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tv   State Housing Officials Discuss Housing Supply and Affordability  CSPAN  March 23, 2024 1:29am-2:29am EDT

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mr. boozman. mr. braun. mrs. britt. mr. budd. ms. butler. ms. cantwell. mr. cardin. mr. carper. mr. casey. mr. cassidy. ms. collins. mr. coons. mr. cornyn. ms. cortez masto. mr. cotton. mr. cramer. mr. crapo. mr. cruz. mr. daines. ms. duckworth. mr. durbin. ms. ernst. . mrs. fischer. mrs. gillibrand. mr. graham. mr. grassley.
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mr. hagerty. ms. hassan. mr. hawley. mr. heinrich. mr. hickenlooper. ms. hirono. mr. hoeven. mrs. hyde-smith. mr. johnson. mr. kaine. mr. kelly. mr. kennedy. mr.■c the clerk: mr. merkley. mr. moran.
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mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mr. ossoff. mr. padilla. mr. paul. mr. peters. mr. reed. mr. ricketts. mr. risch. mr. romney. ms. rosen. mr. rounds. mr. rubio. mr. sanders. mr. schatz.schmitt. mr. schumer. mr. scott of florida. mr. scott of south carolina. mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema. ms. smith. ms. stabenow. mr. sullivan. mr. tester.
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mr. thune. mr. tillis. mr. tuberville. mr. van hollen. mr. vance. mr. warner. mr. warnock. ms. warren. mr. welch. mr. whitehouse. mr. wicker. mr. wyden. mr. un
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the presiding officer: on this vote the yeas are 47. the nays are 51. the motion is not agreed to. a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from tennessee. a senator: thank you. in order to consider my simple and reasonable amendment,t'stal democrats blocking amendment out of the way in order to move forward with my amendment. mr. hagerty: let me caught through the procedural languagea very simple question. do you support american taxpaye illegal immigrants from countries like venezuela and haiti into america to be settled in cities and towns near you?
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if so, then vote against me. vote no preserve this practice of using taxpayer dollars to charter planes that move and import thousands of illegal aliens into your states. make no mistake here, president biden has been secretly flying hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from foreign countries into blue city airports. just last year alone in 2023 it was reported that some 320,000 illegal aliens had been flown m. americans are -- the presiding officer: the senator's time has expired. does the senator have a motion. ha move to table -- mrs. murray: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from washington. mrs. murray: exactly like the previous vote, this is a procedural vote that will cause a shutdown. i urge a no vote. mr. hagerty: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from tennessee. mr. hagerty: i move to table
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senate amendment 1739 for the purpose of offering my amendment 1808. i'd like to ask for the yeas and nays. the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? there appears to be. there is. the clerk will call the roll. vote: the clerk: ms. baldwin. mr. barrasso. mr. bennet. mrs. blackburn. mr. blumenthal. mr. booker. mr. boozman. mr. braun. mr. brown. mr. budd. ms. butler. ms. cantwell. mrs. capito. mr. cardin.■w mr. carper. mr. casey. mr. cassidy. ms. collins. mr. coons. mr. cornyn.
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ms. cortez masto. mr. cotton. mr. cramer. mr. crapo. mr. uz mr. daines. ms. duckworth. mr. durbin. ms. ernst. mr. fetterman. mrs. fischer. mrs. gillibrand. mr. graham. mr. grassley. mr. hagerty. ms. hassan. mr. hawley. mr. heinrich. mr. hickenlooper. ms. hirono. mr. hoeven. mrs. hyde-smith.
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mr. johnson. mr. kaine. mr. kelly. mr. kennedy. mr. king. ms. klobuchar. mr. lankford. mr mr. lujan. ms. lummis. mr. manchin. mr. markey. mr. marshall. mr. mcconnell. mr. menendez. mr. merkley. mr. moran. mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mrs. murray. mr. ossoff.
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mr. padilla.■ñ. paul. mr. peters. mr. reed. mr. romney. ms. rosen. mr. rounds. mr. rubio. mr. sanders. mr. schatz. mr. schmitt. mr. schumer. mrsc mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema. ms. smith. ms. stabenow. mr. sullivan. mr. tester. mr. thune. mr. tillis. mr. tuberville.
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mr. van hollen. mr. vance. mr. warner. mr. warnock. ms. warren. mr. welch. mr. eh. mr. wicker. mr. wyden. mr. young.■y
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the presiding officer: on this vote the yeas are 47. the nays are 51. the motion is not agreed to. a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator fromlina. a senator: thank you, mr. president. let me be clear. the amendment i'm offering prevents illegal aliens who commit the crime of burglary,
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theft or shoplifting from being granted legal status or citizenship. this is particularly relevant in the case of laken riley where the illegal alien w murdered her had previously been arrested for those crimes. mr. budd: the american people need to know who stands on the side of preventing tragedies and who will now, i know my democrat colleagues are fearful, perhaps squeamish to prevent immigration issues from being voted on tonight. we've even gone into past midnight and a brief government shutdown to avoid t. i might be a freshman in this chamber but i've been here long enough to know that deadlines are powerful motivators but so should common sense and common decency. look, we've seen the cost of not dealing with this issue in the tragic death of laken riley. and i hope each and every one of my colleagues would agree that it's time to sup -- and support my amendment. the presiding officer: the senator from washington. mrs. murray: just like the
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previous two votes, this is■) a procedural vote that will cause a shutdown. i urge a no vote. mr. budd: i move t17892 for the of offering my amendment number 1740. and i ask for the yeas and nays. the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? there appears to be clerk will . vote: the clerk: ms. baldwin. mr. barrasso. mr. bennet. mrs. blackburn. mr. blumenthal. mr. booker. mr. boozman. mr. braun. mrs. britt. mr. brown. mr. budd. ms. butler. ms. cantwell. mrs. capito. mr. cardin. mr. carper. mr. casey. mr. cassidy. ms. collins.
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mr. coons.. cornyn. ms. cortez masto. mr. cotton. mr. cramer. mr. crapo. mr. cruz. mr. daines. ms. duckworth. mrdurbin. ms. ernst. mr. fetterman. mrs. fischer.■ mrs. gillibrand. mr. graham. mr. grassley. mr. hagerty. ms. hassan. mr. hawley. mr. heinrich. mr. hickenlooper. ms. hirono. mr. hoeven. mrs. hyde-smith. mr. johnson. mr. kaine. mr. kelly. mr. kennedy.
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ms. klobuchar. mr. lankford. mr. lee. mr. lujan. ms. lummis. mr. manchin. mr. markey. mr. marshall. mr. mcconnell. mr. menendez. mr. merkley. mr. moran. mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mrs. murray. mr. ossoff. mr. padilla. mr. paul. mr. reed. mr. ricketts. mr. risch.
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mr. romney. ms. rosen. mr. rounds. mr. rubio. mr. sanders. mr. schatz. mr. schmitt. mr. schumer. mr. scott of florida. mr. scott of south carolina. mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema. ms. smith. ms. stabenow. ivan. mr. tester. mr. thune. mr. tillis. mr. van hollen. mr. vance. mr. warner. mr. warnock. ms. warren. mr. welch. mr. whitehouse. mr. wicker. mr. wyden.
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mr. young. the presiding officer: on this vote, the yeas are 47, the nays
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are 51. the motion is not agreed to. the majority leader. mr. schumer: everyone should stay in their seats uote. that way we can get it done most quickly. thank you. this is final passage. the presiding officer: the senator from washington. mrs. murray: thank you, mr. president of. it has been a long road. but we're about to vote on a bipartisan funding bill that the house passed overwhelmingly and we are finally ready to close the book on f.y. 2024. this is not the republicans wou have written on our own. it is result of tough negotiations. it is a bipartisan package that invests in families & our country's future, and chair col many others for working with us to get this done. this was not easy, but we all know how important the investments this bill makes in our country. it matters. so i hope all of our colleagues will join us now in
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send these bipartisan bills to the president's desk. we don't have a minute to spare. thank you, mr. president. ms. collins: mr. pre the presiding officer: the senior senator from maine. ms. collins: mr. president, it has been a long night and a long process, but we are on the verge of clearing the final six appropriations bills for this fiscal year, and that's an important milestone. i want to thank chair murray, the members of the appropriations committee, and everyone who worked so constructively tonight. and i'd be remiss if i did n k . thank you, mr. president. mr. schumer: mr. president. the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. schumer: mr. president, it's been a day, a long week, a very long few months, but tonight we have funded the government with significant
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investments for parents and kids and small businesses and health care workers, military families, and so much more. it's no small feat to get apack divided government. these passed few month -- these past few months have shown yet again that when bipartisanship has room toork, we can get the job done. a deep and sincere you this to all of my -- sincere thank you to all of my colleagues. thank you, chair murray. thank you, vice chair collins, all the appropriations and their staff and thank you to my incredible staff, too. this was not easy, but outer efforts have paid -- but our efforts have paid off with a strong funding bill that now goes to the president. and finally, mr. president, many of us have signed condolence book to senator collins on the loss of her mother. it was even more difficult for her to get thisthe circumstance showed her usual strength, courages be, and tenacity. so i'd leak to just ask for a --
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so i'd like to just ask for a couple of seconds of silence for susan's mother and i'll present this book to her e -- to her. [moment of silence]. the presiding officer: under the previous order, the cloture motion is withdrawn and the motion to concur and ass were amendment 1790 and the amendments thereby are withdrawn. the question■( occur on the motion to concur. the yeas and nays have been requested. there appears to be.t second? there is. the clerk will call the roll. vote: mr. bennet. mrs. blackburn. mr. blumenthal. mr. boer
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mr. boozman. mr. braun. mrs. britt. mr. budd. ms. butler. ms. cantwell. mrs. capito. mr. cardin. mr. carper. mr. casey. mr. cassidy. ms. mr. cornyn. ms. cortez masto. mr. cotton. mr. cramer. mr. mr. daines. mr.
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ms. ernst. mr. fetterman. mrs. fischer. mrs. gillibrand. mr. graham. mr. grassley. mr. hagerty. ms. hassan. mr. hawley. mr. heinrich. mr. hickenlooper. ms. hirono. mr. hoeven. mrs. hyde-smith. mr. johnson. mr. kaine. mr. kelly. mr. kennedy. mr. king. ms. klobuchar. mr. lankford. mr. lujan. ms. lummis. mr. manchin. mr. markey.gk
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mr. marshall. mr. mcconnell. mr. menendez. mr. merkley. mr. moran. mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mrs. murray. mr. ossoff. mr. padilla. mr. paul. mr. peters. mr. reed. mr. ricketts. mr. risch. mr. romney. ms. rosen. mr. rounds. mr. rubio. mr. sanders. mr. schatz. mr. schmitt. mr. schumer. mr. scott of florida.
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mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema. ms. smith. ms. stabenow. mr. sullivan. mr. tester. mr. thune. mr. tillis. mr. tuberville. mr. van hollen. mr. vance. mr. warner. mr. warnock. ms. warren. mr. welch. mr. whitehouse. mr. wicker. mr. wyden. mr. young. ■a■o>
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vote: sa ■@
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the presiding officer: on this vote the yeas are 674,hee 24. under the previous order requiring 60 votes for the adoption of this motion, the motion is agreed to. mrs. murray: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from washington. mrs. murray: mr. president, there were a lot of naysayers who didn't believe that this ■4c divided congress could pass full-year appropriations bills. tonight we proved them wrong. we have finally passed all 12 bills to fund the government and i am proud to the president's desk. as chair of the appropriations
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committee, you have a responsibility. you help decide in a big way how to set the nation's spending priorities. i wanted to write our bills to put working people, the parents i talk to all around my state, who can't affd or find child care first. i remember when i drove 100 miles to olympia, our state capital with our two young kids to try to save our preschool pr told me i couldn't make a difference. i was just a mom in tennis shoes. this mom in tennis shoes is now and, mr. president, i think it makes a difference when you have a former preschoolteacher and someone who lived what it means to be a working mom with young kids holding the pen in our nation's spending bills. so i decided child care had to be at the top of our country's priorities, and this time it was not going to get knocked off. mr. president, i am so glad we're making this investment in
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our kids, in our families, and in our econ bill delivers a lot more. president biden will be signing a bipartisan bill that delivers on the investments t in people'n everything from pell grants to community health centers.,i and this funding free of the extreme riders pushed by the house republicans that would have sent our country back decade. and, mr. president, from said t would be no extreme far-right riders to restrict women's■■e reproductive freedoms in these funding bills. not small, not big. none. and, mr. president, there are none. democrats woman's right to choo these negotiations beating back countless far right policies from house republicans ban abortion and attack reproductive freedom in every way possible. mr. president, these bills came
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about after some tough they wie our country forward, and i have to once again thank my vice chair susan collins f partnership. we passed 12 bills with overwhelming bipartisan support last summer, and that was important. i think that bipartisanship and shared commitment to doing what was right for the country served us well in negotiating these final spending bills. i hope my house republican colleagues now understand that bipartisanship is the only path forward in a divided government. i hope they understand that when you strike a deal you have to stick to it. it has to mean something. colleagues will continue to work with us, not against us, to deliver for the american people. now, mr. president, as appropriations chair, glad to finally close the book on this year's government
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funding. i am ready as ever to work with all of my colleagues as we determine what investments our country will make. let's keep working to help people and solve problems. thank you, mr. president. i yield the floor. the presiding officer: the senator from washington. mrs. murray: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of h. con. res. 100 which was received the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: h. con. res. 100 concurrent resolution directing the house of representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of h.r. 2882. the presiding officer: without objection. the senate will proceed to the measure. mrs. murray: mr. president, i further ask that the concurrent resolution be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection.
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mrs. murray: mr. president, i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.@[#■s4
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quorum call: ■? ■
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mr. schumer: mr. president. the presiding officer: the mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent the quorum be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to executive session to consider calendar number 534. motion. all those in favor say aye. the motion is agreed to. the clerk will report the nominaon judiciary, susan embezi of nebraska to be district judge for nebrka
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motion to the desk. the presiding officer: clerk will report. the clerk: senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar number 534, susan m. bazis of nebraska to be united state district judge for the district of nebraska, signed by 17 senators as follows. mr. schumer: i ask the reading of the names be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. the ayes appear to have it. jived ayed. the motion is --eed to. mr. schumer: i move to consider calendar number 542. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. the ay■)es app6pear to have it. opposed no. the ayes have it. the motion is agreed to. the presiding officer: the clerk: nomination, robert j. white of michigan to be district judge for the eastern district of michigan. mr. schumer: i send a cloture motion to the desk.
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the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar number 542, robert j. white of michigan to be united states district judge for the eastern district of michigan, signed by 17 senators as schumer: i ask consent the reading of the names be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: the question is on the moti the ayes appear to have it. crept ayed. the motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to executive session for calendar number 535. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. all opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. yooic the ayes dagreed to. clerk will report the nomination. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, anne marie mcgive allen to be judge for the district of utah. mr. schumer: i send a cloture motion to the de
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the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on executive calendar number 535, if ann marie mciff allen, signed by 17 senators as follows. the presiding officer: objection. mr. schumer: i ask that the mandatory quorum calls for the cloture motions filed today, march 23, be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consen that the senat nominatio bloc, calendar numbers 553 through 568 and all nominations on the secrery's desk in the army, marine corps and navy, that the nominations be confirmed en bloc, the motions to reconsidered be considered made and laid upon the table with■u no intervening action or debate, that no further movingses be in order to any of the nominations, that the president be immediately notified of the senate's actions.ut
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objection. mr. schumer: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to legislative session and be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to ten minutes each. is the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask that the senate proceed to immediate consideration of calendars 34, s.1258. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: calendar 334, s.1258, ■o the director of the office of management and budget to submit to congress an annual report on projects that are over budget and behind schedule, and for purposes. mr. schumer: i further ask -- the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. schumer: i further ask that the bill be considered read a third timee and passed, the motion to reconsider made and laid upon the table, with no intervening action or -- debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask that the senate proceed to calendar
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the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: 347, s.3613, a bill to require security issues issued by the federal protective service related to , /* -- the presiding officer: the sethe senate will proceed to the -- mr. schumer: i ask that the peters substitute amendment be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent the committee on judiciary be discharged from further consideration and the senate now proceed to the consideration of s. res. 333. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 333, designating 20234 as a -- 2024 as a year of democracy and to
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dedicate the united states to a more free and stable world. the presiding officer: the committee is discharged. the senate will proceed to measure. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that the preamble be agreed to, the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask that the committee on judiciary be discharged and theres. 532. the clerk will report. the clerk: recognizing and supporting the goals and ideals investigation professionals week. the presiding officer: without objection, the committee is discharged. the senate will proceed to the xhoish. -- measure. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that the preamble be agreed to and the mio the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the consideration of s. res. 625, submitted earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk
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will report. the clerk: s. res. 625, recognizing the week of march 17 through march 23, 2024, as national poison prevention week and encouraging the united states to -- promote poison prevention. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that the the preamble be agreed to and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: understand there are three joint resolutions at the desk and i askv0 for their the presiding officer: the clerk will read the titles of the joint resolutions for the first time. the clerk: s. j. res. 67, a joint resolution to provide for related procedures for articles
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joint resolution providing for the issuance of a committee to establishing related procedures concerning the articles of impeachment against alejandro nicholas mayorkas. joint resolution to provide for related procedures concerning thert impeachment against alejandro nicholas mayorkas, secretary of homeland security. mr. schumer: i ask for a second reading and i object to my en b the presiding officer: objection is heard. the joint resolutions will be read for the second time on the next legislative day. mr. schumer: mr. president, i ask unanim■ desk appear separately in the record as if made by the chair. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i ask unanimous consent that notwithstanding the upcoming adjournment of the senate, the president of the senate, the president pro tem and the majority and minority leaders be authorized appointm
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