dogs maimed by a bite from the 

7. Ad 8ua, &c.] * Than to send worthless brute ; but in Spain, the 

back to his native rocks ^ (i. e. throw same net that has been used to catch 

again into the sea) * the mullet you fish in the sea, will be used, while still 

have taken, if it should seem to be wet, for taking hares on my estate.* 

of less than three pounds weight.* 17. Dum loquor} * Even while I 

Thia implies the plenty and the size am speaking a fisherman retums 

of the best fish in Spain, and is of with empty basket ; while your 

course a hyperbole. hunter comes in proud of having 

9. /aiuam'] * Tasteless.* Cf. Ep. caught a marten.* Meles or maeies 
603. 8, *hinc pistor fatuas facit was a creature of the wild-cat or 
placentas.* — pdmida, see Ep 280. 5, badger kind, useless, of course, for 
-where it is contrasted, as here, with the table. 

Lucrine ovstera. — summa — mensa, 19. itiacello'] All the supplies (i. c. 

'optima, ututissima ;^ the term re- includiu? fish, which perhaps ia 

ferring to the cliief dish being placed principauy meant) come to the sea- 

at the top of the table. side trom the city market. See 

10. concha bretris^ The muscle is £pp. 141 and 148. 48. 



"EP, 538. (X. xxxix.) 

Oa u old 101] nglf WDmiD, wba, pediap», coiHHlod hMr ml tgt. 

Consnle te Brato quod. iuras, Le8bi&, natam, 
Mentiris. Nata ea, Lesbi», rege !Numa? 

Sic qnoque mentiriB. Kamqae, ut tua 8aecul& nuniL 
Ficta Frometheo diceris esse iuto. 

1. ConnJi — Bnlo] Irany, of y«iir»wii ^ (i. e. iged lookjfiif 

oDiHi. ' We ue «rtiin 70U an of f oD, it telli ua jou wcn t^ S^ 

Ider tbui liaL Well, Ibeii, •hiU womui tlut wu foimed oat of j- 

re nj. NDiin'i reign ? Thit, too, clij oT PrDmettaeu*,' Tii. Puijiir. 

1 1. Bh; for if we tnut tbo ucount Hes. Opp. 61. 

EP. 539, (X. XIL) 

On ■ rich Iint iinriciniu wifa, who pHled fri>in hec hiubud, lol <t- 
tbould hiTo to pij tbe expen» incident^ to the office of pnetor, to vl..- 
he liui jiut been mppointed. 

MeoBe novo lani reterein, Froculeia, niaritum 

Deseris atque iubes res sibi habere suas. 
Quid, n^o, quid factum eat ? subitiquaecauBadolorii! 

Nil mihi respondes ? Dicam ego, praetor erat 
Gonstatura fuit Megaleusis purpura centum '• 

Milibus, ut nimium munera parca dares, 
Et populare sacrum bia milia dena talisset. 

Diaoidium non est boc, Proculeia : lucrum est. 

1. Mnueiuiia] There it ttthern thepeovle,' Tbe immeDM opat 

foiced «Dtztbcsie between tho new incurred b; the prmelor mt tb» , 

month tnd the old hDibeod. ninet ■■ deecribed in Jut. zi. iSl.- 

■2. libi AoWt] Thii vu a fonnali 195. 

of divorce, ' tu» m tibi b>beta, 7. poptUm (kcthI Fretitbl' 

tuu nn dbi agito-' (Dict. of Antiq. thia mnna, ' the genorml expenin /i 

p.34g, lubT. ditwtiBn.l tbu pepuUr feslivni woald b" 

i. fn-attnr tmi] Wa. ieapMat. biken IwentT thouund Ktlmii 

5. CtmttatuTtil A nre fonn. So Tbe Megaleti> «ere du iWtinl i 

Ep. 392. 3, 'multo iLnturuni un- the jeu; 'Totun hodie Romui 

guine Maiioui." 'Tke pui-ple roiie Circui «pit," «ji JuTeul, nt m 

{toqajnda) Dl the MegnlL-ain, (gamet Some thlDkBnollierf«tiTal iiiHul, 

' " ' ' '" Ji in houuur of ihe luch u the Floralii or the PaliLi 

Cjbclc)™ prettj B, lucnm id\ 'Thii ii noi ^ 

<ii'l huudred thiiu- put from b hutband : it ii 10 Biti , 


EP. 540. (X. xliii.) 

Septima iam, Phileros, tibi conditur uxor in agro. 
Plus nulli, Phileros, quam tibi, reddit ager, 

2. Plus ntilU\ Your field has made He intimates that they have all heen 
rou thebeetreturn (mit7tf»),Tiz. the poisoned. Cf. Pers. ii. l4, * Nerio 
ortuneB of seven wives in succession. jam tertia conditur uxor.* 

EP. 541. (X. xliv.) 

To Quintus Ovidius, to whom also Ep. 472 is addressed, and iz. 53, 
* Natali tibi, Quinte, tuo dare parva volebam munera,* also £p. 353 and 
354, where, as here, his constaucy and affectiou in accompanying his friend 
Caesonius into exile are eulogized, with a waming that he is now somewliat 
advanced in life. 

Quinte Caledonios Ovidi visure Bntannos 

Et viridem Tethyn Oceanumque patrem, 
Ergo Numae cdlles et Nomentana relinques 

Otia, nec retinet i*usque focusque senem ? 
Gaudia tu differs, at non et stamina difiert 5 

Atropos, atque omnis scribitur hora tibi. 
Praestiteris caro — quis non hoc laudet ? — amico, 

Ut potior vita sit tibi sancta fides ; 
Sed reddare tuis tandem mansure Sabinis 

Teque tuas numeres inter amicitias. 10 

2. jKUrem] Because all rivers wei*e have affoi-ded (all praise to you !) to 
tbought to flow from him, by sub- your dearfriend, that an inviolable 
terraiiean ways. fidelity to him bas been preferred to 

3. Numae coiles] The Sabine hills. your life/ i. e. to the enjovment of life. 
Ovidius had a farm at Nomentum, In our idiom, * You will have showu 
and consequently was a neighbour as your affection to your friend by pre- 
well as friend of MartiaVs. iferring the claims of friendsl^ip to 

5. difers] You put off till late the your own comfort.* 
enjoyment of life, viz. while you ac- 9. reddare] ' May yoube restored 

company an exile ; but the fate does to your native Sabine people and stay 

not postpone the time fixed for your long among them, counting yourself 

deaui, and every hour you live is amoug your own friends.* 'Thera is an 

written against you,* imjnUatur tibi. allusion to the old saw, Ttc ya^ 

Comp. Epp. 191. 9 ; 230. 12. ' Soles cfftf A6v ovx "otv '^>Xo«; Soph. Oed. 

effugere atque abire sentit, Qui no- Col. 309. Plat. Resp. ii. p. 412, D, 

bis pereuDt et imputantur.* and the meaning is, * be Kindly to 

7. Praettiieris] Lit. *you will younelf,* indulge gento. 


EP. 542. (X. xlv.) 

To a diaatisfied reader, whom the poet comparet to one tliat bss eoun 
tastet in eating. 

Si qnid lene mei dicnnt et duloe libelli, 
Si qoid honorificum pagina blanda sonat, 

Hoc tu pingne putas et costam rodere mavis, 
II ia Laurentis cum tibi demus apri. 

Yaticana bibas, si delectaris aceto : i 

Non facit ad stomachum nostra lagona tuum. 

1.] Leme and didee are naed in re- a baar.* Cf. Juy. t. 135, ' vis, fnter. 

ference to food ; as * vacuis commit- ab ipsis Ilibus.'* He seema to mt, 

tere venis nil nisi letie decet; leni tbat likea doggnawing^ a bone, thii 

praecordia mulso Prolueris melius,* man waa SQappish, and prefenei: 

Hor. Sat. ii. 4. 26. It is opposed to Bnarllng to ffood-nature. — Lamrm- 

pimguBy * coarse/ * fP^^^ ' ricb,^ and tis, see £p. 4^. 5. 

tberefore bard to digest In tbe li- 5. Vatieana] See Ep. 12. 2.— 

terary sense, any tbing pleasin^ and aeeto^ opposed to dulce, la * soar, ill- 

Bootbing is meant; as konanfiew» temperea verses.* — Non faat ad. 

is ' complimentary.* ' our ilask does not suit voar taste/ 

3. eokam rttdere] ' Yon prefer to So Ovid, Her. xv. 8, * non &cit ad 

gnaw a rib-bone, thougb I offer you lacrymas barbitoe ulla meas.* 
the choicest morsels from the loin of 

EP. 543. (X. xlvi.) 

To Matho (perhaps tbe pretentious kwyer in Juv. 1. 32) ; see Ep. 209. 

Omnia vis belle, Matho, dicere. Dic aliquando 
Et bene ; dic neutrum ; dic aliquando male. 

l. h^^2 fi9rpiw9, •'TtciKctft. See variety, says the poet, even if fortbe 
£p. 68. 7, * Nil bene cum facias, worse, would be better than jva 
&cias tamen omnia belle,* &c. Any monotonous mediocritj. 

EP. 544. (X. xlvii.) 

To Julius Martialis (Ep. 198), on the conditions of a happj Lfe. Aa 
epigram of the highest merit, both in the composition and tbe matter. 

Vitam quae faciant beatiorem, 
lucundissime Martialis, haec sunt : 
Bes non parta labore, sed relicta ; 

3. ReSf &C.1 'Propert;^ not ac- by tbeir own ezertions are apt topot 
quired b^ toii, but inherited/ viz. too high a vidue on it, and to aol 
or- ho bave made money fully to enjoj its uae. 


l^on ingratus ager, focus perennis ; 

Liis nunquam, toga rara, mens quieta ; 6 

Vires ingenuae, salubre corpus ; 

Prudens simplicitas, pares amici ; 

CoDyictus facilis, sine arte mensa ; 

IN^cx non ebria, sed soluta curis ; 

IN^on tristis torus, et tamen pudicus ; 10 

Somnus, qui faciat breves tenebras : 

Quod sis, esse velis nihilque malis ; 

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes. 

4. ager] * A farm that yields a good 8. Convictu»] * Good-natured gfuetts, 
return, a nearth that is well supplied a plain table. ' By conyictuty the 
throughouttheyear/eitherwithfuel social intercourse of citizens, he 
or victuals. Orbothmaybeincluded means the friends of your own sta- 
in the senae in which we should be tion who frequent your table, and are 
said * to keep the kitchen-fire going.^ at once easy to be pleased and slow 
-^perennU^ iirfTxov, circTqaioc. — to be ofFended. — itne arte^ without 
inf/ratuSi Ep. 148. 4. the elaborate dinners of artistic 

5. iopa rard] *The toga seldom cooks, but just suchas thatdescribed 
i-equired/ either in the service of the in the next epigram. 

client to the patron, or when one 9. non eftria] Not spent in drink- 

had to avpear in the forum, which no ing (* donec iniciet radios in mea 

respectabie citizen would do tunica- vina dics/ Propert. v. 6, ult), but re- 

tiis. For the dislike to the toga, see lieved from care<i by the social cup. 
Epp. 25. 31 ; 199. 3. 10. Non tristis, &c.J A wife who 

o. Vires inffenuae'] * Constitutional is virtuous without bcmg a prude. — 

Btrength.* i<rx£>v lyyci/fic, avfi- somnus, a sleep so sound that the 

fpuTo^, — simpliciias, * openness of dark hours seem to pass quickly. 
character which is too discreet to of- 12. relis] i. e. utveiis^ or veUe. *Tc 

fend/ by telling unwelcome truths. be willing to be what you are, and 

So Pliny, Ep. i. 15, * potes appara- to nrefer no other lot.* 
tius cenare apud multos, nusquam 13. nec optes] On account of tor- 

hilarius, simplicius, incautius.*— menting diseases. 
pareSy * congenial,* * well-matchod.* 

EP. 545. (X. xlviii.) 

This, too, is an interesting enigram, containing as it does a minute account 
of a plain Roman dinner, to wnich the poet invites a party of special fiiends 
at an early hour. 

Nunciat octavam Phariae sua turba iuvencae 

1. Nunciat] See Ep. 435. 1 sua 3. 31), which was opened in the 

turba, * Her worshippers are announc- moming and closed al two, after the 

inff to Isis the eiehtli hour,* i. e. that performance of the ceremony of the 

it is now two oViock. Twice a day search for the lost Osiris (Jut. viii. 

the worshippers of the Egyptian «mi- 29) — -juvencae, see Epp. 72. 8 ; 443. 

dees attended her temple (Tibttu. i. 1. 


Et pilata redit iamque subitque cohors. 
Temperat haec thermas, nimio prior hora vapore 

Halat et immodico sexta Nerone calet. 
Stella, Nepos, Cani, Cerealis, Flacce, venitis ? i 

Septem sigma capit ; sex sumus, adde !LupunL. 
Exoneraturas ventrem mihi viliea malvas 

Attulit et varias, quas habet hortus, opes. 
In quibus est lactuca sedens et tonsile porrum : 

Nec deest ructatrix mentha nec herba salax. V 

Secta coronabunt rutatos ova lacertos 

Et madidum thjnni de sale sumen erit. 

2.] The true reading hete seems 6. s^ma] A semi-circnlar w&ii 

doubtfui, and the meaning is ob- the shape of the letter C (as tbc 

•cure. We harejamque apparently Greek 2! was generallj written i: 

naed for jam in o56. 6, so that the later ages). So in xiv. 87, * Accipe 

■ense may be, * and now the troops lunata scriptum teatadine ligm: 

armed with the pilum (tbe short Octo capit; veniat quisqniB unicv 

and heavy Roman javelin) are re- erit/ It was adaptea to theshapecf 

tuming and entering upon guard.* the citrei orites^ or circular diniar- 

This 18 commonly referred to the tables. See Rich, Dict. m r. It > 

change of the praetorian guards (ex- clear that the heaxuUinon in £p. 47i 

cubiae) before the pahice, which is 9, was of this kind ; and also tliu 

supposed (but not known) to have accordingtoitssizeitheidsiz,8evcsL 

taken p1 acc at that hoiir. Or redit may or eight ffuests. — Luputn, see Ep. 60L 

refer to the leaving guard. In this 7. mMvoB] Tlie madlow, «liicii 

case Me must supply castra with was thougbt, like the lettnce (E^ 

8uf*it. Others,withequa1probability, 617. 5), to have a healUiyactionoL 

refer fn/ata cohors to the densely- the stomach. See Hor. Carm. i. 31 

packed crowd issuing fi*om the 16;Epod. 5.58. The/uaA.axvoftiK 

temple in the Campus Martius and Greeks, Hes. Opp. 41. Ar. PlutSiS 

retmning home. We might suggest 9. sedens] Scssilis. the squat («i 

as a correction, * et pilata redit jam Coan) lettuce. — tonsile, like ttc&t, 

subiitque cohors,* i. e. ' the crowd means the small green tops of leeki 

has retumed and enteml their own or onions cut or climjed nesh ixm. 

houses.* the beds. See Mr. Mavor on Jut 

3, 4.] This passage shows that the iii. 293. — herha salaar, tiie eruea, •< 

hottest baths were frequented at rocket, which was considered stiaii- 

noon, those of a less temperature at lative. Cf. iii. 75. 3, ' sed nihil ot- 

one, and the tepid baths at two. — ^The cae faciunt bulbique salacea.* 

baths of Nero werethemostfamous; 11. Seeta — ovaj Sliced eggs Bfatl' 

see Kp. 129. 4, * Neronianas hic re- cai-nish lacerti (a common fish, £< 

frigerat thermas,* and vii. 34. 5, 617. 7, * mox vetus et tenni nujor 

* Quid Nerone pejus ? Quid thermis cordvla lacerto, Sed quam cum ratu 

melius Neronianis.'" fiondibus ova tegant*) tkynmi^ 

5. Stella. &c.] Frequent mention stiiey taken fresh and dripping firom 

of tbese guests is madein Martial. — the brine in which the tunnj bis 

renitis^ * are you coming to dine ? * been pickled. The sow^s paanck 

The technical word, as Pliny, £p. i. like the vutva or uterus^ was stuffed 

15, * heus tu promittis ad cenam nec like a baggis, and thouffht a ercst 

ven- ' ^" ^ *J17.2. delicacy.See335.11;xiii.44aiid5d 


Grustus in his ; una ponetnr cenula mensa, 

Haedus, inhumani raptus ab ore lupi, 
'Et quae non egeant ferro structoris ofellae, 15 

!Et faba fabrorum prototomique rudes. 
IPuUus ad haec cenisque tribus iam perna superstes 

Addetur ; saturis mitia poma dabo, 
X>e Nomentana vinum sine faece lagona, 

Quae bis Frontino consule prima fuit. 20 

^ccedunt sine felle ioci nec mane timenda 

Lfibertas et nil quod tacuisse velis. 
De prasino conyiya meus venetoque loquatur, 

Nec faciunt quemquam pocula nostra reum. 

13. Gfutus] The aboye will Bupplj second coune, mensa tectmda^ my 

he preliminaiy mack or promiim». guesU sliail hare ripe apples when 

^ee £p. 269. Z»—eenula^ " the little Uiey have dined to their content." 

linner will be served on oue table,* 19. Nomentuna] Wine from tbe 

e. in one course, consisting of kid, poet^s own farm at Nomentum. — 

:hopB, beans, early sprouts, chicken, nrima fuii^ either ' which was first 

tnd cold ham. laid down in the second conBuUhip 

14. inkwnaM\ Propert. t. 4. 53, of Frontinus,* or, *■ which waa the 
' non quem sine matris honore Nutrit choicest produce of that year." 
inhumanae dura pupilla lupae.* The 21. AccedutU] * His adde jocos,* 
kid had been maimed by the wolf, &c. — maif0/t//teiM/a, throuffhfearyun 
and rescued from its mouth, but not may have said somethingimprudent, 
killed from the flock for this special which has been reported. Hence 
occasion. * nothing vou would wish ndt to have 

15. o/ellae] *Gutlet8,* ^steaks,* uttered is an explanation of /tfterto» 
which do not require carving. So (ira/iptt<ria), 

£p. 663. 17, * me meus ad subitas 23. De praeino} As the emperors 

invitet amicns ofellas.* Varro, L. L. themselves took active interest m the 

V. 110, 'ex abdomine ejus (suis) factionsor 'colours' oftheriders in 

offvla^ dicta ab offEi minima e suere.* the Circus, it was deemed imprudent 

(From this it would seem to be a to speak too freely on the subject. 

technical word, confined to a soecial Suet. Dom. § viii., ' duas (^ircensihus 

fiense.) gregum factiones aurati purpureique 

16. f(M fahrorum] Conimon panni ad quatuor pristinas addidit.' 
heans,thefoodof artisans.— pruto/O' Cf. Jttv. vii. 114; xi. 196. Praeiwa 
r//t, carly «pring greens or sprouts. — was the sreen, Veneta the blue party 
rudety without any addition, such as (Ep. 298). 

lardum (269. 10), or served in their 24. nec] i. e. neque enim; *for no 

namral state. one ever gets into a scrape from a 

17. iupersU»] Generally it was wine-partv at my house. Comp. 
thought shabby to reserve what was Ep. lo. l^he common reading, neo 
left on tbe taSle for another meal ; /acient, seems better, and has the 
see Ep. 52. 7. au^ority of most MSS. In this case 

18. uUuris] *In lieu of a formal aeoedent might be read in yer. 21. 


EP. 546. (X. xlix.) 

To a wealthj, but mMn host, who dxank the health of hia fnesti z 
ioferior wine. 

Cum potes amethystinos trientes 
Et nigro madeas Opimiano, 
Propinas modo conditnm Sabinnm 
Et dicis mihi, Cotta, " Vis in auro ? " 
Quisquam plumbea vina yolt in auro ? 

l.Cumpotes'] * Thoagh you drink Donaldson on Pind. Ol. TiL 1.- 

cups made of (or perhaps adomed ScAismm^ a strong and oonu>' 

with) amethjst, ana drench yourself wine, which required some yean t^: 

with Opimian wine, jrou hand to your mellowin^. 

guests lately stored Sabine.* Goilets 4. Vis tn aairo ?] ' Will yon driii 

or cups of jasper, onyx, ohalcedony, with me in this golden gobI«;''' 

&c., are Btill to be met with in PerhapB there waa soino complimet: 

antioue collertions. — Opimiano, see in this; for gonerallj 'tibi &ai 

Ep. 15. 7. — Propinas, * you drink a committitur aurum/ Juv. t. 40. 
health in,^ &c. As the cup was then ' 5. Quisquain] See Cp. 29. a- 

handed to the guest, and occasionally plumbea, * ba8e, ' worthdeM wiu ' 

presented to mm, irpoTriimv came Cf. £p. 390. 16. i 
to mean * to make a prescnt.* See 

EP. 547. (X. 1.) 

On the death of Scorpus, a oelebrated chariot-diircr iu the Ciicv 
(Epp. 200. 5 ; 234, and 549). 

Frangat Idumaeas tristis Yictorla palmas, 
Plange, Fayor, saeva pectora nuda manu. 

Mutet Honor cultus et iniquis munera f[anim:s 
Mitte coronatas, Gloria maesta, comas. 

Heu facinus ! prima fraudatus, Scorpe, iuventa : 

Occidis et nigros tam cito iungis equos. 

1. Idumaeas] Judaea was famous 3. Muiet"] Exchange the garmec^ 

for it8 date-palmB, and perhaps Bup- or badges of honour for mounun^. 
plied theci to Rome for these oc- 4. ooronataa] i. e. *abice coioiui 

casionB. Cf. Juv. viii. 58, * sic comie, et mitte flammis.* 
laudamus equum, facili cui plurima 5. prima^juoenta\ He was onif 

palpaa Fenret, et exultat rauco yic- twenty-seven. Inf. 549. 3.— «MnJ 

toria Circo.' — Favor^ viz. populi; eouos, the steeds of Pluto, «losc 

here described as a genius, or per- charioteer Scorpus will continne to 

^'^ be in Hadea. 


Cmribug illa tuis semper properata breyisque 
Cnr fiiit et vitae tam prope meta tuae ? 

8. meia^ The pillar or cone at short distance, for Tour chariot, so 

;he end of the Gircus. * Why was near aUo for your life ?* An elegant 

:lie tumiiiff-point, which had eyer and hcautifully expressed simile. 
been rapidfj approached, and at a 

EP. 548. (X. li.) 

To FaufitinuB, whom he adviaes to leave Romo in the spring timc, and 
retire to his beautiful villa (£p. 148) at Baiae, commanding a view across 
the bay of the town of Anxur. 

Sidera iam Tyrius Phrixei respicit agni 

Taurus et altemum Castora fugit hiems ; 
Kidet ager, yestitur humus, vestitur et arbor, 

Ismarium pellex Attica plorat Itjn. 
Quos, Faustine, dies, quales tibi Roma Ravennae 5 

Abstulit ! o soles, o tunicata quies I 
O nemus, o fontes solidumque madentis harenae 

Litus et aequoreis splendidus Anxur aquis, 
Et non unius spectator lectulus undae, * 

Qui videt hinc puppes fluminis, inde maris ! 10 

1. TyriuSf &;c.] * The constella- is called ' multisona Atthis * in Ep. 

tion of the buU, who carried the 28. 9. — Ismarium, Thracian, as the 

Tvrian Europa (see Ovid, Fast. iv. son of King Tereus, Thuc. ii. 29. 

7l5; V. 603—620), looks back at 5. Qwo*, &c.] *What delightful 

the constellation of the ram, that days at Ravenna (the name of the 

convejed Phrizus and Helle across villa in Latium) has Rome deprived 

the sea.* The sun passes from Aries you of,* viz. by its constant occu- 

into Taurus on the 20th of April ; pations. — tuniccUa quies^ retirement 

hence he looka hack on the zodiacal in which the t(^ need not be wom. 

sign of the preceding month. But See £p. 648. 17; sup. 544. 5. 

Taurus fully rises May 14th (Ovid, 7. soHdurn] Because wet sand is 

ut sup.); and on the 20th of the iirm, dry sand is sofk and loose. 

same month the sun entera Gemini Pliny, Ep. ii. 17, ad fin., ^ sive mari 

(Ovid, Fast. v. 694), which con- sive ipso litore utare; quod noii 

stellation represented Castor and nunquam longa ti^anquillitas mollit, 

PoWux.—altemum^ because he con- saepius frequens et contrarius fluc- 

sented to be six months on earth, tus indurat.^ — sj^endidus, with its 

and six in heaven ; hence the sense white rocks glistening in the clear 

is, ' the Castor who takes his tu^ sea. Cf. Ep. 215. 6. 

with his brother." See Ep. 471. 8. 9. non unitu] The sofas are so 

Hom. Od. xi. 303. And the genenil arranged as to command a view on 

meaning is, 'now spring has suc- one side of the sea, on the other 

ceeded to winter.* side of the river, an^ the ships upon 

4. peUex Attica] Philomela, who each. 


Sed nec Marcelli Pompeianumque, nec illic 
Sunt triplices thermae, nec fora iuncta qnater, 

Nec Capitolini summum penetrale Tonantis, 
Quaeque nitent caelo proxima templa suo. 

Dicere te lassum quotiens ego credo Quirino : !: 

'* Quae tua sunt, tibi habe : quae mea, redde mihi." 

11. Marcellil The two principal ouater^ the Foi-um Romanani, Jc- 

theatres of Rome were the theati^ea lium, Auffiistum, and Tnunflitorinn. 

of Pompey aud Marcellaa. See Cf. Ep. 5o0. 6. 

Ep. 278, and art Roma, in the 13. TontmHs] See Ep. 446. 7^ 

CiaMical Dictionary, p. 652. It is eaelo proseima, the temple to Yo- 

rather douhtful in' wbat tone thia pasian, Ep. 445. 8. 

is aaid : * But we have no theatrea 15. quUietu'} * How ofien I fiuxj 

there (and all the better !),' or, I hear you aaying to the god (^ 

'But then, we shall'be told, the rinus (i. e. to Rome), from bmr 

country is a dull place, without weariness, Keep your aum fteedvsr 

amusements,* &c.^triplice8y the hot delifffUs, and give mm mmey viz. tb< 

baths of Agrippa, Nero, and Titus. pleasures of the countrr. 
See Epp. 134. 6; 545. 4,—/ora— 

EP. 549. (X. liii.) 

On the death of Scorpus (Ep. 547). 

Ble ego sum Scorpus, clamosi gloria Circi, 
Plausus, Roma, tui deliciaeque breves, 

Invida quem Lachesis raptum trieteride nona 
Dum numerat pabnas, credidit esse senem. 

1. clamost] See Jut. xi. 195. twenty-seven vears was so neai. 

4. palmas] The number of yic- that tlie envious fate supposed tb 
tories gained in a short life of winner was of mature age. 

EP. 550. (X. liv.) 

Mensas, Ole, bonas ponis, sed ponis opertas. 
Ridiculum est : possum sic ego habere bonas. 

1. opertas] CoTered over, so that thisrtmustbeinferredthatthetabk- 

no one can tell whether the tables cloth (m<mtele) was iiot alwaya vaei 

are of common wood, or the costlj The plural meneaa refers to the v» 

eitrei orhee, which they pre^ended cession of tables or slaba (Ep. lkl\ 

to be. Cf. Ep. 476. 7, *Inde satur brought on with tfae chaiured conna. 
r^ 1 ezuit orbes.* From 


EP. 551. (X. Ivi.) 

A witty reproof to one who exacted too much Mrvioe from his clieuts. 

Xotis, Galle, iubes tibi me servire diebus 

Et per Aventiuum ter quater ire lutum. 
Sximit aut reficit dentem Cascellius aegrum, 

Infestos oculis uris, Hygine, pilos ; 
l^on secat et tollit stillantem Fannius uvam, 5 

Tristia servorum stigmata delet Eros ; 
Snterocelarum fertur Podalirius Hermes : 

Qui sanet ruptos dic mihi, Galle, quis est ? 

1. Totis — diebtts] * AU day lonff.* * the avula/ but do not explain 

Z!f. Elp. 522. 14. Usually the early stillantvmy which may perhaps mean 

xioming lev^e was the hour of at- what we call * enlarged/ * aropping 

tendance, unless the patron went in downwards.* 

}ublic in his ^tca^whentheclients 6. stignuUa] Some process of 

preceded him. enamelling, or the use of splenia 

3. E^mit^ &;c.] * Thcre are re- (Ep. 78. 9), seems to be meant 

medies to be found for tooth-ache ttigmatay the lettera branded on the 

ar sore eyes, &c., but none for the forehead, or other marks. See 

damage which so much exertion is 631. 13. 

Bure to give me.* — reficit^ *8top8,* l.fertur^ &c.] ^Hermes is said 

by the dentist^s art, which was early to be a yery Podalirius in curing 

practised by the Romans. ruptures.^ Gir. Ep. 631. 6, * mitius 

4. piloa] Hairs that grew inwards implicit^ Alcon secat enterocelas/ 
rrom the eyelids, and which appear ana the note. There is a play on 
to have been eradicated by caustic. ruptoSy which means either * mp- 

5. Non secaty &c. ] * Fannius tured,* or dia/ipaytirras, * done up/ 
cures without cutting a bleeding de/essos, or ruptis oaJeeis ambu- 
alcer in the face.* Some interpret, lantes, 

EP. 552. (X. Ivii.) 

Tbe subject is the same as Ep. 438. The natron*B annual gift to his 
client has come down to half a pound (not of sifyer, but) of pepper. That, 
aays the poet, irapd irpoadoiciav, is not enough to buy — ^pepper with. 

Argenti libram mittebas ; facta selibra est, 
Sed piperis. Tanti non emo, Sexte, piper. 

EP. 553. (X. Iviii.) 

To Frontinus, to whom the poet offers an excuse for not attending hia 
Iev6e8 as a client, pleading the engagements of a city life. 

^nxuris aequorei placidos, Frontine, recessus 
Et propius Baias litoreamque domum. 



Et qnod inhumanae cancro fervente cicadae 

Non novere nemus, flumineosque lacus 
Dum colui, doctas tecum celebrare yacabat 

Pieridas, nunc nos maxima Boma terit. 
Hic mihi quando dies meus est ? iactamur in alto 

Urbis et in sterili yita labore perit, 
Dura suburbani dum iugera pascimus s^ri 

Yicinosque tibi, sancte Quirine, lares. I-: 

Sed non solus amat qui nocte dieque frequentat 

Limina, nec vatem talia damna decent. 
Per veneranda mihi Musarum gacra, per omnes 

luro deos, et non officiosus amo. 

2.1 Litorea domus probablj refen I can devote it, if I please, to jk 

to anouae occupied by thefriends on Bervioe. ^jaetamwry x'^'*^^^''*'^ 

the flhore. — Etguody &c., the wood ^wearestoim-toased onaseaofcn 

where the cicala docs not chirp at life. and that iife is tbrown xnja 

the summer soUtice, though that it a labour tliat brings little or no r- 

the time of year when it generally is tom.*— <2«m pcucimus, * in our £- 

most Yocal. This fact is stated of the tempts to fertilize aa unkindh &s 

wood at Rhegium by Pliny, N. H. near the city, and keep a hoaie <■ 

xi.27 inhumanae, 'sulky,* unlike the Quirinal hill.* Compare^^ 

others of their kind. Perhaps there 7. The farm is probably that me' 

is a refeience to the myth in Plat. tioned in Kp. 501, and 6Ul. 
Phaedr. p. 259, B, that the cicalaa 10. tHn] Colli a te dicto. 
were formerly human beings. 11. non solusf] *There aie otbn 

5. Dum cofui] ' While you and who feel true rmid beaide ^ 

I lived together at Anzur or Baiae, clients who bang for ever aboot i 

or Rhegium in Galabria, we had rich man^s threshold ; besides. » 

time for our common piirsuits of poet cannot afford such a \m - 

poetry ; now we are both wom by time.* Tliis is an apology da ^ 

the fatigues of Rome.* Baiae is poet^s frequent abaence from ^ 

spoken of as propiust * somewhat leyee of Frontinus. See Ep. ZL 1» 

near to Rome," though it is further * qualiacunque leguntur Ista, wk- 

than Anxur. — txicatMty used imper- tator scribere non potuit.* 
9onaUy, as Juy. i. 21, * si yacat.* 14. et non, &c. J Even thoogl I 

7. Ilic] Viz. at Rome. — meuSj seem to fail in mj duty aa a dies'- 

che predicate, lit ' when is a day Cf. Ep. 34. 2. 
mine for me ?* i. e. my own, so that 

EP. 554. (X. Ux.) 

To a &8tidiou8 reader, who picked ont the shorter and more jai^ 
epigrams, rejecting the longer. 

Consumpta est uno si lemmate pagina, traiisis 
Et breviora tibi, non meliora placent. 

1. uno — lemmate] * One heading,* the exception of lib. ziii. tnd zif 
7t, one epigram. With (see £p. $92. 7), the poet doei bA 


>WeB et ex omni posita est instracta macello 

Oena tibi, sed te mattea sola iuvat. 
!^oii opus est nobis nimium lectore guloso ; 5 

Bunc Yolo, non fiat qui sine pane satur. 

t^r liimself to have prefixed the fiaTrCat* Ihid. 146, * haee omnia 

is ^hich are aseigned m the older (sc victus j^nera) posteaquam con- 

ioTis to the epigrams throughout. tracta in unum locum quae nd 

<i sense is, * if one whoie page is victum pertinebant, et aedificatus 

exx up hy a single epigram, jou locus, appellatum inaceUttfni.'' (The 

3 it ovor.'* derivation of the word, which he 

». maeello] The provision-market, discuBses, is unoertain.) 

eciallyfor meatandfish. — maUeay 6. Non opm\ *I ask not for an 

T^ruti, a delicacy of any kind. over-gUittonous (or too particular) 

. Suet. Calig. § 8o, 'multis vene- reader; I like one who is not filled 

tsLS macteas misit* Inf. xiii. 92, without bread,* or who takes viands 

ater aves turdus, si ouid me judice as thev come, without picking out 

rtuin «^t, Inter quadmpedes mat- only the delicacies, who ests o^oy 

X prima lepus.* Yarro, L. L. y. kirl vlrif, 
2, ''matteae ab eo quod Graeci 

EP. ^66. (X. Ix.) 

A joke on an unBUOcessful schoolmaster, who had only two pupiU 
'liere is a play on the^ trium liberorum, £p. 108. 

Xura trium petiit a Caesare discipulorum 
Assuetus semper Munna docere duos. 

EP. 556. (X. Ixi.) 

An epigram of mnch pathos and beauty to the little Erotion on wHom 
Bp. 24o is written. The poet commends to his successors the special care 
»1 ber tomb. 

Hic festinata requiescit Erotion umbra, 
Crimine quam fati sexta peremit hiems. 

Quisqois eris nostri post me regnator agelli, 
Manibus exiguis annua iusta dato. 

Sic lare perpetuo, sic turba sospite solus 5 

Flebilis in terra sit lapis iste tua. 

3. reffmUor] Rex or dominua A 5.' perp^uol In regular unbroken 

domain wm called regmttm, 669. 19. descent from father to son «o/t», 

.amnta jutta^ soleranes exequias. &c., may you have no other tomb 

liands were often inherited with on your estate over a lost member 

gaera^ or other aervitut attached to of yonr fiunily, — a beautiful senti- 

tLeuu ment 

▲ a 2 


EP. 557. (X. Ixii.) 

To a too strict iclioolmaster, with an entreaty that he will be less le^. 
to the boys in summer time. See Becker, Grallus, p. 194. 

Lndi magister, parce simplici turbae. 

Sic te frequentes audiant capillati 

Et delicatae diligat chorus mensae, 

Nec calculator, nec notarius velox 

Maiore quisquam circulo coronetur. 3 

Albae leone flammeo calent luces 

Tostamque fervens lulius coquit messem. 

Cirrata loris horridis Scjthae pellis, 

Qua vapulavit Marsyas Celaenaeus, 

Ferulaeque tristes, sceptra paedagogorum, i' 

Cessent et Idus dormiant in Octobres : 

Aestate pueri si Valent, satis discunt. 

1. Ludi moffUter] Ep. 480. 1. canicula messet jamdadnm coqTiit* 

2. Sie t0, &c.] 'So may your 8. Cirrata lonsl 'Laj aside tkl 
school he attended hy crowds of cat-o*-nine-tail8, that floeged tix 

fentlemen^s , sons.* — capillati, ^. very skin off MarBjaa,* £e satrr. 

Hpp. 148. 3*1 ; 460. 7, * nec matu- when he contended with Apolio •: 

tini cirrata catenra magistri.* — ckorus Celaenae, in Phrjgia. ^ StyAM 

mensae, the little company that peUis may have heen a nickiuiBe 

stands round your well-supplied derived firom the account Herodoa; 

taihle.—iielieaiae refers to the su- gives (iv. 64) of the thicknetsofue 

perior yiands given to youths of human 8kin,and the uaea to whic 

good family : * parlour-hoarders,* as the Scythians applied it. 
we call them. 10. Feruioel The flat stick w 

4. calcidaior] Ateacher of figures haton for strikinghoTton the han^ 

on the ahacus. — notarittSf a short- — a hrutal piece of crueltf not ctcc 

hand writer. Cf. Ep. 250. 2. Inf. yet hanished firom schools. Cf. Jvj 

xiv. 208, 'currant Terbalicet, mauus i. 15, *et uos ergo manum fenil» j 

est velocior illis; Nondum lingua 8uhduzimus,*withMr. Mayor^snott 

sBum, dextraperegitopuB.* — drculoy — OdchreSy till school recommenoei 

like chorus, * a class of bojB standing in a cooler month. 
round him.* 12. si valeiU] * If the boys \an 

6. leone] The constellation of leo ; to keep well, and to avoid malara 

Ep. 193. 5, ^horrida sed fervent insummer, theyleam quiteenouglt.' 

Nemeaei pectora mqnstri.*— «o^imY, A wise sentiment yerj happilja- 

&e, Cf. I^ers. iii. 5, * siccas insana pressed. 


EP. 558. (X. Ixv.) 

Po an effeminate fop, who had called the poet * brother/ and on whom 
retorts bj the soulfriquet of * sister/ 

Oum te municipem Corinthiorum 

lactes, Gharmenion, negante nuUoy 

Cur frater tibi dioor, ex Hiberis 

Et Celtis genitus Tagique civis ? 

-A.I1 voltu similes videmur esse ? 5 

Xu flexa nitidus coma vagaris, 

Sispanis ego contumax capillis ; 

Xjevis dropace tu cotidiano, 

Hirsutis ego cruribus genisque ; 

Os blaesum tibi debilisque lingua est, 10 

^obis flstula fortius loquetur : 

Tam dispar aquilae columba non est, 

Nec dorcas rigido iugax leoni. 

Quare desine me Vocare fratrem, 

Ne te, Charmenion, vocem sororem. 15 

1. munieipem] Corinth, as being calvam.* — eruribuSy cf Juv. viii. 

le capitalof theprovinceof Achaea, 114, * quid resinata iuventus, Cru- 

aa a Roman *municipium.* — ne- itiquetotiusfacient tibileviagentis?* 

ifUe nulloy viz. because your affected Sup. Ep. 78. 6, * et splendent voIbo 

;finement, is charactenstic of the brachia trita pilo.'* 
orinthians generallv. * 10. idaesum'] ' Lisping,* Epp. 240. 8; 

3. Hiherig Et CeUis] The CeUi- 494. l.—fietula, a doubtful reading. 

\H of Epp. 192. 8; 648. 11. The MSS. have^ta, which is ex- 

6. JUxa\ Curled with the tongs plaiued, * filia mea habet vocem 

xUami8trum)y Ep. 152. 3. — con- magis virilem quam tu.' The sense 

tmcut, with stiff and harsh hair, may be, * I cannot imitate such a 

lat will not jield to such ai^tistic squeaking voice ; my reed pipe could 

■eatment do that better than I.* 

8.] (/ropoa? wasa kind of plaister 12. oolumba] The most timid of 

sed as a depilatory. Cf. iii. 74, birds is contrasted with the most 

Psilothro faciem levas et dropace bold and aavage. 

EP. 559. (X. Ixvi.) 

On a handsome slave, who, the poet thinks, ought rather to have l>een 
i cup-bearer than a cook. 

Quis, rogo, tam dums, quis tam fuit ille superbus, 

1. durus] &»al<rOirro9f insensible men, i. e. slaves bought at an im* 
to beautj.— raperfrt», so proud, that mense price, Ep. 476. 5. 
bis very cooka must be good-looking 


Qni iossit fieii te, Theopompe, cocum ? 
ELanc aliquis faciem nigra violare culina 

Snstinet, has uncto polluit igne comas ? 
Quis potius cyathos ant quis crjstalla tenebit ? 

Qua sapient melius mixta Falema manu ? 
Si tam sidereos manet exitus iste ministros, 

luppiter utatur iam Ganymede coco. 

3u Hiome] Tti» Totavity tam for> ®^^ PauDeribus miacere m' 

moBam. — nigrat cf. Ep. 110. 3, *Where,* asKs the poet, *sluul «« 

* nigram cito raptus in culimtm.* — find a fitter Blaye to edvcste u t 

unelo iffne, with the smut and grease cnp-bearer?* 
of the fire,'a general expression ; or 7. ejritus iate'] * That ignoble eM 

more particularly, *with the fire to which yon have come,* to It 

that blazes up when grease is dropped made cooks. -— eidereo», dtotiitl' 

i^K>u it.* formoaos eooo, i. e. not ts no- 

6. eryetalla] See Ep. 476. 13. — bearer. By these means the offioe : 

sapient me/iu», * have a better taste.* eoeus will be dignified, aad Dokgfer 

JuT. ▼. 60, * nescit tot millibuB held to be a diagrace. 

EP. 560. (X. Ixix.) 

Custodes das, Polla, yiro, non accipis ipsa. 
Hoc est uxorem ducere, Polla, virum. 

2. fUBorem dueere vtrtmi J i. e. non Btnunts on your hnsband, which m 
virum dwoere tworvm, which is tbe reiuse younelf.* That is plan; 
ttsual phrase. * You impose re- * the better half * with a ▼engeuKc 

EP. 561. (X. Ixx.) 

To a friend who complained that the poet wrote so slowly. He pleaJv 
as eisewhere, the constwnt engagements of a city life. 

Quod mihi vix unus toto liber exeat annOy 

Desidiae tibi sum, docte Potite, reus. 
lustius at quanto mirere, quod exeat unus, 

Labantur toti cum mihi saepe dies. 
Non resalutantep yideo noctumus amicos, \ 

Gratulor et multis ; nemo, Potite, mihi. 

4. LcAaniur'] *Glide away, and proficiscens quonauam oecnlo ia* 
are lost.* pertiit, ac ne resalutatione qnidea' , 

5. reaaluiare'} Occurs also in t. 21, The sense is, * at night I hare to m\ 
* nunc utrumque suo resalutat no- friends who do not come to it 
mine,* and io. 57, 'saepe etiam me the moming*s call,* i.e. . 

... «^egjjQto tuum.* Suet. who expect myattendance for tb< 
-ique adveniens neque own puiposes,— ^nrf«lvr, I haTc 


^unc ad luciferam signat mea gemma Dianam, 

Nunc me prima sibi, nunc sibi quinta rapit. 
^unc consol praetorve tenet reducesque choreae/ 

Auditur tota saepe poeta die. 10 

Sed nec causidico possis impune negare, 

Nec si te rhetor grammaticusve rogent : 
Halnea post decimam lasso centumque petuntnr 

Quadrantes. Fiet quando, Potite, liber ? 

ffer congratulationB to many for trates performing any of their func- 

3ine good fortunef or ofiSce they tioni. —choreaey choruses retuming 

ave ODtained ; though no tuch luck in procession from some temple. — 

ver falls to mjwlf. See £p. poeta^ viz. in a recitation-room. 

.65. 1. Cf. Juv. vii. 82. 

7. luciferam DtafMm] At the 11. immme] Without offending 

emple of Diana Lucina on the him. Tne pleadeTS expected tho 

V.veiitine. Cic. De Nat. D. ii. 27, attendants oftheirclientsandfricnds 

\ 68, ^Luna a lucendo nominata; to applaud. See the well-known 

^adem est enim Lucina. Itaque letterof Pliny, Ep. ii. 14. — rogentyWii 

it apud Graecos Dianam eamque ' ut adsis declamantibus;^ or perhaps, 

Luciferam, sic apud nostros Lucinam to hear the schooi-speeches, Pers. 

in pariendo invocant.* — signat^ &c., iii. 47. 

' I am called upon to affiz my seal 13. poMt decimam'] This expresses 

to aome importantdocument.* This an unusually late hoar; for the 

seeins to have been done before an baths were commonly taken before 

altar or image, on special occasions. dinner. Cf 134. 5. The centum 

— gemmaf see Juv. i. 68. — primaf guadranies is the client^s dole or 

the hour of the moming levws, Ep. sportula, paid to him after the 

161. \.—quinia, that for general labours of the day, and which he 

business, »6. 3. — rapit m6», * takes must go and fetch. See Mayor on 

me off to attend to its duties.* Juv. i. 96.—quandofiety * what time 

9. tenet] Not, perhaps, officially, is left for writing?* Cf. Ep. 553. 

but to see or hear the high magia- 12. 

EP. 562. (X. Ixxi.) 

An epiffrBm, or perhaps epitaph, of much beauty and pathos on the 
parents of Babirius, who waa architect to DomiUan (£p. 363). 

Quisquis laeta tuis et sera pareiitibus optas 
Fata, brevem titulum marmoris huius ama. 

Coiididit hac caras tellure Rabirius umbras : 
NuUi sorte iacent candidiore senes. 

2. ama] dY^ira,regardwithpidus parents, who quietly passed away in 
affection. one night, after sixty years of mai'« 

3. undmu] i. e. * ossa utriusque ried life, and were consumed on 
parentis.*— a»Mfft£{»or0,> feliciore, a one pyre.* It seems better to con- 
metaphor from days marked with a strue bis tex luttra tori, than tori 
white pcbble. The sense ii, 'bappy mov Mma, 


Bis sex lustra tori nox mitis et ultima clasity ; 

Arserunt uno funera bina rogo. 
Hos tamen ut primis raptos sibi quaerit in annis. 

Improbius nihil his fletibus esse potest. 

7. qttaerW] iro0ci, denderat. Join carried off by an eaay deadi. is : 

rojpio» aibi. — improbiu»y ' more un- they had not yet had a fair shan *' 

&ir/ * unreasonable,^ viz. than to blessings. For ihe doctriDc, ift 

lament parents who have attained Lucret. iii. 935, sqq. 
a ripe and happy old age, and been 

EP. 563. (X. Ixxii.) 

On the accession of the Emperor Nerra, or perhape Trajan, ivhowillar. 
the poet augurs, approve the flattering langui^ that was paid to his prKr 
ceasor Domitian. 

Frustra BlaDditiae venitis ad me 

Attritis miserabiles labellis. 

Dicturus dominum deumque non sum. 

lam non est locus hac in urbe Tobis ; 

Ad Parthos procul ite pileatos i 

Et turpes humilesque supplicesque 

Pictorum sola basiate regum. 

Non est hic dominus, sed imperator, 

Sed iustissimus omnium senator, 

Per quem de Stjgia domo reducta est :> 

Siccis rustica Yeritas capillis. 

Hoc sub principe, si sapis, cayeto, 

Yerbis, Roma, prioribus loquaris. 

1. BUmditiae] ComplimentB are solo.* The plural is Terj rarelTfoia. 

personified, and represented asking — "Bjpictir^esthehrighttLDh^v»^ 

for admission, but being sent off to coloun of eastem embroiderj is 

pay service to eastem kings. — AUri- ezpressed. 

tiSy wom with kissing the ground or o. dominwi] * Not a master . 

footstool ; cf. ver. 7. slaves, but the head of iJie armj.* 

3. non sum — Didurtu'] A natve 11. Veritas] Tmth, no longeri 
confession that these terms, which city-virtue, since it 'waa loog ir 
are so often applied to Domitian, banished, first to the coiuitnr, thd 
were insincere. Cf. Ep. 219. l, to Hadesitself, isnow retamingl:'^ 
*edictum domini deique nostri.* an exile with dry and diBhevellA 
Merivale, Hist. Rom. vii. p. 376. locks. — SicciSf from lack of c: 

4. Jam nonl i. e. nonjamt ovkIti, guents, ivarakioi Kixtwoiy Tfaeoc 

5. pileatos} * Turbaned.* The xiv. 6. 

Romans commonly went about bai-e- 12. oaoeio — hqttairis] Flattery dc« 

headed. is not onlv unnecessaiy, bat it r^ 

7. 8ola] 'Thesoles,* 'soleas.* So even offen<L 
Lncret. iv. 1, * loca nullius ante trita 


EP. 564. (X. Ixxiii.) 

To Marcus Antonius Primus of Toaloase (aee Epp. 503, 525), with thanlui 
br a letter and the preaent of a toga. 

Xiittera facundi gratum mihi pignns amici 

Pertulit, AuBoniae dona superba togae, 
Qua non Fabricius, sed vellet Apicius uti, 

Vellet Maecenas Caesarianus eques. 
Vilior haec nobis alio mittente fuissei: 5 

Non quacunque manu victima caesa litat. 
A te missa yenit. Possem nisi munus amare, 

Marce, tuum, poteram nomen amare meum. 
Munere sed plus est et nomine gratius ipso 

Officium docti iudiciumque viri. 10 

2. Ausoniae] Italian ; those from it ; it is not every hand that offers a 
France were prabablv of a coarser yictim pleasingto the gods/but only 
texture, as maj be inierred from £p. * immunis aitim si tetigrit manus,* &c. 
168. 1. The meaning is, that as not every 

3. Fahriciiui] The Censor, who Yictimorofferingpropitiatesthegods, 
was proverbial for his rig^id simpli- so not every present is graciously or 
city; see Jut. zi. 91, and Mr. thankfully accepted. — gtiaounguef 
Mayor*8 note.—Apicius^ * miser et quavis; Ep. i. 1. 

fragi,*a8 Juvenalironicallycallshim, 7. ^ to] Elmphatic. — PoMem, &c., 

iv.23,wa8 equallya type of extrava- 'if I could not regard the gift, I 

gance and luxury. See Ep. 127. could have regarded the name of the 

4. eques] The fiiTourite title of donor, Marcus^ whirh he holds in 
Maecenas, who i8calledCa««aria»u# common with myself* Lit * if I 
as having attached himself to the side could not have liked your gift, I could 
of Octavian. He was porticular in at least have likod my own name." — 
-wearing only the best clothes. Cf. ' ni»!, si minus. 

Juv. xii. 39, * vestem (i. e. tunicam) 9. plut est^ &c.] But more than 

purpuream, teneris quoaue Mae- the gift,.and more prizod than the 

cenatibus aptam,* where Mr. Mayor name, is the attentiou shown me, and 

cites the present passage. the appreciation of my verses by a 

5. VilioTy &C.J * I should have leamea man.* He is called,^icttna«« 
▼alued this less if another had sent in ver. 1. 

EP. 565. (X. Ixxiv.) 

On the constant occupation and poor retnms of a client^s life at Bome. 


lam parce lasso, Boma, gratulatori, 
Lasso ciienti. Quamdiu salutator 

1. graiulatori] See Ep. 661. 6. — wholeday*B8ervice,whenacar-driver 
Qmmdiu^ &c., * how long am I to in the circus makes his thousands ia 
go on eaming my scanty dole for a an hour?* 


Anteambulones et togatulos inter 

Centum merebor plumbeos die toto, 

Cum Scorpus una quindecim graves hora i 

Ferventis auri yictor auferat saccos ? 

Non ego meorum praemium libellorum, 

— Quid enim merentur ? — ^Appulos velim campos ; 

Non Hybla, non me spicifer capit Nilus, 

Nec quae paludes delicata Pomptinas 1>> 

Exarce clivi apectat uva Setini. 

Quid concupiscam quaeris ergo ? dormire. 

3. Anteamlndones'] Cf. Ep. 75. 5. — Circus, see Jut. Tii. 243, Bad Mi. 
logalulos. The diminutive refen Ma^or^s note. 

either to the scant t<^ (U^fula) or /. Non ejgro, &c.] ' I do not ttk » 

the poTerty of the vresurer. a rewai^d for oiy literary mrrti. 

4. pUmbeos] Contemptuously used which are as small as mj own ambt 
for quadrcmUs (Juv. i. 121). So £p. tion, landed estates, but simpUtLe 
48. 15, *plumbea selibra* for argenH^ privilege of being allowed to — ^eef 
in reference to the allov of the coins. — Appulos^ either in ageneral seit». 

6. Sconus] Sup. £!p, 547, 549. or because Horaoe was firom tb: 

See also 234. 9. — PervemHs^ i. e. fer- country. — spicifery vtrotpopot^ oon- 

ventis victoriae pretium. Cf. Juv. producing. 
viii. 59, *equum, facili cui plurima 11. Eix aree elivi} So ^peodnlt 

palma Fervet, et exultat ranco vic- Setia* in Ep. 198. 33 delicaia—v^ 

ioria Circo.* Some explain it, * ra- as producing the choicest wine, E: 

diaotis colore rutilo.'* On the large 53o. 6. 

lums coUected for fitvourites in the 12. dormire'] Cf. Ep. 6G9. 28. 

EP. 566. (X. Ixxvi.) 

A pathetic appc»! to the |;oddes8 Fortune, and a complaint that poets v 
left to starve while car-dnvers in the Circus (wbom he contemptaomi/ 
calls muliones) become rich. 

Hoc, Fortuna, tibi videtur aequum ? 

Civis non Syriaeve Paii;hiaeve, 

Nec de Cappadocis eques catastis, 

Sed de plebe Remi Numaeque vema, 

lucuudus, probus, innocens.amicus, 3 

Lingua doctus utraque, cuius unum est, 

2. Syriae, &c.] From which coun- Ep. 224. 2. 

tries many of the rich liberti origin- 4. vernoi\ *■ Indigenous,* ' hom^ 

allv came ; see Juv. iii. 62. bred,* no alien, tirairrdc, Iv^Xit. 

B. catasHs] * Slave-sUnds,* Epp. Cf. 109. 6. 

290. 1; 47o. b.—equesy the ranlc 5. innocens'] The poet often di^ 

which Martial held, though without avows PMlignitaSt e. g .Ep. 509. 
having tlie fuU equestrian fortune, 


Sed magnam vitium, quod est poeta, 
X^uUo Maevius alget in cucuUo, 
Cocco mulio fulget Incitatus. 

8. Mcumtu] Under this name a cheaper and commoner dress than 

Wlskrtial probably refers to himself. the U^, and wom especially by 

3ut, perhaps, Naevius shoald be those who shunned the public gaze 

-ead ; for that poet was allowed to (2*26. 6). 

Axiguish in prison, to which he had 9. Incitatus} This was the name 

been sent for lampooning the pro- of a horse belonginff to Califfiila, 

j*sres, Plaut. Mil. Glor. ii. 2. ^— Suet. Cal. § 55. SeelSp. 588. 16.— 

:iucuUo, a cowl or cape of dark colour, CoccOy i. e. coccina lacema. 

EP. 567. (X. Ixxvii.) 

On an ignorant physician who had died of a rapid fever. 

Nequius a Caro nihil unquam, Maxime, factum est, 
Quam quod febre perit : fecit et illa nefas. 

Saeva nocens febris saltem quartana fuisset ! 
Servari medico debuit ille suo. 

1 . Neqtdus^ &c.1 * The worst thing been reserved for his own doctoring.* 

I>r. Garus ever did was that dying of Mr. Mayor on Juv. iv. 57, rendera 

a fever. The fever, too, was greatly ver. 3, * the mortal fever should have 

to bUme; it should at least have been, if not completely cui-ed, at 

been an acute and painful quartan least chaoged into a quartan.* 
attack, that the patient might have 

EP. 568. (X. Ixxviii.) 

To Macer (see Ep. 689. 7), who was abont to be transferred from the 
govemment of Spain to that of Dalmatia. Whether he was lepatus or pro- 
cmrotor does not appear. There are several of this name mentioned iu 
Pliny^s EpisUes, but it is not easy to identify them. 

Ibis litoreas, Macer, Salonas, 
Ibit rara fides amorque recti 
Et secum comitem trahet pudorem. 
Semper pauperior redit potestas. 

1. Sabncul This was a town on sense of the word, i. e. abstinens et 

the coast of Dalmatia, opposite to continens, not a praedo^ or a Verres. 

Ancona on the east coast ot Italy. — Such an officer always retums paupe- 

ihiif viz. iecum. rior, poorer than he went, from nis 

4.] poteHae here must mean (see liberality and justice. He does not 

Juv. X. 100, * Gabiorum esse potcs- plunder the province as govemor, 

ui'^ a *magittrate,* in the ttrict nor take bribes as a judge. It muat 


Felix aurlferae co^one terraOi 5 

Rectorem vacuo smu remittes 

Optabisque moras, et exeuntem 

Udo Dalmata gaudio sequeris. 

Nos Celtas, Macer, et truces Hiberos 

Cum desiderio tui petemus. 14 

Sed quaecunque tamen feretur illinc 

Piscosi calamo Tagi notata, 

Macrum pagina nostra nominabit. 

Sic inter veteres legar poetas, 

Nec multos mihi praeferas priores, 15 

Uno sed tibi sim minor Catullo. 

he confessed that tlie ezprettion is & 9. Nos, &c.] * We on onr pun 

hanh one, if this be the meaning. shali never visit Spain withoat feel- 

5. OMiriferae, &c.l Not, it would inr a longing for yoo.* — CelUUy &c, 

seem, the Spaniard inhabiting the 192. 8. 

land watered by the Tagus, but the 11. Sed^Bcc'] * But whateverTenca 

inhabitants of Dalmatia, which, ac- I may send irom Spain, written wi& 

cording to Pliny, N. H. zzziii. § 4, a reed pen from the banks of the 

also produced gold. — Felix, both for Taffus, they thall mention the name 

the gold and the new ^Temor. — of Macer.* 

vacuo sinu^ without having kny ar- ] 4. Sio — legarl * So maj I be read 

ticle of value concealed in the front among the poets of old, aad*be ranked 

folds of his toga. by you secoud to none ezcept Catul- 

8. Dalmata] TheTocative. * You, lus.* — sio, i. e. if I show affectionate 

too, people of Dalmatia (Dalmatae), remembrance of you. Catallus if 

will foUow him,when heleavet Tou, often mentioned bv Martial aa the 

with tears of jo^.* Compare the form first and greatett of Italiau epigiam- 

Sarmata, Jut. iii. 79. matistt, e.g.Epp. 216. 6 ; 99. 3. 

EP. 569. (X. Ixxix.) 

On a conceited imitator of one much richer than himtelf. 

Ad lapidem Torquatus habet praetoria quartum ; 

Ad quartum breye rus emit Otacilius. 
Terquatus nitidas yario de marmore thermas 

Extruxit ; cucumam fecit Otacilius. 

1. praetoria] * A palace ;* a mi- garetar.*— «mi^, &c., his rival bnys a 

litary term, applied m the later La- small farm io the immediate neigb- 

tinity to any nne house. See Jut. bourhood. 

i. 75 ; z. 161. Suet. Cal. § 37, * in 3. «arto de marmore} See Ep- 

ezstractionibus praetorioinim atque 296. ll,8eqq.— -«tte«mam, properly 'a 

▼illaram — nihil tam eificere concu- ketUe,* here means a snudi bftUh 

piscebp^ ^ posse eflBci ne- room. 


DiBposuit daphnona suo Torquatus in agro ; 5 

Castaneas centum seyit Otacilius. 
Consule Torquato vici fuit ille magister, 

Non minor in tanto yisus honore sibi. 
Grandis ut exiguam bos ranam ruperat olim, 

Sic, puto, Torquatus rumpet Otacilium. ]0 

5. dapkmma] 'A iprove of ba^- thought himself quite as great a man 
trees/ £p. 664. 1. So platanona, £p. while possessed of that tremendous 
1:24. 2. honour* (ii*ony). 

6. tevit] The joke is, that the pro- 9. ut—Jtos — i-uperat] *Ab tbe ox 
cess coBt him nothing, and the results caused the frog to burst itself by try- 
-wou.d be fUl for many a long year. ing to rival him in bulk, so the great 

7. Coniule^ &c.l When Torquatus man will some day cause the little 
'was Consuil, Otacilius was mayor of man to die of envy.* Cf £p 501, 
tlie village where he resided, and * rumpitur invidia quidam/ &c. 

EP. 570. (X. Ixxx.) 

Oa a poor man of taste, who could not conceal his vexation at not being 
a^ble to Duy articles, whicb others pasB by with pretended, but not real, 

Plorat Eros, quotiens maculosae pocula murrae 
Inspicit, aut pueros nobiliusve citrum, 

Et gemitus imo ducit de pectore, quod non 
Tota miser coemat Septa feratque domum. 

Quam multi faciunt, quod Eros, sed lumine sicco ! 6 
Pars maior lacrimas ridet et intus habet. 

1. maeulo9a&\ £ithor 'spotted into tean,* opposed to lumine ticco, 

'witli age/ or (mora probably) ** dap- ver. 6. 

pled,* ** variegated in colour. Sce a 6. ridet] ' Ridicule the grief which 

Birailar pusage in £p. 476. 1, 7, 14, nevertheless they feel wiUiin.* 
&c. — Plorat must mean, ^bursts 

EP. 571. (X. Ixxxii.) 

To an exacting patron, with a request to be relieved from aervices which 
do Uim no good, but the poor client much harm. Compare £p. 55. 

Si quid nostra tuis adicit yexatio rebus, 
Mane yel a media nocte togatus ero, 

1. adieit] For the short form, adds any thing to your interests, 1 

mthont the j sonnd, see £p. 191. 9. will go m the morning, or even at 

— togatu», dressed in my toga, ready midnight,* viz. salutatvm, 
to attend you. *If my diacomfort 


Stridentesqcie feram flatus aquilonis iniqiii 

£t patiar nimbos excipiamque nives. 
Sed si non fias quadrante beatior uno \ 

Per gemitus nostros ingenuasque craces, 
Parce, precor, fesso yanosque remitte labores, 

Qui tibi non prosunt et mihi, Gralle, nocent. 

3, 4. fiatus — nimbos] Compare on which slavet were &steiied, ki 

JuT. ▼. /6—79. which here are reaerTed for a- 

6. beatior] Ditior. — Per gemUut, genui, 

i. e. *per officium meum, tanto 7. wmos] * UselesB * to yon, kt 

dolore praestitum.* — mices, cinicia- with the additional senae of * m- 

toa, witn an alluaion to the paiibula, requited to me.* 

EP. 572. (X. Ixxxiu.) 

On an old heau, who hrushed the hair fi'om the sidea of his hmd, bo u 
to coYer his hald pate. Compare for the suhject Ep. 248. 

Earos coUigis hinc et hinc capillos 

Et latum nitidae, Marine, calvae 

Campum temporibus tegis comatis : 

Sed moti redeunt iubente vento 

Reddunturque sibi caputque nudum 5 

Cirris grandibus hinc et inde cingunt. 

Inter Spendophorum Telesphorumque 

Cydae stare putabis Hermeroten. 

Quin tu simplicius senem fateris, 

Ut tandem videaris unus esse ? iu 

Calvo turpius eat nihil comato. 

3. comatis'] Coma a temporihus puer of Ep. 102. 4. Thus Cjtdia 
utrimque reti'acta. — redeunty the wili he the name of the poescs»:>r 
hair rotums to its natural position (or possihly the aculptor) of the 
when the wind blows. Tne Ro- Hcrmerotes, for this seetns the mos: 
mans, it will be remembered, weut natural sense of the words. 
generally baro-headed. 9. Quin tu] ' Confess yourBelf om 

4. vento] Ct Ep. 86. 10. in a simpler way,' viz. aome war 
7. Inter^ &c.] You would imanne which does not impart a triple look. 

that a bald-pated bust was standing There is a play on the meaningsof 

between two curly-haired youths. aimplea:. 

This joke about the tripie heads is 11. Calvo^&c.] * "Sothing u iDon 

repeated from £p. 248. 11. But unsightly than a bald man ysha 

the names here mentioned are quite wears hair.* There is a |>lay bcn 

uncertain. It seems likely that all also on comatus^ which also implio 

thw ~8, like the ^^r»/» * with false hair.' Cf. &6. 8. 


EP. 573. (X. Ixxxv.) 

On an old sailor, who baving bougbt land bj tbe Tiber, kept out tbe 
r>odB bj making a dam of bis old boat, sunken witb ballast. The point 
f the epigram is, that a sailor finds safety and not deatb by the sinking of 
is craft. 

lam senior Ladon Tibeiinae nauta carinae 

Proxima dilectis rura paravit aquis. 
Quae cum saepe vagus premeret torrentibus undis 

Tibris et hiberno rumperet arva lacu, 
Emeritam puppim, ripa quae stabat in alta, 5 

Implevit saxis opposuitque vadis. 
Sic nimias avertit aquas. Quis credere posset ? 

Auxilium domino mersa carina tulit. 

2. paraoit'] Emit Cf. Ep. 531. very disastrous. Tac. Ann. i. 76, 

19. ' eoaem anno continuis imbribus 

6. vadis'^ To the shallow channel auctus Tiberis plana urbis stagna- 

>T depression througb wbich the verat; relabentem secuta est aedi- 

^ater came into his faim. The ficiorum et hominum strages/ 
floods of the Tiber were sometimes 

EP. 574. (X. Ixxxvi.) 

On one who, having been a great player at ball in bis youtb, had 
become old and ugly, and fit only for a scare-crow, to be tossed by bulls 
(£p. 87. 5). The pun between *primu8 pilae lusor* and 'prima pila* 
is not a first-rate one. There is a further plajr on tho militai*jr term 

Nemo nova caluit sic inflammatus amica, 
Flagravit quanto Laurus amore pilae. 

Sed qui primus erat lusor dum floruit aetas, 
Nunc postquam desit ludere, prima pila est. 

EP. 575. (X. Ixxxvii.) 

On the birtbday of an eloquent lawyer, to wbom the poet invites all to 
eend presents. This eminent man was a friend of Pliny ihe younger, 
■who addresses to him Epist. yi. 17. 

Octobres age sentiat Kalendas 
Facundi pia Roma Bestituti. 
Linguis omnibus et favete votis ; 


Natalem colimus, tacete lites. 

Absit cereus aridi clientis, 

Et vani triplices brevesque mappae 

Expectent gelidi iocos Decembris. 

Certent muneribus beatiores. 

Agrippae tumidus negotiator 

Cadmi municipes ferat lacemas ; n 

Pugnorum reus ebriaeque noctis 

Cenatoria mittat advocato ; 

Infamata virum pueila vicit ? 

Yeros sardonjcbas, sed ipsa tradat ; 

Mirator veterum senex avorum l 

Donet Phidiaci toreuma caeli, 

Venator ieporem, colonus haedum, 

Piscator ferat aequorum rapinas. 

Si mittit sua quisque, quid poetam 

Missurum tibi, Restitute, credis ? > 

i. taceU liies] This vma & formulA 12. Cenatoria] i. e. ▼estimests; 

of cu</>t)^ia, OTinyokingafavourable probably a set of the puipledre$a^ 

omen. Cf. Ovid, Fast. i. 73, *Lite C9\[ed. syntlteaes. Petron. § 21, 'tr 

vacent anres, insanaque protinus cunque ergo lassitudine abjectacf- 

absint Jurgia; difFer opus, livida iiatoria repetimus, . et in proxinas 

turba, tuum.* At the same time cellam ducti sumus, in qua tres \t.\ 

tbere is a referencc to a justUium^ strati erant et reliquas lautitianii 

when the coui*ts are shut. apparatus splendidissinae exp(»itEi' 

5. cereus] (Lib. xiv. 42) a wax Let some one, he says, who has^i 
taper, brought as a present from a out of a scrape by Kestitutos' n: 
poor client. — art</t, poverty-stricken, send him a suostantial mementofi' 
opposed to madidi, £p. 341. 5. The his services. 

sense is, Met us have no common- 13. In/amaia\ Unjustly charrr. 

place gifts, — let them be reserved for with misconduct bj Uer husband - 

the Satumalia, — but only costly ones eed ipsa^ *■ and that too with V' 

worthy of a rich and worthy advo- own fair hand,* to enhance the ▼»!£' 

cate.* ofthegift. See 222. 1. 

6. triplices] Note-books, with 16. toreuma] Apiece ofplatew.t! 
three leaves. Cf xiv. 6. This verse designs in relief from the chisel • 
occurred also in En. 371. 2. Phidias, Ep. 390. 15. 

9. Agrippae] Tne merchant who 19. fwetam'] Apoet is supposed' 

exhibits his wares in the porticus be poor, and therefore will be cc^ 

Agrippae. — tumidus, proud, i. e. of tent to send a gift appropriate to 1. ^ 

his superior goods.— cWmt, brought profession, viz. a congratulatory oit 

from the city of Cadmus, i. e. dyed This forms a witty, because unes 

with genuine Tyrian purple, not with pected antithesis to the list of coeL.' 

the COCCU8 or scarlet from the oak- wires mentioned above. 
gall. See Ep. 78. 3. 


EP. 576. (X. Ixxxviii.) 

Omnes persequeris praetorum, Cotta, libellos 
Accipis et ceras. Officiosus homo es. 

1.] libelli nraetorum appcair to d)d this in hopes of getting a brief ; 

mean the public notices of trials to whence officiostu is ' ready to servo 

be held before the pitteton. Cerae anj friend/ This epigram is not 

would seem to be fn^iliarest tablets very clcar. 
readj for writing down notes. Cotta 

EP. 577. (X. Ixxxix.) 

On a beautiful statue of Juno, by Polyclitns the sculptor (Ep. 424. 2). 

luno labor, Polyclite, tuus et gloria felix, 
Phidiacae cuperent quam meruisse manuSy 

Ore nitet tanto, quanto superasset in Ida 
ludice convictas non dubitante deas. 

lunonem, Polyclite, suam nisi frater amaret, 5 

lunonem poterat frater amare tuam. 

2. quaml Yiz. gloriam. It will had appeared hefore Paris instead of 

be observed that the Roman coffnos- the living reali^, he would not have 

cenli preferrcd the works of Phidias, hesitated to give it the preference.* 

wh« Beems to have been particularly 5. Junomtm^ &c.] Were it not 

famed for beautiful female statues that Jupiter, her brother, was al- 

(Arist. Pac. 617), to those of Poly- ready enamoured of his own Juno, 

clitus. he might have been enamoured of 

4. deaf^ The three ffoddesses, this statue of yours.* In the latter 

whose charms were decided by Paris yerae, fraJUr probably refers to thc 

in Ida, Eur. Hel. 25. — convictas, statue of Zeus Olympius, madc by 

viz. inferiores esse. ' If tbe statue Phidias at Elis. 

EP. 578. (X. xcii.) 

To Marius, to whom the poet entrusts his &rm at Nomentum dnring 
his absence (probably on a joumey to Spain), with a special request that 
he will perform all tbe customary saera, 

Mari, quietae cultor et comes vitae, 
Quo cive prisca gloriatur Atina, 


1. euUor'] * Colere yitam, ami- with eomet, it means, * who, like 

citiam,* &c., is said of one who myself, love a quiet country life.* — 

deTOtes himself to the service of Atina^ an ancient town of the 

another. Here, perhaps, combined Yolsci, it is said; but the sitedoet 



Has tibi gemellas barbari decus luci 
Commendo pinus ilicesque Faunorum 
Et semidocta vilici manu structas .' 

Tonantis aras horridique Silvani, 
Quas pinxit agni saepe sanguis aut haedi, 
Dominamque sancti virginem deam templiy 
Et quem sororis hospitem vides castae 
' Martem mearum principem Kalendarum, U 

Et delicatae laureum nemus Florae, 
In quod Priapo persequente confugit. 
Hoc omne agelli mite parvuli numen 
Seu tu cruore, sive ture placabis : 
" Ubicunque vester Martialis est," dices, I: 

" Hac, ecce, mecum dextera litat vobis 
Absens saoerdos ; vos putate praesentem 
Et date duobus quidquid alter optabit." 

not seem to be certain. Virg. Aen. of each other is yerj old. See 
<vii. 630, «Atina potens, TiWqno Pind. 01. iii. iO.—mearwKai* 

Buperbum.* darum, mj birthday on &e k s 

3. bariart] < Wild/ incaedni. So March. See Ed. 526. 1, 'ma^ 

£p. 148. 5/ Bed lure vero barbaroque mihi Martiae EiJendae.* 

laetatur.^ 13. Hocomne — sniie — nmifliJF' 

5. seimdocta] Cf. Propert. ▼. 1. 6, * horum cuicunque litabiB.' 

*nec fiiit opprobrio facta Bine arte whichever of the above kiBi 

casa,* i. e. Dis. A Bimilar word iB deities of my little farm y<m i^ 

temi^tUuSy 225. 9 ; 9emitactit8y*6ll.2. make a propitiatorj ofi^riDg of> 

8. viryinem dearn\ Dianaiu. — victim, orof incense, say, 7^aJ«i 

hospOem, worshipped by a statue or ownerjoins me tn this. Regutib 

altar in tho temple of his sister. as yirtually pi^esent, and gnnt u * 

Thifl idea of the gods being guests both whateyer either may wislt' 

EP. 579. (X. xciii.) 

To a friend Clemens, re^iiesting him to convej to his wife Sabiu» 
copy of some unpubiished epigrams (probably those in the present \»^ 

bound in purple. 


Si prior Euganeas, Clemens, .Helicaonis oras 
Pictaque pampineis videris arva iugis, 

Perfer Atestinae nondum vulgata Sabinae 
Carmina, purpurea sed modo culta toga. 

1. Si prtor^ &c.] If you reach Eupaneas. see Ep. 172. 4 h 

Patavium first, i. e. before me, viii. 15, * Euganea QuantomTii b> 

coD^Av ♦« SoKi«a of Atesta (a town lior agna,* and Mr. Mayor^s note. 

r 'ese rerses, &c — 4. togal The mmnbrama or a 


Ut rosa delectat, metitnr quae poUice primo, 5 

Sic nova nec mento Bordida charta iuyat. 

-velope. Cf. Ep. 110. 10,and 217. 19, complimentary kissing of the booka 

* ultro parpureum petet libellum.'* — in tbc recitation-room, Ep. 2. 8. 
g^uUa^ Ep. 32. 11. — nd, *aud that Or staing left on tbe clean paperby 
t;oo/ &c. a scraped chin may be meant Ej^. 

6. menlo sordida} Cf. Ep. 32. 8, 636. 5, * non ti-iste' mentum soididi- 

* quae tiita duro non inhorruit que lichenes.* 
mento.* The allusion is to the 

EP. 580. (X. xcir.) 

To a friend with a present of some apples. Compare Ep. 477. 

Non mea Massjlus servat pomaria serpens, 

Regius Alcinoi nec mihi servit ager, 
Sed Nomentana securus germinat bortus 

Arbore, nec furem plumbea mala timent. 
Haec igitur media quae sunt modo nata Subura 5 

Mittimus auctumni cerea poma mei. 

1 . Non mea^ &c.] * I have no trees.* Join securtu arbore^ not 

garden like that of the Hesperides, germinat arbore ; and cf. Ep. 148. 47, 

-where the fruit is guarded by a *■ furem Priapo non timente securus.* 

dragon; nor is the royal domain — jAianhea mala, not aurea, like 

(orchar(n of Alcinous at my dis- those of the Hesperides. So * plum- 

posal. I have only a little garden bea vina,* * bad wiue,* £p. 546. 6.^ 
at Nomeutum, which grows such 5. Htiec igUur^ &c.] * I send you 

bad fruit, that it is not worth the therefore some fine yellow apples of 

robbing.* — Massylus^ because the my autumn crop, lately g]y>wn in — 

cardens of the Hesperides wera the middle of the subura.* — nata^ 

Delieved to be in the west of Libya. * prodnced,* i. e. ' procured/ — a joke 

— sservitf see Ep. 224. 7. for empta, The apples were pur- 

3. germinat] ' Puts forth its buds chased in the market. Compare 

free from the fear of robbers, from Ep. l^l.—oerea, 148. 19. 
having none but Nomentum apple- 

EP. 581. (X. xcvi.) 

To Avitus, with the poet^s reasons for preferring his native Spanish 
home to the deamess of a city life. 

Saepe loquar nimium gentes quod, Avite, remotas, 
JSiliraris, Latia factus in urbe senex, 

1. Saepe^ &c.] * You often ex- an accusative of the object by a 

press surprise that I talk so much rather rare use. So Cic. ad Att 

about remote nations, though I have ix. 2, * uil nisi classes loatiens et 

gi*own old in Rome.* — loqui takes exitiu.* — mhm, i.e. past finy. Ile 

Bb 2 


Aarifenimque Tagum sitiam patriumque Salonem 

Et repetam saturae sordida rura caeae. 
Hla placet tellus, in qua res parva beatam 

Me facit et tenues luxuriantur opes. 
Pascitur hic, ibi pascit ager ; tepet igne maligno 

Hic focus, ingenti lumine lucet ibL 
Hic pretiosa fames conturbatorque macellus ; 

Mensa ibi divitiis ruris operta sui. U 

Quattuor hic aestate togae pluresve teruntur ; 

Auctumnis ibi me quattuor una tegit. 
I, cole nunc reges, quidquid non praestat amicas 

Cum praestare tibi possit, Avite, locus. 

bad lived at Rome for thirly-four ^vicina in ipsnm silTa descofa 

yeara, inf. 586. 7. focum/ 

3. Toffum — Salonem] See Ep. 9. maodlus] An annsiad fora 

25. 11^15. — siiiam, in the double adapted pexhaps to ^e mttcajs 

Bense of ' thirstine for the water * of cfmtuHxUor, for which see Ep. ^- 

tbose riyen, and * desiring to see 10. — divitiis ruris^ i. e. roie-dte 

them.* — repetamy * am desirous to hares, boan, &c, Ep. 25. Ttx, 23- 

retum to.* — sordiday see £p. 25. 25. • 
28. 12. tma] Becanae the nse of ^ 

5. beatuml * Rich.*— opM, *where toga was unfrequent in the eoot^ 

a man can live luxuriously on a (^P* 199* 3; 544. 5). 
emall fortune.* 13. /, coie^ &c.] * What v r* 

7. Pascitur] Has to be fed with use of courting the favour of f* 

manure. Ep. 553. 9, ^dura subur- men, wheu you will find in a^ 

bani dum jngera pascimug agri.* — all tbat jou will look in vainfer: 

Upety * is Bcarcely made warm. a friend/ i. e. plenty and oomfott-- 

•8. ingenH Iwninel £p. 25. 27, praeaiat, cf. Iw. 11. 

EP. 582. (X. xcvii.) 

A wittj Btatement of a disappoiiitment in an ezpected legacy. 

Dum levis arsura struitur Libitina papyro, 
Dum mjrrbam et casiam flebiiis uxor emity 

lam scrobe, iam lecto, iam pollinctore parato 
Heredem «cripsit me Numa : convaluit. 

1. papyro'] It would seem from 421. 14, 'fartns paprro dnm a* 

this that the funeral pile {LiJbUinay torus crescit/ — mynnkani^ &c., :> 

the ffoddess of death and funends) perfumes bumt with the bodr. t 

was laid with paper, as we sbould placed in the um with the bonet- 
lay a fire. But some refer it to the 3. scrcbe'] Tlie trench or ntn : 

gtufiSng of the lectue^ on which the which the bones wexe to %e U 

body was laid when placcd on the (eomponendd). — pollinetOFe^ ^ 

pile CProDcrt. v, 11. 10). 8o Ep. anointer of the corpBe.— Aeray* 


seripsit, This is bo described, as if immediately.* So Gic. pro Cluent. 

it were a last remedy, and one which xiii., ' testamento Asuvii nomine 

pm^oved successful. * He made me obsignato, disceditur. Avillius illico 

nis heir, and, of course, got well convalescit.* 

EP. 583. (X. xcix.) 

On a hust of Socrates, whose likeness to a Satyr or a Silenus was 
oommonly remarked (Plat. Sympos. p. 216, D). 

Si Romana forent haec Socratis ora, fuissent 
lulias in Satjris qualia Rufiis habet. 

*2. in Saipris] These words are and not a Grecian, face, he would 

obacure. Some refer in Satyri» to have been like Julius Rufus among 

» ffroup of satyrs said to have been the satjrs/ i. e. aaTvpiKutrtpo^ twv 

extiibited in the eighth regio or oaTvpuy, This man seems to have 

cli^ision of the city. It may mean, been notorious for his uglineis. 
*if Socrates had had a Uoroan, 

EP. 584. (X. c.) 

On a plagiarist Compare £p. 28. . 

Quid, stulte, nostris versibus tuos misces ? 

Cum litigante quid tibi, miser, iibro ? 

Quid congregare cum leonibus volpes 

Aquilisque similes facere noctuas quaeris ? 

Habeas licebit alterum pedem Ladae, 5 

Inepte, irustra crure ligneo curres. 

2. litiffanie] * What have you to you have one foot as swift as a Ladas 
do with a book that is sure to disal- (the fitmous runner, Ep. 105. 8), vou 
low your claims to be its author, and will not win the race if the thigh is 
to bring an action against you ? * of wood,^ (or perhaps, *■ if the other 

3. conffregare] * To make foxes is a wooden 1^*). Mr. Mayor's note 
herd with uons,* i. e. the low and on Juv. xiii. ^7 will supplv refer- 
ignoble with the great and generoua. ences for the character of Ladas, a 

5. lioebit'] Licet habeas ; * though Spartan victor at Olympia. 

EP. 585. (X. ci.) 

On Capitolinus, a celebrated buffoon. 

Eljsio redeat si forte remissus ab agro 
Hle suo felix Caesare Gabba vetus, 

2. Gabha ffetiu] He was a scurra 21. 16.— ^u?,happvin thepatronage 
much fsvoured by Augustus. See £p. of Caesar his friend. 


Qiii Capitolinnia pariter Gabbamque iocantes 
Audierit, dicet : " Buetice Gfibba, tac&'' 

i. AniKiw] Thaiig]i nrtenHniuii, Mred wiih CipitDliiiii*. ud ni. 
isTuira^os, moflt witcj, be wonld H told to hold hii tongue, 
•enn ii mere clowii, avpoixof, com- 

EP. 586. (X. ciii.) 

MunicipeB, Aagnsta mihi qnos Bilbilis Acri 

Monte crent, rapidis quem Salo cingit aqniB, 
Ecqnid laeta iuVat veatri vos gtoria vatia ? 

Nam decus et □omea famoque vestra aumnB, 
Nec Bua plus debet tenui VBrona Catullo 

Meque velit dici non minus illa sunm. 
Quattnor acceseit triceBima measibns aestos, 

Ut sine me Ccrcri ruetica liba datie. 
Moenia dum colimua dominae pulcherrima Romae, 

Mutavere meas Itala regna comaa. 
Eicipitis placida reducem ai me: 

Aapera si geritis corda, redire licet. 

1. Atiguib.] It tecm. to hive btta ,o 

diei Telil.' 

oilled ab bcirg a Roman Colonj, like 

7. 7F,a«iior,&:.]'Itwnowlfclit:- 

Emerita Auguita {Mcridu, on the 

tour jeare eince Jon h«TO pihs« 


vour harretti and pud jonr ofoit.i 

hill-iiile.'i.e. intbekeen lirofthe 


mountiin. The of the peo- 
ple ii implied trom thenatore of Ihe 

a. *™«a.-rto««i] 'Imi-r. 

climkie. SoinEpp.25. 3..nd587. 

hair ha> hecome like the ttf" 

6, 'idtamBilbilin,'and523.Z.'pen- 

co..u« ; cf. Ep. oSe. 7. Or liiti.' 

duU patriw maenia." 

'I ha.o become grej-hlind - 

5] iati ihonld man •pDor,' M 
in JUT. iii. 163, ' tenue< Qi.irilM.' Tii. 
80. ■ tenui Saleio,' viii, 130. ■ tenue» 


12. X.j«ra] Invidtt. unfriend:- 

nngenial. Thepocl perliapatutpn".^ 

Afroa;' and pethapi therc isanallu- 

Ihat he bad enemies in hia Dwn c i;: 

>iontotho,mdl prcfits n,jJeJ^ 

Irj. lu thelelterloPriaCM.prer-ip 

10 Book lii., he compl,in. ct x=- 

^i' , ■ . " " i' , 'li^tido,' 


rubigodentiumetjuditii loco U.<- 


d^^j"'. :'-■'-" '"' " '"".'IT."^; 

mulli; advenue quod diffie.le « 

^"m^' \'m 

anbilii. .uimi 

like,' ' I can but go hn^k to Romt,' 


EP. 587. (X. civ.) 

To a fnend called Flayns, with a present of his book, which is desired to 
'bring greeting to hig friends in Spain, whither Flavns is on the point ol 

I nostro comes, i libelle, Flavo 
Xjongum per mare, sed faventis undae, 
Et cursu facili tuisque ventis 
Hispanae pete Tarraconis arces. 

Illinc te rota tollet et citatus b 

Altam Bilbilin et tuum Salonem 
Quinto forsitan essedo yidebis. 
Quid mandem tibi, quaeris ? Ut sodales 
Faucos, sed veteres et ante brumas 
Triginta mihi quattuorque visos 10 

Ipsa protinus a via saiutee 
Et nostrum admoneas subinde Flayum, 
lucundos mihi nec laboriosos 
Secessus pretio paret salubri» 

.Qui pigrum faciant tuum parentem. 15 

Haec sunt. lam tumidus vocat magister 
Castigatque moras, et aura portum 
Laxavit melior ; yale, libelle : 

2. undael A genitive of quality, enable me to * make ends meet/ or 
i. e. tranquillum mare. in cultivating the soil. — aa/«5n, 

3. iuis ventis'] AptiB tibi, ovplut vyul fiicrOtpf eirtctvft, modico. 
oToXte. — TarracmU^ a sea-coast GronoTiuswellcompaamPlin. Epist. 
town (Tarragona) due east of Bilbilis, i. 24, fin., ' si praediolum istud tam 
which liea considerably inland. salubriter cmerit ut poenitentiae lo- 

5. rota] You will tnen be taken cum non relinquat.* 

on a car and ride to Bilbilis. — AUam, 15. paretUeta] The author. So 

£p. 25. 3. — Quinto—easedOj in five Plato often uses the phrase traTiip 

Bt^es. See Becker, Gallus, p. 350. tou Xoyou, and iratdev and yevi/tf- 

fO. visos—ante brumasj&c^ ' Seen nuTa of writings. — pigrum^ lazy, 

by me thirty-four winters ago,* as in able to indulge in repose. Cif. 29/. 

586.7. — Ipsa — a oia, even whilst on 10, 'et satis est pigro si licet esse 

the road, and hefore the car actiutlly mihi.* 648. 10, * hic piffri colimus 

Btops at its destination. labore dulci Boterdum JPlateamque.* 

14. paret] * Remind my friend 16. Haee sutU] Viz. quae mandare 

Flarus eveiy now and then that he velim, ver. 8. — ma^tery sc. navis, 

is to procure for me a house at a rea- who is proud, impenous, as * tumidua 

Bonaole rent, where I can live with neffotiator,* Ep. 575. 9. 

pleasure and at my ease,^ i. e. with- 18. Lcueavit] Has opened the port 

out having hard work to do either to for ships to depaii; ; as ' lazare clauB- 


NaTeniy scis puto, non moratur nnus. 

tra,' JnT. ▼ui. 261, cf. Eur. Alcest. * Time and tide wait for no na 

263, ygicvMv ik vopO/it^ — fiin So the poet says, that a captus w^ 

KaXil' ivdyo». aA «f«T«ipy«i«. not wait for a nngU paaaeiiger. 
19. AovMi, &c.] Onr proverb, 

EP. 588. (XI. L) 

Martial reproTes hii book for wishing to go and be read at ConiMnd «n 
it must be contented if it ia read in the porticocs and common lomm bj 
people who hare nothing better to do after the buBiness aad pleasoiet of tJa 

Quo tu, quo, liber otiose, tendis 

Cultus sidone non cot>diana ? 

Numquid Parthenium videre ? Certe. 

Vadas et redeas inevolutus. 

Libros non legit iile, sed libellos ; 5 

Nec Musis vacat, aut suis vacaret. 

Ecquid te satis aestimas beatum, 

Contingunt tibi si manus minores ? 

Vicini pete porticum Quirini: 

Turbam non habet otiosiorem W 

Pompeius vel Agenoris puella, 

Vel primae dominus levis carinae. 

Sunt illic duo tresve, qui revolvant 

Nostrarum tineas ineptiarum, 

1.] *Whithcrnow, book of mine, va^s reign, and this book was B«t 

are you going so much at your ease, brought out till the time of Tnju. 

(h^essed in no every-day suit of pur- when, however, probably, Marti»! <ix 

pie; is to visit Partheuius? Cer- notchoose to alter the name in u 

tainly. Go, and retum unopened.* — epigram m<«2ebefore hia deathtkov^ 

tid<me, the purpura of Ep. 110. 10. published after. 

3. videre\ The infinitive is used 5. libellos] Se. supplices. A pUr 

sometimes after averb of motion : so on two meanings. See Ep. 217. t^- 
in the Suppos. Ep. 2. * non oculos 9. porticum Q^rini'^ In the Valb 

sed ventrem pascere veni.* Virg. Aen. Quirini, a great business plaoe, rf 

i. 628, * Non nos Libycos populare Juv. ii. 133, * Officium cras Pri©' 

Penates Venimus.* Prop. i. 1. 12, Sole mihi peragendum in Valle Qu.- 

*Ibat et hirsutas ille videre feras.* rini.* Martialdweltthere, orneartht 

ib. 6. 34, ' pontum carpere remis spot, cf £p. 553. 10. 
Ibis.' 12.] The * fickle master of the fii« 

3. Parihenium] Cubicularius to ship,* i. e. the Porticos ArgoninU 

Domitian, cf. Epp. 185, 217, but he rum. For the Porticus PompeiiaiU 

was kiUed at the beginning of Ner- Porticus Europae, see 72. 10. 


Sed cum sponsio fabulaeque lassae 15 

X)e Scorpo fueri^t et Incitato. 

15. sponnd] The yraaeis on the A.A. 1. 167, *po8citque libellum Et 

LifFerent horses. Cf. fwr. zi. 202, quaerit, posito piniore, vincat uter.^ 
' quos clamor et audaz Sponsio, quoB 16. Scorpus} Cf. Epp. 547, 549. 

;ultae decet aasedisBe puellae.* Ov. Incitaius, £p. 566. 9. 

EP. 589. (XI. ii.) 

Martial wanu all censorious and strict peraons not to read this book. 

Triste supercilium durique severa Catonis 

Frons et aratoris filia Fabricii, 
Et personati fastus et regula morum 

Quidquid et in tenebris non sumus, ite foras. 
Clamant ecce mei *'Bona Satumalia" versus : 5 

Et licet et sub te praeside, Nerva, libet. 
Lectores tetrici salebrosum ediscite Santram : 

Nil mihi vobiscum est : iste liber meus est. 

2. Fabrieii—Jilta'] Any girl who 7. Santram] A very dry philoso- 

represents the rigid mora^ that a pher of the day. 

child of Caius Fahricius the Censor 8. iste /ifrerj Yirtoally the same as 

might be supposed to have. hio liher^ but with reference to its 

o. personatt] Affected, put on. bcing offered to, or placed in the 

5. Clamanf] Proclaim the jollity hands of the party addressed. In 

and freedom of the Satomalia. Cf. medieval Latiuity, iUe was often a 

£p. 520 and 690. synonym of hie. 

EP. 590. (XI. iii.) 

In boasting of the wide-spread reputation of his poems, the author say 
that nevertheless his purae is no heavier for it ; but that if another Maece 
nas would arise, he would write grand Epic poems that would last for ever. 

Non urbana mea tantum Pimpleide gaudent 

Otia, nec yacuis auribus ista damus, 
Sed meus in Geticis ad Martia signa pruinis 

A rigido teritur centurione liber, 

1. mea — Pimpletde] Not only do havenothingbettertohear; foreven 

the idle people in the city take plea- the soldier on service reads me. See 

sure in my muse, nor do we give Epp. 224. 3; 389. 7. 
these epigrams only to ears which 


Dicitur et nostros cantare Britannia versus. 

Quid prodest ? Nescit sacculus ista meus. 
At quam victuras poteramus pangere chartaB 

Quantaque Pieria praelia flare tuba, 
Cum pia reddiderint Augustum numina terris, 

Et Maecenatem si tibi, Boma, darent I l^' 

7. ffidurtts] Quam diutnrnas. pangere, u dedissent/ — in v^)* 

' Wbat lastinff writings we might latter caae reddidisaeni, an nnmetn- 

have produced, if, when tiie kindly cal form, would have been leqtiire^ 

gods restored Augustus to the world, 10. Maecenatem'} He hinti, «f 

thej had also given a Maecenas, O conrse, that he looks for more p- 

Rome, to jou.* More properly he tronage. Jut. vii. 80. 'at Sernao 

ihould have taid either * qoanta pan- tenuiqne Saleio Gloriar qnantalild 

geremus, si darent/ or *poteramu8 quid erit, sl gloria tantum est.'' 

EP. 591. (XL iv.) 

The poet pnjB to the Trojan or Pelasgic ffods who presided orer Bome. 
e. g. Vesta, rallas, Japiter, &c., to preserre Trajan, wno had been adoptetf 
hj the name * Nerra Trajanus* bj hu predecessor. 

Sacra laresque Phrygum, quos Troiae maluit heres 

Quam rapere arsuras Laomedontis opes, 
Scriptus et aetemo nunc primum luppiter auro 

Et soror et summi filia tota patris, 
Et qui purpureis iam tertia nomina fastis, ^ 

lane, refers Nervae ; vos precor ore pio : 
Hunc omnes servate ducem, servate senatum ; 

Moribus hic vivat principis, ille suis. 

1. maluii'] Viz. servare; *which from Jupiter^sheadwithoutamot&tf- 

Aeneas preferred to raiTy safelj off, Hence sne ssts in Aesch. Eam.i^i^ 

to the plundering of the ci^ of Lao- «capTa 6* tlfii tov iraTftov. 

medon about to periEh in the fire.* 5. purpureis] See 663. 5. V»^ 

3. Scriptus] ycypa/uMccov, repre- refers to the name ofTrajan beisj 
sented in an image of gold. — nune entered for the third time as CoitfQ^ 
primum aetemo^ a prophecy that the 8. hie] * Maythe Senators Jire if^ 
Capitol will not again be bumt. the ezample of the Prince, and tlx 

4. fUia\ Pallas, who is entirelj the Prince after his own,* i. e. since nont 
daughter of the sire, because born better can be fouud. 

EP. 592. (XI. V.) 

Martial lauds Trajan, sajing thst such is his rectitude and equitr that sll 
the old loYers of freedom, Camillus, Fabricius, Brutus, &c., wouldTieldU 
him, i. e. neither oppose nor object to his rule or his power and WMlth, SBd 
«ven Cato would deeert his partj and become a Caesarian for his sakD.* 


T^anta tibi est recti reyerentia, Caesar, et aequi, ' 

Quanta Numae fuerat : sed Numa panper erat. 
^rdua res haec est, opibus non tradere mores 

£t cum tot Croesos viceris, esse Numam. 
Si redeant veteres, ingentia nomina, patres, 5 

Elysium liceat si yacuai*e nemus : 
Te colet invictus pro libertate Camillus, 

Aurum FabHcius, te tribuente, volet ; 
Te duce gaudebit Brutus, tibi Sulla cruentus 

Imperium tradet, cum positurus erit ; 10 

"Et te privato cum Caesare Magnus amabit, 

Donabit totas et tibi Crassus opes. 
Ipse quoque infemis revocatus Ditis ab umbris 

Si Cato reddatur, Caesarianus erit. 

1, 2.] *You have the Bame re- Or perhaps, * unconquered in the 

pect for what is right and fair that cause of liherty/ — Faftrieiu$y the 

«^'uma had ; onlj you are rich, while stem old censor and consul, who re- 

le was poor: eo uiat the temptation fiisedhrihesofferedhyPyn^huB. From 

11 him was the less, who did uot tou, says the poet, he would think it 

: ven know what riches were/ no crime to accept gold. 

3. tradere\ Karairiioiiovvaiy to 9. Bru<««] Thouffh he slew Caesar 

urrender, hetray, or sacrifice cha- as a tyrant, oe woufd rejoice to havt 

acter to wealth. you as head of the state. — StUla^ &c., 

5. velere»'} The citizens, or heads viz. when ahout to lay down his die- 

>f families of note under the old re- tatorship, he will make it over to 

mblic. — vacuare^ to empty of its you, confident that you will not 

>ccupants, i. e. to recall tne dead to abuse it. 

ife. Cf. Lucret. yi. 1025, ^rarior 11. privatoj Pompey the Ghmtt, 

ler fiictus, inanitusque locus mi^s and Julius Caesar as a priyate per- 

ic vacuatus.* son, i. e. satisfied with you as a ruler; 

7. pro libertate'] In place of the will regard you with friendly feel- 

liber^ which he gave to Rome. hy ings, and Crassus will give you all 

(lefeating its many enemies, he witl the wealth he has amas»ed, belioving 

pay his court to you as the personi- yon will not use it against the in- 

fication, as it were, of liberty itself. terests of the statc. 

EP. 593.. (XI. vi.) 

Unctis falciferi senis diebus, 
Regnator quibus imperat fritillus, 
Yersu ludere non laborioso 

1. UfKtit—diebtt»] Tlie five days 422,*nnctnm quirectiponerepossit.* 

of the Satumalia^i n which rich feasts &c. 

%bounded. Unciut is often so used, 2. /riiiUut] Cf. Epp. 165. 8, 9 ; 

cf. V. 44. 7, * Captus es unctiore 272. 3. 

cena.* Hor. Ep. 1. 15. 44, * si quid 3. ludere'] Play was allowed, but 

melins contingit et unctins.* A. P. work was forbidden. Hence the poet 


Fermittis, puto, pileata Boma. 

Risisti ; licet ergo, nec vetamur. 

PallenteB procnl hinc abite curae ; 

Quidquid venerit obvium, loquamur 

Morosa sine cogitatione. 

Misce dimidios, puer, trientes, 

Quaies Pythagoras dabat Neroni ; i^ 

Misce, Dindyme, "sed frequentiores. 

Possum nil ego sobrius ; bibenti 

Succurrent mihi quindecim poetae. 

Da nunc basia, sed Catuliiana. 

Quae si tot fuerint, quot ille dixit, i^ 

Donabo tibi passerem Catulli. 

8^78, that of coune Rome in ite holi- tioned. 

day time viiW let him do the one if 9. dimidu» — trienlesl i. e. atxtii 

h does not involve the other. tes, triens being a third and sextui 

4. pileata] During the Satumalia a sixth of an as (or seztariiis). 
the slaves, as well as the citizeni ffe- 10. P^thafforaa] ' Puer ad n>- 
nerally, wora the pileus, or cap of li- thum^ to Nero, mentioned hj Tic 
berly,' and might use anr freedoms Ann. rv. 37, and in Soet. N». 29. 
with their masters. Cf. £pp. 97. 4 ; under the name of * Doiyphonis.' 
693 1 sqq. Hor. Sat. ii. 7. 4, ' Age, 13. Succurrent] If I drink, I ib: 
libertate Decembri Quando ita ma- have the power of fifteen poeto. 
jores Yoluerunt, utere, narra.* The 14. CcUulliana'] See the w^- 
pileus was also wom on other feasts, known epigram, Gat. ▼. 7, * ds a. 
as on the death of Nero. Cf. Suet. basia mille, deinde centum,* &c 
Ner. 57, * tantum gaudium praebuit, 16. passerem] Such a Bons ss C: 
ut pl^bs pileata discurreret. tullus gave to Lesbia on tbe desth d 

5. Risisii] As if the lascivia was her sparrow. 
nither winked at than openly sanc- 

EP. 594. (XI. viii.) 

A highly poetical description of the charms of some handsome slave-boT. 
Compare £p. 153. 

Lapsa quod extemis spirant opobalsama troncisy 
Uitima quod curvo quae cadit aura croco ; 

Poma quod hibema maturescentia capsa, 
Arbore quod vema luxuriosus ager ; 

De Palatinis dominae quod Serica praelis, 5 

1. opobalsama'] A costlv kind of quae venit aura crooo.* 

balm ; cf. Stat. Sj-lv. iii. 2. i41, * Can- 3. eapsa] iri/3MTOic, cf. Ar. V«sp- 

dida felices sudant opobalsama vir- 1056, i<r/9a\XcTC t' cU Tck« Kt/}* 

gae.*_«a?tom/«, peregi*inis. toAs fifrSk t«i/ fiiiXwm. 

2, tf«m)] Droopingand.withering. 5. dominae—Seriea^ The silket 
Cf. Ep. 163. 2, *quod de Corycio dress of the Empresa. 




Sncina virginea quod regelata manu ; 
«Ajnphora quod nigri, sed longe fracta, Falemi, 

Quod qui Sicanias detinet hortus apes ; 
Quod Cosmi redolent alabastra focique deorum, 

Quod modo divitibus lapsa corona comis : 10 

Singula quid dicam ? non sunt satis ; omnia misce : 

Hoc fragrant pueri basia mane mei. 

6. regelata] ♦ Warmed.' Cf. iii. 9. Cosnu] See 145. 1 ; 459. 2. 

). 17, * regelare nec te pestilenties 10. corona} The chaplet used at 

38&it.* Sen. £p. 67, * Jam aetas mea banauets, anointed with nard, &c. 

)Titenta est frigoi-e suo ; vix media Cf. Ep. 153. 8. Ov. Am. 1. 637, 

^l^elatur aeetate.* For sucinaj see * Ergo amor et modicum circa mea 

Lp. 243. 11. tempora yinum Mecum est, et roa- 

7. longe] At a distance, as the didis lapsa corona comis.* 
mell was too strong close. 

EP. 595. (XI. ix.) 

On a statue of Memor the tragedian, crowned with oak-leayes. Some 
ead ApoUinea, and refer it to a statue of his placed with other poets in the 
;emple of Apollo on the Palatine. 

Clarus fronde lovis, Romani fama cothumi, 
Spirat Apellea redditus arte Memor. 

2. redditus] * Rendered,* as we sajr, in speaking of art. But it may mean, 
' given back to life.* 

EP. 596. (XI. X.) 

Martial praises TumuSf who would not write tragedies lest he ihould 
interfere with his brother'8 renown. For Tumus see Ep. 386. 8. 

Contulit ad satiras ingentia pectora Turnus. 
Cur non ad Memoris carmina ? Frater erat. 

EP. 597. (XI. xi.) 

The Bubject is the same ai Ep. 678. 

Tolle, puer, calices tepidique toreumata Nili 
Et mihi secura pocula trade manu, 

1. ioreHtnala Nilt\ GlaBfi veseels cut whilst trying to cut more figures on 

and bearing figures in relief. Cf. xiv. them, the maker breaks the glasB and 

94f * no« tnmuB audacis ulebeiatoreu- loses his labour. 
mata vitri,* and xiv. 115, under the 2. secura] Cf. xiv. 108, * Quae non 

head * Calices vitrei. Adspicis inge- soUicitus teneat servetque minister. 

nium Nili ; quibns addere plura Dum Sume Saguntino pocula ficta luto.^ 
cupit, ah quoties perdiditauctor opus :* 


Trita patrum labris et tonso pura ministro ; 

Anticas mensis restituetur honor. 
Te potai*e decet gemma, qui Mentora fra,Tigi3 

In scaphium moechae, Sardanapalle, tuae. 

3. pura] Pare ministmta. Cf. Ep. 5. frangis Tn scaphium] Bmk . 
181. 10. — tonao^ not bj one of the into (i. e. to make) a utensil forj-. 
effeminate comaii now in voffue. mistress. ScanAium has the s» 

4. Anticua — Aonorj Whcn uie cups sense (nuUella) in Juv. Yi.'}Si~ 
and dishes were of plain earthen- Af entora, a bowl emboased bjlr- 
ware. tor*B hand. 

EP. 598. (XI. xii.) 

Zoilus had petitioned for the * jus trium liberorum* nTen in dioie din 
bj fiiTour even to unmarried people, cf. Epp. 107, iOo. Martial lepli:^ 
* you may be supposed to have seTen children, if you like ; but joo r. 
never have father or mother/ i. e. your origin will alwavs be obscure. St. 
629. 4. 

lus tibi natorum vel septem, Zoile, detur, 
Dum matrem nemo det tibi, nemo patrem. 

EP. 599. (XI. xiii.) 

On the tomb of Paris the Pantomime in the Via Flaminia. He «is i'- 
popular faTouritein Domitian^s time. Cf. Juv. vi. 87. ^ utquemagiaitapes: 
ludos Paridemque reliquit;* /6. vii. 87, and Mr. Major^s note. Hew 
put to death on account of an intrigue with Domitia. 

Quisquis Flaminiam teris, viator, 

Noli nobile praeterire marmor. 

Urbis deliciae salesque Nili, 

Ars et gratia, lusus et voluptas, 

Romani decus et dolor theatri i 

Atque omnes Veneres Cupidinesque 

Hoc sunt conditsi, quo Paris, sepulcro. 

1. Flaminiam] See Ep. 289. 5. 6. omnes^ &c.] Probablj fit>m &• 

3. salesNili] He was an JB^yptian tullus, iii. 1, *Lugete o Yeuati 
by birth. Cupidinesque.* 

EP. 600. (XI. xiv.) 

Martial entreats the heirs of a veiy e>maU dwarf of a man not to bar 
fcim, for any how the earth must lie heai^y on him. We might, howenr. 
ronstrue fjrevem sepelire^ and take the 8en»e thus : ' Don^t bury him in i 
ihallow graTe, but deep ; for no earth will lie lightly on such a acoundrd.* 

Heredes, nolite brevem sepelira cplonum : 
Nam terra est illi quantulacuWque gmvis. 


£P. 601. (XL XTiu.) 

llSartial complaiiis of tiie 

so l^ountiiullj bestoiped on knu aai 
nrorth mtich more. A ▼eiy devcr 
to ixi £pp. 431. 6 ; 501. 7; S33u 9L 

IDonasti, Lupe, ros sab nrbe nobis ; 

Sed ms est mihi mjdiis in leneslni. 

IRus hoc dioerBy rns potes Tocwe ? 

Hn quo ruta fiicit nemos DuDae, 

^Axgutae tegit ala quod cJcadiej $ 

Quod" formica die oomedit mioiy 

Clusae cui folium rosae cotxma est ; 

In quo non magis inTenitnr herbay 

Quam Cosmi folinm pipenre cmdiim ; 

In quo nec cucomis iacere rectnSy !• 

Nec serpens habitare tota poosity 

Erucam male pascit hortos nmun, 

Consumpto moritor cnlex salictOy 

Et talpa est mihi fossor atqne antor. 

Non boletus hiare, non mariscae IS 

Kidere aut violae patere possant. 

Fines mus popubttar et cokmo 

Tanquam sus Caljdonins timetiir, 

Et Bublata Tobintis nngoe Prognes 

In nido seges est himndinino ; 2ii 

2.] This line aeems to ihow that the frmruit leaf which CovfflUf iMe« 

the Romansiued tokeepflowenand fbr his perfumet, or fretb pepper/ 

perhaps herbs in their windowB ae Cf. Hor. £p. L 14. 23, ' aogulua i«te 

we do stilL Gf. dso Plin. H. N. ziz. Unt piper et thns odut uYa/^.^r»' 

19, * Jam in fenettris saii plebt Jkoi, g^TDen, onripe ; oppoted to * ru- 

urlMina in imagine hortoram qnotidi* gosum/ Pen. ▼« 55. 
anaoculisnua pnebebant^aotoqiiam 11. tata} Witbout bmoging out Ita 

praefigi prospectus omnes coegit mnl- taiL 

titudinis innumeratae aaeva Utroci- 12. Erueam, &c.] ' The garden 

natio.* The Greek «^voi 'A3«m3ot barely feeds one caterpillar, and tbe 

were •imilu' contriTaaeea. gnat diea because it has eaten up the 

3. hoe] Emphatic : ' call <&tff a willow bed.* 
farm, indeed, in which a rue-phuit 17. «mw, &c.] The mouse com- 

makes a Diana*f groTe ; which ii mitt aa much havoc, and ii aa much 

coTered by the wing of a cicala ; dreaded bj the tenant, as would be 

which an ant eata up in one day; the raYages of the Calirdonian boar. 
whichgiTesmebutthelMf ofarose- 19. tublata.&c.J mj whole crop 

bud for a chaplet : in wluch no green is onlj enougb to lunush the stvawi 

^hing ii aay more to be found than for a swaIlow*s nest. 


Non est dimidio locus Priapo. 

Vix implet cochleam peracta messis 

Et mustum nuce condimus picata. 

Errasti, Lupe, littera sed una. !? 

Nam quo tempore praedium dedisti, 

Mallem tu mihi prandium dedisses. 

23. ]I When I haTe taken in my har- picata Yienna Ne dubi tes.* AIso Ep: 

vest, it Bcarce fiUs a snail-shell, and 156. 8 ; 422. 4. Lucret. vi. 290. 
our new wine we store up in a well- 26, 27.] When you g»ve me zfibi 

pitchednut. Forthe vinum picatum, I wish vou had rather given mea 

wine putin vessels lined with rosin, feed. Or, perhape, 'a frpatt fori 

c£. adii. 107, * Haec de vitifera venisae pasimre.* 

EP. 602. (XI. xxiv.) 

Martial complains that in followinff about his patron Labullas, he wasta 
his time when he would be much better emploved in making vereei t» 
cause pleasure to Roroe in general, and envy to other poeta. _A poet ongb: 
to be content to dine at horoe ; for if he is always wanting to be inTited 
out, he must waste his tiroe in pajing court to his patron, and fidd one pige 
in thirty days the only work done. 

Dum te prosequor et domum reduco, 

Aurem dum tibi praesto garrienti, 

Et quidquid loqueris facisque laudo, 

Quot versus poterant, Labulle, nasci ? 

Hoc damnum tibi non videtur esse, 6 

Si quod Roma legit, requirit hospes, 

Non deridet eques, tenet senator, 

Laudat causidicus, poeta carpit, 

Propter te perit ? hoc Labulle, Terum eet ? 

Hoc quisquam ferat, ut tibi tuorum :C 

Sit maior numerus togatulorum, 

Librorum mihi sit minor meorum ? 

Triginta prope iam diebus una est 

Nobis pagina vix peracta. Sic fit, 

Cum cenai*e domi poeta non Tolt. 15 

8. earpit'\ Cf. Ep. 306. mihi, I. q. mihi vero nt, &o. 

11. iogatulormn} Clientum. — 

EP. 603. (XL xxxi.) 

Martial banters Caecilius for making up gonrds into aU ■orti of djMHi; 
in fact, for having nothing at table but gouxds in evexy couxmu 


^.tieiis Caecilius cncurbitarum 

ic illas quasi filios Thyestae 

CL partes lacerat secatque mille. 

x-ustu protinus has edes in ipso, 

las prima feret alterave cena, 6 

las cena tibi tertia reponet. 

linc seras epidipnidas parabit, 

linc pistor fatuas facit placentas^ 

iliiic et multiplices struit tabellas 

j^t notas caryotidas theatris ; 10 

Elinc exit varium coco minutal, 

[Jt lentem positam fabamque credas : 

Boletos imitatur et botellos, 

Bt caudam cybii brevesque maenas: 

Hinc cellarius experitur artes, 15 

Ut condat vario vafer sapore 

In rutae folium Capelliana. 

Sic implet gabatas parapsidesque, 

.J * Gaecilius, the Atreus of his business was to. construct arti- 

irds, cuts them up as the real ficial figures and dishes for the 

reus did the children of his bro« dessert, to wbich this alludes. 

r Thyestes.* More than that, lU. catyotidas] ' Dates.* Cf. Ep. 

disguises them by the art of the 410. 11. — ^no/os, either because eaten 

»k, as theflesh of thechildrenwere there, or used for pelting the actors 

11 ua ( Aesch. Ag. 1596), difiScult to or spectators. 

tinguish. ll. HinCt &c.] ' From it too the 

L Gmtu] Dishes to excite the cook tums out a hash of different 

3etite, and promote the digestion, ingi^edients.* — minutal, a mince- 

it were brought on before the meat of fish, oil, wine, &c., men- 

rular caena, such as are mentioned tioned Juv. xiv. 129, * Hesternuni 

xii. 19, lactucas, ova^ /acertum. medio solitus servare minutal Sep- 

: Epn. 269. 3—6; 545. 7—12. tembri.' 

'ter tnis came tke * mensae pri- 13. botellos] * Black-puddings.* 

a.e,' divided into vaiious * fercula,* Cf. Ep. 269. 9. 

ourses,* as, hera are mentioned, 14. cybii] See Ep. 269. 5. 

rima, altera, tertia caena.* In 16.] The cellarius seems to have 

IV. i. 94, we read of even * fercula had the duty of supplying such viands 

ptem.* Then came the * mensae as would improve the flavour of the 

cuudae* of fruit, sweetmeats, wine. Here he appears to have 

lellaria,* and dishcs made only to mixed mashed goura with several 

e looked at, * epideipnides,* as here, kinds of sauce or condiment made 

etron. 69. 6. by Capella, an unknown artistey and 

8. faiuaa] ' Tasteless.* So xiii. 13, to have inserted them within a leaf 
fatuae— betae.* Cf. 537 9. of the bitter rue-plant, something 

9. ^ruit] Not tho pistor, but the after the fashion of the Gieek 
tructor,who, howev^er, in Caecilius* dplov. See on Ep. 78. 5. 

Louse may have been represented 1 8.] ,^a2>a^ae were dishesorplatters, 
)y one and the Bame person ; part of Ep. 357. ^.—parapsides or parop- 

C C 


Et leTes seutalas caTasque lances. 
Hoc lautum Tocat, hoc putat Tennstiimy 
Unum ponere ferculis tot assem. 

aides were nde diahes. Gomp. Jut. dishes oat of almost anj thing. ^ 

iii 142, *" qnam molto magnaque PetroniaB, § 70, * Trimakhio > 

paropside caenat* — acutulae^ small ita creacam patrimonio, non cor^ - 

oblong dishes. See Ep. 438. 7. ut ista cocua meus de porco it 

20. Hoc^ &c. j * And this he calls Non potest esse pretioaior Iio& 

snmptuoos ; this forsooth, ia re- ▼olueris, de ynlva &iciet piKem. - 

finea, to serve up one penny in 80 lardo palnmbum, de penia taztiLti 

many courses.* The Roman cooks de colaepio gallinani. 
equalled the French in making good 

EP. 604. (XI. xxxii.) 

A jocoae hanter of a man (prohablj some aacetic Stoic), who, tv 
«-TMXOV) * heggar, affected to be ire«rt|«, poor. This epigram is well 11- 
trated by Arist Plut. 540 — 553, where the distinction between beggair n 
poTcr^ ia enlarged upon. 

Nec toga nec focus est nec tritus cimice lectus, 

Nec tibi de bibula sarta palude teges, 
Nec puer aut senior, nulla est ancilla nec infans, 

Nec sera nec claTis nec canis atque calix. 
Tu tamen affectas, Nestor, dici atque videri \ 

Pauper, et in populo quaeris habere locmn. 
Mentiris vanoque tibi blandiris honore. 

Non est paupertas, Nestor, habere nihiL 

1. tritus] Traversed over by bugs. your own. He had no familia. z: 
imri dk k\ivi)« trTifiaia tf-xofwv ohcot. 

Koptw» fitoTi^y Ar. L L See £p. 4.J Theocr. zxi. 15, oi*^x f «• 
621. 5. kkpBpav elx\ ov Kvya (if the read::;: 

2. tegtt9\ A roat made of sedge can be tnuted). 

or rus^es, which imbibe the water. 5. c^eetcul Ton pretend to t 

Here palu» seems to mean the pro- voluntary poverty, as if finom se!:- 

duce or gi^owth of Uie marsh (smce denial, or for the sake <tf Jf^''^ 

hibvUa suits luther the cellular and to others. Cf. viii. 19, 'Pifipc: 

succulent nature of the plants, than rideri Cinna vult, et est panper. - 

the bog itself). Cf. £p. 669. 9 (if in populo^ among the citizena, u- 

the reading paJudis be right). The a member of a tribe, whefets ^ 

teges was the usual beggar s coyering. ought to be reckoned among *h 

See Ep. 621. 5. b<^rs. 

3. puffr] A slave. CatulL xziii. 1, 8.] Ar. Plut 552, v<r«>xo» *" 
' Furei, cui neque servus est neque yap fiioSf o» a^ Xcyctv, |^^r irr^ 
arca, Nec cimex neque ai-aneus neque /ufj^^ v Ixomra* tov ii wcMpnacj^n 
ignis,* — a passage which Martial tpiiiofitvov^ Kal toTv Ipyoit 'w^ 
seems to have had in view. — infans^ ixovra, 

viz. either as a vemuy or as a child o^ 


EP. 605. (XI. xxxiii.) 

On tho factions and the coloured riden in the Circus. Nero, idkc 
.ligula, favoured the ' green,^ * viridis panni/ Juv. xi. 196. See Suet. 
sro 22, Calig. 55, and Dom. 7, whence it would seem that DomitiaQ 
tronized other colours added hy himself. See also Mart. xiii. 78. 
le Bubject is elaborately illustrated by Mr. Mayor, on Juv. xi. 198. In 
3ti'oniii8, § 70, a partisan of that faction is called * prasinianus.* 

Saepins ad palmam Prasinus post fata Neronis 
Pervenit et victor praemia plura refert. 

I nunc, livor edax, dic te cessisse Neroni ; 
Yicit nimirum non Nero, sed Prasinus. 

1. Prasimu] Sc. aurisa. The 3.] Envj cannot say (i. e. the con- 

leaning is, that Nero s favour quered party cannot now pretend), 

annot be said to have obtained that it has been compellea to yield 

n unfair victory, since Nero is to Nero's influence; for now the 

lead ; and Domitian, though he prasinus has cei*tainlv got the prize 

nightnotfavour the party, would not by his own merit. In ISp. 298, the 

lave recourse to dishonest means. poet seems to intimate that the 

rhis seems intended to flatter. ^blue ^ lost by collusion. 

EP. 606. (XI. xxxiv.) 

On a cunningfellow, who had bought a badhouse next door to a wealthy 
id hospitable neighboi 
having to retum t£em. 

~ — _ _ -. ^ _ . - ^ . — _ - o — ~~ - ■ -_ ___- ,_ 

%nd hospitable neighbour, so that he might enjoy his good dinners without 

Aedes emit Aper, sed quas nec noctua vellet 
Esse suas ; adeo nigi*a vetusque casa est. 

Yicinos illi nitidus Maro possidet hortos. 
Cenabit belle, non habitabit Aper. 

EP. 607. (XI. XXXV.) 

The poet excuses himself for not dining with a laTge partjjr of strangers, 
which is as unsatisfactory as the triste wnniceniumf Ep. 269. The point 
tumsoh ihe paradox sottUf viz. without any familiar friend to talk to. 

Ignotos mihi cum voces trecentos, 
Qaare non veniam vocatus ad te, 
Miraris quererisque litigasque. 
Solus ceno, FabuUe, non libenter. 

l. irecmtosl An indefinite number, like bia trioeni tfoeati^ £p. 23. 1 
and SMcenti', 624. 1. 

cc 2 


EP. 608. (XI. xxxvi.) 

On the Testoration of the poet*s friend Caius Julius Proculm dd« 
from sickneBs, or from the dangers of a joumey, and on the cusloo u 
drinking to the letters in a name, for which see £p. 35. 

Graius hanc lucem gemma mihi lulius alba 

Signat, io, votis redditus, ecce, meis. 
Desperasse iuvat veluti iam rupta sororum 

'Fil& ; minus gaudent qui timuere nihil. 
Hjpne, quid expectas, piger ? immortaie Falemum 5 

Funde, senem poscunt talia vota cadum. 
Quincunces et sex cjathos bessemque bibamas, 

Gaius ut fiat luLius et Proculus. 

1. gemma — <tlba] See Epp. 422. 2 ; *Ceste, decus mensae,* Ep. 424 IS 

509. 10 ; 658. 5. Pliny, Epist vi. —immortale, * verj old.' CC Ea 

II, *0 diem laetum notandumque 498. 1, where * senior cadus* ii:-> 

mihi candidissimo calculo.* occurs. 

3..fHoa/] It is a nleasure to have 7. Quincunees} See 16. 2; 63.9. 

despaired of his Bafet7 now that he Five-twelfths of a sextarius for th« 

is well. Those (he adds) who have five letters in *■ Graius/ 

had nothing to fear have less occa- for ' Julius/ eight-twelftfas {bes^ k- 

sion to rejoice. A clever distich. nae partes assis) for * Procnlus.* See 

5. Hypne} The name of the on Ep. 424. 24. 
Vvdsome Greek wine-server, like 

EP. 609. (XI. xxxvii.) 

On Zoilus, who had beeu a skve, and now wore a huge knight*s ring. 

Zoile, quid tota gemmam praecingere libra 
Te iuvat et miserum perdere sardonycba ? 

Anulus iste tuis fuerat modo cruribus aptus. 
Non eadem digitis pondera conveniunt. 

1. tota — libra'] To encircle it with it were, with too much gold. 

a whole pound weight of gold, viz. 3. isie] That ring of joun would 

in the setting. Compare tbe * levis have suited your legs, as a slsTr. 

anulus * of v. 61. 5, and tbe ' aes- some short time ago ; but the finger 

tivum aurum* of Juvenal, i. 28. requires a lighter ring than a Irg 

2. perdere'] To overwhelm it« as See £p. 131. 

EP. 610. (XI. xxxviii.) 

A niuleteer ( Juv. iii. 317) fetches sL great prico ss a slave, because he 
M deaf, and cannot hear the conversation of his master, and therefoi« vU' 


D unable to criminAte him. The joke consists in the fact of a penonal 
I «mish enhancing instead of depreciating the value of the man. That 
me presence of a driyer was unwelcome in conversation, is clcar from 

Mulio Yiginti venit modo milibas, Anle. 
Miraris pretimn tam grave ? snrdas erat. 

EP. 611. (XI. xxxix.) 

To a Ubertus (ver. 15), who was formerly paedagogua^ and now assumes 
t,T%. unwelcome authority over his young master, whether the poet means 
«. i niself or some other. 

Cunarum fueras motor, Charideme, mearam 

Et pueri custos assiduusque c6mes. 
lam mihi nigrescunt tonsa sudaria barba 

Et queritur labris puncta puella meis. 
Sed tibi non crevi ; te noster vilicus horret, 5 

Te dispensator, te domus ipsa pavet. 
Ludere nec nobis, nec tu permittis amare ; 

Nil mihi vis et vis cuncta licere tibi. 
Corripis, observas, quereris, suspiria ducis, 

Et vix a ferulis temperat ira tua. 10 

Si Tyrios sumpsi cultus unxive capillos, 

Exclamas ^' Nunquam fecerat ista pater." 

2. ctMtosl Perhaps as capsaritu. self disagreeahle/ the poet adds, * to 
ruv. X. 41/) ' Quem sequitur custos every member of the household, 
kngustae veraula capsae.* Or in even those who hold places of re- 

' ihe sense of ^tf/or, ^lpse mihi custos sponsibility above the common 

ncorruptissimus omnes Circa doc- slaves, as the bailiff and the stew- 

ores aucrat/ Hor. Sat. i. 6. 81. ard. 

3. sutiaria] Tbe napkin oit which 7. Ludere"] To play at dice, per- 
■he razor was wiped, and which now haps in company witb the steward. 
■howed the marks of the black haii. Juv. i. 91, *Proelia quanta illic dis- 

^ich (Dict.) in v. compares it to pensatore videbis armigero ! ^ 
>ur * pocket-handkerchief. 10. firulia} The schoolmaster^s 

4. puncta] Theocr. xv. 130, ou cane. Juv. i. 15, * £t nos ergo 
reirrtt t6 <^tX.a)u'' Iri ol irtpt manum ferula subduximus.* — fem- 
(iiXta vvfipd. Tibull. i. 8. 31, perat^ abstinet se. Virg. Aen. ii. 8, 

levia fulgent Ora, nec amplexus * Quis talia fando temperet a la- 

ispera barba terit.' ciymis ? ' 

5. t^ non crevij i. e. you think 12. ficerai} Fecisset, sc. si tIx- 
:- ' ne BtiU a boy. * Y ou make your- isset. 


Et numeras nostros astricta ironte trienteSy 

Tanqnam de cella sit cadiis ille tua. 
Desine ; non possnm libertum ferre Catonem. 

Esse yirum iam me dicet amica tibi. 

13. ffwnenu] Viz. lest he sbonld and the jar did not come ffom ;>• 

exceed a limited number in drink- cellar. 

ing to hifl mistress, £p. 424. 23. — 15. Caioneni] As rigid ind tr. 

nMtro$, though they are my own, sorious as Cato the Elder. 

ER 612. (XI. xH.) 

A Tery elonnt epigram on the death of a handsome yoath bj £in:: 
from a tree. The names Amyntas and lollas are from Viigil*8 Eclognei 

Indnlget pecori nimimn dum pastor Amjntas 

Et gaudet fama luxuriaque gregis, 
Cedentes oneri ramos silvamque fluentem 

Yicit, concussas ipse secutus opes. 
Triste nemus dirae Tetuit superesse minae 

Damnavitque rogis noxia ligna pater. 
Pingues, Ljgde, sues babeat vicinus lollas : 

Te satis est nobis annumerare pecus. 

1. Indulgei] 3j giving them too. quaesitns Hylas umamque lecoto 
large a feed of mast, or the acom of —opes^ viz. the shaken down acor* 
the ilex. He ascended the tree to 5. Trisie nemus] Fanestam arb»- 
shake the boughs, whereas it was rem. The tree was cut down »i 
enough for the swine to gather those nsed to consume the bodj. 
&llen; ^glandemque sues fregere 7. Lygde] Addressed to | comtj 
sub ulmis/ Virg. Oeorg. ii. 72. slave, whom the poet wams not * 

2. fanui] The reputation of their venture on a similar risk, impeii< 
being fat, and giving well-tasted by jealousy of his neighbour's fanc 
pork. swine. 

3. Cedenies] * Giving way under 8. annumerare] To oount, and s '• 
his weight/ or (poeticaliy) the to &tten. The number of the fiocu 
weight of the acoras with which and herds was daily retumed by tb. 
they were loaded. — silvam Jluentemf siaves to the owners. Hencethetot 
copiam glandis a ramis caducam. — ridd parents in Virg. EcL iii. 34. 
tecutus, cf. Juv. i. 164, * £t multum * ois die numeraiH omte pecu.* 


EP. 613. (XI. xlii.) 

A good epigram cannot be written on a dull subjeet 

Vivida cum poscas epigrammata, mortua ponis 
Ijemmata. Quid fieri, Caeciliane, potest ? 

Mella iubes Hyblaea tibi vel Hymettia nasci, 
Et thjrma Cecropiae Corsica ponis api ? 

2. Lemmata] The lieads or titles such a theme ?* 

r epigrams, as Epp. 554. 1 ; 69*2. 7. 3, 4.] Do you expect the finest 

-mortua, lifeleas, without point or honey of Attica or Sicily can be 

^irit. Perhaps he suggested sub- praduced from the bitter herbs of 

3ct8 for Martial to compose upon. — Coraica? See Ep. 459. 4. — Ei — 

ieW, *• what cau be composed on poniSf i. e. et tamen ponis. 

EP. 614. (XI. xlviii.) 

Silius Italicus the poet (Ep. 165) had purchased the estate containing 
the tomjb of Cicero, and had paid honours (oelebrabat) to Yiigirs tomb. 

Silius haec magni celebrat monimenta Maronis, 

lugera facundi qui Ciceronis habet. 
Heredem dominumque sui tumulive larisve 

Non alium mallet nec Maro, nec Cicero. 

3. laris] The Yilla of Cicero.— both a poet and an orator. See 
Non alium, sc. * quam Silium,'* as £p. 366. 5. 

EP. 615. (XI. xlix.) 

' On the same subject Silius rescued the tomb of Yirgil from oblivion ; 
and Silius himself, as a distinguished poet, not less exalted Vii-gil by his 
verses than by his respect for his memory. But the reading tiuii' in ▼. 4 
is obscure. Lipsius proposed cdit, It seems to meau sustulU^ laised, 


lam prope desertos cineres et sancta Maronis 
Nomina qui coleret, pauper et unus erat. 

Silius optatae succurrere censuit umbrae, 
Silius et vatem non minus ipse tulit. 

3. (ieii8ui£\ Statuit. — non minus, viz. cum esset Tatea. 


EP. 616. (XL 1.) 

To a mistretfs wha wm too exorbitont in her claims on tbe pet - 

Senerositj. Conipare Propert. iii. 15. 11, ' Et modo paTonit eaciu 
abella •uperbae, Et manibus dura trig^ habere pila, Et capit iratnm tL* 
me poBcere ebumoa, Quaeqne nitent Sacra vilia dona via.* 

Nulla est hora tibi qua non me, Phjlliy fiirentem 

Despolies : tanta calliditate rapis. 
Nunc plorat speculo fallax ancilla relicto, 

Gemma vel a digito, vel cadit aure lapis ; 
Nunc furtiva lucri iieri bombycina possunt, ." 

Profertur Cosmi nunc mihi siccus onyx ; 
Amphora nunc petitur nigri cariosa Falerni, 

Expiet ut somnos garrula saga tuos ; 
Nunc ut emam grandemve lupum muUumTe bilibrem, 

Indixit cenam dives amica tibi. l; 

Sit pudor et tandem veri respectus et aequi. 

Nil tibi, Phylli, nego : nil mihi, Phylli, nega. 

1. /urentem] Noo-ui/i/Ta, amore for her with Connianmm (f> 
tui flagranftem. 594. 9). 

2. tanta^ &c.] I know not how 7. carioia'] Crumbliug, vadp^ 
to deny your requests, * with such with affe. In ill-baked teTTa-cot!i 
cunning do vou plunder me/ i. c. ilakes blister up and fall from the 
80 ingeniouafy are they varied, and surface. — s<tffa^ the piatrix of PUti 
Bo plausibly put. Mil. 693. — Eapiet, procuret Sf« 

0. Nme^ &c.] *■ At one time you Pers. Sat. ii. 34, and on £p 

throw in my way one of your maids 362. 1 . 

in pretended grief, because she has 9, 10.] 'Atanothertime, toindBit 

left your mirror at some other me to buy a big luptu. or a thiee- 

house ; at another you feign to have pound mullet, you tell me a lirk 

dropped the gem out of your i*ingt friend has engaged to dine wi'Ji 

or the eaning out of your ear.* Or you.* More commonlj, eomiictrt 

plorat means olmiiX,ih * vapulat, ut cenam; but indicere rather meuf 

furti manifesta * (fallax). that she has given directiona for i 

5. lucri] The theft of a silken or dinner to be prepared. On tbe kivr 
mnslin drcss may be tunied into and costly muiliy see 139. 5.—^ims, 
a gain, though appai*ently a loss, be- i. e. you wish to please her with u 
cause she wheeales me out of a eye to her fortune. 

better one. Propert v. 5. 71, *£x- 11. veri — etaequi] Regard for tell- 

equiae fuerant rari furtiva capilli ing the truth, and for rendering aa 

Vmcula.* equivalent retum for what I hm 

6. nccwt} Viz. that I may fill it done. 


EP. 617. (XI. lii.) 

The poet playfully inyites his friend Julius Ccrealis to a munda cencu 
lere is prooably (cf. Ep. 269) some irony, i. e. a much better dinner was 
eant than is described. 

Cenabis belle, luli Cerealis, apud me ; 

Conditio est melior si tibi nulla, veni. 
Octavam poteris servare ; lavabimur una : 

Scis, quam sint Stephani balnea iuncta mihi. 
Prima tibi dabitur ventri lactuca movendo 6 

Utilis, et pprris fila resecta suis. 
Mox vetus et tenui maior cordyla lacerto, 

Sed quam cum rutae frondibus ova tegant. 
Altera non deerunt tenui versata favilla 

Et Yelabrensi massa coacta foco ; 10 

Et quae Picenum senserunt frigus olivae. 

Haec satis in gustu. Cetera nosse cupis ? 
MSntiar, ut venias : pisces, conchylia, sumen 

2. Conditio] 'Ergagementf per- pears to apologize for the coi-dyla 
laps a technical term. Plaut. Capt. being not very fresh, and jather 
80, * nisi qui meliorem adferet larger than it should be ; ' butj'' the 
i^uae mi atque amicis placeat con- poet says, "^t shall be well served.* 
litio magis." From £p. 690. 1, it would eem 

3. poteris] * You will be able to that the coi"dyla was salted. 

rome punctually to my house at 9. Altera] Sc. ova. *Roaste<? 

;wo oMock, and 'we will adjoura eggs and checse made in the dairies 

:ogether to the baths of Stephanus of the Velabmm.* Ovid, Met. 8, 

:lose by/ Some refer poteris to a alluding to ^ab ovo usque ad mala/ 

>un-dial on the bath ; but tke mean- * ovaque non acri leviter vei^sata 

ing probably is, that business ended favilla.* Inf. xiii. 32, * Non quem- 

a.t two o^clock, ' septima finis erit,* cunque focum, nec fumum caseus 

Ep. 161. 4. Rich patrons took their omnem, Sed Velabrensera qui bibit, 

clients to the bath, £p. 134. 5, which ille sapit.* This, thei-efore, was a 

Martial proposes to do to his in- superior kind of cheese, and it 

timate friend. seems to have been smoked, like 

5. movendo] Excitando. our hams. — coacta^ 536. 1. 

6. JUa] The gi'een tops cut fi'om 11. frigus] Olives a little da- 
the young leeks. Also called sec- maged by the frost, or perhaps 
tivum and sectUe porrum^ and mellowed by being kept late on the 
tonsile porrum^ Ep. 545. 9. tree, Ep. 343. 4. Olives were brought 

7. cordyla] The fir of the tunny, on at the beginning and the end of 
Epp. 110. 4, and 690. l.—Jacerto, a dinner, xiii. 36. Hencb they ai-e 
see Epp. 545. 11, and 373. 1. It here included in the ffustus^ or 
was a coai^se kind of sea-fish, eaten ' whet.^ 

with rue and egg-sauce. From 13. Mentiar] *Iwill hold out 

* rutatos laceitos,* in the former false hopes to tempt you to come ;* 
passage, we might perhaps hera read but he savs this with ironv perhaps. 

* quem ' for ' quam/ The sed ap- — conchylta, the purple-fiBn, a kind 


Et chortis saturas atque paludis aves, 
Quae nec Stella solet rara nisi ponere cena. r 

Plus ego polliceor : nil recitabo tibi. 
Ipse tuos nobis relegas licet usque Gigantas, 

Rura yel aetemo proxima Yergilio. 

of periwinkle. * Lubrica conchylia,* then on a great occasion. 

Hor. Sat. ii. 4. 30. 16. nil recilabo} I wili not Wr 

14. chorlu] Birda trom the you with mj Tenes, as gpeatnUnB 
chicken-yard and the pond, i. e. too often do. See £p. 2ra. 25 
chickena and ducki (Ep. 343. 1 ; and Ep. 170. 

473. 11). 17. Giganta9] Cerealishadimttc- 

15. nee Stella] Not even the ele- a poem on tbe Gigantoaiscia 
gant and extravagant Stella brings and also Georgica, in imitatiai r 
euch good cheer ezcept now and VirgiL 

EP. 618. (XI. liii.) 

Ou Claudia, the British wife of Pudens. See Ep. 164. This epigiKi 
■eems written on the birth of her first child. 

Claudia caeruleis cum sit Rufina Britannis 

Edita, quam Latiae pectora gentis habet ! 
Quale decus formae ! Romanam credere matres 

Italides possunt, Attbides esse suam. 
Di bene, quod sancto peperit fecunda marito, 

Quod sperat generos quodque,pueIla nurus. 
Sic placeat superis, ut coniuge gaudeat uno 

Et semper natis gaudeat illa tribus. 

1. caeruleis] * Woad-stained,* an Athenian. 

* infecti Britanni/ Propert. iii. 9. 5. sancto] * Yirtuous, ami^potn,- 
23. *■ Picti Britanni/ inf. lib. xiv. fecunda, *■ tbat she has proved ber 
99. self prolific by bearing him i 

2. pectord] Indolem, ingenium. child. 

Cf. 649. 3, * tam rarum, tam dulce 6. puella] * That, being jet jout; 

sapis f unless it be physically meant, she hopes to see sous and'daughten 

en hon poini. — ^uam is rather manied.* 

strangely used, as if he bad said, 8. «rmperl * May she (or ntbc 

* quam Latium pectus habet,* ' how her husband) be entitled to the pr 
Roman she is in character.* vileges ofjus trium libe r or um ^ tr 

4. Italides} Roman mati-ons might not fall below that number bt 6e 
say she was a Roman, Attic ladies death of any sons. See £p. lOt. 


EP. 619. (XI. liv.) 

On Zoilus, a niiMway slaye, and a stealer of perfumes firom funeral 

Unguenta et casias et olentem funera mjrrham 

Turaque de medio semicremata rogo, 
Kt quae de Stjgio rapuisti cinnama lecto, 

Improbe de turpi, Zoile, redde sinu. 
A pedibus didicere manus peccare protervae. 5 

Non miror furem, qui fogitiyus eras. 

1 . olentem fitnera\ * Which have 4. turpi — sinu\ The dirtr fold or 

derired a smell from the body/ to pocket of the toga. Cf. £p. 335. 

which it was intended to impart 14. 

fmgrance. 5. A pedibus] * Those frowaid 

'6. Stygio — iecto] Tfae hier on hands have leamed to plaj loose 

which the body was placed on the from your feet,* i. e. which escaped 

pyre/or perhaps duriug the process from the control of fetters. 
of anointing. 

EP. 620. (XI. Iv.) 

He wams Urbicus to beware of the arts of Lupus, the fortune-hunter, 
who plays on parental hopes or vanity. Compare Juv. v. 141, seqq. A 
very witty epigram. 

Hortatur fieri quod te Lupus, Urbice, patrem, 
Ne credas ; nihil est, quod minus ille velit. 

Ars est captandi quod nolis velle videri ; 
Ne facias optat, quod rogat ut facias. 

Dicat praegnantem tua se Cosconia tantum : 5 

Pallldior fiet iam pariente Lupus. 

2. Ne credasl He does not really 5. Dicat'} * If ^our wife should 

wish it, but pretends his anziety announce herselt pregnant, Lupus 

for your prospenty as l. friend. will tum paler than she would be 

Urbicus seems to have been married, on giving birth to the child.* Or 

but childless. thus : * Let your wife merely say 

'6. Artesi] '^Tis tbe art of your she is with child; for Lupus wiil 

captatory to pretend he wishcs what tum paler if she is actually reported 

he does not really wish.* — noliSy as to be in labour,* i. e. he may tole- 

if speakinff of himself as a captator. rate a report that may prove false, 

Pernaps, however, we shoula read but not the reality. Juv. ut iup.^ 

nolti. since the unwillingness must * Jncandum et carum sterilis facit 

be on the part of the captator, not uxor amicum.* 


At tu consilio videaris ut usus amici, 

Sic morere, ut factum te putet esse patrem. 

7. amicn * That joa may seem would befit a father, who pr^en v 

to bave followed the advice of your make bis children his hein.— ^Miir:. 

friend Lupus, which he never meant viz. even if tbe case is not reallT <». 

you to take, die witbout leavinff him and you are still orbma. Peihape be 

auj thing/ make such a wilL as recommends adoptio. 

EP. 621. (XI. IvL) 

He ridicules the avowed willingness of a stoic philoaopher to leave th^ 
life, on tbe ground that he possesses nothing worlb living for. Life to toil 
sayB Martial, is no sacrifice at all. But Martial did not understaod & 
motive, which in all ages, at least from Socrates downwards, bas actaatei 
good men, viz. to wean tbemselves from a love of life by volimtan 

Quod nimium mortem, Chaeremon Stoice, laudas, 

Yis animum mirer suspiciamque tuum. 
Hanc tibi virtutem fracta facit urceus ansa 

Et tristis nullo qui tepet igne focus, 
£t teges et cimex et nudi sponda grabati, 5 

Et brevis atque eadem nocte dieque toga. 
O quam magnus homo es, qui faece rubentis aceti 

Et stipula et nigro pane carere potes ! 
Leuconiois agedum tumeat tibi culcita lanis 

Constringatque tuos purpura pexa toros : lo 

2. siupieiaim] Bav/ua^ctf, look up 7. rubentis aceti} Contemptnouslr 
to. for rubri vini. 

3. urceus] A vessel of common 9. affeduin] * Come now, snppose 
crock, with a handle, as appears your cusbion to be stuffed with tbc 
from this and xiv. 106, * hic tibi finestand softestfiock, and thecore: 
donatur panda ruber urceus ansa.* of your niattresses to be purpIe-dTed 
It was probably our *jug.* Rich texture with long nap, would toq 
(Dict. in V.) says tbat we do not not wish to prolong life just in tfce 
know its precise form. same degree as you now wish tc 

5. t^es et cimat] * A mat with leave it ? ' The tomentum or stuffin; 

in it.* The teffes was the beg- of the best kind was called Zjemco- 

gar^s wrap, Juv. v. 8. Compare nicum^ perbaps from its whiteness. 

£p. 604. 1, 2; ix. 92. 3, 'dat tibi Soxi. 21. 8, 'culcita leuconico quoo 

securos vilis tegeticula somnos.'* — viduata suo/ and xiv. 159. *0p- 

sponda ffrafKiti, *" the frame of a pressae nimium vicina est £uci» 

truck-bed without a mattress on it* plumae? Vellei-a Leuconicis accipe 

(torus). The meaning of this is rasa sagis." — Constringat^ * tightlr 

"well shown in the illustrations under cover/ — On pexa (applied to toirasj, 

ffrabatus and sponda, in Rich*8 Dic- see Ep. 88. 1. 
tionary. See Epp. 190. 5; Q57, 11. 



O quam tu cupies ter viyere Nestoris annos IS 

Et nihil ex ulia perdere luce Toles ! 
Kebus in angustis facile est cQntemnere vitam : 

Fortiter ille facit, qui miser esse potest. 

16. FortUer] * He is a trulj brave maii wbo can liye in misery/ 

EP. 622. (XI. Ivii.) 

To SeTeras, a critic, poet, and wealtbj friend. See Ep. 271. 

Miraris, docto quod carmina mitto Severo, 
Ad cenam cum te, docte Severe, vocem ? 

luppiter ambrosia satur est et nectare vivit ; 
Nos tamen exta lovi cruda merumque damus. 

Omnia cum tibi sint dono concessa deorum, 5 

Si quod habes non vis, ergo quid accipies ? 

1.] * Do you wonder at my sendinff ferior to what be has himself. 

verses to a poet, when 1 invite a ricn 5.] As the gods have given you 

man to a poor man^s table.'" He every thing (and so there is notbing 

who condeBcends to the one, will left for us to give you that you baye 

Burely accept tbe other. not already), if you refuse a gift 

3.] * Jupiter lives on ambrosia on the ground that you bave tbe 

and nectar, and gets enough of both ; same tbing, what viuyovL accept?* 

and yet we offer bim uncooked livers, i. e. you take from us tbe piivilege 

and unmixed wine,* i. e. mucb in- of proving ourselves your frieods. 

EP. 623. (XI. lix.) 

A witty epigram on a very poor man, wbo made a vain display of hia 
wealth. See £p. 91. 

Senos Charinus omnibus digitis gerit, 

Nec nocte ponit anulos, 
Nec cum lavatur. Causa quae sit, quaeritis ? 

Dactjliothecam non habet. 

4 Daetyliatliecam] See an en- elabitur anulus nnctis: Tuta mea 
zraving in Ricb, sub. v., and cf. fiet sed tua gemma fide.* 
ub. ziv. 123, ^aaepe gravis digitis 


EP. 624. (XI. Ixv.; 

To JustinuB. who had omitted on his hirthdaj to ask the poet to dine. 

Sehuenti cenant a te, lustine, vocati 
Lncis ad officium quae tibi prima fuit. 

Inter quos, memini, non ultimus esse solebam ; 
Nec locus hic nobis invidiosus erat. 

Postera sed festae reddis sollemnia mensae : 5 

Sescentis hodie, cras mihi natus eris. 

1. Seacenti] * A Ur^e party/ in- hahly of an inferior sort, and to 
definite. See £p. 607, and £p. inferior clients, or to clients only, 
23. 1. and not to friends. 

2. adojicium} To celehrate your d.crasmihi'} Thepoint isnotvery 
birthday ; to pay their compliments clear : either the absurdity of keep- 
to You on that occasion. ing ttDo hirthdays is meant, or the 

d. non lUtiinus] i. e. primus ; the poet implies that he will keep it in 

locm hic of the next verse. — in- his own peculiar way, i. e. with any 

vidiosus, i. e. no one grudged me thing hut good wishes, Buch as the 

the possession of it. others offer. Or thus ; * your seoond 

5. J^osiera] *■ You offer me the day's bii'thday will do for your hum- 

second day^s dinner * (tvjso^ta), pro- hle friends.* 

EP. 625. (XI. Ixix.) 

A Tery pretty epitaph on a favourite dog kiUed in haiting a boar. 

Amphitheatrales inter nutrita magistros 

Yenatrix, silvis aspera, blanda domi, 
Ljdia dicebar, domino fidissima Dextro, 

Qui non Erigones mallet habere canem, 
Nec qui Dictaea Cephalum de gente secutus 5 

Luciferae pariter venit ad astra deae. 
Non me longa dies nec inutilis abstulit aetas, 

Qualia Dulichio fata fuere cani. 

1. mtxgisiros] Managers or super- Vixg. Geoxg. i. 33. 

intendents of the baiting of beasts in 5. Nec qui] The dog Laelaps, 

the amphitheatre. which Procris had received from 

2. silvis aspera] Feris Baeva, do- Minos, and left to her hnsband 
mino mitis. Cephalus. See Hygin. 2. — pariier^ 

3^ Deartro] See 341. 3. because Cephalus was taken oy Au- 

4. JSrigones] She had a dog, who i^ora up to heaven, £ur. Hipp. 455. 
found the corpse of her murdered 8. Dulichio—cani] Aigus, Uie dog 

father Icarius. See Hygin. fab. 130. of Ulysses, who died with joy at 

She became the constellation * Virgo,* seeing his master, Od. xvii. 


Fulmineo spumaiitis apri sum dente perempta, 

Quantiis erat, Caljdon, aut, Erymanthe, tuus. lo 

^ec queror infemas quamvis cito rapta sub umbras : 
Non potui fato nobiliore mori. 

10. Quon^t»] See Ep. 53. 6. Roman people. Or, perhaps, than in 

1*2. nobiliore\ Yiz. than in afford- showing mj master my courage in 
iDg sport to the emperor aud the hunting. 

EP. 626. (XI. Ixxvi.) 

To a UBurer who was pi^eBsing for paymeut. 

Solvere, Paete, decem tibi me sestertia cogis, 
Perdiderit quoniam Bucco ducenta tibi. 

Ne noceant, oro, mihi non mea crimina : tu qui 
Bis centena potes perdere, perde decem. 

3. Ne fwceant] As it was not my vou can afford to lose 200, you will 
fault that Bucco cheated you, I irust lose ten more, i. e. my debt, which 1 
I shall not suffer for it ; and that, as don't intend to pay you. 

EP. 627. (XL Ixxix.) 

An apology for arriving late to dine with a friend, and blaming the slow 
pace of his mules. 

Ad primum decima lapidem quod venimus hora, 

Arguimur lentae crimine pigritiae. 
Non est ista quidem, non est mea, sed tua culpa est, 

Misisti mulas qui mihi, Paete, tuas. 

1. deeimal Set Epp. 55. 9, and bole, that hehasbeentenhourscom* 
161. 6, 7. He means, by an hyper- ing one mile. 

EP. 628. (XI. Ixxx.) 

yalerius Flaccus had requested Martial to write a laudatory poem ^or 
perhaps epieram) on Baiae. He replies that much as he likes Baiae, ne 
likes nimseif better, i. e. prefers his own ease and leisure and health, whicb 
verse-writing might impair. 

Litus beatae. Yeneris aureum Baias, 
Baias superbae blanda dona naturae, 
Ut mille laudem, Flacce, versibus Baias, 

3. Ut-^audemjThough I should praise Baiaeatever so great a lengtb, 
I cannot do so sumciently. 


Laudabo digne non satis tamen Baias. 

bed Martialem malo, Flacce, quam Baias. 5 

Optare utrumque pariter, improbi votum est. 

Quod si deorum munere hoc tibi detur, 

Quid gaudiorum est Martialis et Baiae ! 

6. ntrtimque] Both myself and enjoyed at once, vhat particalar plea- 
Buae ; to enioy both at once. — im- sure would that afford you ? The 
probi, the wish of a shameleas, unrea- pleasure would rather be mine ; you 
Bonable man. would care little about Martial, if 

7. Quod n} Even if both could be jou could have Baiae. 

EP. 629. (XI. Ixxxii.) 

On a drunkard who nearly broke his neck by a fa tl. 

A Sinuessanis conviya Philostratus undis 
Conductum repetens nocte iubente larem 

Paene imitatus obit saevis Elpenora fatis, 
Praeceps per longos dum ruit usque gradus. 

Non esset, Nymphae, tam magna pericula passus, 5 
Si potius vestras ille bibisset aquas. 

1. SinuessanisYFrom thehothAitiB 4. gradm'] Cf. Ep. 62. 7, *et aca- 

of Sinuessa in Campania, where he lis habito tribus, sed altis.* 

had bathedandafterwardsdinedwith 6. aquaa] Ifhe had drunk water 

Bome rich patron instead of wine * but the spa water 

3. Elpenoni\ Who broke his neck of Sinuessa was said to be good for 

by falling from a ladder, Hom. Od. the cui^e of madnesa. Pliny, xzxi. 

X. ad fin. 2, § 8. 

EP. 630. (XL Ixxxiii.) 

On a captator. * You let none but the rich and childless live with you for 
nothing, and therefore you charge them the highest rent, because you get 
from them tbeir fortunes.* 

Nemo habitat gratis nisi dives et orbus apud te. 
Nemo domum pluris, Sosibiane, locat. 

EP. 631. (XI. Ixxxiv.) 

On an unskilful barber. It has been said that the Greeks and Romant 
did not know of steel. Iron, of course, could not be sharpened to such s 
degree as to make shaving easy. 

Qui nondum Stjgias descendere quaerit ad umbras, 
Tonsorem fugiat, si sapit, Antiochum. 


Alba miDUS saevis lacerantur brachia cultris, 

Cum furit ad Phrygios enthea turba modos. 
Mitius implicitas Alcon secat enterocelas G 

Fractaque fabrili dedolat ossa manu. 
Tondeat hic inopes Cjnicos et Stoica menta 

CoUaque pulverea nudet equina iuba. 
Hic miserum Scjthica sub rupe Promethea radat, 

Carnificem nudo pectore poscet avem. 10 

Ad matrem fugiet Pentheus, ad Maenadas Orpheus, 

Antiochi tantum barbara tela sonent. 
Haec quaecunque meo numeratis stigmata mento, 

In vetuli pyctae qualia fronte sedent, 
Non iracundis fecit gravis unguibus uxor ; 15 

Antiochi ferrum est et scelerata manus. 
Unus de cunctis animalibus hircus habet cor : 

Barbatus vivit, ne ferat Antiochum. 


3. miniu saevis] See £pp. 424. 5, the Tultura to the torture of tbe 
and 410. 13. Also Lucret. ii. 631. razor, in the hands of guch an ope- 

4. modos] The exciting notes of rator as Antiochus.* 

the tHna (avXo^). 11. Ad mairem] Yiz. to be tom to 

5. miiitts] *Moremerciful is Alcon pieces by his mother Agave. 

the miiveon when he operatea for 13. «^^motoj Scars, like the marka 

strangulated hemia.* See Epp. 310. of branding, Ep. 551. 6. 

6 ; 6/6. 3. 14. pyctae] Like the cuts and 

6. dedoUU] 'Chopa awaj/ i.e. braiBea made by the cestus on the fiice 
remoTes projecting splintera from of an old pugilist See £p. 344. 5. 
broken bonea. . 17. hcmet cor] 'Has senBO.* See on 

7. Cynicos] Pera. i. 133, * Si Cy- 69. 6 ; 130. 4.— ««/«rcrf, thathe may 
nico barbam petulana nonaria yellat.* not hare to be shaved by Antiochug. 

9. Prometfiea] * Prometheus on To cut the goafs beard was toruiere^ 
Caucaaus would prefer the torture of Yirg. Georg. iii. 312. 

EP. 632. (XI. Ixxxvi.) 

On one who pret^ded indisposition, that he might enjoj the agreeable 

Leniat ut fauces medicus, quas aspera vexat 

Assidue tussis, Parthenopaee, tibi, 
Mella dari nucleosque iubet dulcesque placentas 

3. nwdeos] The keraels of the honey, xv. 10, § 36, ' pitydia vocant 
8tone-pine, which Pliny saya were e pinaatria, singularis remedi adver- 
taken for coughg when boiled in tat tuttim in melJe decoctii nucleit.* 



Et qoidquid pneros noa sinit esse timces. 
At tu non oessas totis tussire diebns. 

Non est haec tussis, Parthenopaee, gnla est. 

4. ^uidqui€[] * Pueris dant crastula discere prima/ Hor. Sat. i. 1. 25. 
blandi doctores, elementa Telint nt 6. gma esi. Of. Ep. 85. 8. 

EP. 633. (XI. xci.) 

A Teiy beautifol epitaph on a joung girl who died of cancer in the lip. 

Aeolidos Canace iacet hoc tumulata sepulcro, 

Ultima cui parvae septima venit hiems. 
Ah scelns, ah fitcinuB ! properas quid flere, viator ? 

Non licet hic vitae de brevitate queri. 
Tristins est leto leti genus : horrida voltus • 5 

Abstulit et tenero sedit in ore lues^ 
Ipsaque crudeles ederunt oscula morbi, 

Nec data sunt nigris tota labella rogis. 
Si tam praecipiti fuerant ventura volatu, 

Debnerant alia &ta venire via. 10 

Sed mors vocis iter properavit cludere blandae, 

Ne posset duras flectere lingua deas. 

1. Aeoliiios] * Of Aeolis/ i. e. viz. of protracted suffering, bjr which 

Aeolia. It is hardly likely it should she was taken off. 

be the mother^s name. Canace was 6. lues'] Cf. Ep. 50. 6, ' Ureret im- 

probablv a vema, plicitum cum scelerata lues.* 

3. Aa 8celu8, &c.] These ure the 9. voiatu'] Perhapa in refereace to 
words of the JlUua^ which the poet liria irTtpotin-a» 

says is unjust. 10. cUia — via] Yiz. than through 

4. hic] In this instance, because that fair mouth. 

death was a mercy. A verse beau- 12. duras — deas] The fates, who 

tiful for its touching siroplicity. might have been influenoed by her 

5. Tristius'] A sadder tnought than sweet yoice. 
the death itself is the kind of death, 

EP. 634. (XI. xciii.) 

On the house of a bad poet being bumed down. Martial says it ia a pitj 
that the owner was not bumed with it. 

Pierios vatis Tbeodori flamma penates 

Abstulit. Hoc Musis et tibi, Phoebe, placet ? 

1. Pierioe} Inhabited by a votaiy of the Pieridet 



O scelus, o magnum facinus crimenque deorum, 
Non arsit pariter quod domus et dominus ! 

4. domus et dotninus] He ftppean to play on two words derived from a 
eommon root 

EP. 635. (XI. xcvi.) 

A Tery elegant epigratn on a German, yrho mdelj repelled a hoj from 
drinking at a fountain of the Marcian water. See £p. 296. 18. 

Marcia, non Rhenus, salit hic, Germane : quid ohstas 
Et puerum prohihes divitis imhre lacus ? 

Barhare, non dehet suhmoto cive ministri 
Captivam victrix unda levare sitim. 

1. solii] Fountains were called of a conquered slave (ministri) be- 

stUientes^ Uic. ad Quint. F. iii. 1. 2. fore that of a citizen. — svhmoto^ 

Uence imhre^ i. e. scatebris. — divUi$y being repelled or thruBt from it by 

pretiosi. Cf. * dives Caesarea unda,* jou. 
Ep. 700. 10. 4. victrix undd] Unda ad vic- 

3. uon dd)e£] 1t is not right that tricem nrbero (Romam) pertinens. 

a fountain at Rome, the conqueror Literally, * Marcia unda victrix 

of Geimanj, should satisfy the thirst Rheni.* 

EP. 636. (XI. xcviii.) 

On the disagreeable custom of kissing by way of greeting !n the streets. 
S^ee Ep. 653. 4. It is a custoro not yet eztinct in some parts of Europe, 
and is very ancient. Herodotus relates it of the Ba^Ionians, i. lo4, 
kvTvyyavoifTtv &\\ri\oiai Iv T^at o^olat — &,vtI tov irpocrayopiviL 
n\\ri\ov9 </>(\tou<ri toToi ffTo/uaat* ^v ik ^ ovrtpov inroitioTtpO'. 
6\iyWf Tav iraptiav <pi\iovTat, 

Efiugere non est, Flacce, hasiatores. 

Instant, morantur, persecuntur, occurrunt, 

Et hinc et illinc, usquequaque, quacunque. 

Non ulcus acre pustulaeve lucentes, 

Nec triste mentum sordidique lichenes, 5 

1. non egt, &c.] ' There^s no es- or conjugal affection. But thig is 

jipingfrom yourAMnii^folk. They not invariably observed, e. g. xi. 

presB up to you, stop you, persecute 104. 9, basium sssuadum. 

you, come to meet you, trom this 5. trisle menium] A sore chin; 

Ride and from ihat, in every direc- like that described in £p. 631. 13. — 

tion.whichever wayyougo.*---&antt>/t lichenes^ scabs, rough patches left by 

]S properly a kiss of gieeting, sua- leprosy. — ulcue acre^ an inflamed 

rtttm of lovere, osculum of matemal boil. 

D d 2 


Nec labra pingui delibuta cerato, 
Nec congelati gutta proderit nasi : 
Et aestuantem basiant et algentem, 
Et nuptiale basium reservantem. 
Non te cucullis asseret caput tectum, 10 

Liectica nec te tuta pelle veloque, 
Nec vindicabit selia saepius clusa : 
Bimas per omnes basiator intrabit. 
Non consulatus ipse, non tribunatus 
Senive fasces, nec superba clamosi 15 

Lictoris abiget virga basiatorem. 
Sedeas in alto tu licet tribunali 
Et e curuli iura gentibus reddas, 
Ascendet illa basiator atque illa, 

Febricitantem basiabit et flentem, 20 

*Et oscitantem. Bemedium mali solum est, 22 

Facias amicum basiare quem nolis. 

6. oeratol 'Li^viXrt.—guUa nasi^ 516. 7. — saepiut dttsa, witli the 

£p. 347. 5. window or curtain generally closed. 

9. rMemmfem] Wben you prefer The allusion, as in the next rerse, 
to reserve it for your wife, to whom is to the annoyance caused hy mus- 
jou are retuminff. quitoB. 

10. cueuUis] The cowl, by which 15. seni faucesl The six £uce8 
you vainlv tiy to hide your face. carried before a praetor. 

See 225. Q.—aneret^ sc. * te ab illo, 23. faeias amicuml * Make tbat 

liberabit, te tibi vindicabit* man your fhend who you don*t 

11. pelle veloque] With apron wish should kiss you/ i.e. for in 
or head) and curtains. See £p. that case, if reallya friend, he will 
II. 6, ^recensQue sella linteisque not He satirically implies that 

lorisque.* Becker, Gallus, p. 342. tbose who kiss vou are not real 

12. idlal Sedan-cbair. See £p. fnends, but mere natterBrB. 


EP, 637. (XI. di.) 

On a pretty girl with a harsh and unpleasing voice. 

Non est mentitus, qui te mihi dixit habere 
Formosam camem, Lydia, non faciem. 

Est ita, si taceas et si tam muta recumbas, 
Quam silet in cera voltus et in tabula. 

2. non /aciem'} Because tfae ex- 3. reenmbas] Sc. ad cenam. 
pression of the face is best seenwhen 4. oera] Cerea imagine, a wazen 
peop]e converse. bust. 




Sed quotiens loqueris» carnem quoque, Ljdia, perdis, 
Et sua plus nulll, quam tibi, lingua nocet. 6 

Audiat aedilis ne te videatque caveto : 

Portentum est, quotiens coepit imago loqui. 

5. earnem quoque^l Not onlj the a speskiug statue. He will belieTe 

pulcra /aeietf but even the pulera you a beautiful statue, iUl you speak ; 

caro yanisbes ; so much does talking and impressed with this idea, he 

disfigure you. will be startled to hear jour voice, 

7. aeditisl It was the dutj of the as if jou were reallj made of 

aedile to take note of and report to marble. 
the pontifices any portent, as of 

EP. 638. (XI. cvii.) 

To one who had retumed the poef 8 book after merelj glancing at its 

Explicitum nobis usque ad sua comua librum 
Et quasi perlectum, Septiciane, refers. 

Onmia legisti. Credo, scio, gaudeo, yerum est. 
Perlegi libros sic ego quinque tuos. 

1. ad aua eomua'] Unrolled to serted in the umbilici (Ep. 32. 11) 

the bosses on the stick, i. e. to the in books which were ffot up {eulti} 

stick itself, or the last poge, eechatO' with more than ubum decoration. 

ctJliony £p 67. 3. See Rich^s Dict. Probably he retumed it so unroUed, 

in V. (§ 10), who sajs, " As the in order to deceive. 

cylinder, to which the homs were 3. legieti] Yiz. as jou pretend, as 

attached, was fastened on to the jou assert. 

bottom of the roll. the expression ad 4. «tcj In this casual and hasty 

eomua is used to signifv the end."" waj (but with bettercause forhaste) 

It seems probable that these comua I haveglancedatyottrfive dullbooks 

were movable ends or bosses in- of history or poetry. 

EP. 639. (XI. cviii.) 

The poet reminds his readers that he must consult his own profit as well 
as their amusement. 

Quamvis tam longo posi^s satur esse libello, 
Lector, adhuc a me disticha pauca petis. 

Sed Lupus usuram puerique diaria poscunt. 
Lector, solve. Taces dissimulasque ? Yale. 

3. Mtiraml The interest for his of a verse-writer diaria^ * rations,* 

monev, whicn I have been com- dailj supplies of food. Hor. Ep. i. 
pelled to borrow in the professioa 14. 40, *cum servii urbana diaria 


rodere mayiB.* See Becker, Gallus, doubtful. 'Mycomplimentstoyoa; 

p. 336. but if you pretend not to know wh&t 

4. tolvB] * Pay me for mj book, that means (i. e. that it is my way 

or good bje to youf I will not try of askinfffor a gift), then &rewell.* 

to amuse you again. Schneide^n Cf. Ep. 226. 14, * dissimulas ? facies 

reads talve, which gives an anti- me, puto, causidicum.* 
theais to vaU ; but the short 8 aeema 

EP. 640. (Xn. iii.) 

The poet addresses his book, i.e. the present book, and eiays that tie 
sends it to Rome from his native place (Bilbilis, in Spain), where it was 
written, a.d. 10*2, in the reign of Trajan. In the letter to Priscus, pre- 
fixed to this book« he speaks of having laid aside his pen for three years 
{trienni tlendtaifi) jfrom the little sympadiyand encouragement whicn he 
met with as an author in Spain. 

Ad populos mitti qui nuper ab urbe solebas, 

Ibis, io, Romam nunc peregrine liber, 
Auriferi de gente Tagi tetricique Salonis, 

Dat patrios manes quae mihi terra potens. 
Non tamen hospes eris, nec iam potes advena dioi, 5 

Cuius habet fratres tot domus alta Remi. 
lure tuo veneranda novi pete limina templi, 

Reddita Pierio sunt ubi templa choro. 

1. Ad populos] To the various be regarded 9fi wholly a stranger to 
nations subject to Rome, and to tbe a city in which many of his brothers 
provinces. and sisters have been bom, so a 

2. nereprine] For peregrinus. See book which foilows so manv others 
Ep. o4. 2, * ire juberis Ad Proculi written at Rome is not wholly of 
nitidos ofiiciose lares.* Spanish origin ; it is imbued with 

3. teirin\ Rough and wild, Ep. the spirit of Roman Wit.—domw — 
522. 14 ; or perhaps, like its own Remi^ i. e. urbs Romana. There is 
waters, iivhich were believed to perhaps an allusion to the humilis 
harden iron, Ep. 25. 12. Inf. Ep. casa Rofmdi^ to which the aHa 
648. 9, and 649. 1, *rigidi Salonis. domus^ on the Palatine, is op- 

4. pcUrios manes] Yiz. ^ majores posed. 

meos.* The predise sense in which 7. Jure iuo'] Because approved 

a land is said * dnre Manes/ is not poets had a kind of right m the 

clear. Tho earth, which had the Palatine library nom—templi^ i. e. 

spirits of the departed in its keep- restored by Nerva, who retained 

ing, may be supposed to furaish or the former dedication to ApoUo and 

sup^ly them. as it were, for the pro- the Muses, to whom Uie tcmple is 

t^tion of living members of the thei^efore said to have been restored, 

«ame gene. But the meaning, per- Some have thought that a group of 

haps, is simply , * dedit mihi parentes/ statues of the Muscs had been added. 

i. e. vitam. See Mr. Mayor on Juv. vii. 37. 
0. /rairet totj As a person cannot 


Vel si malueris, prima gradiere Subura : 

Atria sunt illinc consuiis alta mei. 10 

Lanrigeros habitat facundus Stella penates, 

Clarus lantheae Stella sititor aquae. 
Fons ibi Castalius vitreo torrente sup^bns, 

Unde novem dominas saepe bibisse ferunt. 
Ille dabit populo patribusque equitique legendum, 16 

Nec nimium siccis perleget ipse genis. 
Quid titulum poscis ? yersus duo tresye legantur, 

Clamabunt omnes te, liber, esse meum. 

10. eotuulu—mei] The hoHse of 15. lUe dabiQ Stella will take 

my fnend Stella, who is now consul. care to have my books transcribed 

The poet had predicted this honour and plaoed in the hande of the 

in ix. 42. 6, where he aays to Apollo, Romans generally ; and he will him- 

* sic Palatia te colant anientque, Bis self devote a tear as he reads U to 

eenoB cito te rogante fasces Det hisabsentfriend. — mmttf /n, cf 522. 2. 

SteUae bonns annuatque Caesar.* 17. titulua] A heading or title. 

12. lantheae—aguae] See on Ep. Probably none such was sent with 

299. There are epigrams on this this book, but inplace of it the 

subject also in vii. 15 aiid 50. dedicatory letter to his friend Priscos 

14. nomm dominoB] The Maset, Terentius, to whom also Ep. i. 4. 62 

who a^ e supposed to have been and othen of this book are addressed, 

giietts in the house of Stella as a and wlio appears from Ep. 4 (inf.) 

poet, and so to have drunk the tpa- to have been a liberal patron of the 

water at they would their own poet^s. Cf. 355. 6. 

EP. 641. (XII. V.) 

The tenth and eleventh book were made iborter than they would have 
bcen, because the times under Domitian were too troublout to tupply 
leisurely readers. Under Nerva and Trajanjrreater security existed. See 
Tac. Agric. init Some explain artatus of a new and Bnorter edition; 
but there seem no grounds for thit. The point of the remark appeart to 
be the hint to Caesar to, procure the two preceding, and read them as well 
as the twelfth now sent. 

Longior undecimi nobis decimique libelli 

Artatus labor est et breve rasit opus. 
Plura legant yacui, quibue otia tuta dedisti ; 

Haec lege tu, Caesar ; forsan et illa leges. 

2. roiit] Scraped and filed down planing wood to a lett tize. 
the work to a brief eomnast. The 4. et iUa] The former bookt, 

nominative is laborj wnich here which he may not yet have teen. — 

meant * trouble in compoting.* The le^, viz. when you have rrad ^t. 
fignre teemt taken from « carpenter 


EP. 642. (XII. vi.) 

A very elegant epigram on tke happiness of the times under Nerva (oi 
perhaps Trajan, who was aUo called by adoption ' Nerva Trajanus.*^ 

Contigit Ausoniae prooerum mitissimus aulae 

Nerva ; licet toto nunc Helicone frui. 
Recta Fides, hilaris Clementia, cauta Potestas 

lam redeunt : longi terga dedere Metus. 
Hoc populi gentesque tuae, pia Koma, precantur : 5 

Dux tibi sit semper talis, et iste diu. 
Macte animi, quem rarus habes, morumque tuorum, 

Quos Numa, quos hilaris posset habere Cato. 
Largiri, praestare, breves extendere census 

Et dare quae faciles vix tribuere dei, 10 

Nunc licet et fas est. Sed tu sub principe duro 

Temporibusque malis ausus es esse bonus. 

1. Conl^] Sacceesit. disposition of the emperor. 

2. toto — Helioone'] Plena scribendi o. hilaris'} * When in a good 
libertate. temper/ a virtue for which Cato waa 

3. PoiesUJul Constitational au- notfitmous. 

thorit]r (aa distinct from potentia)^ 9. extenderti] To enlaxge, viz. bj 

which is eatita^ i. e. legibus, fenced subsidies. 

in by the laws. — lom/i metus, viz. 10.] £p. 52. 4, ^riaerunt faciles 

during all the reign of Domitian. et tribuere dei.* 

See Ep. 563. 10. 11. licet] i. e. 'nunc potes esse 

7. Afade animi] Svaio t^v iia- bonuB et liberalis;* the times will 

voia^f go on and prosper in the same fairly allow of that, and therefore 

sentiments. — raruSt inter paucos, the merit is somewhat the less. — 

* one in a thousand/ as we say. Bj Sed to, &c. ; but Nerva dared to be 

the mention of Numa and Cato, he good under a Domitian, when the 

praises the religious and the moral being good was really dangerous. 

EP. 643. (Xn. ix.) 

On the appointment of Aulus Comelius Palma, a man of consular rank 
and a friend of the emperor, to the prefecture of Spain. 

Pabna regit nostros, mitissime Caesar, Hiberos, 

Et placido fruitur pax peregrina iugo. 
Ergo agimus laeti tanto pro munere grates ; 

Misisti mores in loca nostra tuos. 

2. pam per^rina] A peace which Romani imperii. 

has eztended from Italy into the 4. mores — tvos\ One who repre« 

Erovinces ; or perhaps, * to which we sents your character, as deacribed io 

ave long been a Btranger.*-^o, sc. Ep. 642. 3. 


EP. 644. (xn. xi.) 

A reouest to Parthenius (Ep. 407. 16), who appean to have retained his 
office ot seneschal or groom ot the chamberB under Trajan, to commend to 
hiai the poet^s hooks. He was a poet himself, and a ^rm friend and 
patron of Martiars. Compare Ep. 217. 

Parthenio dic, Musa, tuo nostroque salutem ; 

Nam quis ab Aonio largius amne bibit ? 
Cuius Pimpleo Ijra clarior exit ab antro ? 

Quem plus Pierio de grege Phoebus amat ? 
£t si forte, sed hoc vix est sperare, vacabit, 6 

Tradat ut ipse duci carmina nostra, roga ; 
Quattuor et tantum timidumque brevemque libellum 

Commendet verbis '^ Hunc tua Roma legit." 

1. tuo notiroque] Poetae et vioo to his care and diligence. 

amico. 7. ety &c.] Et ut commendet im- 

2. Nam} This expkins the pre- peratori librum meum quattuor tan- 
ceding/ifo. ^ tum verbis, ^hunc/ &c. A very 

3. lyra] This is thought to in- elegant 'way of asking the emperor 
dicate that Parthenius wrote lyrics. to do what all his subjects do, in 
— Pimpleo, the grotto of the liluses Rome and out of it. Cf. 217. 7, 
in Pieria, Ep. 590. ]. ^admittas timidam brevemque char- 

5. si — vaeabU\ Viz. * a reipublicae tam Intra limina sanctioris aevi.* 
negotiis,* — an indirect compliment 

EP. 645. (Xn. xiv.) 

Tbe poet wams his friend Priscus Terentius against rashness in hunting. 

Parcius utaris, moneo, rapiente veredo, 
Prisce, nec in lepores tam violentus eas. 

Saepe satisfecit praedae venator, et acri 
Decidit excussus, nec rediturus, equo. 

Insidias et campus habet : nec fossa, nec agger, 5 

Nec sint saxa licet, fallere plana solent. 

1. veredo] * A hunter/ i.e. equo. the praeda of his own boldness.- 

The ori^n of the word is unknown, nec rediiuruty through being killed 

ind it 18 of scant occurrence. Cf. bj the fitU. 

xiv. 86, * Ephippium : Straffula 5. et campue] Even the open field 

Bttccincti venator sume veredi : Nam has its dangers. — lioet^ &c., * though 

solet a nudo surgere ficus equo.* there be neither ditch, nor mound, 

3. tatia/eeit] * Has been sufficien*: nor stone. it is not uncommon to get 

for game,* viz. has himtelf become a fall on level ground.* 


Non deerit qui tanta tibi spectacula praestet, 

Inyidia fati sed leviore cadat. 
Si te delectant animosa pericula, Tuscis 

— Tutior est virtus — insidiemur apris. 10 

Quid te frena iuvant temeraria ? saepius illis, 

Prisce, datum est equitem rumpere, quam leporem. 

7. Non demHt'] You will see ac- 9. Tuscis} See Ep. 341. 1. 
cidento on the huntiDg-field ; but \2. rumpere] Compare Ep. 25. 25. 

othen can be better spared than you. * Hard ridiug more often caufies the 

For invidia^ compare Ep. 8. 10, and death of the hunter than of tfae 

356. 7. hare.* 

EP. 646. (Xn. XV.) 

On the liberalitj of the Emperor Trajan in adoming the temples of thc 
godB with costlj offeringB. 

Quidquid Parrhasia nitebat aula, 

Donatum est oculis deisque nostris. 

Miratur Scythicas virentis auri 

Flammas luppiter, et stupet superbi 

Regis delicias gravesque luxus. 5 

Haec sunt pocula, quae decent Tonantem ; 

Haec sunt, quae Phiygium decent ministrum. 

Omnes cum love nunc sumus beati. 

1. Parrhasid} The Palatine 'was 4. mperhi Regi$\ Domitian, who 
Bupposed to be called after PalUiB, iB invidiously termed rftr, as Tacitas 
Bon of the Arcadian (i. e. Pelasgic) speaks of the regnum of Agrippina, 
Evander. 'B.G.xicenohilePaUwUumf Ann.xii. 7. Jupiter is astoniwed to 
Virg. Aen. viii. 341. Compare Kp« fiud that Domitian hsA collected 
363. 2 ; 449. 8. such vast wealth, and so oppressive 

2. oculis] Viz. to be oazed at as to the state from the tazeB it in- 
gifts iu the templeB of uie Roman volved {graves). He ia supposed 

f;ods. See Ep. 591. 3. — nostris be- only now to know ^is, when he 

ongs both to oculis and to deiSy has received them as offerings from 

viz. diiB Romanis. Domitian*8 succeBBor. 

3. Scythicas — Flammas] The 6. pocula} Goblets worthy of 
flashing of the green emeralds Jove, and of being served to JoTe 
broughtfromScvthia; probablyfrom by Ganymede him8elf,but hitherto 
the east by Scythian mercbanta. Cf. BelfiBhly kept for Domitian^a own 
* Scytbas zmara|^do8,* iv. 28. 4. use. 

Hence the gold itself is said vtrere. 8. beatx] * Rich,* because the 

Compare £4). 476. 17, * et viridca palatial wealth is in a manner mado 

picto genimas numeravit in auro,^ publie property by being placed in 

and xiv. 109, * calices gemmati.* the templea. 


At nupjr — ^pudet, ab pudet fateri — 

Omnes cum love pauperes eramua. , 10 

10. eum Jove] Not only wera the had sqnandered the pnhlic monej, 
temples poor, hut Jupiter himself, as Nero had done. Tac. Hist i. 
i. e. r>omitian was poor, hecause he 20. 

EP. 647. (XII. xvii.) 

On tbe self-inflicted maladies of a rich old gourmand, Compare 
Kp. 73. 

Quare tam multis a te, Laetine, diebus 

Non abeat febris, quaeris et usque gemis. 
Gestatur tecum pariter pariterque layatiir, 

Cenat boletos, ostrea, sumen, aprum. 
Ebria Setino fit saepe et saepe Falemo, 5 

Nec nisi per niveam Caecuba potat aquam. 
Circumfusa rosis et nigra recumbit amomo, 

Dormit et in pluma purpureoque toro. 
Cum recubet pulchre, cum tam bene vivat apud te, 

Ad Damam potius vis tua febris eat ? 10 

3. Gesiaiur] The fever is enter- 6. niveam — aquam] Strained 

tained with a ledica to ride in, and through snow-water. See £p. 25.9. 2. 

expensive delicacies to feed on. It 7. niffra} Inf xii. 38. 3, 'crine 

would be a foolish fever to leave nitens, niger unguento, perlucidus 

vou, and go to a half-starved beggai*, ostro.* 

Dama. ver. 10. 8. plumd] See Ep. 517. 6. 

EP. 648. (XIL xviii.) 

To tbe poet Juvenal, who is hantered for remaining in Rome, while 
Martial is enjoying a countr^ life at his native Bilbilis in Spain. Juvenal 
had bc«n exiled under Domitian, hut appears to have returned to Rome 
after his death. 

Dum tu forsitan inquietus erras 

Clamosa, luvenalis, in Subura, 

Aut coUem dominae teris Dianae ; 

Dum per limina te potentiorum 

Sudatrix toga ventilat vagumque 6 

2.] Cf. Juv. iii. 6, * ego vel Pro- "pert v. 8, * PhylliB Aventinae quaa- 

chytam piuepono suburae.* dam est vicina Dianae.* See Ep. 

3. coUem—IHunae] The Aventine, 56 1 . 7 

which had a temple of Diana. Pro- 5. Sudatrite] The lametoga which 


Maior Caelius et minor fatigant : 

Me multos^repetita post Decembres 

Accepit mea rusticumque fecit 

Auro Bilbilis et superba ferro. 

Hic pigri colimus labore dulci IC 

Boterdum Plateamque ; Celtiberis 

Haec sunt nomina crassiora terris. 

Ingenti fruor improboque somno, 

Quem nec tertia saepe rumpit hora, 

Et totum mihi nunc repono, quidquid 11 

Ter denos vigilaveram per annos. 

Ignota est toga, sed datur petenti 

Rupta proxima vestis a cathedra. 

Surgentem focus excipit superba 

Vicini strue cultus iliceti, 

Multa vilica quem coronat olla. 21 

Dispensat pueris rogatque longos 24 

Levis ponere vilicus capillos. 

Sic me vivere, sic iuvat perire. 

makes yoa penpire vith heat is enjoyed at Rome for so many Tean. 

uaed to cool you, oither hy the — Ter denos^ more correctly, thirtj- 

rustling of the folds, or hy your four. See Ep. 586. 7. 
taking up a flap to fan yourself vith. 17. Ignota} We know nothine here 

He speidcB with dislike of the irk- ofthatodiou8toffa(cf.ver. 5). When 

someness of the toga which client» a man wants to dress, he baa his tunic 

were compelled to wear. C£. £p. handed to him from a broken chair, 

548. 6. not taken out of the praela or 

6. mtnor] The Caelian hill was presses in which the togae were kept 

divided into two, one of which was folded up. See Becker, €ra]lus, 

Bometimes called the Caeliolus. p. 293, wqo explains it of the sira- 

9. /erro] See Epp. 25. 4 ; 192. 1 1 , ffutum, or chair-cover, taken for use 
and 15. — Boterdus^ ibid. v. 7. Both in lieu of a tunic. — vestis, when used 
this word and Platea (£p. 192. 13) distinctively, appears to mean * a 
seem fonned on Roman or Gi^eek tuuic* On the disuse of the tosa 
models, perhaps after some lesem- in the country, see 199. 3; 581. 
hlance to the guttural Celtic names, 12. 

which thepoetcalls 'crassiora,*more 19. Surgentem\ *When I riee in ] 

difficult to pronounce in their own the moming, I am n;iet hy a glorioue 

dialect. blaze of wood, cut from the oak- 

10. j>igri\ See 587. 15. grove close at hand, and I find the 
13. improbo] Remorseless, re- hailiff^s wife putting on it a Tariety 

lentless. So the Greeks used the of pots to make me a good breakfast* 

phrase uTTi^os ai/^ire /uc, as if it were The close proximity of wood to 

a captrvity. So also VirgiPs ' Labor Martial^s home is praised, £p. 25. 

improbus, Georff. i. 146. 27. 

15. repono] I replace, make up 25. Levis'] * Close-cropped.* The 

for, the sleep which was insufficiently hailiff himself eervea out the i-ations 



dim sma) to the elaTes, and aslu bUvm, a lort of festivity was kept. 

De to gire them a holiday for a Jar. iii. 186, 'crimen hic deponit 

leneral Iiair-cutting. When the amati. Plena domus Hbis venaliDua.* 

\enute xreve first clipped as working See £p. 113. 4. 

EP. 649. (Xn. xxi.) 

To liiB wife Marcella, a Spanish Udy, of whom he speaks with much affec- 
tion in Kp. 656. If xi. 104, * Uxor vade forasaut moribusutere nottris/ be 
iddreseedTto a real person, Mai*tial would seem to have divorced a former 
irife for whom he had no liking. But from 656. 7, it might almost be 
nferred that he had been marriM to MarceUa for more than thirty years. 

Municipem rigidi quis te, MarceHa, Salonis 

Et genitam nostris quis putet esse locis ? 
Tam rarum, tam dulce sapis ; Palatia dicent, 

Audierint si te vel semel, esse suam. 
NuUa nec in media certabit nata Subura, 5 

Nec Capitolini coUis alumna tibi. 
!Nec cito ridebit peregrini gloria partus, 

Bomanam deceat quam magis esse nurum. 
Tu desiderium dominae mihi mitius urbis 

Csse iubes : Bomam tu mihi sola facis. 10 

1. rigidi^ See bn Ep. 640. 3. 

4. Audierint] You speak Latin 
as well ae if you had been bom at 
Rome. Cf. Ep. 618. 3. 

5. in media—StAura'] This per- 
haps merely means * in the heart of 
tbfi city of Rome.* But the subura 
was best known as the residence of 
loose women (Ep. 74. 1 ; Pen. v. 32; 
Prop. V. 7. 15), and thcy were doubt- 
less of considerable beauty. To this 
the poet may seem to allude, in what 
might otherwise appear a question- 
able compliment. 

6. coui»'^ Whether this means 
generally* m the better and more 
aristocratic parts of Rome (as op- 
posed to the subura), or whether 
women were more admired from that 
locality, is uncertain. 

7. Nec ciio] ' It will be long be- 
fore any infant is bom of foreign 
parents, who will make so good and 
80 graceful a Roman vrife.* — ridebitt 
viz. parentibus. The allusion is 
thought to be to Yiig. Ecl. iv. 62 
* incipe, parve puer : cui non risere 
parentes, &c. 

9. dominae'] See Ep. 2. 3. 

10. Romain] It is clear by the 
poet*s letter to Priscus Terentius, 
prefixed to the Twelfth Book, that he 
did not altoffether like the society of 
Bilbilis. He there complains that 
he misses the libraries, the theatres, 
and other places of public resort at 
Rome. AU these, he says, he is com- 
pensated for in the society of his 


EP. 650. (Xn. xxiii.) 

On an ugly woman, who wore false bair andfalse teetb, and had also lost 
one eye hj t^e ophthalmia. On artificial teeth see £p. 36. 3. 

Dentibus atque comis, nec te pudet, uteris emptis. 
Quid facies oculo, Laelia ? non emitur. 

2. octdol The dative is used as well as the ablative, in the phrascs 
* quid mihi fiet/ * quid me fipt ^ in Plautus. 

EP. 651. (Xn. xxiv.) 

To a traTelling-carriiige pr^ented to the poet bj a fnend. 

O iucunda, covinne, solitudo, 

Carruca magis essedoque gratum' 

Facundi mihi munus Aeliani ! 

Hic mecum licet, hic, luvate, quidquid 

In buccam tibi venerit, loquaris. 5 

Non rector Libyci niger caballi, 

Succinctus neque cursor antecedit. 

Nusquam est mulio ; mannuli tacebunt. 

O si consciuB esset hic Avitus, 

1 .] eovinta or comnnus was a Celtic third, who might overheat and make 

war-caiTiage, sometimes armed with miachief of a conversation. 

scytbes, and like the essedum was 6. Zi&yci— ca6a//«J See on Epp. 

adopted by the RomanR as a conve- 457. 14; and 517. 2. The sense is, no 

nient form for a travelling-carriage. outriders or foot-couriers are needed, 

The comnarii of the British warriora whose presence might check conver- 

are mentioned by Tacitus, Agric. 35. sation ; ' the driver is nowhere, aba 

— «o^t^uc^o, becauseitcouldbedriven the horseswill hold their tongues/ 

by the rider alone. See on £p. 610 — cursor^ a running- 

2. Carruca] Thiswasamorecostly footman with his tunic girded up; 
kind of can-ii^e, and had two or moro see 141. 14. 

horoes yoked to it See Epp. 141. 13; 9. Avitus'] This seems to have 

151. 5, and the ai*ticle (with an illus- been a nom de guerre for the poet*s 

tration) in Rich^s Dictionary, which friend Stertinius. Se^ the Introduc- 1 

should also be consulted for essedum, tory Letterto Book ix. * Epigi-amma/ 

See also Becker, Crallus, p. 348. quod extra ordinem paginarum est, 

3. Aeliani'] Nothing appeara to be ad Stertinium clarissimum virum 
known of this man, wbose Greek scripsimus. — De quo scribendum tibi 
name and the epithet /acundi sug- putavi, ne iguorares. Avitus iste quis 
gest that he may have been a ae- vocaretur.* If, he says, Avitus were 
elamaior^ or a teacher of eloquence. one of the party in the carriage, i. c. 
Juvatus is not elsewhere mentioned. if there were room for three, then 

4. qiddquidy &c.J He seems to indeed he should not fear treacherv. 
niean, that there is not room for a 


Anrem non ego tertiam timerem. 10 

Totus qoam bene sic dies abiret ! 

EP. 652. (Xn. XXV.) 

On a money-leRder who would not advance a loan except on landed 
Beciuitj. A witty epigram. 

Cnm rogo te nummos sine pignore, ''non habeo," inquis. 

Ideni, si pro me spondet agellus, habes. 
Quod mihi non credis veteri, Telesine, sodali, 

Credis coliculis arboribusque meis. 
Ecce, reum Carus te detulit : assit agellus. £^ 

Exilio comitem quaeris "i agellus eat. 

4. colieidis] ' Cabbages.* See Ep. into exile. Compare Ep. 76. 4. He 
269. 7. hints that retribution will come 

5. Cbrt»] Carua Metiua the In- when frienda i-efuse to help Atm, by 
former. See Juv. i. 36. Tac. Agric. similar excuaea. 

45 — auitt 8c. advocatus tibi. Try if 6. Exitio comtfem] Compare Ep. 

this £mn you trust to, while you do 353. 5. This was regarded as the 

not truat your friend, will help you most chivalrous pi*oof of true friend- 

as an advocate, or will go witn jou ahip. 

EP. 653. (XII. xxvi.) 

]/ ^ 

On a MilviaAor who was paying hia court to the gi-eat merelj with a view 
to his own promotion. 

Sexagena teras cum limina mane senator, 

Esse tibi videor desidiosus eques, 
Quod non a prima discurram luce per urbem 

Et referam lassus basia mille domum. 
Sed tu purpureis ut des nova nomina fastis, 5 

Aut Nomadum gentes Cappadocumve regas : 
At mihi, quem cogis medios obrumpere somnos 

Et matutinum ferre patique lutum, 

1. senator] When you, a senator, a motive, viz. that you may become 

can visitso many rich patrona eveiy CpD6ul,andhaveyournamein8cribed 

moming, you call me Jazy, because, oA the Fasti, or may be appointed 

when only a knieht, I do not do the prefect in Africa or Asia Minor.*-^ 

same. See on Lpp. 224 and 227. /astis^ see Ep. 591. 5. 

4. bcuia] See vii. 95, and Ep. 7. cogis] Wish to persuade. — /u- 
636. 1. tum^ see Ep. 134. 4. 

5. Sedtu] *But you do this with 


Quid petitur ? Rupta cum pes vagus exit aluta 

Et subitus crassae decidit imber aquae, IC 

ec venit ablatis clamatus yerna lacernis, 

Accedit goiidam servus ad auriculam, 
Et '^ Rogat ut secum cenes Laetorius " inquit. 

Viginti nimimis ? non ego : malo famem, 
Quam sit cena mihi, tibi sit provincia merces, 15 

Et faciamus idem, nec mereamur idem. 

9. Quidpetitur] * Wbat have / to wom over the toga) had been taken 

aspire to, as an eques ? Just this — away by a house-slave, and was not 

that Imightgetan inyitation todine brougbt to him when he called for 

as a client with that stingy old Lae- it. _ 

toriuB.'* — pes—exit^ ' when my strag- 12. geUdam^^YiJXie^ bj tbe long 

eling toes are peeping out of the split walk home in the co^d77 
leather,* i. e. when my shoes liave 14. ViginH nummts] *■ Wbat ! on 

holes in them after eo much walking. a dinner that will cost twenty sester- 

Or ratber, perbaps, ' just as I^ bave tii for the wbole ? No, I tbank you ; 

tbrowu off my tattered sboes, and a I prefer to starve, rather tban that 

beavy sbower has begun to fall, and yoa and I sbould bave the same 

my cloak bas been carried ofF by tbe amount of troubie, and yet be so un- 

servant, 1 am. summoned to go out equally rewarded, — I by a dinner, 

todine.* youby obtainingaprovince.* On the 

11. Nec venitl He seems to mean, cbeap client^s repasts, see Ep. 149. 
that bis laoema (the knight^s dress 

EP. 654. (Xn. xxviii.) 

Tu one who, while he drank a great quantity of wine, complained of its 
inferior quality. The poet intimates that he cannot expect good wine if he 
takes it ao freely. 

Poto ego sextantes, tu potas, Cinna, deunces, 
Et quereris quod non, Cinna, bibamus idem ? 

1. textantes'] Cups boldinff balf a 2. guereris] Juven. v., * Nou eadem 
seztarius. — deuncesj bolding 4^ parts, nobis poni modo vina querebar.* * 
L e. mucb lai^er. Cf. 315. 6. 

EP. 655. (Xn. xxix.) 

On Hermogenes, a very dexterous thief. The name is perhape feigned, 
firom Hermes, the patron of thieves. 

Hermogenes tantus mapparum, Pontice, iur est, 
Quantus nummorum vix, puto, Massa fuit. 

1. mapparum] Of dinner napkins. custom, Wbaps chiefly at clients* 
This seems to bave been a common dinnei-s. 'Gatull. xii., * Mamicin© 


Tu licet observes dextram teneasque sinistram, 

Inveniet, mappam qua ratione trahat. 
Cervinus gelidum sorbet sic halitus anguem, 5 

Casuras alte sic rapit Iris aquas. 
Nuper cum Myrino peteretur missio laeso, 

Subduxit mappas quattuor Hermogenes. 
Cretatam praetor cum vellet mittere mappam, 

Praetori mappam surpuit Hermogenes. 10 

Attulerat mappam nemo, dum furta timentur : 

Mantile e mensa surpuit Hermogenes. 
Hoc quoque si deerit, medios discingere lectos 

Mensarumque pedes non timet Hermogenes. 
Quamvis non modico caleant spectacula sole, 16 

Vela reducuntur, cum venit Hermogenes. 
Festinant trepidi substringere carbasa nautae, 

Ad portum quotiens paruit Hermogenes. 
Linigeri fugiunt calvi sistrataque turba, 

Inter adorantes cum stetit Hermogenes. 20 

Asini, mana sinistra non belle probably conveyed by thc waving of 

uterisinjocoatque vino; toUislintea mappae. Myrinus the gladiator is 

negligentiorum/ mentioued in Ep. 698. 1. 

2. Massa^ Perhaps the Massa 9. mtVtere] The i*aces at the Oircus 

Baebius of Tac. Agric. fin., a noted were started by the Praetor throwing 

thief whcn pro-Praetor in Spain. a napkin. Hence * Megalesiacae 

5. hcdtttus} It was a common notion spectacula mappae/ Juven. xi. 1 93 — 
that stags ' sucked up' snakes. The Cretatam^ see on 339. 2. 

idea arose perhaps from some anti- i\. furtd] See Ep. 430. 8. 

pathy between them. Luci^et vi. 765, 12.] Mantile or Mantele (Virg. 

' Naribus alipedes ut cervi saepe pu- Geoig. iv.) is here the table-cloth ; 

tantur Ducere de latebris serpentia see Rich's Dictionary in v. 

saecla ferarum.* Sir Emerson Ten- 13. tnedios—lectos} He strips the 

nent (Sketches of the Natuml His- iorale or valance from tlie medius 

tonr of Ceylon, p. 295), remarks, lectus^ which was furthest from the 

** The deer also are enemies of the sight of the servants. Ofcoursethis 

snakes, and the natives, who have is a ridiculous hyperbole. 

had opportunities of watching their 14. pedes] The costly silver feet of 

encounters, assert that they have seen tables seem to have been protected 

a deer rush upon a serpent and crush by linen bags. 

it by leaping on it with all its four 16. Vela] The climax of im- 

feet." probabilities is continued. * The very 

6. rapit] The rainbow was sup- awnings of the theatre, though the 
posed to draw up the water to be re- glare of the sun is intense (Lucret. 
tumed again to the earth. iv. 75 seqq.), are drawn back lest 

7. missio] A dismissal. Tbe peo- Hermogenes should steal them.* 
ple clamoured in the amphitheatre 1 7. suh8tringere\ * To clew up.— 
that he should be donaiusrude (Hor. paruit, apparuit. 

Ep. i. 1. 2), after fighting well and 19. Linigeri] The priests of Isis 
being wounded. This request was were bald, and seem to have beeik 

£ e 


Ad cenam Hermogenes mappam non attulit unquam, 
A cena semper rettulit Hermogenes. 

stripped from the waist upwards. Pl. 29.). Herodotus mentioDS tbe 

They are well shown, asare tne wor- linen ffarments of the 'BzypiixaB, ii. 

shipperB holding the sistrum (criicr- 37. So TihuU. i. 3. 30, * ut mea 

Tpov), a kind of rattle, in a fresco votiTas persolvenB Delia voces Ante 

found at Herculaneum {RaceoUa^ &c, sacras lino tecta forea sedeat* 

EP. 656. (Xn. xxxi.) 

An elegant epigram on certain improvements in the poet^s garden, luade 
hy his wife Marcella (Ep. 649) to surprise him on his retum. It may he 
inferred frem parva regna in ver. 8, that the gardens themselves wers the 
/ift of his wife. 

Hoc nemus, hi fontes, haec textilis umbra supini 

Pahnitis, hoc riguae ductile flumen aquae, 
Prataque nec bifero oessura rosaria Paesto 

QUodque viret lani mense, nec alget olus ; 
Quaeque natat clusis anguilla domestica lymphis, -5 

Quaeque gerit similes candida turris aves : 
Munera sunt dominae : post septima lustra reverso 

Hos Marcella lares parvaque regna dedit. 
Si mihi Nausicaa patrios concederet hortos, 

Alcinoo possem dicere " Malo meos." 10 

2. PalnwtiBl The yearliug shoot of 6. nmilea] Candidas. The eo/aun- 
the vine which pvoduces the gTapes. baria were perhaps white-waahed. 
— supini, turued and trained so as to Ovid» Tiist. i. 8, 'Adspicis ut veniant 
he exposed to the sun. ad candida tecta columhae.* 

3. oifero] Beaiing twice in the 7. sepiima /tw/ra] In Epp. 587. 
year. Manv treea m. the order rosa- 10, and 658. 1 , the poet speaKS of his 
ceoB have this tendency. Compare retum to Spain after thirty-four 
Geor^. iv. 1 19, * bifBrique rosaria years. But this leaves uncertain the 
Paesti.* age at which he left it for Rome. In 

4. me algetl Some contrivanee xii. 68. 4, he calls himself * piger et 
like our green-houses seems to be senior.* Cf. 55. 4. 

meant. Cf. 269. 8. 8. regn€k\ So the domain of a rich 

5. domesticd] Tame, TiBiurn. See manwas called. See Epp. 182. 3; 
£p. 531.23-4 clusis^-lymphis, 663. 16 ; 669. 19. 

viz. in a piscina. 

EP. 657. (Xn. xxxii.) 

A satire upon a dishonest family whoni their landlord had compelled to 
quit their home. Perhaps tfaey had affected to possess some meaas, and 
had hired a bouse tbey were unable to afford. 


O luliarum dedecus Kalendarum, 

Vidi, Vacerra, sarcinas tuas, vidi ; 

Quas non retentas pensione pro bima 

Portabat uxor rufa crinibus septem 

Et cum sorore cana mater ingenti. 6 

Furias putavi nocte Ditis emersas. 

Has tu priores frigore et fame siccus 

Et non recenti paliidus magis buxo 

Irus tuorum temporum sequebaris. 

Migrare clivom crederes Aricinum. 10 

Ibat tripes grabatus et bipes mensa, 

Et cum lucema comeoque cratere 

Matella curto rupta latere meiebat. 

Foco virenti suberat amphorae cervix : 

1. ^idiarum'] The half-yeu^s rent fram the darkneas of Hades.* 
vr&a due Julj 1. Petronius § 38, 7. priores'] Praecedentes. 
'CaiuB Pompeius Diogenes ex Ea- 8. nonrecenti — &tM)o] Thaaoldaad 
lendis Juliis caenaculum locat.* therefore deep-coloured boz-wood. 

2. sarcinas'] Your chattels packed Theocr. ii. 88, «rat /uev x/"^* 1^'^ 
up for remoTai. ofioiot kyivtTo ToWdKt tfdi^is. 

3. non reUntaa] Not kept back, Priap. Carm. 32. 2, * buzo pallidior 
because not of sufficient value to be noTaque ceiti/ 

worth retaining, bj your landlord 9: Jriis] The mince of begsars of 

when he distrained for his two years* your time. See Oa. xriii. 6. Ep. 245. 9. 

rent. ^Pensio* means *rent,* as 10. dioom — Andnuni] Tae beg- 

* pensio cellae,* Ep. 132. 3. gars who stood at tfae foot of the 

4. rt^a] Red-haired, as opposed to Aiicine hill. See ii. 19, * Debet 
canamo^r in the next line.— m»t- Aricino conviva recumbere lecto, 

U8 aeptemy with seven locks or curis Quem tua felicem, Zoile, eenalkcit.* 

(not seven ringlehairs ; ^crinis* con- Juv., * Dignus Aricinos qui mendi- 

tains the' root cem or k^ki/), the caret ad axes.* Also Ep. 511. 3. 

nsual number being seni nrines, which 11. iripes ffrafKUus] * A truck-bed 

was the aiTangement of tlie matronof' with only three len, and a table with 

lisvitlay or married woman^s head- onlytwo.^ See 1^0. 5. 

tire. Festus, * senis crinifms niAen" 12. comeo] * Of comel-wood.* As 

tes omantur, quod is omatus vetustis- crater always means * a bewl,* it is 

simus fuitJ* Hence capere crines, not easy to see how it could be made 

Plaut MosteU. i. 3. 69, and Mil. of ^om. 

Glor. 792, * ut mati^onarum modo 14. Foco virenti] * The neck of a 

CapitecomptocrinesvittasquehaBeat broken wine-jar was put under a 

adsimuletque se Tuam esse uxorem.* rustv brazier.* Compare Propert. v. 

This is the meaning of * vinxit et 5. 75, ' sit tumulus lenae curto vetus 

acceptas altera vitta comas,* Propert amphora coUo.* Some read focum 

V. 11. 34. The satire of the present ferentis^ which would mean, *the 

passage seems to consist in this ncck of the person who was carryiiig 

woman having four locks on one side the portable iire-place was placed 

and three on the other. under an amphora, i. e. had to earry 

G. Furi€u'\ * I took you all for a that too. Why the focus is called 

group of Funer that had j ust emerged virens is obscure : perha|)s the aerugo 

£ e 2 


Fuisse gerres aut inutiles maenas 15 

Odor impadicns urcei fatebatur, 

Qualem marinae misit aui*a piscinae. 

Nec quadra deerat casei Tolosatis, 

Quadrima nigri nec corona pulei 

Calvaeque restes allioque cepisque, 20 

Nec plena turpi matris olla resina, 

Summoenianae qua pilantur uxores. 

Quid quaeris aedes vilicosque derides, 

Habitare gratis, o Yacerra, cum possis ? 

Haec sarcinamm pompa convenit ponti. 2u 

or green rust of copper or bronze may ropes, or tied-up ends, were beinr 

be meant. See Juv. iii. 250, * cen- carried away. 

tumconvivae; se^uitur sua quemoue 21. Nec,&c.'] * Nec deeratmatris 

culina;* and £6. 2d3, * cui^su ventilat olUjplenaresina.* Theresin(pfiT/j/vi) 

ignem.^ was used as a depilatory. Compare 

15. gerres] A kind of strong smell- Juv. yiii. 114, ' quid resinata juven- 

ing pickled fish. See £p. 156. 7. tus,* &c. 

*■ Tne nasty smell of the jar revealed 22. Swnmoeniancui] This was pro- 

to the nose the fact that it had once bably a slang term for prostitates. 

contained sardines or useless sprats.* Cf iii. 82. 2, *■ Summoenianas cenet 

So Hor. Sat. i. 2. 69, ' quo semel est inter uxores.* 

imbuta recens, servabit odorem Testa 23. Quid qttaeris'] Whj do you 

diu.* Useless^ perhaps, because they look out for a town house and make 

were too far gone to be usable. The sport of thosewhoare content todwelJ 

exact sense of impudicus may be un- in villas, when you might live for 

derstood from Ep. 323. 6. nothing at all, at the beggar^s station 

18. muidr<i\ * Asquare of Tolouse on the Pons Afulvius? See Ep. 511. 
cheese. Probably of the same shape 3. The rare use of vilicus is to be 
as our milk-cheeses. The Tolouse remarked. 

cheese was of a common sort. 25. pompa'] 'Thisset-outof yours,^ 

19. pu/^t] Pulegii, *pennyroyal.* i.e. thisprocessioncarryingthegoods; 
Thisplantwouldgrowblackorbrown or, perhaps, the goods memselvea 
if kept dried for a long time. So in Ar. £ccl. 730 certain house- 

20. Calvae] VRopes without hold chattels are laid out in a row to 
leaks or onions on them.* The roots imitate a Panathenaic procession. 
had been cut off, and the useless 

EP. 658. (Xn. xxxiv.) 

To Julius Martialis, or Julius Cerealis (Ep. lO, and 198. 617), a 
reminiscence of his long friendship. 

Triginta mihi quattuorque messes 
Tecum, si memini, fuere, luli. 
Quanim dulcia mixta sunt amaris, 

1. Triffinta — quattuor messes] See £p. 656. 7. 


Sed iucunda tamen fuere plura. 

Et si calculus omnis huc et illuc 6 

Diversus bicolorque digeratur, 

Yincet candida turba nigriorem. 

Si vitare voles acerba quaedam 

Et tristes animi cavere morsus, 

Nulli te facias nimis sodalem. 10 

Gaudebis minus, et minus dolebis. 

5. ealatlua] See Ep. 608. 1, and Tot«. 

Ep. 422. 2. 8. qttaedam\ The sense is, ' Snnt 

6. Dwersus bicolorque'] * The tamen in amicitia acerba quaedam, 
white and the black, and those quae si vitare velis, noli quemquam 
partlj white and partly black/ i. e. nimis diligere.* This remark^Beems 
of mixed joy and grief. — huc et illvc to allude to Bome disputes tbat had 
—d^ferere refers to the separation occurred between the two friends. 
of the counters. The sentiment is the same as in 

7. Vinoet] This may have re- Hesiod, Opp. 707, /xti^e Kao-iyvtirw 
ference to the philosophical opinion laov Troitl ffdai cTalpov. 

Bo well expressed and enlarged upon 11. minus dold)is] So Hlurip. 
in Eurip. SuppL 199 seqq., irXeta». Audr. 420, rivvov /u» a\yet, ivcTv- 
tA "XptiOTd Tftfv KaicAv tlvat, fipo- Xpiv i* tuiaifiovti. 

EP. 659. (Xn. xxxvi.) 

On a patron, liberal if compared with others of the time, but mean if 
comparea with those of old. 

Libras quattuor, aut duas amico 

Algentemque togam brevemque laenam, 

Interdum aureolos manu crepantes, 

Possint ducere qui duas Kalendas, 

Quod nemo, nisi tu, Labulle, donas, 5 

Non es, crede mihi, bonus. Quid ergo ? 

Ut verum loquar, optimus maiorum es. 

Pisones Senecasque Memmiosque, 

Et Crispos mihi redde, sed priores : 

1. Libras] Sc. arffenti ; one of the was as nearlr as possible U. 

nftB expected by the client at the 4. duoerej 'Carry through,* i. e. 

Satumaiia. See 438. 6. board and lodge me for two months. 

2. Atgentem] Ep. 89. 8, * lateris 6.] Compare Ep. 21. 2, * non es 
fngora trita times.* Compare also credemihi. Quid ergo? Vema.* 
469. 8. 7. optimu» malorum] * The best 

3. aureolos] Ep. 229. 14, * qui ofthebad.* So t6 <ftipTaTov KaKutv^ 
crepet aureolos, forsitan unus ent* II. xvii. 105. 

Lib.x. 75. 8. 'aureolosultroquattuor 8. Pisones, &c.] See 182. 1. 
ipn petit* The value of an aureolus 


Fies protinus ultimus bonorum. 10 

Vis cnrsu pedibusque gloriari ? 
Tigrim vince levemque Passerinim. 
Nulla est gloria praeterire asellos. 

10. tdHmtai] You will then stand noted horseg in the Circus. See 

latt in the first class, as now you Ep. 329. 10, * If you would be great, 

•tand fint in the second class, when try to eui^Mtss tbe foreiniMit ; but 

no fint class exists. oampei etiiremmm toabies.^ 

12. Tigrim, &c.] These were two 

EP. 660. (Xn. xlv.) 

Haedina tibi pelle contegenti 
Nudae tempora verticemque calyae, 
Festive tibi, Phoebe, dixit ille, 
Qui dixit caput esse calciatum. 

2. ealvae] Your baM pate, Ep. dere pelle comas.* 

248.3. Lib. xiv. 50, * Craterictt^ttin.* 4 ealeiatvm] *To hsre a shoe 

Ne lutet immundum nitidos ceroma upon it* Plaut. Capt. 187, * cum 

capilloe, Hac poteris madidas con- calciatis dentibus veniam tamen.* 

EP. 661. (XII. xlvi.) 

Yendunt carmina Gallus et Lupereus. 
Sanos, Classice, nunc nega poetas. , 

1. ChUus et Lupercus] Probabl^ though Democritus *excludit sanos 

feigned names, and perhaps in allu- Helicone poetas/ An Poet. 296, i. e. 

sion to their loose ^haractera. Lu* allowed none to be true poets but the 

percus is often mentionod by Martial inspired. 

as a lewd and worthless fellow. % nuno nega] Ii'onical. *Yo4 

They sold bad verses for money, cannot now denj,* &c. 
and 80 were saniy showed sound se&ee, 

EP. 662. (Xn. xlvii.) 

A well-known distich on a testy, yet well-meaning fiiend. (It has bceu 
witti)y parodied in praise of tea-drinking, — 

*" Nec tea-c\axk possum vivere, nec sine tea."*) 

Difficilis facilis, iucundus acerbus es idem : 
Nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te. 


EP. 663. (Xn. xlviii.) 

Oii the iiuincere friendship of thoie who gave dinnen to obtain legacies, 
or with selfish ends in view. The poet says he prefers a plain chop with a 
fiisnd to the finest dinner giren in display, or as a favour. 

Boletos et aprum si tanquam vilia ponis, 

Et non esse putas haec mea vota, volon 
6i fortunatum fieri me credis et heres 

Yis scribi propter quinque Lucrina, vale. 
Lauta tamen cena est : fateor, lautissima, sed cras 5 

Nil erit, immo hodie, protinus immo nihil, 
Quod sciat infelix damnatae spongia virgae, 

Vel quicunqiie canis innctaque testa viae. 
Mullorum leporumque et suminis exitus hic est, 

Sulphureusque color camificesque pedes. 10 

Non Albana mihi sit comissatio tanti, 

Nec Capitolinae pontificumque dapes. 
Imputet ipse deus nectar mihi, fiet acetum, 

1. BoUtoi] Ep. 335. 12. * If yon wipinff, if anv untoward mishup oc- 

serve these delicacies not om deli- curred. See Ar. Ran. 482, a'A\* olo-c 

cacies, but as your ordinary fare, vpdv riiv Kupiiav fiou viroyy tdv. 

and not because yon fi&ncv I am 8. cams] Anydogthatmaychance 

fond of them (which woula put me to pass by vomit on the ground. — 

under obligations to jaa), then I testai see Ep. 323. 2. 

am willin^ to dine with jou.^ The 9.] He goes on to show that good 

contiary is inferred : * If, however, dinners are also hurtful in uiei. 

you give these viands mei«1y because after efiTects ; that they bring bilious- 

they are ezpensive, and because you ness, pallor, and gout So in 468. 8, 

think I am very glad to get Uiem, ' ructat adhuc aprum pallida Roma 

then fikrewell.* meum." — camifuxi, * torturing ' 

S. /ortunaium fiert] * If you think 11. Albana — comiMa/tb] Domi- 

I am coming in for a fortune, and tian was in the habit of giving 

am in a position to leave you some- grand dinners at his Alban viila on 

thing in my will ; and if in fact you the feast of his Patroness Minerva, 

want to be made my heir for half-a- quiw^tatrtu^ Ep. 160. 5. 

dozen oysters eaten at your table, 12. Oxpitolvnas] A banquet was 

theo 1 beg to decUne.* served by the Epvlones in honour 

5. Lauta taintn cma eH] This of Jupiter in the Capitol. — pon/ju€- 

appears to be snid by the hoBt. The cum^ cf. Hor. Carm. ii. 14. 28, 

reply is, that however good the * Pontificum potiore cenis.* 

dinner may be, it is only a tem- 13. Imputef] * If Jove himself 

porary enjoyment : no permanent were to give me nectar, and reckon 

obligation is confen^ed by it. it as a iavour, it would become 

7. Quod sciai] *As the poor vincgar to me, and no better than 

sponge may soon lcnow to ite cost.* common Tuscan wine.^ For tm- 

Asponge affixed to a stick (like our ^tt/ar0,,see Ep. 113. 3. 
mop) seems to have been p«od for 


Et Vaticani perfida vappa cadi. 
Conyivas alios oenarum quaere magister, 15 

Quos capiant mensae regna superba tuae. 
Me meus aid subitas invitet amicus ofellas : 

Haec mihi, quam possum reddere, cena placet. 

14. Vaticant] See Ep. 322, and — capiant. &c., * who may be caught 
£p. 15. 6. — perfuia, deceitfuljooking by the grand display of a rich man'8 
better than it tastes. table.' Cf. 669. 19. 

15. cenarum — magister] Cenae 17. suftitas — o/ellasl * An ex- 
pater, the girer of an entertainment. tempore chop.* See Ep. 545. 15. 

EP. 664. (Xn. 1.) 

On a highlj omamental mansion, in which comfort was BacriBced to 
empty show. 

Daphnonas, platanonas et aerios pityonas 

Et non unius balnea solus habes, 
Et tibi centenis stat porticus alta columnis, 

Calcatusque tuo sub pede lucet onyx ; 
Pulvereumque fogax hippodromon ungula plaudit, 5 
* Et pereuntis aquae fluctus ubique sonat. 
Atria longa patent ; sed nec cenantibus usquam, 

Nec somno locus est. Quam bene non habitas ! 

1. DaphnoHcu} Beds of bay-tree. * Quid refert iffitnr quantis jumenta 
— pityonas^ of the <rtT(/v or abies fatiget porticibus;^ and vii. 178, 
(fir). — aerio8ii\dTri9 ovpd»iotta«poy ' porticus in qua gestetur dominus 
KKdiov^ Eur. Bacch. 1064. See quotiens pluit* Sup. Ep. 8. 5. 
Ep. 569. 5, and for pkttanonasy From Pliny, Ep. ▼. 6, § 19, it ap- 
124. 2. These trees were planted pears that the hippodrome vnu 
near the house, hut not in tne tnW- planted round with trees. Tbe 
dariwn. But cf. Ep. 478. 5. Yirg. student will find an excellent ac- 
Aen. ii. 512, * aedibus in mediis,* &c. count of it in Rich*8 Dictionary. 

2. non tami8\ Large enou|[h for 6. peremUis] Passing thron^ the 
more than one. The antithesis is in ^unds, and perhaps the house 
woltis. — 6a/»ea, seeon 129. 1. itself. Fountaius (salientes) and 

3. centenis] Either an indeiinite mnning streamlets were made in 
liumber, or purposelj introduced to the atria and rardens by the water 
imitate the porticus Vtpsania^ Ep. from the aqueducts. See Rp. 635, 
72. 9, and Ep. 124. 1. and Pliny, ut sup. § 36, 37, and 

4. onyx] A species of marble. 40. 

See Ep. 296. 14. 7. cenaniibus] You haTe no et- 

5. hippodromnn] The hippodrome ndtioy dining-room, no cti6tett^, bed* 
was a kind of circus (cf. o69. 23), rooms, i. e. none suited to the lize 
an enclosed space for drivin^ and of the house. How well you tre 
riding in, but difFerent from the not housed! irap* virovoiav for 
porticus, described in Juv. iv. 6, * quam bene habitas." 


EP. 665. (XII. li.) 

Tam saepe nostrum decipi Fabullinnm, 
Miraris, Aule ? semper homo bonus tiro est. 

2. Hro] cui{Oq«, ignorant of the ways of the world. 

EP. 666. (Xn. lii.) 

A veiy elegant epitaph on Rufus, a poet and orator, addreased to his 
Bunriyinff wife, Sempronia. This is perhaps the same Rufus whom the 
poet 80 frequently adaresses, as in Epp. 78, 164, &c. She had been induced 
to leave her home by some paramour, but had retumed to her husband. 
Hence the allusions to the rape of Helen and of Proserpine. 

Tempora Pieria solitus redimire corona, 

Nec minus attonitis vox celebrata reis, 
Hic situs est, hic ille tuus, Sempronia, Bufus, 

Cuius et ipse tui flagrat amore cinis. 
Dulcis in Eljsio narraris fabula campo 5 

Et stupet ad raptus Tyndaris ipsa tuos. 
Tu melior, quae deserto raptore redisti : 

IUa virum voluit nec repetita sequi. 
Ridet, et Iliacos audit Menelaus amores : 

Absolvit Phiygium vestra rapina Parim. 10 

Accipient olim cum te loca laeta piorum, 

Non erit in Stygia notior umbra domo. 
Non aliena videt, sed amat Proserpina raptas : 

Iste tibi dominam conciliavit amor. 

4. Cufus] * Whose ▼enr ashes glow 8. nee repetitd] * Not eiren when 
with love for you.^ This allusion asked to go back.* So Virg. Georg. 
to the buming on the pyre is simi- i. 39, * nec repetita sequi curet 
larljemploy^ bjrPropert. ▼. 11.74, Proserpina matrem.* This alludes 
'haec cura et cineri spirat inusta totthe scene called by the ancients 
meo.^ *£\cvr|C aira^rrto-ic 

5. narraris] You are made the 9. Ridet] Menelaus hears with 
Bubject of a sweet tale in Elysium, a smile the amours of his Helen at 
▼iz. by your husband, to the listen- Troy, because he now knows that 
ing shades. Cf. Prop. ▼. 7. 63—68, her affections may yet be restored 
where Andromeda and Hyperm- to him, and his resentment against 
nestra are similarly described as Paris is theraby diminished. A ▼ery 
telling the touching tales of their beautiful distich, but not more so 
lo^es in Hades. than the next 

6. ad raptua — iuoB] At the nar- 13. Non aliena] Proserpine doee 
jmti^eof your seduction. not reiii^rd women who ha^e been 


carried off, as she henelf was hj Dis, to you the favour of Proserpine, the 

with indifference. Queeu of flades —dotnmcan Dtiii, 

14. lite] That love of yours for Aen. vi. Zif. . 
your husband Rufiu has reconciled 

EP. 667. (Xn. liii.; 

On an avaincious maUf who pleaded in ezcuae the fifiendthi-ift propensities 
•f his Bon. See Persius, vi. o8 seqq. 

Nummi cum tibi sint opesque tantae, 

Quantas civis habet, Paterne, rarus, 

Largiris nihil incubasque gazae. 

Ut magnus draco, quem canunt poetae 

Custodem Scythici fuisse luci. 5 

Sed causa, ut memoras et ipse iactas, 

Dirae filius est rapacitatis. 

Ecquid tu &tuos rudesque quaeris, 

Iliudas quibus auferasque mentem ? 

Huic semper vitio pater fuisti. 10 

2. civU — ranu'] * Onlj here and beet MSS., and this certainly saita 
there a citizen,* i. q. few but kings huie ffitio pater, v. 10, but leaves the 
are so rich. sense very obscure. 

3. incubas] Viig. Geoig. ii. 507, 8. Ecquid] Do you think us to 
* condit opes alius defoesoque incu- stupid and so ignorant as to be de- 
bat auro.* prived of our common sense hj such 

5. Scythici—litci] The grove in reasoning? viz. to take such an ex- 

which the golden fleece was sus- cuse for your stinginess. Lit. * can 

pended. Scythia is a generalterm itbe that joaarefookingfordotards 

for the north. to make sport of ?* Ile adds, *you 

9. cotwal * But the reason why you have always been the father and 

are so careml is (as you yourseli say) author of that vice.* He seems to 

that you have a son of a terribly mean, that a stingy father commonlv 

wasteful disposition.* So * fiir notae has a spendthrift son ; that the i^e- 

nimium rapacitatis,* vi. 72. 1. actionfrom meanness naturaUyleads 

Schneidewin reads^tta e«, with the to extravaganoe. 

EP. 668. (XII. Ivi.) 

On one who feigned recoverr from illness to cxtort congratnlatoxy {«eflciits 
from his friends. Compare £p. 433. 

Aegrotas uno deciens aut saepius anno, 
Nec tibi, sed nobis hoc, Polycbarme, nocet 

2. Nee Hbi] You are not the suf- your friends, who have to WBd pre- 
wrer, not being really ill ; but we, sents. 


Nam quotiens surgis, soteria poscis aaiicos. 
Sit pudor : aegrota iam, Poljchanne, semel. 

3. aoierial vt^n^pia^ presents sent seqq., ziii. 232-5. 
after an illness. Perhaps this custom 4. aegrota — temeX] ' Do tam sick 

had its origin in vows. Cf. Aeach. ouce for all, and die oiF.* So zii. 40. 

Ag., x^vx^v KOfxtaTpa T^crdf m^ix'*' ^i ^^^^ volo, feed movere.* 
vce/uii^. Compare Juvenal, zii. 94 

EP. 669. (XIL IviL) 

On the difficnlty of ohtaining sleep at Rome, except for the richer classea. 
* Magnia opibus dormitur in urbe,* Juyai. iii. 235. 

Cur saepe sicci parva rura Nomenti 

liaremque villae sordidum petam, quaeris ? 

Nec cogitandi, Sparse, nec quiescendi^ 

In urbe locus est pauperL Negant vitam 

Ludimagistri mane, nocte pistores, 5 

Aerariorum marculi die toto. 

Hinc otiosus sordidam quatit mensam 

Neroniana nummularius massa ; 

1. NomtmH] The poefs farm at enough to provent sleep. — oHoauty 
Nomentum, i. 105, &c. he sits and thumpe away mechani- 

2. 9ordidum\ IU-kept, diBey, bIo- caily, and without paving much at- 
▼enly. These were the epithets hia tention. If this be the true ezpla- 
friend applied to it; but country- nation, the information is curious, 
people anected this untidiness, as a and will in some degi'ee account for 
relaxation from city etiquette. See the very careless way in whicb 
E^ 25. 28. ancient coins are often strack, viz. 

3. eogUandi] i. e. in the writing with the impress on one side, Truftd- 
ef ▼erses. <rrifia Kal TrapaKtKofxuiva^ Ar. Ach. 

5. Ludimagi§irt] He complains 517. It is generally interpreted ' a 
of Doisy ^choolmasterB, Ep. 480. money-changer ;* but how could he 
So * <*Jamosu8 magister/ Ep. 272. 2 : be said * quatere mensam ' ? or how 
— pitUntt : the business of these could he * make such a noise as to 
men was to bray and thump (pin- prevent sleep ' ? In Peti*onius, § 56, 
jew) eom in mortars, as is now Trimalchio asks, * quod autem puta- 
done in making maccaroni in mua secundum litteras difficillimum 
Italy. esse artificium ? Ego puto medicum 

6. fnatvii^t] ' The hammers of the et nummulaiium.* Suet. Galb. § 9, 
hnziera,* or whitesmiths. This is * nam et nummulario non ez fide 
a rare word, — the same as martulWy versanti pecunias manus amputavit 
martellOf martel. mensaeque ejiis affixit.* Both these 

8.] nummularius is probably the paseages much better suit the sense 

coiocr,who sitswith ablockofwood of 'coiner.* The fraud that Galba 

befoie him, and a hammer and die, punished was probably coining the 

with which he strikes the circular money under weight. — For * Nero- 

bits of bullion, and sq makes noise nianum aigentum see Suet. Ner. 


IUinc balucis malleator Hispanae 

Tritum nitenti fuste verberat saxum. 10 

Nec turba cessat entheata Bellonae, 

Nec fasciato naufragus loquax trunco, 

A matre doctus nec rogare ludaeus, 

Nec sulphuratae lippus institor mercis. 

Numerare pigri damna qui potest somni, 15 

Dicet quot aera verberent manus urbis, 

Cum secta Colcho Luna vapulat rhombo. 

Tu, Sparse, nescis ista, nec potes scire, 

Petilianis delicatus in regnis, 

§ 4i, * ezegitque ingenti fastidio et maimed er powerless. Compare 

acerbitate nummum asperum, ar- 349. 6, * dum sanas linit obligatque 

gentum pustulatum, aurum ad ob- plantas.* 

russam.' 13. Judaeus'] Cf. Juv. iii. 14, 

9. balucis] Bodtix or hcUltue seems * Nunc sacri fontis nemus et delubra 

14) have been a Spanish word for locantur Judaeis, quorum cophinuB 

* ffold dust' See Pliny, N. H. xxxiii. foenumque supellex.* 
2i, § 77, * inveniuntur item (auri) 14. smphurcUae — tnercis] Sulphur 

massae, nec non in puteis et denas matches. See £p. 21. 4, and 509. 3. 
excedentes libras, palagas, alii pala- 16. quot aera] * That man will tell 

cumas, iidem quod minutum est tou how many brass pots are tinkled 

balucem vocant.* (These are doubt- by the hands of the citizens when the 

less Celtic woixis, and exactly corre- moon is bewitched/ i. e. eclipsed. 

spond to our term ' nugget. ) The The object of tinkling braas was to 

process of beating out £old-leaf ap- avert evil demons, wno were sup- 

pears to be described. The grains of posed to have possession of the moon 

gold were laid on a smooth nat stone through Colchian or magic arts. Cf. 

aud hammered with a mallet of hai^d Theocr. ii. 36, d 6coc iv Tpioioim' 

wood. — nitenti perhaps refers to the t6 xaKKtov w» tJxo* «X**« Ovid, 

particles of gold that adhered to it. Fast. ▼. 441, * aquam tangit Teme- 

Others read paludis^ and explain it saeaque concrepat aera, et rosat ut 

of beating hemp vrith a club polished tectis exeat umbra suis.* Also TibulL 

smootb by the attrition, comparing i. 8. 21. Add Tac. Ann. i. 28, * igi- 

Pliny, N. H. xix. 3, § 17, who de- tur aeris sono, tubai-um comuumque 

scribes the same process of preparing concentu strepere: prout splendidior 

flax which is now in use, viz. braying obscuriorve, laetari aut maerere.* 
it with a mallet (malleus stuppa- 17. vapulat] The diminished orb 

rius). However, /tntf m is not a water- of the moon was referred to demo- 

plant. On the contrary, it prefers niacal arts, by which a piece was, as 

diT soils. it were, cut away from it. 

11. eniheata'] Inspired. ' Oestro 19. refftiis] See on £p. 182. 3; 
percussus, Bellona, tuo,* Juv. iv. 123. 656. 8. It seems to have been the 
Cf. £p. 631. 4. custom to call a house by the name 

12. naufraffus] SeeMr. Mayoron of its original possessor, even whe& 
Juv. xiv. 302. ^fasciato — truncOf sold to another. Hence in Juv. iii. 
'with a bandaged body.* Like 221, Persicus inhabits the *mu;na 
modem beggara, these impostors Arturi domus,* v. 212,'and in Plat. 
used to tie up a leg or an arm, and Phaedr. init £picratQS liTes ivoliciu 
pretend to have lost it, or that it was T}] Mof}vx<?. 


Cui plana summos despicit domns montes, 20 

£t rus in urbe est vinitorque Romanus. 

[Nec in Falemo colle maior auctumnus, 

Intraque limen clusus essedo cursus, 

£t in profundo somnus, et quies nuUis 

Offensa linguis ; nec dies nisi admissus. 25 

Nos transeuntis risus excitat turbae, 

!Et ad cubile est Roma. Taedio fessis 

Dormire quotiens libuit, imus ad villam. 

20. t>Iana — domiis] The mansion 664. 5. 

is Bo high, that its flat roof IooIcb 25. nisi admisstui] Unless allowed 

down on the hills of Rome. Cf. £p. to enter by drawing aside the curtain. 

198. 11. 28. Dormire] A sort ofirap* viro- 

21. rui in urbe] ^Rus raburba- voiu». We should have expectcd 
nam * was the common phrase, as ffires reficere. The joke consists in 
Kp. 148. 45, * at tu sub urbe pHOSsides the apparently trifling cause which 
famem mundam.* — A>fna»tM,i.e.not takes tne poet to his villa. So £p. 
rusticus or yillicus. 565. 12, * quid concupiscam quaeris 

23. duttt» — cumu] See on £p. ergo? Dormire.* 

EP. 670. (Xn. Ix.) 

The poet resolves to keep a merry birthday at his Nomentan farm. (This 
£pigram is divided into two (at v. 7) by Schneidewin, with the MSS.) 

Martis alumne dies, roseam quo lampada primum 

Magnaque siderei vidimus ora dei, 
Si te rure coli yiridesque pudebit ad aras, 

Qui fueras Latia cultus in urbe milii : 
Da veniam, servire meis quod nolo Kalendis, 5 

Et qua sum genitus, vivere luce volo. 
Natali pallere suo, ne calda Sabello 

Desit et ut liquidum potet Alauda merum, 

1. MarHsalumne] Sacred to Mara, at my native town Bilbilis, and with 
i. e. the Galends of March, thepoefs a turf altar, instead of as heretofore 
birthday(£p.472.3),andperhapsnot in the city; excuse it, for my wish 
nnconnected with his name Mar- is ntdulgere genio on that day. 
tialis. 5. servire] * To be a slave on my 

2. siderei—dei] The sun is so birthday, the Calends.* — Kalendis is 
called, as represented by the Colossus perhaps the ablative, not the dative 
(£p. 34. 7) on the Palatine. Com- afber servire. But either gives a 
pare Lib. Spect. 2. 1, > hic ubi side- good sense. 

reus propius videt astra Colossus.* 6. vivere] * To enjoy life.* 

Z. Site—pudeiU] * If you dislike 7. paUere] 'To \)e pale with 
to be oelebrated in tbe counti-y/ viz. anziety lest yourfuisy guest SabeUut 


Turbida sollicito transinittere Caecuba sacco, 

Atque inter mensas ire, redire suas ; 10 

Excipere hos illos, et tota surgere cena 
Marmora calcantem frigidiora gela : 

Quae ratio est, haec sponte sua perferre patiqae^ 
Quae te si iubeat rex dominusque, neges ? 

Bhould not have bot water enough tingup (leaving one^s place on the 

(£p. 7. 3), aiid in order that Alauda lechu) during the 'vdiole diDner, with 

may have his wine sufficientlj shoeless feet treading on the cold 

Btrained ^Ep. 85. 5 ; 259. 2) — to be marble floor * (of the taUinum, or 

cngaged in anxiously passing the tridinium). 

tbick Falemiaui through the 8accus„ 14. U si JubecU] * Even if yoa 

— ^tbat is too much for any one to were ordered, a^ a client, to do this 

bear when he might avoid it* On for your patron, you would indiff- 

lufuidum merumf see Hor. £p. i. 14. nantly refuse : why then voluntarily 

34. incur the annoyance ?* 
11. tota surgere cena] * To be get- 

EP. 671. (Xn. Ixii.) 

An address to Satum, on the occasion of the retum to Spain of Priscus 
TerentiuB (to whom Book xii. is dedicated), and his ^ving a grand enter- 
tainment at the Satumalia. The poet expresaes a wiah tbav he may keep 
many more SatumaHa. 

Antiqui rex magne poli mundique prioris, 

Sub quo pigra quies nec labor ullus erat, 
Nec regale nimis ^lmen nec fohnine digni, 

Scissa nec ad Manes, sed sibi dives humus : 
Laetus ad haec facilisque veni sollemnia Frisei 5 

Gaudia : cum sacris te decet esse tuis. 
Tu reducem patriae sexta, pater optime, bnzma 

Pacifici Latia reddis ab urbe Numae. 

2. pigra guies] The golden age 4. Scissa—ad Mattes] * The earth 
under »S(atum was a favourite theme had not then been ransacked for me- 
of the poets. TibuU. i. 3. 35, * quam tals to its very boweis, but was rirh 
bene Satumo vivebant rege/ &c. ; enough for itself.* So Tiball. 1. c, 
and Yirg. Georg. ii. 538, * aureus * non ades, non ira fuit, non belU, 
hanc vitam in tems Satumus age- nec enses immiti saevus duzerat ane 
bat' faber' Cf. Viig. Aen. viii. 246, 

3. regale nimis /ulmen] The addi- * trepidentque immisso lumine Ma- 
tion of the thunderbolt to the hand nes, &c. 

of ZeuB was thought to denote the 6. cum saeri» — esee'] * Adeaae it- 

development of wickednesa. Ovid, cris.* The Satumalia are meant ; for 

* Inaue Jovis dextra fictile fulmen Priscus had returaed to Spain in 

erat — nec/ulmine digni^ * nor were December. 

there then on the earth men who 8. Paoifici] Numa, as a i«)igioui 

deserved to be blaated with the bolt.* king, is spoken of ae ragningwiUiottl 


Cemis, ut Ansonio similis tibi pompa maeeUo 

Pendeat et quantns luxurietur honos ? 10 

Quam non parea manus largaeque nomismata mensae, 

Quae, Satume, tibi pemumerentur opes ? 
Utque sit his pretium meritis et gratia maior, . 

Et pater et frugi sic tua sacra colit. 
At tu sancte tuo sic semper amere Decembri, 15 

Hos illi iubeas saepe redire dies. 

wars, and in a manner worthy of the cost of the entertainment. Cf. Ep. 

Satumian times. 48. 13. Suet Yesp. § 19, ' Bicut Sa- 

9. Cemia] * Do you see bow a tumalibus dabat viris apophoretii, ita 

supply of provisions nangs here in a per Kalendas Martias feminis.* 
Spanish house, worthy of the custom 13, 14.] * Tu make thehonour done 

of feaating observed at Rome ?' — to you by this feast the gi^eater, both 

I^endeat y^rh&ipB from the camarium a father and a frugal man is givinjjp 

(Rich'8 Dict. in ▼.), which was a it.* Priacus is not orbttSt but has a 

kind of * meat-Bafe.^ family to save his money for ; besides 

11, 12.1 These verses refer to the which, he is by habit thrifty. It ap- 

presents jrenia and Apophoreta (the peai^s from this that the entertain- 

Bubjects of MartiaPs ziiith and zivth ment was not given by Martial to 

bookB), whichwere laid outon tables his friend, but by Priscus himself. 

for presentation to friends at the Sa- For Martial Beems to have had no 

tumalia. The nomismaia memae children, £p. 108. 
perhaps refers moi^e dii-ectly to the 

EP. 672. (Xn. Ixiii.) 

A complimeotary address to Cordova in Spain, with the request that she 
will politely hint to one of her people, a bad poet, not to plagiarize MartiaFs 

XJncto Corduba laetior Venafro, 

Histm nec minus absoluta testa, 

Albi quae superas oves Galaesi, 

Nullo murice nec cruore mendax, 

Sed tinctis gregibus colore vivo : 6 

Dic vestro, rogo, sit pudor poetae, 

1. Uneio'] Yenafrnm in Campania 4. mendaai] Not artificially dyed, 
producedthebeBtoIiveoil. SoHor. but having a natural tint. See on 
Sat. ii. 4. 69, * pi-essa Venafranae Ep. '407. 6. Yirg. Ecl. iv., * nec va- 
quod bacca remisit olivae.* rios discet mentiri laba colores : ipse 

2. mima absolvUi] * Not less ner- sed in pratis aries jam suave rabenti 
fect,* i. e. celebrated for oil, tnan murice,* &c. The sense is, that the 
Ibat which Histria (in the south of wool from Cordova on the GuadaJ- 
Italy) Btores in her jars. quiver BurpasBes in quality even the 

3. GcUaesi] See Ep. 87. 3, aad wiiite fleeces of Tarentum,— ^^ 
243. 2. bus^ L e. superas, * vt flocks/ &c. 


Nec gratis recitet meos libellos : 

Feirem, si faceret bonus poeta, 

Cui possem dare mutuos dolores : 

Corrumpit sine talione caelebs. 10 

Caecus perdere non potest quod aufert. 

Nil est deterius latrone nudo : 

Nil securius est malo poeta. 

7. ffratis] Without payinji: me for same coin/ 

them. This is jocosely eaid, as la 11 — 13. Caecus] A blind man 

Ep. 32. 12. cannot give * an eye for an eye/ if 

9. fmUuos dolores] Viz^, by bor- he deprives another of sight; a thief 
ro^wing hU verses without acknow- who has nothing cannot be robbed, 
ledgment. viz., by way of reprisal; a poet whi 

10. cadebs\ * A man who runs ofF hasproduced no poetryhas nothing *o 
with another^s wife, but has no wife fear from the plagiarists. 

of hia own, cannot be repaid in the 

EP. 673. (Xn. Ixvi.) 

A witty satire on one who wished to dispose of a house at a higher price 
than its value, by filling it with rich fui-niture, which, however, was only 
meant to set it off, and not to be sold with the house. 

Bis quinquagenis domus est tibi milibus empta, 
Vendere quam summa vel breviore cupis. 

Arte sed emptorem vafra corrumpis, Amoene, 
Et casa divitiis ambitiosa latet. 

Gemmantes prima fulgent testudine lecti, 5 

Et Maurusiaci pondera rara citri ; 

Argentum atque aurum non simplex Delphica portat : 

1. Bis, &c.] For 100 sestertia, or note. 

100,000 sestertii, somd 900/. 6. eitri^ See Ep. 476. 10. The 

2. cupis\ Perhaps because he re- best were brought from Mauritania; 
pented of his bargain, as having £p. 457. 5, * ut Mauri Libycis centum 
bought it too dear. stent dentibus orbes.* 

3. corrumpis] You bias his judg* 7. Z^elphica] Yiz. mensa. A table 
ment, iKKpHti^ttn riiv yvwfitiv. A of marble orbronze, in the form of 
sort ofplay on the sense of bribing. a tripod, and therefore having three 

4. Kt caaa] The smallness of iht omamental legs. Perhaps some had 
cottage is conce led by the preten- only a central stand. But the exact 
tiousness of the fumiture. sense of non simplex cannot be as- 

5./>nma]'Withfir8t-cla8stortoise- certained. See Rich^s Dict. in v., 

shell." — Gemmantes merely means and Cic. Yerr. ii. 4. 59. Probab^* 

* variegated." See Juv. xi. 94, ' tes- the abacus of Jav. iii. 204, where see 

tudo — clarum Trojugenis factura ac Mr. Mayor. 
Qobile fulcrum,' witn Mr. Mayor"» 


Stant pueri, dominos quos precer esse meos. 
Deinde ducenta sonas, et ais, non esse minoris. 

Instructam vili vendis, Amoene, domum. 10 

8. dominoB] Though they ore 10. Irutructam] There is an em- 
laves, I could wish them to he my phaais on this word, on which the 
hminij i. e. fayourite hoys, who hold joke turns : * That i% cheap, no douht, 

e in thraldom, as it were. for a /umished house,' i. e. hut dear 

9. sonas] Crepas ; you talk londly for one unfumished. The owner had 
bout two hundred sestertia, i. e. held out the hait of cheapnoas, hut 
wice the price yon gave for it. fraudulentlj. 

EP. 674. (Xn. Ixvii.) 

On keeping the birthday of Yirgil. 

Maiae Mercurium creastis Idus. 

Augustis redit Idibus Diana. 

Octobres Maro consecravit Idus. 

Idus saepe colas et has et illas, 

Qui magni celebras Maronis Idus. 5' 

1. Maiae — Idus] One legend waa tial seems to have held Virgil in 

that Hermes was liom on the fourth gi'eat respect : see Ep.~165. 14, * sic 

of the month, Terpddt Tfj irpoTep|}, forsan tener ausus estUatuUus Magno 

Hom. Hymn. ad Merc. 19 Diana^ mittere passerem Maroni ;* and 

i. e. the birthday of. 21 6. 8. 

3. Maro] That Yirgil was hom 4. saepe ooUu] Mav you have a 

Oct 15 was the old tradition, and long life to celebrate onen the birth- 

was preserved by Servius. It appears days of both Mercury and Diana. 

to have heen the custom to celeDrate So in 289. 10, *qui fles talia, nil 

the birthdays of great men as a kind fleas, viator.* 
of honour to their memori«i. Mar- 

EP. 675. (Xn. Ixix.) , 

Sic tanquam tabulas scjphosque, Paule, 
Omnes archetjpos habes amicos. 

i.Paule] Perhaps the meanpatron omament, not for uae,* and who de- 
of £p. 410. * Like pictures and sil- rive no advantage from you. For 
ver goblets, you have friendB for mere archetj/pif see Ep. 390. 1 . 



EP. 676. (XIL Ixx.) 

Aper, after protesting as a poor man agaiast drinking in tbe baths, him< 
•elf canies the custom to excess after becoming rich. 

Jiintea ferret Apro vatias cum Yemula nnper 

Et Bupra togulam lusca sederet anus, 
Atque olei stillam daret enterocelicus unctor, 

Udorum tetricus censor et asper erat. 
Frangendos calices effimdendumque Falemum 6 

Clamabat, biberet qui modo lotus eques. 
A sene sed postquam patruo venere trecenta, 

Sobrius a thermis nescit abire domum. 
O quantum diatreta valent et quinque comati ! 

Tunc, cimi pauper erat, non sitiebat Aper. lo 

1. vaHtu] * Knock-kneed ;* a Tery i. e. ei ^t fnheret modo lotus, 

rare word. 'WhenAper of latewas 9. dtatretck\ ^'Vaaes or diinking- 

attended at the bath by a deformed cups of cut-glasB or precious atones, 

house-BlaTe, his clothes guarded by a gi^ound by the wheel in such a man- 

one-eyed old woman, and drope of ner that the pattems upon them not 

oil for anointing were handed by an only stood out in relief, but were 

adeiptes deformed by a huge hemia, bored completely through, so as to 

hewasaseverecensorof thebathers* form a piece of open traceiy, like 

(udt). In this word there is a play network.** Rich*B Dictionary, in y., 

on udiLyaeo. Cf. Ep. 272. 5. — Lin- where an ei^rraving from an antique 

tea, Ihe towels for the bathers. Juv. is given. The sense is, * now that 

iii.263,*plenocomponitlinteagutto.* he has costly cups to drink out of 

Inf. Ep. 682. 7. (and to disDlay), and five clients who 

2. toffidam] The scanty toga, Ep. wear their nair long (Ep. 91. 5), not 
132. 3, &c. merely close-cropped slaves, then 

3. enterocelicvs\ See Ep. 631, 5. he can faU into the same vice as the 
— Udorum, apparently a slang term rest.* Or oomati may refer to hand- 
for drinkers. So in 272. 5, * Aedi- some * Ganymedes.* So Hor. Carm. 
lem roiratt udus aleator.* i. 29. 7, ' puer quis ex aula capillis. 

5.] He used to declare that the Ad cyathum statuetur unctis ?' 

cups ought to be broken and the 10. sitiebat'] An ironical reason for 

wine poured on the ground, if any his drinking, the real reason being 

eques (i. e. of a class oi which he was to show hi» wealth. 
jealous) drank afterbathing.— 6»6ere^, 

EP. 677. (Xn. Ixxii.) 

On a lawyer who had left a good profeeBional income to tum faiiner. 

lugei-a mercatus prape busta latentis agelli 

1. prope husta\ The order is, busta.' TheJtMfaCaWwoaTethought 
mercatus jugera agri latentis prope to be meant, i. e. the place where the 


Et male compactae culmina fulta casae, 
Deseris urbanas, tua praedia, Pannyche, lites, 

Parvaque, sed tritae praemia certa togae. 
Frumentum, milium ptisanamque fabamque solebas 5 

Vendere pragmaticus, nunc emis agricola. 

Gauls weie burned and buried» when ptisana (in Pliny iitama)^ ' pearl« 

they died by a pestilence near Veii, borle^;* These commodities were 

lAry Y. 48. sapphed in such qnantities by liis 

2. ./^<(to1 Propped up to aupport it. clients, that he nsed to sell them. 
JuY. iii. 193, * no8 urbem colimug But now, as a farmer, he bas to buy 
tenui tibicine fultam magna parte them. 

sai.* 6. pragmaiictts'] A. aolicitor; one 

3. tua praedia] Yonr own proper who aided advocates by his know- 
farm, i. e. Bource of revenue. ledge of law. Juv. yii. 123, ' inde 

5. milium^ * Millet.* Virg. Georg. cadunt partes ez foedere pragmati' 
i . 2 1 6, * et milio Yenit annuik cura.* — comm .* 

EP. 678. (XII. Ixxiv.) 

On the folly of nsing expenaiYe and perishable glass Yesseli. Compare 
Ep. 597. 

Dum tibi Niliacus portat crystalla cataplus, 

Accipe de circo pocula Flaminio. 
Hi magis audaces, an sunt qui talia mittunt 

Munera ? sed geminus vilibus usus inest. 
Nnllum sollicitant haec, Flacce, toreumata furem 5 

Et nimium calidis non vitiantur aquis. 

1. Dum] * While the cargo of pre- will stand any risk.*) Is not the v««Sr 

cious dass goblets is coming for you rather with those who send sucij 

from EgTpt, take meanwhile these presents with the chance of ^Ying 

common and cheap ones bouffht offence? The term was applied to 

near the Circus Flaminius.* The such ware as could be put to any use 

most costlY glass was manufiietured without much fear of consequences. 

at Alexandria. Lib. xiY. 1 15, ' Ca- Cf. xiY. 94, * calices audaces : Nos 

/toec mVm: Aspicis ingenium Nili : snmus audacis plebeia toraumata 

quibus addere plura Dum cupit, ah Yitri, Nostra neque ardenti gemma 

quotiens perdidit auctor opus.* This feritur aqua.* Also ib. 1 1 L * cryatal' 

alludes to the frequent aocidents in lina : Frangere dum metuis, fnmges 

peccant Securae nimium. 


finishing the delicate workmanship. crrstallina : ] 

—-caUgMUS, KardirXoi/v, the ship s sollicitaeque 

cargo sailing into port. So o Stxs- 4. tnlilms] *■ Common ware has a 

XtKO« #caTttir\ot;« is said of the ar- twofold adYantage : it is less likel/ 

riYaJ of a cargo of com, Dem. p. to be stolen, and less likeiy to oe 

1285. 21. cracked by hot water.* 

3. audaees] (* But, you say, these 5.] toreumaia is here nsed for 

are common and Yulgar cups, that common pottery with pattems 

Ff 2 


Quidy quod securo potat conviva ministro, 
£t casum tremulae non timuere manus ? 

Hoc quoque non nihil est, quod propinabis in istis, 
Frangendus fuerit si tibi, Flacce, calix. lo 

Bcratched upoa it, as in Ep. 186. 16, cause the hand does not tremble lest 

' Hispanae luteum rotae toreuma/ it should break them.* 
and ziT. 94, quoted above. 9, Hoc quoque] There is yet an- 

7. Qmm/, quod'] * Nay, they havo' other advantaee : * if you nave to 

thisfurther advantage, that theguest drink the health of some nasty fel- 

can use them without causing anxiety low, whose lips must touch the cup, 

to the attendant (i. e. lest he should you wonH mind doing so, because 

let the cup fall, or steal gems from it, you can break it afterwards.* Juv. 

Juv. V. 40;, and that there is so much v. 127, * quando propinat Virro tihi, 

the les8 chanoe of breaking them, be- sumitve tuis contacta labellis pocuU?'* 

EP. 679. (XII. Ixxvi.) 

On the great cheapness of provisions, which, of course, the poet describes 

Amphora vicenis, modius datur aere quatemo. 
Ebrius et crudus nil habet agricola. 

1. mcenis] i, e. nummis. * An drinks till he is tipsy, and eats till 
amphora of wine is only worth he sets a fit of indigestion, and has 
twenty sestertii, a bushel of com nothing.* He seems to mean that 
only worth four asses.^ — aes (juater- the farmer prefers to consume the 
nun», *■ four coppers each.* Cic. Pra produce he cannot sell at a remune- 
Font. § 5, *quaternos denarios in rative price. For crudus see £p. 
singulas vini amphoras exegisse.* 119. 4. 

2. £!bnus et crudue] *■ The farmer 

EP. 680. (Xn. Ixxviii.) 

Nil in te scripsi, Bithynice. Credere non vis, 
Et iurare iubes ? Malo satisfacere. 

2. jurctre^ &c.] Me nil in te scrip- payment The joke consists in un- 

sisse. * Rather than do that * (says willingness to denv what he thinks 

the poet, who is willin? to admit the a credit to him rather than the con- 

charge), * I would make you some trary. 
amends,* i. e. by apology or a money 

EP. 681. (Xn. Ixxxi.) 

On a patron who grew more stingy as he giew richer. A witty epigram. 
This is probably the UmJber of £p. 361. 


Brumae diebus feriisque Satumi 
Mittebat Umber haliculam mihi pauper ; 
Nunc mittit halicam : factus est enim dives. 

^J] h(Uiculam (al. aliculam) a.\dnd friends. See 82. 6, ' Btilknteinque 

of cape or OTer-coat, Petronius 40. 5. alica sua palumbum.* In this word, 

There is a pun on haliea {alica) as in alec or haleey the aspirate seenu 

which meant * barley-gruel,* and ap- to hare been either added or omitted 

pears from ziii. 6, to have been sent at wilL 
oy poor personB as a present to their 

EP. 682. (XII. Ixxxii.) 

On a ccmiatar who tried every art to get an invitation to dinoer. Com- 
pare Ep. 77. 

Efiugere in thermis et circa balnea non est 

Menogenen, omni tu licet arte velis. 
Captabit tepidum dextra laevaque trigonoa, 

Imputet acceptas ut tibi saepe pilas. 
CoUiget et referet laxum de pulvere fo]lfim, 5 

Et si iam lotus, iam soleatus erit. 
Lintea si sumes, nive candidiora loqu/^tuT*, 

Sint licet infantis sordidiora sinu. 
Exiguos secto comentem dente capillos 

Dicet Achilleas disposnisse comas. 10 

Fumosae feret ipse tropin de faece lagonae, 

1. circa balneal He meets you 143. 3. 
outside the baths, and proffers his 7. Lintea'] Ep. 676. 1. — sinUy the 

services aa you enter, e. g. in holding * bib * wom by infants when fed. 
the linteaj ver. 7. 9. gedo—denie] With a comb, 

3. tepidum\ Warm with the hand. which was made (as it still ollen is) 

See Ep. 168. 5.—Impuiet, Ep. 663. of box-wood ; xir. 25, * multifido 

13. * He will try to catch the ball buxus quae tibi dente datur.* — Achil- 

in the most skilful manner, merely leaSf * so as to be like the locks of 

to be able to say that he has obliged Achilles,* who was so represented in 

you by so often saving you the ancientart. 

trouble of picking it up.* — laeva: 11. tropin'] The lees of wine. 

* left-handers ' were thought a clever Why it was so called is not clear, 

eatch. See Ep. 371 . 11, * nec laudet unless from the bottom (as it were the 

Polybi magis sinistras.* keel) of the jar. The Komans seem 

5. /bllem] The foot-ball. See Ep. to have smeared it on themselves, 

168. 7. Becker, Gallus, p. 402. — perhape as a detergent, in the baths. 

etf &c., though he is dressed for din- He means that the dirtiest and most 

ner. Probably this was done to menial olBces ai*e performed by Me- 

show his readiness immediately to nogenes in hopes of a dinner.— t/iM 

accept an invitation. For aolea see implies that none but a slave ought 


Frontis et humorem oolliget usque tuae. 
Omnia laudabit, mirabitur omnia, donec 
Perpessus dicas taedia mille ^^ Yeni ! " 

to toucb Buch nasty stuff. — Fumotae, 14. Vem\ * Dine with me.* See 

•et in the Bmoke to be mellowed, Ep. 617. 2. This is eztorted in aelf- 

*fnmum bibere institntae/ Hor. defence, to gfet rid of the mMi*8 tire- 

Carm. iii. 8. 11. Bome officioasneBs. 

EP. 683. (Xn. Ixxxvii.) 

On a Bhabby-genteel man who pretended that he had twice lost his dip - 
Dcr-shoeB, aa an excuse for coming without them. 

Bis Cotta soleas perdidisse se questus, 

Dum negligentem ducit ad pedes vemam, 

Qui solus inopi restat et facit turbam, 

Excogitavit homo sagax et astutus, 

Ne facere posset tale saepius damnum : 5 

Excalciatus ire coepit ad cenam. 

1. acleas] See Ep. 143. 3, and excuse itself waa the inge&ious lie ; 
682. 6. hut he pi-etendB that the inffenuity 

2. Dwn — ducit'] * Through bring- consistea in cominff without dinner- 
ing a carelesB slave as his attendant.* shoes at all. The fact was, the man 
Cf £p. 128. 2, whei-e a pedifms is never possessed them. 

6imilai'ly used. Becker, Gallus, p. 6. Excalciaiml The same aa dis- 

215. calciatuSf *without walking-Bhoes.* 

3. Qui solua] * The only slave the The oulceus was the walkixiff-Bhoe ; 
poor man has left him, and who con- the solca the slipper or Bandalfor the 
sdtuteB his company * {gf^t eomt- house. The joke is heightened by 
tahtsy the pretended loss of soleae excusing 

4. Excogitaxn£\ He meanB that the thA use even oieaiDei. 

EP. 684. (Xn. Ixxxviii.) 

Tongilianus habet nasum : scio, non nego. Sed iam 
Nil praeter nasum Tongilianus habet. 

1. Tonffiliantt»] Perham the same means, in another Bense, that he has 

»s in £p. 144, and the TangUlue of satiricalwit; butthen, the poetadds, 

Juv. vii. 130,wherethereBeemBtobe he has nothing else. Aj^Murently, 

a joke on tho nasua rhinocerotis^ £p. this is a Batire on the man*8 poverty, 

2. 6. — habet nasum, as in Ep. 21. 18, or his want of education. 


EP. 685. (Xn. Ixxxix.) 

On a yain man who concealed Iub baldness by a wooUen wrapper (fbcale, 
xiy. 142), on the pretence of the earache. Oompai^e Ep. 183 and 295. 

Quod.lana caput alligas, Charine, 
Non aures tibi, sed dolent capilli. 

2. dolent] Yiz. se tam raros esse. A play on the double sense. 

EP. 686. (Xn. xc.) 

A verj witty Epigram on a Capiator who had offered a tow for a rlch 
fnend*8 recovety ; and being put on his will, now offers fnrther vowb that he 
may die. 

Pro sene, sed clare, votum Maro fecit amico, 
Cui gravis et fervens hemitiitaeus erat, 

Si Stygias aeger non esset missus ad umbras, 
Ut caderet magno victima grata lovi. 

Coeperunt certam medici spondere salutem. 5 

Ne votum solvat, nunc Maro vota facit. 

1. 8ed dar^] ' And that opealy,' Of. Ep. 85. 1. 

viz. that the hch man mayhear it. 6. vda] He oifers many "«ictims 

Pers. ii. 8, * mens bona, fama, fides, that he may not have to pay one vic- 

iiaec clare et ut audiat hospes.* tim, i. e. that the recovery may not 

2. hemUriiaeus'} A semi-tertian. take place. 

EP. 687. (Xn. xcii.) 

Saepe rogare soles, qualis sim, Prisce, futurus, 
Si fiam locuples simque repente potens. 

Quemquam posse putas mores narrare futuros ? 
Dic mihi, si fias tu leo, qualis eris ? 

3. Quemquam] For the construc- Posubly, I migbt aet like otfaer po- 
tion see Eh). 29. 5. tentes and iyra$ini, who do the Bame 

4. Uo] If you wera to turn into a to their subjects. 
lion, you would devour the weaker. 

EP. 688. (Xn. xciv,) 

A hint to an ambitious imitator to leave at least one gubject that he doeN 
not trespass upon. A very briiliant Epigram. 

Scribebamus epos ; coepisti scribere : cessi, 
Aemula ne starent carmina nostra tuis. 


Transtalit ad tragicos se nostra Thalia oothanios : 

Aptasti longuin tn quoque syrma tibL 
Fila ijrae movi Calabris exculta Camenis : 5 

Plectra rapis nobis, ambitiose, nova. 
Audemns saturas : Lucilius esse laboras. 

Ludo leves elegos : tu quoque ludis idem. 
Quid minus esse potest ? epigrammata fingere coepi : 

Hinc etiam petitur iam mea palma tibi. 10 

EligCy quid nolis ; quis enim pudor, omnia velle ? 

£t si quid non vis, Tucca, relinque mihi. 

3. ThaUa] The muae of comedy edlT Bpoken of by Horace as the 
«id gaiety in general. sathor of trae satire, as distinct from 

4. synna} The long train of the the sattwae of Livj, vii. 2, which was 
tragicactor. Cf. £p. 188.8. Juv. a kind of dramatic medley. 

XT. 30, * quamquam omnia qrrmata 9. Quid minus] Ab the last re- 

YolTas,* i. e. omnes Tragoedias evol- source, descendiug from higher to 

vas. Ib. viii. 228, * longnm tu pone Iowot. 

Thyestae svnna, vel Antieones. 11. quid noUs] A kind of 'wap' 

5. Calabris] See on kp. 237. 2, virovoia» for qwd velis. — quis tmtior. 
and 400. 5. — uubis may be taken Ironical : * you need not be asnamed 
either with rcqns or with nooa indif- of avowing that some one subject is 
ferently. not your forte.* Literally, *what 

7. saturas] *Satires/ like Jnve- sort of modesty is it to aspire to everT- 
nal and PeiBius. — LueiliuSj cf. Pers. thing.^* 
i. 114 JuT. L 165. He is repeat- 


EP. 689. (Xn. xcviii.) 

On the arrival of Instantius Rufus (Ep. 424. 21) as govemor of Baetica, 
and successor to Macer. 

Baetis olivifera crinem redimite corona, 

Aurea qui nitidis vellera tingis aquis ; 
Quem Bromius, quem Pallas amat ; cui rector aquarum 

Albula navigerum per fi*eta pandit iter : 
Ominibus laetis vestras Instantius oras 5 

Intret, et hic populis ut prior annus eat. 
Non ignoraty onus quod sit succedere Macro ; 

Qui sua metitur pondera, ferre potest. 

1. Baetis] The Guadalquivir, toRome. — ^^ 2&tiZa is here an adjec- 

famed for its fine wool, olives, and tive, like horridulus^ putidulus^ &c. 

wine. See Epp. 407. 6; 672. 1. 6. ut prior] Prosperously and 

3. Patlas] £p. S7.7.—cuirector, happily as under Macer. See £p. 

&c. For whom Neptune opens a 568. 

way, i. e. for ships to bring your pro- 7. onus] * How difBcult a task it 

duce into the foaming ocean, and so is to be a suocessor to so uprlgtit a 


man as Macer.* Tac. Agric. 17, * Et 8. Qut sua, &c.l A man can bear 

Cerealis qoidem alterius Buccessoris a burden when he nas duly estimated 

curam famamque obruisset, [set] sus- and knows what he is going to un- 

tinuit molem Julius FrontinuB, vir dertake. 
magnus quantum licebat.* 

EP. 690. (Xin. i.) 

Introductory to his book of distich Epigrams called JTenia, which were 
articles of food or drink set before guests. This book was issued at the 
Satumalia, like our * Comic Almanacks/ &c. at Christmas. 

Ne toga cordylis et paenula desit olivis, 

Aut inopem metuat sordida blatta famem ; 
Perdite Niliacas, Musae, mea damna, papyros ; 

Postulat, ecce, novos ebria bruma sales. 
Non mea magnanimo depugnat tessera talo, ~ 5 

Senio nec nostrum cum cane quassat ebur. 
Haec mihi charta nuces, haec est mihi charta fritillus. 

Alea nec damnum nec facit ista lucrum. 

1. Nie toga] * That small tunny- bone (a8tragalus),nordo the «ieeand 

fryandoliyesmaynotwantawrapper, the oos shake mv dice-boz {fritU- 

and the cockroach may have some- /«<).* On the tali and tessercte see 

thing to nibble, I have wasted some Epp. 199. 15; 272. 3. Also xiv. 14 

paper which costs nothing to any one ana 15. He means that he does not 

but mjvW—cordylis^ Epp. 110. 3 ; waste his time in gambling, which 

617. 7 blatta, Ep. 305. 7. Cf. 212. was allowed only at the Satumalia 

8, ' nec scombris tunicas dabis mo- (Ep. 272). — magnanimo, * reckless.* 

lestas.* Pers. vi. 21, *hic bona dente Gran 

3. PerdiieJi Juv. vii. 100, * Nam- dia magnanimus peragit puer.* 

que oblita modi milesima pagina 6. t^nu}] Compare Pers. iii. 48 — 

suigit Omnibus et multa crescit 50, ' id summuiii, quid dezter senio 

damnosa papyro.* Ep. 63. 4, * hoc ferret, Scire erat in voto ; damnosa 

primum est, orevior quod mihi charta canicula quantum Raderet.* 
perit.* 7. ffuoe«l The boy^s substitute for 

4. ehria bruma] The festive sea- dice. See Epp.272. 1 ; 693. 12. 'The 
son of the Satumalia. Cf. 237. 5 ; only risk I make at this time of the 
520. 1. year is in pattin^ forth m^r poems, 

5. Non mea\ * My dice («ru/3o«)doe8 which cannot be either a serious loss 
not fight a battle with the knuckle- or a great gain to me.* 

EF. 691. (Xin. ii.) 

To uncandid critics of his book. No particular person is known to be 

Nasutus sis usque licet, sis denique nasus, 

1. Naeutus] * Nosey,* i. e. critical. So in 21. 18, * non cuicunque datum 
Cf. Ep. 684. 1. — nanw, * all nose.* est habere nasum.^ 


Quantum noluerat ferre rogatus Atlas, 
Et possis ipsum tu deridere Latinum : 

Non potes in nugas dioere plura meas, 
Ipse ego quam dixi. Quid dentem dente iuvabit 5 

Rodere ? carne opus est, si satur esse velis. 
Ne perdas operam : qui se mirantur, in illos 

Virus habe, nos haec novimus esse nibil. 
Non tamen hoc nimium nihil est, si candidus aure, 

Nec matutina si mihi fronte venis. 10 

2. noluercU] NoluiBset. * Though thing that can be masticated, if yoa 
you ahould have a nose so big tluit would satisfy your appetite ; i. e. 
Atlas woukl not have consented to asaail some poet who is better fbod 
cany it even if requeated,* i. e. as a for satire. xou will get nothingout 
favour. of me. 

3. deridere] * To ridicule that 9. nimium mkU] See on Ep. 388. 
famed mimic actor who ridicules 7. ' I do not mean to saj there is 
others.* Cf. H^. 3. 5, * derisorem- abaoluiely nothing in mj verses, if 
que Latinum.* you hear them candidly, and do not 

5. Ipse] * I have said (in the pre- pnt on too severe a brow.* — fneUtttuM, 
oeding Epigram) that my efitorta ' such as vou would have before din- 
were trifling and unambitious : why ner.* So Ep. 161. 11, *^8su timet 
should vou blame one who hauB ire licenti Ad matutmum nostra 
blamed himself ?* Thalia Jovem.* Compare also 522. 

6. came} You muBt bite seme- 18, * seras tutior ibis acl lucemas.* 

EP. 692. (Xin. iii,) 

Omnis in hoc gracili XEiaoRUH turba libello 
Constabit nummis quattuor empta tibi. 

Quattuor est nimium ? poterit constare duobns, 
Et faciet lucrum bibliopola Trjphon. 

Haec licet hospitibus pro munere disticha mittas» 6 
Si tibi tam rarus, quam mihi, nummus erit. 

1 — 4.] 'The whole collection of is this wonderful. In a room fuU of 

Xenia (distichs describing certain slaves, writing rapidly to the dicta- 

kinds of viands so calkd) in this tion of .one person, copies would be 

thin book will coBt you four sesterces multiplied very cheauly and easily. 
to buy. Is four too much ? You 4. TrtfphonJ^ See Ep. 204. 2. 
moy get it (in a cheaper form) for 5. HaeOf &c.] * This book itself, 

two, and even that will leave a profit which describes presents, may be sent 

to the bookseller.* This pass^ie is as a present at tne Satumalia, if von 

important, as showing that the cost have not much money to spare, liko 

of MS. books at Rome was even less myself.* 
than that of printed books now. Nor 


Addita per titulos sua nomina rebus habebis : 
Praetereas, si quid non facit ad stomachiini. 

7. Addita] The lemmata of head- genera1]y, headings are prefixed to 

icLgs to the diBtichs in thia and the all the £lpigrams, but this was done 

next book are therefore genuine. hy grammarians and transcribers. 

See xiv. 2, * Lemmata si quaeris cur iemma (\rifiuia) was a term used bj 

sint adscripta, docebo : Ut, si ma- scholiasts and grammarians for the 

lueris, lemmata sola legas.* In the * heading,* or word under explana- 

old e^tions of Martial, as in the MSS. tiou. See Ep. 554. 1 . 

EP. 693. (XIV. i.) 

Sjnthesibus dum gaudet eques dominusque senator 

Dumque decent nostrum pilea sumpta lovem ; 
Nec timet aedilem moto spectare fritillo, 

Cum videat gelidos tam prope verna lacus : 
Divitis alternas et pauperis accipe sortes : 5 

Praemia convivae dent sua quisque suo. 
'' Sunt apinae tricaeque et si quid vilius istis." 

Quis nescit ? vel quis tam manifesta negat ? 
Sed quid agam potius madidis, Saturne, diebus, 

Quos tibi pro caelo filius ipse dedit ? 10 

Vis scribam Thebas Troiamve malasve Mycenas ? 

" Lude," inquis, " nucibus :" perdere nolo nuces. 

\. Syidhesibus] See Ep. 89. 4. munera dividebat, Yestem et aurum 

' While Uie rich are keepins holiday et argentum, modo nummos omnit 

in their fine clothes, ana while even notae, — interdum nihil praetercilicia 

the emperor (probablv, see Ep. 563. et sponsrias, et rutabula et forpices, 

9, Nerva) assumes the pUem (Ep. atque alia id genus, titulis obscuris 

593. 4) at the Saturaalia ; when even et ambiguis.* They were called 

the verna shakes the dice-boz with- apopkoreta^ because they ^re in- 

out fear of the aedile (Ep. 272), as tended to be canied away. 
he sees so close at hand the freezing 7. Sunt apinae] * They (the verses) 

of the ponds,* i. e. the approach of are mera nonsense and triflinff.* 

midwinter. Some interpret it, ' the This is the objection of some de*> 

coldtanksinwhichhewillbeducked, tractor. On Apinaey said to have 

if caught* The * udus aleator*of been an old town in Campania, see 

Ep. 272. 5, may i-efer to this; but it Epp. 68. 2; 152. 13. Plaut. Rudens, 

more probably means ' tipsy.* lo23, * eloquere proncre celeriter. — 

5. sortes] ^The raffle* The cus- Numos trecentos.— TWcas.* 
tom was to place together thin^ of 10. pro caelo] In retum for the 

small and of larse value indiscrimi- sovereignty of heaven, from which 

nately, and let the guests throw dioe he ejected you. 
'ortbem. The custom is described 11. Vie seriham] *Would you 

m Sueton. OcL § 75, ' Satumalibua, wish me to write a Thebaid or an 

»t si quando alias libuiaset, modo lliad, or a tale about Mycenae th« 


Quo yis canqae loco potes hunc finire libellum. 
Versibus explicitum est omne duobus opus. 

accuned:* Cf. Soph. Electr. init., chartam.* 

•woKv^tiopo» Tt iwfAa ILtkoiriiwif 14. onuis — opMJ The 'whole of 

Todi. the present biook u compoaed of 

12. nuoibus] See Ep. 690. 7.— distichs. 
noloy &c. ; thi» implies * volo perdere 

EP. 694. (Lib. Spect. i.) 

A eulogy of the great Coloaaeum lately completed and opened by Titiis. 
Suet. Tit. § 7, * amphitheatro dedicato, thermisque juxta celeriter ezstruc- 
tis, munus edidit apparatiMimum largissimumque.* AU the wondrbus 
Btructures in the worid, the poet says, are now eclipsed by the STeat Am- 

fhitheatre at Rome, — the Pyramids, the Walls of Babylon, the Temple of 
>iana at Ephesus in lonia, and of Apollo at Delos, an^ the Maufoleam in 

Barbara pjramidum sileat miracula Memphis, 

Assyrius iactet nec Babylona labor ; 
Nec Triviae templo moUes laudentur lones, 

Dissimulet Delon cornibus ara frequens ; 
Aere nec vacuo pendentia Mausolea 5 

Laudibus immodicis Cares in astra ferant. 
Omnis Caesareo cedit labor Amphitheatro, 

Unum pro cunctis fama loquetur opus. 

3. molUs — lones] This people were 5. pendentia] It appears from this 
con8idered afiftol and effeminate. that the Mausoleum was especially 
Propertius has * mollis lonia,* i. 6. &med for being balanced on pillars 
31. in a way that apneared wondei^l to 

4. DisnmuUt] * Let the altar the beholder. This passage is im- 
built with the homs of many victims portant in reference to the somewhat 
think less of (diseuise, or put out of disputed restoration of the design, of 
sight) its Delos.* See Callim. Hymn which so many fragments have of 
tU 'AiroW. 61, 6 d' cirXf Kc fiutfAdv late years been recovered. 
'AiroXXttiv. diifiaro fiiv Ktpaeaai 8. pro cunctis] Because aU the 
dtfiiOkiaf ir^5* ^^ ^touov 'Eic icc- skill devoted to these buildings ia 
paiov Kipao^tik wcpi^ cir</3a\AcTo now included in one. 


EP. 695. (Lib. Spect. ii.) 

- On the same Amphitheatre, which was called ' Colosseum * Irom tfae 
('olossal statue of Nero, erected by him near the site of hia * golden palace.* 
This had now been ptilled down, and the site occupied by the amphiuieatre, 
which stood midway between the Palatine and the Esquiline hilb. Suet. 
Nero, § 31, * Domum a Palatio Esquilias usque fecit.~ye8tibulQm ejui 


fiiit, in quo colossiu centum viginti pedom ttaret ipsiuB effigie.* This colos- 
8U8 was afterwai^ds altered into a figure of the sun by YeBpasian, Suet Vesp. 
§ 18, who speaks of * colossi refector.* and again by Domitian, who seems to 
have converted it into a likeness of himself. See on Epp. 34. 7 ; 102. 3. 

Hic ubi sidereus propius videt astra colossus 

Et crescunt media pegmata celsa via, 
Invidiosa feri radiabaut atria regis 

Unaque iam tota stabat in urbe domus. 
Hic ubi conspicui venerabilis Amphitheatri 5 

Erigitur moles, stagna Neronis erant. 
Hic ubi miramur velocia munera thermas, 

Abstulerat miseris tecta superbus ager. 
Claudia difiusas ubi porticus explicat umbras, 

Ultima pars aulae deficientis erat. 10 

Beddita Roma sibi est et sunt te praeside, Caesar, 

Deliciae populi, quae fuerant domini. 

2. pegmatd] See 410. 3. — cretcuntj mum in qua haud perinde ffemmae 

because these machines were con- et aurum miraculo essent, solita pri- 

structed so as suddenly to rise or dem et luzu vnlgata, quam arva et 

lengthen themselves. The meaning stagna et in modum solitudinum hinc 

of media via is obscnre. The poet silvae, inde aperta spatia et pro- 

apparently means to say, that the spectus.* 

Sround once occupied by the invi- 7. thermas] Hot baths built bj 

ious pile of the savage king, i. e. Titus (Epp- 125. 15 ; 134. 6), and 

Nero, is nowgiven to the public, and called ve/octa, i. e. suhitariaj from 

devoted to their amusement. The the haste with which they were 

road, he seems to say, is now made erected. 

so wide, that these pegmata are 9. explicat^j SeeEp. 41.2, Mongas 

worked in the middle of them, and porticus exphcat ruinas.* The Clau- 

yet allow room to pass. dian piazza, one of the many colo- 

6. stoffna] This was also a part of naded promenades, ^porticus amoei*:- 

Nero*s new palace. Suet. Ner. § 31, tati dicatae,* Tac. Ann. zv. 40, is be- 

* item stagnum maris instar, circum lieved to be the same as the * porticus 

septum aedificiis ad urbium speciem. Liviae.^ Pliny, N. H. ziv. 1, § 11, 

Rura insuper, arvis atque vinetis et * una vitis Romae in Liviae porti- 

paflcuis silvisque varia, cum multi- cibus subdiales inambulationes um- 

tudine omnis generis pecudnm ac brosis pemilis opacat* 

ferarum.* Thelatter sentence nfers 10. dejicientie] Xr}you<rt)«, Meav- 

t9 the superhus offerj which had been ing off,* i. e. near the Esquiliae. 

made by clearing away the houses 11. Redditay &c.] Cf Ep. 365. 10, 

occupying the site. So alao Tae. *nnnc Roma est; nuper magna ta- 

Ann. zv. 42, *ceterum Nero usus bemafuit.* 
est patriae ruinis, eztruzitque do- 

EP. 696. (Lib. Spect. iii.) 

On the number of people who flocked to Rome fiom all nations to see thf 
gamet, and greet tbe emperor in the amphitheatre. 


Qua^ taxn sepoBita est, quae gens tam barbara, Caesar, 

Ex qua spectator non sit in urbe tua ? 
Yenit ab Orpheo cultor Rhodopeius Haemo, 

Yenit et epoto Sarmata pastus equo, 
Et qui prima bibit deprensi flumina Nili, 6 

Et quem supremae Tethyos unda ferit ; 
Festinavit Arabs, festinavere Sabaei, 

Et Cilices nimbis hic maduere suis. 
Crinibus in nodum torti venere Sicambri, 

Atque aliter tortis crinibus Aethiopes. 10 

Yox diversa sonat populorum, tum tamen una est, 

Cum verus patriae diceris esse pater. 

3. Orpheo] The scene of the death 6. supremae] Here for uKimae^ hy 

of OrpheuB, which \«as bewailed by a use haixllj comect. The word ge- 

* Rhodope'iae ai^ces, Altaoue Paneaea nerally means ' last in point of time,* 

et Rhesi Mavortia tellus,* Virg. more rarely * highest,* as Plautus has 

Creoig. iv. 461. * O supreme Jupiter.* The relations 

4 qi>oto^equo'\ Having drunk the of time and space are often expressed 

mixed blood and milk of a mare. by the same word. The Britons, or 

So £p. 375. 7, * Geticae satiatus westernmost Spaniards, seem to be 

lacte juvencae/ the y\aKTo<f>ayoi meant. 

of II. ziii. 6. Pliny, N. H. zviii. 10, 8. hic] In the amphitheatre the 

§ 100, ' Sarmatarum quoque gentes Cilicians were sprinkled with their 

hac mazumo pulte aluntur et cruda own (the Corycian) saffiron. See Epp. 

etiam farina, equino lacte vel san- 153. 2 ; 464. 5. 

Siine a cruris venis admixto.* Virg. 9. Sicambri] The Grerman Suevi 

eorg. iii. 461 , ' Gelonus . . . lac con- were accustomed ' obliquare crinem,* 

cretum cum sanguine potat equiuo.^ Tac. Germ. 38. To this the ' Bheni 

5. JEt qui^ &cj Those who di'ink nodos * in £p. 243. 8 refers. 

from the streaais of the Nile at tiie 10. alitertortis] *The curly, wooUy 

extreme point whero thev first be- hair, ovKai T/otYtv. 

come Imown. So £p. 3o0. 6, * qui 12. dioeris] Viz. by acclamation 

Nilum ez ipso protinus ore bibunt.' in the amphitheatre. 

EP. 697. (Lib. Spect. ix.) 

On a rhinoceros that tossed a bull with which it was set to figfat. 

' Praestitit exbibitus tota tibi, Caesar, barena 
Quae non promisit praelia rhinoceros. 
O quam terribilis exarsit pronus in iras ! 
Quantus erat taurus, cui pUa taurus erat I 

3. pronus] Stooping its head to 4. iaurus] *How great was the 
ratcb the buil on its Eom. See on bull thatcould tois abuU as if itkad 
Kp 9. 6. been tL.frilm: (See on Ep. 87. 6.) 


He appeaM to contnst the bulk of which may have boen ef a small 
tke jrhinoceros with that of the bull, breed. 

EP. 698. (Lib. Spect. xx.) 

On a concession made by the Emperor (probably Domitian) to each of 
two parties who were clamouring for a favourite gladiator. Suet Dom. § 4, 
* quaestoriia muneribus, quae olim omissa revocaverat, ita semper interfuit 
ut populo potestatem faceret bina paria e suo ludo postulandi, eaque noviB- 
sima aulico apparatu induceret* 

Cum peteret pars haec Myrinum, pars illa Triumphum, 
Promisit pariter Caesar utraque manu. 

Non potuit melius litem finire iocosam. 
O dulce invicti principis ingenium ! 

1. Mjffinum^ He is mentioned signal of assent to both parties. 

Ep. 655. 7. 3. iocosaml Whicli had no Berioua 

2. utraque manu^ By stretching conBequences, because it was so Boon 
out, or holding up, Doth hands, as a stopped. 

EP. 699. (Lib. Spect. xxii.) 

The same subject as Ep. 697, but that this time a bear was tosaeil. 

Sollicitant pavidi dum rhinocerota magistri 

Seque diu magnae coUigit ira ferae, 
Desperabantur promissi praelia Martis ; 

Sed tandem rediit cognitus ante furor. 
Namque gravem comu gemino sic extulit ursum, 5 

lactat ut impositas taurus in astra pilas. 

1. SoBieiUmt'] Tentant, vexant, noceros (R, &icomu) has a double 
provocant ad praelia. hom, or rather tuft of connate mov- 

5. geminoJi One species of the rhi- able haini. 

EP. 700. (Lib. Spect. xxvui.) 

Ob the aquatic exercises exhibited by Titus or Domitian in the Amphi- 
theatre^ which the poet prefen to the * Naumachia * (Ep. 4) of Augustus. 
These displays appear to have been very popular. See an account of 
that jp^n by Chiudius on lake Fusinus, Ann. xii. 56, 57, alluded to in 
ver. fl. 

Augttsti labor hic fuerat committere claaaeB 
Et freta navali aollicitare tuba. 


CaeBaris haec nosiri pars est quota ? vidit in nndiit 

£t Thetis ignotas et Gralatea feras ; 
Vidit in aequoreo ferventes pulvere currus 5 

Et domini Triton isse putavit equos : 
IJumque parat saevis ratibus fera praelia Nereus, 

HoiTuit in liquidis ire pedester aquis. 
Quidquid et in Ciroo spectatur et Ainphitheatro, 

Dives Caesarea praestitit nnda tibi. 10 

Fucinus et pigri taceantur stagna Neronis : 

Hanc norint unam saecuhi noumachiam. 

4. ignotas-—/ercu] Whether real more of the spectacle than we do. 
creatures, such as seals, or crocodiles, It seems from the contezt that Ne- 
unknown or unfamiliar to the people ; reus stood ou Bome bridgfe or eleyatetl 
or land animals, aa bulh and horses, poaition above the water, and thence 
unknown to Thetis, because alien gave the sign for the tight. So in the 
from the water, but taught to per- yery fine account ofthe battle of 
form in it or on it, may be doubted. Actium, Propert y. 6. 25, * tandem 
Domitian, acoording to Suetonius, acies geminos Nereua lunarat in 
§14, ffave a ^proelium navale in arcus.* 

amphitheatro,* from which it must 9. Quidquid] * Both horse-racing 

be inferred that the floor of the and the baiting of animals are di»- 

Coloflseum, to some depth, could be played in this rich treat on Caesar^s 

flooded widi water. lake.* — Dives, rich in resources, va- 

5. Vidit^ &c.] ' Triton saw cha- ried in amusement. If the reading 
riots at fuU speed on a watery plain * be right, we have the rare licence of 
(or, * on a dusty course now tumed the a in Caesarea made long before 
into water *), ' and fancied that the the vr of the next woi-d. 
hippocampi of his lord and master ll. Neronis] Nero toogavea sea- 
Neptune Dad run the race.* There fight, though he is called viffery or 
is, perhaps, an intentional ambi- 'slow,* in comparison witn Domi- 
gnity in «fomtm, meaning also the tian. Suet. Ner. § 12, * ezhibuit et 
emperor. naumachiam, marina aqua innantibus 

8. tr0 pedester] We cannot ez- beluiB,* 
plain thiB exactly, without knowing 

EP. 701. (Lib. Spect. xxix.) 

On a pair of gladiators who had fought bo long and so well, that the people 
began to cidl for bolJi to be spared, and presented with the missio (Ep. 6.S5. 
7). The emperor conceded to the request, only on condition that toe law 
of the arena should be carried out ; viz. that one ahould fight till he gave 
in, which appears to have been notified by raising a finger. Hence * con- 
currere ad diffitum * meant * to fight to the laat;* unleas the phrase refen to 
the * Terso poUice vulgi,* Juv. iii. 36, where see Mr. Mayor. 

Cum traheret Fiiscus, traheret certamina Yeras 
Esset et aequalis Mars utriasque diu« 

I • . « , . .■ >■ '\ 


Missio saepe viris magno clamore petita ost ; 

Sed Caesar legi parait ipse suae : — 
Lex erat, ad digitum posita concurrere parma : — 5 

Quod licuit, lances donaque saepe dedit. 
Inventus tamen est finis discriminis aequi : 

Pugnavere pares, succubuere pares. 
Misit utrique rudes et palmas Caesar utrique : 

Hoc pretium virtus ingeniosa tulit. 10 

Contigit hoc nullo nisi te sub principe, Caesar : 

Cum duo pugnarent, victor uterque fuit. 

5. posUa—parma'] This appears to promise of valour (viriw ingenioaa) 
imply tbat thejir were to fightwithout which the poet coiiTertB into a praise 
tbe squarc shield which the Threx of the emperor, they both fell at 
generally wore. (See Rich, Dict. once, and bo the request of the people 
in V.) could legally be ffranted. Or per- 

6. Qtuxi licuit] Refi'e»hment8 and bapfl, * they sbowed clevemess as well 
presents whidi the law did allow, be as valour, in finding a way to end the 
gave them repeatedly. contest.* 

7. JnvetUus] i. e. quasi casu, or 9. rudes] See £p. 134. 10. 
favente foriona. By a kind of com- 

® g 





Abdicare, 254. 7. 
Abolla, 423. 4. 
Absiuthium, 499. 1. 
Acos, 96. 2. 

cochleari8, 438. 10. 

piscis, 537. 6. 

Veneris, 451, 4. 

Adamas, 222. 1. 

Addicere servum, 532. 1. 

Ad digitum pugnare, 701. 5. 

Adicit, 191. 9 ; 571. 1. 

Advocates, fee of, 398. 2 ; 399. 

Aegis, 325. 4. 

Ager pulcher, 42. 2. 

Asere, various senseB of, 39. 

Albana comissatio, 663. 11. 

Albanus mons, 160. 5. 

Albi Upilli (in lucky days), 422. 2; 

472.5; 608. J. 
Albula, 8. 2. 
Albu8=pallidus, 29. 14. 
Alica, 82. 6 ; 681. 3. 
Alieni equites, 229. 10. 
Aliquis, 61. 5 ; 76. 6 ; 256. 6. 
Almo, 141. 2. 

Altemus Ca8tor, 471. 8 ; 548. 2. 
Amber, 176; 194. 
, fragrant when rubbed, 243. 

11 ; 451. 6. 
Ambo, ambo8, 350. 4. 
Amethystinae veste8,-91. 2. 
Amphorae, filled with coins, 288. 6. 
, porous and lined with 

rosin, 422. 4; 601.24. 

, used hy /uUoneSt 323. 2'; 

663. 8. 
Ampliare, 525. 7. 

Ampulla, 293. 4. 
Amyclaeum venenum, 407. 9. 
Analecta, 335. 17. 
Anaglypta, 181. 8. 
Andabatae, 233. 13. 
Anna Perenna, 198. 17. 
Anteambulo, 75. 5 ; 1 14. 2. 
AntHa,.455. 4. 
Auzur, 215. 6. 
Apinae, 58. 2; 152.13. 
Apona telluB. 31. 3. 
Apophoreta, 693. 6. 
Aquila (in fastigio), 522. 11. 
Archetypa, 390. 1. 
Archetypi libri, 333. 7. 
Ardalio, 68. 8 ; 206. 10. 
Area (calvi capitis), 248. 7. 

lusus, 344. 13. 

Ai-giletum, 2. 1 ; 62. 9. 
Arundo (aucupum), 473. 3. 
Ascaules, 509. 8. 
Asserere, assertor, 10. 9 ; 27. 5. 
Atlas = nanus. 314. 7. 
Atrium, aucient plan of, 48. 22. 
Attrita frons, 430. 2. 
-atuSj adjectives in, 78. 2. 
Aurei, aureoli, 229. 14 ; 659. 3. 


Babylon, tapestiy of, 407 17. 
Baetis, olives of the, 672. 1 ; 689. 1. 

-, wool from thc, 243. 7 ; 407. 5. 

Baiae, general term for thermae, 

517. 3. 
Balneum, 129. 1 ; 486. 3. 
Balux, 669. 9. 
Bai*bam ponere, 113. 4. 



•ardocucallus, 28. 5. 

lasia fragrantia, 152. 9. 

jactare. 2. 7. 

Basiatores, 421. 5 ; 636. 1. 
Bathing, hour of, 134. 5. 

, pcrfumes used in, 517. 4. 

Bauli, 19l 1. 
Beana and bacon, 269. 10. 
Beegars, stands of, 511. 3. 
Befle facere, &c., 68. 
Bilbilis, why atta, 25. 3 ; 523. 2. 
Birthdays, celebmtion of, 415. 
Bis seni faeces, 434. 3. 
Boars, Laurentian, 468. 5. 

, Tuscan, 341. 1. 


Bombyciua, 436. 7. 

Botellus, 269. 9. 

Boxers, tom ears of, 344. 5. 

Bractea, 410. 6. 

Branded slaves, 78. 10. 

Britanni picti, caerulei, 618. 1. 

Bruti nuer, 102. 3 ; 470. 5. 

Buccellae, 312. 3. 

Bulbi, 186. 11. 

Burrus (Panheni fil.), 217. 6. 

Busta Callica, 677. 1. 

Buxus (a comb), 682. 9. 


Cadus, 12. 6. 

Caesonius, likeness of, 353. 
Calabra lyi-a, 237. 2. 
Calcei albi, 345. 1. 
Calculator, 557. 4. 
Calda, 7. 3. 
Calices audaces, G78. 3. 
Callaicum aurum, 181. 7 ; 519. 3. 
Calva, 248. 3 ; 660. 2.. 
Calydonius aper, 53. 6. 
Camenae, iaentified with Musaej 
299. 4. 

, temple of, 67. 16. 

Candor, 60. 2 ; 243. 1. 
Canis = cynicus, 190. 8. 
Canus = antiquns, 10. 2. 
Canusinatus, 457. 9. 
Capelliana, 603. 17. 
Capena (porta), 141. 1. 
Capillati, 148. 31 ; 557. 2. 
Capitol, games in the, 463. 10. 

-, restored by Domitian, 279. 

2 ; 218 ; 221. 6. 

Cappadocae (lactucae), 269. 4. 
Cappadocia, cruelty of, 319. 3; 461. 1« 
Caristia, feast of, 473. 

, 474. 1. 

Carruca, 141. 13; 651.2. 

Caryota, 410. 11. 

Castaneae, 269. 15. 

Catasta, 290. 1 ; 460. 5; 475. & 

Catenas donare, 131. 1. 

Cathedra, 37. 14; 208.3. 

Catulitempla, 221.6. 

Cavea, 495. 4. 

Cedrus (in libris), 110. 7. 

Celeuma, 155. 4. 

Cella, 132. 3. 

Celtiberi, 192. 8; 558. 4. 

Cena ambulans, 357. 5. 

, hour of, 55. 9. 

recta, 98. 7. 

Cenae pompa, 532. 4. 
Cenam indicere, 616. 10. 

ponere, 23. 2. 

Cenare incaute, 16. 7. 

domi, 72. 2. 

Cenatoria, 575. 12. 

Censcri, with abl., 31. 3 ; 390. 9. 

Centiens laxum, &c., 127. 2 ; 264. 2. 

Cera (testamenti), 203. 2. 

Cerdo, 122. 1. 

Cerei, 228. 2. 

Cereus, 148. 19. 

clientis, 675. 6. 

Cci-oma, 168. 5; 260. 3. 
Cerussa, 86. 12. 
Cerussatus, 339. 2. 
Cestos Vencris, 281. 5. 
Charta inversa, 212. 11. 
Chatti, 64. 6. 
Chia (ficus), 339. 8. 
Chors, cohors, 148. 12. 
Chrysendeta,.87. 11. 
Cicer madidum, 21. 6. 

tepidum, 52. 10. 

Cicero, murder of, 154 ; 263. 

Cirrati, 460. 7. 

Cisterna, 146. 1. 

Citharedi, wealth of, 111. 8 ; 254. 9. 

Civica ex hedei-a, 444. 8. 

Clepsydra, 293. 1. 

CJlinicus, 17. 2 ; 500. 1. 

Clivus Aricinus, 511. 3 ; 657. 10. 

Coccina, 78. 8. 

Coccum, 232. 5. 

Cochleae, 186. 11. 

Cochleare, 410. 24. 

Qg 2 



Coining, 669. 8. 
Colicufus, 269. 7 
Colocatia, 410. 13. 
ColoBMum, 694. 

, called ^Wncfi^ '>2X 1. 

C0I088U8. 34. 7 ; 102. 3 ; 696. L 

Cominittere (pugnantes, &c.), 420. .Y. 

Conchae (pearls), 243. 3. 

Conchis, 245. 9 ; 373. 2. 

Conchylia, 617. 13. 

Oonclamare, 466. 5. 

Conditio (cenae), 617. 2. 

CondyluB, 269. 27. 

Consocer, 534. 3. 

Conturhu'e, 341. 10. 

Copo, 15. 9 ; 148. 24. 

Cor hahere, 69. 6 ; 130. 4 ; 373. 4 ; 

631. 17. 
Corsica mella, 459. 4 ; 613. 4. 
Coi-dyla, 110. 3. 
Corinthian bronzes, 476. II. 
Comua(libri),638. 1. 
Coronae sutiles, 497. 6. 
—^ touBiles,' 316. 8. 
CoroniB, 507. 1. 
Corio ludere, 122. 4. 
Cosmica, 35L 2. 
Cosmus, Cosmianam, 145. 1 ; 459. 2; 

594. 9. 
Cottana, 361. 7. 
Covinus, 651. 1. 
Crepare,37. 14; 229. 14. 
Creta, 86. 9 ; 323. 9 ; 410. 17. 
Crines (matronae), 657. 4. 
Crocus, 153. 2 ; 234. 8 ; 464. 5. 

, Cilician, 696. 8. 

Crudus, 188. 4 ; 325. 1. 
Crystalla, 678. 1. 
Crystallina, 28. 6 ; 476. 13. 
CucuUus capitis, 225. 6 ; 636. 10. 

(scombris, &c.), 110. 5. 

Cucuma,569. 4. 

Cui , 53. 22. 

Culcita, 257. 5. 

Cultus (purpura, &c.)l!iber, 110. 10. 

Cunei (in theatro), 15^ 4. 

Curae Irudes, secundae, &c., 508. L 

Curetes, 456. 7« 

Cyathi, number of in pledging 

names, 424. 21. 
Cybium, 269.5:603. 14. 
Cyllarus (eauus), 172. &; 402. 5u 
Cymbium, 390. 2. 


Daci, conquered by Domitian, 27dL 

7 ; 313. 5. 
Dactyliotheca, 623. 4. 
Damascena (pnina), 228. 3. 
Decldere, 44o. 6. 
Deciens plenum, &c., 48. 1. 
Decoquere, 70. 9. 
Defnitum, 186. 9. 
Delphica (mensa), 673. 7. 
Demerere aliquem, 474. 5. 
De nostro, de suo, &c., 355. 4. 
Dentiscalpia, 361. 3. 
Deunoes (caUces), 315. 6 ; 654. 1. 
Diana lucifera, 561. 7. 
Diaria, 639. 3. 
Diatreta, 676. 9. 
Digitum toUere, 257. 4. 
Dispensator, 247. 5. 
Domicenium, 269. 1. 
Domina Rcma, 2. 3. 
Domitian, accumulated wealth of, 


, called Oermanieus, 64. 

Hercules, 141, 4; 


456. 10. 

escapes from Yitellius, 

gives his name to the 
month Octcber, 445. 

his victories in Dacia, 

279. 7. 

-, temple built by, 445. 
Domusanddominus. 413. 12 ; 634. 4. 
Dreams, expiation of, 362. 
Dropax,558. & 


Earinos, Eiarinos, 449. 
Eclipse of the moon, 669. 17. 
Egeria, 299. 3. 
Electrum, 424. & 
Encaustus, 187. 1. 
Endromis, 168. 4. 
Enterocela, 551. 7. 
Enterocelicus, 676. 3. 
Epaphaeresis, 425. 9. 
Equites justi, alieni, 229. 10. 

xiv ordinibus, 219. 

Erythraei lapilli, 243. 4; 451. 5 
519. 5. 



Eschatocollion, 67. 3. 
Europae buxeta, 125. 13. 

porticua, 72. 3. 

Elzcussa toga, &c., 2. 8 ; 199. 3. 
Elxcussus sacculus, 245. 7. 
Exile, companions in, 652. 6. 
£Ixplicare cenam, 48. 13. 


Faba fresa, 186. 6. 

Falcifer senex, 226. 5. 

Falemum nigrum, fuscum, 85. 6; 

457. 8. 
Farinam facere, 398. 4. 
Fascia, 257. 6. 
Fasciatus truncus, 669. 12. 
Fatuus, 339. 7 ; 537. 9. 
Fenem-e, 37. 6. 
Fei-ulae, 557. 10. 
FicuB gelata, 186. 10. 

Libvca, 361. 8. 

Fidiculae; 1:50. 6. 
Fila porri, 617. 6. 
Flagellare opes, 79. 4 ; 224. 6. 
Flavi crines, 243. 7. 
Fleece, golden, 424. 10. 

, watcbed by dragon, 

667. 4. 
Focus, 106. 7 ; 148. 22. 
Foedus, 6. 3. 
Follis, 168. 7. 
Fora quattuor, 548. 12. 
Fomm tinplex, 135. 4 ; 421. 6. 
Fovere, 455. 5. 
Fritillus, 165. 8 ; 272. 3. 
Frontes libri, 32. 10 ; 110. 8. 
Fumaria (vini), 536. 1. 
Fundi duo (calicis), 390. 9. 


Gabatae, 357. 3 ; 603. 18. 

Gaditanae, 21. 12; 31.9. 

Galaesi Tellera, 87. 3 ; 243. 2. 

Galbaneus color, 232. 1. 

Galla credulitas, 215. 10. 

Gannire, 256. 2. 

Gausapinae, 304. 2. 

Gelasinus, 339. 6. 

Gemma alba (see aUnlajnUi)^ 608. 1. 

Gerres, 166. 7; 657. 15. 

Gestatio (locus), 230. 8. 

Gestator, 198. 19. 

Ginnus, 314. 7. 

Glandulae apri. 335. 4. 

Glaucia', Glaucias, 290. 4. 

Glaucina, 459. 2. 

Glires, 148. 36. 

Golden fleece. 272. 6. 

Gold leaf, 669. 9. 

Gourds, disguised by cookery, 603. 

GrabatuB, 190. 5 ; 657. 11 ; 621. 6. 

Greenhouses, 436. 1. 

Grex (servorum, &c. ), 87. 13 ; 424. 18. 

Gustus, 603. 4. 


Habere Hasum, 684. 2. 

Halicula, 681. 2. 

Hallec, 156.5; 681.3. 

Hamus captatorum, 85. 3 ; 228. 7 ; 

Hares, caressed by lions, 53. 13. 

, beauty caused by eating, 236. 

Hai'pastum, 163. 6 ; 344. 10. 
Harundo (see Arundo). 
Hasta C. virorum, 366. 7. 
Helciarii, 198. 22. 
Helen, rape of, 666. 6. 
Hemitiitaeus, 85. 1 ; 686. 2. 
Hercules, laboui-s of, 260 ; 504. 

, patron of hot springs, 8. 1 , 

141. 4. 
Hermerotes, 572. 8. 
Hexaclinon, 476. 9. 
Hexaphoren, 103. 1; 314. 10. 
Hibrida, 403. 2. 
Hippodromos, 664. 5. 
Horns, altar made of, 694. 4. 
Hydra, 260. 14. 


I in suspicio, &c., 233. 8. 

I nunc, 67. 1. 

Jamque = jam, 545. 2. 

Janiculi jugum, 198. 3. 

Jantare, A'^. 10. 

lanthidis aqua, 299. 1 ; 640. 12. 

lanthina, 84. 1. 

Janus, god of the new year, 392. 

, temples of, 5S0. 3. 

laspis, 222. 1. 
Icbneumon, 379. 5. 



Imagines (eereae), 106L 6. 

Imbuo, 340. 4. 

Imponere, 147. 

Imputare, 113. 3; 663. 13. 

Indecens, 70. 4 ; 225. 7 ; 335. 11. 

lndex(libri),28. 11; 110. 11. 

Infinitive a^er verbB of motion, 

Infitiator, 52. 11. 
Innumenu (sing.), 457. 4. 
InquiUHUS, 43. 12; 180.4. 
InBcripti (servi), 439. 9. 
Institor, 365. 1. 
Insulae, 180. 4. 
lonia mollis, 694. 3. 
Irua, 657. 9. 
Isis, priests and worBhippen of linen- 

clad, 655. 19. 

, temple of. 7. 

Ista for haec, 484. 10 ; 520. 6. 
-it for -iit or -ivit (T), 94. 3. 
Itys, 261. 6. 

Judaei rogare docti, 669. 13. 
Julia tecta, 294. 6. 

Titifiiia,274. 5; 281. 

Jupiter. tcmples of, on the Capitol, 

Jus ti'ium liberorum, 107 ; Preface, 

p. xii (note). 
Justus eques, 52. 2. 
Ivory, kept white by aulphur, 331. 


Ealendae Juliae, rent-day, 657. 1. 

Martiae, 272. 1*1 ; 526. 1. 

— — — — nataliciae, 433. 4. 

, payment of interest on, 

421. 11. 
Kissing in the streets (basiatio), 636. 


Lacemae, ^04. 5. 

, cost of, 78. 3. 

Lacertus (piscis), 373. K 

Lacones, viivis caesi, 375. 10. 

Ladas, 105. §. 

Lagaeum litus (Aegjrptus), 528. 4. 

Lagalopex, 379. 1. 

LaleUni, 361. 6. 

Lamna, 457. 6. 

Langonis statua, 470. 5. 

Lap-dogs, 56. 

Lardum, 269. 10. 

Latinus (mimus), 3. 5. • 

Latrunculi, 371. 8. 

Laudiceni, 77. 2. 

Laui^ea de Sarmatis, 328. 4 ; 463. 6, 

Laureus aner, 468. 5. 

Lectica, 103. 1. 

Leitus, 219. 12. 

Lemmata, 554. 1 ; 692. 7 ; 613. 2. 

Lentisci, 311. 3. 

Lepnris armi, 3.^5.. 5. 

Lepus in cibis, 234. 2. 

Leuconicum, 621. 9. 

Liba, 156. 3 ; 526. 4. 

Libelli (legal), 250. 1. 

praetoruni, 576. 1. 

Libellus, 217. 19. 

Libeiti, Greek names of, 224. 

Libumi, 25. 33. 

Ligula, 410. 23. 

Ligustrara, 407. 11. 

Linea dives, 441. 7. 

Lingula, 78. 7. 

Lino sarcare, 422. 3. 

Lippus, luscus, 315. 2. 

Litare, 397. 2 ; 462. 9. 

Litui-ae. 2. 9 ; 162. 7. 

Locarii, 233. 9. 

Lomentum, 323. 10. 

Lotium, 323. 2. 

Liican, birth and death of, 336-a 

Lucanica, 186. 8. 

Lucrina ostrea, 149. 3 ; 243. 3. 

Lucrine, boats on the, 531. 13. 

Ludi magistri, 669. 1. 

Ludi saeciilares, 160. 7. 

Ludia, 233. 10. 

Lues (cancer)^ 50. 6. 

Lunata frons, 410. 22. 

pellis, 25. 31. 

Lupata, 53. 4. 
Lupus (piscis), 459. 6. 
Luscinius, 379. 8. 
Lycambes, 330. 6. 
Lychnis (gemma), 196. 6. 
Lygdos, 296. 21. 


Macellum, 554. 3. 
Madidus =: doctus, 359. 5. 
= lautus, 341. 5. 

Maeles, 537. 18. 



Ifammae suminis, 82. 2. 

Mandrae, 231. 7 ; 371. 8. * 

Manes dare, 640. 4. 

Mantele, 655. 12. 

Mauua, ' handy-work,' 181. 3. 

Mapalia, 523. 7. 

Mappae, stolen at banquets, 655. 1. 

Marbles, used in baths, 296 ; 486. 

, various kinds of, 296 ; 486. 

Marcellianum, 78. 5. 
Marcia aqua, 296. 18 ; 455. 6. 
Mars ultor, 359. 4. 
Marsua, Mai-suas, 94. 8. 
Marsus, 99. 3; 102.5. 
Massyli equites, 457. 14. 
Matcn-sellers, 21. 4. 
Mattea, 554. 4. 
Manri orbes, 457. 5 ; 673 6. 
Mausoleum Caesaris, 359. 5. 

in Caria, 694. 5. 

Melandrya, 156. 7. 
Melimela, 23. 4 ; 339. 7. 
Memhrana, 1. 3; 62. 15. 
Mensae (movabletop8),357; 476.7. 

primae, &c., 603. 8. 

Mentum, 579. 6 

Meta casei, 23. 7. 

Metreta, 226. 7. 

Mica (Mausoleo proxima), 93. 1. 

Minerva, worshipped at Aiba, 160. 5. 

Minutal, 603. 11. 

Missio, 655.7; 701.3. 

Mithridaticum (venenum), 267. 1. 

Molae salsae, 362. 5. 

Molorchus, 198. 30. 

Months, named after the emperors, 

445. 1—4. 
Morio, 395. 
Mulli bilibres, 139.5; 616. 9. 

(gnindes), 87. 11 ; 532. 3. 

Murra maculosa, 570. 1. 
— , mun-ina, 211. 1 ; 476. 14. 


Namia, hridge of, 384. 8. 
Nasutus, 690. 1. 
Natare, natari, 175. 3. 
Natus ex se, non natus, &c., 529. 4. 
Naumachia, 4. 1 ; 700. 12. 
Nec = ne quidem. 257. 5. 
Neptune, fi-escoes in temple of, 72. 6. 
Neronianae thermae, 129. 4. 
Keronianum argentum, 669. 8. 

Nerva, a poet, 459. 
Nicorotiana, 302. 3. 
Nidus (librorum), 62. 15; 333. 6. 
Niliacus cataplus, 678. 1. 
Nilotis rosa, 316. 1. 

tunica, 512. 7. 

Nimium minor, &c., 388. 7. 

Nitela, 243. 8. 

Nives infusae vino, 259. 2 ; 467. 8 ; 

647. 6. 
NoUe aliquem, 5. 5. 
Nomas, 426. 8 ; 486. 8. 
Nomenculator, 531. 23. 
Notare librum, 2. 10, 
Notarii, 250. 2;55. 4. 
Nuces (pro alea), 237. 8 ; 272. 1 ; 

690. 7. 
Nummularius, 669. 8. 


Oceanus (seat-keeper),232. 4 ; 278. 
Odrysii, 375. 1. 

Ofrula,offella, 545. 15 ; 663. 17. 
Olives, colour of ripe, 37. 8. 

, leaves of goldeu or gilt, 

458. 1. 

, left hanging tillfrost, 343. 4. 

, Picenian, 23. 8 ; 361. 5. 

OUares uvae, 335. 9. 
Olympias = lustinim, 319. 8 ; 350. 8. 
Onvx, 296. 14. 
Ophites lapis, 296. 15. 
Opimianum vinum, 15. 7 ; 494. 1. 
Orbes citrei, 437. 5 ; 476. 7. 
Orciniana sponda, 511. 9. 
Oxygarum, 143. 4. 


Paenula, 91. 3. 
Paestum biferum, 656. 3. 
Papnica, 168. 7 ; 344. 7. 
Palatine, temple and libranr of. 

640. 7. 
Palladia Alba, 215. 1. 
Pallas, conscia Jovis, 279. 9. 
, cultus of, by Domitian, 215 ; 

446. 10. 
Palnia, foribus affixa^ 342. 6. 
Palmata toga, 326. 8. 
Palus (in gymnastics), 344. 8. 
PanariA, 248. 10. 

Pipet, lucd for lighl 
Puapiid». 603. la 
Pmnuu TeUen. B7. t. 

- ^TCget, 180. 

foT lightiiig pjra, 562. ] 


Putliu» uilk, 363. 2: 449. S: 

616. l. 
FuthBniu*, 217. 2. 
Pailhi pil»ti, 563. 5. 
pMserCilulli, 165. U. 
PuBrinut ennui. 339. 10. 
Pedet, a pedil.ui <Kryi), 128. 2. 
Pr«u,4IO. 3; ^6.3. 
Peloria. 280. 6. 
Penduli Setii. 198. 33. 
PeoNO, 132. 3. 

.), 276. 

Petua, 156. 6. 

Petiumm. 105. 7. 

Phudiodtia siitta, 176. 1. 

Phariaju<ena.545. I. 

PhMnirim merfhBni», diifcoDeitr of, 

519.7; 336. 1. 
Phoenii, 302, 2; 449. 4. 
PiceixK.213.7', 361.5. 
PiU, 168. 5; 344.7. 

~ rtiu, 34. 12; G5. i; 


D.365. S 

ptimae, 574. 4. 

tuurorum). 87. . 

Pileiu >t SatumaliB. 593. 4 ; 693. 2. 

Pinguil onyi. 296! 14^ 

log». 168. 1 ; 280. 7. 

PiperttuL 430. 4. 
Pin, 23. 5 ; 269. 13. 
Pinu, ui ^rum, 62. 6. 

PiMilH, 1&. 13. 

1 of, 517. 4 ; 657. 17. 


, 27. 9, 

e in, 517. 6 

ir, 582. 3. 
. . , dHiih pf, 263, ] ; S66. 
, lhealrcor.278;64B.ll. 

e, capiUIuin, 141. 8. 
_..j|niB,314. 1-3. 
Philippi, 248, 12. 
Poriieui pDOipeii, 72. 10. 

prcflied u booUi, 28. 3; 
libenui), 263. 1, 

PnccoDea. 277 ; 251.11 
Pr«dL«, 133. 2. 
Pneli. 39, 3. 
Pnetorium, 669. I. 

PnEDiiiticui. 677. 6. 
PruinBt>cdo,615. 23 
Prelium tcere. 476, 2 

P — i , fii6. 8. 

.., 269. 3, 

MmleMii, 539. 5, 

PuMulatum argentum, 378, 7 ; 424. 6. 
i>..»^. 1 1 o 9 

Qaadn, 166, 3 ; 497. 18. 

QuaestorM parricidii, 
Quartanafetrit, 567, 

0.6; 418.8. 
18, 564. 6. 
16, 2; 63. 

= quitpiim, 371. 12. 




Rabirius architectns, 363. 

Radere spongia, 303. 4. 

Reda, 141. 5. 

RegelatuB, 594. 6. 

Rc^^um (regis domus), 182. 3; 

656. 8., 
Resaluto, 561. 5. 
Resina, 657. 21. 
Resinatum vinum, 156. 8. 
Revocare = mutuo invitare, 130. 1. 
Rhinocerotis nasus, 2. 6 ; 697. 2. 
RhoecuB Centaurus, 390. 7. 
Rhonci, 2. 5. 
Rogator, 175. 13; 511.4. 
RoguB = cinerefl defuiicti, 487. 8. 
Roses (winter), 436. 
Rudis, rudiarii, 134. 10 ; 701. 9. 
Rumpi invidia, 501. 
Rus suhurbanum Martialis, 601. 
Ruta, 617. 8. 


Sacer, sanctns, 461. 5. 

Saccare vinum, 85. 5; 259. 2; 

Saffron-water, 234. 7. 
Sagum, 280. 8. 
Sagunti synthesis, 186. 15. 
Salamandra. 96. 7. 
Salarii, 21. 8 ; 212. 9. 
Salarium, 114. 6. 
Salo, 25. 12. 
Sanctus. 461. 5. ' 
Sandapila, 103. 2. 
Sapa, 361. 6. 
Saprophagis (oraxpo^aycTf), 156. 

Sarcinae, 70. 8. 

Sardinian honey, 499. 1. 

Sardonychatus, 78. 2. 

Sardonyx, 196. 6. 

Sarmatae, coi^quered by Domitian, 

505. 17. 

lacte eqaino pasti, 696. 4. 

Saasina, 23. 7 ; 148. 35. 
Satumalia, five days of, 213. 2; 

Scheda, 214. 4. 

Schola uoetarum, 125. 8 ; 196. 3. 
-^— (rhetorum), 94. 7. 

Scindere (to oarve), 157. 2. 
Sciuras,243. 13. 
Scombri, 212. 8. 
Scorpus, 200. 5 ; 234. 10. 
Scrinium, 1. 3. 
Scripulum, 229. 12. 
Scutula, 438. 7. 
Scythae pellis, 557. 8. 
Secundus alicui, 341. 2. 

criticus, 1.7; 271. 7. 

fenerator, 383. 3. 

Sedere = equitem esse, 248. 1. 

Sella, 516. 7. 

Sellariolus, 264. 3. 

Semita, 365. 4. 

Seni fasces (pi-aetoris), 636. 15. 

Senio, 690. 6. 

Septa, 476. 1. 

Septicianum argentum, 213. 3: 

438. 6. 
Sei*vi ad pedes, 128. 2. 
Servittts (agri), 61. 6. 
Setine wine, 517. 5. 
SeveruB, 86. 13. 

criticu», 271. 622. 

Seztantes (calices), 654. 1. 

Shaving, booths for, 365. 7. 

Sica, 122. 2. 

Sidere percussus, 383. 9. 

Siesta, hour of, 161. 4. 

Sigma, 545. 6. 

Silius, jpoet and orator, 366 ; 614-5. 

Sinus (togae). 10. 10 ; IIQ. 6. 

Slaves, cost of, 199. 9. 

Smaragdos, 222. 1. 

Snakes, destroyed by stags, 655. 5. 

Snow-water, 104. 1. 

Solea, 143. 3. 

Soleatus, 682. 6. 

Sophos, (rod>(tfv, grande, magnum, 

5. 7 ; 37. 10. 
Sordidus, 29. 4. 
Sortes (a raffle), 693. 5. 
Sotadica carmina, 105. 2. 
Spartan marbles, 29. 5. 
Specularia, 396. 3. 
Splenia, 78. 9. 
Sponda,511. 91;621. 5. 
Spondyli. 335. 14. 
Spongia, 162. 5. 
Sponsio (betting), 588. 15. 
Sportula (abolished), 114. 

: — given to consuls, 516. 1. 

major, 419. 1 ; 529. 3. 

Spuma Batav», 410. 20. 



Stagnum Neronis, 695. 6. 

Statues, faces of gilded, 234. 10. 

Stigmata, 551. 6 ; 631. 13. 

Stiria, 347. 5. 

Stolae = matronae, 511. 1. 

Stragula, 7'6. 1. 

Subuotare, 15. 5. 

Subsellia equitum, 219. 2. 

Subura, 74. 1 ; 649. 5. 

Sucinum, 153. 5 ; 243. 11. 

Sudarium, 611. 3. 

av>^a /i*|i(^eiv, 244. 3. 

Sulphur, keeps ivorv white, 331. 1. 

matches, 509. 3 ; 669. 14. 

springs, 297. 2. 

at Tibur, 331. 

Sulphurata (ramento), 21. 4 ; 509. 3. 
Sumen, 373. 3; 545. 12. 
Summoenianae uxores, 657. 22. 
Supinum carmen, 105. 1. . 
Supposititius, 233. 8. 
Supremus, 696. 6. 
Sutiles coronae, 316. 8. 

rosae, 259. 4. 

Synnadicum marmor, 486. 8. 
Synthesis, 89. 4; 270. 2 ; 693. 1. 

Sagunti, 186. 15. 

Syra lagona, 186. 9. 
Syrma, 188. 8 ; 688. 4. 


Tabellae, l. 3. 

Tabellas reddere, 506. 1. 

Tacere aliquem, 413. 2. 

Tagus aurifer, 380. 7 ; 581. 3. 

Talus, 165.9; 199. 15. 

Tarentos (in Campo), 160. 8 ; 33. 2. 

Tarentum, white wool of, 87. 3; 

243. 2. 
Tarpeia frons, 446. 8. 
Tartessus, 478. 1. 
Tata = pater, 49. 1. 
Tecta (via), 112. 5. 
Teeth, stoppiug of, 551. 3. 
Teges, 621. 5. 
Tessara, talus, 199. 15. 
Tessera (in tbeatro), 441. 13. 
Testudinei lecti, 476. 9 ; 673. 5. 
Tetricus, 522. 14. 

Theatres, principal Roman, 548. 11. 
Theophila, 370. 1. 
Thessalian witches, 460. 9. 
Theta norum (mortis), 347. 2. 

Theti8 = mare, 531. 11 

Tiber, inundation of. 573. 6. 

Tigersin the amphitheatra, 406. 

Tigris (equtts), 329. 10. 

Titi thei-mae, 125. 15. 

Toga, disused tn rurej 199. 3 ; 544 

5; 581.12. 
~— flammaris, 229. 12. 

nivea, 178. 2; 469. 8. 

pexa, 88. 1. 

picta, palmata, 326. 8. 

rasa, 104. 3. 

sudatrix, 648. 5. 

= membrana. 579. 4. 

Togata opera, 140. 1. 

Togati at thc Satumalia, 287. 

(clientes), 100. 1. 

Togatuli. 565. 3. 

Toguk, 132. 3 ; 504. 5. 

Tomentum, 621. 9. 

Tomus, 32. 3. 

Tonsile porrum. 545. 9. 

Toreuma, 390. 15 ; 575. 16 ; 597. 1. 

Toxica (of bad wiuesj, 12. 6; 322. 3. 

Traduco, 28. 3. 

Tribulis, 469. 7. 

Tricae, 152. 14. 

Trientes dimidii, 593. 9. 

Trigon, 168. 5 ; 371. 9. 

Triplices, 361. 3 ; 371. 2. 

Tropa, 165. 9. 

Tropis, 682. 11. 

Tniila, 500. 1. 

TuUus et Lucanus fratres, 19. 1« 

Tune? 389.11. 

Tunica molesta, 212. 8. 

Turdi, 141. 10. 

Tuscum vinum, 15. 6. 


Ubicunque = ubioue, 1. 1. 
Udus = potor, 67o. 4. 
Umbilici, 32. 11 ; 67. 11 ; 110. ft 
Umbo = cubitus, 140. 5. 
Umbrians, wenUh of, 361. 1. 
Uncti dies, 593. 1. 
Ungere mortuum, 118. 4. 
Unguents, used in baths, 517. 4. 
Unio, 443. 4. 
Urceus, 621. 3. 
Uva (uvula), 551. 5. 
Uvaeserae, 23. 3; 148.9. 




yadimoniuin, 435. 3. 

Varus, 344. 9. 

Vatinian ware, 509. 4. 

Vatius, 476. 1. 

Vela theatri, 464. 6. 

Velle aliquem, 5. 6. 

Venafrum, oil of, 672. 1. 

Venenum = pui^pura, 407. 9. 

Veneta factio, 298. 1 ; 545. 23. 

Venire (ad cenam), 545. 5. 

Veredu8,645. 1. 

Vema = scmTa, 21. 2 ; 25. 24 ; 

109. 6. 
Vernaculi, 509. 1. 
Vesica, 410. 19. 
Vespillones, 439. 9. 
Vestis = tunica, 648. 18. 
Via Tecta, 112. 6. 
Vicai'iu8, 75. 7. 
Vinum cousulare, 374. 1. 

Laletanum, 15. 9. 

Opimianum, 15. 7. 

resinatum, 156. 8. 

Setinum, 320. 1 ; 424. 19. 

. Tuscum, Vatlcanum, 12. 2 ; 

322. 3. 

Vcientanum, 52. 9. 

Vipera, tame, 21. 7 ; 156. 8. 

Vipsanae porticus, 72. 10; 124. 1; 

167. 1. 
Vireo aqua, 296. 18; 230. 9; 344. 

Viru8 = toter odor, 323. 7. 

Vitelliaiji, 67. 6. 

Vitis (centurionnm), 528. 1. 

Vis (volo), 447. 4. 

VispiUo, 17. 1. 

Vivere, = vita frui, 52. 12 ; 106. 3 

Vividum merum, 390. 12. 

Vocative for nominative, 34. 2. 

Volitare (in publicum prodire)^ 2 

Volsi, volsellae, 78. 6. 
Voltureb = captatores, 307. 4. 
Volva, 335. 11. 


Xantbus (equus), 402. 7. 
Xenia, 690. 


Zmaraedos, 222. 1. 
ZoUiwrsO?; 270. 








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