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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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people. just watch a college basketball championship game and what that looks like for me as a fan, as a player, as a business relationship, there is a following if you build it, it will come. we know that saying they are there, this is a moment in time where people are paying attention to what's happening in college basketball and women's professional basketball. why not take this momentum that we have? been able to see over these last few months. and partner and to me, this is a perfect relationship because women who play sports more specifically than any other industry in my opinion, are constantly worried about what happens if i have a child, what about my reproductive health will not be able to work? what systems are in place for me, this is a constant conversation that's being had in the wnba and other professional sports leagues for women, this is a perfect marriage, if you will, in terms of advocacy and getting the word out and giving these women the power, putting it back in
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their hands. >> yeah. family planning is important for so many women and obviously for athletes, as you said we are having this moment in women's sports, no doubt. how does this change the conversation around access to contraception? do you think kerry? >> the conversation now, especially since roe versus wade was overturned, i think the conversation has always gamble. where do i fit in? where's the power for me as a woman who, again, this partnership was targeting anyone who could at the ages of which they could be pregnant. three, the conversation now is i have the power i should be able to share this information with other people. i should be able to take care of myself in a way in which i feel is needed. i don't feel that many women in the wnba more specifically thought that they had the proper the proper health care, nor did they have the proper information for them to partner the wnba to partner with oak hill really bold move
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>> they are making a >> statement in a lot of ways. and for so long and i don't know if the wnba had the attention desert, but for so long these women have been advocates, they had been at the forefront of so many social issues. and i think that this is a really empowering moment. not only because women's sports is having this proper time in which they are being praised and honor for the work that they do. but there is a new generation of young women, girls, young girls watching these ladies play and think, okay, i will do that. these women are heroes in effect, in so many instances and so now they're saying it's okay to have this conversation about reproductive health. it's okay to talk about birth control. it's okay to be informed about your body and have a say-so in the process, this is a bold move to me for the wnba as well as open and carry. you mentioned that the previous >> causes that female athletes especially have stood up and voiced a specific position on
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an advocacy for previously we've seen some blowback, some criticism for taking those positions. do you imagine that there might be some criticism now? for this >> i absolutely do. and i wanna i wanna take a moment to give kudos to cathy engelbert. she's the commissioner of the wnba. i think that the these women and by the way, the wnba is comprised of women from all over this world. it is the one of the mic diversely going to be most diverse leagues my opinion that we have when it comes to women's sports >> and for the commissioner >> to take a stance that says we have a say over our bodies is going to be something that other people, especially conservative groups, won't necessarily be particularly happy about and the messaging that it's sending into middle america and people who feel like this should not be he should not have access when we should not have access to over the counter birth control. this particular conversation is going to force the wnba to talk about other issues that are on
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the precipice for them in terms of politics, because i know that they are specifically creating initiatives that go with voting. they creating initiatives that gold education. they're creating initiatives at the collegiate level. this partnership will create initiatives at the collegiate level that tell women that they have to really take part of this process. and people were not going to want to hear about it. there are those who don't believe that we should have opill. they are those who don't believe, obviously, as we saw, roe versus wade overturned. but this should be a conversation for. the wnba to take a side essentially it's going to put them, there's gonna be some blowback, but i don't think it's going to be the type of bowl black that will make them back down. this is something that is so important for women and women's rights. and i am in this moment saying, i am proud of the wnba because for so long quiet. they didn't want to say too much. they've been in the middle. they've taken a stance of neutral, and now they're taking their power back as they've been given the
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power because they are having such a powerful moment in this country right now when it comes to basketball, and i love that they're taking this momentum and using it towards something that they truly we believe it >> carried champion, always great to get your perspective. thanks, keri >> cnn, breaking news we're following breaking news out of arizona after the state supreme court there, how to historic ruling just moments ago that would >> ban nearly all abortions we're learning. and this has come together quite quickly. that vice president kamala harris will now be visiting arizona on friday as the white house makes reproductive rights a pillar of the biden reelection campaign. pain. >> today's decision, reverting >> back to a 123 year-old arizona law that can be traced even further back to the civil war and it would enforce some of the most extreme abortion restrictions. there are, there is an exception in the case of saving the life of the mother,
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and this would punish abortion providers with a penalty of o2 five years in prison. here's the state's governor, katie hobbs talking about the ruling we're having a problem, a technical problem there with the sound. >> yeah, i will try to get that fixed as soon as possible. the case is just the latest high profile example of the battle over abortion access and the role that it's played in several states since the us supreme court overturned roe versus wade back in 2022 we had white house press secretary karine john pearce speaking on that in the last hour let's try and play that sound like >> what today's decision. millions of arizonans will soon face an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban than they did before this arizona law, which was initially enacted in 18, 64, more than
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150 years here's a fails to protect women even when their health is at risk. when the president's predecessor handicapped three supreme court justices to open returned roe v. wade it paved the way for the chaos and confusion we're seeing play out across the country today >> there is almost no doubt that this decision by the state supreme court could have huge electoral consequences. we're covering the story from all angles joining us now is cnn's kevin liptak cnn correspondent sunlen serfaty is standing by and we are also with cnn's alayna treene, kevin, first to you, what are we hearing from the biden team about this decision? they almost right away put up it's interesting just how quickly they jumped on this ruling. and as you mentioned, brianna, vice president kamala harris in the very moments after this it was announced, they announced that she would be heading to arizona on friday to talk about this very issue. it's a continuation of what they're calling her reproductive rights
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tour. she has really been sort of the lead for the administration for the biden campaign to end talking about this issue. and she just put out a statement pinning direct blame on this decision. and on donald trump himself saying that by his own admission, there's one person responsible for these kinds of rulings, which is donald trump. >> and the fact that >> this is coming only a day after trump revealed this abortion position, that he thinks it should be the right of states to decide how this issue should be resolved. the really pointing to that and saying that that kind of position allows this sort of rule to go into effect in arizona. and so you really do see them seizing on in this issue and certainly they do very much believed that this will be a galvanizing issue for their voters in november, for women, for progressive democrats, for moderates, all of whom who, who really think that this issue should be left to women to decide and they have been really ramping up that message up over the last several months.
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>> white, house fired out that statement so quickly very coarse silk paula reid saying, did it come with confetti? but there was someone who beat the white house and that was ruben gallego so who is running in a very contested senate race in arizona kari lake also coming out with a statement not too long after that saying to the republican, she's saying that she opposes the arizona abortion ruling, which really speaks alayna to just how difficult in issue this is. it seems like she's looking at this saying, while this may have just cost me this election, if this fans, i mean, i think she very much recognizes how varna hello ball republicans are on this issue also in that statement lake said that she agrees with donald trump and his position on thinking that this is a state issue. she also said that she opposes federal funding for abortion, but she also opposes a federal ban on abortion. again kind of surprising coming
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from the very conservative kari lake, the republican senate candidate. but luck i think one person we haven't heard from yet is donald trump. and this is going to be very difficult for him. him and his team to navigate honestly, the time is pretty remarkable after his statement yesterday, really clarifying that his position is to seed the abortion issue, to the states. and of course, it comes as a lot of people on the road right? we're very angry with him, not coming out and specifying a national abortion ban after certain number of weeks, many people pressuring him over the past couple of months on trying to embrace a 15 week ban, but it's also of course angering the left and democrats. and even though this is, i know from my conversations with trump's team, the politically safe place for him to land. they also recognize that this allows a lot of democrats to continue blaming him for these types of laws, even though of course he saying this is up to the state's, we should point out. >> the vice president, kamala harris, who as you noted, kevin, his headed to arizona.
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she put out a statement recently saying or in the last few minutes i should say that the one person responsible for this decision by the arizona supreme court is donald trump. i want to go back for a moment because you just expressing the very latest coming from trump world, his decision to not specify his position on abortion and essentially say it's up to the state's kevin, you and i cover the white house together and he did have this sort of ambiguous position going back all the way to 2016 when he essentially said that if republican voters back tim in elected him, he would nominate justices to the supreme court that would overturn roe versus wade. so he hasn't been specific, but it's the valve that he's made from very early on. yeah. and you can go back earlier than 2016 at one point donald trump said that he was very pro life and he has shifted over the years as far as the politics goes and this is a candidate and a president who has always sort of adopted the politically appropriate stance on this, instead of trying to go to the
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hard-right of his party, he has adopted a politically convenient stance, and that's just what he did yesterday when it comes to the biden folks, i think that they are really viewing in this as a way to try and get people to the polls, whether it's an arizona, whether it's in florida, all of these states where this will now be an issue on the ballot in november, this it's good drive people to the voting booth who wouldn't necessarily be motivated to vote in an election that many voters say that they're not enthusiastic about this year. this is an issue that they think can be driving force. and you saw that yesterday, they've put up this minute long ad with a woman who wasn't able to receive an abortion while she was having a miscarriage and she's suffered some very serious medical consequences because of that. they do think that this is an issue that goes beyond the left and right, that there are a lot of moderate to think that overturning roe versus wade, that the trump stance just isn't in the mainstream and there are a lot of women and a lot of menn two who think that this is an issue who were the
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politics where the precedent should have been decided in an ad been decided that they're concerned about what would happen next >> you alayna, kevin, thank you so much to both you >> let's discuss this further with dr. jill gibson. she's the chief medical director for plant parenthood arizona dr. thank you so much for being with us your organization was party to this case. what's your reaction to this ruling >> we are absolutely outraged. and infuriated at this decision that came out today with a near-total phil abortion beyond from the arizona supreme court this is going to have absolutely unbelievable consequences for the patients and our community. and we just cannot be more i cannot say enough how dire the situation is going to be for the patients who need to access abortion here in arizona >> sentences >> in this bill which is extremely old or not this bill, sorry, this old law of two to
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five years for providers, this is this is very serious and this goes into who effect very quickly. so dr. gibson, tell us how planned parenthood in the state, how other providers are, how this is going to impact the services because they provide and how quickly that's going to kick in >> right? what i can share with you all is that this is very similar to the decisions that we as medical we'll providers and physicians had to face in the days after the dobbs decision which is basically that rather than being in my health center providing health care and abortion for my patients. i'm having having to be on the phone with my legal team trying to decide what is permissible in this completely chaotic environment. what i can say is that planned parenthood stores will remain open we will provide and abortion services for every day that it is possible under this near total abortion ban. and that we will continue to fight an every other way to provide all the other essential health services that patients are going to need more than ever. now with this abortion ban in place, dr. you
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sort of alluded to some of the confusion that is created by the parameters of this law. because on paper it seems simple. the exception to protect the life of a mother but that gets very grant it gets very complicated as we heard from kevin a moment ago describing the woman in texas was now part of that a political ad what is your understanding of? the guidance in the law? does it specify anything related to what it actually entails in carrying out your medical practice >> what i want to be really clear about is that legal ease and laws that are written by politicians and legislators do not capture the he wants that is involved with caring for each individual patient. it's impossible to extrapolate this archaic language and try and put that onto the care that we need to deliver. each patient that comes to us is presenting a unique circumstance that has
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to be handled individually between the patient and the provider this interference and this just egregious continued attempts to basically interfere with that relationship must stop. providers need to be able to take care of their patients without fear for legal repercussions and criminals station. >> dr. gibson, what kind of phone calls can you tell us if you've been getting an increase of them at the clinics there and in arizona i. >> mean what, i can tell you guys, i'm here today providing abortion services and patients are already hearing news about the total abortion ban and they're literally asking me if we're gonna be able to provide the care that they are seeking for them today it's unbelievably devastating to have to look at patients and tell them that i have all the skills and all the medical training and all the ability to care for them but because some justices on our supreme court have decided to dictate the course of their lives. i will shortly have to be turning them away from the care that they want and need we know what's going to happen when to these
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patients we've seen what happens in states where abortion is already banned. patients there that are pregnant are more than three times as likely to die during pregnancy, childbirth, and soon after delivery this is the sentence that the arizona supreme court is now imposing on patients in arizona >> dr. gibson we really appreciate your time today if planned parenthood in arizona. thank you so much >> thank you >> still would come former president donald trump is trying to delay the historic criminal trial in manhattan cnn is not getting a first look at what prospective jurors for the trial could be asked as it inches closer to next week start date the leaf with jake tapper today it for cnn >> it looks complicated. >> that's why vision works, organizes our frames by hape and price so it's simple to find a pair. you'll love. >> there are the shapes. that's the price
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parts fanelli, sunday at nine on cnn >> former president donald trump's two latest request to postpone is hush money trial has been denied. so that means a jury selection is on track for monday in manhattan and we've learned with the potential jurors are going to be asked. >> yeah, it's pretty interesting. we have cnn's paula reid tracking all of this. what else can we expect here in these last days before? trial the trump team, they're going to >> try anything they possibly can any piece of spaghetti they can throw at the walls if anything will stick to help them delay this case. at this point, it doesn't appear that there's any obvious challenge that is going to result in a delay. but never say never so it's supposed to be the second week of this criminal trial. it was delayed after an unexpected batch of evidence was shared in discovery from federal prosecutors. so there's always a chance, but right? right now, it does appear that this trial, the first criminal prosecution of a former president in the united states on track to start monday, walk us through the
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questionnaire because the questions themselves of perspective, jurors are revealing. >> yeah, it's interesting what a daunting task to try to select a jury for our case like this. now the questionnaire was released yesterday. it's over dozen pages and the questions ranged from where do you live to where do you get your news? have you were anyone close to you ever worked for the trump organization? anyone around trump also questions about membership in certain extremist groups like the oath keepers. now, these are similar questions to what we saw in the e jean carroll case. these are all questions that lawyers hope help them select a jury in this case. and i want to warn people this could take a while more than a few days. is these weeks in this trial also only for day weeks, no court on wednesday. we also have a few religious holidays in the next few weeks. so it could take a few weeks, again, not full weeks is only a few days in these weeks before they're able to seat a jury in this case. >> now to trump's immunity claims, which are of course are headed for the supreme court.
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we've been awaiting this. what does special counsel jack smith's filing here tell us? about what we may hear later that this is the only thing that can distract from that big criminal trial. the biggest supreme court case of the year here, jack smith is urging the justices to dismiss the sweeping claim of immunity that trump this making. they're saying, look, this is a novel claim the founding fathers did not contemplate a world in which the president could never be criminally prosecuted in this filing last night, he said, all former president then it's understood once they left the white house, they could potentially face criminal repercussions, quote, no one is above the law. now, trump has given the justices interests similarly, this sort of off-ramp. he's also said, well, if you don't organize full immunity, maybe there's a partial immunity and you should kick it back down to the trial court and we should talk about these issues. so it's gonna be really interesting to see these arguments in about two weeks. >> you kind of touched on it there, but what other potential scenarios are there to get an a decision from the court? >> this is going to be fascinating because even
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members of trump's own legal team will tell you they don't expect his going to get a full win like he did on that question of ballot eligibility from the justices they'll certainly take that off ramp. but even if he loses mean we don't expect to get this decision until late june. that leaves only four months between that decision potentially and the election the justice department has said that they are willing to take this case to trial, even in those weeks and months really close to the election. first, i think that could set off a whole new set of legal challenges. but by not taking this up months ago, when jack smith asked the justices to do so and resolving the issue once and for all the supreme court has made it difficult for the special counsel, even if they win here, to bring them this case before the election, why is the elections so important while trump is re-elected, he can make both of these federal cases go away >> i'm shocked. i may have missed it, but i don't think we said delay delay, delay i tried not to wet, so i forget >> supreme court. i mean, they're really helping trump
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delay that that federal case it's one of the ones that we really thought was going to go. >> yeah. paula reid. thanks so much for walk us through that. appreciate it so there is pressure building republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is trying to ramp up support for her idea to oust the leader of the house. she just sat down with cannon's manu raju. he's going to join us now, live for an interview. and just moments >> sunday night those space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia? both final flight >> sunday starting at eight on cnn, bought the i'll put it on my chase freedom unlimited car, and i'm a cashback on a few other things to garda with the sound system hey is back like a pro would chase freedom unlimited. how do you catch back
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>> they'll >> online to get 50% off your first application. >> hi i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn
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>> republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene just spoke to cnn hours after she sent out a scathing rebuke house speaker mike johnson, the house got back from a two-week break today and republicans return to a letter from the congresswoman from georgia escalating her call for johnson's ouster from the speakership she also said, she would quote, not tolerate johnson's expected request to drum up more aid for ukraine. greene has been outraged that johnson cut a deal with democrats to avoid a government shutdown. last month, she made the first step to force a floor vote to push him out. now, cnn's manu raju just spoke to congresswoman and green and he joins us live from capitol hill. manu, what did she share with you? >> well, she made very clear that she is not backing off or efforts use plain to lay the groundwork for a vote for his ouster but she would not say what exactly would propel her. tzachi call for that boat. she
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ward, mike johnson not to move ahead on aid to ukraine, for instance, saying that that essentially that we making the case for her if she appeared to go that route, but would not go as far as the saying that that's specifically as the red line. she said she wants to make the case during colleagues in her view, by johnson has been nothing more than a democratic speaker of the house. >> the question we e didn'say whether or not er? have b make clear. she's uld ready to move ahead at the appropriate time so you sa this letter out to your coeague kind of response have you goen? musli support. 's been prty increble. everyone's flying into town today tt i haven't spoken with everyone. but moos the members i've talked tagree with what i've relieved. i've said it and i been heard within the ranks of leadership. there's agreement, there so there's >> agreement from members of the leadership. or winter said
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ladder with much of what i said in the letter this is difficult to do. this is not what i would like to be doing, but i believe it's necessary. it's this isn't a personal attack against mike johnson now for a staff in any way but mike johnson has completely betrayed our conference in his leadership cannot be allowed to continue going forward. and just manner what is you've been saying that since you introduce this resolution, a couple of weeks go. what's holding you back from actually calling for a vote here? >> why do you know manu? i really respect my conference and in my letter, i laid out how i am i'm a team player and the ways that i have supported our majority, i'm one of the few members that has paid all of my in rcc dues. i fought for this majority. i'm fighting for the next majority. i know how critical that is. and in doing so, i don't want to throw our conference into chaos mike johnson has already done that. we are a conference and chaos right now because our republican speaker of the house is passing major bills without
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the majority of the the majority support. and doing so respecting my conference and the other members in the conference, i need to communicate with them. and so i wrote that letter today laying out all the reasons with specific examples that no one can argue with so that they can understand my reasoning. have time to think it over and we can come together and start talking about this. also put it out publicly because i think it's important for the americ people to read. i don't want them to just see us up herfighting constantly because one of the things that people one is they want us to figure out how to get along and washington work together a do the right thing. and, you know, i come from a business background and the way you get a job done for your customers. i've used the american people as our customers is we have to work together. so this letter to my colleagues is the beginning of that. first we admit the problem first we admit the wrongs, and then we come up with a plan for change. i'm working on the changes that i would like to see and i'll be proposing with my
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colleagues i look forward to talking with them about that is changes in terms of specific people would be the next speaker of the house. >> i haven't gotten to th step yet, but at may b something i'm toward of course, that would bprivat conversations and our conference i personally uld lo it if a speaker oe house haen by a public like vote, but it's not that way. the speaker of the house is choseby t mority and controlling congress. and that is a private vote that starts within the conference itself. so those are conversations we have to have privately. first but you know what, i'm very transparent with the people. i will be communicating my thoughts sen. and plans going forward. of course, with my district. that's why i had a town hall last night before i came to washington this week but we have to make a change and we have to actually follow through in ashton, what are words say the most important >> are you worried about your
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he saw what happened last fall, this being chaotic 22 days and beyond people to get behind another speak. are you worried about chaos in the middle of an election year? >> well, of course, i'm worried about chaos in an election year. mike johnson has put us into chaos. do you realize? they said all of my colleagues had to go back to their districts and campaign on the fact that our republican elected speaker past the biden agenda that he funded the department i'm going to justice that has 91 federal indictments against president trump that he funded the fba fbi that right at mar-lago that he funded biden's open border, which it's a number one issue in america? yes, we are in chaos. and that's coming from mike johnson, our republican elected speaker. and my concerned about a contentious difficult three-and-a-half weeks electing a speaker? absolutely. i was miserable during that time. all of us work. i'm not going to throw our conference into chaos. i will not give our majority to the democrats, but i will work this process respectfully with my colleagues. but i am not
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backing away of leading this and i'm not backing down from having them it's difficult conversations. that's what comes with leadership and my colleagues need to be ready and be prepared for that >> one conversation that she has not had yet is with the speaker of the house himself. mike johnson. thank they were supposed to speak on friday, but that didn't happen. and i asked marjorie taylor-greene, line not she said, well, because she wanted to have a town hall with her constituents first, that happened yesterday. she said she's ready to meet with them going forward. i also asked her about her conversations with donald trump. do you did not want to reveal or conversations with him about this topic? he did say that she spoke with trump today. i asked her if trump is behind this whether or, not, he's trying to dissuade her in any way. she suggested that perhaps he is not dissuading her on this topic at this moment. so that is one dynamic to watch here. and also the big dynamic, how much support she actually have run. so many republicans saw what happened
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last bar, in an historic and unprecedented ouster of kevin mccarthy. do they? we have the gut to go through that again in an election year. and what will democrats do? will they come to johnson's defense, especially if he moves forward with aid to ukraine. so that is the big question, something that johnson has to navigate. how to democrats respond, how old republicans, just bombing and builders aid package will go marjorie taylor greene, do all huge issues and problems for this paper potentially way more chaos ahead. mondo, a couple of things i find it fascinating that in her response to you, she said that this wasn't a personal attack on speaker johnson, and then she went on to describe his action by coming to this deal with democrats as a betrayal she calls him a democrat, which maga world is, is a pejorative. it's almost offensive, right i'm wondering, as she says, that she's waiting to see what he does on aid to ukraine. what's your understanding of where negotiation stand right now with the conversation stands right now about potentially bringing more
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ukraine aid to the floor yeah. >> it that is uncertain, but we know is that the speaker is trying to move forward with an aid package to play that is different, that will pass the senate. that was a seven $95,000,000,000 bill that passed shoe months ago that included ukraine, israel, and taiwan. eight, it did not have anything to deal with the border mike johnson along with donald trump's killed a bipartisan border security deal. johnson. now let's talk a narrow, that senate aid package on ukraine aid, also trying to add some other provisions in there. i'm putting potentially alone to ukraine as well as some other provisions dealing with the border, border security potentially taught to find that trump era remain in mexico policy. but when i asked her about that too, would you be open to anything about ukraine mondo job we made spear he said that is not gonna do anything to change her mind. in fact, she said that that would make her case for her. so johnson would consider that, but there's so much pressure right
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now on john johnson from senate republicans like mitch mcconnell, who are calling on them to ask for many house republicans like michael mccaul, the house foreign affairs committee chairman, other, ukraine supporters within the house republican conference for demanding action and mike johnson seems to recognize that there needs to be some action on ukraine. he's changes approach this issue from when he was rank-and-file member, now being speaker of the house, potentially because of all those classified briefings, he gets on this very topic. so kenny bridge the byd within the gop. can he placate democrats? you're going to be loaded up with provisions aimed according republicans including on the border. those are all complicated issues and also kidney get it through the house and then back to the senate and over the president's desk in time to make a difference in the war in ukraine, those are all very weighty issues that the speaker has now contemplating. now in trying to navigate within his bitterly divided republican conference. no, yeah, he is vertically very
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narrow, room, two min over here, given the fact that in just a couple of weeks, you'll only have one vote to spare on the republican side of the aisle. so you can see, you can see there dynamics are very complicated to say the least, for my johnson. >> yeah, on top of all of that, the calendar is also an issue because soon a lot of these folks on capitol hill are going to head back to their districts right before autumn to start campaigning for reelection. in november, manu raju, a lot of ground recovered. always appreciate your motto thanks. >> of >> course, still to come. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says no force in the world will stop israel's operation rafah. >> while us >> officials say they are still talking to israa about potential alternatives to an incursion. stay with new central. we're back into smoke once. waiting for something new in kept wanting more and they'll be tuesday on tbs is here he was begins tonight at
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9:30 p.m. on tbs. >> and i love your dress >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i say saved hundreds. >> that's great. >> i know. right. i've been telling everyone >> did you hear that >> i just set her first word. >> can you say mama? >> never >> can you say on how many. people did you tell >> only pay for what you need >> like one barbarous was to turbotax >> i wrote four generations of family tradition i want to make perfume so i mean barbers, new psychic counts. by guaranteeing her maximum refund into interval tax stay ahead of your moderate to severe eczema and show off clear skin and it's with depicts in the number one
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for your free information kit or visit our website today. that's one at 27 closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends step in the future like i did when you hands-free skechers slip. the secret is slip and have an invisible filth in shoe horn so your foot's blinds into place to try skechers slip in happening now, families of americans held hostage by hamas are meeting privately with vice president kamala harris in washington as ceasefire talks are still ongoing. >> and in the meantime, israel is pledging can move ahead with an invasion of the southern gaza city of rafah, where more than 1 million rows refugees are struggling to survive. this is where they have evacuated two and are seeking shelter today, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said no force on earth would stop those plans joining us. now we have the top democrat on the house, armed services committee california congressman john gara, monday, sir, thank you for taking the time to be with us. i do want
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to ask you about house foreign affairs member gregory meeks, who was asked about the signing f on the sale of f 15 fighter jets to rael. he said he's waiting for assurances i'm going to when i go back to washington, dc, i want to make sure i know the types of weapons and what the weapons would be uzed for. >> do you >> agree with him? >> absolutely. he's absolutely correct. we've seen too much we've sn more than 30,000 ongoing war. it simplyas to stop in the ited states should not be sending 2000 pound bombs to israel as simply have toell israel that the horrible advance not only that we're instituted by hamas againsisrael, t then israel's response. i simply
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has to stop and israeli intes to invade rafah, then they absoly ha to do it differtly. otherwise, we shou n move forward with the app 15s whh will, not arrive soon >> but nonheless, very song signal and no more 2,500, 2000 pound bondor anything of tha natu? >> a congressman, this obviously comes as we heard from benjamin and yahoo is saying that there was no force in the world that would be able to stop israel's ground operation in rafah. how confident aryou that the us attaching conditions or limi to militaraid might make the prime minister changes mine well, there's a whole lot more than military aid. there's three to $4 billion a year of financial assistance. there's enormous number of other activities that are going on
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and the prime minister of israel must know must know that he's not nducting this war by himself. it is being conducted using american equipment and american bombs. and 30,000 people, civilians have died. half of tho are children. it sply has to stop. now if he intends to invade rafah is he intend to do it the same way or does he have different tactics in mind? it can be done with different tactics but there's a whole lot more things going on and the previous thing that you had about the funding for israel tied with the funding for ukraine is extraordinarily important well, we have the obliga to make sure that ouweapons not used inappropriately by israel al have the obligation to
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contin tsupport, ukraine. it was russia that invaded ukraine and it seems tme that far too many republicans are listening to putin's propaganda. and adopting the propaganda we are seeing that in the republican conference here it is unconscionable the republican conference cannot get itself together to continue the support that is absolutely essential for ukraine to be able to withstand another assault another assat by the russian army. we have to act we cannot wait on that. and cannot allow israel to continue to use our weans to indiscriminately kill civilians >> sirwhile we have you, a kevoice on the house, armed services committee s been reporting that army is coidering cuts to two
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key education benefits for tuition assistance, and also credentialing assistance, which many members of the armed services use as you are seeing, obviously recruiting problems in the military, i wonder if you think that's a good idea. >> well briana, you hit it right on the military's having serious problems recruiting. so you're going to cut the benefits for those, who want to recruit doesn't make any sense. i there'll be very strong pushback. i'm certain by the armed services committee and you can count me among those. are you going to push back on this there's a recruiting problem. yes. you're going to cut the benefits by 75% and expect to be successful recruiting now, not going to happen besides that the military is the single largest educational system in the united states for career technical education. everybody that is in the military has the
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opportunity to learn a trade. not just how to shoot a gun, but also how to run a an engine, diesel engine electronics, and it and on and on and on. so this is all part of it, doesn't make any sense at all >> how to run a hospital all kinds of things congressman, we really, really appreciate your time. thank you so much, congressman john geary, monday. thank you >> thank you. >> and we'll be right. back >> there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives gone >> i wish i could've done something different. for, you can just make it better for those that follow up space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn, >> we talking about cash kevin hart, and that he talking about cashback, we told night rally not talking about bragg cash banking word. we talking about cashback, cash cash back in, cash back like a prof, with
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ay sign up for free visit ai or download the app >> carbon a cnn >> sunday, april 21 at nine a landmark hearing in michigan today, jennifer and james crumbley were sentenced to ten to 15 years in prison. each of
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them becoming the first parents held criminally responsible. well, for a mass shooting carried out by their child. >> here's a cler look at today's hearin >> my husband, it used to say we have thperft. >> now, jennifer andames crbley have beenentenced on convictions for their roles in their son's death lee actions. >> it is a sense of this court must crumbley that you serve ten to 15 years with the michigan dartment of corrections, jam cruley gettcredit for 858 days already served the couple was separately convicted earlier is year. each on four counts involuntary manslaughter. ethan crumbley is serving life without parole for killing four classm at oxford high school in november of 2021 wit a gun. his father purchased for him the second time, the killed, spto the crumbleys before sentencing doesn't appear that either you cherished or even wanted your son. but i wholeheartedly wanted and cherished mind when
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you texted ethan, don't do it was texting madison. i love you. please call mom. >> i now have to live without hanna, my little sister, my best friend, my other half nurse families ready to hear the truth. it's time to drive real change from this tragedy >> both crumbleys apologize to the families and james addressed victim tate myers, father, directly, the whole truth has not been told, you >> know, that what my son did i was not aware of >> if there's anything the general public can take away from this. is that this could happen to you too >> i'm laura gary reporting she's saying it can happen to you too, but the point of the sentence and we heard some legal advocates say today is so that it >> doesn't this may serve as a reminder to parents they need to take action. >> yeah, incredibly >> emotional hearing those parents share their pain in court. it really was a landmark
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